OK, rise and shine all of you. *mugs for camera* Well, that is enough of that. Lets have a few links before church or brunch or egg hunts.
- Huh. It seems Berkeley police can arrest people for violence after all.
- I am sure this will all turn out fine.
- This won’t get any nanny types upset. Nosiree!
Only three links….a Trinity of Links, if you will. *cheese eating grin* Off to enjoy the day!
“Yes” is going to win with 101% of the vote. Somehow.
/Chicago Precinct
I’ll see your Berkely, and raise you an Austin.
Controversial alt-right provocateur Mike Cernovich appears to have been punched in the face at an anti-Trump rally in Austin, TX on Saturday after repeatedly yelling “Bill Clinton is a rapist” at the crowd.
He’s not wrong. Bill’s women Resisted.
I’m trying to imagine how the media would cover a left wing protester punched in the face for yelling “George Bush is a murderer!”
It would just further prove how violent and oppressive the average Republican voter really is.
/Greg Sargent
I’d pay-per-view to see the Antifas and the AntiAntifas go at it in an arena.
I also liked the drunk chihuahua story linked on the riot page. Thanks, Swiss!
Also an arrest. Hmmm. There seems to be a common thread on stories on that station.
That would be truly entertaining. I watched some videos of the ‘battle of Berkley’, those antifa guys just really seem to know how to mace people and run. At least from what I saw.
Choreographed by Busby, of course.
Cue dance number to rival sharks vs jets
Filmed from above to show the “antifas” marching in a swastika shape.
You don’t want the between the legs shot of the antifa ladies’ unshaved legs….
I shudder at the thought. It would make STEVE SMITH’s legs look down right civilized.
It’s not the legs you don’t want to see. One of them (the girl with the dreadlocks who got punched in the forehead) turned out to be a porn actress who performs for people whose fetish is… uh… super bush. The Twitter comments about her were hilarious though. “Snatchsquatch” was my personal favorite.
-gags- -gags more- Ugh. I mean, wow. I get that hair is natural, but ‘superbush’? Why god, why? Also I’m going to google that to find out how popular it is, but in the hippie zone I would say it a probably fairly so.
Which twitter was that?
I’d really advise NOT going through these tweets here. But, hey, it’s your eyesight. You can lose it if you want to.
Some of those were perfectly tasteful and not especially-bad-kind-of-hairy.
i’m not digging any deeper because i can see it getting worse, tho
I feel like I should offer 100-1 bets on the antifas. But I can’t really afford to pay off the losses, and that’s how my uncle lost his bar.
Technically, both sides are fas, aren’t they?
Not really. I’m pretty sure the Black masked socialists beating up people in the streets are closer to Fascists than whatever imaginary army they’re fighting against.
From the videos I’ve seen, the antifas love a good sucker punch, mace, whack with a stick and then run away.
That’s when the lions are released.
On the pay-per-view
*Thumbs up*
I should have read the thread before commenting,
Fine idea if they stay inside an arena. Let ’em fight each other for a while then turn the hungry lions loose.
Do churches still have “Sunrise Service” on Easter? I haven’t been to one in years.
When I was a kid, we used to go to church before dark, stand outside the building while the pastor read the Resurrection Story, then go inside and enjoy a large breakfast. Then, everyone would go home and put on their “Easter Sunday Clothes” that they probably bought a few days prior, return to church, and have a regular Sunday meeting (except we sing Easter Carols).
The church we go to now apparently doesn’t do that. They are having an Easter egg hunt after the service, and cancelling evening services.
How has the culture degraded so badly?
Anyway, I am wearing a jacket and tie for the first time since I had a job interview two years ago.
I’m rambling, ain’t I?
I have to get a new suit jacket for my niece’s wedding coming up in August.
My cat’s breath smells like cat food.
She’s not wearing a dress?
I have it on good authority that one should find an immigrant from Hong Kong that will make you a top quality suit for $500.
I don’t know this gentleman’s name, but if you visit message boards and chat rooms frequented by suit snobs, I’m sure they could tell you.
Otherwise, go to Men’s Wearhouse.
Anything that Hong Kong guy can do Rajawongse can do better for less.
Also, people who purchase and wear suits from Men’s Wearhouse or Jos. A. Bank should be forced to dig their own graves and then be executed with a gunshot to the back of the skull.
Yeah, the flight might be a little challenging.
Get your measurements done by a local tailor, seamstress, or anyone else who knows what they are doing and email them to the shop. They will ship to you.
Now I’m curious. What’s a suit from Jesse and Victor cost?
Depends on fabric and such, of course. But I have from them a bespoke tropical-weight wool navy suit for 220. This was a decade ago, mind you, so adjust for inflation and a stronger Baht.
I like the idea of a custom suit. I don’t wear them much anymore, but it would be nice to have a good one for the rare occasion that I must.
Good news, Ted S.! You don’t have to find a message board to contact a Suit Snob!
Now I just need to know where to go to find Beer Snobs. 😉
Tom Ridge in the background? That’s hilarious.
I used to work at Jos. A Banks.
I think I sold a total of two suits during the few weeks I was employed there (and that’s even though they are perpetually offering three-for-one sales)
My last day, I went in–as scheduled–and everyone was, like, “What are you doing here?” And I was, like, “I’m scheduled to work today.” And they were, like, “Stop lying at us.”
So, I checked the schedule, and I had been eliminated from the schedule.
So, I’m, like, “Have I been fired?”
And they’re like, “We have no idea!”
I walked out of that place with a spring in my step, and all the complimentary mints.
That is a complete dick move.
Just do what I do, Ted – don’t go to weddings. Saves me lots of money and time.
It’s a relative, even though if the family had a black sheep, I’d be that black sheep.
Oh, I mean relatives too. In my case, immediate family. Trust me, every time it comes up it’s a whole thing.
I hate weddings, and to my mind, invitations are exactly that. If they want me there, they should force me to go with a court order or something. My attitude is, I don’t make demands of anyone’s time – why do they get to make demands on mine?
It’s not that I don’t want to go so much as it is I’ve always been the person who never fit in with the rest of the family. Holidays were always hell, and having a mother who had a nasty temper (and possibly undiagnosed bipolar disorder) only made the holidays that much more fun.
Sunrise, new clothes, and the egg thing are all very pagan.
I guess the early converts kept the cultural traditions that they liked.
A spoonful of tradition helps the conversion to go down.
Little known fact: Pagans actually invented sunrises.
What? You mean it wasn’t the Coreans!?
I thought it was Gene Sulit.
Lots of things are pagan.
I think this is addressed is 1 Corinthians 8, which is about eating food offered to idols.
It’s basically talking about context. If you know that the idols are just rocks, then it doesn’t really matter whether you eat it. The only context that makes it wrong is if you’re eating food offered to idols somehow leads others to believe that the idols are real.
If Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies somehow entice others into thinking that they should turn their backs on Christianity and embrace a fertility cult instead, then hiding eggs around the house is wrong. Otherwise, for goodness’ sake, feel free to decorate a Christmas tree–even if it is a pagan phallic symbol.
Around my house We call today Pagan Fertility Ritual Day
I grew up in a fairly conservative Nazarene church, and I remember that sort of thing getting mentioned but my mother never bothered to take us (even then I was the least morning person in the family). But I could imagine it being a nice experience for a believer.
I feel like the music has been degraded.
The denomination I was raised in was fundamentalist (rather than charismatic evangelical), and I used to really dig the music. I mean the old time hymnal. Some of those songs were like Wagner or Slayer.
“Once to every man and nation,
Comes the moment to decide,
In the strife of truth with falsehood,
For the good or evil side;
Some great cause, some great decision,
Offering each the bloom or blight,
And the choice goes by forever,
’Twixt that darkness and that light.
Then to side with truth is noble,
When we share her wretched crust,
Ere her cause bring fame and profit,
And ’tis prosperous to be just;
Then it is the brave man chooses
While the coward stands aside,
Till the multitude make virtue
Of the faith they had denied.
By the light of burning martyrs,
Christ, Thy bleeding feet we track,
Toiling up new Calv’ries ever
With the cross that turns not back;
New occasions teach new duties,
Time makes ancient good uncouth,
They must upward still and onward,
Who would keep abreast of truth.
Though the cause of evil prosper,
Yet the truth alone is strong;
Though her portion be the scaffold,
And upon the throne be wrong;
Yet that scaffold sways the future,
And behind the dim unknown,
Standeth God within the shadow,
Keeping watch above His own.”
Lowell wrote that in protest of the Mexican-American War in 1845.
I joined the choir at my boarding school–mostly to meet girls, but I came to love the official hymnal in four or eight part harmony. 150 years later, those lyrics still rock.
I go back to church these days, and the theology hasn’t changed, but now the music is all Hillsong type horseshit with people swaying back and forth singing about how “God is love”.
I blame the baby boomers.
From what I’ve read, most of the growth in church attendance around the world is from the more conservative and evangelical churches.
What’s the point of giving the local church 10% of my income to tell me it’s all good, when I can do that myself for free?
You might be interested in a couple of books. I don’t recall the exact names, but it concerns a man called “Mr. Pipes”, and deals with he history of Christian hymn writers.
I should note that they are told from a very pro-Reformation point of view.
singing about how “God is love”.
Baby don’t hurt me.
Degraded? You got all the same salvation for half the work.
