Greetings Boils and Ghouls, and whatever other gender you may be currently identifying as. For the next three weeks, I’ll be reviewing films from that wonderful splendiforous genre, my personal favorite, giallo. I’ll be doing this due to the presence of several well-known giallo guests at Texas Frightmare Weekend, coming up May 5th-7th. I’ll choose three different films from three of the genre masters. And don’t worry, my beloved readers, you’ll get a full report of Texas Frightmare after it’s finished and I’ve recovered from my biggest drinking & spending weekend of the year.
But since most of you probably either haven’t heard of that genre or don’t care for it because you are philistines with no taste, who drink knock-off Colt 45 in paper cups drawn out of a large plastic bag being sold by that elderly Mexican fellow pushing it around in the little cart, I won’t subject you to four straight weeks of the best 1970s Italy had to offer. This week we’ll go with a popcorn goofy horror film, one of my favorites from my woefully mundane childhood, Monster Squad. Or more correctly, The Monster Squad. But seriously nobody calls it that in casual conversation, and if you do, you’ll stand out as being that guy.
Monster Squad is a 1987 creature feature with a set-up so ludicrous you can’t help but love it. Dracula is trying to take over the world, and to do so, gets the old band back together. Only our impetuous band of child heroes can stop him.
Monster Squad was directed by Fred Dekker, a man who writes much more than he directs. His few other directing efforts are…hit and miss. You have RoboCop 3 (boo, hiss!), but also Night of the Creeps (huzzah!). More interestingly, the film was written by Shane Black. Now if that name doesn’t ring a bell to you, see if this does: “Billy. Billy! The other day, I was going down on my girlfriend. I said to her, “Jeez, you got a big pussy. Jeez, you got a big pussy.”
That’s right, Monster Squad was written by fucking Hawkins.
Seriously though, check out his IMDB. In addition to being Hawkins, he’s written Lethal Weapon, Iron Man 3, and is directing the upcoming The Predator film. Nuts, huh?
Aside from that, Monster Squad is peopled largely with actors that you may probably kinda sorta recognize, but probably not (depending, of course, on how big a film fan you are). Mary Ellen Trainor (RIP), mostly known from the Lethal Weapon series. Leonardo Cimino, who plays the weird little bald guy with an accent in every movie which called for that role (also RIP). Jason Hervey, who played asshole older brother Wayne on The Wonder Years. Tom Noonan, from all sorts of things like Last Action Hero, and decent little Satanic Panic throwback horror film The House of the Devil. The IMDB photo for the main protagonist, Andre Gower, kind of has a rapey murder vibe going on. Finally, Drac himself is played by Duncan Regehr, whom our friends from north of the border will recognize as also being Canadian. He was in several episodes of DS9 as a Bajoran dude getting to occupy Major Kira’s wormhole and was also the ghost-but-really-it’s-an-alien-who-likes-fucking-Dr. Crusher-and-lives-in-a-candle-for-some-reason on that one episode of Next Generation where they go to Planet Scotland. You know exactly the episode I’m talking about, you fucking nerds.
ANYhoo, our story opens 100 years ago, with Dr. Van Helsing botching an attempt at killing Duncan’s Dracula – Dracan…Duncula? I like Duncula, let’s go with that.
Cut to present. Duncula has set up shop in Red Stick, Louisiana, and has recruited The Mummy (who escapes from the local museum), The Creature from the Black Lagoon (whom I could totally see living in Louisiana), some poor schmuck who has been turned into a werewolf, and even managed to rob Frankenstein’s Monster from an airplane carrying it God-knows-where. Does Red Stick even have a museum that would be fancy enough to host an actual mummy as part of an exhibition? I dunno. Suthenboy, what of it? You’re the closest one I know to that area.
Turns out, Mary Ellen Trainor just so happens to buy Van Helsing’s diary at a fucking garage sale (not making that up) and gives it to Rapey McMurderface as a gift. See, he’s really into monsters and has an after school club where they go up in a treehouse and talk about monsters. The only problem is, the diary’s in German.
So off we go to Leonardo Cimino, playing a Holocaust survivor, who translates it for them. Turns out there’s an amulet that balances good and evil in the world, and once every hundred years, you can bust that shit up and then evil will rule the world. So this is Duncula’s plan in a nutshell.
Our plucky protagonists manage to defeat the monsters one at a time (the mummy never does a goddamn thing except shuffle around and then get destroyed) and even recruit Frankenstein’s Monster onto the Good Team. Finally, we’re left with only Dracula, who, in a pretty badass scene that somewhat presages what you see at the end of Rogue One, purposefully strides through the middle of town casually massacring the entire police force as they run up to him one at a time.
Of course, in the end, a hole is opened to Limbo by having a virgin read some words (that’s how Limbo works, right?), and the mean monsters are sucked into Purgatory forever. Frankenstein’s Monster is also banished, punished for looking weird regardless of the morality of his behavior. Just like in real life. Being an 80s movie, there is, of course, a bitchin’ training montage, and a contrived rap song for the final credits.
