Today’s Afternoon Links will focus on how screwed up the rest of the world is, since we are familiar with the absolute loony bin that the North American continent is…
- British criminals using social media are as stupid as expected.
- I thought Israel was a friendly nation – why do they deserve this?
- Um, disregard the part about the “unnamed Swiss bank” plz. Thx.
- Say what you want about our Millennials…how about these?
Point and laugh at the rest of the world, because we sure do enough of it at ourselves.
Oh, and here is a picture of some soup.

Cannes, not down with the thiccness?
I know, right? HM hardest hit (along with Jefe Hayek).
I’m *very* upset about this. But then again, it’s France. Bunch of effete waifs wouldn’t know how to handle the thiccness anyway
*nods in agreement*
Also, I’m glad that I’ve already cultivated a reputation as an insatiable thicc addict. *wipes away tear* You guys are the best
It’s always nice to have someone along who will take the fat chicks.
*wipes away tear* You guys are the worst
Every time one of you types down with the thiccness, I get this stuck in my head.
Hey, you get Thicc and you get Manly. This is for the soup lovers!
HM has truly colonized your mind, Swiss, if you’re making love notes to soup paraphiliacs
Is clam chowdah soup?
Its chowder
Say it, Frenchie!
It’s soup, but is it a meal? It depends on if you crumble crackers or not
Soup Fetish
See. This is exactly what private browsing clicks are meant for.
The ads were too distracting, DW; (but watched the ads).
By YHWH, I revere your avatar.
Britney Spears is still hot. Don’t @ me, dawg
I still would. That is all.
Britney still a would…
I can’t believe that show’s still on.
Um, disregard the part about the “unnamed Swiss bank” plz. Thx
Silly Tax Cows. Think they can keep the state’s property from the state.
Obamacare wait times increase dramatically. Good write up on it
I thought Israel was a friendly nation – why do they deserve this?
Got back just in time.
Also have I become Fist, destroyer of threads?
So, how was your vacation?
Incredible. Possibly my favorite so far. A little miffed the first day because Tel Aviv feels like a slightly more humid Los Angeles, but we did a series of four day tours covering different regions including Jewish, Christian, Crusader, Muslim, Roman and Bronze-Age history. Saved an elderly woman from drowning in the Dead Sea, took lots of pictures and ate a ton of delectable food. I regret that the trip wasn’t a few days longer. Some of the Canadians and Germans I talked to had crossed into Jordan or the Palestinian territories and got a much less sanitized experience and one of them got hit on by his cab driver.
But no bacon.
Had some for breakfast the morning after I got back. I can survive a week without it.
“They called for “a pact between the generations”, which would require around a million elderly Italians – those receiving the most generous pensions – to make a “solidarity contribution”. This money would go to help ‘Neets’, the Italian term for young adults who are neither employed nor enrolled in a study programme.”
Yeh. Good luck with that. And here in North America, wait until the boomers fully retire. Won’t be pretty. I think there’s going to be a point of reckoning.
Well, the other place had an article that claimed that Chicago’s pension fund collected $99 million and paid out $999 million. According to the debt clock, SS and Medicare unfunded liabilities are more than $880,000 per taxpayer. Just two quick examples and you know there are many, many more.
The reckoning is coming soon.
Coming soon?
Those ominous numbers pretty much conclude it has arrived.
I feel the need to ask whether these unfunded liabilities are over an unlimited time horizon or a specific time horizon. This matters quite a bit when we discuss unfunded liabilities in defined benefit programs. SS is around 3-4% underfunded each year, which is definitely bad, but whenever I see headlines that say that there are unfunded liabilities totaling in the trillions of dollars, I never see them specify the time horizon they’re looking at.
I met with a financial advisor last year (free review of my investments, and diversification), and one of the points for retirement planning was assumptions regarding SS. I’m just leaving my 30’s now, and my assumption is that SS will be long gone by then. The advisor’s assumption was that SS would still be around. Needless to say, I didn’t give them any of my business.
my comment isn’t to suggest you should/shouldn’t give anyone your business….
…but i hope you appreciate that if any financial advisor put down on a piece of paper that you shouldn’t assume Social Security will exist in X # of years…. that would probably provide suitable grounds to have FINRA strip their license, or at the very least provide evidence for a complaint which would get them revoked/suspended/sued the living shit out of.
