Some links mildly NSFW*
I have it on good authority the that snow is melting rapidly on the SoCal ski slopes, but before it does I figured I’d get in a crack about biathletes. I figure everyone here can get behind a sport comprised of skiing and shooting things AND as a National Siblings Day bonus we have the Fourcade brothers. Now Martin is ostensibly the better biathlete, and he’s not hard on the eyes either, but I’d let Simon eat crackers in bed. He’s got a great body, likes to show off (I dare not do more than happy baby on a paddleboard), is very photogenic and knows it. He balances goofy and sexpot with aplomb, much like other favorite Chris Pratt. It doesn’t hurt that he’s perfectly happy to bare dat ass.
I’m not sure why, but he was photographed twice for the Dieux Du Stade calendar, this year (see link for “aplomb”) and in 2015 where he posed on a 55 gallon drum (because Santa came early…and so did
Старшенький^^#SimonFourcade #biathlon
— Щепочка (@mariaszczepkina) March 20, 2015
*Specifically biathletes (woman) and shooting (women), sexpot (man), aplomb (man), dat ass (man) and 55 gallon drum (man).
Speaking manly…here’s an example of what being manly *isn’t.*
‘I Engaged My Rage’ Says Student Who Destroyed Anti-Abortion Signs
“‘[Pro-life activists] try and provoke us emotionally and what do they expect?’ he asked in the video. ‘So yeah, I hope I was able to inspire a few of you all out there. I don’t know – speak up, wake up. Engage the opposition.’…
“Ramos is a history and government student at Texas State and is currently in the process of getting certified to teach….
“”yes, [abortion is] a profoundly human right.’
“’At the end of the day, I think it’s not a conversation that we really need to be engaging in.’”
‘I engaged my rage’ is a prime candidate for a meme and/or t shirt.
‘I engaged my rage’
So did the Ohio National Guard at Kent State. They sure they want to go down that road?
Dig bites man, Eddie.
“First off, I reject bigotry,” Ian Ramos
Ramos, a history and government student
I thought he said he rejected bigotry.
I mean, at least Papaya SF waited until a few other comments had rolled in before he poorly jiujitsued a Manly Monday into one of his hobby horses.
Is it ever to soon to engage in a hobby horse?
^This. Well said, Jesse.
I think you can probably get away with posting some beefcake on Eddie’s articles in response, provided you also have some Chicago style endnotes to go with it.
Ugh, we were trained in the Turabian variant of Chicago citations (I have no idea what the difference is if there is one). I hope to never have to worry about them again.
I suppose I could just offer to do the photos and layout for his articles and do pics of oiled up hunks with “Not pictured: Virginia Supreme Court Justice David Bamberhill Jr.“
Now THAT is some quality cake! Actual hair on the chest!
He’s not *that* much hairier than Fourcade on the drum pic. Although I’d be curious to know what he looks like with no trimming whatsoever.
Look, I thought some comments would already have gotten in before mine.
By way of apology, let me show you some beefcake. Enjoy!
not sure that’s how that works.
also = given that “bigotry” is intolerance of people w/ views different than your own…. he’s basically the Costanza of social-justice – “just do the opposite”.
That just tells me he probably has anger issues.
Chris Pratt YAAAAAASSSS. I so, so wish he would do more comedies. Guardians doesn’t count. It’s a sci-fi/comic/action flick with comedic overtones. I’m talking Hangover-style comedy.
There are six seasons of “Parks & Recreation”
Hey, I didn’t give you permission to use that photo of me sitting on a fuel drum!
Jesse’s using my facebook profile pictures without consent. Again.
That guy looks like one of those skinless anatomical dummies they use in biology/med-school classes
I feel like taking photoshop to it, and drawing in arrows for “Top Round”, “Brisket”, “London Broil”, “Spare Ribs”
Now I’m going to have to watch the music video for Robbie Williams – Rock DJ.
I recall someone once suggesting that “posting huge blocs of text is bad manners” and getting really sanctimonious about it, because it made scrolling through comments unpleasant for others.
I’m glad i never took those people seriously.
Are you saying my photo is TOO BIG?!?
(But yeah, that thing’s huge, yo.)
Is that what she said?
No. 🙁
That is OK, we never took you serious either.
4/5 sick burn scale, expected better repartee, would get roasted again
Need moar fashion review.
What, no play on bi(sexual)-athletes? I are disappoint.
Also, while Olympic biathlon is Ski/Shoot apparently any combo of two sports is a biatlhlon. Run/Swim is common.
A common, boring combo.
What about if you swim almost exclusively but might go out running if your pool is out of town for a business trip?
The joke is in the preview text. Why else would I be giggling?
Now I’m going to have to google bi athletes. Gus Kenworthy went straight to being gay, no?
Rhythmic gymnastics/Weightlifting could have comedic value.
Javelin and ice dancing.
My preferred combo is Drink/Eat. And for the Triathlon, Drink/Drink/Eat,
Obama’s legacy is rules in the last 6 months? If we get rid of them even if have not gone into effect yet means the end of humanity!
“Neal Levine · University of Toledo
Funny. No matter what Trump tries to do. President Obama’s legacy lives on and will live on.
Like · Reply · 26 · 13 hrs
David LaPorte · Professor at University of Minnesota
Obama had his faults. He was less decisive than Trump because he took time to think things through. That was a weakness in the Carter presidency as well. The country needs a decisive leader and the rest of the world needs to know it.”
Obama never struck me as the intellect his supporters claim. I never thought I’d see the day where I’d see an article like this but this is precisely how I viewed him:
Yea i think obama was about appearance over substance
Whereas trump looks more of a buffoon but there is actually substance (like he is hustling)
The author was whining about trump not draining swamp due to going along with gop…but didnt lefties whine about draining the swamp?
