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I hit like a girl. So I decided long ago to hit with, um… something else instead of boxing gloves.
Ouch, that left a mark.
Back in the day, my aikido sensei (old-school Japanese, trained with Morihei Ueshiba) gave us a couple of pieces of advice:
(1) Never hit anybody with your fist, or kick them, unless there is nothing better around to hit them with.
(2) Carry a gun whenever you are concerned about your safety.
He used to do closed-door training sessions in DC for marshals and Secret Service guys. His take on aikido was that, done properly, it was a just a little more pressure away from causing serious injury or death (since its adapted from aiki-jutsu): (“This pin allows you to break the elbow, like so. You can use this throw to break the neck by stepping back a little and rotating faster”). Great guy.
So what did he advocate hitting someone with? Elbow? Chair? Not snark I am genuinely curious.
I don’t know the akido answer to the question, but “hitting people” isn’t the only way to hurt people, and its often a terribly inefficient way to do so. Its basically using your own easily-damaged (and easily grabbed and controlled) body-parts as bludgeons. Not necessarily the brightest.
as any kids who fought in the playground can tell you, the ‘exchanging blows’ parts of fights are usually just the foreplay to the real meat of the fight, which is when someone gets tired of the bitch-slapping display, grapples, and then end up on the ground. … where sooner or later one person ends up on top and proceeds to fuck the subordinate person up by choking/gouging/smothering and other ‘not the sort of stuff you see in movies’ type of fighting.
i don’t know anything about martial arts myself, but i’d guess one “better than punching” option would be to identify a limb, then destroy that limb so to reduce the threat bit by bit. and try while doing so not to expose your own limbs to similar attacks.
my (now dead) buddy who was an airforce pararescue and occasional bar-fighting dude told me his favorite ‘first attack’ was a heel stomp to the top of someones front (lead) foot. He said 1) no one ever thinks of their feet as targets, 2) they’re always looking at your hands, and 3) the bones of the feet are like twigs. and it didn’t require any huge swing that imbalanced his position. anyway, i never got to ever see him use that move as described, but i did see him win a few fights mostly by letting the other people lunge, go off center, and get tossed into the wall/onto the ground… usually hurting themselves in the process more than he could have actually done so via “punching”.
+1 on the heel stomp, though the ankle is a more sensitive target which tends to be less protected (by common footwear) than the top of the foot.
I read that the most common injury from fights are broken fingers, usually because people try to imitate movies and punch someone in the face.
The problem is that human heads are designed to protect what’s inside, but hands aren’t really designed for punching things. There’s a reason why if watch old timey bare knuckle boxers they punch each other in the torso.
I used to get into fights every now and then in my 20s (before i developed common sense). i broke fingers about 30-40% of the time. And i had a buddy who even tried to ‘teach me how to punch properly’. It happened anyway, often when hitting the floor and trying to break my fall, or trying to ward off someone else’s stupidity.
all of the “how to fight” wisdom i’ve gained has mostly come after i learned that the best thing to do in a fight is to “not fight”, and just get the hell away from the situation.
Oh back in my stupid youth days, I got into too many fights. Even when I won, I was still hurting the next day. That’s the basic idea of punching a bully in the nose. Even if the bully wins, let him know he’s been in a fight.
Hell, I had a few fights caused because one of my friends talked shit, or somebody talked some shit to him. So it was a bit of a brawl, so I would end up fighting some other random drunk, like myself who got into a fight for vaguely explained reasons, beyond my friend is fighting your friend.
Fighting people who telegraph their punches, it was pretty easy to just grab them by their arms, and slam them against the wall and tell them “Dude, I’ve got nothing against you, why don’t we just look like we’re fighting.” And then we would just play act like we were hardcore, wildly throwing punches around while standing 5 feet away from each other. It wasn’t like people were going to study our drunken fight techniques.
Boxing gloves primary purpose is to protect your hands and secondly to reduce cuts to the face.
Boxing gloves do not soften the blows at all.
Sounds a bit like my Sensei, who was a 5 foot nothing grandma. I still remember the first time she threw me into a full speed Randori.
Interestingly, I recall a documentary featuring an actual traditional ninjitsu sensei who said exactly the same thing.
Use a gun if available, otherwise, tools are more efficient. Traditionally that would be short swords, throwing weapons. If using hand-to-hand, do it quickly and efficiently as possible, which often means underhanded or sneakily. No sportsmanship or any of that samurai honor bs.
Jet Li on guns:
Li believes that Wushu is not primarily for self-defense and instead of trying to play the hero people should think about peaceful resolutions of conflicts and call the police if necessary: “A gun outdoes years of martial arts training in a split second. Like I’ve said many times before, it is important to differentiate between movies and reality. The hero in movies may be able to knock the gun off his opponent and save the day, but in real life – probably that is not the case.” He has also stated that he has never had to use his martial arts skills in a real life fight and he does not wish to, either.
Our hand to hand combat instructor in the Marines taught us to hit with palms, elbows, knees, and heel stomp the guy when he goes down.
And lots of different nut-shots. So many….
Rather than just punching your commie adversary in the groin and hoping to smash his junk, they taught a move called “grab-twist-pull.”
I’m all late, but I’m psyssed about martial arts. I took Japanese jujitsu for a number of years and the rule we always heard in our dojo was, “Hard to soft, soft to hard.” In other words, use a closed fist to strike the torso, palms to the head.
I guess I’ll leave this here.
OT: Does anyone else feel like they’re being guilted into washing their hands when they use a public bathroom and there are other people there? It’s like ‘fuck you! I know where my dick has been! I don’t need to wash my hands! Don’t judge me!’
…anyone? No? Just me?
I have perfect public restroom jui jitsu. I go in, piss, wash and dry my hands and leave without ever touching anything at all.
Open the door going in with a napkin or your elbow. use the napkin to turn on the water and flush. Use a new napkin to dry hands first, then turn off the water and open the door. If they have the can by the door toss the napkin in as you go through the door. If they haven’t then take your best shot. If you dont make it, fuckem. They should put the can by the door.
Given the number of communicable diseases that spread via contact with the hands, I actually find it more perplexing the custom isn’t to wash prior to using the bathroom.
That’s what chemists always do.
Ive seen that. My degree is in chemistry.
