In case you cis-workers needed another excuse to shirk work, leave early, and drink beer, beloved commenter Jimbo (of the non-papal variety) reminds us that it is National Beer day. Whether you drink the mass-produced rice beer of the megacorp, or your own lovingly crafted homebrew, have one for a good cause.

Happy Beer Day!
Before you get too buzzed, here’s a nice piece about Hayek, collective knowledge, and why government interventionism never works.
Visiting Auschwitz recently I was struck not by the “industrialisation” of death – it is a surprisingly low-tech place – but the “nationalisation” of death: the bureaucratic central planning and meticulous hierarchical organisation of mass murder: it takes a government to do an Auschwitz.
Speaking of governments killing people, the US fired cruise missiles at Syria. A part of me hopes that this is the fig-leaf cover of “doing something” that the US has long committed to do when NBC weapons are deployed by anyone, anywhere. The rest of me thinks Trump just shoved America’s wang back in the meat-grinder. And as a Florida man, that concerns me.
Seattle’s mayor apparently liked helping troubled teenage boys back in the ’80s. By buying them crack and paying for sex. As libertarians, we don’t get too stirred up about voluntary transactions of money for sex or drugs, but I do wonder if the Seattle Times would have waited until the fourth sub-hed to mention his party affiliation if he wasn’t a Democrat.
…And Tim Tebow is once again in the news for after hitting a homerun in his single A debut at-bat. He’s just so gee-whiz and nice. If he weren’t a Gator who had a good career in college mashing my beloved Seminoles, I’d be a fan. (Autoplay warning)
I hope everyone has a great day. Here’s a little something to get you rockin’.
it takes a government to do an Auschwitz
It takes a village…
…to do a pogrom.
I should have saved the beer bread recipe for today… I have an update instead.
I refined the process, and the mini-loaves are now Almost photogenic. It was hard to not just eat them all (especially when they were fresh from the oven and the aroma was at its strongest)
The tweaked version of the recipe is in the description of the linked page.
At first glance, I thought that was an oven at a Planned Parenthood.
I’m not sure what that says about you.
He hasn’t had breakfast yet.
It says he is opposed to women’s health, I believe.
Oh. Damn. I will be making those and punching my kids if they try to steal some from me.
They do look rather good, don’t they? I may have to try it out this weekend.
I gave up beer for lent. I hate everyone today.
You’re the dummy, not us.
The wind kicked everyone’s ass at Augusta yesterday, except Charley Hoffman. I miss his long hair.
Also, Jon Rahm can freakin play.
Hoffman probably didn’t sleep as well last night as he did Wednesday. We’ll see what he does today with that big lead.
Also, Spieth needs to shoot a 68 or so today to be back in it. He dug a big hole with that 9 but he can get out of it if he plays a little smarter.
And if Rory shoots a 68 today, he’ll win this thing going away.
The just-ended Cubs-Cards has ended up being one of the most interesting series of games in MLB that I can recall. This is the lastest freakishness.
Its true. Its like YHWH has withdrawn his love from the Cardinals and Satan is ascendant.
Saw that during the game.
Was it for his grip, or the pitchers?
It could be from his at bat, but why is it on the vest? He pine tarred the bat, then went to put on the gear, THEN wiped his hand on the vest?
“It’s to get a better grip on a cold day, not to affect the baseball” the announcer said. Oh really?
It’s sketchy. Not saying it changed anything, just sketchy.
SP says that we’ve already gotten our money’s worth for our MLB subscription package for this year.
DU tries to process the Syria action
Salon does the same
Clearly in order to prove that he is not a puppet of the Russians, Trump must go to war with them. WWIII is the only way to satisfy the anti-war left.
It’s frightening that that thought process actually makes sense to them.
What about the children?
*If this clip doesn’t make you want to Tomahawk CNN…
Well of course we should shape our foreign policy and commit billions of dollars and thousands of American lives based on the comments of a 7-year-old. Of course.
Did they roll those videos of 7 year old Libyan kids before Obama left it a smoldering crater?
Trump respects his intellectual peers.
*rise to applaud SugarFree*
Dang…that sounds odd, don’t it?
We know what really rises in response to what SF posts.
Massie could have handled that better. He sounded too defensive.
But otherwise, CNN can suck it.
But what if that’s what Putin WANTS trump to do? You ever think of that??
That’s impossible. Trump assured me no one could handle Putin better then him.
Although, shit, maybe he was talking about Poutine.
No, he was talking about punani.
Democrats are suddenly asking if this kind of presidential action in the ME is legal? I suppose they will try to amp up the outrage and then scratch their heads over why no one pays them any attention.
Yeah, I like how they conveniently “forget” how Obama ordered the murder of a 16 yr old American kid a year younger than Trayvon Martin “who could have been his son” [tears in the eye].
How Obama is responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocents that were killed when he bombed Syria (no authorization), Libya (no authorization), Somalia (no authorization), Yemen (same), Pakistan (same), Iraq and Afghanistan. For some reason there were no Democratic congressmen wringing their hands, no media pieces questioning the legality of it, no PEACE marches? I’m sure they just didn’t get around to it in time, I bet they will now though. Not that they are a bunch of hypocritical partisan political hacks or anything.
And he kept that Nobel Peace Price.
Ahh, now I now how he got it! What Price did he pay?
For the sake of preserving relationships with people I care about and not going to prison for aggravated assault I’m trying to avoid anything that could verge even slightly towards political discussion, but I swear to god the first Obama voter who mentions word fucking one about unauthorized bombing in the sandbox is losing a tooth.
I won’t resort to physical violence, mostly cause I never get to see my friends, but I will rain down hellfire and brimstone on the first Obama or HIllary supporter that questions these actions on FB.*
*SLD: There is no goddamn reason for us to get involved whatsoever and to the extent that we do get involved, he should have prior Congressional authorization.
At the moment that networks broke into programming to report this last night I went to CNN’s home page, which hadn’t yet picked up the story. Instead, they were running as their main story a piece about how Hillary said the proper response would have been to bomb the airfields where the chemical attack had been launched and then a sub-piece chiding Trump for his weakness in dealing with Syria. So. quite literally, the left was for this until they were against it.
I wonder if ISIS or AQ just totally tricked us into bombing Assad.
It’s a possibility. Assad basically had the war won, so why would he do something at this point that could likely provoke a US response? It really makes no sense.
I hope we are done now. Seems like we just blew up some obsolete 60’s era Russian equipment on a remote airstrip with $50 million worth of cruise missiles. Mission Accomplished!
Well, we can totally trust the Russians to be totally truthful about this.
From the pictures and videos in the link I get a baby milk factory kind of vibe.
Does Planned Parenthood run baby milk factories, too?
For those who don’t remember (I’m saying you don’t Agent Cooper), in the first Gulf War, Peter Arnett reported from in front of what was claimed by the Iraqis to be a baby milk factory. The only part of the factory which was recognizable and re-markedly survived without a scratch was the sign, which said Baby Milk Factory in both Arabic and English.
The sign looked brand new. To be fair to Peter Arnett he only reported on what he was allowed to by Iraqi press managers.
Burning question: who will be the “Scud stud” this time around?
While it doesn’t make sense for Assad to do this on his own, it does make sense that he would do it at the behest of Russia. He owes them for saving him, and what better way for Russia to test Trump’s reactions than by ordering a proxy to do something like this. Russia get’s a data point for crafting informed future policy, and Syria gets to pay a debt to Russia (gassing civilians and losing an airport is a small price to pay in thanks to Russia for saving them). Trump’s reaction makes him look strong, and hopefully it serves as a warning against future misadventures on the part of Russia.