Are you in the industry? Because…there’s a big difference between putting something down on paper and having a frank conversation with your client about their concerns.
Some of the advisors I work with tell their clients that they shouldn’t depend on SS.
Its also worth pointing out most advisors are blockheads who are barely more financially-literate than their clients.
I can understand needing to do things to cover your own ass, as well as for licensing purposes. But talking with derision about how some of their clients wanted everything invested and managed as if there would be no Social Security turned me off a bit. There were other reasons for not going with them, but this stood out to me.
If he treated the idea with derision, then you were right to dump his ass.
Don’t be so harsh on the guy.
They’re required to assume SS will still be in business. If they don’t they can be accused of trying to steer clients to unnecessarily risky investments by artificially pumping up the rate of return required to meet clients retirement goals – i.e. committing malpractice.
Your species really should have a consumption program for your aging population. We might be allowed a few ‘test’ shots from the orbital bombardment cannons. Just gather your geezers in one useles spot.
*points to Washington DC*
I am dangerously close to that spot and I’m not even 30 yet so please hold off until my vacation.
Solidarity contribution will be easier to swallow when then alternative is to be the first or second ingredient in soylent verde(tm).
Why do they hate the free market?
Coastal Carolina University on allegations of prostitution.
Shit – Coastal Carolina cheerleaders suspended…
Bring in the backups.
Isn’t that how we’re training cheerleaders to make money?
Hah! One of their competitors understands what zero tolerance and a lack of due process gets you.
Well played, mean cheerleaders!
Just because.
I’m sure after a very long and rigid investigation examining every orifa.. err lead to it’s fullest extent the police will get to the bottom of these allegations
Sounds like they “consented” to warrantless searches of their cell phones. Ugh.
Awryt mate am goiny meet some geezer for a new putter, wanty come with me and we’ll just do him in and take it off him lol.
Just found Snatch on Hulu. Surely it’s late enough to crack open a beer.
Snatch has been awarded a permanent home in the ‘fucking good movies’ file at my house.
Those first two Guy Ritchie films are shot in such a similar style and with similar themes that I bet you could edit them together to make one double-sized movie and no one would notice (other than the fact that it was damn long)
It might work if you assume Big Chris and Bullet Tooth Tony, as well as Bacon and Turkish AND Alan and Brick Top, are all identitcal twins.
They definitely are fun movies. “Be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm”
You like degs?
Come again?
She’s partial to periwinkle blue.
The movie, or the new TV show?
Also, most Guy Ritchie movies are worth watching. At least, all the ones I’ve seen.
Movie. No idea about the show.
If you don’t have a Roku box (or if you do, but don’t watch Crackle), you wouldn’t have heard of it.
How can there not be a white ink module you can drop into an inkjet printer, say in place of the black, to print light on dark backgrounds?
There are, but they seem to be available only for large format and high-end printers.
I don’t need to do that much printing. I’m trying to plan out some transfer sheets for plastic crack, and it’d be easier to do if I could print in white instead of having to leave a transparent space and try to make the white patch on the model the right size for the overlay.
I wonder if I can paint on top of transfers to correct issues with sizing the background…
Internet says: that’s A-ok.
The Internet never lies. You should be fine.
WTF is PC?
Plastic Crack – a very expensive hobby involving pieces of cheap plastic that is yet somehow addictive.
That looks cool. Send me a completed set – I’ll add a plack that gives credit to you.
Ugg I wish I could’ve skipped that part of my life way too expensive and only played 2 full games I think. I ended just giving away my Chaos to a friend that was starting and needed an army for his GF.
The Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland is disconcerted about the manner in which this has been organised with the conscious non-inclusion of Switzerland,” it said in an emailed statement.
“The applicable practices and rules of international co-operation and legal assistance have obviously not been complied with here.
“The attorney general expects a written explanation from the relevant leading Dutch authorities and is examining further actions,” the OAG said.
The Swiss should declare war on NATO.
You can never trust neutrals
*readies crossbow and pike*
Jesus, are the Sig 550s THAT unreliable?
I am a traditionalist.
Jeez, I hope the 320’s aren’t.
The 320s definitely are not. There’s actually a story out today about a guy that blew his up, swapped out grips, and kept firing.
I have a 320C RX in 9mm on order as at the moment as my Tax Rebate To Myself gift. It’d really suck if it sucked.
I own one of the first P320s on the market. You will not be disappointed. I won’t call it the best handgun out, but it’s definitely in the top 5.
