Good Friday is upon us. Hope your day goes better than a certain Lord and Savior’s did a couple thousand years ago. And I hope most of you managed to wrangle a day off work at least. So let’s get started with…the links!
Democrats continue to shit in one hand and reach out for President Trump’s tax returns with the other. The rest of America eagerly waits to see which hand fills up first.

Rooney was instrumental in this.
With neither head of state backing down and a terrified South Korea and Japan hoping for a peaceable resolution, the North Korea – United States standoff is in a vicious cycle. Yeah, that’s the understatement of the week.
Pittsburgh Steelers chairman Dan Rooney died yesterday. You may know him as the guy that helmed the Steelers organization to SIX Super Bowl championships. Or you may know him as the guy responsible for teams not being able to immediately hire who they want for a job until they check off a few PC boxes first. Either way, he was an influential guy in football.

According to one HuffPo writer, this should be abolished. (But just for men)
Apparently Planned Parenthood is under siege. Because other people not being forced to pay for your abortions is akin to a holocaust. “You’ve come a long way baby”, my ass. Money is fungible. And if you’re marching in the streets because you can’t force other people to pay for your mistakes, then you might need to lose your collective right to vote. (Just kidding!)
Although I shouldn’t joke about an entire sex (or gender?) losing their right to vote. This whacked out idiot sure isn’t joking about it. (TW: HuffPo being more insane than usual. Want to know how bad it is? Even they turned comments off for the piece.)
Your tax dollars hard at work. And by “hard at work”, I mean being totally pissed away on studies to determine how racist roads projects are. I shit you not.
Millennials don’t even realize these calls used to be possible.
Nope. Not one of the state holidays, so the office is open.
I’m taking a vacation day Monday, but only because I’m travelling on Saturday.
Day off? Uh no.
but I won’t work very hard today.
In fabulous Europe the day is off. And today I left work 2 hours early cause why not? YOU AMERICANS SO PRIMITIVE
Even as a state worker, I look at European labor laws and go “What lazy bums”.
I lol’ed
Seriously though I think I nearly starved a few times living in Europe because I didn’t account for the grocery store being closed on Sunday or a billion other holidays.
Hmm I think I lost a comment here. Anyway in Romania at least open stores is not a problem. We have large 24/7 supermarkets where you can buy most groceries at any hour. If you want to make coq au vin and drink vodka at 4 in the morning on a Sunday, there'[s as place to buy everything you need.
Look downthread, it got on a different comment.
How the hell did that happen??
Looks like the squirrelz are glibs as well?
The town I lived in is too small for that, but the worst was traveling on Sunday or holidays as I was usually laying over in a tiny town train station.
Me too. Followed by “lucky bastards”.
Easter is one time of year I (ever so slightly) lament separation of church & state.
I remember in the Philippines it was always a 4 day weekend….but you couldn’t really plan to get out and about and do anything downtown in Manila during the pilgrimages. You were better off just chilling. (or going to the beach.
This is not a problem for me.
I hear the Philippines celebrates Christmas for, like, 3 months. That’s my kinda people!
Spoken like someone who has never worked retail. The dozen or so Christmas carols played over repeatedly for over a month is annoying as hell.
To the point where you’ll be happy to help out working returns, just so long as you don’t have Rudolph the Red nosed reindee, working returns is a reprieve.
I can’t imagine having to listen to that for 1/4 of the year.
Koreans have a weird thing about WHAM!’s Last Christmas. It is basically 90% of the Christmas music they play (at least when I was there in 2007). The restaurant under my apartment had it on their outdoor speakers (right under my kitchen window) blasting for the entire month of December on infinite loop and often forgot to turn it off when closing up at night. Every store and coffee shop did the same.
You have not suffered until WHAM!’s Last Christmas has completely invaded your dreams.
I’m not ragging on christmas music specifically.
Name your favorite album, then put it on a constant loop for while working 60 hours a week, for a month. I’m fairly certain that by the end of that month, you will want to kill everyone involved in making that album.
I have worked retail, but not in the Philippines.
When I’m god-emperor-king, Christmas music will be allowed in public only for the two weeks leading up to Christmas. If I’m feeling generous, I’ll allow it through Dec. 26th. Any store or radio station blasting Christmas music outside of those days will be shut down and their owners punished with death.
I’m sorry, Snake, I’m already the God-Emperor of Mankind. I’ll be ending christmas before I take a ten thousand year nap.
If you’re the God-Emperor, can you do me a favor and hook me up with Horus’s phone number?
Poor misguided boy. He’s in therapy. I’m afraid outside contact would not be good for him.
Actually, I suspect the rest of America just doesn’t give a damn.
/end missing the sarcasm
The real answer is that the shit hand will never fill up, because it is too busy flinging it on everything.
Top notch links this morn
::Nods in appreciation to Pomp::
Great line
In Romania that don’t fly we have fairly large 24/7 supermarkets, at least in the cities. If you wanna make coq au vin and drink vodka at 4 am you have a place to buy all you need.
What a douche.
So no roads = Somalia libertarian Hell. But roads = racist.
Heads, you’re racist; tails, you’re racist.
What if you just refuse to flip the coin?
Millenials will never know the joy of making prank phone calls.
Those were never fun.
Why the hell would you do something like that?
Because it was hilarious to smoke a joint and make prank calls. We got endless amusement out of this when we were young.
You’re kidding, right? I can’t think of a better way to brighten someone’s day than to prank call them and give them a chuckle.
If you know the person and know you’ll be cheered up by it, mayhaps.
The very concept just triggers in me a “dude, not funny” response.
Getting a prank call is like getting salt in your French fries? Too much flava for you?
For some unfathomable reason fries these days don’t have enough salt, and I inevitably have to add more.
Pro Tip: if you want hot, fresh fries, request no salt. They have to fry you your own batch of fries and then you just add salt at the table.
^Yeah, this. Probably has something to do with the usual do-gooder busybodies.
That tip works for burgers, too. Always make some kind of special request – no pickles, no mustard, whatever – and you ensure that they can’t give you something that was sitting around.
What a shame too. Making prank phone calls was a rite of passage when I was a kid. When Caller ID cost extra and *69 was just beginning to take root.
Fucking technology.
My brother and sister pulled a good one when they were kids. My sister got on the piano and began playing a Liberace tune and my brother pretended to be Liberace (even pulling out Bugs’ ‘that’s my brother George’) while me and our sister and her boyfriend (now her husband) sat dying of laughter. It was that good. So good, the person being pranked stayed on and had a conversation with them.
They were 12 and 11 or something.
People would freak out and call the cops today. Numbers I don’t recognize freak me out. Thanks, Snowden.
You answer numbers you dont recognize?
I don’t even answer numbers I do recognize.
How else are you going to find out about that amazing vacation you just won?
+1 Prince Albert in a can
Is your refrigerator running?
Jerky boys…
What was the one with the puppets? Crank Callers?
Crank yankers?
Well, if I must…
*rolls up sleeves, snaps on rubber gloves*
What are you talking about? I made prank phone calls with my older sister all the time!?
your sister is a phone?
Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?
I read this as: Could it be time to round up all the undesirables and put them in camps?
Molon labe, bitch.
And I suppose they’re gonna find women out there willing to force men to give up their accumulated wealth, their equal rights and their ability to impact legislature by voting?
Suuuuuuuure they are, retard.
How exactly would women “force” men to do this? When the reality is that everything women have, including the right to vote, was provided to them by men, who could also take it all away if they really wanted to. Oh, I forgot, women are just as capable as men when it comes to force. Right.
Right? White men are evil scum who conquered and raped the whole world with their superior military technology and the aggressive will to use it. NOW lets pick a fight with them. Who is with me? ….Anyone? No?
Logic is obviously not their strong suit.
For every grrl pwr article there is another article about how hard life is for women and how you have to love them in their own terms because theu are so damaged.
Is “theu” one of those new pronouns progs have been going on about?
/ Checks post…
Sure, I’ll go with that.
We’re the water to their petals.
But also the powdery mildew.
Apparently, taking us out of the equation is now the only way they can get ahead. At least, that’s what I got from it.
That’s really what it all boils down to, isn’t it?
That and stealing
Seems I made a mistake clawing & scratching out a living for myself, when I could have just had all my male colleagues arrested and sent to camps! Sheeeeiiiit.
It’s obvious, that’s the only way you’ll get ahead now. I mean, it’s not like you could actually do it on your own.
Exactly. They flip-flop between saying that women are even more intelligent, powerful, and brave than men and saying that women are delicate little flowers who need a million kinds of special protections enshrined in law.
Why wouldn’t they when they are not just allowed to get away with it, but are actually encouraged to do more of it? I dated one of these flakes for a while. Talked though until she got in a jam, then she was a snowflake that needed help and you were evil for not volunteering to help.
I’m old enough (and then some) to remember when women “could bring home the bacon AND fry it up in the pan” because “we are woman, hear us roar”. It boggles my mind that the feminism of my youth has become a bunch of whiny losers walking around in pink pussy hats proclaiming that the only way for women to achieve their rights is by depriving men of their own rights. I see their marches and their proclamations and their ridiculous statements that (fill in the blank) is “worse than rape” and I just want to grab one of these asswipes by both shoulders, shake the shit out of them and tell them to grow the hell up.
High fives.
I was raised with “you can do whatever you want [preferably engineering]”. WTF happened to that mantra?
The women who were raised on it realized it was true, discovered that they weren’t perpetual victims and left behind those complaining that the system was sexist. The only ones left behind in the “feminist” camp were those who didn’t want to put in the work. ie, the ones for which female agency destroys their worldview and hense their power.
I am in the “feminist” camp. It’s just that those whiny babies who don’t know how to compete, and whose parents did them a great disservice by teaching them not to be tough and instead to expect shit to be handed to them, have co-opted the word and the ideology.
These kinds of feminists believe very strongly in false dichotomies. Like, instead of teaching women how to arm and protect themselves, the only answer is to teach boys not to be rapists.
Why not both? You can do both.
Are you sure you haven’t been excommunicated?
Oh, I’ve been ex-communicated. I had an acquaintance that I haven’t seen in some 20-odd years, and she asked me if I went to the women’s thingamajig in DC. I said “I didn’t think I’d be welcome there with my firearm and ‘Suck it up, Nancy’ attitude”. She assured me I would have been, but we all know that’s a lie.
Plus, I wasn’t about to wear one of those hats. I’m like Kramer.
I am in the “feminist” camp.
Are you sure? It does sound to me like it would be much more accurate to say you are in the “individualist” camp.
I am an individualist, but I also think women should support and defend each other, specifically, as a group. I think so many women are taught that they’re supposed to compete with each other when it comes to male attention. I don’t play dat.
I also love telling women (especially younger ones fresh out of that hellspace known as university) about firearms and my reason for thinking that all women should learn to handle guns (feminism is the reason).
Don’t get me wrong – I think competition is great in games and business, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to put on some show to attract a man. And the man in my life thinks that’s just dandy. It’s one of the things he likes most about me.
True story. My Dad and I were very close and it was always assumed that I, like my Dad, would be an engineer. The bottom line is that my mind just didn’t work that way and the hardest thing I ever did was tell my Dad that I had switched my major from engineering to economics. The day he died he apologized if he had made me feel that he was disappointed in me.
