I was mostly out of touch with the news yesterday. Wrapped up in my own world of work, taking the family to the zoo for a few hours, power washing the pool deck and making dinner. Looks like I missed a lot too. Let’s recap, shall we? Which means…the morning links.

Good luck against that, Kim.
The most reckless of nations vows to respond to “reckless” American Navy, which is moving a strike group into the area. Unless the Norks have got one of those nukes ready, I can’t see them doing anything more than staging something and reporting it on state TV and then executing a few of their own military leaders by mortar. But this Kim is crazier than the last couple of Kims. So stay tuned.
Democrats hope to cash in on unpopularity of Trump in a series of special elections that will start in Wichita, Kansas. The article goes into a lot of math about “moral victories” even if Team Blue doesn’t win any of the elections, according to pollsters and analysts. And if there’s anything we can count on, its those guys accurately predicting electoral success and adjusting polls to really capture the pulse of the nation.
VDH pens another blistering takedown of Susan Rice. From Benghazi to Bergdahl, he touches all the bases. And its just brutally delicious. Enjoy!

Buckle up, buckaroo!
Caitlyn Jenner is now dong-less.
Hope they were an agonizing four seconds (give or take…I’m sure one of the more scientifically literate among us can come up with an accurate elapsed time). Defendant in triple murder, rape, kidnapping (etc etc etc) case decides to take justice into his own hands with leap from courthouse balcony.
The three largest nations in CONCACAF launch a joint bid for the 2026 World Cup. I guess Canada had to figure out a way to qualify that they could actually accomplish. (I keed! But not really.)
A little Deep Purple for y’all.
“I guess Canada had to figure out a way to qualify that they could actually accomplish. (I need! But not really.)”
Yes, Canada does indeed suck at so much
I can’t figure out why the US would need Canada and Mexico.
Everybody needs a hat and shorts.
It’s not a hat, it’s a hockey helmet.
Hockey helmets remind me of the headgear they give to the massively retarded kids who hit their heads against walls.
You mean like Shumer or Biden’s hair plugs?
Canada also has the problem of artificial turf in most of their stadiums…I think.
Truthfully? Because both the IOC and FIFA have made it clear that they’re not going to give an event to the US alone (infrastructure’s already built, far less chance for graft). Throw in Mexico and you’ve got a chance with them.
They gave it to us in 1994 and I think that was one of the best attended World Cups ever
You mean you get better attendance in the US than in some third-world shithole?!
Shocking, I know
They had games in Orlando. If I went to one, I was really drunk, because I don’t remember it.
Because both the IOC and FIFA have made it clear that they’re not going to give an event to the US alone (infrastructure’s already built, far less chance for graft).
Fine, then, fuck ’em. We don’t need your steenking tournament.
This will be the first year with 48 freaking teams (boo). But you’re right, they wouldn’t want to make the sensible choice and choose the country with the most stadiums to accommodate such a large tournament.
They actually are making a sensible choice: the plan is to have 60 of the 80 World Cup games played in the US, with Canada and Mexico getting only 10 apiece. The joint hosting is really just for optics (the US isn’t all that popular internationally, but attach Canada and Mexico’s names and it becomes harder to turn the bid down).
Supposedly it was because FIFA was afraid that teams wouldn’t be able to make it to the games because of Trump. Yes, really.
Because if anything, Mexico is known for its tolerance.
Hey, keeping Guatemalans out of Mexico is different, because reasons!
Russia yes, Qatar yes. USA and Trump? shakes pointer finger.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.
Qatar can have slave labor building stadiums. The U.S. can just ask the groundskeepers switch it from football to football. But because of Trump saying nasty things about some of the groundskeepers that’s a bridge too far.
Wouldnt these games be in 2026?
Trump at best would be done in early 2025
Even worse, it could be President Pence!
Nah, we all know it is going to be President Clinton
Chelsea Clinton that is
Because she will be the Most Qualified EVAR!!11!!!
Or it could be President Haley! Or President Rubio! Or President Carson! So many worse options if Trump does well enough for the Rs to have coattails after 8.
because of Trump.
…in 2026? Apparently TDS is both terminal and incurable.
Canada’s national soccer program is an abject abysmal embarrassment. The CSA and its incompetent clowns have run the sport into the ground. I’m annoyed at how it has the balls to hitch a ride on America’s and Mexico’s back on this. How about you field a competitive soccer team and start to qualify proper before engaging in this? Bah. Maybe I’m too critical but they can learn a thing or two from Basketball Canada who finally got their shit together. Both sports were a joke but at least basketball has produced world class ballers now – #1 overall picks, starters in the NCAA etc.
Cut ’em some slack. Its hard to have major league players in every sport when you’re a third-world country.
Beisbol ben berry, berry good to me!
I keed?
What do you need? Is it related to Canadian football?
Is that the one where they use the funny French measurements like Metres?
They don’t even fahrenheit, losers!
“But this Kim is crazier than the last couple of Kims”
Well, it’s a really tough job pretending that haircut is cool. Give him a break, almost no one could pull that off.
NK shows what Romania might have been with 20 more years of commies…
Romania handled the Ceausescu’s in the proper manner.
I keep hoping the Kims get the Ceausescu treatment.
One my favorite PJ O’Rourke passages was from (I think) Give War A Chance, where he says that he taunted leftists after the fall of the Eastern Bloc by making a gun sign with his hand and yelling “Nicolai Ceausescu!”
They deserve worse.
I know one Kim that is the least crazy in her family. Oh, different link. Sorry.