Ed agrees.
So does Zapp Brannigan, but they have link restrictions here.
Filthy neutrals
In the end, it doesn’t matter because they’ll still bend over.
The thing that the Dutch are pissed about is not that the stuff is stolen or possibly illegal proceeds, it’s that the bastards didn’t pay their taxes on it.
Also, the first link is why I always have a gun handy when doing craigslist deals.
I always meet in front of Kroger.
Sofia Coppola’s US Civil War story “The Beguiled”, starring Colin Farrell as a wounded soldier who is given refuge in a girl’s boarding school, is hotly tipped to make the main competition.
WTF? This is what I get for clicking on the FA.
Eastwood, or nothing.
I like Sofia Coppola as a director. Even if she’s only really made two good movies and the last good one she made was… 15 years ago? Whenever Lost in Translation came out. But I think that movie can work.
Marie Antoinette was a surprisingly good movie, in my opinion.
I was kind of eh on it.
Lost in Translation is one of my favorite movies though. And Virgin Suicides was excellent as well.
Kirsten Dunst made the movie. Plus, I’m a sucker for historical films (even when they lack accuracy).
Good scene
I though that movie was okay, but I couldn’t help but notice a strong theme in her films of “isolated, misunderstood rich girl.” I wonder where she gets that from?
But it made for an odd take on Antoinette where we-the-peasants are supposed to weep for how persecuted the poor French aristocrats were during the Revolution. Not an illegitimate perspective, but definitely a niche sentiment.
Boy Butter, a cheekily-named personal lubricant brand has had their TV ad yanked by ComCast in Chicago for being too risqué (apparently). The ad has not unattractive gingerbear, Seth Fornea, churning butter in an apron…and little (read: nothing) else.
Boy Butter owner Eyal Feldman (also reasonably easy on the eyes) points out the double standard on Boy Butter’s blog:
Has it occured to you that the problem was not that he was a man or that he was gay but that he was a Ginger?
exposure to that much Gingerness could rip the souls out of viewers right through the TV
Some of us enjoy flirting with so much danger to our immortal souls, Ras.
Agreed, I married a Ginger myself
But for a corporation to expose the general public to such risk, that was probably more than their lawyers would allow
I’m just happy this one is less bitey than the last.
I support scantily clad girly (or manly) commercials for everyone.
In solidarity:
So I just clicked through and sure she’s got a decent rack, but her eyes in this picture are nightmare fuel. Uncanny Valley here we come.
Sirrah, you might not be batting on our team, but you have good wimminz perception. AVOID HER, I don’t care how hot she is. DANGER!
The girl was fine, but oh, that burger . . . if only they looked like that in real life!
Just here to complain about the Chicago weather. Gun metal grey skies, low 40’s and rain for the past week. I’d like a different weather pattern please.
AZ here… I got a sweet package for ya. 80, no clouds, 15% humidity. Interested?
My AC bills would be too high. Warming low 40s to room temp is easier than cooling 80s to room temp.
Depends on what you consider “room temp”
My electric bill is ~$100 a month in the winter and ~$200 in the summer. A/C is kept on a constant 76 in the summer (when the outside temp is in the low 90s with humidity)
My furnace is set to 68. This is “warm”.
Could for the warm low humidity weather right about now. The fact is it’s not the gloom or even the cold that bothers me. It’s the constant wet with the cold.
It’s sunny and beautiful here in Minneapolis today. It should make its way there in a couple days!
When I studied in St. Petersburg, Russia, I discovered that late March, when it was right around freezing with a cold wind coming in from the Gulf of Finland bringing lots of wet snow, was the worst time of year. Much worse than regular cold.
Minnesota in in the spring was delightful. I can’t imagine wintering there though.
You should have visited this year. Warmest one I can remember.
Totally sucked.
I’m with you Tundra. Way too warm this winter.
I got to do some ice fishing, but not nearly as much as normal. I am glad I’m not a snowmobiler because there was so little snow.
No kidding. My kid is out on Eagle right now catching a jillion crappie. You should call it a day and head over.
I might have to check that out. Unfortunately not today. Today is get all the time in from my lackeys so invoices can be generated.
A/C is kept on a constant 76 in the summer
Are you my dad??
Or my wife…
Kinda windy downtown though.
How many locals we got in here? Ought to start a drinking club.
Im down.
