It has been brought to my attention that my posts have been a bit monochromatic. We here at Manly Monday/Fur Friday of course strive to bring you the full United Colors of Benneton ad experience less the women and savage depilatory regimen of the ’90s/’00s.
This brings us to today’s Fur Friday choice. Another site I frequent usually has a roundup of attractive fellows on the Instagrams at the bottom of their daily links and a photo of these two fellows caught my attention for both their scruffiness and their interesting use of fur in winter apparel.
What I didn’t realize until I clicked through their respective instagrams is that they are married (and an adorable one at that). Who are promoting wholesome family values. I’ll let Midnighter express how I feel about these pics in panels three and four.
Also there’s some great great otteriness going on in some of these pics and perfectly on-point beards in others.
What a tiny chainsaw. Sad.
Sassing the otter with a chainsaw is how you get horror movies.
You know who cares about size? Men.
If he can get it done with that tool, more power to him.
I don’t know. The saw is pretty small, but it works with the hat.
Looks like an electric, no? I don’t know these things very well; I’m like the only man in my family who doesn’t.
Nah, that’s gas. That is, indeed, a McCulloch. As for its size, c’mon, man – its cold outside!
Thanks RC. I spell phonetically…and incorrectly.
It shrinks?
20% less cubic centimetres
Always a classic, R C. At least women now know about that horrible affliction.
It is gas. It is barely used, if at all. The tiny 16″ bar still has all the paint on it. The chain is too loose, no oil buildup or sawdust on it, looks right out of the box. Probably a cheapo purchased as a prop. $150 tops. One season, tops.
Way to shatter jesse’s fantasy, Suth.
What about the chainsaw, though?
Yeah, that euphemism was probably too complex.
Well, I take back my earlier relative defense of these two. That is just sad and wrong. No man with an ounce of male self-respect would buy a chainsaw and pose with it in front of wood (not that anyone would think they’d used it on those logs) for a social media pic.
Woahwoahwoahwoah….just hold your horses: was there profit motive?
I can’t tell from the pic. Is that a McCullah?
Hell if I know. It is not a Stihl. I can tell that much.
Meh, saw looks adequate to get all the wood he needs.
I never quite understood the appeal of thosd star tattoos on the shoulders. Jasper has well-sculpted abs, jelly. ::swills beer and belches::
That is something I did not see coming from you.
I’m an enigma.
Seriously though. You’re the hardest person on the board to shop for.
I got him a microwave rice cooker. It was just a couple bucks.
“Ah. Tube socks!”
That will always do in a pinch. Let the rice cool a bit first though, trust me.
You’re not the first person to make that observation.
OK, care to pick something from this Southern Hemisphere lineup?

Would, wouldn’t, wouldn’t, maybe, would
Wouldn’t, maybe, wouldn’t, maybe, maybe
Seriously, this is the least attractive rugby team evar.
I am afraid they picked them for ability.
You know, I actually concur completely with Rhywun today. That is *precisely* the appropriate sorting of the team; the whole lot of them are unbelievably unaesthetic by the normal standards of the sport; jesse’s black dude sucks and his tats are awful. (I do think jesse has excellent taste on all other days, though.)
Rhy should weigh in on next week’s Thursday to see if he is on point with the distaff assessments as well!
What kind of elitist nonsense is that.
I dunno… I don’t watch a lot of rugby – and I will freely admit that those big bulky guys are generally not my cup of tea – but the teams I do see are more attractive than this lot.
Aussie Rules, OTOH…
I’m still planning Rhywun’s coming out party. Coming out as straight. He can’t deny his true self.
I like tattoos. They are a clear sign that you make bad decisions and thus, are likely to date me.
I’m not into pop-psych theorizing, but I do venture that that is pretty much the underlying psychology behind any dick stirrings on behalf of tats on women.
Same with smokers.
They aren’t particular about what goes into their bodies.
Former smoker?
No, just a theory based on observation.
Seemed to have better odds of closing the deal with smokers, in my limited experience.
…back in the day.
I see what you did. Quick with a joke or a light of your smoke.
I think it was either Marge Simpson or Dick van Patten who said it best.
“Remember, if she smokes she pokes.”
Shut up, Poppy.
Ink me…. Ink me…. Ink me…. Ink me…. Ink me…. Ink me….
Hi, I’m Poppy.
This is a start of atoning, I’d say.
Also, bonus points for finding a black guy who looks like Carl Weathers.
The Weather is FABULOUS!
“Chainsaw some bones, get a carrot and an onion in there, and you got yourself a stew, baby!”
Mad props for black.jasper rocking the merkin!
You stole my comment…and made it better.
That bald, tatted, jacked, hairy-chested, Barry White-bearded black dude is one of the most ridiculously effeminate-looking men I have ever seen in my life. He’s not particularly good-looking either, tell you the truth. See, readers, this is why you don’t force people out of their comfort zone in the name of diversity. They don’t do too well.
Are you high? I’d kill for those abs. Please ask me to kill for those abs.
Please ask me to kill for those abs.
