You ever have a week that feels like its never going to end? Like you’re barely to the midpoint yet you’re absolutely sure you’ve already ran an entire marathon? Well that’s what this week feels like to me. So while it may feel like I’m bringing you Friday morning links, we’re merely at Wednesday. (Joy of joys!). Anyway, here they are.

Democrat Candidate, Jon Ossoff
The Georgia 6th District special election is headed to a runoff. This is not a HuffPo link, but I did read the HuffPo story on it and the comments are full of people accusing the GOP of rigging the rules to make sure someone had to get over 50% to avoid a runoff, complaining that other Dems didn’t drop out so he could win (even though they did not account for the difference in his performance and the 50% threshold) and that rules designed to keep blacks from the polls are still keeping seats from their rightful “owners”. And oddly enough, hardly any mention of the fact that he doesn’t even live in the district. So be thankful, those few of you that actually open the links, that I linked to a local story rather than HuffPo’s.

Aaron Hernandez: dead.
Is Bill O’Reillyabout to get his walking papers from Rupert Murdoch?
Touching/Sad/Hilarious/Pathetic/Creepy/Bullshit story out of Oregon, depending on your perspective.
Aaron Hernandez found dead in his prison cell. Good riddance, you piece of shit.
Here’s your lesson, lady: when you have a cop help you break the law and you get caught, expect to be the only one penalized.
I guess that means guilty?
I don’t even recognize the name
Hey everyone, look at uncivil. He is so anti-sports he will even refuse to acknowledge a high profile murder case involving an ex-NFL player.
No, I honestly never heard of the case before.
Of course I should have expected derision from “cool” folks instead of a brief summary blurb.
He was able to run a predefined route and when a football was tossed his way he could catch it most of the time. After catching the ball he could then advance the ball in the correct direction and even push over a few of the opponents trying to impede his progress.
Is that you, Madden?
No, that would have read,
“Yeah, ya know, ya get that big tight end, he runs over the middle, Brady’s right there with the throw, BOOM! Then, ya know, he turns up field, but he’s so big, and he’s so strong, they com up to make the hit, and BOOM! He runs right over em!”
“In-DEED, John. Second and ten from the nineteen…John, are you drunk?”
“Just trying to keep up with you, Pat. BOOM!”
Thanks Stupid, that is what was in my head but couldn’t get out using actual words.
And that’s worth millions of dollars a year. Fascinating.
Supply and demand baby, huge demand for the product, only really 4 or 5 people on the entire planet capable of doing it as well as he did when he was still in the league
He covered the highlights.
From what I’ve read, I’m not sure there are any details that make it more comprehensible. It’s like a lottery winner getting popped knocking over liquor stores.
If you were not being deliberately obtuse then I apologize.
*hands uncivil an unsalted, unflaovred cracker as a peace offering*
It’s just that I live under a rock most of the time. From what I can glean from the comments here, he killed some people and recently offed himself.
(Also, ‘Sports’ sites are blocked from work. So espn links don’t work.)
@UnCivil – Read this timeline, Hernandez is a classic example of what happens when you give a thug a pass for all of their violent actions while they’re growing up simply because they are good at catching a ball. They grow up and start shooting people for spilling drinks on them because they think they can get away with it.
I just realized you said “sports” sites are blocked at your work. *facepalm* My bad.
A lifeless, grey rock.
Couldn’t you just steal OMWC’s leftover Passover matzoth instead?
In case you hadn’t noticed, this site is called “Glibertarians” not “Nice Friendly People Who Will Accommodate Any and All Ignorances”
No shit, Sherlock!
I never heard of it either, UnCivil. If that makes you feel better.
Fair evidence of a guilty conscience.
Curious timing in that he waited until the day after being acquitted for a different murder.
Hail Mary?
No pity for the POS from me. He got the “golden ticket” and he pissed it away with repeated immoral acts. Good riddance to bad trash.
“Aaron Hernandez found dead in his prison cell. Good riddance, you piece of shit”
I was going to start him this weekend on my National Felon League All-Prison team this weekend.
It is *fantasy* football. Even dead characters make comebacks.
Then I’m gonna kick your ass unless you’ve got a deep bench. I have Rae Carruth, OJ Simpson and Josh Brent in as starters for my team.
How did I end up with a roster of corrupt politicians? They didn’t even play!
The story I read on the Georgia election sounds like the old headline joke:
Democrats ahead in early voting, Republicans getting out of work now.
Me, I am waiting for all the leftie denunciations of money pouring into the…oh, nevermind….
That’s funny
I love the lefties answer on the carpet bagging angle. They say “well he loves less than 10 miles from the district and moved so his girlfriend can go to medical school.
10 miles. In metro Atlanta. That’s probably across three districts. But it’s ok. His mommy lives there, so he’s entitled to run.
Fucking hypocrites.
Old joke: My dad was a lifelong Republican until the day he died. Then he became a Democrat.
Didnt ossoff say he was a grassroots movement and not outside dark money? Even though he raised significantly more and most outside
If he’s “grassroots”, then they’re resodding the movement from the district he actually lives in. Because he doesn’t live in GA-06.
Harvard Business School paper:
Survival of the Fittest: The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Firm Exit
So minimum wage increases means the snooty – white liberal? – restaurants survive..
“lower quality” Love the value judgement crammed into that claim.
It’s a fair judgment, but what they leave out is that low(er) quality = inexpensive = best value for poor people who feel like eating out instead of cooking. So the minimum wage hikes are hosing the poor coming (job losses) and going (higher prices).
If a business cannot provide a living wage it should not exist
What would happen if I opened a restaurant where I paid employees 25$ an hour, including my illegal Mexicans, but was allowed to discriminate against any customer for whatever reason?
The government would step in and fix exactly one of “your” problems.
I’m getting so cynical, I’m starting to just assume this is a feature and not a bug.
“Can you imagine if that filthy hamburger shack and that Mexican restaurant that serves *shudders* hard shell tacos could be turned into an ironic bowling alley themed hamburger emporium and authentic Oaxacan migrant owned and operated community pillar?!”
Yupster progressives will be the death of us all
Food deserts, “high salt” warnings, calorie counts…
Of course it’s a feature. They’re not hiding it.
This… I just… I can’t….. oh fuck it all….
They actually used arbitrary and subjective ‘five-star ratings’ in their study?
Well it is an econ paper, so everything they use will be subjective. At first I felt like there was some value judgement, but in the end it all makes sense. From the clip I read it didn’t seem like they weresaying it’s a good thing. Some restaurants are lower quality than others. (Bob’s Diner vs Ruth’s Chris). That doesn’t mean one is deserving. If anything it shows how the minimum wage impacts the less connected over the more well connected. Like it always has.
Well that’s OK, the Dems can’t be held responsible for every undercapitalized small business in America.
(an oldie but goodie from the 1993 health care debate; Hillary Clinton was an elitist shitbird way back then, too).
Wow, the effect of minimum wage laws are felt most strongly at the margins? I wonder if anyone has ever thought of that. If I ever write an econ textbook, I’ll put that in there.
I’ll call it the Simon Sez effect. I’ll be famous!!
So typical POOR PEOPLE MOST AFFECTED? Color me shocked.
All snark aside, yes. Capital Y-E-S.
Man With Two Homes And A Lake House Whines About People Being Too Rich…
Have not clicked. First thought – Bernie
Yep, Bernie.
Without clicking, Bernie?
Hey is it Bernie?
Also, he’s complaining about proposals to abolish the death tax.
By what right does the state have title to the effects of a person just because they died? One final indignity and “fuck you” to the deceased.
When I’m on my death bed, I hope my ex-wife shows up and tells me they’ve abolished the inheritance tax. That way I can die in peace.
