Another week down. Congratulations for making it. Especially since we all had to dodge those damn, reefer-smoking hippies yesterday. Oh, you mean a large number of you are those reefer-smoking hippies normal adults? Well then, carry on.
And now the links!

Scene of the crime.
Protip to France: you might want to keep a closer eye on guys that tried to kill a few cops 15 years ago that recently got out of jail. In related news, there have been a few misidentifications already as to who was involved. But the authorities in the countries involved know that the names being bandied about all belong to seriously radicalized nutballs.

Chicago fans saw too much of this over the last week.
Looks like the DoJ is going after Julian Assange. I guess the arrest warrants for the NYT writers that posted the WikiLeaks stories as well can’t be too far behind, right? Right?!
Ooh, look! Somebody in the media that finally gets Venezuela. A very good read.
Wellesley students don’t understand what free speech means. I reckon they’ll find out what the meaning of “bloodbath” is when they start employing their chosen tactic to stifle speech they don’t like.
Damn, dudes. You couldn’t even win a single game?
Nothing about Oregon today. Sorry. But go out there and make it a good one anyway.
Nazgul news not involving a confirmation hearing.
Nelson V Colorado – 6(+1)-1 concluding that a state has no claim on monies extracted from a person pursuant to a conviction if that conviction has subsequently been overturned. What I find interesting (aside from the fact that I’m actually agreeing with Ginsberg) is the application of the rationale used in the majority opinion, when applied to an atrocity like asset forfeiture would say that the state has no claim on those assets either.
“The state has no claim on monies extracted from a person”
It would have been nice if they would have stopped right there.
That phrasing was my summary of the ruling.
Why is Thomas so awful on criminal justice issues?
In a provocative (and solo) dissent, Thomas suggested that the fundamental flaw in both the majority and concurring opinions was the assumption that defendants in cases like Nelson have a vested property interest in money they pay pursuant to criminal convictions that are vacated or reversed on appeal or through collateral post-conviction proceedings — an assumption Thomas rather vigorously disputed. Instead, Thomas argued, if such an interest comes from state law, then it must come from the Exoneration Act — which, on its terms, imposes conditions on the return of that money.
The more likely source of a substantive right to return of the funds, Thomas continued, was the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment — which, in Thomas’ long-held view, “confers no substantive rights.” Hence, Thomas’ perhaps surprising bottom line —“Colorado is therefore not required to provide any process at all for the return of that money.”
Fortunately for the petitioners, all of the other participating justices disagreed, even if they only assumed that criminal defendants do indeed have a right to the return of funds they pay pursuant to subsequently invalidated convictions, without explicitly identifying the source of such a right.
I’m going to have to go find someone to unpack that for me. Thomas’ argument is inscrutable to me.
What source do you need? If you didn’t owe the money in the first place, they have to give it back. I think that’s all the legal authority you need. If you pay a $300 bill to the phone company and then find out that you didn’t really owe $300, they just have to return the money. I don’t think you need to find a constitutional right to the return of your money if it was taken under false pretenses.
Hasn’t the court basically ruled that the government’s taxing authority is basically boundless? If so, that would probably extend them the authority to take whatever, whenever for whatever reason.
I would hope that any tax levied against an individual would be struck down as a bill of attainder, but I’m sure the state could spin their taking in some fashion that would be palatable to the courts.
I’m sure they’d call it a penalty, or a penal tax and complete the end around.
I haven’t read it either, but Thomas needs to explain why the state has the superior claim to the money after the conviction has been overturned. To me, the state’s entire claim is founded on the existence of a conviction; without that, the state has no claim, and the former owner is the only person who has any valid claim on the money at all.
Dammit, clicked too soon.
What’s the difference between saying:
(1) If you have already paid the fine, you can’t get your money back after the conviction is overturned.
(2) If you haven’t paid the fine yet, you still have to pay it after the conviction is overturned.
(3) If you are still in jail when the conviction is overturned, you can’t get released.
(4) If you haven’t started your jail sentence when the conviction is overturned, you still have to do your time.
I don’t intend for this to be a smart-ass response, but did you read his dissent? I haven’t yet, but I plan on it.
But based on what he’s written before, he doesn’t read the constitution as having much protection for citizens in law enforcement matters enforced by the states because law enforcement is mostly a state, not federal, issue. In short, if the state says FYTY under a state power (not a federal power) then it is with the state that you need to find redress.
That’s my guess as well.
So, he rejects incorporation under the 14th amendment?
No. He probably just thinks that the privileges and immunities clause doesn’t apply in this case. If not having your stuff taken by the state in some cases isn’t a fundamental right, then it doesn’t apply. The 14th also guarantees due process, and equal treatment. So it doesn’t say the state can’t take your stuff, only that it can’t do so without due process. In Thomas’s view, what constitutes due process is largely up to the state, and is acceptable as long as it doesn’t contradict a fundamental right (free speech, right to bear arms, etc.) and is applied equally.
So it doesn’t say the state can’t take your stuff, only that it can’t do so without due process.
When the conviction is overturned, doesn’t that mean there is no due process to justify keeping your stuff?
Yeah. It’s a “fix your dumb state this is not a federal problem” response, which in some ways I can respect.
Let’s see…
So basically Thomas says the money doesn’t belong to the defendants, it belongs to the state, thus the defendants have no procedural rights since procedural due process only applies when the state is trying to take away your money, not when the state is considering what to do with its own money.
Apparently Thomas says that once the defendant pays the fine, the money isn’t his property any more, so there’s no need for a fair hearing if he asks for the money back.
Such is the positive law of Colorado – is that constitutional?
I would imagine that the privileges and immunities of U. S. citizenship include the right to keep your property unless it’s legitimately taken from you – legitimately could mean taxes, but in this case they’re not saying it’s a tax, the property was taken because he was convicted of a crime.
But then the state itself says the conviction was wrongful.
Colorado can’t, IMHO, just pass a law seizing the property of people who were wrongfully convicted.
I would agree with Thomas that “substantive due process” is nonsense, but privileges and immunities would certainly include property rights IMHO.
Look at that, Colorado doing something smart for once.
Though to be fair, we did smash single-payer healthcare into the ground.
Michigan Senate passes legislation legalizing switchblade knives
When Eddie said he didn’t like his teddy
You knew he was a no good kid
But when he threatened your life
With a switch blade knife
I never got the anti-switchblade sentiment. I mean, whenever I saw them, my reaction was fairly close to “you call that a knife?” and it would acutally make the person look less thretening and a bit silly.
50s greasers hardest hit.
It especially makes no sense if the state allows fixed blades, which are easily concealed and quicker to deploy that a switchblade.
I own several knives more solid than a switchblade that are perfectly legal. They can do a lot more damage, and as you state, are no harder to hide. The one I use for breaking down boxes also makes a decent can-opener.
Something, something common sense switch blade control. I’m too tired for this…
Are switchblades assault knives since they have a thing that goes up?
something assault something penis?
Yes. Anything that goes up is assaultive /feminist rant.
Guilty every morning.
Most nights, too.
Does it go on your shoulder?
Can they come and talk to the arbitrary and capricious assholes of the NYPD who continue to claim that items like this liner-lock box cutter are really super scary gravity knives?
Switchblade knives have sure inspired a lot of song lyrics
arguing that “hostility may be warranted” against people who are “given the resources to learn” yet “refuse to adapt their beliefs.”
Was he wearing a wife beater when he said that?
He already told them twice.
You misspelled “taqiyah”.
“We told you what to believe and you refuse to comply so we are beating you up.”
There is the editorial in one sentence.
And that actually makes sense to them. You really need college to make you that stupid.
To paraphrase Cedric the Entertainer, “I wish a motherfucker would…”
Stroke and dementia risk linked to artificial sweeteners, study suggests
Must have read a SugarFree story.
Stroke, the journal of the American Heart Association.
Lots of Billy Squier fans over at the AHA.
I used to read Stroke, but I’d have never, in my wildest dreams, thought that the AHA published it.
I had to give it up, bad for my heart.
Well I’m screwed I drink a ton of no sugar energy drinks. What was I talking about? Where am I? Who are you people?
+1 Stockdale
Nooooorm? Is that yoooouuuuu?
It is still going in the headline though.
In other news: People who have driven cars get dementia. Driving cars causes dementia.
People who drink lots of diet soda may be prone to other risky behavior?
Observational associative studies are not evidence. All they can do is inform a hypothesis.
Shitty journalists love them for scaring people into clicking, though.
One of the most common forms of fake news.
I was just thinking about this today.
Dietary science is so screwy because you can’t reliably obtain data on what people eat and what health issues they have later in life. As you say, you can only look at associations between factors and make a hypothesis based on that.
For instance, the mainstream belief is that red meat is bad for you. But how do they know this? From “studies” that show a “link” between red meat consumption and higher rates of cardiovascular disease. The problem is that the people who eat red meat in violation of mainstream dietary advice most likely ignore ALL health advice. They’re probably people who smoke cigarettes, eat a ton of sugar, and never exercise. If you want to prove a definite cause-and-effect relationship between red meat and cardiovascular disease, show me a group of athletes who eat a ton of fresh vegetables, then feed them a bunch of red meat and present the evidence that their health declined. Otherwise, you’re just saying “A and B coexist, therefore A causes B”.