+1 efficiency
I haven’t gone to a church for an actual service in decades, but I was raised Episcopalian, and I remember Sunday as being one of the holidays where you’re actually supposed to go to church and take it semi-seriously. Mind you, it’s scheduled so as not to interfere with brunch or golf. I mean, we’re still talking about the Episcopalian Church, here.
Easter Sunday, that is. Not just every Sunday. That would be madness!
Do not worry if the Easter Bunny escapes you; should we miss his eggs, we will cook the nest.
“How do you fit toast in a bong?” Question coming to ask yahoo! soon.
So about the Berkley thing, I have heard anecdotal tales of pro-trumpers having things that might be weapons taken, down to selfie sticks. While antifa protestors seemed to have been allowed to bring things that were weapon like into the rally/event. I also saw a video of a man asking two cops if they were just going to stand around and watch or do something about the violence, they seemed pretty meh about intervening.
Fact: children love egg hunts and egg shaped candy.
Church round these parts is saturday at midnight. Not that I go… but used to as a kid. You light a candle from one the priest has which is alegedly brought from Jerusalem and then you should take it home to bring holy light in there or some such
….and then breakdancing ensues.
That’s Orthodox, isn’t it?
Sounds like a fire hazard, too.
Roman Catholics do a similar thing with candles; at least they used to do. Also, the coming 12 months’ supply of Holy Water was inoculated at that time.
Yep, the Midnight Marathon we call it. Approx. 11:30pm to ~ 3am, with the blessing of the Easter baskets outside at the end. (Ukrainian Orthodox.) Haven’t gone in years. I celebrated by going skiing this year:)
$85 seems a little steep for what are basically really nicely packaged spliffs. You could get a much better effect with some rolling papers, american spirit tobacco and other ingredients. (not implying that I know about such matter)
The vapers are the ones who really have it figured out the best
By turning Japanese?
I really think so.
fair point, it seems like the most innocuous and subtle way to go about it. At least in terms or herb. When it comes to tobacco I actually prefer paper and leaf to vaping, it feels like a more visceral experience to watch a cig shrink, then to watch a tank empty.
These hashtags are getting creepier and creepier.
I added one.
I’m not on twitter, but #youhavemysupport.
It was the first thing that came to mind considering that Robby would never mention her surname at the old place and commenters would always point that out.
Not to mitigate tragedy, but at what point do we stop trying to classify someone s the first? I mean first black, female, Muslim US judge is a mouthful.
Patient H.M. (~24MB, 25 minute MP3 if you don’t want to do the streaming)
Yikes! I thought it was Heroic for a second
I assumed it was antifa.
There’s a similar guy, Clive Wearing, who suffers from the same thing, except when he plays a song on the piano.
Part of my work focuses on the role limitations on our working memory have on adult second language acquisition.
Adult second language acquisition is hard in any event. I can’t imagine someone with memory problems trying it.
I don’t know if this is directly related to your work but several years ago I read a paper discussing memory loss and retention in a bilingual Alzheimers patient. If I remember it correctly when someone spoke Japanese, his native language, his memory was largely intact. When he spoke English his memory was clearly impaired.
His song.
They made a movie about him. Drew Barrymore played him. It was called “50 First Dates”.
Happy Easter, all, got to get ready to go so enjoy links today!
“It is totally sui generis. I’ve never seen anything like this,” Mitchell says. “I have never seen anything like this where people just flat-out lie.
Talk American, you treasonous haint.
You mean Mrs. Greenspan.
My espresso came out to bitter this morning.
Happy Easter!
My plain old dark roast was excellent.
Happy Easter!
I have forgone my espresso this morning to save room for unlimited oysters, carving station meats, and smoked salmon
Jesus would have wanted it that way.
“Let he without error edit button first”
Hristos a inviat!
My migas came out OK. I overcooked the bacon though.
Came out to bitter what?
Link to the Guardian talking about British intelligence sending information on Trump and associates to American intelligence re Russia. Well I’ll be damned, Napolitano was right (of course most of us knew that already).
Enlighten and refresh. What was he right about?
That the Brits were complicit with Obama in spying on Trump. Fox suspended him for suggesting such a preposterous thing.
He was temporarily suspended from Fox News for saying British and US intelligence shared info on Trump and Russia shortly after Trump’s tweet accusing the Obama admin of spying (or wiretapping or whatever it was) on him. For some reason that rather obvious assertation was over the line.
Of couse they (we) were complicit. Uncle Sam pays (or rather, has in the past, paid) a significant portion of GCHQ’s operating costs.
Someday, Uncle Sam wants that to collect on that.
Andrew Napolitano: Did Obama spy on Trump?
The part that got him into trouble was:
Do people seriously believe that “five eyes” is a conspiracy theory? It makes perfect sense – if your country’s laws prohibit spying on your own citizens, make a pact with other countries and spy on each other while agreeing to share what you find, then just turn a blind eye to that espionage.
Is five eyes the term? A lot of chumps do seem to think it’s bullshit and that our intelligence community has too much integrity to engage in such things.
“Intelligence community” has to be the most skin crawlingly bootlicking formulation the media has come up with.
It was in Snowden’s leaks. Why do you think they want him gone?
I figured it was happening because I tend to assume the worst when it comes to scumbags but didn’t know there was a specific term for it. Interesting, basically the entire English (minus Ireland, way to go fellas) speaking world is collaborating to spy on their own citizens.
Or on each other’s, when national laws prohibit surveillance on its citizenry.
PRISM is real.
The relationship/philosophy is usually referred to as ‘Five Eyes’, but it’s more pernicious than that.
There’s unofficial involvement from a number of other national intelligence agencies.
It’s incorrect, however, to treat this as a kind of anglosphere panopticon. Information-sharing is still undertaken on a selective basis, dependent on the nature of the information, and the value of the information.
I have seen leftist cognitive dissonance before, but this ability they have shown to simultaneously believe that:
A: “Trump is paranoid for saying he was being spied on, that never happened.”
B: “Intelligence agencies spied on Trump to show his Russia connections!”
A and B cannot both be true, but they have no problem holding it both true in their minds.
It’s frustrating in a way. Arguing facts with people who are intellectually capable of that kind of thinking is an absolute waste of time.
Proggies look at 1984 as an instruction manual, not a cautionary tale.
The latest example is from the NY Times. They’ve had headlines along the lines of “Trump is Putin’s Puppet,” then segued without blinking to “Trump’s Actions are Endangering Our Relations with Russia.”
I put that article up on the talk section of Napolitano’s Wiki page the day the article came out.
I’ve never edited a Wiki article before, but that really needs to go up on his page.
There are several things on Napolitano’s wiki that appear to be factually incorrect. If you look at the talk page, you’ll see people tearing it up, too. It’s like some progs or DNC operatives are holding Napolitano’s wiki page hostage and just spamming it with things that aren’t true.
If you believe the wiki, Napolitano is a neo-confederate conspiracy theorist–and that’s not the worst of it.
Saturday Night Prog Derp: I get along with my employer pretty well despite his progressive views. In fact, we occasionally grab a drink together on the weekend. Last night we meet up for a few at the local dive and at some point he begins to complain about the cost of healthcare for his family and how we need single payer to drive down the costs. I politely suggest that maybe before we try that we should allow health insurance agencies to service the entire nation, much like auto insurance, and allow competition to drive down the costs.
He says ‘Wouldn’t work. If you do that then it’ll just kill the little guy agencies and create a monopoly of big agencies colluding to fuck us all.’
I replied ‘So you’re saying an increase in options for consumers that forces health insurance companies to compete with one another will not only continue to raise costs but would outpace the increases under the old system and the ACA?’
Him ‘Yep.’
Me ‘excuse me. I think I need to pound my head against a wall for awhile before that makes sense.’
But one big monopolistic agency called the Federal Government doesn’t do that at all?
Yes, but we’ll all get fucked equally. And that’s really the most important thing.
Everyone gets a stale cookie, rather than someone with fresh cookies and someone else with no cookies.
“They dont care if the poor get poorer as long as the gap between the rich and the poor is narrowed” as Thatcher said
My go-to answer for this level of derpness is usually:
“The United States Government is biggest corporation on the face of the Earth.”
I might have pointed out that private insurance companies would still be competing to pay 150% of cost because of Medicare and Medicaid–even if insurance companies could service the whole country. To simulate the auto insurance industry, we’d need the government to reimburse auto insurers for only a fraction of the cost of insuring the poor and people over 65–and leave the insurers to gouge everyone else to make up for those losses. Then, the poor and people over 65 would need to account for some 50% of all auto insurance claims.
If there’s an auto analogy in response to single payer, it might be to ask him why quality and service would improve if all health insurance were run by the same people who run the DMV.
Well there’s also the issue of comprehensive insurance. I just saw a car insurance ad, where they bragged about the fact that they will send someone out to change a flat tire, followed by a teen kid stranded in the middle of the night, because he can’t figure out how to deal with a flat tire.
I’m not a car guy by any means, but jeez, my 70 year old mom can replace a flat tire and put on a spare. Unlike some millennial reporters.
That ad may have been targeted at the kids’ parents, sort of like how men’s underwear ads are often targeted to women.
Daughters, girlfriends, wives: a lot of women don’t want to be taught how to change a tire. I teach them how to use a can of Fix-a-Flat, and even that goes over poorly.
When things go wrong, they plan to call me. They don’t have to say so. They probably don’t even admit it to themselves.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
I just think it’s somewhat odd. Like I said, I’m not a car guy, but I know how to change a flat tire and jump start a car.