And anyone who has made the mistake once after working with hot peppers.
I actually wash my hands before touching my dick maybe after. But as far as I’m concerned touching my dick is like touching my arm so while the majority of the time in public i wash my hands after I touch my dick at home I don’t.
It is the one part of my body that gets the most thorough scrubbing.
Middy and a cadet finish pissing. The Middy washes and the Cadet doesn’t.
Middy:. Don’t they teach you at the Point to wash after you piss?
Cadet:. No, they teach us not to piss on our hands.
In Texas, you hear that with Aggies v Longhorns. Depending on where the teller went to school, either can play the part of the Cadet.
Heard one about Aggies and Longhorns. Can’t remember which the teller was.
An Aggie walks into a public restroom and sees a Longhorn staring into a urinal. He sidles up and takes a peek: there’s a quarter sitting at the bottom. After a moment, the Aggie reaches into his pocket and drops three more quarters into the bowl. The Longhorn asks him, “Why’d you do that?” “Well,” the Aggie replies, “I’m not reaching in there for twenty-five cents.”
Anyone ever asks, my premeditated response is: I only touched one thing in there and it took a shower this morning.
No. Wash your hands you fucking barbarian. I don’t want your dick/ball sweat on the door handle.
Recently uncovered footage of Westersloper’s bathroom routine.
Naaa, not even. Brief soap and water scrub does the job. I was a health and safety maggot on several jobs in the bush. It is surprising how much a little normal common sense hygiene will keep everyone on a crew from getting the shits. Personally, I think the hand wash stations should be outside of the shitter.
Brief soap and water scrub does the job.
If you don’t scrub with soap for at least 20 seconds, you’re basically just masturbating your hands.
I can’t even masturbate in 20 sec and I practice a lot.
I think 20 sec is a reasonable time for washing. 10-15 is better than nothing.
Wash your hands, already.
(1) What else in the bathroom might you have touched?
(2) Your crotchular region is one of the best incubators on your body for microorganisms. Unless you soak it in bleach every morning (NTTAWWT), its germy.
Working in IT, I touch every fucking thing that every slob always touches. One guy had a beige mouse that was black. [shudders]
I wash my hands even when I don’t piss, although that’s a good time to do it any way. I theorize that the constant exposure to germs has given me a Wolverine-like immune system.
You touch the door handle? Sick.
I have gotten the look for not flushing the uranal. It’s like of it doesn’t stink like piss don’t waste the water. Yellow let it mellow, brown flush it down.
Okay now I’m drawing the line. People who don’t flush go up against the wall first.
Even for a waterless urinal?
You have no moral standing to make me use spit to flush my own urine, slaver.
Who farted?
Since you’re all telling horrific bathroom stories, I’ll relate one of my own.
I was in my dorm bath frosh year, relegating whatever I’d eaten and drunk the night before to the great beyond. Unfortunately, these were the days of the $1.99 Schlitz 6-er, so I was not very quiet in doing so.
As I went through my reverie, I heard a voice in another stall:
“What the hell are you doing in there?”
“The same thing as you. Only I try not to make so many disgusting noises.”
“Well, then. Why don’t you shut the fuck up?”
Didn’t hear anything (from him) after that.
I use my urine stream to wash my hands.
It is sterile* after all
For some reason this reminded me of an old roommate who would occasionally “forget” to flush after taking a dump. He’d just leave these positively colossal, perfectly formed turds marinating in the bowl for the next sad sap that used the bathroom to discover. Some would require multiple flushes to dispatch completely. I’m pretty sure that he felt a great sense of pride from his creations. The weirdest thing is that there was never any tissue in the bowl alongside or draping his logs. He must have either pinched them off perfectly as to not necessitate a wipe or just walked around with skidmarks all day – I never bothered to ask.
Anyway, he never washed his hands after using the facilities either.
I dropped a turd once that looked exactly like a fresh pine cone. Came out clean as a whistle. My roommates were impressed.
College and drinking.
Also, anyone under 60 that wears a hat like that deserves a face punching.
…I’m going to stop talking to myself now.
No hate for the shirt with epaulettes?
Wha? Oh, yeah! Those fucking things too!
*slowly starts pulling the epaulettes off his own shirt*
How are you going to lead Grand Armee into Russia without them?!
It’s ok. I’m under 60 and I own a trilby. Just like this guy. Molon labe.
If you aren’t Ben ‘yahtzee’ Croshaw then GTFO.
Thankfully no.
Being Yahtzee is suffering.
Epaulettes can be used to hang both tools and festive knickknacks from. Also, if you turn into the incredible hulk, it allows you to unbutton to increase shoulder room instead of ripping your shirt.
Seriously, I’m completely understanding of the punching lady and wish her well.
Do you really need a good reason to punch someone?
Agreed. Justified punching.
I don’t wear a hat unless I’m hiking. Even then it’s usually just a sun visor.
A couple years ago, my bald spot had progressed to cover a noticable percentage of my head. I was not a hat wearer. I got sunburned. Then I stood up under a branch and left a square inch of my scalp hanging from a knob on the branch. That scabbed up, and got sunburned on top of that.
I now wear a hat in the summer. Plus side is that it’s a cool fishing hat type thing. I can tell people are jealous by the way they look at me.
It’s not about the nail.</a
They all look like the same picture, but with different captions.
Are you our new captain obvious?
I am reminded of Dinosaur Comics
“I was his roommate!”
And not just the same picture, but the same people IN that picture.
I missed it on the radio, but the MSN just gave an award to themselves for their crackerjack reporting on the dreaded TrumPutin.
Impossible to parody.
To be fair, they’re covering him way better than they covered Obama.
lying their asses off in both cases so not sure it’s an improvement.
Shifting from the Brainless Support narrative to the Insensate Hostility narrative is not really better reporting.
But it’s better covering. Amirite?
She’s not hitting him, she’s all pissed off because she went to the trouble to stop at Play-It-Again on the way home to pick up the gloves, but he’s fallen asleep and is snoring like a congested heifer. If she were hitting him 1) she’d be looking at him, 2) there’d be spittle, blood and, ideally, teeth in mid flight and 3) he wouldn’t be asleep and snoring like a congested heifer. Maybe he needs a CPAP.
Maybe she just…
…hits like a girl?
Glad I’m not the only person that watches that show.
