Well, that was a long and pleasant weekend.  My daughter came in from college with a friend of hers, and we had a nice visit.  Plus we got to celebrate Easter together for the first time in a long time.

I hope yours was just as enjoyable.  And I hope these (TAX DAY – observed) links are also pleasant.

Jared Dylan Smith: curser.

I had no idea Louisiana had solved all of their crime problems.  What other explanation could there be for when they start arresting people for using one curse word in public? Not ticketed. Not fined. ARRESTED.

VDH (yeah, I’m using a lot of his stuff lately. But it seems to generate good conversation, so I’ll keep at it.) does a good job explaining the new populism and how it contrasts from populism the left would rather go back to.

Everybody loves a story with a happy ending. (No, not that kind of happy ending. But a happy one nonetheless.)

This man cannot tie a knot.

Way to go, WaPo! You’ve sold your vision of the rubes and hicks from flyover country.  But you forgot to turn on comments so those rubes and hicks could tell you what they think of your piece.  I’m sure it was just an oversight. After all, democracy dies in darkness, right?

Woman is asked what method of payment she’d like to use at grocery store. Sues parent company.

Aw, man they took the tape deck. And the Credence.