There’s no doubt in my mind behind the scenes Trump is much more thoughtful and asks the right questions than Obama did. Obama oozes superficiality and his fans only confirm this suspicion.
Obama never struck me as the intellect his supporters claim.
His University transcripts are under lock and key for a reason.
“Trump would listen intently after each question, often asking follow-ups. Trump’s second call with our president was even longer than the first. Asking these types of questions for our country is something the Obama administration never did.”
Well, why would the smartest guy in the world need to ask questions?
Of course this is Trump’s primary concern. 🙂
like Iraq. He really thought that through. He was still thinking when he sent more troops there after having pulled troops out.
Or Yemen. That’s a product of a lot of thinking. Or Somalia. Or Libya. Or Afghanistan. so much thought. (strokes chin)
Obama’s intellect? He is a pinko radical. That is all anyone needs to know. The man is a fucking idiot.
You know I think he is in fact an idiot when it comes to non text book thought patterns.
I remember him once making the comment about having a group of college professors study an issue concerning the Horizon drilling rig. His remarks were that he had the smartest people in the world on the issue.
It is a common and well rrspected attitude that those who can’t do , teach .
Obama’s academic background led him to believe that was true. Obama seems ti believe the halls of academia are full of people who would put people like Gates and Bezos to shame ( with regards to bisiness only) were only they not so dedicated to their fellow man. Were they not willing to give up fame and fortune THEY would have developed Microsoft even netter.
‘[Pro-life activists] try and provoke us emotionally and what do they expect?’
Yeah, being provoked emotionally, which is something toddlers suffer from, is a reason for you to act like a toddler and destroy private property. One day, you’ll do that to the wrong person and maybe learn your lesson.
If Politico reports anything, it is almost certainly full of fabrications of just downright not true at all.
Just as I was starting to feel good about myself in comes Jesse with that pic.
Thanks for nuttin’.
/was going to eat cauliflower but opts for all dressed chips.
I actually bought chips today. Something I rarely do. I thought of the “all dressed chips” conversation I read on here, and thought, “holy shit I spend too much time on that site.” No all dressed chips in this neck of the woods, but they did have, “Lays Biscuits and Gravy”. WTF?
(I didn’t buy them)
my roommate has a coworker from Canada. he has family ship all dressed ones regularly.
My Canuck side of the family always has all dressed in the pantry.
Don’t bother with the Lay’s Biscuits and Gravy. they are “Meh” at best. Now, if they would bring back the Chicken and Waffles ones….mmmmm!
I went with Salt and vinegar. I have never seen Chicken and Waffles.
Ah. A classic.
Excellent choice.
Miss Vickie’s Balsamic vinegar and sweet onion is dee-lish. I think they even have a lime and cracked pepper which is good.
try them frrsh and homemade on the spot !
open a bag of regular chips like you arr going to make a frito pie and then let your creative side rule
OMG I found them today! Perfect with my lunch.
But did you see biscuits and gravy? That was a new one on me.
I’ve seen em, never tried.
And after every bite you said, ‘Rufus’, right?
No, that would just be gay.
Totally off topic. As some of you already know, in addition to being a carnie, I am also a college instructor teaching government. Students’ tempers run high and I was wondering what your advice would be if a student ever pulled a gun on me? My college does not allow us to carry firearms.
You have to use psychology. Tell him he simply doesn’t have the balls to pull the trigger.
You or your heirs can update us on the results.
Lol. So I should put me head to the barrel and tell him, “Do it you fucking coward! You don’t have the balls!”
Okay I have my answer.
An old trick taught to me from my Texas forefathers is to put the barrell to his head before you say that.
Your forefathers were Bugs Bunny?
That would explain a whole lot.
Try the ol’ “Your shoelace is untied” trick?
“you dropped your pocket!” is my go to
Bring a firearm to campus anyway? You’d get fired, but you’d be a hero.
Watch the first two seasons of Walker, Texas Ranger. Then you’ll know the only way TO handle it
On it. Practicing his go to Norris kick now.
Throw chalk at the shooter?
No chalkboard thus no chalk.
There has never been a recorded instance (to my knowledge, anyway, and I keep track of this shit) of someone carrying a gun at school illegally that pulled it out in anger at a student or teacher unless that person was already planning on going postal, so I believe your concern of that particular event happening is probably unfounded. That is not to say that it could not happen, but people who carry firearms responsibly (even if unlawfully) do not ‘snap’ and start waving it in people’s faces, despite what some in the media claim.
As to the broader point of someone pulling a gun on you on campus or in class, people who regularly carry a gun have a saying: Concealed means concealed. If you carry a gun concealed on you against the law or campus policy, you can only get in trouble if someone actually finds out, which should only be immediately AFTER shooting an active shooter. So I guess the question is, does potentially getting fired outweigh losing your life?
Happened in Montreal:
I went to Dawson for one semester.École_Polytechnique_massacre
Though this is more of a ‘going postal’ scenario. Still he walked into the school and began shooting.
Um, that guy brought multiple weapons to campus and immediately started shooting. I would argue it was his intent to shoot people from the get go. My argument was that no one that carried a gun regularly for self defense has ever gone postal on a college campus with said gun.
Definitely not trying to imply that a conceal carry student or responsible gun owner in general is something to fear.
I understand that, I am just saying I would not be worried about a guy randomly producing a gun out of his ass. If a student pulls a gun on you at school, he was planning on doing it the moment he got up that morning, which probably means talking it out is no longer an option.