I’m down. If anyone works downtown, I’d suggest a drink at Ceres at the Board of Trade.
Haven’t tried those joints, been hitting Sidebar and Blue Hound so I’m game for whatever.
Or did you mean the Chicago Board of Trade?
Yes, Chicago Board of Trade.
Ah, downtown Phoenix here, which I presumed was evident from the threading. Been a while since business took me to Chitown…
Apparently, I’m not smart enough to follow threads. That’s egg on my face.
Im in Phoenix. We can get together and make fun of Just Say’n.
Next Friday happy hour at Sidebar?
OMWC and I are Chicago area folk. Me by birth, him by exile.
Hey I will be downtown next Tue/Wed evenings. Happy to meet anyone who wants to have a beer or two.
That package expires in about a month or so, to be replaced by the HOLY FUCK, IT’S 110 DEGREES AND I JUST GOT A THIRD DEGREE BURN FROM MY SEAT BELT BUCKLE package.
Oh I know. I’ll complain about the weather then too. The joys of arctic winters and death valley summers.
My first time in Arizona (which was in August), my rental was “upgraded” to leather seats. I was there for training, and the only parking was in the bright sun. After 8 hours of sitting in that sun, I managed to burn my legs through a pair of jeans sitting down in the car. The next time I was there, I graciously turned down the leather seats.
I still don’t know why people buy black leather seats in this state.
SF Bay Area. 70 degrees, sun shining. Light breeze. But all of that goes without saying. It’s almost enough to make one tolerate Socialism.
Sounds normal to me.
I love soup.
*Just* chilly enough here in the Bluegrass that I might make a sturdy potato soup tonight
Mmmmmmmm. My family(Irish side) uses ham with our potato soup.
Luckily I don’t have an Irish side of the family, but I do enjoy a healthy amount of bacon and cheese in mine (although not strictly called for in my mamaw’s recipe)
I’ve decided that tomorrow is pho day. Been cloudy and rainy here most of the week. Bring me that delicious brothy soup.
AWWWWW YEAH. Steak pho, generous portions of soy sauce and sriracha, and veggie egg roll can cure cancer, I believe
Omnomnom :3
And then I’m getting a Dynasty Roll, while I’m at it.
If you ever come to Orlando, FL, make sure to visit here. It’s a local institution.
Personally, I’m more into banh mi, but 88’s still good.
How did I know that would be on mills before I clicked?
Vietnamese restaurant? Mills or Colonial would cover 85% or so.
Have you been to Tako Cheena? I think it doesn’t live up to the hype myself.
No, but “fusion” scares me. I’m old.
Having a GF who was raised in ‘Nam has introduced me to an assload of excellent Vietnamese food, esp the really good pho and bun. (And we get the seekrit menu!) It helps that NOVA is swinging-a-dead-cat thick with Viet food.
You’ve talked me into it. Going here in t-minus 1 hour
Also, if anyone is ever in Seattle, go to Pho Viet Anh on Roy Street. Best Pho I’ve ever had
Man. You guys and your dedicated pho restaurants T_T I guess that’s the price I pay for living where I do.
Hey, at least you can get some General Tso’s for tomorrow at the same place while you’re there.
Hoisin sauce or gtfo
Your kind make me sick. More like poison sauce because it’s poison to my tastebuds you see
You were just about to throw my kind in a vat of boiling milk(cream if your for realz).
You kind only continues to exist because it’s tasty.
But will he wrap you around shrimp before boiling you in diary while wearing poly-cotton blend and worshiping false gods?
Yea though I walk through the galley of the shadow of derp, I wilt fear no evil.
*narrows gaze rubs stomach*
Soup is good food
My favorite soup experience so far in my life = the lobster-stew @ the Jordan Pond House on Mount Desert Island
i think the recipe is “take 1 lobster, quart of cream, stick of butter, mix and serve hot”
I would eat that.
Let me rephrase–I would destroy that.
The nearby mountains also have great tits
Lobster stew with a view? My kind of meal.
Just to be contrary, I preferred the tomato bisque.
And the popovers, of course. Colonial-style yorkshire puddings.
Robot density:
South Korea, 347
Japan, 339
Germany, 261
Italy, 159
Sweden, 157
Denmark, 145
United States, 135
Spain, 131
Finland, 130
Taiwan, 129
What are all those robots up to?
Robot density? So is that different than robot thiccness? I’m only concerned about the robot thiccness.
