To reiterate:
If you aren’t strength training already, I highly encourage it. The benefits are many: increased physical attractiveness and general physical health, potential rehabilitation of old injuries or addressing impairments, increased performance (possibly as it relates to “sports”), and finally, it’s just a damn good time and feels great.
I don’t care if you’re a bodybuilder, a weightlifter, a strongman, a crossfitter, or a couch potato; you need strength training in your life.*
I’m not going to get into a really involved post about which program you should follow, how many sets or reps you should do, or how often you should do cardio. You can make progress following just about any program, and any program worth the time it takes to read will tell you all of those details. I have made good progress with 5/3/1, and Mr. Riven is excelling under Starting Strength. I’d recommend either, but obviously Starting Strength is the way to go if you’re new to the barbell.
There are four main barbell lifts: the overhead press, the bench press, the back squat, and the deadlift.

Bending bars, amiright?
Last time we covered the overhead press; today, we’re going to discuss the deadlift.
So, I know I said before that the overhead press is pretty approachable and that’s not wrong; however, the deadlift is right up there, too. What could be simpler than looking at a weighted barbell on the ground, bending down, and lifting it with straight arms? There’s nothing better than the feeling of a solidly good deadlift. (Well, maybe some things.) I guess you could say this about any barbell lift, but mechanically they’re all very simple because they must be. When you execute a lift well, it should feel great.
You know I’m going to have to link to the Art of Manliness video in which Rippetoe‘s mustache instructs the other guy’s mustache how to make the sack of meat that carries him around deadlift properly.
I’m also going to link Alan Thrall’s samey video–though I should point out that this time it’s a full beard instructing instead of a mustache. If these two videos sound similar, it’s because they’re both operating on this set of knowledge. There is a wealth of articles and information on the deadlift just on alone, and both Thrall and (obviously) Rippetoe draw on that for their videos.

Sigh. But not me.
I like pulling information from different folks on the same material. In particular, I like to listen for different cues since some will resonate with you and some won’t. For instance: I’d been improperly interpreting the “proud chest” cue in both the deadlift and the low bar squat, leading to poor torso-hip angles on my lifts. It wasn’t until I heard the alternative cue “tight back” that I realized I’d been focusing on the wrong things. “Ooooh, it’s not that I need to keep my chest up, necessarily; it’s that I need to keep my back, lats, etc., tight. This will keep my back straight throughout the lift, and raising the chest is only a mechanical effect of that.” What a spaz, right? So listen for different cues. And use a hook grip or you’re dead to me. I know it’s uncomfortable; deal.
Having read the comments in the last section (but, of course, being too busy playing Horizon and the NieR demo in my underwear to participate), I noticed a few folks mentioning wanting to get into better shape but having various (valid) excuses: older, injured, don’t have the equipment, don’t want to join a gym, and more. Here is a link to a what I’ve found to be the most comprehensive, grounded, and even-handed approach to dieting–and that includes both dropping and gaining weight. I used to be pretty heavy, and one day I’d just had enough of looking at myself in the mirror and wishing it was different. Wishing doesn’t make it so. I ignorantly crash dieted down to a meager 120 pounds, but I still looked like hell–just a scant, paltry hell instead of a pudgy, chubby hell. I used the advice in the above forum to slowly put on another 30 pounds while lifting (forever bulk!), slowly lose 10-15 of those pounds without any of this nonsense, and I’ve been slowly, slowly, soooo slowly recomping in the 135-140 range ever since. All this to say I’m much happier with how I look now at 135-and-change than I was when I was lighter. It’s crazy what a little muscle-mass can do. The first time I sat on my actual ass in an office chair (y’know, instead of a pad of fat) was revelatory and over-all just awesome. You, too, can sit on your ass.
Bonus: some burly cheesecake for you (hat-tip to LT_Fish) from the last article’s comment section. That’s a real nice jerk on the beach in #8, just sayin’!
*Disclaimer: always consult a physician before starting a new fitness routine.
I subscribe to a YouTube channel called Infinite Elgintensity which basically makes fun of shitty gym form and such, and which on occasion I find amusing. 30 seconds in the linked video you will see the way to execute a proper deadlift.
