Alright you lot. Just a bit too much good, substantive posting on the site today. I am to stop that right now – so here are some nice, fluffy links.
- NEVER say that our free press is not concentrating on the IMPORTANT story…
- Wait…what?
- 31-1. Not really an NFL score. But sort of is.
- Shed no tears.
OK, there they are. Lack of substance confirmed. Enjoy!
This is funny.
Mike M. coming through. Please say he called the other blog Shit-n-don’t-Run.
A Mike M. endorsement, as explained by TV Tropes.
He did a drive-by-comment a few days ago
Top three stories have no comments. Then 1, 3, 6, 1, 2 comments. It is hard not to feel sad about that.
I guess the trolls took their toys and went home, when they realized everyone else was gone.
Wow. That is sad.
Maybe something will be learned, though.
Yeah, good luck with that…
Something will be learned good and hard during their next pledge drive.
Commenting is as fucked for me as it is for everyone over there.
FoE seems to have little trouble.
yeah, what’s up with that?
He’s one of the writers
I mean, is this still a mystery? Him, Tony and the new troll Dano are most of the posts last time I looked.
I’m beginning to think DanO is the real amsoc
Looks like there’s a lot of discussion on some of the healthcare posts though. By “Discussion” I mean two or three people shouting at each other.
Part of it is that the site is aggressively refusing comments today. I tried to comment earlier and just gave up.
Yeah, I was trying to occasionally comment when they would do something worth commenting on but I get the blank refresh 75% of the time. I tried to leave a comment today and same thing. I don’t feel sorry for them at all.
Yea, it is more than the substantial writer’s derp that makes me happy I have essentially left the other site. The persistent and ignored technical failures added insult to injury, and contributed to an overall feeling of apathy from the staff.
I don’t know how they are expecting to survive another generation while alienating their dedicated core of readers (or at least commenters). Though, perhaps they are expecting to be able to dine off the bones of the previous generations who built up their good name and hope that will be good enough.
Even Zeb’s bloody pissed about the whole thing.
Well now that they’re all TV celebrities maybe they just don’t give a shit about the website anymore.
I’ll bet you feel silly making fun of them when you realize the PM Links have eight – EIGHT – comments in under an hour.
Yea, TV… only slightly ahead of print journalism in relevancy and future growth prospects.
Reminds one of the immortal Iowahawk on leftists:
1. Identify a respected institution.
2. kill it.
3. gut it.
4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.
Haha, that Iowahawk, always good for a pithy quote.
I used to dismiss that as a conspiracy theory, at least as far as reason goes, but lately I’m not so sure.
It seems like there have been a lot of left wingers over the last several years who have been trying to appropriate the term “libertarian” and turn it into something more “left friendly.”
At the same time, and over roughly the same period, it seems that reason has been hiring young, left-leaning writers who ‘adopt’ a ‘libertarian’ perspective but do so as a means for achieving progressive ends. One can’t help but get the impression that for a lot of the writers, if libertarianism didn’t achieve progressive ends, they would be against it.
At times it has come to feel like a pied piper outfit, either beckoning libertarians toward the Dems, or trying to move the Dems in a more ‘Neo-Liberal’ direction, maybe getting Soros and the Kochs to meet half way.
Either way, the result has not been good.
It seems that a lot of the writers take a (generally) more libertarian stance on fiscal issues while being full progtard on social issues. And, since progressivism is socially permissive (unless you aren’t permissive socially), it can look libertarian on the surface.
If it was more left-leaning libertarians pulling the mainstream left in the neoliberal* direction, rather than left-leaning libertarians being pulled away from libertarian ideas, then I think it would be a lot less objectionable. The problem seems to be that the latter is much more common than the former, to the point where people stop taking libertarian positions altogether. If your version of libertarianism involves no real limits to government power, then it’s not libertarian at all.
* = Here taken to mean liberalism without Marxism/social justice crusading
I thought that was mildly amusing myself. 🙂
Sadly, I don’t think they even care that their site is a dying, broken piece of crap. They’re focused on trying to get donations from George Soros, Tom Steyer, and Prince Alaweed more than anything these days.
It’s going to be tough for us non-billionaire libertarian peons to compete against that, but I bet we can manage!
So did the you-know-who brothers pull out?
No way. The Kochs are woke as hell now. They’re still pushing ‘low tax liberalism’
I’m still cracking up about the “fucking software actually works.”
I can’t believe they are transitioning to WordPress. Freaking WordPress. Can’t they find programmers to write something in Python over at TSTSNBN?
Yea, fuck wordpress, amirite sloop? 😉
Uh oh. Banhammer coming in 3 … 2 … splat.
Oh my god. I basically took the place of my boss where I work as essentially the one and only web developer and time and again he’s explained to me that, no, he won’t sign off on my making a homebrew CMS because he and a designer did it fifteen years ago and it took a long time and didn’t do what they were able to achieve with a freemium CMS and plugins. When I ask him how much time he thinks is taken up by my dealing with a ten-year-old CMS that we can’t update because it would break the sixty-three plugins that added custom fields and are no longer maintained by the Czech grad student who wrote them one night because he was bored and wanted to learn PHP, he changes the subject. When I tell him we can replicate everything the current CMS does using Django in about an hour, he leaves the room.
Gosh I love Django.
You’d think they’d be trying to hit up Peter Thiel.
PM Links were 7 comments, all from Fist. The commenting system must be beyond busted.
They really need that WordPress dev, hopefully they found a competent one…
I would say Tulpa’s latest sock has the highest comment count now days.
I tried IE, Chrome, Firefox, 2 cans and string. Nothing worked.
How come FoE and WakaWaka could post?
Are they Reason plants?
FoE not coming over here plus the persistent firsting has me convinced he’s staff
Writer or cave-techie?
Probably some admin thing like accounting. If he was a techie, he’d be more ashamed of himself.
Their PM links actually have 8 comments. 6 are FoE.
Ha! Probably true, depending on which aspect he would be in charge of.
His first posting abilities used to be cause for many jokes and some wonderment. Now, they are simply the natural byproduct of posting in a ghost-town.
My comment just appeared. Way after I made it.
I’ve always thought it was Welch. He’s one of the few left there with any measurable sense of humor.
If you wanted a joke-nickname for a channel moderator when you set up a comment-enabled blog, are you more likely to name it “Swiss Servator” or “Fist of Etiquette”?
I rest my case.
