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BakedPenguin, is the “random drunken asshole” a self portrait?
It’s not random baked asshole.
It’s arbitrary baked asshole.
No. The description fits, though, if that’s what you’re asking.
I thought it was a generic Glibertarian
Good work, BP!
Relevant to this — regarding the video from the morning links, in which a dreadlocked Antifa woman — who had posted she was going to the protest to collect “100 scalps” of Trump supporters — tried to grab some pro-Trump guy’s throat at the Berkeley craziness yesterday, and he quickly defended himself by punching her solidly in the face — led the the local Bay Area CBS affiliate’s evening news just now. They titled it “Woman Sucker-Punched at Trump Rally”. I am not making this up.
Did somebody watch Inglorious Basterds one too many times?
Link pls, bcuz layZ Kthx
Thx. CA
Most excellent.
Always snort it to be sure!
Thx, ws. It took a lot of drugs to get me there…
Rangers losing at home – imagine that.
“There just some things you shouldn’t stick your dick in.”
Random drunk asshole not only gets around but he is wise.
Truly, DEG you are correct. Random Drunk Asshole is the sage zen master of the Five Boroughs.
Hmm- sounds like some ex post facto wisdom to me. I mean, if you ever want a pretty exhaustive list of things you probably shouldn’t do just ask me and I’ll oblige. It won’t be _truly_ exhaustive, as I’m mercifully unable to remember most of my youth, but the 80/20 rule comes into play here. As long as you spend 20% of your time not doing 80% of what I did you’ll likely wind up OK.
Anyone else notice tonic water is much more carbonated than club soda. Never had a bottle of club blow up on me when breaking the seal. But tonic ratchets immediately to eleven when you start twisting off the cap. Violent stuff. Tonic is the MOAB of mixers.
only for the first few minutes seconds after you open it. once you put it aside you’ll return to find it magically gone flat.
Was it Schweppes?
I’ve found that brand to be the most explosive.
Kroger brand. That’s right, I’ll drop eleven bucks on a wholly unnecessary bottle of gin and follow it up with saving pennies on the mixer. Penny wise, pound foolish, bitches. BACK IN THE HIGH LIFE AGAIN.
I use the diet. I think it actually tastes better.
Speaking of G&Ts…
Same. In fact I’ve gotten to hating drinking sugary beverages. Makes my teeth feel sticky.
When a make a G&T I prefer to use Fever Tree Tonic Water. It is high quality with no HFCS and comes in small individual serving bottles.
In the absence of malaria tonic water requires gin and lime to be drinkable.
I think key lime is optimal.
Club is carbonated plenty, but goes flat almost immediately after opening it. You have to use it the same day or it’s pretty much ruined.
This is just pretty damned excellent.
ty , OO
SUSPENSE! Dang, BP… I can’t wait for the next one.
Don’t fall for it. The ‘Continuing” part of ‘The Continuing awesome adventures…” Is bunk. Becky once walked off in a thrilling cliffhanger ending and then was back again in the next episode with no explanation whatsoever. J.J. Abrams has a better sense of continuity.
Dude. I hope you’re not in a “fighting words” jurisdiction.
“Becky once walked off…” Yeah, because she was pissed at the tech fails. It wasn’t ragequit, it was “fuck this, it’s so shit. Imma leave for now.”
‘Member that London jihadi? I ‘member. Turns out he was hooked on scratch off tickets:
The truckerist in France was also not very keen on Islamic rules.
But Islam has a nice escape hatch for such people:
Quran (4:95) – “Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward.”
Quran (3:169-170) – “Think not of those who are slain in Allah’s way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord; They rejoice in the bounty provided by Allah: And with regard to those left behind, who have not yet joined them (in their bliss), the (Martyrs) glory in the fact that on them is no fear, nor have they (cause to) grieve.”
Sahih Muslim (20:4649) – The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: ‘All the sins of a Shahid (martyr) are forgiven except debt.
Sahih Bukhari (52:46) – I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, “The example of a Mujahid in Allah’s Cause– and Allah knows better who really strives in His Cause—-is like a person who fasts and prays continuously. Allah guarantees that He will admit the Mujahid in His Cause into Paradise if he is killed, otherwise He will return him to his home safely with rewards and war booty.”
Abu Dawud (14:2515) – I asked the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him): Who are in Paradise? He replied: “Prophets are in Paradise, martyrs are in Paradise.”
Who says Muslim immigrants can’t assimilate?
I read that a lot of these guys who end up committing terror attacks are actually extremely “sinful”. They either commit the attack because they think their only hope for salvation is to do something extreme like that, or they decide to do the attack and then decide that giving up their lives for the “jihad” allows them to get away with some transgressions like drinking, gambling, or going to strip clubs.
I don’t get why they can’t go to strip clubs. I mean, this is the religion, where dudes can gang rape a woman and she gets stoned for being a whore. Isn’t the sin on the stripper’s head in Islam?
