Happy Friday. Links are back. Not that you care.

Tank gran?
I wonder how small a form-factor an “airborne directed energy weapon” can be packed into. Will drones with frickin’ laser beams make the manned air superiority fighter obsolete, hopefully saving us trillions on the F-next process.
A nice story of good triumphing over the State.
“The best thing to come out of Russia since vodka” is debatable, but have a little cheesecake.
“A-B-C A Always, B be, C catching.” This article was more interesting when I thought it was Skunk Apes vs. Pythons in Florida
Let’s play a round of fitness equipment or BDSM accessory.
I watch this video and think, “who knew Axl Rose had a drug problem?”
I don’t think I can afford Russian cheesecake.
I’d like to have a talk with the guy who punched her in the mouth, though.
Yeah. And there is something in those eyes that says crazy.
“The best thing to come out of Russia since vodka” is debatable, but have a little cheesecake.
It is a beautiful world, I tell ya.
Stealing from Chipwooder but regarding Venezuela.
I still don’t believe it.
The Onion last seen sobbing uncontrollably…
That simply cannot be real.
Oh, but it is.
The Russian narrative is crumbling and slowly fading. We need a new foreign boogieman, so why not kill two birds with one stone?
“The Russian narrative”
I find it hard to believe anyone bought that tinfoil hat bullshit in the first place. But please pinkos, keep spinning new, increasingly bizarro narratives. Soon we will have experts examining badly photoshopped images of Trump roasting baby kittens overlaid with bad lip synch audio.
Some of the evidence I heard about TrumPutin was that some Russians whose cousins knew someone in the government had bought condo’s from Trump’s sales staff years ago.
Wow. And she’s a Rhodes Scholar, huh? Can they take it back?
I think the guy who built De Beers into a monopoly would be fine with Ms. Maddow’s exploitation of Venezuelans to pursue her own foes.
This is a good point.
Shit that’s a great business idea:
Award Repossession Service.
Obama and Metallica hardest hit.
That was my first thought, too.
Is that Maddow quacking in the video? I’ve never heard her speak before. How can anyone listen to that smug tone? It’s like a manly version of Samantha Bee.
How long before she pulls a Glen Beck and starts doing the “6 degrees of Kevin Bacon” schtick?
6 months?
Maddow already does the Beck shtick of drawing out conspiracy theories by connecting lines on a whiteboard. Usually she tries to show the “evil” that all connects back to the Koch Brothers.
“Venezuela is careening dangerously close to “well, it was never actually REAL Socialism” status”
-Iowa Hawk
So accurate
That’s even funnier than shikha blaming trump for anti Muslim hateism in India.
They can’t be parodied anymore. It’s over
No more thicc Thursday means Master Luo heads back to the beach in afternoon lynx.
I love that it’s Therapy for Women.
Old school hysteria treatment
So spiritual that he has to record each one.
Lol my sides.
Check out the first comment. It has a response from this guy, a relative of yours? Certainly sounds like it!
Lives close enough if it’s the same Playa Vista
It’s his alter ego? Maybe not, because the gist is the same. Oh well, let’s goof on him until he responds.
I’m working right now!
Don’t JUDGE ME!!!
Shuffles papers from one side of desk to the other.
Did you file them in an accordion folder?
True story: Yes.
But I’m going on week long Caribbean vacation starting tomorrow. Suckers!
Where you headed?
St Bart’s. No plebes on my beaches, thank you very much.
Nice. Saline is one of the top 10 beaches in the world. Allegedly.
We’ll be a 20 minute walk from there. I’ll let you know what I think.
Manhattan Beach isn’t in CNN’s top 10, so I suspect that the entire list is a lie.
Just trying to put off the inevitable…
Loverboy agrees.
(leftover homemade sausage and pep pizza heavy on sauce)
Yes, but right now I’m taking a break for a nap.
Just working it. If you know what I mean
You think this is easy?
Real justice would probably involve the neighbors spending a few nights in jail and some court costs of their own.
