Monday. Shit. It’s still only Monday. On the up side, its Cadbury Egg (or inferior Easter candy of your choice) fire sale day!
Even Mr. Lizard’s people are engaged in flight to the suburbs in Florida.
When Morning Joe says Democrats have forgotten how to win… Only Republicans could possible lose to them!
As if being a single, ginger prince helicopter pilot with a better hairline than the rest of his family, now Prince Harry ticks the vulnerable box, too. Maybe this will signal new national pastimes besides getting shit-housed any excuse.
It looks like Gorsuch is drunk with power.
Let me pile on and say that political street fighting is a bad thing. Everyone likes to joke that it will be short-lived because one side has all the weapons but having gangs fighting over things in the streets is literally what civil government is designed to prevent. If we can’t do that right, let’s just go full anarchy.
Our street fighters are basically Quakers.
On that note, I vote that the Trump supporters start wearing green in the spirit of their mascot. We have our black shirts. Green shirts would be something new.
How can street fighters be Quakers? That makes no sense at all.
Does he mean that the anti-Left doesn’t resort to violence, often?
Just a theory
Maybe we saw different videos. It looks like a bunch of people on both sides showed up to throw rocks and punch up on each other. That’s not kosher Quaker.
In this instance. I don’t recall a lot of right-leaning students starting riots, though.
Quaker Street Fighter would be the worst video game ever. I just picture Wilford Brimley calmly eating breakfast with a society of friends.
+1 beetus
Polka-dot shirts, like true mountain men.
Red, so they can’t see the blood. Hopefully the Antifas will start wearing brown pants when the real pipe hitting pro trumpers start showing up.
Every time I read your user name.
I’ll have to watch it when I get home, but it is pronounced that way.
what about the Kindred of the Kibbo Kift? they turned into greenshirts!
Is this actually relevant to any of the links? If not, then not an actual first.
He left some lingering questions in the last thread.
Sir Robin ran away! He bravely ran away!
And who made this rule? I’m sorry, I thought this was a libertarian site.
We accept rules, but no rulers. We also don’t accept women or minorities. Or pictures without alt-text.
Yeah, but only for nine more hours! That’s nothing!
Today in fun with campus censorship, we have more speech = violence, and shun the non-believers. This time from the Claremont Colleges
Heather Mac Donald is police sucker that would make Tulpa blush, but… yeesh. Truth is white supremacy!
De-fund every university. The importance of their existence is questionable at this point
A few years back Salman Khan predicted the end of the physical university campus within the next couple of decades. It really can’t happen too soon.
NEVER!!!! Football tribalism will keep me ever loyal to my alma mater
Given that the SEC is starting to consider telling the NCAA to go take a flying leap the association of Sports teams with Colleges may end before the campus dies
That MIGHT work with the SEC but only because its the only conference where the overwhelming majority of their fans never attended the college they root for. Those of us who pledged our undying loyalty to more respectable universities have higher standards.
*sniffs loftily*
All five of the major conferences are probably going to break away (together) from the NCAA within the next few years. It’s inevitable.
(Though remember that conferences are, at least currently, academic alliances along with being athletic alliances)
The Claremont universities are private.
Their tuition payments are subsidized by the federal government.
As is almost every school in the country, except for… Bob Jones University, I think.
Hillsdale College (where Clarence Thomas often teaches, and where Russel Kirk also taught) and some small private university. I think Bob Jones takes federal money now. I may be wrong, though.
I keep telling my wife that we might have to go to Michigan to visit Hillsdale for with the boy.
Helpful list. It’s funny, though, how the article frames colleges that don’t want to engage in rent-seeking as sinister.
I agree; the “higher” “education” system in America is due for a serious overhaul.
Think about what terrible employees these SJW morons must be. What employer in their right mind would hire someone who thinks that capitalism is evil, boob jokes are a human rights violation, profits are theft, and eating ethnic cuisine is cultural appropriation? People are graduating college with these ideas, and they are percolating through the labor market as we speak. Sooner or later, employers are going to realize that a college degree is no longer a good indicator of intelligence and work ethic. In fact, they might come to see it as a warning not to hire that person (lest they run screaming to the EEOC when they find out that a white male somewhere in the office gets paid more than them). Unless colleges rapidly change course,
This will create a huge demand for education without all the political bullshit, and provided that the government stays the fuck out of the way (that’s the hard part, isn’t it?) the private sector will step in and fill this demand. I think there will be a lot of “boot camp” style programs that offer intensive, focused training without political indoctrination, sports, or any other non-educational bullshit.