Split the difference. Why not Fist of Swiss?
Explorer usually seems to let you post comments even when the site’s completely fucked, I’m definitely not the only one to figure that out.
Eminem’s daughter looks like an alien. I mean sure, she’s a pretty hot alien. But no way is she actually human.
Looks like she’s had a lot of work done.
I agree with Jimbo – some cosmetic surgeon made a few house payments off her.
That was my take. that nose ain’t normal.
I’d still smash her, if for no other reason than to get to meet her father.
Have you seen Eminem’s nose? They look very close.
She’s got his ferret eyes, too.
Eminem has a (((nose)))?
I think she looks like her mother.
That was not my first thought (actually the first thing was not so much a ‘thought’) but given some time to reflect i will have to concur = lots o that shit is fake.
How do you feel supplanting SF as the word for fucking up a link?
I feel he is being unjustly deprived of immortality.
Also – i thought it would make more sense to apply my name to grander, more exotic forms of fuck-ups, rather than simple dead-links. e.g. turning all the text on a page into italics,
Oh man, I did that once. I think they nuked the thread it was on though.
“Gilmoring,” is, technically speaking, being persistently unable to thread properly.
I thought Gilmoring was flooding the thread with links and then bitching about being called on it.
Can’t it be all those things, ted?
Yeah!? Why can’t it be a smorgasbord?
Freakin tough crowd…
There is some rockin’ side-bewb in that post though!
I mean, would, but that’s more a reflection of my default setting than it is her hotness. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all my default setting.
Quick, someone contact Alex Jones
I’ll check the payroll, she might be one of ours. Our assimilation disguise department is not the best
I lol’d
She does look like she could eat a guinea pig whole…
I thought that was going to be a clip from “V”.
I’d probe that.
Some a-spicy meatballs, huh?
Did he have ribs for lunch?
Orphans. He had orphans for lunch.
Why would you eat your orphans? They’re expensive, and who wants to spend the money to fatten them up enough to make it worth eating them?
Much easier to buy the finest wagyu beef while your orphans work in the monocle mines.
If you consider orphans expensive, you are either a poor [hiss] or not shopping for orphans at the right place.
Most orphans can be had for the fake promise of a loving home and $40 in kennel cough shots.
Some of us like quality, USDA Prime orphans. Not your cheap run-of-the-mill knock-offs.
^ This.
With surprisingly little care, and a few gestures toward love and acceptance, even empty ones, and they live a lot longer, and are an order of magnitude more productive. And, they taste better when you’re through with them.
Blackadder – Your Highness, Sir Talbot Buxomly, MP.
George – Ah, Buxomly! Roaringly splendid to have you here. How are you, sir?
Buxomly – Heartily well, Your Highness. I dined hugely off a servant before coming to town.
George – You eat your servants?
Buxomly – No, sir, I eat off them. Why should I spend good money on tables when I have men standing idle?
Today in things that are totally the fault of the US oppressors, along with wreckers and kulaks: Emaciated Venezuelan elephant becomes latest symbol of food crisis
But there’s nothing to worry about, says spokesman Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf:
under the permanent care of experts
I’m sure Duarte’s chefs are experts.
“Stomach ailment” = starvation
“restricted diet” = little to no food available
*looks suspiciously at Swissy*
He seems to know their language pretty well.
Hey, I got my bid in for the Elephant Flank Steaks, fair and square!
Jumbo Brisket?
I’ve eaten elephant. You don’t want it. Tougher than an ugly whore’s attitude.
Is it a 24-YEAR virus?
That explains so much. Venezuela must be suffering a rampant cholera outbreak.
Fucking savages (commies). They don’t deserve elephants. I’m sad and angry.
those titties say “more than normal” in my language
+1 underboob.
Hopefully I just made about a dozen people spit coffee all over their desk with this one. I know I did.
In lieu of getting any breaks, I’ll take two no-show directorships that pay over half a million.
She earned that CNN gig with boots on the ground gumshoe reporting!
As in she had gum stuck to her shoe and she wrote it up as a brief that CNN politely declined to air?
I’ll take the insider information she gave her husband on the Greek debt situation, please.
And then, you know, not fuck it up and lose money.
80% of the commentariat here could have run that portfolio better than Mezvinsky.
You wait – he’ll take 18 months off, launch another fund, sell it on the basis of having senior partners at Goldman as other investors, get a bunch of high net worth suckers to invest, and blow up again.
The not so little secret is that all the big-ballers at Goldman and the other established funds do this for each other’s scions to give them some credibility while not expecting any return. They get a write-off, and the check they wrote to some buddy’s son will come back as a check to their son, when he decides he wants to bilk a load of suckers out of their dough.
And this is why I stay away from finance nowadays. Way too much to do with who you know than who you are and what you can do.
And the stock market seems to hinge on Trump tweets and House votes these days. smh
From the Chelsea article – “rumpswabs.” Heh.
I love Howie Carr he’s the kind of brutal sarcastic Mic I miss since leaving Boston.
Accidental metaphor for the surveillance state. (also hilarious)
Obama didn’t order me to tape you. He ordered me to tape everything in this area and you just happen to be here. Why are you walking towards the camera if you don’t want to be on it? Incidental collection is done for the children. Why do you hate children? Why am I here? There might be Russians or terrorists or Russians pretending to be terrorists so the West will fear Islamic terrorism (Louise Mensch).
Hmmm, seems Trshmnstr goes missing today and then we see this video.
Well, some of us don’t see it because Twitter videos don’t work in our browsers. (Firefox on Linux.)
In Firefox with Windows, click on the progress bar. Then click somewhere on the image/video. At some point it starts.
I don’t get a progress bar to click on. I get a big black rectangle that says, “The media could not be played.”
That’s my cousin AssMnstr. He likes to get a rise out of people.
Opa-Locka, Florida: So corrupt it makes Chicago look good
Opa-Locka is a nothing city that has a huge flea market and a non-commercial airport. That’s pretty much it. It’s a suburb of Miami
tl;dr: Veteran city manager in South Florida who was called in to try and fix things just threw up his hands and said “I give up. This is too screwed up. Y’all are on your own”
How bad does it have to be when someone won’t even take government money to fix it? It’s not like he even had to show results.
Simply executing the current lot of bureaucrats isn’t an option.