If I were a person of a more suspicious mind, I’d say they absolutely did. Scott Adams has an interesting take about it on his blog, although he does whiff a little on betting that Trump wouldn’t react right away. Duckduckgo or whatever it, because it’s worth a read, but the short version is that the timing was awful suspicious, it’s suicidally counterproductive for Assad, and for a part of the world notoriously difficult to get media coverage in the footage may as well have been shot on a soundstage.
Maybe the Administration suspected as much and our token response was purely for show?
I wonder if ISIS or AQ just totally tricked us into bombing Assad.
Oh I saw that coming a mile away. There’s been some comedy gold too long to list over the past 12 hours.
Pope Jimbo celebrates Beer Day EVERY DAY!
Well, I always do what the Pope does and says.
FB walls hardest hit. Mine has turned into an absolute disaster. I rarely FB, but when I do, I don’t suffer fools well.
I blocked EVERYONE except family and direct friends, and set the max privacy. Best move I ever made.
I triggered a sister. She’s a grandma and acts like the grandchild. My sin? Dispassionate analysis of what we actually know. For that I got called arrogant.
Being right can be a hassle
My parents are baby boomer liberals. My father (as I’ve mentioned many times before because it’s just that funny) thought that Paul Krugman should’ve been Obama’s Treasury Secretary. My father’s wife is the same way.
My brother’s further left than my parents.
My sister is super far right.
I can’t talk to family about politics. Nope.
I agree, but this could get ugly. We’ve got to hope that Trump is going to be the sane one in the situation. What a world.
All hope is lost in that case…
*blank stare*
I’m lucky in that my entire extended family and I are on the same page politically with the exception of my daughter who is about as far Left as you can get. My daughter has learned not to get into political discussions with the family but occasionally my son will bait her and she just can’t resist. The hardest part for me in trying to influence my grandchildren without it sounding like a direct attack on their mother. The women in my family, myself included, tend to be a real pain in the ass, so I’ve had much better luck with my grandson than with my granddaughter.
Fun fact: The pitcher he hit the home run off of was the 666th pick in the 2015 MLB Draft
Just once I’d like to see a guy score, pound his chest, then point down instead of up. Just once.
Nice, but to be complete, he needs to throw some devil’s horns as he’s rounding third.
I have never thought about pointing to the ground while celebrating. Or devil’s horns.
I am staggered with how much I love this.
“I just wanna thank my teammates, coach whatsisface, my parents, my beautiful wife Tina–whatup Craig!–and all our fans. Hail Satan!”
Are Albinos the new “It” grievance group?
Outrage machine gearing up to protest why albinos are always the villain in movies.
Aren’t they the ultimate example of white privilege?
People of Colorless
Idk, they pale in comparison to the other groups.
*narrows gaze*
Oh FFS, go remove a cancerous mole and actually contribute something to society.
They can’t, actually treating skin conditions is gross.
Le Chiffre wipes away a tiny, blood-colored tear …
+1 Pimple-Popper MD
WTF does that have to do medicine? If that belongs in JAMA, then the Chemical & Engineering News should have a centerfold.
Go on…
I was shaking the test tubes
Whenever she flashed those cupric-blues
Like a hydrogen bond on me
When angel passed close by
Those spun polymer sweaters
Too magical to touch
To see her in that lab coat
Is really just too much
classic movie villains
These assholes always use the luxury of time to demean things. I hope they get judged by others 50 years from now, because they will.
I see right through their plans.
Seen on FB (on a fellow traveler’s page): “I bet you wish our President couldn’t find Aleppo now”
That is a fine, fine joke. Too bad it had to be made.
Yes. Gave me a good laugh.
He stole it from my Twitter. Seriously.
Saw on Twitter: “I much preferred Gary Johnson’s bombing of Aleppo to Trump’s.”
“Christ, he was the only anti-war candidate”
– Justin Raimondo
I’m hoping the progs step in and help the poor People of Color make better choices so we can close the achievement gap.
Survey: Minneapolis parents ditch test score info for other factors
What do the people in the Community of Color look for? “The survey showed that parents look to two factors when figuring out where to enroll kids: enrichment and after-school opportunities and the makeup of the student body.”
I’m sure though that that achievement gap we hear so much about is all because of racism.
I always figured that people used “test scores” as a proxy for race and class so they can talk about sending their kids to a “good school” without sounding racist.
When I moved back to Phoenix in 2012, the school my kids were “supposed” to go rationalized their low standardized test scores by citing their large ESL program. So yes, that’s exactly what they are doing.
Of course I drive my kids to a school in Scottsdale 5 miles out of the way of my morning commute so they can be around all the rich white kids. I have my reasons but I have grown to accept people will label me a racist. Until they discover I really am Mexican, then it gets weird.
So you’re a White-Hispanic, like George Zimmerman.
No. I would never buy a Kel-Tec.
1911 or GTFO
So, choices have consequences? Shit, who knew?!
You know who else experienced a gas attack?
The Dutch?
So overlooked. But kudos.
Poor Banjos last night after I ate a lot of leftover beans for lunch yesterday.
Slim Pickens at the campfire.
+1 $400 handcart
More beans, Mr. Taggart?
I do believe you’ve had enough
Japanese Commuters?
Aum was a front group for Assad.
Every english bulldog owner, ever.
Boxers too. Good dogs, but yow.
Pits, man. Sweet lord above, the most dangerous thing about those dogs is their lower GI. I was gonna burn our old couch but I was worried the fumes would kill whichever neighbors survived the explosion.
Most of the “bully breeds” have GI issues resulting in large volumes of foul gas. I’ve had pitties and bulldogs actually wake us up in the middle of the night just from the vile power of their farts.
My current pair of British Staffordshires practically never fart. I’ve had some Amstaffs, though . . . .
Me. I got hot when cutting the grass and developed an irresistible craving for purple grape juice over ice. I dare any of you to chug a half gallon of that stuff (it was really good) and try sleeping in the same house with your wife for the next three nights.
Ethel Merman?
I always said NFL teams should keep Tebow on their rosters. Dude is blessed.
There’s an aura around that guy.
Know who else is special? Lavar Bell:
Too many slow white guys on UCLA. Could you imagine the reaction at PC Central ESPN had a white father said something along these lines about blacks? There’d be protests and calls for who knows what!
Tebow sort of reminds you of Doug Flutie. Kept winning everywhere he went, but was always being replaced by losers were taller.
Flutie has a better track record, but Tebow has an “it” factor that can’t be denied.
Flutie was mistreated in the NFL without doubt; especially in Buffalo.
They’re winners.
Man, even if you had him as a running QB as a back-up or in special situations, he made PLAYS.
Flutie was a one trick pony who’s success with Buffalo was due to an outstanding defense. Tebow also benefited from a strong defense.
The thing that amazed me about Tebow is in multiple games he would be complete something like 4 out 20 passes for 38 yards in the first 3 quarters and then complete 5 out 6 passes for 131 yards for 2 touchdowns in the 4th quarter and they would win the game.
Let me clear Tebow is not a good quarterback, but when you needed a play he usually figured out a way to make it happen.
Let me clear Tebow is not a good quarterback, but when you needed a play he usually figured out a way to make it happen.
That’s the intangible “winner” thing. Or Jesus, either way.
Or small sample size.
Because I am sorry but winners do not go 4 for 20 against average defenses.
Tebow did not win those NFL games, Football is the ultimate team sport and he was carried to victory by a very good team around him.
Tebow did not win those NFL games, Football is the ultimate team sport and he was carried to victory by a very good team around him.
Or Jesus.
Tebow started 11 games and was 7 and 4. Two of the wins would have been losses without the points scored by the Denver defense/special teams which would have given him a record of 5 and 6. The offense under his tutelage (minus his pick 6’s and fumbles returned for touchdowns totaling 35 points) scored less than 14 points per game.