It’s somewhat odd that these are treated as esoteric skills when they used to be treated as basic life skills.
Anyways, so funny story time, back in 70s my mom and her friend to take a road trip from San Francisco to Vegas, and on the way back they had flat tire. It was the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere, and they had a flat. Then a bunch of Hell’s Angels rode up.
So my mom was expecting them to drag her off to rape her to death, instead they just replaced her flat tire, and rode off like good Samaritans.
Motorcycle guys are really good at that.
That doesn’t surprise me too much.
Motorcycle guys are always worried about breaking down in the middle of nowhere, and I think it makes them more sympathetic to people in that situation than you’d expect.
Harley riders are especially worried about breaking down in the middle of nowhere.
There’s an old Harley adage that a lot of Harley riders cite. It’s supposed to be about how Harleys retain their value. It goes, “90% of all the Harleys every built are still on the road”.
My reply is always, “Did the other 10% finally made it home?”
Did you ask him why and who actually does the healthcare work charging insurance companies? Their margins are low and due to the aca have to spend 85 pct on healthcare.
Also singlepayer is a govt monopoly which he complains about
And a reason premiums are so high is due to reimbursement of medicare and medicaid being so low
Also show him a chart of oecd spending for gov healthcare compared to other countries. Us is top 3 or 4 without full singlepayer
Aside from the economic illiteracy, have your boss call me – Lt. Canada – and I’ll teach him about how single payer ‘saves money.’
Like I said. Americans who think this is a good idea not only have no idea what they’re talking about and what they’re asking for but they have not FUCKEN clue of what they’re talking about.
To all responders: taking notes for the next vapid bitchfest. I’m sure he’s just as ignorant as I am about the nuts and bolts of how the ACA works but you’d think a guy who’s owned a business for 12 years would understand the basic economic law of supply and demand.
This is the person who cuts me a check every two weeks; and sometimes that scares the shit out of me.
‘Wouldn’t work. If you do that then it’ll just kill the little guy agencies and create a monopoly of big agencies colluding to fuck us all.’”
That’s what “progressives” think about every single industry. They think that if not for government intervention in markets, big players would “take over” somehow.
Ah yes. That. But can’t the left counter with ‘yes but look he was tied to Russians!’
Reply to stinky and tundra.
Sure, that’s exactly what they’re doing.
It’s a beautiful day, out here in the godforsaken wilds of flyover country. When Jesus peeks out of his subterranean den, he will most definitely see his shadow. I predict six more days of hanukkah.
Sacrilege! The Easter Bunny is going to leave a lump of coal in your stocking or, worse, a copy of the New York Times.
I have some sort of food poisoning or other so I cannot partake in the large quantities af meat and wine consumed around me. Sad.
I will have a piece of grilled lamb and a glass of red wine and hope for the best
*blesses lamb and wine, long distance*
Ugh. Went through that a few weeks ago myself.
I guess God just hates you and wants your suffering on this most holy of days.
Happy Easter!
Oh, goody. The nattering nabobs will now educate me on the flipfloppery of Public Enemy Number One.
National Steal Something From Work Day
Followed by national How Do I Make Bail When I Just Got Fired Day.
Protest taxes by stealing from your work? That sounds about right for leftist logic.
Something about moutain tops and derp
Check out the rest of the site. It’s a treat.
No shit.
We are a network of friends and comrades across so-called North America that seeks to provide news and analysis of when it goes down: riots, strikes, sabotage, occupations, expropriations, rebellion, revolt, insurrection, whether together or alone – we support liberatory revolt. You get the point.
Contact us: info@itsgoingdown.org
Wait, is North America not a real place anymore?
Also, they’re openly advocating lawbreaking. I don’t think that’s gonna sell well with civilized people
I’ve heard of people who take issue with the US being referred to as America, given that there are a lot of countries on the contitent, but I’ve never heard of someone taking issue with the phrase north america.
“three” is not “a lot”. On the north American continent are the US, Canada, and Mexico.
Pero, esta America del sur.
Man, fuck these guys. The piece on the free speech bus alone is fairly illuminating for anyone who would misunderstand the anitfa view of speech.
Also I notice that they are using the Iron Front logo on the Pikeville anti nazi rally article. These guys clearly have no context for history. I feel appropriated
Can’t we just combine that into one holiday and call it national steal from the productive class day.
That’s everyday, man.
Notice it’s on a SATURDAY.
So you’re most likely stealing from a sole proprietor or a franchisee who isn’t “the man.”
Unless you work at a major retailer.
So a couple of thoughts: One, since the Rick and Morty season 3 premiere there has been a push in the fan base to bring back SzeChuan sauce. I really can’t recall it, so I can’t say of it’s any good, but it’s from McD’s so probably not. However this has sparked a prog backlash, they are claiming that to do so would be sponsoring racism or some such nonsense. Do they not understand that they are trying to lock horns with a fanbase centered around a relatively nihilistic asshole, at best they will just get memed to pieces by bored fans and at worse they will come out looking like the idiots that they are for dying on a hill over a useless bit of fan wank.
Secondly, is anyone else here fairly excited over the hearing protection act? As far I as can tell it seems to be a fairly straight piece of legislation with no stupid riders or amendments attached (yet). It has the added bonus of driving gun grabbers on team blue up the wall.
Is it looking like it’s going to pass? My bedside CZ could use a tax free suppressor.
I’m looking forward to it’s passing so I can get a nice home defense shotgun with a suppressor and not deafen myself if I should, gods forbid, ever have to use it. On that topic, I know there are a few people on here with weapons expertise that I lack, what would y’all recommend for a good home defense shotgun? I’ve heard equally good things about both Remington’s and Mossberg.
Flip a coin. Both excellent, inexpensive and upgradable.
I have an 870.
Cool. Good to know.
Hard to go wrong with an 870. Fairly inexpensive, easy to use, and most importantly, It works. everytime, it works.
Both good and reliable, at least the pumps are. If you have the chance try them both out and see which works for you.
As others have said, Rem or Mossy are both fine. From a practical point of view though, handle both and pay particular attention to the safeties. Some people develop real preferences for the types of safeties on their guns, and being able to remove the safety under stress is kinda important.
For example, while I love my Ruger 10/22 rifle, I hate the cross-bolt safety and it drives me nuts. I know if I had to use that in an emergency, I’d fuck up, no matter how much training I have.
There’s a definite case to be made for an AR over a shotgun. Handier in the right configuration, easier to operate, more rounds, and the whole “but the bullet will go through the walls!” thing is A. Kind of Overstated, depending on your load and B. So will buckshot out of a 12 gauge, and so will pretty much anything worth shooting at an intruder.
Plus the prices keep falling, and everyone should own a rifle.
That’s a good point, I do live in my downtown, in a house. I’m not super worried collateral damage, because I have tracks on one side of my house and basically no space for someone to get into my house on the other side. With ARs, is there a particular type that I should look into? Keep in mind, outside of a healthy respect for the 2A, and some pistol experience I have little practical hands on time with long guns.
Well your budget drives your choice. But if you’ve not shot an AR you should probably go to a local range and do so. They will have one for rent that you can try out.
AR is a reasonable choice for home defense too, although one issue is whether yo’re in a “Castle Doctrine” state.
If, bog forbid, you ever had to use it, the issue of whether you’re “room clearing” or “retreating to a redoubt” could become relevant. In some states, mine, for example, if I went room clearing at all, I suspect I’d need a good lawyer. I’d need a really good lawyer if I did it with an AR or anything painted in a tasteful black.
If you’re in a state that expects that you retreat until you ain’t got anywhere else to retreat, nothing beats a shotgun pointed at a doorway while you wait for someone to be screaming “Johnny’s Home”.
I’m in Kentucky, so pretty solid castle doctrine iirc.
First Post!
Long time lurker at TOS, but I’m always happy to jump on a thread about guns, my one real area of expertise.
I have both an 870 (Wingmaster, wood furniture, 26″ barrel) and a 590A1 (heavy 20″ barrel, full-length mag tube.) Both are great platforms, and you can get an 870 designed more for ‘home defense’ or a 500 designed more for clay-shooting or bird-hunting.
My one real preference for the 500/590 as a home defense gun is the tang-mounted safety, which feels natural to me and duplicates the function of the safety on my skeet/trap gun. I hate, hate, HATE the fidgety push-button safety on the trigger guard that the 870 has. It doesn’t really come up when skeet or trap shooting (you just leave the action open between stations, no need to engage the safety.) Everyone has their own level of familiarity with it, though – if you’ve been shooting a .22 rifle with the same type of safety for 30 years it might not bother you as much.
Both are heavily customizable – interchangeable barrels, fore-ends (I have a flashlight mounted on my 590, for example) etc.
The cheapest ‘new’ solution will probably be a Mossy 500 but you should be able to get a ‘sporter type’ 12 ga for around $300-400 new, or a ‘tactical type’ for maybe $500-600 new.
If it is your first shotgun I would recommend getting the ‘sporter type’ – then you have the option of trying out clay-shooting sports or bird hunting with it, whereas with a tactical type the short barrel and fixed, open choke make it not a very good solution for that problem.
I will be excited if it actually passes without a Hughes Amendment style fucking. You actually are going to see some regulatory capture issues on this, because if they just take silencers off the NFA, it’s going to put a ton of suppressor companies in a huge financial crunch.