Wow – you and I must be twins! I knew engineering was not going to happen when I started reaching the higher levels of math. I failed Algebra in 8th grade (aced it in 9th), but once I got beyond Geometry (loved that subject!), I was doomed. Never even took calculus. I barely eeked by in Stats in college. I have a highly logical brain, but somehow can’t apply that logic to pure numbers.
You’re dad sounds like a real gentleman and to do that before he died.
Who’s cutting onions in here?
‘I just want to grab one of these asswipes by ‘
Woah now, you’ll be triggering them if you start taking like that.
Holy Shit! that huffpo link is the best article I’ve seen in a long time.
I read it as “Hey, let’s piss off all the guys with guns. I’m sure they will peacefully accede to our demands.”
Ya’ know despite the issue that they are married, and back on their first date, their future father-in-law’s used to clean their guns, while asking “What are your intentions with my daughter?”
That’s probably not a demographic you want to provoke.
The best thing would be when white women didn’t vote for the confiscation of all the white guys’ shit. Why? Because they are mostly married to white guys.
Why would they vote to strip away all their own wealth.
So then the next thing would be to strip white women of their vote too.
Eventually they will get just the right blend of voters to finally bring about the Utopia.
Wrapping avarice, hatred and jealousy in the cloak of justice is one of the most vile acts that can be performed.
It also sums up progressivism nicely.
The cloak of sex it works just fine.
+4 Cloak of Coitus?
Do you like sex, Mr. Lebowski? The physical act of love, coitus, do you like it?
I just want my rug replaced, man.
Say what you want about 3rd wave SJW feminism, but at least it’s an ethos.
I hate them with the fire of a thousand suns. They’re so obviously full of shit. Just imagine you discussed taking away voting rights for any other group in America…just imagine.
And why don’t advertisers pull their ads from HuffPo like they do everything else when someone says something even remotely offensive?
It’s okay to say vile things about white men. Because white male privilege.
That and white men barely consume click bait media, so they aren’t really going to alienate their readers.
You got a citation on that? I find that claim hard to believe.
I spent sometime looking, but can’t come up with a cite, so I’ll retract the claim.
There’s an interesting IEEE article about Susceptibility to Semantic
Social Engineering Attacks, while it’s not about clickbait specificly, the phycology of getting someone to click stuff is similar.
Since computer literacy is the primary correlation it must mean white males because privilege.
Anecdotal, but 95% of the sad-sack facebook links – “Here’s a dog that was forced to fight in a pit, click if you think that’s bad” or “Here’s an autistic kid that was made fun of when they tried to mainstream him at school, we’re trying to get 100,000 likes to show him we care” – show up in my feed because of the fairer sex.
If dudes were clicking on that, the links would be “Here’s a guy that lost both legs in Afghanistan and now runs ultra marathons. Like this link if you think he’s a hero” and “This stunning college co-ed was told by some douche bag that her perky little breasts were too small. Like this link if you are interested in making her feel better.” I don’t get those links in my feed.
My anecdotal response comes in the form of a quote of the response I got when I told someone I wasn’t on Facebook. “Guys don’t need Facebook”.
A self-selected population in a given cultural enviornment is not representative. It’s about as good a statistical sample as the Gliberariat.
They don’t want to fight that social media battle?
The HuffPo piece doesn’t really deserve comment, but one line did stand out to me:
”’those with black, female-identifying bodies”’
Maybe its an example of jargon that I just don’t understand, but on its face this is very dehumanizing. It’s a body that identifies as black, or female? No mention of one’s mind, character, values?
I couldn’t get all the way through, but the part I did read was remarkable for this bit following a discussion of taking white male suffrage away globally in order to facilitate the redistribution of all wealth away from white males. She says of having the majority of the world’s assets in the hands of White Men ™:
So Bill Gates and Warren Buffet having earned vast wealth is a violent status quo, therefore the use of violence to take their wealth and give it to “the people who need it” is justified.
Yup. That’s where I gave up. If she hadn’t proven that she wasn’t worth reading before that moment, that definitely did it.
“They dont deserve to have it”
“I need it more than they do”
“If they are stupid enough to let me take it”
How is this lunatic, or progs in general, any different than your average thief?
Because they’re going to use to HELP people! Instead of, y’know, helping them themselves.
The thief usually has a bit of remorse because, deep in his heart, he knows what he’s doing is immoral?
It’s an example of jargon you don’t understand. It comes from Critical Theory, and is a giant pile of fucking nonsense.
When you see someone using the “bodies” written tic, the only thing it means is that they’re spouting academic bullshit and can be safely ignored. I have yet to encounter a counter-example of someone using the “bodies” schtick but actually saying something worth listening to.
The physicists talking about black bodies are usually making a good point. Everybody else though…
Shit when it was introduced, and incredibly, was made worse by the likes of Foucault. Postmodernism is cancer.
I actually looked at the author’s bio – is HuffPo giving a column to every random grad student now?
Only the ones that write outrageous click-bait.
Hey, it beats paying a staff.
A lot of contributers to HuffPo are unpaid…
That means Glibertarians has the same pay scale as the Huffington Post.
What? Are yoi not getting a check? I get 10 cents per word posted on here.
SSSSHHHH!!! Dammit, man!
Ha,10 cents per word? sucker.
*Swims in Pile of cash, and then dies the death of 1000 paper cuts*
I’m still living off the retirement from the Kochsurplus paid out at the other site to commentators.
But did you check the pic closely?
That’s not a woman. That’s a man, man.
Holy Testicle Tuesday! I looked on my phone so the pic was too small to notice.
That would take a big pair of beer goggles.
That explains the emphasis on “female identifying bodies”
I believe that is Alex Jones conducting a false flag operation.
A parent at my place got a spot on HP. She’s one of those new-age, soak your body in essential oils, everything is poison quacks. You should see the the stuff she says. Oh, and making hundreds of thousands as income peddling those products.
My brother-in-law had a regular column. He was going through a Deepak Chopra-ish phase in his Christianity before fully embracing atheism.
He’s brilliant and very successful in his real life as well as graduate educated in religion and law. So at least it was high level gibberish.
Back? When were white men not in control of everything east of India? Bring back the Mongol hoards because they treated women so well?
We were in control (or at least influenced) just about the entire world at one point. I’d like to see these proggies top that.
Be careful what you wish for.
Corrected: I’d be impressed if these proggies could come within 1/100 of that.
For God’s sake, they can only barely control their own bowel movements.
Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?
Ironically, vapid idiocy like this only makes me mourn our decision to enact women’s suffrage.
Women’s suffrage has not been kind to freedom and Western culture.
You know, I really wish women like Ms. Garland could be thrown into a world without men for a while. Maybe a month. It would be quite entertaining to watch her discover in horror that food doesn’t just magically appear as mana from heaven, that shelter isn’t the natural order of things that fire for warmth and cooking is something that has to be created.
The unfortunate truth is men have provided Ms. Garland such a overabundance of survival that she’s able to ignore the fact that these things aren’t a state of nature.
There are a lot of problems with the “men have all the power” argument…
– Just because a lot of political and business leaders are male doesn’t mean that any ol’ male you meet on the street is somehow powerful.
– A good deal of the “income disparity” between men and women is probably due to the social convention of women staying home if it’s financially viable (assuming they don’t have a job that they really enjoy doing). Some would call this oppression, but I think that’s a very odd word to use for an arrangement where you chill out all day (possibly with hired help doing most of the housework) and your spouse goes out and earns all the money.
Rest in peace Mr. Rooney
It’s a shame he won’t be around to watch the Steelers lose to the Patriots in the playoffs any more.
I went to some dark places after this year’s AFC championship. The text storm I sent my brother would probably land me in jail.
Fuck Rooney, fuck the Steelers, fuck any team that would hire Michael Vick. SP was a life-long Steelers fan until they signed Vick, at which point she said the sweetest words to me that any Ravens-loving man can ever hope to hear: “I am totally done with the Steelers.”
Yup. I would expect classless organizations like the Eagles and Jets to hire that POS Vick, but for some reason I hadn’t expected that of the Steelers.
The fact that any amount of money undoes what Michael Vick has admitted to doing is a testament to our lack of any shred of integrity as a culture. Also, when Obama called Vick congratulating him for getting a job back was the first time he let the mask slip on what kind of person he really is.
But it was just part of his culture. Who are we to judge?
We need another General Sir Charles James Napier.
Train some dogs to fight each other and an entire nation thinks you’re the worst scum forever.
Meanwhile, the same nation euthanizes 9,000 pets every single day of every single year. Every. Single. Day. Not fighting each other, being put to death.
In light of this disconnect, I struggle to take people seriously when they treat Michael Vick as a totem hate object.
Speaking of Somalia: US sending ‘dozens’ more troops to Somalia
I know how this starts… and ends.
Why the hell are they making a sequel to Blackhawk down?
I have been in Iraq, I have been in Afghanistan and I have been in Bosnia…I hit my knees and thank God I never had to go to Somalia. Everyone I spoke to that had been there said it was the worst.
I knew an old master sergeant who said the same thing – Iraq was like Manhattan compared to Somalia.
Dude. It’s a reboot.
Also, obvious choice to send in 101st. Need helicopters to get around because roadz.
Why airnorne? Do we really need to drop in behine enemy lines in somalia?
The “Airborne” in the 101st is the Army carrying forward the history of the unit and nothing more (see also 10th Mountain Division and 1st Cavalry Divisions). The Army has only a few large parachute capable units: 82d Airborne Division, 4/25th BCT, 173d BCT. Most Special Operations units are airborne but the use of airborne assaults is rare anymore.
A friend told me last night about this North Korea stuff, and I realized that the possibility of the US getting involved in a war in yet another part of the world hardly phases me. And that’s not good.
I think it is more likely that the US response to a missile launch by the Norks would be to shoot it down. The destroyers have Aegis radars and likely anti-missile capability.
“Our new super-advanced missiles evade anti-missile systems through their unpredictable trajectories*!”
* – we don’t know where they’ll end up either.
“Our new super-advanced missiles destroy the missiles launched by the US Navy!”
So advanced they launch it before the American’s even leaves the tube.
I doubt anything will happen. Unless Kim goes against every nuke treaty he’s signed and decides to test a bomb.
And I’m no fan of preemptive bombing, but this guy is unhinged. And if he gets a nuke and a delivery system, he’s capable of killing 20 million people at a moment’s notice. That can’t be ignored.
Kim still has a rational part of his brain. Sabre rattling gets him concessions.
Actually, launching nukes against the U.S. would have the U.S. nuke the shit out of North Korea, plus maybe Russia and China nuking the Norks just to prove that they never really liked those guys
It would be more like launching * nuke * against the U.S. As in, they get to fuck up one U.S. city in a few years. First in range would be Honolulu, then Seattle or Portland or SF or LA.
And then nothing at all would happen in return.
We should help him get in range of nuking California…
He might be doing us a favor..
You are probably right about nothing happening. Still, it wouldn’t surprise me, and that’s what bothers me.
If he were to get one, I might support an attack, but he’d have to be getting ready to launch it at us.
There are quite a few US military bases and ~30k military personnel plus families in South Korea. There’s also a large contingent of American, Canadian and other anglophones there teaching English. Even if from the strictest self-defense position Korea isn’t part of our territory, wiping out Seoul would be a direct attack on Americans. Standard disclaimers about American presences everywhere may apply.