That’s the point.
“Michael Phelps father said that the US team couldn’t win gold because they had too many black dudes on the team and everyone knows they can’t swim.”
I’m sure that wouldn’t cause any problems.
“Mike Fisher’s father said the Nashville Predators can’t win the Stanley Cup because PK Subban is an uppity black guy who won’t play the game the way it’s supposed to be played.”
I’m sure this would fly.
Subban farts on goalies. Bastard!
at PC Central ESPN had a white father said something along these lines about blacks?
But he would be clearly lying!
Disappointed in Trump. He got woke.
Someone explained that he had to do it because Putin was testing him like he did Obama.
Speaking of Putin (seriously, every time I print his name I can’t keep from thinking about poutine) he says international law has been violated:
I always have to roll my eyes when I see “international law”. Was this international law passed by the international congress and signed into law by the international chief executive, exercising legitimate authority being duly elected by the international public? There’s no such fucking thing as international law, there are only treaties, which can be broken at will.
Human law, by definition, is only as strong as its enforcment.
I think you got it mostly right. Most Intl Law are just contracts without external enforcement mechanisms. Parties to the contract have to be willing to enforce it. If they are, they’ll retaliate against violators. If they aren’t? its not worth doodly-squat.
Treaties i think can be a little different because – at least in the modern Western order – most states will enforce them on themselves; they often actually become part of sovereign, domestic law.
If only there were powerful external countries who were willing to bomb the shit out of you for, say, breaking international conventions against gassing your own citizens…but alas.
That’s why the US did it under contrived UN authorization in Iraq
Doing it on an ad-hoc basis in places like Syria?…. its far more tenuous of a legal-cover. I’m not interested enough in the subject to decode the legal rationale they’ve been clinging to in Syria, but suffice it to say that absolutely no one (including Russia) has the chutzpa to pretend that international law is going to be applied to anything that happens there.
I always think of Ths Hunt for Red October – “What about Putin? He didn’t slip on his tea, did he?”
Florida police officer flees from mouse in CCTV footage
The mouse got away, but the building needs $100,000 in bullet hole repairs from the panic fire.
+1 Death Blossom
Man, that movie deserves a good remake.
It’d be a lot better than the garbage they’re remaking now.
Why remake it, it was perfect the first time around.
Ask, and ye shall receive.
At least it is original screenwriter doing it, so maybe it will be okay.
However, he is 30 years older, so probably not.
They did remake it already. Ender’s Game came out in 2013. It was a flop.
I don’t remember the brother/sister political subplot in Last Starfighter.
If only it had been a black mouse.
Did the mouse’s dog survive the encounter?
I’m not sure whether the slogan over the lockers is a great message for public servants or a commentary on the totalitarianism of today’s police forces.
That just screamed at me, too. Jinx.
“Nothing is Not Your Job”
“De-escalation is Forbidden”
“Bullets are projectiles of love”
Awesome, unclog the fucking toilet.
“Make me a sammich”
Well, in that case, this lawn isn’t gettin’ any shorter.
“After shooting up the place causing extensive damage to the point the department is unsure when it will reopen, the officer had this to say in his defense, “It was YYYUUUGGE! You would have all done the same! It came at me so fast all I could think about was getting home safely!’
Have some fun deconstructing this.
Top comment :
You can just post that Hayek article from up top in response.
Reddit. Where brain cells go to die.
Wow. They actually stated that freedom comes from being constrained and controlled by force.
+Freedom is Slavery
Orwell was just publishing instruction manuals.
The left views “freedom” as ‘freedom from want’ or ‘freedom from risk’.
Freedom of choice? Fuck that! You might make ones they don’t like and approve of…
A wise man once said that freedom is about authority.
How can you respond to somebody who’s that far gone?
Close down their campus.
Islands have to be involved. I don’t care if they get sent or we get sent, but somebody’s gotta go.
So no theft, drug use or murder in the U.S.?
None of that makes any sense whatsoever.
My favorite exchange:
Wow, the derp is too deep for me. I’ll just leave this shit to the Derpetologist.
“We all belong to the government.”
“If you have a business, you didn’t build that, someone else made it happen.”
“We all owe…” – by the mere fact of existing.
These people are outright slavers. You dont own yourself. Pay us or we will bring out the lash.
I get that all the time. I even ask them “Who owns you?”. The answers I get are nonsensical, even bizarre.
It’s like you can’t even present a case for individual freedom, because the concept of self-ownership is so alien to them – there’s no basis on which to even start.
If you own yourself, it implies self-responsibility for your actions. That’s an anathema to most people.
Two things people hate most of all: Truth and responsibility
Fuckin’ herd animals
Hey, they bought you fair and square with their “investment” you “received” when you were born!
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”
Imagine that we make that an AI rule in a video game. Are your characters going to act more ably or more needy?
excellent response. Consider that stolen
Pair that with
You get more of what you reward, and less of what you punish.
and the outcome is pretty predictable, no?
…so you believe that most pack animals are granted land and titles held in trust for their lord in exchange for military service and/or taxes? That’s…interesting.
Hey man, you missed the response.
“[–]Angusthe2nd 199 points 4 days ago
Jon Stewart’s post election interview, I think on NBC, opened my eyes to that way of thinking. People associate natural with good, but really what’s natural is tribalism, the strong eating the weak, and dying at the ripe old age of birth. Applying human knowledge to the world does actually have some beneficial side effects but it just so happens the powerful tend to be humongous gaping dickholes.”
Jesus, where’s Frank when you need him?
Who’s Frank?
Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.
Some socialists at another blog sloopy upset.
Oh, I remember now. Fuck that guy.
If the strong die at birth, when do they eat the weak?
In the womb.
Prenatal cannibalism. (It has been documented in sharks at least)
No. No. No. Last time i went there it ruined my morning. It’s friday and i plan on having a good day.
“Tax evasion is theft.”
Someone actually believes this and said it out loud.
The best thing about that post is that at least four of the images posted were direct results of GOVERNMENT policies and action.
The Deadliest Game:
Sasquatch-themed 5K to raise funding for Ivy Academy
The Frankenstein of Giant Viruses Found in Sewage Plant
I guess eventually they will become bacteria.
So even their viruses are freakish in Oz?
Do you even Austrian, dude?
I go to the box and feel shame now.
Greatest sports movie of all time.
Here’s to all that gorgeous snatch in F-L-A!
I got my eye on the three of you. You pull one thing, you’re out of this game. I run a clean game here. I have any trouble here, I’ll suspend ya.
I’m listening to the fucking song!
Why is that memory so readily accessible to my brain, yet I can’t remember my age sometimes.
That’s very interesting. Will they incorporate end up incorporating just enough of the right genetic material to make the leap from non-living to living?
Oh, goody. John McCain is on The Today Show not only happy with the strikes, but warning (hoping) that this is not a one-off attack.
Grandpa Warboner can still get it up.
He got a prescription for Cial-Isis
Admins, I don’t ask for much, but this joke is so terrible it has to call for at least a temporary ban, doesn’t it?
It’s being discussed.
Sheesh, you guys are rough.
If they let you testify, see if you can plead it down to a narrowed gaze or something like that.
Plead it down to a cat-butting.
Please observe the rules.
“Don’t smash their ass, it’s not good for their health.”
Sounds like solid advice to me.
No ban, just catass.
*narrows gaze, fiercely*
He’s got a prescription for C-I-A-lis. Better?
Don’t you wish the Grim Reaper would come back and say, “Oops, I took the wrong old, bald dude” and gave us back Rickles?
THIS IS NOT A THREAT! I know Preet is gone, but you gotta be careful.
