One more day till The Masters! One more day till The Masters! One more day till The Masters! But first…the links.

Expect your sports coverage to include more of these people. Well, based on what I’ve seen for the last couple of years, two of the three anyway.
ESPN finally open about their policy of mixing sports and politics. Thanks, assholes. Way to take away the one respite I used to have.
The nuclear option on the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch is all but assured as neither side looks to be backing down.

Michael Mann: Climate “Scientist”.
Michael Mann: Major Maniacal Moron. Seriously, this might me the most narcissistic person on the face of the planet not named Donald or Barack.
Many of the bids for the border wall have been submitted and are now being made public. Some of them are pretty interesting. Some of them are pretty nutty.
President Trump’s education plan comes a little more into focus. And it does so while he takes a big swipe at Chicago’s failing public school system.
These invasive species wouldn’t have a chance
Australian customs seize mail consignment containing live reptiles and arachnids
wait, they were smuggling venomous snakes into Australia?
I disagree. I might me the most narcissistic.
As us Brits might say “Sending coals to Newcastle”.
Garlic Cheddar Beer Bread
3 Cups Flour
12 oz Beer*
8 oz Sharp Cheddar*
2 teaspoons Salt
3 1/2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
2 Tablespoons minced garlic*
Preheat oven to 350 F
Mix dry ingredients (Flour, Salt, Baking Powder). Add Garlic and Beer. Mix until dough forms. Add cheese and integrate.
Grease either one loaf pan or four mini-loaf pans. Divide dough among pans (or place into single pan) as per decision.
Bake for ~30-45 minutes. (cooking time will vary based upon pan type).
Note – this is a heavy bread.
* Type of beer or cheese and quantity of garlic can be adjusted to change the flavor to taste.
Um, thanks?
I should have given the complete lack of context some context.
There wasn’t much though, just thought that it was the sort of recipe some of the regulars would find tasty.
For breakfast?
Not necessarily. The prep/cook time combined is give or take an hour, so you’d have to have made it the day before.
Besides, flavored bread is good for any meal (or snack) where bread is acceptable.
Hmmm….maybe in a French toast….
It does sound pretty good.
Gosh… We post links, and your not happy, Give you tasty recipies and you’re unthankful. What can we do to please you guys?!?!
(to be sure…. that was just a joke)
I was just wondering if he had crossed streams by accident.
But I should have realized he didn’t when I noticed it wasn’t Gilmore.
Naw, I meant to share it with this group, I was just too preoccupied with making sure I had written it down correctly to notice I’d forgotten to state why I was sharing a bread recipe.
And it is appreciated.
The wife makes a beer bread (similar to your base recipe, less the cheese and garlic) but pours a stick of melted butter on the loaf after it’s in the pan, prior to baking. Makes a super cripsy (and tasty: butter, duh) crust with a soft fluffy interior.
I was deliberately aiming for a very heavy bread with cheese and garlic infusion (and less of a noticable crust).
Add cheese and integrate.
I have a strict white-bread policy in my diet.
What, no cultural apropriation? What sort of shitlord are you?
Dammit! I failed to update before posting.
Add cheese and integrate.
I’m glad to see UCS is finally integrating. Racist shitlord.
/Wondering about Irish
That tells me you didn’t finish reading, because it all goes into an oven not long thereafter…
Who’s the secret Nazi now?
ESPN desperately trying to lose more customers?
What is it with some people and politics? “A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.”
They’re following in the long line of esteemed sports writers that think their hot take on politics is gonna resonate with all of their readers.
In other words, they’re fucking up.
“At ESPN, our reputation and credibility with viewers, readers and listeners are paramount.
Judging by the comments, they are going to succeed. In a few years I’ve gone from an everyday viewer of SportsCenter and some of their talk shows – to watching only games I truly care about on their network.
They’re getting savaged in the comments
Succeed in losing more customers.
I remember the late 80’s / early 90’s fondly. Hardly anything was politicized compared to today. Seinfeld got away with all kinds of stuff that would never be on TV now. And if I wanted harmless fun, I could watch some videos on MTV or sports highlights on ESPN.
Now they all unwatchable shit. No wonder they are hemorrhaging money while people find actual entertainment on streaming video services.
Totally. Everything’s about “The Message” these days. Personally, I blame progressivism (shocking, right?) and its “total war” approach to politics.
I wrote up a review of Difficult People over the weekend. I found it very funny, despite being the sort of thing my fag hag friend from long ago would have liked. All about gays, New York, show biz, etc. But it goes the 30 Rock route and mocks all of those things, which you probably have to do to make the people ensconced in those bubbles laugh.
Then I caught a recent episode of Kaitlin Olsen’s new vehicle The Mick that incorporated trans rights and a young boy (like, seven) wearing skirts to school. It was antiseptic pap, all medicinal and cloying however smoothly Olsen tried to play off the lines. This is an It’s Always Sunny alum trying her hand at breaking out of cringe comedy and appealing to mainstream consumption.
So it’s sanctimony for people who mostly don’t care about that sort of thing and irreverence for the people who mostly do.
Re: The Mick: Kaitlin Olsen’s recent round of botox makes watching it distracting as hell.
That’s a shame. I was wondering about that show. I’m a huge Always Sunny fan and my kid watches Finding Dory at least once a day, so I appreciate her turn as a whale shark.
There were some funny episodes early on, so maybe this one was aberrant. I was hoping there’d be a gradual degeneracy a la IAS as the show proceeds, but I’m not sure that’s going to happen. Also, the older nephew is obnoxious.
And the little boy in the skirt, let’s be clear, is played off as a freak most of the time. So to suddenly hold him up as this font of normality that the show coalesces around, because so woke, is a huge departure and the implication is pretty insulting. It was just a dumb development.
Relevent: Kendall Jenner’s new Pepsi ad torn to shreds on social media
I saw this at a couple of sites and someone was bitching that Pepsi had appropriated “protest culture”. I. Shit. You. Not.
And the only thing I don’t understand is why? I mean, these are presumably for-profit businesses. As you mentioned, their profits have been sagging with the collapse in interest from profitable demographic markets (almost a decade ago I remember reading a programming exec whining about the desertion of males 18-35 to video games. She was with ABC when their prime time lineup was Grays Anatomy, Dancing with the Stars and The Bachelor – duh!). You’d think someone would put their foot down and say “Enough is enough. This is about money, not your politics.”. Yet, every year, these businesses make less money and become more partisan shill.
I’m almost inclined to think that the problem is a broken market for corporate governance in Hollywood. Shareholders have no ability to do anything about mismanagement so there’s no particular incentive for managers to worry about shareholders, rather than use their position for their own personal enrichment.
Mike and Mike are still good but fortunately they go out of their way to generally steer clear of politics and when they absolutely must engage with it they stay as neutral as possible
So…very Swiss of them!
What? Different strokes and all, but Mike and Mike is about the blandest thing on the radio. 2 guys who don’t watch sports, being fed stats and info from an army of producers, always sucking up to guests, and faking “controversy” and humor. And they cravenly invent scenarios just to create content.
