I’m Poppy
Kids React to Poppy
Poppy Reacts to Kids React to Poppy
Kids React to Poppy Reacts to Kids React to Poppy
There is currently no release date for Poppy Reacts to Kids React to Poppy Reacts to Kids React to Poppy
-William Gibson predicts Poppy.
-John Ajvide Lindqvist predicts Poppy.
-Kotaku attempts to explain Poppy.
I’m Poppy
I’m Poppy
I’m Poppy
I’m Poppy
I’m Poppy
Oh good, this is back. I wasn’t creeped out enough when you posted this this morning and then deleted it.
*runs away in terror*
My favorite is her loading a gun. This is like libertarian old testament.
Well, at least she’s honest about why she picked that gun.
“I like this gun because of the way it looks.”
If only all gun owners were so forthright. Yeah, sure, I bet your Kimber is suuuuper accurate/reliable/whatever. Just admit you bought it because it’s pretty and we can talk about getting you a real gun.
I like the Beretta PX4 Storm ’cause of its ergonomics. I hate that you can’t get in in .40-cal in Canada.
You can’t?
Inner libertarian now wants very much to break international arms law by selling you one.
Nope. Only available as a 9. Supposedly there’s “insufficient demand” for Beretta to produce a .40-cal barrel for the PX4 that’s of legal length in Canada.
Must… resist…. illegal… arms sale…
heymanicangetyouonerightnowjustletme NOOOOOOO!!! STOPITSTOPITSTOPIT!!
I went with the 9. CO has an idiotic 15 round limit on magazines. I should have gotten the 40 due to magazine capacity. How stupid are gun grabbers?
You mean the magazine limit that they don’t even enforce? That they CAN’T even enforce since you can say you owned the mags before 2013 and they have to prove you didn’t?
Ya, that one. You can’t buy extra mags in state. There are ways though. It is completely stupid.
It really is stupid, given the economy in Cheyenne, WY is built around selling things you cant buy in CO…and gas.
Thats what I did when I lived in CO. That or found a buddy in AZ to ship me PMags.
Well the thing to do now is just trade pmags for dime bags. Win win.
Irony: Magpul built PMags in a factory outside Boulder at the time of the ban.
Yeah they actually left CO because of the magazine ban. Colorado went from almost libertarian heaven to Cali east so damn fast.
Coincidemtally Magpul left CO around the same time I did. My first visit to a merchant of doom in AZ the guy said I looked like a kid that just discovered porn. The panic buy after that passed put a lot of guys out of business because they literally ran out of product to sell.
Colorado went from almost libertarian heaven to Cali east so damn fast.
Thank you CA, WA, and OR transplants. And other feral pot heads who think the answer to more liberty means more government.
Mag limit in Canada for handguns is five rounds. Period.
Oddly enough, Canuck shooting competitors can change mags faster than anyone else on the planet.
I bet. I am surprised they allow semi-autos. A proper canuck law would be revolvers only.
Don’t give our hoplophobes any more ideas.
You want us to invade? I’m pretty sure we can pencil you in somewhere between North Korea and Turkey.
My in-laws like their PX-4. No matter how I tried to convince them, they won’t lose that sissy pistol and get themselves a Glock.
In Canada, Glocks are considered “cop guns.”
In Canada,Glocks are considered “cop guns.”FTFY
{shrug} Okay.
A buddy of mine got one and loves it. I can’t stop thinking that it should shoot laser beams or plasma rays or something, though.
“Mine’s a bloody girl’s gun.”
Hahahah! Haven’t seen that before. Adding it to the list
Pretty much one of the most quotable movies ever made.
“An Uzi? I’m not from south central Los Angeles, I didn’t come to shoot twenty black ten year olds in a fucking drive-by, I want a normal gun for a normal person.”
See, it’s comments like this that make me want to press my gfs face against the monitor and scream “HER! BE LIKE HER DAMMIT!”
I keed I keed
Haha! It’s a mindset that takes some time and some weird experiences to get into
It’s totally why I bought a Ruger .45 revolver. What other need do I have for it?
My SP101 was the first handgun I bought–and for my 21st birthday, no less–and it was because I wanted a no frills, more or less fool proof option.
I chose mine because it was standard-issue service weapon and I was armed security for a while, so I did choose it for reliability and because it has an internal safety you don’t have to fiddle with when you fire. Aesthetics didn’t figure into it at all. Pretty standard, boring looking Glock.
If I get any more, aesthetics will at least come in second to the other qualities, but it will matter at that point.
I don’t have anything to add about ‘Poppy’ but I couldn’t agree more with your statement. I think most people’s choice of firearms (and cars, and a bunch of other functional but also stylized things) is influenced by their sense of style more than they realize or admit. Then they back into a rationalized position of why it’s the best, functionally.
What I generally advise people who are asking ‘what kind of handgun to get’ is:
1) if you can rent/borrow different models, find one that you shoot well and get that
2) if you can’t, find one that fits your hands and points naturally
3) don’t obsess over caliber. once you get to 9mm/.40/.45 etc., the power differences between rounds are negligible anyway
Child porn?
That would depend entirely on your definition of both ‘child’ and ‘porn’.
Which children? What kind of porn?
Man, the ‘Net’s weird somedays.
Hearing the word papi on repeat that many times reminds me too much of going on a date with a 20-something Latino.
My favorite part of Latina porn is the, “Ai Ai Ai Ai…darme leche, papi…Ai Ai Ai! Ai!”
Rather than the American chicks, “Ugh Ugh Ugh Ugh Ugh”
darme leche
Fuckin’ white supremacists.
Ai Pepe
They even named a color after a derogatory name for black folks. 2 years of spanish and thats all i remember
Hopefully he had a bit more enthusiasm in his voice.
(Desperately googles to make sure she’s not underage)
Yep. Would.
Hopefully you’re referring to the top video
Odds and Ends
A few weeks ago, I was paying for gas in a convenience store. Ahead of me in line were two women and a kid. They paid for some food with an EBT card. As I was walking out, I saw them get into a BMW. They weren’t breaking the law, although I have a hard time seeing why someone who can afford a BMW, even a used one, would need an EBT card. It was a nice illustration of why universal income is a bad idea.
A few days ago, I was eating at a sushi place. At the table next to me was a either a very muscular, deep voiced woman or an extremely unconvincing transsexual. She was talking to her partner about getting a tattoo, but was worried that it might cause her problems since she planned on going to visit bath houses in Japan and was very concerned about not offending the sensibilities of Japanese people. It was fascinating to see this person be so concerned about winning the approval of people who most likely would see her as a freak anyway. Do the Japanese even allow transgender people to use the bath they identify with?
I remember seeing numerous instances of progs interrupting speakers they didn’t like by making a fuss like this:
It looks like they’re not going to be able to do that as much anymore.
I have never been to Japan but my understanding is that they have a love/hate relationship with trannies. The old people hate them and the younger generation is fascinated by them.
Also, my mother when she was about my age was a hardcore liberal. What made her into a conservative was working in the Baltimore public school system in the 80s. She would see children come to school with no food and no underwear and get picked up along with their 8 siblings by a woman wearing a fur coat driving a brand new Cadillac.
A lot of bathhouses don’t let you in if you have tattoos, it’s a criminal thing.
This is not true. They just didn’t have the heart to tell you that no one inside wanted to see you naked. I’m sorry.
Meh, they let *me* in.
They were afraid of you.
I’ll make my own bathhouse, with blackjack, and hookers!
We all want to fight stupid, JT, but it takes time and patience.
You know what a CA EBT card looks like? Less than 1% of them actually have a picture of the beach. It’s administered by contract banks, and you’d be unlikely to tell, even at close range.
I could see “EBT” flash on the cash register display.
Maybe it meant something else?
Possibly. I was baffled the other day when I paid with a gift card at Smart & Final and the register coded it as EBT.
amusing. This pamphlet on EBT cards in CA refers to POS machines. That’s almost as good as the TSA’s Rapey Scan.
I thought I’d fucked up somehow, but everything seemed to go through all right.
Is POS not a common (though obviously funny) term?
she’s the spitting image of my niece. only my niece is a real blonde.
too old
So you like em prepubescent like OMWC?
I would never have sex with OMWC
Never again?
It’s not the best derp I’ve seen, but it’s servicable:
“The University of Alaska Anchorage is displaying a professor’s painting that depicts Captain America holding the severed head of President Donald Trump.
Professor Thomas Chung said he was initially hesitant to submit the painting for a faculty art show out of concern that it would make some students feel uncomfortable, but ultimately decided to display it in hopes of starting a conversation.”
Shouldn’t that be Captain Iraq or something?
It’s funny…the only people I see ever holding severed heads are Muslims
Jew-othering shitlord
Teenage Renaissance Girl: Ewwwww
Holofernes nods. Oh wait, he can’t. Never mind.
but ultimately decided to display it in hopes of starting a conversation.
Ah, yes, the ubiquitous “just starting a conversation” gambit. Funny how that never applies when the conversation is about something they don’t like.
Totes edgy!
So I’m guessing my drawing of the hulk standing on the dismembered corpse of Hillary would be A-OKAY too then?
“starting a conversation”
Yeah, today’s prog just wants a conversation.
