Zardoz Manifesto for Freedom!
Is it bad that I want LePen to win just because I want to see European friends twist in knots with anguish when I scold them about them scolding us for Trump?
No, tis mere schadenfreude.
no, not at all.
I think a lot of libertarians have become partially addicted to delicious, delicious schadenfreude after the Trump election. I mean, we can’t win, so we settle for the wailing and gnashing of teeth of progressives.
Imagine all the tears of a Le Pen win followed shortly afterwords by a Frexit.
I dunno. Unified Europe is pretty handy as an American who likes to travel. I think my amusement will pretty quickly turn to horror as the EU collapses. I’d be down for them to rediscover federalism though.
EU needs to die soon rather than later they don’t drag the idea of free trade and fairly free movement down with them. EU dies now and nations might be able to get those agreements hammered out, wait a decade or two more as it stagnates and dies and the result is going to be bitter ultra-nationalist European states.
It wasn’t hard at all in the olde days – just keep your passport handy.
I’m jonesing for some liberal tears.
Let’s be honest with ourselves. Trumpistan is not want we want, but the destruction of the left is more important, politically, than anything else.
I prefer the people get their populist sympathies out with someone lukewarm like Trump, rather than say a terrifying Caesar figure willing to completely uproot society. But I’m sure it’s more productive to scream and cry about how Trump really is that terrifying Caesar figure, instead of Andrew Jackson.
Anything would have been better than Hillary Clinton perpetuating or furthering the progressive agenda. Especially since she would have been able to replace Scalia with an arch-progressive underminer of the most fundamental rights like the 1A (Citizens United) the 2A (Heller) or the 4A (Title IX).
Trump, for all his warts, has started to threaten the deep state institutions like the EPA and IRS. Not to mention Congress is starting to take their legislative responsibilities seriously in a way they wouldn’t have dreamed of doing with another “first” president taking office or even a squishy republican like Romney.
Man I loved when Drumpf was on RAW
100% agree. I’m one of the crazies that took the day after the election off, stocked up with plenty of alcohol, and stayed up and watched the entire thing until CNN and MSNBC talking heads were curled up in the fetal position on the floor in tears. Wife is an unapologetic Trump supporter, but I guarantee I enjoyed this more than she did. Libertarians number one goal should be complete destruction of the left, our mortal enemies. We’ll deal with the neocons and SoCons later.
Hear hear!
I can’t disagree. They are so destructive.
100% agree. I did the same thing, and my wife was an unapologetic Clinton supporter. The day after was like two separate households, only one was celebrating Christmas.
“Anything would have been better than Hillary Clinton perpetuating or furthering the progressive agenda.”
This cannot be said enough.
No, it makes you sane.
If it makes you feel better, Jesse, I’m gonna be bad also in wanting the same. And I think there’s a very good chance she wins.
Chateau Ennui eez tres bien today, non?
I will repost my thoughts from the other article, because they are so brilliant:
I don’t know what I’d do if I were French.
I like Le Pen for her Euroskepticism and sense of national purpose, but dislike her extreme economic and social illiberalism.
Macron’s En Marche! is like a shittier Ciudadanos in Spain. I like its destruction of the political order and its appeal as a relatively liberal home for the disaffected young. I dislike most everything else about it, especially its aggressive Europhilia in the name of banal postnationalism.
I’d probably vote for Fillon, with his soft Euroskepticism and (by France’s pathetic standards) hard economic liberalism. But of course he’s a crook.
I like Hamon for, like all French Leftists nowadays, his support for overhauling their present rather ad hoc system and founding a Sixth Republic. I cannot find a single other thing I like about him (except perhaps his support for UBI, which I believe might be a good Trojan horse for dismantling the bureaucratic welfare state).
I like Melenchon for his Euroskepticism. I would totally vote for his Commie ass over Hamon.
This Dupont-Aignan fellow that no one is talking about but did decently is like a hard-Euroskeptic Fillon. Don’t know much about him, but maybe I’d have voted for him.
jesse: No.It’s not bad. This afternoon one of my millennial coworkers (she knows nothing) was talking to another millennial coworker (who also knows nothing) about Le Pen. “She’s a NAZI! She’s an HONEST TO GOD NAZI!” “And she’s an anti-Islamist!”
