Today, we will be experimenting with the kararinku (empty links) format. Everyone is invited to post their own links.

My Tay Swift song just came up!
Here is a classic karaoke song to get you in the right mindset.
Today, we will be experimenting with the kararinku (empty links) format. Everyone is invited to post their own links.
My Tay Swift song just came up!
Here is a classic karaoke song to get you in the right mindset.
How Carl Sagan Ruined Science:
Like I said, I’m a big fan of Carl Sagan. There was a lot of merit in his history of science, his style was thoughtful, and he was adamant about the principle of tolerance for opposing ideas. Which is to say that people like Bill Nye who muse about imprisoning “climate deniers” are unworthy of claiming any part of his legacy. Yet that has been the trend.
Sagan clearly hoped that his stirring narrative about science would inspire young people to go beyond and beneath the narrative and learn the actual method of science. Instead, his successors saw the success of his approach—in terms of attention and celebrity and moral authority—and chose to use the narrative as a substitute for science.
Carl Sagan, supposedly, enjoyed today for reasons
Hitler’s birthday?
He approved of Columbine?
Carl Sagan certainly did not, however, one writer by the name of Mr. X in Marihuana Reconsidered seemed to be quite in favour of it.
He was upset about the Branch Davidians and wanted vengeance against the federal government.
Interesting take. Not sure that Sagan made it a battle between good and evil as much as between reason and superstition. If people misunderstood or misrepresented this and made it about defending ScienceTM against greedy corporations, I don’t think that’s Sagan’s fault.
I think Sagan was far to willing to use history to construct ‘good vs. evil’ over the framework of ‘reason vs. superstition’, to the point where he was constructing his own mythologies. Science advocates/’rationalists’ have become notoriously bad historians.
Hypatia and the library of Alexandria is a good example, ‘his version’ from Cosmos is of a rationalist proto-scientist trying to stop religious fanatics from destroying knowledge and being martyred for the cause. When in reality all the actual primary sourcing of the event shows that Hypatia was killed in a riot over political upheaval unrelated to the library or some idea that knowledge needed to be destroyed for religious reasons. Sagan’s mythologized story is repeated to this day, and is explicitly about creating a good vs. evil nature rather than recognizing the reality based on the actual evidence we have.
Ugh, my HS history of science teacher was all in for the hagiography of the (rational) saints bullshit. I was aggravated by what a waste of time the class was when I went looking for some event I’d read about in class and eventually found a bunch of the stories told in a much more complete fashion. Hypatia was one of them.
The ultimate expression of this idiocy is represented by The Chart, which gives people on the Bad History subreddit brain aneurysms.
What unit of measurement do you use to measure “scientific advancement”?
After years of discussing it on Bad History, we’ve developed the answer.
I’m surprised someone that was stupid enough to create that chart isn’t laying on the floor of a mental hospital eating their own shit.
Indeed, here is an excellent rebuttal to the traditional story.
Followup article is even better, and arguing with idiots in the comments on both is precious.
I wish the guy hadn’t let his blog lie fallow. He also takes down Giordano Bruno segment of new Cosmos and has some awesome medieval shit on there.
I always knew there had to be fellow atheists who don’t like Dawkins wing out there, and was so pleased to find him…
This forum has a few…I’m not saying who, but…
I missed the entire 1st period of the Pens/Blue Jackets game because of you and your damn interesting link. Well, I mean, the game was on in the background but his rebuttals in the comments are so highly entertaining it distracted me from Stanley Cup Champion Phil Kessel’s goal.
Damn Amish.
Cops vs. terrorists?
Unpossible. France has implemented a wide array of common sense gun control laws.
Again!? Damn those Amish, with their mustacheless beards and plain clothing and rejection of modern conventions and their fucking horse drawn buggies and their innocent, curious daughters, with their creamy, white skin unkissed by the sun glowing in the moonlight and how they giggle when you tell them stories of the wicked new world….um…what were we talking about?
Do they want Le Pen? Because this is how you get Le Pen. Or did the election already happen? I don’t know I’m not a frog.
I read that the election happens this Sunday, so yes, this is probably how you get Le Pen, having a terrorist attack fresh on peoples’ minds.
Le Pen was spotted near the incident, laughing with extreme mirth.
Too real to be false? Loose pages of the Wall Street Journal on the campus of UCLA spark riot
Berkeley isn’t UCLA.
Maybe that part is the joke, because the rest seems pretty spot on.
My mistake. Everyone is a critic
I’m sorry we can’t all be perfect and sinless like Just Say’n.
Thank you, man. I appreciate that. You’re not too bad, yourself
This is the reason Ted gets out of bed in the morning.
God put me on this earth to learn how to deal with stupid people.
Ruthlessly self-critical?
Punching down again, I see.
Be on the lookout for a white man with a monocle and wearing and top hat.
Do not approach this man as his orphans are trained to shoot any approaching riff raff.
I just sent that link to my wife (Cal grad) and son (current student). He thinks many of his fellow students are retards.
His favorite was the male genital mutilation (circumcision) protest on campus back in September.
I had no idea that Berkeley was circumcising students. I want to believe, though
I fooled them! My son is already circumcised!
“The future is now – Work against the devastating effects of enhanced humans and global warming caused by an ever-evolving techno-world ”
Looking for a new game to play and apparently there is an action RPG where I can fight GLOBAL WARMING
Can you play as dark side or is it more linear?
IDK it’s not out yet. But you can “Meld flesh with steel to survive long enough to discover the truth about CREO”
I don’t know the truth about CREO but if it’s anything like PTC Creo then it’s a buggy piece of shit and it’s hard to keep the server stable and the users logged in
Oh yeah, Souls style game but sci-fi, from the creators of Lords of the Fallen. AFAIK, it doesn’t take itself too seriously though.
Girly pic
Girly Pict
Borderline thicc
Good Lord. Editors,
Get this man a day, NOW!
Curvy Quartidi?
Not you, plebian! Back above Hadrian’s Wall with your thicc-hipster savages!
Is Carol Saraiva not curvy? In the big tits, big ass, tiny waist sense?
Has curvy been completely reappropriated? Do I need to say something vom inducing like curvaceous?
One thing I am jealous of gay guys over is that they can determine objective sexual attractiveness of both sexes. I have a very hard time determining what a good looking guy actually looks like and when I think I have it down the fucking goalposts are ripped up and moved 10 feet to the left again.
Oh, I thought you were defending your silly Pict pic. Curvy is fine, though yes I would never describe myself as into “curvy” girls, Ms. S. being my ideal. You say “curvy,” your friends most certainly think you are using a sexy way to say your tastes start at the thiccest of the Thicc Thursdayers and go far up from there.
You probably got this at some point yourself as a naive young pup. You describe what you’re into without being properly precise, and next thing you know your friends are setting you up with a fat bald 48 year old with a Hulk Hogan mustache, beer gut, and a hairy back who likes to wear one of those stupid looking leather cop hats.
You’re being too hard on yourself here. Look at Rhywun’s responses to almost anything I’ve posted for Manly Monday with the exception of Simon Fourcade.