I think it would be good if we saw more skills testing and on-the-job training, but a lot of employers are scared to do this because of some court rulings that deemed employment skills testing to be “racist”.
Someone should ask these snowflakes why the people that go to trade schools and get looked down upon by the college crowd never do this infantile shit…
you know who else was “a fascist, a white supremacist, a warhawk, a transphobe, a queerphobe, a classist, and ignorant of interlocking systems of domination that produce the lethal conditions under which oppressed peoples are forced to live”?
Everyone to the right of Joseph Stalin?
Just Trump and Hitler, that’s it.
Lord Elphenstone?
Hillary Clinton?
James Bond?
Which one?
What do you mean? There’s Roger Moore. The rest suck.
Well, Connery and Dalton were the only ones that didn’t get involved with a black chick sexually, although Moore did kill May Day.
Also, Dalton was a dork and Connery killed those two arguably queer guys in Diamonds, so he probably wins the title hands down.
Thomas Edison?
Is this that list that Heinlein had about what skills all people should have? Because if it is, you left off tying a square knot and changing a tire.
You don’t need to know how to change a tire as long as you have fabulous hair.
It is lost on this writer the Euro-West came to reject the idea that people of color are subhuman. Of course, that person would probably respond with “But did it? Did it really?”
Meanwhile, the Arab-East apparently haven’t yet let go of the idea that women are third-class. Or that gays should be flung from rooftops.
Yeah, try doing physics and engineering with pi = 3.0
why bother restricting yourself to a number. Might as well use some hieroglyphic symbol that only you understand the true meaning of.
Anyone with a brain knows math and physics are Euro-Asian conspiracies.
Excuse me. Lot’s of non-Western cultures used non-base 10 counting systems before the ascendancy of Western imperialism, as such those cultures would have traditionally used a different pi than the standard Western pi imposed on us through cultural domination. Don’t try and pretend as though your version of pi is objectively better.
Indeed, especially considering that dozenal counting is objectively better.
I get you are being facetious, but changing the base you are working on doesn’t change the core value of a number. i.e f is 16 in hexadecimal. Likewise any value for pi in another system would still represent the ratio of a chicks diameter to it’s circumference.
I thought F was actually 15.
Errr yeah that’s what I meant. It’s the 16th number
Whenever I argue with leftists on this subject, they usually take a different tact. Even the ones who are full blown SJW’s typically resort to downplaying the issue on college campuses and pretending that it doesn’t really exist. It’s all hype, little substance. The fact that real people have their lives ruined, that there are campus kangaroo courts, and that these people are focused heavily in the institutions that pump out our future overlords in DC and the media is anecdotal or irrelevant.
Ah, yes, the tired old self-refuting assertion that there is no truth.
And yet they want to talk about what is and isn’t logical.
And they undermine themselves.
If there’s no truth, they themselves aren’t anymore right or wrong than any one else.
What makes their position right or true?
They’re post modern commies is all
Exactly right.
white supremacy, imperialism, colonization, capitalism
“Commies” is the free space there in the middle.
That is the center square. Everyone gets that one for free.
Holy crap. I went to a liberal, liberal arts college (The Political Science department was small, and 2/3 of the profs were conservative or constitutionalist , which was nice), even when I went a few years ago the peace and social justice majors wouldn’t have spoken such tripe, not publicly, anyway.
I just noted, that if you read these two paragraphs out loud, it is impossible to do so without foam actually forming in the corners of your lips.
FrontierPost-Modern GibberishThey really need to stop writing in the English language. It’s a construct of white males
If they really want to get their message out there, they’ll do so in the form of interpretive dance.
With black and brown bodies only.
Leaving out red and yellow? RACIST!!!!!
Can someone who just lectured me on truth being non-existent, also get to claim to use logic?
Warren: McConnell won’t say hello to me
Quit opening the shitter door to say hi.
What is he supposed to do? Call her a cunt?