They’re relatively decent. His body is not bad. But most of the dudes jesse posts, if I remember correctly, have been undeniably some species of quite handsome, regardless of whether you are ‘miring (or horny for, for the breeder ladies and gays) their particular sort of look. I am just not seeing it in this guy. His tats are awful, his eyebrows are ridiculous, and he is just kind of meh and overly prissied up facially. And all this just seems so far outside of jesse’s normal wheelhouse that I am raising my own gender-appropriate groomed eyebrow and proposing that he is actually solely into the white otter on the left.
Well, he’s better looking than me, which makes him a handsome fellow, indeed.
the most ridiculously effeminate-looking men
Please. You’re conversant enough with gay culture to have seen someone look all butched up and then have a purse fall out of his mouth the second he speaks and ruin the illusion. There’s no way he’s worse at performative masculinity than the entire cast of Where the Bears Are.
A few months ago, I wouldn’t have known what this comment meant. My, err, horizons have been broadened. Thanks, I guess.
These are the pearls that Glibertarians throw at us swine. I’m becoming a connoisseur of the thicc, the gay and the weird while engaging in serious discussions of coffee and booze. Where else you gonna get that?
This confuses me. There are coffee or booze discussions that are not serious?
Damn you. Damn you for showing that to me. I only had one tiny shred of respect left for humanity.
Sorry. I know most of us have a tenuous gripe on our humanity as is.
It gets worse.
TW: WaPo
No kidding. An education it has been.
Not broad enough, perhaps. I notice Glibs, no matter which team they play for, appear to be *on the same field* if you will. There is a conspicuous absence of Twink Tuesdays or Waif Wednesdays. **Where’s the viewpoint diversity?**
Look. We’re all bitter about the inconsistency of Thicc Thursday, but you’ve got to get a hold of yourself.
I’m thinking Diego wants to “get aholt of himself”, but he’s just getting the inspiration he craves.
Dang it. You’re gonna have to insert a “not” in the appropriate spot yourself.
Ok. I read it three times. Now with “not” it makes sense.
Waif Wednesday sounds great, actually. Pale, thin young women? I am all about that.
Oh, I know that damn well. Of course I exaggerated there; pretty much every time you go into Manhattan you see a new record holder for “most ridiculously effeminate man you have ever seen.” No disdain here; I actually like dudes who look the part but “ruin the effect” the best of all because I get a kick out of seeing the gay dudes who fume over the disappointment when they find out! (I will say that this guy is not quite in that class, because he cannot even take a still picture without looking like he is on a ballroom runway.)
The target of my piss-taking, I’ve been trying to say, is not him but **you**! Because this guy is just nothing like anyone who is up to your normal standards.
I dunno if I’d go that far – check out the last link for a different view – but yeah he doesn’t entirely do it for me, either. The other one… does.
The other one… does.
*Furiously takes notes*
I find this blatant exploitation of the male body, by the gaytriarchy, offensive.
Not to mention the body shaming. Where are the portly lads?
(No that is not a request for Pomp’s Chuck Schumer artwork)
I take that for code meaning “please accelerate work on Chucky Moobs Bicycle Racer”. Will do.
I think the claims of exploitation of women’s body are funny. Every hot girl I know loves to show off her body. If she could get paid to do it, all the better. Also, FIGHT THE GAYTRIARCHY!!!
Every hot girl I know loves to show off her body.
I don’t know, my intersectionality is all confused: it’s men performing sexually, not women, so points. But it’s still for the male gaze, and any proper feminist will tell you men performing for men doesn’t actually “count” as a reversal, so negative. Gay pride of course is points. But it’s exploitative of their bodies and shaming of people without rock-hard abs, so negative points. One of the dudes is white, so that’s negative, but there is a person of color, so at least the… bare minimum is achieved.
*Uses complicated math formula*
Huh. Zero.
I couldn’t do the math there. What was the final tally on the intersectionality scale?
It’s people apparently having fun, so of course it’s terrible and probably hitler.
Hitler as an adjective… I like it.
“That’s so hitler.”
You’re being verrrrrrry un-Hitler
So, disabled vegetarian child of a single mother?
*immigrant. Forgot about immigrant!
The Gaytriarchy.
*Writes new word in lexicon*
*scratches several others out*
I hate you for doing this to me, but I have to go with the material I’m given. *Sighs* Wood.
Wow, what Skyrim mods are you using to get such photorealistic screenshots?
A double entendre if ever there was one.
Tried it once. Guess I just don’t have much of a taste for Bloodmoon.
The black guy’s beard looks photoshopped, but looking at their instagram page it clearly isn’t.
‘Sculpted’ like the horrible eyebrows so many girls have now. So many girls have eyebrows that look they were drawn on with a sharpie by a Peruvian hooker. Once in a while I could see but goddamned, after a while it is more than a little off-putting. It is worse than a tramp stamp.
This. The only way you’re hiding stupid eyebrows is a burka.
person of color’s beard.
I thought the white guy was the black guy’s beard.
I like a little scruff like the white guy has. Big beards are a huge turn-off.
Does this having anything to do with the power outage in SF?
Eye bleach for you normies.
Damn you too.
Also “Patricia Kirker, of Crandon, was charged Wednesday with six felony counts” <–This is not going to help that poor crazy bitch with her mental illness which means it will not help anyone else either. The world is still a horrible place.
Worst part is, I scrolled down and was promised to cleanse my memory with some delightful footage of an able-winged seagull choosing to amble across the street in a crosswalk. And that does not seem to have been delivered.