And the responses to Thicc Thursday are always the same some people will coo about how wonderful the choices are and some people will express disgust.
For now just say Ben Cohen (or Idris Elba if you want to risk an awkward, foaming at the mouth lecture on black James Bond being objectively wrong).
Hey, leave me out of this.
I don’t think so at all! I think the ability to determine who is hot without wanting to actually play with their naughty bits is actually more or less evenly distributed between the sexes. Just look at Glibs itself for proof: Manly Mondays attract very active participation (some of it even on topic, which is quite the accomplishment for Glibs) from the mostly straight male commenters. I’d say we do just as well as jesse does on Thicc Thursdays! And just go on any bodybuilding forum for a great example of aesthetic appreciation of males by other males. It’s better than anything straight women do with other women (which can develop a rather competitive edge), and as good as anything gay men do with women.
I think it’s just that many gay men just carry on as though they are “expert” connoisseurs of female elegance, sexiness, etc. because they think of it as a sophisticated and upscale and classy, tasteful, urbane gays. Like it’s the “gay” thing to do or something. Needless to say, the pressure for straight guys to be able to judge the beauty of other men is rather less intense.
You describe what you’re into without being properly precise
When I was young you never actually got that far.
Seriously, a lot. I still reflexively lash out when someone spells cool “kewl” or pronounces it kyool from the first fix up and adamantly refused fixing up after the third, but people still try, and it’s still awful every time.
To be fair, the widely understood stereotype of the gay man is that he sticks his dick into basically anything with body hair and an asshole, so you really can’t blame us.
You’re right, Rhywun! i did cross the line by making fun of the cop hats. You’ll have to let me make it up to you sometime; your next harness, cigar, or pair of those weird nipple thingies is definitely on me.
I think that’s unfair. Rhywun, for example, is at best ambivalent about body hair. Also nobody except the most devoted bear chasers liked body hair for a couple decades, until I was in my mid-20s. It was a sad time for a mostly Scottish lad to come of age.
Yeah I never heard the stereotype of gays liking body hair. If anything, people who grew up from the late 80s to the 00s were used to them stereotypically liking the reverse–something they are only now coming back out of. Gays, along with fitness culture, were actually the leading edge of the body shaving aesthetic trend that took hold in the general male population around that time!
I assume, jesse, that Vhy was pretty much using “body hair” as a sort of metonym for maleness in the point he was making. That’s the way it would make the best sense.
That’s how I understood it.
You would be correct, but since I was being a facetious douche (it’s my thing, you know) it’s mostly a moot point.
Fine, fine. I’ll take my brief history of men liking men who are covered in vestigial body hair and go home.
Welcome to Vhyrus’s afternoon music links. Hope you’re enjoying your Thursday and I hope your upcoming weekend is magic!
The same to you, Vhyrus.
Why do you guys hate America? (the band).
Who doesn’t hate shit like “Tin Man” and “I Need You”?
Magic you say?
Not now Gob.
It’s illusions! You don’t have time for my illusions.
Wasn’t there an Amish attack in Fresno, too? They’re everywhere.
Judging by the targets, I thought that was more of an Anti-tricknologist attack than your more typical Amish attack.
My take was that radical San Marino based Unitarian grandmothers attacked because somebody shorted the chocolate in their pan d’ chocolate.
From the Takes one to know one department!
Pot, kettle, etc
She’s become a hero of the left. Good.
I posted this this morning for sloopy. I thought I’d re-post it here for those of you who may have missed it.
They should’ve done that prior to trial…
Hernandez’s family wants his brain examined
Cuz if he has CTE then it excuses his entire life of being a degenerate piece of shit right?
Say what you will about Aaron Hernandez, at least he killed Aaron Hernandez
Suicide, or premeditated self defense? Discuss.
Are there papal indulgences for killing Patriots? If not, then there should be.
They were saying that his conviction may get lifted because of some rule that if you still have appeals going on and you die, they vacate the charges. That could have implications for money from his football contracts that he was having to forfeit.
It also has huge implications for the wrongful death suit.
Must be a pretty widespread principle of justice, because they use it in Germany where as you all know they use a radically different legal system from ours. I remember this because I think of it as the Demjanjuk Rule, after the first time I ever heard of anyone “dying an innocent man” because of it.
I’ve wondered about the timing myself. He did seem *extremely* happy after his recent acquittal–he, a man headed back to prison for *life*, was described as “the happiest defendant you’d ever seen.” But often people seem “better,” even more upbeat, when they are enjoying the “peace” of coming to the decision to take their own life.
Someone probably explained it to him during his most recent trial that if he is acquitted here and then kills himself he will be considered innocent and his family will get his money. I am sure the thought that doing one really good thing for his family after being such a worthless piece of shit brought him quite a bit of solace.
Co-worker said he saw a picture on the internet of Hernandez dead in his cell.
Someone added a ref and the caption:
“Catch no good! Failed to get two feet on the ground!”
Did they challenge the ruling on the field?
well? Come on man don’t leave us hanging!
I put that meme on my Facebook page. Only 2 people were offended.
And then one of my friends swooped in with a “at least it was overturned on appeal!”
I saw one that listed him as out for the next Patriots game with a neck contusion.
PUP list LOL
I posted this at lunchtime, but for the football fans.
Seems legit
Trigger Warning: Metric Football
Referring was such a joke there. I know that Bayern fans really shouldn’t be able to complain about bad refereeing, but as a neutral… wow, that was bad.
It was a travesty is what it was. I’m not even a Bayern supporter and it still pisses me off.
Thankfully Kuipers officiated like a professional yesterday. It was clear yesterday part of Barca’s strategy was to embellish and swarm; something they became infamous for in referee circles. It worked against PSG but not yesterday.
I dont get why refs put up with the swarming strategy. I would card everyone without an armband who did that shit.
That’s what they should be doing, according to the rules.
You only would have to hand out 8 yellows one time for it to stop entirely.
And handing out a half dozen second yellows if it didnt work would be hilarious.
11 on 5 football.
Once you go below 7 it’s a forfeit.
UEFA or whoever the organization is should start issuing fines and suspensions after. That way the refs can’t be accused of “influencing the game”.
One time. That is all it would take.
If you do it in some unimportant mid-table league match, you have established your rep and it isnt going to happen in a bigger match. And if it did, then the players are stupid and deserve to have the game influenced.
As a former ref at the kid level, I was told over and over again that we should be sensitive to the player-ref interaction. Yes, in the rules you can yellow or red anyone who isn’t the captain who talks to you after a call. In reality, you only use it when they threaten you or grab you. That’s kind of the unwritten line. I wish they would yellow card the second guy in who isn’t the captain.
Was the kickball man on the wrong side of the other guy?
Metric football is a sport that could really use replays.
And using replays on things like offside really wouldnt change pace of game, as it really only matters if the ball is in the net, so you have a natural stop to wave off the goal or not.
I would also use it for penalty/no penalty. And for cards colors.
Let a 4th ref run the replay live.
What if you call offside when it really isn’t? Players stop playing at the whistle.