I also subscribe to this channel. Lol. “ZERO”
As a target I believe the deadlift should be at least half your benchpress and about equal to your biceps curl weight. Also a hook grip is tough on my delicate skin.
Son, I am disappoint.
The form on my 22 OZ curls is something to behold.
I curl in the squat rack like God intended.
Check your sarcasm detector.
I deadlift and it is usually my soft city hands (from counting money all my life) that fail me first. I shall be trying the hook grip next time.
I can’t look at youtube here at work but I hope I know exactly what that link is.
Hey! I don’t need this working-class hero crap!
I’d been guilty of the “proud chest” problem on my DL’s and Cleans also. It finally clicked when I heard someone explain that a bent back pulled back into sort of straight position is still just a bent back with counter pressure on it……once I fixed my starting position my lifts all jumped up 10-20 lbs in a couple weeks with none of the specific muscle soreness that had been plaguing me before.
Probably my favorite lift. Although I can do 225, my woman can do at least 100 pounds more.
*Retreats to shame cube*
Yes, she’s signing up for a competition soon. Unfortunately, that means no weed for a while because apparently some consider it a performance enhancement, somehow.
So, what exercises would you recommend for someone who occasionally has to carry say, 125-150lbs over the shoulder. Uneven weight, wrapped in a carpet.
150lbs? Somebody’s a chubby chaser.
Hardly. A woman built like wonder woman who’s approx 6′ tall can easily weigh close to 200lbs.
Oh, yeah. Those 150 pound women are chubby AF

Hope this was as educational for you as it was for me.
For the record, she doesn’t look good in either picture.
The intent was to show you that 150 pounds isn’t necessarily chubby. But I would hate for you to have to acknowledge that and lose face or whatever. Carry on.
There really is a Spiderman picture for everything.
She look good enough for you?
No, and now I’m confused as to why there are little men in the corner of the picture.
On a scale of 7-10, how gay are you?
This site needs a Conventionally Attractive Wednesdays feature or something.
Whose convention? Maybe 17th Century European aristocracy? Damn girls, you be lookin’ FINE.
Ok, Brochett… I get it. You thought the British Women post was a good thing. I respect that.
… I don’t.
She too fat.
Yeah, I know it’s probably muscle, but a bit too much junk in the trunk for my tastes.
Good enough to be blocked by my company browser.
Huh, it was SFW. Well, it was on the edge… but yeah, she’s reported to be 6′ tall and around 200lbs. When people say that Wonder Woman has an unrealistic figure, she’s my go-to.
She must be taller than 6′. Look at the guys on the LOWER left.
Is she 50′?
All she does to get her kicks is tread on all the men.
Where’d the boobs go? Boooo!
Boobs during weight loss
I’d probably exercise the 5th the most. But that’s me.
Otherwise, maybe farmer carries to help with grip, turkish getups to help with coordination, stuff like that. But that sounds like strong man style of unconventional training, and that’s not really in my wheel house.
Turkish getups sound exactly in my wheelhouse. Googling now!
Get a job with a moving company?
Speaking of dead lifting, Pepe the Frog has a sad.
No linking images?
Mods can do inline images, brutals cannot.
Some animals are more equal than others, eh?
We brutals need to fight against the pigs in charge.
/me hands Juvenile Bluster a green baguette.
Glibertarians welcomes your egalitarian revolution!
Right. No plugins, no native javascript, and worst of all, no guns!
Yeah, well… I’m gonna go build my own blog, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the blog!
Go on…
Because I don’t even lift, I’ll just participate by posting pictures of folks deadlifting and Muscle Beach in Venice, CA.
Bah. Switch grip and wraps. Still, he’s lifting more than I ever will. Look at the calves on the guy to the right… Those are some real nice calves, there.
Not a single chicken leg in that shot. Picking heavy things up and putting them back down seems to have its benefits.
I used to lift with my brother and his friend, who was a beast. Except for his scrawny little chicken ankles. And he was super self-conscious of it, made a point of doing calf exercises all the time. But that only exacerbated the problem. Tiny pencil-thin ankles holding up taut softball-sized calves.
