Sometimes I look at Trump and forget that the alternative to bad is sometimes worse. Talk about creating a hostile work environment.
Lol, from the “you’re stuck in here with me” files. Ben Carson and Alonzo Mourning get stuck in elevator on HUD tour.
Artist of “Charging Bull” sculpture sues over addition of “Fearless Girl”. One hopes that if he wins (and I’m not really sure he has much of a case), we’ll be treated to some burly workmen hitting the girl statue with a sledge hammer or some other progressive-outrage-inducing image.
Somebody needs to get these guys a pallet of Twinkies and a pallet of Mountain Dew
. Fat man competition in Ethiopia. They look pretty fit with potbellies to me.
Oh look, this cop has been taking lessons from the same book the cops who attacked Sloopy’s mom. My local PD stopped me around Christmas and gave me a free ham for using the crosswalk.
And your motivational song for today: The Cowboy and the Poet.
My local PD stopped me around Christmas and gave me a free ham for using the crosswalk.
Citation needed. Get it?????
You’re hamming it up, I see
Ham and Swiss for Pomp! On Wry.
Is that your final answer?
Did you want hickory smoked or narrow glazed ham?
The narrow gaze ham.
My eyes are glazed over now.
*narrows gaze*
Since the officer receives one pig every month and two comely lasses of virtue true, he could spare the ham.
I guess no one in Baltimore gets a free ham.
The pig gave you one of his siblings?
“Fearless Girl”
AKA: Dumbest sculpture in American history, commissioned by rent-seeking investment firm for ‘woke’ street cred. Rich white liberals are easy to please
Rich white liberals are easy to please
Citation needed.
Cite it reeeeal slow
Gavin McInnes showed a tweet or something a couple of videos ago where someone remarked at how ‘Fearless Girl’ is a perfect metaphor for modern female narcissistic self-indulgence and suicidal, overbloated confidence.
A real fearless girl doesn’t need to even talk about that shit.
“Darwin Girl”
Rolling Stone settled the Eramo lawsuit yesterday. Don’t see mention of this on the other site. Interesting.
Sorry, no link since posting from phone, but it’s on NYT and BuzzFeed.
Who doesn’t love some whataboutism and graphity graph graphs?
If someone gave me a million dollars, I would be a millionaire!
If my uncle had tits, he’d be my aunt! (My HS health teacher used to say that).
If a frog had wings, it wouldn’t bump its ass?
If I could pick lottery numbers better, I wouldn’t have to write for the Washington Post?
And, in our oh-so-trendy modern America, now he CAN be your aunt!
Chuck Schumer isn’t anybody’s aunt….
Did your HS Health Teacher really assume your extended familial member’s gender?
So if the Dems ran recent party changers nationally, they’d have a lot of former (R)s in the house marked as (D)? The candidate that lost only changed party affiliation in 2016 and is not terribly far into the Democrat mainstream from the information I have heard.
I did not know that – That’s is funny!
Meh, they’ve had a rough couple of months, I actually prefer the masturbatory fantasies blooming out of small, made-up victories to the snide, childish freakouts recently (that whole delusional article pushing for secession was the best example).
I rather enjoy how, in the final paragraph, he dejectedly explains why none of it is actually going to happen.
My masturbatory fantasies are much more run-o-the mill. You and SF should get together and compare notes.
Who was it on here that was commenting on these special elections with the prescient observation to the effect of: “Even if Dems lose every special election, they will find a way to wring a ‘victory’ out of them”?
gave me a free ham
Did you break out the pig jokes?
I did my usual. Spoke as little as possible and tried not to hold eye contact. I thought I was getting the rape-search for drugs or something when he stopped.
Did you tell him you were a Jew and you were going to sue the PD for antisemitism?
I have basically given up on the outrage over cop-abuse. It’s weird, I have have prog ‘friends’ who will wail at this sort of stuff, but don’t seem to want to root-cause it to public sector unions. It saddens me, truly, that we as a society are so saturated with news like this and still there is virtually no movement on the issue.
The most common defense I see of police abuse is that it’s a very, very small percentage of police encounters. So when you get shot after getting pulled over for speeding, take comfort: this hardly ever happens to anyone.
Yay! I’m a small statistic.
Is that your final answer?
I didn’t mean you-you, in case I wasn’t clear. I was referring to those, like my brother, who love the whole “But it’s so rare” defense.
I got what you mean.
I grew up pretty damn poor, to the point where a parking or speeding ticket would have broken our bank. So I got a healthy fear of the cops. That my mother drove a dilapidated beater of a car seemed to draw the attention of the kings men. When she would visit her mother in her small town the local cops would tail her constantly. I just really dislike that I live in ‘free country’ but get fearful butterflies every time a cop tails me. I grew up with an aversion to authority that morphed into a healthy caution.
The ‘few bad apples’ thing doesn’t hold water when a denunciation by the good guys could go a long way towards fixing the abuses.
What pisses me off is that the “few bad apples” crowd doesn’t apply that logic to, say, Islamic terrorism.
There are some pretty big differences between the two situations, as fun as equivalence is.
I was referring to those, like my brother, who love the whole “But it’s so rare” defense.
How does your brother feel about Syrian refugees?
Yeah, it’s almost funny.
Me: “Some are definitely abusive , and the ones who are should not be cops anymore, right”
prog: “RIGHT!”
Me: “So how come they almost never get fired, or if they do, they just move to a new town and become a cop there?”