I’ve never understood why we don’t just quietly let it be known to the higher ups there that whoever stages a coup and kills that little shit will enjoy relaxed sanctions and maybe a little blood money. Paying one nork to kill king crazy is a hell of a lot cheaper than fighting a war.
The big risk with that is that the remaining power bases are insufficiently consolidated to avoid civil war in North Korea. If thee Kims are savvy, none of their underlings will personally have the power base to be able to risk it because the rivals will have as much punch as them.
look at this guy and tell me you think he is savvy…
He inherited a structure. I know he’s got the Caligula vibe going on, but the question is – are any of those surviving underlings savvy enough to have built the necessary power base in the time since Un’s arrival, or are they simpering toadies?
What dance is he performing?
We obviously need to just broadcast some Katy Perry across the whole country.
And then we can send the starving whelps to Germany.
Probably why he kills of crops of competent Generals and relatives on a regular basis.
I don’t really understand why we’re the ones who have to do this. Shouldn’t China have cracked the whip on this guy by now? They have just as much to lose as we do from a nuclear conflict upending the current world order.
I disagree. They’ve been able to use NK as a way to distract us and have us piss away resources for 60 years, all while keeping NK on a short leash. If NK nukes SK, we drop a shit ton of MOABs on their capital and it’s done. At the end of the day a lot of North and South Koreans are dead but China is none the worse off.
Except that it cripples trade with the United States and does damage to Japan and Korea who are responsible for significant capital infusions in their country?
If there’s a single regime I’d like taken out it’s the Norks. That is an evil, ongoing holocaust.
Fucking guy is butchering a generation of people that don’t have access to know how they’re being treated relative to the rest of humanity. Watching a cruise missile land up his asshole would not upset me one bit.
What he’s done has voided the NAP. And whoever takes him out and exposes those people to the rest of the world deserves the next ten Nobel Peace Prizes.
Just to clarify:
People should fight their own battles. But the current generation of Nork people have never been exposed to the outside world. So they know nothing but slavery. Their concept of freedom doesn’t exist. Therefore, in my opinion, they are mentally incapable of making the decision to stand up and rebel against this maniac. And someone doing it in their stead is morally righteous and doesn’t violate the NAP any more than an advocate stepping in and using force to stop a grown man from beating his toddler child.
I have to admit I am torn between your position and “not our circus, not our monkeys”.
There isn’t an unconnected adult in that country with even a cursory understanding of liberty under the age of 80. So you’re talking every living generation (three and a half) that knows nothing but slavery and what is carefully fed to them. And it gets worse with each passing year.
They lack the means of understanding what human rights are. They’ve been made into cattle. Someone ending that torture would be a good thing.
I agree it would be a good thing, but I also don’t like the idea of “America, World Police”. It’s not the responsibility of the US to expend lives and treasure to right some wrong where America is not being directly attacked.
Unfortunately, unless you get specific, actionable intelligence out of a closed black box of a society, the only way to “free” those slaves would be to kill millions of them.
Oh, and we’re slaves here, too. Well fed ones with sometimes luxurious cages, but try flying out of the country without getting permission from our owners via a passport, or without getting groped by the TSA. And they’re doing their damndest to disarm us, too.
It’s a difference of degrees, not of kind.
I think you need to give them a little more credit, sloopy. No doubt they are fed evil, BS propaganda, but there are those who listen to S. Korean radio broadcasts and who manage to see the BS for what it is, even if they can’t quite see through it to the truth. Some try to escape, a few succeed. It’s not unimaginable that they could stay to try and foment resistance, or sneak back in with knowledge of the outside world. It would be immensely difficult, but if it could reach a critical mass I suspect it would snowball and the Kims would be torn to pieces.
I detest the Kims and their cronies, and I definitely understand the impulse to just get rid of them. I suspect it would also not be the quagmire that is the Middle East. But I’m still not comfortable with taking preemptive action. If they attack Japan or the South, then my tune would change.
They lack the concept of liberty? Essentially human cattle?
From a government perspective: why would you undo that kind of progress?
Hey, I never said it should be America that does it. I’m just saying I’ll be happy when somebody sends this asshole to hell.
Lynchpin, one of my favorite stories of a Nork defector was a fisherman. The state propaganda had a story about two drivers in Seoul getting into a fight oover a parking spot, aren’t they horribly decadent?
His reaction was, wait, they have so many cars there people are fighting over where to park them? I got to get in on that.
I think my favorite was the woman who went over the northern border and was confused why people were leaving scraps of meat outside and eventually realized they were feeding dogs and was horrified that they had enough food they were feeding dogs not to eat them, but just to keep them as pets.
I am thoroughly and fully in the “not our circus, not our monkeys.” Let China worry about it.
Plus it, serves as an example of Lefty politics taken to its logical conclusion. The only reason Bernie didn’t get laughed off the debate stage was because we have an entire generation that doesn’t remember the Soviet Union.
“Fight for your freedoms! No taxation without representation! WHO’S WITH ME?!?!”
/Rufus runs off into the field alone.
The blank stares of a thousand cows and goats stare back at him.
What happened to the Quebecois I used to know…
Asian boss has done a great series of interviews with North Korean defectors. I don’t think things are necessarily as isolated as they used to be – depending on the region. Lots of Christian mission groups and S. Korean orgs use balloons to transport electronics, etc to the North and there is a thriving black market near the Chinese border – but yeah, in general they’re the ultimate low-info populace.
Also a great video for some of the responses.
Frontline did a show a week or so ago about NK. They spent some time talking about the smuggling operations to get DVDs & CDs into the country.
Yeah, those are the ones I watched. Very informative.
/ Imagines the Trump Industries Memorial MAGA Peace Prize
Was watching an interview with a couple of Nork defectors who were living in South Korea. Good news is, with the rise of smartphones, the younger generation is starting to get some idea of what life is like outside North Korea and what having actual freedom is.
So maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but I’d like to think that his people would stand up to him. Not that they would get anywhere without the support of the KPA, but I doubt many of them are really loyal to him since it’s a conscription based army.
But the practical problem with that is the norks have a crap ton of artillery in hardened positions on the border with free Korea. Much of that artillery can hit Seoul and a sizeable chunk of the South’s population.
Nuke it from orbit, to be sure.
Unfortunately, the hardened artillery positions kind of take that off the table. The Norks can wipe Seoul off the map without nukes, just using 50’s era artillery.
There’s a decent reason why every administration is stuck trying to make the Kim regime collapse internally.
SoKorea’s problem. NOT OURS.
The artillery situation is a tactical nightmare, even though at least 3 or 4 militaries have adequate means to deal with them.
Assuming they have air superiority, none of those countries can’t reasonably be expected to eliminate all of them before Seoul gets at least a taste of indirect fire.
I don’t anticipate a nuclear exchange, but if my home was in Seoul I’d be taking a vacation in Europe at the moment.
Depending on your appetite for first use, I think a case can be made for taking out the hardened artillery parks with tactical nukes. It would be at least arguably proportionate, if you aren’t superstitious about exactly what makes a bomb go boom.
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Return Review
You know what other show they should bring back? Ironside.
Bring back Sherif Lobo.
Retro TV used to air Ironside episodes. It’s the only reason I know that show exists. What I really enjoyed was the Kojak reruns, though – Telly Savalas was awesome, and there is so much great location footage of the grimy, crumbling NYC of the ’70s.
I own four seasons of Kojak on DVD – I love the NYC shot episodes, but a lot of them were shot in Burbank studios. The California light certainly looks different, and when the hotel / apartment building is the same every episode, it’s a bit noticeable!
But still – some great writing in there, and it’s also amusing to see some of actors before they made it big. Last episode I watched (from Season 4) had Morgan Fairchild (but no Dunphy) playing a model turned airline stewardess.
That’s the show where dunphy met his future wife, Morgan Fairchild since he was acting as police adviser on set regarding UOF, totality of the circs, and general procedures.
My favorite random guest star was John Ritter as a murdering burglar. Too damned funny. I also remember seeing Harvey Keitel as a bad guy and Sly Stallone as a troubled cop.
and who can forget Leslie Nielsen
Cool story bro time – my dad’s best friend growing up was the son of Kojak’s real-life equivalent, the actual lieutenant of detectives for Manhattan South. Dude was as dirty as they came and was eventually busted and indicted. He browbeat his son, by then an attorney, into defending him. Dad’s buddy was a maritime lawyer, though, so naturally the father was convicted and blamed the son. Never talked to him again. Died in prison, though, so happy ending!
I loved watching that fat guy puffing and huffing as he waddled up holding a little tiny revolver in his chubby mitt.
His radio portrayal of Matt Dillon in Gunsmoke was miles above James Arness on TV. The radio episodes are way more darker. Great, great stuff.
The cast of the radio show apparently wasn’t even considered for the TV show because they didn’t have the… um, look.
They all worked together forever as well. Parley Baer made a great Chester. Howard McNear was excellent as Doc. McNear would go on to play Floyd the Bartender on Andy Griffith. When he died in 1969 Parley Baer gave his eulogy.
Floyd the Bartender
There’s no drinking in Mayberry, sir. You’ll have to go to Mt Pilot.
Jesus Christ, you know what’s on my mind. BARBER. BARBER!
*slips J B a mason jar of moonshine, nods*
Otis never had much trouble finding hooch in Mayberry.
The best was where he would somehow manage to catch a skinny teenage perp by running after him. Talk about suspension of disbelief.
He had a phone in his car! How awesome was that?
NBC actually tried to bring back Ironside two or three years ago, it lasted maybe two or three episodes, featuring that one black dude from LA Law. (Blair Underwood. I forgot his name, but I remembered him from that thing he was in 30 years ago, that’s got to count for something.)
I really liked Ironside reruns as a kid. Though I think I sometimes got them mixed up in my head with Perry Mason, which I also would watch.
They did the last “Perry Mason” TV movie after Raymond Burr died, and threw away a golden opportunity.
What they should have done was have it be the investigation of the murder of Perry Mason, as their list of suspects would be series-long and would have been a fitting tribute to the show.
Instead they made a stock standard episode with a substitute lawyer.
I have it queued up for tonight with the kids. They’ve seen some of the old ones and are as excited as I am. And Felicia Day is a babe despite her politics.
I find the involvement of Patton Oswalt to be troubling.
I’m hoping the old crew told everyone to leave that shit at the door. They’re going to have a hard enough time with comparisons to the old stuff that introducing politics will poison the new show.
Yup. The old MST did occasional political jokes, but they were standard Johnny Carson-type cracks, not SJW bullshit. Kevin Murphy is pretty liberal, and I’m pretty sure Joel is as well, but he’s close friends with Mike Nelson so it all balanced out nicely.
Great, I can’t wait until they try to painfully shoehorn Trump and Republican jokes into whatever the film is.
I think I see the problem, we’re not in the future and there’s no war.
That guy has gone full retard since the election.
Real shame too, I thought he was a pretty funny guy beforehand. Ah well, happens to 80% of comedians.
I used to love him. Couldn’t make it all the way through ‘Talking for Clapping’. I think his wife died or something, combined with already being depressive and a political idiot…bad mix, bad result.
Stallworth, Swann, Harris, Bradshaw. Was there ever a better skill set arrangement than that?
Montana, Rice, Taylor, Craig?
