Cocktail of the Week – Polar Vortex
Another ginger beer treat this week (last one – I promise). The funny thing is, I practically never used ginger beer until a few years ago, when I got into some authentical Dark and Stormies, decided to make them at home, and discovered the superiority of small batch ginger beer (Maine Root) and “home-made” (Pickett’s and soda water). When I saw how good ginger beer could be, well, I just couldn’t keep my hands off of it. Can’t recall where I originally ran across this, but its a regular at Casa Dean.
As with the Dark and Stormy, there are a couple of ways to go at this – ginger beer out of the bottle, and make-your-own ginger beer.

This beverage as seen from space (Thanks NASA!)
3 oz. rye whiskey (can’t go wrong with Bulleit or Rittenhouse )
1 teaspoon Amaretto, maybe a little less (honestly, I don’t have a brand preference here)
1/3 oz lemon juice
6 oz. ginger beer (see the Dark and Stormy linked above for your options)
I use rye for just about any whiskey-based cocktail, even if the recipe calls for bourbon or similar. I just like the way it mixes, it seems a little smoother and a better neighbor for the other ingredients. The short teaspoon of Amaretto doesn’t seem like enough to make a difference, but it adds a nutty sweetness that is right at home with the ginger beer. The lemon juice kind of opens and brightens up the drink (yes, I have unintentionally made this without lemon juice or Amaretto, so I know whereof I speak). I’ve tried it with lime juice, and it just doesn’t work as well – for some reason, lime juice works with tequila or rum based ginger beer cocktails, but not this one.
Anyhoo, this is a highball, so grab a big enough glass, pour the ingredients over ice, and you’re done.

Pictured: the only calvado image that this site could afford
During our discussion of sippin’ likker, KSuellington recommended Calvados (apple brandy from Normandy) in the comments. Holy crap, is that good stuff. I grabbed a bottle of Busnel Vieille Reserve VSOP and have been working it ever since. Good cognac is very nice, but its not on my short rotation (partly, admittedly, due to cost), but I find cognac to be a little thin and “hot” unless you spend truly impressive amounts on an XO. This Calvados stuff, though – nice body, just the right alcohol heat, and a deep complicated apple/pear thing going on. If I lived in Normandy, my liver probably would have exploded by now.
Which raises another issue: glassware.
Generally, I am fairly indifferent to the glass used for a particular drink. As long as its pretty much the right size, I’m good. I do have Scotch glasses (umm, actually, three different kinds, but two were gifts, OK?), and I do think Scotch is better out of purpose-built glasses than a plain rocks glass. I actually use a Scotch glass for most anything I drink neat. But brandy (and this proved to be true with Calvados) is notably better out of a proper snifter. Can’t explain it – when I tried the Calvados the first time, I used one of my Scotch glasses – very nice. Next time, I used the brandy snifter, and it just opened up and became a very close friend. Plus, for the true plutocrat fashion statement, nothing pairs with a tophat and monocle better than a brandy snifter.
Spot the Not: Sonia Sotomayor

The Honorable Sonia Sotomayor
1. Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging
2. The Latina in me is an ember that blazes forever.
3. I have a very close relationship with my sister. My sister is a precious jewel.
4. I had no need to apologize that the look-wider, search-more affirmative action that Princeton and Yale practiced had opened doors for me.
5. My diabetes is such a central part of my life… it did teach me discipline… it also taught me about moderation.
6. I am a product of affirmative action. I am the perfect affirmative action baby. I am Puerto Rican, born and raised in the south Bronx. My test scores were not comparable to my colleagues at Princeton and Yale.
Ha! Right on RC. I’m going to have a snifter of Busnel when I get home . Happy boozing !
Thanks much, K-Su. I’ll probably pick up a bottle of a different Calvados tomorrow for, uhh, scientifically comparison.
Indeed. I have sampled about 9 or 10 brands and have yet to find a bad one.
Marquis de Saint Loup is merely OK. On the other hand, they make a Pommeau which I like and used to be available in New Hampshire.