I’m sure she will. What are best friends for if not that?
Is she going to strangle you as soon as they eliminate it?
+1 George Steinbrenner
The only justification I’ve heard is from someone who was jealous they personally didn’t inherit wealth. So I guess the point is to penalize the heirs.
Also, nice site ya got here.
Glad you made it!
Hey! It’s thst guy from the other place!
Fast Runner! How’s it hangin’?
Pretty soon all that’s gonna be left of The Other Site’ll be three trolls screaming at each other constantly. That’ll be pleasant . . .
Spend the shit out of it on your way out.
Income tax: the most immoral of all.
The revenue raised by the tax is essentially equal to the costs to comply. People plan around it by making economically stupid decisions. Of course Bernie loves the estate tax.
2? I thought it was 3.
Love the people defending his hypocrisy in the thread. Just 3 modest homes. No big deal.
This week is dragging. In fact, I feel like I’ve seen this 3 times already
*winky face*
But seriously, I’d probably rather be shived to death than hang myself. Having to fight every instinct in your body for more than a minute while you strangle yourself? That’s a no for me, dawg.
meh if you do it right you’re out in 8 seconds. Not too terrible
In a prison cell, you often don’t have what you need for a clean break.
For sure. I’d assume a low drop hanging so no neck break. So you need to make sure it’s a blood choke and not an air choke. Assholes in Judo and BJJ who don’t tap out have shown me that about 8 seconds should be all you need if you successfully clamp the carotid artery.
Especially since the NFL banned the horse collar
*polite applause*
Indianapolis Colts hardest hit.
Not the Broncos?
Broncos are tough. Colts are dainty.
Deja Linkvu?
We’re catching up with the rest of the states… kind of. Maybe someday we will have some of those fancy horseless carriages I’ve been hearing about.
Baby steps, Haybob, baby steps…
woah – I’m always confused by the bizarro-booze laws when I visit other states. I mean i can buy beer, booze, and wine all in the same store! Michigan does have some liquor laws – mostly pricing – but the stuff is widely available (it has to be to live here).
Just a few years ago Kansas dropped a law that banned happy hours. Any bar specials had to be all day. To get around the laws, bars would do specials where they setup their inventory delivery to arrive at 5 PM and would only order enough to last a few hours.
I remember that from Arizona. That was nice.
You want fucked up? Hit some counties up in Texas that are still dry.
Or try to buy any alcohol in Maryland in a non-state store.
Technically the counties run the stores in Maryland…
Only in a handful of counties, most notably Montgomery. Most counties (esp. PG, Howard, Frederick, Anne Arundel, Baltimore) have private liquor stores. Maryland’s biggest state-wide weirdness is that, with few exceptions*, alcohol cannot be sold in grocery or convenience stores. A lot of counties still ban some or all alcohol sales on Sundays, too.
* = These exceptions include a handful of stores in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties that were grandfathered in, and some counties on the Eastern Shore
Which county is Ocean City in?
We still have plenty of dry counties too.
It’s Pennsylvania, not Maryland, that requires all stores selling alcohol to be state-run.
The Communistwealth of Pennsylvania.
Kentucky… Burbounland is half dry?
JD is made in a dry county.
Is louisville dry? I was going to visit the Evan Williams distillary on the same day I visited the baseball bat factory (they’re literally down the street from each other)
No idea. I only learned about JD in their recent commercial. Otherwise I know exactly zero about Kentucky.
Evan Williams has a distillery? I thought they just took water, and then added some witch hazel and brown food coloring. 😉
Jefferson County is wet.
Here is a relatively accurate map of Dry vs Wet vs Moist counties.. There have been some recent changes with counties/cities voting for alcohol sales, but it’s a decent guide.
Most places outside of Fayette County (Lexington) and Jefferson County (Louisville) absolutely don’t sell on Sunday, though
I was looking for things to occupy my tuesday in Louisville. I saw that the two sites were practically next door to each other and went “I could tour both in a day”. This is not an endorsement of either product, but I find manufacturing processes fascinating.
Thanks, Jefe.
Back in the day Bourbon County was dry and Christian County was wet. I lived in a dry county.
There’s an actual Bourbon Country? Well I’ll be. I should find a Vodka County and move there.
Born and raised right adjacent to Bourbon County (county seat of Paris, the disgusting Francophiles). It, unfortunately for the sake of comedy, has always been wet barring national Prohibition.
They also don’t make any Bourbon in Bourbon County, save for one micro-micro distillery that just started up last year. It used to occupy basically the entirety of Northeast Kentucky and bourbon got its name from the port of Limestone, which was then a part of Bourbon County (where most all of the whiskey was shipped from), but is now the city of Maysville in Mason County.
Today, most of the bourbon production comes from West-North Central Kentucky. The area on I-64 between Lexington and Louisville
The most surprising thing I learned is that Kentucky has 120 counties. 120! WTF?
It’s all about that graft. The thinly veiled feudalism of colonial Virginia bled over the Appalachians with the settlers. Except, instead of the landed gentry and descendants of Cavaliers, most of the fiefdoms in Kentucky are ran by abject morons who hand out money to their high school buddies and relatives with no redeeming class or status.
All of that is to say, you identify yourself by your home county, not city, in Kentucky and your county executive is most likely more corrupt than Boss Hogg
You are ahead of us. The liquor store lobby successfully gets that shot down every time it is proposed in CO.
The craft brewers are in on it too. The guild line is that they can’t negotiate with supermarkets and convenience stores for shelf space and repealing the ban would kill the entire craft industry. Of course some of the more successful companies in private will admit they can get local distribution deals and probably grow their businesses but won’t say so in public.
Sounds like the University of Chicago is one of the last schools that still truly believes in free speech.
Yeah,I think Milton Friedman left the economics department his old helicopter.
For throwing commies from?
I think that’s more a Hoppe thing
It is, but the left bitches about how he helped Chile, and accuses him of helping Pinochet with that.
There’s a whole category of weird memes on the internet about this that are called hoppean snake memes which i found vagule amusing
Anyway google image search brings lots. Most are bad though.
While they suck the metaphorical cocks of Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot. Fucking scum.
Exactly. Why should we feel any sympathy for them knowing their true proclivities?
Regarding the Berkley mayor yesterday there was some discussion about that. Most people dont think our commies, being Americans, aren’t the likes of Mao and Stalin, but they are wrong. Our commies admire those people knowing full well what they did. Thats why they admire them, and they would love the chance to do the same here.
So to speak
Yeah, I remember the reaction the chancellor gave when students were bitching to set up free so each zones or some other bullshit proposal to stifle speech they didn’t like.
It was priceless.
The last sane university in the country
Chicago might be the last high-profile school, but there’s plenty of the smaller mostly-unknown universities that still do, especially in the Mountain West.
My alma mater, Carnegie Mellon, gets a pretty good rating from FIRE.
My alma mater, George Mason U, is still going strong on its commitment to free speech.
Postman knocks more than twice
Little bastards…
*narrows gaze*
That’s a large oat harvest.
What harvest – he never collected them.
Just because you plant something doesn’t mean you have to harvest it yourself /Johnny Appleseed
Point, LH.
He’s like the Ghengis Khan of Tennessee.
Without all the marauding horsemen and corpses.
More likely, “Postman doesn’t exist.” Obviously fake news. What’s funny is how good they are getting at mimicking real news reports, though.
Ding ding ding:
Ohio science professor explains why Bigfoot likely isn’t real
I don’t get who these people are who believe in Bigfoot
If people can believe socialism works, I don’t have trouble grasping that people can believe an undiscovered major primate lives in the backwoods.
The same people as the UFO people, the flat earth people, etc, etc. They are basically believing things that aren’t real because they want to. Which oddly makes them a lot like leftists.