Writer’s erotic novel ‘induced an early labour in both her sisters’
Russian women are woke.
“Her sister Anna-Karenina” and Scarlett. Jesus, their parents had rough taste in books.
Anna Karenina is better than War and Peace. There, I said it. Come at me, bro.
Piker. Sugar Free has caused thousands of people to expel things from their orifices.
“Matthew, 29 is not only a member of Seal Team 6, he is also the only son of mega-billionaire, Wilton P. Vorhees III, and wears size 15 shoes. And he harbors a dark past.”
Cousin of Jason?
More seriously, that is a terrible character concept.
It’s Harlequin books reader focus-group tested to saturate mass-transit seats worldwide.
They were considering making him a vampire too, so we should be at least a little grateful.
It sounds like the type of character a small child comes up with (except the names)
You’ve never seen a Harlequin Novel, have you?
Because if this story hadn’t been self-published, it’s exactly what Harlequin or Mills & Boone would publish.
Please don’t ask me how I know so much about female-wank-novels.
I *would* call them by their proper names, “Bodice-rippers”, but that sounds kinda rapey and shitlordish.
All the men are strong as an ox, massive pecs, have long windswept hair, have a commanding presence, but are just sensitive boys at heart?
I must confess that I have never read anything published by Harlequin. I’ve never even heard of “Mills and Boone”. I’m judging from the standpoint of storytelling in general and not in the production of female pron.
Oh, you had a job writing blurbs for Harlequin too?
Maybe we met at one of those shitty publisher parties.
Fuck. Just outed myself.
Mills & Boone is thelimey publishing version of Harlequin. They take a plot from Harlequin, and if the story has a fantasy object British male, they transmogrify the character into an American.
Because only foreigners are worthy of lustful fantasies.
Ugh. “because only foreigners (and pirates) can be objectified fantasy sex objects”
I thought Neal Stephenson made up the term “bodice ripper”.
That term’s been around forever. Probably well before Stephenson was conceived,
Conceived after Fabio Stephenson ripped open the bodice of Neal’s mother, right?
Wilton P. Vorhees III? That’s Haven Monahan’s uncle, isn’t it?
Would the response have been the same if he’d been a civilian black-ops soldier?
Askin’ for a friend.
Don’t be silly. Those are “Operators” or “Contractors” not “Soldiers”
*Puts away tacti-tard dress-up kit and wipes of temporary tribal tattoos*
Jeez. They’re from Chingford. Not sure I can come up with an American stereotype to help you Yanks understand the nuances of this story.
Teen cuts off his own testicles because he was ‘tired of being a man’
Know who else is/was tired of being a man?
Michelle Obama?
Reggie Love?
Hatin’ on a Dukie. I approve.
And they say it’s not a mental problem.
The Dick Is Yucky?
So woke…..
That took balls.
*stifles laughter*
*clears throat*
What is wrong with you, man?
Scarlett Johansson: Ivanka Trump ‘baffles me’
In all fairness, indoor plumbing baffles Johansson.
Maybe she wants to avoid being criticized by dumb slunts like Scarlett.
Just sayin’
I don’t think baffling ScarJo is all that difficult.
Ivanka’s so unwoke 🙁
It baffles my why Scarlett Johansson wastes her time making movies when she could give all her money to charity and go work at a nonprofit. Or she could join the Peace Corps. Or she could be a nun. So many things that Scarlett Johansson isn’t doing that I think she should be. Baffling.
Well whatever she does, she should avoid making any more albums where she mumble sings into a tin can.
“25 year old white girl with no musical or vocal training sings Tom Waits covers for karaoke night”. I for one simply can’t believe that didn’t work.
Do nuns still have the vow of silence? If so I recommend that.
Yeah, because Twitter would just love that.
Am I the only one who thinks she’s got an ugly face? Rocking body, of course, but her face is weird and it will not age well.
Okay… I’ve been logged in all morning and commenting. I had the banner stating “Howdy, UnCivilServant” at the top of the page and the proper commenting block, but when I tried to post a reply it suddenly said “You must be logged in to comment”.
Now after logging in I could comment again, but how the hell did my session expire while I was active?
I think its a time since login, not time since last action session.
Live in fear!
Is the Tebow link just to cause Baked Penguin to twitch?
Thought experiment. What would these people do in response to the chemical attacks in Syria?
Bill Weld
Ross Perot
Rand or Ron Paul
I feel confident that McAfee would do some blow and a couple hookers.
Good enough. *Pulls lever
H – “It was clearly at the command of Putin – Nuke Moscow”
BW – “Well now we just need to find the erasable red pen.”
Perot – “We should hire mercenaries to assassinate Assad.”
McAffee – “Mercenaries aren’t necessary, I’ll kill him myself”
Jeb – “We… Strongly… condemn… this… action… by… person… or… persons… unknown… in… Syria…”
Paul – “We should not interfere with these sovering peoples gassing each other to death.”
That might be Rand Paul’s response, Ron Paul would likely order a series of drone attacks on the C.I.A. building.
Might also use the confusion as a cover to re-introduce the Gold Standard.
The last 4 are absolutely perfect.
Perot would probably ask Adm. Stockdale, who would use Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations to point out that life is suffering and that even the Emperor cannot stop that.
Hillary blame it on the Russians
Weld blame it on the alcohol
Perot take a strong stance then back off saying the Syrians have compromising photos of his daughter
McAfeee blame on Belize
Jeb WMDs 2.0
Paul Shit happens
Well, Hillary would probably launch a missile strike on Syrian airfields:
Ugh – I thought Trump – at the very best – wouldn’t get all war-boner. So much for my hopes.
Well, it’s not looking promising at the moment, but hopefully this will prove to be more of a one-off show of force than a regular habit. We can only hope, anyway.
Every day I set my expectations for Trump so low that anytime he does something wrong, I can be satisfied that I was right about him, and anytime he does something right it is a genuinely pleasant surprise.
Literally Not Hitler @Mellecon 54m54 minutes ago
Out: Trump’s a Putin Stooge
In: OMG, Trump’s going to start a war with Russia
You know who else was friendly with Russia before starting a war with them.
Me, playing RISK with my girlfriend?
That Austrian failed artist with one nut and a severe case of anger against Jewish womenz whose name escapes me?
The man can’t win with these people, can he?
What do you mean “these people”?
What are the odds David Brooks is hunched over his typewriter right now, banging out a thousand words or so about how happy and grateful he is that Trump has finally decided to govern like a grownup and start bombing and killing people?
Ralph Peters is the worst warmonger of them all.
God, what world do these conservative chicken-hawks live in that they believe that for the last eight years we somehow have withdrawn from the world? I’m sorry, did you dumbfucks miss all the bombing and droning Obama was doing? I really, REALLY despise these warmongers.
He was going after soft civilian targets.
There is always a story.
The NYT is pushing SMART DIPLOMACY as the solution to the Syria problem. That’s a really good idea, I’d hate to see the administration use DUMB DIPLOMACY or even MILDLY RETARDED DIPLOMACY as the solution.
I think the NYT believes “smart diplomacy” means airstrikes. Based on the Bill Clinton “shoot missiles at them until they stop misbehaving” model of intervention.
NYT believes SMART DIPLOMACY to be the opposite of whatever Trump does at any moment.
Rejoice one and all, for the future is bright.
Friday night, bitches!!!
I’m gonna go out and get loaded, hopefully meet a girl.
get loaded, hopefully meet a girl.
don’t barf on her.
Dude. Don’t you be raggin’ on my A-Game.