*narrows gaze*
I haven’t been around long enough to know the Genesis of the narrowed gaze.
However, I was watching TV the other night and Forrest Gump was on. I love the movie, so I watched it for awhile. When Forrest is telling Jenny goodbye in Washington after his medal of honor ceremony, He gives the most epic of narrowed gazes at Jenny’s boyfriend whim he had beat up the evening previous at the Black Panther party.
When I saw that, I thought of you swissy.
Great link. That is exactly what I was thinking of.
I once narrowed my gaze at 1/4 of Afghanistan.

Is that really you?
Epic narrowed gaze
Animated Swissy
Student commits suicide after Title IX Kangaroo Court ruling against him
something about social justice eggs and whatnot…
Title IX needs to die.
Or rather, its undead festering carcass needs to be burned because it didn’t stop moving and destroying things after it did die.
Agreed. Also MURDER-suicide is the way to go here people. Geez.
More specifically, the DoEd OCR needs to be razed to the ground.
The problem isn’t so much Title IX, as it is the ridiculous and expansive SJW interpretations of it requiring all sorts of bullshit beyond preventing actual sex discrimination.
The first thing Title IX did was drestroy half the sports programs in the country because of a simple interest gap. It is discriminatory in assuming identical levels of interest and thus mandating either a destruction of programs or a waste of funds on unused assets due to a disparity in actual interest in participation. The law needs to die along with everything spawned from it.
Look, they’re not done ruining higher ed, yet. Why do you hate progress?
Because I’m a conservative.
Doesn’t look like the Title IX group ever got ahold of this from the story. And what the hell would it have to do with female opportunities at the school being equal in the first place?
This is a pair of admins going beyond their authority to fuck with somebody on behalf of a student one was friendly with. And the school is gonna get hammered in court because they failed to follow established procedures.
But still…suicide? For getting put on disciplinary probation? Come on, dude.
obviously guy had issues … but this does not make the situation any better
In theory, we were all young once. Between the lack of experience, the raging hormones, the numerous, major life changes, and all that shit it’s a wonder anyone makes it to 25. Age (hopefully) gives you a perspective on just how shit things can get and experience that they usually don’t stay that way. When you’re a kid, every bad thing is the worst thing you’ve seen, and you have no reason to think it won’t stop.
Of all the shitty, spiteful, destructive things Obama did the reinterpretation of title IX is one of the worst. This needs to be killed with fire.
Prediction: Pinkos love it so much that for some time after this is reversed they will keep operating as if it is still in effect.
Trump’s only sensible tweet was regarding de-funding colleges. They’re businesses (in the rent-seeking type of way) and threatening their cash cow is the only thing they’ll understand.
Threatening their cash cow is exactly how Title IX works.
At this point, the only way to kill it off is stop funding colleges. Period. The sector probably needs a cleansing fire to be able to move forward with any kind of sanity. A downsized, but more sane higher education industry won’t pull this crap because competitive pressures will prohibit it.
The MSM will bury this so deep that it will be halfway to China.
The big jump in UT tuition to pay off the family will be hard to hide.
I’m not sure you realize how big a racket the UT system is. They’ll just put off building a new women’s dorm for a year or creating a new Vice President of Left-Handed Gender Queerness position at all the satellites.
they recently paid 200 million for property in Houston but have no concrete plans for it
many people are curious who the sellers are and U of H definately has their panties in a wad
Lesson: don’t ever interact with anyone in college, ever.
Good advice.
Or anyone who’s ever gone to college.
They can’t be trusted.
I was a commuter and rented a townhouse with a bunch of friends. Whenever I feel wistful hearing about other people’s on-campus experiences I just think about how I spent most of my 20s in a space where if some random dude a year or two older than us yelled at us for smoking or drinking in the house we’d have shot him.
I never lived on campus. Even as a freshman I rented an apartment. It was the only way I could stay sane.
My university actually had a rule mandating first year residency on-campus. I suppose you could have had a different housing arraingement, but you’d still be billed for room and board.
There are always ways… According to them I was a “commuter” since I kept my address the same as my folks who were a city away.
Yeah, I decided to save chunk of change by spending my first year of college at the local community college knocking out my pre-reqs.
All freshman were supposed to live in dorms, but since I wasn’t a freshman, that rule didn’t apply to me, so I saved about $5k in student loans, before inflation.
Lesson: don’t ever interact with anyone
in college,ever.Fixed it for you?
It is interesting that Susan Rice is always the fall girl. It’s like she enjoys it.
She could probably sink so many careers in Washington at this point. If she ever writes a tell-all, it will be interesting.
it would be all lies. but you’re probably right that they would be interesting lies.
Yeah, from prison.
You know who else wrote a tell-all while in prison?
The Apostle Paul?
Alex Jones?
Martin Luther King, Jr?
The Man in the Iron Mask?
Alexander Solsensteyn?
Nelson Mandela?
White Boy Rick?
If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer
By the airport runner
Howard W. Campbell Jr.?
Just consider that the Obama Administration initially wanted Hillary to do the talk show circuit and peddle the Benghazi lie, but she refused. Rice was actually fine with telling a lie so blatant and big that even a Clinton wouldn’t touch it.
I thought Hillary refused because she was still suffering vertigo from her drunken fall that led to a concussion.
Or isnt that at least what she (partially) told the Benghazi committee?
Yeah, she had a very convenient loss of memory from that.
+1 Oliver North
Most of the tell-all will be lies that she will later retract. Even for a political appointee, Rice’s continued lying is astounding
She’s like a real-life version of Jon Lovitz’s Tommy Flanagan the Pathological Liar character.