“During the break lol, you won’t believe this, lol sorry I can barely tell the story I’m laughing so hard. Anyway, during the break I take one bite of my Danish. ONE BITE lol. and Golic looks at me and says, “Are you gonna finish that?” lol I’m sitting here having taken ONE BITE and Golic wants to finish my Danish. Unbelievable lol”
“Let’s go to the twitter feed for reaction on Golic wanting to eat my Danish. At Jimmy Eats Pud writes, “ha typical Golic, always eating food.” LOL if that isn’t the absolute truth.”
*Spends next two hours coming back to this entirely contrived event*
Is there any political talk in the morning drive anywhere? It seems to be the most apolitical of time-slots. Most of the big political talkers work late morning/early afternoon when people are listening at work.
C-SPAN, if you want to feel yourself wishing for a massive, extinction-event comet strike.
SMOD 2020!
If you are near the west coast lots of markets have Armstrong & Getty. They are amusing because they are open libertarianish and focus on the western part of the country and California.
A&G is great.
That’s about how I feel. Love sports or nothing on ESPN for me. Their commentary has gone to shit and is now unwatchable.
The politicization of everything might be the thing I hate the most about the left.
More Jemele Hill people!
I went to college with her. I don’t think she wrote a single sports article for the student paper during her time there. Lots of race-baiting bs, though. I was shocked when she started writing sports stories in legit newspapers.
I haven’t watched ESPN for years. I don’t understand why anyone would want to.
The only time I watch is if they have the national broadcast for the Yankees or the Giants. And I still can’t stand listening to them, their commentary fucking sucks.
I watch their NFL and some MLB (sound off as well) plus ESPN Classics from time to time. Once on a slow holiday period day I turned on a repeat of a 1970s Steelers Raiders game at work. The youngsters there suddenly understood why us “more seasoned” fans wax nostalgic for that era NFL.
It wouldn’t surprise me if most pro athletes were conservatives. Regardless, no matter which side they lean, ESPN risks alienating half their audience.
Sure why not?
Will Trump’s populism turn America into Venezuela?
So that’s what fucked up Venezuela! That guy managed to write that whole article without the word “socialism” appearing once.
Maybe you get an FDR, but more likely a Mussolini or Chavez.
Wait, is he trying to say there was more than a hair’s width between FDR and the other two? Because history would probably disagree (except on the Mussolini jumping to the Axis side in WW2.
Yeah. It wasn’t until i was in college, watching a documentary on WW2, that i realized that democracy may have won, but liberty certainly didn’t. All the war measures put in place were mirror images of economic measures that the Nazis, soviets and Italians put in place. At least we can take refuge in the fact that our leader didn’t imprison a single racial group and give all their stuff to a ‘Racially superior” group.
True. Our leader spread their possessions (like the businesses they owned and the homes they were forced to abandon) around rather than identify a single group to give them to.
See, they were thinking like true
SocialistsKeynsians, spreading the wealth to boost the economyHe seems to be conflating “populist” with “socialist”. And he actually seems to believe FDR was good for the country.
It’s like the left forgot how Chavez’ Venezuela was the model for America on so many levels
Chavez just didn’t socialism correctly. Also, hoarders, kulaks, and wreckers.
No one ever does socialism properly, it seems.
That’s just because it is predicated on people not acting like people. So it always runs into Kulaks, Wreckers and Hoarders.
Wow, that Forbes piece is from 2012. I wonder what Mr Martinez thinks now?
Yeah, found it when i was actually looking for the salon piece, (which i think is fairly famous now as being “funny” when you juxtapose it with current affairs.) I had to skim through it to make sure it wasn’t anything innocuous, and boy was it a doosey.
for those who saw the article and thought ‘tl:dr’:
The author claims that because Venezuela was able to implement elections, administered end to end, electronically, that we in the US should follow suit. Also it was a double plus good because there was no evidence of election tampering. (TBF Chavez was very popular, but even in that election people were saying he was supposed to loose).
Not Venezuela, Trump will turn us into the Punjab.
“Lots has happened since then, including Trump bullying businesses to keep jobs in the U.S., his failed travel ban, and the humiliating collapse of health-care reform.”
The left still have still not grasped the fact that most of us on the right are cheering the collapse of Ryan’s Obamacare Lite bullshit. Everything is black or white to them, they can’t seem to grasp any sort of nuance or subtleties in anything and they cannot seem to look any further into the future than 0 seconds from right now.
The fact that they are falling all over each other in a big circle jerk over Ryan’s failure to save Obamacare from itself is such stupidity that it boggles the mind.
Also the travel ban has NOT failed, it has been temporarily blocked. Again, they have no sense of how things might play out differently than what they can see right at the moment. Dummies.
This almost looks like it was on purpose:
Truck driver revives bizarre ‘wolf-horse creature’ before it disappears into the woods
That picture does not match that description. I see a dog.
*reads further*
“It was later identified as a guara wolf – also known as a maned wolf– a predator indigenous to South America.” A canid. Though the article does not appear to state where this happened. Except in the URL which states “Brazil”. Since that creature is native to South America, I’m going to call this truck driver an idiot.
1. What up with Randy? Where’s homeboy’s shirt?
2. I came here for a wolf-horse, damn it, not a glorified fox.
3. Good on him for helping an animal out, but what does hunting panthers have to do with anything?
That’s a dog.
From the ESPN comments, a hilarious exchange:
The first comment is in response to someone saying they just want their sports coverage to be a break from the endless political news bullshit.
Kevin Cisney · Graduate Research Assistant at The University of Utah
Sounds like someone needs a safe space. 😉
Like · Reply · 4 · Apr 3, 2017 6:56pm
followed by
Dean Counts · Firefighter/EMT at Clark County Fire District 13
Kevin Cisney go back to pushing papers on the tax payers dime
Unlike · Reply · 6 · 16 hrs
The cognitive dissonance is strong with both of them.
My take on the whole thing is they could have saved some effort, and said, “We will now allow our personnel to openly bash Trump on the air”.
They could just turn “Two Minute Hate” into a regular feature.
And schedule it for every 2 minutes.
Looking up Kevin, looks like he graduated last year… with a statistics and Urban Planning degree.
I’m a statistics guy, but i’ll say that there is nothing worse than a bureaucrat with statistics. They literally think they are God. They immediatly forget key assumptions becasue they get enthralled with their
wet dreamsplans, that are baked up by Data! Data is great, but if you think you can plan society with the little data that you colllected from a 100 question mandatory survey, you may just be reaching peak “pretense of knowledge”.In partial defense of the firefighter – while he is on the taxpayers dime he does useful and tangible things unlike grad school boy. SLD that firefighting and EMS can be done outside of government.
Bigfoot program planned at Loudonville museum
“…what evidence is still needed to determine if one of America’s most persistent myths really exists.”
I am not an expert but let me take a stab at this. The same evidence needed to determine if AGW is real, i.e. verifiable empirical observation?
Shit, another “denier”!
Please do not teach fools to be even dumber. Put up a statue of a bigfoot like thing and put a sign on it that says ‘This creature does not exist’. Then maybe someone can learn something.