Or almost all religious people, as they all can’t be right.
How you know you’re right is that whatever religion you happened to be born into, that’s the one true religion. All the others are fake.
There are people who believe in communism. Bigfoot is easier to believe in.
The bigfoot idea actually makes sense in compared to some of the other stuff people believe (like the flat earth and UFO ideas mentioned by another poster in this thread). Not only does it play on the fear of the unknown (bigfoot lives out in the uncharted wild) and the fear of monsters, it also has the support of eyewitnesses who have seen bigfoot-like creatures out in the wild – namely, bears walking upright.
I’m no cryptozoologist weirdo, but come on.
“Footprints, DNA, remains, photographs and films have been faked and disproved in the past”
hmmmm…guess people aren’t real either.
I found the dismissal as unrigorous as the proof. Not doing much for the guy’s credibility as a scientist.
Wait, someone who is doing actual scientific method in the 20-teens? Get a load of this chump.
No bigfoot is real. That’s the scary thing, there’s just some blurry monster wondering the countryside.
+1 Scramble Suit
Look at that, a reference I got!
Guess reading that dreadful book wasn’t a total waste of my time then.
Nice to know that someone else appreciates that escalators can never truly be broken.
Ugh. I have found that the vast majority of the time things really are just what they look like.
We have no bigfoot specimens because there are no big foot specimens to be had.
The guys on Top Gear, I mean Grand Tour, had this covered nicely. They showed a picture of a tiny, nearly extinct rare bird that lives deep in the rain forest. We have high def photos of this tiny thing thought long extinct. But the Loch Ness Monster, a huge animal living in a lake, and all we get is a blurry photo of a log.
Same applies to Bigfoot, but worse, as Bigfeet apparently are seen all over the world.
I have a reflexive dislike of Billy Squier as being in that uncanny valley between what my parents listened to that I grew up with, and what I listened to as a teen, but that really is a great opening lick.
I remember a DJ in Cincinnati when I was a kid that barricaded himself in the studio and played “Everybody Wants You” like 27 times before they busted in and got him off the air.
By the time the marathon ended, I’m sure I made and/or received a dozen phone calls passing on what was happening. And the next day, it was all anybody could talk about.
Ha. Looked it up. Of course it was Mark Sebastian on Q-102. That’s way too lowbrow for The Froggy (WEBN) to have done it.
“I’ll take you home again, Kathleeeeeeeen…”
+one! more! time!
Yeah, something similar happened in Orlando when I was young. A DJ locked himself in the booth and played Nugent’s “Free For All” over and over until they broke down the door.
I have fond memories of roller skating to The Stroke (followed by Another One Bites The Dust)
No shit, me too, only it was “Everybody wants you”
Angel in the Centerfold at my local roll-a-rink
Billy Squier, no matter how inane his lyrics and vocals were, always had top notch riffs. The Stroke being exhibit A
‘Religious’ Claim by Doctor Accused of Female Genital Mutilation
This should bring forth some interesting reactions…
And nothing but crickets from feminists.
She’s a fucking monster who makes the late Aaron Hernandez look like a saint.
Why are scare quotes put around the word ‘religious’?
‘Makes sense’
It’s like ((())), but for Amish.
Anyone that does that should have their hands cut off. With a dull axe.
Or you could just cut off their clit.
SJWednesday – Androphobia Edition
I stopped at the 2nd sentence which made no sense. Why would beliefs about how men should behave be political?
Because everything is political, everything.
This title has it all
Teaching the Cause of Rape Culture: Toxic Masculinity
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion
My experience with religions has been decidedly non-feminist
Christians can be woke too.
You should check out Christianity, which decided pretty early on that women were human beings deserving of dignity rather than just plain chattel, and rejects the notion that women should wear burquas or cover their head or face in public.
Just stop it, you’re making yourself look silly(er).
Fucking word salad.
80% of violent criminals come from fatherless homes.
Because someone taught them toxic masculinity?
Their single moms, apparently.
The meatheads their single mom brought around from time to time.
Do you have a cite on that? I don’t doubt it, but it would be handy statistic to have and be able to support.
“societal expectations which deny them the capacity for gentleness, sensitivity, and other traits seen as too “feminine.”
I have nothing against being sensitive and gentle. Bitching on the other hand is something that irks me. I wouldn’t say it’s feminine to bitch, but that it’s femenist.
“Sensitivity”=”Overly emotional and irrational” whenever people like this talk about it.
That is some first rate derp right there. Where are these fucking useless commies while those little girls are having their clits sawed off? I have been sitting here ten minutes and I am so angry I can hardly see straight.
Fear of men is natural but masculine behavior isnt.
SJWednesday Bonus Round – Lessons in How Intersectionalism Ruins Every Single Thing It Touches
I can’t take you seriously. Even before we get to your bullshit, the basic failure of English is unacceptable (and it is clearly not just a typographical error)
This, along with the constant references to “folks”, is one of my biggest (non-ideological) pet peeves. It’s a way for middle class african-americans to show they are still in touch with their roots (and more deserving of victim olympics points). Even though they’re just as removed from reality as any of their white compatriots
I like to use the word folks. It’s friendlier than saying “those people”.
So lesbians get annoyed by women too – they just put a whole shit-ton of extra thought, race, and politics into it.
So her credit was so bad she couldn’t even rent a U-Haul for the second date?
Whoah, being a queer black woman in America makes you an immortal?
No, not enough victim points.
How would you score a queer, black, trans, muslim, crippled, retarded woman?
An aphasia victim.
You can tell because they used “crippled” and “retarded” instead of the lingua-progress of the moment.
Good point. I was too lazy to type (or even remember) the longer SJW approved terms
James Watts’ ideal staff?
*applauds, throws garlands*
Shut it down. Someone went and won the internet today.
You see, I’m a Black woman, and my partner is a (white) Jewish woman.
Shouldn’t that read:
You see, I’m a Black woman, and my partner is a white (Jewish) woman.
(((white))) woman
There are (Black) Jews too.
Digging around the internet for black jews gets you to some interesting places…
I found out about it not from the internet, but by a filial biography written by one.
The Candy Man Can, babe.
It depends on what the important identity category is.
That page links to a “lesbian” who doesn’t know what words mean.
we don’t have the same access to time.
Her otherness obviously results in her existing in parallel dimensions where her time allotment runs much faster. Sort of like the miniverse in Rick and Morty.
I dont understand any of that. It is the ranting of a lunatic.
Lessons in vapid virtue signaling.
So not very well at all?
How funny would it be if some Mike Tyson looking motherfucker just came up and knocked her the fuck out.
Not as funny as it would be if she was trampled by an escaped bull.
Fight like a girl.
Was hoping for a Robbie link.
I love how nobody on the left seems to get that the bull statue represents a bull market and therefore prosperity, so the little girl statue actually symbolizes childish females standing in the way of prosperity.
The bull has always represented toxic masculinity. It’s like you don’t even Orwell.
So….Toxic Masculinity = Prosperity?
Most analysis of feminist theory has determined that patriarchy and meritocracy are intertwined, and as it is the meritocracy that built our current prosperity, yes.
If you want a comparison, look up the handful of extant matriarchies left in the world and take a look at the abject destitution they wallow in.
Physicists observe ‘negative mass’
Is it a coincidence that negative mass has been discovered on SJWednesday?
I think we’re only allowed to make Physics jokes when some SJW brings up our ignorance of black bodies.
The landwhales absorbed so much mass it created defecits elsewhere in the universe?
They absorb so much light, we have to come up up with a whole new set of physics to figure out how they radiate heat.
Reading that it told me I might also like an article called “Live, long and black giant shipworm found in Philippines” which in turn told me I would also like “Vaginal mesh implants: Hundreds sue NHS over ‘barbaric’ treatment” which ehm… confused me….