Man, that brings me back to some of the comment wars me and some others would have with dunphy at h&r. We’d just rip into him and it was inevitable that his wife Morgan Fairchild got brought up as well as his series of exploits.
I miss some of those exchanges even if I don’t miss that asshole himself.
I was actually thinking of dunphy when I was typing that.
To answer your question, you can approximate things by H = 1/2 Gt^2, so t = sqrt(2H/G). Let’s use 60 feet as a guess for the height. G = 32 feet per second squared, so t = 2 seconds, more or less.
Sure, if he was dropped. What about his initial hang time?
Also, why do courthouses have balconies? Is this what our tax money is funding?
So the occasional shitheel will save us hundreds of thousands of dollars in incarceration costs and thousands of lawyer hours. I think a possible Death Row suicide probably pays for that balcony.
Use SI units, you fucking fossil.
It’s not a freefall from orbit, you can just approximate 9.8m/s/s.
French Headchopper units are not acceptable.
Oh, so I guess you enjoy getting 40 rods to the hogshead grandpa.
Check your fuel line. You should be getting a million or more rods to the hogshead. You’re probably spilling gas all over the road.
If the fall hadn’t killed him, reading that sentence would have.
Man accused of rape, arson, and murder commits suicide by jumping from a courthouse before his trial was to begin.
I find your lack of case disturbing.
That’s a terrible haiku. Didn’t come close to 5-7-5.
Do you work for NBC News or something?
No, then it would be
Nope. That headline has verbs. NBC reporters have a strong aversion to verbs.
NBC News watcher, very annoyed.
Have to admit it. You’d make one hell of a newsman.
I don’t want to aim that low.
I’ll try the NYDN version:
From fat to flat: accused rapist, arsonist and murderer leaps to his own death ahead of trial.
Taking the fall: Killer/rapist/arsonist leaps into eternity
So he raped the grandparents as well as the girl? I’m so confused.
I think the grandparents somehow jumped up to the fourth floor where the guy died or something. Or he set them on fire. I’m not sure. Someone died, someone was raped, and someone or something was set aflame.
Idea for song: Raped by Fire
The Salt Man is coming!
Color me a bit skeptical.
I blame it on Prince’s Jerry Curl.
Hmmm… The increase did start in 1985. The dates line up.
Love your science Straffin!
Prince was the best concert I’ve ever seen. In Minneapolis no less.
It’s Jheri, but yeah.
I actually googled that and got it both ways. I went with the urban dictionary because we all know what “urban” means.
The best part?
Here’s the inventor!
I can’t wait to point that out to some of my friends.
Couldn’t the create a couple large reservoirs for this stuff, where they could boil out the water and reuse the salt every year? It wouldn’t capture all of it, but it could get some.
Also, I agree that the story is likely bullshit.
Boil? Unless you’re doing solar evaporation it’d be cheaper to keep buying from dry mines. And solar evaporation takes a lot of open land with sunny days.
My guess that this is all a way to manage roads and developments on lakes. Now city inspectors can really fuck with people who live on a lake.
Only a bit? They’ve been pimping this forever.
Look for more calls to end private cars and more light rail. It’s the only way to save the fish!!
Until the city comes by and tickets you for not clearing the kings sidewalk properly. Or someone slips and you get sued. No, I’ll be putting down cups of salt thank you.
Teaspoons! You would get 5 salt crystals that are used for ice melting in a teaspoon.
I’m not thinking teaspoons or cups, I’m thinking pounds. As in I need pounds of salt to get rid of the glaze ice on my walkway so I don’t end up on my ass.
It has the added advantage of providing traction immediately, before the chemistry gets the water moving again.
We’ve already gone through our Trump hatred will lead to an upset in a special election tease here in Minnesoda.
Granted our election was for the state legislature. But it still ended up a 6 point win for the GOP.
My prediction? A lot of stories about how the wins by the GOP would have been a lot bigger if people weren’t so mad at Trump.
It’s the Washington Post standard: “heads we win, tails you lose”
The Minnesota state legislature is going to find a long-term solution to the health insurance crisis. What’s a stronger way to say, “When hell freezes over”?
Our state health care system is in shambles because Gov Mumbles went in hard on Obamacare. So it isn’t a stretch to say that it can be improved.
I’m assuming anything short of shredding parts of it is off the table. I’d love to see it, but all I’ve seen is how they just give some special groups a temporary reprieve.
Exactly. They are arguing about how much to subsidize people and to pay insurance companies to stay in the market.
I’m not sure you capture how serious this is. The Daily Kos has issued an emergency endorsement! EMERGENCY!
What if we just started handing out participation trophies to all voters. Would that help?
I thought that was that the “I Voted!” stickers were.
2016 Election
Election worker: “Here’s a ‘I Voted’ sticker”
Me: “No thanks, I don’t feel proud about having participated in this election”
I just stick them on my toilet tank to remind myself where my vote, metaphorically at least, ends up.
Your toilet works in reverse?
Only if I vote for the winning candidate, but that is rarely a problem.
Other than some city council and school board candidates, I haven’t picked a winner since Jesse.
Anyone who wears an ‘I Voted’ sticker is declaring to the world that they shouldn’t have voted
I wore mine once so I had an excuse to walk into work two hours late, does that count?
This is better.
I guess that’s a pretty good reason. You’re the exception
I have an I Voted sticker I keep on hand to do the same as Tundra. I only vote when there’s an important ballot issue (for example, a couple elections ago, Virginia added a constitutional amendment to strengthen eminent domain protections for citizens. Guess which party was opposed?)
