I thought OJ already established that these were ugly-ass shoes? Texans have apparently not gotten the word.
Progs outrage. Unfortunately, Progs are ignorant. Or maybe fortunately. There’s much entertainment value.
I always count on HuffPo for understanding science. Bill Nye, the actor who pretends to be a scientist, is waiting outside with handcuffs for Curry and Christie, actual scientists. And all is not smooth sailing in Nye-land.
How Warty and STEVE SMITH came to be.
If we had built that wall, this would not have happened. OMWC approves.
I would’ve figured she was too old for you, OMWC.
Would…(am I on a list now? cuz I mean would as in wood not would abduct)
Yes. AoC in TN is a surprisingly high 18.
Lol I clicked on the article and she’s 15! Oops, I wouldn’t have carded her.
Let’s be honest here. Between Reason and this place, we’re all on a bunch of lists already. What’s 1 or 2 more?
Is it too soon to say that’s a good looking missing girl?
Fava beans… Fine Chianti
Put the lotion in the basket!
Thank god I’m not the only bastard around here.
Fuck that. If you are going to kidnap, kidnap aspirationally. It’s not like they put you in jail for longer if you grab up a super-hot one.
Kidnappers should reach for the stars.
Ahh… that’s not true. How much press was spent on her. Do you think if she’d been dumpy Mexican girl, she’d have been the lead line on Nancy Grace for two years?
Press, sure. I mean, if you are trying to garner no press attention, you don’t kidnap white in the first place…
But at his age, the sentence for a plain jane is going to kill him just as surely as an Elizabeth Smart.
Without Press, you can get away with it.
The ‘Grim Sleeper’ has been convicted for 10, but it would not surprise me in the least if the number is not well above 50.
Nye always seemed like a guy who would kill prostitutes in his spare time to me.
to be fair though I think that about most people
Of course not. Killing hookers is my primary occupation. I prefer to play video games in my spare time
How do you monetize killing hookers? Are you selling the bodies to medical science?
uh… Asking for a friend.
Dude. Come on. Hooking is a cash economy. They monetize themselves.
1) Necrophilia
2) Hookers carry large sums of cash
…so I’m told.
Most hookers hardly ever bring cash with them, that’s what the pimp is supposed to be for.
Or so I’m told.
Most hookers hardly ever bring cash with them
Do you even GTA, bro?
Do you even GTA, bro?
Only in real life.
Must I point out the obvious? They’re only hookers WHEN THEY’RE DEAD!
My dad taught me when I was a wee lad that there is no point in killing hookers because they are already dead on the inside.
And then the cheap 2 dollaah ho kind.
Nye likes to pretend like he’s the next Einstein. Fucker has a bachelors in mechanical engineer and… that’s it. He worked for boeing for a few years and now people revere him as the god emperor of all things scientific. I have a masters degree in mechanical engineering and I design rockets… does that make me the next Stephen Hawking?
That depends. Are you a half melted corpse animated via dark and arcane arts whose only means of communication is a speak and spell toy?
No… so by that metric I am infinitely more powerful than Hawking. Thanks for putting it in perspective.
Do you make it rain on hoes in da club?
Bill Nye is the perfect spokesman for the progressive “I fucking love science” crowd. He’s science-literate enough to say sciencey things that support the party line, isn’t especially interested in critical analysis, and loves media attention.
“March for Science” sounds awfully like a WW2 Japanese eugenics program in the Philippines.
*narrows gaze*
Congrats Number.6, you have received the coveted “Narrowed Gaze of the Order of the Swiss”. Your prize is in the mail.
Do you type with your eyes?
No, which as I said makes me even better.
Yeah well I have a bachelor’s degree in political science and I design rockets (…in Kerbal Space Program)…I’m some combination of Henry Kissinger and Werner Von Braun!
Thank you for showing me yet another way to get fired you jackass
Wait…this site isn’t enough as is?!
Apparently no…. hang on, my boss wants to see me.
What’d I do now? Did you click on Rape Horse?
I am pretty sure you gave him his new prototyping software.
Nye always seemed like a guy most prostitutes would be extremely careful around.
He is too busy killing science
Nye looks like a guy who wears khakis and white tennis shoes to strip club, calls the strippers “ladies”, and thinks Rochelle working the Wednesday afternoon shift is his girlfriend…
… and then he murders her, yes
And he always hogs all the hard-boiled eggs at the strip club salad bar.