Look, the movie has tremendous heart. And the monster effects, particularly the Gillman, are honestly quite good (thanks to the wizardry of Stan Winston). I also personally have always preferred the half-man, half-wolf bipedal werewolves to the “he just turns into a big wolf” variety. And there are some background scenes that still warm my nerdy child heart (one of the characters wears RoboTech pajamas. I wish I had RoboTech pajamas as an adult!). It’s genuinely great for kids, or even for adults just looking for a cotton candy movie on an otherwise boring Saturday night. But ultimately, there are just too many plot holes that you can drive a bulldozer through. How the hell do all these monsters manage to converge in Red Stick? Actual non-monstrous humans have a hard enough time converging there. Why the hell does the US Army show up at the end entirely in response to a letter written to them in crayon by a little kid? Why does Duncula have so much fucking dynamite on him at all times? He casually tosses dynamite at people that he just pulls out of a pocket on his tux at least twice – I don’t remember that as being a known method of attack, and I’ve read a lot of vampire lore.
Still, it’s impossible not to like this movie down on some level, in the cockles of your heart. Just don’t go into it expecting it to be anything more than it is. The film didn’t do well when it was released but became a “cult classic,” and when the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin held a screening featuring many of the cast & the director in 2006, it sold out with lines around the block. So if you’ve got an hour and a half to kill and want a little old-style Universal Monster action updated to mid-80s standards, give it a shot. You’ve really got nothing to lose except time, which if you’re a frequent guest of this site we all know you have plenty of, and you may find yourself smiling here and there.
Two quick anecdotes: first, there’s a scene where one of the characters (a fat kid who died of pneumonia in real life in 1997; I can’t help but feel it would be more tragic if he wasn’t so goddamn fat) remarks to Leonardo Cimino that he knows an awful lot about monsters. Cimino says that he supposes he does and closes the door to his house, where we see a concentration camp number tattooed on his forearm. As a kid, I had no idea what that was and thought it was Dracula’s phone number. Why else would he be saying he knew a lot about monsters, with the camera then focusing on those numbers with menacing music playing?
Also, Rapey McMurderface wears a shirt through the first portion of the film that’s just a red t-shirt with yellow screen-printed letters that say, “Stephen King Rules”. My wife loved that shirt so much she found it at Texas Frightmare Weekend three years ago and wears it around all the time. I think maybe only two people have gotten the reference in all that time, though lots of people just think it’s a pro-Stephen King t-shirt and comment on how much they enjoy that author. I love my wife. I love having sex with my wife. I think I’m going to go have sex with my wife right now while you’re reading this. Think about it.
I rate Monster Squad 15 Weather Penises out of 27.
Or more correctly, The Monster Squad. But seriously nobody calls it that in casual conversation, and if you do, you’ll stand out as being that guy.
What about people who insist on saying The Ohio State University?
That’s the only goddamn thing I recognize in all of this.
I had to look it up. I confess to having seen a fair number of TNG episodes back in the day, but I must have missed that one.
Well, it routinely trades places at the top of the “worst episode” lists with the one where they go to Planet Black Power so it doesn’t even get much airplay in syndication.
I must confess to enjoying it, because when I saw it I immediately recognized Duncula and made up a story in my head about how he escaped limbo to Planet Scotland and is still a vampire.
I have a certain fondness for it. I like Planet Scotland. And the story isn’t half bad. I think it’s the cringe-inducing “sex” scenes between Duncula and Dr. Crusher that sink it for many.
Is the Planet Black Power episode the first-season one with the princess with the spiky glove and Riker fights the folks in the aluminum jungle gym?
Yes it is. I remember when I first saw it. I couldn’t believe they made that episode. Time has only made it worse.
I thought it was Planet Ireland. But yeah, I remember that shitty episode, too.
test comment
weird. last 2 comments were wished into the cornfield
There’s a lot less squirrels up in this joint than in other places I’ve been (and, no offense meant to anyone, but how fucking hard is it to keep squirrels out of a commenting system, when comments are literally independent of all other commits… fuck me.)
That said, there are almost always squirrels hidden in any concurrent system.
Yeah but WordPress is pretty battle-tested & frequently updated unlike the home-cooked system used at a certain other place.
Sure, but there is some sort of backing store behind things, right? I can’t say I know much about WordPress, but…
Sure, but we’re talking about a platform used by thousands of sites and developed by a whole team, versus a custom design used by one site and almost certainly developed by one person*. I have yet to experience a single squirrel here.
*I have developed a lot of one-man apps running where I work and boy are there some clunkers.
It seems our big squirrel problem is the spam manager here. Occasionally regular comments will get filtered by it and we don’t get auto notified like we do for comments awaiting moderation.
PSA: If your comments get eating try to flag one of us down to check
Makes sense. I would not expect the kinds of routine problems we got over there.
Just because it is used by many does not mean it does not have squirrelly bits. My assumption is that WordPress is usable, but probably full of squirrels.
The core functionality of ‘canonical’ wordpress seems fine.
The problems are in the plugins. Some are great, some less than great.
I tried to post this on the thicc thread, but since it didn’t work, I’ll post it here:
I’ve been thinking about the best way to persuade people about the benefits of free markets and small govt. Here are the principles of persuasion, according to some guy:
I think more short slogans would be a good start.