Me: …
This right here drives me nuts. When it comes to the police state progs and libertarians actually have common ground and yet the progs would rather screech austistically and parade around hollow victimhood and identity politics than form alliances.
Well, if a conversation goes like that, you should reply to the exclamation “RACIST CAPITALIST PATRIARCHY!” by simply stating “i.e. Unions” and do a mic drop.
It seems to be the same set of progs who are outraged over police abuse on the one hand, and on the other continue to demand more and more laws dictating the specifics of people’s behaviors. They need to make up their frickin’ minds.
They just need the right top men
If it makes you feel better. I was talking with some co-workers about Virginia being insane about speeding (we are in NC). One of my co-workers who is probably a Democrat/liberal acknowledged the problem is that a lot of cops seek the job as a way to laud power and authority over others. She added it is very frustrating that cops can get away with killing and breaking the law. So she sees the police state as less an issue of bad apples and more the result of the type of power seeking tyrannical person being a cop attracts.
re: Hillary
People apparently put up with a lot of shit to be close to the levers of power.
That reads like someone took all the vagina and S&M references out of a SugarFree story. I think he should sue.
It is… eerie how much real life imitates his, uh, “art.”
The phrase you’re looking for is ‘Mutton Flaps’. And either ‘Cloaca’ or ‘Pseudo-penis’.
And lastly ‘Huma Weiner’.
That the wife of the democrat Fredo Corleone?
It is also a nickname for Hillary’s ambiguous and prehensile sexual gear.
She sounds completely insane and unhinged.
Hey, watch your mouth that’s Popular Vote President you’re talking about!
Beloved wrongfully denied popular vote president, shitlord!
Beloved Popular Vote President
Don’t tell HER I butchered her title. I’m too young to be a human sacrifice
Sorry, the story is on its way to Newsish right now!!!!
I’m reading that story now and am pretty well convinced that no one has ever sincerely written anything nice about her (with the exception of DNC fluff that’s purposefully churned out). She must be in bitch mode 24/7.
Hey, I know he said it instead of writing it, but you talk about Bill Weld has to count for something.
Ugh. “But Bill Weld has to count for something”.
This is a true “Sorry, not sorry” situation.
Anyone in politics as a career deserves to be shit on and into as much as humanly possible, each and every day.
She definitely does not come off well in this piece, I suspect there is a whole lot more just resting and waiting to come out, once Bernie’s people have been fully and truly routed from the DNC. The nice thing I suppose is that she won’t be running again, I hope.
I hope that Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party nominee for the next ten Presidential elections.
As long as she draws breath, or a machine does it for her, she’ll run. I have no doubt.
I thought that exact exchange was a great little window into her fundamental narcissism. There is no point to making Sullivan undergo that other than just to get revenge on him for criticizing her. “See how it feels, asshole?!”
Not “oh – what am I doing that you feel is ineffective and how can we do better?” Instead it’s “Don’t tell me I sucked! Tell me I was awesome! Let me show you what you’re doing wrong and why I think you’re a shithead for not praising me.”
I actually feel bad for people like Hillary Clinton. You really only do get to live one life, and she shitted hers away doing the crap she does. She may not deserve any sympathy, but she has mine anyway.
Fuck no. Try doing half the shit she has pulled and you’ll be in a federal prison. No sympathy from me.
I agree. I’m glad she’s not president, but I certainly don’t envy her in any way. She’s clearly an insatiable, unbelievably dissatisfied person whose priorities are so upside down she probably doesn’t even remember which direction the sun is in. I would bet she’s never experienced actual satisfaction or taken real pride in anything in her life. Wouldn’t even know what those things would look like. All she can do is crack the whip over her minions and make them tell her that she’s the jewel of the world.
Kidney patients to the left of me
creationists to the right
here I am
stuck in the middle with you
Shackford has a pretty terrible piece today where he declares Susan Rice innocent based upon a single CNN report that is completely based upon anonymous sourcing (ie. Ben Rhodes). It was pretty bad. Really made be sad. I always like Shackford even when his statist impulses showed.
Everything I need to know about Susan Rice is covered in the VDH piece that Sloopy linked to the other morning.
She’s a hack, and she’s not smart.
That’s not that bad, and its pretty darn close to what National Review has written about the subject; the issue w/ Rice is not necessarily that she broke the law = its that she used her perfectly-legal National Security Authority for *baldly-political purposes*. Just because something manages to be technically legal does not at all justify use of the law in that manner. Its naked partisan abuse of power. Its sort of like the firing of US attorneys – which is always perfectly legal… but what if it were done when that attorney were investigating a crime by the president’s party? It would obviously constitute an abuse of power and a conflict of interest. The legality of Rice’s behavior is ultimately sort of besides the point.
Or was there something else scott wrote you had in mind?
It’s also the position that Eli Lake has taken when he’s written about it in Bloomberg (which has been my primary source for this information).
The part that I took issue with was Shackford parroting the line that the story, itself, is a ‘red herring’. And then determining the legality of her actions based upon an article that CNN just did today that relied entirely on anonymous sources. This is the same outlet that declared after Eli Lake’s story that his reporting was wrong, because an anonymous source told them. That was the silliest thing I ever heard. An anonymous source is being used to defend someone? That’s journalism? And then she basically admitted to the ‘unmasking’ in her interview with Andrea Mitchell, which further discredited CNN’s previous reporting.
