Links, links, we need some links. But what kind of links….? Let us try a mix of the absurd, fun, disturbing, and even moar fun.
- KOREA!!!!! [TW: INFOWARZ!] (absurd, check!)
- FAT FIGHT! (fun, check!)
- Nothing disturbing about this one….nosiree. (disturbing, check!)
- Goose versus cop! (even moar fun, check!)
I look forward to detailed and insightful discussion of these links. … No, really! SERIOUSLY!
OK, talk amongst yourselves. I will assume at least 10 of the first 15 numbered comments will be other links. I will check in later to count.
I can work with this…just gimme a moment.
Is that what she said? Or given the source more like that’s what he said.
I mean, I guess “trivial but ubiquitous” describes my dong pretty well.
Now THATS a tattoo you could brag about!
God damn all of you! I was actually working (Hi, Rufus!) and also trying to type, but I was given an error message and had to stop posting. I was being a smart ass and going to write 3-4 comments in order to foil Swissy. It didn’t work.
The best laid plans of mice and men, etc.
I meant to write: The first 10 on 3 separate entries, but I was foiled by technology.
Yeah, this foolproof technology is really hard to use!
“I will assume at least 10 of the first 15 numbered comments will be other links. I will check in later to count.”
So you’re saying we have permission.
P.S. This counts as on topic
Points awarded.
I had a link to share, but I forgot it. I had been waiting for the afternoon linx for a couple hours to post this link. WTF? It’s been a long week, and it’s not even Friday.
This has been a long week for everyone it seems. I’m dragging. I put this on my office wall to help. How are you feeling today?
I had a family court mediation on Monday that took all day. I still haven’t recovered.
Obviously you should quit beating your wife/kids and you won’t have to go to family court anymore
Was it about the Oregon dude who died thinking Trump was impeached? It was, wasn’t it?
Tell me more!
I had a patient that was shitting his brains out. By the end of the shift people were running away from me because they assumed I was looking for help cleaning him up. Hopefully, my request to go to the easy floor tonight was accommodated.
God bless you.
“Fun” fact: Because he died while his murder case was still on appeal, Aaron Hernandez technically died an innocent (well, not guilty) man.
Alternative headline: Law Clerks Rejoice as Anders Appeal Removed from Calendar
Wise in the ways of appeals, I see.
Truefact: Guy I know did his entire year on the court working one capital Anders. No other cases.
It’s good work if you can get it.
I’m inclined to agree, with the caveat of Judge depending.
Judges hate him! One weird trick to avoid life in jail!
-stolen from the internet
See, I’m much more about not dying in prison.
It’s an important fact. There’s a civil case pending. Now they can’t use a murder conviction as evidence of wrongful death, and they have to prove it from scratch.
This might have been an effort to leave some money to his 5 year old daughter (if he had any money left).
I do feel bad for the family. I can’t imagine.
His or the victim’s?
and for him, I suppose. He was good at football.
I throw balls far. You want good words, date a languager.
I heard his girlfriend was amazing at trial.
Now they can’t use a murder conviction as evidence of wrongful death, and they have to prove it from scratch.
Outside my wheelhouse, but I’m pretty sure prior convictions are res judicata in subsequent cases even if under appeal. At least in federal cases.
Looks like Massachusetts has abatement ab initio, which generally means the entire criminal case is wiped from the face of the earth. There are some interesting potential evidentiary issues around admission of evidence from the criminal case that might help short-circuit having to retry the entire whodunnit, though.
I don’t think his appeal had been accepted, so technically he is a convicted murderer.
Also, an appeal doesn’t mean the presumption of innocence is automatically conferred again. He would have been “guilty, pending appeal”.
Appeals are automatic in MA for 1st degree murder, where they also apply the principle of “abatement ab initio”.
Supposedly in Mass it does. Unless your appeals have run out, if you die your case reverts back to where it started, ie., innocent until proven guilty.
He WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAn Innocent ManOh yes he waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasAn Innocent ManWoah oh ohhhhhhhhhh ohhhh
I could swear I hit enter after each line. I blame the Russians.
I like it better this way.
Why are we getting that story about the guy’s ex-wife telling him Trump was impeached again? Isn’t this the third time?
It is really like the 5th time, because someone re-linked it the first time without reading the links.
I like that link. Don’t ruin this for me!
I think they’re doing it just to troll us.
It’s the Cleveland Browns of links.
Thanks for that!
O’Reilly B dun!
Good riddance. This year has been the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to the shitbag media.
THIS is the gift that keeps on giving.
That is awesome. I hear it often on Armstrong and Getty on the radio, but never seen it on video. All this time I thought it was a radio gig O’Reilly was doing.
Obligatory best radio gift.
“Casey Kasem” is a way better radio name than “Nick Gillespie”.
Maybe it’s just poor audio quality, but he doesn’t sound as pissed off as Billy does in his clip.
It’s like 40 years old so that’s possible.
I’m torn. On one hand, O’Reilly is an arrogant moron so good riddance. On the other, from what I’ve been hearing about this whole “scandal,” it sounds like a bunch of BS.
I don’t think it’s bullshit, he’s had 5 harassment settlements. Advertisers started pulling their ads, and it’s hard to blame them.
Once he settled one, more were guaranteed to come out of the woodwork. That’s why Trump’s philosophy is never settle, drag them all the way through court. Because they are almost always bullshit.
That’s where I’m at, as well. I will not miss him one single bit… but the whole thing smacks of overblown SJW outrage.
Where will Fox find a conservative douche to replace him?
Two words: Tomi. Lahren.