The algorithm is a little buggy from trying to beat the racism out of it.
Neat, but how soon can I order some on a bullet of rice?
Umm, that does not describe “negative mass” because if something is of negative mass, then gravitation would also work opposite and they should be trying to float away from the Earth. What is more likely is that there is some other interaction that their lasor prod is triggering in this state that causes a net force towards the laser. The question becomes what is that other force?
I can’t blame the scientists for going for a headline grabbing story. So they have created material that seems to violate Newton’s first law.
Reading the story, it’s actually kind of cool. There’s a massive caveat there, but hey, it’s not their fault journalists go for the sexy headline.
It reminds me of that time a few years back when there was an experiment that proved some Faster than light particles existed and everybody involved figured they had had screwed it up somehow, and it turned out there was just a loose cable.
Wouldn’t a faster than light particle be possible? Like an atom moving at the speed of light has an electron spinning in the direction the atom is moving toward as it circles the nucleus. Wouldn’t it be moving faster than the atom (nucleus) itself to gain enough speed to pass said nucleus on its rotation?
It’s been a long time since I took ‘Magic’ (PH365 – Modern Physics), but Einstein relativity accounts for things getting really screwy as you approach SOL.
The one math proof I recall was that if you ran fast enough with a 9 meter ladder thru a stationary 10 meter barn, it was possible to prove that the ladder would be sticking out of both ends of the barn at the same time.
Bottom line is that the electron would never surpass the speed of light, but just be different relative to the nucleus.
That is why we called it Magic.
So atomic particles going the speed of light have a sort of “Swedish relay” going with its subatomic particles that keep the whole thing going the SOL but nothing going faster?
Sort of. Basically any particle with mass would need an infinite amount of energy to accelerate to to the speed of light.
Also, electrons don’t really orbit around a nucleus like planets around a star. It’s a mess. If you want to spend some time making your head hurt, feel free to spend some time working out SPDF electron geometry.
That’s also ignoring that any atom fast enough to be travelling anywhere near the speed of light would be several orders of magnitude hotter than the sun, and would have been stripped of its electrons long before it got to that point.
Quantum physics is weird that way.
Roger Penrose’s The Road to Reality stares at me from my bookcase in my office. It’s taunting me, daring me to spend the next three years getting thru it.
Electrons do not actually orbit the Nuclei, that is a common shorthand to describe something we don’t really understand all that well, it works for chemistry and other macroscopic effects but imagining electrons as little balls traveling around a central point containing the nucleus is not an accurate picture.
That said, in theory yes faster than light particles might be possible, thing is we just don’t know what that would look like or even how to detect it. The most reasonable hypothesis I’ve seen is that accelerating a particle faster than light would either rotate it out of the frame of our universe into another making it appear to simply disappear from our perspective or it would essentially turn into it’s antiparticle and travel backwards in time.
Hillary ran the worst presidential campaign ever
What do you expect when you’ve got some Mook running your campaign?
I was waiting for that… *slow clap*
It’s almost like her key staff members unconsciously acted to help her lose since they knew deep inside what a horrible person she is.
Naaah, the were just arrogant and felt the fly over parts of the country could be ignored. Trying to “improve her lead” in deep red Arizona while ignoring what should have been her rust belt protective belt of states? Who the F was that rocket scientist?
She persevered despite being let down.
En devoured to persevere?
See? It’s not Hillary’s fault. She was let down by her staff.
/new narrative
I remember a number of times I wrote “Trump is going to win in a landslide”, then deleted it and replaced with a more measured statement along the lines of “maybe, I wouldn’t be surprised, my intuition is…etc.”
Now, looking back it was right there in plain view all along. I just didn’t have the confidence in my own eyes. I may be wrong, there were a few times when I was drunk that I did write it.
He didn’t win in a landslide. Even the E.C. votes would’ve looked much different if a couple hundred thousand people had voted differently in a few states.
To wash down all those Samantha Bee tears from last night. “How Late Night Comedy Fueled Trump’s Rise”
What are the audience numbers on that late night comedy? There are endless articles about what fueled the rise of trump and very few are convincing …
Let’s keep this in context though: late comedy sucks, has sucked since Carson went off the air, and Carson was colossally overrated (sorry old fucks).
“Sis boom bah” *opens envelope* “Describe the sound made when a sheep explodes.”
“Here’s Boomer” and “Breaking Away” (which were two new shows on NBC that year).
*Opens envelope
What are two bad names for a laxative?
/13 year old Bob laughed so hard, he fell off the couch and almost threw up. My Dad was right there with me.
Carson was cool because:
1. He didn’t try to be the funniest guy – he let Rickles and other guests run free.
2. Nobody took a midnight show that seriously – guests who were moved over for the next guest just looked bored and sat there drinking and smoking.
3. Copious amounts of Buddy Rich and Ed Shaughnessy.
I dunno. I enjoy Kimmel and Conan. I still occasionally watch Conan riding around in a Lyft with Kevin Hart & Ice Cube.
Early Letterman was pretty damn good. Way back before he got so damn full of himself.
Letterman was good up to the mid-90s. Then he hosted the Oscars, made some jokes that weren’t 100% flattering to Hollywood’s Best People, then spent the rest of his career sucking up to them.
Ah yes, a bad case of Howard Stern Syndrome.
It still annoys me that Howard turned into everything he used to mock.
Early Letterman was the best.
Letterman was funny for a while.
Samantha Bee ads during Seinfeld were annoying enough to make me vote Trump.
Uggg Samantha Bee… Thanks a lot Canada.
I have seen her a number of times and not once cracked a smile. Not even a little one. The woman is just not funny. Not even a little bit.
I’ve noted this before. Wife and I watch the reruns on TBS and it’s almost enough to give up on them because of the constant Samantha Bee commercials. They are excruciating.
Nothing can tear me away from Seinfeld
Not even an abrasive Canadian spinster!
I will happily send you a thumb drive with the entire series, you poor man.
Don’t feed his Stockholm syndrome.
They gotta fill that air time somehow since nobody wants to buy the national ad blocks on syndicated shows.
Watch again and notice the local slots are pretty diverse in content and you’ll rarely see the same business more than once in a two hour block. But the national ad slots are being used to plug their own shows because nobody wants to waste the money buying them.
Clever man. You pay attention. On the noseie right there.
TBS? What is this TBS? You can watch all the Seinfeld episodes commercial free on Hulu.
Author spends half the article “to be sure-ing”.
I take it in the vitue signalling usage and not the “We nuked the site from orbit just to be sure”
I still read John Derbyshire’s “Radio Derb” transcripts. When he’s not going on about race, he can be insightful in “that way” that the British can:
More here
He left out the worst part: Battlefield 1.
I know there is a sick morbid joke to be made there, but I can’t tie it together.
The Aristocrats
Think his balls deflated?
I see what you did there.
That Aaron Hernandez saga is so sad.
But at least he died doing what he loved: taking a life.
Guess he wasn’t a good enough TE in prison.
The noises weren’t coming from the players…
Someone was watching porn on their phone because they were bored because they hate tennis but they were given the tickets by their boss and they’re up for that big promotion.
Why wait until after the second trial? He can’t have felt that being acquitted would vindicate him, else why kill himself directly after? Did he think he wouldn’t spend the rest of his life behind bars regardless?
Guessing he knew that despite what Baez was saying about his first conviction getting overturned, he knew he did it and that wasn’t going to happen.
I feel bad for his victims and I feel bad for his 4 year old daughter who now has to grow up like this because her father was like that.
More 80s
The bitch is hungry
She needs to tell
So give her inches
And feed her well
2012: Nevar 4get
I larfed
Got “Shattered” yesterday. Already halfway through it. I 100% recommend reading it.