I’m not saying it was bigfoot…
WSJ reports that Susan Rice Was Not Alone In ‘Unmasking’ Team Trump
…although when Rice testifies under oath before the House Intel Committee, we hope that all outstanding questions will finally get answers.
Not likely.
Racist AND sexist!
She’s gonna blame it on a youtube video and promise to get to the bottom of it.
She’s a known liar. Then again, I can’t think of anyone in this story who isn’t.
There’s no way she will incriminate herself or anyone else. Especially not after Lerner got off scot-free.
I still don’t understand why Trump kept on political hack Comey as FBI director.
Comey did Trump a solid just before the election, remember?
BY refusing to recommend indictment of his opponent after publicly giving a litany of her numerous crimes?
The Treasonous Comey threw the election to non-President Trump by reopening a nothing investigation on her High Holiness Woman President True President Elected by Popular Vote President.
He would have to fire him, and that isn’t done without a good reason. Lots of downside to it, and very little upside.
Valerie Jarrett, perhaps? It’s been reported that she also had “unmasking” privileges.
How could she have “unmasking privileges”? These are staffers. Fuck me. If that is true, this is way out of hand.
Look… you just aren’t thinking clearly. We have repeatedly been told by administrations of both parties that safeguards are in place to prevent this mass surveillance from being misused. Why, just last night MSNBC was abuzz with people telling me that Rice did nothing wrong, and was just doing her normal job.
In fact, it could not possibly have been political – because the election was already over. They said so… right there on MSNBC. And CNN.
So get your head on right. There is not one shred of evidence that there was anything improper here. Chris Mathews says so. (please pay no attention to the fact that Obama administration officials bragged about their strategy to leave behind classified intelligence reports scattered about the government so that they could be leaked after Trump took office. That is totally not relevant here.)
I’ve accepted that nefarious events occurred, but I’m still baffled why we are surprised that when somebody says to a subordinate “who are the people mentioned in this report?” and the subordinate knows the answer that they…answer their bosses question?
Well, MSNBC has spoken on the matter.
Racist and Sexist
That didn’t take long, did it? Don’t those guys have any new stuff?
“So they are making her, you know, basically they’re defaming her without any reason to do so because she’s a woman. Maybe because she’s a black woman. ”
Wow, that’s solid-gold retarded.
Windsor strippers hit hardest?
Huge Increase In Americans Denied Entry To Canada
Judging by pre-election threats, this really seems just like a self-preservation measure on the part of Canada.
Someone needs to start posting car articles. The topics that end up with a ton of comments are always about cars. (and drinking, and recipes).
OK. Here is a car story.
I hope they get a lawyer soon that tells them to STFU unless they want to be bankrupt.
Didn’t mean to sound bossy. Sorry, man.
You didn’t sound bossy. And I was looking for an article to toss out as bait for the lawyer contingent here anyway.
I figured by now one of the gearheads would have written something up for a post. There’s some very well informed people ghere when it comes to vehicles. I remember the other place some post would be about some issue and the whole comment section was about cars LOL
Which Companies are Winning the Autonomous Vehicle Race?
I would not willingly ride in a Government Motors autonomous vehicle.
You’ll get nothing and like it!
What a bizarre photo. When Judge Smails made that statement, he was playing golf with his grandson Spaulding, Bishop Pickering and Dr Beeper and Danny Noonan was on his bag. They were approaching the halfway house grill and Spaulding was saying what he wanted to eat.
But that photo looks like it’s from the scene at the beginning of the movie when Smails is driving into the club grounds and confronts his greenskeeper Sandy McFiddish about the gopher invasion turning in from the Czervik construction site nearby.
Look at Mr. Pedantic here
That’s exactly the scene – “Do you know what gophers can do to a golf course??”
Such a great movie. Can’t hear the Kenny Loggins song without thinking about it.
I wouldn’t ride in ANY autonomous vehicle. Any that doesn’t allow me the option of driving it myself, anyway. I’ve been round and round on this one at the other place, but ultimately if I’m not in control of my vehicle then that means someone else is.
No flying for you, I guess.
I mean, sure, maybe you have a pilots license. But I am guessing no.
On the other hand, I’m not worried that the plane isn’t going to take me where I specifically paid them to go, other than for unavoidable reasons. The plane isn’t going to taxi back to the gate and tell me “Sorry, tovarisch, climate justice dictates that you return home as you have travelled enough this month.”
I doubt JohnnieCab would do that any more than Delta would.
Actually, with Delta….
I’m not worried that the plane isn’t going to take me where I specifically paid them to go
Not unless you mix up your Sydneys, anyway.
Or your Birminghams.
That happened recently too. Brits arent the smartest people.
To be fair, Commodius, the plane did take that guy where he paid to go. He was the one who bought the wrong ticket.
Well a plane is an avoidable and usually rare form of travel. Using an autonomous vehicle for everyday travel allows your movements to be tracked and recorded every time you leave your home.
Using an autonomous vehicle for everyday travel allows your movements to be tracked and recorded every time you leave your home.
Street cameras allow that for regular vehicles.
Street cameras allow that for regular vehicles.
Kind of in a heavy urban area. The closest street camera to me is an hour and a half drive away.
Even in a heavy urban environment, it would require an enormous amount of computing power to continuously piece together images from cameras to form a log for every car that is constantly updated with a driver’s current location, speed, and time spent traveling. I doubt this is even possible to do for every single car in existence at every moment with current availability.
On the other hand, it would be very easy to form a continuously updated log for every autonomous vehicle.
The day of stopping flights for social justice was delayed by HRC losing to DT. You haven’t closely checked a airline ticket receipt lately. The Obumbles administration mandated your contribution of carbon dioxide be included on it. I noticed before I had a work trip to Korea and immediately thought. “Shit fire! I better not fly to Korea and kill the Earth. I’ll just go to Waikiki and rent a stand up paddle board and get to Korea that way.”
I am assuming all the gizmos on top of that car are sensors and cameras. (You can tell I am up on the technology by the use of the word gizmo) What do those cars do in a full on blizzard? Just stop? I have seen some comment here that they work in the industry.
There are plenty of sensors that work better than your eyes in bad weather.
“Can’t see the road at all” is a tough one, although a computer has a better shot at it in the long run than a human.
Level 5 sounds great and all, because you finally get Fireball and Lightning Bolt, but you also start to encounter much nastier foes.
Not an article per se, but here’s some excellent eye candy:
My guess is that this one will fetch north of $60K. I’ve been lusting after these since I was a wee little tyke. It’s been billed as the “poor man’s GT-40”, but to me it’s the ultimate supercar – Italian body and chassis, German gearbox and American muscle that may as well be fueled by cheeseburgers and big tits. What’s not to love?
I’ve also long dreamed of someday having the chance to try stuffing a Boss 429 into one of these. They share the same bellhousing as the 351 Cleveland mills that these came equipped with, so my guess is that all it would take is some massaging of the engine bay to accept the taller deck height.
I think I just outed myself as a car nerd.
As long as the electronics and instrumentation weren’t British.