Isn’t that the look bodybuilders go for? Small joints with massive muscles?
Even I can tell you ankles are mostly bone and connective tissue. The only way they’re going to get bigger is if you’re retaining fluids.
Narrow ankles and taught calves are fine. I have a hard time with people whose ankles just continue up to their knees.
Assumes Dudley Smith persona “We *all* have trouble with Cankles, lad”.
For those of you using grip strength to excuse your lack of commitment- Get a set of these.
Mods can do inline images, brutals cannot.
*Don’t cat-butt me, bro.
But we all came to see the violence inherent in the system!
Glibertarian commenters shrugged.
Where’d my wrap comment go? Did Riven disappear it?
No, it somehow got shoved into Spam. I rescued it.
I guess you didn’t get my open letter yesterday.
No, but your ideas are intriguing to ME and I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter …
Diane Reynolds on April 6, 2017 at 12:15 pm
Hey, just wanted to throw out a little comment. A few days ago, there was a slew of Jew-related posts and for the next two days, everything I read was colored by that. As I was browsing through my on-demand choices, I kept reading movie titles as The Jew of the Nile or Henry and Jew or Jew and Julia.
All I’m saying is, when you idly post content, be aware of the wide-ranging implications for people in the real world.
Thank you for your consideration on this matter.
הבה נגילה
הבה נגילה
הבה נגילה ונשמחה
הבה נרננה
הבה נרננה
הבה נרננה ונשמחה
!עורו, עורו אחים
עורו אחים בלב שמח
עורו אחים בלב שמח
עורו אחים בלב שמח
עורו אחים בלב שמח
!עורו אחים, עורו אחים
Huh. I guess my crash course in Hebrew before my trip was more useful than anticipated.
Did you learn that the word for “Zion” and the slang word for “penis” is only a difference of an initial alveolar affricate as opposed to an alveolar sibilant ?
I didn’t. I just got a rough understanding of the phonetics because I get nervous when I can’t at least sound out street signs in a foreign country.
That’s a delightful bit of trivia though.
jesse, you are a true Zionist.
What Jew talkin’ ’bout Willis.
Perhaps he did get your open letter, and that was their response.
We’re actually working on a targeted public service campaign for Oppositional Defiant Disorder awareness.
Hey folks, I’m and I’m here to talk to you about Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Just look at the comment above. Swiss Servator doesn’t *want* to act out, but he just can’t help himself, but there is help out there. With advances in electric-cattle-prod technology we can achieve ODD-compliance rates of 83% in adult males. In the past you might have to rely on scattershot methods like reverse psychology, but now we have scientifically proven that a gentle touch of a cattle prod to the scrotum of your ODDish loved one will encourage them toward better behavior.
Call now to join our advanced training course. Space and supplies are limited, so call today!
(+1 for the Oddish)
What happens to the other 17%?
They’re sent back to Faerie
Wow, the Irish burned downs and autistic children like logs on the fire due to their ‘changeling’ status.
Thanks for bumming me out.
Sorry dude, I’d heard about changelings before, but I first heard about how terribly some of those stories went from the Lore podcast. I think it’s this episode. It’s a mistake to binge-listen to this podcast on a long roadtrip through creepy terrain, but it’s pretty interesting.
I’ll do it over.
For those of you who may or may not be confusing grip strength with lack of commitment- get some of these and stop making excuses.
They look like they’d chafe your junk.
Shit, that made me laugh.
I’ve never liked the deadlift. Therefore, I do not do it.
*rises to begin prolonged ovation*
Just to an ass and point it out, but the number of articles on the Other Site about the stupid attack on Syria? Two yesterday, three today (one is less about Trump and more about Rand Paul) and a mention on the Fifth Column.
Compare that to the hyperbolic freakouts and dozens of articles right after January 20th and following things like the ‘Muslim ban’.
It’s almost like they have really fucked up priorities.
Don’t worry, I’m going to spend all this weekend working up a feverish number of “hot takes” that we’ll post every 15 minutes all day Monday, each more hyperbolic than the last.