Two more words make your proposal much more enticing:
Is there…. video?
Someone driving below my balcony has a General Lee “Dixie” horn.
I hope you gave him your number, or at least flashed him.
Or at least went and put on some cut-offs?
Is Daisy inside?
She’s in her mid-60s now.
She could be a gilf.
Negative. Catharine Bach did not age gracefully – unlike John Schneider, who my wife still has the hots for.
That doesn’t answer my question.
“You ain’t from around here are ya’?”
I’m sorry. I’m about head home.
Somebody in my town has a newish Charger with the full General-Lee paint job. I smile every time I see it because I’m a bad person.
Can I quote from yesterday morning’s links?
Wait…. HEY!
They’re getting lazy already.
Replacement link. More entertaining, less disturbing
So you guys are officially trolling us with that Oregon man story right? Or have you all simply gone selectively senile?
Was he a Cleveland Browns fan?
This guy gets it.
In Which the Editors Demonstrate a Weakness of Distributed Organizations
It didn’t take long for the glibertarians dot com ruling elite to turn into Robby. Just trolling the lowly commentariat while they sip their delicious cocktails and cluck their tongues
I think you meant to say cuck-elite.
sip their delicious cocktails
But did Robby ever invite you to Belly Up to the Bar with him?
This would have never happened under Postrel!
This site where commenters are valued would have never happened under Postrel!
“site were commenters are valued”
fix it again. fix it better.
~~~Your wish is the edit faeries command~~~
Really? “edit faeries command?”
you’re just fucking with me now aren’t you?
Butler signed the offer from the Pats. Will they move him before the draft? I doubt it, but who knows.
New Orleans should give them back the 32nd pick. Would be a fair enough trade.
That would be the one that could happen, I just don’t see it. They haven’t had the best luck in the early rounds of the draft over the years, and in my mind a good (or great) known is better than a future possibility. There’s a week to go though, so we will probably see a bunch of moves from some teams.
maybe Cleveland can buy him?
I was kind of hoping the Pats found a way to draft Adoree Jackson.
as an SC fan, yes.
As an SC and New England fan, that would be a double-yes.
where do you think Juju ends up?
As the Pats don’t have a pick until the 3rd round, I haven’t even paid attention. Unless Butler goes elsewhere and they get a compensation pick, or trade up, I’ll have no need to watch ESPN.
Fuck ESPN.
That is all.
I can’t imagine, unless they trade back up. He’ll be gone by the time they pick in the 2nd round.
My dream draft for the Eagles is McCaffrey in the 1st and Jackson in the 2nd.
That’s a good set of picks for them.
White guy running back? Good luck with that. I like the kid. Enjoyed watching Stanford. Would not draft in the 1st. Maybe round 4/5?
I will really miss Adoree. Oh well, I hope he makes a ton of money.
The catch at 1:18 is fucking amazing.
Obesity or fatness should not be a vehicle to fake self-esteem which leads to a misguided view that it’s a healthy lifestyle.
Do you even work, Fatty?
I’d take the comma out but it works either way.
That reminds me.
No. Yo vivo en la gloriosa nación socialista de Venezuela, donde todo es proporcionado y no hay necesidad de trabajar.
Speaking of, where is the bacon cut of an elephant? Are they similarly marbled?
This is an English Only website. Having math is bad enough, but now I have to know another language as well?
Fuck you, you racist Trump supporter.
Build the wall! Make Reason pay for it1
I think my results speak for themselves.
True, but that doesn’t justify all the self-appointed guardians of health to make the same goddamn point in the comment section in every one of these stories:
“These so-called size-positive people don’t get it! Obesity leads to DIABETES and HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE and HEART DISEASE! Stop pretending it’s good, you dummies!” It’s the anti-smoking Nazis moving on to a new “public health crisis”.
At least the fatties don’t insist you use different pronouns. (Not for their fatness, anyway. I’m sure a number of them are on the “44 genders” train.)
No, they just insist that you change what you find attractive. Juggling pronouns is nothing compared to that.
What you wrote – That is SOO hot!
Be cool. man. Not here, OK?
Ok, I admit that the woman in the link might be attractive if she loses 300 pounds. If she gains much more, she’ll be the next star of ‘My 600 Pound Life’. Is that nice enough?
I have the opposite problem.
Apparently I’m ‘too thin’.
Don’t forget your bad hair.
Here I thought your biggest problem was that you have Jim Hensen’s hand up your ass.
Well, that and the whole Canada thing…
you have Jim Hens[o]n’s hand up your ass
That’s just a hobby, though.
My God Trump has really made you people mean.
Apparently I’m ‘too thin’.
Hating you a little bit right now.
I have a similar problem, Rufus. Too gorgeous. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.
Infowars might be right about North Korea (broken clock, etc…).
Both satellites — if nuclear armed
Bahahaha, holy shit is that some paranoid garbage. North Korea’s constantly fucking up their launches, they wouldn’t be firing off nuclear armed satellites considering they’d have 50% chance of irradiating their own country.
Almost any nuclear weapon will do.
Bullshit. Remember when all those high altitude nuclear tests in the Cold War crippled the countries they detonated over? Me neither.
At least partially EMP-proofing the power grid is a good idea (and not just because of nukes, cosmic events are also a problem) but this is some fear-mongering nonsense.
Someone isn’t getting sufficiently scared enough.
The starfish test was done way the hell out over the ocean near atolls filled with primitives, my recollection is that there weren’t actually all that many high altitude tests. Although you are correct that the likely outcome of any singular EMP attack would be more likely annoying than severe depending on how the power distribution infrastructure responds. There won’t be any significant data loss, and most things that aren’t turned out will be OK.