Damn, now I feel like a T-bone.
//cracks open sugar free Rockstar
I guess I’m screwed no matter what I do.
Might as well follow it up with a speedball.
Don’t mind if I do.
IRS order to start producing records by Judge.
Oops, the computer those records were on? The hard drive crashed. /IRS legal team.
“Oh, we’re sorry. Through a glitch, all of those computers have recently been pulverized, the remains picked up by an electromagnet and dropped in a vat of electrified salt water.
But we’ll see if we can locate a few paper records for you. It shouldn’t take us more than a year to give you a status report.”
-IRS response to judge
Why in the world is that guy still the head of the IRS?
they can’t find the paperwork to fire him
Because he hasn’t offended an LBGQTXYZ?
So the IRS had to hand over the cigarette smoking monkey on a typewriter?
Somehow this phrase makes me want a cigarette. But not a monkey.
Strange… I want a monkey, but not a cigarette.
Come now Jerusalem, what you really want is a monkey cigarette. Preferably sentient neo-chimp flavor.
I would really like to see the FOIA submitted on the fast and furious anti-gun running gun running scheme honored. I was hoping that a change in the administration would allow that case to be further investigated.
The DoJ honchos were counting on prayer measures to render the firing pins inoperable in situations of intent to murder.
They did not pay sufficient veneration to the Omnissiah.
IRS isn’t a bad record label, but landing an act like Judge? That’s yuge.
Austin Petersen on The Rubin Report:
Watched that today. He’s, uh, well, Austin Petersen. I’ve never agreed more with someone that gives me the creeps.
Really? Have you taken a look around here lately?
What do you mean?
/adjusts wig on gnome for orgy display on lawn.
/adjusts wig on gnome for orgy display on lawn.
Nice try, but that’s eccentric, not creepy.
Would you like some CANDY?
The main reason we can stand eachother is the buffer from interpersonal interaction provided by the internet.
Do you even Gavin Mcinnes, Bro?
Austin didn’t deserve that. Cheap shot on my part.
I should try to not be such a close minded dick. I was already sort of cringing and sort of bored a few minutes into it. When he said he doesn’t agree with the NAP, I moved on to the next video. I got better shit to watch.
Only watched part one of the interview. Hopefully can watch parts 2 & 3 either after work tonight, or sometime tomorrow. I was disappointed they didn’t make more fun of Johnson in part 1.
I learned that on the reddit’s and the twitter’s
They aren’t doing it right!
They are the ones who put Chavez in power. My friends with Venezuelan ties were pissed when that happened. It is a hard lesson they are learning.
Something, something arguing that “hostility may be warranted” against people who are “given the resources to learn” yet “refuse to adapt their beliefs.” er, something.
Right because capitalism isn’t a hell hole!
Correct, it is a hell whole. /derpun
Redditors know: America has never let Venezuala try socialism.
Arguing with Reddit about socialism.
If I weren’t in the last minute or two of my lunch break, I’d take the time to dig up all these articles from NYT, HuffPo, and Slate from the late 2000s trumpeting how wonderful Venezuela is doing and how it proves that socialism works and proclaims the impending end of “Western imperialist capitalism”.
In other words:
– When a socialist country has not yet collapsed into a clusterfuck of hyperinflation and starvation: “Socialism totally works; this proves it once and for all!”
– When the collapse inevitably occurs: “That wasn’t real socialism, or else that wouldn’t have happened! They just didn’t do it right!”
In Which States Do Most Millennials Live With Their Parents?
TW: Zero Hedge
Pretty graphs in da link.
Has a disability -307,912
Where’s the victim of patrihomoslamospremominism breakdown?
What a shock. States that have the worst regulations on business, have the highest taxes, and just make it all around very difficult for someone just starting their life are the states with the most people still living at home with mom and dad. Who would’ve thought?
Correlation isn’t causation. /derporeflexogolist
Correlation doesn’t necessarily indicate causation, but sometimes it does.
Those stats are pretty damn depressing. 1 in 4 are neither going to school nor working? How very sad. I know I was in that category for far too long after getting my AS at the local community college. It just takes too damn long to get into your first entry level job in states like Commifornia. I really can’t wait until I’ve saved up enough money to get the hell out of this state.
My senior year in high school in May. Came home one day and my bed was gone and all my stuff in boxes in the garage. My dad had waited 20 years and raised 5 kids and had to give up his home office for the offspring’s bedroom. It was either my room or the younger brother’s and, since he was only 12, he chose mine to make into his new office. I wound up sleeping on a friend’s couch for two weeks before I was able to rent a house with 4 other dudes. Rent was much cheaper back in the late 80’s so I do have some sympathy, but when the time comes, the kids need a push sometimes.
After college my parents paid my rent at a house that I shared with my brother – until I got a job. No way they were having me back.
My college graduation present? A suit to use for interviews.
I moved out the day I turned 18. My dad made it clear for years that the free rent ride ended when I finished school, although I think the prompt moving kind of surprised him. I figured as long as I was going to pay rent, I might as well have my own place (or shared with a roommate).
Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying all of that 1 in 4 aren’t working or going to school stat is strictly because of CA’s awful government. They even say in there some of that is the fact that some of these people have kids. (Why the hell do you already have kids when you can’t even support yourself?!) I’m just saying that a good chunk of that still living with the parents stat shouldn’t be a surprise when government regulations make it to where a business doesn’t want to risk an entry-level position on some fresh out of high school or college grad. Most of those positions always said something like 2 years experience minimum required to apply. For something simple like cashier. Very sad.
What state are you looking to move to?
I’m looking at Arizona. Next to California so I wouldn’t be that far from family and a significantly lower cost of living. Also open to Nevada for similar reasons.
Sounds pretty solid. I can’t wait to get to college up in Montana in the fall. Tired of Colorado trying to imitate California.
My parents went the Huxtable route and said “When you’re 18, you’re out. Whether it’s college or a job, you’re gone.”
If I hadn’t chosen college, I would have been on my own financially, too.
I know a 30 year old in Staten island and 27 year old in JC who make decent money (65 to 80k) who still live with their parents. Both are guys.
It’s mind boggling to me.
Wellesley students don’t understand what free speech means.
re the pic in that article. I didn’t know John Goodman was a Trump supporter.
Howard Dean: Hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment
It’s pretty cool how all left wing speech is protected by the 1st amendment, but no conservative speech is. That’s probably a weird coincidence right?
Robbie wrote about it last night at the old place – while virtue signalling his ass off.
Ann Coulter’s remarks might be hateful, but…
It was a good reminder of why I generally avoid the old dump.
I haven’t even checked over there for weeks. I still browse the mag at work
I can smell the smoke from here.
woops! Gilmored
That and DanO.
Sadly, lefty signaling is the only thing that gets a response anymore. Only Dalmia at her derpest and various “I know these are literal Nazis, but maybe you shouldn’t try and kill them in public” articles break 20 replies.
the twitter responses are mostly good.
And to think they think Trump shouldn’t be tweeting.
Gee, why is it that the commenters were sometimes suspicious of the Reason staff?
I don’t mean to pick on Ed because I generally like his stuff, but….yeah.
Won’t get fooled again?
Fire, theater, etc, etc
Rich Lowry: A Trump Victory on the Border
To anyone concerned about illegal immigration-
Kill the welfare state. Kill it dead. Put a stake in its heart and sink it to the bottom of the ocean. If that is done, this issue will take care of itself. You won’t believe how fast formerly unemployed Americans all of a sudden have a desire to do unskilled labor for small wages.
That’s what Europe doesn’t get. The people coming there are not interested in their diversity program; they want the welfare. And with welfare comes less assimilation into the community. Hello.
error 404. will not compute
‘going there’. I don’t think ‘coming there’ makes sense.
Something about immigrant rape gangs…
I don’t think welfare is the prime problem in non-assimilation in Europe. Those countries have many, many years of refining what it means to be German or French, etc. It is not very inclusive and it isn’t based on a shared set of values about liberty and opportunity; and we in this country are following that lead in both the high-brow (opposed to the internal logic of our own culture) and low-brow (Og not like funny looking/smelling people) ways.
As pissed as I can get about how stupid our govt can be, what is finally going to send me into exile is that our society is bound and determined to be even more stupid than our govt.
Knowing how restrictive they are, it onlyfurther makes the case of how insane it is to give welfare. A combo of non-inclusiveness and refugees/migrants coming to be on the dole (because even that’s better than what they left behind) can’t end well for anyone.
As stupid as it is – I can actually understand the welfare states in France/Germany – since getting a job is made so difficult. You have to unwind a lot more than just the welfare program and there isn’t a trace of political will to do that. Not even LePen is going to change French labor law and can you get much more radical there?
Hi, I’m Poppy.
Go on…
I’m Poppy.
I’m Warty.
Elspeth Flashman (pictured)
Lol! Nice. I wish! Maybe someday. The hubs has a plan (as do I) to enter me in a contest in a few months. So maybe. . . .
Hopefully not a claiming race.
Square this circle.
Local muslim girl gets approval to box in her hijab.
