The holiday most goyim know about is Hanukkah, mostly because it drops in the calendar at the same time as their big-deal holiday, Christmas. Too bad because Hanukkah is not only a lame little thing, it’s something no-one ever paid attention to until American Jewkids started whining about converting to Christianity because of the presents. Fuck Hanukkah, the real analog for the goyish holiday where everyone gets together, sings songs, drinks, and has family fights is Passover, or more correctly Pesach. And Pesach is a kick-ass holiday with a great back-story. The general backstory is pretty well known, and if you haven’t seen the sprawling epic The Ten Commandments, pour a few drinks and take in the splendor created by that notorious Jew, Cecil B. DeMille.
Unlike most other Jew holidays, Pesach is not synagogue-centric, but mostly home-based. It centers on a large ritual meal called a Seder (Hebrew for “order,” which generally does not describe real Seders). Because the Seder is a ritual, there is, of course, a guidebook, in this case, called by the euphonious appellation “Haggadah.”
The most obvious way that Pesach kicks ass is, not surprisingly, drinking. Part of the Seder ritual is the consumption of at least four glasses of wine per person, not including what you slurp down during dinner. This includes the kids, and until you’ve seen a shit-faced 8-year-old grab his Aunt Minnie’s tits and yell, “HONK! HONK!” you haven’t really experienced Pesach. The kids usually pass out shortly after this, which reminds the adults of why this requirement was traditionally put into the ceremony. The order in the Haggadah tries to space this out a bit, but the kids will still end up blowing a 0.15 BAC.
Highlights of the ritual include singing songs of praise to Yahweh for killing a bunch of Egyptians. But hey, we show our sorrow by spilling a drop of wine for each of the Ten Plagues. 100,000 dead Egyptians, 10 drops of wine, seems fair. The fun part is intoning the names of each of the plagues as the drops are spilled- we do it in Hebrew because “Dom, Tsvardayah, Kinim, Arov, Dever..” sounds much cooler than chanting, “Blood, frogs, flies, darkness, cattle disease…”
There’s a lot to choose from in the ceremony, but without a doubt, the best part was The Four Sons. Each son (with one exception) consisted of a question, which was then answered at length. Before you assume, no, the sons weren’t Groucho, Chico, Harpo, and Zeppo, but rather Chachem (the wise son), Rasha (the evil son), Tam (the stupid son), and She’eino Yodaiah Lishol (the son who is too naive or young to ask a question). The questions start with “(son’s name), what does he ask?” or in Hebrew, “(son’s name), ma hu omair?” followed by the son’s question and the answer. For example, “Tam, ma hu omair? ‘What’s all this?’ You answer the dummy by saying. ‘Yahweh sprung us from Egypt and killed a shitload of them.'” Or something like that. I have a sentimental attachment to this ritual because inevitably when the reader started with “Rasha, ma hu omair?” (the evil son, what does he say?), everyone’s head would turn to look in my direction.
The answers to the remaining three of the Four Sons’s questions are pretty much what you’d expect. To the Evil Son’s, “Why do you even bother with this” the answer is to punch him in the mouth and tell him, “it’s because of what Yahweh did for me. Not for you. I’m not sure what the fuck you’re on about.” To the Wise Son’s, “What are all the laws, rules, and histories here?” you answer, “OK, hope you’ve got a few minutes, this is a long story…” then tell him all of the odd little rules and practices, interspersed with a history lesson. The Son Who Is Too Naive To Ask, well, just answer the question you wish he had asked, and tell him that Yahweh kicked 16 varieties of ass and sprung us from slavery.
The other fun ritual for the kids is the Ransom of the Afikomen. Y’all know about matzo, right? It’s like a large Communion wafer with even less flavor. Early in the Seder ceremony, a matzo is broken into thirds, and one of the thirds is wrapped up and set aside. Because we have a different word for everything, it’s called an afikomen, which loosely translates as “dessert.” Having a piece of matzo for dessert is just one more way we like to fuck ourselves over. Part of the ritual demands that the afikomen be used to end the meal and that the ceremony can’t end until the afikomen is eaten. So we train our kids to recognize a business opportunity, and they ritually steal the afikomen and hide it, demanding a ransom payment to produce it so the adults can finish up the ceremony and drink more wine (two glasses are supposed to follow the afikomen consumption). Our favorite hiding place was in my grandfather’s filing cabinet, under “A” for “afikomen.” We were not the most creative of children. In any case, the kid’s grubby little hands are greased with lucre, the afikomen is produced, and many Hebrew and Aramaic songs are sung.
Theoretically, the Seder of 1971 has not ended, because our Dalmatian sniffed out the afikomen hiding place and ate it while we were all busy opening the door for Elijah (who was, as usual, a no show). The Bible and the Talmud make no mention of what to do in these circumstances.
Unfortunately, all things Pesach have gone sharply downhill since I was a kid. Let’s start with the Haggadah itself. In the finest American mercantile tradition, the overwhelmingly most common Haggadah was published by… Maxwell House Coffee. Just about every American Jew Family had a set of them, typically stained with wine and food from previous years. And really, they were quite good, having both the traditional Hebrew/Aramaic text and on the facing page an English translation. For very common prayers, there was even a transliteration of the Semitic so that the benighted few who hadn’t attended Hebrew school could join in.
But, given that the main religion of contemporary American Jews is liberalism, you can predict what happened. Yes, they “revised” the Haggadah. A mere few thousand years of tradition cannot withstand the onslaught of Social Justice Warriors. The New and Improved Maxwell House Haggadah is “inclusive” and “gender neutral.” The Four Sons has transmuted to “The Four Kinds of Children.” And sometimes a Fifth is added, the oppressed child. Yahweh is no longer a King, he xe is a Monarch. Yahweh is also no longer a Father, but a Parent. It takes a lot to de-ball Yahweh, but the SJWs managed.
It gets worse.
One of the Pesach rituals is an unattended glass of wine for the prophet Elijah, just in case he shows up. Think “milk and cookies for Santa.” The SJWs, of course, find this intolerably sexist, so put out TWO cups, the other one for Maryam, mother of Moses. Because you never know.
Woke Jews will place Fair Trade coffee beans on the Seder plate to symbolize… something. They will also place an orange on the plate, not as you might think to symbolize Donald Trump, but to honor LGBTQ3M# Jews. Because Biblical Era Jews were all about tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality, right? If you’re going to do social signaling, might as well get Vitamin C with it.
Alternative Haggadahs are a big deal now. Here’s the Four Sons told in the Earth Justice Haggadah (I am not making that up!):
The Wise Child: This child knows that climate change is real and that they must act to combat its effects. The Wise Child has read that global temperatures and sea levels are rising every year, that more species are becoming endangered, and that more communities are experiencing extreme weather events and decreased crop viability. The Wise Child sees all this and is motivated to combat climate change in any way they can.
The Wicked Child: The Wicked Child has read about climate change and is aware that scientists predict a whole range of negative effects if we don’t reduce global carbon emissions. But the Wicked Child doesn’t think the issues caused by climate change apply to them. They believe climate change will only affect the poor and the vulnerable in places they will never visit. They remain unconcerned.