That makes me want to mash up a whole bunch of samurai scenes of killing and mayhem and end it with the clip “this has been a very good conversation”.
some other people “just starting conversations“
I want so badly to toss back the “hate speech” rhetoric in their faces. The stuff the progs say about how intolerance and hate speech have nothing to do with civil conversation and you can’t learn anything from hate speech, etc.
“freedom of speech/”conversation” for me and not for thee” as we know.
Ah yes, Mirth & Girth redux.
That is some uber weird shit SF. That girl is a 9 on the creepometer.
“I Am Not In A Cult”
She may not in a cult, but she’s damn close to being occult.
“As part of an event on diversity and inclusion in the labor movement, professors at Cornell University displayed cartoons depicting Republicans as knife-wielding terrorists, raving lunatics, and even molesters.”
The one with the elephant reaching up the skirt is kind of funny.
The froth at the mouth one wins this year’s ‘Lack of self awareness’ award hands down.
I am not sure why this surprised me, figures that high unemployment + NDP government (so union ties) would lead to stuff like that. Alberta bars hiring foreign workers for 29 high-skilled jobs
It’s not racist/secret Nazi if it’s a left wing party doing it.
But unlike us, they meeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn well. (I might need to macro that.)
Case in point: their version of internment.
And this:
And this:
Look at Mr. 2 links privilege here. You let floppy-heads get away with this shit?
Urgh, of course you’d whine about that. Look, don’t elect Mussolini next time and we won’t have this problem.
DON’T YOU TALK SHIT ABOUT GRANATSTEIN, he’s a gentleman and a scholar.
(This, of course, has nothing to do with his service and the fact that I personally know him).
Well, you can tell him I own a couple of his books and enjoyed them very much.
Last I checked he wasn’t doing so well, he’s in his late seventies now. Sucks seeing people you respected slowly fade away.
His work on Canadian military history really was an eye opener for me.
Shame to hear that.
Why do I have a feeling that the same NDP members who so smugly approve of this would be the same to turn up their noses at the US for Trump’s policy towards immigrants?
Because they would.
It’s the Canadian way.
Should have gone with “Trump bans hiring…wait, sore-y, Canada.”
The headline reads Alberta bars are hiring
I thought it said Albertas bars are higher?
It’s great, isn’t it? I bet that pun was high point of someone’s day at CBC.
“a new service that will match them with qualified local workers.”
For a while now, I’ve been saying that I think “progressive” governments will try to take complete control of hiring for all businesses. The freedom to pick and choose job applicants is the ruin of so many “progressive” plans. If you jack up the minimum wage, employers will just choose the applicants with a college degree and experience – in other words, the ones who are probably doing just fine already, leaving the uneducated and inexperienced no way to break into the labor market and climb the wage ladder. The “progressives” might also make an anti-discrimination argument… “There are still not enough women in STEM; we have to do something about this blatant discrimination!”
A bit on the tinfoil side? Maybe. But a lot of government intrusions we have today would have been thought ridiculous if they were proposed ~80 years ago.
I think I’ve heard of this… um… what was her name again?
Am I the only one who has basically no reaction to this? It’s not funny like pen-pinapple-pen or anything. It’s just…there.
Good. That means you are becoming.
If I wasn’t at work I would have already hot linked ‘oppai-pen’
Ah. Good. I guess oppai is cleavage? Boob?
oppai = boobies
So Japanese tourists get confused when the visit Greece?
I don’t react. I just understand. Those who react are them, not we.
I really like this. The world need more weird shit like this.
Holy shit there’s so much content. I feel like quitting the internet but I can’t.
I thought WTF is this shit but I watched a few and now I like it. Maybe the world hasn’t passed me by after all.
I now want to march in an “event” with a “Je suis Poppy” sign. Just to fuck with people.
I agree.
So, everyone’s been talking about the NYC Mayor, Mr. Warren Wilhelm Jr. of Cambridge, MA, calling a giant press conference to silence the NYTimes recently calling him a slacker on the tobaccer. As the Kaiser waved around 30-year-old Marlboro Man ads, most people have been focusing on the raise of minimum pack prices to a Mafiatastic $13 (by far the country’s highest, as he boasted). But there are actually *five* bills he is backing, and others are a bit more interesting.
One of these bans new tobacco retail licenses (currently a small routine fee paid by even the smallest booth owner) until the current number halves across the city, which will probably take several decades. Jockeying for licenses will be a shitshow that will make liquor license politics look clean, but unfortunately De Blasio will not be around to benefit. At any rate, “grandfather” provisions like this are clever regulatory policy: They blunt public opposition by phasing in any effect over the distant future; and more importantly they turn the most threatening would-be opponents of regulation into its biggest potential rent-receiving cronies.
Another bill bans tobacco (and those deadly ecigs) from being sold anyplace with a pharmacy. Merely *talking* about this will no doubt lead to a “nudge” effect of national drug and supermarket chains virtue-signaling tobacco free policies.
But the cleverest bill of all is the least talked-about: Requiring landlords (and coops and condos) to post an explicit policy on in-apartment smoking to all tenants at lease signing and *every year*. They don’t like it because, over and above noncompliance fines, it removes their discretion and opens them up to tenant court nightmares. But it seems *extremely* mild compared to a lot of shit that’s been proposed lately.
Here’s a problem for the crusaders: They have brilliantly leveraged their credibility as scientists into selling the public on a series of baldfaced *lies*, the keystone of which was “secondhand smoke” demagoguery, and cast themselves as David against the “Big Tobacco” Goliath. (This last part works especially well with young Americans’ weird, increasingly proestablishmentarian notions of rebelliousness.) But unfortunately, despite their unquestioning trust in health authorities and total loss of any “live and let live” sentiment, evan after a decade of subway posters and TV ads depicting streams of animated “smoke” entering a baby’s lungs from an apartment at the opposite end of the highrise most New Yorkers remain surprisingly blase about others smoking behind closed doors. NYC wants to change that by forcing landlords to “choose sides” and declare (over and over) that they are a **smoking building**. The endgame, of course, is that this slight “nudge” of the market will cause smoking apartments to become marginal “on their own.” Currently: A minority of smokers quietly scattered among buildings, free to smoke and bothering no one. Eventually: Smokers cluster more and more in the remaining permitted apartments, which in turn will make them less palatable to nonsmokers. So most buildings to be nonsmoking, but a few overpriced ones smoking. Maybe the latter can be banned at that point. And, with a little well-intentioned “push,” “the free market did it all.”
I don’t expect many of my fellow nonsmokers to be that outraged by a “labeling requirement” solution that largely respects the market and property rights. But it is a strategy that will adversely, and ultimately *artificially*, make it more difficult for people to seek their own happiness at the expense of no one else. That is a decision we must never make for them. And–as always–if you don’t feel there’s much skin off your nose in this case, think about how this and similar strategies can generalize for nearly ANY GOAL that may strike a politician’s fancy in the future.
Beware! The sheep’s clothing of “soft paternalism.”
I have never smoked, never will smoke, and have seen first hand what smoking does to people. I literally had to beat my ex out of the habit and she went right back a few years after we broke up. She now has none of her natural teeth left and she’s 35. Now that you’ve heard that: This nanny state father knows best bullshit will be the death of all of us and we must stop it, because by the time it gets to something more impactful the precedent will already be set.
An attack on any freedom, no matter how slight or well intentioned, is an attack on all of them.
Apart from the domestic violence bit, I can definitely relate to the pain of seeing loved ones smoke and make other choices that destroy the precious gift of health.
The worst nannies you find are these: (1) The crusading ex smoker. Bloomberg himself was one of these. (2) Those who lost a loved one. These fuckers, of course, are *always* the most dangerous in society. They are looking to find “meaning” in their loved one’s death as a way to salve the pain; and our dumbass society, instead of treating condition as it should, actually perversely regards these people as a source of *wisdom*. YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO HAVE A CHILD SNATCHED OFF THE STREET AND MURDERED BY A STRANGER. You’re damn fucking right I don’t. Almost no one does. Why the fuck are we letting this delirious with grief fanatic write our public policy? If this were a comic book he’d become a supervillain. And so it is with the smoking survivors. “My mom died in agony after smoking for 40 years.” Your mother made her choices. Sorry for your loss, but I stop feeding your delusion when you send Officer Chokehold out to police my life.
**Why the fuck** is the Average Joe **more** inclined to “mind your business” and recognize that “you can’t control others; people will make the decisions they will make” when it’s their **loved one** drinking and smoking himself into a grave–as compared to enlisting the police to do it for strangers he has not met?
(3) The worst of all is like the Council sponsor of this bill, Corey Johnson–the **current** smoker. These assholes actually say they hope a proposed law will help people like them quit. That’s right, they are recruiting the entire weight of the state police power to help them overcome their own personal weakness. How utterly fucking pathetic. How do you fucking look at yourself in the mirror every morning knowing you are such a weak, pathetic piece of shit?
#3, by Peter Bagge.
Oh God I just saw this. I fucking love Bagge. Easy there on those funny cigs yourself, though. You don’t look so good.
Looked him up. The guy is mad with power.
He tried to ban the circus. That is not a fucking joke.
Must have worked because the circus just had its last run here.
