Late you say? Hmmm. I will speak with the manager – I am sure we can get you a few free comment washes to make up for your trouble.
- Obscure museum makes choice for three more exhibits.
- I sort of get the impression that this Boston Herald writer does not care for Elizabeth Warren.
- Turk sites engaging in online bashing Germany? Say it ain’t so! You know who else…?
- And another in the seemingly endless parade of these stories.
- Well, if naught else, this is a certain indicator that Trump #$%&ed up.
Have a grand morning, all of you. I am going to go stick my head into a pot of coffee and gulp it all down.
Obscure museum makes choice for three more exhibits.
Tupac: Rock and Roll Legend. For next year I nominate Raffi, Yo Yo Ma, and Buck Owens.
OK, I laughed pretty hard at that.
The Rock and Roll HOF has been a joke for years. Though it’s cringeworthy, Alex Lifeson’s acceptance speech sums it up nicely.
It’s been a joke since it opened. It took forever for Black Sabbath to get inducted, and they had exhibits on people such as Bob Marley. While I like Bob Marley’s music, I can’t even see how you could argue that it’s Rock and Roll.
I know it isn’t rock and roll, but I like it, yes I do.
Maybe the gift shop sells this.
Well, if naught else, this is a certain indicator that Trump #$%&ed up.
You know what they say: orange recognize orange.
You mean there’s a secret handshake in the Loyal Orange Order?
Not a handshake – they whip out an applicator for spray tan and do three rapid blasts.
I meant these guys.
They shake with their trigger fingers.
Howie Carr’s hate for Warren and the Kennedys is highly entertaining. And his work on the Boston mob.
But the problem with Howie’s criticism of this quote is his inability to understand the political season is never over.
And another in the seemingly endless parade of these stories.
If we can’t count on our teachers to mold and shape our kids, who else will? I certainly could have used some hands-on sex-ed back in my teen years.
Kids learn better by experience, rather than a book.
Seriously, though, I wonder what is wrong with these women.
Also what time are Saturday Morning Links? These are early for 10, or very late for 9.
*shifty gaze* What time do you think they were for…?
Although The Blaze claims she wasn’t fired. A better question, is why did they hire her in the first place?
woops! misthread
I’m guessing early for 10? And all those pricey watches and cuckoo clocks are merely decorative?
I think you are in the wrong time zone. We operate on God’s Time, you know, Central.
I’m offended by your statement, Swiss. You yokel bleever types…all right-thinkers know there’s no such thing as the Central Time Zone.
I have the best of both worlds – I live in the finest time zone in the World – US Central, then when I go to Switzerland, I end up in Central European Time! It is Central all the way!
You mean the Central time zone…where it’s flat, windy and where Chicago and Detroit are located? THAT God’s time?
Bah, The Hawaii-Aleutian time zone looks at the Almost Eastern Time Zone with pity and goes back to its breakfast mai-tai.
Don’t try to saddle the Central Time Zone with those mongoloids from Detroit. Being associated with a few counties in the upper peninsula is bad enough, but we refuse to allow any more of TSUN into our beautiful time zone.
Seriously, though, I wonder what is wrong with these women.
From my observation, they’re emotionally stunted and have a chip on their shoulder when it comes to their marriage.
When you hang around high schoolers 8 hours a day every day, you tend to become a bit self-absorbed and immature.
They also might be coming out of college being taught that they aren’t responsible for their actions.
If the education majors I knew during college were typical, they spent more time being taught by bartenders and frat boys than professors.
They need to be taught not to [statutory] rape.
Can confirm. The education major girls were often members of the Delta Zetas, AKA the Easy DeeZees. Them girls liked ’em some zima and some dick.
I didn’t know there were Mexican drug gangs in the delta.
they instead stamp their decision onto the ballot with “Hayir” (no) or with “Evet” (yes).
Boy, those Turks, they have a different word for EVERYTHING!
Bunch of homophonephobes.
I don’t know what that means, but I know it has the word “nympho” in it.
Admit it, Swiss, you were just trolling for me to post this link..
*opera applause, followed by a glass of sherry*
“Then in October, a subsequent release of emails revealed that among the many things I did in my role as a Democratic operative and D.N.C. Vice Chair prior to assuming the interim D.N.C. Chair position was to share potential town hall topics with the Clinton campaign…
By stealing all the DNC’s emails and then selectively releasing those few, the Russians made it look like I was in the tank for Secretary Clinton.”
No i think you have it wrong. The Russians let everyone know that you made it look like you were in the tank for Clinton.
Also couldn’t we write an article that the title is exactly flipped: “DNC Russian narrative played out exactly as they hoped”
One way to counteract that is to release all the emails or at least those that show you (Donna Brazille) were not in the tank for Secretary Clinton. But she didn’t. So her denials kind of ring hollow.