One of my favorite jokes:
Why do Brits drink their beer warm?
Because Lucas designed refrigerators too.
I lol’d
Just me or does Blumenthal look like a Hollywood evil slimeball villain? At least they dropping the mask. After they blast through Gorsuch with the nuclear option, we get Judge Napolitano.
So very, very stupid on their part to blow up the filibuster over someone like Gorsuch, because now they won’t have it if Trump’s next nominee really is some kind of right-wing radical. Morons.
This. Nominating a highly respected jurist of impeccable character for them to reject was grade-A Trump trolling at it’s finest.
Yup, it’s an idiot move. Gorsuch will get confirmed, either with or without the nuclear option. But, let’s say they were somehow able to stop his confirmation. Then what? Do they think we’not going to have an eight-person SCOTUS for the next four years? Do they think Trump is going to replace Gorsuch with a foaming-at-the-mouth progressive? And then what happens when any other Justices die?
He’s CT’s version of Al Franken, without the residuals from Saturday Night Live reruns.
“…we get Judge Napolitano.”
From your lips to Trump’s ear Drake. That really would be too much to hope for, wouldn’t it?
*something has been bugging me about Napolitano. FOX has canned him twice now. Is Napolitano some kind of mouthy malcontent that cant get along with people? Not a team player, a wave maker, a boat rocker? If so I like him better than ever.
Fox seems a bit schizophrenic these days. I love that the moment he got back on air, the Judge repeated the statement that got him suspended. Don’t apologize or back-down if you are right.
He’s also a shameless liar, even by politician standards, claiming to be a Vietnam veteran when he never left CONUS.
He’s a “Vietnam Era Veteran”. A while back I got some kind of Cold-War veteran plaque from Uncle Sam. Just as meaningless.
Yes, that’s how he spins it now, but he literally said “When I served in Vietnam…”
Lying sack of shit. I refuse to acknowledge him and the blessedly dead Murtha as Marines.
Well duh, he was expecting you to impute the missing values. See you were supposed to read it like this:
“When I served in [the Marine Corps, while America was fighting North] Vietnam….
..when I served
in theMarines [in the hot order line]…</em]?The most accurate would be “When I served in Toys for Tots…”
That would effectively mean that Trump could nominate radical type judge (libertarian) according to Democrats and there would effectively be nothing the Democrats could do. So yeah, when that old buzzard keels over, bring on the judge Napolitano. Can you even imagine the pantshitting on the left? It would be glorious.
I just googled this guy and it appears as if his entire judge resume is 8 years as a state judge in Delaware? He would be summarily be rejected by both sides as completely unqualified.
He’s very libertarianish, so I’d vote for confirm him if I was in Congress. The less time he’s spent in the system, the better, because it means he’s probably not as corrupted as most.
Anyway, how hard is it to read the Constitution and interpret it as written? To most people with all this legal experience, it seems to be very difficult. But anyone could do it, no law degree needed.
But if he’d never practiced law at all and was a Harvard professor, he’d slide right through, right?
I’m gonna presume you’re referring to Hillary’s possible appointment of Obama? I can just imagine his 2nd amendment rhetoric.
“If if if if if if if if if if… umm… if if if if if if … children were supposed to be running around with machine guns…”
I was referring to Kagan, actually.
Here’s an interesting factoid from the intertoobz, several different sources.
So, if like 50% of those guys who wrote this stuff and signed it were not lawyers, then why the hell do we need a lawyer to interpret it? Sure we need lawyers to twist and contort it to mean whatever they want it to.
Well, sure, back then anybody could have done it. But it’s a “living Constitution” and it’s been living for over two hundred years. Interpreting something so old and antiquated in a modern context takes special training.
Will-ett! Will-ett!
What a world class asshole Mann is.
The Real Russiagate: Obama’s Stasi State
They cheated, and still lost. Sad.
After getting away with all the bullshit they’ve gotten away with over the last 8 years, especially Hillary’s server scandal, I’m 100% convinced at this point that they believe they can get away with anything. Which is sure to make their behavior even worse in the future. We’re looking at a complete breakdown of the rule of law if something is not done.
The Michael Mann story is completely unsurprising.
AGW is a con. It was always a con and it was always transparent as hell that it was a con. These people need to be body slammed hard. OK, maybe not body slammed but have their taxpayer funded paychecks taken away.
*thinks about damage done to the credibility of science*
Oh fuck it. Body slam the bastards.
I forgot where the dingleberry works so I googled. From his Wikipedia page – “He has pioneered techniques to find patterns in past climate change, and to isolate climate signals from “noisy data”. That is a pretty good spin on scrying.
It really doesn’t take much in the way of smarts to isolate signals (data I like) from noise (data I don’t like).
I also love how they are always “correcting” actual measured historical temperatures down to try to make any recent warming seem more significant.
I think I saw something yesterday about ‘personhood’ for glaciers.
Ya, in the Himilayas? India did it. I saw that. Stay tuned for class action lawsuits in a world court about the melting person glaciers.
Can you blame them on trying to cash out on AGW like Gore?
Glaciers, gender, and science: A feminist glaciology framework for global environmental change research
Another Alan Sokal type hoax?
Apparently not. There were many passionate defenses.
The H&R thread from The Before Times was a good one.
That was a good thread! Fun, funny with actual interplay between commentators. Alas we mourn the mist shrouded glades of Logres, abandoned by the faithful in search of cocktail parties, beset by the Tulpatudinous horde, berated by the Mad Prophet Hihn, confused by the spellings of John the psychic, and finally devastated by the great battles of the Trumpocolypse.
No, this one was actually for real. Seriously.
Does Sage publish anything that isn’t completely batshit?
It’s a peanut of truth surrounded by the turd of collectivism.
I like your analogy better. The con has attached itself to global warming. The con was there long before global warming, and it will be there long after global warming. The con lives for ever, using any leverage it can find.
C’mon, Michael Mann, make something like Thief or Manhunter again. All will be forgiven.
At least I couldn’t see the comments on the ESPN story.
Shia LaBeouf Thriller ‘Man Down’ Sells Just One Ticket at U.K. Box Office
It grossed close to half a million in the US. I don’t know what it’s budget was, and can’t be arsed to look it up.
Got 15% on rottentomatoes. I guess casting a whiny SJW with TDS as a recently returned marine was a less than inspired choice.
No, casting a shitty actor in a shitty movie was less than inspired. Hollywood is full of SJW’s with TDS – it’s practically a given that most actors fall into that category. However, some of them are actually compelling actors, especially when given a decent script and good direction.
I remember on Super Bowl Sunday this year, I didnt think about politics all day. Probably for the first time in several months.
Then the next morning I saw some network talking about how Robert Kraft, Bill Belichek, and Tom Brady have some kind of connection to Trump. The feeling was nice while it lasted, but anyone who tried to make the Super Bowl into some bullshit political story like Black America’s Falcons vs Trump’s Patriots can go suck a dick.
There were plenty of non-political stories surrounding this year’s Super Bowl, but the talking heads couldn’t take off their Trump shades.