More laws, less justice
Minimum wage, minimum jobs
In the war of ideas, it is not enough to be right, at least in the short term. The idea must satisfy the emotions. In fact, if it satisfies emotions, it often doesn’t matter how wrong it is.
If emotional appeals work better than facts and logic, is it OK to use them? It’s a dishonest approach in my view, but if it works, why not?
Logic won’t work on the illogical and reason won’t work on the unreasonable. What else is left?
OK, copy & paste my old comment doesn’t work. Here’s the short version:
If emotional appeals work better than facts and logic, is it OK to use them? And if so, what sort of emotional appeals could be made in favor of free markets, etc?
I like short slogans:
more laws, less justice
minimum wage, minimum jobs
fuck you, cut spending
That comment didn’t post either
Don’t know if anybody posted this today. Huffpost writer thinks white men, world wide, should lose the right to vote for a generation, while everybody else votes to take all their money and land and stuff.
I would be surprised if that’s even the craziest story there today.
Molon labe, bitch.
Does molon labia mean grab her by the pussy?
You! Sir have won the internet.
Swiss Servator shall be along shortly to announce your prize.
As for me, I wish your sons many children and long life.
I will keep my thoughts to myself, for they are too profane for even the Internet.
Proggies really are the worst kinds of people.
Juris Imprudent brought it up last post. Pure idiocy that article is.
author bio:
“Shelley Garland is an activist and a feminist and is currently completing an MA degree in philosophy. When she’s not gagging at South Africa’s unique brand of rainbow politics, she’s working on ways to smash the patriarchy.”
urban dictionary says:
slang term primarily used by gay men in the early to mid 90s. used when something is so fierce you can’t help but wanting to gag from the overload of extreme fierceosity.
I’m a bit surprised a feminist would have nice things to say about a country with such a high incidence of rape.
That’s… evocative.
What? I’ve been assured that jihad merely refers to the peaceful, internal struggle to be a better Muslim and that Islam means peace.
Snakes and ladders? WTF is that? In Murica we have chutes and ladders. Snakes and ladders sounds creepy enough without all the anti Jew stuff
Hey, these days you can get the retro-version, with fucking Snakes back on the board!
Did the British Ministry of Child Rearing ban the presence of actual snakes drawn on the board or something so as not to scare the baby Tommies? I thought we’d always been chutes and they snakes down to the present.
Ah, problem with Canada is we get it both ways so sometimes it’s confusing. I always thought “snakes” were old-school and “chutes” new, less triggery ones.
I want these mother-fucking* snakes off this mother-fucking board!
*Or melon-farming if you want a safe-for-work version.
I don’t know. Is this all that different from Contra, or Medal of Honor, or any number of board and video games that we give to kids that not only depict fighting (as is as old as the concept of boyhood play itself) but depict a particular enemy of the USA? This reminds me of everybody getting all appalled at the kids dressed up as little jihadists with toy guns at the Hamas parades. This is their war, and Israel is their enemy! Haven’t we given our kids toy guns and let them dress up as soldiers, or even letting them march in patriotic parades, for ages as part of our good wholesome fun? Hamas is probably a bit more about it, but it’s just a matter of degree.
Now the justice of their cause itself, as it happens? That is fucking appalling. But given that, what they do in cases like this doesn’t seem very out of place. Why shouldn’t a Palestinian video game, say, have its players slaughtering Israeli soldiers? It’s that their *cause* is wrong; that’s it; no one who disagrees with us on that point should be expected to go on clutching their pearls about the matter.
Western entertainment media now seems to be a lot more deliberately vague about it. I mean, yes, there’s still a billion World War 2 video games and what-not, but a lot of the more modern stuff is deliberately vague about the opponent (usually some variation of generic terrorists, Not-Iraq or PMCs). North Korea, however, is still open game.
Given the outrage culture that sprung up over Medal of Honor 2010 (which was pretty damn underrated, BTW,) when they used the Taliban, I can see why. Though IIRC, it was for the multiplayer and not the campaign.
Also, Russia and any kind of US-based corporation are allowed as villains.
Or South America. Or the US military, in the case of Spec Ops.
There’s nothing wrong with war games in general.
The problem I have with this is that they are encouraging children to hate and fight an actual group of people, not a long defeated enemy or fantasy. In my mind, there’s a big difference between that and an American kid pretending to fight Nazis in a video game. When the American kid stops playing, he isn’t going to go looking for real Nazis to kill nor is there any organization that will encourage him to do so.
What Hamas is doing here would be like the US military or govt sponsoring a board game where players pretend to kill Taliban or ISIS. Half the country would shit bricks about that.
The big thing with the WWII setting was originally that everyone (who matters) can agree that Nazis are evil and WWII was the last “moral” war the US fought. Playing games where you kill Nazis is just reenacting what your grandparents did. Hell, more recently you see that setting treating even Nazi killing with some moral ambiguity, acknowledging that the German army wasn’t just one big Nazi shooting party.