I was thinking more about the Soviet Project K tests, where they specifically measured the effects of the EMP from atmospheric detonations over modern Kazakhstan. They accidentally trashed a power plant and some power lines as a result of a three hundred kiloton bomb. North Korea hasn’t tested anything over an estimated high of thirty.
I’m not saying there’s no danger at all from atmosphere detonations but former CIA asshole makes it sound like the North Koreans have a goddamn energy cannon in space that could cripple the U.S. That’s just retarded.
But they’re so secretive and inscrutably Asian! How do we know they don’t! We’re still at war, they could be plotting as we speak!
Real talk though, there are easier ways to cripple the power grid and you don’t need computers or a nuke to do it.
I’d go so far as to say they’re comically pedestrian. Which, of course, is why nobody bothers with trying to control that risk.
Bill DeBlasio wants to create more Eric Garners.
He also wants to make it more difficult for people to quit smoking
That’s the best way to make more cigarette smugglers, which will mean more cops are needed to look for said smugglers, which will mean more legislation will need to be passed to give more power to the cops who can’t find all the smugglers.
You can’t regulate the vapers. That cat’s out of the bag. Anyone can make e-juice at home.
Can’t do that with cigs.
Dear Bill:
Fuck you.
Yours etc.
I would love to see DeBlasio be violated by the gimp from Pulp Fiction.
Who do you think is in that black leather suit?
can you commission SF?
I will not enact his labor!
That’s a first.
I’ve had several friends who kept on smoking even after they were diagnosed with cancer. The only thing that stopped me from smoking was switching to vaping. Granted my cancer isn’t smoking related but does it matter? So far my doctors have been supportive of my vaping. Attitudes like De Blasio’s are going to cause more people to die.
Anyone heard from OMWC?
In re:?
That’s not something he knows much about.
Apparently Eureka Springs has a morel festival coming up, which sounds fun since I saw the American Family Association’s tourism video They’re Coming to Your Town:
I do so hate when my small Ozark town in an economic death spiral is taken over my militant homosexuals and revitalized.
Freakin’ homos are everywhere.
Homophobia is one of those things I cannot even begin to comprehend. Is there anything less intimidating than the average gay guy? Maybe a kitten with no legs, I really don’t know though.
An antifa with a weapon.
Is there anything less intimidating than the average gay guy?
You’ve clearly never spent time around muscle queens. They can snap your spine, and say catty hurtful things while doing it.
I’ve always heard older gay guys know how to fight because they were always having to defend their selves.
I said average, not the man-bear-queens you hang out with.
Also, I GIS’d ‘muscle queen’, and was very very pleasantly surprised.
I occasionally forget that 75% (more?) of the super muscular guys at the gym are likely gay.
I dunno about average, stereotypical probably, although I don’t know how well that stereotype will age.
Besides homos were never scary because of physical intimidation (although the Satyrs MC occasionally made that a thing), but because we were insidious, devious, and deviant from the norms that created social cohesion.
By that metric I’m a fucking serial killer.
Also, I GIS’d ‘muscle queen’, and was very very pleasantly surprised.
Holy shit, that’s a radically different result than I was expecting.
I think google might be broken.
You’ve just given me a wonderful new GMO product for my CRISPR kit.
Sorry, only the talent of Jack Chick could do justice to this parable for our times. With him dead, you may as well not bother.
Also the mayor’s name is Butch Berry.
That. Is. Priceless.
Man, I love morels. I just wish the freakin’ things weren’t so freakity-freak-freakin’ expensive.
Funny – I’ve been to Eureka Springs, and “known far and wide as a center for Christian entertainment” is only half the picture. “Known far and wide as a center for bikers, potheads, and other generally drugged-out southern hippie types” is just as accurate.
And by “Christian entertainment” they mean a theme park with a 100-ft tall “Christ of the Ozarks”.
A hub of traditionalism it ain’t.
I got married in Eureka Springs. To a girl even. It’s a fairly neat town. Lots of shops, some interesting churches, potheads, queers, and bikers all mixed together.
It’s an awesome town – I would live there if not for the awful climate.
I live about an hour and a half from there. you’re not an arky by any chance?
There is a rhythmic thumping from the trunk of the car, so I guess he’s OK back there.
Oh is he on another date?
He doesn’t know what he really wants.
Oregon man dies ‘peacefully’ after told Trump was impeached
I dunno if anyone posted this yet, but you guys will probably get a kick out of it.
“thank god Pence is in charge now”, he whispered.
final words he heard were that the president had been impeached.
His ‘best friend’ then covered his face with a sheet and beat him to death with a claw hammer.
It took 15 minutes but it was ‘peaceful’.
Okay, I laughed.
I think we should probably link to this piece periodically (and randomly) for YEARS, just to confuse occasional visitors with the obliquity of our in-jokes.
Have we talked about this one? I may have missed it between all the posts of that dead guy.
Right after Jesse’s post it probably looks like I’m trolling with that Hill article again. Seriously, there’s other stupid news out of Oregon!
Is there another kind of news from Cascadia?
They’re going to have a hard time convincing the rest of the state outside Portland and Eugene to go along with that. A big chunk of that would suddenly become part of the State of Jefferson, even if they were never part of the Jefferson movement before.
And convincing British Columbia that it should be American, for some reason?
Yeah, that too. But I can speak for Oregonians more than Canadians, since I am one.
“We would be a country without Ontario and Quebec.” – this gets you all non-progs
“We would also have no Alberta” – and now progs are onboard.