Vhyrus is correct. If you end up looking down the barrel of a gun it is because that person brought the gun with the intent of shooting people, maybe you specifically. There isnt really much you can do to avoid that. Best strategy: sit down and place your head between your knees…you know the rest.
In a couple of months I will be teaching in Texas, which by state law, allows college instructors to carry firearms. I have millennial students who lose their shit if they don’t get an A let alone if they fail. With this San Bernadino thing and after a few beers this topic popped into my head. Also since I teach politics and I have a lot of Middle-eastern students in my class it has added a bit to the anxiety. When I bring up Israel, I almost cringe.
What do I know and it’s easy for me to say, but stand your ground. Don’t be intimidated.
From what I recall, there were always students who made a stink with their grades or didn’t like the way a professor was lecturing – whatever – but I noticed for the most part the professors controlled their classes. One in particular, Professor Hermann (from Germany) was quite possibly the most un PC professor in world history and would literally smirk, smile or laugh in your face if he felt you were acting like an idiot.
Yeah, I do so. In the state I teach in every student automatically gets a scholarship at state instutions as long as they maintain a 3.0 GPA (I think, might be lower). So I get a lot of, “I will lose my scholarship if I don’t pass this class and my life will be ruined. Often phrased in such a way that they put the blame on me.
“Then I suggest you pay attention and work harder!”
My dad was a university math professor. One semester a very comely young woman student who was failing badly made an appointment for office hours. She duly arrived, walked in and shut the door behind her. Leaned over my Dad’s desk with her cleavage on full display and said, “Professor, I’d do anything, just ANYTHING to pass this class.”
Dad: “Anything at all? Anything I could even possibly just imagine asking you to do?”
Student, in a breathy voice: “Oh yes, just ANYTHING you could imagine. ANYTHING.”
Dad: “Would you….. study?”
+1 Kevin Spacey
I have a friend who teaches on a Texas campus and he started looking for a new job once Texas passed that law, informing me he didn’t want to die in a campus shooting. I was going to point out that almost every campus/school shooting has taken place where firearms were banned but it seemed pointless for me to do so.
Oh FFS. Stop almost cringing, stand up straight and look people in the eye. Never. Show. Fear.
Are there any good joke I could tell to defuse the situation?
I think you might be prepping for a statistically unlikely event. Just make sure you drink plenty of water, wear your seatbelt and go for your annual physical religiously and I’m sure you’ll be fine.
Oh I’m sure. I don’t go into class with this expectation. But with the shooting in San Bernadino and after a couple of beers this question came to mind.
And wear clean underwear!
“Killing a man changes you, Joey. I remember my first one, a little gook whore in California. Must have been the summer of ’85. I still touch my myself to the seeing the light die in her eyes, her gook mouth working like a goldfish as I choked her. I didn’t get get my dick out. I came right in my pants. I had to spoon her body for an hour before I could get hard enough to rape her little lukewarm asshole.
Don’t let your first one be a guy, Joey. I’ll make you a fag.”
Should I read him one of your stories? Or will this get me shot faster. There is always the possibility he will vomit and I can go for the gun…
I’m not saying it won’t work…
Carry anyway. That’s what I do.
I’m not sure what the answer is for that. Pepper spray? Some other kind of half-measure?
Shoot him.
I love the standard Montanan response.
Someone tries to kill you, you try to kill ’em right back
They best make peace with their dear and fluffy lord.
I swear by my pretty floral bonnet….
That was going to be my answer.
drop to your knees and scream “but I voted for Bernie!!!”
>My college does not allow us to carry firearms.
Yeah I hate it when I wander into a gun free zone and my sidearm just magically slips out of my holster from under my clothes and sticks there at the line.
>I was wondering what your advice would be if a student ever pulled a gun on me
The Tao of Wyatt Earp offers advice.
“in addition to being a carnie, I am also a college instructor teaching government.”
Man, talk about a distinction without a difference.
“I was wondering what your advice would be if a student ever pulled a gun on me? ”
1. Carry anyway. It’s your personal safety on the line.
2. Take it away from him. Shove it up his ass, and pull the trigger until the hammer goes “click”
#2…don’t fuck with the Jesus?
Sulu chimes in:
The Chicago Aviation Department, a well-known hive of Trumpian monsters. If only Trump hadn’t been elected, Chicago would have remained a non-violent utopia staffed by the holiest of police officers!
This all goes back to the “progressive” belief that everything in the universe is planned out by TOP MEN.
They think that Trump got elected and that subsequently changed everyone’s opinions. They don’t understand that people came to those opinions on their own and then voted for Trump.
Wow. That is weapons-grade stupidity.
Yes, Mr. Cho… Those who are truly fuck-witted over Trump being elected really are treating everyone like shit.
Observation: 7/10
Insight: Nil
OK, sorry about starting out the gate with an off topic post, but now there’s been enough on-topic discussion that I hope I can cut in again.
Here’s and article I found while Googling “Emma Watson feminism” for some random reason:
“Having recently played Belle in the live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast, Emma spoke freely about how she felt it was important that there were more female leads in both film and society in general. But she has made a very good point about why many men find it difficult to enjoy a woman-centric movie….
“Talking to Marie Claire Australia about why she thought some men were rejecting the idea of heroines, Emma explained: ‘It’s something that they’re not used to, and they don’t like that.'”
“It’s something that they’re not used to, and they don’t like that.”
Or, ya know, maybe people of any demographic like to watch movies with characters they can relate to (i.e. characters who are like them). Hence the leftist fixation on steering Hollywood towards making more movies with women or minorities in the lead role.
I don’t like movies with 130 lb. women kicking ass on a bunch of men for one.
As far as emotional heroines….meh. I am a man after all.
OK, sorry about starting out the gate with an off topic post,
Somehow I have a feeling you’re not really sorry.