Not sure how you can be a bad ass female athlete AND worry about exposing your bar arms. I’m not an expert in boxing and have no idea if being able to wear a shirt would give you any advantage or not.
My secret wish is that her opponent shows up wearing a long sleeve shirt with Donny T on it and “America, FUCK YEAH!” on the sleeves.
Clicked your link…. Can we change that to a niqab please?
…who has to hide almost every inch of her skin in order to avoid brutal repercussions from her male relatives.
I think it would be a huge disadvantage.
Put some padding in there – big advantage to take more punches.
I would hope officials would check to make sure there is no padding.
I agree. Peripherals.
To me, this is a live-and-let-live moment. I actually think it’s cool she’s a boxer. I can’t imagine Wahhabists are down with chick boxers.
I don’t think it would be a disadvantage to wear long sleeves. Mayweather’s tendency to hug aside, grabbing your opponent in boxing doesn’t gain much advantage. Then again, female MMA fighters will sometimes wear shirts and it is expected your opponent will try to grab you in some way.
Got the new Galaxy S8 in the mail yesterday. It’s pretty fucking sweet. I haven’t even begun to use all the features. My only complaints are that the screen is not as wide as the Galaxy S7 Edge, the fingerprint reader is in an awkward position (even though I’m right handed I do everything on my phone with my left hand), and the earbuds that come with it sound like complete ass despite the fact that they look expensive (those $10 Sony jobs sound way better and the earbuds that come standard with the S7 Edge sound much better).
Oh NO! I just looked them up and those earbuds that I bought for $10 are discontinued and now go for much much more.
Wait. Another complaint, not specific to this phone. Last time I get a phone was 4 years ago and there was some of this but now it’s out of hand. I was able to get a lot of use out of my phone without ever having to agree to any of the no-privacy agreements or using the Google Play store or any other Google features.
When starting up the phone for the first time and to use the phone properly at all, I have to completely sign my privacy away to Google, Samsung, and T-Mobile. It was getting ridiculous after a while. Agreement after agreement. Contract after contract. And a lot of them wanted to raid my contacts, call records, image gallery(?), messages, etc. Some even mentioned keyboard inputs, voice recognition, face recognition, and of course location at all times. And the choices were often “Yes, I want to use the expensive phone I just paid for” vs. “No, thanks. I’m a Luddite hermit asshole”
Next time I get a phone I’m seriously looking into how to root it or something else to avoid all that shit.
I’ve given serious thought to rooting my Kindle Voyage after Amazon pushed an update without my permission that changed the interface. They then said “no, there’s no way to roll back, and you cna’t turn off automatic updates” Both of these are untrue, but the act voids the warranty so to speak.
If I buy a piece of hardware, I get final say over what runs on it. If a vendor doesn’t like that, they are free to decide to charge a higher price for their indignation, but my property is just that – mine!
John Deere says otherwise.
Why don’t you just get an iPhone ? like a civilized human being?
iPhones are what the state issues. I don’t trust the state’s judgement when it comes to technology (and the thing is a damn pain in the ass to use).
iPhones are what the state issues
That’s actually surprising. Well, Apple is routinely better about security if that’s any concern.
I recently got a Nexus 7 and it wasn’t anywhere near that bad. I only had to sell my soul to Google, and let’s be honest, if you won’t give it, they’ll take it.
Being able to run stock Android is a huge bonus. Manufacturers and service providers put a lot of extra shit on their phones, and then you never get updates. Sloopy is probably right, if you aren’t willing to buy a Nexus phone (and use a better service provider like Ting), then you should just buy an iPhone (and use a better service provider like Ting).
I have the OnePlus2 and while it is their own OS, it’s very clean and gets Android updates frequently.
Screaming deal, too.
I’m probably going to order the Oneplus 5 when it is released shortly…my wife has the 3T and loves it. Supposedly the quality is inconsistent but everybody I’ve heard of who has had a Oneplus has had nothing but positive things to say.
I haven’t upgraded because this is the first phone since the StarTac that has never once pissed me off.
I was considering the S8 but the fingerprint reader position seems like a total deal-breaker to me. How awkward is it? Is it something that you think you’ll get used to pretty quick or is it going to drive you more and more nuts for the next three years?
So I went and looked up the exact accusation that cost Fox News $25 million and Bill O’Reilly his gig.
Am I missing something? I was expecting a lot more. I know nothing about this Walsh women (other than the fact that she’s sitting next to Gloria Allred’s daughter so I automatically distrust her). But it sure seems like the Left finally threw enough accusations at O’Reilly to get his scalp. O’Reilly seems like enough of an egotistical prick to keep getting himself into these situations while believing he would never get whacked.
O’Reilly can go elsewhere – even youtube – and still outdraw anyone on network TV.
Really? People watch him?
I’m surprised people watch any of those idiotic “news” shows. When I go the cardio room at the gym, I change all the news channels to something else as soon as nobody is looking.
I don’t mind the local news at the gym in the early morning. But later in the day those TVs should be tuned to either HGTV or Sports…
On TV? Sure. Youtube? Doubt it. His audience is geriatric.
My father will not watch O’Reilly on youtube.
And yes – this is the issue being overlooked. People don’t like O’Reilly. Maybe he’s guilty, but you know, maybe it’s all bullshit.
We’ve seen this tactic time and time again from the left. Level accusations, drum up hysteria, and then claim a scalp. Rinse, lather, repeat. They are all about blacklisting people through innuendo and assertions.
Mc… Mc… Mcsomethingorother
They made some laughably fake harassment accusations against Trump last Fall.
Those damn first class airline seats!
I think I’m going to see if my Korean wife has any contacts in NK so I can convince KJU to nuke Minneapolis from orbit. It is the only way to be sure we get all the people who would vote for Keith Ellison.
He gave a talk recently that was covered by our local lefty columnist who loved it.
The good news is that in Keith’s world, the Greenies are even worse than the libertarians.
The Nork missile splashed down three yards from the launch pad.
Technicians are hailing the successful shot as “perfectly executed”, just like their team lead.
The Norms may have intentionally failed the launch.
It gives them a face saving out.
If they don’t have a missle and a launch, they look weak…and they they can’t do that.
If they do a successful launch, Trump might respond and they’re fucked…dont want to do that either.
So they undermine their own launch.
*Norks* dammit
So, to steal a line I heard on the Federalist the other day, “It’s like playing 5 dimensional Hungry Hippos”.
That’s deep. If more people would have voted for Hillary, she would have won.
Listen Peons, Your vote belongs to me. Voting on people you agree with more is not permitted.
“Ya, what they need to do is score more points than the other team.”
— John Madden
Now maybe, and I’m just spitballing here, the people who voted for Jill Stein didn’t want Hillary to be president.
I haven’t gone back and looked, but I’m pretty sure Stein *did not* pull in enough votes in key states to flip the thing for Hillary. But I suppose narrative is what’s most important here.
Well, her recount efforts lost Hillary votes in the end. Maybe that is what he means.
I have a good friend who is very big in Minnesoda politics for the GOP. He laments the fact that the kids don’t believe in the 2-party system anymore. They don’t have the same team first loyalty that all the older pols have. In his day (mine too I guess), you started out door knocking and moved up the ranks in the party. Now the kids will work for the party if they agree with it, or if they like a candidate, but they have no qualms about switching parties or voting 3rd party.
Obviously not a lot kids switch, but it isn’t 0 like it used to be. They also think that the party should change to agree with them. Not that they should dummy up and let their betters decide what the planks will be.
I think Ellison is onto the same thing here. You need to get the kids to stop fucking leaving the reservation. The Green party is a bigger threat to the Dems that the GOP really is.
Just looked it up, and Stein actually did cover the spread in 3 states (WI, MI, PA), and these 3 would have flipped the election. However, Johnson doubled or tripled Stein’s returns in these states, the general “anti-Clinton” camp was larger than the general “pro-Clinton” camp, if you are so inclined to look at elections from a binary perspective.
Pope: I would almost welcome a fiery death if it meant and end to these morons. Just make sure Hodges and those clowns in the city council are in town when the detonation occurs.
Vaporizing the Minneapolis City Council would disprove the second law of thermodynamics. The cloud of atoms that used to be Hodges and the city council would actually do a better job running the city than they did before. I think that counts as reverse entropy doesn’t it?
Another bright side to blowing up square miles of Minneapolis is that it would make all the Somalis feel like they were back home.
Entropy violations of that sort don’t break the laws, though they do tend to be highly localized and short duration.
The council is an absolute clown show right now. The Surdyks thing was ridiculous. Their obsession with bike lanes and social justice issues. The fact that Alondra Cano is probably going to be re-elected (even with an opponent who is much more suitable for the job) just proves how much this city has finally flipped its lid.
Meanwhile, recycling pickup is still only every other week and US Internet is getting no help dragging their damn fiber across the Parkway…
Ah yes but using taxes to fund Planned Parenthood is threatening. Why don’t we give our taxes to people who are even better then they.
The March for Science is the first step of a global movement to defend the vital role science plays in our health, safety, economies, and governments.
The Common Good is a phrase that strikes fear in my heart – clean water is for the common good, but so is: Vegetarianism or Work Camps.
I stand by the war on science.