The poor bastard who made it though…
Yeah it’s a shame cause it’s a shining example of how you can make a grrl pwr! show without resorting to cliches or bullshit virtue signaling and also while not completely writing off every male character in the show as set pieces.
This is also pretty good in the ‘grrl pwr!’ sense (and is Glibertarian Anime Nerds approved!).
Gun running pirates with a black captain fighting nazis? It’s like the Libertarian version of Les Miserables!
Apart from Remy being a walking NAP violation, yes. It’s heartily approved!
Also, the dub Ocean Studios did was awesome. I’d argue it surpasses the Saint Bebop in quality.
(Nothing will ever top You’re Under Arrest OVA/Series 1 dub, of course).
Dutch’s Black Man Voice™ is pretty much the greatest in anime. Revy being a walking NAP violation only helps to secure the Tarantino-esque atmosphere the author is clearly going for.
(Goddamn that bastard better be mass producing chapters in the near future because I need my fix)
But seriously, in terms of ‘pro-feminist anime’ is there anything else that has as many women in positions of power, both physical and political? I mean, goddamn Balalaika alone is some profound shit.
Just found out that William Norman Grigg died today. Terrible.
Wait, was he frigging Pro Libertate?
Because this is the second hit for his name.
such as a June comparison of immigration debate to professional wrestling
Sounds like good work, to me.
Our Pro Libertate is not William Norman Griggs.
Who is your Pro Libertate? I’ve only heard of the one.
Well now that he comes up and he isnt dead, where’s he been? I miss the guy.
Warty’ basement?
He has been dealing with an illness. He’s doing well but he doesn’t have a lot of energy leftover for our shenanigans.
A few articles by Grigg on LewRockwell.com.
Try to say, “Mighty, Muscly Mimes” without putting your lips together.
Surprised you used that gaping mouth of hers only for talking.
Look at this.
I would have won!
Hahahhahhahhahhhahhhahaaaahhhahhha! Your hand picked successor couldn’t even win in Maryland! No one even knows who the fuck you are, stooge! How’s that teaching jig down at Carey Business School going, clown? They figure out yet that you’re an idiot?
We would be laughing with you but you gilmored the link.
I’m wondering if it should be “Hyp’d”the link. I think I’ve seen Hyperion do it more than Gilmore…
True that. Gillmored is a threading fail.
Gilmored? Considering the lack of a link, it should be called Gillessed.
Damn, you lie!
Well at least you didn’t Hyp that link
You’ll pay for this Schmidt!
I’m keeping track from now on. If I see three in a day I’m going to make it official.
Be careful what you wish for, Vhyrus. I had a perfect record of never SFing or Pantsing a link at TSTSNBN, because they had a freaking PREVIEW feature!
This is why I post bare links… they’re basically impossible to fuck up.. I mean Hyp 😛
This is fun!
Um, linky no worky.
It’s been Hyped
You guys are all really gonna get it. I swear!
Hey look Hyperion! It’s catching on!
109 year old woman says avoiding men is the secret to a long life
Sure. For the men.
I always find it hilarious when they ask these centenarians what their secret is.
“Well, I eats some taters for breakfast, I been doin that since the war, you know. Then I drink a quart of bacon fat at lunch and drink 2 liters of that stuff my brother been making in the still for the last 50 year. And I done swore off the wiminz”
Ask dementia riddled ladies that spent their days watching soaps for 40 years after the kids left the home. They’ll tell you. Don’t waste your time making a living.
Last one I recall said the secret was boiled onions and whiskey.
There was some old centurion farmer a while back who says he spikes his coffee with bourbon every morning.
My grandfather drank drank cheap whiskey (medleys mellow bourbon) damn near every afternoon and was healthy and working until 93 and died in his own bed at 95.
My goal is to die in someone else’s bed at 95.
It better not be my fucking bed.
I’m not cleaning that up, after all your muscles relax and evacuate everything to the gravity well.
What does a T Sip call an Aggie ?
I won’t be here all week so tip your waitresses? oxford comma , and those in between, the other kinda comma, as much as possible tonight.
Oldie but goodie: Women live longer than men because the women all nag their menfolk to death.
Variation: Men die first because they want to.
I thought that’s why they went deaf.
Well, we go ‘selectively’ deaf earlier on, right? I thought that all guys do that?
Wifey: “Honey, you never listen to me!”
“Umm, what?”
I actually have a touch or hearing loss in one ear. My wife stopped accusing me of not listening and replaced it with, “get some f__ing hearing aids!” Theres no winning the game.
My dad now has hearing aids, and he is liberal with turning the volume down when he wants.
But, when both he and I were younger, he had an amazing talent: he could completely tune out Mom, doing the “uh-huh, uh-huh” thing until she called him on it “you haven’t heard a single word I’ve said!”. At that point, dad would focus, think for a few seconds, and then sum up everything she had said.
Alas, he has not passed this technique on to me.
file under: history doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme
Hafez Al-Assad ruled Syria from 1970 to 2000. In 1973, he amended the constitution of Syria to allow non-Muslims to be president. Assad was an Alawi, a Muslim sect which many of the Sunni majority consider heretical, so this move was intended to pacify them. Instead, it triggered protests and later a terror campaign led by the Muslim Brotherhood. It doesn’t help that their are verses in the Qur’an which imply that Muslims should never submit to non-Muslim rule. There were protests about a Christian governor in Muslim Indonesia recently because of this.
The rebellion ended in 1982 when Alawite forces stormed the MB stronghold in Hama and massacred about 20,000 people.
There were no good guys in this war. A few weeks before the Hama massacre, the MB killed about 100 people with car bombs at a shopping center in Damascus.
Many people in the US and elsewhere do not appreciate just how lucky they are to live in a country where the national identity is stronger than the tribal one. It is really a precious thing when people of different colors and creeds kinda/sorta get along as they do in the US. The norm for pluralistic societies is an endless cycle of chaos and tyranny.
I wish the identity politics zealots could understand this. Don’t they realize the danger of encouraging people to view themselves as members of a tribe than as individuals? Do they really want white males to start viewing themselves as a tribe too? Because that is what’s going to happen if they insist on collectivizing people.
I wish the identity politics zealots could understand this.
