Being Palm Sunday and all, the Links are at Noon, rather than earlier. It had NOTHING to do with the overeating, one too many beers and sleeping so late I had no time for links this morning whilst rushing to make it to church service. Really. Honest. … OK, maybe it did. A bit.
Anyhow, here are some links for you to bat around for a while.
- Not sure where this would be on one of those “Coexist” bumper stickers?
- Oh boy, this is going to feed the fire.
- Druggz!
- Imma livin’ in a box. Imma livin’ in a cardboard box.
- You know who else…?
Enjoy your day! I mean, if you want to. I guess some people like being miserable… So, go feel how ever you want today!

It is a Sunday, with these.
The SugarFree (link)?
The BBC?
Shit, screwed up a first.
With the right died and crystal therapy you would not need drugs. Big pharma is a scam.
“died” – Perfect.
+1 Heisenberg
New season of Better Call Saul starts tomorrow.
Yay. A reason to look forward to monday
Do other catholics call it church, or mass? I’ve always been prone to mass, but then that’s probably because i only go on christmas and easter.
(its sounds *heavier*)
Other catholics? I am Protestant. Catholics do call it mass.
See, i’m such a bad catholic i didn’t even know protestants still ‘celebrated’ (is that even the right word?) the peripheral Easter-season stuff
Good protestants do. Back sliden heathen knuckle draggers such as myself, not so much.
All I know is that I’m not getting pizza for a week.
its the price you pay for being half-chosen
Did you convert to Judaism? If not, my plan would be to “run errands” to get your goy food. I used to do the “give up something for Lent” or other nonsense (anyone interested in a slightly used horse hair shirt?), but I decided to stop doing it because I saw no positive long terms effects.
But hey, people can do whatever they feel. If your wife never finds out, did it really happen?
If your wife never finds out, did it really happen?
Assh, the famous last words of many a marriage.
aah, not assh. fat fingers.
Aah, the famous last words
of many a marriage.“I do?”
To Western, I would just say that sometimes appearances matter more. In this particular case, it’s pizza. Not a big deal, as long as Playa doesn’t come home with pizza breath.
Now, if it was deep dish…
“give up something for Lent”
I gave up Lent for Lent and never looked back.
No conversion. The rule is that I can’t eat it in front of them.
But we’re in Palm Desert for the week, so I don’t really have any pizza privacy.
Do other catholics call it church, or mass…but then that’s probably because i only go on christmas and easter.
So a bad Catholic then?
Very Bad Catholic™
A good ol’ Crusade will fix that right up for you.
Sounds like too much work. Can’t we just go back to papal indulgences?
What kind of forgiveness will $20 get me.?
If you order in the next 10 minutes, I’ll give you 2 indulgences for $20! S&H is extra.
I’m ordained, I’ll give you a better deal. All sins forgiven for now, and a proclamation to go forth and sin much more.
Last time I went was my sister’s wedding, so I’m far from a representative sample but I usually called it “church” (going to church Sunday, ran into XX at church, etc) but the service itself “mass” (what time is mass tomorrow?)
I’d more or less agree with this, and outside of weddings and funerals, I haven’t been to Mass in close to 20 years.
Mass. It was a mass killing.
OT: I was having my annual appointment with my tax guy the other day. We haven’t really talked about politics at length other than a brief exchange on what a pain in the ass Obamacare is and how badly they have fucked up the forms they sent me, but I think he’s a Republican.
Anyway, there was a pamphlet on a table about social security. It brought up an interesting point: Social Security is harmful for African-Americans because they have shorter lifespans on average, and the funds paid into SS don’t actually belong to you, so they can’t be passed on to surviving family members. As a result, black people are more likely to pay into SS their whole lives but get nothing back in return (either for themselves or for their heirs).
It’s funny how the “progressive” left doesn’t find this racist. In fact, they’d probably twist the logic in some way and attempt to say that it’s racist NOT to support SS.
Ponzi schemes do end up giving it to somebody, good and hard.
And watch people go nuts when you suggest SS is a Ponzi scheme.
From what I’ve read, the original Ponzi actually intended a real investment, daft as the idea was: arbitrage in postal reply coupons.