Both of them.
I modified mine to “I vetod”.
Not spelled exactly right, but as close as I could get.
I always wear my “I voted twice!” sticker.
I give mine to my kids.
Lol. They just don’t give a fuck about principles. An “emergency endorsement” is akin to saying “we know nothing about this guy but we still hope he wins because the guy he’s running against, who we know equally know nothing about, is from the other TEAM.”
An emerchhgency?
Ah, the first guitar/bass line every young musician learns! Nice selection, Sloopy!
::Nods appreciatively in Tundra’s direction::
I tried that three times. Maybe links can’t be posted without text?
They get flagged as spam if you don’t embellish them with text
I would just like to go on record as not giving a shit about Bruce Jenner or his derangement.
Literally Hitler. I demand that you call her ‘brave’, right now!
Why was he awake and un-anesthetized when they made him a eunich?
That would take balls…er..I mean…no balls?
Maybe he got them punched hard enough to make them ovaries?
Otherwise he’d be woke!
“Brave”? *Does tomahawk chop.
Wear the ribbon, Brooks!
The only thing about it that interests me – did all those 70’s steroids fuck up Bruce Jenner.
He went from a skinny 180 lbs in ’72 to a jacked 220 in ’76. Then immediately retired, stopped the steroid use and lost the 40 lbs almost overnight. Did his hormones ever recover?
Another article about the rampant use of steroids in ’76. The testing technology was way behind back then (probably still is, that seems to be the game from now on).
The left’s wide eyed fascination with sex change is weird and depressing to me. It betrays a total dissatisfaction with human existence that runs inextricably deep within them, whether by the concept of the New Soviet Man or of the man that is now a crude approximation of a woman.
The steroid angle to Jenner’s story is interesting and one I hadn’t ever considered. In retrospect, it seems very plausible.
IMO, the left has become all about fostering delusions when it comes to the whole personal identity issue as an escape mechanism for facing the unpleasant realities of their personal flaws.
I look in the mirror every day and realize I’m not the best looking person in the world and that I have personal flaws that I need to overcome to be a better functioning person both professionally, physically, personally and socially. The left wants people to feel like whatever they’re looking at is perfectly acceptable in every way and that anybody who says otherwise is a bigot of some description. And that’s delusion, as we can all be better at something and should never stop trying to be.
I’m not the best looking person in the world
Citation Required.
It’s all part of the ridiculous cult of The Perfectable Man, espoused initially by the Fabians. (No connection to Fabio)
The Perfected Man
Love the VDH take down. However, I’m fairly certainly that it was not Sarin used in the chemical attack. Either a choking agent like mustard gas, or chlorine.
Nobody has explained to me why it would have been to Assad’s advantage to kill some women and kids with chemicals. What big advantage did this get him in a war he’s already won?
Why do dictators do anything? Why didn’t he take his family and all the money he could shove in a suitcase and open up an optometry clinic in the Bahamas or somewhere?
I agree 100%, but I think that’s probably why we’re not dictators or kingpins or billionaires (for that matter). You have to really want it.
Somebody throws me $20 million, I’m good. No need to bomb anyone, sell drugs, work more than about 20 hours / week…
Of course, it doesn’t really work like that, does it? It’s really either dictator or corpse.
You can’t stay a dictator unless you act like a dictator, you know?
I’m with you in that. None of it makes sense, the video of it looks like it was soon in a poorly set-up studio and the usual round of accusations, counter-accusations and denials is missing.
I’m 50/50 on whether there is any legitimacy to the story at all.
Either way, I’m 100% certain it’s none of our business.
Yup. Said it once, say it again – unprotected journalists roaming around a ‘nerve gas’ triage site == improbable.
Unless we also get footage of camera team writhing on ground 20 seconds later.
I’m leaning more 80/20 on – if not ‘hoax’, then ‘heavily stage managed for propaganda reasons’.
Heard a pathetic political consultant on the radio this a.m. talking about how if the Dems can make it “close” in Wichita, they’ll have some great “talking points” and “enthusiasm” going into the midterms.
Like, whut?
How any political consultant kept their job after the last election is a mystery.
The beauty of that line of work is there’s a whole new crop of suckers and graspers the day after every election.
“I keep getting older, they stay the same age.”
The only thing I know of political consultants after 27 years in the DC area, is that my hair stylist was married to one and he fucked her assistant, in their bed, on video.
Ah, the old, “I don’t even want to keep my half of the money when I leave this marriage” ploy.
I’m gonna take a wild guess and say she made WAY more than he. She’s a well-known and successful business owner. I think she got to keep all her shit in the divorce.
Including her assistant?
Naw, she let her ex have that one.
*rises to begin thunderous ovation*
BTW, her assistant was a dumpster fire compared to her. My hairstylist is a dead ringer for Tricia Helfer, aka Caprica Six.
This is what I have been thinking about, this morning. In case it doesn’t work, it’s a one year chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. It is a pretty convincing pictorial representation of the drag on the economy imposed by the Obama administration.
*std disclaimer- “Dow” not same as “Economy”
I’ve had a lot of progs explain to me that businesses only make decisions when laws are passed, they don’t predict future policies. So all this growth is actually to Obama’s credit, not Trumps.
That’s about as strained an argument as you can make.
And I’m not enthusiastic about Trump’s economic policies outside of deregulation.
I’m not enthusiastic about Kate Upton, besides her tits.