“You no longer get to smugly pretend you’re some kind of civilized North American ‘Europeans’ instead of the stupid and racist southern savages.”
Never underestimate the power of insecure Canadian nationalism.
Huh? The whole point of Cascadia is to be NOT-AMERICAN!
Yes but the majority of the population is ‘culturally American’. The Canadians would be overwhelmed pretty quickly.
Actually now that I think about it, in a secession based scenario, does the U.S. get dejure rights to B.C. once they take back their states by military means, or do we just back them up and roll into Vancouver?
Do they want to go bankrupt?
This sounds like something out of a Rand novel.
Don’t they know Apple and Whole Foods are both corporations?
Worse yet, the Whole Foods CEO is a libertarian!
huh, worse yet looks wrong. Did I do an english?
Wouldn’t you like to know!
I would!
One day when in Wholefoods, I’m going to tell one of the smug hipster douchebags that so that I can watch them faint and fall face down into a bin of organic kale.
Record it for an article here!
I think I’ve told this story before, but the first boulder whole foods we went to when we moved here had a hippie couple near the front door. I walked by them and heard the lady ask her boyfriend “Do they have it in organic?” in the most pot head-y kind of way. Heavy on the inflections?
Of course they have it in fucking organic.
I’ve been noticing a lot of stores lately have two options for every food product: the cheap, crappy one, and the expensive one with the “organic” tax. Fuck that.
I sometimes see them preening over the sickly looking organic produce. And I’m thinking, yeah you’re really smart paying 3 times the price for shitty produce with zero scientific evidence of it being better for you or safer.
I don’t buy produce there, I buy some at Fresh Market, but not organic. But it does look really good. We buy most of our produce at the local Asian markets.
The GMO stuff is empirically safer by virtue of having been tested for safety. Non-GMO produce has no testing requirement.
I get produce and good meat at Sprouts, which is like whole foods or something but a lot cheaper. They have that GMO stuff and the organic.
everything else is king sooper, which I think is just Kroger.
All the organic lettuce looks like garbage at my local grocer. I always go for the cheaper, bigger and healthier ones. An added bonus – they take weeks longer to go bad, which reduces my food waste (I don’t have a family to feed, so getting through an entire head of lettuce in 2 weeks is difficult).
Sprouts is great, but their selection is limited.
Wow. What else is there? Just muni-bonds?
“estimated that the revenue that will be lost in the move could pay for 285 affordable housing units, 85 wheelchair-accessible curb ramps, or over 600 new beds for the city’s homeless shelters.”
I need to get into the wheelchair-accessible curb ramp business.
So a housing unit costs much less than a curb? I dont believe thats correct
These are really nice curbs! They have the rubber mats on them and everything.
It IS Portland, though.
I am trying to figure out why a city has an investment portfolio.
Pensions for assholes sitting on the city council?
That is some A-level derp.
Aha, you thought you could fool me, but that’s a fictional name. Real life is NOT this on-point!
Kookson would be more fitting.
I really don’t understand why a Jewish person would be a peacenik.
I don’t understand why anyone would be a brain-dead communist, but there it is.
Like I was saying earlier, progs have a two step program.
1. Vow to redistribute wealth.
2. Destroy all the wealth that was to be redistributed.
“Portland has $539 million invested in corporations this year, City Treasurer Jennifer Cooperman told local journalists soon after the vote. Cooperman also said the divestment would cost the city over $4.5 million in 2017 “and even more the following year,” The Oregonian reported.”
““This is a win,” Hyung Nam, then a member of the SRIC, told The Oregonian. “The city is actually willing to lose money to their budget because they want to get out of these big corporate nightmares,” Nam said.”
Wow. Just. Wow. It’s going to be so much fun bailing out their city in a decade or two. Fucking retards.
Burried at the end of the story:
“Mayor Tad Wheeler — who, though he voted yes in order to support his colleagues and constituents, disagrees personally with the blanket divestment — estimated that the revenue that will be lost in the move could pay for 285 affordable housing units, 85 wheelchair-accessible curb ramps, or over 600 new beds for the city’s homeless shelters.”
Spineless prick.
The goose is on the loose. In a related story, the bird has now officially been endorsed for the title of ‘the word’. For more on this story, we turn to our local correspondent:
Have they tried calling Meg Ryan in? Because as soon as she shows up Goose is doomed.
Tomboy! She baffles science.
The kids get it. But the grown-ups do not. While celebrating the diversity of sexual and gender identities, we also need to celebrate tomboys and other girls who fall outside the narrow confines of gender roles. Don’t tell them that they’re not girls.
My daughter is happy with her body and comfortable with the way she looks, thousands of times happier and more comfortable than I am or ever have been. She is my hero. Or rather, my heroine.
The kid is a tomboy. Big fucking deal.
But her mommy gets to prance and preen for us in the NYT because woke is in.
Reason #38564 the media is dying: Reporters now think being the loud-mouthed parent who won’t shut up about their child is newsworthy.
Back when I was a kid, in somewhat more sane times, we just knew them as tomboys. It was never a big deal. Some of them grew out of it and became quite feminine. Some stayed like that. No one fucking cared. First world problems, sick of em.
As retarded as this is, I’m eager for a shift back to allowing girls to be tomboys and that being considered normal rather than all these fucking morons I’m subjected to in my profession all deciding they’re not women anymore because they don’t wear pearls and dresses while vacuuming or some other bullshit idea that they’ve derived from their imaginary sitcom version of the 1950s.