She is a Senator. I think the required respectful greeting is, “Good morning Senator Indian princess, you stupid cunt.”
He should say “How” instead.
+1 Kicking Bird
he’s probably doing what Pence does with ‘women not his wife’ = staying the fuck away lest they accuse him of hate-speech or “intimidation” or some other political accusation
Her latest book? JFC, how many does she have?
Eleven. None worth reading.
And her point is what, exactly? That he owes her a daily “hello?”
“Boo-hoo-hoo,” said Cindy Lou Who.
Lieawatha vs Yertle the Turtle-fuck them both.
I’d pay for that cage match. 2 will enter…0 will leave.
So, she persisted in saying hello?
But he resisted.
And then she insisted.
And the rest of us ignored them both.
“Warren said McConnell turns his head when she says hello.”
I’m not sure what she’s complaining about; my response would be, “fuck off.” This is easily more polite.
Warren said McConnell turns his head when she says hello
Cut him some slack, it’s hard to say “Hi” when you’re fighting a gag reflex.
Someone needs to tell Warren that McConnell is really more into Asian chicks.
Doesn’t Siberian American count as Asian?
He likes Fancy Asian, not Jungle.
She needs to stop raping him with her words
By golly … sounds like she is smitten with him.
Color me surprised that she isn’t cultured enough to recognize the direct cut.
Sanctuary cities? That’s a constitutional ‘hell no’
Everyone loves nullification and secession when its their sacred cow being raped.
Um, naturalization is the process by which a foreigner becomes a citizen, it does not necessarily have anything to do with who is allowed to physically enter the country.
The only place the Constitution mentions immigration is in Article 1 Section 9…
1: The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.
The implies that Congress could pass laws to limit migration into the US after 1808 but it does not clearly establish that only the Congress has the power to allow immigration and seems to allow states some leeway in controlling immigration on their own.
That said the entire clause was about slavery and not normal immigration so it is not clear that the founders really cared either way about limiting immigration and they likely considered any and all immigration of European settlers to be a good thing and that puts who has the power to legislate immigration back up in the air.
Even if that is the case, federal law supersedes state law. If the Federal law is tighter than the state law they have to honor it.
Yeah! Like how legal weed works! Wait….
Don’t get it twisted, just because the fed is currently turning a blind eye to it does not mean they can’t start civil war 2 at a moments notice.
Only if the feds are explicitly granted said power by the Constitution.
(In a just world not at all resembling the one we actually live in.)
As Francisco said, only if that power has been explicitly granted to the Congress and it has not.
Now I suspect that if a test case ever did make it to the Supreme Court that the ruling would be a slam dunk 9-0 or maybe 8-1 decision that of course only the Congress or the President has the power to legislate immigration (I give an outside chance of a dissenter because there is the possibility that test case may have some racial component to it and an Uber liberal like RBG or Sonya would vote against it) but that is because the Feds are all pretending the 10th amendment simply does not exist.
Just spitballing here, (which usually leads to me looking like an idiot), but as you said before, the constitution gives congress the power to set terms for naturalization. It also says they are to provide national defense/security. Can they not then say the requirements to enter the country are that a person must do x, y, and z (visa process) to ensure a foreign person is not a threat to national security and the citizens the new arrival will be living with? And part of the naturalization process is to do x, y, and z (visa process)?
I don’t know. I just know I have worked in a few countries, and if I got caught doing so without a proper visa, I would have been immediately ejected and never allowed back in the country.
Yes but the thing is the whole concept of a visa being a requirement for emigrating and/or travel is a post WW1 invention. Prior to that you could pretty much travel everywhere (at least to any country your homeland wasn’t at war with) on just a passport and even those were only infrequently checked. In the United States in fact States and some individual cities and even private citizen Notaries issued passports until after the Civil War.
Now I am not saying that it isn’t the proper role of the Congress to legislate immigration to the country but the way the country was supposed to work is immigration was to be controled at the State or Local level because the power to control it was not specifically granted to the Congress, and if we wanted Congress to have that power it is supposed to require a Constitutional amendment granting it.
That amendment has not been passed so the originalist reading of the Constitution is the States and Cities refusal to follow the immigration laws are correct to do so.
