Good Friday is upon us.  Hope your day goes better than a certain Lord and Savior’s did a couple thousand years ago. And I hope most of you managed to wrangle a day off work at least.  So let’s get started with…the links!

Democrats continue to shit in one hand and reach out for President Trump’s tax returns with the other.  The rest of America eagerly waits to see which hand fills up first.

Rooney was instrumental in this.

With neither head of state backing down and a terrified South Korea and Japan hoping for a peaceable resolution, the North Korea – United States standoff is in a vicious cycle.  Yeah, that’s the understatement of the week.

Pittsburgh Steelers chairman Dan Rooney died yesterday.  You may know him as the guy that helmed the Steelers organization to SIX Super Bowl championships.  Or you may know him as the guy responsible for teams not being able to immediately hire who they want for a job until they check off a few PC boxes first.  Either way, he was an influential guy in football.

According to one HuffPo writer, this should be abolished. (But just for men)

Apparently Planned Parenthood is under siege. Because other people not being forced to pay for your abortions is akin to a holocaust.  “You’ve come a long way baby”, my ass. Money is fungible. And if you’re marching in the streets because you can’t force other people to pay for your mistakes, then you might need to lose your collective right to vote. (Just kidding!)

Although I shouldn’t joke about an entire sex (or gender?) losing their right to vote.  This whacked out idiot sure isn’t joking about it. (TW: HuffPo being more insane than usual. Want to know how bad it is?  Even they turned comments off for the piece.)

Your tax dollars hard at work.  And by “hard at work”, I mean being totally pissed away on studies to determine how racist roads projects are.  I shit you not.

Millennials don’t even realize these calls used to be possible.