I actually thought there would be posts before mine, I wasn’t trying to be like that guy on the other site.
“…men find it difficult to enjoy a woman-centric movie….”
No shit Emma. That is a real pearl of wisdom that took some true insight. Dudes piss themselves out of boredom when forced to watch chick-fliks or the Estrogen Channel. Wow.
I quite enjoyed Where the Boys Aren’t Vol. 1 through 19.
Here’s and article I found while Googling “Emma Watson feminism”
The fuck is wrong with you?
Happy incept date, Leon Kowalski.
I could go for some pho from a flying car right about now.
Why the hell did people set things 35 years into the future and then expect that things would change so dramatically in such a short amount of time?
Imagine telling people 35 years ago that everybody is going around today watching TV on their phones. They would have thought you were nuts.
What makes this night YUUUUGER than all other nights?
*hopes Jesse decides to share this for some Manly Monday in the future*
Ahaha. My aunt actually sent me the one guy’s photo-shoot. I didn’t realize he had friends.
I was looking into doing the 10 most dangerous jobs but had a hard time finding pictures of non-sport fishermen looking hawt.
I find Deadliest Catch’s Andy Hillstrand unbearably sexy
This guy has a certain rugged charm.
Yeah, the real liver (actor) version ain’t bad, either.
Crap on a cracker
He seems less scruffy than I expected from you.
He is, but he’s got that je ne sais quoi. He’s got that intense look, but he’s actually really fun and lighthearted on the show.
10 most dangerous jobs does sound like a good theme, jesse.
My 25 year old son is a professional bad ass. I’ll ask him to send you some shirtless pics. (But don’t hold your breath.)
I get what they were trying to do, but the logic of laptop = person is a pretty big step.
Oh man, I was just having a conversation last week where someone contended that conservatives had already moved on re: gay marriage. Of course no matter how much evidence I brought to bear it was just a feeling he had which was impossible to dispel, so I guess this would’ve had just as little bearing on my life then as it does now.
Bottom line is gay marriage won – the next frontier is cakes.
People for the American Way press release re Gorsuch:
“The Court has been delaying a decision on whether to hear the Masterpiece Cakeshop case since before the current term began…Like Hobby Lobby, the religious exercise component of the case is part of the far Right’s effort to redefine religious liberty from a shield to protect the exercise of religion into a sword to discriminate….With a 4-4 split no longer a threat, the conservatives on the Court may [Gorsuch’s appointment] as an opportunity to reverse the Colorado court and increase the use of religion to deny others their rights. An announcement that the Court has agreed to take this case would be no surprise.”
the use of religion to deny others their rights to your labor and moral support
Brian Brown disagrees
Not bloody likely. A judge would have to grant standing, it would have to make it all the way to the supreme court, and then a guy who by all accounts is pro civil liberties would have to say “You know what? Gays don’t have the same rights after all!”
I won’t sugarcoat it, that would certainly be a nice result.
But if it’s overruled, it would probably be backlash to the cake stuff – if the result was simply limited to “leave people alone and they’ll leave you alone,” then in practice the justices would, probably in the name of conservativism, stick to precedent.
It takes a good deal of persuasion to overrule a precedent, and I don’t think it’s something they’d do UNLESS they conclude that Obergefell led to compulsory cakes, purges of the civil service, and the like.
If the compulsory cases *hadn’t* happened, then they would be saying, “oh, it didn’t have those awful results they were predicting, let’s leave well enough alone and don’t overrule it.”
It takes a good deal of persuasion to overrule a precedent, and I don’t think it’s something they’d do UNLESS they conclude that Obergefell led to compulsory cakes, purges of the civil service, and the like.
Considering those things were going on before Obergefell that’d be pretty hard to convince a jurist who wasn’t a complete partisan hack, but I’m sure that fantasy keeps folks like Brian Brown warm as he touches himself thinking about how homosexual rapacity has ruined his fine heterosexual marriage.
The cakes and the marriage licenses are all being pushed as part of the same movement – and of course they reinforce each other.
There aren’t hermetically-sealed compartments, with libertarian “neutrality” evolving in one chamber and, completely unconnected, compulsory cakes proceeding in the other chamber to the total shock and indignation of the people in the first chamber.
But I perceive that we have different perpspectives and I’d like to back out as delicately as possible.
That sounds like a solid plan.
(If I’d said that more on the other site there wouldn’t have been so many screens’ worth of arguments to scroll through)
Most conservatives have moved on, which is why you don’t hear a bunch of breathless articles about how trump is going to have a bonfire on the whitehouse lawn with all the gay marriage licenses, cause if there was even a whiff of a ghost of a chance of that happening, you would be reading those articles right now.
The progs could have declared victory and gone home. But to them, so long as there’s a business not catering to their definition of marriage, The Struggle Continues.
(present company excepted)
There was more than one article I read that basically stated they had declared victory, and their next target was hardcore gun control. Trump’s election torpedoed that one good, so they’re falling back on redefining marriages and genders.
Yes, and it it quite different from the libertarian agenda which, even at its most libertine, is “the right to boink and take the responsibility that ensues.” Plus a Quixotic quest for government “neutrality.”
What’s strange is that I’ve heard a lot of “progressives” in real life making the assertion that American LGBT people are basically living in 1939 Germany now that Trump is in office.
Have they used the metaphor of Communist Cuba?
Here’s a picture that I’m sure many of y’all find sexy as heck.
I find this one just a touch sexier. Of course… already wearing a ring. wah wah
Eddie, don’t make me start posting hentai.
Only if it’s artsy and historically relevant.

I came across that image while looking for illustrations for John Bingham’s tenure as ambassador to Japan.