Thanks, I will avoid that one. As mentioned below by BEAM, Chateau du Breuil makes excellent stuff.
I got turned on to calvados by an impressive Dutchman by the name of Taco. We used to drink it at this wonderful old bar/cafe with a nice terrace across the street from the Tropical Museum in Amsterdam called East of Eden. I highly recommend it if you are there for a few days.
Specialty liquor stores and BevMo are the only places I have seen it in the states. If your state lets you order booze online you can get some here.–750-ml-.html
That link is dangerous. It looks like they’ll ship to NH.
Amsterdam is a great place. I have do not know East of Eden. Unfortunately, Google says East of Eden is permanently closed. Damn.
Dam indeed. I loved that place. I lived around the corner for a few years from there.
BevMo is a tremendous booze warehouse. Looks like it’s only in the western states, but they do ship. Happy shopping!
I got turned on to calvados by an impressive Dutchman by the name of Taco.
Did he put the ritz on?
What’s in a Sotomayor vortex?
Dead white men
Just starting to get over head/chest cold so prolly giving the body a break tonight and saving the boozing for tomorrow.
Say “snifter of Busnel” for us 3 times fast.
Wouldn’t Trump and Kim Jong Un want to place a nice game of chess?
*drinks more*
It would’ve believed it if it said, “member”.
Boy is this Rangers-Habs series nnnnasty.
Love it.
In compliance with Canadian law:
Go Canadiens!
Allez Les Canadiens!
(I mean, they’re better than the Rangers)
Nasty first goal ?
But what a goal by Nash. A sniper’s goal.
Gallagher is a beast for a small dude. MaxPac is a good leader and with Shea’s “pass it to Shea get out of the way” shot you have a great chance this series.
Your Calvados choice looks good. Never had it — doesn’t seem to be available in my neck of the woods.
Alternatively, since I’ve got craploads of family in and around Normandy, I always try to bring back a few bottles of this stuff. Also unavailable in Canada, it comes in various formulations and vintages, from “last week” (I keed! I keed!) to 20-year-old stuff that’s damn costly and worth every Euro-cent. They also do a mighty fine liqueur based on Calvados, some of which I still have in my bar.
Now I’m thirsty.
Also reviewed at the Whiskey Exchange.
Hmmmm. I spelled “Whisky” wrong. Someone should spank me.
You mean like this?
How about a dramatic reading from a poem by Oscar Wilde?
I enjoy a bit of DeBussy cognac or Hine cognac while contemplating the night sky. You pay what Hine is worth. DeBussy is smooth and tastes many dollars above its price point.
I will try the Polar Vortex since I am a fan of the Dark and Stormy.
“They’re decomposing composers.
There’s less of them every year.
You can say what you like to Debussy,
But there’s not much of him left to hear.”
I need to give that a try. The only ginger beer drink I’ve had is a Moscow Mule.
OT: Damn, I think I am a wine-o now. Me and the GF drank 8 bottles of Justin Cab and Justin Sauvignon Blanc last Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
16 bottles? Nice work.
My parents always thought I would be great at something.
16 or 48? I hate common core.
I didn’t know this was a math test. He said, “8 bottles of” and then listed two varieties. (8×2)/2 peeples over three days=amateur winos. I think we need a litres per person calculation to make a definitive decision. Also, whether or not The Guzzle Buddy was used.
I Hyped the link. The Guzzle Buddy
I’m little gun shy of links this morning. Especially with a name like that.
Would it make you more or less likely to click through if you knew I’d posted a link to a picture of it a few days ago?
It is not the furry buddy. You have to hit Jesse up for those.
Ha. I didn’t know that Jesse. Or did I? Now I am not sure. I first saw those on FB.
That is a great name.
The whole operation seems a little unwieldy though.
I first saw one at a middle-aged coworker’s best friend’s house. I can never recall what they’re called when I want to reference them though.
A Brit friend. Actually my ex-boss, posted the things on FB. His wife and her friends were big fans.
“I only had one glass *hic* of wine, ossifer!”