All I’m saying is that there is a lot that is not known with regards to what Rice did and a single report by a ‘news’ department that declared, when the story was first reported by Eli Lake, that they would not discuss it, because it was a ‘distraction’ should not be used as a source for any of this (particularly since they can’t seem to get anyone on the record to carry water for the previous administration).
It just seemed like Shackford wrote an article as an audition piece for CNN
she used her perfectly-legal National Security Authority for *baldly-political purposes*.
But isn’t that technically against the law? Even if nothing will be done about it.
i think the fact that it technically *isn’t* is something US citizens should be outraged by.
something about laws for thee and then something about me.
Saw that too. Until someone has the balls to attach their name to one of these stories, I’m not trusting any supposed sources.
Her 2012 Downfall clip was probably the most accurate of them all. Spooky accurate.
Funny shit!
So I mentioned my home province (unfairly labelled as “California of Canada” when we are really “Washington of Canada”) is having an election in four weeks.
Good folks at Vote Compass put up their by now usual quiz to determine
where on spectrum you belongwhy you should vote left. After answering, my status as Canadian Rush Limbaugh was confirmed, as I’m apparently extremely Economically (OK) and Socially (the fuck?) Conservative.Reason I was confused is that I saw nothing I’d consider ‘socially conservative/progressive’ question. Maybe it was “Should govt. fund private schools” (NO), “should people be allowed to pay for better access to health care” (YES) or “how much should government spend to combat poverty”, but there was nothing on abortion, religion, marriage (gay or otherwise), drugs, guns, prostitution or such. Just, affordable housing, tax on foreign devils buying real estate, welfare, input of Natives on development, pipelines, fracking…. All economic!
If you want to give it a try, I promise a mild amount of amusement!
unfairly labelled as “California of Canada” when we are really “Washington of Canada”
Pfft. Keep telling yourself that.
That test is actually way better than a federal election one I saw a few years back, that consisted of a list of issues and two options of whether you viewed it as ‘important’ or ‘not so important’ or something like that. ‘Important’, of course, always translated to “throw ALL THE MONEYZ at it”.
My little dot was one and half-squares down and to the right of the Liberals. But I answered a bunch of questions with neutral or didn’t know. I think they might determine social conservatism purely off of the immigrant questions.
Can’t be immigration – I answered “keep immigration numbers same” and “disagree that foreign devil tax is too low”. Those are only immigration-related questions I can think of.
I suspect that “education” and “health care” have now moved from economy to social issues, where “conservative” = “not throwing govt. money at it”
For the hard left government spending has always been a social (i.e. moral) issue.
Although, since it’s you, there’s always the possibility that you subconsciously slid into CK2/EU4 mode and answered “remove kebab” for the issues most important to you section.
FUUUUCK! I should have totally put “Remove kebab” into it!
See, I blame my current Serbia run – it’s got to a point that kebab is not even a challenge anymore, so they dropped out of priority. It’s mostly trying to keep France, Commonwealth and Russia from warring each other, so they will go to my wars (yes, I built an alliance of Great Powers 1, 2, 3 and 4, who’s to stop us if not each other?).
Do mamluks count as kebab? I might be starting a reconquest for my little Mamluke vassal to reclaim his cores in all of Egypt from Ottobros. Because I’m a good overlord and a humanist.
Yup. Strongly Social conservative. Even more so than Economic conservative.
I had to lie a couple times – since it’s only for Canadian folks (gave a Prince George postal code)
Hey there vote stealer!
Bottom right-hand corner. Open ended answer for issues most important to me: poops.
I wrote “Western separatism” just to fuck with ’em.
Is that a thing tho?
Been around in one form or another since the 80s.
From the cop article: “I worked with cops, correction officers, etc. for about 10 years in NYC. At least in NYC, about 1/3 of them are scared, violent people who’ll try to kick your ass in a heartbeat, about 1/3 of them are total wusses who’ll kick your ass as long as they have a gun and 5 other cops backing them up, and another 1/3 are decent people who quit eventually.”
I’m surprised the latter group is as high as 1/3rd. Would figure it’s more 45/45/10 among those 3 groups.
When you factor in attrition, the total number of the years might be 3-3-3, but at any given time, the fact that the first two groups don’t quit, you get a disparity.
Never bring a civilian to a baboon fight.
Charlie Murphy has passed away.
Yeah. Just found out. Fuck cancer.
Yeah, that sucks
He’s kicking angels out of windows now. RIP funny man.
It’s not a true fat man competition until they break out the little coat.
Jaysus. I’m surprised she didn’t resort to bitching at people from the toilet, a la LBJ.
I am so very very surprised. Really.
Trump backflips, supports Ex-Im bank
You mean to tell me the man who’s made a career and a fortune out of crony capitalism wants to keep this system intact? I’m shocked!
If he keeps this shit up, does not repeal Obamacare, and a bunch of jobs don’t start opening up in the rustbelt, there’s not a chance in hell he’ll be re-elected.
I disagree with first two. Most folks have no idea what ex-im is. Repealing Obamacare is politial loser and would be great for the dems. I dont see people who want obamacare repealed flipping dem or not showing up to allow dem as then we will get something worse like singlepayer and price controls
Repealing Obamacare is politial loser and would be great for the dems.
You may be right.
What that suit needs is some gottdamn performance art, recreating the famous standoff.
A bull trampling a little girl, whose corpse is then consumed by a bear?
I could settle for the artists standing in for their own sculptures.
I don’t even understand the ‘Fearless Girl’ statute. Is she against bull markets?
She’s standing athwart capitalism, yelling “Stop!”