/rant off
The connections (at least for Brady and Belichek) amounted to having met Trump once and failing to properly virtue-signal about how horrible he is.
Not quite, Brady had a MAGA hat in his locker earlier in the season. He refused to talk politics though. I seem to remember hearing that Trump was one of the few people backing Brady’s credibility during the early stages of Deflategate, so it could just be about that.
Leading up to the election, Trump read a letter from Bill Belichek to a crowd in NH. It sounded like it was a private letter, and I seriously doubt BB wants to wade into politics, at least publically.
So there is some stuff there, but I highly doubt there would be the same amount of coverage if they had been seen with a “I’m with HER!” or “It’s HER turn!” tshirt.
You mean like the glowing coverage they give Popovich every time he opens his crater-lined face to talk shit about Team Red?
And them jettisoning Schilling when he dumped on Team Blue.
It’s hard for this lifelong Spurs fan to follow the team too closely while Gregg Pockovich still runs things. Fantastic coach, but Christ what an asshole.
Definitely a disparity in how Team Red guys and Team Blue guys are covered.
But Curt Shilling is a conspiracy nut weirdo. Not some run of the mill conservative ESPN axed for supporting a lower capital gains tax
Obviously you didn’t watch the super bowl ads then. There was a lot of subtle politics thrown in.
Ads? I own a remote control.
Ugh. Yea the ads this year were awful. Since when did people decide that people want to see touchy feely bullshit ads instead of hilarious ads?
Well, Hardee’s is axing the hot chicks in bikinis ads. The advertising world is going right down the toilet.
They have ads about how they are changing their ads.
The real It’s a Beautiful Day
Trivia: I played a gig with their violinist back in the day.
You were serious about that hippie thing weren’t you?
Where’s the youtube of OMWC?
There actually are a few. No way I’m putting up THOSE links.
Did you wear flowers in your hair?
I was not in San Francisco. I like girls.
Thank Heaven
A heaping helping of jibber-jabber to dunk in your coffee.
How Americans restore trust may be an existential question for our country, then, but it’s ultimately a practical one, and our elected officials should advance ideas not with lamentations but with practical measures.
I’ve seen articles that say PBS and its member stations are ranked first in public trust among nationally known institutions. Why then would we degrade or destroy an institution that binds us together?
We need public media that acts as our largest classroom. We need broadcasting that treats us as citizens, not simply as consumers. We need a strong civil society where the connection between different people and groups is firm and vibrant, not brittle and divided. We need to defend against weaknesses within and enemies without, using the tools of civil society and hard power. We don’t have to pick one over the other.
Like Big Brother in a muppet suit, PBS makes us safer.
I mean as soon as sesame street stops getting government funding, and it has to turn an evil profit to survive, we will all magically stop trusting it. It’s not the programming that builds trust, you see, it’s the backing paycheck, and the only backer that leftists trust is Señor Gobierno.
Seasame Street is a First Run HBO series now. PBS shows reruns a few months after the fact.
“…Why then would we degrade or destroy an institution that binds us together?”
With Antiques Roadshow?
the connection…is firm and vibrant… hard power
Guy likes his euphemisms
I’d need to see how the questions were phrased, but I suspect a lot of “public trust” findings are just lists of public institutions ranked from least objectionable. That’s not the same thing as some undergirding desirability for PBS.
Why Can’t We Accept Straight Men Who Have Gay Sex?
I don’t consider myself a fat fuck, but my size 40 pants persist in telling me otherwise.
Hey he identifies as straight and that is what is important.
Straight into that guy’s ass! Amirite?
So you’re saying he’s transhetero?
Yes but even that term conveys a homonormative bias. He does not identify as transhetero, he identifies as fully heterosexual, just like any other hetrosexual man.
Don’t believe your lying ass.
Was going to look up a meme about this… but then had second thoughts…
something something down low
That new Fusion portion of the Gawker corpse is an amazing waltz into insanity. It’s like a Breitbart strawman of a lefty website, except it’s real and none of the authors realize how stupid they are.
Fusion just replaced Jezebel as my favorite place to hate read.
Is it on Everyday Feminism’s level? I’ve never felt convinced that EF truly is not a wickedly funny parody.
It takes itself way more seriously than EF. EF is trying to appeal to the high school and college crowd, I feel like. Fusion thinks of itself as Very Serious Journalism Business
The comments are filled with your typical 35 year old Sociology M.A. currently working as call center operator who is slightly more well read than your typical EF writer…but not enough to actually make a coherent argument
It’s the resurrection of Gawker. I’m surprised it took this long.
I get my hate reading in at /r/politics comments.
I can’t hold my liquor with Hate reading. Getting a distilled version through here is enough for me.
I never really understood why mumbling gibberish about squaring the circle without ever getting into specifics is considered intellectual. I guess if you have no real understanding of explicit knowledge murky pseudo-intellectual bullshit is indistinguishable from hard science.
The same way the defense of “art” can sound like the tailors for the “Emperor’s New Clothes”. the first few people in convinced unsofisticated rubes that those who argued against their bullshit were unsophisticated rubes. Then it sort of degenerated into a cargo cult of intellectual veneer, where if you make the noises that sound sufficiently sophisticated, you’re applauded. The lack of intellectual rigor gets overlooked by people who’ve never been taught to think about it.
The article does make a valid point that there is difference between having sex and being in a relationship.
This has been the best article I have come across concerning dirty Rice.
I am not sure if it has been linked to yet. Apologies if it has.
But i was assured by the logic “She didn’t know it was a Trump Team member because he was masked before, so the only way she could have known is if she unmasked him” that she did nothing wrong.
So is “you have to pass it in order to find out what’s in it” an accepted strategy now? My toddler takes that approach to a lot of things in life. I mean, if I tell her not to stand up on chairs because she might fall off, obviously the only way to know which chairs I’m talking about is to stand on each one and see what happens, right? That’s just common sense.
She’s just empirically validating your claims about falling off chairs.
You know who else questioned other peoples claims?
Because she could have know that people working at Trump Tower were working for Trump?
Lately, I am perpetually amused that the same sort (or, in some cases, the exact same people) who used to downplay the threat posed by the Soviet Union are now channeling James Jesus Angleton with their rants about the insidious Russian menace. I guess the fact that Russia is no longer explicitly Leninist is what bugs them?
Ted Kennedy tried to make an explicit deal with Andropov during his ’84 Presidential campaign. But that’s okay because both were right-thinking people.
would have been a good deal, Andropov didn’t even last into the caucus season
He still served longer than Chernenko.
That’s like when Ecbert offered Bjorn and the other Ragnarssons a land deal, but never told them he had abdicated and had no authority to offer them land.
Juuuust in case you thought eugenics was dead and gone…this from Denmark.
I think they secretly want to *be* Legos.
You know who else wanted to eliminate a group of people…
Al Capone?
Planned Parenthood?
Progressives who want to stop people from ‘voting against their interests’?
Mackenzie King?
The 2016 Chicago Cubs?
Oh, who doesn’t, really?
Chuck Barris?
Hit and Run?
Yowch! That one is going to sting.
Slammer wins.