I think they do. They are already calling for violence against members of the Wrong Tribe. Their mistake is thinking they won’t ever be on the other end of it.
What blows my mind is the ones calling for this always talk about all the guns the other side has. If you know your enemy is dangerous STOP FUCKING POKING HIM WITH A STICK!
They know that they are pure. They know that they will be the guards of the gulag, never the inmates.
Imagine their surprise after their revolution succeeds, and they are the first against the wall.
We dont have to imagine it. We have seen it over and over and over and over…
There were more than 20 THOUSAND people in the MB stronghold? Was it a fucking stadium?
The city of Hama had a population of around 150k at the time.
They surrounded the neighborhood with tanks and leveled it. I understand they killed everything, including all the chickens, dogs, rats, and cockroaches…everything. I cant remember if they salted the earth or not.
Many people in the US and elsewhere do not appreciate just how lucky they are to live in a country where the national identity is stronger than the tribal one.
This x1000
Can you imagine what happens if Assad loses this war? A few hundred thousand Christians and Druze get slaughtered. Then you can remain the country “Jihadustan”.
“I wish the identity politics zealots could understand this. Don’t they realize the danger of encouraging people to view themselves as members of a tribe than as individuals? Do they really want white males to start viewing themselves as a tribe too? Because that is what’s going to happen if they insist on collectivizing people.”
You are a smart guy Derp. Why are you asking stupid questions? Of course they realize that.
In fairness you aren’t alone. The majority of people who grew up in our society with our values cannot understand the absolute depravity of many of the cultures in the world where tribal loyalties rule, and they dont grasp just how amoral and deceitful the left in the west is. Their goal is to destroy western civilization. It’s that simple. The pieces are all there. Just put them together. The culture war is all about destroying societies values, values that make us strong. The co-opting of education is about producing hordes of idiots, people that cant solve problems. The big government is about beating people into submission. The welfare state is about creating dependency and crime, crime makes people live in fear. Destroy capitalism? They mean destroy the means of creating wealth. The seizure of wealth is about making people poor and unable to raise themselves up (also the battle against inequality). Do I have to say what gun control is about? The importation of large numbers of people who openly proclaim a desire to destroy the west is about…well, destroying the west. Why not import the oppressed minorities in the ME, people likely to be grateful and assimilate? Why bring in the populations most likely to try and subjugate us? The list goes on. Anyone that disagrees please tell me how they would act differently if it was? Early on they openly proclaimed that their goal was to destroy western civilization. Name one policy they have that does not weaken western civilization, I dare you.
Look at them. They are misfits and crazies angry that society hasn’t given them what is owed to them. Look up Marx’s bio. Look at Bernie. Look at Obama. Warren. Professor Dufus at Pinko U. Hitler. Failures and layabouts. Axes to grind and it is everyone’s fault but their own. Look at their politics: envy, greed and revenge. They appeal to the worst parts of human nature because it is what they understand the best. They think everyone is like them and they attract those like them. They are master manipulators, but unable to produce anything useful.
You are just young and naive enough to not be a crazy, cranky old paranoid like me. Keep your eyes open and stick around a while, you’ll get here.
Also, worth noting that Hamas is a terror organization that formed in response to the Hama massacre. They were scared shitless of Assad to they simply turned their anger at the usual (((boogeyman))). Cowards.
US embassy in Cairo warns its citizens to avoid “identifiable places of worship”
So. much. this.
i appreciate the sentiment, but mosques definitely get bombed too.
Only the shiite ones. and do they have very many? (wondering)
no # there, but this was interesting =
True, by others of similar faith, not Christians/Buddhists/Unification’ers
“Instead, worship in an unidentifiable place as members of a faceless cabal who pray with wilting tongue for the great Sundering.”
I heard somewhere that the reason women sometimes seem to forget why they were mad have to do with differences in male and female physiology somehow.
When guys get mad and “see red”, I heard, their adrenaline levels, etc. breaks down quickly. Who the hell ate my sandwich!!! Oh, never mind, it was behind this other bag. Almost immediately, they’re not ticked off anymore.
It doesn’t work that way with women for a couple of reasons. For one, adrenaline takes much longer to break down for them. It doesn’t just disappear on a dime. For another, women’s nervous systems are apparently more in tune with how they feel physically to give them cues about how they feel emotionally. That means two things. 1) When they’re angry about someone stealing their sandwich, they get ticked like guys do, but once they realize the sandwich is just hidden behind something else, their adrenaline levels, etc. don’t crash down to base line immediately, so their hearts are still pounding, their breath is short and fast, the muscles are primed for action, etc. All those physical manifestations are telling their nervous system that they’re angry–even if what set them off turns out to be resolved. At that point, their body is physically telling them that they’re still angry, so they start guessing about why that is. If it i9sn’t because he ate my sandwich, then it must be that time last week when he sat around watching hockey all day! That must be it! I’m ticked off about the hockey!
There are tricks. I keep a secret stash of, like, gourmet, chocolate covered strawberries around. Physical sensations can make them feel emotionally better. Understand that. If you know ahead of time that nothing you say is going to make her feel better ahead of time, you don’t just give up. You give her a chocolate covered strawberry.
Try a little tenderness.
I had a Puerto Rican girlfriend for a long time. They’re like other women only much more so. When other girls get a little upset, Puerto Rican women go bananas. it was like sleeping with a enraged bobcat. You didn’t know if she was going to cuddle up or throw a hissy fit, either way, you weren’t getting out of bed without some deep scratches.
So, anyway, if strawberries didn’t work, I used to go with the coin flip. If it was heads, I’d beg her for forgiveness no matter how ridiculous and then. If it was tails, I’d spank the hell out of her and then . . . you know. That always corrected the immediate problem, but spanking the hell out of her could create others. After the first time I did it, for a couple of weeks, it seemed like everywhere I turned there was a belt laying around. She must have gone out and bought more belts just so they’d be laying around!
Using strawberries on her was a waste, but, you know, she was a special case.
“so their hearts are still pounding, their breath is short and fast, the muscles are primed for action, etc”
Stealing her sammich leads to good sex?
It isn’t a question of what is making them angry.
So long as you aren’t unemployed, drunk, bringing your loser friends around, are getting fat, etc.
We’re talking about all the times they’re mad . . . and they don’t seem to know why. Like in the captioned picture at the top of the thread!