OT: So I didn’t know what to blog about today, so I pulled out an old DVD and watched a cartoon short that was an extra on the DVD, 1933’s The Organ Grinder. At one point in the cartoon, the grinder wants toe assembled crowd of kids to drop some coin, so the grinder tells the monkey to start shaking the can.
The monkey responds by twerking.
I couldn’t find The Organ Grinder on Youtube, but this is a screenshot of the twerking scene.
Gotta love the organ grinder’s creepy smile and moustache.
I wish I lived on that street
Make a looping .gif of that and you’ll be hero!
You mock, but there’s something deeply satisfying about well-looped gifs.
Hey, Jesse. Thanks for that Fur Friday link. NSFW. Lol.
It was clearly labeled.
Yes, it was. Still made me laugh.
Oh good. I know a couple of people clicked through and needed eye bleach.
I got an earful for posting this on the other site a few years back. Had the NSFW tag even. People are such babies.
That’s clever, but probably taps into a certain primal fear more than people are comfortable with.
Ugh, I’m eating here.
No there isn’t.
That was another very good gif, thanks Jesse.
There was a three stooges episode that featured an organ grinder and the little monkey was a dancing pick pocket. I may need to re-watch to see if it was a twerk…
In this one, the monkey also uses a cat’s tail as a crank.
and I do think Scotch is better out of purpose-built glasses than a plain rocks glass.
I had a friend that said the best way to drink scotch was in a stainless camping mug with a few ice cubes miles from a road. I am not a scotch drinker, but I trust his judgement.
The not is 6. That dimwit would never say she was not as smart as others. Maybe. She might be dumb enough to say that. The fact she got on the Supreme Court is an embarrassment to the country.
Western, you are very close. Scotch is best in an old enameled camping mug miles from a road while sitting around a campfire while the elk heart cooks in the coals.
He would never be one to kill an elk. Bernie Bro of the all lives matter even elk order. Super smart guy in spite of his politics. Liked his scotch.
Never underestimate the power of set and setting. That sounds like an excellent Scotch plan to me.
True that. I have fond memories of weekend leave while in boot camp with too much Boones Farm. That was in Cape May NJ. It was very fitting.
It’s a perfectly circular argument. You KNOW she’s a smart and successful Latina because she’s on the Supreme Court. She got on the Supreme Court because every step of the way she was promoted because she was a Latina.
But that quote is real.
No way. She said that? Unbelievable. She is dumber than I thought.
#2 is the not. The latina in her is no ember, it is a raging firestorm that dwarfs the Yellowstone fires of 1988.
Hot Hot Hot
I thought it was going to be a link to this.
I wasn’t getting my hopes up that you’d post this.
#5 for Spot the Not.
I like Calvados. I have some Christian Drouin in the house. In fact, now that I’m done my Sweet Baby Jesus! I’ll have a little Calvados to finish off the night.
Second try on the link
Chocolate Peanut Butter Porter? How many of those can you drink in one sitting? Sounds like a one-n-done type beer.
I’ve never had more than one bottle in a sitting. Now, the bottle might be a bomber bottle, but no more than one bottle.
DuClaw isn’t the only brewer to make a Chocolate Peanut Butter Porter. Spring House’s Big Gruesome is another example, and I like it a bit better than DuClaw’s.
Love to try it, but it’s not easy getting my hands on local stuff like that. Maybe I’ll just toss a pureed Reese’s into my Asahi tonight.
That’s true of most good porters though. One or two will do ya.
Hence why I don’t drink Porters.
I love starting with a porter or a good stout and working my way lighter from there.
Smaug Stout, 2 year old 8.5 ABV, really… fiiiine, (#2 of 3)
More for me.
I have never tried a chocolate/anything beer. I never cared for fruity flavors in beer either. But I had a couple Aussie fruit beers that where pretty tasty. I have no idea what they were called though. Queensland breweries is all I know. I am not sure if they are here.