What I read about SS running out of money is this: at the point when the fictitious Trust Fund is empty, people will get about 75% of what they would normally get. That’s fine with me. I
My guess is I will get nothing, since by then it will be means tested.
That is exactly what I do in my retirement planning – assume $0. Anything shows up…whee!
You want to light up a progressive – tell them you support means testing of SS so that it doesn’t go to rich retirees. They’ll immediately jump all over how it MUST be universal yada-yada. It is one of the damnedest things I’ve ever seen; suggest a progressive alteration to SS and these people are the most arch-conservatives imaginable.
As it was in the Beginning (of the New Deal)
Is now, and ever shall be.
(Government program) World without end. Amen.
I just finished a book Amity Shlaes wrote in the late 90s called The Greedy Hand. It’s about taxes, and she takes apart the propaganda on that front.
That was taking it apart?
So basically you want old people to starve?
No,no! “Eat cat food”.
It has all the vitamins and minerals a decaying body needs.
Morris approves this message.
Cat food is fucking expensive.
Not if you use feral cats. Oh, you mean food for cats..
Eat the dry stuff and wash it down with tap water.
Anyway I an not a fan of the racist angle. Anyone who pays and dies of an accident or disease at 60 is screwed.
Agreed. I’m just pointing out that the left is very quick to scream “disparate impact!!” at policies they don’t like, but they don’t apply the same scrutiny to their own ideas.
My dad died at age 66, one month ago today actually, and my hatred for SS has grown even stronger. The state stole from him his entire life, made him dependent on their pyramid scheme, and now they get to pat each other on the back because they have one less check to cut every month. Fuck the government.
Collectivists everywhere honor the contribution of your dad. But please don’t share this type of news with anyone else, since then people may be provided yet another example of how how fucked up SS really is.
Private accounts that could be inherited was one of the major points in favor of Bush’s SS plan. Of course it was immediately squashed.
If you can think of a government program that DOESN’T harm poor people and minorities, I’d love to hear about it.
Don’t prisons disproportionately provide a roof over the heads of poor people and minorities?
From what I read on the internet, white men without college degrees are now getting screwed on Social Security payouts as hard as blacks and are trending to get screwed harder yet.
I suspect a lot of support for illegal immigration from both parties is due to illegals paying into the system with no way of getting money out which helps delay insolvency.
Queering Engineering At Purdue
Once again, projection. ‘I can’t shut my yap about my pet outside issues so neither can anyone else. Acting like a professional is beyond my ability.’
Because exactly what we need is gender study majors building bridges and nuclear power plants.
I feel safer already.
It was inevitable. Poor Purdue students.
“…liberative pedagogies in engineering education, leveraging best practices from women’s studies and ethnic studies to engage students in creating a democratic classroom that encourages all voices.”
Don’t let me catch you normalizing a matrix.
Meh. EngEd has always been an unholy mix of humanities and engineering at Purdue. That’s where the people who couldn’t hack it as engineers went so they didn’t feel like they wasted the first two years.
Papists, Jews, and homosexuals all over this site…this isn’t the America I signed up for! Next you’ll be letting the damn Scandis in.
Go bash yourself some Norwegians. Firs weegiee you see
god damn it my keyboard hates me today
For a moment, I thought “Firs weegiee” was Norwegian for…something.
The phrase “You might as well be Finns” makes me giggle uncontrollably.
As a young woman my Swedish grandmother was a nanny for a Finnish family for a few years to make the money to come over to America. When I was young her sisters still were askance about that and told a young me that my grandmother “compromised” to get to America. I asked my mom what that meant and she got red in the face and went to speak with my aunt. Of course that turned into a family “in joke” for decades.
Wog boxes and Weeaboos is ruuuiiinnnning Murika!
We own the Presidency now Hyperion, you can’t stop us!
Waifus for everyone!
(stops reading)
I’ll be in my bunk.
This unwillingness to use effective antitrust enforcement to protect American economic interests is in stark contrast to how the rest of the world operates. Before approving AB InBev’s latest merger, antitrust authorities in China required it to sell its $1.6 billion stake in China’s largest brewer back to the Chinese government at a bargain-basement price. South Africa required guarantees of lifetime employment for its citizens, and the Monopolies Commission in the European Union required divestitures by SABMiller and AB InBev to keep their new, combined market share to 9 percent.