The bar is set so low with Presidents. If he actually does one positive thing from an economic liberty POV, it will probably be the first thing that libertarians have gotten since the Bush tax cuts.
What laws did obama pass that lead to growth? Especially with the republicans not letting him do anything
To be honest I think any growth may have come from the fact that there was a legislature that stopped him from doing anything.
Wait for it….
Wait for it……
“RT quoted Maria Levashova as saying”
Wait… is she the one from Secret Nazi President?
I keep asking for details on how the Russians helped Trump win. I still get nothing for an answer and my point keeps getting missed.
I keep asking for details on how the Russians helped Trump win.
Because they exposed Hillary and the DNC as conniving cheaters!
..in their own words, no less!!
Can you imagine if it were reversed? If the Russians had released some dirt on Trump and Hillary subsequently won the election? The “progressives” would be dancing in the streets, singing hymns to Putin, and heralding the benevolence of our beloved Russian allies.
After 4,5,6, months of consistent breathless reporting, the media will still never talk about what actually happened with this Russia thing. They’ll never even lay out a plausible hypothesis of what actually happened. It’s just a bunch of “linked to”, “stunning revelations from Washington”, “meddling” “interference” “alleged” “we’re hearing” “people are saying”.
As far as I can tell the only things that we know that happened are still: 1) someone sent an email to Podesta asking for his password and they gave it to him and 2) someone sent an email to Podesta asking that he click on a link, and he did it, and it installed some malware on the DNC server.
3) the underhanded maneuvering of the DNC and the Clinton campaign were then exposed for everyone to see.
It’s almost as if they’d have rather Putin come on our news and say “if you elect Clinton, there will be consequences with Russian trade and other nations we have treaties with” instead of supposedly having his minions spam comment threads with anti-Clinton comments and (usually accurate) statements about her character, her associates character and the DNC’s complicity with her campaign in the primary.
Or basically they wish Putin acted like Obama in the Brexit election.
Actually, we don’t even know that. All we really know is that a private company hired by the Dem Committee SAID that happened. Don’t forget that the FBI has never been allowed to actually examine the DNC’s servers.
Peter Severa
Chicago was never the same after he left.
“Caitlyn Jenner is now dong-less”
That’s not a woman baby… well if it is, someone has seriously beaten her with the ugly stick.
Physical culture meets liberal-ass guilt. Guilt wins. Well, not for normal people, but for this broad it does.
“In the introduction to the book, Rippetoe writes, “A weak man is not as happy as that same man would be if he were strong. This reality is offensive to some people who would like the intellectual or spiritual to take precedence.” It is hard for me to say whether or not I am offended. The philosophy assumes a reality in which muscles exist only in relation to one another, under strain of a weighted barbell, in the confines of the gym. In reality, our muscles also exist in context—under the stress of narratives about disability and gender, subjected to stories about failure and success.”
Also, read her description of how she squats. She learned nothing from the book.
That’s…really horrible.
Poor thing.
What does this mean?
She didn’t read the book, Warty. She read the intro and leaves the book on her coffee table to shock her friends.
I like how she’s clearly offended but can’t even bring herself to say it.
This is only technically correct because the negative effects of hard vacuum on the human physiology would prevent the brain from properly commanding the motions. The bends would be lethal too quickly to get in a routine.
What if she did them in a spacesuit?
The rest of that quote : “It is instructive to see what happens to these very people as their squat strength goes up.” Absolutely true.
People with vaginas squat for sex or when peeing outdoors.
I’ve heard that women do that too.
Golden shower, woo-ho!
Actually I don’t see how the intellectual taking precedence somehow means the physical needs to be neglected. You can be quite intellectual and spend a few hours a week lifting. But it amuses me how narratives stress the muscles …
One of the beliefs I hate most is the belief that seems very prevalent now that life is some kind of RPG, where you have a limited amount of stat points to invest. If you max intelligence, then you have to accept being weedy and weak. If you max strength, you must be stupid, because reasons.
Drives me nuts.
What you have a finite amount of is time. Doing everything means you get nothing done.
Honestly, I think more people have more time than they think. You can get a lot done if you are organized. Maybe not a huge amount of time, but finding time for a bit of exercise is possible and worth it. And I am talking of people who work long hours, have kids etc. I think plenty of time is wasted. Not that that is necessarily wrong, on occasion it is nice to waste some time, do a bit of nothing.
You can have a 6 hour gym body — but then you’ll spend 6 hours a day in the gym in pain instead of doing something fun.
1-2 hours seems to be my max.
It ’tis a strange stereotype – one that I like to fight as much as I can. I enjoy working out because it allows me to use my body after hours of sitting on my ass doing computer programming. It’s also great to walk into a meeting – standing straight and full of confidence. And if something bad was to go down, it’s good to know that I have some extra stores of strength that I can call on. And it also seemed to reduce aging, something that a middle-aged git like myself is starting to experience.
The last time I got in a car accident, my body jackknifed sideways after getting hit by another car going 55-60mph – imagine the quickest side crunch in your life. I credit my weightlifting to my fast recovery time.
I am 50 – rapidly turning into an old man. I can be a weak old man, and have the first slip and fall send me to the nursing home where I spiral down and never check out…or I can be a strong old man and resist or recover from illness and injury and keep living a decent life. I’ll stick with the deadlifts and planking, thanks.
^ Exactly this.
Yep. 50 this year and not gonna put the barbell down until they shove my funeral ship out onto Superior and set it alight.
58 and I still lift. People are usually surprised when they find out how old I actually am.