I’m so glad my nearest neighbor is a mile a way
I’m glad my neighbors know I am heavily armed and short-tempered.
Fungus amongus.
Damn it. It’s just not my day. HTML fail posting from my phone.
Some coworkers found morels while I was away and I am extremely jealous.
No dead bodies. That I know of.
Morels are absolutely wonderful, but my wife won’t touch them anymore.
Years ago, we all went out morel picking with my father and aunt. Found a lot and my wife loved them.
A few days later, I got a call from my mother saying that my father was in the hospital paralyzed and on a respirator. No one exactly knew what was going on. Later we found out that he had Guillain-Barre. He spent about 3 months totally paralyzed before he finally started recovering.
Wife is still convinced that there is a link between morels and Guillain-Barre. She won’t touch them and forbids me from feeding them to the kids. Which is OK with me, why waste them on those punks?
All woke foodies know that the rarest and most savory mushrooms only grow on dead bodies.
“A-B-R A Always, B be, R raping.”
Skunk Ape v. Florida Man.
I was traumatized at 3 years old by a skunk ape in a campground. True story. People say it was just a man in a mask, but the truth is out there.
Well, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a skunk ape and certain Florida men.
Let’s play a round of fitness equipment or BDSM accessory.
I wish I could find the ’90s infomercial for the internal facelift face exerciser. I’m sure one of you can though.
This one?
I love the beat box soundtrack.
For some reason I’m reminded of the Shake Weight.
Oh my god, no, but that one is so much better.
I was thinking Facial Flex
I don’t know, Jesse. The one you posted is so bad, quality wise, I think it’s a keeper as well.
It’s a different kind of terrible. I just love the ’90s odd-ball-inventor fitness equipment
CBS ‘journalists’ mad at Gayle King for going yachting with the Obamas. ” “It’s one thing to be friendly. It’s another thing to go vacationing on a yacht,” the source added.” Too visible and obvious, for their tastes.
Wait… Gayle King is a network news host?!
It’s something that you, like myself, have probably heard before but blocked out or just forgotten because, really, who the fuck cares what hack is giving housewives their daily dose of leftwing talking points during the morning news?
I’m pretty sure she is a DNC staffer, who also happens to work at CBS.
You mean a CBS anchor who happens to be a DNC staffer?
I think western was right the first time. If her primary was being a CBS anchor, she wouldn’t be a DNC anything.
French Polynesia huh. So did Obama build this life of his?
That yacht sailed already you shitbirds.
After seeing the Maddow link, I’m not sure what to do. Lie down with a cool damp cloth on my forehead, probably.
Don’t these journalists realize they go up against the wall first?
They believe it wasn’t real socialism putting journalists up against the wall.
“who knew Axl Rose had a drug problem?”
Apparently, his drug of choice is the jelly doughnut
For a man who has probably had every drug, alcohol, and type of pussy known to man, it says a lot that he’d probably just take some tacos, instead, at this point.
This one made me laugh.
I wonder how small a form-factor an “airborne directed energy weapon” can be packed into. Will drones with frickin’ laser beams make the manned air superiority fighter obsolete, hopefully saving us trillions on the F-next process.
Pew Pew! But doesn’t fog/smoke defeat directed energy weapons?
Well what defeats Florida Man?
Himself, mostly. Sometimes his mama or his girlfriend.
Parole officer…
/kicks rock
Probation violations?
Wage garnishments?
DEW can be in a lot of different parts of the spectrum, so fog/smoke may not be much of an issue.
Visual laser dazzler is very different from microwave/gamma laser.
I’m Poppy
I’m Poppy
I’m Poopy
Hi Poopy, I’m Dad.
You’re an ass.
I’m Pompey, and I like asian fish balls.
Are you a gay fish?
I am Spartacus!
They are doing this
Guy doesn’t have a good enough of an impression to pull this off.
Trump really needs to just do his own reality show from the White House. And put it up right against this. Who wouldn’t watch that shit?
Trump really needs to just do his own reality show from the White House.