There are ways to deal with that. It isn’t an unpossible situation. In fact, if you play your cards right, you can’t lose.
That’s the point of the coin flip. Heads I win. Tails I win!
The only way to lose it to like sit there and try to reason it out–and yet for most guys, that’s Plan A.
And believe me, there isn’t a woman alive who wouldn’t take a chocolate covered strawberry over listening to your advice when she’s angry.
I always left the house and went and got drunk. Hmmm. Where were you with this advice 20 years ago Mr Relationship Whisperer?
That’s not the worst strategy although it creates future candidates for misdirected anger.
I’m not mad about the sandwich–but he did disappear and come back smelling like beer a couple of weeks ago.
Yep. I leave. Doesn’t calm her down, but at least I don’t have to be there while she’s trippin’.
A question is not advice. Or is it?
It comes across that way.
You’re trying to calm them physically by speaking to them logically?
Imagine if you went to the emergency room with acute appendicitis, and the ER doctor said that the solution wasn’t to take your appendix out. The solution was for you to stop being so irrational about your feelings.
You might find that enraging, and yet that’s what most guys are doing–they just don’t realize it.
I think we’re having two different conversations here.
I’m talking about why women sometimes seem like they don’t know what they’re mad as hell about, why that is, and how to handle it.
I think this is one of the reasons why women dig yoga more so than men. Their emotional state and the way their bodies feel are already more closely related.
And, seriously, if you’re trying to rationalize a woman’s anger away, you’re probably missing at least half the picture.
My theory on the topic is – they enjoy being mad and making me suffer. Also they are crazy. Just a theory but has not been dissproven.
The question is what to do about it.
You do something to piss off a woman in her dream, and she’ll wake up still mad at you. She may be mad for a long time, even though logically she knows she shouldn’t be. Seems related.
She didn’t just pitch the quarter at your eye?
You don’t tell her why you’re flipping the coin.
She doesn’t know anything about the coin flip rule. That’s the first rule of coin flip. You don’t talk about the coin flip rule.
And that only applies to certain people. Try the strawberries first.
But the coin flip has never been wrong.
Never been wrong.
That’s… Pretty damn good.
When I think about female psychology that way, a lot of experiences I’ve had with female rage suddenly start to make sense.
Demon Unleashed | Challenger SRT® Demon | Dodge
I don’t recall if it was mentioned in this video, but I like Dodge’s recent marketing slogan of “The Brotherhood of Muscle”.
With the rolling back of CAFE regs, I hope they and other car manufacturers start to pay attention to this. It’s currently limited production, 3000 I believe, but it may increase like the Hellcats which was lower initially then increased for subsequent years. FCA just announced the Jeep Trackhawk too, with a bit of crossover tech for launch control so FCA sounds confident the future of muscle.
I can’t think of a more fun way to embed myself into a telephone pole.
Here’s some driving tips from Vin Diesel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcLf13P-Dbk
I don’t know man, if I’m going to wrap myself around a telephone pole I’d rather do it in a Porsche 550 while getting road head from Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, or maybe Elga Andersen. Or both. Or all three, I’ll strap one of em to the hood.
You’re a deadhead?
Good. That means you left Grace Kelly for me. Thanks man.
So this is a thing.
I don’t know that I’ve seen a sadder sub since r/nofap.
So what game is are you all watching?
I think this photo would work well as an anti-suicide bombing psy-op leaflet:
Things that like that are the reasons I have smiling dinosaur plush toy sitting on my desk.
As a palette cleanser, or because it’s like they’re sharing the home with you?
Sharing the joke, damnit.
Fuck. I just got up. Thanks.
please put warnings on anything ridiculously graphic in the future.
I’ll second that. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it sure as hell wasn’t that.
Something like (((graphic)))?
yeah, maybe there’s an emoji for “DISMEMBERED CORPSES”
That’s funny stuff right there
Mmmm, bacon.
At first I was like https://68.media.tumblr.com/02ce912106ee69fd97cb0878e3b2ae1d/tumblr_n4c68h8ZWd1tuwwroo1_250.gif
But then I was like http://25.media.tumblr.com/ba8df17ac23966dbb13f8058a350c3d7/tumblr_mzucauvoa11ru72puo1_r1_400.gif
…This was supposed to be in response to Derp’s pic at 19 above… not sure how it got here…
There’s already a term for it. It’s called Brooksing. You can figure out why I’m sure.
Yes, he owns that one. And he’s quite proud of it
The double link made it through moderation. You must have been quite anxiously waiting.
Damnit, McInnes is a true fucking American hero. He almost makes me want to stop Trump from invading Canada.
McInnes Greatest Hits
I see United lost 1.4 billion in share value since the incident. They’re going to have to start beating people and dragging them on their flights.
United turned kind of dickish I would say, about,2013-14. Before that they were my preferred airline. I find it funny they have done an about face on the Dr dude getting thrown off the plane They got really bad about the oversold flights..
Wasn’t that well after they started breaking guitars?
Seriously, my species have treated dominated populations with more care…can’t go destroying good meat.
Not sure why this is supposed to be concerning
Price swings based on information unrelated to company performance (e.g. actual flight bookings, things affecting margins like cost of fuel, regulations, seasonal demand, etc) seem to me to be insignificant and just ‘noise’ unless they break through recent (say, 12month) low-valuation levels.
Last July the stock was trading @ $40. Its not clear to me why anyone should care that its 10% off recent-highs.
That’s how the CEO is accessed.
Through the fly or over the belt?
Spellchecker is really fucking with me tonight.
So you can buy it at a low price point.
Fuck, do I have to spell it out?
I bet this was all a ploy by that doc to load up on shares of United
its not clear to me that it *is* a low price point, valuation-wise.
I don’t actually follow airlines, but i did a few years ago for a short period of time. they’ve always seemed to be feast/famine stocks. very low-margin, competitive business, highly seasonal, and they’re endlessly facing labor and regulatory issues. Basically, hard for a layperson to read.
my brief impression was that, if the stock basically nearly doubled in the past 12 months (trading @ 40 last july, and nearly bouncing off 80 last month)… then i think the volatility associated with these recent news-events is completely meaningless in context… and may not even actually be associated with the news events at all, necessarily.
