I hope everybody had a great weekend.  We finally started getting our pool ready to open but the rains yesterday, as well as the howling winds, tornadoes in the area and general unpleasantness mean that we probably won’t get it done until this next weekend.  Oh well, that’s life…

Anyway, let’s get to the links.

DNC Chairman Tom Perez.

President Trump finally spent some time talking healthcare with the right guy.  Let’s hope the golf outing helps him realize that the better way doesn’t have to initiate from his or Paul Ryan’s desk.

Apparently they like the strategy and the DNC says new chairman Tom Perez will not stop talking shit about the GOP or Trump’s victory not being a real victory.  Nobody asked his spokesperson if either of them understand electoral politics or if they have proof the Russians and Trump campaign actually colluded.  But it was Dave Weigel, so what did you expect?

Ryu don’t deserve this.

At least one man is laying out his evidence that Obama’s administration spied on his political opponents. And he also believes ::gasp!:: that the media is covering for him.

Talk about your gas face.

One of the greatest tragedies in sports that I can remember happened yesterday.  And no, I’m not talking about major league opening day not starting with the Cincinnati Reds playing their game before all the other openers.

And speaking of Opening Day.