In the United States, the AB InBev/SABMiller merger was approved with largely meaningless conduct restrictions, and the two big brewers were given a free pass to continue buying craft brewers and extending the duopoly into craft beer. When it comes to protecting American companies and workers, at least in beer, our government does make bad deals.
Come back,
ShaneTeddy Roooooosevelt! Come back!I hate SAB Miller as much as the next guy, but calling openly for government protection for “craft brewers” just won’t fly, with me.
Well beer is a national security issue.
Causes global warming.
I was actually surprised how many museums in Sweden and Denmark talked about legal requirements to grow hops back in the day…for national security reasons, natch.
“antitrust authorities in China”
I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.
I long for the day when “serious” people making “serious” arguments can’t just throw around vague platitudes like “American economic interests” to avoid having to explain what the hell they actually mean. It may actually force the people doing the writing themselves to examine their preconceived notions.
Like, maybe someone would ask themselves why its so attractive for the makers of small craft beers to sell out to the largest breweries.
antitrust authorities in China required it to sell its $1.6 billion stake in China’s largest brewer back to the Chinese government at a bargain-basement price
So the Chinese government conditioned approval on a large bribe/extortion/theft and that’s something to be held up as an example?
I first interviewed Jim Koch back in the 1990s, and have met and spoken with him on a few occasions since then. He’s a very smart guy, and i think he’s being a bit disingenuous with this argument that the problem is an “Anti-Trust” one at its core.
He knows (and more or less says in that piece) that the real problem is the collusion between the local distributor-monopolies and the brewer-duopoly…. but he knows de-regulating distribution laws is far more complex and far more politically difficult than simply arguing for some protectionist anti-trust efforts.
basically, he can more-effectively argue that the major brewers, “aren’t American” (which is technically… kinda-sorta-maybe true), and demand that the federal govt give them a hard time… which may or may not actually help people like Boston Beer grab more market share. Maybe.
The thing is that Boston Beer stopped being “craft” a long time ago itself. Its in a regional “neither major nor craft” middle-tier which faces competition from BOTH. And it is actually the most likely to suffer because the majors will simply acquire craft brands in each region and put far better marketing + distribution muscle behind them.
I think there IS probably a good argument about de-regulation to make here – but instead he pretends to try and speak for the whole industry, while simply making an argument that is mainly aimed at defending his own corner of it.
While there are plenty of federal laws and regulations regarding beer (eg. labeling). It seems that it is mostly the massive boondoggle of all the different, ridiculous, state and local laws that favor the large manufacturers. Getting rid of that seems very difficult.
that’s what i was saying above in the second paragraph. The state laws mainly regulate distribution and grant monopoly powers to a handful of “truckers”, basically. And those truckers have (again, very-regulated) long-term contractual agreements with the majors which guarantees that the majors can create an artificial bottleneck for any compe-tition = limited space on those trucks for anything other than their stuff.
i’m pretty sure most states also bar small brewers from direct distribution (or cap it to a very small amount). Even if they wanted to ship their kegs + bottled product directly to customers in their region, they’d be disallowed, and forced to deal with the Distributor mafia.
Its a freaking nightmare. Koch thinks “going after the head” of the hydra may be more effective. Get the feds to make the major brewers sweat. what the majors will do is “compromise” and agree to some reforms (which they get to write, but which will still somewhat loosen the stranglehold). They already did a little of this when AB got sold to Inbev. but i think he believes that more can be done to pressure the majors to voluntarily cede more ground out of fear of some possible future legislative assault.
I don’t think there is much that can be done on the federal level because of, as you describe, the tangle of crony rent-seeking on local levels. Not only because there are thousands and thousands of state, county, and city laws and regulations. But one could even make a case that Section 2 of the 21st Amendment explicitly states that states have that power. “The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited.” Even if Congress passed a law making these distribution schemes illegal (under the commerce clause).
they can block further acquisitions, and possibly even threaten breakup of certain components/force sale of assets.