The final one will explain how our launching missiles at Syria directly force the Prime Minister of India to massacre his own Muzzie population.
Spoiler alert!
Related – Politifact has retracted its claim that Syria got rid of all of its chemical weapons, as claimed by John Kerry. Color me shocked.
There is something of a lesson here for liberterians and those who care about peace for realz. That being – a bad agreement is very often times worse than no agreement. By accepting a bad deal with Assad to get rid of weapons, one that anyone with half a brain knew was fraudulent, the Obama administration took certain diplomatic options off the table and gave the war mongerers a future feather in their cap.
I made this argument repeatedly after the Iran deal. Status quo was better than a bad deal that will simply back you into a corner.
That’s only if you care about the real-world consequences of those agreements, rather than the short-term domestic political benefit of them.
I’m still going to hold my fire on comment to see what happens next.
If reports are to be even half trusted, Russia were informed there were going to be offensive operations in Idlib province, and presumably what the target was going to be, since Shayrat could be expected to have Russian nationals on the ground. Inevitably, military and civilian personnel were killed. I think – as I’ve noted before – that the Syrian military weren’t the perpetrators of the reported chemical weapons attack, and so this was a bad call by the administration, but I want to find out if we’re going to double down on this idiocy or if we’re going to do what the “US Officials” claim and leave this as an isolated punitive mission.
FWIW, while this was only 1 of Syria’s 20 or so operational airbases, Shayrat can function as an FOB for Russian military flights, and it’s been claimed it was the alleged launch site for the attack on Sheikhoun, so the selection of the target is rational, even if it turns out to be unjustified.
ISIS and Jihadis don’t have an air force that I’m aware of. I’m not keeping up with all the chatter on this, but it could only be Assad or conspiracy/false flag by another state (take your pick). I’m sure there’s gotta be plenty of people blaming the Jews.
The reporting around the incident is a goddamn mess, and there’s nothing factoring out the possibility that either:
A: They accidentally hit/released chemical weapons from Syrian military storage.
B: Militants had stolen sarin or something else from the military and deployed it (which they are perfectly capable of doing) after airstrikes.
The entire incident doesn’t scream Assad’s MO. People are arguing that he thought he had a blank cheque to do whatever he wanted now that Trump was in power, but it makes no sense for him to suddenly whip out the sarin when he’s winning and has played a very careful diplomatic game whenever possible. Not to mention the fact that he already knows that chemical weapons use is the thing mostly likely to cause foreign intervention. Why throw away all your advantages for a quickie solution? It’s Saturday morning cartoon villain stuff.
I think the odds still are in favor that it was actually Assad
that said, if it wasn’t Assad, i think the next most likely contender is not any other state, but the Syrian opposition.
The report that the attack was made from the air appears to have come, unsupported from anyone else, from the “Syrian Observatory for Human Rights” – I have no idea about their reliability or provenance. But the thing that makes me skeptical that this was an air strike is that years ago, when some NATO members had chemical weapons capabilities, the US deployment method were in M139 bomblets – carrying 1.5lb of Sarin (GB) or equivalent. That’s an awful lot of nerve gas. An “Honest John” warhead carried 330 of these bomblets. That’s an incredibly large amount of nerve gas.
1.5 lb of Sarin would be more than enough active agent to have done this damage. Indeed, it’s hard to imagine any aircraft-deployable munitions that wouldn’t have a LOT more Sarin in it, which is one of my reasons to be dubious of the reporting we’re seeing.
In Iraq, the Halabja attack in 1988 – a much larger operation – the standard munitions appear to have been conventional-look bombs with simple tanks holding chemical agents, of conventional shape, massing maybe 60lb and about 24″ nose to tail. Standardization in munitions is important, so I’d expect that the hardpoints on the Syrian MiGs are likely to be compatible with bombs somewhat like this, and unlikely to be smaller.
Consequently, and by extension, if I was loadmaster for a flight from a military base to deploy chemical weapons, I would (1) have a lot more than 1 bomb on the loadup, and I’d have that on more than one aircraft, and (2) I’d probably ask the pilots to drop their load and not bring any of their payload back. Unloading nerve agents is something I’d want to avoid wherever possible.