That’s my kinda racket
No mention of the mayor’s political party in the article. I wonder if that might be an indicator of the mayor’s political affiliation…
My takeaway is that Eminem’s daughter is a lot hotter than Hillary’s.
As she ages, she looks more like Webb Hubbell. Purely a coincidence, I’m sure.
Huma Abedin’s baby looks a lot like Hillary. Also a coincidence.
*turns green*
How many paper bags was Hillary wearing when Chelsea was conceived?
Still would, but looks like I’m going to have to hurry.
and probably both smarter and a better person. I mean talk about a low bar to clear
Carrot Top is hotter than Hillary’s daughter.
That’s because Janet Reno is Hillary’s daughter’s real father man..
Even roided up Carrot Top? You hate da gingers.
No, I like gingers quite a bit, but I need them to be human gingers.
Eminem’s daughter would look less like an alien if she took tips from a human chick on her eye makeup.
I’d also like to see what she looks like with a lot of that pancake off her face so we can see her complexion. It might make her nose look less weird too. So I’d entertain Haillie for an evening or two – maybe more – if there’s a nice complexion under all that slap.
Chelsea Clinton’s gigs remind me of the previous “jobs” Michelle Obama had. Yet this is the party that’s looking out for the 99%. People are so damn stupid.
Famously, Michelle got a big raise from her hospital employer shortly after her husband was elected to the Senate, and right around the time her employer picked up a fat grant of some kind.
Hey, she was doing very important work nobody else could do. In fact, after she left her job they didn’t even bother looking for a replacement, because they could never find somebody as unique and brilliant as Michelle.
Email from the kids’ school today:
“This Friday, March 31st is Countries Day at Meadows. Students are encouraged to wear appropriate and respectful clothing from any country or culture in the world. Ideas might include but are not limited to a Sari from India, a Kimono from Japan, a Hawaiian shirt, or even a colorful scarf! Dressing up for Countries Day counts for spirit so get creative and represent different countries with pride.”
This is exactly the right place to crowdsource this. Blow my mind, guys. Open to any and all suggestions.
Boy or girl? Very important. Also, how much skin are you willing to show? Asking for a friend.
5 and 9 year old boys.
You could dress them like pirates and have they say they’re wearing traditional Somalian attire. You could also put them in bathtubs full of fake money and say they’re from Dubai.
MAGA hats for American representation?
Mbuti pygmies.
More Mbutis, with grass skirts.
What if they have nonbinary identifications, shitlord?
Of course it’s binary. He has two
sonswhatevers.something something Hitler?
Jewish Mom will probably say no to that.
Picture of Playa with wife:
She does a great impression. Effortlessly, one might say.
Obviously go full Team America jingoist since that is certainly not what they intend.
I like it. Offensive, but easily defensible. They’ll be the ones who look like jerks!
American flag t-shirt, MAGA hat?
Happy to oblige.
Hmmm… maybe with a bone through the nose and a modesty cone?
That doesn’t appear to be all that modest.
Kinda boastful?
These are African men we’re talking about… I’m surprised they fit TBH.
But isn’t that the dreaded cultural appropriation? Lulz
Yes. And this is my chance to get away with it.
I’d suggest a dashiki, but then your kid would be convicted of cultural appropriation.
Easy: Turban or Hijab/Burka. Also bring a “Clock-in-a-suitcase.”
You are a terrible human being, Jimbo. Well-played.
Would a sombrero and a pencil mustache work or is that the wrong kind of racist?
He got the head all wrong.
Yeah, the eye holes are too narrow.
*narrows gaze*
He doesn’t seem very happy about his robot suit.
Canadian Tuxedo
isn’t that just an old flannel shirt covered in poutine stains and maple syrup? Or is that a hockey jersey without any blood stains?
Denim on denim on denim.
Did you not see Super Troopers?
A Canadian Tuxedo is a denim jacket and blue jeans. C’mon, man!
Does that go with a Colombian necktie?
And don’t commit any cultural appropriation!
Kayan neck coils.
Also, I do realize that you have two boys, so this is also a perfect way to express non-conformity to hetero-normative, non-intersectional gender norms.
This is the perfect opportunity to inform classmates about that exotic and foreign land of Staten Island/North Jersey
someone went to the trouble to provide a manual as well =
Dress them as plutocrats, with top hat, monocle, and cigarette holder.
That’s good.
or as an aging hobo, and call themselves Bernie Sanders×80.jpg
Just dress them up like Stalin.
Somalian with concrete dust on feet.
How about what he wears any other day? Jeans and a T-shirt with graphics or a plaid button down shirt. Whatever the tyke usually wears. When the teachers ask why he didn’t dress up, he can answer that they were invited to wear “wear appropriate and respectful clothing from any country or culture in the world. Isn’t the United States a country?”
If he wants to dress up more, I recommend a kilt and plenty of blue facepaint. FREEDOM!!
Dress them in filthy rags and don’t let them eat for a few days. They’d make passable Venezuelans.
Just get them a couple of penis gourds to represent New Guinea.
Dress as the Berzerker. Or the Blue Men of Spain.
Bindi dot. And maybe a turban made from a towel.
Brown shirts from Germany?
I GILMORE’d the reply.
It’s technically P. Brooksing it…
Who says Canadian dollar is low-value?
Solid gold coin worth $4m stolen from Berlin museum
So….apparently Krugman’s idea of trillion dollar coin had a Canadian precedent? For shame, stealing ideas without crediting…
The coin keeps spinning to music, spinning to gold….
+1 Marilyn McCoo
I used to work for the Mint, and they’d never shut the fuck up about those damn million dollar coins. Today I’ve been imagining the mourning and smiling.
Wait…what? The Mint…. Do tell. More.
While most of the press tries to oust Nunes from the congressional committee, Giraldi notes how our media lacks curiosity. Is this purposeful?
From what we know already, this is a far bigger scandal than Watergate. Count on the Repubs to be too inept to pivot from “Was Trump a Russian stooge” (for which there is zero evidence) to “Did the Obama administration commit multiple felonies to attach a political rival” (for which there are ample grounds to be concerned). Naturally, the press is desperate to bury anything negative to Obama and his cronies.
This is the fight for the future of America. If the massive federal bureaucracy remains a weaponized tool of one political party and ideology (as it currently seems to be), then we are done as anything remotely resembling a Constitutional republic.
Why would they? They’re salivatating at the thought of being able to use on their political rivals and enemies, both on the other side and within their party. Just like Kirk’s machine in the Mirror universe.