Imagine, if you will, a young Lord Humungus; back before the iron mask and the hair loss
I’m at a punk rock bachelor party, drinking waaay to much. The stripper, who is cousins with one of the party-goers (ewww!), shows up. She’s strips and then starts doing lap dances. A bit later I end up lying on the floor while she crawls naked all over my body.
Suddenly I get a huge case of the spins, push her off of me, and end up rushing off to the bathroom to puke up all the booze I ingested.
I have once puked on a student. True. Fucking. Story.
Don’t give me your bullshit “I had to run away to puke!”
JUNE 1st! 2012! And she was one of my favorites. About 11 IIRC. *(NO OMWC SIGNAL.) Thankfully it was pretty much just water and I only got her from the knees down. Still…it’s very traumatic to be vomited on! She warmed up to me again eventually. About six months later.
You groped your cousin then puked on her?
Was thinking the same thing..
you sickos!
Updates throughout the night. We’ll give you pointers as you go. *Tents fingers*
Looks like I’m going out solo. I’ll probably require some fake phone call distractions to make me feel more normal and to shield away the harsh anxiety that plagues me.
I’m very well adjusted.
Evan: “Hey, darling–” *looks surreptitiously at phone* “–how ’bout that Federal Reserve? What a bunch of walkers, know what I’m saying?”
*heard from phone*
“WANKERS, not WALKERS, you fool!”
For beer day, here is my hefeweizen recipe, which is the favorite beer of mine (both customers and friends).
Homebrew version, makes 5 gallons:
6.5# Wheat Malt
4.5# Pilsner Malt
Boil 90 minutes
1 oz German Tettnang (about 4% AA) at 60 mins left in boil.
WLP300 Hefeweizen Ale Yeast
That is basic version. If, like me, you enjoy violating the Reinheitsgebot when making German style beers, here is the bonus version:
In addition to above, with 5 mins left in boil add 3 Tbsps orange peel and 2 Tbsps crushed Corainder.
What’s the expected OG? And any recommendations on fermentation temperatures? I’ve only made a hefeweizen once, and wasn’t happy with how it turned out.
For a hefe, the fermentation temp is key. Do you want more clove or more banana? Go low or high.
I aim for 72F, which emphasizes the banana. If you want more clove, go about 68F.
OG around 1.055 depending on your efficiency, of course. I have made it with 6/4 lbs and with 7/5 lbs, but the 6.5/4.5 worked out about right for my homebrew equipment.
On good days, it runs a bit higher than that and the final beer ends up more like 6.0% ABV, but I am targeting around 5.5% ABV.
Much appreciated. Once I get some keg space open I’ll need to slot this in.
There seems to be some new kick in homebrewing to ferment slow and low. To me, hefe should be 70-72F, but these guys will not shut up about fermenting at 65 and way underpitching the yeast and making sure there is very little oxygen so that it struggles. Um, maybe that’s true for a strong beer so you don’t get too many off flavors or bad alcohols, but for hefe you don’t want slow and low. Let the yeast go apeshit. You don’t want anything else to even have a chance.
This last batch the OG is 1.050 and the FG was 1.010 for an ABV of about 5.25%
I tasted the flat stuff before bottling and I can tell once it gets well carbonated it’s going to be very tasty. Lots of banana with a bit of clove finish, just how I like it. I hate when it’s too clovey or taste like lemons.
I broke the fermentation vessel in my kit. Given the amount of beer I don’t drink I never got a replacement… :/
That’s a bunch of wheat (duh), you have any issues with stuck sparges?
Not usually. I had some nasty issues with rye. Basically same recipe, but replace the wheat with rye and some different (and more) hop choices.
I just did a slightly smaller batch with 5.5# Wheat (mix of white and red) 4# Pilsner, but I only boiled 75 minutes and added Tettnang hops at 45 min.
Super easy to make and it’s pretty quick from brewing to drinking in about 3.5-4 weeks.
The speed with which the Trump administration responded — and remarks earlier in the day by American officials who said that options were still being considered — appeared intended to maximize the element of surprise, and contrasted sharply with the Obama administration’s methodical scrutiny of a military response.
If only Trump had drawn a red line, first.
Obama’s issue was he never got past the scrutiny phase, unless it was to bow, scrape and appologize.
“Appologize”: can I get that on Google Play?
Wow, even CNN just kind of called out Pelosi on her cuntness. They brought up how she’s calling for a session so Congress can vote on what they think of Trump’s Syria bombing, while mentioning that she never asked for a vote regarding obamas military actions
That withered bitch is threatening to get in the way of good war coverage ratings.
SO I’ve been rather away from news and comments lately due to being forced to drink excessive amounts of beer in Munich by my employer. How is humanity split on weather Assad ordered the attacks or its just a false flag? I assume it has been discussed …
Romania, unsurprisingly declared solidarity with the US and will probably contribute 3 soldiers and a broken down tank to the eventual ground force.
They do the best they can, damn it! More than you can say about the French.
Not so sure it was a *false flag*. I think it was staged, and probably not by the Syrian government.
I just don’t see what Assad had to gain from doing this now
Maybe he was trying to gin up business for his eye practice.
There is a story going around that this was done to make sure Assad realized that when someone in Trump’s cabinet had said in a speech a month or so ago that US policy no longer was regime change in Syria, that it didn’t mean he had carte blanche to go back to killing his people. By dooing this, and doing it quick, they showed the Assad, the Russians, the Norks, and even China, that there was a new sheriff in town. One that didn’t just like to stick to drone striking American kids without due process and drawing red lines in the sand and then doing nothing. Or something…
Literally 1 week ago
If this is just your summary of ‘a story going around’, i don’t think its a very good story. we wouldn’t escalate a war in Syria just to send some message to people we have other means of ‘messaging’.
i personally think there may have been some very calculated decisions made in advance. basically, that the above-noted “assad can stay” signals were actually bullshit from the start, and that they were going to take the first opportunity to hit him they could.
I think trying to decode ‘what went on behind closed doors’ is impossible at this point. what i’m curious about is the “What then?” (ie. ‘what happens next’) part of the Mattis-esque approch to use of force. You shouldn’t move until you have some idea of where its all going, and i can only assume they decided where it was going before they fired the missiles.
For any who are interested, I will be in Las Vegas next week at Viva Las Vegas. If anyone else is in the area, I’m up for grabbing a pint or two.
I probably won’t be able to make it into town, but if I end with some extra free time I’ll try to get in touch with you on here.
Romanian cab drivers are unsurprisingly protesting Uber. To be hones, all my Uber experiences were positive, more so than taxi. Then again taxis were always fairly cheap in Bucharest and there were mobile apps to order cabs long before uber. And I like the anonymity factor of a random taxi. I actually avoided uber first few months, didn’t like the idea of putting credit card data in a phone app, but started using it when there were periods where cabs were hard to find and Uber was available.
I love uber, but recently had my first bad experience. The driver’s app stopped working after a few blocks so he stopped and told me to get out cause he wouldn’t get paid without app tracking the trip.
Needless to say, words were fired.
Had that happen once with Lyft – I told him I’d tip him the difference and we were cool.
Fuck Obama, fuck obamacare, and fuck anybody who defends obamacare. Fuck, with an exceptionally tetanus infested railroad tie, those politicians who were elected through the promise of getting rid of obamacare and then misplaced their balls when the rubber actually needed to meet the road.
I just got a premium bill for redundant marketplace insurance that should have been be cancelled and paid less than 10% of what it should have because we moved during the first month and couldn’t get insurance in the new state without an address.
libertarians … so selfish
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
Fuck Obama, fuck obamacare, and fuck anybody who defends obamacare. Fuck, with an exceptionally tetanus infested railroad tie, those politicians who were elected through the promise of getting rid of obamacare and then misplaced their balls when the rubber actually needed to meet the road.