I used to have some pretty bad social anxiety problems. That gradually ended as I started lifting weights and running. It’s hard to feel self-conscious when you look so fucking awesome and people tell you so.
It’s always false dictotomies with these people. “I exercise my mind, ergo I cannot exercise my body”
But she clearly does not exercise her mind given her output.
Also the New Yorker giving me a popup about fighting fake news amused me.
Liked your Moonshine piece. The plum tree goes into bloom a couple weeks prior to the cherry blossoms. Give us a chance to extend our drinking parties.
Good plum moonshine needs a little time to age, you don’t drink it right away. Forgot to add this in the post, but in Romania it is traditionally aged a bit in mulberry wood barrels, gives it a nice yellow colour.
Not sure what the difference is exactly, but I’ll drink Umeshu if it’s made by the local bar. I see the jar sitting there with a couple plums floating in it and can’t not have some of it.
“Sir, sir, that’s turpentine!”
Why would anyone put plums in turpentine?
After they fell in, no one was going to eat them…
I didn’t like the Umeshu I had although it was not the premium kind. But it is different, to sweet for me and much lower alcohol, like 12-15 abv.
It’s very sweet regardless of whether it’s premium or not. Gives me a hangover if I drink too much, so it’s a one off. Love to try the moonshine version.
I dont know what any of that means.
Is ‘Jamie Lauren Keiles’ another name for a computer program that generates gibberish? Something similar to the Thomas Friedman Op/Ed generator?
It’s something like, humans organize their thinking in stories, therefore I have to place my physical strength in a story about society and gender roles. Or something. Maybe?
While I am not a fan of the whole social/gender critique thing lefties have going, I did observe some women with a strange fear of developing to much muscle if they pick up weights above 5 kilos a couple of times a week. I think more women should skip zumba and lift some weight, but that’s just me.
I see that with my wife’s friends – she lifts weights 3x a week and looks great. Her friends all have flabby / chubby arms but say “I don’t want to get all muscular.”
Someone should explain testosterone to them. They aren’t going to get bulky man-muscles unless they start taking steroids.
I think it was Rippetoe who said something to the effect of “If it were that easy to get huge, bulging, manly muscles then I would have them”
I bite my tongue a lot when people are spewing stupid shit regarding fitness/diet/exercise, but I always call that one out.
No, girl who works down the hall, you will not accidentally turn into The Rock with tits if you do some light dumbbell work twice a week. No, really, I promise.
Even if you do heavy barbell work 3 times a week.
Then again there are also men who claim they don’t want to accidentally get to big by way of weights. Strangely they have that fear regarding the gym not donuts …
I love hearing that from weedy little bitches. The rest of us train hard, lift heavy, eat big, and take supplements so we can gain a fractional amount of muscle. And these weak, pathetic little men won’t even set foot in the gym because they’re afraid they’ll turn into Mr. Olympia after two weeks of benching.
I don’t think that’s the actual reason. It’s an excuse.
I did an extra set one day and non of my shirts fit me anymore
It’s the same reason I’m not on Tinder, I worry I might have too much sex.
Those grapes are sour anyway.
I think my favorite quote on the subject is from Arnold. Guy comes up to him and says “Yeah I’m thinking about lifting weights a bit, but I don’t want to end up looking like you. ” Arnold looks him up and down, chuckles, and says “Don’t worry. You won’t.”
You are giving way too much credit there Warty.
This is the magazine that successfully took down the Koch Bros. and Trump and is exclusively read by smart people! You can’t argue with that!
Or something. I don’t know. I’ve never read a piece of theirs that wasn’t content-free, manipulative social-signaling. How anyone can be tricked into believing their drivel is beyond me.
What about those of us who have lapsed from doing weight training? Hey look I know if I try to get back into weight lifting, I’m going to spend a week and a half marching around like Frankenstein’s monster.
The unfortunate fact is that there is a strain in our culture dedicated to denying the value of value. What Rippetoe said should be pretty much a tautology – other things equal, it’s better to be strong than not. But, acknowledging anything of value anymore seems to hurt the tender sensibilities of those who don’t sufficiently embody that value. Such that even acknowledging their value is some sort of offense.
I’ll make no bones about it. I wish I were a multi-billionaire super-genius who looked like a male model and could bench 300 pounds and deadlift 600 pounds (okay, I don’t really know what the appropriate amounts really are, but you get my point). Truth is, I’m none of those things. I’m sure as hell not going to ignore their value. The grown up response to recognizing you lack an wonderful quality is to work on developing it or work on developing other qualities in compensation. But, neither should negate the value of that quality.
Of all the dystopian fiction written, “Harrison Bergeron” might have been the most prescient. The glorification of mediocrity, of sloth, of laziness.
They are talking about the guy being dragged off the plane in Chicago. Some idiot just said something like, “It’s not the event, it’s the reaction.”
No, you fucking dummy. Forcibly dragging a ticketed, seated passenger off the plane for no good reason is what’s bad. And no amount of faux-sympathetic blather will change it. There should be mass firings.
If I were the CEO of Delta or American, I’d be on the air today offering to take any United ticket for a seat on one of my flights.
United sucks. I hate that they control the bulk of the direct flights out of Newark to various points in the US since absorbing Continental.
Shows what you know about running an airline. Take some pointers from the CEO of United.
I am literally sitting in my office with a calendar planning business trips for the next 2 months. And United is doing everything possible to convince me not to fly on their shitty cramped planes. Well okay, message received.
I fly domestic Southwest (people who seem to actually enjoy what they do) or Delta (good app, newer-ish planes and decent service.)