Now let me be clear – I found no evidence that John Bingham had any non-culinary-related relationships with octopi.
Ya’ll went all Japanesie on me, or what?
Much improved over last week. I knew you had it in you.
Are we finally zeroing in on the Rhywun Zone??!!!
I’d like to zero in on that guy’s zone, IYKWIMAITYD.
I wanted the 55 gallon drum shot to be the embedded image, but felt guilty. Now I’m regretting it.
We need the top men to figure it out in complex ways
I feel like I owe Jesse after hijacking the comments. So I will say there are few men I would go gay for and Chris Pratt is one of them.
Ryan Reynolds is my only Gaifu. And yes I did just make that word up.
“Gaifu”…I think that works, Vhyrus! Nicely done.
Pardon me, Jesse, but I have to ask. Are you not putting toxic masculinity on display here? What about this guy, your typical cosmotarian social justice warrior dude who’s in touch with his feminine side?
cool sjw guy
Not even Liberace’s hairdresser’s interior decorator would touch that guy.
But when I visit college campuses, which is at least several times a month because of work, THAT is the guy I see, there’s like 1000 variations of him, but they all have toothpick like legs and arms squeezed into red skinny jeans and appear more feminine that the women. The few masculine looking guys on campus are in luck, they seem to have their own harems.
It just means my goal of having multiple hot college girls with daddy issues as my side chicks is that much more likely to happen.
I was sort of thinking the same, except there is no way I would even look more than a glance at any woman on a college campus today. NOT worth it. If I were a student today (I’d probably never make it), I’d totally avoid the female students and just go to local bars or use the intertoobz to pick up some milf.
Like her?
I can tell you from not to ancient experience, and I’m sure it has not changed much since, the amount of very attractive mature single women available near major cities, is very high.
OK the pants are ridiculous and the makeup is probably for the photo-shoot but to be fair, most college-age guys have toothpick legs and arms. What’re you gonna do? But yeah, living in NYC, I see variants of the same all the way into their 40s and it ain’t pretty.
When I was in high school I was pretty skinny. But it’s not because I wasn’t trying hard not to be. I just couldn’t gain weight no matter how much I ate or how much I lifted. But at least I didn’t try to wear clothes to make me look more skinny and less attractive. It’s almost like they’re screaming ‘look at me, I’m a fucking pussy with zero testosterone’. Yeah, it ain’t pretty.
A lot of people like skinny, though. I think the objection (and I share it) is to the way such people (and I think we’re talking about hipsters here) carry themselves.
It’s that, but more. It’s just like they have zero masculinity.
Agreed. Speaking from the other team, I don’t date “femmes” myself.
Well, I guess that sort of what I was saying, is what’s attractive to anyone about this gender neutral look? I just don’t get it. For me, I guess I’m an old curmudgeon, but no sexuality is not attractive to me in any way. I don’t see how that would change no matter what ‘team’ I’m on.
I hear ya but I doubt the likes of David Bowie were suffering from lack of female attention…
I think it goes in phases. Remember glam rock?
You mean like Poison? I didn’t find those guys effeminate.
I hope I have a staight boy or a lesbian girl, cause if something looking like that knocks on my door looking to take my child on a date, I am going to have a serious Clint Eastwood moment.
What you’re basically saying is that your kid will never be allowed to date more than 1 in 100 males on university campus these days. It used to shock me a few years ago when I started picking up clients in higher ed. I kept thinking ‘what the fuck, are they feeding these guys estrogen or what? I’ve never seen such a bunch of pussy looking guys’.
My hetero life mate (henceforth referred to as HLM) and I talked about this and it was decided that if we had a daughter (or feminine gay son) any boy that came to the door would be warmly welcomed into our home and given the utmost respect, at least initially. Some point immediately before leaving our house for the first time, I would pull him aside and very sternly whisper “Whatever you do to my child, I will do to you.” followed by a nice firm pat on the back and an enthusiastic “You kids have fun now!” This would be followed up by a very stern stare and nod when the boy inevitably looks back over his shoulder at me to verify if he had really heard me correctly.
“Hey, I just gave your daughter half my the contents of my bank account!”
Awesome… I’ll give you 10 dollars as well.
In my days, we would answer the door while cleaning our gun. No shit, I’m not making that up. But here’s some heads up. You’re eventually gonna lose that battle, it’s not winnable. I mean if you’re lucky, some person you really like will marry your kid, but the odds are against that.
Oh I know, but I’ll at least scare the pussies away.
Makes you long for the good ol days when you just sold your daughter to the guy you liked most for 3 goats and a camel.
Word to the wise…double-check the milage on the camel, sometimes they set the odometer back.
You didn’t really consider all the possible outcomes of that scenario. It’s a small possibility, but if you try that on your feminine gay son’s bf and the bf happens to be a perv, he’s going to take the line “Whatever you do to my child, I will do to you” as an invitation to get kinky. Might want to try out some alternative lines.
I don’t get it. Loud prints are making an unfortunate reappearance on the wheel of style. Kids are coming into their own and rehashing questionable fashion choices that their younger gen-x parents made in the ’90s. My sister wore unflattering peasant blouses for a while for the same reason.
Well, at least they are repeating the mistakes of the 90s and not the mistakes of the 70s. It could be worse.
I wanted to thank Jesse for including a Xenia Daskalova link. I felt manlier having seen it.
Well, I’m somehow almost always right about this stuff. I guessed either workplace violence or crime of passion. But it appears that the CA school shooting was a crime of passion. Ok, so give me 50% of a choice of 2 things. There’s no way to stop that sort of thing, folks. It’s just life in an imperfect world.