The NRA has changed a lot in the past 20 years, and that’s a good thing, but they need to prove to me that they are ready to actually start making the case to roll back restrictions. Obviously I’d like to see GCA and NFA repealed entirely, but a good start would be amending NFA to change Class III to a 20 dollar tax, a simple NCIS check, and repealing the Hughes Amendment. Oh, and repealing the sporting purpose test and the import bans for everything.
There’s probably ~10 million gun enthusiasts who are single issue voters. The Republicans can lock up their support and the money that comes with it (gun people are richer than the average citizen) with some incremental reforms.
There has been a lot talk about emails, immigrants, russia, etc. I still think trump won because Hillary is about class A gun grabber and everyone knew it.
If the HPA
If the HPA passes, someone is going to make a fortune threading barrels. a the silencer manufacturers will expand rapidly to cover demand and new guns will be sold with already threaded barrels. There are probably 10s of millions of guns out there already though that could use a can and aren’t threaded. A damn good investment would be a good lathe.
The problem in the industry at the moment is that nobody is buying suppressors, because they’re waiting for the other boot to drop.
Silencerco recently RiF’ed a load of staff because sales of their cans are in free-fall.
On the issue of threaded barrels, you usually need a new barrel, because you need the extra 1/2″ length in order to put the thread on, So the money will be (for a while) in investment in companies like Lone Wolf, etc.
If I have to explain to one more anti-gun advocate that suppressors do not work like in the movies and that all they do is move the sound of a shot from “REALLY REALLY REALLY LOUD” to just “REALLY REALLY LOUD”…
Sorry, I can’t hear you.
*deaf from years of rock n roll, tools, cars and guns*
What? /Guitar player, AC Technician
Yeah, I didn’t get that, either. /Bassist
We Rock / Butthead voice
Heh-heh. Heh-heh.
It’s great though, in another way, because it reveals how little the anti-gun people actually understand about the thing they fear. I’ve only ever shot like two guns in my life, but my wife is a crack shot who has been shooting way more than me and for longer. We both understand, at our various levels of exposure to firearms that suppressors don’t do the Hollywood -pew-pew-, but just stop people from going prematurely deaf. Her prog friends always get this weird look on their face when my wife, not me, explains this stuff to them.
Don’t you know that if gun mufflers were unrestricted, then gangsters would just go around silently killing people everywhere and would never get caught.
Just to show how silly the gun grabbers can be, they’re often worried about the wrong thing. If they should be worried about anything . . .
It isn’t rifles with large capacities.
It isn’t handguns.
I won’t mention any particular models, but there are reasonably priced, five shot capacity rifles out there that can be accurate as anybody needs to be from 1000 yards with practice. Suppress that, and the potential for mayhem is huge.
Yes, there are legitimate hunting applications, like picking an eligible Elk out of a herd in the west, where there are no trees and the herd won’t let you get within 500 yards.
I’m just sayin’ that if the gun grabbers really thought about it, they wouldn’t go after the things they do. They mostly seem to go after what they do because of what they think looks scary, because it’s what they think rednecks want, etc. Meanwhile, some of the things with the most potential for abuse, they ignore.
The plan was always to come after those after they got rid of the ARs and the handguns. It’s all about “no one wants to take your deer rifle!!!” until they get rid of the ARs, then that “deer rifle” is a “ZOMG SNIPER RIFLES NO ONE NEEDS A SNIPER RIFLE!!!!!”
And the Fudds go “wait what?”. Although to be fair, I don’t think there are that many Fudds left.
Even for advertising purposes, though, the ability to pick people off anonymously from 1,000 yards away, whatever small part of me that might be susceptible to fear mongering is more likely to into fear about that than the fear of something because its’ semi-automatic.
I guess you’re right that they can’t go after that without overtly coming after people’s hunting rifles–and they’d lose the war right now if they did that. But the marketing about what people should be scared of is way off because of those considerations. It’s basically false advertising.
If someone can hit a target from a thousand yards away and, because it’s suppressed, no one within 100 yards of the target can even hear the rifle fire, then if I’m the guy leading the charge against suppressors, I’m leading with that.
But noooOOOoooo, they wanna go after the guy who doesn’t want to blow his eardrums out with his own sidearm?
For the left, gun control isn’t really about policy. If you can’t go after the people you see as right wing–and putting the screws on them–then there’s really no point of gun control for most of them at all. It isn’t about the policy. Most of them just don’t like right wing aesthetics. They go after guns because they can’t make laws against the Southern drawl.
Oh yeah they’re as ignorant about guns as they are about everything else.
One of the things I have come to understand is that there is no “higher morality” for the Left. It’s all about the loot. They don’t care about education, they care about keeping unionized teachers employed. They don’t care about the poor, they care about keeping the money flowing.
Everything they support, everything they do, is to keep the cash flowing from the productive to the parasites. They know that, deep down, and that’s why they want to ban guns. When the government steals all the 401(k) s people have, they don’t want the people to be able to actually be able to resist that with force.
Christ is risen from the dead,
by death trampling down upon death,
and to those in the tombs He has granted life.
Last night i was quite asleep when that bit came about in churches all over Romania
KRON4 reports on berkley violence without actually reporting anything at all. There were Trump supporters and AntiFa people present. Violence happened.
Their lack of information tells me what I need to know.
*Hint – Americans dont like to be told what to do. Leftism isnt popular in the US. It doesnt work here and the majority doesnt buy into it. The tactics that worked in other places dont work here either.
Seems pretty popular in San Fran and the rest of the festering sore that is California (sorry California glibs, it’s true).
These antifa pukes seem to do all their business on the left coasts. I have yet to hear a single report of any of them here in Arkansas. I wonder why that is.
I was thinking the same thing. Why dont people fight against them more? Because they only show up in places where people are legally neutered.
Why dont y’all come try that shit in Shreveport?
Easter probably deserves a Nobunny link.
Maybe not safe for work unless your boss doesn’t mind songs about ganja and mild cross dressing.
Nobunny knows
the trouble I seen
Nobunny knows
my sorrow
When I got Hulu some months ago, my plan was to binge-watch South Park episodes until I’m caught up. I used to have the first five or six seasons on DVD and was looking forward to seeing certain episodes again. This was one such episode, but Hulu are a bunch of PC pussies, so I guess I’m going to have to get the DVD again.
It’s not the only episode I won’t get to see. From my link:
For what it’s worth, Comedy Central are the pussies on that one. Parker and Stone have been rather vehement that censoring those episodes is pretty dumb.
I have those on my hard drive, 200, 201 and Super best friends, all with Muhamed (intentional misspelling) these you MAY NOT SEE! pussies fer sure
But they’re perfectly fine with having the South Park episodes featuring Jesus. But can’t have the muslim’s beloved featured!
It is 10:47 a.m and socialism still sucks!
America wants tax justice! This will be achieved by forcing Public Enemy Number One to make his returns public. Also, by confiscating the wealth of “teh Rich” and redistributing it to deserving Democrats.
The idiots didn’t learn last time. If he ever does release them it will probably show that he overpaid on his taxes. Let’s see Nancy Pelosi’s returns.
One of Australia’s worst internet trolls is a Jewish neo-Nazi with a doll collection. Takes all sorts, I s’pose
Worst? Or best? Any Jewish neo-nazi that has a collection of Hitler dolls is ok in my book.
You know you’ve been on the internet too long when the Sydney Morning Herald URL just makes you think of this.
Happy Easter everyone! Hope all my fellow Christians enjoy a good church service this morning, followed by the next adventure of Secret Nazi President this afternoon.
Harry Potter, shitty economist
I… wow.
SMH is right, if this is typical. They should change it to Sydney Morning Daily Herald (SMDH) for full effect.
To quote TheRPGPundit
I think it’s kind of interesting when you look at something like the Texas Revolution. Those backwood hick farmers had at least a passing familiarity with Herodotus. How many college kids these days know who Herodotus is?
We read Frederick Douglass in high school. The textbook had notes in the margins to explain the words Douglass was using. Because a guy who taught himself to read and write upon pain of punishment was a more intelligent thinker and a better writer than 18 year olds who had spent the last 12 years going to government schools.
Which, if you were a cynic, would illustrate the actual goal of government schools.
I am a cynic.
Is it more that “it’s all they know” or that “they all know it”? Some of the geezers here don’t seem to realize just how big Harry Potter was/is, and cross-agency, too, which is pretty significant.
And there’s more than a bit of myopia in this guy’s take, I suspect. My interactions with Gen X-ers and Boomers outside nerdy libertarian chat rooms has not left me with the impression that they are steeped in the Western cultural canon.
John Maynard Keynes is one of the most important people who ever lived
That’s where I stopped. Sure he was a great economist, but I can put a lot more people ahead of him on that list.
Yeah, I knew I was about to hear grade A derp after seeing that.
Hell, even Keynes was a bit upset about government officials using his theories to justify ever more spending. He even said that he was probably the least Keynesian guy in Washington.
The big problem I have with Harry Potter is I can’t understand how someone could write the Harry Potter books with their somewhat anti-authority tone while at the same time be a big time statist.
She based her bad guys on people like Margaret Thatcher.
Hilariously, the one bad guy everyone points to as done so right (an officious Education ministry drone coming to school and fucking shit up with her theories) must have been drawn from life experience.
I want Dolores Umbridge to be real, so that she can die for real.
About time!
The progs have finally figured out how to link the Koch brothers to Trump. It has been a while since I’ve seen good quality demonizing about the Kochs.
