“Harrumph, harrumph,” grumbled the crowd, “This place used to be better when you could beat the waiters.”
The purpose of insurance is to provide protection from low-risk, high-cost events like car accidents and medical emergencies. The first major insurance company was Lloyd’s of London in 1688. It began in a coffee shop popular with sailors and merchants, so it was a good place to get news on sea trade. The sea was a dangerous place at that time (hint: AARGH! SHIVER ME TIMBERS!) and merchants wanted protection from losses. Speculators began offering to pay for potential losses according to the perceived risk in exchange for fees from the merchants. Basically, they were gambling on which ships would sink. If the ship sank, the merchant won, and if it didn’t, the speculator won. This practice later spread to other activities. Then the government got involved – with predictable results. Crop insurance came to the US in 1938 and flood insurance in 1968. Like everything else the government does, its insurance programs are costly and heavily in debt. More on this later.
Insurance companies work only as long as the value of the claims paid is less than the revenue (premiums) they get from their customers. In short, there are only so many things they can pay for and stay in business. If the government required car insurance companies to pay for oil changes, car insurance would become much more expensive and every car insurance companies would go bankrupt. And it would be impossible to find a mechanic on Saturday.
This situation is similar to what has been happening with health insurance. Most people do not spend much on healthcare between the ages of 1 and 60. For an average person in the US, about $9,000 is spent on healthcare in the first year of life, and about $3,000 per year until the age of 60. Costs rise steeply after that. For a typical American, about 30% of all the money spent on healthcare in their life is spent in their last year of life and about 80% in their last 15 years of life. For this reason, in countries with government-run healthcare, old and seriously ill people often face very long wait times for medical treatment. The bureaucrats hope that they will die before the government must pay for their treatment. This isn’t a conspiracy theory. Britain’s National Healthcare Service freely admits to rationing care such as cancer drugs and hip replacements to fix the hole in its budget.
Dr Mark Porter, leader of the British Medical Association, said: “The NHS is being forced to choose between which patients to treat, with some facing delays in treatment and others being denied some treatments entirely. This survey lays bare the extreme pressure across the system and the distress caused to patients as a result.”
Those of us in the US hear constantly about how greedy heartless health insurance companies are because they won’t pay for this or that (often a highly questionable this or that, Sandra Fluke). But it’s important to realize that NO insurance system, whether private or public, can pay for everything. The whole point of insurance is that many people pay in some often and a few take out a lot rarely. This isn’t politics. It’s arithmetic. And for those who claim that Britain or Canada’s system is better because it is cheaper, the reason it is cheaper is not because it is more efficient. It’s because they decide in advance how much to spend each year. It’s easy to keep costs down when you decide you will only spend so much and keep people waiting for as long as possible.
Again, insurance can only work when it is used for low-risk, high-cost events. For health insurance, this means that the only things that ought to be covered are things like surgeries and expensive medicines. Some people might choose to buy extra health insurance, just as some people with pricey cars buy extra car insurance. But if you drive a regular car, there is no point to fancy car insurance, and if you are healthy, you do not need fancy health insurance. In short, if you want to fix America’s healthcare system, the best thing to do would be to let consumers buy whatever level of coverage they want. For most people, this would mean a cheap plan with a high deductible–the so-called substandard and junk policies.
President Obama has repeatedly referred to the 4.7 million discontinued policies as “substandard.”[3] When the President announced his administrative “fix” that attempted to allow those with canceled plans to keep their existing plans for another year, Senator Tom Harkin (D–IA) said he was still “concerned about people having policies which don’t do anything. They’re just junk policies.”[4]
The only kind of junk insurance is the kind you can’t afford and are forced to buy.
Now let’s go back to the US government’s insurance programs. The US govt flood insurance program is currently $25 billion in debt. If it was a private company, it would have gone bankrupt decades ago. The Federal Crop Insurance program has done better since it was partially privatized in 1980. The government is still paying about 60% of its $12 billion cost.
The lesson: whatever the good or service, it is always cheaper and better through the market than through the government.
Is it OT if I post it on my own article? Experts say “who cares?”
This video from yesterday of scuffles at a MAGA march are unsettling. One of the Trumpers was chanting “you can’t run, you can’t hide, you get a helicopter ride”
Cue Popeye fight music.
I don’t think helicopter rides are good for the enviroment
Wow, man. Didn’t finish the video, but the bald guy with the beard is gettin’ ready to hit someone. He’s got that jumpy look that people get when they’re amped up, they’ve decided to throw the first punch, and they’re trying to figure out the best way to do it.
This is gonna be the next three years. Probably the next ten. The progressive left set the tone by normalizing mob violence, and now the right’s pushing back. This isn’t going to end well at all.