Ok, so in the UK they don’t know what mountain means.
Mountain… in Malibu…
dailyfail, hyperbole, etc etc.
Zuma Beach would be at the western end of the Santa Monica Mountains.
I usually think they’re more large foothills than “mountains” but they’re bigger than some of the skiing mountains I’ve seen on the east coast, so shrug.
I lived in Sim Valley for 5 years.
Did you click the link? The mountain they refer to is a mostly sand bank next to the beach, not even a hill.
Simi Valley.
Yeah, clicked through. I just assumed someone looked at a map and said “sure mountains run right down to the sea there.” which would be correct enough even if that’s just a sandstone hillside.
Yeah, there are some good sized hills there, for sure, especially when seen from sea level. ‘Mountain collapsing’, that’s some serious hyperbole. There were some old stone walls here in MD that collapsed during the 5.8 mag earthquake in 2011 that were as high as that ‘mountain’, lol.
Or “whole“. (Scroll to the end.)
67? She looks at least 75.
On my tablet, so just going to cut and paste.
This is the money shot:
“Some of the errors were caused by HUD rounding dollar amounts to the nearest “billion,” when financial guidance calls for rounding to the nearest “million.”
Let’s see what happens if I do that on my taxes. “It was less than a billion, so I rounded down to zero.”
Then you wouldn’t need HUD to provide you with federally-subsidized housing, that’s for sure.
I still think it’s shoddy accounting to allow them to round to the nearest million. Nearest thousand should be the largest acceptable rounding error. Nearest billion should justify shutting down the department. Burn it with fire and start over from scratch (if you must start over).
Don’t start over, just nuke it from space.
The Democrats really are going to trot her out again in 2020. LOL!
Hillary’s coming back!
Skimming the article it says she’s not interested in running for anything, just helping other Dems get elected (lol, if they want someone who’s good at campaigning they’d call on Obama, not her) and being feted as an elder stateswoman of the party. Which is a surprisingly good call on her part.
I’m just glad someone like her was denied the honor of being the first female president of the US. I’ll laugh quite heartily if that title ends up going to a Republican.
Obama doesn’t have coat tails though. Just the opposite.
If the Republicans had half a fucking brain (they don’t) they’d realize a large part of Trump’s appeal is that he’s earthy and crass and bombastic. He works hard and he plays hard. Let the Democrats be the schoolmarm party, and the Republicans should be trying to ditch the stick in the mud image for something a bit more swaggering. Legal weed would go a long way here, though I think Sessions has Trumps ear on that, which is a shame.
That’s what she always says. She’s interested and will announce in 2019 and they WILL trot her out again. I had this exact conversation with people back before Hillary announced last time, and they all said ‘no way, she won’t run, you’re crazy!’. She cannot help herself, she’s running again and getting the nomination. And losing again.
Oh man I need this in my life again.
“The reason that Hillary! is being carried around bodily, and the reason that she has someone speaking and answering all questions for her, is not that she is unable to do it, you sexist bigot pig racist, it’s that her wisdom and intelligence is just a little too much for deplorable people to handle all at once. She’s doing it for you. Stop being such a hater, seriously!
This is CNN.”
One of the greatest pleasures in my life in the last decade was staying up all night and watching Hillary lose on election night. It was literally orgasmic in nature, like a 10 hour orgasm.
I was too drunk to enjoy it properly but yeah.
“I’ll laugh quite heartily if that title ends up going to a Republican.”
Should that happen, I’ll guarantee you one thing. It will trigger the most real case of misogyny that you’ve even seen or probably will ever see in your lifetime.
I, for one, welcome the opportunity to taunt “progressives” into fits of apoplectic rage by saying, “what, you can’t handle a strong female president??”
Palin 2024
They may not get there the first time, but they’re great at their comebacks. That’s one thing you can never doubt about them: they do comebacks better than anybody.
Um, besides “coming back” from a couple sex scandals, thanks in large part to a devoted media, from what exactly have the Clintons ever “come back”? The relative anonymity of Bill’s post-presidential years? Hillary’s undistinguished, incompetent political career? Benghazi? Emailgate? Is this their definition of a comeback?
So you’re saying “don’t call it a comeback”?
louder version
Don’t call it a comeback. In fact, let’s not call her back at all.
Hit the road, Hill, and take along Bill, go away, go away, go away, go away
How can I miss you when you won’t go away?
Keep telling you day after day
But you won’t listen, you always stay and stay
How can I miss you when you won’t go away?
I am more inclusive than you, Shitlords!
“Hit the road, Jacqueline,
don’t you run a
Stay with me, Jimbo!
God damn this tablet!
Don’t you run again, run again,
Hit the road, Jacqueline,
Don’t you run again, run again.
Just kidding! Please run again, Hitlery!
She’s never gonna give it up
She’s rehearsing this for her inaugural address.
I can never listen to Hannah again. You’ve ruined it, Fusion.
Between the “Russia is to blame for everything”-media-narrative… and the public-sainting of (swallows Imodium)…. Hillary @&#$^&*@ Clintonn – the *most* corrupt, characterless, warmongering, amoral Democrat since… ever….
…the impression you get is of an existential desperation on the left.
They really don’t know what to talk about, so they screech over every tidbit they see that its more proof that they were RIGHT ALL ALONG!!! and then launch back into some fantasy-world drivel about How Hillary Has Great Ideas or Bernie Could Have Won or how they’re going to just crush in the midterms because of this one delay in the Obamacare repeal… or whatever scraps they can desperately cling to. It feels like they’re just waiting for something bad to happen so they can potentially capitalize… but otherwise have nothing except their tribal-cheerleading-mantras.