Sometimes it’s really hard not to say, “I have about three feet of books on one of my bookshelves that you should read before you open your mouth again on the fucking subject. But honestly, I only invite attractive women back to my place.”
“She’s an anti-Islamist.” That’s said as though that’s a bad thing. This coworker of yours wants Islamists?
She’s not, I don’t think, a bad person. But this is Minneapolis. She attended an expensive private high school. And later an even more expensive private college. All within the state. I thinks she still lives at home.
I’m not a native Minnesotan– but I know that Lutheran Social Services and some left-wing Catholic Charity decided 20-years-ago that all Somalian refugees needed to be relocated to Minnesota– ultimately at the taxpayers expense.
I guess I’ve been here about as long as many of the Somalian refugees. Number-for-number there aren’t really any more asshole’s among the Somalians than there are among native Minnesotans.
The noticeable thing is when al Shebab murders 100 Kenyan Christians in Nairobi the first thing the Minneapolis City Council and Mayor do is reach out to the Muslim community to ask if anyone has said anything MEAN to them in response. It’s just the way Minnesotan’s are. Jesus, I need to move back east!
In his defense, he is the Mayor of Minneapolis, not the President. His job is to maintain civic order in the City of Minneapolis. If the President is going to be as shamefully derelict as Obama in clarifying our position with respect to political Islam that is one thing. But if the Somalis of Minneapolis have not done anything wrong, what on Earth is he supposed to do? Now, if the Somalis show any signs of beginning to conduct themselves like the Muslims of England or Paris often have, then then is the time to put your foot down *hard*. Fuck him if he holds back for PC purposes at that point. But this? It makes perfect sense to check for signs of civil unrest in Minneapolis that might have been touched off by something like this. (You’re from New York, right? You know you can’t be too careful.) And it makes perfect sense to try to soothe it publicly before it happens. That’s his job. The President’s is different.
Clearly doesn’t know the difference between “Muslim” and “Islamist.” Which fits well in his description of her as a know-nothing.
In her defense, that is probably far from the most outlandish use of the Nazi epithet she has ever made in her life. It’s pretty hard to deny the neo-Petainist heritage of the Front National under Le Pen pere. Marine has sanded the edges off, but I would not say there has been anywhere close to the total evolution away from the past that you have seen with, say, the Populares in Spain or even Gianfranco Fini in Italy.
DiegoF: Le Pen pere! Sacre bleu! We don’t all speak French!
Really though, I understand what you’re saying.
Why was the EU ever instated?
Germany’s ongoing mission to conquer Europe
Ah, the fourth Reich
With Granny Merkel at the helm. That is way more terrifying than Hitler.
Germany: destroying Europe three times in 100 years. And this time might well be worst than the first two.
Reaction to WWII. “If we unite Europe there will be no nationalism and everyone will be happy”, more or less.
Tariff-free trade was proposed as a more efficient manner of exchange between four countries…
Wait, that was EEC, and that made sense. EU was created because fuck Americans, Europeans can make a better continent-spanning state. With blackjack. And hookers.
EEC wasn’t just economic, the Rome Treaties laid the groundwork for the European Parliament. It’s been a long, slow pull towards greater and greater political control.
There’s a Yes Minister clip for that.
More seriously, it goes back to the Treaty of Paris and the gradual creation of regulatory bodies like the ECSC and the precursor to the EU, the EEC. Initially it was more of a France/West Germany/Italy/Benelux kind of deal. Goal was a general standardization of market regulations in an attempt to pull Europe into a more tightly knit economy, followed by later attempts by stuff like the EEC to make Europe more politically connected. This, it should be noted, was avoided by many of the members at the time, because they were actually concerned about their sovereignty. De Gaulle was infamous for slowing the process down.
The principal reason was to form a common market against the hegemony of the United States. While the idea of the ‘united Europe’ stretches back to Charlemagne (and the dream of reviving Rome), the war left Europe too weak to fight off American power. So De Gaulle pushed for a united Europe and the rest is history.
It wasn’t principally to keep German in check as my colleagues argue here.