On more OT thoughts, I hear often that capitalism is divisive. I hear this all the time from the left. I work in a warehouse, about as blue collar as it can be. In this place there in more multiculturalism (the real kind where cultures interact and evolve together, not the fake ‘dip the culture in Lucite’ prog type), than any place except my Alma Mater. There are something like 25 languages spoken under this roof, and people who would never have met before are talking, getting to know one another, becoming friends. All of this because they want paychecks. They don’t mean to rub shoulders with others but it is a happy consequence. Yet if a progressive were asked where they would find a good example of people coming together for a common cause they would probably say gov’t. A company indiscriminately hiring people based on their merits would never occur to them. In this respect alone Marx was right: capital brings people together just not in the way he ever anticipated.
Sorry for the long text, just something that I’ve been thinking about.
Needz footnotes.
Just as an etiquette note, I believe we can all agree that there is no such thing as OT in the ‘Links’ post.
Your point is spot on, though.
Thanks for the etiquette tip. I’ll keep that in mind
That being said, you’ve been booked for a week in Warty’s dungeon. Thank you, come again.
Great. I’ve always wondering what goes on down there.
(Sees what goes on down there, suffers from total mental break)
I was in a conference call today with this chick from Dublin with a thick Irish accent. Even though I’m half Irish, I don’t think I realized before how much of a turn on that accent is for me.
I had a job interview shortly getting out of university at a software company where the interviewing panel basically implied I was a racist because I was from a rural area and only worked in warehousing/industrial jobs before, so I would obviously be ‘uncomfortable’ with a ‘diverse’ workplace. I pointed out to them that in my most recent job warehousing there were more Africans and Central Americans than white people, and then asked them if their office breakdown was similar.
I didn’t get the job, and was fairly glad thanks to that interview.
Yeah, sounds like you dodged a bullet there. At my place there is a large proportion of Nepalis, displaced by the earthquake and just now settling down. There are also a lot of west and central Africans and a few ME peeps as well. No one who hasn’t worked in a blue collar environment like that can have any idea how diverse it can get. It’s an affectation of many to look down on this type of work, not realizing the culture shock here is far greater than any you would encounter at many offices.
As always, the prog conception of diversity is people of all different races thinking and acting the exact same way.
Very true. I’ve worked in warehouses and saw more easy-going, un self conscious diversity on the loading dock than anywhere else. Lots of good-natured ragging of each other based on racial and ethnic stereotypes. A very unsafe space.
You haven’t buried this thing, the ruddy-cheeked former president rasped. You haven’t figured out how to get Hillary’s core message to the voters. This has been dragging on for months, he thundered, and nothing you’ve done has made a damn bit of difference. Voters want to hear about Hillary’s plans for the economy, and you’re not making that happen. Now, do your damn jobs.
The part Mr. Clinton seemed to have missed is that the less the public knew about Ms. Clinton, the more they liked her.
Keebler Elf gets salty. News at 10.
It was later discovered that PJ Brown had thrown Charlie Ward’s body into the elevator shaft
That game was such bullshit. Still pisses me off.
Basketball? Yeah, I hate it too.
Not enough bench-clearing brawls anymore
Discussions of this UAL passenger incident on another web site turned into a discussion of UAL 232, the Sioux City crash. My opinion is it is the greatest (documented) feat of airmanship and crew resource management ever. Then I go to thinking what a piece of garbage the airline is now and I got sad.
What about Captain Sully?
Sully did a heroic job, but Al Haynes mastered the art of flying that day. The crew management (bringing in Denny Fitch), the piloting, the decision-making. The guy is a towering giant of flight.
This guy is the true master of flying. Flying a dead airliner 75 miles to make a one shot or not no systems working landing on a rock in the middle of the ocean is demonstration of true flying skills. In fact the only downside to his skill is that a planeload of Canadians survived the day to torment us with hockeyball stories.
The pilot’s aviation background came to forefront this day.
UAL 232 remains one of the most amazing feats of flying ever known. There’s no way anybody should’ve survived the crash to come after that plane lost its hydraulic lines.
Captain Haynes was speaking at a fundraiser last year. I keep kicking myself for not going. Truely amazing and to have a DC10 instructor onboard so had three pilots (well really four with the flight engineer) in the cockpit, all working together, plus the immediate response on the ground is miraculous.
I was waiting for one of these in my neck of the woods:
It always seems to happen between spring break and summer break
Kids get extra stupid from April to June.
“See?? If we had been more thorough with our legislation, that kid would still be alive today!”
I blame Marty McFly.
There was actually a law passed after this one:
So they actually do want to make skateboarding a crime?
Trump backflips, supports Ex-Im bank
“You want some movement on the Air Force One deal, right? Well, you’re a business man. I gotta get someting for that, or I’ll look like a chump.”
Wait, I’ve seen this movie. The mastermind escapes and puts a bomb on a bus to challenge the cop who thwarted him.
I thought that one of them was actually the Devil?
You don’t say.
United Chief Executive Officer Oscar Munoz on Wednesday issued Dao an apology and said the company would no longer use law enforcement officers to remove passengers from overbooked flights after global outrage erupted over the way Dao had been treated by airline and airport security staff.
Henceforth the onboard air marshal will just shoot the unruly motherfucker.
Jesus, that Hillary piece @ the Hill is like every one of the worst-stereotypes about Hillary confirmed in 3D.
I bet this is only 1 of multiple post-hoc disclosures to drop. I’m betting now that she’s got zero political clout, that lots of her former sycophants are going to throw her under the bus as payback for years of her shitty imperiousness.