What kind of broke-ass, cheap-fuck, shady, motherfucking strip clubs are you going to that don’t have salad bars? You getting played, fool.
Pardon me, but some of us don’t care for the juxtaposition of food and taint in a public facility.
Check out Mr. Snob over here.
Yeah. La-li-da. “Excuse me, waitperson? Is this napkin shade-grown?”
Let’s just say the free cheeseburger with extra pubes lunch at Cheetahs ain’t hittin’ my go button.
Yeah, I don’t want to see what the UV light finds on the strip club buffet table.
Exactly. I always make sure to grab some roast beef off the meat tray when I’m at Foxxxy’s
Do straight people not have restaurants with hot gogo dancers scattered around the eating establishment?
You mean Hooters?
Meh, I prefer Tilted Kilt if I’m going for that sort of thing.
I went out to dinner with a (straight) lady friend to Hamburger Mary’s in Long Beach several years back not realizing it was lesbian night. The food was excellent, but we were both very uninterested in the gogo girl shimmying away right over our table.
Was she a large girl? Roomy through the hips?
A girlfriend once broke up with me at Hamburger Mary’s in Hillcrest during Gay Pride Weekend.
I got some sympathy attention from the other customers at least.
Sugarfree is actually Wild Bill? Have you started your skin suit or is it still in the raw material search stage?
I’m just going to say this: “I’d fuck me.”
I read playboy for the articles, and go to the bordello downtown for the salad buffet and steam room.
Steam room is a really good euphemism.
That’s getting a hooker to hot-box you, right?
Err if you bother to read Playboy I would hope you do it for the articles, there are WAY better venues to look at hot naked chicks these days
Never seen a salad bar at one, but there used to be one near Savannah that I went to when I was stationed in Beaufort that had a guy selling kickass barbeque out of a trailer in the parking lot.
50 of them in an hour?
Bill Nye can’t eat no 50 hard-boiled eggs.
Why you gotta say 50, Bill?
That’s funny because Nye reminds me of a former co-worker that all of us were convinced had a dismembered prostitute in the freezer.
Someone linked to the new(ish) canadian show “Letterkenny” last night.
I initially found it baffling and partially incomprehensible; i have since decided it is awesome. i think it helps to be able to rewind to decode the canadian-yokel-patois
Agreed, brilliant stuff.
Something about being America’s toque must make them especially funny, but not quite funny enough to catch on.
One of my favorite pieces of Canadian comedy that might have been: The Beer League.
Ha. This show is great. My favorite is the backup goalie episode.
Not the stripper’s toe?
The sub goalie speaks to me personally. I played in goal until my competitive career was over. (Bragging to follow) I score like crazy now in the old fart’s league and people never believe me that I never played anything but goalie when I was younger.
Then they don’t know anything about hockey. Goalies are often the best skaters in the ice.
When I went out West back in the day it was like going to another Canada never seen.
We wear your sneer with pride. đ
the canadian-yokel-patois
What do you mean, it’s just plain English.
So, when the gofundme actually hits its goal and they still can’t buy the browsing history, what then? Do all the donors get their money back or do the GFM owners laugh all the way to the bank? If it’s the second I need to set me up a page right now.
Better yet, we should set up our own site… GFY
Hello all. Just dropping by from The Before Place. Love what you’ve all put together so far, really nice work.
That’s the only nice thing I’m intending to say. It’s rage-around-the-clock once I get past moderation.
Hi Tulpa
I almost want our own tulpa. It’s the last puzzle piece of true credibility. You aren’t really a website until you have dedicated trolls.
You’re gonna have to convince banjos to revise the policy.
That’s what we keep Gilmore around for.
In all seriousness, go fuck yourself
I believe the law calls this “evidence of a guilty mind.”
No its just me telling you to go fuck yourself
Are you guys gonna make out…and can I watch?
If this were seriously possible, no one would ever leave the house.
+1 contortionist
+1 broken neck
This is true.
Local man goes, fucks self.
Lighten up, Francis.
i was talking to SF specifically. not threatening to put you all on ‘the list’.
You’re so cute when you’re mad.
in the immortal wisdom of Lil Jon & YoungBloodz =
Don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit
You still need to lighten up. Oh, and the only list around here contains two names. Don’t end up #3, please.
Oh, so i’m supposed to eat shit in public when SF spits at me? sounds legit.
Maybe just give it back, a bit. You don’t need to be so tightly wound, man.
i confess = I don’t do ‘sniveling passive-aggressive’ nearly as well as sugar
like that?
and seriously, i don’t get anything out of it either
forgive me for creating wasted space here
OK, no lightening up. Hope that crown of thorns isn’t too uncomfortable.