Rasilio, I’ve previously contemplated your entire position. I ended up asking myself what was meant by naturalization. Did the founders use it in the same vein we do today (citizenship) or was it an all-encompassing term to include immigration? Could it be argued that the founders never considered anyone moving to the US that didn’t want to become a citizen and therefore citizenship and immigration were all wrapped up in the term naturalization?
But I agree, the correct course of action would be an amendment clarifying it rather than an assumption of power.
If only there were something in there about who has power if it’s not specifically spelled out and/or how to change it if you prefer something else…
I don’t know. I am not seeing the need for an amendment due to the enumerated power of national security/defense. I think it is well within congresses role to write immigration law and visa requirements for people entering the country under that power. Regardless how you interpret the meaning of the word naturalization. Maybe I am being too broad there.
Where in Article 1 Section 8 is Congress authorized to regulate immigration? There is no enumerated federal power to limit immigration. It is a power reserved to the states.
Oops. Need to read the whole discussion before commenting.
Gorsuch is going to be the best cafeteria committee member ever.
Probably the next Souter.
Meanwhile, in the Pacific Northwest, STEVE SMITH is selling his specially formulated
rape drugaphrodesiac as a “tea” at my local coffee shop.Holy crap. You might as well just order a shot of ether.
+1 Victorian-era ether party.
Ether Frolics, Ted, sheesh.
I had a spot of that but cleared up with a little Metamucil.
“There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.”
When Hunter S. Thompson warns you off something, listen.
What the shit, why haven’t I tried this?
I’ve never had access to it, which is the only reason I’ve never given it a whirl.
Engine starting fluid is ether, not that I’m telling you to inhale it. In fact I’m strongly telling you not too.
As a young man, SugarFree huffed Freon, so starter fluid probably would have given him no pause.
So… Nobody saw the Ether Bunny this week-end?
Prepare for crippling nausea. There is a reason we don’t use it as an anesthetic anymore.
Mainly because it is flammable as hell and we didn’t want anymore hospitals to explode.
Cyclopropane came after ether and was far more explosive. Everyone in the operating theatre had to be grounded, because a static electric spark could blow the room.
well shit where can I score some of that? For…uh…reasons….
On a scale of 0 to 10 Gomorrahs how depraved does ether make one?
I need to know the tradeoffs here.
Wouldn’t that on a scale of 1 to 10 rum shots?
Ether was administered by breathing it in, as from an ether soaked rag. Surprised that you didn’t know this.
Or, I was making a joke.
(Edit: That is meaner sounding than I intended.)
Huh. Wikipedia says you can drink it.
In the 19th century and early 20th century ether drinking was popular among Polish peasants.[23] It is a traditional and still relatively popular recreational drug among Lemkos.[24] It is usually consumed in a small quantity (kropka, or “dot”) poured over milk, water with sugar or orange juice in a shot glass
Article on Irish ether drinking.
Double dammit!
“These aren’t normal emissions-they are laden with highly flammable ether vapors. You can imagine what happened when an ether drinker would light up a pipe and belch or sit down by an open fire and break wind. Severe burns at either end of the alimentary canal were a common hazard.”
This is what I’ve been missing my entire life.
Playa don’t you already suffer from fiery shit being excreted out of your ass from Chipotle?
Perhaps you should stop trying to make jokes and just watch those of us who are actually funny.
I don’t get it.
I don’t get it ether.
He means “him”. I know, it took me a minute as well
I’m sorry none of you get my erudite humor.
I was thrown out of HS science class over ether. The teacher had a lisp and asked if we knew what ether was, and I said, “The holiday after chrithmath?”
He was really mad
STEVE SMITH tea has only caffeine in it. STEVE SMITH would not cause any lack of consciousness or awareness, because STEVE SMITH wants you to be WIDE AWAKE for what is coming.
Or at least WIDE, Awake or not.
political street fighting is a bad thing
Can we put both sides into an arena, with a suitable array of weapons, and let them finish each other off?
“Two teams enter. One team leaves. Well, we kill that team before they can leave, because, honestly, does anyone want either of these teams to win?”
Shit, I was scrolling upward and hadn’t seen the comment you replied to.
I was sad when I didn’t see Notre Dame and TTUN mentioned in Fatty Bolger’s comment.