On the story about Millennial Italians — I love how these types of stories always have the comments closed. Probably because its so easy to point out how crazy it is that they have to institute a tax on the elderly to subsidize the young in order to solve a problem caused by taxation on the young to subsidize the old.
That is a beautiful summation, TK.
It’s a vicious circle or game of musical chairs.
*Some generation* will end up paying for it – unless it just collapses and everyone just takes their lumps.
This time it will totally work, though
+1 writing a bad check to cover the other bad check which covered the first bad check
Or paying off one credit card with another.
It sounds like a government solution which has found another problem in search of a solution. Government scrore: 10+
New+Improved Same-Old Same-Old
there is something darkly-hilarious about the strained-sincerity of the spokespeople
“What?? Trying to *oust* Assad?? Why, wherever did you get a crazy idea like that?? Oh, you mean the bombers? and the hundreds of millions in arms we pumped to rebels? and the targeting intel we provide everyone? and the shoulder-fired AA missiles? Well, OK, i can maybe see how you might find that confusing…. but really, its all just a big misunderstanding, totally not what it looks like. No really, its about… uh, these other guys that just sort of popped up halfway into our mission…. because freedom. Glad we could clear all that up. Next question.”
its like a guy who announces on the first date = “Just so you’re clear, i’m not trying to fuck you”. Really, the
ladydude doth protest too much.they have to institute a tax on the elderly to subsidize the young in order to solve a problem caused by taxation on the young to subsidize the old.
The far left scum in the JournoList is really upset that no teams are interested in their favorite NFL player, Colon Paperneck. I’m seeing an article every day now from one of them bitching about it.
Hahaha it was so much fun to watch his season crash and burn, even after the fans cheared “We want Kap! We want Kap!” from the stands.
I totally agree with his right to protest, but the way he did it was so lame and preachy. Plus, it kept the conversation on politics and all that bullshit, which got in the way of my enjoyment of the sport this past season. This would have been much more tolerable if I thought it would amount to anything regarding police reform– but we all know it was just for attention. Kneeling doesn’t cause change and neither do generalities. I still have meet a single BLM activist that has even heard of Campaign Zero.
I still have *yet* to meet a single BLM activist that has even heard of Campaign Zero.
I’m on board with his right to protest,and his right to experience the consequences.
I missed you Mike.
I wish I could say I invented that one, but I did not.
Shouldn’t it be Colon Peppersnatch?
Which is funny because his agent has basically come out and said the reason they havn’t signed is they are holding out for a starting gig (or at least a shot at one) and that basically leaves 4 possible landing spots for him…
The Jets – A couple that deserves each other but owner Woody Johnson is somewhere to the right of McCain in his love of the military and cops so there is no way in hell they are signing him and he probably wouldn’t sign with them if they offered.
The Browns – Who have basically made it known they are looking to the Draft to grab a QB but depending on who they get there is a chance they could look at Kapernik later in Free Agency (and lets face it Ohio is not really a good landing spot for a BLM activist QB)
The Texans – They’ll probably sign Kap if Romo signs elsewhere or retires but they aren’t budging till they find out what Romo is doing
The Broncos – Kap already screwed up the relationship with them by turning them down and demanding too much money
After that his only hope for a starting gig is if someone loses a QB in preseason or trying to guess which of the teams with the weak QB situations is most likely to bench the starter
Kaps problem he is a system quarterback and the system he okay (I’m being generous) is in is not the one most of the NFL plays. He hasn’t developed into a pocket passer. Most teams want their back up qb to run at least a large subset of their starting qb’s offence. Right now there are maybe 4 teams that might be able to use his strengths. Maybe one of those may need a backup.
Kaepernick’s problem is that every defensive coordinator but Dom Capers figured him out.
… An Overwatch player has had their character’s name (Trump4Prez) changed, despite it not appearing to breach Blizzard’s rules…
Name was in use long before election. Apparently TDS has spread to the Blizzard mods too
Naming Your Overwatch Character Trump Can Get Your Account Moderated
Blizzard’s response:
This is the same company that made a bunch of their characters gay, queer, or bi, when it had absolutely nothing at all whatsoever to do with the game, just to satisfy a bunch of snowflakes. Should not be surprising.