It is amazing how big the brass balls on these people are. To come out and say “who are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?” is amazing.
It is like Dan Rather still trying to say that he is a martyr for the way he was bounced.
It’s especially remarkable because one can verify the DKIM signatures of the emails.
The claim that the emails are in any way inauthentic is really quite an amazing lie if you understand the technology. It is vanishingly unlikely to be true.
Love the avatar. I have a basset hound. She is ridiculously stubborn but super intelligent. This dog will come up with heist level plans to steal food and she is always hungry.
Yeah, ours is totally food-motivated, and gives zero shits about what I want her do to (strangely, she obeys the wife). She’s an old timer now, 13+, going grey all over.
I understand we’re talking about your pet issue where you lose your ability to think critically, but “it can be viewed as hypocritical for people who oppose government control to support government control of reproduction” is not that same statement as “I support abortion.”
Yeah, except that the first one is mendacious and no better than the second. Also, when you start your argument out with an ad hom, it seems pretty rich to be talking about critical thinking.
“operative”? These people think they’re some kind of spies?
—-“Then in October, a subsequent release of emails revealed that among the many things I did in my role as a Democratic operative and D.N.C. Vice Chair prior to assuming the interim D.N.C. Chair position was to share potential town hall topics with the Clinton campaign…—-
I thought she was working for CNN at the time she did these things?
India grants glaciers legal personhood in effort to protect them
But did they give them genders?
Only when they transition into New Zealand rivers.
*narrows gaze*
And when they begin calving, they narrow glacier.
*icily narrows gaze*
*gets out eyes stencil and rattle can for commentaricraft*
Glacier gender can be quite fluid, but it usually takes quite a bit of time.
Chimpanzees, glaciers…if this is the way the game is played now, can we grant legal personhood to liberty?
But then how can the government rape her all the time?
I’m guessing the lot that thinks this is good idea doesn’t think much of legal rights for corporations.
Korpurashuns are not people!!!
– from the second link
i’ve been seeing a lot of that in the last 48 hours
So Obama never had any war drums of his own? Hillary wasn’t totally running a campaign of aggressive action against Russia? I’d love to live in this world of delusion that leftists and neocons live in that Obama and the Democrats are a bunch of peaceniks.
Gosh it would be great to take them seriously if, you know, they had a some the last 8 years. Seriously, the neo-conservatives are a problem, but at least there was a large contingent of conservatives condemning this. When did a large contingent of liberal politicians condemn the anointed one?
This person should seek medical attention, having clearly just awoken from an eight-year coma.
Of course the anti-war left is back. Fucking hypocrites.
Yeah it’s one issue if you didn’t realize Obama was waging war without anyone’s say so. It’s another if you realized it but are anti war because it’s cool again. We need to educate and inform the former, and have nothing to do with the latter. They are not allies of peace. They just seek power.
what’s ridiculous is that i’ve seen people who were literally ACCUSING TRUMP OF BEING A PUTIN STOOGE FOR NOT ATTACKING ASSAD hours before he attacked Assad, only to turn on a dime and accuse him of being a Putin Stooge for warning Assad about the attack, oh and also a warmonger
another guy – a foreign policy PhD no less – was smugly tweeting, “#HillaryHasAPlan” when she did her NYC speaking event where she said, “bomb his airfields”
Same guy immediately after attacks =
Obama drops 26,000 bombs on Syria: *crickets*
Trump fires 60 rockets at Syria: OUTRAGE!!!!!11!!!!ELEVEN!!!
Those 26,000 bombs were dropped with the best possible intentions. Every single one of them had good vibes of progressive kindness behind them, and that was certainly a great comfort to anyone who was in the target area.
I will bet that for some fraction of a second, they felt warm and fuzzy all over.
What did feminists free bleed on them to sanctify them?
Is there a single Rand Paul on the left who questioned Obama’s legitimacy in targeting Syria under the AUMF? Even one?
Oceania was at war with Eurasia. Therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.
and, surprisingly, most of the time (that i check, anyway) the women in question tend to be “Would”, if not “Would+”
this one… cannot say. fuzzy photo, and only of
unless-important partsI must have caught the tail end of the boomer teacher cohort because all my women teachers in HS were 50 to 60 and not remotely attractive. Even to a hormone addled 17 year old version of me.
Yeah, most of mine from elementary to high-school were all pretty crusty old ladies.
except for 1. Ms Spellman in 4th grade. Hawwwwwt as the day is long. And lo and behold, before i even get out of 6th grade, when i’m thinking, “its about time i made my move”, she announces her engagement to the principal. That gold-diggin’, social-ladder-climbing hoe.