I think people above were suggesting that the Germans are the single primary beneficiaries (flexible labor, hugely expanded export markets, cheaper logistics, etc)
not that the EU would ‘keep them in check’. I think UCS’ joke (“”Germany’s ongoing mission to conquer Europe””) is similar to one i’ve frequently made myself = which is that Europe fought 2 wars to prevent the forceful takeover by Germans, only to hand them the continent by-agreement when they decided they were too lazy for a 3rd.
Re-read them. My bad. I blame Papaya.
I blame the Russians
I can’t fucking wait from my prog coworker to hear this was all the evil racists fault again.
My heart’s felt like it was beating out of my chest all day, I have a headache and my heart rate is ~20bpm resting above normal. Either I’m getting sick or I’m dying.
Can you literally not even because of Le Pen?
Jk hydrate dude.
I recent discovered that I am quite sensitive to nutmeg. Have any today?
Don’t let meg near your nuts.
Did you snort anything before sexy time?
That’s different!
That might need to go on the old derpbook. Ha.
That’s hilarious. Just do it. Not me, I’m not going anywhere near derpbook.
I just posted it to mine. I don’t expect any responses, sadly.
You’ve lost all your friends already, haven’t you.
Surprisingly no. They just don’t like/comment on anything political I post. To be fair, only a couple of them actually share their regressive political views on there. One occasionally shares a link to some local news station’s stories that have an obvious lefty bent to them. The other, oh God. She shares Democratic Underground garbage, posts from Obama’s daughters (I see narcissism runs in the family), and just in general all the most extreme regressive garbage out there. Makes me want to barf her hysteria over Trump and gushing over the Obamas.
I posted it to derpbook with the comment “Only misogynists wouldn’t support marine Le Pen”.
Unfortunately most of my proggie friends have already bailed out, so I may not get much reaction.
She’s not a real woman. A real woman wants the EU and wants poor
islamistsrefugees to come in unfiltered. A real woman would be like Angela Merkel.Even Merkel is like “OMG what have I done” now.
Who would post that, and if true, not expect your shit to be taken to the pawn shop on your first business trip?
I think ENB had an article about this at the other place (or at least she was talking about it on Twitter). It’s more SWERFs just shocked that anyone would voluntarily trade sex for money (or rent, or anything else).
Gotta learn from the great philosopher Riley Freeman.
The boondocks is probably the greatest show in the 21st century so far.
That was enlightening
“Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist”
I had to google that. These people have way too much time on their hands.
I had to look that one up. It’s for Radical Feminists who think sex workers should shut up and go to the back of the bus.
So “My body, my choice,” only applies to women who made the approved choices, and not those icky women who turned to stripping to pay the rent or buy Christmas presents for their kids.
Somewhere, Carrie Nation is looking up, proud that her legacy lives on.
My chicken is better than your chicken.
Sinaloa style, bitches!
/no euphemisms
*searches Siniloa*
Did you get the recipe from a cartel member? That is what comes up first.
It’s heavy on the citrus and garlic. Orange juice concentrate, lime juice, and vinegar.
Because it’s grilled, you have to brine it with about twice as much salt as you normally would, and most of it drips away on the grill.
Some recipes might call it Mexican Street Chicken or Mexican Roadside Chicken.
I found it interesting that the Daily Fail used pictures of a woman with Euros in her panties. Certainly even the Daily Fail knows the UK doesn’t use the Euro.
I noticed this article in the sidebar. An excerpt:
Alexandra Daddario stars as one sexy Baywatch babes in the upcoming movie.
So it’s shocking to hear the 31-year-old New York City native confess she could not get a date in high school.
‘It feels really surreal — as a teenager I could never really get guys and I was pretty nerdy,’ the pretty brunette told People at the Slowmo Marathon in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday. ‘Now I feel like I’m getting my revenge by being a Baywatch babe. I’m like, “You could have had this and now look at me.”‘
Read more:
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Dammit… I failed. I missed the Daily Fail’s addendum to whatever you cut and paste.
To Zardoz i say : Vive La Resistencia! We musn’t let malevolent humans replace our stony overlord!
Lmao proggie coworker is saying the French Elections were Trumps fault wooooooo
Not Russian hackers?