He’s introducing legislation to require the president to release his tax returns.
Hon, dial it down.
LOL. By the way, the bills’ authors are all gays, Latinos, or both (aside from one Jew). Your people and mine have both been through so much; and now, to see them, at long last, taking their table and consistently ordering state police power to attack the have-nots trying to scrape by and just live their lives as they choose, all in the service of causes that once only out-of-touch limousine “liberals” would have favored…it brings a tear to my eye. We have *arrived*.
Feld LLC, the parent “ice Capades” company, shut Ringling Bros. down, period, due to lack of revenue. They were feeling the heat from a lot of municipalities over bans, but they had been declining in revenue for a long time. Once innovators, they had become glacial and fusty. They banned elephants as a Hail Mary in case the fanatics were right and that was a good business move in these more enlightened times. Turned out not. That just meant **no one** came to see them. And now they are gone.
RBBB were never a very good circus. Try Big Apple, which just revived this year. It’s awesome. I like circuses in general, and they might find hope in a future where live entertainment is one of the healthiest sectors. But of course you do need to innovate, to be the right *kind* of show.
They are *very* politically weak, however, when it comes to regulation, because they are “lowbrow” entertainment for the common man, and they do not have a permanent presence in the community. (To the first point, Mexico–where they have animal fighting of various kinds–just banned the politically powerless, mostly tiny mom and pop circuses–without even a well thought out plan. Animals were abandoned all over the country, but luckily many managed to go at fire sale prices to the private collections of political cronies.)
I’m glad it was the market (well, sort of) and not this gasbag that ended it.
There’s something in the water here (and in any other big city, really) that turns people into raging control freaks. It’s not a gay or Latino thing. It would be nice to have the big-city life without the creeping fascism but it seems impossible.
Phoenix is as close as I have ever found. 90% of NYC with 10% of the bullshit.
There’s something in the water here (and in any other big city, really) that turns people into raging control freaks. It’s not a gay or Latino thing.
It’s an urban thing, I noticed it when I was in Ottawa for schooling. I think the majority of urbanites are sub-consciously driven to statism by some asshole desire to control their neighbour’s smoking habit or loud music or what-not.
What John said. That is exactly it. That many people can’t live on top of each other without someone wanting to run everyone’s lives. I don’t understand it.
I don’t think a majority are like that* but since they neatly align with the party machine, they win.
*at least in NY. In CA, maybe they are.
I was more talking about the general habit of urban folks to be driven towards the desire to control or manipulate others, largely as a product to their proximity to their fellow man.
Yes I’m some weirdo agrarian, why do you ask?
Stop virtue signaling. You live in a country with half the world’s landmass and no people.
Well if you people divided yourselves neatly amongst distributed land and cities of less than 300,000 we wouldn’t have this problem.
You’re making a lot of sense tonight.
She now has none of her natural teeth left and she’s 35
She still single? Asking for a friend.
Nope, but that won’t stop her. I can get you her number.
Sounds like a real winner there lad.
Hey *I* didn’t marry her! I just fucked her in her 20’s and let some other sucker deal with her toothless ass later.
That makes you come off like a bit of a heartless cunt, and I approve.
Only a bit? I must be getting soft in my old age.
There’s a pill for that.
There has been a slow but ever increasing war on smokers for years. We are not numerous enough to vote these assholes out of office. This country needs more smokers.
/Goes to elementary school to hand out cigarettes.
Reading stuff like that makes me want to start again. Just out of spite.
Same here. Also, because I’m far more tightly wound and also fatter than I was when I smoked.
Honestly there’s a case to be made that my health is actually better served by smoking.
Start exercising. Seriously, in addition to burning fat, it’s a top-notch stress diffuser. I replaced cigarettes with exercise, and I never missed them.
I’ve been vaping for a while now. I feel like I’ve betrayed the tribe. *hangs head in shame*
Vaping is so much more enjoyable for me than smoking ever was. And you can’t really ban or “regulate” vaping. You can regulate the stores.
But way too many people know how to make juice, mods, and coils at home now.
Not going outside is a plus
Vaping is treated exactly like smoking here – you have to do it outside, you pay the tobacco punishment for health coverage, and as noted above the nannies hate it exactly as much.
Management is a little bit more laid back here: I’m somehow part of it. The chemically sensitive employees haven’t noticed a thing.
Most people appreciate it if you vape in the shitter at work, because smells
One big difference is who the hell is going to find out? Impossible to know someone’s been vaping unless you catch them visually in the act. And as for insurance, I’m not countenancing fraud but the real reason you can’t get away with it with smoking is because it can have detectable health consequences (which is precisely a major thing you are insuring **against**, so it would be a stupid role of the dice to risk having your policy cancelled). Vaping does not. If by chance your insurance company sees you vaping in a Facebook post or something, you can just say you do not do it regularly. (Fuck, it might even be harmless, innocent old marijuana oil you were vaping!)
I am quite shocked that insurance actuaries have made this move. It is harmless or something very close to it, and it is quite popular among young people who have given up smoking and proudly think of themselves as nonsmokers (so is unlikely to be a correlational risk factor).
“I am quite shocked that insurance actuaries have made this move. It is harmless or something very close to it”
My guess is that they do this because there’s no way to tell if someone smokes or vapes by running bloodwork. If I remember right, nicotine leaves some kind of byproduct in the bloodstream, and health insurance companies will screen for this. But if vapers paid a lower rate, every smoker would just say, “Oh yea, I vape, that’s why the nicotine is in my bloodstream”. They would then be undercharging the cigarette smokers, who are likely to cost much more money.
Your “chemically sensitive” employees are faking it.
To Slammer, of course.
I used to vape openly in the break room until one ex employee complained and they cracked down on me. So I vape at lunch break outside, except when I sneak in the bathroom. It’s a public restroom, so no one ever complains
I meant vaping in the shitter smells a lot better than shit
Whatever, I can inhale nicotine at work. I’m fucking Don Draper.
Earth day Smoke-a-thon!
I may have (mostly, I prefer a cigar now and then) quit recently, but I stand with smokers. For too long you’ve been the butt (pun intended) of harassment and price gouging. I recommend going to your local Indian reservation and stocking up.
I don’t know where it went but they’re trying to eliminate that little loophole here in NY.
I don’t know how you can eliminate “drive to the reservation and buy bag after bag of cheap Indian cigarettes”. Outside of the NYC I don’t know how they could prevent that.
By taxing them at the same rate as everyone else? Who’s gonna stop them?
In my experience the natives are largely not going to enforce the white man’s tax, but maybe the U.S. is different than northern Ontario.
I remember going through North Carolina from New Hampster to Florida as a kid. They used to have roadside shops that had 24 carton boxes of cheap smokes for sale, often with “prizes”, such as cheap tennis racquets included.
Since I work in NJ, I have a feeling I’ll be buying only cartons (or, 10 at a time – nobody buys cartons around here for some reason) there from now on.
Those prizes are a Federal crime now. Don’t know if you’re old enough to remember, but–although most of the “targeting kids” thing is bullshit (Joe Camel is a “cartoon”? Adults don’t like grape flavored blunt wraps? Are you fucking kidding me?) I do admit kids went nuts for collecting those Marlboro Miles back in the day, for a bunch of total worthless crap.
Since you’re there every day anyway NJ should be your “emergency” (at least moderate emergency). If you ever go down to DC from time to time to see how the ugly gays live, as mentioned elsewhere I suggest a quick Metro ride to northern VA for some of the country’s cheapest smokes. That should be your main source. Buy enough cartons to never run out; you’ll more than pay for the whole trip with just one! PA used to be pretty cheap too but they just raised it last year.
Lol. Like the tribes don’t know how much cigs cost praise the res? And they don’t price them just barely under the same price?
You’re paying the tax, whether you pay it to the white man’s government or to the red’s.
*outside not praise. Sheesh
Well, no not *barely* under, because they are private enterprises that have to compete with others on the res. Also they want to make it worthwhile for people living far away to go there, not just people living just outside the border! In NYC, NJ is a 5 minute *local fare* train ride right across the river ($7 and change for Marlboros, which will undoubtedly be well over twice that in NYC after this bill), and Arlington VA is shockingly close and dirt cheap by Chinese bus (seriously, the buses are fucking nothing. How the government has allowed them to get away with it this long is beyond me), and of course that state has some of the cheapest smokes in the country. (Cross the Potomac northward to get your dose of some semblance of weed, liquor, fireworks, and speeding sanity (though not DWI BAC sanity, to be sure); but down south, by, God, at least you can get cheap smokes.)
I am ignorant of how you insane people do things on the east coast. But I’m fairly intimate with the Cheyenne/Smackaho tribe further west. I guarantee in Ok the difference is 60 cents a pack at most.
I already have one foot out of this fucking place. My job was priced out of the city. It’s only a matter of time before my residence is priced out too, and the only people left here will be those far wealthier than me and those who are on the mayor’s list of acceptables: poor people (public housing), old people (rent control), and union shills.
This shit is just icing on the cake.
So, where to?
No idea. I like my life here. If it wasn’t for the fucking criminals running the place I’d be happy.
Up north we welcome all, if you’re interested. Smaller cities makes it harder to price you out. I suspect you’d be more likely to move to some other state.