What ever happened to Huma?
Only up to a point. Sure, they’re pissed as hell that they lost and didn’t get cushy appointments. But since their only skills are as political fixers they won’t get hired again if they throw their former boss under the bus.
You younger people will probably hear some good deathbed revelations about the campaign, etc.
I don’t know about that.
I mean, in this case, you’re probably right about the very-big names that were close to her (Huma, Podesta, Mook, etc), but i don’t think its necessarily the case that all political fixers must de-facto remain silent about their principal’s failures to listen to them.
the point is that Hillary’s loss was entirely the fault of Hillary. She can scream and blame her strategists for failing to more-effectively-sell Shit Sandwiches, but she’s the one putting the dookie in the product in the first place. Some people lower down the food-chain still have long careers ahead of them, and there’s lots of other ambitious pols who may eventually want people with campaign experience, and sometimes learning ‘what not to do’ is important experience.
Yeah, it’s all about the blame shifting. They’ll turn on her like rabid dogs the moment it’s clear she’s done as a power player.
What ever happened to Huma?
She’s still hunting down that Carols Danger guy, so she can clear her husband’s good name.
Carols Danger
For the days he likes to wear women’s underwear?
Those are the most dangerous days. ONE WRONG TUCK.
I mentioned this above too, I think the dirt will not come from Clinton staffers as much a burned out Bernistas. They will get pushed out and with nothing to lose they will try and take down Hillary to clear out the DNC for the next wave of DemSocs to try and take over.
Last I heard, she is back at her master’s heel. I suspect that the Clinton’s have enough compromising dirt on her and Anthony to keep her servile for a long, long time.
her and Tony-Weiner actually even LOOK like some Wormtongue/Igor characters. bony, crooked nosed, slavish.
“What ever happened to Huma?”
She got sick of the misplaced dick pics.
She might be getting back on the Weiner-train:
Huma Abedin’s return to the spotlight may include Anthony Weiner
Jeezus, I think you actually might have found the one story that might make me feel an iota of sympathy for Huma Abedin.
From Almost-Chief-of-Staff to dating your cheating, scumbag still-husband is a very long fall. I’d put on a burkha to hide my shame.
The story really does make it seem like she has a masochistic streak. She’s been Clinton’s right hand for twenty years and Clinton still has her toting her bag around like a sherpa. Her husband gets caught flashing his pecker around to half the country and she’s trotting out the line that leaving him was for optics.
Something seems like it’s seriously screwed up with her. It’s like she has a primal need to be a put-upon lackey.
I don’t get it, I really don’t.
Buried in the story is a paragraph about going with Hillary so the old hag could get a $1200 haircut.
Hillary Clinton: Relatable and down-to-Earth
Just like John Edwards, although I think it’s worse when a dude spends that much to primp.
they really are one of the most awful pair of people that have ever existed in american politics.
I have the doco “Weiner” sitting on a hard drive, and i’ve started it a half-dozen times, but can’t bear to watch more than a few minutes before i find his personality just too unpleasant to endure.
I was really entertained by it (the movie, I mean). You can just see his implosion coming in slow motion. It’s schadenfreudelicious.
I think Huma & Tony modeled their whole relationship on Billary.
Not so sure. As long as Chelsea is out there as a possibility, the House of Clinton is not exactly dead. And my impression is that, in politics, perception defines reality. At this point, they don’t know the Clintons won’t be back. And as long as the Clintons might be back, crossing them is a dangerous prospect.
i find this more ridiculous that the people claiming that Michelle Obama was going to leap into the DNC primaries at the last minute
I wonder how hard it would be for someone with enough backing to get a sample of Chelsea and Bill’s DNA.
I mean, they’d have to exhume Hubbell to prove that side but just bribing a bus boy at a restaurant would get them used glassware…
I don’t think i follow the implication. Are you concerned that they’re not actually human? Or that Chelsea is actually someone else’s love-child? I think her face is sad-testament to the proof of her lineage.
re: Bill’s DNA…. if you *really* need a sample, i think there are probably a half dozen ladies with laundry you could have.
There’s a long-standing conspiracy theory that Chelsea is Webb Hubbell’s kid.
I make no claim on the veracity, but–like the Trump pee party video–I’d love the chaos of it being proven.
Bill Clinton being Chelsea’s biological father would be the best possible outcome for her. It means she would have at least some innate talent or ability.
That photo made me nearly lose my dinner
What’s so ridiculous? The last time the Democrats put an empty suit out there it worked out well for them. Chelsea doesn’t have a track record, and her personality is blandly innocuous. It’s perfect. The last Democrats to fail to grab the White House were either bitter scolds (Gore, Hillary) or haughty assholes (Kerry).
Considering what a shitty bench the D’s have, Chelsea looks like a good candidate.
No, she doesn’t, and she isn’t, and won’t be.
The Clinton legacy’s political-street-value is now completely worthless. Even if she wanted to, or had even a modicum of ability for it (she doesn’t) by the time Chelsea got the bare-minimum requirements together to run for office, Democrat voters are already moving 1000mph away from the sort of centrist-triangulation-politics that Clintonism was valued for. Nobody wants a diluted Clinton re-boot = they want a fire-breathing proggy messiah.
She’s useless
. . . by the time Chelsea got the bare-minimum requirements together to run for office . . .
You mean, to have the same amount of experience as the tissue-paper-thin joke of a résumé that His Royal Chocolate Messiahness had?