Indirect kick for the offense. Offsides wrong in the box is a corner kick.
Its like with a fumble in real football, refs have to learn to swallow their whistle for a few seconds.
Good point. The linesmen are already trained to stop at the spot and pop the flag. The main ref could let it play until advantage ends.
Its probably easier in soccer, as the ref doesnt necessarily blow the whistle as soon as he sees the linesmans flag anyway. Let that guy flap away for an additional few seconds and see what happens.
really wouldnt change pace of game
Because there is no pace in that game? Like watching fucking golf.
They’re actually testing a replay system in six leagues including MLS with a 4th official.
Are any of the other five real leagues?
I think Portugal, Germany and Holland are involved.
And if memory serves me right, Australia.
And MAYBE Serie B.
I thought it was only goals and the like.
Is it about the Patriots at the White House?
Bill O’Reilly gets $25 million in parting gifts.
Jesus, I need to get into the Stupid Asshole market.
No, you just need to get paid more.
I prefer to think of myself as more of a Stupid Bastard.
Huh. I have classified myself as a miserable bastard. Maybe we should form a Bastard Union?
I thought unions prevented bastards.
*opera applause*
I found it hilarious how the late night talk show circuit piled on him. I think he still had more ratings than all of those liberals combined.
Good point
I’m quite sure those two facts are not unrelated.
It’s crowded.
Do you have a face for Rebel Media? They can always use another entrant…
I’ll never make the good Stupid Asshole money stuck in the Canadian market. And I don’t have the tits for it.
Not with that attitude!
Hmm….I wonder if Lauren Southern is considering going Fox, or is she too extreme for them? I mean, other than being on the young side, she’d fit right into their babe lineup.
So this happened last night on the Twitters. The supposed ‘paper of record’, the New York Times, tried to troll the president by comparing photos of the Patriot’s visit to the White House under President Obama with the recent visit to the White House. The New England Patriots had to fact check the New York Times. Has anyone else noticed that the New York Times is morphing into Samantha Bee?
Camille Paglia says that Trump is almost guaranteed re-election at this point, because Democrats have ‘overplayed their hand’. Thanks, Chuck Schumer. Rand Paul primary challenge coming soon (we would hope).
‘Say, whatever happened to Richard Gere?’, so asks the Hollywood Reporter. Turns out that you can speak-up against the president of the United States (assuming, of course, that he’s a Republican) and be hailed a hero by Hollywood, but speak bad about the Chinese communists and you’re blacklisted. Moral clarity.
UC Berkeley calls off Ann Coulter’s scheduled speech at the university. She’s decided to give her speech anyways. You don’t have to give any ‘to be sures’ to just accept the fact that this is illegal. A public university cannot stop a speaker that has been invited by students from speaking on campus. But, remember, the Right silences speakers too. There just aren’t any recent examples of that, but one time they complained about a painting, which is totally just like assaulting speakers on public land, ‘to be sure’. The cowards are exposed.
Just after you’ve filed your income taxes, you get to see what your tax dollars go to: starving and killing the people of Yemen.
Yeah, that’s right, it’s pictures of Kate Upton. Deal with it.
And here’s a brunette to balance out the blondie
God bless Justin Verlander
The Pride of Manakin!
Jokes on you, Obama.. I only paid one year of taxes during your whole fucking presidency! HAH!
I am gonna be that way during the first Trump term.
This guy gets it!
I’m Poppy.
No, I’m Poppy!
How YOU doin.
You spelled Pompy wrong.
I’m Poppy.
I’m Poppy™
No, Pompey
What a friggin mind virus, that poppy. I do appreciate the Warholian fuck you of it though.
Iike this?
Do they have it in a brushed steel finish? It would better match the rest of my accouterments.
Oh government, is there any problem you can’t solve?
The UK government sponsored a “dash to diesel” in the early 2000’s becuase they emit less CO2. Now London plans to charge diesel drivers an additional $30 or so per day to enter the city. Lawmakers may enact a “cash for diesel clunkers” scheme in Great Britain.
Entice people to go one direction and then tax that direction, what’s the problem exactly?
Isn’t it obvious? CO2 mitigation is more important than more acrid larger combustion particulates at street level.
Bait and switch is not at all a new tactic.
The slime off this frog literally makes flu virus cells explode.
Flu virus cells?
It’s a euphemism.
One of my favorite cooking websites, Chef Steps, went to a beef dry aging facility in a steakhouse in Seattle. They livestreamed the butcher breaking up an entire side of beef. If you have the time to watch, it’s pretty cool.
Is there a non derpbook link?
Lemme see if it’s on their main site yet. It usually takes a few hours to convert it over.
Not up yet.
Enjoy their duck leg confit recipe instead.
Thanks. Now I have their site.
Thanks. Now I have their site.
Does that need some kind of maniacal laughter at the end?
Whoops, nodded off for a second there. Wait whu?
I’m imagining a campy Bond villain with a “Now I have their site, muahahaha” thing going on.
I don’t sleep well anymore. I might be experiencing a touch of madness.
::hat tip::
I’m on the level.
There’s a non trivial chance that Playa masturbates every time someone clicks on that link.
Playa I saw a bourbon soaked aging process the other day. Sounded tasty.
All rise for the Judge
When I was in HS, saw Reggie Jackson rip one in Angels Stadium that went into 2nd tier of bleachers over the center-field wall.
Would have cleared the fountains in today’s layout of that stadium.
The longest I saw at the old Yankee Stadium was Juan Encarnacion driving one into the left field bleachers. Loud as fuck, too
I saw Manny hit one halfway up the left field upper deck in the early 00s. That was nuts – virtually no one ever hit one up there.
Jim Rice used to drive them way out past death valley. Was at a Fenway game were Rice hit the hardest ball I’ve ever seen – for a single. It hit the wall about halfway up and bounced back to the shortstop. The impact sounded like a cannon and left a big dent.
There’s a legendary story of a spring training game between the Red Sox and Royals. Oil Can Boyd informed their stupid football player rookie that he was only getting fastballs because he wasn’t worth wasting other pitches on. Bo Jackson hit the ball out of the park in Winter Haven, over a 71-foot sign, over the parking lot, and off into a swamp. The Sox had to put Oil Can into counseling.
Not sure if it was the same year a local newspaper published the titles of overdue videos (all pornos) rented by Boyd – know as “the Can’s Film Festival.”
Haha that second sentence is great
Here comes da judge!
Aaron Judge has six of the 15 hardest hit balls of the year, according to Statcast. No one else has more than one. Dude is a hoss.
Good afternoon, long time lurker here from TOS. Finaply decided to try participating in the comment circus.
I am a frequent gamer so looking forward to discussing that topic as I’ve seen it come up recently in the comments. Anyone play Killing Floor 2? Loving that one currently.
Also re: Weird Wed / I’m Poppy – Long ago poppy had a lot of cover songs on her channel that have since disappeared. BeforeBefore all the weird videos started. Anyway, some of those were really good imo. Particularly the cover of Miike Snow – Animal. I can’t find it on YT now but in one of my rate moments of good judgement I ripped it off YT to listen on my mp3 player (yes this YEARS ago). Her cover of Mgmt – Kids is good too.