Hyp was suggesting that he feels like this hysteria is going to lead to some eventual violence. I think there’s some possibility of that. Or that the environment is right for some comitted kooks to do something unbelievably stupid. But i don’t think there’s any reality of popular will behind them. The impression you get in the media is that there’s some genuinely widespread #RESISTANCE!!, but i think the fact is that the bulk of the left – the ‘lefty because they’re young-left’ – i think is mostly just disillusioned and disinterested.
But the media itself – the MSM people – are completely off their collective nut. The shit i read in places like the WaPo is just delusional. And the way they leapfrog from stupid story to stupid story (e.g. yesterday it was “Asian girl can’t get AirBnB!!! RACIST!!” – today it was “Asian guy kicked off plane!! TRUMPS FACISM PROVEN”) is just… exhausting. I can’t believe they’ll keep this up for years. At some point i think there’s going to have to be some comedown, but i can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel yet.
Dude, the Democrat party has been hijacked by the people that we used to call the lunatic fringe. They wear pink tinfoil hats. They aren’t going to become exhausted and have some kind of comedown because this is who they are with the mask off. They thought the tipping point had come with Obama and they could just come right out with who they are; socialist radicals.
Actually they haven’t.
The failure of Ellison in the DNC chair bid was sort of the example of the ‘centrists’ showing that they still rule the roost.. The flaks in the media who keep pimping Clinton to the public as some sort of (slugs more imodium)…. popular savior…. are examples of how the “mainstream, establishment DNC” are trying to maintain some kind of visible pre-emninence over the shrieking loonies. The shreiking loonies provide lots of energy, and twitter footsoldiers, but are otherwise politically useless.
They’re just more votes in places like CA and NY, votes that the dems simply don’t need more of.
I dunno. I just feel like the press is going to need something to replace this “Russia” nonsense when that facade starts to show signs of crumbling.
And it can’t be ‘crazier’. Although maybe i’m underestimating them.
I do not subscribe to your view that they’re all socialist radicals. Most of them – the media – are just boring hacks who hew to some fuzzy centrist view based on their self-generated consensus. But the crazy radicals are increasingly dominating the web-space that the centrist left used to own. I just think there’s going to be some tipping point where they can’t sustain the bullshit narratives anymore without some visible leadership figure.
Hillary sure as shit aint it. And I think Obama, for all his sniping from the sidelines, is actually quite frightened by stuff like the recent expose of what Rice did w/ NSA surveillance. He knows that if he makes himself a target, the admin has plenty of ammo and an stronger position.
If the centrists are trying to keep a leash on the shrieking loonies they are doing a poor job of it. Hillary is one of the shrieking loonies and they nominated her as their presidential candidate. It may be a bit hyperbolic on my part to portray them all as socialist radicals. So far I have found no leftist activists groups that dont eventually get around to expressing a desire to destroy capitalism. These are the current foot soldiers of the democrat party and in nearly every speech Hillary gave, when she wasn’t making jokes about her felonies or deriding voters, she gave hearty endorsement to both those groups and their causes so the lazy part of me doesnt bother making fine distinctions. I just end up with ‘fuck’em, they are all a bunch of goddamned pinko shitbags. Get the rope.”
I would say that it’s more or less the loss of Dems being able to gladhandle. Old school Dems like Strom Thurmond knew how to do it. It was always a bit perplexing how a former KKK member kept winning re-election in a predominantly black district.
If you got married in Strom Thurmond’s district, he would show up at your wedding, maybe hand you a wedding envelope. That wasn’t a bribe for a vote, it was just a wedding gift. If you had trouble finding work, you could go talk to his congressional office, and he would put in a good word at the local Post Office.
Bill Clinton was actually pretty good at pulling off a similar man of the people act. He had a rep for liking McD’s burgers and fries, over $1,000 at plate dinners.
Hillary never pulled that off. She’s not one of us, for the vague definition of “US”. Hillary prefers $1,000 a plate dinners to eating at McDonald’s, The press thought it was a huge deal, catching Hillary eating at Chipotle, just like one of us.
Chicken Marsala tonight. Only I didn’t have Marsala, so it’s chicken pinot noir. Not bad.
Chicken Marsala done right is great.
If you’re at a restaurant, make sure the waiter isn’t hard of hearing and doesn’t misunderstand you as ordering the chicken Masada.
Too dry.
How do you trust a cat whose entire skull is a fucking lie?
And Jesse, my wife came in to tell me something and saw the screen. “Manly Mondays”. Great. No more anal for a couple months in order to squelch her suspicions.
Jesse has some friends who can “fill in” for your wife.
You forgot the quotes on “wife”.
225 comments and counting, what does that say?
That’s just silly. She’s going to give you way more anal to make sure you don’t stray.
You just flipped my logic over and did something to it. Love it.
What you did there, I saw it.
*wiggles eyebrows inappropriately*
It’s been a while since I last tried to palm off this rancid Smithereens cover on y’all, so maybe you’ll fall for it again…I mean, enjoy some excellent music for your Monday!
To be fair it’s not like the Smithereens are actually killin’ that song anymore either.
Link didn’t work for me, which is fine.
Wow, there’s a band I haven’t thought of in a couple decades or more. Check out the 2017 live version linked therein with the singer all fat now and with his arm in a sling. Jeez, pack it in already.
Oh boy, this is is truly aw…uh, I mean awe-inspiring.
Yup, if you use obsolete definitions:
Just asking, but do we get Monday night links or do I spend my time defiling the bottom of this thread?
You’re on a roll.
I’m not actually sure. The Links After Dark are a ZARDOZ pet project and I think ZARDOZ may have quaffed a bit of booze and conked out for the night. I’ll let you know if I hear differently.