He’s moved on. He’s now the producer of the tragicomedy known as “The Mainstream Media”. Airing, well, constantly.
This is also apparently going to air on Comedy Central. I wouldn’t want to link to their actual clips and help delude some executives that its a hit because of its online reach.
Thats not real.
A student from my alma mater (Wofford College) was apparently arrested for vandalizing the memorial of a Spartanburg cop who recently killed himself on his motocycle. I haven’t seen a story about what the alleged vandalism is but the school put out a statement on Facebook (of course) and now people from all over the place are demanding this kid be expelled because the cop “gave the ultimate sacrifice.”
Ultimate sacrifice of what?
“killed himself on his motocycle”
Did he endanger the public while doing it? It sounds risky.
The article I finally read was light on the details but he collided with a car while in route to assist other officers with a B&E.
The kid is a soccer hooligan and was appatently pretty hammered when they caught him dragging a wreath and some flowers off of the dead cop’s memorial.
So, endangering the public it is.
Maybe they were referring to the fact that his motorcycle was totalled as “the ultimate sacrifice”?
Eh…I’m pretty vehemently anti-cop, but desecrating a memorial of a guy is pretty sleezy. Did motorcycle cop fuck his girlfriend or something?
Yeah. The kid sucks too. I’m pretty irritated with LEO Nation hammering my alma mater. The comments are absurd.
I found a news blurb on it. It uh… looks pretty bad.
Were there pictures?
Of the damage? No. Just the arrest mugshot.
I at first read it that he was *trying* to kill himself.
I was like, why honor him for that?
But apparently it was a traffic accident while he was responding to a crime – I can totally see how people see the cop as a hero.
The best thing to come out of Russia since vodka” is debatable, but have a little cheesecake.
What is the deal with Russians hanging off of buildings? This is like the hundredth time I’ve seen it.
Life is cheap there. And also pretty depressing.
Those videos get my heart rate up.
Fapping vigorously will do that.
Me too. I get queasy watching that idiocy.
Let’s call that “Self induced TMJ”
Basically, if you overwork your jaw-muscles, you’re basically creating 100 new problems for yourself, not the least of which is probably serious tooth damage at some point. never mind the perpetual headaches.
I got 99 problems, but weak jaws ain’t one.
Will Ann Coulter Provoke More Rioting!? THAT THOUGHTLESS BITCH
….and there it is! My threading-fuckup of the day.
Lemme Robby that for you:
“While Ann is a provocative figure who has been known to cause little children to disappear, these leftists need to find a more constructive way to channel their hatred of the right.”
That whole thing is far too generous.
He’d be more like =
Ah, yes, much better.
You captured the spirit and tone perfectly. Bravo.
tho this bit here was very much “Robby Style” =
this is how AP spins, “campus group invites someone to speak (for pay), and college complains”
she’s showing up because – contrived ‘wishes’ aside – the opinion of the people who don’t want her to speak is *irrelevant*
they make it sound like she just woke up one day and decided “i think i’ll go start shit @ berkeley”
Yes BOTH “groups” have hoods and use Molotov cocktails – one is equally as guilty as the other.
Speaking of Russian cheesecake (and a fine slice that was), Aeroflot was taken to court because they discriminate against ugly stewardesses. BBC provides some pictorial evidence, but not enough!
Today’s update – court threw the suit out.
Things learned when I worked in aviation: Aeroflot had an insanely high crash rate in Soviet times (and shortly thereafter).
If those are the ugly ones, the beautiful ones must be amazing!
I meant photos are good evidence of discrimination occurring.
Greatest. Lawyer. Ever.
But they also need to be strong enough to handle a heavy inflatable slide in an emergency, he said.
So babooshkas out of the Urals it is.
Following up on this morning’s Texas music fest, I submit the following:
A Waltz Across West Texas
Some background at the link, but here’s some additional context:
The musician, Doug Peters, died last year after being paralyzed in a car accident.
I grew up in the part of Texas featured in the video (which is still a bigger piece of real estate than many states). I used to work at the Waggoner Ranch, and I’m pretty sure I recognize a few of the cowboys pictured in one of the pics.