Seriously, “I’m not a woman, I’m agender/non-binary/genderqueer, use this retarded-ass pronoun for me,” is a thing that needs to die.
Yes, please.
The fact that “my child is NOT transgendered” is news delights my absurdity-loving soul. I have no idea why everyone decided that reality should become The Onion compilation, but if that means more Smoove B, I’m in!
My 5 year old boy likes bb guns and 4 wheelers. He also hates peas and loves to get dirty. This should be National news.
Na. We need to up the anty somehow.
Why must parents of all political stripes completely fabricate shit like this.
“My little Braxlee just said, ‘Mommy, why can’t the people in Syria look at their commonalities and realize their shared monotheistic traditions can create a bridge towards peace if everyone just puts aside their ego.’ LOL OMG isn’t she just adorbz?!?”
Like most things, I chalk it up to having fewer kids later in life. Get a grip, America
Yeah, setting a good example for little Braxlee there, mommy, making up fantastical lies to post on the internet. Maybe she’ll grow up to work for CNN.
What kind of monster names their kid Braxlee?
That’s the first comment. If your daughter is reallylucky, she’ll grow up to be me: a loser posting on NYT articles
Crikey, you actually read NYT comments? I mean more than once, of course. NYT comments hurt my brain. They’re the only thing that can top the incredibly stupid yet boring articles by Friedman and Bruni.
No mention of significant other or children. I’m calling it, Evolutionary Dead End.
I pray to a god I don’t believe in that that is true. I really hope that she does not pro-create or have any meaningful impact on anybody other than as an influence of what not to become.
Always good to hear from the front line grunts fighting in the Gender Wars. Thank you for your service,
missMa’am.that was as much fun as it sounds.
The old bag must be a real blast at parties.
Are you insinuating that being a total beotch cunt in public won’t make you popular?
I dunno, I don’t think it’s made anyone like you less, Hyp.
Well, you may have a point there. *beams with pride*
I wad reading the comments to some fake news posted on Facebook earlier. Every comment was somewhat sane until this one raging feminazi dropped like 6 f bombs in her word salad. So edgy.
I think “progressives” are under the impression that vulgarity enhances the quality of their writing.
Goose versus cop! (even moar fun, check!)
Holy shit, that video *is* even moar fun, but the music is terrible.
As a White Devil I rely heavily on Tricknology in my day-to-day life. However, lately, my Tricknology Power Reserve (TPR) is drained to a sub-optimal level and I can’t seem to get it back into the green on the power readout. It’s stubbornly stuck on amber. Luckily it has not dipped into red, that would be disastrous.
Certainly some of you have been run-down in this way in the past and re-energized, what do you suggest?
Me reading this:
Can’t you just siphon off a little of your HUGE supply of privilege and transform it into some reserve tricknology?
I’ve been too stingy to buy the adapters. Maybe I just need to do it.
Privilege is a solid state and doesn’t change. It’s not a sleep number bed. You were born a white devil and a white devil you remain.
Waning tricknology levels are indicative of his impotence and nothing else.
I’m pretty sure you’re not a doctor.
And I’m pretty sure you’re not a sea vagina but there’s your avatar pic right there by your handle.
But honestly… Have you killed your passions for devilishment? Have you attained 360 Degrees of Knowledge?
B Vitamins, Creatine, and Beta Alanine
I can tell you that stimulant drugs will take care of all of your problems and then return them tenfold. Just get some nutrition, exercise, and sleep.
nutrition, exercise, sunlight and sleep.
That 2nd link is harsh.
If they want John to come over and comment, they should just send him an email.
For the goose vs cop story.
Anyone who has ever spent any significant amount of time around geese knows that a momma goose sitting on her nest is a vicious critter. I was flogged when I was 6 or 7 years old and learned my lesson. When you start to get too close, a goose will hiss at you like a snake. That means stop. Any closer and the goose will come at you like a whirling dervish…
Playa also has goosperience he may be entreated to share.
I was stopping a duck murder.
Experience with goo?
Geese are fucking hatred with wings.
Geese are good for shooting and not much else. They aren’t even particularly good to eat unless they are really dressed up.
There’s a little town near me where there is a parking lot that allows easy river access and someone put in some gumball machines only filled with pellets that geese like.
What happens is when you drive up and exit your car the geese mob you and force you over to the machines. After you throw a bunch of pellets at them they leave you alone and you can go see the river.
And then you have to run the gauntlet when you leave.
Whatever, you love every minute of geese nipping at your nethers.
So they’ll shoot a dog for waging its tail but they take that from a flying shit-machine?
Double-tap that fucker.
At least drop kick the damn thing. I promise if you punted that cunt into the street it would have thought twice about doing it again.
As a kid I was playing around with a nesting goose. I can’t remember if it was me or my friend but one of us tossed a rock that landed in the nest smashing a few eggs. The goose made this heaving sobbing wheezey noise and turned to the nest and started eating the smashed eggs. The seriously disturbed me and I no longer mess with geese.
I would have far more respect for Rick Santorum if he had eaten that miscarriage rather then just bringing it home for his other kids to play with.
Jesus. We’ve reached an all time low in commenting.
Or not!
You can’t prove he didn’t eat it! Maybe he just wanted to share.
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And then you get 19,000 additional spam emails a day? It’s a trap!
Haven’t so far. But I’ll let you know!
Between Hernandez and O’Reilly, today is quite the news day.
I don’t watch Fox. But does anyone really mourn the fact that guy is going away? He’s an insufferable ass.