In modern settings, the most popular games either treat all sides as morally equivalent in some fashion or they use a nebulous terrorist group as the enemy, because terrorists are the new Nazis. But they’re often careful to emphasize that the terrorists aren’t Muslims, because, you know, that’s not a thing or anything.
Also, even then some games gave a German campaign that tried to humanize them.
I’ve always wondered what an FPS played from the perspective of the Reich would feel like. It would probably be pretty damn good if done right, but the backlash would be too strong.
Poland already beat them to it
I had all kinds of toy guns as a kid. We played a lot of cowboys and indians, wwII battles etc. We never played genocide.
Contra? Particular enemy? Even Alex Jones hasn’t warned me about Red Falcon’s landing. When did this happen?!
Finally, a movie I’ve seen! At a suitably young age, too!
Only complaint I have is that it deserves at least 20 weather penises. Fuck plot holes, they are all part of they buy-in. And yes, movie does have a ton of heart, and a boyish glee about its subject. I mean, nerdy “what else kills a werewolf” discussion that actually pays off at the end? The “virgin” loophole? And Frankenstein’s monster proving to be fully human? Totally awesome.
Yeah I have nothing but positive feelings for this film (Wolfman’s got nards!), but I do try to give honest, neutral criticism from the perspective of someone who would look favorably upon these sorts of films but have not seen them.
Looking forward to watching it!
Yes this the film that taught me that Wolfman’s got nards, which was important information for me to know.
Never mind ghost stories, this *goat* story should scare the willies out of you.
“Sara Wakefield was surprised when Cookie shit on her yoga mat. But, in all fairness, Cookie is a goat, and Wakefield had been warned that accidents might happen.
“It’s a cloudy Sunday morning, and Wakefield, with her friends Carolyn Gilbert and Laura Andrews, is taking a “Yoga with Goats and Lambs” class from Bikram Yoga Durham at Hux Family Farm. They’re here for a lot of reasons—good photos, good stories, some laughs—and Cookie’s little indiscretion isn’t going to ruin anybody’s fun. Before the class begins, the three are already giggling and snapping photos as ambling Nigerian dwarf goats nibble on their toes and strike endearing poses.”
Shouldn’t it be scaring the Billy’s out of us?
Never go full Godwin-tard
“A North Carolina legislator is facing criticism after he wrote on Facebook Wednesday that President Abraham Lincoln is a similar ‘tyrant’ to Adolf Hitler.”
While I find the fact that they were fighting it to defend the government supported institution of slavery repugnant, I think they are technically right on the whole War of Northern Aggression thing, including Lincoln’s responsibility.
Bringing Hitler into it is pretty stupid.
Actually, more like Hitler was (albeit hyperbolically) the initial intended comparison (“We must resist evil and tyranny and not give up even when it appears to have won, for example Hitler”) and taking a shot at *Lincoln* was the bizarre, obnoxious, and unnecessary nonsequitir.
It’s mostly the stupidity that’s indeed the problem. Who’s surprised that the kind of legislator who thinks North Carolina should pass a pre-ordained illegal law restoring traditional marriage also completely gratuitously brought in a rant against Lincoln (and make an idiotic and offensive comparison at that) when trying to make his point? This guy is some sort of insane, stupid clown.
I think it was Napoleon who said stupidity is not a handicap in politics.
He was a tyrant. The fact that slavery is evil doesn’t change the fact.
But, no, Hitler he was not. He didn’t gas innocents. Instead, he killed them through war, like real men do.
Yeah, that’s a thing that comes up in these discussions that drives me crazy.
Slavery was the flashpoint of the civil war, but not the cause. The war wasn’t about abolition, the war was about secession. The South seceded for many reasons, of which Northern attitudes towards Southern slavery was one. That doesn’t mean that slavery was acceptable, nor does it mean that the USA’s invasion of the CSA wasn’t itself immoral. I defer to Lysander Spooner on this, who said it much more eloquently and effectively.
I’m sure the peculiar institutions referred to in the articles of secession were talking about sipping mint juleps on wraparound porches and holding debutante balls.
At least Hitler never gassed his own people though! /Spicer
“Two former Los Angeles area prosecutors have said that California’s attorney general was wrong to charge pro-life activist David Daleiden and his associate with 15 felony charges for their undercover work that exposed Planned Parenthood’s illegal aborted baby body parts reimbursement practices….
“‘David didn’t invent this controversy concerning the sale of baby body parts obtained in late-term abortions. He investigated and reported on a controversy that was full blown and of great public interest,’ Brent Ferreira, a former Los Angeles deputy district attorney who has joined Daleiden’s legal team, said. ‘So, Attorney General Becerra is, in this case, is simply doing the bidding of Planned Parenthood and using a law that does not fit David’s journalism at all to accuse him of a crime.’…
“‘That statute itself says that it doesn’t apply to conversations had in a public setting. The statute is being used to chill David’s first amendment rights,’ Ferreira asserted. ‘This is the age of YouTube, iPhones, Facebook and Periscope, where conversations held in public settings can never be confidential anymore. People who engage in such public discourse have no reasonable expectation of privacy. Journalists who capture video footage of these conversations are protected by the First Amendment.'”