Progs could care fuck all about poor people. These are people who keep housing costs up with ridiculous rules designed specifically to keep out the poors, keep consumer prices up all over the place through innumerable means, raid places where they make a living, ban them from accepting jobs at wages they are qualified for, engage in “prog theater” like plastic bag fees on their backs, impose regressive taxes like this one that others have better means to avoid, keep up the war on drugs (anyone notice the escalation in rhetoric lately among progs in good standing?), harass them in the streets over petty “quality of life” shit “for their own good and those of the communities,” tell them they are not allowed to defend themselves against those who will hurt them (but tell them it’s nonetheless a horrible, horrible problem and so please welcome the assistance of Officer Friendly here) and so forth. I could go on and on. In return they give them a bunch of useless paternalistic shit that is mostly designed to keep the bureacracy in place, and make upper middle class progs feel virtuous while actually delivering them a big fat entitlement. (E.g. rent control? That benefits those with **connections**.) These fuckers actually are in the drivers seat in this city, and will stop at nothing until it is their own personal theme park and playground.
These fuckers actually are in the drivers seat in this city, and will stop at nothing until it is their own personal theme park and playground.
Exactly this. Exactly.
True. They do like their votes, though.
I went into this in some detail at the other place, but I’d like to vent about that some more.
It’s basically a scam to trick young people (or young-ish, like me) into subsidizing the old. I had never had rent stabilization until my current place. It turns out that it only applies to the so-called “legal rent”, which is jacked up way above the market rate at surrounding 6-unit or less buildings (where the rules don’t apply). Long story short I’m now paying $600 more per month than I did five years ago because they’re still not charging me the “legal rent”. If I do stay in the city you can be goddamn sure I’m never living in a big building again.
Barack Obama is the single greatest political genius that has ever lived. Among other miracles, he got young people to sit there and cheer–no, to **demand**–that the government reach into their pocket when they are trying to struggle to their feet, and **hand their money over** to a bunch of rich 60 year olds.
But, of course, he didn’t start the fire. Upper middle class old people, those sainted hardworking salt of the earth folks, are a rentier class a hundred ways to Sunday. Now, our system has ensured that the poor are even more dependent on government, of course, so the bourgies don’t stick out that much. But they don’t need to be in order to improve their quality of life. And they aren’t the ones driving the agenda. Forget about “net” takers or givers; that’s conservative talk. Libertarian talk is this: We are all parasites. The state has ensured that. And it wasn’t the poor who made it so.
Barack Obama is the single greatest political genius that has ever lived.
Whoa now, let’s not give him credit for the fact that voters are idiots.
This conversation brings something to mind. One of my favorte movies is Thank You for Smoking. It concludes by saying smoking is a personal choice and that Nick Naylor is the defender of the “indefensible.” Up to and including clubbing baby seals.
Is it’s message libertarian? Discuss…
Seals deplete the fish the Inuit eat to survive. But, the inuit also eat the seals, which they club. Arctic intersectionality is a bitch.
Also btw, the seals being clubbed are not “babies.” That is illegal. Only adolescents, those who have lost at least a patch of fur (“ragged jackets”) are (very sustainably) harvested. They live a life free in the wild until they meet the only one of their natural predators with anything close to the courtesy to dispatch them with a quick spike to the brain. One of the most annoying parts of being a city boy is seeing people who are not vegetarians express their visceral disdain for hunting between bites of Purdue chicken.
I have always wondered how politics goes in Canada. Fur harvesting, timber, asbestos, etc., and above all the **oil sands** oh god the oil sands…they love being proggy so much (they have nearly elevated it to a defining national characteristic, since they feel so insecure on that point), but they have so much “evil” in their backyard that they could never actually move against. I have always wondered how their domestic politics deals with that; I haven’t quite been able to discern it.
Canadians voted for a moron SJW to be their PM. That’s how they deal with it. He’s like the sin-eaters of old — all the sins of Dead White Males are propitiated by The Hair That Walks Like A Man™‘s absorbing of our anti-PC, anti-Earth licentiousness, after which he tears off his shirt and the light of a thousand SJW suns shines forth to cleanse us all.
Or maybe I just imagined it.
In all fairness, The Phantom is something like 20 plus generationth. I don’t think His Hunkiness is **that** much of a legacy child. I think fifth or sixth generation tops.
More importantly, he ain’t *all that* anyway. Pena Nieto is the dumbest motherfucker in the hemisphere but he is one hot little pocket Latin (and I should know!). The Queen of Spain is hot. The Queen of the Netherlands is hot. The Crown Princess of Monaco is hot. The Queen of Jordan OH MY FUCKING ALLAH. The Queen of Bhutan is **smoking** and the King ain’t too bad himself. *That’s* how you do it Canada. Fuck Trudeau.
they love being proggy so much
Just this week there was a bit of Prog backlash against PM Zoolander.
Fucking puke I could not make it past the first sentence.
If I lived up there, clubbing seals would be my only hobby. FUCK YOU SUN, FUCK YOU COPERNICUS! SIX MONTHS YOU SAY? RAMPAGE!!!
Judas Titty Fucking Priest. This is not how I thought the conversation would turn. Then again, it turned exactly where It should have. Nice work.
That’s enough internet for today.
I have it on loop
Like that scene in Brainstorm?
Is Brainstorm a porno?
I was hoping the ‘react’ craze was over.
SugarFree Reacts to Diane Reynolds Reacting to the React Craze
I got somethin’ for people to react to…
I should have recorded me reading that.
Look at the views. It will end when it stops being a cash cow. I don’t know how people use YouTube without AdBlock but I’m glad Google gives zero fucks about it.
Yeah, I could not stomach more than 10 seconds of that shit.
Yeah, Caps are up 4-1 at the end of the fist period. Do I think that guarantees a win? Am I feeling cocky?
NO! NO! No. No. no. no? yes? yes. Yes. Yes. YES! YES! YES!
I am feeling cocky, and I’m guaranteeing the win!
Deal with it.
fuck the caps
The Caps don’t like you either.
i hate the caps so much i’m not even typing any capital letters here.
(I’m really just kidding around here. I actually really don’t hate them, at least when compared to the Rangers and Penguins, and especially since they’re not in the same division with the Flyers any longer. I’ve just always found their choking history to be funny. I actually think it’d be kind of cool to see Ovechkin win a cup for once.)
Erm, ignore the “not in the same division”. Caught up in editing screwups.
It was going to be something about how they weren’t in the same division for a while until they re-jiggered the divisions a few years ago.
Now the Rags and Pens, I hate them with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns.
Go Pens! Suck it Ken.
That’ll be an amazing series if we get past Toronto, and whoever wins that series will probably win the cup.
Fuck the Rangers and the Most Overrated Arena on Earth.
Shouldn’t you be saying “Fuck the Habs” at this point?
Them too. Hating DC is just a reflex.
God, hockey is a boring sport to watch.
I think Poppy and This Guy should get together and be like a virtual couple. He will stay in the tuxedo at all times and never blink.
This guy is sincere though. Poppy is a puppet.
He’s too real for her. He’d be like, “babe, i’m trying to connect with you, but you just keep saying your name. I don’t think this is going to work out. Have some Pizza”
Am I weird for wanting an MSTK3 video spoofing “I am Poppy, I am Poppy…” It’s what the Mads wanted all along, no?
That dudes a total stoner
“Red bull used to give you wings. Not anymore.”
Maybe not. But it gives you the power to run over cops in your Lamborghini and not go to a Thai prison if you are the founders son. (too lazy to find the link)
When I was living there, I remember that the son of the Sports and Tourism Minister straight up shot someone in a crowded nightclub. Despite there being multiple witnesses to the murder, the cops basically just said “well, shit happens.”
Why you gotta ruin the Poppy with kids videos?
Well, say what you will but she sure gets views.
The original Poppy.
Have I mentioned lately that you’re so bloody old?
Don’t mind JT, he hasn’t clubbed a seal today.
TIS THE RIGHT OF MY PEOPLE RUFUS, even if I’m technically related to a tribe hundreds of kilometers away from anyone who clubs seals…
Youth chatter just kind of burbles in my subconscious. I don’t notice it.
Not by about 50 or 60 years.
I didn’t even know that Poppy is a thing. But I somehow knew when I saw the post photo that it was a SugarFree article without checking. Do I even want to know what this is about?
Sugarfree’s gotten too tame lately, I’ve lost my perversive muses. Warren Ellis turned into a left-wing violent hack, and Sugarfree’s toned down his content. Time to look for a new role model.
SugarFree’s going for the mainstream now. It’s only a matter of time before he’s as famous as… hey, Clive Barker wrote kid’s books and that didn’t kill his mojo.
Look, I need money, OK?
Love his old stuff. He still around?
Yeah, but he only writes sort of spooky fantasy now. The Books of Blood was his peak.
I’m more into novels but some of those short stories are classic. “In the Hills, the Cities” is a favorite.
Yup. That one really sticks with you.
I’d love to see the Attack on Titan creators animate it.
Last novel I read of his was Galilee. Imajica was my favorite. But he released a novel in 2015, not sure if anything since then.
What Clive Barker would you recommend for someone who’s never read anything by him?