Something i’ve always hated about the way journalists cite stock/asset-prices in news stories is there’s always this assumption that the reason for the price moves is “the subject of their story”
There was an incident last year where there was some smack-talking between Trump/Putin on some issue, and the story cited the “sharp drop in oil prices that day” as proof that the market was very very concerned about these comments, etc.
Literally, the very next story after that one was, “OPEC announces huge production hike”. (or something like that)
Bob Crandall, former AA CEO:
this was close to the POV i took when i did some surface-level research of the sector. They really do suffer pretty dramatic boom/bust cycles. they’re always either “restructuring” (down trend), or experiencing wild speculative booms in the wake of their restructuring. (up trend). they might be fun for traders, but not investors.
Fly United! Or else…
NPR Ombudsman Absurdly Says: ‘Maybe We’re Too Conservative’
To review, the 3 kinds of derp are:
wrong: 2 + 2 = 5
very wrong: 2 + 2 = -17
not even wrong: hammer + tomato = January
Elizabeth Jensen
She is the one who got rid of NPR commenting on stories if I am not mistaken. They did that right after Hillary was anointed as the DNC queen after fucking over the Bern.
That is some hard hitting world changing journalism there.
That is funny. So their listeners are pissed the hosts have “conservatives” on to interview?
Well, being to the right of Maoism is directly considered ‘too conservative’ to some.
I’m with Dalmia on this one: it’s unconscionable that universities give platforms to so many conservatives.
You know who else was unconscionable and on a platform?
That dummy from Hamilton?
The womyn on The View?
Short psychopaths?
We have some Ohio people, here, right? People from Columbus?
What’s with the Blue Jackets? How ‘come they tanked so badly at the end of the year? Now I see they’re getting creamed by the Penguins?
I posted this on the a.m. links, but there seems to be a different p.m. crowd, so I will do it again. Here us a summation of my experience with the police a few weeks back.
I call it, How to search without a warrant 101.
Please excuse my less than stellar editing skills.
I wish I could say unbelievable, but I can’t because it is completely believable. That sucks, man.
That cop is a real douche. I’d estimate that more than half of people that get pulled over by cops aren’t cool as a cucumber. The whole pulling over procedure is basically a prey-predator type of situation.
The wallet fetish is retarded too.
True story: I used to date a drug-sniffing dog!
Did you play red rocket?
I don’t know if any of you guys know much about drug dogs and how they alert, but there was nothing that dog did that indicated to me it alerted. It sat down for a half second at the very end a few feet away from my passenger door and looked at my car. Maybe that is the signal? I do not know. Looks like bullshit to me.
All it looked like was the cop kept jerking the leash up. LEO chicken none casting and stick divining.
*bone casting
Also, after an incident like that, it’s completely normal to wish you had much more local political connections.
My political connections consist of you guys. I’m pretty fucked there.
There is really no Avenue of recourse in this situation. I did post that same video to the Barling PD’s facebook page. They took it down pretty quick. I have shared it on my FB this morning. It’s been shared about 20 times and viewed about 1500. I doubt that means much, but exposing shit like this may help more people realize just how shitty police treat people. Especially when they can see it happening to someone they know.
Lachowsky =
Personal advice? Let it go.
Don’t fight the cops unless they tried sticking you with a crime. You won’t win, and you’ll probably make yourself a target. I would have told you to never post ANYTHING to their facebook page in advance, but what’s done is done.
Seriously. i’ve been in your shoes more than a few times, and i did actually try fighting something far more serious where a cop DID basically create a fictitious charge out of nothing… but i learned a lot in the process. basically, cops are dicks, and your citizen activism won’t stop them being dicks. The only time you can benefit from fighting w/ cops is when they fuck up badly and try scapegoating you. they didn’t fuck up here.
Let it go.
This. Or build a cynical friendship with the chief of police sherriff.
*or sheriff
I get your point. They are already pissed at me. I had to make 3 separate trips to their police station to get the to honor the FOIA request I put in. Everytime I went in there, the cops all gave me the death stare and we’re quite rude. They already have a reason to target me, so I thought, what the fuck. why not? Also, that’s not my town or my county. They can’t do too much to me, hopefully.
Also, this really is a principal matter. I have told people for years and years that if people did what they could to stand up for their rights, police would have a lot harder time violating them. I don’t want to be a hypocrit.
I have told people for years and years that if people did what they could to stand up for their rights, police would have a lot harder time violating them.
I say stay the course. (easy for me to say) You are doing the right thing.
Also, it should go without saying but be certain to obey ALL traffic laws for the foreseeable future.
No, they don’t. they’re just irritated you are making an issue out of something where there wasn’t even a charge. they don’t need the grief. and they know the cops in your town.
no, its not a matter of principle. your rights were never violated = you were merely inconvenienced. It makes them (and judges btw) pissed the fuck off to see some citizen creating problems for them over some routine matter where no one got hurt.
trust me. even if you were involved in a situation where cops broke the law and tried covering it up…? you’d still have nothing to gain ‘fighting them’ unless you yourself were facing possible damages/charges. I’ve seen judges bury evidence that police committed misconduct or lied under oath and other similar stuff. and when i spoke to an experienced lawyer (and an ex judge for the same district) they both said the same thing = “who got hurt?” unless there’s a victim, there’s nothing to be gained causing trouble for police. Sometimes they fuck up. No one in the system will side with you unless you (or someone) got hurt AND they fucked up.
Basically, unless there’s damages, no harm no foul. Trying to “make it harder for cops to violate rights” isn’t going to work. it won’t. It will make them want to hurt you for wasting their (and other people’s) time.
“no, its not a matter of principle. your rights were never violated”
That’s where I’m gonna disagree with you Gilmore. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for that cop to genuinely suspect drugs. I don’t do drugs. That car is used by me exclusively for driving back and forth to work and occasionally taking my boy to school. I bought it brand new 3 years ago. I’m the only person who drives it. There have never been any drugs in that car. period.
The dog didn’t smell drugs because there aren’t any and have never been any. Therefore probable cause doesn’t exist and the police have no right to search my vehicle. None.