60 Minutes is doing a Newtown/Sandyhook sob story.
Shouldn’t the gun grabbers get it that if you can’t get a federal gun law passed when you have a pile of dead children to pontificate from you’re never going to get one passed.
I remember after the whole Sandy Hook tragedy, I posted an article on how the current laws and the laws that were proposed could not have saved those poor children. A couple of people went off on me, but a particular acquaintance went apeshit on my status. My gun buddies while being respectful challenged every one of her bullshit assertions and when she couldn’t beat them through logic and debate, she resorted to ad hominems and straw men.
What was so startling about the conversation was her’s and other’s ignorance about guns and the laws that are suppose to regulate their use and ownership. And they wore this ignorance as a badge of honor because what they believed in was pure and true.
“What was so startling about the conversation was her’s and other’s ignorance about guns and the laws that are suppose to regulate their use and ownership.”
That’s to be expected with all the media talk about the “gun show loophole” and “assault weapons for sale at Wal-Mart”. Basically, if you only learned about gun laws from watching TV, you’d think that someone can just walk into Wal-Mart at 4 AM and take an M-16 (yes, the actual full-auto M-16) through the self-checkout.
The “wearing their ignorance as a badge of honor” thing was exactly what I saw as well. I had a lefty high school teacher say to a friend that not only did she not know anything about guns to rebut his points, she didn’t want to know anything about them.
If that doesn’t tell you a lot about what’s wrong with public schools, I don’t know what would.
I remember the gun-grabbing bill proposed in the wake of Sandy Hook went down this time of the year (it was while the search for the Boston Marathon bombers was going on). Obama had a petulant fit in, I think the Rose Garden, where he whined that if these “common sense” laws could save the life of only one child, don’t we have an obligation to try?
My immediate thought was “If concentrating the children in camps where only responsible government-approved adults looked after them saved the life of even one child, don’t we have an obligation to try?”
No need to encamp all the children, just the ones from Chicago…
file under: oh…*Canada*
Too bad his father didn’t teach him about property rights and free speech.
These people are zealots. At least most people you can ignore the subject and live peacefully together. They won’t be happy unless you live as they say you should.
“They won’t be happy unless you live as they say you should” == All progs
As someone who could be accurately described as pro-choice, all I have to say about “I don’t think it creates any type of unity” is “No shit, Sherlock.” It wasn’t meant to you very, very dim bulb.
What bothers me about the Progressive Pro-Choicers is that they absolutely refuse to see the Pro-Life advocate’s point of view. In their mind, they believe that Pro-Lifers are trying to subjugate women and stop them from making reproductive choices, but in reality, most Pro-Lifers fight hard against against abortion because they see it as murder. I’m not saying that they should agree with that or not, but at least understand why they are fighting.
Yes- and when I read things like this I tend to think “I’d like to punch this guy, but I’m an adult now and with adulthood comes certain responsibilities, like not punching people even if they’re eminently punchable.” It baffles me that such punchable people are working so hard to normalize punching. It’s not going to end well for them.
It makes me feel like I was doing the right thing.
This is something that erks me. Rather than being taught a form of Ethics that values peoples rights, this kid has been taught that you do the right thing as long as it makes some other people feel happy. I don’t want to live in a society with that moral standard.
If one of the members of Students for Life would have punched the guy for messing with their shit and said that they did it because they felt as though it was the right thing to do, I wonder how the guy who gotten punched would have felt about that statement.
He’d have felt fine when the local paper ran the headline “Radical Anti-Choice Student Assaults Sophomore For Defending Women.”
He’d have felt better when he sued and cashed in.
“I was like, ‘this is disgusting.’ I don’t think it creates any type of unity. I think it just causes divisiveness and they are just pushing their religious agenda and it really made me angry.
Boo, fucking, hoo. The display advocates for something you don’t like. DEAL WITH IT!
Shorter version- student (nickname Aspie?) aborts abortion protest.
Behold the glory of narrative convergence
The video has some great bathos- sad music and all.
The headline “White Supremacist Caught on Video Sucker Punching a Woman at Berkeley Protest” is on Slate, Salon, and Alternet right now.
Youtube comment gold:
“Its not a sucker punch you stupid fuck, put the goddamn slow-mo on and you’ll see she tried to punch him in the jaw but fell short and hit him in the neck. She also posted to her facebook status: ‘She was going to the rally for 100 scalps’ before going home. Does that sound like someone who wasn’t ready to get hit in the face? Fuck you and go choke on your own phlegmmy refuse and die.”
Great job, progs. Now there are actual white supremacists mobbing up. Have fun fighting them, you ding bats.
This is what they wanted. Too bad it’s going to turn out terrible for them.
Hopefully they’ll all beat each other to death. And maybe take a few goons with them.
Me too. But these assholes always manage to leak their poison among those aren;t involved with this bullshit in the first place.
I don’t recall them getting this violent though. That’s a turnoff to those on the left that never bothered to arm themselves. I can’t see them getting sucked in to being cannon fodder for a bunch of people with no legitimate chance to seize any form of power through legitimate means.