Wow. That was beautiful. Pictures and music.
I couldn’t hit the links, being at work at all (see Rufus!), but I would be disappointed if this</a< wasn't linked earlier.
Ok… just imagine what I typed was in proper English, and the link wasn’t SF’ed up.
Benjamin is considered “West Texas”? Kayyyy.
The photographer is from Benjamin. The pictures are from West Texas. The title was intended to refer to the pictures, not the photographer’s place of residence.
I had a hard time pegging the pictures. I grew up on the southern New Mexico border so West Texas was essentially my stomping grounds.
Seymour is right around Benjamin.
6666, Seymour, I don’t know where the Fork is, There are Waggoner Ranches up in the panhandle, and then others located SE of the panhandle. I dunno, maybe I’m biased but we kinda considered West Texas to be stuff west of Midland. I’m not trying to be nitpicky, but the photos just didn’t spark any “Oh yeah, I know that area” when I watched it.
That Russian chick is a solid 10 that I’m to downgrade to a 9 because of the eyebrows.
You literally just did “Sharp knees, wouldn’t bang”
Don’t be ridiculous. Of course I’d bang her. I’d just make her wear a paper bag with Sasquatch written on it until she shaved those two giant bushes above her eyes.
Thanks for clarifying.
C’mon, it’s not like she looks like Brezhnev.
I had trouble telling if she had a face.
Eyebrows? That is the gayest thing I’ve seen on this sight since Turkish oil wrestling.
That is the gayest thing I’ve seen on this sight since Turkish oil wrestling
I hope you aren’t issuing a challenge there.
You know you want to turn this place into a hardcore mustelid open site. He just gave you an excuse. Take it man! Opportunity knocks.
You hear that, Viktoria? Brochettaward doesn’t appreciate you like I do!
Cosmetologists have made some stunning advancements in eyebrow technology. There’s simply no excuse in this day and age for a model to be sporting those.
downgrade to a 9 because of the eyebrows
and not her tats?
I don’t know. Those tats are pretty firm looking to me.
I’d like to look at them a little closer.
*clicks through again*
She does have a face, with eyebrows even. Huh.
What I can’t stand, no matter how hot the subject, is the selfie-in-a-mirror-with-my-phone-right-in-the-fucking-middle-of-the-shot pictures. Why not just tattoo “Narcissist” across your forehead, fer fuck’s sake.
Yeah, but her being a narcissist is how we get the pics in the first place, so it’s not all bad.
And her obvious Air Jordans upper lip.
And boobs too.
Not saying I’d kick her out of bed, just that she was probably gorgeous without having that work done, and I don’t find it an improvement.
She really loses a lot of her appeal with the plastic.
This in all seriousness. I’m not into the plastic Instagram model look. Her tits, while I’m betting they are fake, aren’t the worst job I’ve seen. This Russian isn’t the most extreme example by a mile, though. It’s like they’re just producing them all in a lab at this point with the same dimensions, make-up and all.
Still a definite would, but I do prefer a bit more natural looking myself.
The eyebrows are also something I’m noticing more and more from European models.
I don’t get the widespread use of plastic surgery these days, especially among models. They’re usually plenty attractive without. Then again, I’m not a fan of the excessive makeup most of them use, so maybe I’m just a backwoodsman.
And on a less exploitative note, BBC investigates large presence of women in tech and sciences in Russia.
How many Russian companies have jobs for gender studies majors that need filling? How about wasteful, overbloated HR departments?
It seems like comparing percentages to countries like India would be a closer apples to apples comparison. I kind of doubt the streets of Mumbai are filled with philosophy majors.
I read somewhere that a study was done that found an inverse correlation between the freedom/prosperity of the women in a country and their interest in STEM (i.e. the freer/more prosperous a country, the less likely women were to pursue STEM fields and the more likely they were to pursue fields in the humanities). I’ll look and see if I can find a credible source, but if it’s true then the Russia vs UK thing should not be surprising.