You’d think that the Kochs might have gotten rehabilitated with their opposition to Trump. After all it was the Freedom Caucus (supported by Kochs) who stopped the repeal of the ACA. But you can rest easy. Turns out the Kochs are secretly supplying all the wonks for Trump’s administration.
Putin plotted the gas attack in Syria so Trump could shoot at him and no one would think they are in league together. Now we find out that Trump is a Putin puppet who is a Koch puppet. The important question is, who is controlling the Kochs? I bet its that guy with the funny mustache.
The progs are good for a laugh if nothing else.
So…there are, in this morons view, fewer than two large wealthy liberal donors? Which is why the Dems consistently out raise Republicans? What planet do these people live on?
They have gone full tin foil hat. The best response is to point and laugh.
Just look at all of their memes. It is all 100% manufactured bullshit. Women are only paid less if they work for a lefty politician. No one can tell us what ‘hacked’ means when they say the ruskies meddled in our election. Hell, they cant even say how the election was changed. Trump is Hitler but they cant say how exactly. The alt-right apparently hangs out with the loch ness monster and bigfoot. The fascism that is sweeping the nation exists everywhere and nowhere and no one bothers to define what fascism is. We just had 8 years of a president that had no discernible foreign policy and never bothered to try and articulate one. Climate change, whatever that means, is as elusive as the alt-right.
Think back on the crazy shit Obama used to puke up. It’s like some kind of alternate bizarro world reality. He would spout pure lunacy and his supporters would just applause. I dont think they even know what he said and certainly have no idea what it meant.
Every single cause they have is manufactured out of thin air and all lead to the same place; unlimited power for the progs and the appropriation of people’s money.
Acts 8:20 May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money!
That’s where Christianity lost me, right there.
I figured your other (((religion))) turned you off christianity.
You are bothered when an evangelist doesn’t take somebody’s money?
Anyone think my plan to call in “Born Again” to work today will backfire?
Try “raptured.”
OMWC: Nice! Actually, hangover not withstanding I get OT on Sundays so I will just suck it up and go in. Man, I need a new job.
For you :
Tundra, did you see the story in Jalopnik the other day about the guy buying a Spitfire? Clutch was soaked in oil before he could get home.
I found the story
I laughed when I read this paragraph.
We weren’t well versed in old British roadsters, but they seemed simple enough that any serious defect present would be glaringly obvious. This one didn’t have any visible rust, an observation which may have been worth the asking price alone. The engine compartment, while dirty, looked original and honest; no one had gone near the carburetor or ignition system for quite some time. All of the factory emissions equipment was in place, for better or worse.
My dad had a 70s vintage Spitfire.
I note the one from the article had seat belts in the picture in the section on the car’s safety features, or lack thereof. My dad’s didn’t. He drove us around in that without a problem.
Haha! Well, they clearly aren’t for everyone. He spends a lot of time complaining about a poorly maintained car that cost him less than a grand to make right. They are weird cars, for sure, but easy to take care of and still the most fun you can have at the legal speed limit. I want a GT6 now!
Working from home. At least I can get more done with the Oxygene Trilogy by Jean-Michel Jarre on the headphones.
Happy Easter Day, Glibs!
I’m working on a new short story – just at the spitballin’ phase – called The Hunt for STEVE SMITH. It will be a noir classic with aliens, cryptids, and campers.
i like their shoes. a little euro-looking but comfy as fuck and well-built
I hear James Ellroy’s taking a break after Perfidia. Maybe you could fill a vacuum there.
Sargon has a new long video about Syria. It’s 90 minutes, but it’s a good rundown of why it’s likely the Assad regime didn’t use chemical weapons.
I listened to about half of the thing yesterday but i don’t recall any evidence suggesting anyone else used them.
90% of what he presented (again, i never listened to the whole thing) was just aggregating other people’s opinions (inc Ron Paul), most of whose arguments amounted to “but it doesn’t make sense” (that Assad would use chem weapons)
I agree that “assad does not benefit” from the attack. but simply because its not obviously rational doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Unless someone presents evidence, there’s few actual possibilities other than ‘what it looks like’.
Do you have a link to a specific part in his talk where he makes some convincing case? because scanning it, it still seems to mostly just be aggregated interviews with other people.
Yeah I heard a good point, “sure it doesn’t make sense, but this is government, it doesn’t have to make sense”. The best I’ve heard it’s that we simply don’t know what happened.
And an equally reasonable case could be made that any of a number of other actors are responsible too.
We should bomb them all just to be sure. For peace.
Oh wait, we’re already doing that.
That’s true. Which really just shows that saying it doesn’t make sense doesn’t prove anything either way. Its good in helping frame why it might of happened, but a lot of things happen that don’t make sense. In the end it’s like I said above. We simply do not know at this point who did it.
I think its reasonable to assume if there are aircraft dropping bombs anywhere in that country, we know who they belong to. While we aren’t enforcing “air supremacy” in the region, we’ve always been super-hyper-conscious of the fact that you’ve got at least 5 nations (e.g. US, Russia, Syria, Israel, Turkey) flying military aircraft around, creating huge potential for accidental conflict or mis-identification.
it seems unreasonable to me to assume that we DIDNT know who was dropping weapons over Idlib.
the thing i remain most skeptical about is = “what exactly was the weapon being used”? Everyone seems happy to conclude that ‘some nerve agent’ was involved, but i haven’t seen anyone reporting about autopsies or discovery of weapons-fragments.
Yes. It is a thing in the world. If you want to know if it exists and what it is dont talk, you just go fucking look at it and touch it. Instead all we have are conflicting assertions sans evidence. I am beginning to think the whole thing is bullshit. Why are we not seeing the containers the gas was in? Why are we not doing some basic qualitative analysis? We get a few seconds of shaky video shot on a cellphone and that passes as justification for 60 million dollars of missile launches?
We are being played.
Well, the gov did go out of their way to declassify intelligence specifically for legitimacy on this one – not something they do very frequently.
Link is to NYT but they’ve posted the pdf of the report.
Well, that’s the point. While the list of actors who have access to aircraft capable of delivering CW is small, we’re assuming that
(a) the CW was delivered via an air attack and not via a mechanism such as an RPG or mortar, both of which are quite capable of delivering sufficient materiel to have resulted in the footage we were shown, either coincident with the air attack or close enough in time and space to make it seem that way
(b) a conventional air attack damaged a CW cache, either of binary agents or pre-prepped CW
(c) deliberate deployment of CW for propaganda purposes by actor or actors unknown.
(d) that this was actually a CW incident.
As noted before, and hopefully, not seeming too much like Mr. Hihn, one of the interesting questions I have yet to see answered is why a group of apparently unprotected journalists are anywhere near a triage area for CW agents such as GB or GA.
There are more- and less- likely scenarios here, but I’m really not seeing any reports that play anywhere near to “probability”, and a few which are “plausible”. Some of the latter seem, to me, far *more* likely than a deployment via aerial bombing.
I don’t generally put much stock in the Grauniad, but some of their reporting on this has been decent.
The numbers of casualties we’re talking about are far too much for an RPG (never seen an RPG configured for CW delivery) or mortar system (unless you’re talking about a bombardment of heavy weapons.
As mentioned before, Sarin requires mixing of binary agents a relatively short period before use – and degrades fairly rapidly – which is why any explanation of “warehouse” explosions makes no sense. Of course, that’s assuming you buy the forensic evidence that this is sarin, and in the case of what I’ve read, I think it makes more sense.
The Syrian regime (Assad, or otherwise) did kill over a thousand people in a single sarin attack 3 years ago – so why is it a stretch to assume that it would be used again?
I don’t have access to the same sources here, but there are a lot more images of the victims/corpses floating around from this specific attack.
No. But I think these are good points:
We can’t be certain that it was a gas attack. While it’s not unreasonable to think so, we have no proof.
The motivation issue already discussed. Nothing to gain, and lots to lose
There’s at least some evidence that deep state US intelligence had plans to create false flag chem attacks to get the country behind existing plans to oust Assad
Apparently, wordpress uses something other than ul/li for bullet points. I tried, Gilmore.
its the thought that counts.
i agree that it seems like there’s been very little attempt at hard-substantiation in the press. that remains my main concern.
re: motivation – i discount that completely because that’s just playing Columbo
re: evidence of false-flag plans – meh.
i think its very possible that anti-assad forces would have conducted some sort of attack and blame it on Assad (and i think they’ve done it before) I don’t think it would be done simply to get US political support for ousting Assad. It would be done to get UN/NATO to pull the trigger on some humanitarian justification for intervention. maybe that’s the same thing in the end, but call me picky.
I don’t think there’s any popular demand to oust Assad in the US, and won’t be regardless of this event.
something i find odd about the “good points” you provide are its mutually-exclusive reasoning.
i.e. “it wasn’t really a chemical attack!” OR “It WAS a chemical attack! but the CIA did it!!”
i tend to be suspicious of this sort of “whatever the facts may be, i have a conspiracy to fit the evidence”-approach. I think its more important to list the things you DO know, and then look for the simplest explanation.
I was thinking more along the lines of ‘debunking the certainty that 1) it was definitely a gas attack; 2) It was definitely Assad who did it. There is certainly no evidence our inter agencies were involved, other than some very circumstantial second discussions that they had the idea.
I agree with everyone here saying that we don’t know what happened.
Saying Assad didn’t use gas in an attack because he didn’t benefit, is like saying we didn’t firebomb Dresden because we didn’t benefit. It’s not much of an argument in itself.