Aikman, Smith, Williams, Irving? They got three Superbowl rings.
Soave, Dalmia, Suderman, Gillespie.
Won’t do so well on a football field against pros.
*narrows gaze*
Maybe if the skill set is social-signaling derp.
me, me, and me?
Until you run into a crazed anti-semite with a V8?
) ) ) ) ?
“I shoulda had a V8!”
Last words of LH?
Actually probably lots.
The Steelers of the 70’s didn’t win on the strength of an all time great offence, they won because of a pretty good offence and an all time great defense.
So in addition to Montana, Rice, Taylor, Craig, and Aikman, Smith Williams, and Irving you can probably add…
Kelly, Thomas, Reed, Lofton
Elway, Davis, McCaffre, Smith (and throw in Sharpe too)
Farve, Freeman, Driver, and Levens
and there are probably at least a few others who belong in the conversation
That said, much as I dislike them I’d probably have to lean towards the Cowboys of the early 90’s as having the greatest set of skill position players ever assembled on one roster unless you expand it to include the Tight End and then I think the mid/late 90’s Bronco’s have it
Aikman was the Terry Bradshaw of his day. A good QB who looks better because of the teams around him. I don’t recall the “Williams” y’all are talking about, unless you’re referring to their great OT Erik Williams, but that’s not a “skill” position.
As far as a great skills bunch: Warner, Bruce, Holt, and Faulk is a good quartet.
Kevin Williams who honestly was rather pedestrian and Alvin Harper was probably the better choice of 2nd reciever for those teams. That said like a few of these the team gets better when you include the Tight End and/or Fullback as that Throws Jay Novaceck and Daryl Johnstone into the mix
so that gives you
Aikman > Bradshaw
Smith > Harris
Irvin > Stallworth
Harper/Williams < Swann
Of the lineups that have been mentioned so far I'd rank them like this…
QB – Montana, Elway, Kelly, Farve, Aikman, Bradshaw, Warner
RB – Smith, Faulk, Davis, Thomas, Harris, Levens, Craig
WR1 – Rice, Irvin, Stallworth, Reed, Bruce, Smith, Freeman
WR2 – Holt, Swann, Lofton, Driver, McCaffrey, Taylor, Harper/Williams
So by team that is
San Fran (15) – Montana 1st, Craig 7th, Rice 1st, Taylor 6th
St Louis (15) – Warner 7th, Faulk 2nd, Bruce 4th, Holt 2nd
Dallas (15) – Aikman 5th, Smith 1st, Irvin 2nd, Harper/Williams 7th
Buffalo (15) – Kelly 3rd, Thomas 4th, Reed 5th, Lofton 3rd
Denver (16) – Elway 2nd, Davis 3rd, Smith 6th, McCaffrey 5th
Pittsburg (16) – Bradshaw 6th, Harris 5th, Stallworth 3rd, Swann 2nd
Green Bay (20) – Favre 4th, Levens 6th, Freeman 7th, Driver 4th
So of the 3 teams I have tied at the top in this list I give the edge to Dallas because they had 2 more very very good skill position players at the Tight End and Fullback position in Jay Novaceck and Daryl Johnston and bump Dever up over St Louis and San Fran because they had an all time great top 5 Tight End in Sterling Sharpe
What the ’90s Cowboys had was the greatest OL I’ve ever seen. A whole lot of skill players would have looked great behind that OL.
Green, Holmes, and Gonzalez played behind the best OL ever.
If it weren’t for the worst defense ever…
You can throw in Manning, Faulk, Harrison, Wayne from the late 90’s/early aughts Colts
It’s a shame the defense was so awful.
Cunningham, Carter, Moss and Jake Reed?
Forgot to add that Robert Smith and Leroy Hoard as your backfield.
Unitas, Moore, Berry, Parker, Ameche. And on the other side of the ball, the great Artie Donovan, Marchetti, Lipscomb, Joyce, Tasseff.
Brady, and three random players.
Vaughn, Taylor, Dorn, and Cerrano.
Your a scaring me with the sign of Satan
I missed thicc Thursday so here’s Master Luo showing the most relaxing massages are done on concrete.
Normally I don’t comment on Facebook but a liberal “friend” I have posted this article.
Someone posted who else has ever produced so great a crop of intolerable jerks. To which I replied ummm Dietrich Eckart? Karl Marx? Mao Zedong?
Doesnt silicon valley hate trump?
I wish that ayn rand has as much influence on the white house as the progs think she does.
Then women would *want* to be raped, and there wouldn’t be this bullshit “rape epidemic”?
Ol’ Lenin and his Bolshevik buddies were another bunch of “winners”
“At the same time, a denial of the franchise to white men, could see a redistribution of global assets to their rightful owners.”
And I assume that YOU are the one who gets to decide who the rightful owners are. Fucking pinkos never understand that if given power that same power may be used against them when the political winds shift.
This exact plan was tried once already.
It turned the prosperous breadbasket of Africa into an economic basketcase of starvation, disease and migrant workers fleeing to adjacent countries. (Along with the impressive inflation that made it possible for me to be a multi-trillionaire).
It was also tried in Russia as the Soviet Union dissolved – in a case where people’s assets actually had been stolen (by the state) and they were returned from the state to the people… just not the people they were stolen from. And how did that work out?
“They just didn’t have the correct people, we’ll get it right this time!” /proglogic
Her works struck a chord with a particular kind of reader: adolescent, male and thirsting for an ideology brimming with moral certainty.
Can’t have certainty. How else do you get people to accept blame for their genitalia and the color of their skin?
This was in response to Haybob. *Cracks another beer and chooses the post in the middle*
Program about Bigfoot to be offered April 17
Progs are going to march again? Sigh
Good. They need the exercise.
One big FitBit compeition
The good part is, even if they only have a half-dozen people show up for a march, there will be full coverage from every network.
Bill Clinton was given a third term?
Today is my birthday! 😀
Happy-another-year-closer-to-death-day! /bitter old man
Happy-still-didn’t-die-yet /even older man
My birthday is the day before tax day, which is my parent’s excuse for why I never got any birthday presents! 😀
*sheds a single tear, Iron Eyes Cody style*
My birthday is tax day 🙁
Great! You and TripodKat can share the birthday party.
*cancels 2nd cake order*
Lucky thing – there was a bit of a caketastrophe
Then you feel my pain! Or were your parents rich enough to afford presents AND taxes?
My wife has a birthday that’s very close to Christmas. Growing up she suffered through “Here’s the one present for both days!”
So I have to make sure that I buy something (more like several things) really nice for her birthday, and still have something for Christmas. It hurts ye old wallet.
That sucks man – at least both go to her though. I would say “at least one present isn’t going to the government”, but we all know we’re buying presents for the government full year-round.
My dad’s in the same boat. So he eventually was just given carte blanche on winter family vacations. His idea of a vacation and mine were not compatible. He has since come around to “interesting tropical locale with unlimited booze.”
Uh, no. I got by though.
By the way, I keep meaning to tell you how much I like your Caravaggio icon. I love his paintings and his life as the original rock star. The Galleria Borghese in Rome, with so many of his paintings, is probably my favorite mini-museum in the world.
Thanks! Been using it forever.
My birthday is the anniversary of the battle of midway.
My grandmother’s birthday is dec. 7th. She was 20 in 1941.
Wow, she’s seen some shit then…
Satan sends his regards!
Happy Birthday!?????
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, TK.
Thanks for all the warm wishes, everyone, and the youtube videos (I will have to watch later since I’m at work). 😀
you deserve cake and sex
Gilmore just lit the HM signal. Cake Farts porn incoming.
I read that as “cat farts” for some reason.
It’d be more appropriate for a site that threatens catbutting as a punishment for dickishness.
Happy Birthday!
Fantastic article and sums up a reason i cant trust the press
This was good. Thanks.
“Some” have suggested your thanks may not have been sincere!
This is such a FANTASTIC article! “Some”, “many” and “anonymous sources” – these are a large reason why I have no trust in media anymore. Journalism is dead – it’s all conjecture now.
Ha. My company was recently attacked in a major media outlet with an article that was pure slander and speculation. No names, nothing. You’re right – “journalism” is a joke.
You work for United?
Heh, no.
Its not even conjecture – its transparently manufactured. Those are all signals that the story is purely a creation of the narrative, which cannot stand exposure to either the facts or the light of day.
Speaking of rain on the plain – not sure how this one didn’t get mentioned yesterday in the links.
Let’s just say…for those of us following stuff in Nangarhar…it’s getting a little more interesting.
SF’d the link.
Oh, follow-up already.
[quote]The attack on a tunnel complex in remote eastern Afghanistan with the largest non-nuclear weapon ever used in combat by the U.S. military left 36 Islamic State group fighters dead and no civilian casualties, Afghanistan officials said Friday.
The Ministry of Defense said in a statement that several IS caves and ammunition caches were destroyed by the giant bomb, which terrified villagers on both sides of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border with its “earsplitting blast.”
The U.S. military headquarters in Kabul said the bomb was dropped at about 7:30 p.m. local time Thursday on a tunnel complex in Nangarhar province, where the Afghan affiliate of the Islamic State group has been operating. The target was close to the Pakistani border.
“I want a hundred times more bombings on this group,” said Hakim Khan, 50, a resident of Achin district, the site of the blast.[/quote]
I assume that guy was going to pay for that hundred more bombings, right?
Personally I am skeptical of how effective this bomb was and how effective the tomahawks in syria were.
Thousands of Hawks have recovered from erectile dysfunction.
I guess if the motive was to collapse a bunch of tunnels it was probably somewhat effective.
36? We’re sure it wasn’t 37 or 35? I guess we must have already gone through all the rubble and come up with an accurate count. Pretty impressive.
Well our SF guys are on the ground in the near-area with a considerable number of (slowly improving) AFG “special” forces too…so it’s not as though they wouldn’t want to get the details ASAP (strategic communicating, etc).
36 strikes me as missing a zero for the MOAB. I mean, if you can’t get into triple digits, why bother with it?
original link (does have vids too).
Since I’m a little toasty and roasty tonight, I’m gonna give a few of the podcast\youtube channels that I keep an eye on. In no particular order.
1. Rubin Report. His regressive shtick is getting old, but interesting guests.
2. Lionel Nation. Squirrely little fucker amuses the hell out of me.
3. Styxhexenhammer. Zero citations of sources and a “pagan”. Leather jacket open to showing emaciated chest. Gold.
4. Thuleanperspective. Some entho state Finnish lunatic living in France that hates both capitalism and socialism\capitalism.
5. Nollagirl. Superhot simpleton that has minimal grasp on theory, but that home cooking smarts is smoking.
I was one of the original patreons to jump into the Rubin Report. I used to donate $15/month, but the regressive shtick is getting very old, I reduced my monthly contribution to $2/month.
Thuleanperspective is Varg Vikernes who made the black metal band Burzum in the 90s. Murdered the guy Euronymous, associated with church burnings. Varg is Norwegian, but I believe lives in France since his release.
The story is told in the book Lords of Chaos.
Minneapolis Muslims protest ‘sharia’ vigilante in Cedar-Riverside area
I wonder if Minneapolis Muslims are only concerned because they don’t have the numbers yet and his move is premature.