He’ll get there. I’m waiting on it. This is the same guy who didn’t believe the MoAB strike was a guided munition and we just got lucky. I only put up with him because his wife is nice to mine.
his wife is nice to mine
I smell a threesome….Boomchicawowow
Obviously you’re not as tuned in to HuffPo comments sections as I am. Because I’ve seen that endlessly parroted on there the last couple of days.
Why would you do that to yourself?
It fuels my sexual prowess.
Today’s true story – Ben Stiller had me banned for life from The Huffington Post ten years ago because I made an Ill-advised Jew-joke. I also prepared a cheeseburger for Peter Fonda.
Russia did Brexit
yeah, they were a little slow in borrowing this plot-line from the US left.
Apparently you didn’t read the comments on UK websites from the French leftists. Totally Russian hackers. I guess they don’t have any new material.
You should egg him on – talking about how Trump is able to pull off the most amazing shit and don’t you know in 4 years time he’ll get re-elected. With any luck you can make the ass’s head explode.
I don’t want to do that to myself and yes I would also bang his wife if my wife said yeah but that’ll never happen
Well if they can blame Venezuela on him, of course they’re gonna blame a first world’s “mistake” on him as well.
Also, is anybody gonna remind those dumb bastards that her chances of coming in second the next time are probably as high as they were this round? Or are that just gonna let them talk out of their asses endlessly?
Yeah I mean HRC is the Buffalo Bills of candidates
*insert Anjelica Huston rooting for the Bills clip from Buffalo 66 that I can’t find here*
They’re a record setting team.
I heard Ken’s shriek all the way here.
That was some goal by Matthews.
So I started following hockey this year (more than just the playoffs last year or the rare match) and the first thing I noticed is “man, this product is so directed at white Gen X”.
Ha! Maybe in the USA.
Up here it’s just part of the DNA.
I say that based purely on the music they play. I know every single tune. That is only possible if they’re targeting a forty-something demographic that grew up on classic rock and eighties music.
So, you mean they play good music.
That goes without saying.
Amusingly, I recently read an interview of the music director at some arena – probably MSG – and he was going on about which were the most popular tunes, and no mention was made that some tunes play only during hockey matches and other tunes (the ones I never heard of…) play only during basketball.
Not in Montreal they do.
Really? I didn’t notice any difference in the musical selections. Crazy Train was there like always….
To me it is.
Just watched the extended highlights of El Clasico. Too funny. Another off side goal for Real. Anyway. Messi is the man. That was awesome.
Most overhyped sporting event ever.
Don’t. Care.
Might be overhyped and I don’t generally get excited over it but the game was decent enough. I do like Derbies in general.
That’s not even a proper derby – which is two teams from the same city battling. It’s just a meeting of the two biggest teams in the country. I used to watch it and root for Barcelona but I just can’t even any more.
Good point about derbies. That is correct.
Can’t we all at least agree that the NLD is a giant “meh”?
All I get is “non-verbal learning disorder”.
North London Derby. The usual snooze fest between Arsenhole and Tottenham.
Speaking of which, do Chelski supporters still sing “Tottenham are a load of yids” in their famous song? I’d be shocked if that hadn’t been shunned by the global Jewish sports ownership cabal by now.
Fair enough. I think the huge number of teams in London kind of deadens the impact of a true derby. Nobody talks of a Chelsea (*spit*)-West Ham derby, for example.
I’ve always thought of Liverpool-Manchester United as a proper derby, even if they’re not in the same city.
El Classico definitely isn’t a derby though. It’s a rivalry.
It’s not. I will grant that the term has been broadened for commercial purposes but I don’t like it. The whole point is the intensity that comes from a local rivalry.
Is Pool-Everton as intense as the Pool-ManUre still? I’d probably say it isn’t although I’m not there so wouldn’t know for sure.
It’s much more intense, as it should be.
Liverpool-Everton is more intense as a match. But outside of the match it’s a pretty friendly rivalry. Liverpool-Manchester United is just pure hatred on both sides.
So, Glasgow Celtic versus Glasgow Rangers qualifies then?
Inter-AC Milan and Roma-Lazio are viciously intense proper derbies.
Southern Lights light up New Zealand
Warning: auto-play video
Stargazers in different parts of the country had a rare treat at the weekend, spotting the Aurora Australis lighting up the night sky on two consecutive nights.