That’s for now. Happy 4/20, blaaazeee it!
Wow. Please excuse the typos, trying to comment from my phone. I swear I haven’t started celebrating yet.
Hi Tulpa!
Haven;t gotten around to it yet, usually go for single-player games, but trying to expand the number of coop games. Do you play on Steam?
Yes.. I’ll add you if you’d like. I spend like $100 (ouch) on that recent paradox games sale. Playing through Tyranny now, basically same gameplay as PoE which I liked but never finished. Binged out on CitiesXL, and wow its good but not much replayability. Also playing through Black Mesa. Bought Squad but waiting on my mic to start playing. Cat bit through the cord on my last one.
For my multiplayer fix, it’s all KF2 lately. Occasionally Fistful of Frags (great free game). Used to be a Dota2 player but past that stage in life. Just can’t click as fast as the kids do.
Sure, I’m just Hammercorps on Steam as well. Don’t have KF2 ATM, will probably pick it up on the next Steam Sale. Also need to fix my headset mic at some point.
Never played POE, but I really enjoyed Tyranny. Only complaint was the ending, I really want a sequel now. Played Narcosis earlier this week, which I enjoyed, nice story with a cool twist, but not very mechanically challenging.
Currently waiting for What Remains of Edith Finch and Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 to release next week.
Request sent. My handle is ‘a dead fish…’
not another nerd ?
Damn straight.
It didn’t quite have the staying power as the original, for me. Still waiting for it to come even close to the amount of content.
And they made scrakes too strong. It’s kind of stupid. Part of what made the original fun was the high skill ceiling because you could run around and survive indefinitely on most maps. Now, it’s just like, lol your team won’t work together so you can’t accomplish shit.
I completely disagree. You can still run around and survive away from the team. Well, except on HoE difficulty. I play 99% on Survival / Long.
Scrakes are fine imo. Even away from the team, if Swat or SS, you can solo. Other perks are kinda screwed though, usually have to kite the scrake until you have backup or kill all the small zeds.
I was gonna post some links, but then I got high.
Just Say’n has it covered.
The real pizzagate
Cool link, bro.
If we’re linking about pizza-related scandal I suppose I should include this.
~~~link fixed, FML~~~
Got halfway then had to bail. Bravo.
Cool link, Jesse.
Damn the people with editing powers!
You were eight minutes late on the criticism!
I thought you’d actually been entertained by the link 🙁
Nah, THIS is the real pizza scandal.
This is better when stoned:
The truth about pepe the frog
Apologies if this has been posted already, it’s an oldie
Man has ex-wife as best friend.
“Trump’s being impeached” she whispered.
Then she covered his body with milk and honey and two boats. He passed peacefully after 8 days of exposure.
Did the Cleveland Browns carry the casket?
This joke never gets old.
You know I hope my wife doesn’t lie to me when I’m on my death bed. Of course I plan to go out in a rush of V8 fury.
Can you drink that much of the stuff at any one time?
It’s not about quantity, it’s about what you mix it with.
Paris is getting more cultural enrichment today. Two cops killed with an AK before alleged terrorist was shot.
Sadly, we’ll probably never know what motivated this.
will Le Pen get a boost?
The pen is mightier.
I’ll take swords for $400, Alex.
“The rapists for $200, Alex”
Man, those lax French gun laws keep getting people killed…
Champe Elysees shooting; attacker known to intelligence services.
Of course they know him – he’s the dead guy in the street.
Touche, Inspector Clousseau!
CHIEF Inspector Clouseau!
Depends on which movie we’re talking about. In the best two, he’s still taking orders from Chief Inspector Dreyfus.
Fun fact – Herbert Lom’s real name was Herbert Kuchačevič ze Schluderpacheru.
They should have used it as his character’s name.
Lom seems much easier to pronounce.
But Slurpaderp is so much more fun.
Was he Hungarian?
“3 days before the election”
Ruh roh.
Spain went hard left in the election right after 3/11. I suspect France won’t
They went left because they blamed the attack on being in the WoT coalition. So, basically, the attacks on one day chased a NATO member home. Fairly efficient work by AQ.
I thought it was because they blamed the basques when it was pretty clearly AQ?
<a href=""Hilarious story about an Oregon man…
move along, nothing to see
I could waste a lot of time there
Ex-white nationalist on Vox claims that using the term ‘liberal media’ is just a cover word for ‘Jewish media’.
I’m sure Ben Shapiro is a horrific anti-Semite for talking about how the media leans liberal.
Benjamin Netanyahu is going to take that news badly too.
Vox: One-upping Salon’s “ex-libertarians” with “ex-white supremacists”!
Ben Shapiro, according to the ADL, received the most anti-Semitic hate amongst Jewish reporters. What a dirty anti-Semite he is!
My favourite part about the whole thing is that the guy clearly comes off like an easily manipulated moron with an inflated sense of self-importance. The guy’s regurgitating progressive talking points about ‘dog whistles’, it’s almost like he just traded one poorly thought out ideology for another.
Or he was never anything but a progressive in the first place and is showboating to promote the liberal POV.
There’s plenty of evidence that he was rolling around with skinheads in the 90s. I think it’s more he knows he can make money off the fact that he used to be a racist shitbag, while continuing to be a shitbag.
The SPLC probably think Shapiro is a terrorist organization.
Something something self-hating…
To be fair, he’s one of the few people to get it hard from both SJWs and alt-right. I can believe it.
If you out yourself as an Ex-PeopleImArguingAgainst then your credibility is solid.
Also, the most effective way of distracting people from the mind-blowing obvious fact, proven on a minute by minute basis, of media pinko bias is to accuse critics of racism. Yeah, thats pretty solid bro.
The road map of her strength appears to be powered by double cheeseburgers…
Are we gonna get trolled on Thicc Thursday again? Will the glibertarians dot com elite continuing playing games with my boner (and not in the fun way!)????
*quickly tells Riven to put away the feather duster and TENS unit*
Whoa, hold the phone. I didn’t say I didn’t like *any* of it
Too late, and Riven was so excited to try out her skimpy nurse’s outfit.
Hell, I was excited to try mine out. Guess we’ll never know now, you heinous monster!!
Google image search “tonzsalina”
So, right now I’m at work and the plant manager is giving a tour to Tom Cotton our state’s senator. What should I do?
Push him into some active rotating equipment.
Have Elmer Fudd Gantry show him around.
I’m in a rolling mill right now. There is plenty of options.
Do you have a pie handy?
Oh FFS. He’s in our conference room right now doing a FB live townhall with the plants management.
Link, if anyone gives a shit
I don’t know much about his politics but I always liked Cotton’s back-story. After Harvard undergrad and law school, he enlisted in the Army, then did Officer Basic and served as an Infantry Officer.
As far as senators go, he’s not terrible. A bit of a neoconservative with a war boner, but he at least says things that sound fiscally conservative. I just don’t like that he’s going to use my place of work to grandstand.