I am also not endorsing Kochs argument, i was just trying to parse it. I also think you are thinking about this in too-narrow legal terms. The industry could enact a lot of change simply by regulatory *pressure*, not even major changes to law. Congress could certainly makes things more expensive for the majors one way or the other, and what those companies fear are less-profitable future scenarios. What koch seems to be doing (in my mind) is trying to get congress on board with “bashing the majors as unfair foreign competitors”… basically, exploit “trumpism”…. and see if they can extract some industry concessions without any passage of law.
I agree Congress can make it less profitable for the majors, but I don’t see it making it more profitable for the small brewers as their regulatory burden is mostly local.
Anyway, if I were Trump, I’d fire this dickhead:
Well, that is stupid because IT DOES GRANT WISDOM!
I’d need to check, but I believe most of the states do allow self distribution at this point. The other issue is the Franchise laws where once you sign with a distributor, they are the only ones allowed to dissolve the contract. There are some states that are even worse, where you have to pay a distributor even if you’re selling beer directly to a consumer at the brewery.
On the Boston Brewing side of things, they own a lot that people aren’t aware of. Such as Angry Orchard, Twisted Tea, and Traveler Shandies.
even if they do, i’m pretty sure volumes are capped depending on the size of the brewery, and it would still simply be in-state only. Prohibition-era law still says that brewers cant technically own distributors, so any allowances would be carve-out exceptions. Anyone who actually competes outside their own state would still be forced into the existing tiered system. Basically, you can only get so big before you’re confronted with the structural bottlenecks.
That’s true, and the ownership of distributors is becoming the new battle ground. With AB-InBev dropping an incentive program that was slanted towards pushing their stable of beers. And some of the craft brewers are fighting back, such as Stone launching their own distributor.
There’s also the trend (at least in my local beer scene) of having breweries that do local keg distribution only, and never planning on expanding beyond that. There’s at least (off the top of my head) 5 breweries that have opened in the past 3 years that are running with that as their currently announced business plan.
Sounds like we need corporate tax reform, and less regulation to me. Not moar gubmint.
Gee, it’s a good thing South Africa doesn’t have a youth unemployment rate problem.
Is Palm Sunday anything like Palm Saturday Night?
No, you expiate your guilt about Palm Saturday Night on Palm Sunday…
I don’t see Rosie Palms.
So, go feel how ever you want today
You are not the boss of me!! I plan on feeling nothing.
Can I feel whomever I want is the question.
Damn your nimble fingers!
(And no, I don’t want them to feel me.)
He should have told us to feel whomever we want.
Are Coptics even on the bumper sticker? If not… fair target, amirite?
As long as non practicing eastern orthodox are safe, it’s cool.
They are Christian and there is a cross on the bumper sticker. On the other hand, an opportunity to poke fun at the “coexist” folks is a good thing.
It’s the Western cross though, the Eastern Christians might not take kindly to the association.
Oh right, I forgot the Orthodox churches use a different cross.
It’s what you get when you don’t make your branding as simple as possible.
Reminded me of a YouTube on flags I saw a while ago
Hey, re: the shitty lunch options by exchange place, if you like Indian food, there’s a place called mantra across the street from
the post office that has an all you can eat take out buffet for lunch for $9.
I’ve been there. It’s kind of “meh”. One of the new Harborside pop-ups (in my building) has better Indian food for about that price but admittedly fewer choices and not “all you can eat”.
Ah Ok so you have ventured outward at least a little bit. The new Korean bbq place in Harborside where the cafeteria used to be isn’t bad.
One of the few things I miss about working in the city is the 99 cent pizza and $5 falafel or chinese lunches.
Downtown jc is a bizarre place that has added thousands of jobs and luxury apartments with no places to get a cheap meal. If they put a grays papaya down there the lines would be a block long.
I look at all the new condo skyscrapers and wonder who on earth would want to live there – you get all the annoyance of living in the city with none of the benefits.
That Korean BBQ has the longest lines every day – never been. I really like the Miso soup next to it but again it is pricey.
Get some craft brewers really talking, and they’ll tell you we are headed for a time when independent breweries can’t afford to compete, can’t afford the best ingredients, can’t get wholesalers to support them, and can’t get shelf space and draft lines. The result: Beer lovers won’t have the broad range of choices they have today.