Yeah, I don’t see this happening
I don’t know. Secret Nazi President campaigned pretty hard on that one. I am in the don’t give a shit camp. All the special interests campaign now as it is. Be it climate religion, the Mohamidites, (((them people))), or the bible thumpers.
I have a tendency to ferment ginger beer to completion, then bottle and carbonate like regular beer. Though flavorwise it’s good to use more than just sucrose for this.
Related to that, why is it so hard to get corn syrup without vanilla flavor added?
white supremacy
Can’t use a substitute?
Oh, there’s plenty of sugars to choose from, corn syrup is one of the cheaper ones though.
So the rich and powerful control dc…ok.
So i know! More laws, more regs, taxation and spending
I think Fauxcahontas would go nowhere with the rest of the country. She plays well in Massachusetts and that’s about it.
OT: Joe Biden Calls on Trump Admin to Condemn LGBTQ Crisis in Chechnya
Add Chechnya to the list.
Hell, add Russia. That would cause heads to explode.
Mainstream news media is the final decider of reality
Stories like this really demonstrate perfectly just how little those who make up the media understand about economics and why their industry is failing.
LOL what a toady
The fact anyone has ever thought that he was a journalist kind of tells it all.
Students at an elite boarding school in the US were sexually abused by at least 12 members of staff over a period of four decades
The headline and report itself is probably a bit more sensational than the reality. Just my hunch, and it seems to be hinted at within the article:
The school said that some students did not report the abuse because they did not recognise it as such or “did not want the school to find out”.
Going to guess a good chunk of this was consensual.
“according to a report”
Didn’t somebody link to an article about vague media shenanigans yesterday?
I havent read the stories (glanced at a summary on AP) …
but it seems to me that the media wants some new story to fill the gap of the “Owen Labrie” story from last year where the harry-potter lookalike was on trial for ‘tricking’ a freshman into hooking up w/ him as part of a senior-class game.
Basically, they need “rape culture” stories where rich white people are the perps. so they trolled around and found some other school where there were some longstanding allegations. Hype-up, generate media-froth.
I mean, it could all be 100% legit, its just that i’m very suspicious of why these schools get targeted for these stories when the fact is that you could pretty much find a handful of ‘hanky panky’ claims at any private school (or public school for that matter) if you dig enough.
Exactly this. And the likelihood that much of it here was consensual just makes the whole thing a nothing-burger.
So how would this drink fare with say, a Birch beer? or even a Maple beer? I love to experiment.
I go to in Highland Springs Cali where they have one of the largest selections of Sodas, etc. in the world. My Dad gave me a Love for Cream soda and Ginger Ale so when I grew up, Galcos! It’s like a Pot dispensary for Soda!
Tommy’s pizza is a Columbus tradition. Been going there since I was a tot. Good thin crust pizza with curled up little pepperonis. Anyhow, they always had red cream soda on tap there. So that combo is like heaven to me.
I don’t know what “red cream soda” is but the combo sounds great.
I like want some right now:) lol
It also sounds like I might want to have a roll of Tums on hand.
Would not hurt:) those little curled up pepperonis are like little grease bowls. Even my vegetarian sister misses that.
Cream soda always sounded vile to me.
As did Genny Cream Ale. And what’s with those retro cans? I thought the hipsters drank PBR.
No one’s gotten the Not yet.
hint: it’s a slightly garbled quote from West Side Story.
Gotta be 2 or 3 then
Gee, Officer Krupke, we’re very upset.
We never had the love that every child oughta get.
We ain’t no delinquents, we’re misunderstood;
Deep down inside us there is good.
That is no help at all. I have never seen it.
i’ll go with #2 I don’t remember anything from WSS except that song above and the knife-dance scene
Is the magic number
Yes it is
it’s the magic number
Where were you in Fur Friday. I specifically sent people looking for you to tell them what clop means. Because I’m a raging dick.
When you put it that way, #3 is Bernardo talking about Maria.
Who else hasn’t filed their taxes yet? I see filing an extension in westernslopers future.
What did I do that caused every post to be in bold?
It’s not bold, it’s strong.