You’d think the left would be a little leery of expensively educated lawyers using their clout and the threat of imprisonment to springboard into politics, but no, for all their talk of representing the little man, they love them some California prosecutors.
I would buy a bottle of prosecco to celebrate if Kamala Harris stepped in front of a bus tomorrow.
That woman is objectively evil.
The same California liberals who love her… wonder how they’d feel about, say, a white male prosecutor in, say, Texas who did the same exact things she did?
Jim, I am waiting for a review of ‘Grave of the Vampire’. It is often touted as the worst movie ever made…and my father is in it.
Oh, and to answer your question, yes. Red Stick has such a museum and I believe they have had at least one mummy exhibit.
But, do they have a daddy exhibit?
If they don’t, they have issues
Performance issues?
Daddy issues
Was it your fathers efforts that made it the worst movie ever made? That is an awful thing for a son to say.
I have accused him of that, yes. I had always known that he was in a couple of movies but he never would say which ones. He played a leading role in one but he wont tell me the name of that one. i think it is a 70’s soft pornish kind of thing. An Emmanuel movie without the female lead, budget, talent, decent photography, even a half-assed plot and so on. He finally told me about Grave of the Vampire so I looked it up. When I told him ‘worst movie ever made and has a cult following because of that’ he laughed his ass off but was not surprised at all.
I will check it out just for the funny history and recommendation. Although I have a list of movies now.
PS thanks for the recipes and food tips. I check here late in the day and don’t comment on many day time posts. I don’t own a microwave, but I know how to get by without one.
You are welcome. Those recipes are condensed and simplified for people short on time or experience in the kitchen. The rest of you knuckleheads seem pretty sophisticated with food prep so it’s not really aimed at y’all. All of that stuff can be made from scratch too for those that know how, but they already know that.
Also, mostly useful filler articles for the spaces between serious articles.
*Looks around for Playa*
Yeah, it’s a damned can of beans.
I added a can of black beans into some leftover green chili I found in the freezer added to some rice and some cheese baked into dinner. How is that for a culinary run on sentence?
I just wish I could find a copy of the movie made in the area I spent my teens so you folks could all enjoy it.
Imagine what they’d be like without their white privilege.
I would have guessed your Florida might be in Saskatchewan or something, not Ontario.
There’s fuckall in Saskatchewan. Here’s the way southern Ontario works:
There’s the Golden Horseshoe, which is Toronto and its immediate surrounding cities. Along Lake Ontario you’ve got your mid-tier cities going all the way east to Cornwall. In between those cities it’s rural as hell, that video takes place thirty minutes outside of Kingston, Ontario, the former capital of Canada. If you go north, shit gets to Deliverance levels pretty fast. Outside of cities the whole area’s about as redneck as any rural part of the south, except they’ve got Letterkenny accents.
Yeah, I know all about the Golden Horseshoe, having grown up on the other side of Lake Ontario. To be fair, the rural parts of upstate New York are exactly the same as you describe in Ontario, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
Yeah, you upstaters like to shit-talk central PA and northern New England as Deliverance North. But since paying all those places a visit as an adult, I have to say you’re not much “better.” A little better, to be sure, but only a little. Beautiful fucking place, though. (And I maintain that NYCers are in our own way actually the most provincial-minded motherfuckers anywhere. And there’s still plenty of places down here that would be the last places I’d want to be caught in after sundown.)
All true. Upstate is beautiful and could be a great place to live and draw lots of tourists if it wasn’t being run like the 6th borough of NYC. And I’ve been a NYC’er for 20 years of love-hate now. Sure, we’re provincial – because we have everything we need right here.
I’ve seen that mentioned a few times here… OMFG that is funny. I didn’t understand everything, though. The 2nd dude is speaking a foreign language, I think.
I don’t know what you’re talkin’ bout bud, man’s speaking clear as day.
Oh, and no more fucking All-Dressed where I found them the other day. God damn it.
And how are you doin todeeeeee
Not so baaaaaad…
Sounds like english to me. Try backwoods Ferriday Louisiana. Or anyone from west monroe to shreveport. I am from here and I cant understand them.
Ah, so basically Civilization in your country hugs tightly to the QEW like heat on a coil. But what about west? Back when you could do such things without feeling like you were crossing the Czech-Austrian border, I casually took the most direct route when traveling from Buffalo to Detroit; I wanted to see Canada and especially enjoy the act of driving *north* into the United States at the end.
I didn’t really stop much in between, but I did notice–probably unsurprisingly–that the Detroit-area Canadians just seemed like a slightly “rougher” bunch than the Buffalo-area Canadians. It was a little jarring to my concept of “Canadian,” since I’d only known the latter.
I dated a guy once with family in both Niagara Falls’s. The contrast between the two is jarring.
Oh Niagara Falls is fucking ridiculous. I’d heard the “You know you’re from Western NY” jokes about apologizing profusely to your guests about Niagara Falls NY on your way to showing them Niagara Falls ON, but nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. There’s absolutely nothing remotely like it anywhere on the border that I’ve seen, and probably anywhere I haven’t. I’m actually surprised that anyone actually *would* have family in both Niagara Falls, because again it’s just nothing like the normal border phenomenon. It would be like casually having a family that’s split between San Diego and Tijuana.