The Southern Lights were spotted from Auckland, Canterbury and the Otago Peninsula on Saturday. They then made an appearance in Wellington on Sunday, and were again spied in the sky over Canterbury.
The Spectator has an excellent article on why Macron victory is Hollande’s triumph
That seems quite plausible, so maybe I should revise my earlier opinion. I love the Spectator.
Hm. That’s three countries now where the left agenda has been battered – USA, Holland and now France.
I hope Canada is taking notes.
I’m excited.
You don’t enjoy your feminist leader?
Fat chance. Isn’t it true that PM Tarzan’s darkest cloud so far has been Elbowgate?
Well, that and the Castro blowjob, and the sucking up to the Chinese. But I don’t know, it’s usually a bad sign when it’s a widely held and accepted belief that your PM is a moron.
And Castro’s son.
Yeah, I remember when my online Canadian friend was posting about how proud he was about his fellow young Canadians after Zoolander was elected. Haven’t heard him talk about his PM much since then. Guess he hasn’t done anything for leftists to point to and say “look at what he did!”
Well, as far as I have seen he makes Trump look slavishly devoted to his election promises. Then again, he also makes Trump look like a policy wonk, so maybe those who voted for him will be more forgiving.
Trudeau has started sucking Trump’s cock hard in order to keep NAFTA around, he even backed the airstrikes on Syria (big no-no for the left here to support American warmongering) so I don’t think the Canadian left can praise him for much lately. Trudeau was only elected because the Tories got arrogant and corrupt and Trudeau peddled the ‘hope and change’ Obama bullshit, I think the Liberals are at least going to lose seats next election.
They would almost have to lose seats, from a pure generic electoral perspective I’d think, barring a snap election at an opportune time. Even Modi will probably lose seats, and he could at this point pretty much crown himself Emperor of India and his subjects to be legally his slaves, and they would still declare him the final incarnation of Krishna.
Bear in mind, right now our Tories have our Donald Trump, Kevin O’Leary, running for the leadership next month. We also have one or two other candidates who have claimed to be ‘inspired’ by Trump (no one can run on an anti-free trade policy in this country however, it would collapse our economy). So next election could be pure WTF.
I’m confused. Canada already has an immigration policy that, virtue-signaling about Syrians and compassion and openness aside, is far more tightly targeted than ours. You don’t get into wars. And things like the filthiest of fossil fuel sources and, as you say, free trade are so vital to your economy that they are completely off the table. So what is there left for a Canadian Trump to run on? Infrastructure spending?
Spending in general is a big one, we went into crazy debt (for this country, not so much the U.S.) during the Trudeau years, started to reverse it and almost completely paid it off in the 90s, and then went into debt all over again when the recession hit. Now the Liberals are spending money like crazy and don’t give a shit, they’re basically vying to replicate our southern friends. That’s mainly what O’Leary is running on, budget balancing due to his corporate background.
But there’s, like Trump, a general push against ‘PC culture’ and social justice in general. Some people here see that manifested in Rebel Media and people like Lauren Southern. Overall outside of the major cities the general populace is stirring for some kind of populist movement.
Also, Syrian refugees might become an election issue, considering that, despite the fact that we haven’t had overwhelming issues like the Europeans, their unemployment numbers are in the eighties, percentage-wise.
Exactly. How many times did people who don’t like Trudeau but still voted for hm say it was for ‘change’. But I pleaded it was better to stick with Harper for one more spin.
Hopefully those same people are paying attention and won’t give him a second chance. My fear is a second term for these bozos.
Dear Penthouse, you’ll never believe what happened to me when I was walking the dog the other day. We strolled past a cave and who should appear but a shirtless Justin Trudeau with his fine-looking milf-wife (pants-less, encroyable!) The things that happened next can only be described as earth-shattering. The things that Justin did to me and the things that Sophie helped my beloved pup “Scout” were truly epic. Now I lay awake at night, wondering if they will call. Scout has never quite recovered from our random meeting and always gives me that “puppy-dog” look whenever we pass the cavern that dare not speak its name. For now I’m going to work on my kagels even though I identify as a man like a good Liberal and hope to satisfy my dog the same way that Justin satisfied me. Signed, Torontard.
