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Excuse me… why is my future BAE on your site?
While you wait, OMWC will swoop in.
An actual BBC News headline: Why do autistic people really love manga?
Lots of rustled jimmies in the comments.
Uh, influence?
Of course. A Nazi frog and big fat anime tiddies just chose the leader of the Free World, didn’t you know that?
I like that it’s subtitled. I’d like to think its because even the British can’t tell what the hell each other are saying without them.
What else is there?
Copious amounts of drugs?
Well, you’re both right.
I thought that link might be this link, instead.
More still applies, though.
Reposting from the prior thread… when seconds count, the cops are nearly an hour away, and then they won’t check in on you anyways.
They need more funding.
That nut punch almost equals Swiss’s link about how the police delivered back to Jeffrey Dahmer an escaped victim.
What is the Jefferson quote? “A country where the citizens fear the government is a tyranny. A country where the government fears the citizenry is free.”
Isn’t money and cash the same? NTTAWWT. 2 goals is good.
Or, aren’t money and cash the same?
You have so much to learn.
A True Player is never redundant. They repeat themselves because fools don’t listen
Or are Cash and Money adjectives to hoes? Think about that.
Federal reserve notes aren’t *real* money!
You obviously don’t speak jive.
So, uh, is there alt-text my laptop isn’t showing me? ‘Cause that ain’t right.
OT: been learning the java… not sure why everyone bitching. Seems pretty straight forward to me. I haven’t coded since I was, IDK, 15? Maybe? The language is the same, its more like a dialect. The structure, rules, and logic all seem pretty straight forward, Of course, I’m just learning basics. I’m sure it gets more involved from here.
But, I’m not lost. I’m jumping ahead of the tutorials in concept, just can’t type fast enough.
I think I can do this.
Query: Is it
possiblelikely that a middle age man with no CV in IT could become a programmer?Check with your wife.
Are you in India?
In part, it depends on what’s on your CV at the moment. Programmers with no subject matter experience are minted all the time. Some companies want programmers with knowledge of the business that the code is designed to support.
I know of a 40-ish guy with experience in bond trading who made the move over into a programming position and is doing well.
Pretty likely as long as you’ve got a decent portfolio.
Who the f*** puts that on a kid’s sweatshirt?
someone who knows what’s up
Someone with access to photoshop.
Duh. Can’t believe I didn’t think of that. I plead tired while commenting.
People who don’t speak or read English.
A family that sells garden tools?
I larfed.
An enterprising Mama-San?
If anybody is awake, IBT went there. Kinda Funny’s Colin Moriarty Resigns After Targeting Women In Racist Joke; Insists It’s His Personal Decision
And the joke he made on Twitter? Colin Moriarty ✔ @notaxation
Ah. Peace and quiet.#ADayWithoutAWoman
3:23 AM – 9 Mar 2017
After getting busted, IBT changed the headline to “Kinda Funny’s Colin Moriarty Resigns After Targeting Women In Joke; Insists It’s His Personal Decision”.
How the hell did they claim it was “racist” in the first place? Fuck these people. *Posted on a dead thread earlier*
Straf =
that book i mentioned
Thanks. I’ll check it out. Should be interesting to see the parallels between that and this.. That book took a while for me to slog through. Koba seems a little more reasonable in it’s length.
That’s the gag in my family anyone who makes an off color joke is called a racist.
Jeez, when did people forget how to take a joke?
I used to live with a Lesbian feminist roommate, and, “Bitch, get me a sandwich,” was practically a catchphrase in our apartment. At the end of the day nobody actually made sandwiches, beyond what we packed for lunch. I was a cis-normative patriarchal shit-lord, and she was out and proud lesbian, and together we solved crimes.
No wait, we just lived together, smoked a shit-ton of weed, drank each other’s beer, and busted each other’s balls, as friends tend to do.
That is soooo not cool
I will be thinking that everytime I see the really sweet, really young, really hot Asian girl that works in our department today.
So, you picture her with clothes on? Surprising.