Get some craft brewers together, and they’ll tell you that if we continue down this path, we may be witnessing the beginning of the end of the American craft beer revolution.
Something, something, conspiracy against the public, something
Canadian Big Syrup plans to take over the world. See if you can spot the blip of criticism of the “bureaucratic cartel” in all the fawning over the benefits of collusion.
All will bow to the Great Maple!
I thought the goal of Big Syrup is to kill all the maples for profit and then use their dead carcasses to rape mother Gaia?
Mock all you like, but the infiltration of Great Maple continues: The most Canadian scientific discovery ever
Kind of sounds that way. They have to sell to a licensed wholesaler? Sounds like liquor laws.
One of the big “ohmagerd rightwingers rooin Canada!” moments up here was when the Conservatives finally dismantled wheat board, which was the only place western farmers could sell their wheat to. Canada is…oddly inconsistent when it comes to regulating economy. In the finest British style, it’s a patchwork of compromises and conflicting ideas with no general principle whatsoever.
I thought the general principle of Canadia is to not be the US.
Not when it comes to economy, despite the decades-long whines of Council of Canadians, NDP and suchlike.
Canada is quite eager to embrace stupidity coming from the south, then pretend that it’s this stupidity that’s a differentiator.
Maybe they should sell to the Klingons or Ferengi instead of the Federation.
Business and Klingons don’t work out so good.
So in the honor of the schismatic (as opposed to the proper Imperial) calendar’s holiday, have some Papal SABATON.
Anyone who pays and dies of an accident or disease at 60 is screwed.
“Sorry, you lose. Better luck next time.”
“Thank you!”
Back in the 80s I once gave a quick hand-gestured servus to one of my German pals and he did the arm-thing back to me with a smirk. They used to have a sense of humor about this stuff.
Grüß di Yahweh!
The way to make something not cool and edgy is to have a bunch of bureaucrats hunting for offenders.
Something *not completely retarded* from the NYT
Connecting Americans who live and work in small towns with these kinds of digital platforms is not simply a matter of giving them internet access, as with the new “Broadband for All” initiative of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York (though that is a step in the right direction). We also need programs to support that transition. Right now we are too fixated on “upskilling” coal miners into data miners. We should instead be showing people how to get work via digital platforms with their existing skills.
The reality of global economics means that Main Street is a place of nostalgia, but again, that has long been the case. What’s novel is that today, the underlying values of Main Street — living and working with autonomy in your own small community — can be attained, as long as you are willing to find that work online.
More than slightly pie-in-the-sky, but still more rational than much of the nonsense floating around out there. The comments are about what you’d expect.
I don’t read comments at NYT. There’s stupid and then there’s beyond stupid.
I suppose… except the part about extracting money from my wallet to pay for some upstate mullet-head’s internet connection.
Or you could get the state in question to kill Certificate of Need laws that stop upstart companies from challenging entrenched ones.
Oh, I’m being silly. the way you mentioned, there are 2 government programs. My way, there are none.
Yes. Trying to engineer that more-expensive world into existence via government (rather than the marketplace) is even MORE expensive. The solution is to get govt out of the way of small businesses, and stop giving big businesses so much corp. welfare.
I skimmed through much of that piece, and don’t really find the argument about the ‘digital workplace’ being particularly compelling. I think the idea that the internet is going to solve everything is misleading.
My favorite “coexist” sticker.
I prefer this one. I am a member of the PC Master Race, although I’m thinking about a Switch when the first price drop happens.
I wonder if Jim Koch is in favor of eliminating the special protections and benefits Montana (for example) provides to “craft brewers” and their brewpubs.
* basically regulatory relief.
So “The Reflex” just uploaded about a dozen new remixes
kind of interesting; he hasn’t done anything new in about a year or more. One or two of them seem to be re-works of things he did before.
(*a reminder – he’s a Dj who remixes tunes entirely from original-recording stems…. basically “nothing except what the artist originally put on tape”; it makes for some very interesting-sounding edits/revisions. tends to ‘disco-fy’ everything a little, but the results are still great)
the example there is Talking Heads. he also adds stuff Billy Cobham(?!), David Bowie, Blondie, Barry White, James Brown….