Which one are you referring to? *looks innocent*
Well, someone will miss him. People did buy those books written by
him andsome other guy.That other guy hardest hit
His next book, “Killing My Career”, will be a best seller.
His next book, “Killing My Career”, will be a best seller.
Boom. We have a winner.
I’d buy that.
What about that poor fucker in Oregon? At least he died peacefully.
Another 1000 livrs runied by Clinton idiocy.
That should say lives not livrs.
Oh.. I was hoping she passed out free booze or something.
Obviously you never got to fly on one of hr State Dept junkets. The stories of her liquor bills are legendary.
Look, we all drank a lot around the election.
Yeah, but most of us didn’t have 999 liver transplants .
Is this the part that Chelsea is getting a humanitarian award for?
Nothing disturbing about this one….nosiree.
I really enjoy how a large percentage of the population has openly admitted they’re pathetic. I’m losing patience with Trump but at least his mere existence tore the masks off everyone.
“As their decision stands now, it’s permanent,” said Amanda Aguilar Shank, a member of the radical left-wing group Enlace, which describes itself as an “international multiracial multisector alliance that does capacity-building training and engages in strategic campaigning for the self-determination of the working people.”
“We can rest assured in Portland that our money won’t be funding prisons, pipelines, and the occupation of Palestine,” Shank added.
Not to mention schools, roads, and pensions. Good work.
Is there anybody left in Portland smart enough to tie a knot in a rope?
Not since Aaron Hernandez visited.
What a surprise! You lower your standards for admittance and then the poor dears have problems keeping up.
Those frail STEM majors!
From the second link:
‘My FAT driver is questioning if I am healthy’: Outraged Tess Holliday posts footage of an Uber driver asking about her cholesterol, as the size 22 star vows never to use the company again
Sise 22 what, stone?
Your British is showing. Stone is a verb in America.
In a subsequent interview, she was quoted as having said “my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard“.
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they’re like “Ma’am, it’s illegal to own and operate a business in a residential zone”
That chick named her milkshake “Stampy”.
Tess is such a fat chick name.
It’s right up there with “Cass” and “Rosie.”
Thats my wifes name jerk. And shes no fattie. Not even Thicc ubfortunately
I worked with a little punker girl named Tess back in the 90’s. I was 26, and she just turned 18 and we made out. Alot. That was a good Fall.
She was petite. An elf, practically.
“Judy” is a reliable lesbian name, although not 100% reliable.
Portland has $539 million invested in corporations this year, City Treasurer Jennifer Cooperman told local journalists soon after the vote. Cooperman also said the divestment would cost the city over $4.5 million in 2017 “and even more the following year,” The Oregonian reported.
“This is a win,” Hyung Nam, then a member of the SRIC, told The Oregonian. “The city is actually willing to lose money to their budget because they want to get out of these big corporate nightmares,” Nam said.
“This is a historic vote that makes Portland a national leader in recognizing the interconnectedness of the harm that is done to our communities by corporations in the name of the bottom line,” said Maxine Fookson, a member of the group Jewish Voice for Peace, following the vote.
Holy fuck. Wall it off, and then nuke it from space.
I must admit, they’re the first municipality I’ve ever seen that is joyously leaping headlong into a fiscal crisis. Usually, they slow-burn this shit.
Can I be the one to tell her that Labor Unions and Non-Profits are corporations too? Please?
Wow, huge social signaling win, dude. Just awesome. Meanwhile, also in Portland, “anarchists” are patching potholed streets the city can’t, or won’t, fix.
They’re the heroes Portland deserves, but not the ones it needs right now.
If I lived in Tucson it might be a good use of my time to start a gofundme page to start one of these there. Just to screw with the city.
Alas, the only problem I have with the streets in Phoenix is that part of the 51 where it curves east around Squaw Peak and the pavement wore down from everyone “accelerating out of the corner.”
The best part about Phoenix are the optional speed limit ‘suggestions’ on all of the freeways.
I give those suggestions great weight before taking those curves at 75 mph.
You just need the right car. Failing that, good tires will do wonders.
I am a cheap bastard of epic proportions, but I have never been tempted to go cheap on tires. Physics is a harsh mistress.
It is this mindset that has kept me from buying a motorcycle.
I have one, but I generally stay off the highways.
Wow, these anarchists are out of control. You can’t just be patching roads without government! It’s never been done!
I don’t believe you’ll have to do any of that, it sounds like it will implode all on its own.
I was wondering how the city expected to pay their pension obligations (especially knowing how Prog havens love to lard on the government employee bennies).
I guess they’ll try to dump it on the rest of us through a bailout.
Serious question: has a state or local pension plan ever been bailed out by the feds? Because it seems to be that such an arrangement would constitute taxation without representation. People in other states don’t get to vote for or against the morons in, say, California, so how could we possibly be made to pay for their budget shortfalls?
Holy fuck. Wall it off, and then nuke it from space.
Actually, the Portlanders are doing a pretty good job of that without the use of fission weapons. It’s environmental!
Spurred by Vancouver’s Foreign Debils You No Buy House Tax, Ontario is moving to make sure furriners stay in their place.
One link per post, but in the article is a link to Toronto emergency meeting about dropping house prices, and the link to Vancouver tax, for context.
And this is not even their final form!
About the goose story. Did the officer make it home? #bluelivesmatter
The MST3K revival is spectacular.
Best Boy?
He was a grip of some sort.
Dirty little fucker.
I just like to say “best boy”.
Something I received this morning in my inbox:
“In this evaluation of the most recent, comprehensive public reporting of VA hospital quality that can be compared with non-VA hospitals, we found that VA hospitals performed better than non-VA hospitals for most outcome measures, but VA hospitals performed worse on certain patient experience measures and behavioral health measures.”