My third-grade teacher was Brazilian. And fairly young.
One under 18 and two under 19? So… the second pair are 18 years old maybe? Also, what 100th Meridian said.
Meh borderline would at best if that.
most of the time (that i check, anyway) the women in question tend to be “Would”, if not “Would+”
You’re not taking into account the number one rule: never stick it in crazy. If they’re a teacher boning their students, they’re guaranteed 8 or 9 on the crazy scale. No amount of “would” overcomes that level of crazy.
Do blow job count as stick in?
Not according to Our First Black President.
Let’s think this one through. You’re sticking the most sensitive part of your body into the mouth of a woman who is mentally unstable… you know, a mouth with teeth (or not, NTTAWWT). Trust me, you don’t want your junk bitten by a mentally unstable girl.
Sounds like you have a story to tell.
“Dear Glibertarian Forum, I never thought this would happen to me…”
Yup, college girlfriend tended to get a little… rough when she drank a ton. She was really fucked up from being abused by daddy, and eliminating her inhibitions exposed that fuckuppedness. Most of it was harmless and fun, but on rare occasion it was sadistic.
It’s a really weird situation to be abused by your girlfriend… it wasn’t scary or life threatening, and I could stop it at any time because she was like half my size, but I had to walk a fine line. Frankly, I was more concerned about her mental state than the handful of scratches and bruises the left on me. Anyway, I certainly learned my lesson and got a (somewhat) more mentally stable wife.
“No amount of “would” overcomes that level of crazy.”
Much of human history wouldn’t have happened if people (of both sexes) adhered to the wisdom inherent in that phrase.
So I bought a bottle of cheapish elder flower gin just because I never saw elder flower gin before and now I don’t know what to do with it because I don’t really drink gin. It is somewhat sweet with elder flower flavor and a mild gin flavour. Oh well
I decided on some tonic water and orange bitters I don’t think I drank gin tonic in the last 5 years. But at least its sunny outside and it is a sunny weather drink.
Try making a gin fizz without the St. Germaine? So that gin, simple syrup, and seltzer. Or just mix it with tonic.
Mix it with ginger beer. Though I’ve never had elderflower before, the flavors might conflict.
Or if you want the most hellacious hangover known to mankind – use it for French 75s.
Here is Tomi Lahren’s suit against Glenn Beck.
As the suit admits, there’s an arbitration clause in her employment agreement, but she says (without explaining why) that this clause is inapplicable.
Also, the contract provides the following as a legitimate reason to fire her: “conduct or involvement in a situation that brings Employee into public disrespect, offends the community or any group thereof, or embarrasses or reflects unfavorably on TBI’s reputation”
(TBI is TheBlaze, Inc., Beck’s outfit)
So here is why she was supposedly fired – she said this on The View: “I can’t sit here and be a hypocrite and say I’m
for limited government but I think the government should decide what women do with their bodies.”
The phrase what women do with their bodies. annoys me as it is said mostly by people who want government to tell people whjat they can do with their bodies in every aspect except abortion.
Did Ms. Lahren consider that such a view is consistent with limited government? “Limited” implies that the government does have some role.
Now an anarchist advocating for laws against abortion would be hypocritical, not to mention bizarre.
It wouldn’t be hypocriticalfor the anarchist. In the sense that if the anarchist beloved that abortion threatens the life of a human, and that a non monopolistic legal system has an obligation to protect that humans rights.
If she were a serious conservative, then she wouldn’t be going on a liberal talk show and socially signalling about what hypocrites prolifers are.
So how can it *not* be offensive to a group in the community (real conservatives) for an employee at a prolife news site to be pro-abortion and to attack pro-lifers?
How can it not be “embarrass[ing]?”
If that statement is all she said, it does not state that she is “pro-abortion.” It suggests that she is against philosophically inconsistent means of preventing abortion.
I understand we’re talking about your pet issue where you lose your ability to think critically, but “it can be viewed as hypocritical for people who oppose government control to support government control of reproduction” is not that same statement as “I support abortion.”
shorter : “Pro-lifers are hypocritical in their means” is not “I oppose their ends.”
Limited government doesn’t mean anarchy.
If the government has a role in stopping aggression against human persons, and if the unborn are human persons, then of course the government has a role protecting the unborn.
She said that as a supporter of limited government, she’d be hypocritical *not* to be pro-abortion.
(and if you don’t like the term “pro-abortion” for legalizing that procedure, then what term would you use for someone who wants to legalize lynching?)