You’re just working for the KOCH BROTHERS!
Single- Payer healthcare makes a sort of sense. It’s kind of efficient and the bureaucrats ration the care for the elderly and terminally ill.
Free-market healthcare makes the most sense – people spend their own money on care and / or insurance plans. They manage their expenses and risks as they see fit.
Anything in between is complete shit. That especially includes the government created mess that is the current American healthcare marketplace.
I don’t find single payer efficient unless complemented by private options. I don’t see how irrespective of your contribution getting the same government rationed healthcare is acceptable. If you pay thousands and others don’t pay anything, waiting in the same line is bullshit.
I didn’t say I liked it or wanted it. But the half-way, hybrid nonsense we are doing now is even worse. I would love to go back to as free as possible a healthcare market. Make some kind of a safety net for the truly poor if you want, but otherwise keep the federal government out of the industry.
“Make some kind of a safety net for the truly poor if you want”
We already had that, it’s called Medicaid. Also, prior to the ACA, there were all sorts of private healthcare practices who would bill you on a sliding scale by income.
Now what we have, is that everyone is on medicaid and the only people who can afford healthcare are the poor the the very rich, while the middle class pays for it all, but cannot use it because it’s too expensive.
Wait until the entire middle class is on Section 8 and food stamps. That will be interesting.
That’s when we win! …umm, hey, wait, this wasn’t supposed to affect me! It’s not fair, we need to start over, we’ll get socialism right the next time!
/the left
One guy says build a bridge. The other says don’t build a bridge. They decide to be reasonable and compromise: they build half a bridge.
Well, it’s worth noting that there are only three truly single-payer systems on the planet: Canada, Cuba and North Korea. Other systems that statists revere, such as the UK system, are not strictly single-payer.
Canada is also starting to ween itself off strict single-payer as well, but because healthcare is provincial it’s occurring slowly and randomly (for example, Quebec now allows private MRI clinics).
Interesting; I didn’t know that. I’d guess the endgame would be a system that looks more like the American or British systems (not that that’s ideal)?
Unfortunately for the rest of us, systems like UK health care and the ACA are perfect for the bureaucrat and academic classes: they get to micromanage a large health system, but they themselves have enough money to privately insure or to pay concierge providers, so they don’t have to experience the effects of their work first-hand.
There’s no endgame, it’s a fly by the seat of your pants deal, the provinces have control over their own internal healthcare policy so private options are cropping up to fill the obvious gaps in the public system. In the case of Quebec, do you want to wait months for access in the public system to get a MRI for something the system has deemed not a pressing concern, or do you want to just pay for it immediately? The UK’s system too centralized to really make the comparison, I think instead what you’re going to see is different provinces developing different private options in a sort of patchwork way. The Supreme Court smashed the old ban on private services so it will be inevitable (here in Ontario I’m getting ads for private health insurance on the radio all the time).
That is true for a lot of things. The one that springs to my mind is gun control. Either no one has guns or everyone has guns. This in between bullshit is getting people killed.
Single-payer legal care.
Because there’s not one lawyer who does anything worth more than minimum wage.
You also need to break the guild (AMA) stranglehold on med school admissions.
Why the Democrats are in big trouble, compressed into one image:
I think you mean hundreds of images that need to be viewed in succession in order to give the impression of movement to your optical equipment.
Must be like a spot-not-thing, you are supposed to pick which image Derp is talking about.
Frame 1074. That one. Final answer
That’s not an image; that’s a Youtube video.
I don’t know. There was an edit in there. I think the ANTIFAs are very volatile, and them covering up is quite cowardly, but there’s more than a few Trumpholes in that crowd.
Progs are now conducting struggle sessions on NYC subways.
Oh, *this* is going to go over really well.
Keep it up, geniuses.
Sargon keeps getting furious at these people for a reason.
They’re so deluded and arrogant they feel they have the right now to accost people in public.
And when you try to engage them they just talk over you, insult you or just plain ignore you.
Uh. I mean… it’s a NYC subway. This isn’t exactly a new thing.
Since the OT cherry has been popped..
Phoenix New Times reporter has a Robby moment.
At least he’s honest about his political affiliation.
Holy fucking shit! It’s the red bandana Che gang against what appears to be a gang of brown shirt wearing ISIS recruits. LOL! Reality really is stranger than fiction.
Apparently they won’t even let you read the comments if you’re not logged into Facepants.
There’s more than a few comments stating “This was a false flag by the Koch bros argle bargle DEEEERRRPPP!!”
Apparently the right does not have a copyright on ‘false flag’ anymore.
Oh, leftists have trotted out the kookiest conspiracy theories since losing the election.