If he was a Democrat, he wouldn’t be caught dead in a place-of-work.
he’s like McCain/Graham’s understudy.
if he’s not full-blown warmongering 24/7, its because he doesn’t want to step on their toes.
for whatever reason, that’s one of the few “personas” a politician can take to build their career around. being an All American Rah Rah Military guy is basically a no-brainer if you want to win in certain areas.
This is my go-to when politicians visit.
New Jersey man lives with corpse for three days. Thought she was just bad in the sack.
“selfish bitch never picked up after herself when was alive either”
“What, fucking a dead guy? She’ll get over that. Shit, my mom’s been fucking a dead guy for years. I call him ‘dad'”
NFL Schedule leaks and rumors
Schedule officially released at 8pm
If the Pats lose in Mexico City that wall is going to get 10 feet higher
Starbuck’s barista has meltdown over unicorn frappucino.
But does it have real unicorn in it?
It does have bits of real panther…
I just finished reading “Uncommon Grounds”. For those interested in the history, economics and politics of coffee it’s pretty good. If you want light reading about coffee fun facts, take a pass.
There’s a unicorn food craze??
While I’m at it, what the fuck is with all this cold brew coffee stuff?
Cold brew is lower in acidity and easier on the stomach.
Coldbrew is the superior way of making coffee intended to be consumed cold. I was using one of these 20 years ago at a little coffee shop I worked at. I still recommend it. Grind your beans slightly more coarse than you would for drip coffee. Much less acidic tasting, better caffeine extraction.
Wait, I’d always been told it was lower caffeine. Also high-five on the Toddy. I was buying replacement parts for my mom a few years ago and got one for myself. BF wants me to make a jug for him to take on his next ski trip so he doesn’t have to worry about brewing.
If you drink it as recommended lower caffeine. If you don’t treat it as a concentrate, higher. I’m measuring what comes into the carafe from the grounds.
Damn. drinking cold brew straight is an inefficient use of beans, no?
Depends on your goals
Cold brew has been around for quite some time. Toddy Coffee is the classic version and it’s been around since the ’60s. It was popular with health nuts because of a much lower acidity. I’m not sure why it’s suddenly become so popular. Basically if you like the way coffee smells, but don’t like it’s taste that much, you’ll like cold brew. It’s also convenient because you make a giant bucket of it and it forms a concentrate, but you do take a hit on overall caffeine content.
Yeah, it’s actually pretty good. Just put some grounds and cold water in a french press, cover and stick in the fridge overnight. I put a little more grounds than normal.
What a baby.
You had to see the guys churn those lattes, caps and espressos at a real coffee bar. One of them I used to go to, they’d pop 250 without breaking a sweat.
These euphemisms are becoming unbelievable.
Seriously. You know who else complains about getting sticky hands and face and hair?
So, full bore TDS from an acquaintance yesterday:
The entire Republican Party is in the pocket of the Russians, and there are about to be indictments in various state courts, to duck the federal pardon wielded by the Drumpf. Chafftez is resigning his seat as part of a secret plea deal to avoid indictment.
The progs are going to milk this Russia stuff to the last, ignoring the fact that there is no way any actual evidence would have stayed under wraps for the better part of a year, given the desire of both the press and the intelligence community to bring Trump down.
Sounds plausible. Also sounds like you need to deacquaint yourself from this guy.
I got fucking angry a month ago when a usually apolitical friend of mine compared Trump to fucking Stalin. He’s getting my copy of Gulag Archipelago after I’m done with it.
If trump was going to pardon how does doing it in state courts have any effect?
He thinks the POTUS can only pardon federal crimes. Not sure if he’s right or wrong.
He’s right.
Better yet, how would state courts have any jurisdiction in…whatever federal crimes are alleged (I am not sure what)?
The republicans are in the russians pocket, state prosecutions? What the fuck are they talking about?
Last night on teevee:
As more of the russian connection between Trump and Putin comes to light the R’s will start losing everything.
Retort – There is zero evidence of a Trump Putin connection. All of the intelligence community agrees. There is no evidence of that.
Yes, but that is the consensus . Well, this could be true; Trump and Putin are acting like enemies so that no one suspects that Trump is a Putin puppet.
Retort – This could be true? Well, as long as Trump is acting in the interests of the US, does it matter?
I clap with one hand,
many trees fall silently
dude, where is my car
U-Lock Wielding AntiFa Coward Gets Doxed
AntiFa protestor in Berkeley wearing a mask commits aggravated assault using u-lock from a bike by hitting a cheap-shoting a doofus standing there doing nothing. Thinks mask will protect him from consequences. /pol and its weaponized autists track him down and dox him.
This is how a private intelligence community works. Notice how they’re actually doing something.
Didn’t they supposedly get an air-strike called in in Syria last year?
Yeah they found an ISIL holdout or something. I can’tremember
They also found an actual child abuser or kidnapper or something like that, I think.
They’ve done that a couple times this year already. Also tracked down Shia Labeouf’s cabin in rural Finland just by analyzing the grain of wood that was in his video backgrounds.
That’s not quite enough to prove his identity,
How much you wanna bet it’s him and he gets arrested?
I’m not going to bet anything. If I was on a jury and that’s all that was presented to me, I would vote to acquit.
That’s fair
From the Book of Cooper
“Already a couple of the faithful have sent in checks for a foundation memorial to the innocents who perished at the hands of the ninja at Waco. … I have been criticized by referring to our federal masked men as “ninja” … Let us reflect upon the fact that a man who covers his face shows reason to be ashamed of what he is doing. A man who takes it upon himself to shed blood while concealing his identity is a revolting perversion of the warrior ethic. It has long been my conviction that a masked man with a gun is a target. I see no reason to change that view.”
“One bleeding-heart type asked me in a recent interview if I did not agree that ‘violence begets violence.’ I told him that it is my earnest endeavor to see that it does. I would like very much to ensure—and in some cases I have—that any man who offers violence to his fellow citizen begets a whole lot more in return than he can enjoy.”
Did you ever watch Naruto?
Most of those ninjas never actually covered their faces. Not even the bad guys usually. Kakashi is the only notable exception I can think of off the top of my head.
Not that a fictional children’s anime has any bearing on reality, fyi.
Tobi? And I think one other major one.
Supposedly, /pol/ also broke into Clanton’s Amazon account, ordered fourteen bike locks, and sprung for next-day shipping.
“weaponized autists”
I love this.
I can’t claim to have invented it. I saw it in a write-up of them tracking down Shia Lebouf’s flag in the desert southwest and replacing it with a MAGA hat or shirt. But yes, it’s a lovely turn of phrase.
Be pretty “funny” if they were wrong.
How on Earth did they find him? I can see how they pieced together the footage evidence, but how did they put a name to nothing but a random face? That is what is the most interesting thing to me; certainly there would be more info on their line of investigation left on the chan!
Doesn’t facebook have some kind of face recognition thing where you can put in a pic and it matches it?
Yeah there’s image search programs too.
Can they do *faces* like that though? On something like this? That’s some pretty sophisticated firepower at the present.