I had a really bad cover to link, but remind me when it isn’t Holy Week.
“I’ve never seen nothin’ like this!”
‘A friend invites you to go to a gay bar’: Sixth-graders get survey from teacher—and outrage erupts
Fuck The Blaze, but this is awesome. I would’ve loved to have been asked these questions when I was in middle school. But, then again, the country wasn’t totally insane at that time.
How old are sixth graders again? 10-11?
oh, ok 12 = and they fired the teacher. So i guess the world isn’t entirely crazy. just bits of it.
“There were children that were saying this is wrong. ‘Why are we doing this?’ ‘Does this have a reason?’” Drews told WFTS.
It’s entirely crazy. If, when I was 12, I was asked, “How would you respond if your mother came out to you?”, I would’ve had a million other responses before saying, “This is wrong”.
I was pretty mature by 12. I would have simply taken a copy to the principal and asked them, “Could you provide me your own answers to this survey? I want to provide them to the local news”
Reacting to the assignment, 12 year old …
Gilmore: Four paragraph response to teacher’s assignment followed by criticism of teacher’s leisure suit.
Eddie: “OT, but Roe v Wade is overreach”
SugarFree: “If your mother came out as gay, her viscous discharge would seize up labia”.
I lol’ed at eddie’s “OT “
Ha ha, check my musical links, unless you don’t think you’re drunk enough to appreciate them properly.
Drunk on a Tuesday at noon? My rep is awesome.
CAUTION: The amount of mind-altering substances necessary for you to enjoy my musical links would be extremely unhealthy.
I’d be deeply curious to know what the expected curriculum in a “Leader in Me” middle school course is. Questions about potentially difficult social situations seems pretty appropriate.
Sounds like the teacher FUBARed it by admitting there was anything potentially controversial over the questions.
If you haven’t seen this at the other site, here it is for the first time.
No, I don’t think you do
Woo-hoo, Guns ‘N Roses, and there almost certainly isn’t a catch
“Hold muh beer and listen to this!”
Neither can I.
Are you stoned?
No, and apparently nobody else is either.
I know I am not. I have been on the wagon for four months.
Bad covers of bad music? Give us something we can actually use
I put that on half speed to see how he really was doing that. Listening to that music at half speed is trippy.
I think that’s what the entire genre of Vaporwave is
Well, that and Aesthetics.
If you are really interested try watching some of the instructional videos on using chisels. This guy is pretty good;
I find it a very therapeutic and productive way to spend time. I just finished making a table with blind mortises. I am slow so it took me a whole day to do four legs and my finished work isnt quite as good as what you see in those videos…it doesnt look like a beaver gnawed at it but it isnt the perfect quality you see in Mr. Sellers work either. I am getting there.
*Chisels are also very good at cutting flesh. Stabbing the corner of a half inch chisel into your left thumb makes crawfish boils at your brother’s house into a memorable experience.
I’m perhaps the world’s worst carpenter. Took a shop class back in high school and the teacher told me to bring him a washer. I went to the bin to grab one. “All these washers are broken!”. Uproar of laughter from other students. “Yeah, those are called, ‘split washers'”.
Something scared you guys off from my musical links.
I guess you’re still too sober.
Drunk doesn’t necessarily mean stupid, Eddie. Also, some of us are musicians, so bad music is painful. So posting horrific links to bad covers is carrying coals to Newcastle. We’ve been in bad cover bands (and some good ones, hopefully), we’ve heard crap versions of famous songs already. Here you go for the Bohemian cover band lifestyle.
Congress Just Got Involved In The United Airlines Incident
I’m sure they’ll fix the problem. Hammer, only tool, everything looks like nail…
“Every situation is made infinitely worse by the arrival of a policeman.” – Samuel Clemens
I cant decide if I should replace the word policeman with congress. They both work so well. They both apply to this situation.
Isn’t there ALREADY some “passenger’s bill of rights”?
That appears to be closer to a Passengers Articles of Confederation.
Way OT or maybe not. I’m wiping my ass and notice the toilet paper my wife bought. Eat shit, Miffy.
Haha. That’s pretty great.
Sure it was meant to be a “You eat and so you go poopy” type idea for the kiddos. Made me laugh.
You never know with the Japs.
Jojo truly is the Manliest Monday.
But I’m going to call bullshit on you having seen any of the quasi-religious fervour that is Jojo. You’re just here for the memes.
You mean I thought of taking the prop severed hand we have lying around in our Halloween decorations and licking frosting off of it whenever my wife bakes cupcakes all by my lonesome?
I have yet to see you hype the 50 year old MILF hotness that is Lisa Lisa, so I question your devotion to the greater Jojo universe.
Oh come on, that feels a bit like a Rickroll. Lisa Lisa back in the day, wood.
Also, damn the Keytaur player looks a hell of a lot like Humpty Hump from the Digital Underground. Since Digital Underground is where Tupac got his start, maybe Lisa Lisa killed Tupac to revive her career. We’re through the looking glass people,
Ok, ok, ok, ok. In case you need to cleanse your palate after that full screen assault.
I learned something today.
Psht. Was my second link not palate cleansing enough for you?
Some of those young ladies are not appropriately dressed. The Pirate is though. That’s definately looting attire.
I see you’ve met OMWC!
Burly, fabulous, silly hats?
Damn. Tundra’s not around, is he? I’ll have to remember to show him this for his daughter.
This dude obviously has deeper issues to off himself but still another Title IX ridiculous situation. Also, let’s say he did what he was accused of. In kindergarten, the teacher would just separate the two. But I guess college students today are more infantile than kindergarteners of old.
Which one do you think is guilty Lou? I don’t know, let’s just arrest the Nigro.