The Amazon reviews are getting smashed by people who haven’t read the book who are bashing the writers for being Trump supporters (neither is, and they set out to write a book about Hillary’s victory initially).
The excerpts only talk about some of the train wreck that Hillary’s campaign was. It’s truly outstanding.
I’m still somewhat amazed at the lack of introspection 6 months later. It’s like they think if they act like petulant children long enough, they’ll get their way and Queen Hillary will be crowned. I guess the Gore supporters in 2000 had shades of this, but I don’t remember it being at quite this level. Maybe the pervasiveness of the Internet now vs. then makes it more evident and self-reinforcing.
“The Resistance” seems to be dying down a bit. Or else I’m just tuning it out.
I dunno, the insufferable offspring of Jon Stewart (Samantha Bee, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah) seem to be as popular as ever and they haven’t toned it down one iota.
To think I used to find the Daily Show and Colbert Report funny and, at times, insightful.
“Popular” is not an accurate description of their ratings. These are shows that no one watches but which stay on the air as a virtue signal from management.
Are they actually that popular, though? Or do they have an illusion of popularity because people in the media write about them incessantly? That was always my theory about “Girls” – maybe 0.5% of the population ever watched that show, but half of those people write for major publications and used their megaphone to swoon over that piece of shit.
It’s like no one has seen Hamilton, either.
I saw him the last time I had a $10 bill.
They might not have seen it but they damn sure have heard the music. My 14 and 8 year old daughters are addicted to it and listen to/sing it non stop
You would think if they weren’t actually that popular they would have ended up with 1 show instead of 4 (although Colbert technically hosts an apolitical talk show, you’d be hard pressed to figure that out by watching it). I guess the ratings can be faked, but by the numbers, it looks like none of them are hurting for viewers. There were some signs that the Daily Show might get canned before Trump got elected, but the situation looks different now. Maybe all 4 shows are watched by mostly the same people and thus the numbers look inflated when taken separately, but as far as I can tell, they’re high-status idiots successfully selling their brand of idiocy to eager viewers.
+1 Craig Kilborn!
I actually enjoyed the first season of John Oliver. His bit on the Cover Oregon fiasco was hilarious. I think he was being more cautious that season to not be blatantly offensive to non-progressives since he wasn’t sure if the show would last. Then it got renewed and he went all out.
For almost 24 years, I’ve been hearing how Hillary Clinton is this brilliant woman but in reality, she’s nothing more than a two bit huckster whose only claim to fame is being married to a sleaze-ball but charismatic former President. If her tenure as Secretary of State didn’t prove that she is incompetent, her Presidential race all but solidifies that she is indeed incompetent.
I think Hillary is the quintessential “woman behind the man”. Her own personal qualities make her unsuited to wielding real power in her own hands under anything short of a Stalinist autocracy. Every time she’s stepped into the public eye as a politician, it’s resulted in failure of one kind or another. She’s much better off manipulating more likable people into doing what she wants than trying to do it herself. Not to mention that her unpleasant demeanor and penchant for corruption are better kept hidden from view.
I can’t agree. Has she given sound advice? To anyone? Ever?
I can imagine keeping her around as an adviser just to make sure I never took any of her stupid advise.
Hillary’s incompetence at actual work is hard to overestimate. And she has rarely done real work. In every job she’s ever had, she seems to have immediately engaged in some sort of money grubbing caper to enrich herself and get Bill’s attention.
Bill’s success is in despite of Hillary, not because of her. The promise of Hillarycare led the Republicans to victory in congress.
Fair enough. I was approaching it more from the perspective of what should she do if she wants to be close to the levers of power. It’s probably inadvisable for anyone not named Bill Clinton (and even then…) to listen to her.
She had success as a NY Senator, at least in the eyes of her constituents.
Damn, that might be the first nice thing I’ve had to say about her.
Sure, in the sense that she wasn’t removed for bad conduct. Her legislative record* can basically be summed up as “she was often present in the chamber”.
* = I’m not necessarily complaining here from my own standards, I’d rather the Senate do less than more, but her supporters act like she was a major presence in the Senate, when in fact she was barely an afterthought
As a resident of New York, I can say – no she did not.
Unless by “her constitutents” you mean “the City Democrat Party Machine”
Exactly. She was a middling, dime a dozen lawyer who happened to marry an exceptionally talented (and unscrupulous) politician, riding his coat tails to the US Senate and the State Department.
I really can’t name anything she did that was smart, or correct. I don’t know how she’s managed to pull the wool over so many eyes when there is literally no substance to anything she’s ever done. There are so many more admirable women in the world. As much as I dislike her and her easy-bake pop pseudo-psychology self-help bullshit, Oprah has actually done things with her life. Hillary is, like, #434,872,025 on the list of women to emulate.
I don’t like Oprah, but she’s a self-made woman. That’s worthy of some respect even if I wish she had never had any show at all.
My fiance didn’t really like her that much despite being a liberal. I think one of her hang ups about Hillary was that despite her husband being a serial cheater and committing sexual assault on numerous occasions, she still stood by him and even tried to torpedo the women who brought the accusations of sexual assault against her her husband.
It is astounding how people will remove the batteries from their bullshit detectors for their pet causes. Hillary Clinton is the quintessential cynical politician. Her attempts to be warm and folksy come off just so goddamn phony, and there are times she can’t even keep her contempt for the proles hidden. Her corruption is obvious to anyone with a pulse.
I mean, I want libertarians to win elections, but I’m not going to overlook their significant flaws just for that reason. I’m not going to automatically pull the lever for “L” – but leftists will slurp up whatever candidate the Ds put out there. (Kudos to Susan Sarandon for being a famous counter-example)
She’s a loser. Her supporters are losers. And people who still defend this loser are losers.
For the reasons you mention.
Vote for Ed.
In my early twenties I had aspirations to run for a political office in Illinois, but then I worked on a political campaign for a couple days and it shattered my ideas about politics. And I would not have had a snowball’s chance in hell in the People’s Republic of Cook County.
No spoilers!
“Do you want symbolic arrests?”
Aaron Hernandez
iswas an un-person. A sub-human. I hope they toss his carcass out with the garbage.On a much more interesting note – my shower broke this morning. I have one of those showers that you turn on by pulling down on the lip of the faucet. When I pulled down this morning, something went pear-shaped in the faucet mechanism and only a weak little piss-stream of water came out of the shower. It feels like the washer/screen up inside the faucet came loose and it’s just kind of dangling there. Any thoughts? Euphemisms?
sounds like your shower has a weak pelvic floor. I prescribe kegels.
Disclaimer: I am not a Dr. or a plumber.
Go to Home Depot, get a new diverter valve or faucet (depending on if it’s integrated or not). Remove the old one, install the new one. Read the instructions. Use the teflon tape if it’s recommended. Don’t over-tighten anything.
Take a bath instead?
With the mice?
Charlie don’t surf!
All I could come up with was some prostate joke… *winces* If you are going to mess with it yourself, make really, really sure your water shut off is effective. Have a plumbing service number handy.
Also good advice when working on ones own prostate.
That mouse may have gotten stuck in your plumbing.
Now we’re headed toward a Richard Gere joke, aren’t we?
Ghost of gerbil haunt’s area man’s rectum.
In something that shouldn’t surprise anyone here, Venezuela, after years of confiscating civilian guns, is now arming regime supporters.
I’m sure this will end well.
You know who else… oh never mind, it’s too depressing
I wonder what the leftists would say if someone posted this on their Tweeters or Facederps saying “this is why we need a 2nd Amendment”.