Sort of. You can use a fairly clear face picture to get a pool of candidates. Then using the power of autism + internet along with logical deductions (the person committing the attack used a bike lock, therefore he probably is a bicyclist) you start narrowing it down. you search social media for the narrower pool. It really is just old fashioned detective work.
Wooohoo! I no longer live in the Most Retarded Province in Canada (Real Estate Edition)!
‘We know we have a problem’: Ontario lays out sweeping measures to curb high rents, home prices
Not only have they copied the BC Devil Furriner Buyin All Our Houses Tax, they went far, far further (to the left of course):
Comments, as always, are true delight.
I no longer live in the Most Retarded Province in Canada
Whoa now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Canada’s California/Florida.
I clearly said (Real Estate Edition) – our general retardation level remains As High as 420 Protest Crowd.
I actually think we might have to give the prize to Quebec, mostly due to the extra stupidity of long term economic suicide via idiot nationalism. But your province gets a close second.
Say, you guys want NY? They’d fit in really well.
i remember when Conan did his Canada show, and he introduced that hilarious Triumph bit in Quebec city, the audience booed the mere mention of Quebec just for being Quebec. Is that more or less a good-natured “animosity,” or is it more genuine? Because if the latter, it would be a pretty odd sentiment for a unionist to have. We show our hostility to separatist sentiment and our desire to have you remain in our country by booing you just for being you.
Not that I wouldn’t boo the folks who introduced, e.g., that asinine language requirement among other obnoxiousness that other Canadians do not permit themselves. Everywhere else in North America you post whatever signage you want. I hear the Montreal Anglophone community will soon be endangered, which is too bad because I always thought its existence was really cool.
It’s a product of both the longstanding English vs. French rivalry/divide in this country, and also the fact that French nationalism has lead to so many dramatic shifts in Canadian political culture over the past fifty years (as you mention, the language laws and such). Quebecois are seen in English Canada as whiny, snobbish minorities that don’t know how good they have it and do a terrible job running their own province.
My neighbour came back from B.C. and supported what B.C.was doing.
We are not interesting in controlling the market. That is not our aim. However, we’re going to control the market, because reasons.
“We are totally for free speech. We’re for free speech even more than these right wing nutjobs, but they must be silenced because ‘hate speech’, and feelings.”
Of course we’re for free speech. The government isn’t going to charge you for speech, like these evil companies would do. That’s what free means, right?
How much do Canadians even describe themselves as being for free speech? Americans are, of course, alone at the very extreme in the world, and it’s easy to chauvinistically forget that cultures that seem casually so similar to ours–like Canada, Australia, UK, etc.–have very different terms of discussion when you listen to the political debates surrounding the issue.
I like how they have combined several different types of government meddling into one horrible policy.
They are going to restrict ownership, and impose rent control on everyone. Recognizing that they will destroy supply, they are then going to take $125 million and throw it at developers (I’m sure there will be no corruption in that process).
That’s the Ontario Liberal government for you. If only the provincial Tories weren’t pants-on-head retarded and incompetent.
I’d love to claim it’s an Ontario thing, but that’s generally how politics work in Canada. Our retards do everything wrong, including going full retard.
Why do Canadians hate Chinese people?
Canadians hate everyone else by default because everyone else is better than them.
Many shocked to discover elder Bush is actually still alive
– “Didn’t he like, throw a baseball or something, then die? like last year?” said typical reader, “and there was like a memorial. WTF”
– Readers further amazed when they discover Barbara Bush also Not Dead Yet
Watching Man U/Anderlecht. Did I read the banner right? Man U claims ‘European capital of trophies’?
Er. Don’t Real, Barca, Bayern, Milan, Juve, Inter, Ajax and Liverpool have more?
God I fucking hate Man U with the heat of a thousand supernovas.
Schalke’s result makes me happy, though.
All good people hate ManU. It should be the way of the world.
Do NOT hate on Manu.
Also, karmic revenge for Lyon – excellent.
Nuns Getting High
Nuns or muslims? I can hardly tell them apart anymore.
Sister, get the organ, I need some sick beats.
Hey, why were you trying to reason with that poor dimwitted character over there today? Sadist much?
i just get tired of the very-stupid rhetorical ploys that people like chemjeff use. It was less my sadism in that case, and more the fact that he was too stupid to realize he was trying to bluff his way through the game with a pair of 2s. I’m pretty sure he realized his point didn’t make any sense when people like Zeb told him it was dumb, but he refused to concede.
Beer won out over project, but luckily I found out it’s not due till Sunday. So rather than being punished for procrastinating three weeks, I’ve been rewarded with three more days to procrastinate.
Praise be!
Chicago PD seizes antique pistol, brags about it. Hilarity ensues in the comments.
Those time travelling cowboy pot dealers, I tell ya.
About a month ago a similar thing happened to the Baltimore PD.
They have to know, right? That’s a joke post by the PD to generate some good publicity?
Actually I’m 95% sure they are completely oblivious to what they just posted. It’s metal and looks like a gun, they post it.
An antique that’s also missing the trigger. Chicago’s finest are taking it one the chin in the comments as they should.
Probably a replica black powder, but I missed the no trigger thing so it’s even more useless than I thought.
I try to keep a positive outlook. But you are most likely right that they are completely oblivious.
A Confederate Colt Walker like Josie Wales used?
Bang! That Walker Colt blew up in his hand, a failing common to that model.
/Little Bill Daggett
OMG. I have one of those shitty little .25 autos like in the pic. It’s a Lorcin. Totally worthless piece of garbage. I literally can’t hit a paper target with it from 10 feet unless I get lucky. And if you mess up and get the heavier ammo it jams every shot. I want to get rid of it, but I can’t. I keep looking for a gun buyback, but they don’t advertise those for some reason.
One of the reasons, I think, is that gun rights activists started going to them, and walking down the line talking to people and if the folks in line had anything decent they’d offer market value for them so that the cops were only getting rusted out pieces of shit that were only going to be dangerous because they might give the person handling it tetanus.
Oh it’s worse than that. Gun guys starting making zip guns out of pieces of pipe for like $20, going to these things and turning them in for gift cards. I have considered doing something like this at the cali gun buyups (not a buyback since the Gov never sold the gun to begin with).
Huggin’ guns we always called em.
How are 100% of the twitter followups that funny?
I am laughing at the comments….very well done.
You know who else….
Oh my fucking god no. No one is that oblivious.
I’m going to call my Representative right now and tell him murder should be illegal.
You’d be surprised how oblivious people can be.
Saying “there oughta be a law” should carry some punishment. Something something I believe in free speech BUT…
Great they’re trying to make this poor guy the reichstag fire that wrecks the internet. Fuck these people, all of them.
This sentence, it hurts, my eyes.
That comma really fucks the whole thing up doesn’t it?
The good news is we’re on our way with the FCC already regulating the intertubes. So good job on that one, Slashdot.
Thanks, Obama!
OT: Had a really depressing moment today. I was at work talking to an 18-year old intern, who seems to be a very, very nice person. She said to me, “I saw on the news that the French government knew that that ISIS attack was going to happen! That doesn’t sound right, though… I mean, they wouldn’t just let people die like that!”