Excellent. So best case scenario is the outcome will probably be fine, assuming they can schedule you in the first place. More likely scenario is somebody got paid off.
performed worse on certain patient experience measures
So it’s the fault of the patients for complaining.
Don’t worry, they’ll fix that on their
lastnext visit.If they stay on a waiting list until they die, then they’re not technically a patient, and they won’t be part of the survey. Problem solved!
I will defend my employer slightly in that there are Vets who will bitch about ANYTHING. These are the worst type of welfare queen because in some sense they actually did earn something.
Then there are the ones that will bitch because a doctor refused to renew their prescriptions for Fentanyl, Ambien and anabolic steroids. Seriously, that guy needed all three of those apparently to continue his pastimes which are weightlifting, shooting in the desert, and hitting a punching bag with bare knuckles.
After a while you take complaints with a grain of salt.
Elizabeth Warren’s potty mouth
“When she got into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame, she claimed she was “Okie down to her toes.” Now, on page 208 of her new book, “This Poop is Our Poop,” we find out that something Michael Bloomberg said “scares me down to my toes.”
Well, she’s always lying down to her toes, that’s for sure.
That was hilarious, Man is he relentless.
She’s out flagging her book. So is Bernie.
Rand Paul is spending his recess giving people the ability t see again…pro bono.
But the GOP are the heartless, greedy ones.
But they meeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn well, and that’s all that counts.
Will they all let me smother them with a pillow if I lie to them and say Trump has been impeached first?
I couldn’t do it. I’d whisper that he was re-elected instead.
I imagine something like this:
Nice. Then there’s this:
US to Norks = Don’t Start No Shit, Won’t Be No Shit
*for those who don’t know the reference… see: Youngbloodz = “Dam”
i personally think the US Navy should blast that out of speakers as part of a Psyops campaign
When someone says ‘I don’t want any trouble’ it either means they’re afraid of you or they don’t want the trouble of beating your brain out of your head through your ear. If that person is armed, you can cross one of those options off the list.
From the Portland link:
Cooperman also said the divestment would cost the city over $4.5 million in 2017 “and even more the following year,” The Oregonian reported.
Mayor Tad Wheeler — who, though he voted yes in order to support his colleagues and constituents, disagrees personally with the blanket divestment — estimated that the revenue that will be lost in the move could pay for 285 affordable housing units, 85 wheelchair-accessible curb ramps, or over 600 new beds for the city’s homeless shelters.
If they’re paying* $1300 a month in rent, $7,500 per cot or $53,000 per wheelchair ramp, the people of Portland ought to be stringing them up from lampposts. Because they’re not meeting their fiduciary responsibilities in an way, shape or form.
*I’m being generous and assuming he was talking annually.
Come on man, you didn’t even account for graft and cronyism. Those numbers are conservative.
Funny that the journalist from The Oregonian didn’t even think to do math in his/her head and ask a follow up.
Ha… I remember $1300 rent.
? Those were the days… ?
What a friggin week. This is our vacation and we rented a house up in Tahoe to ski and hang with the kids. Easter Sunday I threw my back out from an old injury, so no skiing so far. Then last nite my two and four year old are in the shower and just as I’m about to grab them out my two year old closes the glass door and it explodes. And i do mean explodes. He didn’t even seem to close it that hard. Glass rained everywhere and he got seriously cut and my four year old got a bunch of nicks. We ended up in the ER till almost 11 and he got a couple dozen stitches. Now have to call up the rental company to tell them.
The shower door wasn’t shatter-proof glass? I smell a free vacation every year for the rest of your life.
Also, hope your little one is ok.
That sucks. Rough way to vacation.
That happened when i was a kid. i only got cut on my feet, but it could have freaking split me in half. My parents had the same reaction = ‘who built these goddamn things’?
I recall there being some showers that had heavy-glass doors back in the day. have never seen one in years. I think whomever made the things realized it wasn’t actually the ideal long-term material for something that was going to be heated up repeatedly and then jarred. I’ve seen the same thing happen to glassware in the wash, where they might have a micro-fracture, which expands in the heat… then when you touch the thing, it just “pops” and shatters.
Wow, ow ow. Glad that you and your brood are going to survive. Sorry your vacation sucked. It was a decent time to be up there. I’m having some serious post-ski-season blues.
Thanks y’all. Yeah, he closed it harder than I would have, but he is two and it didn’t seem that hard. I was doing a bunch of research on shower doors and it apparently happens a fair amount. It is due to the tempering process, which makes it better than huge glass shards, but any small imperfection or nick can make it explode. And when it does it is not like auto glass that sticks together, but it instantly goes into a million pieces. There are even a bunch of cases of it happening when no one is even in the shower. I’m not really the suing type, I don’t think it was any fault really of anyone. I’m just glad they didn’t get hurt worse. The little dude is a trooper, he is going around all day saying, “bad shower door.”
mine did the same thing when i was a kid, but we were pulling the door out to replace it. I remember bleeding a lot for such shallow cuts. there were a lot of them though.
Glad he’s taking it like a champ.
Yeah, thanks. He and his bro got a bunch of nicks, but one piece must’ve not broken down and gashed him up proper.
I spent a very drunk night picking bits of shower door glass out of a friend back a few years ago. He barely touched the thing.
Go on…
Actually the night did get a little weird with the friend telling me he wished he were gay since he thought we’d make a great couple, but there was a disappointing lack of shenanigans
I’ve often said that as much as I enjoy sex it’s a damn shame I’m not bi cause it is severely limiting my potential.