This is very interesting =
“The 48 laws of power, illustrated”
its one of those best-selling re-writes of Sun-Tzu/Machiavelli/Clausewitz et al, but slightly re-thought/streamlined/generalized.
Worth digesting as food for thought, or ways to interpret other people’s behavior… as much as “practical, usable advice” for how to gain personal advantage.
I think the most interesting areas are where the laws sometimes contradict one another. (e.g. “#18 Isolation is dangerous; #16: Use absence to increase respect and honor”; others)
The places where they contradict make clearer that they aren’t really ‘laws’ at all; they’re just human behaviors with costs + benefits. They’re often things many people already do without knowing it. In essence they are just observations about human psychology.
Everyone lookout – Gilmore’s got new tricknology!
Gilmore confirmed for Irish.
So that’s where he got off to.
48 Rules is interesting, in the same way as AoW is interesting. It takes a situation and praises the approach taken by both sides.
Act alone, to seize success when people expect you to fail
And then 6 pages later
Engage with your team, and leverage the power of synergy to sweep all before you
Ugh – dude – I’m sure when I first read that, it was a far shorter comment – did you edit it to make me look like a dick for basically repeating what you said?
I Gilmore’d it
Yeah, I hate competition when it comes to making myself look like a dick …
Fuck. I wish this was just text and images. 29 min video? Ain’t nobody got time fo dat.
Big thanks to those who helped rid me of writters block yesterday. It got me in the right direction to a bit with excellent potential.
How’s your spelllers block coming?
Gave up on dat. A wong time ago. At, least, i dont have bad, punctuations,”.
Regarding Chelsea… who is she married to, again? But somehow Trump is the one with shady Russian connections.
Spicer had no…
/dons glasses
Thyme to floss.
Rufus, That’s quite a…
/dons Ray-Bans
sage comment.
Oh sure, lettuce all go make fun of the guy!
Just don’t leek any of his ties to Russia
If that ever got out the media would kale him.
He might keep his job if he agreed to a celery cut.
And evidence might still turnip
You guys! You’re acting like a bunch of chitlins!
They’re just greens with envy
*narrows gaze at the entire lot of ye*
It’s been done.
Beet me to it
He’s just trying to curry favor with the press.
Question of moderate stupidness – does submitting content for publication to this site require blood oath membership in a secret sect or can any of us unwashed brutals freely submit various ramblings for review?
Just swear fealty to ZARDOZ.
As though that isn’t more than enough,
Anyone can submit. Good luck.
I don’t think it’s a secret that you’ll have to spend a weekend in Warty’s basement for, uh, editing.
What? I’ve submitted plenty of content and haven’t been even lightly sexually harassed by Warty in a dog’s age.
I submitted and they published it. They may be regretting that as I havent gotten around to part 2 or 3 yet.
*cracks a whip*
That’s soooo hot!
Things are getting clearer regarding the relationship between Riven, Mr Riven, and the cute Jehovah’s Witness
How many footnotes did you include, and will they break the Fingers of Formatting?
Jobs that Americans can’t do?
Gee, maybe it’s time to for someone to admit that you can smoke weed on the weekends and still work well enough to do your job the other 150 hours of the week.
Well I imagine that’s up to the employer. Even in Libertopia, with no drug war, if the employer says “be drug-free when you show up to work”, I imagine it’s still the employee’s responsibility to comply.
Nope. Unless every movie and tv show has lied to me, a stoner loses all their brain cells after one toke and is forever a burn out. You can tell these people apart from everyone else as they refer to everyone as “man” and say “groovy” a lot. And now you know, and thats half tha battle
I could totally go for a bag of Chee-to’s right now, duuuuuude!
But enough about Gary Johnson’s campaign.
Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.
Meanwhile, one can go home and get drunk every night and pass every drug test. But drug testing is totally logical and a thing that makes a lot of sense and improves people’s lives.
Jesus fucking christ, people are fucking stupid. How I fucking hate them.
Swing Loooowwww…
It isn’t CNN if someone isn’t unjustifiably outraged.
The actual outrage should be over the existence of Rugby Union.
Whoa, whoa, whoa – you’re a *league* man? What kinda crowd have I fallen in with here?
My good man, you have that completely backwards. Once you have recovered from your apparent concussion, you can sing the praises of actual pack play.
I hope they don’t find out about the Hash House Harriers’ version.
Especially when coming for to carry me home.
More on = “Racist Sword Killer”
move over Dylan Roof, we have a new champion of the white race.
Dudes 28 and reminiscing about a 50’s that never existed except on TV. What an asshole.
A lesson in how terrible ideas can spring from minor misconceptions about how other people think.
i usually have pretty good radar for “schizophrenic-spectrum” based on people’s behavior/comments. This guy doesn’t even come up a weak-blip. He’s just a gigantic asshole.
also, his lawyer is a fucking moron. (or in cahoots with prosectors) Letting the guy mouth off to the press about how he’d been planning a murder for years is … absurd.
Yeah, that’s pretty bad. Why even have a lawyer.
In this case? For that sweet malpractice settlement maybe.
OMG other details from his interview are just….. i am speechless
He also attended a Quaker Friends high-school (like Obama’s kids). often considered the most-progressive of all private schools (*my mom taught at one in NYC, and a bunch of celebrities sent their kids there)
PM Zoolander might keep one of his election kinda-promises!
Liberals to announce marijuana will be legal by July 1, 2018
“stickhandling the marijuana file”
What a weird euphemism for toking up.
No word on just how much they plan on taxing and feeing to the point of continuing the black market?
It will only take them three years to figure out how to get their cut of the profits. The mafia works faster than they do.
And this is after Ontario police have already been randomly hitting dispensaries.
Still sooner then will happen in NC
Yeah, well, that’s just, like, his opinion, man.
God knows why but the press won’t let this shit about yoga-pants go.
its like being asked to put a #(*)@#( tie on at a nice restaurant. and they’re acting like this shit is a modern-day Rosa Parks.
I’m shocked!
does anyone, ever?
Even better, this person went on to double down on being wrong.
I’m sure United would be cool with me wearing tights.
Cool is not the right word.
Like right after you drink that last shot of tequila that you now suddenly regret.
there’s your problem.
Not everything needs to make sense to you, lady. You just need to recognize that the world isn’t being run as a catering service for your snap-judgements.
Shut up Mr. Burton. You were not brought upon this world to get it.