The Simple Child: The Simple Child is overwhelmed by the idea that humankind could be radically altering the entire face of the earth. They don’t believe it’s possible that scientific predictions are accurate. This child simply ignores the evidence that the problem is real at all.
The One Who Does Not Know How to Ask: This child is much more like The Wise Child than we may typically imagine. The One Who Does Not Know How to Ask has also read about climate change and knows that environmental degradation and the effects on the global population are a real and present threat. Unlike The Wise Child and much more like the Simple Child, this child is overwhelmed. How is this possible? This child might ask, How can I, alone, prevent this global catastrophe?
If Global warming isn’t your fashion statement in social signalling, you can also have Haggadahs centered on Conflict Minerals, LGBTQ (make sure you read the new prayer, “We’re Rainbow Folk” and have that orange out), Unions, Palestinian Arab issues (what’s the blessing for suicide bombers?)… anything on the Progressive menu. Fuck the actual meaning of the holiday, we have to show solidarity, resist, make our voices heard, and no better way to do this than by refocusing Pesach on our own moral preening.
OK, so what do we need to do here? My personal opinion is to troll troll troll. Wear a MAGA yarmulke. Bring along a BLT, toss it on the Seder plate, and point out that it’s just as traditional as the Fair Trade coffee beans. Blow out all the candles, pointing out that they’re contributing CO2 to global warming. Grab Maryam’s cup, lament that they didn’t fill it to only 70% of Elijah’s, chug it, and yell, “OK, grab her pussy!” Ask loudly, “How do you get a Jewish girl’s number” and when you get blank looks, roll up your sleeve and point to your arm.
Your problem of what to do for next year’s Progressive Seder will solve itself.
For the first time ever, I understand and side with Judas Maccabees and/or the Zealots.
Nice MAGA yarmulke.
I hope Secret Nazi President can incorporate it. Trump takes off the hair piece to reveal the yamulke and Becky takes off everything to reveal …. ?
“I <3 Hillary" pasties?
Be glad SugarFree isn’t writing Secret Nazi President.
I still would.
Even “You’ll Feel the Burn” panties wouldn’t stop me.
Also, they cover her inverted nipples.
The funny thing is, I actually joked about a MAGA yarmulke in one of the other threads yesterday or Sunday.
The kids may get drunk on wine, but who in his right mind wants to drink kosher wine?
If you badmouth Manischewitz I will end you.
Manischewitz is a chemical weapon.
That’s it! Your credit score? GONE! And don’t even bother trying to get a lawyer, either!
What about a doctor?
We’re working on it, but those damn Asians keep us from cornering the market.
“We want a real doctor, ya know one of them Jewish ones.”
“I’m Indian, we’re the new Jews.”
“I thought that was the Koreans.”
“They wish.”
Speaking of wine, I have a guilty pleasure that is otherwise known as a box of Franzia Chillable Red.
After the second glass you are no longer in your right mind.
One of the Pesach rituals is an unattended glass of wine for the prophet Elijah, just in case he shows up
Are the aliens going to drop him off?
Wait no, my filthy heathen mind is confusing him with Ezekiel, joke aborted.
You can’t stop the signal, Mal.
Meh Elijah’s story is pretty good too:
On one hand, if you had provided this information sooner I could have saved some time. On the other hand, now I’m reading crazy bullshit on Biblical-alien conspiracies about Jesus coming back in a spaceship.
Jesus arriving on an alien spaceship would probably bankrupt some of the more exotic betting houses currently in business.
Also Chris de Burgh is probably going to end up the prophet or saint or something.
Totally love that guy.
What does a lady in red have to do with Pesach?
You need the super-nerd version of the Bible John.
Our scientists were baffled for many centuries about why that mammal got naked…right before the landing thrusters incinerated him. In fact that event caused the first delay in the permitting process for planetary domination.
The Intergalactic Council felt that such stupidity would eventually yield much entertainment. And yes for those wondering #FloridaMan was planned centuries ago
As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. Elisha saw this and cried out, “My father! My father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!” And Elisha saw him no more. Then he took hold of his garment and tore it in two.
HA, Literal Chariot of the Gods, still works!
Better is that this ties in directly into SugarFree’s favorite Bible story: Elisha and the she-bears.
So Elisha is cruising through town and a mob of the local youths (depending on translation youths, young men or children) are hanging out near the road heckling tourists. They see Elisha and being little shits as youths are wont to be they start yelling “Go on up, baldy! Just go on up.” in a reference both to Elisha’s lack of machismo (having a full head of hair was maximally masculine according to exegetical notes) and also Elijah’s obvious absence.
Elisha, now doubly full of God’s spirit curses the youths in God’s name, because if you’re full of the spirit one casually curses children for calling you bald as you pass through town and two she-bears appear out of nowhere and tear 42 of the children to shreds.
And yet the weirdest part of the story to me is that Bethel was apparently so boring that fifty kids thought it was the highlight of their day to tell the bald guy walking into town that he doesn’t get laid. Jesus kids, go pay with some rocks or something.
I always wondered if it was an issue of the locals thinking he was a huckster or perhaps pretender of Elijah’s legacy and then later he was retconned into being a legitimate heir.
But seriously, you’re 3000 years before the invention of nintendo, what else are you going to do but hector visiting dignitaries and fend of she-bears poorly?
Obviously you torture small animals and fuck sheep. Might even make you better at fighting off holy she-bears.
I guess that’s better than torturing sheep and fucking small animals, although in the latter case there is little distinction.
If you’re a bored gang of street toughs, some old bald dude from out of town stepping on your turf promises way more fun than regular Tuesday Cat Gut Tennis.
How many bored gangs of street toughs have around fifty members in bum-fuck Judea? This wasn’t some random superhero mugging scene, this was apparently the highlight of their bloody year.
I mean, I get the story if it’s just like a half dozen or whatever, but Elisha apparently had the entirety of a village’s male child population talking mad shit to him, and then God fucks their demographics up for at least a decade or two. This sounds like a number they randomly changed at some point in time.
“Yeah, so Elisha looks like a bit of a dick for siccing magic bears on four kids, so let’s just up that number to make them more intimidating/God more awesome.”
Wikipedia implies it was at least a town, and of some importance, at least religiously. There was a golden calf idol set up there so people wouldn’t go over to Jerusalem (which was in Judah, instead of Israel) so it’s possible there’s a whole “schismatic/heretic pilgrims” component thrown in?
As I suspected, a note in my Papist Bible says “This story probably was told to warn children of the importance of respect for prophets.”
Any questions, kids?
No shit Captain Obvious/Autism, we’re riffing on the goofiness and narrative mechanics of the story itself.
Bear with me for a moment, as it were.
The idea is probably to get kids to be more respectful toward prophets, and the mechanics of the story emphasize the part about the naughty kids getting punished.
Ugh. Make one little reference to Elisha and the she-bears on the internet and I come home to find a Jury Summons. I suppose I should just be glad that God doesn’t summon she-bears to shred people on the regular anymore.