The Hellbound Heart is a bit of a teaser for Barker’s work, it was the chief reference for the Hellraiser movie series. I haven’t read that much of his work however.
I would say anything before 2000 – it’s all good. Weaveworld is another favorite of mine – long novel. Mixes fantasy and horror elements.
Definitely Weaveworld.
Cabal. Made waiting 20+ years for the directors cut of “Nightbreed” totally worth it.
Coldheart Canyon was the last one I read. Not bad, not great.
I liked Imagica. The Great and Secret Show was my favorite.
Great and Secret show is a good one. Still Imajica is better, IMO.
It’s been sooooo long since I’ve read any of them, I’m just going on what I remember from 20 years ago. I have been known to read the same book multiple times in a couple years so it’s not like I won’t return to these some day soon.
Barker has a very eloquent writing style that I greatly admire. My favorite author is a guy most people have probably never heard of named Gary Jennings. His writing style was just fantastic, sort of in the fantasy type style of Barker, but even more intricate and eloquent, but everything I read by him was a historical novel. He wrote some lines that stuck with me for months after reading a novel. He passed away back in 99, damn shame.
He also has the distinction of being some sort of “creative consultant” behind the only video game that has actually scared me.
Really? Didn’t play Amnesia or anything else?
I did start Amnesia. Didn’t get far in for some reason. But yeah, it is creepy as hell. I see it’s in my library but not installed. I should give it a spin.
I see SOMA is 66% off – have you played it?
I’ve played SOMA. It depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for a strictly mechanical horror experience, you’ll probably be disappointed. the gameplay is a lot like Amnesia in the sense that you’re just running and hiding from monsters, and not much else. As a narrative experience, it’s wonderful. It’s derivative of a lot of classic sci-fi, but it spins a really engaging tale and world. A warning though; it’s really fucking bleak and depressing.
I enjoyed SOMA, personally. Kind of trippy and pretty damn tense at times.
Also deals with some really interesting sci fi concepts.
I loved it as well, but I think it was pretty divisive.
Downloading it now. Damn it’s huge.
I saw that, but never played it.
It’s from 2001 so a little dated but criminally overlooked IMHO. It’s more FPS than survival horror but my god the atmosphere is amazing, from the huge manor you start out in to the Irish monastery (in two different time periods!) plus some weird-as-shit places in alternate “planes” or something.
Did you like Jericho though?
“Did you like Jericho though?”
Never played that either, but remember it.
Did Rhywun? Curious, since most people that loved Undying hated Jericho, AFAIK.
Never heard of “Jericho”.
Really? The only other Clive Barker game other than Undying. It bombed though, and isn’t available digitally, so that’s probably why.
Jericho’s a weird little game. It’s got all the makings of a Barker game, but it’s got the problem of being a FPS where the player can simply blow up away any terror that approaches them. Barker’s video game problem is that he focused on FPS instead of Silent Hill style survival horror, which he would have excelled at.
*wikis it*
Shit, sounds great to me. I can’t believe I never heard of it but by 2007 I had stopped buying anything on CD so yeah.
The core gameplay reminds me of “Project Eden” – another old, overlooked favorite of mine. Think “Resident Evil” as FPS.
I’ve completed SOMA. Soma is less a horror game and more an existential nightmare, i.e. it’s more about the story than the scares. The horror is more in the nature of the technology than the mechanics of the game itself. It’s fun and interesting, but it lacks the core fear dynamic than defines Amnesia.
Wasn’t a fan of Amnesia, but I also disliked the run and hide bits of SOMA (half the time, I just turned on godmode when I got tired of dying.) Mostly tend to play games based on the quality of their worlds/stories though, nowadays.
Except DOOM. DOOM was fucking great.
Gotta admit I’m not a huge “survival horror” fan – except for some of the Silent Hill’s – but hey 10 bucks, I’ll give it a shot.
DOOM’s a welcome return to the old school FPS genre. I weep for the kids today who see FPS as a cover based modern military shooter, my youth was filled with hours of Unreal 2004.
Titanfall 2, man, it’s great. Leans more on the “Never stop jumping around” then the cover shooter style. Which has it’s own merits, depending on what kind of FPS you’re making.
The ending is the best part
the ending of which? do they get naked?
Yes we do
Where she says, “I’m Poppy” at minute 9:57? My favorite too.
Holy shit, that 2nd video with the Kid’s reactions is fucking hysterical.
“She was IN THIS ROOM!”
“I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy, I am Poppy…”
Huh? What was that?
Poppy is short for poppycock, which is derived ultimately from a Latin word meaning soft food (an English derivative is pap) and the Greek word kakos, meaning dung/shit.
So the word really means shit soup.
Cacophony basically means shit sound in Greek.
And now you know.
For no reason at all, a quote from Aristotle:
Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.
And another from Spinoza:
Beliefs based on facts are defended with facts. Beliefs based on emotions are defended with emotions.
from a Latin word meaning soft food
Nope. Poppycock is a delicious bag of caramel covered popcorn and nuts,
Yes. If your Poppycock is soft, return it to the store for a new bag.
Poppycock! From the makers of Balderdash.
“Poppycock is a delicious bag of caramel covered popcorn and nuts”
Does it come with a cool prize? If not, that’s just Crackerjack with a dumber name.
Much better than Crackerjack.
The poppy is obviously short for popcorn, I get that. But to be promised cock and delivered only nuts? That is just begging for a class action right there.
Fuck you.
Tea bag is the movement.
I remember one music critic said he wished he’d been to a 69 Boyz concert back in the Miami Bass era, so he could have seen them introduced and rush out onto the stage yelling, “Yeeeaaaahh! We 69 Boyz!”
I was just thinking the other day that if a child looks at child porn, from the kid’s perspective, it’s it merely just ‘porn’?
Yeah, I’m not clicking that.
“if a child looks at child porn, from the kid’s perspective, it’s it merely just ‘porn?”
I think it’s a lifetime on a list where you live as a social pariah, at least in the glorious new Puritan States of Murika. Not defending children looking at child pr0n, just saying that our enlightened society has went straight to shit.
Well of course we know what it is from the *law*’s perspective. There is no such legal thing as “pornography,” only “child pornography,” and every time a junior high school kid takes a quick picture of his dick to see how things are coming along, before he can delete it he has already committed at least three felonies that would make him a Registered Sex Offender for life.
On another note, I do enjoy when discussing child actors who have grown up to be hot, shocking people by not holding back about my past reaction either. **Oh, son, she grew up so fine! She was *always* fine, man, I remember she was the finest fucking five year old. I wanted to fuck the shit out of her. Mmm-mmm!**
Ahem, just to be certain, we are talking about cases where **I myself was five** at the time; that is the joke. I am not talking about someone who was five in 2009 or something. Just being clear here, in case I wasn’t.
My wife was horrified to see naked Madeline Zima in Californication.
Huh, I thought that poppy is a flower. Some varieties of which opiates can be made from. Therefore, bad. Bad flower.
That’s poppycock.
I don’t know if dressing in an orange jumpsuit and a green hat and wearing a sign that says “I don’t carrot all about your outrage” is the best response to an SJW tantrum, but it is fun to watch:
Well I think Glibs have found their official super hero.
My hero! <3
Imagine this man, the revolution won, now in charge of an oil refinery or chemical plant.
Which one, the carrot or the antifa?
There’s a difference when the butane subsystem goes critical?
Pffft. chemical plant? Dude will be president!!
Poppy is a plant product, that when processed, can get you high.
Go on…
Just for instructional purposes.
From the article:
In various parts of the world there is no pension system. In some cases, a person must work until they die. People who preform physical jobs sometimes consume opium to ease the pain enough for them to be able to work.
Western countries allow some pain sufferers to take opioid medications like codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine, etcetera. These medications can all be obtained or synthesized from the latex produced by the opium poppy.
Western countries allow you to self-qualify for permanent room and board by ingesting opiod products.
There’s this thing called ‘opium’ that makes you crazy high. I only partially recommend it.
Which part do you recommend? The ‘high’ or the ‘crazy’?
Opiates make me violently sick. I’m talking projectile vomiting sick.
Exactly. My earliest opiate experience consisted of me relaxing for awhile and then fucking a dear friend of mine, then several hours in front of a toilet wishing for death.
Meh, pretty good as far as opiate stories go. Not exactly Trainspotting caliber material but it’ll do. I was expecting a lot better from a rural Canadian.
Cut me some slack, I was a good little Christian boy until the age of sixteen, then I got into the hard stuff. I certainly saw what the meth and crack did to other locals, but I was more about the ride at a young age, fortunately my job and experience steered me away from the path.
Me too. I will never ever touch that shit again.
I have some cough syrup with codeine in it. … Time to get freaky?
Kidding. It’s really time to get a decent night’s sleep for the first time in a fucking week.
That was the worst trap chorus ever.
I don’t know how it affects everyone, but codeine makes my dick hard and it takes me a long time to finish. My skills as a lover grow exponentially with a hydro or two.
*sobs for my poor wife whose husband can’t indulge because of work drug testing policies*
I expected better of you Riven, or at least one bad cocaine story (mine involves scaring people in public parks as a wee lad).