Basically, if it makes Trump look bad, they’ll believe it, no questions asked.
Here’s a screenshot from the comments. You get the gist.
The 2nd comment is probably the best prediction.
This is what happens when people start claiming “Words are violence”
it is basically claiming that reasoned discourse is simply violence by other means, so why bother with the name-calling? Let’s cut straight to open war.
Therein lies the irony, now that progs are getting their hands on guns they’re going to use them despite having been gun-control advocates and the fact responsibly gun owners aren’t violent.
They’re going to start civil strife if they keep this up.
Consider for a moment that the thing which they claim to fear the most are “Hate Crimes/Hate speech” …. and that, via some twisted prog-logic, they then go out and commit most of the hate-crimes/hate speech themselves, in order to “Draw attention to the problem”
Do you have any doubt that they will be the first to open fire?
Team Blue continues its community outreach programs in the Rust Belt.
I guess “slashing tires” means something different in other parts of the world?
It looks to me like this AntiFa bunch are intentionally trying to provoke violence on a wide scale. Huh, who would have figured that Soros would fund them? He must picked up a trick or two when he was a kid.
They smash up his car, he gets mad and they call him a fascist while carrying a Palestinian flag.
These people truly need beatings at this point.
So now the Trumpers are getting in on the mask action.
God damn it, The Purge was a *movie* not an instructional film.
My roommate: what are you sighing and groaning about?
Me: The internet. It’s full of stupid people. Again.
Him: So why do you keep looking at it?
Me: Sacrifices must be made. There have been too many compromises…too many retreats…
Him. Uhhhhh-huhhhhhh…..
Antifa: raising public opinion of the police one riot at a time
Oh, jesus, if there’s one thing cops love it’s being told “do your job” by some 20-something bro in a ballcap.
I was rooting for that dog, man.
My favorite people in that video are the surfers in the background.
What’s going to be interesting is when technology comes up with nearly no cost cures for all age related diseases that you can print on your 3D printer. Then watch the government go full on atomic pantshitting mode in attempts to ban the new technologies. They’ll be daily DEA swat raids on nursing homes, probably with full air support.
I think we’re already well on the way to that. I mean, just the other day, I saw a news article that showed how to get rid of wrinkles with one weird old tip.
I finally watched Zardoz. All I can do is quote the film: “I see nothing inside except my own perplexity.”
I couldn’t find the post – believe it was by Derpotologist – asking why you had to verify that you’re over 18 to view a particular YouTube video.
Paul Joseph Watson has a theory.
Could you give us a synopsis of the theory? I ain’t sitting through a 10-minute video when I could skim an article and get the info much more quickly.
Do you have to verify you’re over 18 to watch the explanatory video?
I’m with Ted S. on the written summary.
Youtube uses its ‘restricted’ feature to effectively hide content produced by youtuber talking heads, while all the major media network’s content is open and available with in restricted mode.
Basically, the alt-right has been getting much more audience than the left on YouTube, so YT is slapping the “Restricted Mode” on many popular alt-right channels. (Including PewDiePie, who is not known as alt-right and is basically apolitical) Placing these accounts on “Restricted Mode” is automatically unsubscribing users from those same channels. Other channels discussing the same topics are NOT getting the same treatment, and I’ll bet you can guess the political orientation of those channels.
It’s not just ‘the alt-right’. As Watson points out, Phil DeFranco’s (who is nobody’s idea of what the alt-right is) content is also restricted, and that likely has to do with his criticism of the media, social justice politics, etc.
(who is nobody’s idea of what the alt-right is)
Oh? Not hard left = alt-right. I cant wait until this site shows up on the SPLC’s hate group list, AntiFa fascist list etc etc
That oughta bring in some hits.
So youtube are run by a bunch of pieces of shits, huh?
Not a good development. Here’s hoping to its collapse; and Facebook.
Unfortunately, YouTube is owned by google, so not likely to collapse. Their behavior makes their motto of Don’t be evil quite ironic.
I did not have to verify my age for that video he said you had to.
This is the only and only year I take a patients advice for bracket. USC fan told me SC would lose in the first round and here they are going to the final four
One and only
Spouse is flipping channels in between basketball, and I caught Bill Maher’s saying very seriously “the collusion between the Trump team…” and the channel changed thankfully, but obviously it’s still on the Russians!!!! thing. I guess leftists are still buying into this crap, but I am so over it at this point. Like, I could write more believable fanfiction of Trump and Putin banging in the White House than this empty narrative they’re still trying to sell.
They’ve got to justify their loss, and this kooky conspiracy theory is the only way to do it. What, you don’t actually expect them to listen to what voters say and reflect on how they lost touch, do you?