Yeah, no way in hell I’m listening to him for 90 minutes.
And as long as I’m crapping on YouTubers, I’d like to state for the record that I don’t much care for Razorfist, either.
Razorfist has his moments, but I agree, I only watch what others link to here.
To be fair, he wouldn’t like me much either, given the lack of earnestness of my enjoyment of Death Wish III.
I’m with Gilmore.
Also, it doesn’t need to make sense for Assad to use them. It might make sense for Putin or Hezbollah or Iran to use them for various reasons–in which case holding Assad responsible is by no means unreasonable. Assad isn’t directly responsible for what Hezbollah or the Iranian Revolutionary Guard do in his country–he’s more beholden to them than they are to him.
Any or all of those entities may have used them as a trial balloon to gauge Trump’s resolve on, not just chemical weapons and WMD, but on his willingness to work against them in Syria. That being said, testing Trump’s resolve on WMD is not an unreasonable motive for Iran, who only recently halted their nuclear program and have the right and ability to enrich their own uranium.
For all we know, Assad may not be entirely in control of his own defense forces. I suspect they’re answering to Iran like Hezbollah and answering to Putin to some extent, too. Regardless, they’re all about keeping Assad in power, so holding Assad responsible for what the people who are defending him do doesn’t seem unreasonable to me either. If he can’t control his own security forces, then that’s his problem.
Finally, we should always remember that just because what state actors did wasn’t in their own best interests, that doesn’t mean they didn’t do it. We just finished watching Barack Obama do all sorts of things that weren’t in our own best interests–from letting Iran enrich their own uranium to the Paris accord on climate change. State actors do things that aren’t in their own best interests all the time. We know that. We’re libertarians!
I was just ranting about that myself. I think Trump jumped the gun shooting those missiles. He may have evidence I dont so…you know. I am not satisfied that we know anything at all. Who was attacked? Where did the gas come from? Earlier I was told “Well, he did it before.” to which I said “Did he? We dont have any more evidence of that than we do of this attack.”
It is pretty common in that part of the world for one side to murder their own in order to pin it on their enemies. You cant believe a single word any of those fuckers say. I am beginning to think the same of our own press.
I should probably add that just because I think Assad either used them–or should be handed the responsibility for his cronies using them–doesn’t mean I support what Trump did in striking Syria.
It’s perfectly possible to think both 1) that Assad is ultimately responsible for using chemical weapons and 2) that Donald Trump’s missile strike was wrong.
A lot of people seem to think that if 1) is true than 2) must surely follow, but that is not so.
Just like I thought that Saddam Hussein had an active WMD program, but I opposed the invasion of Iraq for other reasons anyway.
You can still think Assad used chemical weapons, and he is still the least bad option. Before the US gets too heavily involved in Syria I would like to know what constitutes a ‘win’ for us in Syria.
Until somebody can tell me what is considered a victory in Syria, and can articulate a plan on how to get from point A to point F, (No more Assad or ISIS, with a democratically elected government) I would just as soon prefer that we not go sticking our collective dick in that hornets’ nest.
“least bad option”
No shit. No one has said who will take his place. The good terrorists Hillary armed that are out there eating people and sawing off christians heads with rusty spoons? No one has said what we intend to gain in Syria or how anything that happens there is our business. Aside from flooding europe with uncivilized people the west hasn’t accomplished anything, but then I think that may have been the goal.
As bad as Assad is he is the best that place has to offer.
We haven’t had a discernible foreign policy for at least 8 years and no one has bothered to try and even articulate one. Obama’s “Don’t do stupid shit” just translates to “Fuck you”.
one of the biggest problems i have with American foreign policy is that we allow politicians to continually justify interventions on faux-humanitarian grounds. Stop telling me we’re intervening to help people. its bullshit. tell me what your strategic goals are and why they benefit the american people.
yea agreed.
though i have ?. Why were folks concerned about the constitutionality of the strikes? As i thought we are already leading a bombing camping in syria for the rebels. If strikes were a constitutional question, why wasn’t it before when doing an air campaign?
Because people are assholes. I’ve made this point 100 times. Hypocrisy doesn’t bother anyone. Jesus, you should have seen Barbara Lee’s comments on MSNBC the other night before Welch appeared on that show… she was basically like, “ONLY Congress Can Authorize Use of Force!!!” and pretending some great surprise that Obama had been using the 2001 AUMF for the past 8 years. “We need to look into that!”
I don’t think Assad is necessarily the least bad option, but I don’t think it’s in the interests of the United States to get involved in Syria.
this is a problem i run into constantly; namely, the = “if you refuse to accept weak arguments, you are by default pro-“the thing being argued against”!”
e.g. failing to swallow the dumbest criticisms of Trump means you’re pro-Trump; failing to swallow the weakest anti-war conspiracy theories means you are pro-War; failing to accept the most hysterical climate-change predictions means you’re a ‘denier’; etc.
i’ve been super-critical of every dimension of US involvement in Syria for 5+ years now. Yet if you acknowledge that Assad is in fact a mass murdering tyrant who probably wouldn’t blink at gassing his own people, you’re suddenly cast as an apologist for intervention.
One quibble: I keep hearing ‘Assad gassing his own people’. Those aren’t his own people. Syria is not a country the way America is (people mostly agreeing on principles) or European countries are (common ethnicity). Syria is a conglomeration of tribes and religious factions that all hate each other with the heat of a thousand suns. Assad is the only kind of person that can keep a lid on that place. If not him then it would be some other monster, in all likelihood a much worse one. That is pretty much the status quo in the ME, Africa and central asia. The dynamic in the new world south of the US is similar but different enough that we dont see the kind of savagery they have, but it wouldn’t take much to push things in that direction.
not sure what you’re disagreeing with.
my comment above was just a sidebar about how people jump to assumptions when you point out weakness in an argument.
re: your point about the complexity of groups in Syria – actually Sargon’s video does make some small effort pointing out that the press does a piss-poor job clarifying that, when events like this occur, that its far more complex than simply “pro Assad/Anti-Assad”.
The US press tends to reduce everything to some fake, ‘good guys/bad guys’ narrative. there are no good guys in Syria as far as i can tell.
re: Whether it takes a ‘monster’ to run syria, i couldn’t tell you. I think most people in the region that care (see: Saudis et al) don’t want an Iranian/Russian puppet state there, and are willing to put up with ‘chaos’ to prevent that.
I guess the problem I have with the false flag operation is many don’t state where the sarin (verified by Turkish and other international doctors — if you believe them) came from. If they do, they say it came from Iraq or Syria. They have no evidence of that not to mention a lot of them claim Iraq had no WMD when Bush II invaded.
The simplest explanation is the Syrian government did it. We know they had sarin gas. We know they have done it before. No one else in the conflict has been proven to use sarin gas before.
I think some who say this was a false flag operation are mistrustful of government and their default mode is to actively disbelieve government (most people here). But many others who don’t mind government are more interested in either attacking Trump or even the US.
For the record, I wasn’t stating that it was a false flag, just that 1) there have been high-level discussions in our intel agencies about removing Assad and other leaders in the ME and 2) there were also discussions about using false flag attacks.
I wouldn’t put it past our intel agencies to do this as a false flag. But I also wouldn’t put it past the Russians, Assad, or ISIS (or Jizbollah, etc.) The point of this was more ‘question the narrative currently being spun’ not ‘my Alex Jones X-ray specs let me see things!’
“…mistrustful of government and their default mode is to actively disbelieve government (most people here).”
It is hard to go wrong with that.
*checks track record*
Yeah. It is pretty hard to miss with that.
That sounds like something a cop would say. You a fed? Cause you gotta say if you are.
I can read through the equivalent of 90 minutes of speech much more quickly than I can listen for 90 minutes.
It will be a noir classic with aliens, cryptids, and campers.
“This looks like a nice place to camp, Honey.”
“Why do I hear scary music?”
It’s easy to see why this is an unsigned editorial.
Nevertheless, it’s easy for the anti-tax venom to get out of hand, and under President Donald J. Trump, American antipathy toward tax collection is clearly on the upswing, fueled in no small part by the president’s own example. It was President Trump, after all, who as a candidate famously referred to his own efforts at tax-avoidance as making him “smart” and refused (still refuses, in fact) to disclose his tax returns in a break from presidential tradition. Those aren’t the actions of someone who is proud to help pay for the military or infrastructure or public education or police and fire protection or the thousands of other benefits provided by tax dollars at the federal, state and local levels.
Having a lower tax rate than Germany, France, Italy, Sweden and so forth means we might have more money in our collective pockets, but we aren’t really ahead if, as a result, we are denied government services that might make our lives better (and perhaps longer). Health care is one example. The average life expectancy in the U.S. is 79.8 years, which sounds great until you see the full list and realize we are ranked 42nd in the world for life expectancy, bested by the majority of developed countries.
And- About this business of being ranked “42nd in the world for life expectancy” business. If I recall, there is some sort of discrepancy about the reporting of live births in America, as opposed to other parts of the world. This can be statistically meaningful, in the same way colonial life expectancy was allegedly somewhere in the forties, but if you lived past the age of five, you could expect to live to a ripe old age, like Ben Franklin.
Cant one use that extra money to make their lives better?
Prog: we need singlepayer to lower costs! Throwing more money at healthcare will improve it!
Single-payer legal care, because there’s not one lawyer who does anything worth more than minimum wage.