I’m pretty jaded these days in all matters political, but for some reason, it just really bummed me out to know that she’ll either have to A) learn the horrible truth about governments and how they pretty much view us as expendable, or B) grow up into a profoundly ignorant person. She seems really smart, so I think it’s going to be A.
But is she hot?!
Yes, extremely so.
Tell her your penis is called “Libertarian Moment.” I’ve been reliably informed that people of her generation are always looking to seize it.
Carpe Johnson
Guess you should sit her down and tell her about the Coventry bombings in WW2.
Been reading RTs of calls by Venezuelans for a junta to topple Maduro.
I’m telling you, all it would take is a few crates of loaded AKs airdropped to strategic locations throughout Venezuela and that shit would be sorted out within a month.
Makes more sense then selling missiles to the Saudis.
Discouraging article at National Review (Kevin Williamson) about forensic labs falsifying evidence and receiving little to no punishment.
Not helping
Wow. So Sessions would just rather plug his ears and say “LALALALALA” than face the possibility that labs and analysts are doing it wrong sometimes and that therefore wrongly convicted prisoners might get released.
What a guy.
I’m not expecting anything constructive from him. Trump’s biggest screw up so far was picking him.
Hopefully he doesn’t last long, but I think he loves it so much he never wants to give it up.
Sessions sucks but the idiotic Dems blew all their capital on opposing DeVos and Gorsuch.
That is exactly what I thought at the time. I thought, “Why don’t they save it for someone who really is bad for the country?” But they were so full of TDS that they couldn’t tell the difference between ‘Meh–he’s not our guy’ and ‘OMG this guy is terrible.”
If you click through and read the actual document, it doesn’t seem to say what all reporting of it claims it says.
Either I’m too stupid to read between the lines, or that story is Fake News.
Look, if they weren’t guilty, then the police or prosecution wouldn’t have asked for the test in the first place.
I just finished my workout. And then next week is going to be hell as this plan ramps up the pain.
Speaking of hell, I’m always amazed at the chaos of my work load. It seems that everything is smooth sailing for weeks, then all the problems drop down from the sky all on the same day. Today was one of those days.
ooh – and my wife came home with a bottle of Liberator gin.
I think this is called “emloyment”.
Oh goddammit.
they (and when i say they, i mean “deep state PLUS the political class”) were going to go after Assange ASAP no matter what regardless of who got elected.
Hell, Obama could have won a third term, and he’d probably have droned the guy.
Basically, after Assange dumped all that CIA/NSA cyberwarfare stuff in the most recent dump, it was game over for him. As long as he was exposing political corruption, he had a modicum of support from the press which made him harder to go after. Once he starts interfering in the activities of intelligence agencies? he’s either going to get arrested, or end up dead. Arrest is probably his better option.
Florida man bites dog, brother. I hope they had their shots.
Some sanity on reddit regarding socialist paradise. But wow, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.
Jesus Christ, it’s like, totally fascist rant by some white supremacist and racist. Banning time!
Almost forgot about this one.
Now that’s awesome. They pre-banned him.
The next comment is fantastic too.
-We should host the Olympics there
I’ve had “progressives” tell me that Venezuela is only “struggling” (their word, not mine) because the price of oil took a dive. I’ve never heard an explanation of why such misery has not fallen upon the numerous other oil-dependent countries in the world.
It’s only because they have bad leadership! Look at Scandinavia!
That argument is made often if you wade further into the comments on waffles link. I was perusing comments on an article about Wendy’s replacing order takers with kiosks due to minimum wage increases earlier today. Top comment was how this was the first step to us all working 2 hours a day and receiving UBI like god intended or some such silliness.
He got one half of that right, namely the working 2 hours a day.
“Top comment was how this was the first step to us all working 2 hours a day and receiving UBI like god intended or some such silliness.”
Isn’t it funny how those goalposts seem to move? The minimum wage was touted as something to “ensure a living wage for working families” and we were assured that it would have no effect on employment.
Now, according to that commenter, the employment-killing effects are actually a wonderful thing because now everyone can loaf around all day on the taxpayer dime! PROGRESS!
I’ve heard prigs blame the US for Venezuela
goddamn reddit is full of idiots.
its worse than the usual “NO THATS NOT SOCIALISM” arguments on Youtube
it seems to be the most popular topic for people who understand absolutely nothing about politics or economics or history or…. etc etc
Is Gavin McInnes a Libertarian or nah?
Don’t get the reference. I don’t go on reddit
I don’t know who he is either
The orginal Williamsburg Brooklyn hipster (before the word existed)
founder/editor of VICE magazine,
he split off and sold his interest to partner shane smith in 2008
(and probably lost piles of money, tho i don’t know how well he did on the deal)
subsequently started a half-dozen smaller ventures, some of which made money, others which did not
writes for Taki’s Mag, others
was frequent guest on The Independents
ace shit-talker
I don’t know about that but he loves proggie tears so he gets points for that.
Gavin McInnes is the founder member of the “I fucked your wife” party, whose primary platform is based on the premise that you will never be as awesome or as sexually attractive as Gavin McInnes, and your wife/gf/sister/mother is or will be having sex with him.
No. Still can be quite funny.
Welcome to my world. That happened to me with Richard Fucking Spencer yesterday.
Sorry lol
No. Gavin’s not that interested in political philosophy. He’s interested in Punk Conservatism = which could be confused for libertarianism at times, but is generally disinterested in ideas.
Is there anything they can do?
Yes, there is. They can exploit a tragedy in order to permanently fuck up a temporary problem.
Exactly. There is no problem that they can’t make much worse.
Apparently Medicaid pays for strippers and gambling now. No, not YOUR Medicaid.. OTHER PEOPLE’S MEDICAID, STUPID!
“37 months in prison”
I know, it almost sounds worth it. I need to open up a nursing home.
He put 60 people through hell for years. He’ll have better conditions in prison than he provided them. That’s not justice at all.
Taxes paid for his lifestyle, and it will pay for it again for the next 3 years.
They have a town named Festus?
That would be the other reason I posted this story.
Faced with ridicule from left and right, UC Berkeley reverses decision, will let Coulter speak
It seems to have been particularly stung by comments from one of its best-known professors, former Clinton administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich:
It’s one thing to cancel an address at the last moment because university and local police are not prepared to contain violence – as occurred, sadly, with [February’s canceled speech by anti-feminist provocateur Milo] Yiannopoulos. It’s another thing entirely to cancel an address before it is given, when police have adequate time to prepare for such eventualities.
Free speech is what universities are all about. If universities don’t do everything possible to foster and protect it, they aren’t universities. They’re playpens.
It also got mocked by the satirical website The Onion.
Berkeley Campus On Lockdown After Loose Pages From ‘Wall Street Journal’ Found On Park Bench
Couldn’t have anything to do with Trump’s tweet about yanking federal funds.
Stop making me agree with the Trumpster.
Your options are as follows:
A) Agree with Trump
B) Scream ‘literally hitler!’ over and over
It’s a pretty easy choice at that point huh?
How about no federal funds either way?