We just need to reduce the population of the earth by 3/4. It’s for the common good. Now, would you please step into this communal shower.
It is cute the climate change cult is portraying itself as victims
Let’s count the lefty dog whistles.
1. “robustly funded” (translation: taxation funded)
2. “human freedom and prosperity” (translation: positive rights at the expense of negative rights)
3. “diverse”
4. “nonpartisan” (lol)
5. “call for”
6. “the common good” (as The Party defines it)
7. “evidence based policies” (evidence The Party endorses)
8. “public interest” (ditto)
9. “respect and encourage” (translation: confiscate more in taxes for it)
10. “conversation” (they don’t really want a conversation)
11. “alarming trend” (wrongthink gaining ground)
12. “scientific consensus” (official position of The Party)
13. “restricting scientific discovery” (those who dare to oppose public funding in principle)
14. “There is no Planet B.” (Allahu Gaia)
My wife is trying to get me to go to this because she wants to go.
I’m toying with the idea of saying OK but only if I can make my own sign and it will read something to the effect of…
“These people are morons who are not marching to defend actual science but rather to push a political ideology based on the politicization of the trappings of science in order to push a cultural marxist agenda and they do not speak for me”
That would take a lot of space. How about this instead:
XX = Woman
XY = Man
See what the IFLS crowd says about that.
My sign would read “I’M POPPY!!!”
I don’t own nearly enough tear gas to make my attendance at one of these palatable.
“Dig that Texas sound”
Not this one?
That one’s for Bill
Blackhawks. Ugly.
*for the passing of the dynasty*
*reflexively throws trash on the floor.
/childhood flashback
3 goals in 4 games. That’s hard to do.
Ever since I started watching Modern Family, I can only pronounce that team name a certain way.
The high school in the article is the school that my grandson attends. Per my grandson, the teacher is a real “nutcase” and everyone just ignores her. My thing is that I couldn’t care less what the teacher believes or what her sexual preference is but I do care that she is, in the words of the Left, creating a hostile environment. I assume that she is in the classroom to teach math, not bigotry, and she should keep her personal hatred in a box on the shelf while teaching. It burns me up when teachers single kids out in class for things that are totally irrelevant to the subject at hand. My hope is that she is a new teacher and that the school will use this as a learning experience for her.
I had the opposite happen to me. My 5th grade science teacher was a born again nut.
One day he started to rail against evolution, but I misunderstood him and thought we were talking positively about alternatives to evolution. I had also just been reading Chariots of the Gods by Eric von Daniken. I got into telling the whole class about how UFO’s were totally real and helping out Mayans and the Egyptians.
Mr. Burgeson did not share my enthusiasm. For the rest of the year he would end his preaching that the Bible was the only way by singling me out and asking if I believed that. After the UFO debacle I would just mumble yes.
In general, teachers just aren’t very stable or normal people, from my experience.
No offense but I can’t imagine a stable, normal person wanting to spend all day with kids. God bless those who do but there isn’t enough money in the world to get me into a classroom. I always figured that it was just dumb luck that I like my own kids and the thought dealing with anyone else’s kids gives me the heebie jeebies.
I moved from Michigan to Pulaski County, Kentucky while in the seventh grade. My math teacher, Mr. Bullock, and my English teacher, Mrs. Bullock, were holy rollers and a half. They somehow got wind that I was a Yankee (the accent may have given it away) and a heathen (non-Baptist). They taught both seventh and eighth grade and those turned out to be two very, very, long years. I developed a “shut up and teach” attitude that remains with me today. I don’t care if a teacher is a Chinese transgendered Muslim vegan but I do expect them to leave their bigotry at the schoolhouse door.
I agree that the anti-Christian teacher is just as obnoxious as Mr. Burgeson was.
That story made me remember back to when I was a grade school nut who read all sorts of crazy books like von Daniken’s but wasn’t really mature enough to understand how crazy they were. Good times.
So I ended up a long term sub (read most of the year) at an evangelical school (long story) and had to do the science fair for my 5th grade class. The middle school teachers were supposed to be the judges. The very obvious winner for the science fair was about different methods of killing germs and included a discussion about antibiotic resistance. Had it been another kid I would’ve assumed the parent had done the project, but if this girl isn’t currently in a top secret biolab I don’t know who would be.
The English and Science teachers decided she was disqualified because a discussion of antibiotic resistance showed “Darwinian thinking”. I eventually told them to get the fuck out of my classroom and gave her the blue ribbon anyway, but I just wanted to drown these people. At graduation the science teacher had the 8th graders recite a whole “I know that dinosaurs and people walked the earth together because the Bible tells us so” thing (literally that was part of it, not me being cheeky).
At what point did you quit stating “I’m a Catholic whore, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black, Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic. So hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon, madam.”
The best part was the principal of the school definitely knew I was a-religious and gay before hiring me and didn’t give a shit. She was fantastic, but in over her head a bit with some of the crazy there.
I was politely quiet about my proclivities and almost died when I was very hung over one day one of the students asks “What were you out at [local gay bar] last night?” I had been and my immediate “How did you…” before catching myself confirmed things for him. Total asshole of a kid, but one of my favorites. He acted out because he was too smart and bored.
The courts can’t possibly allow the Assange bullshit to fly, can they? His lawyers should just have to walk into court and repeat first amendment on an endless loop. Even if the the assholes at the DOJ can show he helped encourage Snowden or any other leaker, or facilitated it, it’s just laughable to claim that Assange is alone in doing that in the media.
Beyond that, the guy’s not even an American citizen. The US has no jurisdiction over him. He has no obligation to protect their secrets.
Leela: Cool your jowls, Nixon. You may not like it that Dr. Zoidberg desecrated a flag. You might even find the image of it festering in his bowels somehow offensive. But the right to freedom of expression is guaranteed by the Earth Constitution.
Nixon: Aroo! Maybe so. But I know a place where the Constitution doesn’t mean squat.
[Scene: Supreme Court.]
How is it that Assange is subject to the jurisdiction of any court in the US?
Doesn’t the US have reciprocity treaties with many of the European countries allowing them to enforce US laws against foreign citizens?
He should abscond to France and just hang out with h Roman Polanski then. Because that prdophile rapist has been thumbing his nose at US officials for quite some time.
He’d have a really hard time getting there. As soon as he sets foot outside the Ecuadorian embassy, the British authorities will grab him and send him off to Sweden where he’s wanted for questioning over sexual assault. He claims Sweden will then extradite him to the U.S. That should not technically be possible, since the U.S. has no arrest warrant for him, but it’s a brave new world where the law is whatever the courts say it is, so who knows.
In theory, there is supposed to be a requirement of territoriality. You can’t be charged with a U.S. crime if the actions you perpetrated were not done in the U.S. I’m sure some new, progressive legal theories will do away with this quaint notion.
I think we’ll see a blatantly contradictory argument where they simultaneously argue that he falls under US jurisdiction while arguing he doesn’t have first amendment rights at some point.
Congratulations on replacing Preet you evil bastard.
Texas sound? I’ll give y’all some Texas sound.
My favorite Texas sound.
I don’t care for their bread.
*golf clap*
Our state auditor (who wants to be governor) penned a great opinion piece about how she is such a huge constitutionalist and “fiscal watchdog” that she has no choice but to spend more than $250K in legal fees to sue the state legislature because they passed a law allowing counties to use private firms for their audits.
The gist of the lawsuit is that the state auditor’s office does a poor job and charges a lot to counties to audit them. In 2015 the state legislature passed a law allowing counties to use private firms. Obviously Otto can’t let any power slip through her fingers so she sued the counties and the state legislature.
She’s really peeved that after spending a lot of taxpayer money suing the legislature, they decided that maybe she has too much money and are going to trim her budget.
She’s really peeved that after spending a lot of taxpayer money suing the legislature, they decided that maybe she has too much money and are going to trim her budget.
These euphemisms.
Here’s one for Riven, and our other Montana contributors:
Yesterday, as I was driving down the highway, I had an inspiration. If I had the money, I would photoshop a picture of Nancy Pelosi with a cowboy hat and a moustache, and put it on billboards all over the state, with the legend, “is this who you want representing Montana in Congress?”
It’s a good thing I’m not in a position to do that. Montana election finance laws are so fucked up they’d probably toss me in the clink for daring to spend my own money to promote my own views.
I’d use my billboard money for a montage of the congressional delegation with the headline “The Rich get Richer — Meet your Millionaires”.
Fuck. The Making Statism Unpopular billboard in Boise has been sold.
RIP Ralph Smeed.
Remember the HuffPo piece last week where they called for white men to lose their right to vote and to have all of their wealth confiscated and redistributed? (In an article with comments turned off)
Remember how it turned out that they had obviously been punked and they explained that they had to pull the article? (In a second article with comments turned off)
Well, they found “her”. Comments turned in in Breitbart piece but turned off on HuffPo one, obviously.
Pepperidge Farm remembers!
You star-bellied sneetches and your edit buttons.
Ha! That is funny. I for one believed it was written by a real person who held those views. Which I guess is exactly what HuffPo did because they share those views.