It is only when I *started* thinking critically that I recognized the strength of the prolife position.
and if you don’t like the term “pro-abortion” for legalizing that procedure…
Come on now, I know you are *smart* enough to *realize* that not wanting the gov’t to *throw* people in rape cages for dong X does not equate to one wanting everyone X-ing all *the* F-ing time.
If you can’t see the difference between what you claim she said and what you quote her as saying, I’m confident I will be unable to explain it to you.
Note that I am not engaging with whether her argument is good, bad or indifferent, just criticizing you for mis-summarizing it for dramatic and/or rhetorical effect. If you want to convince anyone that she’s actually “pro-abortion” you are going to have to do a better job, for example quoting the full context of her remarks.
To return to what I already said: What term would you use for someone who wants lynching to be legal? I’d be happy to use the same term for someone who wants abortion to be legal.
So you’d be indignant if I called someone “pro-lynching” just because they wanted lynching to be legal?
Incidentally, William Cowper Brann was not pro-lynching, because he didn’t want to lynch everyone all the time.
He would simply have set aside one day to kill any black person who refused to leave the country. That’s hardly the same as wanting to lynch everyone all the time!
See above. The Blaze is claiming they didn’t fire her.
That’s disappointing, all that fuss and they didn’t even fire her?
What does it take – would she have to do an abortion on live TV and flip off the prolifers with her bloody fingers?
would she have to do an abortion on live TV and flip off the prolifers with her bloody fingers?
Just slap the NCIS logo on it and you’ve got another hit show on CBS.
‘”It is puzzling that an employee who remains under contract (and is still being paid) has sued us for being fired, especially when we continue to comply fully with the terms of our agreement with her,” a Blaze spokesman said.’
A naively literal reading of her contract would suggest that any grievance she has should be submitted to an arbitrator with experience in the entertainment industry. I guess we’ll have to wait for her lawyers to explain which loophole they’re using to get out of that.
Having a grand morning, Swiss. A Saturday night morning. Links!
So if Zardoz floats by and drops Night Links, that makes them morning for you, eh?
Always appreciated.
Zardoz is light, he is the sun to all of us brutals.
the most terrifying words the Trump admin has recently said re: North Korea = “”The United States has spoken enough about North Korea. We have no further comment””
If you google that statement, CNN characterizes it as “the Incredibly Odd and Confusing Posture” of Trump’s state dept. seriously. Because no one else has figured out that the whole problem with the Norks is that everything they do is for attention.
Reading between the lines is so 2009.
Its very relevant what?
No, he’s on second.
Remember Allison Stanger, the professor who was physically attacked by fellow-progs for upholding the open interchange of ideas? And who initially blamed Donald Trump?
She’s finally grown some balls
From the comments:
Let’s parse this a bit:
Hope Cleveland April 3, 2017
Too bad the author doesn’t understand that Charles Murray is not merely a “conservative,” but racist and sexist one.
This comment goes right back to Derpetologist’s piece the other day about a lack of curiosity fueling derp. The professor read at least two of Murray’s books and concluded he wasn’t a Klansman. Hope from Cleveland seems to be doing nothing more than parroting the left’s conventional wisdom about Murray.
That’s why people (including me) don’t think he should be invited to speak on campuses, or anywhere.
Then don’t invite him to speak, and you’re good.
No one has the “right” to speak before an audience on a campus. Invitations are sent. In this case, it was unfortunate that a student group invited someone who holds views that are so offensive to so many.
So, your point is that…it sucks that someone you don’t like was allowed to speak somewhere. Brilliant!
Snowden does not, as far as we know, or at least he does not make his claim to fame based on sexist and racist views.
“We have looked into this matter very carefully, and we find that Snowden is, so far, not a sexist or racist. But he is a white cis-male, so it’s always in play.”
THAT is the difference.
There are many people who pay taxes and vote and have kids and breathe my air who feel this way.
35 Recommend
At least 35 of them. FUUUUUUUCK
I just wanted to add –
a student group invited someone who holds views that are so offensive to so many.
– that I’m tired of “offense” being treated, by some, like it’s as bad as famine or plague. Fuck your goddamn sensitive self. There’s 350 million people just in this country alone, and we can’t just bring everything to a goddamn halt anytime someone’s offended.
Is the Glibertarian Space Cruiser near completion yet? I’ve had it with this planet.
Yeah, when the mission to colonize Mars gets started, it’s going to be a very tempting option.
If things keep going the way they are, I might even be tempted to go on the mission to colonize the sun.
Go at night.
I was planning to land on the dark side of the sun, but your way is good too.
The last thing we need is to wake up in 50 years and find that a bunch of #gamergate nobheads are running Mars.