Bah, cocaine is just concentrated coffee, dammit! I feel like if the universe was written by a sci-fi author, cocaine would not be the drug for the trippy psychonaut planet or the hedonistic party planet, but the drug for the overachieving office drone planet that has somehow not discovered amphetamines.
Exactly. My cocaine experiences, unlike say, my acid experiences, were not some profound defining factor. Cocaine is basically ‘hyper-caffeine’ but the normies will never let you know it.
Rebel Media on the punched girl recently nicknamed MoldyLocks:
check out the dislike ratio on Moldylocks’ interview on CBS:
youtube comment gold:
This video is taking more of a beating than she did.
The progs are literally getting the holy shit kicked out of them on the intertoobz. Which is really not any big surprise, since they’re complete retards. I’m looking forward for the Democrats to start running campaigns based on censoring the internet. Seems that just censoring college campuses is not working out so well.
So am I correct in assuming that this chick is going to be in all of SF’s writing from now on?
Can’t decide if I’m turned on by this or not.
How do react to a pretty girl saying “Poppy”?
Drop trou?
Not sure.
She’s got better music videos.
When in doubt just go with it. I’m not undecided at all but doesn’t take much for me.
In hockey parlance, that’s what’s known as a “bullshit call”.
If this shit keeps up, more petrified tropical tree stumps might get exposed to the atmosphere again!!!!!!!!!
I saw a post about this next to another one weeping about a proposed Nickolodeon theme park in the Phillipines that’s going to be an environmental Epic Disaster (sign the petition now to stop the rape of Mother Gaia!!) I’m not even sure the theme park one was real — is SpongeBob a big thing in the Phillipines or Japan/china (who I suppose would be the main tourists goign to that).
Someone else is also really worried about Mother Gaia. I’m pretty sure that’s not her real concern. Man I would love to see her and Shikha locked in a room full of medieval weapons together.
So I guess this comes as no surprise.
Anybody remember when the Amazon being deforested was a huge fucking big deal and how we were losing all this precious biomass and diversity and people were selling “Rainforest Safe” blah blah?
anyone remember what happen to that?
How about the Dophins? have we eaten them all in our tuna sandwiches already? because i seem to recall there being a problem where Tuna fishing was going to kill all the dophins, and because of this, they had to label stuff “NO REALLY WE DONT” and it was so problematic.
Now that i’m thinking about it, its spring and fuck = THE BEES!!! THE BEES ARE ALL GONE NOW!!! DAMN YOU MONSANTO!! I KNEW YOU WOULD DO IT THE SECOND I TURNED MY BACK!!!!
+1 acid rain
First of all, fuck a you whaaarrrees and fuck a you dolpheeennnsss.
Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system. I’ll just use my lovely new home state of Murland as an example. There is not a single square fucking inch of real estate here that is not covered by a road, building, parking lot or other man made structure that does not have a fucking tree on it. There is literally no fucking more room anywhere to put another damn tree without tearing down a building or ripping up a road or parking lot. And most of the state is wilderness.
I can only guess about the Amazon. Maybe I need to go there next time I’m in Brazil and see if there’s a lack of trees. I’m doubtful.
Oh, and I’ve flown directly over the amazon a couple of times during the day time when I had a window seat. And I mostly only saw trees down on the surface, mile after mile after mile of trees, which makes me even more doubtful.
On an extremely tangential note, I saw a kewl wooden table at a barn sale a few years ago. The bottom was stamped: “MADE IN THE U.S.S.R.”
Did it catch on fire when you plugged it in? I know the TVs did.
Amazing. We spent 70 years trembling in fear of a country that couldn’t make a decent car or TV. Sure, they have a lot of missiles, but I expect most of them would fall apart in the sky on the way here.
I also have a wooden bookshelf “Made in the Soviet Union” that I’ve had for probably 25 years at this point. Lumber products and misery are the only exports I’ve seen from the USSR, but they made some durable wood products. The poor schmucks that made those products probably got a raw deal. Certified not gulag?
Classic Onion: Russians announce delay in carving new space station
I don’t know if they still do it, but for quite awhile I found it hilarious that LAX would always park the Aeroflot at the separate terminal as if they were afraid it would spontaneously explode.
Flot won’t pay for an overnight gate. Same as Tahiti Nui. They get pushed over to Pershing until it’s time for the return flight.
God, Aeroflot. I picked up a tshirt after flying Seoul->Moscow->Istanbul on them, and even the tshirt came apart almost instantly.
I always got a kick out of the fact that the Yugo (really a Fiat that was made in the one country to play both sides), and that behind the Curtain it chiefly distinguished itself as by far the *best* car available. Guaranteed to not arrive with doors welded shut, Comrade!
Seriously, though, Mr. Tito is one of statecraft’s greatest giants. The sole Eastern European Communist dictator who didn’t owe shit to Stalin (which is probably why Yugoslavia was the one country where Stalin actually favored the **Royalists**, and ultra anti-commie Churchill–impressed with results above all else–favored the Communists, with Roosevelt as usual in the middle), and boy did he ever use that leverage for all it was worth.
One of my best friends from high school went in and out of the Soviet Union back in the day when there was a Soviet Union. When we were kids, (high school) we had a flag fetish as in we stole flags. Idiotic youthful idiocy. I am not sure how he did it, but he stole a soviet flag on one of his trips and gave it to me. I have never thrown if away all these years. There is an honest to god soviet hammer and sickle flag in a box in my closet. I am not sure how to use it, unless one day I want to infiltrate a Bernie rally.
If no party connections that kid’s got balls, son.
We were dumb in our youth. He out grew it and is a responsible citizen now.
When I was in 6th grade around 1997, we spent a few weeks learning about the rain forest and assorted other environmental panics.
The teacher decided to have a debate on the pros and cons of cutting down the rain forest, because this particular teacher had no fucks to give.
Since no one took the pro cut down the rain forest side, I did. It was me against the rest of the class.
The anti side got whittled down to 5 people who took turns interrogating me in front of the class.
My argument basically boiled down to saying the reason the people there are cutting the trees is the same reason people in the US cut down trees: lumber, land for farming, etc. and so we didn’t really have any business criticizing them for doing something we did.
They had no answer for that, so I won.
Side note: it was at this time I was introduced to the eco-brainwashing music group known as Magpie:
As a peace offering, I brought in my massive toy reptile collection to help make the jungle diorama.
Hey Gang, late as always. On topic: Would. God help me, so would. Off Topic: Watching the season finale of Hap & Leonard on Sundance. I really enjoy the show. Has anyone read the books? Should I pick ’em up?
I’m not familiar with those shows, but tonight, on SyFy, it’s the season finale, I think, for both “Tits and Monsters” and, right after that, “The Expanse”.
I skipped “Tits and Monsters” this year, although I enjoyed it last year. Any good?
I liked it better this year in some ways.
I was kinda bummed last year when it ended up being about Narnia. The end got a little hokey.
It’s not my favorite show or anything. Preacher and Legion and other stuff are much better. But if you’re out of stuff to watch, it’s not boring.
There’s tits and monsters! That’s two stars.
Therein lies the problem
Having to rewatch the first couple episodes of Preacher because good god was I drunk, but I remember liking what I saw.
I’m bewildered that I cannot research a credible answer as to when The Expanse Season 2 will ultimately hit Netflix. Can’t wait.
I’ve read the book but haven’t seen the show so I don’t know if they jibe, that said I really enjoyed the books, although they get a bit repetitive, and like most series the earlier books are better. Violent, dark, quick smart-assed characters, laugh out loud funny at at times and fast paced.
Life is tough for those of us with Stage 5 Ass Burgers.
Take sports for instance. Starfish aliens, man.
Here is my understanding: it feels good to win and be part of a group, and so we have sports because war is a pain in the ass. It feels good to win even if you aren’t actually playing- if someone you just *like* wins, you feel good too.
So those are the parts I understand.
I played rugby for the first time a few weeks ago and it was a let-down. It didn’t help that the rules were hastily explained to my half-awake brain at 5:30 in the morning. I swear, every 10 seconds it was foul this, out of bounds that, holding, scolding, whiffle bat…
Good grief! Can’t…can’t we just *punch* each other? I understand punching. And if it’s all a proxy for combat anyway, why fool around? If you think you’re tough because you chased a ball around, I got a suggestion for you: Spend 3 minutes in a boxing ring with someone about your size who’s trying to punch you in the head as hard as they can. Then you can tell me about what a tough guy you are.
So that’s my rant.
Back to TV tropes….
Here is my understanding: it feels good to win and be part of a group, and so we have sports because war is a pain in the ass.
I knew you were describing sports but all I could think of was the sort of nutters who show up to a protest to rail on and be railed on by other people. Talk about needing a team to rally behind. What a sad life it must be.
What is politics but another form of sports?
For people who lack self-esteem, which is basically everybody at some point or another, joining a group is a quick cure.
“Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for lost faith in ourselves.”
Eric Hoffer
+ common enemies
One of these days I need to read up on the brownshirts and commies and sundry others turning out into the streets to stave in one another’s heads, because I’m willing to bet they make the Marxist larpers running around on Berkeley look like effete children playacting being serious contenders. Fucking twats.