The funny part is their editor in chief defending a piece calling for disenfranchising whites… then insisting she didn’t and that she doesn’t hate whites. I suppose she can try to lampshade her tacit support behind the thin gruel avowal that they don’t necessarily agree with everything in the piece, but–hey, you published it, guys. Then you defended it. You only pulled it when it became evident you’d been had. So do you disagree with the premise or are you upset it wasn’t written sincerely?
Right…they agreed with it. Then found out that it wasn’t written by the person they thought had written it and therefore no longer agreed with it’s content? How very Ministry of Truth of them…
I’m sick of acquiescing to their theory that if you dress up your bigotry in enough Marxist jargon, it’s no longer bigotry. Sorry, I subscribe to the novel idea that if you make sweeping generalizations based on skin color, you’re a bigot. The editor who defended this is a bigot.
“Kim Jong-un warns of ‘super-mighty preemptive strike’ against U.S.”
Will someone deal with this asshole already?
Kim Jong-un warns of ‘super-mighty preemptive strike’ against U.S.

Andy WellsYahoo News UKApril 20, 2017

Reuters Videos
N. Korea issues a warning as U.S. starts drills with the South
As the U.S. and South Korean air forces begin joint drills, North Korea issues a warning of a “super-massive preemptive strike” that could wipe out the United States. Graham Mackay reports.
Kim Jong-un has issued a stark warning to the U.S., telling them that they face a “super-mighty preemptive strike” in an astonishing threat.
State controlled media claimed North Korea could “immediately wipe out the US mainland” and reduce its enemies “to ashes”, warning Donald Trump: “Don’t mess with us.”
The Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of the North’s ruling Workers’ Party, said: “In the case of our super-mighty preemptive strike being launched, it will completely and immediately wipe out not only U.S. imperialists’ invasion forces in South Korea and its surrounding areas but the U.S. mainland and reduce them to ashes.”
Kim Jong Un-possible
Texas? Howabout some Guy Clark
Now there’s a feller who could write a song.
Sorry one more “inside baseball” article from the Minnesoda legislature.
State budget battle revolves around a basic question: How much should it cost to run Minnesota’s government?
In Minnesoda we have a projected $1.5B surplus. The Dems are chomping at the bit to spend that on more government stuff. And not one time expense shit either. We’re talking expanding preschool and other stuff that costs money year after year. Unfortunately for them, the GOP controls both houses and doesn’t want to spend more.
In fact the local GOP is sort of doing well. They aren’t going for huge cuts, but they are scaling back. And even better they are trying to force the govt bureaucracies to trim their employees.
Petty tyrant expresses his displeasure at the idea of cutting back on his kingdom:
You’d think that a guy who ran a private-sector company would understand the link between revenue and payroll.
Tell him he wants to be treated like a Private Company treats its subsidiaries? Go Jack Welch on him and tell him to list his employees from best to worst.
Then fire the bottom 10%.
I never got that.
Sure, to start out you’d be clearing the underperformers, but in the log run you’re going to be over-stressing your mid-teir employees. Especially that fear of the one bad review that gets an otherwise solid but not outstanding worker the chop. Sooner or later you’ll have increased burnout, cratering morale and a generally toxic environment where people at the margins will sabotage others if they believe it will keep them out of the bottom 10%.
I don’t think you can do it repetitively, but it is a good way to clean out cruft.
The only places I hear of it being done use it year in and year out.
That’s what I don’t get.
There have been a lot of articles written on why this is such a bad idea but they basically revolve around creating an environment where a cabal of political schemers conspire to ensure that none of them gets ranked too high or to low (usually by shifting credit and blame) so none of them will ever fall below the magic threshold. As a result some better employees do fall below and are let go and others look at the BS around them and leave for greener pastures.
Yeah, it is the sort of thing that might work for a year or two while trying to turn a struggling business with lax internal controls around to clear out some deadwood but as an ongoing management technique it is moronic.
The funny thing is the strategy is based on a flawed idea.
If the bottom 10% of your employees were always bad employees then that indicates a problem in your middle management culture NOT a problem with the employees themselves. Either the hiring managers lack sufficient knowledge of the work being done to identify the right talent to hire or they are incapable of properly developing the skills of that talent. In my experience 80% of the time you have a bad employee it is at least as much a problem of bad management or a dysfunctional corporate culture as it is any problem with that individual.
In Rank and Fire systems however it just assumes the problem is the people and the next batch of hires will be better but even if the employees you fired are not performing properly leaving the existing management and business culture that created them in place will just result in creating more bad employees and in the meantime you get to deal with the poor work of those bad employees for a whole year, the destruction of measurable chunks of your institutional knowledge, and the cost of hiring and training replacements.
I think the rank and fire system is mostly just management pr0n for guys like me who have a team of developers. Most of them are pretty good, but a few are just horrible.
Nothing is better than fantasizing about the look on their stupid faces as you lower the axe on them for once again fucking up.
Sadly, like real sex vs pr0n, firing people in real life isn’t as good as the fantasy. You can’t rail on them about their shortcomings as you show them the door. Also most of them don’t really care.
My last performance improvement plan meeting with my current star underperformer ended with him thanking me for helping him plan how he can start finishing more tasks on time and then told me he’d be taking the afternoon off because his daughter’s preschool called and told him she was sick. *sigh*
I’ve managed to create a situation where we have zero employees. It’s easier to replace vendors than it is to deal with employees.
While that is true it is a horrible management strategy because the LAST thing a company should be doing is looking to turn their employees into replacable cogs.
The reason you as a company exist is that you offer something to the marketplace that no one else can do better than you and the only way you can achieve that is if you have employees that have unique skills and experience in that thing. Replacing employees should always be painful because it represents a loss of that insitutional expertise in what it is that makes your company different from the one 3 doors down. If you lack that institutional expertise then your business is nothing more than a commodity that anyone else could do and someone else will develop the ability to do better than you.
In otherwords, if you outsource everything what is stopping your vendors from getting together and deciding to keep doing the work but cutting you out of the process?
The relationships. We are a small manufacturer, but we did the math and realized that making and shipping the damn things is literally child’s play compared with managing the relationships. We have a network of independent reps that are very vested in keeping us relevant, as well.
For us, it gives us the ability to ramp up or down more quickly and we never have to deal with shit we aren’t good at (like putting together ‘performance improvement plans).
It won’t work for every company but it works great for us.
We have an underperformer employee here – he’s been through the “you must improve your work” wringer here several times but still manages to stay on. And when he does end up getting reprimanded, he has to take the rest of the day off so he can recover.
*rolls eyes*
I call him the department “canary in the coal mine” – because if there are layoffs, which has happened a few times, he’s going first.
I’ve referred to myself as the HR canary. I tell people that as long as I am still around our HR department isn’t taking employee complaints too seriously.
My favorite firing was as a contractor I had to fire some of the client’s IT employees. One guy (who I was sure was going to freak) simply asked if he could still be a part of the company softball team.
When I said yes, he was happy.
There’s three delusions baked into the idea of even doing it once:
1. That you will actually get an accurate ranking. Any move such as ranking employees will be distinctly political.
2. That when you need to hire more people to replace all the ones you just fired you will end up getting somebody better than the people you just let go.
3. That people won’t become more concerned with protecting their jobs rather than doing them. Employees will begin competing with each other rather than working together to defeat the business’ competitors.
I definitely see the appeal of mixing things up, churning the compost, whatever, but I think it’s one of the many things that sounds good on paper that will actually harm your own interests long term. I’ve worked in the semiconductor industry, which is full of feast / famine cycles, and people are constantly worried about losing their jobs. The toll this takes on moral is huge, and the cost to productivity is unquantifiable, so….whatever! *throws hands up*
gonna steal that euphemism.
Be my guest! The world could use more colorful language.
Also, be careful about using it in the bedroom…
2. That when you need to hire more people to replace all the ones you just fired you will end up getting somebody better than the people you just let go.
That’s not supposed to be true under the Welch rule.
The people you got rid of were not doing anything productive and should not need to be replaced.
Which is areal failing of the rule as well, because 10% is arbitrary, and someone who is unproductive 90% of the time may still be critical to the organization when they actually are working.
But that they bothered to take those people on in the first place would indicate that they have a need for that kind of headcount. Plus, presuming the company continues to grow, eventually they’ll need to hire more people.
Not necessarily.
The work may have once existed and is no longer needed.
Or managers may have padded their rosters to increase their scope of control and argue for more compensation.
Or someone couldn’t be bothered to go through the trouble of trimming useless people and only about half of their unit does any work.
A lot of things happen in a disfunctional workplace.
Any many Glibertarians leaned back in thought and nodded yes…
When Jack Welch took the helm of GE, it was a huge bloated mess doing so many different things, nobody could sort the wheat from the chaff. So he went all Glengarry Glenross on the thing, knowing they needed massive cutbacks. MBA students got a hard on, which is what they do every time somebody tries something new and it works, and so decided to use the tool everywhere. And it doesn’t work.
Send in the Two Bobs!
Maybe not arbitrarily placing a number of the number of employees, but more than once I’ve seen management say “cut a million in payroll” or something similar.
Looks like Aaron Hernandez left three suicide notes.
One of them will likely come as a bit of a surprise to his fiancée.
He covered the floor of his cell in soap so that he if he lost his nerve he wouldn’t be able to save himself
Sounds like he may have simply dropped it.