She’s probably already there. Hell, *I* was there several weeks before I left my mother’s womb.
he actually did spend a few years doing the “community organizing stuff” and actually worked in chigago/state politics
and he was young, black and smart, from humble origins, with no baggage*. which makes him perfect in many ways a Clinton scion is absolutely not
(*no baggage that the press wouldn’t bury for him, that is…)
Not as ridiculous as you suggest. The Democratic party has a deep, strong royalist streak. It’s why anybody named Kennedy is able to win high office throughout New England. Or why the Daleys are still able to get elected in Chicago. Or the Landrieus in Louisiana. And the Clintons still command a pretty big network of loyalists. And a sizeable chunk of change to open doors.
Sure, the rank and file Democrats might want a firebreather. But, the party allies in Silicon Valley probably don’t. Neither do the party allies on Wall Street.
Thank God for California that Jerry Brown is not a Breeder.
I think it sounds good on paper. I think it needs more than just a name= you need to actually have offspring preparing their whole lives to jump into politics themselves.
Chelsea strikes me as someone who has spent her life embarrassed by her parents – not someone who wants to emulate them.
A 65 year old man with Parkinson’s Disease called 911 for a medical emergency. I’m sure you can guess how he was assisted.
They fixed his cable?
Rule 68. It’s rule 34, but twice as old.
Decentralized? Is this already the new “re-accommodated”?
‘Core you like an apple’ is one theme that has not been thoroughly explored in my darkest nightmares, so thank you for entering that into my lexicon. Please let me know where to send the therapist bill.
Hook says Smith was not following directions, so Smith was then “decentralized.”
That sounds like a really shitty euphemism.
“We acted on the information that we had,” Hook said. “We couldn’t have acted any other way.”
“Well, we could shot the old bastard..” he added under his breath.
If they hadn’t responded that exact way, they would all be dead.
He’s palsying right at us!
“dozens of law enforcement officers filled a Rhinelander neighborhood last Friday for what they thought was a potentially violent situation”
And if it’s not going to be, they’re going to fix that.
“We acted on the information that we had,” Hook said. “We couldn’t have acted any other way.”
Certainly not like someone who has a fully functional brain.
I stumbled across an old 2013 article from that other site today and was reading the comments. I realized half way down that I had commented on that article back in the day – I happened to agree with Mr. Hihn on something, then I disagreed with him on something and then apparently I left the thread and never went back until today. What I didn’t realize is that Mr. Hihn kept responding to me, in like 8 more posts after I had left. I had no idea. It was pretty funny to read him work himself up even though I had never seen the messages, responded or even cared.
That’s the Hihn way – he’ll be posting on a thread that’s so old that the sun set and moss is growing on the words.
Michael Hihn — corpse fucker.
thats corpseman fucker you dolt !
/ Barak Obama
He has done this to everyone 1000 times over. He waits until threads are dead and then works himself into a lather shrieking at people.
There’s something immoral about eating pre-shelled pistachios.
Anyways, I’m sampling another new gin called “Bulldog”. It’s a classic London Dry Gin without any boozy aftertaste of a cheap gin. Quite similar to Bombay Gin (with the red cap) but a touch lower in quality. Bombay is my budget go-to and is hard to knock of the throne.
Hayman’s Old Tom or GTFO.
I like Bombay. I prefer pistachios in the shell but I’m not going to shun anyone for eating them shelled.
Must be rough on the teeth.
If you think it’s bad on the teeth, wait until you try to shit.
Cleans out the colon.
I’m sure it’s like an internal sand blaster.
Once you’ve been in Wartys basement, it’s more like Exfoliating beads.
After student’s death, North Dakota aims to protect drug informants
About fucking time – its been what, 3 years since that kid was executed by gangsters for talking to the police? Now, I do think that snitches should get stitches, but he certainly didn’t deserve all this. The fact that the police threatened him with 41 years in prison for selling $80 of weed is ridiculous as well. He should have shut up and asked for his lawyer, full stop.
But we’re not gonna do anything about police extorting individuals into becoming informants.
Looking to see North Dakota getting invaded tomorrow.
“This could be worse than that mareejuaner, it could” /Sessions
That being said, any law named after someone is going to turn out badly.
But, I’ve got a permanent solution. END THE FUCKING WAR ON DRUGS!
“any law named after someone is going to turn out badly”
“Sometimes I look at Trump and forget that the alternative to bad is sometimes worse.”
I just like … don’t believe it. /sarcasm
In other news, are there going to be any more games released this year that are not female protagonist? Fuck, fuckity fuck, fuck!
This year has been pretty excellent for video games so far. I haven’t seen any games that were screwed up specifically by having a female protagonist…
Mass Effect is a dumpster fire of prog ideology, though, which is a damn shame.
What, now we as a society are too good for Bayonetta remake?
Shadow of Morder sequel will have a definitely male protagonist. Nothing else upcoming comes to mind, but I mostly play RPGs and strategy games where you either create your protagonist, or don’t have one (I mean, who do you represent in Steel Division – a major? colonel? with god’s eye view of situation, and instant troop response, is there a “you” there?)
Obama President? DOW GOOD! Trump President? DOW NO MATTER!
I’m guessing they still made money off this deal.
And she has a little folding-money for her purse. Win-win!
We Dem Boyz
Obviously he hasn’t been hit in the head enough. Give him a few seasons.
Remember when he beat his mom up?
At the risk of sounding like I endorse woman beating, if his wikipedia page is accurate then he probably owed her a whoopin.