I’m good with that, but If they’re going to use tax payer money to form a repressive little commie kingdom, it should be cut off immediately.
oopsy- all that should be in blockquote
I think the best (worst?) part is that no one takes Ann Coulter seriously, not even Ann Coulter. She’s edgelording a good 70% of the time and anyone with a brain can see that. So to shut her down is basically equivalent to shutting down a particularly edgy comedian.
I posted this before but she pulled out all the stops this week. She’s like the bizarro world version of Shikha, or vice versa. It’s like going in opposite directions but you reach insanity either way.
Horseshoe theory would posit that she and Shikha are actually the same person.
Variation on the horseshoe
my copy paste works just fine but it’s the thought that counts.
She’s edgelording
Cool, I learned a new word today.
Me too. It describes exactly what I was thinking as I read that.
Verbing things is just one of my many redeeming qualities.
I hear that giraffes at mating season take her quite seriously.
When you’ve lost The Onion…
You stop crying?
“Thursday Afternoon Kararinku”
It’s supposed to be called ‘Links about nothing’. Until you call it that, it will never be the greatest links ever posted. *looks over at TSTSNBN and shakes fist in air*
Like watching your ex with her new abusive boyfriend, eh Hyp?
Maybe I’m just tired, been a long day and just plopped down here with a beer after a day at work in the city. I can’t connect the dots on your comment. Do you remember the incident I’m talking about? Not sure how many of us where there on that fateful day.
I probably was not.
*Sits down in front of Hyp* tell us the story, Uncle Hyp! Please! And do your silly voices for the hair and the jacket!
Trigger warning: No milfs were nailed in this story. So get off my lawn!
So someone at TSTSNBN posted links, but there wasn’t any headline, story or anything. So a few posters immediately jumped on the opportunity and someone came up with the idea that we’re supposed to post our own links. Within maybe 10 minutes there were more than 150 comments and a lot of good ones. If was a free for all, we were on a roll. Then some bastard kunt face dickhead over there realized what happened and deleted the entire thing, comments and all. And so, the greatest thread ever in all the history of the intertoobz was killed and all the children were sad and no one lived happily ever after.
I had stopped over there this morning for a quicky. They had a Trump arricle posted at 7pm last night with 0 comments.
A few weeks after this site was up, we were getting 2-3x the comments over there. Now it’s 10x on a regular basis. I still go there about every day, they have some good and important articles. But the commentariat is dead.
The amount of comments is higher but it seems for the vast majority it is roughly the same 12-20 people that do almost all of the commenting here, so I am not sure if we actually have more people or just much louder/bored people.
That’s an interesting question. I’m sure their web traffic is much higher than here. I also am not sure how rare of an event it is for someone to start a website and steal the entire quality commentariat from another site, almost overnight. Seems pretty impressive. I’ve posted on a lot of websites, but I kept going back there because I couldn’t find the quality of comments anywhere else. And now, almost all of that is here.
This is very true. For the 2 or 3 months before I found out about this site I was going over there just for the comments because the articles were all 100% horseshit, but the commenters would always give out better/more insightful info than the actual articles.
Ahem. You ALSO stole me. I will not be erased, shitlord!
/Hyperion – Arch Shitlord of the Patriarchy
I’ve seen it happen when you have a shit moderator who scares everybody away. But that isn’t what happened in this case. This is pretty strange, I have to agree.
Subtract their trolls, and I bet there are more here.
“Thursday Afternoon Kararinku”
I don’t speak jive
Two Teens Charged with ‘Hate Crime’ for Vandalizing Trump Sign, Letter and Spirit of the Law Be Damned
Trump supporters are the new protected class.
Man, that’s some shitty English from the cop report.
Hate crime laws shouldn’t exist.
This needs to happen. Lefties do not understand the significance of the things for which they advocate until they are used against them. It is the only way they will ever see our point of view.
I think the writer meant to say that: the act of burning the sign was meant to show hatred to the owner because of his race, religion, and political views.
A good sentence will still make sense even if you cut most of the words. Let’s try that.
“The burning coincides with the victim.”
“The burning happened in the same time/place as the victim”
I posted about this yesterday. You would hope the leftists will learn from it. But they will not. They’re not capable of learning. Of course we can’t blame only the left, conservatives are almost as authoritarian, but at least some of them have more than 2 brain cells to rub together.
Question: why do people go crazy over symbolic things? Is it a byproduct of our ability to use language? A different form of primate dominance behavior? A little of both?
Whatever it is, I wish there was a lot less of it.
Human brains are not designed to think objectively. We can do it but it is not our natural state. We learn to associate symbols with various meanings. It is an extremely powerful technique because we can look at something for less than a second and immediately and with overwhelming reliability determine vast amounts of knowledge about that thing based on it’s symbolism. Unfortunately some clever people have figured that out and now take symbols that have near universal meaning and rebrand them in order to intentionally mislead. That’s why the confederate flag became suddenly a big deal. It meant one thing originally, that meaning changed and adapted gradually over a period of time until it meant something completely different, and then suddenly it was hijacked to have a completely new meaning in order to further a narrative.
what’s your example?
oh, you mean the ‘sign burning’?
i think its absurd how in the space of time since Bernie Sanders was running for the DNC primary … Republicans went from being ‘no different from the establishment democrats’, to “ACTUAL NAZI FASCISTS WHO WILL MURDER THE GAYS AND THE BROWNS”
way too many people seem convinced that there’s suddenly zero possibility of pluralism in america, and its concerning. Basically its all, “you’re on my side, or you are the enemy”
Earnest Byner NOOOO!!!!
*Adjusts MAGA hat*
What do you mean?
^this guy gets it
to pick another example recently brought to my attention by Ted S, there was that Mirth and Girth painting that had people going nuts. “Oh noes! A white man dared to make fun of a dead black politician! That’s literally worse than hundreds of years of slavery! Destroy the heretic and his evil totem!”
See what I mean?
I think it is a tribalism thing, and a bit of both of what you ask above. It is about social signaling. Some people put more stock in that than others. The loud ones make the news.
That oval office photo with Kid Rock, Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin is awesome.
Not because I would ever agree with those individuals but the absolute pants-shitting from my enlightened friends.
Let me rephrase that : sometimes I may agree with some of those individuals, but …
Raiders versus Eagles on Christmas Day 2017.
Should I go? Asking as a Raiders fan
Only if you are wearing a gimp suit and a santa hat. Or are you an eagles fan?
oh, you said you are a raiders fan. Reading comprehension fail.
Hell yes
Is it in PA or Oaktown?
Philly, but they’re also playing in DC in late September. Which won’t be as freezing.
Anyone been to a Skins game?
I can’t even remember the last time the Raiders played the Redskins. I have not been down there to a game. But It’s not that far since I’m in Balmer. Might have to go to that one. And even the one in Philly if the Raiders are still doing well at that level of the season. Regretfully missed the one in Balmer last year, but at least got to taunt my co-worker Ravens fans who were there.
Yeah. I think I’d rather do DC than Philly. Better weather, cheaper tickets, too.
September in DC should be perfect weather. December in Philly, not so much likely.