Just a thought based on what we see in Europe. What happens if they ever reach critical numbers? It’s one thing to say (and it’s likely more accurate than not) North America does a better job of assimilating immigrants but it doesn’t take much for more of these guys to pop up. We’re already seeing noises about this as we’ve seen in Ontario while here in Quebec, they’re quietly growing in numbers and are making all sorts of demands ‘off the public scrutiny radar’. This is why Quebec reacted with a ‘Quebec charter of values’. Now with more gravy on the poutine!
It’s gonna be interesting in 20 years. We’ll see. Either they do become yesterday’s Irish-Polish-German-Italian-Jewish-Chinese immigrants or they become something else.
That’s just it, North America does a better job of assimilating Muslim immigrants because their numbers are so small compared to the general population. But things may radically change if they start hitting significant percentages. There already seems to be issues where they make up a significant portion of the local poplulation.
To be fair, America at least has a gun culture to help deal with this sort of thing.
Hasidic Jewish communities in NY?
I recall some feathers ruffling recently about the segregated buses they run here in Brooklyn. I figure as long as they keep that shit to themselves, why should I care.
I’ve read a few articles where liberated hipster women are encroaching on traditionally Jewish neighborhoods and it’s causing conflict (women getting chased out of neighborhoods for tank tops and short shorts sorts of things). Not sure how often it happens, or really if it happens.
Sounds apocryphal to me. Those folks tend to keep to themselves.
“We consider this matter as a dangerous precedent and a threat in our country and our way of life,” the statement said. “We ask our law enforcement agencies to consider this grave matter to protect Minnesotans.”
I really don’t think that these people have some sort of evil plot to put all of our women in blankets. It sounds like they are just as suspicious of this guy’s motives as we are. Look at his face, he’s got crazy eyes dude. My money is that this guy has some serious issues.
Eek! You’re right about the crazy eyes. ?
In a more civilized time, the local men would have beat the fuck out of him, mounted him on a rail, and carried him to the edge of town with dire warnings to never return.
I see that Whitey McWhiteboy is the self-proclaimed sharia cop. There is no one more fanatic than converts.
This guy is a douchebag. That said, is he doing anything other than being an annoying douchebag?
“Some may argue that this is unfair. Let’s be clear, it may be unfair, but a moratorium on the franchise for white males for a period of between 20 and 30 years is a small price to pay for the pain inflicted by white males on others, particularly those with black, female-identifying bodies.”
Ahhhh. Oooooh. That’s primo numero logic right there. Brilliant.
shouldn’t it be black-identifying as well as female-identifying? Otherwise, Shaun King’s feelings would be hurt.
This is from a white dude masquerading as a woman. See my link to the pic above.
That is radical progressivism with the mask off right there. Bark at the moon insanity from disaffected malcontents that want to watch the world burn. It is all about revenge.
Consider the consequences if this fruitloop got what he wants.
“Shelley Garland ACME MA Philosophy Student”.
So what does a young man have to do to get deported from Sweden? Gang rape a Swede?
Valhalla has got to be in an uproar these days at what pathetic pussies their descendants have become.
I’ve concluded that the Vikings all left for good in the Middle Ages. These are the descendants of their thralls.
The descendants of the ones who went to Valhalla aren’t in Sweden, they all left to go Viking. The current Swedes are descendants of the ones who stayed behind.
Only damned Vikings left are in Minnesota, and give it a year or two until some SJWs declare that name triggering.
Fine. Just lock them up permanently.
Honestly, if someone were to bust a cap in the back of their skulls, I don’t know that I could bring myself to convict.
What is this “work” of which you speak?
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction release data every year showing the levels of certain illicit drugs found in the wastewater of select European cities. Looking at cocaine, London is way in front of all other major cities analysed…
Coke goes where there is money to buy it…
An Earthjustice attorney greeted the report with dismay, contending it neglected to consider “a mountain of information” his office provided to show how positively the highway’s removal would benefit the long-bisected neighborhoods.
Uh, huh.
Just think how positively they’d be affected if we transplanted them to the French Riviera. How, in good conscience, can EarthJustice settle for less?
Chechens tell of prison beatings and electric shocks in anti-gay purge: ‘They called us animals’
Gee, there couldn’t possibly be a connection to Chechens being mostly Islamist.
Vile bastards.
The media will never mention the fact that Chechnya is Islamic.
This reminds me of something…..back in 1998 when I was in college, I took a class, Ethnic Conflict in the Balkans. This was in the midst of the Kosovo War. I remember how the Serbian claims of foreign jihadists fighting with the KLA were dismissed as ridiculous at the time. Of course, later on, it was gradually revealed that those claims were actually entirely true.
Isn’t it odd that Islam seems to always have bloody conflicts with all those around them? It must just be that everyone likes to pick on them.
Isn’t it odd that America seems to always have bloody conflicts on a global scale?
Your point?
If it isn’t obvious I doubt you’ll be receptive to it anyway…
Glass houses
So, you’re basically going for a Tu Quoque. Muslim behavior should be excused because murica.
Nah bro, just responding to lame rhetorical questions with sweeping implications with more rhetorical questions with sweeping implications.
We’re all Glenn Beck today.
We’re all Glenn Beck today.
Dammit, Jesse, you take that back!
You’re right, I fucked up my own schtick…
Maybe we’re all Glenn Beck today?
That is what sparked that war. That is what started the soviet invasion into afghanistan.
Islam is a plague.
So was Communism. I don’t think I would be cheering on what the Russians did in support of their stooges in Afghanistan.
The people are, but the strongman leader (and, one presumes, someone with a firm grip on the secret po-po accordingly) is a Putin loyalist. It’s not like Russia is too fond of the gay either, if you’ll recall.
Except they seem to really like their leader being depicted with his shirt off in paintings….
Just sayin’
Nope… That’s why the threw “conservative” in there. I’m kind of surprised they didn’t go a bit further and try to link it to Trump somehow.
Thanks for posting this, LH. I didn’t want to be the one to break this here.
The US gay community is slowly moving out of denial that this is actually happening. I haven’t seen any mooslims luv teh gheys posts in a while, which is something. But liberals are not touching this because it conflicts with their narrative about Islam.
Duly noted that the Russians are moving in this direction propped up by the Orthodox Church.
I remember when Putin was killing those fuckers and the world was moaning and gnashing it’s collective teeth. People didn’t understand when I would say “If you knew what you were talking about you would be bombing them too”.
People are idiots. Their deepest thoughts are probably that those Chechens have weird names for being Russian.
Somehow leveling Grozny with Tu-22 bombers, rocket artillery and helicopters doesn’t strike me as an “understanding” thing.
Speaking of days off, here in ol’ Europe we may not be payed much but there is plenty of time off… In fact I have left over vacation time from last year and my company is making me take it by June. As such I have like 4 3 day weekend besides Easter weekend in April and May. 16th April is a free day, and 1st of May is free – commie labor day. So basically 6 3 day weekends in 2 months. Plus 1st of June and 5th of June are free days in Romania. To bad we can’t afford to go anywhere nice with all that time …
The Navy’s Love Boats Sail Again
Exciting and new!
This is a sticky one. True that women in general are going to have a hard time in many arenas concerning the military. However, you still going to let them vote if you keep them out of the most dangerous positions?
Can I say “no”?
Brave man.
I’m going to call BS right away. No, women can’t do most things as well as men.
Yet there are a lot of people who will deny that reality. I have a friend who is a badass Marine, just promoted to major. Was a scout sniper platoon leader in Iraq, did several tours in Afghanistan as well. However, he’s drunk deeply from the poisonous waters of gender equality (I blame his getting married to a lefty of the pussy hat variety) and will rationalize away the arguments against women in the infantry until he’s blue in the face. His professional integrity is enough that he does refuse to defend any lowering of standards in pursuit of that goal, but will not concede that women just make shitty infantrymen.
Well, reality is sexist! How dare you point out that women are physically weaker than men! Or that they are more emotional than men and that that’s a bad thing! Sexist pig!
Having thin, sexy, model types play action heroes in movies isnt the same thing as ‘women can do most things as well as men’. Women cannot do the things that require lots of physical strength as well as men. Men have more physical strength. It’s called reality.
And thanks to TV and movies most people, especially women, grossly underestimate just how huge the difference between men and women is when it comes to speed and power.
And don’t forget about endurance. Men can work all day lifting heavy things, and get up and do it day after day. Many women would be sore/tired/and eventually injured if they worked those same jobs. They aren’t built the same.
Pffft. Next you will be saying that their knees are different and they suffer far more injuries.
There are also undeniable psychological differences between men and women that need to be taken into consideration.
‘But this new evidence demonstrates that they’re uniquely efficient at making babies.’
Errrr…. They needed new evidence to figure that out?
“New statistics obtained from the U.S. Navy by The Daily Caller — which had to sue under the Freedom of Information Act to get them — reveal that 16 of 100 women afloat in 2016 were reassigned from ships to shore duty due to pregnancy.”
Wow. There are around 10 pregnancies per 100 women aged 15 – 44. So a woman is way more likely to get pregnant if she is in the Navy.
I’m not surprised with all the seamen they’re around.
Turns out all those gay rumors about the Navy weren’t true?
MIT Professor very thoroughly analyzes the intelligence report on the Syrian nerve agent attack – and disputes the conclusions.
Artificial intelligence: How to avoid racist algorithms
Get better data, or realize that the data generating function has no diversity requirement. Gosh these she’s love taking about things they don’t understand.
Forcing AI’s to ignore reality is going to turn out well.
You wire something to recognize patterns, it’s going to see patterns. These may not be things that are mentioned in polite society because of guilt over past extremes, but these patterns exist. The real question is not “how do we blind the AI to patterns?” but “what is the actual cause of the pattern we don’t like hearing about?”
Trees, robots, it’s all racist.
I see few links here about either college campus outrage or sex work. It’s like no one is covering for Robby or END on this fine website. Have no fear, Pie to the rescue.
Sex Workers Protest In Paris Against Penalising Clients
Penal. Teehee.
Dammit, you beat me to it.
That story actually showed up the other day. General consensus was that as much as I’d like to blame the government, I wouldn’t fuck em with your dick.
“Although I shouldn’t joke about an entire sex (or gender?) losing their right to vote. This whacked out idiot sure isn’t joking about it.”
I love this one, but dont tell ’em. We saw this over and over during Tin Pot’s admin. 1) Get some obscure nobody to try and float a radical progressive idea in a highly visible medium 2) If the reaction isnt too bad get someone higher up the food chain to endorse the idea 3) If the idea takes hold then the party leadership starts pushing it and eventually get credit for the idea.
Shit like this is why Trump got elected. They are still using the strategies that got them fired. I guess they dont know anything else. Good. Keep it up you idiots. Then you can scurry back under your rocks.
Progressives remind me of puritans. Not only are they horrible on the economy, they seem to be on their way to socon ville and pass them up.
When is california going to require signed paperwork and video taping of each sexual encounter
Due to their horrible nature, i think progressivism has a natural self destruct button similar to the one and the matrix
video taping just when there’s a female involved, no gay stuff.
I’m surprised they haven’t turned on the gays yet. What could be worse turn two guys trying to have a relationship that doesn’t include a woman?? We need diversity!!!
I’m sorry, your relationship fails the Betchel test off to the Gulag for you
Video taping would make it a porn production and thus require OSHA compliance and mandated condom use.
On the bright side, money can then change hands for the “acting”.