What you just described was not a matter of principle.
you are upset that they search your car and made up a reason to do so. They have done this forever and will continue to do so because the supreme court basically said that a car can be searched on the flimsiest of pretenses. You seem to think that there’s some hard-fast “principle” that should protect your car from search. There isn’t.
why did they do it? Because they need to fill quotas and look busy. You gave him a reason because you fit the demographic profile of a possible weed-smoking dude, and what the hell, he might as well give you a shot and hope he comes up with a citation.
You need to get this “my rights” stuff out of your head and realize that there isn’t a real violation of your rights unless you were Harmed.
And by “harmed”, i mean materially – not the pain you felt when your impression of theoretical legal principles came into contact with reality.
“You need to get this “my rights” stuff out of your head and realize that there isn’t a real violation of your rights unless you were Harmed.”
We all have rights. whether you wish to call them natural or god-given, they exist. This is the basis for free society to exist. If a politician signs a law banning the ownership of firearms and a police officer confiscates my firearms without incident, was my natural right to defense of myself and my property not violated? I wanst harmed so you posit that it’s not a real violation.
What happened to me happens to people all the time. This violation of rights is even upheld by our legal system. That doesn’t make it not a violation just because it common and accepted. That it is common and accepted is how it came to be legal in the first place. If everyone was as keen as some to fight for their rights, we would have never come to the point in our society where shit like this is permissable.
The fact that you’re still appealing to ideas just means you don’t really understand what i’m saying.
they’re not.
best of luck, regardless.
Thanks Gil.
I would like it if others treated liberty as I do. I can’t control others. I can control myself and I’m not a hypocrit. That’s how I reason this whole thing out in my head. Your advice is good. Of that I’m sure. I have turned down good advice before though. I’m a really really hard headed guy.
He was harmed, Gilmore: he had several hours of his life stolen from him that he’ll never get back.
Shit like this is part of why I think taxes on our time are the worst taxes of them all. Worse even than the SLT/LVT.
Of course it’s bullshit. It’s a dog. A dog’s sole purpose in life is to make its human happy. I could make a dog key in on a rusty nail.
This has been written extensively about at Reason, and the fact that the supreme Court has upheld the practice is a definite argument that the supreme Court is not worth it’s Depends budget.
I found it really interesting how they memorized this checklist of “Things to say that made the driver seem suspicious”
e.g. ‘wouldn’t make eye contact, voice occasionally cracked, seized artery*, seemed shaky handing me papers’
(never heard this before)
I wonder if they go to training classes (i assume they do) so they can remember to list all these things for the video camera to ensure when their stops are later reviewed that they can cite all these bits of evidence which are actually entirely subjective and may in fact not appear in the video at all. As long as they’re recorded *saying* these things are their current impressions, they’re legally covered, basically
I think its something millenials already understand, with their “point cell camera at opponent”-approach to debate = that once cameras are filming everything? Everything is a ‘performance’. You’re an actor. This isn’t real life = this is constructed reality. And what you say while the camera is rolling is what will matter – not necessarily what’s actually really happening.
e.g. ‘wouldn’t make eye contact, voice occasionally cracked, seized artery*, seemed shaky handing me papers
In all honesty I didn’t make eye contact. I generally only look people I respect in the eye and he had given me no reason to respect him. I may have been a little shaky. I was in cool down mode after spending the previous 12 hours working. I work in a steel mill and it is pretty damn hot this time of year. Transitioning from 100 degree Temps to an air conditioned car can make one a little clammy at the end of the day.
fair enough. I was just musing on their ‘checklist of reasons for justifying search’.
You’re probably correct on the premise though. The body cam footage I obtained is incomplete. He doesn’t turn the cam on until after I refused consent and he said he was calling the K9 unit. He did seem a little different after that point. I noticed it at the time but didn’t realize why. After getting the footage, I realized he was now speaking to an audience and things had to be said right.
I have seen a hundred of these cases. I know someone who beats them, but he has years of experience and very few friends. Also, a lot of towns he cant drive through. He ‘wins’ but at a hell of a cost.
Gilmore is right. Let this one go.
If you are determined to make your life all about tilting this windmill let me know I may be able to give you a few pointers. Cops always fuck up. You have to crawl up their ass with a microscope but you will find some turds. It usually works out that you are such a pain in the ass for them that they will just leave you alone, at which point you be extra careful not to give them reason to change their minds. Obey laws, speak respectfully, comply with their commands and then drag them into civil court for violating your rights, get a subpoena for all of their traffic records (demographic of stops and tickets given, cars searched, drugs found fine money collected and how it is handled. training of the dogs and have that demonstrated with a handler that believes there are drugs when in fact there aren’t. You will want to see the officers up to date training as well. They will get real nervous when you start looking at the fine monies. Nearly every state has laws governing how much agencies can keep of that money and how much to the state . At heart they are theives and usually play fast and loose with the money so the state’s take often ends up light. <<– This is where you find they are stealing from the state and where the state gets interested. The stink eye will be on the Police Dept then and not on you.
Go to court. Judge is usually some hard-leg that thinks he is a big fish in a little pond but has very little legal expertise. Record your court experience on video if you can. The judge will try to force you to testify against yourself and plead guilty. If you dont he will get excited and if you are lucky, toss thou out of court before you can make a plea. You will be found guilty after not being able to confront your accuser or examine evidence against you. They usually fuck up the arraignment. The trial will be a joke. Did you have the belt on? Could he actually see that? it is pretty clear he profiled you for drugs and the seatbelt was an excuse to search your car. He sure went from seatbelt to thinking you were Pablo Escobar pretty fast. Can he say why he called the dog in? Why did he suspect drugs on a guy who doesnt use drugs and how did the dog smell drugs in their complete absence? Can he say with precision where the dog alerted? What is that particular dogs success rate? Trainers success rate? If you can drag all that into court they will be dropping the charge and offering to settle.
yeah, that’s what i was talking about. They go into “Creating evidence”-mode. new rules apply. I bet they even have hand-gestures they make to fellow cops to let them know “ITS SHOWTIME” and their body-camera is on, and everyone needs to stick to their scripts.
Although it sucks what happened, my advice is to let it slide. If you make a stink about it, this will be their defense, should they deign to give one:
1. They made a lawful stop because you were not wearing your seat belt. I think seat belt laws are dumb, but they are on the books.
2. You did not consent to a search. That is suspicious behavior. Yes, I know it’s witch trial logic, but there it is.
About the only good thing to come out of this is the goofy kabuki dance with the dog. Make a clip with that spliced in with some circus music. It’ll blow up on youtube.