Half-joking, half-serious question:
Should two (or more) adults be allowed to fight each other to the death in an arena if they have all signed contracts acknowledging and accepting that they may be killed by their opponents?
What level of an cap is this?
seen on Twitter, a woodchipper reference:
Burial, cremation, or option 3
For a dead guy, he’s looking chipper.
So iguanas are like spring breakers and Canadians in FL. At least the iguanas don’t drive.
I’ll bet they still walk out in front of your car.
Florida wildlife management gave up on the iguana. It’s a local now.
They were all over South Florida decades ago. We used to see them in the woods all the time, and occasionally they would fall out of a tree and scare the shit out of you.
I understand hunting them with an air rifle in PR is considered a sport.
And tasty, if properly prepared.
Power, Red Wine, what’s the diff?
Can’t wait for his first dissent to be picked over by countless half-literate pretend-lawyers.
It’s gonna be 100 articles on how Merrick Garland would have done it better, isn’t it?
I take it you refer to the ACLU?
Sitting at the far right end of the nine-member bench, Gorsuch spent the morning hearing three oral arguments, each lasting about an hour.
The far-right side of the bench. Because he’s the Trump nominee, and Trump is Hitler.
Damn. That’s gonna leave a hole in the budget.
And yet that seems like a fair move right there that will get the attention of the Law’n’Order crowd.
I was going to post about the initial firing but never got around to it. It’s a nice reverse-nutpunch.
Cop stomps a handcuffed guy in the head for no reason, video comes out, department fires him less than 24 hours later. What a world, eh?
Other video surfaces of cop punching the guy while he’s got his hands up, which he lies about it in his report — he gets sacked, too.
And the stomper has even apologized! Thankfully the puncher excused himself by saying “It’s different out there in the streets,” so we know hell hasn’t frozen over.
One of the attorneys at the law office where I used to work caught a cop up in one of his lies. The judge tossed the case and banned the cop from testifying in her courtroom. Good stuff.
I’m sure the FOP is mobilizing to get these two domestic heroes their jobs back, with back pay and maybe a little extra for their emotional suffering.
At first I interpreted that wrong. But there was no nutpunch and instead I felt a gentle caress. There may be hope fore this country after all.
As if being a single, ginger prince helicopter pilot with a better hairline than the rest of his family, now Prince Harry ticks the vulnerable box, too. Maybe this will signal new national pastimes besides getting shit-housed any excuse.
You like tan lines and skin that pasty?
He’s an adorable scruffy ginger prince. I’m not going to find fault with him for having tan lines.
He does have a bit of sparkle in his eyes, doesn’t he?
That’s a worrisome rabbit hole to find yourself down, jesse.
Aodrable scruffy ginger king is slightly less adorable than adorable scruffy ginger prince, but still within the realm of me not worrying about tan lines.
I keep waiting for the Prince Harry “who do you think you are” episode where he learns he’s a bastard.
He’s really a Targaeryn?
No. They are blond, not ginger.
However, I do subscribe the the JH + DS = H theory.
I wonder what is the English equivalent of the Wall. Australia?
Um, Hadrian’s Wall?
BTW. I thought it was hilarious that when the Queen visited the set of Game of Thrones she refused to sit on the Iron Throne because it was illegal under British law and could forfeit her crown. Its a fake crown Queeny, loosen up.
That would have been a hilarious headline: Queen of England abdicates now sits on Iron Throne as Queen of Westeros.
Dany would be pissed.
No. I’m just too lazy to link comments in HTML so I leave a placeholder post and then edit it with the link right after.
Now I look insane. Thanks, Brett!
Lol. It was better than ME looking crazy!
Only now?
Good Friday. I live equidistant from Berkeley and the Sierra crest. I am content with my decision to look east.
Bonus material. This is how I make sure my dog naps peacefully in the car while I ski.
What happens when your dog tears off after wildlife?
Bungee cord tether and hope for enough tensile strength. No activity is without risk.
I used to walk my dog like that with a skateboard when I was a kid. We didn’t have that white stuff in southern Louisiana.
I do the skateboard thing too. That’s how he knows what’s up.
I think we’ve developed an unrealistic notion of ‘how politics works’ in America. the idea of fringe political groups duking it out in the street is entirely foreign to us, when for the rest of the world its actually pretty commonplace and accepted.