My family and extended family do work with a camp that hosts mentally and physically disabled people.
You could only hope to enjoy life as much as those people there with downs syndrome.
What fun would that be?
In this edition, a feminist argues that government support for families should be explicitly structured around the idea of promoting equality of
outcomeschoices among genders.There are a lot of potential explanations for this: Backlash against women’s gains in the political and economic realm. Rabid campaigning from conservative groups.
And maybe observation and experience over the past decades regarding the actual reality of these arrangements?
Rage. Rising.
Come on Kristen, submit your body and will to the collective goal (as determined by Top Women).
So let’s retire the image of the woman who can bring home bacon, cook it in a pan, and make sure the men around her feel acceptably masculine in the process. Instead, let’s commit to a collective struggle for the policies that will actually enable gender equality in people’s real lives—policies like paid family leave, universal healthcare, universal education, a living wage, and universal childcare.
This is hilarious. So, let’s admit that women can’t achieve “equality” without special subsidies and privileges from big daddy government?
I saw a similar argument (from a femenist) the other day, if i see it again, i’ll know its a talking point. Anywho it is interesting to me that they are taking this angle that Working Women also do everything at home. If my Wife worked a Job, i’d expect myself to do the Housework, and take care of the kids. Women shouldn’t put up with it, but they should also recognize that there is a division of labor. If you want to be the bread winner, find a partner who is willing to stay at home and take care of the family, don’t expect the rest of us to pay to fulfill your multitude of fantasies.
And don’t forget the uncompensated emotional labor that women enact, just putting up with your patriarchal bullshit.
Maybe I’m just too much of a compulsive planner, but I would work out household roles before cohabiting with someone.
When I read things like this I feel like Marlin in Finding Nemo.
Something did jump out at me though: “collective struggle”. Wow, the mask drops, eh?
Also, is it me or is this person saying essentially that women can’t be equal to men without government subsidies? Or that scarcity of time and other resources means that you have to make tough choices that might involve sacrificing time, or money, or career advancement? Nah, couldn’t be the last one.
It’s a lament that the culture is moving in the other direction (primarily because the generation after the millenials is more conservative).
She’s using the false consciousness argument as the reason why this is occurring and is stating that government needs to step in and help those misguided women make the right choices as determined by her and her ilk.
Maybe if we set up some camps to help reeducate those suffering under a false consciousness we can make a great leap forward and 100 flowers can blossom in a sort of revolution of our culture!
I read a pretty good takedown of that study by a statistician, but for the life of me I can’t remember who or where or what the particulars were (it got a bit out in the weeds and I’d been drinking).
In short, there may be good reasons to doubt its validity.
It wouldn’t be surprising at all. In fact, it wouldn’t be surprising if the study were concocted solely to create a “problem” that had to be fixed.
“…let’s commit to a collective…”
NO, lets not. Go fuck yourself Reina.
It reads to me like she read up on the “Free-Rider Problem” and determined that the problem was she was not the free rider. So she needed to invent a collective to cover for her lack of personal performance.
Well put. I like that.
A co-worker was developing some strategies for a presentation he was making about how to keep people from having to leave work early and be able to continue to work throughout the day with less life distractions.
I said as quickly as possible, “have the wife stay home and take care of the kids.” fun times were had by all.
He did not take my suggestion.
The Weather Channel is relatively politics-free. They do talk about climate once in a while, and Sam Champion had an obnoxious preachy show called 23.5 Degrees, but I don’t think that’s on anymore. On account of the obnoxious preachiness, I assume. Weather Channel viewers just want to see tornadoes & hurricanes.
I never got the attraction to watching weather for more than a couple minutes to see what the forecast was…and maybe to catch the temps in a few other places during football season.
And I lived in serious hurricane area for two years (we got hit by 4 of them when I lived there). But I still rarely did more than glance at the weather so I could dress appropriately even then.
Well, there is the fact that I am a gigantic nerd and I like hearing about SLIM and steering currents.
I don’t know if it is true anymore, but TWC once had pretty good music. Also, if you have a pilot’s license, you watch it religiously.
They got rid of the music, unfortunately. My Shazam app got a workout with the Weather Channel back in the day (like, 3-4 years ago)
When I wanted politics-free viewing, I found the Landscape Channel to be about the best.
Except around Christfag Season. That Yule Log was quite apolitical.
There’s also Slow TV:
Warning: autoplay (non-audio) video.
I got into a discussion about mountaineering with a Facederp friend yesterday. She had read Into Thin Air and come to the typical progressive elitist conclusion that the Sherpa people are childlike primitives who don’t know what’s best for themselves.
I think that’s the one thing that really bugs me most about progressive ideology – they think white Westerners have all the answers for those poor, unevolved ethnic groups in developing countries. And that as white Westerners, it is our responsibility to speak on their behalf and tell them what’s best for them. And 9 times out of 10, what’s “best” for them is for them to remain in some kind of ethno-cultural stasis, so white Westerners can go to their homelands and treat them like a living museum exhibit.
The white man’s burden never ends.
Into Thin Air is a good book. At least that is my recollection, but I read it years ago when it came out. I remember thinking, “Those Sherpas have a good thing going there. Making butt loads of money off idiot westerners wanting to walk up a mountain. Good on them.”
They have what you might call a service-based economy.
I suppose they could branch out. I am sure there are extraction opportunities in their area, but it is pretty damn remote. Why bother with that though if you can make a living catering to rich people who want to say they climbed Everest. Mountaineering is not a poor mans sport.
They get paid orders of magnitude more than their non-mountaineering counterparts, even far outstripping urbanites in Kathmandu. The tourist influx also allows a lot more business ownership (cafes, hostels, etc.) in remote areas, and many women own those businesses. The Sherpa people are more than capable of speaking for themselves, and have successfully shut down the mountain on a couple of occasions.
But nevermind all that. Their culture is being lost! We must preserve them in a primitive state for our own enjoyment!
Ya, I know their mantra well. I have had similar conversations.
Yet, ironically, they hate whites/Christians/Western history.
There is a true belief that western culture is evil and primitive culture is pure, so there is a very well intentioned effort to prevent primitive people from westernizing. It’s ‘new colonialism’ and colonialism is bad! Nevermind that those ‘primitive’ people want access to western markets/goods/lifestyle – allowing them to adopt those things into their lives is colonialism! Cultural imperialism! Bad!
Westerners have to control them to save them from Western control.
That is some seriously derptastical stuff.
Whatever happened to Don King anyway?
Bro infestation
The tech industry has a problem with “bro culture.” People have been complaining about it for years. Yet nobody has done much to fix it.
That may finally change, if the people in charge of Silicon Valley — venture capitalists, who control the money — start to realize that the real problem with tech bros is not just that they’re boorish jerks. It’s that they’re boorish jerks who don’t know how to run companies.
Look at Uber, the ride-hailing start-up. It’s the biggest tech unicorn in the world, with a valuation of $69 billion. Not long ago Uber seemed invincible. Now it’s in free fall, and top executives have fled. The company’s woes spring entirely from its toxic bro culture, created by its chief executive, Travis Kalanick.