How can you be proud? It was a retarded moment; a blip in our history.
The way the Liberals are governing – both fiscally and on social policy – is immature and regressive.
They’re spending like idiots as we teeter on a recession.
Yeah, he’s a young millennial like myself, going through the indoctrination of university right now. He doesn’t know any better, sadly.
I’m confused. I thought Hollande ruled France! That’s what I see in the papers, anyway; and I’m as foreign-affairs-aware as any American!
It’s obvious you haven’t been paying attention to the state of affairs lately. Didn’t you hear? Russia runs the world from behind the scenes!
Umm, Britain, Argentina, and soon Brazil? The left are on the run worldwide. Just chase them down, douse them with gasoline and ….
Six and counting!
We need to compose a song.
I’m going to the El Clasico friendly in Miami in July. I know it’s idiotic and it’s a nothing match. But it’s still cool to see those two squads in person.
NHL playoffs, it’s been said many times, is incredible.
What are they at, 17 or 18 OT’s?
Caps get through feisty Maple Leafs.
Where my yinzers at?
Yo yinzers!!!
I presume Baked Penguin is one.
…Or maybe he has just smoked so much that he has forgotten he is actually from Youngstown.
I’ll be an honorary Yinzer for that series.
The Pittsburgh/Caps series will be some of the best hockey we’ve seen.
Some of the most exciting hockey I’ve seen in last ten years was Caps/Pittsburgh–back when they weren’t even in the same division.
Crosby and Malkin v. Backstrom and Ovechikin?
Fleury v. Holtby!
This will be really physical. They all hate each other. Should be some great hockey.
I’m more worried about the Pens than anyone else in the playoffs. Whoever wins the Pittsburgh/Caps series will probably win the cup.
Gave you crap earlier in the first round series, but definitely rooting for the Caps to take out the Pens.
Speaking of great hockey, some of the best hockey I’ve ever seen period were those (mostly forgotten) Stars-Oilers battles of the 1990s (early 2000s?).
Well It’s not like Dallas was going to produce a bunch of great great Hockey stars. Texas Hockey was an extremely expensive hobby,
That last OT period is the first time during the series when I’ve seen the Caps play like they did during the regular season. They dominated that OT period.
Did anyone post this? Another incident on a plane – American Airlines.
Bad is this seems to be, the lady has one annoying cry.
Those flight attendants need to enforce their policies consistently for shit like this to not happen. From what I understand, the whole thing started because the flight attendant at the gate told her one thing and the guy told her something different once she was on the plane.
Ah. Miscommunication. The source of all wars…and divorces.
The world’s stupidest super genius continues:
A friend of mine knew him when he was going to Queen’s University.
According to her he was a complete cunt.
He likes the Deus Ex series though. Points for that.
The funny thing is I don’t know which one you’re referring to.
Quote of the day:
“Fifty shades of grey is only romantic because he’s a billionaire. If he was living in a trailer it would be an episode of Criminal Minds.”
Lmbo my wife and I go see em to laugh our asses off.
The UN is a worthless organization, part 720!
Saudi Arabia elected to UN Women’s Rights commission
Please this is just like one of those movies when the authorities hire the best bank robber or hacker to solve their problems because they’re incompetent. Nobody knows better how to put a sandaled foot on the neck of women forever. They’re clearly best positioned to come up with solutions.
If Trump would just drive a stake through the heart of that beast, and start selling the Apartments of Turtle Bay, that would put him up there in the top 20 presidents. Fuck the UN, tell Russia and China to pound sand. Let’s start up a new transnational organization for Democracies and Republics. No people’s republics allowed.
No Homers and Commies allowed.
It’s no Homers alllowed. Homeristan gets a free passs.
Would regret it, but: would.
Also, “press ombudsman”. That otter send chills down the spine of any journalist, but I bet many in the ideological mold of Ms. Pillay would welcome one.
“That otter”
I clicked through all excited and then it was not, in fact, a skinny hairy fellow.
You’re welcome.
Man, the ’70s were a dark time.
That’s not hirsute, that’s a hair suit.
Is it true what they say about otters?
Ahahaha, I’ve seen the powerbottom clip previously, but not that one.