I’m sure there’s some moron out there quoting Yeats* and pretending this is significant of some decay of American decency and political comity, but i think its actually far more trivial. the people doing the fighting are basically each representatives of a “retarded 1%” of the right and left, respectively, and the reason they fight is less because of any real passionate desire to bash-skulls and bring their enemy to heel, so much as the desire to use the opportunity to get some video clips and wage a far more important-war in social-media.
I think these silly skirmishes actually provide the otherwise-lazy rest of America an opportunity to reflect more on questions about Free Speech and liberal values than they’d otherwise be forced to consider via the mainstream media.
basically, let them fight = it informs the rest of sane-america how retarded many young people are, and maybe has a side-effect of helping many people on the left realize how futile their Black Bloc tactics really are when they are facing a motivated opposition rather than police who refuse to stop them from smashing stuff.
I really like the Stones song “Street Fighting Man”.
I think their petite-riots go better with some lighthearted novelty music
This is lovely.
The Cultural Revolution is occurring at our colleges and people shrug. If they want this to end, then frankly the Right needs to beat-up some Leftists. The media is going to excuse away any violence committed by little Maoists, but anyone to the right of Joseph Stalin is going to get railroaded by the media.
You’d neuter the Occutard movement simply by privatizing student loan programs. It’s fed by idiot kids with access to no-questions-asked financing they have no intention of paying back to pursue no-show degrees that yield no tangible benefit. It’s just ready-made for Marxist indoctrination.
also, neither here nor there….
….but i think if i found myself in the midst of one of these melees? My personal tactic would be to run around and find Antifa people filming with their iphones, and just grab them and throw them as hard as possible against the ground.
they’re always making a distinction that “destruction of property” is like, different and stuff. I just think it would make a fitting rejoinder.
(insert obligatory music video)
It’s as if people are completely ignorant of shit like the Hard Hat Riot.
I blame Millennials.
I think that’s an interesting example,
i’m not sure how it fits into my comment about the relative lack of relevance that the “Alt-Right” vs. “Antifa” people have to the rest of America.
Or maybe you’re saying that, like the Hard Hat riots,… the left in America doesn’t realize that almost no one really shares their ridiculous social-justice agenda? and that, like the Anti-war people, the more the Antifa people pretend to advance their causes with violence, the more some right-wingish thugs are just going to oblige them and show them how its really done?
It was meant more of a counterexample of “this is significant of some decay of American decency and political comity”. The late 60’s and early 70’s saw as much, if not more, civil disturbance.
Though, the example does connect to your second point in that while in the popular imagination everyone not in uniform shooting at Charlie was a hippie during the 60’s, but in reality, hippies were just as much as fringe as their SWJ grandchildren. Hippies didn’t become “cool” until they stopped being a cultural threat.
Yeah, i actually intended to mention that – having just finished reading “Days of Rage”, that i’m sort of sanguine about the relatively-low-levels of political violence we’re currently dealing with.
the fact is that things can, have, do sometimes get far far worse. But i don’t think they really will in this case because, as noted, i just don’t think SJW-politics play well on the street-level as kids pretend. there’s a serious disconnect between social-media and real life. And i think a lot of people who see themselves getting endless plaudits and thumbs up for certain attitudes online will find themselves wondering why no one applauds them for the same opinions when they spew them on the sidewalk at strangers.
About a month ago I saw an iguana on the side of the road on I-75 between Riverview and Brandon. They certainly aren’t common this far north but they are a lot more common than they used to be. My Mom swears that she has seen a couple in the yard and something is eating the hibiscus so she may very well be right.
I read they taste like chicken. You should eat one and report back.
If the bastard keeps eating my hibiscus I’ll put his head on a pike as a warning to any others that might get the same idea. BTW, they say gator tastes like chicken and they are wrong.
Not like chicken but they are tasty. Make sure you cook it all the way through.
Can you eat the bones? Or do you have to pick the meat away like fish?
I hate eating fish
You ever eat snake? Its like that. The bones are large enough to pick out .
“Fish, for sport only, not for meat. Fish meat is practically a vegetable.” – Ron Salmon
Salmon? How the hell did that get in there? Ron SWANSON.
Sounded a little fishy to me.