A few years ago, I got pulled over late a night for going too slowly through a flashing yellow, which is probably near the bottom of the list of things that will get you pulled over.
The cop said she almost hit me. Somehow I had the presence of mind not to say “then you were tailgating me”. Anywho, they gave me a sobriety test, which I passed with flying colors and then I ate a Whataburger. And drank more beer when I got home.
In the same podunk town in TX, I also got pulled over for having out of state plates and driving slowly through a residential neighborhood. I guess the cop thought I drove all the way from Illinois just to break into houses.
I think your 4th amendment rights were violated in that video sequence, via false incrimination by dog, but I’m not a lawyer. Why did it alert if there were no drugs?
I believe they can do this to any and every random citizen if no charges are filed. More than once a month per peon and it MAY be legit harassment in court.
Listened to a bit of NPR today. There was a report on a new ride-sharing service in Boston called Safr. The impetus was women feeling unsafe with male drivers/passengers, so the goal was to create a female-only ride-sharing service. However, it turns out doing that is illegal because of laws passed pushed by other progs.
I love it when they shoot themselves in the foot.
What really annoys me are there are progs who say women are delicate flowers who need extra protection AND also they’re just as tough as men, damn it, why come aren’t there more female Navy SEALs?
Because the Navy is sexist (and they haven’t lowered their standards far enough (yet)).
Navy SEALs won’t change standards for women, admiral says
And how long do they plan on looking for a woman who can do 22 pull-ups?
NPR says: Marines: Most Female Recruits Don’t Meet New Pullup Standard
So half of female Marines can’t do 3 pull ups and the Navy thinks it’s worthwhile to let them try SEAL training?
not even wrong: hammer + tomato = January
I propose replacing pull-ups with cartwheels.
“how many splits can guys do!?? HUH???”
To be honest, I’m not sure if I could do three pullups right now. Hundreds of push-ups, but pullups? Of course, I’m a beer bellied guy in his late/mid forties, and weigh 60lbs more than I did out of high school.
If you are in your early 20’s and can’t do three pull ups, you’re probably not Marine combat material.
Does that make me sexist? Maybe it makes war sexist, oh wait.
I can do 12 pull-ups easily, and overall, I’d say I’m merely an average male soldier when it comes to fitness (because I suck at running).
There are many jobs women can do in the miitary- around 80% of them, I’d say. But when it comes to tasks that require a lot of strength an endurance, most women just can’t do them.
Why is acknowledging a basic fact of biology sexist? I thought progs fucking love science.
There are fundamental differences between women and men.
Shut up you sexist pig. /prog
Off course you can do 12 pullups- you’re under thirty I’d guess, probably under 25 if you were in mos school last winter.
I could do at least 2 dozzen at that age. Even if I were in just as good a shape now (and I’m good), pulling that extra 50lbs up makes a difference.
Strap two 25 lb weights to your ankles: how many pullups can you do now?
Damn kids never think they will get old… Mumble Mumble Mumble… When I was in Basic… Mumble Mumble Mumble… Get the hell off my lawn!
Bzzzt…I’m 32.
Yeah, I went into the wrong line of work and took a while to figure it out.
But it feels good to be in the right place now.
Is it working out good for you? Are you still in Monterey?
Yes. I graduate from DLI in August. Then off to Goodfellow AFB for 3 months. Then off to my first assignment at [redacted].
I’d prefer not to work for Uncle Sugar, but I gotta work somewhere. People want a military and the military needs linguists, so here I am.
A sincere thank you to all you upstanding taxpayers. My new room in the barracks has a bath tub and air conditioning. Much better than the Alcatraz cell I spent a year in.
Congratulations! Online messages boards being poor mediums of communication but you seem much more happy/content/satisfied than before. I remember more than one post over at the old place about butting heads with work and coworkers.
I also remember Derpy posting about not being in shape and his road to getting his preferred MOS.
Yes. The Army has been good to me and for me…except for my long hair and beard. So far, I’ve gotten everything I wanted out of it.
How many prior service do we have in the Glibertariat? Seems like it’s north of 50% or more. Well above the general population.(*)
(* obviously because we’re big government hypocrites just like Ayn Rand cashing Social Security checks)
Eh, makes sense. I’d expect people who swear an oath to the Constitution to be more friendly to liberty.
And of course, after they’ve seen how the sausage gets made, they tend to be a bit more skeptical about all things govt.
I’m pretty sure civilian law enforcement officers swear an oath to uphold the constitution and they are generally pretty hostile to liberty.
And of course, after they’ve seen how the sausage gets made, they tend to be a bit more skeptical about all things govt.
This right here. Wasn’t a libertarian until after my first year running acquisitions programs for the DoD.
Oh my goodness what a clownshow.
Eating lunch outdoors today under cherry blossoms in full bloom. Don’t remember who said it: Art exists to remind you of beauty in the world. Why depict hideous things when you have such wonderful scenes to inspire you?
I believe John C. Wright had something to say about this.
Beauty is a sublime thing.
*the joke was a reference to Mishima’s aesthetics. he would have argued that the ‘hideous things’ are actually essential parts of that beauty.
I was ridiculously close to attending West Point. I got the letter and the whole shibang, but a family matter came up and I chose to go another direction. I joined ROTC in college and absolutely hated it. I had a classmate who was a libertarian secessionist. I was still a statist at that point and thought he was a traitor. I dropped out of ROTC pretty fast and slowly became libertarian after falling in love with Ron Paul and later Rothbard. While I truly respect military members and often wonder what my life would have been like (often think it would have been better and more disciplined in a good way) I think I would hate being a soldier, it’s the antithesis of my belief system, my old ROTC instructor said the army was legitimate socialism and he loved it and though it had faults, loved it.
My fellow profs call ROTC students ROTZIES, I think that is pretty ridiculous. But I will say I am disappointed in many of my students who are in ROTC this year a few are failing and one wrote that the Constitution is racist in an essay.
ROTZIES huh? I used to hear it called ROT-C and cadets as ROTCies when I was a kid but not later on. Always as R-O-T-C.
Libertarian successionistas just don’t understand that the current geographical makeup of the US is coincidentally perfect. Not one more or one less inch.