I totally side with him on that.
He said he didn’t want no damn syrup on his pancakes.
~1200 word explainer on the difficulties and closures in Seattle’s Restaurant scene. The word “wage” doesn’t appear anywhere in the article. Isn’t mentioned, isn’t explored, isn’t even denied or debunked.
Naturally, let’s never one bad policy but the other ones.
“With Seattle’s shortage of kitchen workers, she had trouble finding staff who could execute her more complicated dishes.” You’re almost there. Why is there a shortage?
You’d sooner get blood from a stone then have a prog admit one of their pet ideologies ever had negative consequences.
Trump’s climate of fear has discouraged illegal immigrants from coming over to work those jobs!
In a different article on the MW, one restaurant eliminated tipping to keep their prices in check. Guess what happened to the wait staff wages?
At any one moment, there are a minimum (MINIMUM!) of 3000 unemployed people wandering about on the streets and sleeping in tents. I don’t believe for a minute there’s a shortage of kitchen staff in Seattle.
Trump made them all seek exile in Canada?
Or, in the case of your minimum wage laws, other people’s dollars.
Racist capitalist patriarchy! DUH!
Does the Seattle minimum wage apply to restaurant servers as well? If so, has it impacted tipping culture at all? My city (Minneapolis) is looking to implement a $15 minimum wage that would include servers and my plan, should that happen, is that I’ll probably go ahead and stop tipping them.
15 dollars a fucking hour?! I have a masters degree and I design motherfucking ROCKETS and I only make 25 an hour!
*Flips entire desk with computer, storms out*
Are you designing rockets in Rwanda or something?
Rocketz don’t need roadz.
Question one: Yes. the only people it doesn’t apply to is Public Employees. Irony meter goes to eleven.
Question two: Yes. I don’t know how widespread, but I know in the immediate aftermath, there was a spate of non-tipping and little notes given to some of the servers. Some restaurants (Like the one I mentioned above) now say publicly that tipping is no longer a requirement (which resulted in lower wages for wait staff).
For the $15 minimum wage to not include servers would defeat the purpose, at least from the perspective of the people pushing it. It’s largely a union-driven initiative, and at least here in Seattle, there’s been an underground push with the help of local council members to unionize all restaurant workers.
I suspect it’s the same in MN.
tipping is no longer a requirement
Pretty sure it never was.
largely a union-driven initiative, and at least here in Seattle, there’s been an underground push with the help of local council members to unionize all restaurant workers.
Seems backwards. Why do the unions think these people getting a big raise, without being unionized, is going to be a reason to join a union?
Let me rephrase: an implicit social expectation. Now in some restaurants, it’s explicitly been made extra-policy.
Seems backwards. Why do the unions think these people getting a big raise, without being unionized, is going to be a reason to join a union?
The union is playing a long game. Make regular employment difficult, onerous and costly. Offer a stable union shop with predictable wage scales on long term contracts.
I’m not saying it’s going to work or it’s a brilliant strategy, but it’s clear that’s what’s going on. There have been lots of ‘studies’ released by ‘grass roots’ groups getting into local restaurants and speaking to workers.
I mean seriously, Mr. Dean, check this shit out. You can’t fucking make it up.
One advocate, Saru Jayaraman, co-director of the Restaurant Opportunities Center United, has been quoted in multiple media outlets as supporting a push to get rid of tips altogether.
Yeah if you’re making a “livable wage” you ain’t gettin a tip.
Exactly. As I’ve had to explain to Europeans before, you tip because the cost of service isn’t included in the meal. But if it is….then I’m not paying for it twice.
Does the Seattle minimum wage apply to restaurant servers as well?
Thank you for reminding me of this. I am going up there for a trip next month and want to plan my tipping strategy accordingly.
The Washington state minimum wage is almost $10/hr and applies to waiters. They still expect (AT LEAST) 15% tips and if you stiff them you’re still looked at as an asshole. I eventually gave into peer pressure and started tipping 5-10%, but when a guy I knew who bartended told me he was taking $15k pay cut at a new job and was still making more money than me I quit.
“Pivot” is the new verb in the Seattle restaurant world. Your moody, upscale Denny Triangle place for Mexican favorites made with all-Pacific Northwest foodstuffs (like guacamole with eggplant instead of avocado)
You mean baba ganoush, you nitwit?
They mean something that sounds downright awful.
SF, no disrespect, but baba ganoush is hummus with eggplant vs chick peas
That said, I agree with your view of the ‘food critic’.
True, but mashing up cooked eggplant and adding an acid to it makes it closer to baba ganoush than guacamole. Either way, it doesn’t sound good.
There used to be a Turkish place in town that made excellent baba ganoush… it’s dodgy-looking gyro place now.
Well made baba ganoush is very worthwhile. Related, I worked in a building where the Lebanese cafe owners made their own hummus -it was nice.
Hyperion should be along to object soon.
“Mexican favorites made with all-Pacific Northwest foodstuffs (like guacamole with eggplant instead of avocado)”
As if I needed another reason never to eat there.
Maroons on the Santa Fe city council are debating a beverage tax to fund pre-k education–which, naturally, is a waste of money even if the money weren’t derived from a sales tax transfer scheme.
But, like the maroons in Philadelphia, they’ve landed on the brilliant idea to tax diet sodas the same as sugary beverages. Soooo a vice tax intended to change behavior is shown out for what it is, just another lame-ass revenuing scam.