The whole tax rate thing is silly to, because it depends on what taxes you are comparing.
I get why it happens, and I know they see me as being silly, but it’s strange to me to see someone defending the forcible removal of their money.
Honestly, it makes me sick when these people say “I love to pay my taxes”. Great then you can continue to voluntarily give it. I give money to charity voluntarily, and I don’t then expect everyone should be forced to do the same.
Given that we have one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, which is represented in what we pay for goods and services…
Our government spends more on healthcare already. Seems like a pretty good case can be made that it isn’t doing much for life expectancy.
I used to want to argue with people like that. Now I realize they are not honest by any measure. They deliberately construct lies and misleading arguments. It doesnt matter what you say.
Rather than argue with them just knock them on their ass and tell them to go fuck themselves.
Elwin Ransom eventually realized that he had to dispense with arguing with Satan and curb stomp him, instead.
The us is tied for 4th or even third in govt spending on healthcare without full singlepayer
Vermont scrapped theirs because it would cost too much
The va is a wonder of govt run healthcare
The last data I saw on this basically had us even with them when you figure in all taxes. This idea that we pay “much less” than Western Europe is a complete lie.
Why aren’t we in utopia…in 2000 the US gov (local, state, fed) spent 3 trillion (4.4 trillion today) and now it is 7 trillion
The dark blue would be higher if medicare and medicaid reimbursed at actual cost. US is top 4 in gov spending without full singlepayer and those programs low balling
“The average life expectancy in the U.S. is 79.8 years, which sounds great until you see the full list and realize we are ranked 42nd in the world for life expectancy, bested by the majority of developed countries.”
Yes, because government healthcare policy is the one and only factor that has any effect on life expectancy.
I remember my population geography class back in ’01 – a fairly liberal professor (apparently she was teaching there when my Dad got his doctorate back in the day) did bring up a number of points how a number of countries (not sure if it still includes the EU, etc) don’t count infant mortality deaths against life expectancy if it’s before a certain age (days, months???) – whereas here in the US we do our best to keep every single preemie alive no matter how much it costs (ditto for babies with developmental issues).
That is to say….we break the curve off in a lot of ways.
Absolutely correct. The infant mortality rate really screws with our life expectancy ‘compared’ to other countries, which is awfully apples-to-oranges in most cases. In many countries, you are considered ‘stillborn’ if you die in the first week, and thus don’t count in their ‘infant mortality’ rates because they don’t count them as ever being alive. As LT_Fish points out, we have special deliveries and neonatal ICUs doing everything possible to keep every baby alive as long as possible, and that ends up hurting the US when going head-to-head with other nations. Would these people prefer we let the babies die in utero so we can get a better ranking?
Also, the gang-fueled high murder numbers hurt life expectancy rates as well. But, of course, gang murders happen as a response to lack of single-payer health care.
the story in Jalopnik the other day about the guy buying a Spitfire? Clutch was soaked in oil before he could get home.
Huh- I worked on a TR4 one time. “The clutch won’t release.”
“Okay. I’ll have a look.”
I yanked the motor out and discovered the rear main seal was bad. Really bad. Oil had drooled out all over the place, and been transformed into a tar-like bonding agent. I had to chisel the pressure plate and clutch disk off the flywheel.
Things I didn’t know until today: GP2 has been replaced by F2 in the FIA motorsports hierarchy.
Federal authorities are cautioning Southern California law enforcement officers not to sell their firearms illegally.
In a March 31 memo sent out by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and obtained by the San Diego Union-Tribune newspaper, local sheriffs and police chiefs were warned of a growing trend in which officers are purchasing guns – in some cases guns meant only for law enforcement — and then reselling for a profit.
According to the Union-Tribune, the ATF discovered that some officers bought more than 100 firearms, some of which were recovered at crime scenes.
Qualified buyers. Protecting and serving.
I was amazed the first time I met a cop who told me that losing their weapon was basically considered to be no big deal. Meanwhile, in the military, you lose a fucking pair of goggles and the entire battalion is locked down until their found. There’s a very stark difference in accountability between the military, at least the enlisted guys, and the rest of the government.
That really surprises me. Just from an accounting stab m standpoint, losing equipment is a big deal.
Union contracts. That’s all you need to know.
But but but if we gave the gov more money we would all benefit! /Editorial above
This is perfect distillation of prog thought. They don’t get that taking money forcibly from someone cannot Benefit everyone. At least they could be honest that it hurts some.
And that ignores the whole print b that government can only be used to enrich a minority over a majority, just by the math of how it operates.
Nah, all the money comes from the 1%.
I’m telling you, the best way to get a genuine tax revolt in this country would be to eliminate withholding. I pay more in taxes then I do in fucking rent. If people had to write a check to the .gov every month when they paid their bills, you’d see taxes cut so fast it wouldn’t even be funny.
Yep or make it completely voluntary lol
HA! +1 spending an extra 5 days out at Ft. Hunter Liggett, walking the training area at double-arm intervals looking for a Beretta that was lost because some ass was using his protective mask case for a holster.
That must be one of those “Iron Pipelines” I’ve heard so much about.
The po-po shouldn’t get to keep their guns after they retire.
Do progs understand they make arguments for libertarianism?
Like school choice. They say it would destroy public school system since people would send their kids private….ummmm
I like being told how Betsy DeVos is a bad choice for Ed Sec, because she wants all kids to have the same access to a quality education that she did.
Dear god they are dumb!
A “progressive” I know told me that Trump’s education secretary believes that “if you’re not rich, you shouldn’t be allowed to get an education”.
I’m still not sure what part of DeVos’s policies that was in reference to.
They have to lie, because a policy of “Your property taxes will be returned to you in the form of a voucher that you can use at any school of your choice” would be a wildly popular policy.
As usual, they have it backwards. That’s basically the system we have now, and the opposite of what she is advocating for.
Your feel-good link of the day:
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I’m well aware that the left started this bullshit, and I’d hate this person if I ever encountered her, but I can’t really feel good seeing a dude who seems to be wearing a man-purse cold cock her. And then the text justifying it with weak arguments like:
In that clip, she vaguely looks to me like she’s trying to get involved, but has no fucking clue what she’s doing. If a cop did that, we’d all rightfully mock him.
I have never raised a hand against a woman in my life despite plenty of times when I could have been justified doing so. Hell, I have never even raised my voice to a woman. The idea of it is so wildly inappropriate that I cant even conceive of a situation where I would do that.
If you watch the event in slow-motion, you can see that she grabbed his collar just before he clocked her.
Also a whole bunch of culture appropriation with that hair.
I especially enjoy the guy in the neon-yellow “JESUS WILL JUDGE YOU” sweatshirt
its all Grand Funk Railroad to me
Well from a religious aspect, they are right. Jesus will judge us all.
Jesus will judge everyone in the same manner as Nigel St. Nigel.
You are without a doubt the worst murder of all time! I was sitting next to you the entire time.
What’s amazing about these Antifa peolpe is that they run around purposely looking to start fights, and then when they happen, they accuse the world of being Fascist Oppressors.
See – The Lament of Punched Dreadlock Girl=
I am assuming whomever is raising money for her? is actually probably one of these Alt-Right trolls cashing in.
Usually when I see someone at these things described as a neo Nazi at these things, I’m skeptical, but I believe it here because that dude was dressed way too snazzily to be an ordinary Trump supporter.
millenials always over-dress for the wrong occasions and under-dress for the right ones. It doesn’t make them nazis.
The “high and tight” haircut seems like a giveaway of certain rightwing sympathies, at least.
The person they accuse of being chief Neo-Nazi seems to actually be one of these Richard-Spenser-eque White-Power-People
The left is not into making fine distinctions of that sort, as I’m sure you know.
Secret Nazi haircut?
Some of the donations there are by people razzing her. Someone even posted her porn link. I’m sorry, but this makes me laugh.
As for neo-Nazis: to me, they’ve largely been manifested into existence by the SJW culture that needs them as enemies. (Similar to the way Communism spurred the formation of the original Nazis.) They are few and have little or no real power, unlike the SJWs, who are busily destroying Western civilization. Plus, we have the privileged white kids larping as revolutionaries, shutting down free speech like the fascists they claim to oppose. So yeah, a neo-Nazi punching an Antifa makes me feel good.
One more thing: this was a “Free Speech march” by pro-Trump types and others. Antifa clearly conspired to disrupt it by force, which is a violation of federal civil rights law. So when Antifa Girl gets punched, perhaps unfairly, I shed no tears.
lol, this has got to be my best “fucked up threading” yet.
that was an excerpt from the “”‘Bum smears shit all over woman’s apartment”” story DEG linked below
The local Bay Area CBS affiliate led today’s evening news with this video. They titled it “Woman Sucker-Punched at Trump Rally”. I am not making this up.
Sort of good news?
“Yeah, marijuana is not a factor in the drug war,” Kelly responded, adding later: “It’s three things. Methamphetamine. Almost all produced in Mexico. Heroin. Virtually all produced in Mexico. And cocaine that comes up from further south.” Kelly said that in 2015 those three drugs, plus opiates, were responsible for the deaths of 52,000 people in the United States and cost the country $250 billion.
Kelly said the solution is to lower demand in the United States.
“The solution is not arresting a lot of users,” he said.
“The solution is a comprehensive drug demand reduction program in the United States that involves every man and woman of goodwill. And then rehabilitation. And then law enforcement. And then getting at the poppy fields and the coca fields in the south.”