(that someone will not be me)
i’ll do it. i predict the following responses:
1. “free beacon is a fake news site”
2. “oh, you mean that story free beacon got from Fox News? real credible /sarc”
3. “i thought you 2A supporters were all about the militia”
4. “that’s not real socialism”
*shocked face*
On the train. Do I shove the old hag sleeping on my shoulder or start slicking her hair back?
Just steal her purse. If it’s a Hermes, send it to me.
Shut up you old bag!
In his defense, those Schnitzer’s marble ryes truly are worth mugging an old woman for.
That’s one of the best Seinfeld episodes.
Best fart joke on TV, ever.
You fed the horse beefarino!?
Think it’s a knockoff. Says “Herpes”.
We don’t have a lot of women here, but they make up for it with their awesomeness.
“University of Wisconsin-Madison offers free tampons in men’s bathrooms”
As a resident of Wisconsin, I hang my head in shame.
So what kind of stupid shit can immature college boys do with tampons…
They’ll clog the fuck out of plumbing.
Does Ossoff look like Gaius Baltar to anyone else?
So he doesn’t look like an Anthony Weidner-Justin Trudeau love child? Or do people not get the alt-text here?
Nope, missed it. But that’s a decent theory, too. Either one would explain a lot.
Yeah, I was gonna say he’s kinda Weinery-looking to me.
So you got the pics he sent?
I got it and agree 100%.
I saw him called him Pajama Boy somewhere. Ace maybe?
The Aaron Hernandez story is bizarre.
Why kill yourself after being acquitted?
The last story I read about Hernandez before this was an interview of his defense team after the recent acquittal. They were confident that his other conviction would be overturned. They were going to pin the shooting on the accomplice the prosecution gave immunity to–for testifying against Hernandez.
They say that hope is a dangerous thing in prison, that the guys who keep themselves attached to life on the outside, imagine that their girlfriends will stay true to them and wait, that the guys who think they’re getting out on appeal, etc. are the ones who have it the worst. They say it’s better to abandon all hope, accept your fate, get your head into doing your time, cut off ties to the outside, etc., it makes it easier–because you can’t be tortured by hope when you have none.
I don’t know. Maybe his defense team gave him a bunch of hope–and then the reality of his situation brought him down from a greater height. That’s my best guess.
“The last story I read about Hernandez before this was an interview of his defense team after the recent acquittal. They were confident that his other conviction would be overturned”
Well, lawyers will say anything to get more money. I don’t think that was going to be overturned. The guy wasn’t right in the head, that probably explains everything.
They seemed to have a pretty good case.
Stranger thing have happened than Hernandez winning an appeal.
“I wish he’d called me (for the first trial),” said Baez, who was not in court Friday because of a back issue. “I think there are plenty of flaws in that (Lloyd) conviction. If they are exposed properly, he certainly can and should get a new trial.”
The defense team in the double-murder case had pointed the finger at Alexander Bradley, an admitted drug dealer and a close friend of Hernandez who was with him the night of the shootings. The defense hammered at Bradley’s credibility, citing his immunity deal with prosecutors to testify against Hernandez, his role as the driver of the car the night of the shootings and his criminal record. Bradley is serving a five-year prison term in Connecticut for firing shots at a Hartford nightclub in 2014.”
—-ESPN, five days ago.
Seems like good grounds for reasonable doubt to me.
I’m not saying that Hernandez wasn’t a scumbag–or even that he didn’t do what he was accused of.
I’m just saying he had some legitimate hope for a new trial, a decent appeal, and reasonable doubt. Why wait until you have hope to off yourself?
My comment was trying to answer that question.
Suicide isn’t painless–but suddenly having hope when you had none before can be extremely painful.
Or maybe another prisoner helped him out and did society a favor by offing the fucker.
+1 D’angelo Barksdale
But D’Angelo wasn’t fundamentally evil if memory serves me right?
its all in the game dawg
He was not. He proved to be one of the more thoughtful, sympathetic characters on the entire show. He had, as Ken said, resigned himself to his sentence and was prepared to do it with his head down. String didn’t think he could do it. As Gilmore said “It’s all in the game” and as Slim Charles said “Once you in it, you in it.”
In other news, the French may elect a full on commie for president.
Melenchon greatly admired Hugo Chavez. Here’s just some of his agenda:
Yeah, that’s going to work out great.
There will be tax agents even in hell.
I don’t think that was ever in doubt.
Am I a bad person for wanting this asshole assassinated right now?
Maybe he has a cat named “Che”, too!
“Chairman Meow”
*standing ovation*
Joke recycler!
Bayonetta out now for PC
Sexy gal with
sexysexist heel super moveWhat is it lately with all the female protagonist games being released lately? I never want to see another one.
Hey you got Manly mondays here every week. In the meantime, have some Street Fighter V Now you can pick your manly protagonists.
I don’t really play action only games, I get bored, I prefer RPGs. I should probably give Technomancer a try, since I’ve owned it for months after buying on a Steam sale and never even installed. This has been as shitty year so far for game releases.
Sure you’re not just getting to be a jaded old man?
Well, I was always like that. Now get off my lawn!
Technomancer was a subpar entry in the field of RPGs. Combat was ‘meh’, the story didn’t really grip my attention, and the actual degree to which you can influence things seems… limited.
So IOW, it’s the best RPG released this year so far?
I guess that was actually last year. So have any good RPGs been released in 2017? I can’t think of one at the moment.
I’ve only played one game actually released so far this year. Wrote a whole article for Glibertarians on it. (Plan to do another on Dawn of War 3)
Well I’ve heard lots of praise for Tyranny, If you’re looking for more of a story based RPG, and that only came out last November.
I own Tyranny. It’s ok. I forgot about that one.
I have the opposite issue as I used to be into RPGs but they required too much time and I seem to have less and less these days. So I now play mostly action and fighting. Ironically I haven’t played as much as I’d like to for some because competitive action games are also big time sinks, especially serious team based ones that require scheduling commitments. I’m looking forward to the new Quake due to being 1 vs many arena shooter. I can jump in, get out quickly.
And my other fav genre, fighting games, while having the upside of not being team based, also has the downside of requiring too much time investment to reap any benefits. I have to practice for so damn long to get gud for the game to be fun competitively. Then I become really rusty after I stop playing for a while.
To be fair, Bayonetta was released back in 2010 or something.
Just not on PC.
Still on my list of stuff to playthrough. I’m hoping it is a sexy as Gungrave.
My mini-review:
The cutscene to content ratio is so high that when I finally got to a playable segment, I didn’t realize I was allowed to control the character until she stood around doing nothing while under attack, Then when I cleared the segment there was yet more cutscene. It felt like a movie with minigames tacked on – and the playable segments weren’t even fun to play.
There’s an interesting Japanese gaming genre called kinetic novels where they decided to skip the gameplay completely. You just press a button to continue the to next story scene.
In Soviet Russia, game plays you.
I put non-interactive media on in the background while I’m doing other things. Having to go and poke the movie every so often seems like the worst of both worlds.
Max Payne 3 had the same problem. The cutscenes were absurdly overused, in totally momentum and immersion-breaking ways: entering a new room, climbing down a ladder, opening gates or doors, that sort of thing. It felt like every three or four minutes, but don’t quote me on that because the whole thing was a slog. And those were just the unnecessary 15-30 second clips punctuating the gameplay: the narrative-heavy plot clips were hugely abused, too, running multiple minutes and dragging the fuck on. It’s obvious the producers wanted to make a noir crime film but had to appease those cretinous gamers who insist games have gameplay.
I’ve read that the true purpose was to mask load times behind cutscenes, but if that’s the case I’ll take the loading screen with the progress bar so I can fix myself another drink between chapters.