.… because again it’s just nothing like the normal border phenomenon. It would be like casually having a family that’s split between San Diego and Tijuana.
It’s a shame that 9/11 fucked it up, but the looseness of the Canadian/American border was a respectable point of pride between the two nations (and a partial validation of the libertarian ‘open borders’ concept). Historically the border was always pretty ill-defined, for better or for worse (the Fenians and Canadians support of the Confederacy being the worst examples).
I haven’t actually been to Canada in decades. But yeah I must have visited dozens of times before 9/11. I thought I heard you need a passport now?!
Yeah, a bunch of us Yanks were briefly commiserating about the good old days here.
As I said there, It’s hard for me to look back at what border crossing was until just a few years ago, and at the little border communities that have lived a casually binational lifestyle all this time, and see them bisected by a big, hard, unfriendly border, and not get a little sad. (I feel especially bad for those folks who might have a disqualifying offense way back in their past.)…I know times change and the “natural order of things” over the grand stretch of time, as both transportation and enforcement technology become cheaper, is for “harder” borders. But I kind of wish we could work together to strengthen the periphery and move toward a UK-Ireland type arrangement.
It really did make me proud of our two countries, to see what we had achieved together in friendship with that border.
I thought I heard you need a passport now?!
Yep, and hilariously the border questions have caused all kinds of ridiculousness.
I have a friend, his family is from Kenya. When they tried to cross the border, the amount of time they spend there is dependent on how a certain question is asked: Where do you live? (Toronto, and waved right through) vs. Where are you from? (Kenya, and suddenly things get more complicated).
I’d say that if these folks haven’t learned to answer “Toronto” to the “where are you from” variation by now, then Royal authorities have made a rather grave oversight in their strategy of admitting high-aptitude immigrants to contribute to Canadian society.
Blame the Canadian nature, we’re willing to tell the truth even if it fucks us in the ass.
Last time I was up that way ~5 years ago, Niagara NY wasn’t a complete shit-hole near the border. Nice parks and stuff. I was still excited to go across, find cream ale, poutine and ketchup chips and watch a menonite minister argue with an orthodox one while overlooking the falls.
‘Civilization’ in this country is largely dictated by your proximity to the local major city (i.e. Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, Edmonton on a good day, etc.). Even then, unlike in some major American cities, you drive twenty minutes out and you start to hit the rural folks pretty damn quickly. Ottawa’s a great example, you go south on the 17 and things get pretty outback pretty damn fast.
The reality is that the majority of this country is staffed by hicks, but the overwhelming influence of the cities makes us come off as way more civilized than is portrayed.
Yeah, I think most Americans are well aware that basically *nobody* lives more than a couple hours from the border. But I think we figure those who don’t–and therefore, basically all Canadians–are basically suburban Torontans or Vancouverites. We have no concept of Canadian rednecks, and certainly have no idea of it as a place where shit gets real a quick drive out of the cities.
I first got a clue to that effect when watching a documentary about some absurdly hick French country town that looked like it was about half an hour from the North Pole. Turns out it was right outside Montreal.
I have a vivid memory of visiting my home town (Rochester) during a college break almost 30 years ago and seeing a movie at one of suburban malls, and being a little taken aback by the presence of so many hicks. Because the cities up there are gutted and have nothing going on, the suburbs are like a weird hybrid where two different cultures mix.
Oh boy, French Canadian rednecks are a whole separate issue, You stay out of Montreal or Quebec City and those bastards will mutter Anglais… under their breath like it’s a personal bloody insult. It just gets worse the further north of the St. Lawrence you get.
Oh, you’re talking about CANADA!? Confused for a second.
No, seriously, we were talking on H+R a ways back where i made a similar point about American TV, about how the impression you get from media is that everyone in America lives in some sitcom-stereotype, of urban/surburban plenty and modernity. I basically argued that you can hardly find anyone on TV with a southern accent (that isn’t some absurd stereotype used as a throwaway character).
SF pointed out there were shows (90% which i’d never heard of) that DID include some non-yankee/non-urban/more yokelish POV, but i still think there’s sort of a cultural-blind-spot America which pretends that the typical suburban family sitcom represents ‘everybody’…. when i think it actually omits large swaths, particularly the more-rural folks, and particularly regional communities that might have some unique cultural characteristics that many others don’t even know exists.
I mean, i’m not suggesting Gulf Coast white-trash are necessarily de-facto fascinating and deserving of their own TV series…. i’m just saying that we get a false impression of cultural homogeneity from media.
I didn’t know LetterKenny had Katy. Oh my.
Oh goodness, yes.
I fucking wish the village sluts were as hot as Katy. Most of them are bow-legged females with a meth problem. Moving to an actual city and getting access to the local Catholic school girls was a gift from heaven when I was a teenager.
What’s your educational system in Ontario? Is it secularized like BC and post Quiet Revolution Quebec, or like the old Newfoundland system? I head it was the latter.