What a crappie joke.
you people will carp about anything
Now who’s angling for a narrowed gaze?
One of the few things I hate more than Mormons? Puns.
It should keep him off the hook.
*mass narrowed gaze*
Chicken of the rain forest.
Meandering thoughts: I have a leftover brokerage account from a stock purchase plan, which ended and a notice was sent out that there would be a maintenance fee imposed in the future. I transferred out what I could (full share amounts) leaving a fractional share behind. No option to liquidate the fractional share on the transfer paperwork and there’s the standard ridiculous brokerage fee to cut a check, well over the actual value of the account.
It’s been several years since, a maintenance fee was never imposed so far, and every quarter they spend close to a $1 in postage alone to send out a $0.05 dividend payment check along with a separately mailed quarterly statement showing the dividend payment. All because it would cost me that damn check fee to zero out the account.
Heh, my father has held on to a tiny bit of his former’s employer’s stock (or something, I’m not 100% sure on the arrangement except that involves checks for a few pennies a voluminous paperwork) just to spite them via this mechanism for more than 15 years.
John Oliver proceeds to tell an entire country that he knows better than them.
I’m sure they all appreciate it.
If the French love anything, it’s an effete Britsh guy telling them what to do.
Don’t fuck up, too. Marine Le Pen is—how do you say in French? A demagogic asshole. A monstrous, demagogic asshole. You’re better than this.
“If I call her mean names and try to apply cheap social pressures that won’t work because no Frenchman gives a fuck what my opinion is, that’ll convince them!”
It clearly works, because otherwise Trump would have been elected.
After Brexit and Trump I have to wonder if John Oliver is playing some reverse psychology and actually wants Le Pen.
He’s a reverse Nostradamus at this point, but I don’t think he’s self-aware enough to catch on.
That would imply that someone that’s part of the leftist media has any sense of self awareness.
Nah. He’s just a twat that thinks he’s morally superior to anybody not walking in lockstep with him.
Like almost every talk show dickhead on tv today (except David Feherty).
Him and Samantha Bee make me fervently yearn for a world in which John Stewart had never been born.
Taking Stewart’s schtick and turning it up to eleven is not fucking funny.
Giving the Daily Show a Peabody was the worst thing ever. Stewart went to eleven after that.
I remember when all my leftist friends where going apeshit over Brexit.
Good times.
Hold on a sec… am I reading that URL right? Slate named a blog “Browbeat”? That’s almost as hilariously un-selfaware as whichever lefty site it was which titled it’s group blog “Groupthink”.
Italy’s “orgy island
Also why is this news when like…all of the Greek Islands are orgy islands?
“Did you say ‘whore island’?”
Picturing Whore Island
I’ll agree that street-fighting over politics is a bad sign.
1. The Left started it and I’m assuming some of the masked thugs who disrupted otherwise peaceful gatherings last year were paid indirectly by assholes like Soros.
2. Mayors and University Presidents looked the other way because they sympathized with the violent leftists. Cops do what their bosses want – and the bosses didn’t want them busted. I blame these people for letting things get out of hand. They better fix themselves fast.
3. Violence attracts the violent – so now there are groups on the right who are eager to brawl with the lefties. And they’ll probably win those encounters where weapons and numbers are fairly equal. I predicted this months ago and here we are.
4. Already seeing videos of guys showing up with helmets and clubs. This shit will get out hand and escalate to knives and guns shortly if not shutdown hard.
1. Pretty sure this is 100% accurate. Nobody is denying it on the left.
2. They think they’re winning. They won’t stop it.
3. Agreed. And good, let them fight it out. And don’t get involved unless they start harming innocent third parties.
4. I’ll donate an entire case of knives if it’ll speed up these idiots self-thinning the herd. They offer no societal benefit whatsoever as far as I’m concerned.
WTF is with spitting in public? Chew usage is way down yet I see more and more people spitting on the sidewalk as they’re walking along. Has a whole generation been raised with the manners of barn animals?
Ewe said it!
You better duck before Swissy shows up with a narrow gaze.
Don’t have a cow! Getting worked up about it is just bull
A lot of times, I have to spit when I have a sore throat and I’m horse.
Gustave is right, though. It is a fowl habit.
It’s like someone let a punny rabbit loose in this place.