I am going to moveon.org and let you get the last snipe, er, word.
I honestly don’t know what that’s supposed to mean in this context other than,
“Let sugar run his mouth off whenever he wants, and shut up and take it”
Seriously swiss, i am not trying to start problems for anyone, and never have. I just find this whole, “Stop complaining when people single-you-out!”-thing sort of bizarre
We have them, its just that they’re scared of trolling too hard and thereby outing themselves.
they suffer in this grey-zone of not wanting to get caught and booted, and yet still wanting to serially-irritate people.
I think half the (retarded) fun they get out of it is the tension between those feelings.
You’re welcome.
Just because I think personal liberty is fine only up to the point where it interferes with some government slob’s authority doesn’t prove that I’m Tulpa.
How do you feel about food trucks and (((coke)))?
I’m sure that I’m against food trucks because ((rules)).
I…. don’t remember how I feel about coke? I musta missed that. And I don’t regret it.
You can’t sell (((coke))) as coke. You just CAN’T ok!?!?!
This (((reference))) – does it cover all situations? Like if I’m describing a particular martial art as (((jitsu))), does that work? Or if I refer to a run of bad luck as bad ((( )))-((( )))?
Tulpa thinks stocking the superior Jew Coke without labeling it as something different is fraudulent and apparently doesn’t know that it has a yellow instead of red cap which is a form of labeling.
WTF is Jew Coke?
Jew Coke is Coca-Cola that’s very stingy, prone to hypochondriac episodes, and has an overbearing mother.
It costs more.
Kosher for Passover Coke is coke made with cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup because some Jewish groups consider corn a bean/legume for the purposes of dietary laws. (I’m not an expert on this so if any of our (((commenters))) has a better explanation…
What? Jew Coke is Mexican Coke? I’m not sure I like where this is going.
I can’t think of any Kashrut laws cocaine violates.
It would be parve, too, wouldn’t it?
Okay I finally googled it and didn’t find anything useful on the first couple hits, so…what does the ((())) mean?
It’s a way to reference Jews. Came from alt-right trolls, turned into a meme.
Ah. Thanks.
Thanks. I had no idea what it was about.
I look forward to the cat-butts.
Whatever works for you, Ted.
We don’t judge, here.
PS: No preview button? I already take back the one nice thing I said.
Preview buttons are for closers.
Preview buttons are for people with shitty spelling and grammar.
I expect every commentor to be nothing short of this
I do the crossword in Sharpie
I once worked with a girl who was bragging on her grandma’s ability to complete a crossword using only the across clues. My retort was if she was so smart, how come she never filled in the down clues, huh?
I do the across with a red pen and the down with a blue.
Ask me about my Zelda based text art…
Fuck You
/Standard reply I’m told
I’m not even getting my hopes up for Thicc Thursday. Are you monsters happy?!!?
We had (((Tuesday))) isn’t that good enough?
SMH. Some of us are down with the thiccness and others are not
Hmmm. No comments up now. I took too much time reading the links so now this will post a mile down.
Us functionally illiterate people have an advantage in commenting. I just sound out the headlines and type
Australia had a for-real sharknado.
haz disappoint
“huge” man-eating shark looks maybe 5′ long.
He’ll make note of your disappointment while he still successfully eats your flesh.
Robots taking jobs
I for one welcome our new robot overlords.
“If they’re white male robots, fuck those barely-literate tractor-pull-watching, double-wide-dwelling, mouth-breathing assholes. Also, fuck collectivism.”
Cathy Reisenwitz?
MNG, guys. Don’t you know your history?
Nerfy – chk ur hushmail pls
Will do
Sent you a quick response
Thank you, sir.
get a room you two
Someone linked to an interesting article @areomagazine.com… either this AM or last night.
Looks like a ‘traditionally-liberal’-left magazine which has an uncommon focus on critiquing the idiocy of the Progressive-SJW-left
the first piece listed there, “I am a minority and i prohibit you” is a good example of the idea. Its Glib-ish parody of “Cultural Appropriation”, showing how stupid the concept is.
I haven’t actually read any of the leftier-of their criticisms (e.g. of what their own “How to oppose Trump properly” angles are); but much of what i’ve seen is very good.
Its a viewpoint that, strangely, you almost never see in US press. Because the SJW-left has so much sway over media here? or they pander so hard to the millenial woke-twitter culture. something like that.