Ontario still maintains the dual school system, in the olden times that was Protestant/Catholic, but the Protestant system has been secularized into a more general public school system. The Catholics still have their separate school system, and you get to choose which one your property taxes go to. I went to Catholic school during elementary up north, and then got a choice between the big city Catholic school and the smaller, local public school. I choose the latter, which in hindsight might have been a poor decision.
No love for all the culture in Stratford?
I hope Gojira works his fine piece of work into his reviews. It was filmed in my neck of the woods when I was a young sloper. First rate B or C grade horror with a STEVE SMITH edge.
That looks waaaaay too sophisticated. I was hoping for some Legend of Boggy Creek (kinda my neck of the…bog)
HAHA I’ve also seen that…and it’s sequel.
There’ve been a few suggestions in the comments of old horror that I haven’t seen, but not many.
And it couldn’t have been that bad, it has a 5.1 on IMDB and there’s an automatic -1.5 for horror bias in their rankings.
I’ve seen that! But it’s been a long time and I’d need to see it again before doing a review.
Oh it is horrible. I even remember thinking that when I was a kid. I would have been 12 or 13 when that was filmed and released. I knew some of the people in it as extras. It was a big deal at our ski area.
Tootsie was made in part in my neck of the woods.
My father worked on the set of several movies. By his own admission they were all terrible, most of allQuintet.
Ooh, somebody else who doesn’t like Quintet.
I don’t get the pretentious love for it. It’s even worse than the people who praise Douglas Sirk for having right-on views about 1950s America.
I looked it up on IMDB and a name immediately jumped out at me – David Chase. Yes, the eventual creator of The Sopranos wrote the screenplay for the horrible movie your father was in. That’s pretty cool.
No shit. He was a metallurgical engineer working in LA at that time and had friends in a lot of circles, the movies being one. I dont know or remember the name of the guy that got him those parts, might have been Chase. I remember that it was one of the principles in those movies. They called him up one weekend and said their star had fallen down on the set and broken a leg before they started shooting so could he take the guy’s place. He agreed having had no training or experience whatsoever.
Thus, worst movies ever made.
I mixed up two movies there. He did the supporting part in GOTV and that is why they called him to star in the second movie, the one where he played a vietnam vet biker screwing his way across the country. Despite knowing some of the plot and so on he wont tell me the name of the movie and I cant find it.
I rate Monster Squad 15 Weather Penises out of 27.
Superb rating system yet again.
Okay, not one of Jupiter’s moons, but cool nonetheless. NASA
God damnit, do I hate posting from my phone. Hopefully the link works.
Hey, Gojira, what did you think of John Dies at the End ? I was disappointed because of course it doesn’t live up to the book, which is absurd and way too ambitious for a low-budget straight to DVD flick. But it was directed by the guy who did Bubba Ho-Tep, which I hear is pretty good.
Never read the book, thought the movie had a great premise but the third act was dreadful.
I was very drunk for most of it, and only partly because I’d been drinking. Mostly I was embarrassed that I’d bigged the movie up for some friends, and…well.
I liked it. I like all those British pub crawl turns into weird shit movies. They are fun.
You hear??? Holy shit, get you to a
BlockbusterRedbox, or VUDU, or whatever has it. It’s glorious.The star of Grave of the Vampire mentioned above was the most interesting man in the world:
actor, bodybuilder, stuntman, linguist, Marlboro Man…
Well, he certainly made up for being in a shit movie.
Yeah, well, I find matching socks most mornings.
“I go by thickness”
-Steven Wright
I’m kind of surprised none of our old man posters made mention of the alt text in the mummy pic.
They’re all asleep.
That is because us old goats don’t think to check for alt text because we have pictures to look at.
PS I didn’t think I would make it to 50 either.
I *always* bring the alt-text. The ones for my review last week were pretty funny; this one, not so much.
I usually hide one in the ratings system pics somewhere, also.
What’s alt text? And why, in God’s Own Name, are you on my lawn?
I love some good alt text.
Shocking Education Report Shows Taxpayers Paying Hundreds of Millions for Unneeded and Inferior Charter Schools
It’s amusing to see progs argue *against* building schools.
If charter schools were inferior progs wouldn’t be shitting themselves over them. They are soiling their pants because they know that given a choice people will take their kids out of the minimum security prisons that are public schools.
Ever notice that progs hate the fuck out of anything and everything that gives people choices or empowers them? Always endorse things that people would choose to avoid if they can? Maybe that is why they love them some Islam, it is a religion of coercion.
“the minimum security prisons that are public schools.”
I haven’t been in school for 30 years now. I still, occasionally, dream of being late, on trouble, etc. Then I remember that I’m an adult now. But, Jesus! The stress of that environment. The girls’ cattiness, the jocks’ bullying, the very fact that you couldn’t go where you wanted, when you wanted.
Drive by and look at an average school: it absolutely looks like a minimum security prison. It even has the chain link fence, just missing the barbed wire at the top.
Anything government touches, it makes evil, even little kids leaning the ABCs.