We’re all fully aware of the story’s intention, what we’re picking apart/joking around about are the specific mechanics of the story itself, i.e. because they’re goofy. I’d love it if the local Jehovah Witnesses demanded fifteen minutes of my time or they’d put a Bear-Curse on me.
I’m sure some defendant will be lucky to have you considering his/her case, rather than some state-worshipper.
Lookin’ for some she-bear action there, John?
I’m sure some defendant will be lucky to have you considering his/her case, rather than some state-worshipper.
Eh, thoughtful responses to a jury questionnaire got me sent home last time I got called in. Prosecution apparently felt that “capital punishment in CA is more likely to punish the taxpayer than the prisoner” was a moral objection to the death penalty they’d be able to overcome with shocking images of the victims.
FWIW: I object to the death penalty for a few reasons, that was just the one that popped into my head first.
Ideally, they should seat the first 12 impartial jurors they can find – but I’d have to fill out the details if anyone ever decides to adopt that policy.
Just when I start to think of Jehovah as a badass, Eddie goes all metaphorical on us.
Once the Roman Empire got ahold of Christianity, they should have gotten rid of the Jew parts of the Bible and just stuck to “render unto to Caesar” parts to make crazy mad cash.
Do they ask about jury nullification?
“Once the Roman Empire got ahold of Christianity, they should have gotten rid of the Jew parts of the Bible and just stuck to “render unto to Caesar” parts to make crazy mad cash.”
A fellow named Marcion tried to get rid of the “Jew parts.” No Imperial encouragement that I know of, but I’m sure the Empire could certainly have used Marcionism to good advantage.
Do they ask about jury nullification?
I don’t recall at this time. Seriously though, it was four pages of questions and I remember that one because I was questioned about it in front of everyone. This was several years ago.
In the original story, Elisha was a catamite.
“Are you related to any of the people in this case?
“Have you visited any of them in their homes?
“Have you formed an opinion about the case?
“Do you want to punish people for belonging to particular social groups, rather than for their individual crimes?
“Do you think jurors *or judges* have the power to change the law by their mere whim?”
She bear
Last time I got a jury questionnaire, they asked a question like, “Do you pledge to render a guilty verdict if it was found that the law was violated?” So yeah, they asked about Jury Nullification, without using those particular words.
I assume he went from thence as the she-bears started mauling the youths, walking slowly, his robes flapping in the wind and never turning to look.
Cool guys don’t look at ursine maulings… they turn around and just walk away.
They used “from thence”??
[runs from room screaming]
Poor Jesse was disappointed when he discovered the bears were actually women.
I’d hector a prophet if it meant a mauling from some muscle bear enforcement, or Warty, really six of one half-dozen of the other there though.
“Tam, ma hu omair? ‘What’s all this?’
Is there a LOLCat version?
Tam, wat? I can’t even.
Sounded like a British cop to me “What’s all this then?”
So do you get candy from a rabbit on Passover?
Alternative Haggadahs are a big deal now.
Is there one for Christian cultural appropriation?
Why not? Christianity is just a weird sect of Judaism.
file under: Shocked. Shocked I tell you.
What’s worse – hormone treatments and mutilating your body, or sagging pants and clothes three sizes too large?
You can change clothes. You can’t unmutilate your body.
Remember, once you cut it off it becomes a lot harder to put it back.
Does measure twice cut once apply here?
Gotta regrow it on a mouse first.
Also “I want to be transgender, it’s the new black.” Sounds like the perfect elevator pitch for Get Out 2.
A part of me shrugs and goes “at least some of them are doing the decent thing and removing themselves from the gene pool.”
One of my pet peeves. Either have the kids call you Steve or Dr. Stathis. The false intimacy of Title FirstName is really icky.
” top experts on gender”
There is no part of this from one end to the other that is not unadulterated horseshit, is there? Even the bullshit artists are calling bullshit.
So the guy saying too much of this is going on got handed a bunch of money to shorten the wait times for it?
<– This is my shocked face.
I’m guessing the kids no longer drink wine, and get sparkling grape juice or some such instead?
I don’t know the answer to that, but I took my first communion at the age of 7 in 1994 and we were drinking real wine then.
Yo, bartender,
JobuElijah needs a refill.”“It is very bad to take Elijah’s wine. Very bad.”
Hm…what did this Aunt Minnie look like?
If jewish aunt is anything like jewish mother… RUN
She was a moocher.
Minnie the Moocher but didn’t go with this one?
I felt like something a little more obscure.
file under: derp. the final frontier.
I wonder if teens 20 years from now will rebel against their SJW parents by becoming conservative Christians.
Did the person in the first conversation pull a literal ‘duck season, rabbit season’ on a SJW? I really hope I’m interpreting that correctly.
Already happening. Next generation is scheduled to be more socially conservative than this one. Factor in the sob stories and suicides that will come out of the transgender kids push now and things are going to be fun. I predict in a decade or two parents pushing transgenderism on their kids will be seen on par with beating them.
As it should be. You don’t indulge self destructive behavior. If I were to take a razor blade to my cock I would be immediately institutionalized, but if I pay a surgeon a car’s worth of money and let him do it I’m suddenly a protected class.
How about balls? Return of the palace eunuch is essential to my plan of Eastern Roman Empire restoration…
From The Spectator, Marion Le Pen undermines her aunt’s campaign.
Second, yeah, FN is becoming huge with young voters and lots are, according to article, more right-wing than Marine is.
Look, I’m not saying that the Le Pens are a secret Nazi experiment to create eventual Aryan superwoman, but…
I would taint her bloodline in a new york minute.
I’d sooner suspect some weird Catholic Church centuries-long Bene Gesserit-like project manipulating Merovingian gene to re-breed Clovis.
If experience is anything to go by the loudest hot Catholic girls doth protest too much to be considered ‘good Catholics’ by the big man. Besides, imagine her dealing with the Red Pope.
“dealing with the Red Pope.”
These euphemisms are getting awfully spiritual.
What struck me from that story was this:
Chavismo – catch the fever!
Conservative or just not insane?
I’d say more conservative because of increases in disapproval of things like marijuana legalization and more random stuff that doesn’t matter like tattoos or piercings.
Ugh. You’ve got to be kidding me. Oxford commas are one thing, but the disappearing gerund is what really goads me.
How would your being a tree hurt anyone?
Liberal: “That’s totally different from gender. Gender is whatever you feel.”
To quote Groucho Marx, “You’re only as old as the woman you feel.”
So, pickle juice, huh?
Thanks for putting the welcome matzo out.
Of course, OMWC was that eight-year-old.
Good grief, how old was Aunt Minnie in that case?!
Look, everyone was just relieved that the Great War had ended before OMWC was old enough to be drafted.
OT: J. Geils, 1946-2017
In case anybody doesn’t remember the J. Geils Band. (I would have linked it in my previous post, but, you know, that one-link limit thing….
Everybody in that video appears to be teenagers. 🙁
Geils was about 35 at the time….