So, we’re looking at a very small release of Sarin (or, I suspect, more likely, Tabun) here. It’s inconsistent with an air-deployed attack.
Second thought. It’s not inconsistent with a consumer-grade drone attack.
Fuck. I need to apologize to Riven for shitting all over her thread.
Yep. It’s not hard to make shitty sarin in small quantities.
Tabun is even easier.
Having said that, it’s easier to steal stuff from one of the munitions dumps. ISIS and their ilk must have overrun many such caches. On a good day, you could expect it to be pre-packaged and ready for deployment.
they’ve been the primary source of news on Syrian events for almost everyone
basically, western journalists have done very little on-the-ground reporting from syria; and that london-based org has repeatedly provided raw info to journos who then try and confirm the stories (and generally succeed)
the short answer is – their reliability is fairly-high; if they are politically compromised, it is biased against the Assad regime, however they haven’t shown any particular bias in favor of any of the opposition groups.
that said, i don’t think they’d necessarily be qualified to determine that something was conclusively an air attack, rather than a chemical mortar fired at an area where there were airstrikes going on.
meaning, i wouldn’t consider their reporting, even if honestly reported, entirely conclusive.
I just don’t think the reporting that is happening downstream of that source – to coin an unfortunate term – passes the sniff test.
what specifically are you referring to
Inelegant phrasing on my part. The SOHR could be reporting the most objective data possible – and the news reporters doing their very best to make their report accurately – and it could still be wildly wrong.
Gell-Mann is real. I watched that footage. There’s no way on a warm dry day, that I’d be walking around a bunch of nerve gas victims without a CBN suit on. Now, I’m not calling ‘hoax’ here – I’m calling ‘ignorant people who are risking their own health’.
The people reporting on this are functionally incapable of delivering truly informed ‘reporting on the ground’.
here’s a profile of the SOHR from 2011
again, i don’t know who/what you’re referring to. Is there something specific you think was reported incorrectly?
Primary objects of my comment was the film crew that were stumbling around the triage site. Lots of compelling footage, which tells its own story, but the networks I saw it shown on were reporting (as you might expect) utter rubbish verging on substantiated fact.
And the subsequent analysis (and interview with the film crew) was valueless. Indeed, it probably helped mislead people in the US that shouldn’t have been mislead, such as the guy everyone thinks we love, the Cheeto Dark Lord.
I have a secret….
I don’t give a shit about Reason’s coverage… I still read the occasional article, as I would any other unremarkable news source. But I no more fret about them than I fret about the NY Times or Breitbart.
Too few hours in the day.
Hook grip blows and blows more and more once you’re actually strong. My best deadlift for a single is 470 so I’m not like REAL strong or anything, but I’m stronger than the overwhelming majority of planet earth. And I ain’t hook gripping shit. Ever.
What grip do you use? Switch? Conventional?
I used to only be able to hook grip up to 135, but I kept working on it (even though it was uncomfortable at higher weights). I can now hook grip my max (200# double), and I’m planning on hooking forevar.
Can I ask why you would hook a deadlift? I get it on snatches and cleans, because you really don’t want to blow your thumb out sideways as you’re popping the bar off your hip, but an essentially straight lift with weights heavy enough you probably won’t develop any real velocity, I would think you could safely use whatever grip lets you haul the most weight off the ground.
Because Powerlifting competitions don’t allow straps. Since pulling conventional anywhere near your max weight is impossible and lots of folks (like me) have a hard time using switch grip, the hook grip became popular. I say that if you aren’t a competitive power lifter you should just use straps and lift as heavy as you can. No one calls the Strongman guys pussies and they all use straps for their deads.
Thanks. I never thought of the hook grip as a “strong” grip. I just knew that the top of my thumb wasn’t going to take all the momentum of a weighted bar that wasn’t going where I expected it in a more explosive lift. Interesting.
I do conventional up to about 350 then I use straps. I tried switch for awhile but it makes me twist a tiny bit and then fucks up the whole lift. I can do switch up to about 405 but then I twist just enough I can’t break the bar off the floor. Then I limited my deadlift to what I could do conventional for awhile but my back is way stronger that my grip so I said screw it. Now I use straps and work grip separately.