It’s funny. Hetero men are pretty humdrum about sex. I mean, sure we rank women on physicality, all tits and ass and hip to waist and whatnot, but when it comes to sexual roles, any port in a storm, right? We couldn’t give a fuck, for the most part. There’s mopeds, and then… for the most part, if a chick is willing to let you stick it in her, you parade that shit around. That’s your pride and joy.
But gay men seem to like to categorize their sexual encounters. Bears, otters, wolves, and… others… it’s been awhile since I watched that episode of Difficult People. Anyway, you seem a lot more aspy about how you rank your partners. You’re really nerdy about sexuality, is what I’m saying.
eh, I think you guys do plenty of it, but the gay categories are just outlandish and so noticeable.
It’s sociology, jesse! The reason both gays and lesbians have such elaborate and well-stuck sexual labeling systems is that you both form distinct sociosexual *communities* that sort *themselves*. We breeders are far too big to be a “community” (there is no “straight culture” to be had); we are not as used to the idea of sexual identity labeling (on this point, look to things to change to some extent, as they are already); and we are not a unified pool of sexual candidates: Men and women date *each other*; so while *we* might have ways we sort women, *they* do not necessarily use those terms to sort *themselves*, and vice versa, so that landscape never really get so thoroughly entrenched socially the way it does with you. Also by the nature of what we have defined as homo versus heterosexuality, you really have wider tastes to be sorted than we do. You just do not see for example hetero women with anything like the lesbian spread in tastes for femme men versus butch men, and so forth. The spread of tastes is indeed a lot more unified, with those with outlying tastes therefore a lot more marginal to the hetero community as a whole.
Meh, I’d say straight dudes do it too. Look at the categories on any porn site.
There are separate categories for big tits and small tits. Blondes brunettes and redheads. You got your milfs, lolis, and granny porn. Some men like em thicc and others like em thin. Some guys like Vags smooth as a baby behind, some guys like them superhairy, practically to the point where the bush has come become a tree reaching up to their pits, and others just like a nice landing strip. Yeah, the PAWGs are like mopeds. but there are some guys out there who collect mopeds.
The notion that we don’t categorize women as much as gay men seems absurd. We just have a harder time agreeing on slang terms.
But hey, look gay or straight we’ve all been guilty of sticking it in crazy once or twice. Gay guys have a rep for being a bit promiscuous, but that’s kind of on men in general. We tend to exercise poor judgement when it comes where we stick our dicks.
Hi, I’m Poppy.
Everybody wants to be Poppy.
Hey, I’m a bear, here is some unedited footage of me. NSFM.
Might have been posted, but another copy of the Declaration was found in Britain. This proves once and for all the founding of the US is a conspiracy by the Russians to destabilize the British Empire. Or something.
~~~edit faerie boops you on the nose~~~
Dammit, I half-fucked my link up.
Is it still Gilmoring the link if it can be clicked? Or does it need to both show HTML and be unclickable?
I’m not sure at this point. I can’t tell what’s Gilmoring and what’s SFing.
I have argued (not that my opinion matters in these sorts of things) that “merely dead”-links remain SugarFree’d
….and that “colossally fucked up” (where ‘bad threading’/HTML bracket-close failure/half-written sentences are added) is more “Me’d”
Allen said this showcases the belief of Federalists, such as Alexander Hamilton, that authority rests nationally on the people and not on a federation of states.
…this seems like a bit of a stretch.
This week is the 25th anniversary of the LA Riots. I’m not sure if I want to watch the documentary or not. Maybe I’ll save it for later.
I was working at the hospital on the corner of Hawthorne and 133rd street. They set the mall on fire. They fired bullets in through the hospital windows.
I was one of the few . . . caucasian-Americans working there. The accountant and the CEO came booking down the hall and told me I could go home as they fled. I got halfway down Hawthorne Blvd. when I remembered there was a new transcriptionist who had just started that day. She was wearing headphones, so I couldn’t call her and tell her it was alright to go home. I couldn’t call her anyway because no one had a cell phone back then, and there was no way I was getting out to use a pay phone. The angry mob had filled the street behind me as I left. I could see them in my rear view mirror smashing windows all the way down through Lawndale on Hawthorne Blvd. before they disappeared into the smoke.