This might be it. It’s a study that shows that greater gender equality in a society counter intuitively correlates with a larger gender gap in mathematics.
People being happy as a result of making their own free choices is *obviously* inferior to a complete equilibrium forced into existence with absolute control. Why do you hate women and children?
Saving that. Sister has a couple feminist/proggie college friends, this’d be fun to show them.
Guest presenter at Sargon – very interesting statistics presented. Guys vs gals bell curve is very different.
I do remember reading that India (which actually can be called an oppressive patriarchy if there ever was one) has a higher rate of women in engineering than Sweden.
Some Norwegian dude made a documentary series, which among other things showed how the high level of gender equality in Norway resulted in more people choosing careers they were passionate about. As equality increased throughout recent history in the country, more men decided to pursue STEM type jobs, and women more often entered caregiver type jobs, like nursing or teaching.
He went about it in a pretty objective way, and was of course completely vilified as a modern-day neanderthal. The general consensus was that Norwegian society simply hadn’t dialed in the “equality” knobs just right yet.
I am not sure this is the original but same dude, same subject.
So nearly all my colleagues are participating in March for Science stuff. This partly explains my thoughts about it, though I could go a lot deeper into Hayekian points of science vs scientism.
I logged in to Facebook this morning, and there was a notification saying “27 friends are going to an event”.
I thought “Awww fuck, don’t let it be that march!”
Much to my relief, it turns out that it’s a funeral.
Aaron Hernandez’s?
I was very disappointed with the results of my trolling.
I was hoping somebody would at least post this.
They needed to punch that article up with some better Aaron Hernandez jokes.
“If the Patriots can come back from a 28-3 Super Bowl deficit I’m sure Aaron Hernandez can come back to life.”
“Breaking: Roger Goodell has suspended Tom Brady 4 games for Aaron Hernandez’s suicide.”
“Falcons: Best football choke of the year — Aaron Hernandez: Hold my beer…”
“Set the all time record for longest hangtime”
“Aaron, the Browns are interested, if we can get you out”
“Attorney: Just hang in there, Aaron”
Oh C’mon, no comments on that article?
I thought this shit already happened already. How long are they going to talk about it and plan it? Just get the stupid political theater over with already.
Phew! = Not the Pornstar SEAL
“Authorities say a Navy SEAL has been charged with producing and possessing child pornography.”
I’m slightly more concerned with the fact that he molested a little kid, but that doesn’t seem to be a priority for the state for some reason.
I love the fact that the party of “THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS VOTER FRAUD” is so good at catching voting fraud in intra-party elections.
A Minneapolis city council member (Dem) is challenging the credential of some Somali delegates at a nominating convention.
God help me, but I do love Minneapolis politics when it gets ugly.
A few years ago a long time liberal from Minneapolis was getting pushed by a local Somali candidate and she was able to tip off authorities about 140 Somali voters who were all using the same po box as their address.
Again, it is amazing how quickly they can track down voter fraud when it is going to bite them in the ass, but they still call anyone who wants voter ID laws a racist.
I’m perplexed – how can they find something that doesn’t even exist?
It’s been said many times before, but if it didn’t exist, they wouldn’t so vehemently deny it does or fight so hard against ID laws that are overwhelmingly popular with the voting public. To include the people who are supposedly being hurt by them.
Voter ID laws are racist, because they prevent Democrats from being elected with illegal votes, which hurts minorities. QED.
Hey, if asking for ID to vote is racist, asking for ID for gun sales must also be racist.
Akira, don’t you understand?
it’s like that prog idea just after the election to lower the voting age to 15. Because kids are too dumb to drink until 21, but smart enough to vote to take their parents’ money away!
Covered in depth previously. But yes, the ID requirements for conceal carry are extremely racist.
My threading-fuckup of the day.
Ann Coulter looks like she could bite through a 3/4 inch steel bar, so….
The man is a national treasure (of Kenya sure, but still a treasure).