That’s silly. They did it to generate controversy and publicity for themselves. Most gamers aren’t going to quit playing because of some tweak to a character’s backstory, but if someone hears about it because there was a news article about Russia banning the character comics over gay propaganda and decides to give it a show, it’s a win for Blizzard.
Unless it’s a hentai game, when does a character’s sexual preferences ever matter?
That’s entirely my point. The game is a freaking team fortress style shooter and they went out of their way to write backstories specifically calling out the sexual identities of their characters. If that is not the definition of virtue signaling I don’t know what to call it.
Then again, to be fair, if we’re talking about Overwatch, a simple Google image search reveals that its fandom basically considers it a hentai game.
Rule 34, of course there’s porn of it.
Your tax dollars paid for this.
I know, right? I mean, it takes away all the mystery!
“Is that fictional big hunk of man muscle straight or gay? If straight, can I convince him to give it just one try?”
Now we’ll know for sure – where’s the fun in that?
Wait, when did they do that? I haven’t overwatched in months, but last I was checking shit out, only Anna could be argued to have revealed something about her sexual preference, given that she has a daughter.
I guess Widowmaker, maybe, what with being a widow, unless personality change also affected her orientation…
Dammit, Blizzard!
There was a Christmas comic released to flesh out the game world/add backstory.
Remember when someone being a lesbian ruffled feathers back in 1997?
God fucking damn, that was a horrible comic.
Tracer whatever, sure. But why the fuck is Widowmaker at her husband’s grave?!
She killed him because she got brainwashed and then went on to be a murderous gun-for-hire with an evil org. She loves mayhem, chaos and killing people! She shouldn’t give a shit about her husband.
I dunno much about it. The BF plays religiously, but I don’t prefer multiplayer stuff, so I’m just picking up pieces of the lore when he gabbles on about them. I know that I’m supposed to laugh when he says “It’s hiiiiigh noon” because there’s a guy that says it in game and it tickles him so.
I really enjoyed the lore and characters of it, but stopped playing for some reason.
Even if you’re not interested in the game itself, their animated movies are quite good, particularly the intro one, the Tracer/Widow and the Bastion shorts.
Tracer is gay:
And Blizzard has stated flat out there are ‘multiple gay characters in overwatch’
One of the most popular Hearthstone streamers and players goes by TrumpSC on stream, and his in-game name is just “Trump”. Hope they don’t make him change.
Before the election he was wearing a ‘Make Hearthstone Great Again!’ shirt during his streams.
Also, I beat the crap out of him once in arena. Yes I am very proud of it.
Blizzard has stupid name policies though. Had a friend whose name was his first and last name initials followed by Dawg in WoW. They made him change it because it wasn’t immersive or something. About that time someone hacked his account and they wouldn’t do anything about it so we both quit.
How did I survive the last 15 years without re-watching this badger clip?
Extreme asceticism?
Like those monks who make Chartreuse.
No mention of the snake?
What’s the over/under on the Atlanta bridge getting repaired in under 3 years?
Ugh. My Atlanta office is just north of there off of Windy Hill. Along with the new stadium it’s going to be a huge pain in the ass.
Windy Hill area shouldn’t be too impacted by the 85 collapse. Just their normal jacked up traffic and construction on 75 and surface street construction because of the Braves and the Braves. So good times.
I have it on good authority that fire cannot melt steel beams.
Just what is Atlanta trying to cover up, hmm? This all seems very suspicious.
*tightens tin foil hat*
Illuminati confirmed.
Gregor Ford, 38, had placed an advert on Facebook Marketplace on Wednesday
He invited a potential buyer to come and pick up the Odyssey putter for £20
Wait, who’s the dumb one in this situation?
Italian millennials ‘won’t reach financial independence until age 50’
American Millennials wonder: What’s their secret?
This is hands down the scariest shit I’ve seen in awhile.
You’ve been on a little people kick this week, no?
I don’t come to them.
They come to me.
“Fuck, I did it again!”
– said Jimbo, aka: Britney Spears
Wait, this is too much of a coincidence. Just yesterday I stumbled across a guy named FilthyFrank or ‘pink guy’. The guy coming into the bathroom… I’m pretty sure that’s him. And this video is exactly the kind of shit that the Pink Guy does. Kind of super-oddball performance art shit.
Diane, shut the fuck up.
Yeah, that’s the… non-serious side. I love that part where he slams himself into that picnic table full of dudes eating lunch. It seems that shit was real.
That is funny there.