I started thinking about how guilty I’d feel leaving that girl in the new transcription room, when no one even knew she was there. She could stay at the hospital all night or for however many days. But there was no one else there who knew who she was, even.
I turned around and I drove back through the angry mob and all the smoke to get back to the hospital. They tore at my door. They smashed all my windows. But I made it through. Turned out that girl lived next door to the hospital on 133rd street. She didn’t even have to drive to get home. Security helped her climb over the wall and onto her porch.
Wiki says 3,767 buildings were burned.
I see riots on the news today, and they all look like chicken shit.
in my mind, you were played by Judd Nelson and the girl was played by Irene Cara.
Inglewood PD set up a command post, and put out 1000 boxes of extra ammunition on the table. The officers were coming back every 20 minutes to get more. It was all gone by the 3rd night.
BTW, Manhattan covered that mall. Hawthorne was stretched too thin, and they couldn’t even handle shit right in front of the police station and city hall.
If you ever see archival footage or pics of that mall during the riots, it’s all Manhattan and Hermosa cops making the arrests.
I was in second or third grade when the riots happened and remembering my Mom being pissed at the Rodney King verdict. But she was also pissed at the looting and violence that engulfed Los Angeles. It would have been one thing if they went and burned the courthouse or police station down (actions that I don’t condone at all) but for people to burn down their neighborhoods and loot the local businesses showed that they had no interest in justice at all and only wanted to take advantage of a volatile situation.
And now I’m reading Yelp reviews of a mental hospital.
My favorite kind of Koreans.
Huell Howser and the riots.
I don’t know, the girl behind the guy seemed to make a compelling case that he was exaggerating.
I think she was saying that he was blind to the situation.
She might be the first SJW ever spotted in the wild.
Yeah, i wasn’t really following her Mummenschanz sign-language. I thought it was some gang-shit.
She was really saying,
“These white folks are unappreciative of the social-inequities which were being rectified through the liberation of color television sets and conflagration of convenience outlets owned by Korean proprietors which have too long foisted the waste of a capitalist system on a captive and marginalized population. Bitches.”
TV sets are OUR reparations…bitches!
They’re offering a commemorative hamburger @ In + Out. Called the “Reginald Denny”
The chicken strips are the “Whitest Person We Know”.
I was struck by last weekend’s March for Science demonstrations. In particular, I noticed that many of the slogans and positions were utterly unscientific. It was in thinking about this that I came to a realization: the march’s organizers and I see science in very different ways. Where I see science as a methodology, they see science as a set of institutions.
The methodological view of science tends to be shared by a lot of libertarians and some of the smarter conservatives. It views science as a structured approach to viewing the world empirically and assessing claims skeptically. From the methodological perspective, “diversity” in science is a non-issue. The methodology is what it is and the person making or evaluating the claim is secondary to the claim itself. For the methodological view, someone’s status as a scientist confers no special authority because anyone practicing the scientific method can be thought of as doing science. From the methodological perspective, the funding of scientific institutions is simply a decision to be made on a cost-benefit basis. It views openness of techniques, sharing of data, and outside review as key elements of good science.
The institutionalist view tends to be more popular with progressives. It views science as a set of institutions populated with learned men and women making discoveries and sorting out the nature of the universe in a rational unsuperstitious manner. It views the institutions of science as heroic leaders in mankind’s enlightenment. If you take an institutionalist view of science, you get some very different conclusions. From an institutionalist perspective, of course the institutions of science deserve our full support. That would go without saying. From an institutionalist perspective, it would make sense that the word of a scientist would carry extra weight, as would the consensus views of the scientific community. From an institutionalist perspective, you’d want to be sure that the scientific community itself is diverse. And from an institutionalist perspective, you’d want to be sure that the data or the methodologies that scientists need to do their work don’t get mangled by people who don’t understand science.
The funny thing is, it’s not really difficult to see where either side of this divide will think of themselves as the champions of science. The institutionalists will view the methodologists as taking a cavalier view of the value of science while the methodologists will see the institutionalists as selling out real science to power politics.
And it’s 1,2,3,4, what are we fighting for? A Falsifiable Hypothesis with some statistical analysis to determine the margin of error.
OK that doesn’t scan. But the point still stands.