“Aaron Hernandez Wrote 3 Suicide Notes – #3 Will SHOCK You!”
So did he switch positions to wide reciever or quarterback or become a dual threat?
Judging by the third note, I’m guessing receiver.
Today in Reddit, a socialist happens by the Venezuelan subreddit, defends Maduro, and gets absolutely wrecked by actual Venezuelans who call him out on his idiocy.
Today in glibertaria, JB SFs a link. And gets called out for his idiocy.
You Gilmored it.
Or Sugarefreed? Losing track of names that are now verbs around here.
I think a screwed up href tag like that is still SF’ing. Gilmoreing is when you screw up and the HTML is showing in your post.
does r/Somalia exist?
No, but r/MuhRoadz does
Favorite ZZ Top song?
I am going with the link. But I like Sleeping Bag a lot too.
[That was a joke, not in that I don’t like it, but that I was intentionally skipping over a lot more well known ones]
La Grange!
La Link!
Blue Jean Blues !
I’m Bad, I’m Nationwide.
I’m partial to this one.
Antifa Terrorist Who Beat Trump Supporter in Head WITH BIKE LOCK Identified as Local Professor
The 4Chan dudes worked overtime on this. If they got the right guy, kudos to them.
4Chan: 99.998% idiocy, 0.002% amazing things.
A lot like real life.
It’s unpossible because I have been told in no uncertain terms that the ‘Antifa’ rioters and effete goons are, in fact, all outsiders. No one participating is actually from Berkeley. It’s just known.
The professor’s from San Francisco, so technically he’s an outsider, but yeah. Something tells me the vast amount of the “antifa” are from Berkeley.
This is pretty incredible. On the arrest of the person who threw an explosive at the Dortmund team bus last week:
What’s weird is that the reply box was at the bottom of the screen and there was no “cancel reply” button, yet the post ended up here.
Welcome to Gilmore’s world
If you don’t click “cancel reply”, then refresh, that can happen
to me, at least
I don’t know how convincing a case they made. The guy certainly seems like the right type, but I wasn’t exactly blown away by their evidence.
Basically his shoes, backpack, jeans all match ones that he had worn in pics on his social media. They find the girl he was with and that would prove it to me. They should be able to do that eventually given they have a full facial picture of her.
Remember the HuffPo piece last week where they called for white men to lose their right to vote and to have all of their wealth confiscated and redistributed?
There may have been a couple of minor factual discrepancies, but I think we all can agree on the underlying truth of that proposition.
“Under federal immigration law, an immigrant who has been convicted of a felony may face deportation proceedings. Activist prosecutors often offer criminals a reduced plea in order to keep the criminal in the country.”
protected class what?
Read some story on Politico I believe recently about an Indian programmer who liked to beat his wife. Felony charges were reduced to avoid his deportation. The piece focused on how the courts don’t take domestic violence seriously enough.
Sure, to start out you’d be clearing the underperformers, but in the log run you’re going to be over-stressing your mid-teir employees. Especially that fear of the one bad review that gets an otherwise solid but not outstanding worker the chop. Sooner or later you’ll have increased burnout, cratering morale and a generally toxic environment where people at the margins will sabotage others if they believe it will keep them out of the bottom 10%.
Or, maybe, you get the sort of clusterfuck they had at Wells Fargo, with people creating unwanted accounts to pad their stats and hit the goal set by the genius managers. (Or those quotas nobody at the State Patrol will admit to.)
That’s exactly what happened (I worked as a teller there through college). Every year the goals went up, even though nobody accomplished the previous ones.
Flores Man ‘hobbits’ found in Indonesia were definitely NOT early humans, scientists confirm
That’s pretty cool. I don’t know too much about human evolution, but I thought that the evidence pointed to
STEVE SMITHhomo erectus (later than habilis) being the first hominid to migrate out of Africa.STEVE SMITH NO HOMO. HIM PITCH, NOT CATCH.
” I don’t know too much about human evolution”
Yep. You and everyone else.
So thicc is out?
Given the track record of the last two weeks, thicc thursday seemed to be going downhill anyway.
Can’t really disagree. Shame
You can just go down to the Walmart near me. The volume of backside stuffed into spandex yoga pants is staggering.
You mean the volume or the numbers? I guess it could be both.
Maybe we can get Thinn Thursdays instead.
Hell yeah!
You can just turn around and go right back the way you came
Lithe is life.
You asked for it.
How about “Zaftig Zundays”? (Sorry, I’ll leave now . . . )
ZARDOZ’s Zaftig Zundays?
Oh, I like that.
Wait a minute, I thought Trump was a racist, Muslim hater…
Freed Egyptian American prisoner returns home following Trump intervention
It is funny because all the people in the story praising Trump almost certainly did not/would not have voted for Trump if they weren’t locked in an Egyptian prison.
Well, a few years in a third world prison in a totalitarian society on trumped up charges of child molestation and child prostitution will do that for you, I guess.
Trump dispatched a U.S. government aircraft to Cairo to bring Hijazi and her family to Washington.
Isn’t there supposed to be something where pallets of cash were wheeled off the airplane and a dozen terrorists were also released?
Oh wait, that was last year.
On the free speech front: The war is over. We have lost. Free speech is done.
Last night on Lawrence O’Donnell they had three of the O’Reilly accusers on a panel. I challenge you to watch it and make it through the segment.
One of the heroic accusers was “sexually harassed” because he said she was being hysterical in an on-air segment. (yes, they repeatedly were referred to as heroes) Because hysterical is derived from the Greek Hysterika, which means uterus. So using that word is misogynistic. No… I am not making this up.
The other two claim that he either asked them out or said they looked nice. And then cancelled their segments (which were doing poorly in the ratings) several months later. Despite having helped one with her book and being generally good to them and for their careers, this is sexual harassment and retaliation.
And they are heroes. So brave.
And they have to speak out. Because this sort of workplace violence cannot be tolerated. (yes, again, not an exaggeration, an actual depiction from their own mouths – asking someone out once or calling them hysterical during a political discussion on a political discussion show is violence.)
Anyway, I only saw about a third of the 15 minute segment. It was just… just…. way, way too much.
People like LOD are exactly what is wrong with society. If you can’t call out someone who says she was victimized and harassed because a man said she was being hysterical in a political discussion, you are a cancer on society. All of this fake outrage is disgusting, and it will be the death of civilization if it continues. They actually are going along with “he deserves to have his career destroyed for using the word hysterical”. And not one person raised an objection.
I haven’t followed the case closely enough to know anything other than “there are complaints, there have been settlements, he’s out”. So this show was my first exposure. And if this is the best they have (and it was represented as the blockbuster accusers from the NYT article), everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves. (disclaimer: I don’t much care for O’Reilly, his politics or his style of television show)
You sound a bit hysterical here, cyto.
This is all about going after someone guilty of wrongthink.
Oh, and basically Rupert gave control of Fox News over to his nitwit prog of a son.
Yeah? Well, you try to listen to that segment and see how hysterical you get. Go ahead. I double dog dare ya!
People like LOD, it wouldn’t surprise me, probably think they’re ratings suck because people are stupid and think whenever someone like O’Reilly falls is good for them and society.
Yet, LOD will still have shitty views, fail to sell his ideas and be a ratings loser.
Yeah, I am right where you are Cyto. I have heard rumors for years and if the guy is a sexist shitheel then good riddance, but it is starting to look more and more like a typical pinko hit-job. If that turns out to be what it was then FOX is dead. I have heard that the sons of Murdoch will soon take over and they are both flaming lefties. I hear mumblings on the left that they think they will soon take over the largest TV audience in the world. *facepalm*
Yeah, all those not-lefties have welded their channel changers to FOX.
Last night on Lawrence O’Donnell they had three of the O’Reilly accusers on a panel. I challenge you to watch it and make it through the segment.
O’Donnell is as much of a smarmy cunt as Maddow; possibly worse.
I did notice that they have universally adopted the “state ludicrous opinion as if it were a flat fact and then smirk directly at the camera – then repeat several times” style. It must be the MSNBC/Prog stylesheet, similar to how the AP and the NYT have stylesheets.
They are doing a poor man’s version of John Stewart.
I’m too dumb to live.
On the arrest of the person who threw an explosive at the Dortmund team bus last week:
Playing too much GTA5.
Tagg Romney and Tom Glavine are now looking to lead a team to purchase the Marlins. Jeb Bush and Derek Jeter are also doing so. What member of a Republican political family and MLB Hall of Famer will be next?
Is it bad to have a roast beast sandwich for lunch two days in a row?
with au jus?
Nah, not a French Dip, unfortunately.
The nearby bar has this delicious sammich they call the “Beef and Beer Dip” with Provolone cheese, grilled peppers and onions, with some au jus that has dark beer mixed with beef stock.
That makes me not want to work in a soulless suburb with equally soulless food choices.
I work in an industrial park surrounded by industrial parks. By either a stroke of madness or genius, somebody opened a brewery/pub on an access road in the center of it all. It’s usually packed for lunch.
I vote “genius.”
First-mover advantage for someone opening a decent eatery in the midst of a light industrial area can be enormous. They gotta watch their quality-control, though — one screw-up there and the place’ll be a ghost-town within days.