@#U$)@#(*$ threading
I wonder how he gets a hold of the original multi-track.
bit of a discussion about “Where do you get the raw-tracks” here
i think the short answer is, sometimes he gets dupes of masters through back-channels, other times he actually assembles them from a dozen other prior-reworks… basically hunting around for various out-take versions.
One source is sort of funny =
Late links are not acceptable. I was sooo close to dropping this site and joining Mother Jones.You just have no idea…
Meh. To make a real statement, you have to join DU.
Delaware University? Dumbasses Unite?
The 2nd choice, you’re getting warmer…
Everyone who is a decent person will figure out today how to add as much as possible to their carbon footprint. I think it’s about time to fire up the meat charring mechanism.
So, nothing’s really changed…
How could you not link to the Living in a Box video?
Rick Astley links are not nice. Now that stupid song will be in my head for two days.
Even after the warning by western, I still clicked on it. That video is a keeper for a reason.
You bastard!!!
Here is the real one.
No here is the real one. Hat tip Servator since his link brought this up in the recommends column.
That hasn’t aged at all!
Nagging is now “invisible housework”
If it is something that is high priority to the male it is selfish. If it is high priority to the female it is selfless. Got it.
They’re enacting your labor for you!
How do I get one of the women who do all of this stuff in my household? I keep needing to remind the girlfriend to do things like add items onto the shopping list.
Devos Security Costs Outrage Leftists
The comments are mostly, “She is a billionaire she should pay for her security, not the Dept of Ed”.
I say disband the DOE and nobody has to pay. Easy peasy.
DeBlasio was bitching about the cost of security for Trump during the period between the election and inauguration, claiming it was $1M a day. That seems way, way, too high to me.
Oh, they are bitching about everyone’s security. Something I, and most here no doubt, have been bitching about for years. It is just now these idiots see that big bloated government actually costs money. It is hilarious.
Of course, if they did pay for their own security, the Deep State wouldn’t be spying on them.
Maybe she wouldn’t need the extra security if it weren’t for unhinged leftists.
+1 easy peasy final solution
The Security i an issue, seeing as the left has a whole bunch of assassinations fantasies about Trump and his crew.
This came up a week or so ago but here’s the confirmation that Super Rugby is going to drop three teams, two from South Africa & one from Australia:
The two national bodies will decide which teams go, but the betting is Western Force (Oz) and the Cheetahs & Kings.
So I guess it’s not so super any more?
They’ll probably just go back to Super XV.
A new name is also being announced: “meh, Rugby.” (The use of a lower case “m” was a strategic, though very controversial decision)
Where’s muh rugby?
Ok, I’ve had it. *heads off in search of fossil fuels to bring flesh charring mechanism to life*
Gun-Channels on Youtube being De-Monetized
this guy is probably one of the more-professional, family-friendly, apolitical channels out there. It seems to be a case of ‘political censorship by PC-algorithm’
perhaps the upside is that the established channels like this guy can start generating successful ‘pay-for’ models. but its a bad-sign. the MSM has fired its first shots at YT and other new-media, and Google seems to be responding by simply slashing politically-inconvenient content and pretending they’re just following some algorithmic-formula
Oh, he can go to Patreon or something along those lines.
But if too many people start doing it, down the road Patreon-like sites will be targeted the same way.
Probably PayPal as well.
Because there’s no such thing as “apolitical” anymore.
I smell eventual supreme-court case
On what grounds? Private company, can’t compel association unless you are a protected class.
I think people will try and argue that Youtube, facebook, are monopolies and should be regulated like utilities.
That would give temporary reprieve and exchange it for permanent destruction as regulators start hiring right-thinking people, who will ensure that reasonable regulation prevents racist extremists from abusing these utility platforms.
People have already tried to make arguments like that, and they’re terrible arguments. I think the first one that I saw popped up around the time of Myspace.
You make it sound as though that’s actually stopped anyone in the past.
regardless of how its framed, i think there is going to be some major showdown between Old/New media in the near future, and this whole ‘pulling sponsorship’ from youtube is just an initial skirmish.