Isn’t this the whole business model behind twitter? Firing off, half-cocked?
Also, that is a terrible link; no yoga pants!
So no one cared except some busy body retarded bitch who likes to go around looking for reasons to be offended on behalf of others. Either that or she really likes prepubescent camel toe.
The dress code could have been worse.
I assume from the picture that she wasn’t wearing a furry hat.
Marty, is that Walter Koenig in your avatar?
It is Haley Joel Osment as Marty Comanche as Winston Morehouse from “The Spoils of Babylon.”
… did not age well. At all.
its like being asked to put a #(*)@#( tie on at a nice restaurant. and they’re acting like this shit is a modern-day Rosa Parks.
It’s worse: They get to fly free (just have to pay the tax). If you want to wear whatever, you feel – you can: just pay full price.
That was an ugly sentence. Too many commas!
Not even yoga pants – leggings. My wife and her friends joke all the time about women who don’t get that wearing yoga pants now count as “outside pants,” but leggings are still underwear.
You can tell by how Watts sputters and rants after finding out the actual circumstances that she realizes she jumped on the outrage train too quickly and rather than admit that, she needs to find a bunch of other sources of outrage to amplify.
On the upside, I think this is how these sorts of social movements die – by becoming self-parody. I’ll bet Watts and the reporter are the only two people in the situation who aren’t rolling their eyes.
I demand photographic depiction of the difference, please. because its all lycra to me.
Tonight’s Google porn selected
Yoga pants
Yeah, i know that. What are “leggings” then?
Still need to do more Research
I have no pictures, and this is recently-acquired lore for me (pre-teen daughter), but my understanding is that it is a question of transparency. Yoga pants are opaque. Leggings are not, and are intended to be worn under a skirt or dress. If I can see your thong through your ‘pants,’ you are not wearing pants. NTTAWWT, IMHO, but there it is.
So wait, these would be leggings then, no?
To my understanding, yes. Although I’m honestly not sure where “tights” would fit into this equation. I’m still learning.
still makes no sense to me
My sister-in-law had a sign stuck to the inside of the door to their house when she had teenage daughters at home:
“Leggings are not pants.” Sounded about right to me.
I love how pants and underpants can mean the same thing.
As the father of a soon-to-be 2-year-old all I’m saying is that I now realize the kind of father I will be when she’s old enough to have a recognizable ass, and it’s the kind that will not be allowing her to leave the house if I can distinguish cheeks.
Same here. Leggings… yoga pants… whatever.
I’ll wear tight, spandex pants if I so feel like it!
Pics or it never happened.
Yoga pants are tight sweatpants, and like sweatpants, are not worn by anyone with a modicum of class outside of, say, a gym or while jogging. In place. While I’m at a stop light.
There’s been a serious uptick in men wandering around in sweatpants recently. I am both jealous of their obvious comfort and fremdschamening hard every time I see them.
At 38 I’ve found that at least for my part wearing sweatpants without an accompanying fever or holding a remote control in my hand signifies my having totally thrown in the towel, and I’m not ready to concede the field yet.
There were a ton of guys in fancyish sweatpants on all of my flights over the past week. It occurs to me that sweatpants are a natural progression of the security state.
One down…
But but but muh open borders!
GAH! (that photo)
She’s great as Emperor Palpatine.
Wow. If you’d asked me how many people that had happened to, I would have guessed zero.
Apparently, there’s been a few. Mostly ex-Nazis, with spies and terrorists sprinkled throughout the list.
Blow my mind, guys. Open to any and all suggestions.
Breechcloths, and Algonquin war clubs. In “redface”.
Or something like this?
Where da Hekawi!
Let Jay Reistenberg of Common Cause enlighten you about the secret right-wing plot against the Constitution –
“So actually, it takes 34 states to call a convention, or two-thirds of the states, which is 34. In the late 1970s and 1980s, we were dangerously close as we are now with about 30 or 31 states, and all of sudden state legislatures realized that this was a really bad and dangerous idea. So states started to rescind them. And what we’ve seen over the last 10 years is a renewed effort by conservative groups, Koch brother-funded groups, to start this process again. And so, today, most people agree, we’re at 28 states, meaning only 6 states away from calling a convention. Now that’s scary on its face, but what’s even scarier – since this is being pushed by conservative, mostly Republicans – is that there are currently eight Republican-controlled states that do not have a application on the books. So the numbers are really in the special interest groups who are wanting to call a conventions favor.”
And so, today, most people agree,
The left in purest form. He could have copied/pasted that line 600 times and won a Pulitzer.
Hey what ever prevents a constitutional convention. We’re not exactly going to get Madison among the delegates.
“Evidence? We don’t need no stinkin’ evidence!”
Most people agree that 28 states are on board? Is there reason to disagree with this? Is it only 27?
Let Jay Reistenberg of Common Cause enlighten you about the secret right-wing plot against the Constitution –
I think we’d lose what feeble defense we still have against the Total State if the Constitution were opened up for a rewrite. Just think of all the new “rights” we would get. Unlimited free health care and a living wage are merely the tip of the iceberg.
In latest Trump news:
Trump still doesn’t know how NATO works
Neither does Europe. Or my country. Fulfill your treaty obligations jackasses.
Well from my understanding, the 2% defense spending was just a target, not an actual binding treaty obligation, and member states have until 2024 to get it up to that level. So no one is out of compliance. And nobody owes anyone any “bill” for anything.
Its as much of an obligation as anything else in the NATO agreement. The term “legally binding” is sort of a misnomer in international affairs. Do you think someone’s going to take them to international-court if they fall short?
All international law is limited by the collective will of its members. Downplaying its significance is fine – but its a tacit admission that there are limited commitments to NATO by its own members, which by itself reduces the commitment that other nations (e.g. the US/UK) should feel regarding the defense of the interests of other member nations.
IOW, he who pays the piper calls the tune. If everyone else wants to play free rider, fine. Just don’t expect anyone to give a flying fuck when you want to have a say in how NATO operates, or when you think your own defense interests are being sacrificed.
It was a condition agreed upon by members that pretty much every single one of them could fulfill this year, but won’t so they can full their social welfare state fantasies. Dragging heels and coasting off of American defense spending when they can cover the budget increase now is extremely scummy.
And nobody owes anyone any “bill” for anything.