In reality, our muscles also exist in context—under the stress of narratives about disability and gender, subjected to stories about failure and success.
New Yorker, 1
English, 0
Jamie Lauren Keiles – “In reality, our muscles also exist in context—under the stress of narratives about disability and gender, subjected to stories about failure and success.”
New Age Bulllshit Generator – “We exist as morphic resonance. The goal of pulses is to plant the seeds of starfire rather than dogma. By blossoming, we heal.”
Odds on Jamie using the new age bullshit generator to write columns and then publish them in The New Yorker?
This will show trump. Whoever posted this wasnt probably expecting the comments
Was his handle Socialist Fusionist?
VDH pens another blistering takedown of Susan Rice. From Benghazi to Bergdahl, he touches all the bases.
He grabbed her by the base?
For Kristen
If there’s a takeaway from the industry-shaking news of Aspen Skiing Co.’s partnership with private equity firm KSL Capital in the $1.5 billion takeover of Intrawest’s six mountain resorts, it’s that the details are scant, but big investments in Steamboat and Winter Park are coming.
“There is no more passionate customer base than skiers in any business we have ever come across,” said Eric Resnick, the chief of Denver-based KSL Capital, which has raised more than $7.5 billion for 30 hotel and resort investments since 2005.
“We have earmarked a lot of capital for improvements to be able to continue to reinvest significantly in the communities and the mountains,” Resnick said. “What’s exciting is being able to bring new opportunities with these communities and with these mountains to those customers who are already so passionate.”
Aspen Skiing chief Mike Kaplan said “it’s too early to say” whether his four Roaring Fork Valley resorts will unite with Intrawest’s Winter Park, Steamboat, Stratton, Mont Tremblant, Snowshoe and Blue Mountain as well as KSL’s Squaw Valley-Alpine Meadows under a ski pass to combat Vail Resorts’ wildly popular Epic Pass.
Consolidation wars in the ski industry!!!
I love reading comments when there’s news of yet another Vail buyout. Half the crowd hates Vail and views them as the Walmart of skiing, half are excited about the ridiculously cheaper season pass (I think Stowe’s season pass cost will be cut in 1/2 with the Vail buyout).
I didn’t know Aspen was in on the game, too.
Did appreciate the Deep Purple, but was expecting something else.
Last night I did a brief visit to “That Other Site”. The AM Links had only 69 comments. Yikes.
I would like to see the traffic count for the past few months, but I forgot the site that does that. *goes off to google*
Sadly, only Frank and the Old Site have links to here.
Country Percent of Visitors Rank in Country
Canada 59.0% 72,404
United States 41.0% 407,221
lol wut?
Heh – according to SimilarWeb
Top 5 search words that led to this site:
michelin defender sl vs xt 42.86%
“a day without a man” 42.86%
nude military chicks 14.29%
Looks like Trump’s pole numbers continued to rise after the election.
Mostly because the moron who posts under “Crusty Juggler” and “Citizen X” was busy doing something and didn’t have his usual 15 conversations with himself.
“This Kim is crazier than the last couple of Kims.”
He’s a homicidal maniac.
I read a story about his ex-girlfriend. His father didn’t approve of his relationship with her, so he made his son break it off. When the latest Kim assumed power, he tried to bring her back, but she’s married someone years ago and had children. She said she wanted to stay with her family. Kim, had her executed by machine gun on the charge of being a porn star, made her family watch the execution, and then sent her whole family to a work camp.
The weirdest thing about this Kim may be that he seems to be in total control.
Donald Trump can hardly get his way, but the latest Kim gets exactly what he wants–without any opposition from the North Koran elite. It’s like that episode of The Twilight Zone, where that crazy little kid controls everything and turns that one guy into a jack in the box.
I guess they don’t have a Plan B.
Hopefully he will come to a bad end. Maybe he will give someone an excuse to shoot a missile up his ass. Hopefully he will be horribly dismembered but survive for several days in agony.
Hyon Song-wol starred in the video for her 2005 hit ‘A Girl In The Saddle Of A Steed’
And she’s the one responsible for “Excellent Horse-Like Lady.” The music scene has really went down hill in NK.
Daily Time on Site: 11:57
Oh, come on! I probably only spend nine hours a day here.
I can’t get this song out of my head.
It’s driving me nuts.
I had a nightmare last night about being held hostage by Canadian girls with cat whiskers.
I’ve tried everything to get rid of it. Listened to other ear worms. Everything short of electroshock therapy. At this point, that seems like a pretty good option. Get rid of my memory for the last three days to get rid of the song? Good trade!
The world of garage rock is fraught with danger.
As I sit here typing, it’s “Do the boogaloo”. Make it stop!
Do Canadian woman have legs like poutine?
You just grab ’em by the poutine. When you’re a star, they let you do it.
That sounds like something out of Bob’s Burgers end credits. Oh sorry, Canadians, you don’t get to see those.
Here – try this.
This is beyond funkytown.
It needs to be another garage tune.
It probably needs to rock hard to get the bubble gum out of the last one.
This one’s come close, but even that’s not cigar.
I think The Tijuana Bibles are Canadian, too. I thought it might take one Canadian garage band to cancel out another.
No cigar.
How about a little garage rock from four Spanish cuties? Ladies and gents, Hinds! They are on tour in the US now.
Is this some sort of voodoo thing? When you get the song stuck in someone else’s head, they it is removed from yours.
Not clicking…
I had Spice Girls “If you Wanna Be My Lover” stuck in my head a few weeks ago. That was horrible.