I have a vague sense that you’re upset here, but I could be wrong.
All of your problems are completely due to too much free market and capitalism in health insurance and health care.
Your frustration is misplaced. You’re supposed to be demanding single payer by now.
Solar power for the win!
Idaho’s $4.3 Million Solar Project Generates Enough Energy to Run ONE Microwave Oven
What wattage? I have seen 800watt, 1100 watt and 1400 watt microwave ovens.
Ah, so an 800-watt oven.
So who spends an hour blow drying their hair? I also doubt the average microwave is run for an hour a day. While there is plenty to criticize, making dumb ass statements like this only demonstrate ignorance.
You literally could have built a bonfire out of it and cooked more hot dogs.
In Europe there are huge headlines when on a windy day 25 35% of electricity comes from wind. On days when 0.1% comes from wind crickets …
I am rather disappointed that many of my electronic engineer colleagues actually believe in 100% wind and solar energy. Especially many of the Germans. Who are very antinuclear, for reasons I cannot understand – they are probably the least earthquake/hurricane/tidal wave/whatever prone place in the world.
“Who are very antinuclear”
Cultural memory? I imagine sitting between the Warsaw Pact and NATO for 50 years might make one a bit twitchy about all things nuclear.* Also Chernobyl
*I know there’s a chasm between nuclear power & weapons but, people conflate.
Knowledge that they missed a good nuking by a matter of months? (Although it never seemed much worse than a fire-bombing to me)
The Germans have been protesting against nuclear power since some of the very first reactors were installed.
The first and second planned nuclear generation plants at Ludwigshafn and Wyhl were cancelled, I think, because of a very vocal green opposition. Indeed, it was so successful that the civil disobedience model they developed was adopted by the Green movement thru’out Europe and the US.
I’m just picturing a blacked out city, pure mayhem and looting everywhere. Zoom into one dark house except for the glow of a microwave light cooking popcorn as the home owner sits in front of it waiting patiently to find out the popcorn burned.
“This popcorn is undercooked!”
*Throws bag against the wall in rage, runs outside to join the looting*
This guy’s been busting their chops for awhile.
Uh-oh, another driver whose obscure motives may never been determined has driven a truck into a crowd of pedestrians and then started shooting people in Stockholm.
Sweden last night?
Let’s not jump to conclusions.
It’s almost becoming a syndrome.
Krugabe speak truth to power
By now there’s a whole genre of media portraits of working-class Trump supporters (there are even parody versions). You know what I mean: interviews with down-on-their-luck rural whites who are troubled to learn that all those liberals who warned them that they would be hurt by Trump policies were right, but still support Mr. Trump, because they believe that liberal elites look down on them and think they’re stupid. Hmm.
Yes, yes, of course. Those stupid neanderthal rubes from nowheresville, where a bagel is some sort of hard shelled donut, cannot possibly comprehend the magical incantations of their lordly betters in Washington and New York and San Francisco. I mean, those people refuse to accept the obvious truth that since the government prints its own money it can therefor spend infinite amounts on anything with no long term consequences. You’d have to be stupid to deny that.
Please allow the DC Democrat natterati to continue to believe this pablum for a few more years.
What Trump policy, specifically, has caused actual harm to working-class Trump supporters? He never says.
His obstinate refusal to abdicate to Queen Hillary, of course.
If you were a leftist you would know what’s best for these people and wouldn’t have to ask that question.
Didn’t the number of new jobs increase most recently?
Yeah, pretty dramatically, too.
Is there anything more specific there? as in, identifying specific things that these so-called liberals were right about?
because it sounds like he’s just talking to the fantasies in his head again.
(no, i’m not clicking and reading NYT today)
Controversial Trans YouTuber Blaire White Will Take Your Questions Now
I like Blaire. I mean, I’d totally do her, like if she had never had a dick.
Xer may still have one
So if she was virgin you’d be fine?
Blair hasn’t had the op yet. Looks like the HRT worked pretty well though.
I think – at a push – that Blair prefers being called ‘he’ to being called ‘xer’, IIRC.
He’s one of the saner transsexuals on youtube from what I gather, and the reason that he’s controversial is that he considers his ‘issue’ is a mental illness, which of course makes him the victim of some pretty vicious attacks.
She. Referring to anyone that feminine as “he” is ignoring that pronouns are literally gendered.
Can’t track it down, and maybe White was just trying to provoke a response, but I thought I read an interview where White articulated that view.
But that’s part of the “movement”‘s beef with White, because “she” considers that people who say they’re transsexual but don’t transition, or clearly make progress towards transitioning are simply “transtrenders” – not looking at you, Milo Stewart.
In her case she certainly has transitioned. She’s not one of those “gender queer” people. She’s unambiguously feminine.
Last time I heard, Blair was pre-op, although intending to “go all the way”.
Whether or not she is pre-op is irrelevant. There is nothing about her, other than prior knowledge, that would lead anyone to think she used to be a boy. That can’t be said about these people who say they’re transsexual but don’t transition.
That’s not the thrust of Blair’s argument, as I always understood it. If you have gender dysphoria and intend to, are, or have transitioned, then you’re a “tranny” in her terms.
From what I remember, Blair was always rather dismissive about using any of the hundreds of alternative gender terms, and (and this was about 2 years ago, I think) – she said to an interviewer that when she looks like a woman, and has fully transitioned, *then* she will ‘expect’ to be called by ‘she’.
Either way, the whole transsexual subject is considerably less derpy when Blair get to participate in a discussion. It’s quite refreshing.
How can we miss you, if you won’t go away?
“I think I have a lot to do,” she said.
She said she was puzzled by the fact that she was popular as secretary of state under President Barack Obama, according to polls at the time she left that job, but unpopular as a candidate.
“Well, what happened?” she said. “Oh my gosh, by the time they finished with me, I was Typhoid Mary.”
The difference, she said, was that as secretary, “it was a job that I was asked to do by a man.” As a presidential candidate, she was propelled by her own ambition, a quality, she said, that studies show is seen as unappealing in a woman.
Mrs. Clinton said she was at work on a book that would delve deeply into the events leading up to the election, including the decision by the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to release a letter about the investigation into her emails so close to Election Day.
STFU and GTFO, you simpering crybaby.
I’m sure her book will also delve deeply into her husband just happening to bump into Loretta Lynch on the fucking tarmac in Phoenix where they chatted about their grandchildren for a bit before going their separate ways.
It can’t be repeated enough – Loretta Lynch has no grandchildren.
Being “propelled by her own ambition” might be a quality that is “unappealing in a woman” to the left, who want women to have perpetual victim status.
I’m just waiting for the tell-all from inside Hillary’s bunker. Just a shame that she didn’t have any cyanide pills for herself like the last megalomaniacal tyrant who hid in a bunker.
“Oh my gosh, by the time they finished with me, I was Typhoid Mary.”
“They” who, Mrs. Clinton? The vast right-wing conspiracy? The basket of deplorables? The alt-right? Help us out here.
The Bernie Bros?
Since she started out as Hemorrhoid Scary, she should thank them.
And, there never seems to be a denial of most of the charges. Just that it’s unfair they were brought into the debate.
Hello. Frequent lurker, very infrequent poster. I think what you guys have done here is terrific. All the witty, fun, intelligent conversation minus the unhinged trolls and TDS pants shitting on the other site.
Down to business. I work in the, er, public sector (**ducks**) and have had some interesting conversations with my coworkers this morning. Basically the line of thinking goes like this:
Co-workers- Tomahawk strikes in Syria were the best thing ever ’cause we don’t take that shit and dead kids ‘n stuff. We should turn their county into a parking lot if Assad retailiates.
Me- Won’t turning their country into a parking lot kill a lot more kids than those that died in the gas attack?