You are taking political theatre way too seriously. Trump throws them a bill, they obviously reject it, gives Mattis a justification to reduce their commitment to Germany’s defense (i.e. a thing he’s been saying about NATO countries that refuse to increase their spending for years), the peons get to think Trump’s playing hardball.
Huh, apparently the bill thing didn’t happen anyway. Either way I don’t consider it a major issue.
Do you know who else rejected demands for Germany to pay up.
Your mother?…
NATO doesn’t work anymore.
We should have left NATO a long time ago.
But then the Russians would win!
Thanks for linking me directly into a paywall, Jeff. What’s your next trick? How bout one of those “YOUR COMPUTER HAS A VIRUS! PLEASE CALL SUPPORT!” pages I can’t ever fucking click off.
Sounds like NATO needs to figure out how Trump works, given whose opinions count, and whose opinions don’t count.
Trump can’t and shouldn’t change NATO unilaterally, even if I agreed with the change. It is a mutual defense pact, not a medieval vassalage arrangement.
You make it sound like NATO has relatively few actual provisions on military readiness, etc. In which case, Trump is free to do as he wishes with respect to US military readiness re NATO. If the other members aren’t obligated to do much to make NATO ready, then I guess the US isn’t either.
Given the military facts on the ground, it would be foolish for the other members to ignore him on that topic. When it comes to military readiness, our opinions count (on account of we have significant assets and projection capabilities), and theirs don’t (on account of they don’t).
Good lord. They’re not our vassals. They’re our partners.
Partners carry their own weight. They aren’t vassals, but I wouldn’t say they are partners. More, “dependents”.
Correction, they’re extremely awful partners, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that they treat the relationship as one where they’re a protectorate of the American military, not a partner. If they want to be treated as partners than they should actually act like partners.
They’re not our vassals. They’re our partners.
They’re not either. They’re more like spoiled children. We should cut them loose, but if we must stay (because ZOMG RUSSIA), then they need to step up and start acting like partners. The only country militarily rising to the level of partnership is Poland.
The only country militarily rising to the level of partnership is Poland.
Britain is doing ok. At least they’re still building bloody ships and modernizing the navy.
That being said their force projection has been totally fucked since after the Falklands, but if you’re grading on a curve with the rest of Europe, they’re pretty good.
True, I am grading Britain on the rubric of “you were once a globe-spanning empire who defined modern logistics and proved its importance”. Compared to the rest of Europe today, they rate a gentleman’s B+.
As far as the “dependents” or “spoiled children” demeaning characterizations go, it should be noted that WE were the only ones who have ever invoked Article 5, after 9/11, and they met their obligations exactly as they were supposed to do, even though everyone knew that they didn’t actually have to do anything at least militarily. When the Spanish or the Brits or the French were bombed, they didn’t invoke Article 5 on us even though they would have been within their rights to do so, given the precedent we set after 9/11. This isn’t the behavior of spoiled children.
they didn’t invoke Article 5 on us even though they would have been within their rights to do so, given the precedent we set after 9/11. This isn’t the behavior of spoiled children.
Spoken like a civvie who doesn’t know a thing about operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Throwing underfunded, undermanned and poor equipped troops that half of which can’t actually do the tasks needed is not some stirring example of Europe’s NATO contribution, it’s a condemnation of how far European armies have slipped since the end of the Cold War.
As usual the elites throw soldiers off to die somewhere and can smugly declare that they ‘did something’ while people like you lap it up.
Ok, and? Bush 43 (and 41 before him) was a big fan of “multilateralism” (despite what the press would have you believe). Yes, other NATO countries participated. Besides the Brits and Poles, the contribution could mainly be described as the military equivalent of voting “present”.
You want me to take your claim that they’re “partners” seriously? If their obligation was to “make it look like the U.S. is only doing 95% of the work instead of 100%”, then yes they met it handily. Otherwise, not so much. Look, I think we should get out of these entangling alliances altogether, but if we’re going to have them then they should go both ways. Maybe the other countries will feel like they’re getting a raw deal if we try to get them to devote more money/effort/ability to their militaries. They can leave, too.
Poland. Coincidentally, the only NATO member who recalls what living under the boot of both Fascism and Communism was like.
All that having been said, I don’t think that Afghanistan (or Serbia/Kosovo before it) is a great example of what NATO should be doing. The two biggest NATO operations have been to basically go to places that posed no realistic military threat to the North Atlantic and make them stop being so shitty (with mixed results). The original purpose of the treaty, to stop the Soviet Union and its satellite states from taking over Europe, has been completely cast aside. But to the extent Russia poses a threat to the rest of Europe, defending against them is a burden that should be shouldered first and foremost by Europe itself. If the Europeans don’t feel that it’s necessary to step up their commitment, or feel that Russia doesn’t pose a threat, that’s fine. But then we can and should extricate ourselves from taking up responsibility for their defense.
No, now you are moving the goalposts. After 9/11 they didn’t have to do a damn thing. Everybody knew that the US didn’t *need* their help. But they helped nonetheless, because it was their obligation. That’s not the response of “dependents” or “spoiled children” or whatever other derogatory epithet you want to throw out. Was their contribution on par with America’s? No, of course not, and AFAIK it wasn’t supposed to be, either. You want to complain about the quality of their help? Fine, I don’t know if it was up to the reasonable expectations of what they were supposed to be (nobody expects the Belgian Army to invade and occupy Afghanistan). Maybe it was horrible and awful. I don’t know. And I’m sure those governments faced a fair amount of domestic pressure to not lift a finger to help the Americans. But they did it anyway. Furthermore they did NOT go running to “Daddy Uncle Sam” when THEY were attacked. I think that is noteworthy. This is not to excuse their failure to meet their legitimate treaty obligations. AFAIK they have until 2026 to get their defense spending up to 2% of GDP. They should do that, even the Belgians. But can we at least acknowledge when they did actually fulfill their obligations without resorting to insults?
You’re the one who picked Afghanistan, not me. I’m not moving any goalposts here. Nobody is forced to be a member of NATO, and NATO is not the “good will and humanitarian aid” agency. It is there to defend the North Atlantic from military threats. Sending a convoy to Afghanistan doesn’t have anything to do with that. I’m not here to argue on behalf of the Clinton-Bush foreign policy regime, or to pat anyone on the back for making Bush 43 feel better about himself. Either you can do your part to keep Russian tanks on their side of the Russian border or you can’t. That ain’t got nothing to do with earning a participation trophy in Afghanistan.