And yes, that’s Joji/Filthy Frank
Yeah, I stumbled across him because this tune which is awesome.
My understanding is the above is actually an incomplete tune that someone else looped to extend. And you’re welcome.
From what I’ve read, his Joji persona is wholly serious musical production.
When my Grandpa was fighting the Germans in France during WW2, his unit used to save all their cigarette butts and donate them to the pygmies in Africa so the women could use them as tampons. He told me this when I was a fairly young kid, so it must be true.
They double as nicotine patches to help with smoking cessation.
From a freelance cartoonist/political commentator I’ve been following for years, some good advice:
How to be controversial in Canada and not lose your job
Meanwhile go talk to the average shithead nationalist Bloc Quebecois member. Quebec is good at dishing it out but are thin-skinned snowflakes when it comes their way.
There’s plenty to criticize Quebec society. PLENTY. They just don’t like to hear it from ‘les autres.’
If you click on the link and look at the comments… yup, there are right there raging.
I’m pretty much on board with that. The thing that bothers me is they do it all the time bashing Americans, Canadians etc. but that’s tolerated.
And fuck Revenue Quebec and the Liberal party. As for the other parties, fuck ’em worse.
“Your city’s infrastructure is falling apart, your government is corrupt, you’re extremely culturally insecure, you’re a leech on the rest of the country and your province has too many fucking Italians.”
What I heard is they don’t fuck enough.
Any worthwhile French Canadians moved to the US when they had a chance and learned to speak American. You got the dregs.
The notion that a calmly-argued editorial column deserves any sort of official reprimand is bizarre to American sensibilities.
Not so much any more.
“Italian millennials ‘won’t reach financial independence until age 50”
At which time they will immediately file for Social Security.
Japan really does have the best national anthem.
I hope they win a lot of gold medals in 2020.
Oh man, I just took a sip of coke before clicking on that.
The best part of that video is at 9 seconds in when a my-wife-in-a-nurse’s-uniform-looking motherfucker enters from the left and for no apparent reason spends the entire video just sitting in the back holding a manila folder up to her face.
She certainly makes sure her hair is perfect…regularly.
You’ve met my wife, I see.
Man, I have no interest in Total War: Warhammer, they’re dumbing down the series and they’re focusing on the least interesting races…
You best be not talking smack about my beloved Slann, Saurus, Skinks and Kroxigors.
I will cat-ass you.
Don’t test me.
Also that video gave me a boner.
No NSFW links, please.
I agree: No NSFW videos….We don’t need a video of your boner!
Or maybe just let us know it’s NSFW before we click it … Because I could handle seeing some more.
Is it sad that I’m all in for High Elves?
I dont’ care, Teclis is great, their models look awesome and their army is a vaguely Persian/Byzantine mix.
Kill-kill the elf-things!
I’m a fan of the only race that was even an attempt at originality.
How is this legal internationally for US regulators to impose fines on foreign banks? Unless they are licensed banks in the US as well. (honest question)
It always made me scratch my head why foreign banks give a shit what the US says.
It’s about pressure. Possibly like you say, if they do business IN the US, the US dept. of state can make things… difficult for them.
But if they don’t how would the US even have jurisdiction? Maybe that bank does do business here. Who knows.
What about FATCA?
Ya, FATCA is why if you are an American you can’t open a bank account anywhere but the US, but it always made me wonder why a foreign bank wouldn’t just tell them to fuck off, grab their balls, and say, “comply with this bitch”. I see how they can force a citizen to comply with reporting, but I never understood how they force banks unless they also do business and or are licensed here.
I would imagine that they’re giving those countries boatloads of your tax money to get compliance, as usual.
Because US can then say “no bank that wants to operate in US can do business with that bank” and go from there.
Nice bank you got here. Shame if something happened to it.
Sure someone already posted, but some of us have to work. Anyway, all behold … The Stickman!
We got into a small argument over him a few weeks ago, with me a few others screaming FUCK YA! MURICA! and at least one person decrying hitting people in the head with a stick.
that’s terrible.
You’ll break your stick doing that.
Someone’s played the new Zelda game…
its just common sense you should go for the soft, fleshy bits
“zut alors! c’est fantastique”
Btw I still die laughing everytime I watch this:
So is this a precursor to the ass pounder 4000?
Tales from da hood
Yeah, you got to read this, seriously, this is good.
My girl and I could help Bree work on her issues with sharing.