Fun Fact: MTV Veejay Martha Quinn was one of the models in that,
No she wasn’t, it’s an urban legend. One that Martha Quinn has repeatedly refuted.
Someone has to start investigating all these dead singers. Some sort of maniac out there.
Named Sembello?
I don’t understand the question, and I won’t respond to it.
I figured you’d get the reference.
(That dog at 0:50….)
Oh, jeez. I see what you’re getting at. Landed nowhere near where I am, I’m sorry to say.
And women in leotards these days makes me think of this, which is not at all sexual.
I figured everybody would recognize the name from cheesy 80s music.
We are dealing with a legitimate maniac now. That is clear to me. His mania is not confined to the ring.
2017 is turning into 2016 for classic guitarists.
Still alive, as far as I know.
That totally sucks.
He’s dead? I am frozen with grief.
Guess his blood runs cold now.
In fact, has ceased to run at all.
The first LP I ever bought: Freeze Frame, at Buzzard’s Nest Records. Past the two hit singles, there’s a lot of good stuff on that record; River Blindness has a great bass solo.
Looks like she pulled a Nigel from Monty Python.
Paging Nigel!
Blaming trump in 3…2….1….
We didn’t de-fund meals on wheels fast enough!
Today’s hot news
Orange Wormtongue says Hitler never gassed anybody; also refers to “Holocaust center” because I guess he instinctively euphemizes everything.
Whoa, I posted something about Jews on a thread about Jews. I hope this cancels out all my other off-topic comments.
At least that article is only about 50% false outrage. You would have thought he said he likes his babies well done or something.
he likes his babies well done or something
Lawrence of Rome
Isn’t the “Honest-reading” of what Spicer said,
– “Hitler adhered to the Geneva conventions re: use of chemical weapons on the battlefield because he’d seen what they did to troops, and knew that using them would unleash an escalation that would produce no strategic advantage, while causing mass-casualties on both sides.”
… or something to that effect. (people have frequently debated the “why” of this particular question)
But everyone in the media seems to have collectively decided that the most-dishonest-interpretation is the only one.
Its so fucking dumb. It makes everyone dumber. It drags the entire public, already numb with twitter-induced-stupidity, further into a bubble of cherry-picked facts.
i need a drink.
Pretty sure Hitler spent some time in the hospital letting his lungs heal in WWI. I think that would be the most likely reason he refrained from using gas.
How I plan my road trips: The Encyclopedia of Forlorn Places
Eh, just some old missionaries in New Mexico. I’ll tell you what’s really lonely: old mining towns like Mogollon, home of the Little Fannie mine. Sure, you could go look at some weathered adobe nowhere. Or you could go spelunking in an old, long-abandoned mineshaft.
Honestly, I’d love to go visit decrepit lighthouses. May be something about growing up in a landlocked state and only ever seeing ocean a few times in my life. But I like the idea of abandoned lighthouses.
I’d really like to check this place out: Experimental Breeder Reactor and the nuclear rocket engine
Pretty sure you need master hacking to gain access.
Fuck me, election season in BC has started.
As last time, Actual Socialists are in the (small) lead in the polls, the Centrists With No Principles (in power since 2000) coming close. 4 weeks of shit show while the winds of shit pick up, and then a shit shower. Possibly a shit tsunami, if Actual Socialists go into coalitions with Fucking Greens.
So you don’t actually have a conservative party then.
There’s something called “BC Conservative Party” at 2%, and we do have some Bible-Beltian areas.
Of course, if you listen to lefties, the Liberals are the True Randian-Reaganite-Harper-Hitler Conservatives OMG they are killing teh childrens!
BC is Canada’s California in the same way Alberta is Canada’s Texas.
The great tragedy of Canada is that it could have had British culture, French cuisine, and American technology, but instead it wound up with American culture, British cuisine, and French technology.
. . . Alberta
iswas Canada’s Texas.FTFY.
LBJ was from Texas, just sayin’.
A misstep here or there does not stop them from being the loudmouthed (but polite) right-wing cowboy province.
Mis-step. As in “stepping on a landmine.” Yeah, that’s about right.
Aww, look at the Greens pretending they’re a real party, and not a collection of half-mad luddites, wannabe communists and drug addicts.
Too bad the CBC treats them seriously.
I find it stunning that the Non-Democratic Party could be in the lead in B.C., one of the few provinces in Canada that got
by the NDs the last time they were in power. And the voters have the NDs in Alberta to look at and see what happens when you put those fuckwits in charge.
They were in the lead last time around, too. Larger one, to boot. Then election day came and it was like a Canadian version of “Hilary Wins…OMAHGERD!”
Less pants-shitting, lefties were mostly dazed and going around silently asking “How?”
That time a Soviet jet fighter was used as a battering ram:
That other time a Soviet jet fighter was used as a battering ram:
Darwin Was a Slacker and You Should Be Too
It’s a long read -actually an excerpt from a book- but quite interesting. It discusses many accomplished “successful people” who worked no more than 4-5 hours a day.
I agree 100%.
A typical adult eats 2000 calories per day with a base metabolic rate of 1500 calories per day. That leaves about 500 calories for work and play- 500 calories is equivalent to about 2 hours of walking.
I feel better about sitting here shooting the shit with you guys instead of working like I’m supposed to right now.
Just in case you wanted to class up your wine selections this year.
Magnums are about 50 ounces, and I don’t think anybody considers them un-classy.
The bigger problem is that it’s a rosé wine.
Not all rosés suck.
SP probably drinks pink champagne too.
Accompanying deep dish, no less.
Dude, do not fuck with SP. She’ll cat butt you before you can take a breath.
SP does not believe in cat butting. She believes in account annihilation with prejudice.
And a particular artisan Champagne producer’s rosé.
But deep dish is an insult too far. *adds Ted S to her watch list*
Superb lesson in the traditions. Much appreciated.
Too bad because Hanukkah is not only a lame little thing, it’s something no-one ever paid attention to until American Jewkids started whining about converting to Christianity because of the presents. Fuck Hanukkah
In my younger days, I worked on a yacht owned by the (((owner))). His daughter and her family would visit during the last few weeks of December and we would have to cruise the inter-coastal waterway from Miami to Ft Lauderdale to look at the Christmas lights on all the boats. The (((little spoiled rotten grand child))) just had to see them. She insisted on celebrating both holidays, and her wishes were seen to. I had no problem with it. I liked being underway, and the (((owner))) gave a good holiday bonus to a young westerns loper.
~~~magic edit fairy~~~
Tag fail!
Liking AMC’s Preacher pilot so far.
Just think of it as an Elseworlds and it goes down easier.
I enjoyed the first season, even if I didn’t like the early introduction of Otis Quincannon.
Well, I mean, they were never really going to do Preacher, right? Like no one could ever really make The Boys and film the actual comic.
Goddamnit, am I watching some pervert’s PG 13 rated fap material?
Garth Ennis is not just some pervert. He’s The Pervert’s Pervert. He makes me look like a children’s author.
You do get bonus points for being less of an Edgelord though.