More Platinum games goodness: Nier Automata DLC
Just say no to female protagonist games. I bought Shiness yesterday. At least I get to play as some sort of Furrie and not another fembot. I only had about 15 minutes to try it out. The controls are weird for K&M, I only partially figured them out. It’s clearly meant for a controller. It’s pretty at 4K though.
Cate Archer has a sad.
1) I really liked NOLF
2) The fucking lawyers killed it
3) Now you can’t even buy it anywhere
There should be a word for something that isn’t technically dead, but if you tried to resurrect it the resulting litigation would make you wish you were.
Oblitigated is the word which you seek.
The Tomb Raider that was released in 2013 is about the only female protagonist game I’ve played and enjoyed. There was another one, but I can’t remember the name of it now.
+2 perpendicular portals to check out Portal girl’s ass.
*hides ChelXCompainion cube fanfic*
Thanks for reminding me I’ll probably never get to play NOLF 3, asshole.
I’ve heard a lot about this game but never played it. Is it any good?
Bayonetta was a lot of fun, but the difficulty reminds me of the Xbox Ninja Gaiden. I beat the game on a low-medium difficulty – there are a lot of fun fights, tons of weapons to unlock and some amazing moves/cutscenes – but if you try and tone up your score/skill level for the bonus levels, % complete stuff you will really want to throw your controller at the screen.
On the plus side, they have some clips on youtube that just tied all the cutscenes together…and the anime movie is a lot of cheesy fun too.
As far as visuals….every outfit she’s wearing is made up of her hair – so it’s just pretty wild all around.
What kind of libertarian website would waste its time with a local story?
Dude! That’s just brutal.
Bill O’Reilly is probably about to get his walking papers–over the objections of Rupert Murdoch.
The important aspect, that the linked article doesn’t mention, is that it’s mostly about Murdoch’s attempt to get British regulators to approve his acquisition of Sky.
Murdoch was forced to abandon his acquisition of Sky in the wake of the phone hacking / News of the World scandal. Murdoch only recently came back to regulators to get their approval for the acquisition again. Word around the campfire has it that they won’t approve Murdoch’s purchase unless he cuts his ties to O’Reilly.
Word around the campfire has it that they won’t approve Murdoch’s purchase unless he cuts his ties to O’Reilly.
British authorities trying to box out the Irish? Now I’ve heard everything.
“On Friday, European officials gave their blessing to the deal, which is worth 11.2 billion pounds, or $13.9 billion. But the battle will come to a head when a British regulator rules next month on whether the proposed deal gives Mr. Murdoch, who already controls several national newspapers, too much clout over the British media landscape.
British officials also must decide if 21st Century Fox and its executives pass a “fit and proper test,” or judgment on whether the people who will run the merged company are fit to do so.
—-New York Times, a week ago
The British regulators must decide by May 15.
The thing about being a regulator is, what’s the point of being a regulator if you can’t arbitrarily wield power every once in a while?
If you can force Fox to fire Bill O’Reilly and you’re a regulator, then why wouldn’t you force Murdoch to fire Bill O’Reilly? Letting him go would defeat the whole purpose of being a regulator. This is what regulation is. This is what regulations are for–to let politicians and their cronies have arbitrary but real power over the things they regulate. Letting Murdoch keep O’Reilly would be a smack in the face of regulators everywhere. Why give regulators more or better regulation if they fail to use it arbitrarily when the opportunity arises?
Anyway, the Social Justice Warriors will claim credit for getting O’Reilly’s sponsors to drop him–but that won’t be the reason why Bill’s fired (if he’s fired).
Isn’t the Factor their number one show? That seems like dumb business move.
Did you see the quote above about the $13.9 billion deal for Sky?
Yeah, they’d kick O’Reilly to the curb over that.
Also, even if all those advertisers hadn’t pulled out, being the number one show doesn’t count for much, especially on cable, if your viewership is disproportionately made up of people over 55 years old.
Far better to lead in a younger advertising demographic than to be number one with the help of old people.
They say the older you get, the harder it is to change your mind (with advertising). I bet that’s doubly so for O’Reilly’s viewers. Have you ever tried to change the mind of someone who watches Bill O’Reilly?
Is that why he S*n suspended Kelvin MacKenzie, the worst
human beingwhatever the fuck he is in existence?Libertarians discuss: open air burning.
I live in a ‘hood with every house on about a 1/2 acre of land. The house next door was flipped, and the flipper has been burning brush everyday for the last week or so. Of course, this week has been great with weather in the 60s to low 70s, you know, the perfect weather to open up the windows and let a breeze through, if not for the asshole next door filling the air with smoke.
How does everyone deal with open air burning, or are all of you freely burning brush in your backyards as your neighbors glare at you from the window?
Freely control burn on the old ranch here. All the neighbors are doing it too, so no worries.
I have a decent-sized fire pit that I built, so I burn in that. I have no idea how legal it is, but I get along with my neighbors so there’s been no problem even when I’ve burned wet wood and put out enough smoke that it looks like a castaway is signaling for rescue.
What could he have that takes days to get burnt through on just a half an acre?
The house was vacant for two years or so, but there really wasn’t that much to burn. The landfill is also only 10 miles or so away, so two truck loads and the yard should have been cleared.
That was my question. The farmers/ranchers here burn a bunch of acres in a day.
We burned a lot growing up. Similar situation, about three-quarter acres, and almost everyone there did some land maintenance so burning was common. It never occurred to me to wonder whether it would piss off the neighbors, but then we kept it to a few days a week a handful of weeks a year. He will run out of brush eventually.
I can’t in California but I have some neighbors homes I’d like to fill with smoke,
My wife is a huge back yard arsonist. None of our neighbors has complained yet.
Maybe a quick chat to ask him to give it a rest for a day or so? I’m assuming that this person is working through a finite amount of brush and it isn’t something he is going to do for the rest of time for religious or other purposes?
I’ve got no beef with back yard burning in general. Minneapolis is constantly talking about passing bans on back yard fire pits and such because a few people claim that they are super sensitive to wood smoke and bitch and moan.
I have no beef either (in theory). Burning in the evenings, when it is colder out, or if it is all completed within a day is fine. Just seems like it would be common courtesy not to do it continuously for a week when everyone wants to enjoy the spring weather.
Since about 2004 when it became trendy, every stupid fucker in suburbia has an outdoor fire pit, so you don’t have to go to the country to enjoy the experience of choking on your neighbor’s smoke.
Personally, I enjoy the incessant barking dogs and ATVs and dirtbikes going 50 MPH through residential streets at 4 in the morning the most.
People are irredeemable assholes. It’s impossible and not worth it to take them all to court. It’s a self-solving problem.
In areas where homes are closer together, they should probably have scheduled burn times once a week or something.
I own a house in the country where everyone has acres of land. I have 6. I don’t live there right now, but when I was there everyone burned whatever and no one cared, let alone glared at you.
Oh, oh. Looks like the Minneapolis City Council isn’t ready to stop grandstanding yet.
In this session, the state legislature finally repealed the ban on Sunday liquor laws. Legally it doesn’t go into effect until this July. Local liquor store owner decides on his own to open on Sunday anyhow. Gets lots of warnings from nannies to close now. Tells them to pound sand.
At first they were going to fine him a lot and close him down for a month. Then there was a story about a deal to reduce the fine a lot and not let him be open on Sundays for a few months. Now, the city council has decided that the second deal was way too lenient. Can’t have peasants failing to OBEY!
Comments are suitably depressing
Bootlickers gonna lick boots.
What’s the deal with the delayed repeal? If it’s good enough for July, why not April? Cronies getting something out of delaying?
It’s sad to see a country built on the ideas of liberty and freedom being reduced to people groveling to authority.