Dumbest of times.
I got a revenue scam you might be interested in. I found a steak and airline loophole.
One of the best episodes. Charlie is an idiot savant at the shittiest job in the world.
Santa Fe is the city in NM where the rich white folks live. Just FYI. Doubt they’re trying this shit elsewhere in NM.
RIP William Norman Grigg
His wikipedia page has not yet been updated. I will let you do the honors.
Sucks ass. Who saw that coming?
I fudged up the threading. But my friend said this about minimum wage “Surprisingly the minimum wage hikes have helped more than hurt since more people have disposable income that goes back in to the economy”
I don’t think that makes sense but I’m not sure how to articulate that.
It’s a pretty simple formula, really.
If you and I decide to trade, we each gain value, and wealth is created.
Once you and I have already decided to trade, and the government decides that our terms are not quite right, and you should give me a little bit more than you were intending to, the same amount of value is there, but its distribution has been skewed away from one person and towards another.
In that particular case, it is zero-sum, since the transaction itself is already a decided thing – we’re going to do business, the only factor is that the government has dictated the terms. Thus, given the “modified” transaction, one person has more disposable income “that goes back in to the economy” than they otherwise would have, while the other has less. Therefore, “the economy” has not gained by raising one group of people’s wages at the expense of another – only the one group of people has (and that’s only in the very short term while the economy revalues everything around the new rate).
Shorter version: only the economic transaction itself generates wealth – shifting around the terms of that transaction doesn’t add anything on one side of the ledger that it doesn’t take from the other. Your friend may feel those people deserve it more, but it doesn’t “add” anything to the economy.
That only makes sense if nothing else changes…get their jobs, hours cut or prices go up. I suspect it isnt coming scrooge mcducks bank vault
Ask them why not 30?
If those wage hikes are simply coming out of employer’s pockets instead of ‘consumer demand’, its just trying to move money from the deep end of the pool to the shallow one.
i.e. its not “more money into the economy”. Its simply raising prices for employers. those higher costs they face are translated into higher business-costs and less growth.
Its not some magical source of free money. If simply ‘giving poorer people more cash’ were economically beneficial, why not raise the minimum wage to $1000 an hour?
Kshama Sawant says that the money is there. She said, and I quote, “they can just cut the salaries of the top executives to pay for the wage increase.”
For those not keeping score at home, this is a college educated woman who believes in the economic equivalent of Creation Science.
But what if I’m the CEO and my business only makes 200k a year?
Well, you kulak, that means you have $200K a year to give your workers. Geez.
Oh so many. Other than a few quips I shall leave it to those better versed than I:
a) tell that to minority and youth communities
b) take them out to that restaurant that sells their favorite $12 burger for $16.
c) tell that to those people whose hours were slashed, who, when coupled with the inevitable price inflation, are worse off than before the wage hike.
Surprisingly the minimum wage hikes have helped more than hurt since more people have disposable income that goes back in to the economy
(a) Helped who v. hurt who? And, why should those who are hurt, be hurt to help those who are helped? Believe it or not, there is a moral dimension to these things.
(b) I don’t suppose there is any actual data backing this proposition?
He’s looking. It’s one of my best friends who is a Bernie Bro but he’s more Libertarian than you think.
In addition to what others have said, I would like to point out that “money going back into the economy” is not inherently a good thing. If it was, there wouldn’t be such things as liquidity traps, stagflation, hyperinflation, etc. Production, trade, capital, investment, savings, etc. are often better uses of money than spending on consumption and wages. Forcing an employer to spend more on wages might squirt some liquidity into today’s economy, but it comes at the expense of tomorrow’s, when employers can’t sustain operational levels, or the value of the money itself declines and thus gains for some are countered with losses for all.
That makes a lot of sense.
Just got back from eating at the local watering hole. They had a gin that I never heard before – Gray Skies Barrel Finished Hopped Gin
To quote from their website:
it was very sweet – a “dessert gin” but I do recommend it. To me It tasted a bit like an Old Fashioned.
I’ll take a look on my next run to the LC.
Also saw a Mclaren 570S parked on the street. What a lovely hunk of a car.
yes. Its odd that the best looking (and most appealing from an actual ‘usability’ pov) Mclaren is their “cheap” model
(cheap meaning, “less than $200,000”)
the 570GT also seems far more appealing than the S model. Matt Farah drives one here and comments on the added benefits.
anyone who can tell the difference between gins when mixed with juice has much superior taste buds than I
Let’s go Bruins!
The hockey season is over.
This story could be summarized by untold numbers of rap-lyrics, but i will skip the snark and just demand that you read this for two amazing details =
1 – the “File Photo” included for the story
2 – the fact that the protagonists’ name is “Boosie Badazz”
The Onion couldn’t touch this
Ah, so lil boosie changed his name. I was just thinking about him the other day. He named himself after Bootsy Collins so I guess he gets some points for class.
Really? Bootsy is from Detroit (or Ohio, i forget), so i’m a little surprised that southern rappers much are inspired by him.
Wikipedia =
“”Torrence Hatch (born November 14, 1982), known professionally as Boosie Badazz (formerly known as Lil Boosie), is an American rapper from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.[1] Hatch was bestowed the nickname Boosie by his family, and he was raised in Southside Baton Rouge. “”
so (shrug)
that said –
for others maybe needing context = a rapper having his chains stolen is sort of like the ‘timeless meta-narrative of rap music’.
Bootsy is from Cincinnati. And Funkadelic has no geographical boundaries