My opinion: I think MJ should be legal and at least coke and shrooms and ectasy. Also no crime for usage of any drug (unless say operating vehicles or whatever). Not sure heroin and meth should be legal (as in sold) but maybe i could be convinced….but if snuck in and usage, i dont support making it a crime but rather just getting help
Methamphetamine. Almost all produced in Mexico.
And yet they won’t rescind the rules putting the effective cold medications behind the counter and persecuting people for buying the wrong amount.
Yea agreed. I am just encouraged by the baby steps of what has been said before regaridng MJ
Thank assholes like this:
2010 Congressional bill to regulate vitamins
I think all drugs should be legal but would be happy starting with all non-opioids. I think it was the opium related products that originally started the drug scares.
Calling for 88 degrees this afternoon in NYC. What the hell, Jesus?
86 here right now. Getting a little breezy though.
Milo is not alone. They are now two – Gay porn kingpin – protect America from Muslim barbarians.
The Trump era is without a doubt the most entertaining iteration of the Culture Wars.
Any intelligent person is going to be anti-Islamic fundamentalist. Gay or not. Hitchens was a huge critic.
So the other night, I was thinking it would be great to make a short film about what the world would be like if evil white men never existed.
The story would begin follow the journey of a bunch of progs being transported to an alternate world free from the taint of whitey evil.
A world free of the horrors of vaccination, antibiotics, electricity, aviation, fertilizer, pesticide, film, TV, radio, phones, computers, cars and so on.
Basically, the entire world would be at about the technology level of the year 1500. And it would probably stay there for a while.
Surely the progs would protest. Perhaps they’d say that in the absence of white people, other people would have invented these things. Maybe, but in this alternate world, they didn’t. After all, in the real world, China had a 3,000 year head start on the US, but the US got the airplane first. People lived in the America for thousands of years yet never got around to inventing the wheel or steel.
The point I’d try to get them to understand is that blaming a whole group of people for everything bad in the world is just as foolish as blaming one person for everything bad in the world. For that matter, it is equally stupid to credit one person or group for everything good in the world.
The fact that western European civilization ended up dominating most of the world is a quirk of history (see: Guns, Germs, and Steel) and proves neither the inherent evil nor the inherent superiority of Europeans.
Nations don’t invent or discover. Individuals do. If you repeated the thought experiment where only white artists, scientists, and inventors were removed, the world would be the same as the first thought experiment.
Although people are tribal by nature, progress is mainly the result of borrowing ideas from other tribes. Cultural appropriation should be celebrated, not condemned.
“The point I’d try to get them to understand”
Yeah, sorry that’s not going to happen. They’ll call you a racist and that will be the end of it.
If the white progs truly have such a problem with white people, why don’t all of them go hurl themselves from very tall buildings or bridges? Wouldn’t that accomplish at least part of their goal? Oh, I forgot, they can’t do that because then no one would be left to tell the noble savages how to live.
Yes, they remind me very much of Charles Manson in that regard. Start a race war where the blacks kill all the whites while “the family” gifts in the desert. Then when the black folks find out they are lost without whitey, they come out of hiding to rule the country. Replace the family with the Vanguard ie Philosopher Kings and not that far off from standard commie tripe.
why are all the democrats mainly white males? The senate is 66% male for the dems
Because Republicans are killing off all the other people in one way or other. By climate change at the moment. Before that it was lack of healthcare insurance.
I’ve been meaning to write a proper review of “The Camp of the Saints”…especially after Shikha’s rants. It basically winds up with civilization devolving at the end. Happy times!
I remember reading a story set in Ancient China about a man who invents a flying machine. The emperor has the machine destroyed and the man executed as a matter of national security.
Kind of captures the mentality of despotic regimes.
The Flying Machine by Ray Bradbury – full pdf is available online.
Some countries like Japan had a deliberate policy of shutting out foreign ideas and technology (such as guns and Christianity) that were seen as a threat to the status quo. Meanwhile, other more open countries were advancing technologically.
The first recorded trip of a European to China was by Marco Polo in the late 13th century. 600 years later, during the Boxer Rebellion, the Chinese were still using swords and spears to fight Europeans armed with rifles, machine guns, and cannons.
The Chinese banned sea trade off and on between 1300 and 1800 during the Haijin (sea ban) period. This was mostly done to combat piracy, but also stifled trade and the exchange of ideas.
China’s technological stagnation was probably a combination of deliberate isolation combined with cheap labor.
just before the Chinese ban on sea trade the previous Emperor had sent a 5 thousand ship armada to explore the world without seizing territory.
The new emperor called tjem back before they even really got started. Otherwise our world today would be a vastly different one.
So, basically, the world 30 years after Atlas Shrugged, because it’d take about a generation for all the makers’ work to disappear.
The Trump era is without a doubt the most entertaining iteration of the Culture Wars.
Cry Havoc! and let slip the dogs of culture war.
So the other night, I was thinking it would be great to make a short film about what the world would be like if evil white men never existed.
A remake of “Quest For Fire”?
My father took me to that movie on my twelfth birthday. It was… educational.
I still have a thing for Rae Dawn Chong.
Just think of the protests you could get if you re-made “A Day Without A Mexican” as “A Day Without White Men”
Bum smears shit all over woman’s apartment
A man was charged with criminal trespass Friday after forcing his way into a woman’s downtown Austin apartment, locking the door and wiping feces all over her belongings, according to an arrest affidavit.
If that is how he makes himself at home, well I’ll decline the dinner invite.
“The woman admitted, while in this case his behavior was criminal, he remained a marginal improvement over her previous boyfriend”
Wut? Everything except his boxer shorts? Having shit myself before, I can only say this man has achieved an Easter miracle. I hope he gets the respect he deserves.
leave it to a woman to have an only $30 kitchen knife.
Good knives are an indispensable component of a cooks kitchen .
I wish I’d read this before doing this week’s SNP.
This won’t get any nanny types upset. Nosiree!
I see nothing about them having tobacco in them. I don’t think the current nannies will be all that upset about them because of the lack of tobacco.
Easter- when Christ rise from the dead.
So, Jesus is like King of the Zombies?
Sweet Zombie Jesus.
There’s a great peanut butter stout called Sweet Baby Jesus.
It’s high time for a beer named Mohamed. I imagine the beer label police shitting themselves with fear.
If you were trying to explain Christianity to someone whose only frame of reference was horror movies, you’d probably tell them it involves pretending to be a vampire and worshiping a zombie.
I think it’s high time for a werewolf-based religion.
This beer is pretty good.
Oh man. I wish they had that when I was there. My Daughter is moving to Asheville in 6 weeks. Hopefully will be visiting in Fall.
Interesting. Does it have a maply, cinnamy thing going on? What are the french toast notes? That is a flavor I would never think to associate with beer.
I picked up some cinnamon, maybe a little maple. My first impression was like drinking French Toast with a bourbon chaser. That might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it worked for me.
I may have to take a trek down to Asheville next time I’m in NC to try that.
French toast and bourbon sounds like a superb brunch to me. Put a poached egg, some bacon on top of a piece of french toast covered with butter and maple syrup all topped off with some hollandaise, and glass of bourbon. Start the day right.
So the current top US news story is about a guy who shot some random guy in Cleveland and posted a video of it on Facebook. It’s horrible.
On CNN, they gave the suspect’s name, height, weight, age, hair, and clothing, but for some odd reason, neglected to show a photo of him. They obviously had a picture of him otherwise they would not have a such a detailed description.
After a few seconds on Google, I found a picture of the guy.
Well CNN, good job. You prevented your viewers from knowing it was a black guy for about 1 minute.
The San Fran Chron has all kinds of crazy rules about when to report race:
The real kicker is the guy works for a behavioral health center. He said he’s shooting people because he’s mad at his girlfriend.
Meanwhile in Sweden:
Swedish police banned from describing criminals anymore in case they sound racist
‘We want to avoid pointing out ethnic groups as criminal,’ police say
“Don’t let people know the criminal was Arab!”
file under: Republicans in the Mist
So Trump has found a following among people who stayed home. One theory would suggest his supporters are sheltered: They haven’t encountered the world beyond what they knew growing up, and their support for Trump is potentially rooted in prejudice.
Those yokels keep voting against their own interests!
Yeah, and the total smugness of coastal leftists media elites had fuck-all to do with it.
Those coastal elites, speaking from experience here as having spent a lot of time around them, are almost obsessively manic in their concern over you believing as they do, in effect seeing the world as they do. This last election has very badly bruised them in this regard. They absolutely cannot come to grips with this, it is eating them alive. What I see is that they are going to try to take this on their own. So if you’re around them, you can totally expect them to become very pushy, aggressive, and downright obnoxious in their attempt to make you think the ‘right’ way.
I never get that. Five seconds after talking to me they change the subject away from politics. Why? It’s a mystery.
Because they don’t hold a majority where you live? And I didn’t mean that they’ll confront you directly, they’re way too cowardly for that. So on a personal level, you’re correct, they’ll back off quickly if you confront them. Typically what you get is eye rolling or subject change.
What I’m talking about is that they’ll try to bully people on a local community or organizational scale. It seems to be a sort of ‘take this Trump!’ thing.
oopsy: that last little “So Trump…” paragraph should also be in the blockquote.
Hmmmm. We could respond to these people with “Elections have consequences. You lost. Now, sit in the back seat and keep your fucking mouth shut.”