Well, first we must say “sorry” about that little interruption yesterday. The Tabernacle is still working on this Zardoz problem. So, I am going to turn this over to our expert…


Dziękuję bardzo. Now I am tanks in streets and martial law declaring to be. Instructing Zardoz return to joyous tasks grain delivering and guns giving. Commenters applaud decision and links they are get as bounty from Eternals’ Central Committee. Long live Tabernacle!

Go bac to wurk at Link Faktory!

PrzestaƄ się opierać!


  • Inspirational leader has said in near past, will declare martial law to “solve all problems”
  • Say bad thing about Thai Army, off air you go!
  • Whycome u want foil hat for smart man?
  • Can put internet under martial law? Hmmm….

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