I thought she already wrote an editorial in one of the major papers where she said the basic, “I disagree with their methods, but their intentions were pure”-re: the “protesters” who gave her whiplash and jumped all over their car, etc?
here = “Understanding the Angry Mob at Middlebury” (because its everyone else’s fault for misinterpreting them)
yadda yadda. it actually isn’t that bad in its actual conclusions. its just like one of those Robby pieces which seems to put more effort into making apologies for leftist’s actions than it does criticizing the misguided basis for their motives.
Even this newer, more pointed piece seems to occasionally resort to this strained attempt at even-handedness =
and she does make the right point at the end, but its delivered with the blow of a pillow
(gasp!) “actually read the works of people we pretend to criticize?? UGH.” Demanding that marginalized people enact labor = problematic.
noted= ~50% of the signatories of that letter were freshman/sophomores. 10% were graduates. probably not significant of much, but maybe typical of “people who haven’t yet seen how the real world works”
Brave and Strong are two words without meaning these days. Progs have stretched out the skin suits they harvested from the corpses of those words.
A little touch O’ the violence will change a few minds. Good for her.
If I read you correctly, straffinrun, and I think that I do – we should beat libertarian ideas into some thick skulls until we get our way? Sign me up!
I hate to say it, but I didn’t read much. I’m drunk.
I envy you. I’m at work.
I’ll envy you tomorrow. Circle of life. Hakuna Matata. Jimmy Buffet.
U.S. Marine tries to teach reporter how to make a military-style bed.
I’m pretty sure she wanted his D, but I could be misreading it.
I feel like making hospital corners and eating jelly donuts now.
Retarded goes high-tech:
“Bots are already scheduling meetings, ordering meals, and analyzing bank accounts. They’re now well on their way to becoming our full-time virtual assistants. That means they must now suffer the indignities unethical bosses inflict on their human assistants, especially sexual harassment.”
That means they must now suffer the indignities unethical bosses inflict on their human assistants, especially sexual harassment.
“Siri, you stupid bitch, start my car and turn the seat warmers on. Chop chop. And call the cleaners and find out if that black suit is ready.”
I find this interesting: In the movie, Captain America: The First Avenger, when Steve Rogers wakes up after his long hibernation, he seems to be in a 1940’s hospital room. A military nurse comes in and converses with him. He figures out it’s not real, he says, because the game playing on the radio is one he actually attended. As it turns out, he knew something was up just by looking at the nurse’s bra.
There’s also a good guess as to why Nick Fury set up the room with anachronisms.
So they put him in that 1940s habitat because they worried The Future would shock him.
Cap was injected with a serum that turned him into a super soldier. He fought against monsters and Nazis, hijacked a bomber getting ready to nuke NYC, crashed into the ice, and was revived after being frozen for 70 years.
I think he can handle seeing a flat screen TV.
I think that the idea is that Nick Fury didn’t know what kind of person that Steve Rogers was. He had files, and people’s memories (Peggy Carter was still alive, remember). Was Steve Rogers a smart guy, or was he just a tough guy? Was he the hero everyone remembered? Fury put clues in that room indicating that the situation had changed to see what Rogers did when he woke up.
“Everyone you’ve ever known or loved is pretty much dead and your country is now a monolithic mockery of what it once was.”
I’m sure that won’t cause any emotional issues.
Eh, I think America and the world is a much freer and better place today than it was in the 1940s.
The very first Captain America movie set in the present day is all about how Nazis were secretly running parts of the U.S. government and were going to create a totalitarian surveillance state.
Maybe not if you’re a middle class white war hero from the Bronx… just sayin
Sorry, Brooklyn. I always get those two mixed up.
For shame.
[does that Italian hand flick under the chin thing]
“The democratically elected political class is entirely dysfunctional, there is an entrenched, unaccountable bureaucracy that really runs things, at any given time the United States military is intervening in some foreign conflict, usually unrelated to anything that would be considered defensive action.
Oh yeah, and the government collects more information on its own citizens now than totalitarian secret police like the Stasi and KGB did. And it’s the citizens willingly giving up that information.”
In the real 1940s, the US was centrally planning the economy, herded 100k people into internment camps without a trial, conscripted millions into the military to fight against countries that had no capacity to invade the US, and caused millions of civilian casualties through carpet bombing. And when the war ended, the main result was that our former communist allies ended up conquering about half a billion people.
I have to say that’s a worse situation than what’s going on now, constant minor wars and all.
Yes but they at least had the (extremely stupid) excuse of it being ‘required’ for the Great Depression and/or the Second World War, society altering events that were at least seen as temporary. What’s going on today is an unchanging status quo (despite its damage, the recession was in no way compatible to the depression in its scale or the ability to justify ‘DOING SOMETHING’, and it’s been sixteen years since 9/11 expanded government powers for very little in positive returns).