I don’t even lump in the Trump supporters who showed up for the last one with the Marxist shitstains. You take one look at these overprivileged cowards prowling about lighting fires and sucker-punching people, and you too want to bash a few heads, partisanship be damned. I wanted to, anyway. Fuck Trump and fuck your MAGA, I just want to wail on some pudgy pussy who thinks donning a mask makes him Batman.
I posted above where Berkeley canceled an Ann Coulter speech because they can’t guarantee her safety which prompted Trump to threaten pulling federal funds. Maybe Berkeley should offer 40 cases of beer to the local Hells Angels chapter.
In that brawl video where the dreadlocks girl gets clocked, you can see this one blonde basket guy just going to town punching.
The blonde basket floating in space is utterly mesmerising.
Right, and to the left
Right and forward!
On the left!
Is that Trump? Would be cool if it was.
It’s happening right now in Venezuela only they’re wearing red shirts.
Yeah, that shit is scary down there. I don’t even want to imagine what comes next.
I’d like to think there’s a lesson here for our progs as they watch this unfold. Oh who am I kidding.
Next level meme shit.
Shortest twerk ever
Here’s some more prog ignorance for those who are interested. How far can you make it?
I only made it as far as hovering over the link and discovering there’s no way in hell I’d want to read it.
Standard prog derp. Wonder how many homeless people be has living with him.
2nd paragraph is as far as I got.
BTW, how many millions of dollars has Bill Gates given away…? Or let’s take George Soros. He seems to give away a lot of money. You’d think poverty would be a thing of the past given the how much money he give to the right people.
I made it this far before I had to comment.
“people who possess great wealth in a time of poverty are directly causing that poverty”
Is the person talking about the current time of ‘poverty’. A time when every middle class person in the USA is vastly more wealthy than the wealthiest of kings just a few hundred years ago? Once had a prog challenge me on this by saying that you have to put it into perspective because that king of a few hundred years ago really was that wealthy compared to the peasants of that time. Umm, no it doesn’t work that way, retards.
“And all of it could be ameliorated if people who had lots of money simply gave those other people their money.”
Ok, the person who wrote that cannot be more than 5 years old. I’m done.
That is in fact how they think it works, because they’re obsessed with relative inequality, not absolute wealth. Because they are stupid, uninformed, incurious pillocks who wear velcro because shoelaces are vexing.
It’s just envy and foot-stamping. What a nasty person.
I didn’t make it very far because of the over use of italics. That kind of writing sends me into a rage.
Having to tag formatting makes for parsimony.
Conspiracy theory time:
This is that author’s only article on that site. He (or she, or xe, or whatever) doesn’t seem to show up anywhere else on the internet.
Nice catch. These prog outlets sure do like being trolled.
the magazine also publishes satire although i’m pretty sure that’s Not.
i thought that essay was terrible, but the guy who started the magazine (Nathan J Robinson) is a decent writer and not obviously awful. He, like DeBoer, seems to be of the sincerely-leftist camp that also shits all over democrats and the MSM because they’re such corrupt whores.
he has terrible taste in ties and never seems to have had anything resembling a real job, although he has enough degrees to wallpaper my apartment.
Here’s something unpopular: **I didn’t see anything the slightest bit wrong with it.**
I didn’t have enough interest in it to do more than skim it, so it’s entirely possible that I missed something. But as far as I saw–and the article makes specific clarification of this–all it did was advance a moral view that if you have money you have a *moral* obligation to use a large amount of it to help your fellow man who is less fortunate. I know this is not a particularly widely held view around here, but there’s nothing illiberal about it. There is no claim that it is not, in fact, your property. There is no claim that government **confiscation** would be an empirically effective policy, nor even that the government or anyone else even has the *right* to take one solitary cent out of your pocket. All there is is a private moral teaching about what a virtuous person **chooses** to do with his money. So what if someone thinks that? Being disgusted at this, thinking this guy *by saying this* is being a bad person (he might be one anyway, for all I know), is like those people who think religions are full of “hate” for gay people simply out of having a set of rules that forbids things that “gay” persons happen to enjoy doing.
Towards the end, he makes the subtle suggestion that someone else should give away their money because they’re “terrible at giving it away.”
And I don’t think he’s a bad person, he’s just dumb/ignorant.
He’s not a very deep thinker. This is undergrad ethics paper shit (I should know; I’ve graded enough of them) that he thinks he is the first to ever come up with.
As for giving it away, I thought he just said that “legacy” gifts are not effective altruism. I agree–if you want your name on a building, go right ahead, but I for one will not be giving my cash to fund a Center for Rich Kid Wokeness Studies at my increasingly asshattish alma mater. Less money for diarrhea treatments for African kids or Give Directlys for their sexy ebony mamas.
I didn’t really see anything saying the decision wasn’t theirs to make. His precise objection is very sloppily stated, I’ll give you that.
Also I noticed it opens on that “directly causing” line. That is just plain idiotic, I will certainly give you that.
all it did was advance a moral view that if you have money you have a *moral* obligation to use a large amount of it to help your fellow man .I don’t know what sense you’re using the term “moral” here
I have a pretty low opinion of arguments that presume to judge the morality of others according to standards they never actually have to test themselves.
meaning = is the person writing this piece a billionaire? and if so, have they already consigned their wealth to the ‘betterment’ of the 3rd world? Then by all means, share your point of view on why others should do the same as you.
Oh, wait – you’re just an indigent snot who’s never created a red-cent of value for another human being in your entire life? Well, then… i suppose i could offer you another Moral Imperative = Given that you are simply a drain on resources and have nothing futher to contribute to the betterment of humankind, i deem that the most moral thing YOU should do, dear author, is donate your organs to charity. Now.
What!? You say you’re *using them*? I don’t see how. You’re just typing drek on the interweb. Do you realize there are people without kidneys who are trying to provide for a family of 25?? The only moral thing to do with your Tissue Wealth is to donate it immediately to an organ bank. No thanks, we don’t need the brain.
never mind that the funds i tuck away in my 401K happen to be helping fuel the most productive economy on earth. No, the MORAL thing to do is to take all your excess wealth and throw it down the toilet into communities/countries that have remained destitute for countless generations. That’s the thing “Good” people do. right.
Man, I felt like I was flying the space shuttle on re-entry when I was reading that
“Because every dollar you have is a dollar you’re not giving to somebody else, the decision to retain wealth is a decision to deprive others. ”
[Derpy deeply furrows his brows as the heat shield turns red hot]
“It’s important to be clear about these distinctions, because we might answer questions about systems differently than we answer questions about individual behavior. (“I don’t hate capitalism, I just hate rich people” is a perfectly legitimate and consistent perspective.) ”
[warning sirens blare and lights flash, Derpy’s hand turns white as he keeps a death grip on the control stick]
“You can live very comfortably on $100,000 or so and have luxury and indulgence, so anything beyond is almost indisputably indefensible. And the super-rich, the infamous “millionaires and billionaires”, are constantly squandering resources that could be used to create wonderful and humane things. ”
[Fuck, flat spin! Nose down, right rudder!]
“We can define something like a “maximum moral income” beyond which it’s obviously inexcusable not to give away all of your money. It might be 5o thousand. Call it 100, though. Per person. With an additional 50 allowed per child. This means two parents with a child can still earn $250,000! That’s so much money. And you can keep it. But everyone who earns anything beyond it is obligated to give the excess away in its entirety.”
[an awful silence hangs over mission control as hundreds of eyes are glued to the telemetry display]
” But everyone who earns anything beyond it is obligated to give the excess away in its entirety. The refusal to do so means intentionally allowing others to suffer, a statement which is true regardless of whether you “earned” or “deserved” the income you were originally given. (Personally, I think the maximum moral income is probably much lower…”
[sonic boom as the flaming shuttle enters the stratosphere]
“Furthermore, if you’re a multi-billionaire, giving away $1 billion is morally meaningless. If you’ve got $3 billion, and you give away 1, you’re still incredibly wealthy, and thus still harming many people through your retention of wealth. You have to get rid of all of it, beyond the maximum moral income. ”
[vertical stabilizer shears off]
“The central point, however, is this: it is not justifiable to retain vast wealth. This is because that wealth has the potential to help people who are suffering, and by not helping them you are letting them suffer. It does not make a difference whether you earned the vast wealth.”
[Derpy pulls up as he fights off John, the co-pilot. “Are you out of your fucking mind you half-wit?!” “If we slow down enough, we can deploy the chute! It’s our only chance!” As the nose pitches up, they both begin to grey out…]
“…we should all be able to acknowledge, before we discuss anything else, that it is immoral to be rich. That much is clear. ”
[The jolt from the splash down jolts Derpy awakes from a black-out. Holy shit, I’m alive! And I need to get out this thing RIGHT NOW! He tears off his harness and scrambles up towards the hole in the fuselage, squeezing out just as water starts to flow in. He swims away to escape the suction, but it seems something is pulling him down. Am I tangled in the wreckage?
Derpy is violent pulled under. Oh god, a shark? He claws his way back to the surface.
As he gasps for air, he hears John: “we almost ate it that time”.
I’m stressed and I need to clear my mind. With apologies to Derpy, I’m doing my own Spot the Not.
Each of these, except for one, are descriptions for anime series currently airing in Japan.