Someone on the left had to be embarrassed by those antics.
I think it’s mostly because the DNC is still fully committed to the identity politics crap and their lackeys in the media go along with them.
However, I do think that it’s gotten out of their control as of late and taken on a life of its own.
I keep reading that as “Areola Magazine” and am disappointed with every click.
Oh, shit. I thought that was just me.
Waaaay back in the mists of time I had a French Oui (Lui?) magazine that had pages and pages of different breasts / areolas. Along with vaginas and buttocks. I was young enough that the French was, well, like a mystery language so I had no idea what the purpose of the photos were. But in my teen imagination it was an article on putting together your ideal woman.
Market opportunity my good simian.
I replied to one of the authors who corrected me when i called it “Aero Magazine”
I thought, “it is kind of a stupid name for a mag”
I’m reading this: https://areomagazine.com/2017/03/09/the-left-why-it-should-be-saved-not-abandoned/
“Because the regressives, no matter how loud or powerful or violent they become, do not represent the true Left. ”
What the author is is missing, that is the true left now. The left isn’t what it was, or what he thinks it should be, it’s what it is.
the impression i get is that, like all magazines, its not a 1-size-fits-all place, and there are people at different ends of the (lefty) political spectrum there…
…but that the unifying theme is that they are lefties who are NOT “progressive-identitarians/SJWs”-lefties. They all seem to have some bone-to-pick with that crew.
I think its interesting. It sort of reminds me of Eric Raymond’s stuff about “how Democrats need to get their act together”, simply because politics works better when there is an opposition party with some modicum of legitimacy. Even tho i suspect a lot of these people have ideas i would disagree with, they all sound like people you can at least TALK TO with some confidence in their intellectual honesty. which is… just refreshing, by itself, as a change from say, the Slate/Salon/Post-Everything type of gibberish we’ve come to expect from the ‘mainstream left’ in the US
I think the original-linked piece was this “Why I no longer identify as a Feminist”
she has another good piece about “The Problem With Intersectional Feminism”, where she points out =
You could almost see that same thing being written @ Takimag, or somewhere on the Alt-right
Its the sort of thing that Reason would never dare say. Or at least it seemed that way for a while.
Most American black people are deeply christian and hate gays. I hope this is not news to anyone.
Apparently, that’s why BHO lied about not supporting gay marriage.
Whoops totally honest mistake, seriously, don’t know how that happened =
i me’d that
There’s been a lot of pushback from the Atheist online community, for one, against SJWs trying to co-opt Atheism. If you go to YouTube and lookup people such as ‘The Amazing Atheist’ or ‘Thunderf00t’, they have gone after SJWs a lot. They are generally leftists, but have enough skepticism to point out the stupidity of SJW arguments.
Maybe someone can explain to me why atheism is inherently left wing. I am very atheist and I am definitely on the conservative side of things politically. What about atheism makes it so appealing to the left?
Atheism is abhorrent to the religious right would be my guess. Nothing in atheism is inherently left leaning, but a not insignificant number of atheist use it a way to tweak the nose of many on the right.
I’m guessing because in the U.S., Christians tend to be on the Right.
Three factors:
1. Lack of religion/a deity leaves a void in some people’s hearts. They fill it with government and direct their faith towards it.
2. A great deal of the ‘new atheists’ are extremely arrogant and spent all their time complaining about how backwards and stupid religious people are. It fuels a rather obvious elitism that results in their belief that the stupid peons just need to be ordered around to function correctly.
3. A claim to be the most rational ones in the room and a belief that everything can be determined by (I fucking love) science. Said ‘science’ is actually cognitive bias built on said left-wing atheists’ assumptions, which are never questioned and instead science is twisted around this position.
There’s a reason why I agree with Mark Steyn that atheism has gone downhill intellectually since Nietzsche.
For one thing, since the Technocratic Total State is not a deity in the traditional supernatural sense, a lot of deeply pious ideolators are lumped in with skeptical, liberal types.
On the other hand, there is Atheism Plus. Which is atheism plus leftist nonsense.
So the biggest problem with Bill Nye is that he’s a white male? Huh?
âColonization, racism, immigration, native rights, sexism, ableism, queer-, trans-, intersex-phobia, and econ justice are scientific issues,â an organizer tweeted, following with a raised fist and a rainbow emoji.
Nevermind. This is attention whoring, not science.
Attention whoring is a science. If you do it right.