Nobody is getting sucked into this that doesn’t want to be. And good riddance to the lot of them.
I remember when I was in the College Republicans, a couple of the protestors at our event tried to get physical with us but when I, my friend who is tatted up and 6 feet tall, and a pissed off looking accounting major got back in their faces, they backed the fuck down.
You’re right when you say that what we’re seeing now is a whole a different ball game.
I don’t like Trump much, but I’m appalled at the way his supporters have been attacked for expressing that support. We’re starting to see bikers show up at pro-Trump marches to defend the marchers. This is a natural consequence of what has come before.
I don’t like Nazis either, but I liked living in a country where even Nazis could march without violence breaking out. I’m afraid that country is no more.
Amashi- these people would never dare to attack real Nazis. But, most Trump supporters are fairly peaceful, and that makes them safe targets.
Denver J – I have the phone version at my homepage, FYI.
DenverJ, the problem is that those Trump supporters are ‘mostly peaceful’. As in, they’re probably not going to start any fights, but it’s probably also not a good idea to pick fights with them.
I’ve seen plenty of bar fights where some drunken idiot tries to pick a fight with someone twice their size. And it never ended well for the drunken idiots. Pro-boxers hire bodyguards just to prevent such drunken idiocy, because “Hey I fought Oscar de la Hoyas’ bodyguard,” isn’t as big a story as, “I fought Oscar de le Hoya.” (And then he beat the crap out of me.)
At least those guys had, “Hold my beer and watch this,” as an excuse, what’s the Antifa excuse for picking stupid fights?
Somebody needs to sit that woman down and explain to her that outside of Joss Whedon stories, 90 lb women don’t fare well in straight up fights against 180 lb men. There’s a reason why most martial arts tournaments separate by weight and gender.
Not sure that Poe’s law is even applicable here.
Great minds, and all that.
Guy sucker punches Richard Spencer, it’s a great and glorious moment. Guy defends himself from a woman’s attack, how horrible and awful.
Bookstore Derp- part 1
Black Book Store Facing Closure Because So Few People Shop There
oopsy. Meant that as a new comment.
(Checks year) Wait, what??
I’ve watched Black Books, Bernard is a horrible businessman despite being a bit of a bibliophile. No wonder no customers come in.
Thank you Gilmore.
Tonight’s derp challenge: try to get past the headline
The Gender Non-Conformity of My Fatness
I’m sure whether to laugh or feel sorry for him.
This has to be a fucking parody. I just can’t believe that I inhabit the same universe as this moron.
Oh no, he’s real. Behold his magnum opus:
Dear god…
He’s a lazy, fat fuck. Never feel sympathy for someone that has no desire to improve their physical, mental or emotional health to at least a marginal degree.
I’d think these things were generated by a random text generator, but the technology today is way better than that.
The site that originally was in is a goldmine of retarded ass shit.
TW: you might die laughing.
How did you know it’s a he? You some kind of bigot or what?
Yeah, sure ok, that happens all the time to people who don’t have any apparent gender. Ok, it happens to everyone, like every day, like every 5 minutes.
This story is sooooo believable.
I think my brain just dripped out my ear. That is by far the least believable thing i’ve read… today.
Attention whores.
Yeah, I’m guessing that the writer would be very lucky to be propositioned at all.
Puts muzzle in mouth, prepares to fire.
I’m sure to laugh at him, too.
Bookstore Derp part 2
Portlandia’s Feminist Bookstore Now Has a ‘F—k Portlandia’ Sign in the Window
Hur Dur! They are Rape Apologists!!!
I’m hoping peak derp involves spontaneous combustion (or at least some ‘Scanners’-style exploding heads.
It’ll be glorious.
The sign underneath the Fuck Portlandia is even funnier.
The videos are unavailable. I wonder why.
Bookstore derp part 3:
Ohio Bookstore Flips Male-Authored Books, Displaying Them Backwards
Seems like a big waste of time. But you know… Whatever.
Why just in the fiction section? Why not virtue signal with the whole store?
All female employees? Meaning they refuse to hire men? Paging EEOC…
Please tell me they flipped George Eliot around.
I just can’t imagine why it is that Amazon is putting so many of these places out of business.
Bravo BP. Bravo.
TY. eg
Oh, and BTW, thanks BP, excellent as always. Titties, mmm, titties.
I was unaware that we had hit and passed Peak Gibb. There’s only one left now.
As always good work BP
TY Hyp and leon. It’s appreciated.
Lurves me some secret Nazi Prez.
ty festus.
So looks like Erdogan has become president for life of Turkey, barring any huge discrepancies.
That’s like so not a dictator, right? Because democracy, or something.
So Ottoman empire again? Huge turbans?
Seems legit. Let’s let them into NATO.. oh, wait…
Titties, mmm, titties
That tears it, I’m getting my ass to Mars.
That was the best SNP yet. Good work, hope to see RDA again.
ty, KS