The “new sibling romantic comedy” revolves around Masamune Izumi, a light novel author in high school. Masamune’s little sister is Sagiri, a shut-in girl who hasn’t left her room for an entire year. She even forces her brother to make and bring her meals when she stomps the floor. Masamune wants his sister to leave her room, because the two of them are each other’s only family.
Masamune’s novel illustrator, pen name “Eromanga”, draws extremely perverted drawings, and is very reliable. Masamune had never met his illustrator, and figured he was just a disgusting, perverted otaku. However, the truth is revealed… that his “Eromanga-sensei” is his own younger sister! To add to the chaos that erupts between the siblings, a beautiful, female, best-selling shoujo manga creator becomes their rival!
Because she committed the sin of pride against God, the Great Angel Lucifer was cast into Hell and became a Fallen Angel. Also at the lowest level of Hell, the hierarchy of demons have sealed away Lucifer’s powers. Lucifer had lost everything, but along with the Demon King of Envy, Leviathan, that admires Lucifer and a high school girl she met on Earth named Totsuka Maria, she becomes the Demon King of Pride Lucifer and begins her journey to revenge on the Seven Demon Kings of Hell. A book of Revelations with the “Seven Deadly Sins” portrayed by beautiful Demon Kings is about to begin.
Miyanaga Saki is a high school freshman who does not like mahjong. Ever since she was a child, she would lose her New Year’s gift money during her family’s mahjong game. If she won, her parents would be upset, and if she lost, well, she lost. As a result, she has learned to play in such a way that her score always remains plus/minus zero: Not good enough to win, but not bad enough to lose. When we meet her, she is being dragged to her school’s mahjong club by an old friend. How will a girl who hates mahjong, yet has become adept at the game as a result of her upbringing, cope in this environment?
Shimogamo Yasaburo has the blood of a mystical racoon-like creature – a tanuki – but has the ability to transform into a human. He lives a playful life in Kyoto, where humans, tanuki, and tengu live side-by-side. Yasaburo and his family finally come to terms with their father’s death, reconciling with human and tengu alike. However, the son of Yasaburo’s teacher returns to the city after a century abroad, stirring up a world of trouble for everyone in Kyoto’s mystical underbelly.
“The Harvest Show” is a concert where all of the different grains show off their beauty to everyone watching, and “HarveStars” is the name given to the grains who put on the best performances. In this modern age of rice acreage reduction policies and Westernization of eating habits, bread has become the most popular grain in Japan, and dinner tables are dominated by “Yeast King,” the bread HarveStars. But five new rice students have enrolled at Kokuritsu Inaho Academy, a school on the verge of shutting down, and they form a new group called “Love Rice” that’s practicing to beat Yeast King at the Harvest Show and win back the popularity rice once had… This heartfelt “kome”-dy featuring anthropomorphized grains is full of laughter and passion! Two grains aren’t needed at the dinner table… so which will become the true HarveStar?
The Private Aichi Symbiosis Academy was originally a high school for high-class girls. When it became co-ed, the girls, out of fear, asked to be permitted to bring weapons to school. When that was enforced, a five-member vigilante corps-like organization called the “Supreme Five Swords” was also formed.
After many generations, the five swords eventually became a group which corrected problematic students, and the academy started proactively accepting such students in order to correct them.
Nomura Fudou was sent to this school after being part of a huge brawl. What will he do when the only options he has after enrolling are being expelled from that school or being corrected the way the rest of the male students there were…by being forced to dress and act like a girl!
This should’ve been a fresh reply and I’m gonna go off myself now.
*beats head against wall*
(I’ll reveal the answer in tomorrow morning’s links)
It’s 5. A universe where Japanese people are good at bread is a fantasy altogether too weird and farfetched for anime/manga.
a) I’ve heard of 5 or something very similar to it, b) Japanese bakers use the Tangzhong roux method quite a bit, which makes a superior generic white bread to anything we’ve been doing. It is unfortunately less helpful in providing additional tenderness to heartier whole grain or partially whole grain breads.
Give me Vietnamese bakers any day.
a cartoon nominated for a Nobel Prize
The last 2 minutes or so are pretty trippy.
Well, if Krugman and Obama could get one…
Well that was interesting. You guys might like this as well. Was an absolute bitch to find again.
Rick wouldn’t be fooled by ol’ Scratch.
Some of her videos are annoying, creepy and all the things that I don’t like.
Could be worse. Imagine Poppy being played by Chelsea.
Which one, Clinton? Handler? Manning?
Chelsea Dagger
Hitler’s birthday today. Need to find a gay Muslim baker to make my swastika cake.
Tomorrow. We live in America.
No Wii don’t.
How sassy a gay Muslim baker? Because at that point I’m guessing he wouldn’t give much of a fuck.
I’m thinking one that finds The Elders of Zion compelling, but not to be taken literally.
How far are you from Malaysia? We can make this happen.
Not too far. Think my wife’s ancestors left some bicycles there from their invasion of Singapore.
He likes the old Ottoman uniforms better than the knockoff American getup.
And, it’s also 4/20! See? Pot smokers are literally Hitler!
(Cough cough here)
The “cough cough here” thing is known to pot smokers, for the rest of you: you take a drag and pass the joint/bowel to the next guy, but he’s stoned and having a conversation, so you have to tell him “here” or you’ll be stuck holding the joint/bowl out to him for a very long time before he notices and takes it from you.
As much as I dislike the recent Dawn of War 3 footage, HUMANITY, FUCK YEAH! Let’s carve a civilization amongst the stars.
I suppose this is a bad time to admit that I know nothing and have never partaken in Warhammer 40k?
Imagine a civilization that is a combination of the medieval Catholic Church, the Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany…and they’re the good guys. That’s the Imperium of Man, the center stage for the Warhammer 40k universe.
In short, humanity is the greatest species in existence (as decreed by our mighty God Emperor) and we’ll fucking murder any species that says elsewise (this is Warhammer 40k 101, humans are badasses despite being massively outnumbered and weak).
Also, If the Emperor Had A Text to Speech Device is a great primer in regards to our glorious Imperium and the Emperor of Man himself.
Random thought: Remember when the Chinese hacked OPI and got info on basically everybody who works for the govt? Yeah. Seems like the reaction was basically “eh, shit happens.”
But the DNC gets hacked and it suddenly it’s WW3, at least far as the media is concerned.
But yeah, never mind that the subcontractor basically handed off all the code to non-cleared, non-citizens…..I think there’s a reason the CIA does their own clearances while everyone else in the gov’t let OPM hand that shit to the lowest bidder.
file under: things that cause Derpy to collapse in a quivering heap from raucous, wheezing laughter
Professor laments his sleepless life under Trump: ‘I live in a fragmented, cruel world’
“Ronald Pelias, an adjunct instructor of theatre…”
Oh, man, this is gonna be *great*
“recently published a scholarly article that details nearly a dozen different reasons why he feels miserable to the point of self-described sleepless nights under Trump, and why he holds contempt for Trump voters — even for his students who support the Republican president.”
I haven’t even read the list yet and I’m already laughing.
“After students responded that Pelias was making them feel bad for voting for Trump, Pelias writes that his tone had become “scolding,” and he left class “feeling disappointed in all of my students, all of whom are women.” ”
Stop! Stop! I’m dying!
“When asked in late March to interview about the article, Pelias declined via email to The College Fix, noting that “after looking at the College Fix site, I have considerable concern that your desire to interview me is motivated by a misguided right wing agenda rather than by a desire to engage in a productive dialogue. So thanks, but no. I will say though that my worries expressed in the essay you mentioned have only grown stronger.” ”
[helpless wheezing laughter]
I ain’t paying to read this shithead’s brainfarts, so here’s the abstract:
Following the 2016 U.S. presidential election, I find myself struggling, wanting to find a narrative that will let me sleep, but I am unable to find any comfort in the current political landscape. I call upon a fragmentary structure in this autoethnographic essay to display the troubling thoughts and incidents that have assailed me since the election, to point toward a frightening right wing agenda, and to demonstrate why I cannot sleep. Each numbered section offers evidence that the moral core of the United States has been deeply damaged by the election of Donald Trump.
That’s what gets me. It’s not the surprise that Hillary lost: we were all shocked. It’s the out and out TRUTH that this means the end of the world.
There’s many reasons that snowflakes are the snowflakes that they are, but I’d like to focus on participation trophies. True competition just isn’t a thing anymore, and one of the results of that is that today’s college students have never lost anything. They’re all winners just for participating. Give yourselves a round of applause.
I actually wish critics focused more on the many other reasons. The participation trophy theme has always struck me as rather dubious. The fashions of ubiquitous amped-up outrage, social (media) signaling and mental weakness have anything at all to do with, say, giving every feckless kid in T-ball a trophy and a pizza party?
There is a Trump article from 7pm yesterday “over there” with 0 comments. Sad.
Saw this on the news last night. Guy’s wife is actually pretty attractive. Too bad she was born in Coshocton.
Stupid amateur bloggers and their fake news
Another morning reader/commenter! I’m not alone after all!
Let’s be friends. We can do each other’s hair, and talk about boys we like, and –
Thanks SugarFree. I. Am. Poppy. *hangs self*