Yeah, in my imagination SF finds gimp masks quaint, like a child’s plaything.
Well, the spy from Team Fortress 2 certainly has some colorful fetishes…
Yep, it’s why anyone who tries to adapt Berserk into anything has to puss the fuck out.
On topic: would

Well you’re a professional though.
I don’t know what that is, but i genuinely want to know what led to that particular story-cell
Jesse and the gang have a run in with Jesus De Sade, leader of the Gammorah People. As they walk through one of de Sade’s orgies, that is going on in one of the many rooms of his mansion.
“The Doomcock” is a reference / homage to this comic series, by the way.
I’m guessing Preacher, because I’ve read The Boys. It has its own classic Ennis fuckedupness to it though.
Yes, the sheep are from Preacher.
I was never much of a comics reader, but i’m still sort of surprised that anything this weird managed slip entirely past me.
If I remember correctly, she was trying to escape the main character, Guts, on horseback and a demon possessed the horse.
Is there anything perverse you *don’t* have an encyclopedic knowledge of, sir?
Depending on which story-cell Gilmore was referring to, one of our replies is disturbingly hilarious, HM.
This, of course, is immediately followed up by her being possessed by demon and trying to fuck herself with a sword. Because Berserk.
Post-structuralism allows both to be true simultaneously.
Berserk does fucked-up correctly, as opposed to Elfen Lied which does it poorly.
@HM Berserk has, hilariously, gotten way more tame over the years and it’s hard to tell whether it’s building up to something or just the author’s new taste. I’ll wait until it’s finished in 2038 to find out.
What is this even
Elseworlds the DC imprint for stories set in a different universe, like Red Son where infant Superman lands in the USSR instead of Kansas.
If you haven’t read the Preacher comics, then enjoy the show on its own terms untroubled by these concerns.
Damn it all. Next you’ll tell me I can’t enjoy the American Gods adaptation ‘cuz I never read Sandman.
I’m not being nerd huffy, just saying that the TV show and the comic are very different properties.
Given the confines of TV, adapting the comic was always going to difficult. The sheer gleefulness of the violence in the comic was never going to translate, and the fucked up sex stuff was going to have to go.
Is assholeface a character from the comic?
Arseface. And, yes.
I made it to the end of the comic, but it was in a rut for a good while before actually ending and Jesse’s issue of the issue was so fucking tiresome I almost gave up.
Harrrrrrrrrrrrr I should have guessed.
Somehow they made it worse.
I’m actually really loving this show.
Yeah, after the Quincannon stuff, Ennis dicked around for far too many issues before the conclusion.
If I liked The Boys would I like Preacher? The Boys had pacing problems too but I stuck around mostly because it was cathartic to have an entire series dedicated to the author’s hatred of superheros.
Are you guys talking about Veronica Lodge? Would.
Preacher leans heavily on Westerns and is definitely a product of Vertigo in the 90s, but I’ve always loved it. Preacher is really the first time a comics company just set him loose–like Grant Morrison and The Invisibles–so it has some even worse pacing problems as it goes on (it becomes clear he struggles to fulfill the full order in the last 1/3 of the run.)
The Boys and his first volume of The Punisher is his best work, though, so Preacher might read like a regression.
I don’t remember what plot arc was involved. There was a whole segment of the comic where half of each comic was an episode of “You know what really grinds my gears?”
#51-58, where Jesse drives around with the ghost of Bill Hicks?
I don’t remember whatever I was reading in a hostel in Copenhagen. On the bright side it was irritating enough to get me to put it down and drink cheap beer and expensive hipster food in this bitchin’ location
Sandman has very little connection to American Gods. Now, if you said you hadn’t read American Gods, then I’d say you will probably be able to enjoy it more then me, although I’m looking forward to the 2 seasons it gets.
Stupid Brian Fuller, making great shows that always get canceled.
~~~magic edit fairy~~~
Bah… if an edit fairy would correct that, I’d appreciate it.
Loved American Gods. I am very much looking forward to the adaptation. But I doubt it’s getting more than the one go-around.
Have some faith. Brian Fuller almost always gets second seasons. If they want to keep it going, I’m very curious what changes they’ll make to the structure of the book.
It’s such a simple story, though. I think a single season is sufficient. Did you see the Brit version of Neverwhere? Pretty silly, but they wrapped it up soundly. I think American Gods is up there.
I do own the BBC Neverwhere DVD’s, and enjoyed them. Not as much as the novel, but that’s a hard line to cross. One of the things that I love about Gaiman is that he refuses to give up creative control to his properties. He’s been happy with this American Gods version, so I’m willing to give him faith. Especially after hearing what he shot down in regards to Sandman.
This is a man who apologized to multiple prop crews for writing the lightning pirates into Neverwhere.
You people are into some other world weird stuff.
Making you feel normal is the highlight of our day.
It’s supposed to be weird. It’s de Sade.
Japanese stuff is weirder. Old Heavy Metal magazine shit was weirder.
Incidentally, here’s Heavy Metal magazine doing a strip on Donald Trump becoming president and building a wall . . . in an issue from 27 years ago.!prettyPhoto
That’s the really weird stuff.
I wondered what was going on. I guess the Jews are allowed to walk around today because they’re out in force. But the local deli (Jewish owned) closed at 6pm this evening.
“I guess the Jews are allowed to walk around today”
What’s the world coming to
You know, I meant ‘allowed by their religion’. I may be misguided here, but it seems to be there are some days I never see them outside. Maybe OMWC can clarify.
This was actually one of those rare occasions that I was not trying to be a smartass, as difficult as it is.
Oh I know what you meant. I was being a smart ass.
Is this in the Park Heights corridor? If so, what you got there is a common strain of Eastern European Ashkenazim who believe that any physical activity outdoors is an affront, because you ought to be inside praying or studying. Their pasty pallor is the marker.
No, it’s east/northeast of there. Mount Washington, and a few other of the better neighborhoods around there, like Cross Country, and Cheswolde, north into Quarry Lake.
I always thought they’re Russian. They are very white, and apparently ultra-orthodox, judging by the all black clothes, black hats, white tassels, or whatever those are, and long sleeves all year long.
No one in their right fucking mind would live south of Northern Parkway, unless they’re just too poor to get out of there.
Inappropriate Laugh Track
That didn’t make me feel right.
Hmm…not sure which was the funniest. Racism is always good for a laugh, and while Aids is freaking hilarious, there’s really nothing funnier than child abuse.
^^Somebody^^ forgot the Holocaust and 9/11.
I was really just referring to your everyday conversational humor, not the laugh until you cry gut busters.
Oh. Well then you’re on the right path with domestic abuse.
Which is why lesbians are known for their sense of humor, I suppose.
Ha, I just linked to that the other day.
The guy who laughs ‘oooohhhh’ is the best.
I can’t get enough. He seems to have stopped at three of them.
I unironically laugh at Tori Spelling getting her ass beat too.
You mean pounded?
If by “laugh” you mean “dry heave”, then yes.
Oh god, did I get the “Walked into a door named X” thing from Full House?