Don’t forget the second half of that statement.
The next day, the group released an updated diversity statement, claiming that issues like sexual harassment, disability, LGBTQIA rights, clean water access, and mass shootings âare scientific issues.â
These “scientists” are falling all over themselves to make everyone happy. They’ve updated their statement at least 4 times and hired a diversity chair. So woke.
From the idiotic March for Sciency thingy article:
“Mona Azeem
All the science deniers are a result of lobbying by the fossil fuel industry. They have made politicians spread this lie that science isnt real and climate change doesnt exist, they are all very well aware of this. Look at Rex Tillerson, he worked for exxon who helped cover up their own research that shows climate change exists. Its all about money.”
Suck my dick Mona.
Government-funded “science” calls for more state, and that’s perfectly objective.
Science is like a deity to them. They don’t seek reason or have doubt, only faith.
I might have said it before, but whoever invented the term “woke” was sensible enough to realize that calling themselves “awakened” makes other people think they joined a cult, and that using a sassy, cutesy word mitigates that perception; but not sensible enough to realize that the actual problem was not people’s perceptions, but that they joined a cult.
It always reminds me of the professor that told us “Look Buddha literally means the awakened one. Tomorrow when you roll out of bed bleary-eyed remind yourself that once more, you. are. buddha.”
“Woke Minds and Intersectional Solidarity”
What baffles me is actual scientists who become involved in identity politics and love Bill Nye.
What am I missing?
University work spaces.
Oh, there’s huge appeal for the idea of having a persuasive spokesman advocating for science. The identity politics they can handle – that’s just writing stuff down. The problem I think is having a persona that works on US broadcast media.
They’re *better* at this in the UK having Brian May, now *DR* Brian May spouting on about Astronomy. Then there was Magnus Pyke (“She Blinded me with science”) who was a nutritionist, but the BBC slapped him up on the TV for anything that might have been more science-y than tying your shoelaces. And there have been lots of others – James Burke, Patrick Moore. All of them were (at best) quirky and (at worst) seemingly batshit crazy – but that’s kida what you expect from British Scientists.
The paucity of allegedly suitable spokespeople is hard to explain though. I’d say Mike Rowe is probably as qualified as Nye is to talk about most topics, and frankly, I can’t understand why we don’t see a few more photogenic, animated young women scientists on TV.
photogenic, animated young women scientists
to busy working in the porn industry?
I was trying to avoid saying “slutty statisticians and erotic engineers”
The erotic engineers are working on some wall everyone seems to be talking about.
Rowe has draws the wrong conclusions from his observations and experiences hence he’s not woke. Or something.
I’ve kind of wondered it too. All they need is someone who is pretty and has enough processing power to memorize and adequately recite the scripts they give her, and they have a two-in-one for GURLZ IN STEM and “We’re totally so scientific!”
No clue, and it’s not like they don’t exist – even if you stick to hardest of sciences, biological sciences have a large number of women in graduate studies, and chemistry is probably close second.
Probably The Patriarchy.
They don’t really even need someone who’s a scientist if we go by Nye, just someone with credentials that sound like they might be related to it. “History of Science” PhD or something.
You get those ‘experts’ by building a show around on of them – like how Michio Kaku built up his brand from being someone they speak to occasionally on science/astronomy shows, to his own show, to then being everywhere. Or Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
They do have a couple of articulate women scientists as commentators on the “Outrageous Acts of Science” show that my son watches occasionally, but none of them have broken out into their own program or written a Pop Science book that sells, so that’s the next step.
“The drone is called the IFO, the Identified Flying Object. Passengers sit in a central capsule, which contains the controls. The capsule is encircled by a carbon fiber disc with eight fan blades that give the craft lift. The fans are connected to electric engines that allow it to hover at about the same height as a helicopter.”
I’m not getting into anything made my Italians that is supposed to fly. Sorry.
Sounds like someone has flown Alitalia. Otherwise known as the DMV with wings
It’s nice to see Michael Totten’s piece on Alitalia is still up, even though he’s changed websites two or three times since.
I parsed through it but I loved this comment:
“Though I can’t say I’m sorry that the American wearing the keffiyeh got put through the wringer. Maybe next time he’ll fly El Al.
I have a friend who recoils every time she sees some idiot over here with a keffiyeh. It doesn’t exact scream “intelligent” for a Westerner to look chic by showing solidarity with a corrupt terrorist regime personified by Arafat â who reintroduced the world to killing foreigners for the “crime” of being Jewish â and his keffiyeh.”