I don’t know about rabbits but if the Pigs catch you your Goose is cooked
*yet another mass narrowed gaze*
Are these, as they say, “people of color”, or are we talking suburban white people?
It’s California Del Norte so suburban white people.
When i was a kid there was a lot of “seed-spitting“, but even then people were usually decent enough not to do it right in front of you
Since I spend 95 % of my waking hours with Copenhagen in my lip, I enjoy a good public spit.
Bonus material. This is how I make sure my dog naps peacefully in the car while I ski.
Is this Ether Monday?
I didn’t get the memo.
Me nether.
Ether Monday, well I can barely keep my eyes open.
Glenn Beck, The Blaze countersue Tomi Lahren.
The sooner Beck relapses and strokes out on a cocaine binge the better.
I have very little sympathy for Lahren, and the fact that in every clip I’ve seen of her she acts like a cunt on-air I wouldn’t be surprised if her behaviour off-camera was true.
But…would, right?
I’d have to mandate a gag.
In her defense, Beck’s main issue likely has nothing to do with cuntiness and everything to do with her wrongthink. She supported Trump, Milo, and then made her abortion remarks.
I would…provided she didn’t say anything outside the mandated words that are usually used during sex.
“The area is currently free of infection. You may proceed.”
*stands to applaud*
Hornet problem? Consider trying this.
He should have thrown it into a box and popped a quick “H” on it.
Holy fuck. I might have to consider shutting manly monday the fuck down. I don’t know how anything tops murderating yellow jackets with your bare hands.
I was hoping for more fire, but that was deeply satisfying.
re: the “Democrats don’t know how to win” link…
the main thing that i took from that clip (not the article)… was remembering who Harold Ford Jr was.
He (call me racist) actually “looks the part” for a possible Dem presidential contender… even considering his relatively-crappy track record in politics, and his opposition to gay-marriage + abortion, etc. I doubt he will, or that any potential competitors would let him run without tearing him to shreds. I suppose he’s making decent coin on Wall St and doesn’t need the grief. He also looked absolutely terrified while talking about the “democrats don’t know how to win”-topic, as though he were afraid of actually saying what he really thought.
i was hoping to go a whole day without fucking up threading.
It’s all part of your charm.
At least you didn’t Hyp any links
Last survivor of the 1800s has died. The new world’s oldest person is from Jamaica.
Blue eyes? Odd.
is Violet thicc?
From the Gorsuch article: Roberts confirms that he’s gone native:
“‘We hope we’re serving with Justice Gorsuch for the next 25 years,’ Roberts said last week before a university audience in New York. ‘It’s kind of like a marriage. If you’re going to be with someone that long, you can’t have knock-down, drag-out fights over a case.'”
Yeah, Justice Curtis was such a meanie for arguing with Chief Justice Taney over the Dred Scott decision!
“Another duty for the “junior” justice is to answer the door when the members meet privately for their weekly closed-door conferences — voting on cases and deciding which petitions get added to the docket. His first such conference will be this Thursday.”
What kind of clueless person knocks on the Supreme Court’s conference room door during deliberations?
“The men’s room? It’s down the hall, ma’am.”
“No, thank you, I already have a Watchtower.”
I’m very leery of Gorsuch. He strikes me as being very much a Roberts type of guy. Like he wants to fit in and be seen as reasonable. Which once in the DC bubble, leads to some real idiocy. Sanctimonious. And plenty of the typical bullshit conservative positions to come with the little bit of good.
I only like sanctimony when it’s my own.
Why I love the Daily Mail – they bring their A-game everyday:
Transgender woman who ‘suffered a broken penis when her lover had a heart attack and DIED during sex’ sues the man’s wife for damages
I am going with that too. Pretty sure you can’t “break” your penis. Bruise it, rub it raw, etc………..but break?
Google ‘penile fracture’
Also google ‘break your penis’ if you want a truly horrific pic to come up on your phone.
Dude, it’s not even half as bad as the US in the 1960s. Quit being so dramatic.
Agreed. We’ve got a long way to go before it gets that bad. I mean, we’re on the right trajectory, and I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility or even feasibility, but wake me up when we start seeing the hipsters and the helicopters going at it with knives, Molotovs, and guns.
“Helicopters” is that a new slang for alt-right guys?