I guess you haven’t watched porn in awhile but they rarely use condom. HIV testing is required monthly though, which honestly if were forcing healthcare down people’s throats we might as well mandate regular STD testing as well.
You haven’t been paying attention to california regulation efforts lately, have you? Just in this past year they wanted to force condom use on all porn sets…
There are clever ways of hiding condoms in porn, but UCS is right: CA’s porn bread-basket is in trouble because of our dumbass direct-democracy and the AHF’s efforts.
Would this include marital sex?
There would be extra requirements to avoid marital rape.
. So basically 6 3 day weekends in 2 months. Plus 1st of June and 5th of June are free days in Romania. To bad we can’t afford to go anywhere nice with all that time …
Somebody needs to go nurture some plum trees.
Playing a lighthearted prank on your daughters is sexist and bullying, you evil monster
Jalopnik has gone the way of Deadspin. Foxtrot Alpha went that way a few months ago, and now Gawkeritto Media has nothing at all of value (save hate reading)
Jalopnik forgot about cars. TTAC is still decent.
oh yeah I’m a regular TTAC reader/commentator
Honestly, that post is 90% worthwhile – I don’t get people who put embarrassing shit about their kids on YouTube. If they had left it at that, it would be fine……but of course they have to shoehorn some grrrrrrrlpower in.
The internet part is weird, but the amount of shit people voluntarily put on the internet is insane. So, yeah, to me it is weird that you would film this and put it on Youtube, but put in context of the greater oversharing culture, it barely registers
Well, because it’s so much worse when it’s done to girls/women! Because, fuck men!
Daughters? I see this prank happen with privates all the time. Stop women need to stop appropriating our embarrassment.
Do you make them fill out an ID-10 T form to get the blinker fluid? That was a favorite of my old gunny – “Hey, run down to the squadron office and tell them you need an ID-10 T form”
No, but finding a box of grid squares is always great.
Goddam it. Who forgot to order the chemlight batteries again? Go down to Supply and tell them we need a PRC-E7.
Is that like when I worked in tech support in the computer lab in college and was constantly telling people their issue was a PEBKAC error?
Look, they don’t need to fill out the whole ID-10(t) form, just subsection 5.
When I was in the Air Force a common one was to send guys fresh out of Tech School over to the Base Headquarters to get the Keys to the Jet
The comments are pretty bad too – a lot of women saying how tough it is to have to work twice as hard to be recognized half as much. Hogwash, women are recognized as “brave” for just talking at public events and writing feminist articles. I’d say the emphasis these days are always about how wonderful women are.
To be honest, I don’t even really care about it either. Most women are fantastic (as long as they aren’t jerks), but I’m just tired of this whole “the world is perfect for men and women have it so much worse than everyone else.”
Get a clue… we all have struggles, we all get belittled, we all get embarrassed and shamed and made fun of. It’s part of life, man or woman.
Next time, you can bring up the fact that the overwhelming majority of suicides, homicides, incarcerations, and workplace deaths are men. Is the world really a paradise for men and an oppressive hell for women??
I’ve read that Huffington Post article twice and I so want to believe it’s A Modest Proposal-type article, but I know it isn’t.
That’s the problem with this video: women are treated like crap on the internet. Every cliché, low-hanging-fruit prank where girls are the butt of the joke ends up so much worse than it does when we’re laughing at some dudes.
Laughing at dudes: good,
Laughing at girls: bad
Anyone read joelkotkin? He is pretty tough on California and their idiocy
I cant really tell what he is politics wise as he doesnt like the green policies much, regulations. He seems to be a big fan of localism and not one size fits all…doesnt like urban planners much
But talks about oligarchy and inequality
North Carolina Introduces Bill To Outlaw Gay Marriage
Seems pretty blatant that they hope to push this all the way to the SCOTUS and test Gorsuch. I imagine he’s going to disappoint them, but on the other hand that would show up a bunch of Democrats who obstructed his appointment as useless partisan assholes.
Four legislators who have a habit of introducing off-the-wall (and generally anti-freedom) legislation introduced it. It’s already been announced that the bill isn’t going to get a hearing, and even in the unlikely event it ever passed, the governor wouldn’t sign it.
Not surprising. I still suspect that some state is going to try.
They aren’t serious.
This will be like abortion or Obama care.
“Vote for us, and we will stop this nonsense!”
*After election*
“Well, yeah; we won, but we just can’t stop the nonsense, because *mumble, mumble*”
It’s why wedge issues are so damaging. People will vote for terrible candidates on the principle of a single issue deciding their ballot.
But the fact that this bill will never make it out of committee hasn’t stopped progs from pants-shitting about it. And don’t you dare bring up Chechnya you hatery haters because we all know that would be happening here if it wasn’t for brave progs.
Also, much whining about Gorsuch itching to overturn gay marriage.
NC GOP shoots itself in the dick.
Nice goin’.
I’m surprised they have a dick left to shoot after so many shots on it before.
Seems pretty blatant that they hope to push this all the way to the SCOTUS and test Gorsuch.
Which would be supremely stupid, as even if Gorsuch would vote to overturn Obergefell, he’s replacing Scalia, who already voted against Obergefell, so the math on the court doesn’t change one whit. It’s still Kennedy’s court, as it has been for decades.
An Untouched Frank Lloyd Wright Home from 1960 Is on the Market
The perspective feels broken. All of the angles are wrong. It hurts to look at it.
“All of the angles are wrong.”
Ah, the stars are coming right. Ia, ia Cthulhu fhtagn!
Stay classy, Deadspin.
How did I Gilmore that?
They’re so edgy.
I notice that “progressives” are much more superficial in their criticisms of their opponents than conservatives. Sure, there were people making fun of Obama for wearing mom jeans and generally looking like an effeminate doofus, but it wasn’t taken to the same level that “progressives” take it.
Regarding Kushner, they probably handed him a vest when he was already dressed, and what’s he supposed to do, take off his tie, shirt, put on the vest, and put it all back on again?
I guess they need material for the Two Minutes’ Hate.
If someone were to ask me about ‘false outrage’ I believe I would direct that person to this link.
I especially like the swing in the basement. Bow-chika-wow-wows, amirite?
Question: why do people celebrate the resurrection of Baby Jeebus with such shitty candies? Why not Scharffen-Berger or Kakawa?
Easter ain’t about the candy…
It’s about the ham and mimosas
Huh? Black jelly beans are God’s perfect candy!
Cadbury is probably the most downmarket candy maker on Earth. Except for the people that make those waxy gold coins. And Peeps? And Reese’s? Doesn’t Jeezus deserve better?
Start slagging Reese’s peanut butter eggs and I’ll fucking fight you, woman or no.
Whoa whoa whoa. Insulting Cadbury and Reese’s?
You’re worse than Hitler, you know.
Here, pick up some hand-crafted candy. I doubt it’ll arrive by Easter unless you’re able to pick up in-store.
Reese’s are grainy, even the chocolate. And I’m not sure Cadbury even contains any chcoclate.
You’re now worse than the amalgamation of Hitler, Stalin and Mao.
Peeps are for destroying in creative ways – like microwave Peep Jousting (need 2 toothpicks for lances).
Hershey’s would like a word with you.
At least they have “Special Dark”. I don’t know that Cadbury makes anything resembling something that tastes remotely like chocolate.
Yeah, I like “Special Dark”. But if I want chocolate I’ll usually splurge on something better from the Continent.
Oh, there are worse chocolates than Hershey’s. Ever buy the generic foil-covered eggs they sell at the dollar store? Talk about chalky.
The worst chocolate I ever ate was the upscale crap they served at a four star hotel in Nottingham for dessert. You can recreate the flavor by buying a jar of the cheapest cocoa powder in the supermarket and shovelling a big heaping tablespoon of the contents into your mouth. It was just as dry and grainy.
I’d blame the sheriff if I were you.
Are you talking about Cadbury here in the States or the original stuff in England?
Both. I’ve had it all. A friend used to do consulting for Cadbury in the UK and she once sent me a gigantic box full of different kinds of Cadbury products. All were gross. I wouldn’t rag on them so hard if they just carried something with, like, 50% cacao.
I will give you that, they are pretty light on the actual cacao content, it is just that the English Cadbury is at least generally properly tempered and blended, In America it is right down there next to Hersheys for being garbage
It’s not just the cacao content. There are two methods for extracting the solids from chocolate beans, and us Brits do it the way that Hershey doesn’t. They also load the chocolate stock up with milk fat to a different concentration because it’s a relatively cheap way to make silky-smooth chocolate.
I’m a creation of my childhood, UK-made chocolate is still the gold standard for non-gourmet chocolate for me.
Mary Sue Easter Eggs is a sign that Yahweh loves the goyim.
At least it’s not Valentine’s days sweethearts…
Here’s where I would like to see Trump say “You’re all fired”. This department no longer exist. Actually, I would like that across the board, but this seems like a good place to start.
Reagan. Air traffic controllers.
“What would say that you… do around here?”
Who has $1.4 mil sitting around?
(I think it’ll go higher, given the interiors are all FLW also)
While the materials and the individual panels of the architecture are attractive, the disjointed manner in which they come together is just painful. The angles ruin what appeal this building should have.
OMG. I love everything about that house. Everything.
Cthulhu Ftagn?
Geometry of the place was all wrong?
Extreme feng shui in action.
While I’m not much of a fan of FLW’s architecture, he beats out Le Corbusier any day.
Definitely. Corbu was a raging misanthrope if you look at some of his ideas that weren’t built, and his influence gave us “slum clearance” and “public housing” that have done so much damage.
Those do look great. I could definitely work with that. Basement makes a perfect library too.
It looks like the acoustics in there would be dreadful. And my playing needs all the help it can get.
This is his “middle-class” style so it’s clearly not as refined as some of his masterpieces. But yeah the furniture and other design touches rock.
Cool! It’s a nice area, too.
Here’s the listing.
Actually, I’ll be a little surprised if it goes at that price. It’s pretty small and the taxes are pretty robust.
The furniture alone is probably worth a couple hunnert grand.
More likely some asshat will come along and “update” it with some Home Depot kitchen cabinets, doors, and trim. I see this all the time with mid-century houses in my neighborhood.
That’s a damn shame.
I saw a rental duplex on Realtor last night with a pink bathroom. It wasn’t vintage (well, 80’s vintage, not early 1900’s vintage), but at least it was not renovated into blandness like the rest of the house.
Hah. My grandparent’s 1940’s rambler had a pink bathroom. We actually left it when we sold the house.
I like some of the weird design elements (like the pink bathroom) but love it or hate it – bland sells faster and for more money.
my wife’s grandmother’s house from the 1950s has its original pink bathroom too – even a pink toilet. The house is one of those crazy ranches that started off small and had rooms added on several times.
The last house I bought had a 70s era pink bathroom – pink tile everywhere! including the toothbrush and TP holder – along with swag lamps hanging on chains. The basement had a yo-ho-ho sailing theme, with ceiling lights in the shape of ship steering wheels.
Oh and the upstairs bathroom had swinging saloon doors (hey, pardner, watcha doing in there?)
The previous owner probably had a proto-airbnb gig, renting the place out for porno shoots …
.. or so a friend of mine who knows a lot about porn tells me.
My grandparents had one. The tub, sink, toilet, tile — everything matched. But if I remember they called it “salmon”.