And maybe it’s not even a realistic concern. So we get the fuck out of NATO. Where is the problem?
Fake news.
Your link doesn’t demonstrate that the news was fake. Only that Trump denied the episode occurred.
Would it help if the Germans did, too?
Who trusts Germans?
Would it help if the Germans did, too?
Shed no tears.
She is so fucking homely.
It seems to be getting worse with age. She can comfort herself by wallowing in piles of ill-gotten gains.
Sanders introducing single payer. Btw, the author of this, Gardner Goldsmith is da man
If nothing else, this would get some shit-heels on record for fucking up the economy.
I love that he called Obamacare technically fascist. That’s what I always said when people called it socialism. I was like, oh no no, it’s not socialism. Clearly it’s fascism.
I had/have a bro crush on him. Dude is really smart, especially on economics. Used to have a radio show/podcast that was really good. He would get these state reps on his show and intelectually beat the hell out of them. Hes what made me go from conservative-ish to libertarian.
I went to DC for my bachelor party ( most of my groomsmen lives there) and while DC is a cool city to visit, it is not a place where I would want to live. Anyway, one of my groomsmen is this die-hard statist and it took me all of my strength to not tell him to shut up that weekend when he went on his political diatribes. But he’s a symptom of a problem that I see whenever I visit other people from DC and that is they know better than individuals on how to run their lives.
So we were talking about Trump’s win and most of my other groomsmen are either Republicans or Libertarians, but the statist groomsman did not nor was willing to admit that the reason why Trump won was because, people in general feel disconnected from those in power and that they also don’t have their best interests at heart. He basically said that Trump won because people are stupid and we should have safeguards against something like this happening again. What they were, he didn’t really say but I’m pretty sure that he had some Jim Crow shit in mind. He didn’t want to admit that people like him with their arrogance and mockery drove people away from his party. Nope, it’s because people are dumb as hell.
I think the issue is as it is with other worshipers of the state is that for one thing, he confuses society with government. If you don’t want the government to do something, that means you don’t want it done at all. Basically, committing the same fallacy that Bastiat accused socialists of doing back in his day. I think also, when people work in an area that exults the amount of influence and power you have (the DC area being the prime example of this) you start to get this attitude that those outside the halls of power and influence don’t really have any idea of what is going on and that they need your guidance. What I found startling wasn’t his belief that the state should be involved in everything but his arrogance that he and others like him knows what’s best for other people.
I think the issue is as it is with other worshipers of the state is that for one thing, he confuses society with government.
Yup. They are good little fascists in the olde sense:
Everything for the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State. – Benito Mussolini
I think the funniest part is when after Trump won and my leftist friends had their ritualistic freak out, I mentioned that perhaps we should decrease the power of the state explicitly the Executive Branch. You know, in case an asshole gets into power, they can’t do asshole things to you since they are limited by the law. They all gave me blank stares.
” the reason why Trump won was because, people in general feel disconnected from those in power and that they also don’t have their best interests at heart”
There are many reasons why Trump won, among different voters who had different priorities. Yours is a pleasing story of why Trump won. Others might note that he won because he incited pissed-off people to irresponsibly yell “screw you” to the entire system, and we get things like Gavin McInnes’ article from earlier today. Or that he won by successfully scapegoating foreigners as the source of America’s ills. Or that he won by promising this false nostalgic view that the US economy could return to the 1950’s glory days of heavy manufacturing and single-income households. Or that he won because he’s a businessman promising to run the government like a business.
Or that he won because Team Blue spent the last 2 years of Obama’s Presidency attacking on the issue of supposed systemic racism, which alienated enough people to make the difference.
I will believe Team Blue is serious about trying to understand what happened the moment one of them says anything about the influence the Black Lives Matter movement might have had in motivating people to vote against them.
Calling everyone who disagrees with you a racist is a great starting point for a political platform
it is not a place where I would want to live
You got that right. It’s an overpriced pain in the ass where most people are dicks.
My best man (who actually introduced me to libertarianism) place is almost 3000 a month. A fucking two bedroom, two bathroom apartment. It’s a nice place but in Chicago, despite the city’s shitty politics, his place would have been at least 1500 in a decent neighborhood.
And the most of the people I have encountered are arrogant statist dicks. A libertarian like myself would go nuts in a week and would not get invited to the many cocktail parties they throw. Which is fine because I don’t like cocktails anyway.
Tell your friend to take heart. Now that they have all the power, Team Stupid will predictably and reliably fuck up so badly that Team Evil will be able to sneer their way back into the White House in eight years or so.
It’s really funny and sort of disturbing how him and his friends are really depressed about Trump winning. What’s even funnier is the infantile ways that they are trying to get back into power. But of course the Stupid Party (GOP) will screw it all up.
It’s your wedding, you should have told the bastard to shut up.
I was visiting TSTSNBN this morning, tempted to comment on Stossel (the only thing left worth reading there), but my enthusiasm withered when I saw the quality of the comments on the article.
Is this JohnEngelman anyone we know? He seems to be an absolute troll, certainly not a libertarian, but I can’t immediately ID his style.
tempted to comment
Jokes on you!
My comment on PM Links at the other site finally did show up. Not sure what browser worked, since I used 3.
You ratted yourself.
Maybe they’re vetting them? But then how would all the spam get through?
Apathy + Technical incompetence seems to be the best explanation.
Ha. I tried about 6 times to post a comment and just gave up. I’ve never seen a comments section fuck up like that. They might as well just use Disqus or something. I mean there are literally off-the-self commenting software packages they could just go with at any time.
FWIW, I have also experienced the whole “comments show up minutes later” behavior over there.
This video is 7 years old, but it only just recently came to my attention. I love it.
Voice operated elevator in Scotland.
This song is over 16 years old, but I didn’t listen to this band after about 1994, so it only just recently came to my attention. I love it.
Hopeless Bleak Despair
OT: Is anyone else not surprised that the President of the Oakland Raiders is rocking a mullet?
I think it’s a contract requirement.
Have to be relatable to the fanbase, I guess.
Is Michael Hihn his real name? I’m in a facebook group for EDC(everyday carry) and their is a troll their that is like him to a tee.
Does the EDC guy say (snicker) and (laughs) here and there? That is certainly an unusual comment fingerprint.
