Hopefully the flooding from yesterday is done and I can get on with my life.  Just as soon as I clean the frogs out of the pool.  Looks like something biblical happened in my back yard.  And I don’t mean that in a good way.  So let me get these links out so I can address the hellscape.

The nose knows.

Is the day finally here where men won’t have to pray the words “it’s ok, I’m on the pill. I can’t get pregnant.” are spoken in earnest?  If some Indian university students are right, it might be.

He must have gotten a look at their viewership.  Also, his nose looks like a penis in the accompanying photo.

Who is to blame for the jump in anti-semitic attacks and vandalism in the wake of the Trump election? Well, its probably not the guy whose daughter married a Jewish man, converted to the faith and is raising their child Jewish. Much to the media’s dismay.

Nothing says justice like prior restraint. (thanks, OMWC) I guess we can dispense with the rest of the Constitution in the Ninth Circus now.  They’ve already gone out of their way to destroy the First Amendment.


Speaking of the Ninth Circuit, it won’t be long before they get this ruling in front of them.  The Hawaiian federal judge has extended his blockage of the Trump travel ban on the grounds that it discriminates against Muslims and “hurts Hawaii’s tourism industry”. I guess he doesn’t have access to a map that shows the ban doesn’t impact about 85% of Muslims on the planet.  Or he can’t open up a law book and see that the right has always been the executive’s and that it was done as recently as the last president.

Former Dallas Cowboy and fan of beating up women left it to the fans to vote on whether an indoor football team would sign him. It did not end the way he would have liked.

I wish more of our “leaders” felt this way.