Psht, I believe in you Vhyrus. Be the indiscriminate sex hound you know yourself to be deep down inside.
Dude! No one here expects the truth, just pretend it’s a letter to Penthouse. “I never expected this to happen to me…”
When my brother and I were teenagers we heard a really loud bang in the kitchen. When we went down to see what happened, we found that our sliding glass door for the deck area had shattered simply due to the difference in temperature from the inside of the house vs. the outside. The shattered glass was fractured all over, but still standing straight up as if it was still firmly kept in place by the plastic edges of the door. I remember my brother keeping me back as he poked the shattered glass with a broomstick. It fell and got everywhere.
I remember those cuts stinging like nothing else.
The bath/shower glass did that to me. It was new, but wasn’t hung right/sealed/whatever, so when I shut it, it fell onto the rim of the tub and shattered into a bazillion pieces. I guess because it’s ‘safety glass’ that’s why it broke into tiny bits — no large shards to really slice anything – but it did cut my feet and it was briefly terrifying. So hugs to your little guys, that’s no fun at all.
Now have to call up the rental company to tell them.
Do you mean, now you have to have your lawyer call the rental company? Is it an old property? Shower doors should not be doing that these days.
Tempered glass is very strong along it’s face but extremely weak on it’s edges. All it takes is one good smack at the right spot on the edge and it comes apart like a c-4 packed house of cards.
It is a new door, but from research it looks like vhyrus is right. If there are any imperfections or even a minor nick or crack it explodes without much force put on it, especially from the side. I think the piece that got him good was from the roller track that had glass all around it.
White Man Government Reverse 200 Year Policy of Feeding Fire Water to Original People Great Spirit Angered; Great Spirit Hate Drive to Walmart
Make alcoholics drive exponentially farther every day on poorly lit, maintained, and patrolled roads and into higher population areas. I can think of absolutely no negative unintended consequences from this decision.
They have good intentions. Ergo, only good results will come of it.
So they basically said those little, Red Devils lack any self control whatsoever?
Because that’s how I read it.
There’s no other way to read it, as that’s exactly what they’re saying. I guess all that firewater talk was real. Better stop this or the savages will get fire sticks next.
Its so insulting on so many levels that they’d treat an entire race as savages that lack any form of self-control or -ownership.
If I were an Indian, I’d be going berserk about how this makes me feel subhuman. Or I’d not give a shit because I was drunk. But it’d be one of those.
Well at least now we know how the white debils really conquered North America. Beer.
I just realized that was a hilariously awesome name for a Indian Reservation Liquor Retailer = “GREAT SPIRIT WIRE + SPIRITS” (30% off Crazy Horse Malt Liquor)
!)*(@#$()!* spellcheck
There’s a liquor store in southern Michigan that has a name something like that and has a giant wooden Indian outside. I can’t remember the name as I’ve only driven by it one time.
What the fuck is it with this 1890s temperance movement belief that distilled alcohol is devil juice but beer is a wholesome beverage that you can drink in front of your kids?
How does one say ‘let’s do it in the butt’ in millennial speak?
“I have coachella VIP tickets.”
The bigger problem is when you have to go to the local ServiceOntario and get the special Butt Sex Consent forms in triplicate, then get them notarized.
I think they watch an instructional-video about “pegging”
The killings in Venezuela seem to be starting
Shit, wrong killings. I was hoping to read a story about a group jumping down on a squad of soldiers from a rooftop and beating them to death with bricks before taking their weapons.
I was hoping to read a story about a group jumping down on a squad of soldiers from a rooftop and beating them to death with bricks before taking their weapons.
Hopefully that’s later on.
I guess the killings will continue until morale improves.
Well if morale is cumulative then killings actually would improve it.
Sounds like my workplace….
I blame capitalism.
So does Maduro. Although, I think he means it.
Who wants to go to the theater?
I almost spit my coffee twice. Once when I read ‘broke restless and horny Karl Marx’, and again when I read the writer’s actual name is Mr. Bean.
Did you want me to vomit? Because your sharing this news is having that effect.
Is there no end to this shit? What other vile historical figures are going to get this treatment?
Pol Pot, So Hot!
Suddenly Stalin
Gacy: The Musical
Springtime for Hitl fuck too late.
Saddam A Bitch!
Arafat In Paris
Bono: The Man and His Music
I love that you’ve got one regular guy linked together with two psychopathic mass murders like Saddam and Bono.
Ah see whut yew did thar.
Next thing you know, they’ll make a movie out of The Motorcycle Diaries.
What’s the over under on tickets costing >$1,000 each?
It depends. If it’s a comedy they should be expensive AF. If it’s supposed to portray him in a positive light then you should be forced to either clean up the theater after the performance or help set up before the show to be allowed in.
The Reflex has again released another double-handful of new remixes
included (the link is Nina Simone) =
– more MJ (‘PYT)
– more EW+F (‘September’)
– Chaka Khan (‘I’m Every Woman’)
– Marvin Gaye (‘Got to Give it Up’)
– Diana Ross (‘Love Hangover’)
– Kid Creole (‘Male Curiosity’)
– more Talking Heads (Burning down the house)
– The Jam (‘Going Underground’)
that last one is pretty cool
1 or 2 of these might be re-uploads, but most seem new
The Reflex? He’s an only child, just waiting by the park.
No duran duran
What network is the Caps-Leafs on tonight?
Found it. I better stop watching, though – they’re up 3. I’m-a jinx it.