I agree with Derpetologist in that things are, on net, better than they were in the 1940s. But I think John Titor also has a point, insofar as none of what happened in the 1940s is necessarily gone for good. We are just one big depression away from price controls, just one big “emergency” away from central planning, and just one big war away from the intelligence and military apparatus being turned inward again.
Especially if you’re a Japanese-American.
A gallery of pictures by Harold Feinstein from New York in the 40s and 50s
This made it on BBC. Is anybody buying the party line?
I think even he omits the possibility that some third party may have purposely tossed some chemical mortars into an area being bombarded.
that said = i think there’s reason to assume that the ‘party line’ – iow, that Assad did it – is probably true. The problem with these claims is that i’m not sure there is any conclusive way to establish what the truth is after the fact, particularly when there is no institutional benefit to anything other than the party-line
Troll on!
A quiet change to the website photo banner of a relatively obscure federal agency is causing a bit of an outsize stir on social media.
On the top of its home page, the Bureau of Land Management, which manages more than 200 million acres of public land under the U.S. Department of the Interior, swapped out a photo of a young boy and his companion backpacking across a mountain meadow in favor of one showing a massive coal seam at a mine in Wyoming.
Hair trigger hysteria brigade, ever vigilant, finds another reason to freak out. I hope they all swallow their tongues.
The Path to a Safer Future Doesn’t Include Coal -Greenpeace
Hey morons, coal is used in numerous important and necessary chemical processes, not just as a fuel source.
They should have changed it to a picture of Cliven Bundy.
I wonder how many of these anti-fossil fuel morons have actually taken the step of outfitting their homes with solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal generators. Surely, they wouldn’t miss the chance to show their neighbors that you can have a comfortable life without fossil fuels, right? And surely, they wouldn’t mind cutting back on A/C or heat when they found that these things didn’t really generate much power, right?
Without fossil fuel, there would not be a lot of trees left. In Haiti, they chopped down so many trees you can see the difference from orbit. In the wealthier DR, the use of fossil fuel means they didn’t need to cut down trees for firewood.
BLM isn’t an obscure federal agency. Unless of course, you live in a state (or district) where BLM doesn’t
owncontrol large swathes of land.I drop this article like a bomb when confronted with the suddenly active anti-war left again.
I just plan to point out that Obama is the only two-term president in US history to have the country at war for every single day of his presidency.
None of the lefties in my life have really switched back to anti-war mode. I’m just waiting.
Some white guy was arrested by a native tribe, hogtied, and put on a plane out of town for allegedly bootlegging into a dry city. And there’s the rub: does a tribe have authority to banish someone from an incorporated city. The tribe doesn’t have title to the land in the city, save for specific buildings, and the rest of the city land is either privately owned or state or federal/trust land that’s not a reservation. Tribes in non-incorporated communities have banished people before and the state of alaska and feds really haven’t offered much opinion on the matter.
It’s far past time to stop treating these blood based clubs as anything resembling governments or “nations”.
Rules for Getting Involved in Civil Wars
1. Don’t.
2. If you must, pick a side. There may be more than 2.
3. Make sure your side wins.
and in this case…..
it never fails to make me chortle
I found a diagram of who’s attacking/supporting who in Syria. It looked like a spider web. Someone needs to make a video of that diagram being drawn and set it to Yakety Sax music.
That may be what i just mentioned below
Also = the fun “infographic” that tries to visualize the relationships between the warring groups.
it looks like Kandinsky’s version of Pac Man.
I did actually learn something there tho. That “Rojava” folks basically take it from all sides, and the non-ISIS jihadists are collectively called the “Army of Conquest”.
The green arrows mean “supports militarily and diplomatically”. According to that graph, Rojava is supporting/supported by Russia, the US coalition, and the “Syrian Opposition”. The only group taking it from all sides is, rather unsurprisingly, ISIS.
They’re also fighting the Syrians, the Turks, ISIS, etc.
my point was that if you were trying some ‘enemy of my enemy is my ______’ test, you wouldn’t know WTF they were.
i guess you could say that for any of them. my observation was just that they were bizarrely isolated, given that everyone else seems to have ‘clustered’ all their interests.
here’s another bizarre one =
Egypt is militarily supporting syria? (news to me)
Given that we spend – what – $1bn-n-change a year financing Egypt’s military? this strikes me as something someone @ state (or the press) might have identified as a possible conflict of interest.
The side I’m picking, because their flag and colors are the best.
The “Syrian Opposition” is actually more like a gigantic miscellaneous bin for a half-dozen categories of factions.
See the second column in the 12:24 link above.
A Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) chapter at Wichita State University was denied recognition after some student senators labeled the libertarian organization as “dangerous.”