*considers suicide*
What about the episode where Tooty was gang raped in the bathroom by Blair and Mrs Garret… Oh wait, that was Facts of Life.
Don’t forget that Trump is half of the 20 plagues.
All the best ones.
As long as all of the plagues fall upon the houses of DC bureaucrats, it’s all good.
How come there are no protest for the Asian guy that was dragged off the plane? ~Rhetorical question
Asian == yellow privilege. Don’t they know they should get in their place and beg government for their sustenance, like good right thinking progs?
There are.
Just not here.
And here.
Bill Burr has a bit about how when you’re winning an argument with your girl, she’ll pick and push at your most sensitive mental scars until you bust out the “cunt” word. *Boom* Now you’re in this room. Sounds like what happened to the AirBnB person and the “Asian” word.
Part of it is that there isn’t a political angle to that guy getting kicked off the plane as most people understand it. If he’d been kicked off the plane for being gay, Muslim, or an illegal immigrant, there’d be instant huge protests.
Part of it is that United isn’t a democratic thing. I think that’s one of the reasons why there wasn’t much in the way of protests against Assad using chemical weapons on his own people–but there were protests over the so called “Muslim ban”: Assad is an unelected vicious dictator, who isn’t supposed to be beholden to popular opinion–so why bother protesting? Trump, on the other hand, is supposed to be responsible to the people.
Riffing on why people didn’t protest the chemical weapons attack, too, part of it is that the left doesn’t want to protest Assad because they fear that might be misconstrued as supporting a war. Hence, plenty of them would protest Trump going to war in Syria, but they won’t protest Assad using chemical weapons on civilians.
I’d like to say the left won’t protest United because UAL is still associated in people’s minds with employee (union) ownership, but I don’t think that has anything to do with it, really.
Footage from protests
That’s more like it!
So, back around 2012 I came across a musician who decided to compose updated, neo-retro soundtrack material for “Classic Danish Pornography”.
He has since made 3 whole albums full of the stuff.
Its not the newest idea*, but , i do think the advert for Vol.3 is really cute (even if the cuts they play in the ad are all sort of lame)
I actually recommend the first one if you want to listen to what the project actually is supposed to sound like
*the whole ‘retro-funk’ scene is … ridiculously crowded, actually. I keep running into 45s that were made within the last 10 years from places like…. Norway, Australia…Slovakia. Even in the ‘soundtrack-music’ subgenre, there’s already bands like Calibro 35 (Italy) that re-make tunes from 70s action films. I’m not complaining; i enjoy the stuff, and always have. Its just sort of nuts how much of it there is. formerly-cool me feels like maybe this is a sign that the whole thing is oversold. But currently too-old-to-be-cool me doesn’t really care and is just pleased that people keep churning stuff out.
Not even the whole retro-funk, but the retro-porn-funk sub-genre has been around for a long time. I picked up this album right after I graduated college.
Yeah i recall seeing that around. it strikes me as less “sincere hipster”… and more actually a project intended to make money.
listening to it…. sounds like the guitar player was confusing blaxploitation and porn. “I just keep going wackachucka-wackachucka a lot, right?”
It’s gotta be about YouTube more than anything else, right?
MTV changed music when video became a huge part of how people experienced music.
YouTube is effectively broadcasting things to the general public that no one would ever have seen again had it not been for YouTube. All that Funk stuff plays especially well on YouTube, too. It was so spectacle oriented.
I find average people’s familiarity with punk rock off putting, quite frankly. That’s gotta be about YouTube, too. It’s hard for people to understand what it was like back when there was an underground anymore. When the main way people consumed music was over the radio, and if they wouldn’t play it on the radio or stock it in the record store, you had to be connected to a scene or experience it live–or you’d never hear it. I’ve seen gigs on YouTube I was actually at.
That video has 250,000 views! Fenders Ballroom held like 1,000 people. That venue was so underground and violent, the idea that performance would be easily accessible to billions of people world wide, someday, was just ridiculous. The idea that people would still want to watch those shows from 30 years ago is pretty crazy, too.
Anyway, that’s gotta be what the funk revival is about. People are connecting to the original shit on YouTube and now it’s coming back to us–like Zeppelin and the Stones recycled the Mississippi delta blues and gave it back to America.
Also, rockabilly. Some of the best rockabilly, for years now, has been coming out of places like Switzerland and Budapest. WTF?
Really? Switzerland and Budapest? The Rockabilly scene that I still don’t understand is the huge Psychobilly scene from Denmark, and the insanity that is Asian rockabilly fans.
The Japanese have been into rockabilly for a long time.
Here’s Rhythm Sophie and the Tom Stormy Trio out of Hungary.
She’s adorable.
He’s an excellent guitarist.
Off the top of my head, here’s Hillbilly Moon Explosion out of Switzerland.
You can catch some of their full sets elsewhere. They’re awesome alone–although that particular song I linked was with Sparky from Demented Are Go, who’s basically the original psychobilly monster.
I mean, if you want to go back further than him, you’ve gotta go to, like, The Cramps covering Ronnie Cook or Ronnie Cook.
The Conflict vid is decent – it seems to be before punk bands decided to play at speeds where no one could decipher their lyrics or their music. I’d be a lot more into it if was 30 years younger.
I’m a dick, so I’ll link what I think is the most libertarian punk song ever. I shared this with Lucy Steigerwald, and she basically agreed.
So, argument from authority.
In terms of when punk bands decided to play at higher speed–that was an interesting gig because it was so overtly punk. Most of the old punk bands locally were all going more and more metal. No one in the scene called “crossover thrash” back then–we just called it “selling out”. Sounding metal was where the money was, at the time. Meanwhile, no one loves those old bands now for their metal sounding albums. For instance, no one cares about Suicidal Tendencies’ “Join the Army” or “Trip at the Brain” records anymore. They just care about the first album. And there were very few legit punk acts left at the time. Even GBH’s album “Midnight Madness” was hurt by the transition. It was too metal to be embraced by hold out punks, and their image was too punk to be embraced by speed metal fans at the time. But that’s an underrated record.
Anyway, at the time of that gig, the scene had been overrun by skinheads and suicidals. A lot of the skinheads were ex-punks, but more than half the people at Fenders back then were skinheads with another quarter being suicidals. Those two groups mostly stayed away from each other, but if you weren’t either one, it was open season–unless you’d known people in both groups for years. Anyway, when Conflict came to town, they were one of the few bands that never went metal. So, suddenly, the place was 75% punk that night. It was like the last hurrah.
If you watch the rest of the gig on YouTube, elsewhere, he gets into some altercations with the skinheads there who weren’t used to being so outnumbered. And when they were playing that song I linked, the recording is terrible, but that’s one of my billion dollar moments (I call them). Meaning, if I’d had a billion dollars and could have been anywhere in the world doing whatever I wanted, I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere other than where I was. When they played “The Serenade is Dead”, I lost my shit.