I seem to recall a charter school up in Albany failing several years back and the goverment-sector teachers creaming their pants about it.
From the Planet Scotland Star Trek episode mentioned above:
“Guest star Ellen Albertini Dow did not begin to act until she was in her 70s. After playing Felisa Howard in “Sub Rosa”, she became better known as the rapping grandmother in the Adam Sandler comedy film The Wedding Singer (1998). She continued her acting career until 2013, and died two years later at the age of 101.”
Also, random facts about Ben and Jerry:
“Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield were childhood friends from New York. While Greenfield finished college, he found himself unable to make his way into medical school. Cohen dropped out of school.[2] In 1977, Cohen and Greenfield completed a correspondence course on ice cream making from Pennsylvania State University’s Creamery. Cohen has severe anosmia, a lack of a sense of smell or taste, and so relied on “mouth feel” and texture to provide variety in his diet. This led to the company’s trademark chunks being mixed in with their ice cream.[3] On May 5, 1978, with a $12,000[4] investment, the two business partners opened an ice cream parlor in a renovated gas station in downtown Burlington, Vermont.”
Ah, the American dream.
more reason to like people named Ben Cohen
Did you already show us this dude, or is my mind playing very sexually confusing tricks on me?
Yeah, I think he’s made one or two appearances on Manly Monday.
Yes. He was my pick for the Monday I was out of town. I should probably go back and see how he went over. He’s all kinds of dreamy.
Also I have to mention, you seem to favor gents who, while obviously not skipping the gym too often, are probably no great stranger to Messrs. Ben and Jerry either.
I have broad tastes, but yeah “Warty-like”, “beefy” or “rugby-built” is gonna get my attention pretty consistently.
I’m more into “Australian rules-built” or “soccer-built” in a pinch. Wait, we’re not talking about reality here, are we?
Simon Fourcade’s success in the Rhywun target demographic was noted.
What’s funny is he’s an adorable goofball when he’s not being really fucking sexy. It’s really a winning combo for me.
I feel like Aussie Rules is like the single favorite sport of gay dudes. I do have to say they have some of the best looking male athletes out there (though I am partial to gymnasts because I look just like one). But I always found it amusing because a North American can’t look at a clip of it without thinking it looks like they took football and made it gay. Like, instead of fat guys in masks and pads they have dudes running around in short shorts and tight, very closely matching muscle shirts. And the field is *oval*, so gay. And their refs’ goal sign is to snap their fingers forward smartly in a pointing position instead of holding them up above their heads. As an absurdly campy dude myself (with the small detail of being female-attracted) I have to say I wholeheartedly approve of all this ridiculousness.
It was even more ridiculous when the umpires used to look like this.
Wow, he looks like he’s on his way to the Donald Draper institute to cure polio.
How much do I endorse this post? This much:
Well, that was a massive fail at uploading a picture from my computer to my comment.
That’s alright! It’s the delivery that counts. Good enough setup, you don’t even need a punchline.
A couple in their 80s is sitting across from me as I type this. Fucking staring at me as I read the paper. Made eye contact with them as if to say, “Yeah, I know you’re staring at me. Stop it.” Didn’t work. Never seen a white devil before? I had a friend once tell me how much he loved people watching. “Really. Interesting. Do you like being people watched when you’re just trying to go about your day?”
This reads like the narration of Pat’s nebbishy little brother, Herbert Bateman.
You should finish your meal, then, on your way out, stop at their table and warmly thank then for picking up your tab.
Also, dude, if you insist on being a 6’ish white guy in Japan, the most xenophobic society on the planet… Well yeah, you’re gonna get started at.
They probably blame you for Nagasaki.
So, according to the WSJ, the Syrian strike was a “success”, and Trump should use the momentum to pass tax reform.
See, Trump, to stop being hated in DC, by the war mongering neocons of both parties, and be considered a “success”, all you have to do is ignore your campaign promises and commit an act of war without congressional approval. This proves that you are a serious president, and can be worked with. And, since none of our tomahawks were shot down, then it counts as a “success”, thereby giving the Orange One gravatis, a momentum that he can then use to pass laws furthering the establishments goals.
Wow, glad that 6 weeks of the neocons being out of power didn’t result in worldwide chaos!
Worst next gen episode. That one makes skin of evil look like macbeth.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but it would help if the plot was somewhat coherent. So Dr. Crusher has a haunted candle, was it the ghost of a guy who used to bang her grandmother, or a ghost that also used to bang her grandmother, but he was already a ghost back then? Or was it just one of those energy being creatures that pop all over the place in ST?
Because I’ve been rewatching TOS, and I have to say, Zefram Cochrane dod alright for himself as far as energy beings go.
For anyone who loves Trashy movies or wants to just dip their toes into the cesspit of low budget flicks, I recommend the 42nd Street Forever series, volumes 1 through 5. It’s nothing but trailers trailers trailers of horror camp, prison movies, sex, and bad special effects.
First One (some NSFW material) can be viewed here
make that lots and lots of NSFW material
Gojira as much as I enjoy your movie reviews I love your rating system! Jesus Christ they are funny. I’m now skipping to the rating system and then going back to read the review.