Someone else pointed out the other day that these sponsors didn’t pull their $ because they think they want to kill YT etc. They just want more control.
I don’t know what the basis of any legal fight will be, but i feel like something is coming down the pipe.
I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m sure the fight is coming, and I’m somewhat scared about how the fight will be fought, and what the outcome is.
Google is responding to their advertisers who have pulled ads for various reasons including not wanting their company’s advertisments pissing off the sjw pitchfork mob. I also think Google has its hands in so many pots now that some of these advertisers are competitors who don’t want to feed Google’s profits.
A lot of these channels will probably have to go to a subscription model. Of course if they can build up enough subscribers they’ll win ad revenue back. The eyes have it.
They are also restricting channels based purely on politics.
What we are seeing here is the point where leftists are finally realizing that they cannot win by persuasion. The majority of people will never be buying the shit sandwich they are selling. So they tried to win over people by telling them that they are in a ‘special’ group of people who are on the right side of history. No need to agree with them for entry, just be part of the ideology by identity. But that has started to badly unravel on them. So they’re going to resort to more and more forceful and thuggish behavior until that fails too. Then comes violence, because it’s all they’ll have left.
And that guy just did a very good job of dismantling their non-sense. They’re intellectual midgets, it’s like when the Mexica with their obsidian and wooden weapons and cotton armor, met the Spanish invaders with their steel weapons and armor and cannons. A serious ass whooping is inevitable.
Errr….. finally??
They’ve been trying to use the revival of the “fairness doctrine” to get right-wing talk radio off the air for more than 20 years.
I think they fully realize that in the marketplace of ideas, socialism/communism is going to lose badly when philosophies that respect personal freedom to determine your own path still exist.
(the sad part is how “conservatives” somehow count in that category. It goes to show just how far away from success we are.)
From another perspective, while I appreciate what the guy is saying towards the end of the video. There is really nothing that anyone has to do if Youtube should decide to just censor everyone in favor of turning themselves into a mouthpiece for the MSM and start charging a fee. They would die deader than a rock and be replaced by something else faster than you can say ‘Youtube’.
There is no win for them. The only way they can ever get their 1984 utopia is to kill or imprison most of those who disagree with them and then bring in an iron fisted dictatorship to enforce it. Funny the amount of people who think that is a good idea and that it will turn out well for them compared to how they have it right now.
calling openly for government protection for “craft brewers” just won’t fly, with me.
Please, please protect me from all that evil corporate brewery money.
Then there’s this one you could have invested in.
Disclaimer: I own 2 shares of their US company.
I’m looking forward to their Columbus brewery/restaurant/hotel.
I backed it to get the first 5 sours and to get the 2 night stay. I already checked and found out that the free nights can’t be used for the AGM (Annual General Mayhem, the stockholders meeting). The first AGM was a blast, with far too much beer consumed (by me).
Sounds like fun
The parts I remember were fun… I believe the girlfriend and I will be heading down this fall for the second AGM.
Drinking a Belle Gueule Pilsner just minding my business while I watch Napoli-Lazio.
Go Napoli! It’s not live here so I’m DVR’ing it for later.
No spoilers.
Switched over to PSG – Guingamp.
I sometimes watch Monaco, otherwise no interest in that league.
It’s okay. Much better in recent years with teams like Monaco and PSG and Lyon not too long ago.
I loathe PSG.
Why? The players? Organization? Spill.
They seem like a douchebag magnet. The Chelsea of France, if you will. Plus I dislike Paris in general.
So, ransomware – bad. Ransomware that doesn’t ask for money, but wants you to make 200,000,000 points in a bullet hell shooter game? Evil!
Ransomeware Turns Your Files Into The High Score Prize In Anime Shoot-’em-up
Why is it that when it actually is workplace violence, everyone screams STEROOIIDDDSSSS OH NOES!!!
I keep asking myself the question ‘Am I really justified in hating people in general?’. And every time I keep hoping that something will change my mind. But once again, my hope has crashed down to earth in burning flames. Sigh…
A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.
Jim Goad has the best Coexist sticker.
That could trigger a snowflake to death.