The lyrics to that song are awesomely libertarian. Anarchist, obviously, by libertarian, as well. The lyrics never explicitly say, “Fuck the government”. It’s more . . . subtle, for want of a better word. it starts off about this guy who has a girlfriend, and he’s tearing himself apart because she’s a slut and she’s cheating on him with everyone behind his back and in front of his face–but still he sits there are cries for her and misses her, and wants her back. After she’s treated him like shit for so long, why, why, why does he still feel that way? How many times does she have to treat him like shit before he gets the picture?
Of course, it’s really about people’s misplaced trust in the government–despite the government screwing them over . . . over and over and over and over again, they still believe the government is going to solve their problems for them. People sit there and wonder why things are so screwed up in the world, and they can’t seem to come to terms with the fact that they are the problem–their misplaced faith in government to solve their problems for them is the reason things are so fucked up.
Anyway, I’ve suggested before that “Suspect Device” should be the official libertarian theme song before. It’s dead on–no doubt. When it talks about dividing us, etc. “on each side time and prime us”, they’re really singing about Northern Ireland, but most Americans could take it to be about Democrats and Republicans without missing a beat.
“The Serenade is Dead” isn’t an anthem like that. It’s more like a lyric poem–a novel, an epic! But if you were going to pick a most libertarian punk rock song, it should be at the top of the list.
Fuck it. I’ll post the lyrics.
“The Serenade is Dead”
She wakes up in the morning; the sun is shining in her face
She turns her head around; she shares the blanket on which the love embraced
She looks out of the window; it’s a lovely day outside
She tells herself that things are fine, he pulls the sheets to cover his eyes
The essence of the fresh air, that garden held the love affair
Thinking back their minds are torn in muddle and confusion
So far away another sits, who tries to make the best of it
He don’t know quite what’s hit him, it’s another love illusion
He gazes in his empty room eyes fixed upon her picture
The loneliness, dejectedness, God how the fuck he’s missed her
His eyes turn turn to the window, the military roar by
He wonders how much hatred could evolve out of the sky
What God had done for peace on earth,
What man destroyed from day of birth
They are concerned with feelings
They’re just ashamed to cry
And one man’s plan to push the button makes others sacrifice
The serenade is dead and now the only question’s why?
Why when we are young, we’re told it’s right to love
Told it’s human nature and that comes from God above
As time moves on we realize that we all look from the pit
While a plan hangs above us, to keep us in the shit
Because the minute we are born, we’re told what’s right and wrong
Raised with certain morals, never mentioned in their songs
As we grow up, we find out that the paths been neatly set
In a world of such destruction, we only can regret
Regret that is the word for it, as we look for our way out of it
Why can’t they understand we don’t want any part of it?
The pain they create everyday, that just ain’t gonna go away
We’ve got to stick together, but still you’re asking “why?”
The system stands strong, as our movement starts to crumble
The pressure we once held, has just turned into a rumble
They’ve got us where they want us, and you all just accept that
Well don’t you think its time; we started to hit back
They are the enemy; they want a rope around your neck
And if they will go that far, then what the fuck is next?
Forget the revolution, we’ve heard it all before
Heard all of the promises of nineteen-eighty-four
Its an impossible task, “oh yes”, it stands before us all
Well maybe you’ll believe it when your back’s against the wall
Oh, third nominee for most libertarian punk song:
“Big A, Little A”
“External control, are you gonna let them getcha?
Do you wanna be a prisoner in the boundaries they setcha?
You say you want to be yourself, but, Christ, do you think they’ll letcha?
They’re out to getcha getcha getcha getcha getcha getcha!
. . .
Be exactly who you want to be, do what you want to do
I am he and she is she but you’re the only you
No one else has got your eyes, can see the things you see
It’s up to you to change your life and my life’s up to me
The problems that you suffer from are problems that you make
The shit we have to climb through is the shit we choose to take
If you don’t like the life you live, change it now it’s yours
Nothing has effects if you don’t recognise the cause
If the programme’s not the one you want, get up, turn off the set
It’s only you that can decide what life you’re gonna get
If you don’t like religion you can be the antichrist
If your tired of politics you can be an anarchist
But no one ever changed the church by pulling down a steeple
And you’ll never change the system by bombing number ten
Systems just aren’t made of bricks they’re mostly made of people
You may send them into hiding, but they’ll be back again
If you don’t like the rules they make, refuse to play their game
If you don’t want to be a number, don’t give them your name
If you don’t want to be caught out, refuse to hear their question
Silence is a virtue, use it for your own protection
They’ll try to make you play their game, refuse to show your face
If you don’t want to be beaten down, refuse to join their race
Be exactly who you want to be, do what you want to do
I am he and she is she but you’re they only you”
So that’s 1) “Suspect Device” by Stiff Little Fingers, 2) Conflict’s “The Serenade is Dead”, 3) “Big A Little A” by Crass . . .
And then my last two nominees would be 4) “Pity” by Bad Religion and 5) “I Remember” by MDC.
So that’s five nominees!
What else y’all got?
Ken, not much. I just love “Suspect Device” because it is obviously about questioning authority (duh, punk) but it really reminds me of The Who’s “Don’t Get Fooled Again”, with the major exception being that they say ‘once ‘the kids’ get into power, you can’t trust them, either – 3d verse:
Don’t believe us
Don’t believe us
Question every thing you’re told…
AFA the punk going “metal”, I don’t know. The Dead Kennedys went to stupid fast pretty quick (they had one album and one EP before they started doing shit like this. I don’t disagree with the sentiment, but it’s not going to appeal to anyone outside the punk scene.
I don’t think metal was the problem.
Also, since you posted the lyrics to the songs you like, here’s Suspect Device:
Inflammable material, planted in my head / It’s a suspect device that’s left two thousand dead
Their solutions are our problems / They put up the wall
On each side, time and prime us / Make sure we get fuck all
They play their games of power / They cut and mark the pack
They deal us to the bottom / But what do they put back?
Don’t believe them / Don’t believe them
Don’t be bitten twice / You gotta suss, suss, suss, suss, suss, suss
Suss out, suspect device
They take away our freedom / In the name of liberty
Why can’t they all just clear off / Why can’t they let us be
They make us feel indebted /For saving us from hell
And then they put us through it / It’s time the bastards fell
Don’t believe them / Don’t believe them
Don’t be bitten twice / You gotta suss, suss, suss, suss, suss, suss
Suss out, suspect device
Don’t believe them / Don’t believe them
I tell ya, question everything you’re told
Just take a look around you / At the bitterness and spite
Why can’t we take over and try to put it right?
Please don’t believe us / Don’t believe us
Don’t be bitten twice / You gotta suss, suss, suss, suss, suss, suss
Suss out, suspect device
We’re a suspect device if we do what we’re told/ But a suspect device can score an own goal
I’m a suspect device the Army can’t defuse / You’re a suspect device they know they can’t refuse
We’re gonna blow up in their face!
Ken, I misread something you wrote, so I thought you were arguing against me, rather than basically agreeing but working on your own arguments.
Also, go re-watch Repo Man. If you don’t have a copy, you should be ashamed!