Let’s play spot the weasel words:
Those closest to him say the former president does not intend to confront Trump directly on immigration, health care, foreign policy or the environment during any of his events.
Translation: The former president intends to continue undermining Trump from the shadows using his money-laundering operation (Organizing for America), and many surrogates and accomplices.
I also suspect the ending is basically there to imply that Obama will do exactly what they suggest – wait until campaigns ramp up to make a real direct push against Trump personally. And then the media will play-up the angle about how he just couldn’t stay silent any longer after being so reserved and respectful. In the mean time, it’s like Hitler giving his marching orders through innuendo.
Thought this was the NYT’s article on the subject. Didn’t click link. Still haven’t. But it had some Democratic donor this morning talking about that being the best strategy.
This is what I get for not refreshing…..
wow “stubbornly committed to the idea of only one president at a time.” what a virtue! He’s totally not fucking things up in the background, like going to meet Hawaiian judges and buying houses down the street from the White House! noooo silly rabbit. Despite how much the left pleads with him to the be anti-pope – i mean, president – he Just Won’T DO IT. because he’s just that damn virtuous.
Wow what a saint for continuing to vacation and stay away from Washington.
Half-billion dollar yacht vacations are a grind, dude, you don’t even know.
You’re right I don’t. But I might know if I exercised my privilege.
He’ll have his surrogates do it. That’s much more Presidential.
Obama remains stubbornly committed to the idea that there is only one president at a time
Isn’t there an implied “for now” in the middle of that sentence?
Some of those comments…jesus.
Howie Carr asks the big questions about Massachusetts politicians: How’d anyone so dumb steal so much?
How do flatworms find food? Its not brains.
I read that as Derek Carr.
Because if you think politicians are dumb, you should look at their constituents.
People generally like to be led by people who are smarter than themselves, but not TOO much smarter. Like, maybe 10-20 IQ points, I’d say.
This is true.
i think it also has parallels in how people prefer politicians that dress more like “insurance salesman” rather than wall st bankers.
This guy is relentless lmao
Carr is great. He’s one of the few people who was willing to publicly take on the Bulger mob, and his politician brother. There was a local politician who said the best thing about retiring was not having Carr constantly pestering him any more, lol.
My proggie friend hates Carr but he’s one of the few journalists out there that goes after public corruption hard.
Perhaps your proggie friend hates Carr because he’s one of the few journalists out there that goes after public corruption hard.
When I used to bring that up he’d just flat out not accept it.
Makes me wonder what exactly progs stand for.
I’m no longer surprised by their inane views and lack of principles.
I will start a gofundme campaign to help Carr move out here.
The Axl Rose link reminded me of my husband’s favorite story about Slash. Years ago, Slash was a party to a case my husband was working on, so Slash came into the offices. So he shows up, all hungover, and he’s got a bottle of Wild Turkey or something with him that he’s drinking. In the middle of the talk, he suddenly has to go find the bathroom, then he comes back and says, “Must’ve had some bad chicken.”
To this day, whenever we’re hungover or sick, my husband and I intone “bad chicken” at each other and crack up.
Impossible. Slash doesn’t exist, my parents told me so.
Was he wearing his top hat?
Cnn with more trump russia talk. Of course it is unnamed sources and a lot of “could be”
Lite on details
Yea, it appears right alongside heavy hitting stories like this one on how Sara Palin is receiving ‘backlash’ for taking a photo in front of Hillary’s White House portrait. After comparing it to a “white trash Mount Rushmore,” CNN tool thinks she should be more sensitive because of all the sexist backlash she received…you know, like from CNN.
I heard one the other night start out his assertion with “This could be true;”
I shit you not.
From that magazine Areo, which seems to be sort of like Taki-mag “from the left” =
Body Positivity is Killing Women
Basically, fat is bad. Shocker.
TW = pictures of fat women in bathing suits
Hey, we don’t judge here. If you are into that, great.
Brief glance at the comments reveals a rich vein of derp to be mined, and a reminder that even the meanest cis-male shitlord can’t touch your average woman as far as being vicious and judgmental about women.