My big deadlift tips are to A) deadlift barefoot. and B) use a 3″ belt. Shoes of any kind make it way more difficult to lock out (for me anyway) and a 4″ belt is just slightly too wide so it makes it hard to get into a comfortable setup.
Appreciate the advice!
I have the same issue with the switch grip, even at lower weights, which is why I don’t use it, either. I use the hook grip because my grip really does need some work. Grip is the limiting factor on at least two movements that I’m working on (that I can think of off the top of my head): deadlift and pullups.
If you don’t want to buy anything, then I recommend working grip by pulling the heaviest deadlift you can with a conventional grip and do static holds for as long as you can. It will strengthen your grip in a hurry. I personally like Captains of Crush grip trainers. Also I hear good things about fat grips but I’ve never tried them.
OT: The Stockholm attacker’s motives remain a mystery: Eyewitnesses in Stockholm saying the lorry driver shouted “Allahu Akbar” as it drove into the crowd of shoppers.
Goddamn Trumpkins are out of control.
God-damned homophobic NRA members!
Maybe I’m being a bit harsh. After all, there’s a high chance it’s workplace violence.
Don’t forget cis-hetero.
You slander the NRA here. The MO is much more like GOA.
Investigators may never get to the bottom of it.
He seems a bit more swarthy than your average Swede. At least this time they have men cops handling this guy while the blonde bikini team cops watch.
I am here to ruin your steroid fueled rage with off topic shit.
I just bought 200 rounds of federal 9mm at Walmart for 40 dollars. That’s right, 20 bucks per hundred for new brand name ammo. Drop everything, quit your job, and clean those shelves out like I just did.
Mr. Riven reloads, but that’s a helluva deal.
He reloads 9mm? Is he like me, part Scots?
He does reload 9mm, but he also does a lot of shooting. I’m talking, a metric fuckton. He competes in USPSA, so he takes it pretty seriously.
Match-ish ammo. I get the point. Even if reloading ends up costing 25c a round, it’s probably worth it for the QC.
I’m on my way, dude. 1000 rounds or as much as I can carry.
I don’t know how I feel living in a time where 20 cents per round for 9mm is considered a brain-melting good deal.
The alternative is to walk around naked. You can get 9mm for 13 a round if you’re prepared to go steel case.
Is this deal just on 9mm? How about .40 or .45?
How about .308? For the, uh, male shooters.
You know what they say about big guns…
Big holsters?
They’re awesome?
I saw Lake City 308 for 54c a round somewhere, if you want me to go looking …
Of all the basic exercises, I hate the deadlift the most. When first starting out, going too light makes it seem easy and one can easily use your back more than your, er torso. And then if you go heavy, without getting the proper form nailed down, it’s way easy to tweak the back.
I feel more comfortable benching, or rowing, or even squatting. But yeah, I still deadlift though not as much weight as I know I could.
Have you been introduced to our lord and savior Mark Rippetoe? If you read the good blue book (Starting Strength) then all will become clear. Really for my lifting cult the difference maker was having everybody watch your lifts and point out all the shit you do wrong. It really really helps to have a lifting partner checking your form on every lift
And that’s my problem. Nobody to police my form.
Interestingly, an AR (Active Release) specialist of my acquaintance who’s also consulted for several Canadian Olympic teams simply forbade me from doing any further deadlift work after dealing with a complex and chronic left lower back/left buttock injury of mine that would not resolve otherwise. He even watched me perform deadlifts in the gym attached to his clinic and said “Yep, you’re doin’ ’em the way you’re supposed to. Now stop. Forever.”
He’s quite the lifter himself and is enthusiastic about most people getting involved in weight-training, but he’s completely re-thought his position vis-á-vis deadlifts and is now outspoken about their disadvantages outweighing their advantages. Too many of the muscles worked by the deadlift are postural as opposed to range-of-motion (and thus easily injured), and he showed me a heavily-modified form of the deadlift that strengthens postural muscles without moving them through a large range of motion.
Haven’t had lower back problems since.