If I didn’t believe in the NAP I would buy about 50 of those and stick them over the naive one that I constantly see around here.
I’d be far too afraid I’d come back to my car to find the window smashed in if I put that on it.
Why the giant rubber penis (with suction cup base). How is that a political philosophy?
I thought that it was meant to trigger the ‘not’ religions of peace into violence and then nothing happened.
Isn’t it tax season in US right now? I figure it represents the reach of IRS…
Today in things that are cultural appropriation: Magic
No, not Penn & Teller type magic. Actual magic. You know, the kind that doesn’t actually exist. It’s still cultural appropriation though.
That has to be satire.
I’d like to appropriate some magic.
Isn’t that just typical, corporations are exporting our cursing and witchcraft industries to the developing world because a Ugandan witch doctor will do the work of a Druid for a third of the cost.
Magic is well known among whites, I assure you.
I have to pay my fair share to cultural appropriation. *slams down entire caipirinha in one drink, smacks thicc latina wife on ass*. Take that, cultural appropriation warriors. What’s that? May you have another? Yes, you may.
So, it looks like this video is getting a lot of attention in circles both right and left today (mostly right):
It’s a video of a 2013 chemical weapons attack survivor thanking Trump for hitting Syria and calling out the hypocrisy of those who protested the travel ban–but not Assad’s use of chemical weapons.
I find myself getting dragged in by the spectacle a lot these days. I love seeing CNN duped into showing Syrian chemical weapons victims thanking Trump for hitting Assad, and I love seeing progressives called out on their hypocrisy. I still think Trump was wrong to do what he did, but even for a principled guy like me . . . I’m only human.
I can’t help it that watching SJWs and progressives run around in circles with their panties in a wad makes me laugh. It’s like watching Curly run around in circles . . .
. . . or just the three stooges beating the shit out of each other–only funnier.
“I can’t help it that watching SJWs and progressives run around in circles with their panties in a wad makes me laugh”
I’m sure that if you don’t enjoy that, you’re well on your way to a well deserved cat ass’n.
Disclaimer: Again, not trying to start a fight, but:
TSTSNBN – total comments for April 9 – 49, 3 articles.
Glibertarians – 220, 1 article.
How many of those comments are “My sister/brother/mom made $3769 dollars last week working only 10 hours from home and bought a new Audi” spammers?
Or trolls
*takes peek* As I said, I do thankless jobs.
I’m going to say, for today:
40% spillover from Glibertarians.
30% I dunno.
30% I dunno.
Damn, thank you so much for mentioning that. Good job, moderators.
Further adventures in Hululand:
National Treasure: Fantastic. Intense. Judi Dench is of course terrific, in many senses of the word. Robbie Coltrane’s lead is enigmatic to the end. Riveting character drama.
The Detour: Surprisingly good so far. Where The Mick tries too hard to capitalize on Kaitlin Olson’s cringe comedy cred, this one actually manages to be irreverent and funny by throwing authentically good actors into sincere roles and letting the weirdness develop organically. I’m only two episodes in, but I’m pretty entertained.
Dimension 404: Checked out ten minutes into the pilot. Unsure what they’re going for, but it’s not for me.
National Treasure?
Isn’t that the one where Nicholas Cage runs around playing Da Vinci Code, steals the Declaration of Independence, and ultimately finds El Dorado hiding in Mt. Rushmore?
Damn, didn’t we tell you? No Spoilers!
I honestly didn’t mean to spoil it for anybody. I was trying to identify the movie.
That isn’t a spoiler. That’s saving people the trouble. That movie was terrible. It’s Indiana Jones meets Da Vinci Code, and it’s filmed like it’s one of those children’s Night at the Museum movies.
Is that even the same movie he’s talking about?!
I don’t remember Judi Dench being in it. I remember a bunch of horseshit. Maybe my memory blocked it out. I don’t know, I’ve got a thing about Nicholas Cage. He did a couple of good movies. Leaving Las Vegas. Wild at Heart. Then he sold his soul to the devil . . . a really lame ass devil that only lets him make shitty movies.
Judi Dench was awesome in that death metal Riddick movie everybody hated, but I loved that movie.
It was all . . . death metal.