AKA “other liquor store owners”
+1 Cronytown
Melenchon considers anyone earning more than 4,000 euros ($4,287) a month as “rich,” and would expect them to do more to further his aims for France. He would slap a 90 percent tax on anyone who makes more than 400,000 euros a year.
Maybe he should have a chat with Gerard Depardieu about that.
Or is he planning to extradite him from whatever tax haven he fled to?
And they wonder why they have a high unemployment rate (10.5 percent).
A new deal must be negotiated over the next month, the council committee said, and there might be a public hearing. Goodman said she has heard from “a lot of members of the public” about the matter, and they are not happy that Surdyk might have gotten off with a $6,000 fine and 10-day suspension.
I think they misspelled “lynching” at the end of that first sentence.
Another racist incident turns out to be a hoax:
At this point it must be easier to list the ones that haven’t been proven as hoaxes.
Are there any? Honest question. I can think of the Indian couple being hassled at a restaurant and that’s about it.
There’s this raft of murders by self-proclaimed militants who admit to hating white people and shouting something about how great God is, but for some reason those aren’t tallied as hate crimes.
Surprisingly, the shooting in Fresno is actually being called a hate crime.
Maybe because the only other option is Islamic terrorism?
And people who dress just like them:
Jeez, I would have figured that if somebody was going to tag Plano West with some some racist graffiti they would have gone with a more anti-Mexican slant.
Beloved Aunt was in a car accident last week heading to her bartending job. Turning left into a parking lot, she was struck nearly head-on by a speeding car driven by an off-duty County Sheriff coming from a golf outing. He car was flung back and into an electrical pole. Her car is totaled. No gap insurance of course and the state is telling her it is HER FAULT and she will be cited. She obviously never crossed the center line as there is zero damage to the right front side and right side of her vehicle. 99% of the damage is on the left side or directly in front.
No breathalyzer of the off-duty sheriff administered. His only words to her were “I’m a cop.”
There’s no chance in hell she can fight City Hall on this one since she was struck by a fellow LEO. He’ll get nothing.
Thankfully, she walked away with a badly bruised arm (maybe broken I don’t know.)
I’m so pissed about it but do not know what to do.
Aren’t you the same gent who had the cop stop him on a bullshit drug dog alert? If so, I think you know what the answer is (and yes, it’s fucked).
No. I am the guy with the invoice troubles.
Quietly ask surrounding businesses if they have security cameras that may have gotten any footage.
Bar patrons rushed out as witnesses, but I’d imagine those are easily discredited. Also, the bar itself is a roadhouse-type with not much nearby.
Even dive bars may have security cameras facing the street – low cost, and better for liquor liability. Get to the bar owners quickly, the older systems often tape over themselves every several days. In many states, (definitely Montana) if your aunt files an insurance claim against his company for liability, his company MUST investigate. Same with her insurance company, if she requests it, they have to send an adjuster. When I was adjusting, I never assumed the police report was correct, I did my own investigation (as the company required).
I consider myself a safe speeder, while I notice a lot of cops are pretty reckless. I drive in the late hours and at this time I swear every one abuses their lights to pass red lights
Beloved Aunt
Was she also a devoted sister?
Ha ha. I thought about leaving that off but couldn’t because she’s been an amazing Aunt to me for 45 years and is a really wonderful and giving person.
Why has no one asked for pics yet? I have a disappoint.
Have they sent her a bill for the damage to the electrical pole yet?
My father had his truck stolen from our house. Small enough town that the cops recognized it and knew the driver wasn’t my father. Pursued the thief who slowed down, jumped out and let the truck drive on. The truck ended up hitting a light pole.
City sent him a bill for the damage. Hilarity ensued. He ended up getting them to take it back pretty quickly, but it sure helped that he knew everyone down at the govt offices from his days working as a PO there.
There’s no chance in hell she can fight City Hall on this one since she was struck by a fellow LEO. He’ll get nothing.
That sucks. I’m glad she wasn’t injured severely.
It may sound crazy, but in a nation of laws, one should expect a federal agency (the FBI?) to take on the investigation of this sort of thing. But they’re obviously too busy concocting terror plots.
Or the State Police?
Position Music – Time After Time (Cyndi Lauper Cover – Epic Powerful Vocal Hybrid Drama)
Who knew an 80s pop song could be made so dramatic?
Who knew he read Reason?
He used to comment there.
Just like…… umm, never mind. At this point the list of people might fill up an entire screen.
I must have missed that.
It was a while ago.
Science! We freaking love science!
I’m not sure they really want to go where that might lead.
Are they intentionally trying to make a parody of themselves? It’s getting to where I can’t even tell.
Those damn polluting deplorables in flyover have created 6 of the 10 most polluted cities in USA.
Damn rednecks hate the earth!
Fifty years of EPA regulations haven’t solved it – guess we need to throw them some more money.
Just tax those polluters at 90%, that will stop it! Sometimes commies are right about things.
Once a boom state, California sees a historic period of slow population growth
Because all of the progs who helped ruin Cali are now fleeing the ruination to move to a town near you. So that they can do the same thing again and expect a different result.
Maybe that is the air pollution, them hauling all their crap out of the state.
If the U.S. bought Louisiana and Alaska, can’t Mexico buy California?
I don’t think Mexico has enough assets to offset California’s liabilities.
Naw, we sell them California, people, liabilities and all, then buy it back for debt forgiveness, but only grant it territorial status and require its government actions be approved by congress will all prior actions repealed by the two sales before.
It’d be expensive to eat the current debt, but the long run will be worth it.
They’d be just one Democratic presidency away from getting statehood back*. While it would be harder for a Democrat to win without California in the Union, it would not be impossible (while the loss of 55 electoral votes would be painful, the necessary number of EVs to win would be reduced by 28).
* = Not necessarily because of any actions on that president’s part, but rather because politically active Californians would fall in love with the U.S. government again
Actually, only two electoral votes would vanish. Their remaining EVs would get redistributed to other states. It has something to do with the number of electors being equal to the number of congresscritters (senators included) and the way it’s currently set up the reapportionment wouldn’t reduce the number of seats in the house.
Presumably, if we’re at the point where selling a State is okay, then changing the number of Representatives would be on the table, too. However, you’re right that there is no reason those 53 House seats would have to be eliminated, they could just be reapportioned instead.
I heard that they want it back. But I have this certain feeling that they only want it if the USA still pays for it. When they buy it, they get all of the unfunded pensions with it. So I think it’s not happening.
From the article:
Supporting data offered for this hypothesis:
This is pretty cool.
Looks good, but will my delicates come out OK?
Asking for a friend.
Not available in California due to cancer concerns.
Cool – less shrinkage.
*reloads page*
Mind: “… not found”.
“Dammit… wait…”
“What makes that error code so memorable?”
Quite a BBC kick this morning.
The Living DeadLiving with the DeadYou know, it occurs to me that ours isn’t a vastly different proposition, financially speaking:
We just spend lavishly in the years before our elders die, not years later.
Been in that region a few times (but not for at least 25 years now). You’d see all these little figures sitting in the limestone caves along the roads. Hauntingly weird – especially in the mist up in the mountains.
Also since that region is traditionally more Christian than muslim in a lot of ways.
For those of you familiar with his blog, WeaponsMan has passed away.
I found a good timeline for Hernandez’ suspicious connections to murders and other altercations during his short adult life:
Seems to me this is a classic case of what happens when people turn a blind eye to a kid’s violent tendencies as they grow up, simply because they know how to catch a ball. They never get slapped down, so they think there are no consequences to their actions. This guy is connected to 3 homicides, 1 attempted homicide and several assaults. Fuck this guy. I wish the NFL would have a strict no-violent-criminal-records rule.
“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” – Benjamin Franklin
“Way ahead of you there, Benny.” – Aaron Hernandez