Good gawd, and you survived the alcohol poisoning.
I have a built up tolerance
There’s something wrong with you.
The worst thing I had stuck in my head lately was ‘Losing my Religion’ by R.E.M. That was bad enough.
Lucky bastard, try having Suzanne Vega’s “Tom’s Diner” stuck in your head 24/7.
I watched Deadpool last night (I had seen it already) and now this song has been stuck in my head.
Near dead thread fodder.
“Was that wrong? Should I have not have done that?”
So off to work I go, a Beautiful day for some Roof top work, Cheers!
My God! Those poor dogs….
“Cops found a DVD and a USB stick at the OAP’s home which both contained film of her with dogs”
I actually feel sorry for the person who had to view that.
I’m guessing it’s the same guy who intensely reviews 17 years olds sexting each other, then busts them for having naked pics of themselves on their phones because that is kiddy porn. Fuck em, they deserve what they get.
I can’t get this song out of my head.
This is my go-to earworm remover.
Good luck, and happy listening!
I clicked on a
CNBCMSNBC Business Channel story about the Google pay gap scandal. I thought I might actually learn something, but if anything, I’m dumber now, and I still don’t know why the Labor Dept has the power to interfere in internal employee compensation policies.But I’m just a dopey libertarian misogynist.
Researchers suppress gene cluster in chicken embryos responsible for developing beaks, end up with snouted chicken fetuses.
Charlie: Milk steak.
Dennis: I’m not putting milk steak!
Mac: Just put steak.
Charlie: Don’t put steak, put milk steak, she’ll know what it is.
Dennis: No, she won’t know what it is, Charlie. Nobody knows what that is. Okay, alright, what’s your favorite hobby?
Charlie: Uh, chickens.
Dennis: Chickens- okay, making chickens, collecting chickens-
Mac: Playing with chickens-
Charlie: Just chickens.
Dennis: Okay, we’ll put snowboarding.
Charlie: I don’t really snowboard.
Little green ghouls, buddy!
Bird law in this country is not governed by reason!
I look forward to our Velociraptor overlords.
Ok so which one of you actually tried making rum ham?
Fusion Goes Full Retard on the United Incident and Free Markets
They use this hilarious clap trap about how not being able to live on someone’s property for free is the same as state based coercion
Two links in one post?
Don’t you dare question my awesome powers
“Libertarians Are Huge Fans of Economic Coercion”
Umm, wut?
Wow, how does one get through life being that stupid.
Well, it sounds like 2 of his plans are don’t get a job and don’t pay my rent.
I plan to live in his house, eat his food, and fuck his wife.
His wife is the lefty nutjob Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig. Never stick it in crazy.
So he’s a pedophile
That was in response to second link. Regarding the first link, I would agree that the biggest problem with the airlines is that they are nearly an oligarchy. This is mainly due to limited airport capacities. Airline travel is almost like a utilities in that sense. That is no where near the same situation as the rest of the market and nothing like a cola company.
The even larger problem with air travel is the TSA which is a monopoly.
I hate it when the airlines pull crap like this. It’s the kind of stuff that makes so many people call for even more rules and more regulations.
To be sure, we use a very idiosyncratic definition of coercion. One that differentiates between using legal means to defend your property and forcing someone into a contract at gunpoint. Very idiosyncratic
A USA Today publication had one of their young lackeys write a hit piece on the UAL passenger dude. The reaction is….not good.
In other words, the reaction was sane.
I Tweeted that she should get her money back from Florida because they didn’t teach her anything about journalism.
She lazily regurgitated the dirt United’s PR handlers dug up on their mistreated customer. Sounds like the epitome of today’s journalism to me.
Question: Doesn’t Trump have to remove Sessions on account of him being mentally retarded? I mean seriously, you cannot be having an insane person as AG.
Mentally retarded or evil?
I’m convinced it’s the first one.
Yeah, he’s horrible even by AG standards.
Obergefell’s long-fingered precedent.
I argued once or twice with Bo back when he still haunted the old site about the implications of Obergefell. IANAL, and maybe neither was he in the strict credential sense, but he found it unlikely that Obergefell implicated anything beyond expanding the right to gay marriage.
The US should go to war and destroy the entire world’s production cspabilities that release any carbon to protect this man’s rights.
Setting aside the carbontology cult getting their dogma enshrined as law, are we now going to have people suing over natural disasters? A hurricane is not very conducive to supporting human life in its path. That Category 5 must be Exxon’s fault, here’s a $10 billion judgment against them.
You think you’re joking. Just wait. There’s a reason Reid blew up the filibuster to jam the federal courts full of left wing radicals.
Even if you accept this ludicrous standard, there is still no evidence that a CO2 level of 400 parts per million versus 350 ppm is any danger to anyone’s health, nor is there any proof that any climate changes or CO2 levels are man-caused, since the levels of CO2 during past pre-industrial and pre-historic warm periods have been much higher.
Consequences: United loses $1 billion in market value after man dragged off flight
All that, and yet they throw you to the wolves the first time you rough up a passenger to make room for a deadhead stew. Ungrateful bastards!
OT: Is there anything that can be done about thinning hair?
I know that hair loss is mostly genetic and that there’s little that can be done about it… But what is that “little” thing?
I know the basic ones: avoid stress, don’t use the hairdryer, and stay away from harsh chemicals of any kind.
So is there anything else I can do to stave off the inevitable recession of my ‘doo? And if there’s absolutely nothing that can be done, that’s an acceptable answer as well. I just want to know.