Coworkers- Yeah, well those are just future terrorists.
Being stuck in a logical fallacy loop is a hell of a drug.
It’s all nonsense today. ENB at the other site, though, had the greatest and truest headline ever: “Bipartisan war boners raging”.
Can’t get your domestic agenda through? Bomb an Arab.
“Bomb an Arab”… Isn’t that a town in Pakistan, up the road from “Islam a Bad”?
Just past “Kill a Hindu” also know as Hindu Kush.
Finally, an accurate and bipartisan campaign slogan
Even though I disagree with her on a number of issues she *can be* a damn good writer. Her twitter feed on the other hand is often nausea inducing…
Her headline is one of the first things I’ve agreed with her on in a long time
It was one of her twitter shits that caused me to permanently abandon the other site:
IDK if it’s in direct reference to the “exodus” but the timeframe seems about right. Big “L” partisan-hackery.
‘Not on board with our virtue signaling the left? You MUST be alt-right’
Yeah, she was responding to Julie Borowski who said that the reason why libertarians were joining the alt-right was because certain libertarians were more interested in abiding by the rules of the SJW Left then actually defending principle. ENB disagreed and wrote back at her. And then, I guess, ENB turned around and proved Borowski right.
I’m not so good at the twitterz and the facespaces……didn’t know that was in response to another tweet. Either way it pretty much shows you where your average Reason writers’ heads are at. I’m much happier, better informed and entertained over here…..that goes for articles as well as comments.
The argument between Borowski and ENB kind of highlights the division within libertarianism. ENB and Reason are definitely pursuing the ‘low tax liberal’ approach of the Kochs. Borowski is definitely of the Rothbard-Paul school.
In my opinion, the Rothbard-Paul school has been far more successful electorally (the Pauls, Massie, and Amash). The Kochs have only been successful at propping up Republicans.
I just wish JB could have her voice dropped an octave and we could convince her to pop a Mogadon from time to time.
If only..
It’s easy to keep the house clean when no one lives there.
*link to rap battle reaction belongs here*
“Dr. Nolan-Brown, report to the burn unit.”
Do yourself a favor and never look at Balko’s twitter. My god, I used to have immense respect for that man and he’s pretty much morphed into Sad Beard at this point. He’s retweeting Alex Pareene drivel from Fusion for crissakes….as is ENB, of course.
Fuck me. “This is good”. Typed unironically.
Yeah I already made that mistake. At what point does that start to effect the credibility of his previously excellent work? Serious question.
Balko’s lost his shit a little bit. He’s still strong on police stuff, but I think the WaPo culture has soaked into his brain.
It’s sad. WaPo really must have gotten to him.
Libertarianism needs to be cured of libertarians in order for it to be more palatable to lefties
Yep, that was pretty much my take.
“Hillary’s airstrikes would’ve been so much more feminist”
It’s one of those irregular verbs. I have an independent mind; you are an eccentric; he is round the twist
– Bernard Woolley
Greatest comedy of all time?
And also one of the most realistic portrayals of politics ever aired.
I’m hoping to get a job with the Post Office, so no stones thrown from this quarter.
The private sector, I’ve learned, expects results.
Nice to know someone else who is semi-content to be a part of the problem.
90 hour work weeks with perpetual threats of being fired kind of burned me out.
Overseer or orphan-operatives at an monocle-cleaning factory?
or</strike ofFedEx station manager.
The “failure is the only option” situations started to hurt my feelings.
Not all stations are the same; the other station I managed wasn’t that bad. It had its problems, of course; I should have stayed there, really, but was trying to get closer to family.
Is FedEx the post office?
Is FedEx the post office?
Considering the number of U.S. mail pieces that are deposited in clearly marked FedEx boxes, a lot of people think so.
A pension scheme where they ask you to shuffle a few papers around when you have the time.
I was sort of hoping to get back on with the company that hired me away from FedEx, and then laid me off.
I can’t stop laughing when I think about that.
If I wanted to chum the waters, I might ask what the cosmotarian chinscratchers over at the Before Place are saying about our little Syrian Adventure, this morning.
Don’t know, don’t care, won’t look.
Can’t find a link to the specific story (it’s on the BBC Sportsday blog): but some guy in England was cleaning out his late father-in-laws papers and came across a betting slip from the 1974 Grand National. Took it to the betting company that issued it. Not only did they pay out, they added some cash to allow for inflation.
+1 Waking Ned Devine
GREAT movie
I also enjoyed the Limey version of “Death at a funeral” which I consider a similar movie.
+1 fruity soaps
Mostly boring.
It was one of her twitter shits that caused me to permanently abandon the other site:
That was… unsurprising. Especially the part about her low opinion of Senator Paul. The liberaltarian world is full of disappointment and despair.
I sincerely wish I could live up to the expectations of people like ENB, but I can’t. I guess I’ll always be an alt-right knuckledragger.
It’s been blatantly obvious since the day she started working for Reason that ENB is Weigel in drag, particularly if you poke around her writing prior to Reason.
I still think she is one of the best journalists at Reason, in that she does actual journalism in researching facts.
Never trust a supposed libertarian journalist based in DC.
From what I can tell, she’s very accurate. One might not agree with her opinions, but she is almost always correct on the facts.
Which you would expect to be a fairly standard expectation for a journalist, but fine, point taken.
Agreed. I can admit that she’s one of the better writers over there while simultaneously strongly disagreeing with some of her views and generally not liking her much as a person based on my observations.
I just wish I cared more about her subject matter. I mean, it’s not that her stories aren’t important, but there’s no quicker way to ruin sex than to read about it as investigative journalism.
I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but in reality she’s TSTSNBN’s version of Jayson Blair: a compulsive liar who often fabricates stuff completely out of thin air for fun or to make a point or whatever.
Frankly, some of the crap that spews out of her is so utterly ludicrous at times that only a complete fool would actually believe it.
Do you have any examples of this?
I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but in reality i’m TSTSNBN’s version of Tony Blair: a compulsive liar who often fabricates stuff completely out of thin air for fun or to make a point or whatever.
Frankly, some of the crap that spews out of my mouth is so utterly ludicrous at times that only a complete fool would actually try to interact with me.
Please dont’ go there
The most obvious example would be when accused Eli Lake, a may more accomplished and respected reporter than she is, of laughing at dead Palestinian kids. An accusation which pretty much nobody believes.
The next most obvious example was her making up an absolutely ludicrous story about being detained by the US Secret Service at the Republican national convention in Cleveland.
That’s not fair and against the rules and no one is ever supposed to have to answer to readers for things they write.
“I was young; I needed the work.”
***knuckle-dragger fist bump***
FedEx station manager.
It truly is mindboggling that any of that stuff gets to where it’s supposed to go, and on time, too.
Funny, my local FedEx carrier keeps losing our packages, and then when you tell them to open an investigation the driver does nothing, FedEx does nothing and they say “welp, nothing we can do, you should contact the company and have them open a case and order a new one” which is fine for things that can be re-ordered.
Is it Express or Ground? Because those are different companies.
Ground drivers are nowadays primarily hires for the contractors.
A few years ago, your FedEx Ground driver was a contractor who owned a route and his truck. He got paid per package and per stop. They changed the business plan so that one had to own multiple routes to be a contractor, so a lot of non-owners are now doing the work.
It is drilled into the culture.
A driver will feel guilty for the rest of the day if he is one minute late for one package.
He will also be angry, and blame a variety of people and circumstances for his failure.
Because Al Capone wasn’t gangster enough?
“Under a new plan to prepare them for life after high school, Chicago Public Schools students would have to show an acceptance letter to a university, community college, apprenticeship, trade school, internship, or the armed services”
So an actual job isn’t good enough?