What is bro culture? Basically, a world that favors young men at the expense of everyone else. A “bro co.” has a “bro” C.E.O., or C.E.-Bro, usually a young man who has little work experience but is good-looking, cocky and slightly amoral — a hustler. Instead of being forced by investors to surround himself with seasoned executives, he is left to make decisions on his own.
Of course, if you’re not “brash” and “egotistical” you’ll never follow through on that idea, when you have it. And you sure as Hell won’t get funding from a bunch of hard boiled professional investors. This is not exactly new news; the originators of companies are not, generally speaking, good at the day to day running of a mature enterprise. This has been known for quite some time.
There is no fundamental distinction between the people boo-hooing about tech bros and their dysfunctional management style, and the people who angrily denounce Trump as a narcissist and megalomaniac while completely glossing over the obvious truth that those are prerequisites for the Presidency, which means Obama was just as narcissistic and power hungry as Trump.
Yeah. A startup CEO and an established company CEO are two different breeds. Few make the changeover.
I must have missed a meeting – when the hell did the word “bro” start being used incessantly? Fucking tedious.
The company’s woes spring entirely from its toxic bro culture
What utter bullshit. The company’s woes stem from it being an overvalued unicorn and mismanaged.
Does Yahoo have a toxic bro culture?
Of course. Poor Marissa was a victim of it, despite her best efforts.
One of the first things the founders of Yahoo did was hire an outside, seasoned CEO.
In April 1995, Yahoo! received a $2 million investment from Sequoia Capital, Tim Koogle was hired as CEO, and Yang and Filo were each appointed “Chief Yahoo”.
Put the idea people in a position to have ideas AND IMPLEMENT THEM, and get a real CEO to run the thing.
“People have been complaining about it for years. Yet nobody has done much to fix it.”
I have never once in all my life, including 20 years now in the tech industry, heard anyone complain about “bro culture”. In fact, I have never heard that term until now. So I’m gonna make a wild guess here and say that the ‘people’ complaining know nothing about tech culture, have never been around it, and are fat lazy SJWs who do nothing but sit around all day and make shit like this up so that they can whine about it.
Yeah, at least from my IT work point of view, there is very little bro culture unless it’s the salesmen. It’s a geek-aspie-fest!
I’ve sat in on quite a few interviews for clients and it’s just a cold hard fact that it’s mostly guys who are seeking these jobs. There are some women too, but they are the minority and they absolutely do get hired if they’re the best candidate. I’ve never seen or heard of any discrimination against women in tech. Employers are looking for someone with the skills to do the job and it’s mostly guys in tech because it’s mostly guys who want to be in tech. Anyone who says different is full of shit.
Yes. Every woman remotely capable of doing the job gets hired.
The real problem is the “bro-fro” culture: smarmy tech guys who get afros.
You may not have noticed them, but they’re a real problem, because they are culture appropriators. And they’re smarmy. And they are into something called “tech”, which is probably some sort of Alt-White privilege thing that doesn’t acknowledge the massive contributions of women and minorities.
I have yet to see that. I have seen at least one self described communist. But no fro going on round here.
I’m just being silly, going along the lines that there really isn’t a “bro” culture.
At my first dot com job, all the dudebros (and tehre were LOTS) went to a strip club every Friday for lunch. It does exist.*
*I didn’t give a flying fuck what they did, and I would have gone with them if the thought of midday strip club food wasn’t so gross. But that doesn’t mean that shit doesn’t exist. It’s the reactions to it that are the key.
Obviously we need feminist run companies instead. If there’s one demographic that screams level-headed, fiscally sagacious and details oriented, it’s feminists. I look forward to investing in the feminist only stock exchange.
One more day till The Masters! One more day till The Masters! One more day till The Masters!
Come on, Colin Montgomerie! You can do it!
Bubba FTW!
I almost think Bubba Watson doesn’t give a damn about playing at any other course.
Possible, but he picked a good one to do well at!
The Democrats are now letting their desperation show regarding Gorsuch, resorting to peddling a bullshit plagiarism charge.
Let’s face it, the Dems wouldn’t agree with any Trump appointee, no matter what, because of the chronic petulance about Garland.
Garland was Obama’s hand picked anti-2nd amendment judge.
So, let’s admit that women can’t achieve “equality” without special subsidies and privileges from big daddy government?
Fragile flowers only thrive in a hothouse.
I think that’s the one thing that really bugs me most about progressive ideology – they think white Westerners have all the answers for those poor, unevolved ethnic groups in developing countries.
Don’t be silly, Kristen. They feel that way about everybody who didn’t graduate from Harvard Law.
You might say that they have some sort of “Final Solution” to solve
thosetheir problemsThat’s just because Harvard has managed to find a way to pick only the most defective candidates 95% of the time.
Let’s face it, the Dems wouldn’t agree with any Trump appointee, no matter what, because of the chronic petulance about Garland.
The new talking point which has appeared in the NYT comments section is, “If he had any self-respect or dignity or honor, he’d remove himself from consideration because no honest man would accept the STOLEN SEAT!”
And it really grinds my gears that Gorsuch is one of the most qualified people to do this job. The job whose description includes analyzing, interpreting, and upholding the Constitution. The Dems don’t give a flying hoot about the Constitution – they want someone who will actually go outside and/or beyond the Constitution. They would love a nominee that literally knew nothing about the Constitution.
We are going to hear the stolen seat bullshit for the next 20 years. Any SC case from here on out that displeases the left will be blamed on the stolen vote and they will be stamping their feet and refusing to accept the outcome.
Their whole ‘resist’ effort seems to be a kind of de facto succession from the rule of law. This isnt going to go anywhere good.
Just like we’ve been hearing for decades how Clarence Thomas isn’t really black. His first language was Gullah. But everyone knows that’s not the most African-American thing ever, because real black people are progressives.
As has been said elsewhere and in the past, the left should be grateful that Gorsuch isn’t a living constitutionalist. Just imagine the penumbras and emanations someone to the right of Bader-Ginsberg could come up with.
Did anyone else see Cubs-Cards last night? Holy shit, there was some spectacle. Piscotty getting hit for the cycle was the best thing I’ve seen this side of Nori Aoki.
He didnt get hit at 3rd, so not quite the cycle.
Baez got 2 errors on the final play, which is impressive, but only 1/2 the all time record.
Final play of the Piscotty sequence, not the game. Just to clarify.
The 4 errors was Mike Grady in 1899. Glove technology was lacking, but that only explains 2 of the 4 errors.
Yeah, true. Still, it was impressive. SP was screaming, “JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, HOW MANY TIMES CAN THEY HIT THAT POOR GUY????”
I saw it. Did Piscotty ever touch home? Contreras should of hustled back and tagged him.
Looked like he did on the replay. First time I’ve heard baseball announcers use the words “concussion protocol.” The other fun thing in that game was Wainwright’s bouncing fastball- the announcers pronounced it the worst pitch they’d ever seen outside of a ceremonial first pitch by a celebrity.
Let’s compare World Series rings OMWC…
No problem. I’m not from Chicago.