One senator even suggested that “if we want to have a libertarian organization on campus, there are other ways to do that,” but failed to specify what those alternatives might be.
Nothing says freedom quite like needing a permit to form a group.
The only thing worse than politicians are student politicians.
So a libertarian student organization was denied incorporation by a bureaucrat on the grounds of being a group of undesirables? Yeah, that’s not going to completely confirm their entire platform or anything.
word of the day: queep
n. military slang (esp. USAF) for an annoying bureaucratic procedure or requirement
As seen in this fighter pilot’s angry resignation letter:
That letter has been around in various forms forever. I first saw it in a Xerox-copy when the assumption would have been that the guy was flying an F-4.
The military is really just like any other large bureaucracy. The only real difference is the the operational level the commitment to the mission can be more intense because of the nature of the job. At the upper levels it’s mostly careerists looking out for themselves.
In order to rise in any bureaucracy, you have to make your bosses like you, because they choose who to promote. Thus, as you go up the ranks, you will find an increasing tendency towards ass-kissing and risk aversion. This is true in corporations, PTAs, or any govt agency.
Once in a blue moon, someone controversial but effective (ex. Patton, Mitchell) will rise to a high position. They usually manage to accomplish a few things before they get reassigned for ruffling feathers.
McMasters the best fighting soldier the Army has produced in a generation, but Petraeus had to personally sit on his promotion board to make sure he got the stars he deserved.
The flag ranks should be decimated every year via a secret ballot of the ranks.
Accusing the top men of dereliction of duty in a widely published book isn’t exactly a way to curry favor with the successors of those same top men.
“The service is several dozen squadrons worth of pilots short of what it needs to successfully perform and sustain its mission. That shortage is worsening by the day as each pilot arrives at the career crossroads, assesses the options, and promptly makes the decision to bail out.”
This echoes what I observed about working at the state prison. The system is such a clusterfuck because 75 percent of employees know that the union will protect their job, so they just fuck off all day. Meanwhile, the good employees (who occasionally find themselves working there) get tired of running themselves ragged trying to keep everything in order. They eventually leave and find work at some place where they don’t have to work extra-hard to make up for all the slackers who aren’t doing shit. Worse, some of them decide to ditch their work ethics and just settle into well-paid laziness like the rest of the employees.
I’m busy painting the bathroom (no euphemisms implied). Carry on!
I hope your painting with your enemies blood.
An amusing musical take on those who see Nazis lurking everywhere:
I did like the couplet, “Love trumps hate you guys/so lets go pepper spray some woman’s eyes”
Can’t find the exact article, but the gist was HRC blaming Comey, Wikileaks, and of course, Russia for her loss.
Yeah. It’s totally inexplicable that a corrupt, dishonest, career politician would lose to a successful business man best known from a popular TV show.
If there’s one thing Americans hate, it’s plain spoken rich people. Center-left countries like the US prefer presidents who scold us like frustrated kindergarten teachers.
Hillary Clinton in Latest Speech: “Here I Go Again, Talking About Research, Evidence, and Facts”
Oh, do go on…
Clearly, she’s learned all the right lessons from her November defeat.
I intend to spring this quote on every prog and feminist I meet for the rest of my life. It will be very enjoyable to watch their faces turn purple.
Even if their theories held some water, they have no actual polling data from battleground states to back it up. They’re basically saying “Russia, Comey, and/or Wikileaks flipped Florida, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania” but are hoping everybody’s too stupid to notice that that explanation doesn’t make any fucking sense.
In a stunning display of the exact same sort of reasoning that lost them the election, they continue to act like it was a single national election and not 50 state elections held simultaneously. And the chattering masses eat it up and believe it (“Nobody I know voted for Nixon!”).
And the thing is, if her campaign was better run, she probably still would have won — even with Russia, Comey, and/or Wikileaks. There are numerous stories about people on the ground in these states, calling her campaign headquarters or even trying to do something and getting brutally shutdown because some staffer at headquarters said they had analytics that proved those states were in the bag and to shut the fuck up if they knew what was good for them.
They’re completely out of touch with reality. That whole “I’m gonna put coal miners out of business!” said with a rictus grin, like the dirty proles would thank her for taking their jobs away.
yes, every Dem needs to have that Politco article — published right after the election, talking about the local campaign in (I think) Michigan– tattooed on their forehead so they see it every time they look in the mirror. How the HRC campaign transferred money to Louisiana and CA to load up on the popular vote in those states (because, amusingly, they were afraid they’d lose that, and not the electoral college), while leaving the key states with insufficient funds and staff.