Apparently not.
They do realize an acceptance letter does not necessarily mean they are enrolling, right? They can’t possible be that absent-minded?
It is the public school system, so yes, yes they can be.
Woah. There are a lot of comments here. I had been reading the Reasonoids google group but hadn’t posted here yet.
ENB is Weigel in drag
Aside from her obsession with “sex workers” I never found her to be particularly freedom-friendly.
Nope. As she said at HnR, the goals of social justice are noble!
It finally was last night in Sweden.
That’s not going to get much press, because Syria.
Because nothing to see here, all those refugees are integrating perfectly into Swedish society, making Volvos, etc… wouldn’t want Islamophobia getting lose just because they are raping and killing people.
So… I’m positively beside myself wondering if we should still believe all accusations of sexual abuse.
“These false accusations are intended to damage a prominent elected official who has been a defender of vulnerable populations for decades. It is not a coincidence that this shakedown effort comes within weeks of the campaign filing deadline.
Make sure you express your progressive bona-fides good and hard. Paint another rainbow crosswalk, Ed, maybe that’ll help.
Works for rapists like that chick from Girls.
Holy shit read the comments. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to see Republicans arguing that THE CONSTITUTION IS FOR PUSSIES, but I still am. Remember when some of us were delusional enough to believe that Rand at least had a chance to win over the conservative masses? Mea Culpa.
I don’t know. That is a comment section. Paul, Cruz, and Lee have all denounced the action yesterday. I don’t recall any Democratic senators denouncing the bombing of Libya. I still think that the conservative masses are still more persuadable
I hope you’re right. The old republicans at my workplace are giddy today and eagerly awaiting us killing some Syrians.
It’s war boners all the way around at my WP too.
I applaud any congressperson willing to assert their branch’s rights and responsibilities. Too bad there’s so damn few of them.
Stuart Varney’s accent is to RP English as a Twinkie is to an Eclair
It’s so sad that this is a breath of fresh air. Someone who wants to follow the Constitution! Why is that a rarity? Then so many of the idiot commenters attacking him, rather than trying to prove him wrong. It’s so sad. These people only see tribes. Republican does it? Good awesome, who fucking cares about separation of powers. Democrat does it, WHAT ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION!? These idiots are going to lead us to the complete destruction of our Republic and the return of a central ruler. We truly are Rome, aren’t we? Instead of Caesar, will our Emperors be called Trumps?
They are voting on Goresuch now.
Hot or not?
The vote count is 51 to 27 right now.
That announcer’s voice is cracking me up.
The vote is now 53 to 39; this is going to be a nail-biter.
It would be hilarious if he were confirmed by 60 votes. I won’t hold my breath.
If the remaining 5 senators vote aye, the vote will be 58 to 42; and I just heard two more “no” votes.
My company has grown to the point where the HR lady needs an assistant/factotum. If anyone is interested, let me know. Job is right off of exit 17 on the pike (if you don’t know what that means, don’t bother 😉 ).
You work on a giant fish?
So I’m out doing that bank job up in Secaucus…..
Goresuch confirmed 54 to 45
McConnell: I move to reconsider the vote; I then move to table to the previous motion.
Parliamentary procedure is weird.
Well, it was mostly made up by the English.
Senator from Iowa is trying to talk; he’s having to raise his voice because won’t nobody pay attention to him. The chair just ordered everyone not paying attention to leave the room.
This is awesome. I’ve never seen anyone live tweet C-SPAN before. And that’s not sarcasm. I keep refreshing to see what’s happening
Senator from Iowa promises that, if he left anyone out of his thank you list, he’ll “Buy them a Dairy Queen”.
I think he meant some food product, not an actual store.
I figured that was a local Iowan term for a prostitute
I lol’d
It’s what they call transvestites in Wisconsin.
That is funny. Truly though, Dairy Queen is a Minnesota thing.
Wisconsin and Iowa just get a little overflow because they are spread so thick in MN.
“Goresuch is a man of the West; of grit and determination”
“The clerk will call the roll.”
“Mr. Alexander”
“Are we in a quorum call?”
“We are not”
If you had to ask, you can’t afford it.
Sen. McConnell just thanked Trump for sending Goresuch.
Okay, the “Iowa Senator” was Grassley. He is the chairman of the Judiciary Committee
NYT: The Grim Logic Behind Syria’s Chemical Weapons Attack
None of it makes any sense. Why would Assad suddenly use chemical weapons against anyone? All of this smells like CIA bullshit.
My hot take. Assad heard Trump wasn’t going to look for his ouster and it went through the dictator translator that meant he could be an even bigger psychopath than he already was with no consequences. Same thing as happened with Saddam and him being told we weren’t interested in a border dispute.
I feel like that is as plausible an explanation as “It wasn’t Assad that did it.”
Of course, after the way we curb stomped Saddam and Qaddafi, I would think that every tin pot dictator out there is thinking “What the fuck is America going to do to me if I play by the rules or don’t?”
Why wouldn’t he, if he thought he would get away with it? A miscalculation on his part, but most war is a result of misunderstanding what an opponent is willing to do.
No president is above the law or the Constitution. I said so when it was Barack Obama, and I will say so when it is Donald Trump.
-Rand Paul
What a hypocrite.
I no rite?!
What, holding both to the same standards? What insanity is this!? Doesn’t he know he’s supposed to be a team player?
Gorsuch confirmed. Jews to be rounded up. Abortions are being halted mid procedure.
Millions of fetuses collectively swipe little stubby fingers over barely-developed brows.
Literally Hitler
I can’t wait for all the MSM and Democrat commentary on how Gorsuch is such a threat to the Constitution, since he is in general an originalist who mostly believes the Constitution means what it says as the words were understood at the time they were written.
The horror…the horror.
I dunno if it’ll happen. NPR was desperately trying to find something controversial about him and they couldn’t. At least the segments that I heard.
Gorsuch gets confirmed: Yay!
Trump bombed Syria: I knew there had to be something to balance out the good news!
“Everyone appeals to high principle, when everyone knows these fights are about raw power.”
“Moreover, killing the filibuster for Supreme Court nominations (the so-called nuclear option) yields two gratifications: It allows a superb young conservative jurist to ascend to the seat once held by Antonin Scalia. And it constitutes condign punishment for the reckless arrogance of Reid and his erstwhile Democratic majority.”
It also means that, if one of the liberal judges takes a dive in the next couple of years, then the court possibly goes 6-3.
Maybe Sorkin can write a script for a Weekend at Bernie’s – Supreme Edition.
“Moreover, killing the filibuster for Supreme Court nominations (the so-called nuclear option) yields two gratifications: It allows a superb young conservative jurist to ascend to the seat once held by Antonin Scalia. And it constitutes condign punishment for the reckless arrogance of Reid and his erstwhile Democratic majority.”
The most important word in that sentence? YOUNG
I can’t remember where I saw it; the River Derp is wide and deep. But- somebody was explaining how Gorsuch will push the Court farther to the right than it was with Scalia on it. Because kkkorporashunz, or something.
Whether you drink the mass-produced rice beer of the megacorp, or your own lovingly crafted homebrew, have one for a good cause.
I’ve got a batch of Hefeweizen bottle conditioning right now so I guess I have to go with megacorp. Or the local microbrew down the street.
BTW, my last beer, a strong ale, won 2nd place in its style at a recent competition with over 300 entries. Ok, there were 14 in my style, but my beer beat 12 other beers and it was my first time entering a contest. The beer that beat me was one made by some guy who is in all the local clubs. I’m in no club. They’re even going to send me a medal.
Anyway, all I’m saying is that I brew pretty fucking good beer.