I remember liking their ads when I was in Rome 15 years ago.
Yeah, that guy isn’t flying Alitalia. Luftansa probably
He could be from the far north of Italy, although he reminds me most of an English soccer player I went to school with.
My family came from northern Italy, close to the Austrian border. Dark hair and bright blue eyes!
Not like those dirty Sicilians, eh Rufus?
Dark hair and blue eyes is a very good way to get my attention.
He strikes me as central Italian. The northerners have a different vibe.
Tundra, heh.
….I was juuussst waiting for that….
What are you, Canadian?
Unless it says Ferrari.
Back in the 1930s Germany, France, Italy and GB would compete for bragging rights for who would have the fastest cars and planes.
Italy held their own just fine – and in some cases even won.
Particularly their sea planes.
My Italian great uncle held several patents for airplane and propeller designs. The dagos used to be able to engineer with the best of them.
And then some. Even their pilots were solid:
Too bad the rest of the military didn’t work out so good.
You people got beaten by Ethiopia. Ethiopia. And then held a grudge over it for years. Great Caesar’s ghost wept.
They had grand planes…it is just that their manufacturing process was like carving them from hand.
“How beautiful! What a design…say, where are the others?”
“What others?”
Top gear said it best when Jeremy said “When you go on a picnic, you want the food inside to be Italian, so that it tastes good, but you want the basket it comes in to be German, so that the handles stay on.”
Meh. They had great military strategists – including in the Renaissance.
And you severely under estimate the power of starving Ethiopians.
If you want you to get the gist of how Italians – not an easy bunch to control to begin with and not deferent to authority like the Northerners – libertarians should appreciate that! – viewed the war and Mussolini just watch the movie ‘Mediterraneo’.
They were in no condition to be in a war.
Another factor: the US was often behind the Germans, Italians, and even the Japanese at the start of the war. But then we put on the steam and designed and built lots of state-of-the-art planes while our enemies went with the tried and true.
Oi. The Supermarine Spitfire mate.
Just sayin’.
Ha! I made (badly because I was a clumsy left-handed retard) a model of that plane when I was a kid.
Oh man, I built a ton of WW2 planes. Spitfire, P-38, P-51, Zero, B-24…
Do kids even do that anymore? I can’t imagine how many hours I put into planes, cars and ships.
I don’t think they do. I made a ton too and most of them badly. Meanwhile my buddies (two of whom became engineers) were much more adept. I felt like Homer when he tried to build the BBQ.
Yeah, they still build models. They’re typically a far cry from the shitty, low-detail models that were available when I was a kid.
But the Spitfire of WW2 was a modestly different beast from the original Supermarine S.5’s and S.B6 that won the last three Schneider Trophy competitions in 1927-1931 – which were the Supermarine versions I was attempting to cite.
If there’s people in it, doesn’t that make it no longer a drone by definition?
Obviously, their understanding of the term ‘hovercraft’ came out of the Newspeak Dictionary Vol 15. That’s not a ground-effect vehicle.
And jeesus, that article is based on an article published in the Daily Mail. They just edited out all the “effortlessly chics”, “toned pins” and “bronzed physiques”, mangled whatever context the Fail reporter gave and slapped it in their CMS.
Whatever. It’s just a story. Either way, I would use it to get to work just to spook people and I’d come up looking like Ringo Starr.
A drone with a pilot. Now I’ve seen everything.
I don’t like it already
This is yet another “artist’s conception” that will never work. Electric power? Yeah, right.
Streaming Drives U.S. Music Sales Up 11% in 2016
I am guessing that sometime during the Trump admin there will be some legislation to hammer YouTube into compliance with MPAA/RIAA demands.
Obama got bought off by Google , so kept a lid on it for 8 years.
I think YT gets away with it by ensuring that ‘advert-driven’ channels like VEVO make money for the majors; but there’s a bottomless well of content which the industry would rather be restricted and unavailable, even if they never made a nickel off of it. They just want to herd audiences into paying-models.
basically, people like you and me that love the “bottomless pit of obscure 45s” type stuff? They’re trying to make sure people like us are forced back into the bricks-mortar world
Yep – I’ve discovered a lot of music via youtube. Before that? Audio Galaxy, which got shut down.
I know I’m in the minority, but if I find something I really like I end up buying a physical copy or a higher bit rip.
Jagged Little Pill?