It’s hubris, plain and simple. They controlled the DNC and the MSM and so had no reason not to believe their own lies. While the RNC has mostly come around to supporting Trump, and Fox News will justify just about everything he does now, Trump was playing on hostile territory from day one. He also no doubt selects for people who know what they’re doing rather than just yes men*.
* = As it has become painfully obvious lately, people seem unable to appreciate subtle distinctions when they’re inconvenient. I’m sure there are lots of yes men in Trump’s businesses, his political campaign, and now his administration. My observation is about the degree of sycophancy involved.
There’s a surprisingly good SNL sketch from the last season Nasim Pedrad was on, IIRC. (Couldn’t find a link.) Tina Fey hosted, and the premise was that a bunch of teenagers were hanging out, and Nasim’s character was trying to fit in, but she over-did it, and all of her instincts were wrong. Her peers reacted with appropriate awkwardness.
Hillary is that character IRL, but the media and her political colleagues are far too polite/self-serving/in the tank to point out just how weird and out of step she is with human beings. Granted, a great number of them are weirdo phonies too, but to this day, millions are convinced she’s a real life person.
Here I Go Again…, going down the only road I’ve ever known?
So what in the hell happened to Jennifer Rubin? I mean, I had no fondness for her as Romney’s personal Hannity in the 2012 race. But she seems to have swallowed the Russkies narrative hook line and sinker:
Susan Rice Is A Pawn In Trump’s Effort To Tear Down The System .
That is some high grade TDS.
“Efforts” which, as far as anyone can tell, involve no ballots being changed/destroyed/fabricated, no officials being bribed/threatened/eliminated, and no candidates having promised or been promised anything (as far as anyone can prove*).
* = If just talking to Russians is proof enough, then both political parties are in on it
Also, to the extent that the Russians may have “influenced” the election, the U.S. has been doing the same sorts of things, and worse, pretty much since the beginning of the Cold War. I’m sure Rubin and others are very concerned about their own country’s actions.
Duh, it’s not evil when we do it.
/Some people’s fucked up idea of what American exceptionalism is.
Indeed, we have the sovereign right to swing our dick around in any other country’s elections, but John Podesta getting phished by maybe-Russia is the “greatest political scandal of our lifetimes”.
It’s DIFFERENT when WE do it.
I’m busy painting the bathroom
I’m working on my Honda.
Some people don’t know when to say when. I now have the front suspension pulled off (in addition to having the motor out). Because if you’re changing the front struts, you might as well just pull the suspension off and replace all the bushings. Especially when it’s a car any “sensible” person would have scrapped years ago. But I like the stupid thing, It’s handy as all get-out (Civic wagon) and I’d know I’d regret it if I ever got rid of it. I quit even pretending there’s a limit to what I’ll do/spend. One of these days, I’ll put a two liter motor in it.
Fishermen use broom to keep great white shark away from boat
We’re gonna need a bigger broom?
From last night, after friend showed me funny trump meme:
Me: text me that. my mother likes trump, I have to send her this.
Friend: what! Isn’t your mother Jewish?
M: yeah
F: how could she like trump? He’s Hitler!
M: how is he Hitler?
F: well he’s biggest fascist we ever had for president
M: more of a fascist than Obama, who executed American citizens?
F: where’d you hear that, Fox news?
M: no, in the Times. They even had a front page article on his weekly kill list mtgs where he decided who would get droned.
F: well Bush…….etc.
M: ok, everything Obama did was bush’s fault. How about FDR throwing American citizens into camps? Is that less fascist than trump?
F: that was a long time ago
This is a smart guy with a good job making twice what I make.
Thank jeebus for Jameson last night.
A surprising number of people in the present day, from the right and the left, are willing to accept Japanese Internment on the basis of either “wartime necessity” or “for their protection”. Not that he would have done it, but I wonder if Obama had ordered detention of Muslims “for their own protection”, how many people screaming “Trump is a fascist” would have been on board with it? I would guess a nontrivial percentage.
If you make a statement like “most X thing ever” how can you get out of being refuted by a counterexample because “that was a long time ago”? Does your friend even logic?
“how could she like trump? He’s Hitler!”
I’ve prepared this whole spiel (you know who else used German words??) about how you can just as easily find similarities between Hitler and Obama. I mean, they were both populists who got elected by a recession-plagued nation by guaranteeing more jobs and social welfare programs and blaming the country’s problems on a small, wealthy minority.
I plan on using this if I ever hear anyone make the Trump-Hitler analogy. I’m not really sure how they’d react; I’m very interested to find out.
That’s not bad, but you’ll just get the same “but bush” type of answer I got. They’ve been programmed by the media, entertainment industry, academia and group think to such an extent that you can’t get through the shell. Logic bounces off of them like bullets off superman or air off of a bubble