Far worse than pink, is avocado. Especially given my dislike of avocados.
There was also a 1970’s mid-blue that was popular in bathrooms which still haunts my dreams. I had to break up a cast-iron bath that was enamelled in that color and I still bear the psychic damage.
And it will cost them $80K to do it. Seriously, contractors hear “kitchen” and their eyes light up with dollar signs.
It might go to an enthusiast who doesn’t actually plan on using it as a residence. They tend to overspend because “OMG, FLW!”
To be fair, the long history of urban insterstates shows that if you didn’t want one plowing through your neighborhood it helped to be not poor. This plan at least looks like an improvement over what’s there now?
Robert Moses destroyed a lot of neighborhoods with his highway plans.
You know who else had a lot of highway plans…
Willie Nelson?
Rick Perry?
Michael Landon?
Burt Reynolds?
I had my Moment last night. Those of you who are parents remember when you finally had to answer the uncomfortable question to your kids, “So how does a mommy and a daddy make a baby?” It was that kind of moment.
SP never read Reason comments. Only had a dim idea of it. Now that she put this site together and is actually participating, she’s gotten a much better idea of the personalities, the in-jokes, the memes, the references, and she now understands why those nice fellows we’ve had dinner with on a few occasions had a certain notoriety.
So last night came the Question and my uncomfortable explanation.
“Who is Steve Smith?”
Recently retired wide receiver for the Panthers and Ravens.
She knows better. “It can’t be him because they’re not saying “Senior.'”
Damn, sharp kid.
For 9 years old, she’s pretty bright.
Haha i just googled it, and now knowing the back story a little more makes me love you guys even more. I always just went along with it.
My neighbor (who is a craft beer sales rep and also homebrews) has monthly beer-drinking get-togethers with a bunch of guys in the neighborhood. Apparently, they know some guy named Steve Smith, and I giggle every time they mention him. It’s all thanks to you degenerates. And I love it.
Jeebus, I didn’t know it this busy in the morning. Don’t you guys work?!
On the Lord’s Death Day? How dare we?
“Render onto Caesar…”
Yeah I’m only here because I’m not working. The new (((owners))) of my company generally take this week off and they throw the rest of us Good Friday too – before them I always worked today.
Beverly Cleary turned 101 years old a couple of days ago.
The “Mouse and the Motorcycle” stories are my favorite of her books.
Wow, I had no idea she was a)still alive b)that old
Is she still writing?
Her latest book is “The Mouse who identified as a wolverine and the motorcycle that identified as an F-15”.
Surprise ending: the F-15 bombs the heterosexual white men who are trying to oppress women and minorities by illegally voting, and the world becomes a happier place, where everyone shares in the unlimited abundance that had been hoarded by the aforementioned white men.
Yeah, I was a huge fan of her books. I always wanted a dog like Ribsy.
To me her’s was the Portland before Portlandia.
There were a number of kids books back in the day – thinking of hers, ones like “Trumpet of the Swan”, “Push-Cart War”, etc that made living in downtown NYC seem interesting (lots of Central Park stuff, etc) – at least for the period. Of course, I think I read them in the late 80s with no real appreciation for the period when they were actually written. Of course…pre-70s midtown might have actually been a nice place for a kid to grow up.
1950’s California seems, to me, to be the best of all possible worlds.
After the Present, of course. Even with the anxiety-inducing uncertainty of present days, it is amazing.
I mentioned a few days ago that my wife and I finished the “Psych” television series. We’ve started watching episodes of “Early Edition”, and it’s fun. But it’s weird to think of a time before 9/11, before widespread internet, before “cellphones” that can film and show movies. The latest episode has a side character whip out a flip phone. She might as well have picked up the bell-shaped receiver from one of those crank-phones and said, “Is that you, Mert? How’s every little thing?”
Didn’t someone write something that showed that most Seinfeld plots would have been resolved in minutes if they’d had modern smart phones? So many of them hinge on missed phone calls, not having certain information, not being able to get ahold of someone, etc.
Attention SP. When I view the site on my Android phone with Google Chrome the first digit of the comment number goes missing. This isn’t a display issue – I searched in page for “31.” so I could reply to LH’s Chechnya post but it didn’t find that. I had to search for “Chechnya” to get there.
She’s busy playing Barbie with the girls next door.
I think you’ll find that <ol> tags are generated dynamically by the browser, while the search function in chrome scans the html source. It’s one of the arguments for changing the highlighting in monocle to not only change the background color of new postings to blue, but adding (possibly) a ‘readable marker’ (assuming chrome and other browsers would be able to search for them)
ugh “that the numbers associated with <ol> tags“
Huh, I never noticed that but you’re right – I can’t find the numbers for the posts. And it explains some weird results I’ve had over the years – like I’ll search for my name and the browser scrolls to a spot on the page and my name is nowhere to be seen.
Without knowing tampermonkey at all (and I should learn it if anyone has a really good tutorial), I suspect that this and other issues are addressable.
Ugh, Just fiddled with the CSS. So much for my great idea.
I also have this exact same issue on my Galaxy S7.
Followup – searching for comment numbers doesn’t work in Firefox running on Windows, either. But the entire comment number does appear properly.
I blame JATNAS.
Dammit, you’re right. I just did a search on “54” and it only bounced between timestamps, never to your comment here.
What in the ever loving fuck?
I have absolutely no proof, but I think that there is some sort of hazing ritual for newly elected members Congress, with pictures and everything.
This is why Congressmen are so tight-knit; why they never seem to fulfill the promises they make during the election; and why the Establishment is so scared of Trump (who avoided such hazing).
Uh huh… Not in mine. And it’s not like they had to tell us not to do it or something. It wasn’t even thought of let alone attempted. There’s something rotten in a town like that.
Really? I participated in hazing in both high school and college involving sports teams. None of it went beyond making us (or us making someone else) do stupid shit and it never involved nudity. But it was always there as a way to have a little fun and put people at ease when there was a lot of internal competition in an otherwise team environment.*
*I ran cross country and track, so I had teammates that I also tried to beat on a daily basis.
I played soccer and tennis. Maybe it was different with the “real” sports teams.
Hockey. One eyebrow shaved.
wrestling had some hazing that others might have seen as abuse but it was actually just training.
lacrosse, we got mohawks. it wasn’t hazing, we were high.
Football hell week we all ended up at Rusty’s place (seriously his name was Rusty) and watched porn uncomfortably together. Anything else I’ve blocked out.
He’s … a trombone player … right?
It was common on our varsity teams, but nothing remotely like the sexual shit in the article. More stuff like underclassmen had to carry the seniors’ pads and helmets, getting taped to goal posts, someone putting atomic balm in your jockstrap, things like that.
The problem is that each year’s group feels the need to one up the previous year. So what starts out as atomic wedgies or carrying equipment for the seniors inevitably winds up several years down the road with sodomy. And then shit hits the fan. And then no hazing. And 5 years later, a little hazing seed starts the cycle all over again.
I don’t understand this at all. Other than a criminal psychopath, who would perform this on another human being?
since many of the victims, perpetrators and members of law enforcement know each other intimately
Nudge nudge wink wink…
Well, that was supposed to be:
[i]since many of the victims, perpetrators and members of law enforcement know each other [b]intimately[/b][/i]
You’ve gotta use the newer em and strong instead of i and b. I altered it above.
Please don’t bitch about how typing a few more letters is too hard. It’s a WordPress thing and not a Glibertarian thing and we’ve heard it repeatedly already.
If you want to keep up with web standards (and you should) then y’all have to talk HTML5-y (i.e. bow to the idol of the semantic web)
Aha, I did not know that. Thank you for the fix.
Sure thing. If you want to be lazy there should be info about trshmonsters very useful Monocle userscript on the right. It adds in the acceptable html tags with a button push and allows collapsing read threads and skipping to the next unread message.
“since many of the victims, perpetrators and members of law enforcement know each other intimately, ”
Phrasing ?
To be fair, the long history of urban insterstates shows that if you didn’t want one plowing through your neighborhood it helped to be not poor.
I realize this may come as a shock to some people (not here), but- poor people’s houses are cheaper to knock down for a new road than rich people’s. Hence, the inevitable routing through poor neighborhoods.
Also, poor people tended to cluster closer to the downtowns in American cities, and given that lots of people work in those downtowns, that’s where the roads had to go. They plowed the interstates through some pretty nice neighborhoods too.
Oh, sure. And back then they weren’t shy about their plans to “improve” the lives of the poors by moving them into “free” housing to make way for the roads. Different times.
Cue up some Little Pink Houses!
American Public Learns We’re Still Fighting in Afghanistan After Pentagon Drops Huge Bomb There
It’ll work this time!
Duffle Blog shoots and scores! haha
While not strictly non-interventionist I have no trouble with us dropping the occasional bomb on Islamist scum. But that is a far different thing than boots on the ground.
Afghanistan is a shithole. Let them pull themselves into modernity. No bullshit nation-building.
I’m not a John Derbyshire fan – racial determinism isn’t my bag – but I always agreed with his “More rubble, less trouble” argument. Nation building is an exercise in futility, particularly with a people who aren’t thoroughly defeated. It took not one but two atomic bombs to truly subdue Japan to the point that they were accepting of the American occupation to come.
Favorite duffleblog post: soldier stationed in Japan takes his wife to see classical Japanese theater, mixes up “kabuki” and “bukkake”.
For Good Friday: Is the few hours of pain Jesus endured really sufficient to atone for the sins of the world?
That’s fairly interesting, although I always thought (in my Catholic upbringing, anyway, I don’t know what you Prods do) that the humiliation of Christ was pretty well conveyed. He certainly looks pretty pathetic (I’m going to hell for saying that, aren’t I?) in the Stations of the Cross.
Chicken of chicken:
Students ‘fear’ Chick-fil-A will jeopardize ‘safe place’
The deluxe spicy chicken with pepper jack RAPED me!!!!!
Not to mention the anti-Semitism of I WANT THIS NOW BUT IT’S PASSOVER THANKS A LOT
They took the spicy chicken breakfast burrito off the menu. Fuck their entire corporate heirarchy in the ear.
It looks like you already have your own tortilla.
It’s a crepe.
My bad.
It’s fine. I keep meaning to retire that shot, but I don’t have a better replacement It’s been causing confusion for four years. I haven’t used on Scruff or Facebook already.
What a horrible thing to say about your own cooking.
I suppose we are all our own worst critics.
As well as the spicy breakfast biscuit. Philistines, the lot of them.
From both ends!
More students instead voted for the chain to set up shop on campus.
Expel the whining children as unfit for university.
I vote = 1 dollar.
If they dont want Chic – Fil – A on campus they can vote it off.
I remember my freshman year at UNC-CH (’98), the cafeteria just reopened after a remodeling and everyone was ecstatic about a chick fil’a on the premises (pricey or not on a student budget)…..I have no idea if it’s still there or what kind of hell those poor folks had to deal with over the last few years. Ironic in retrospect…but then that’s almost 20 years ago now.
I can’t imagine writing for that site and having to wallow through so much stupidity every day.
Wow. What the fuck ever happened to being tough, having a spine, having thick skin? I really think the next generation (after millennials) will graduate college in 10 years, look at us, and call us weaklings.
Who is ‘us’?
This conversation is so much better in this context.