I’ve bought hundreds of things i found via YT, but like you they were actually just used LP’s/12″ on Ebay. Maybe on 1 or 2 occasions i went and got a CD… but usually if it was something that’s more “modern”, i will just listen to streams anyway.
the industry has very little to gain by trying to shut down Youtube’s music bits. but they simply want to keep the copyright power they already have, and if you don’t use it you lose it. they’d rather shut it down and herd people into other channels (pandora? Spotify?) which have better longer-term revenue prospects.
Not that much of a minority. I use the same method for books.
They are also “restricting” channels based on their supposed political views.
But it’s not like it’s hard to put a copyright claim on YouTube. Nor does YouTube presume uploader is in the right…
Can anyone remember the last time they bought a music CD? Hell for that matter can you remember the last time you bought music? I sure can’t. Actually wait I think I can. It’s was Linkin Parks Minutes to Midnight album, which explains why that was the last time I paid money for music.
I spend a few thousand $$$ a year on music – but I’m a *haughty sniff* record collector. So I’m busy buying first or Japanese or original Euro pressings. It’s an expensive hoarding hobby.
If I was going to start over again, I would skip analog and stream some digital files on my stereo.
I bought a few CDs at fye just last month.
Now get the fuck off my lawn!
mp3s sound like shit
Ouch. Let mercy come and wash away what you’ve done.
I’ve got that damn song stuck in my head now, thanks Vhyrus. Erase yourself plz.
Is it crawling in your skin? Your wounds, it will not heal?
It’s like a whirlwind inside of my head, like I can’t stop what I’m hearing within.
I occasionally still buy used if I find anything something I like and it’s cheap enough. It subsequently gets ripped to my home server and then relegated to a box in the basement.
You know who else kept things down in the basement…
(you monster)
Last month actually. I bought a few songs from Ronnie James Dio because I got tired of looking them up.
I just got a CD from Amazon in the mail yesterday.
I use 7digital.ca (the “.com” domain’s British) all the time for music I can’t find in physical form. Love it. My only gripe is that you can’t seem to build a viable “wishlist” of music on their site. The cart doesn’t remember stuff you’ve dropped into it from one visit to the next. đ
I buy CDs, but that’s because I enjoy high quality audio.
technically, FLAC
wouldcould be higher-resolution audio if the material was recorded in the last 20 years.CD would require dithering the 24bit/96khz audio down to 16/44; flac doesn’t (necessarily)
i think in practice its probably entirely meaningless, since the FLAC audio that’s drifting around on the innertubes is probably just ripped from a CD in the first place, and not actually derived from digital masters.
I was just in a Bed Bath & Beyond and saw that they were selling a handful of new vinyl LPs.
A march for science… kayyyy.
The net around Rufus keeps tightening.
Ex-Montreal mayor Michael Applebaum sentenced to 12 months behind bars
He’s small potatoes in the annals of corrupt Montreal Mayors. I’m pretty sure Coderre is on par if not worse. The Mayor of Laval (a big city suburb of Montreal) had a Mayor – Gillese Vaillancourt – police say embezzled as much as $40 million. It’s all rot.
I’m surprised they were able to pay off the debt from the Olympics.
Me too. I once had to go deliver a letter at the Olympic Park. It was like entering a lost civilization in Middle Earth. I’m convinced they were people who hadn’t heard 1976 is gone.
I’ve mentioned this before elsewhere, but will name-check it again just because i was listening to some last night =
there’s this french guy in the UK who does remixes called “The Reflex”
He has a sort of unique approach in that he only uses recording-stems (pieces of the original mix) and never adds anything “new” to the remix. the resulting product is… distinct in that it makes tracks sound more modern, but still 100% original-flavored in the instrumentation & recording quality. as though it were just an alternate version of the OG song.
check out his re-edits of “Burning down the house”, or “Heard it through the grapevine” or (the best) any of his Michael Jackson chop-chop stuff. they’re crazy good.
Listening to it now, way cool
he hasn’t done a lot (from what i can tell there’s like 2 dozen tracks or so).
He might have released more in other formats. He is definitely one of the most interesting of the “re-edit” DJ types. Its almost like a little sub-genre at this point (including people like Todd Terje, Deviant Disco, et al)
He’s good. Thanks.
Wait, so the slack-jawed faggots WERE the sexual tyrannosaurus?
The 80s lied to me!
Re: Nye, what are the kinds of science exempt from the “I fucken luv science” list? Economics, obviously. Any biology that indicates gender/sexuality isn’t a social construct. I assume chemistry is bad because that’s how Monsanto makes money.