The Journolist signal has been lit: stop denying what Susan Rice did, and instead say how glad you are that she did it because ZOMG DRUMPF YOU GUYS!!1!
“Rick Wilson, the GOP strategist who has emerged as a leading anti-Trump gadfly, was recently talking to a good friend of his who serves in Congress, representing a moderate but solidly Republican district in the upper Midwest. “He loathes Donald Trump,” Wilson told me. “Hates him with the fire of a million suns.” Yet the congressman told Wilson he’s terrified to cross the president, saying, “ ‘If I say something about [Trump], one tweet could kill me.’ ”
Really? Who? Name names bitch, otherwise shut your fucking mouth.
Also, how long before it comes out that Obama was spying on all of Hildebeast’s opposition, Bernie included?
Well, if I was in the Trump Office, that’d be my Primary Mission. Finding evidence that Obama was doing this to Sanders – and I think it’s quite likely. If you’re going to break laws, you might as well go the whole hog.
Yup – I said in yesterday’s comments, if evidence ever comes out that the Obama administration was spying on the Sanders campaign, the Donk Party will completely implode.
I just said about the same in another comment, but I’m convinced that the Obama admin were totally convinced that they will get away with anything and never suffer a consequence of it. Also keep in mind that they were all convinced that Hillary would be president right now.
There is less “plausible deniability” with Sanders, unless his team was speaking with people from scary foreign countries.
Maybe he has Trump confused with the Clintons.
The morons of the insane left are going to greatly regret the day they decided to normalize using cheap McCarthyite rationales as a justification for domestic spying for raw partisan political purposes.
“I hope Susan Rice was keeping tabs on Trump’s Russia ties.”
Well, I’m sure she was, and the fact that they have nothing is telling. IOW, there’s nothing here for the left to cheer about. In fact, some of those closest to Obama may finally find themselves in trouble. And we all know that Obama will toss them under a bus in a heartbeat when it comes down to it. ‘Umm… I… if if if if if if if if if if if if if … umm… there was something going on then… ummm. IT WAS HER, SUSAN RICE, GET HER!’.
“I First heard about Susan Rice, My Own Aide, doing this when i was watching the news, like all you regular proles…er i mean people.”
I hate these people for making me defend Donald fucking Trump.
Don’t worry, Trump is eventually going to get around to doing something that libertarians can hate. He did appoint Jeff Sessions as AG, after all. But for now, all he’s done is attack the regulatory state and troll leftists. Nothing to not like about that.
Trump, anti-Trump, whatever. Trump, whether you hate him or love him is pretty solidly American. The Democrat party has been taken over by leftist radicals, a radicalism that originated in Europe and has proven very popular in the third world. What we are seeing are the banana republic tactics SOP for political thugs. Obama was never anything more than a cheap political thug/ empty suit. America has had to deal with this before, but how will we deal with it right here on our own soil?
What’s amusing to me is people claiming that Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about with regard to governmental issues. That may have been true prior to the election, but he’s the President now. He has access to a lot of information of which the rest of us proles are ignorant–including the press “bros”.
He says that Obama wiretapped him, the media laughs and laughs (“and yet are for some reason terrified at the same time”–Vox Day) because Trump is so stupid and ignorant and makes these baseless, baseless claims that have no supporting evidence and blah blah blah.
I’m more inclined to think that, if Trump makes a claim of this nature, it is probably because he sees information supporting it.
Military jet crashes near Andrews AFB
Oh, goodie. The conspiracy nuts are out in full force on the local Fox station’s live feed. Because it was erroneously reported by someone on the ground that they saw two pilots, but there was in fact only one, that means it’s a CONSPIRACY!!!
A conspiracy to accomplish what, I don’t know.
An F15 crashed? Did the wings fall off?
F-16, Much more common to see them lawn dart.
Nothing eats dirt like a Harrier, though!
Apparently it went right over my house less than a minute before it crashed. Too bad I wasn’t home. I’m used to hearing military jets in my ‘hood because of my proximity to Andrews, but I’m sure this one would have sounded different than normal.
For the next one trump should nominate garland for the lulz
He should nominate Roy Moore. lol.
From the article about Chicago Public Schools:
I love the deflection. Defenders of government schools seem to fixate on lower grade levels when discussing achievement metrics but are curiously silent about grades nine through twelve. Hey, Rahm – how are the high school kids doing in Chicago these days?
The question that Trump was answering had two components:
1) A pretty low graduation rate for government-run schools
2) An abysmally poor rate of educational attainment for those graduating from the government schools.
Basically, the questioner said the schools are doing a shitty job of producing educated adults, and naturally the state educators claim “that’s bullshit, look at the test scores of children who are 20% – 50% of the way through the process!”.
Sadly, most Americans, having been miseducated at state schools haven’t developed the ability to detect such stunning non-sequiturs. Government schools in the U.S. are like baseball coaches that only teach pitchers to throw fast-balls and only train batters to hit fastballs, and who get all huffy when they point out that their best prospects can’t fucking hit.
Was it Aaron who said the key to hitting curveballs was to not swing and wait for a fastball?
No, you’re thinking of Pedro Cerrano.
No, Cerrano swung at the curveballs too.
“gains” ?
As in year-over-year improvements against their own shitty results? And not results versus schools elsewhere? This sounds like the kind of careful phrasing the Dems specialize in.
Bingo. If you set the baseline low, “gains” look fantastic. If would be like me going on a lifting program and increasing my weights from 100 to 150 pounds, then claiming superiority over Warty who went from 600 to 620.
::shakes fist::
They also dwell on “increases” in performance. Because if only 20% of your students were literate at the start of the stuff and 30% are now, you’ve increased literacy by 50%! Meanwhile that district in The Woodlands, TX did a shit job when their literacy rate only went from 85% to 90%.
I smelled bullshit at the end of the article and decided to spend the 15 seconds doing research that the journalist who wrote the piece was either too partisan or too fucking stupid to do. Anyone want to guess what the Chicago high school graduation rate is? 73%. As opposed to NYC’s 70%. But I’m sure that’s not what he was talking about when he specifically mentioned graduation rates.
Speaking of…
Yeah, I was a math genius in 3rd grade. I flunked Algebra in the 8th.
When will the Chicago school system add useful real life skills to their curriculum? Like combat marksmanship.
Trauma aid and tactical exfiltration might come in handy.
They learn about retail and wholesale sales distribution
Seriously, this might me the most narcissistic person on the face of the planet
Freudian or John?
Speaking of military aviation- Business Week has an(other) article about the clusterfuck nightmare which is the F35.
Spoiler alert- “Too many cooks spoil the souffle.” But they’re building them, anyway.
I wonder if he’s single?
Democratic Congressman Joaquin Castro who serves on the House Intelligence Committee told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, during an exchange about the Trump-Russia investigation, that he predicts some of the president’s campaign associates will “end up in jail.”
Here’s another article by the same author (Sean Colarossi). The tagline says, “The Nationals were able to secure their first win of the season on Monday. Trump, on the other hand, is still winless.”
Trump is winless, except, of course, for winning the election.
I’m sure this has nothing to do with the above link.