How many threads have broken 500 comments on Glibertarians? We’re closing in…
More than a few but they were generally shitshows of trolls or abortion fights
I must have missed those on the Glibertarians Site, I only recall them from the old site.
PS, this thread has passed 500.
I wrote an article on a can of beans. I got over 200 comments. The morning links that day on TSTSNBN had less than 50(?)
The aftermath of a can of beans would out-comment most TSTSNBN threads.
Stay on target.
Sorry, misread, I thought you asked how many at the old place had over 500, not sure if any have had more than 500 here before but it helps/hurts that it’s 1PM eastern and they haven’t uploaded another article yet so nowhere else here to comment
Yeah, slow article day means we just mill around one thread and chat.
Eastern is not a real time zone.
““Dying to be a Martyr.” That’s the name of a lesson plan offered to students and teachers at no cost by the Public Broadcasting Service, a taxpayer-funded nonprofit, and some of the material seems to encourage students to learn to sympathize with radical Islamic terrorists.”
And this is for 9th to 12th graders. I can’t imagine any appropriate response to this assignment other than “you’re kidding me, right?”
It’s preparing them for college, anyway. “This is what you’re expected to think, students. Keep your head down and don’t speak up, and there’s a good chance you’ll make it through all six years without being dragged in front of the social justice inquisition.”
Yeah, i was just about to quote that bit myself.
Everything leading up to that point suggests that its a “high school”-age lesson plan (i mean, ffs, they ask kids to read the Balfour Declaration *just above that*)
Meaning, there was nothing particularly odd about the lesson-plan until, then…. and then you’re like, “Why are they asking students to pretend to interpret other people’s emotions?”
History is more complex than, “WOULD OCCUPATION MAKE PEOPLE SAD??”. Its asking students to suddenly jump from trying to objectively understand the facts of the matter to demanding they inject one-dimensional Pathos into the material.
(*i imagine, faced – no pun – with this demand from a teacher, i’d draw some face making ‘crazy expression’, and when asked what it meant, i’d say = “this is the palestinian driven to madness attempting to reconcile tribal hatred of the jew with the shame of his inability to form a nation-state deserving of respect from the international community”)
this is all before we get to the canned “Answers may include” = bits later.
Draw the face from Derpetologist’s link the other night.
Of course, The Blaze, being retarded, can only get outraged when they note “there’s nothing saying HURR DURR DENOUNCE JIHADISM” WHUR MAH ISRAELS GOWN
Goddamn, so I glad I missed all this shit in highschool. Just barely though.
Geeks and geekettes, the first trailer for Star Wars Episode VIII is here
I’ll be in my bunk.
Wow. My monitor is filthy.
That… completely failed to catch my interest.
She doesn’t do anything for me, either.
Well how about Rogue One’s lead?
Meh. Looks bland.
Feh, episode 7 was such shit that I hardly care about this one. I’m sure Rey will be maimed by Darth Emo at some point towards the end of this movie, Finn will be the prisoner of the Fifth Reich or whatever the Empire calls itself now, and things will look bleak in preparation for Return of the New Jedi or some fuck.
My reaction every time I hear about new Star Wars stuff.
I will defend the EU to the death against this new generation.
Man, is that lame. Since when are trailers supposed to be painfully slow, anyway?
No. No no no no no no.
Is it starring Lou Reed?
Bowie was the original transgender rights activist.
Rebel Rebel
Put on your dress.
Rebel Rebel.
Your face is a mess.
Rebel Rebel.
How could they know,
Hot tramp, I love you so.
that’s pretty much what the below link gabs on about
You mean to day that Bowie was somewhat confused about his gender?
… you shock me, sir. Shock Me!
The natural choice for Goblin King would be Godfrey Elfwick.
We had a good run. Let’s trigger the Dead Hand now and go out while we’re still on top.
The Guardian also wants you to hate the original film
She was selfish, bitter, headstrong, clever, and above all, wanted things to be fair. Not a princess but a proto-Notorious RBG [Ruth Bader Ginsburg] justice.
Yeah, “selfish, bitter and headstrong” really fits well with “wants things to be fair”.
A lot of feminist criticism amounts to =
“I want to justify my irrational pleasure from this form of entertainment = ergo: i will project my feminist garbledygook all over it so i can pretend my interest is a mature and intellectual one…. rather than a visceral pleasure taken from childhood princesss-fantasy and people dressed in silly costumes”
I got to meet Bowie once. Nice guy. Very smart.
There was only one of him.
I’m jealous. I would have loved to talk with Bowie. His music is great.
Have you checked with The Guild of Calamitous Intent to make sure?
I think the OSI finally managed to off him.
It’s possible I’m so biased against a remake because it was one of the movies my sainted Ma and I would watch together and quote back and forth to each other.
The Bog of Eternal Stench was one of our favorites. When my Pa farted, either my Ma or I would say “Smeeeelll baaaaad” (In Ludo’s voice).
Just wait for the Princess Bridge remake in which they’ll role-reverse Buttercup and Wesley.
Princess Bridge
Is that like a backbend Wobbly H?
The funny thing is, I was going to post make a joke about bringing back young Bowie Jeff Bridges-style.
At least it can’t be worse than Coors.
“Pisner’ beer made from human urine is almost ready for you to buy”
You Americans have been drinking recycled Guinness for years.
581 comments here, 190 comments across all articles posted today over at the old place
What I wouldn’t give to see their click and engagement stats over the last 12 months
*fx: rubs hands together at thought of possible ad revenue here. Calls Newsmax for details*
600 now.
People really need to stop doing this whole, “there goes the neighborhood”-schadenfreude thing w/ Reason. Leave them be.
*also, half those comments are mary + tulpa etc.
When you presume to define your audience’s needs you’ve lost them. Shame, that, because I would have otherwise agreed with you.
I don’t understand what you mean by “When you presume to define your audience’s needs you’ve lost them.”
also, don’t know what you’re disagreeing w/
You wrote “people really need to stop…” That is very much defining the needs of others.
I realize that it’s a common phrase, perhaps you used it without thinking about the implications. I find it obnoxious because it sidesteps the speaker taking any responsibility for his position. It’s also a favorite phrase of smug progs.
so you’re upset with the way i phrased an otherwise unobjectionable appeal to “quit bitching about Reason”?
If you delete the first 4 words of the sentence, do you still have a problem?
fwiw – the purpose of those 4 words was to soften that imperative-statement. i really don’t understand what your niggle is here other than purposely ignoring the content and complaining about the form
Personally, I don’t hate them, and still go there from time to time. However, they need to either clean house or only have the writers do topics that are in their wheelhouse and they can write from a libertarian prospective. From my POV, it’s more about seeing how their continued insistence on ignoring reader’s complaints has affected them – and if it will have an impact – rather than ‘ha ha, losers!’
I don’t hate them either, yet. I still actually go there pretty much every day and even read some of the articles from time to time. I *WANT* them to see what t hey have done to themselves and get better. I don’t even have a problem with them employing someone like Soave, and Robbie used to actually be halfway decent, he was after all one of the first in the media to publically call shennanigans on the UVA fake rape case, What I want is for them to return to having the balance and perspective they USED to have. There is a desperate need in out society for a reasonably well recognized and respected media site to be a voice of reason calling out the Trump administration on it’s bullshit while simultaneously calling out the SJWs and progressive media for theirs. You know, maybe having a nuanced view on immigration rather than just allowing Shika to scream that any limits on immigration whatsoever make you worse than Hitler and not even having ANYONE to present a counter point to that
Immigration is an issue that liberty minded people can disagree on. What really pissed me off about her was defending the Berkeley rioters because speech. 1A should be non-negotiable.
“…should be non-negotiable”.
It is if you make it that.
I dont negotiate or compromise on any of the inalienable rights. Ever.
This, mostly.
Penguin =
i’m on the same page as you.
I don’t know what it will take for them to get their heads out of their asses, but i think its going to take a lot longer than a few months of declining website traffic.
I hear what you guys are saying, but it’s not going to happen. Welch and Gillespie and the gang don’t give a rat’s ass if every piece there gets zero comments and zero clicks. They really don’t.
They’re highly deceptive and dishonest ideologues who are pushing a very specific agenda, and anyone who disagrees with any of it can go pound sand as far as they’re concerned.
I’d leave them be more if they didn’t continue to employ writers who accuse other libertarians who don’t tow their line as being ‘alt-right’.
Anyone who talks about the alt-right as anything other than an obscure rag-tag collection of nut cases that have no significant influence on anything pissed away all credibility with me.
My wife turned on the TV the other day and two black dudes were undercover cops busting a Klan rally. Sheets, hoods, the burning cross and ‘we gotta hang all them niggers’ talk. I wasn’t sure at first if it was supposed to be a parody/comedy or not. Then I realized they were trying to be earnest. It was painfully embarrassing to just look at it. It doesnt even rise to comic book level.
*also, half those comments are mary + tulpa etc.
All six of them?
That doesn’t really show what I asked for.
It only shows their daily unique visitor ranking, over time and then a single data point on bounce rate, page views, and time on site.
I don’t care how they rank relative to other sites, yes that is declining significantly since last summer when TDS began to set in but that does not prove that their actual unique visitors are down, it could be as much or more that other sites are just growing faster and a 1 day data point doesn’t tell us how many of the core readers have left the site over that time
Ask and ye shall receive (note: is for
Its not pretty.
Ask and ye shall receive.
People seem all too willing to oblige that request.
I was actually curious because I hadn’t checked the Alexa ratings since a couple weeks after this site was formed. Unfortunately we still need a couple of months more data of this site in order to be graphed.
How much data do they have right now?
Same here, John.
I was startled by their traffic decline when we first looked a few months ago. It looks like it ain’t recovering.
I want them to be a successful libertarian site. I want them to look at a pretty catastrophic decline in traffic and ask themselves, “What are we doing wrong? What do we need to do different?” and become a successful libertarian site (again). I’d love to add them back to my bookmarks, but I’m not hearing any reason to do so.
Best I got for you (sorry I’m late to the party)
Also, I need to refresh more, because there were no comments when I responded 🙁
Actually I’m pretty sure that whacked out idiot doesn’t exist. It’s a troll.
Evidence :
1) piece is supposedly written by a woman who is an activist and is getting a masters of arts in philosophy
2) this person nevertheless has absolutely no presence on twitter or tumblr except this probably-fake account set up in April of this year (
3) the picture is of a transgender
There is zero chance that a transgender activist who would write such an article has not been making a fool of hirself on twitter for years. Obvious troll is obvious.
That more than anything is probably proof that something is fake. EVERY SJW HAS A TWITTER ACCOUNT.
The Twitter Activity begins
600 comments? If we reached 1000 I’ll post pics of myself wearing nothing but a 50pd dumbbell.
Don’t you threaten us!
*deletes rest of days posts*
I’m reflexively sexually harassing you to fight the patriarchy, pay me no mind.
*narrows gaze and slow claps at the same time*
*Need to get this thing to 1000 comments somehow*
If we allow gay Muslims to come over here and get married, they’ll outlaw abortion and deep dish pizza because of Trump’s wall!
Everyone should be circumcised! Islam and libertarianism are natural bedfellows! It is your right to be able to purchase body armour!
And they’ll mandate the use of the Oxford comma!
*GASP* Not the Oxford comma!
Eats, shoots, and leaves.
WTF? 695 comments?
*Moves on to the afternoon links*