That’s pretty good evidence, I’d say. Most people don’t narrate their spontaneous non-verbal audible expressions. Except Charlie Brown (sigh). And if his “reasoning” style matches up, then you might have found the true Hihn living in the wild.
I noticed today in some article or another that Hihn has a sock named “John Galt II” As I think he was trying to insult Gilmore, post didn’t go through, so he logged into the other one and made almost the exact same comment.
Not sure what post it was at Reason, but there were 130+ comments: Most of it was John Galt II and Gilmore going back and forth. I have to say, Gilmore has a lot more patience than me.
Some are inoculated to derp, others not. Nothing to be ashamed of. Surely one of the main side-effects of being a libertarian is to increase your tolerance for derp.
Wha? was this recently?
I haven’t been commenting much @ Reason since Jan. the only exception being ron’s recent post about the “global terrorism database”
if there’s lots of posting there by someone with my name, it aint me.
**i just checked that last one (the Bailey post about “quantifying terrorism”) and i guess that’s what you were referring to.
Yeah, hihnfection. and he corpsefucked it long after it was dead, so there was zero actual back-forth. Not that there would have been in other circumstances, as i blocked the Galt handle ages ago.
It was the Bailey one. And I saw GLEEMORE a few times too. What a dick.
And I must be confused, since that one doesn’t have a lot of John Galt II and you. There is some with him, but Hihny is there too. Oh well, they say your memory is the second thing to go. (oh no!)
Could be the same post, that’s where I saw the sock initially.
“David Nolan” is another Michael Hihn sockpuppet FWIW.
I don’t think its even fair to call hihn’s various handles “Sockpuppets”.
I mean, for fucks sake, he posts that same gibberish about “91% OF LIBERTARIANS REJECT THE LABEL” every single time regardless. he doesn’t really have a “Tell”… its more like everything he says is a dead giveaway, he repeats himself so often.
I think the intent to use them as such is there, but the ability to wield them as sockpuppets is very much lacking. He wants to make it seem like there are multiple people in agreement, which fits with his narrative that he knows what the majority really wants, but he has so thoroughly bought into that narrative that he doesn’t realize he is at least as outside the mainstream as everyone he laughs it and insults. That, and he’s batshit insane.
yes to all.
basically, the “he’s crazy”-bit explains everything else.
Yes – it’s the same guy.
I see he has a website called It shows his picture, and he’s exactly what I expected. Too bad he’s too cranky to try to find common ground and win people over with cogent arguments.
He will change his argument so as not to agree with people. He’s that type.
He was for it, before he was against it!
Aw. H&R OR brings up no hits. Kinda hoped to unearth a trove of bitchy posts.
Try again using
I actually think a lot of hihn’s past posting has been cleansed from H&R
a search for his name pulls up a number of older posts where there are people responding to him? (e.g. me) but the original comments they are responding to are gone.
I was hoping he’d saved some choicer critiques for his own blog, but I can’t find any hint that he posted about H&R there.
*kicks stone*
Their what is a troll? :-p
Any tech death fans?
Just came across a band from Switzerland that I never heard of but their album is pretty awesome. If you have Prime it streams free.
Not my bag , but I’m still listening four songs in. I’m curious, what makes this tech death? sound like straight up metal to me perhaps a bit heavy on the orchestration/classical sound but again not my bag.
Well, like any metal genre it is what people say it is. I guess it’s “death metal” because of the down-tuned guitars, sticking strictly to minor scales and such, and things like the vocal style (cookie monster). I would say it’s “technical” because of the time signature changes, apparent use of music theory, trying to have a complex song structure. Things like that. To me a band like Sophicide or Miseration would be straight up Death Metal, while bands like Gorod and Necrophagist would be technical death metal.
I think people tend to call lots of things Technical Death Metal even though they are more like straight Death Metal or Progressive Death Metal or just Progressive Metal, but honestly trying to categorize like this becomes tedious fast, so whatever. I try to find what I like and listen to it.
There’s another Swiss metal band I like because they’re good but cheesy, so it’s awesome. Punish. Hard to get their CDs here in the states, though.
Thanks for the explanation, I could listen to that if someone cut out the ‘cookie monster’ bits, never did get the appeal of that.
To me, the difference between “tech” and “progressive” is whether it sounds “wanky” … I don’t know what the difference is, but I know it when I hear it.. 😀
For me, if you put in a non-traditional instrument like a violin or a saxophone, it’s progressive. 🙂 And technical is if it sounds hard as fuck to play. 🙂
Unless they changed the rules, it is actually possible to have a score of 31-1 in an NFL game. Basically the team that scores the 1 point would have to get a safety on the other team’s extra point attempt.
If they run it back to their end zone, they get 2 points.
Wikipedia says 1, but… wikipedia.
It appears you are correct. See, I learn something new here all the time!
Here’s the scenario. Offense attempts extra point. Extra point gets blocked/intercepted/fumble recovery by the defense. Defense runs it back close to their own goal line, but fumbles. Offensive player recovers the fumble and goes in the end zone on his own. Offensive player gets tackled in his own end zone for a safety. A safety on a PAT attempt is worth one point. That’s pretty much the only scenario I can think of where it could happen.
Yep: I watched the only 2 plays I could find. Both college football games.
Made a lot more sense when I could actually watch it happen.
Need some advice.
I work at a fairly large private-equity owned (holding company-style) advertising agency. I did something dumb. I signed up for a free trial of a robust and legit online statistical service that provides a lot of research that could benefit the agency. I asked around if anyone else had an account, but no one did, so I tested out the free trial.
After the trial, I mistakenly signed a contract for a corporate account. (I’d love to plead stupidity but I just should’ve known what I was getting into) Well, apparently the cancellation grace period has lapsed, and so I (my company) am on the hook for $3500 for 12 months of service. I’m not in ‘research’ per se (I’m creative) but I do like to get as much information
I asked politely to cancel the account as it did not get through the (several) layers of approval, but that’s a non-starter with them (given my signature)
So, now I need to figure out what to do. Do I go to my boss and basically tell what’s happened and see if we can’t use the service anyways and spread out the cost to multiple clients? I mean, in the long run, $3500 isn’t that much over the year. I’m sure we could bill 30-ish hours of research time to defray the cost of the service.
My other option is that I am considering taking a job at another place, and I could “make it go away” by leaving. That seems dumb but I’m just asking for opinions and this is a smart and capable group. Thanks very much.
Do I go to my boss and basically tell what’s happened