I think so too, but I’ve never been after work so I have no idea whether they maintain the same crowd. They’re still open, so they’ve done something right.
It would be for me, but then that’s because I can’t eat bread.
If it is the same sandwich? Then yes.
I don’t even want to think about how you managed to eat the sandwich a second time.
No. No it isn’t.
Also now for lunch today I’m going to have to go to the deli next door and get their roast beef sandwich (on rye) with horseradish spread.
Horseradish is a must have
as long as it’s a different sandwich, go for it, they do get stale
Cyto’D dammit!
In fairness, it was a pretty obvious take.
Baby toe finally gets some roast beef.
So it was a mean heifer?
It’s perfectly normal.
Was it carved by the Grinch?
Why would it be bad? And, why would you care?
Is it good? Do you like it?
Is it bad to have a roast beast sandwich for lunch two days in a row?
Is . . . is this some kinda trick question? {gazes around furtively}
The dnc is really going all in with massive taxation and handouts along with identity politics, love of regs and mandates
Them warming up to sanders is concerning to me. The guy is an idiot who sympathizes with communists
I would have voted for trump if it was him v trump. Didnt vote for Hillary fyi
Anyone here in Clearwater FL?
Oregon man…
Did you hear about this guy from Oregon though?
Dude from Oregon
Ah, Bernie. Yachts & cars are right out. But houses? Can’t have too many of those.
BTW – the responses are mostly GOLD
Bernie was asked how much income was too much, and of course his answer was just a bit above what he makes. That’s how it always is with these people. Whatever they have is the right amount, anything more is too much, and only the greedy would want that much.
That sounds like Carlin’s joke that anyone who drives slower than you is an idiot, and anyone who drives faster than you is a maniac.
Heh, exactly.
He’s basically stealing lines from Wall Street anyway – “When is it enough, Gordon? I mean, how many yachts can you water-ski behind?”
I was rooting for Gekko in that movie.
I was for rooting Darien.
The fool and his money were lucky to get together in the first place.
Mythbusters should test that question — how many yachts can you water ski behind?
Has it been noted previously that according to the alexa stats that the third most popular search term to direct traffic to this site is “manly libertarian anarchists”? Apparently that’s a thing people search for, and 8% of such people come here.
It’s just too bad we can’t provide them what they’re searching for.
Or did you mean that we’re ancaps?
Don’t be offended. We also can’t provide them with “feminine libertarian anarchists”
Would they settle for minarchists?
Settling for minarchists, seems like all people do around here.
Well, I tried to tell people during the whole logo thing that whatever they picked needed to be more phallic in nature if not just a cock, but no one listened.
*rim shot!*
If you have unfulfilled needs, just speak up. No need for passive aggression.
Why does it say 84% of visitors to this site are Canukistani?
Also, I think that is “8% of people who arrive here from search did so by searching ‘mostly libertarian anarchists'” Otherwise the rest of that chart makes no sense. (Ie why would only 6.3% of people who searched ‘’ end up here?)
Keep going. I like listening to you think out loud.
Are you hiding in a cube near me?
And yes, I do talk to myself. Why do you ask?
I’m just upset that I’m completely unrepresented in the Alexa stats.
Feed of UCS at work
Why does it say 84% of visitors to this site are Canukistani?
Because so many of my fellow Canucks have no hope left. Justin has drained it from us like he’s swilling back a bottle of cheap wine.
BTW, my local gun range is selling these awesome hats as their swag offering. Gots to get me one — then I’ll go walking down Robson in downtown Vancouver. 😉
~~~edit faerie AWAY!~~~
Where’s muh EDIT button?
Ah still want muh EDIT button.
Tough titties, as the kids say.
(Gilmore returns sweaty from work on his home-built oil rig)
Well then. Manly Mondays is at least good for something.
So the Skins get five – FIVE – primetime national games. The Skins. I guess if Danny Boy can’t pay enough to get good management and athletic talent, the next best thing is to pay for good TV coverage?
Fuck the Redskins.
Have they traded Cousins yet?
Yeah, he’s with the Pelicans now.
I thought they slapped the franchise label on him? I dunno, in other words. I only get Redskins news by accident while waiting for the traffic & weather reports.
Yeah, they franchised him again, no contract and no trade. Because, you know, why start making good decisions now?
Lol I know they didn’t It was just an oblique reference to their incompetence. Cousins isn’t Tom Brady or Aaron Rogers but he is a clearly above average QB that somewhere around 20 teams would trade their entire draft this year and next to get their hands on and Washington can’t pull their heads out of their asses and either trade him or sign him to a long term contract.
“manly libertarian anarchists”
I identify as one of those.
Minnesota man rats on his wife to police for possession; “drugs” turn out to be a broken cocktail napkin. I mean, it’s not even close.
Ugh. Cocktail umbrella. Maybe I should turn myself in.
The dog signaled though.
Good think for him that being a giant dick and a horrible spouse is not illegal. Would still like to kick his ass. What an asshole.
He’s obviously brain-damaged in some way – let’s not be too hard on him.
Mike Pence: “I don’t put myself in a position where I’m alone with a woman, out of respect for my wife.” This SEXIST is ruining women’s careers because he can’t control himself!
Margaret Hoover: “I never put myself in a position where I was alone with Bill.” Well, that seems sensible, O’Reilly can’t control himself.
The equivalency doesn’t work. By naming a specific person, it is not about principle but the interprsonal issues with that individual.
Hoover’s cautiousness is sensible, and a good lesson for women anywhere: some men can’t be trusted to wield their authority responsibly.
But so is Pence’s. Men should not trust in their marital vows so blindly that they end up in a compromising position.
A lot of business dudes I know won’t meet or travel alone with women they employ. And it has nothing to do with marital vows.
Exactly this. I’ve had high level people tell me that they won’t joke around with women that work at the company because it’s not worth the risk. It’s all as impersonal and work focused as they can keep things. Would not surprise me that they’d do there best to avoid being alone with them as well. I was once falsely accused by a co-worker of grinding up against her, and it was not a fun experience. Thankfully I was working at a place with a total of like 8 employees, so it wasn’t anywhere near so bad as if an HR inquisition had been spun up.
It was really more of a gentle rubbing than outright grinding, right?
Just the faintest whisper of denim brushing against denim. A soft, illicit schwwwipppp.
This. And I’d imagine it factors into Pence’s actions. If people see you hanging around females by yourself, they begin to talk. Not to mention what said woman could do to you if she wanted to fuck with you.
+1 Potiphar’s wife
I’m not saying she is not being prudent. I’m saying your comparison doesn’t work because her policy is with this person where Pence’s is with any woman so there is not a strong foundation upon which to allege hipocracy. Apples and Oranges are both fruit…
I’m not calling it hypocrisy. I’m saying they were being uncharitable in overanalyzing Pence’s statement when there is, in fact, valid concerns for both sexes in how they comport themselves. I think Pence’s original statement was borne of respect for his wife rather than a cynical attitude toward women generally, but his policy works well as a prophylactic against controversy or impropriety. Hoover’s statement is a tacit admission of that fact: why even give O’Reilly the opportunity to embarrass them both, given what she claims she knew about him? This is always going to be a concern for powerful men and female subordinates.
Then I misread your original statement’s meaning.
dog bites manFlorida man accused of biting dog
Why was tjere a need to involve the state in this matter? Yeah, its a little strange and not something I would do, but it doesn’t sound like a crime to me.
Wenner said the dog’s cage was broken when police say the animal cruelty led to a fight between the suspect and his brother, whom he also bit on the chest.
Dude just likes to bite.
This activity requires police intervention? What is wrong with society?
“Over the past year, 74 percent of Venezuelans lost an average of nearly 20 pounds each, reports The Economist. The military controls the country’s food supply, and the result is widespread malnourishment and, of course, corruption.”
Marketing opportunity aimed at progs: “Enjoy a socialist paradise while shedding unwanted fat!”
Vacation and lose weight! /Fly Venezuela
woah! slow down there big fella, you think they got working planes down there?
Fly to… but you can’t leave?
They already had the “Communist Weight Loss Plan” articles
I find that statistic hard to believe.
It may be a credible source, but . . . 20 million people lost an average of 20 lbs?
It’s not that hard to believe.
Prolonged food shortages have been a recurring report from the country, starvation will consume muscle mass as well as fat reserves, and it’s an average. Some people lost more, some less.
Prog Mumple: Something, something, this is actually good and Americans are so fat, etc, etc
20 million people losing an average of 20 lbs each is a really big number–even if you assume that the 26% who didn’t lose that much weight accounts for all the elderly and children.
I’ve lived in Central America, where poor people in the city keep chickens in their yards and eat what they grow. 20 lbs. a person is an awful lot of weight to have lost over a population of 20 million.
They have 30 million+, that 20 million is a round 70% of 30 million–I’m not saying the source isn’t credible. I’m saying that number is just too big to believe over such a large population. We shouldn’t lose our critical thinking just because they support our narrative–and I’m just sayin’ . . .
That number is hard to believe.
It’s 20 lbs over a year. That’s less than 2 lbs a month. While Venezuelans were not fat to begin with, 2 lbs a month is entirely plausible if your food supply was cut in half.