Study: People In Open Relationships As Happy As, More Trusting Than Those Who Prefer Monogamy
Swing, baby!
Something, something, correlation, causation….
Maybe people who can handle CNM are by nature more trusting and less jealous.
Exactly. Selection bias.
says Terri Conley, associate professor of psychology and womenâs studies at the university
*Immediately writes the results off as biased bullshit*
I wonder how things go when one person gets very sick or goes through any other type of crisis. At that point, does the monogamous person get more/less/equal support and devotion than the person in open relationships?
That’s the study I’d like to see.
hmmmmm Thursday.. Thursday….. I feel like something’s missing… what could it bee… hmmm…
Go here. my young man
aha! that’s it!
Damn, That group of gals could probably kick my ass.
Cellulite and photoshop?
now see this kind of Thicc Thursday I can get behind.
or in front of, that would fine, too.
I asked Warty off-board what it would take to get a torso that looked like a cobra about to attack and he said “deadlift 500 pounds”
So I won’t be doing that anytime soon.
That basically concurs with my experience in the weight-training community. Guys who are totally ripped are often >this< close to being physically ill because of all the dieting and excessive physical effort.
Plays Hell with your immune system, too. One guy that I knew who was really into it had to adopt a "2 months on, one month off" regime just to keep himself from constantly being sick. He was ripped, but he paid for it.
Dammit, Trump, will you stop trying to do things and get back to memeing?
Trump takes 1st step in NAFTA renegotiation: Sends draft letter to Congress
you don’t even want to know how hard it is to do business with the gov’t – it’s a standing policy at my multinational, 20+ billion/yr corporate overlord to not do any kind of business with the gov’t as the FAR clauses are absurd and unreasonable.
This Is Almost Certainly James Comeyâs Twitter Account
Follows David Frum? That explains a lot.
Once a Sword-Swinging Power Ranger, Always a Sword-Swinging Power Ranger
it didn’t even say ‘cancel reply!” ITSNOTMYFAULT!!
He killed me with a sword, Mal. How weird is that?
Meh, not even one of the originals.
how can you tell? weren’t they all wearing full-body-spandex suits?
It’s Morphin’ Time!!!
I spent way too much of my childhood fighting imaginary putties.
branding himself “Reinhold Niebuhr”?
Dianne Feinstein, noted idiot, using urban legends to justify doubling down on the drug war
That’s correct. Drug dealers know children are flush with cash and their parents would never come after you.
Cocaine is like coffee. The only flavor you want it to be is cocaine (or coffee).
Packaging? Well, Meh.
Between Feinstein talking about drugs and McCain trying to talk about hacking it’s like being lectured about how rock and roll and D&D are Satanic by some seriously out of touch grandparents.
Chili P, for the win.
(checks comments)
(retreats hastily)
I need citations for all your sources on this comment.
A warm, moist place, like much of my other information.
Warty’s Dungeon, Mycolarium and Library?
Warty Hugeman Papers, Miskatonic University, Box 51, folder 3.
Venezuela Congress Annulled; Pro-Govt Courts Take Over Legislative Branch
I guess the idea is to keep doubling-down until there’s blood in the streets.
The emperor has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the old republic have been swept away. Fear will keep the local systems in line.
At least the Empire didn’t need toilet paper, you could use the Force to wipe your bum.
There is no try, there is only doo or doo not.
It’s not just a job, it’s a doody.
The Jediarrhea Council requests your presence.
I said “doody,” not “slurry.”
“Venezuela’s Maduro decried as ‘dictator’ after Congress annulled”
What? You mean because he IS a dictator? How about that, another failed socialist state.
We’ll get it right next time. /progs
“Connecticut Rep. Elizabeth Esty and other Democrats said the bill would cripple EPA’s ability to conduct scientific research based on confidential medical information and risks privacy violations by exposing sensitive patient data.”
WTF? Study data does NOT contain the names and personal information of participants in the study. The study may list the number of human participants in a study and their gender, age, etc, but NOT their fucking name and address. Geez, stop making shit up you fucking sleezebags.
The EPA would have released the confidential medical information if they thought there was political gain in so doing.
The research can be released to the public without any detailed personal information, as it always is. These people are shameless.
someone needs to keep their eye on this bill
it would be a huge perma-victory against the EPA, and against any other Govt agency trying to use faux-science to pass regulations (
That Dino is thicc, man. Did you guys put that image on the wrong link?