No, this whole “new retro” scene ha-s been around since the mid 1990s. The Desco/Daptone bands in NY and the Ubiquity label on the west coast were churning out “fake old recordings” when most peope still had dial-up modems. It spread to the UK in the late 1990s and there were a bunch of DJs there (Keb Darge, Snowboy, Raw Deal, etc) who had very popular soul-funk nights in london that were sort of an evolution from what was already a vibrant rare-groove/”Northern Soul” scene in the 80s-90s.
Amy Winehouse’s big record was almost entirely on the back of the growth of that scene. Gabe Roth (Desco) produced most of those tracks.
This was probably my favorite track from those days in the UK. (the slower B side got played out in clubs a lot)
I think its mostly driven by actual musicians. Live bands need to play stuff that competes with DJ-produced music, and the grooves have a family-connection to modern breakbeat/dance music. It also appeals to people’s sentimental desire to connect with something ‘authentic’
There was some dude i came across recently from Nashville who has a soul band that was totally on point in this sort of way….. lemme see if i can find it….
This guy. “DeRobert and the Half Truths”.
The band there really isn’t providing much in the way of stage-presence, but damn that singer kills it. They definitely know what they’re doing.
Yeah, that guy can sing.
Is it off OT to post about the topic hours later after it was posted?
Re SJW rewriting the Haggadah
SJWs or their allies have got mainline Protestantism too. There are green Bibles with environment passages highlighted in green. I don’t know if Jesus’ texts are highlighted in red as is common. My wife went to Lutheran seminary and it was mandated that God could not be refered to He when speaking and writing He in papers would result in lower grade. The bishops and highers ups of the synod speak about social justice all the time, never shy away from allying with government for some social program, and while “apolitical” the bishop of the ELCA has been making anti-Trump videos weekly.
Of course not, we’ll just silently judge you.
*runs to safe space crying*
We can still silently judge you in the safe space. But welcome to our broken community of freaks.
Well ELCA…What’s the Missouri Synod saying about him?
I had to look it up. Actually the national apparatus is fairly non-political concerning the election and trump. Local churches and pastors may vary in their vocalness. According to the President the national lcms poltical stances are (no gay) marriage, pro life, and religious freedom
TW the LCMS president looks like teddy rooselvelt
I grew up in a liberal lcms church open communion etc but there was no politicizing from the pulpit or in sunday school. The pastor I grew up with died when i was in college. So my experiences with the replacement pastors during and after college are supernlimited I remeber a wels pastor that joined lcms and became an associate at our church spoke in sunday school that homosexuality was a sin but emphasized being loving compassionate towards homosexuals. This was in 2010 or 2011 when even Obama had not “evolved”. So not a great stance but better than hell and brimstone. Personally, i dont like any of the lutheran denominations. My wife will be ordained shortly and she would much prefer to leave the elca and do home church or mission start and leave the politics sjw and nationalism in church behind.
The other top hit was a letter to lcms pastors to keep trying to help immigrants
I went to an ELCA elementary and middle school and LCMS HS, my best friend became an educator at an LCMS HS, but did her university work at an ELCA school. Her family was all LCMS educators. I have a very patchwork understanding of what’s going on (my whole family is Foursquare/evangelical), but was mostly too young to pick up on the positional differences other than my friends family would’ve STRONGLY preferred she hadn’t studied in such a liberal environment.
There is no such thing as OT
Ugh. It’s one thing to do more with less while backpacking, but that’s really fucking tacky. I hope they’re Canadian and not American. We embarrass ourselves enough abroad as is.
Many questioned why people with expensive travel equipment and cameras needed to beg for money
The proto-hipsters in the town I went to school in (we called them Townies at the time) would be sitting on street corners begging for enough for a smoke while bedecked in brand new and overpriced gear from Hot Topic. A friend of mine worked for Gap Co and would just start berating them for wearing brand new $80 pants and then pretending they were poor.
I can’t imagine bumming a smoke or money for smokes happens much given how expensive they are now. Yeah, you don’t get to beg if your clothes cost more than mine.
Let’s hope Canadian. The “I have this Maple Leaf flag on my backpack to prove I’m not American” trend seems to have waned. Not soon enough, though.
My Canadian coworkers when I was in Korea (at the peak of that, 2007) were bitching about it. Eventually I got them to concede that they had all pretended to be Americans when being assholes abroad and that the Americans putting Canadian patches on were at least aware that behaving like a boorish American abroad was bad form. They were very eager to change the subject.
A few decades ago Americans were “boorish” while traveling abroad, but in my experience they are just oafish these days. When I was in Germany years ago, a large, drunk Kraut almost ripped my fellow backpacker a new asshole for having a large Canadian flag on his backpack. “You don’t wear your colors on the road!”.
Yeah the last few years I’ve noticed way less awful Americans abroad. I’m not sure if it’s just that I’m doing different things or what. I had some awful stories from my grand tour of the Balkans in the mid-aughts though.
I used to have this photo (lost when formatted HD) of 2 guys “Begging” at the bedford ave stop in Williamsburg…. a sign saying, “need money for Vegan food”.
sitting behind the sign were 2 20-somethings playing video games on a laptop PC with xbox controllers.
I didn’t take the photo; i just found it somewhere. wish i still had it. These were not ‘crusty punks’. these were like college kids who just wanted to get lunch and thought the most effective way to achieve that was to sit on the sidewalk and just wait until others provided for their needs.
Just got my first squirrel attack here. Anyways, that’s when you gather up some nearby thistles a homeless dude whizzed on and shove them down the kids pie holes. “Bon appetite”.
I just finished my seder. My wife wants to know I’m laughing out loud. OMWC I bow to your awesomeness. (Sorry ZARDOZ.)
Did you have an orange?
My wife put one out the first night. I had no idea what it was for. No orange the second night.
Speaking of seders, McSweeny’s has The Kushner Family Passover Haggadah which tries just a bit too hard to be all things to TDS.
Better McSweeny’s: Ghost Stories With Hidden Agendas: Curse of the Werewolf
McSweeneys was one of those things in the late 1990s that gave me hope that the future would be awesome
then Bush became president, and it went off the deep end along with everything else.
There was still great content through my college years (*-2005), but yeah it’s been generally unreadable with occasional moments of perfection ever since.
Yeah, i didn’t mean to suggest it suddenly became all terrible, it was just that it lost the special posture it had of “being above it all” …. basically it was one of those few things in the early-days of the internet that gave me hope that everything would just get better and better. Instead, it sort of compromised with reality.
I think that’s a very fair assessment of McSweeny’s. I really do miss its heydey when it felt like The Onion (at its best) nailing The New Yorker with just the right balance of winking self-deprecation and false pretension.
My buddy was also writing for them a lot (under various assumed names), so i was very much a cheerleader.
I would like to of our someone, most likely HM, for recommending Haydee. So I picked it on sale from steam earlier. OK, so I died like a dozen times just trying to complete the tutorial level. But, those were mostly fair deaths. Dat Ass though.
“Dat Ass though”
Recommended by HM. I would have never guessed. Lol.