I find the number easy to believe because it is an average, and an adult losing 10-30 pounds over the course of a year can be explained by limited calorie availability such as what you can get from picking through the refuse and fighting with the mob for scraps. Yes, in agregate, four hundred million pounds of biomass is a lot, but the only ‘narrative’ required is that Venezuela is nearing a famine state – something even their cheerleaders don’t seem willing or able to refute.
20 lbs is 70,000 calories, or about 192/day over the course of a year.
The average person lost 20 lbs in a year.
Don’t quote that statistic to your boss. Don’t quote that statistic to people who will throw it back in your face later.
We need some peer review on that study.
And even if it’s peer reviewed, I’m not reselling that statistic to anybody.
Those stats do deserve a second look, but good luck with that. They are averaging of course. Socialist monster policies of dictating prices, putting the military in charge of food distribution, forced slave labor, out of control inflation….it really isnt that hard to believe.
Done. And done (no link on this because Cosmo pulled its article on “The Cuban Diet”)
On the bright side, the belt industry is flying high! Well, it would be, if they could find any materials to make them, or if anybody could afford to buy new belts after they ate their old ones.
Here is my problem with it.
What scientific rationale did they have to limit the measured group to that specific 74% of the population?
I’m sure they are inferring from a sample, not measuring every single person.
Russia bans Jehovah’s Witnesses after supreme court rules Christian sect ‘extremists’
It’s because they wouldn’t celebrate Lenin’s birthday, is it?
Dissolution of the monastaries…
Wait, do they even have much property in Russia?
The reason Pussy Riot did that infamous stunt in the Orthodox church was to protest their cozy ties with Vladimir Putin.
I understand the Russian Orthodox church doesn’t care for competition.
If it were a private company, we would call this “rent seeking”.
When the church supports the state, the state supports the church–it’s as old as the hills.
And a religion that teaches its followers that saluting the flag is idolatry is an easy sell for state persecution.
An excellent analysis of Russia’s essential weakness
this channel’s M.O. seems to often simply ‘read essays written for political journals’, and add some visual aids. It works pretty well, tho they don’t always disclose who did the writing.
I just watched that. Lol.
I don’t know how reliable body language analysis is, but this channel is good for some thought provocation.
Russia was smart enough to completely ban Soros’ NGOs.
Hungary is working on that as well.
I generally like Bill Murray.
I am afraid that is going to change.
I thought this would be him joining a cast reunion of Girls or something. Whew.
He did have that breakout hit as the Star Wars Lounge singer, give the guy a chance.
Over the past year, 74 percent of Venezuelans lost an average of nearly 20 pounds each, reports The Economist.
We should jam Televiso Venezuela and beam the dinner table scene from A Waltons’ Christmas at them until they rise up as one and raze the Presidential Palace and lynch Maduro, et al.
Obama returning to public life, supposedly not going to criticize Trump.
NYT’s, without the slightest bit of self-awareness, writes:
Cries of BOSH were still going strong through 2016.
I think there was a warning shot across Obama’s bow when he started trying to stick his toes back into domestic politics = “if you start taking potshots at us, we have the motherlode of dirt on your administration”
The NYT wants to pretend that Trump is the one crossing the line by bad-mouthing his predecessor, when most of those points are themselves deflections of criticisms they’re making against him. –
e.g. on one hand, Press wants to claim Trump is especially warlike = Trump’s people helpfully remind everyone who got the US into this situation in the first place, etc. Press then cries foul.
Obama’s first term was filled with Presidential speeches about how he inherited a dumpster fire.
That was the #1 media article of 2008-2016.
But rarely has an outgoing president faced a successor like Mr. Trump.
No, but the media would have spun up the hysteria for whichever (R) replaced Obama, so…
Canada pisses off Trump. No word on potential seizure of Toronto.
“I’ve heard about their homo milk and we don’t want any of that in America, amirite?”
What kind of uncivilized country sells milk in BAGS?
Channeling Crusty Juggler: *blocked*
*pours out bag of milk for Crusties who ain’t here no mo’*
Central/Eastern Canada. Bags not available out west. We’re too virile. 😉
I don’t know I’m a big fan of Milk Bags
These euphemisms . . .
No word on potential seizure of Toronto.
Man, if Trump were to do that, I’d apply for U.S. citizenship the very next day.
If Trump were to seize Quebec and then sell it back to the French, I’ve a feeling the entire country would apply for citizenship out of gratitude.
Yeah, but France has nukes and they might be peeved that they bought what turned out to be a polished turd. Risky.
Given the state France is in, is Quebec really any worse?
I thought that there was a critical mass of corruption / technocratic meddling within a society, and that if you added France and Quebec together, you’d get the dreaded supercritical chain reaction.
Nukes would start flying when Quebecois refused to speak the Academie version of French.
Obamacare for dummies
Imagine a man who for some reason is determined to stuff a balloon into a box — a box that, aside from being the wrong shape, just isn’t big enough. He starts working at one corner, pushing the balloon into position. But then he realizes that the air he’s squeezed out at one end has caused the balloon to expand elsewhere. So he tries at the opposite corner, but this undoes his original work.
If he’s stupid or obsessive enough, he can spend a long time at this exercise, trying it from various different angles, and maybe even briefly convince himself that he’s making progress. But he’s kidding himself: No matter what he does, the balloon isn’t going to fit in that box.
I’m not he’s making the point he thinks he’s making. Like quite possibly the whole thing was a fool’s errand from the git-go.
He then proceeds to make a big deal about the dramatic expansion of coverage that has brought the percentage of Americans without health insurance to a record low . That’s nice, but has anybody provided any evidence that Obamacare has made Americans.. um, you know… HEALTHIER?
And then there’s this: Obamacare provides those subsidies in part with direct public funding, in part with regulations that implicitly use premiums paid by the healthy to cover the cost of caring for the less healthy.
Insurance is a little more complicated than merely shuffling money around from Party A to Party B. The idea that insurance payments are merely pulled from a common stash of money in the insurance company’s little tin cash box and shipped off to that nice doctor who brought sweet ol’ Granny back from the dead is a little simplistic, even for the herd of slobbering retards at the NYT.
Und so weiter. It’s a TRAP! Republikkkinz never cared about poor sick people, blah de fucking blah.
brought the percentage of Americans without health insurance to a record low
What I read: a record high number of Americans are stuck with hugely inflated premiums and deductibles!
They could have just given everybody who couldn’t afford insurance Medicaid and the net effect would have been about the same, except a lot less painful for everybody else.
I had Tony progsplain when I made that point that the ACA did expand coverage, so why am I complaining?
Yeah, dummy, and they threw in a ton of market-distorting horseshit that exacerbated the problem for everyone, including Medicaid recipients.
As far as can tell, in any given discussion, defenders of the ACA act like it has one or maybe two provisions and was not 1500-page bill with literally hundreds of different provisions. This bit of intellectual dishonesty gets especially glaring when, in a separate discussion, they will continue to maintain this attitude while talking about different provisions of the bill.
Hell, just pass Ann Coulter’s law, and the rest will sort itself out:
“In America, it shall be legal to sell health insurance on the free market. This law supersedes all other laws, taxes, mandates, coverage requirements, regulations or prohibitions, state or federal.”
This is what I have wanted from even before the Obamacare debate began. Just let the free market do it’s thing, get the uninsured base as low as possible, and then we’ll figure out what to do about everybody else.
Rand Paul had a bill about as close as plausible to that, including a number of lessened restrictions outside of just health insurance, and it has AFAIK languished in committee. The Republicans are, in general, as committed to limited government as the Democrats are to rational discourse.
Rand’s plan is excellent compared to anything else on offer, and if the Republicans had any sense they would get behind it.
Mad TV wasn’t always funny, but they were sometimes prescient.
Speaking of hysterical shrieking
President Trump’s environmental onslaught will have immediate, dangerous effects. He has vowed to reopen coal mines and moved to keep the dirtiest power plants open for many years into the future. Dirty air, the kind you get around coal-fired power plants, kills people.
It’s much the same as his policies on health care or refugees: Real people (the poorest and most vulnerable people) will be hurt in real time. That’s why the resistance has been so fierce.
But there’s an extra dimension to the environmental damage. What Mr. Trump is trying to do to the planet’s climate will play out over geologic time as well. In fact, it’s time itself that he’s stealing from us.
What I mean is, we have only a short window to deal with the climate crisis or else we forever lose the chance to thwart truly catastrophic heating.
I couldn’t get much beyond that. Trump is the anti-Christ. We’re all gonna die.
What Mr. Trump is trying to do to the planet’s climate will play out over geologic time as well.
I can’t bring myself to be too concerned about knock-on effects millions of years from now.
we have only a short window to deal with the climate crisis
Another one? It seems like every year our window to save the planet closes. Good thing another seems to open right away.
Real people (the poorest and most vulnerable people) will be hurt in real time.
Presumably, the author opposes increases in the minimum wage, as well?
“What I mean is, we have only a short window to deal with the climate crisis or else we forever lose the chance to thwart truly catastrophic heating.”
Yea, yea, yea, and New York City will be underwater by 2013, and the polar ice caps will completely melt away by 2015. Sure.