I already knew this because apparently, I only buy at the top of the market. Fair warning, expect a crash within two years. (TW: autoplay)
Get ready for an even bigger Warty. Pro-tip: them who pick up heavy things more often will be stronger.
America’s Hat is on the wrong side of The Hat and The Hair. And they WILL pay.
Vigilante justice in the IoT. It appears someone is trying to deny easily hacked IoT processors and radios to botnets by permanently bricking them. Destroying key functionality of someone else’s property is not cool from this libertarian’s perspective. Giving people shitty things that are easily hacked, also not cool.
I already knew this because apparently, I only buy at the top of the market. Fair warning, expect a crash within two years. (TW: autoplay)
What is autoplay?
That band that married Gwyneth Paltrow.
Baby don’t hurt me.
Those Brits sure love compulsory programs.
That shit sounds right there is clearly fatshaming, where are the progs when sweaty workouts on the line?
Seriously though, to hell with that.
Not sure what made me think of a fiction book all of a sudden.
I immediately thought of Orwell, but didn’t want to godwin it with a 1984 reference. However that is spot on.
Coming soon to a living room near you!
They also have a television tax that is essentially compulsory for everyone. The Brit government apparently employ teams that do nothing but drive around in vans looking for signals from illicit televisions. Also the standard interrogators, paramilitary police enforcers, etc… over television. I thought it was joke the first time I heard it referenced.
When health care is socialized, your health becomes everyone’s financial problem. Self ownership is not really a thing under such a system.
Remember that time the NHS decided to kill a baby and kept the parents from taking him to the US for treatment instead?
I keep saying this, but not too many listen.
Technically, since they’re Brits, they love compulsory programmes.
[/pedantic bastard]
I lol’d
I also lolled.
“is a good idea whether you like it or not”
Yes massah… I mean fuck off.
Glad that I am the right combo of poor and luddite so as to avoid having my doorbell hacked or bricked.
“wake up little boy, daddy’s looking for you“
That is some creepypasta, black mirror bullshit right there. Is there no market force pushing for better security on these things?
Not really. Consumers are under-informed and producers are lazy. The big attack on Dyn that caused major outages last year was associated with IoT devices. Janit0r is kind of trying to be that market force by bricking a bunch of these unsecured devices to wrong foot manufacturers into being responsible.
So it’s coming, then? Man, that is one helluva case of caveat emptor though. Still never buy a product, especially one that could be so manipulated without doing the research first.
Maybe? People still suck at setting basic passwords, doing basic updates and protecting their shit. Manufacturers can (and should) do more to protect their dumb ass consumers, but users are frequently the weakest link in the chain.
I have an Anova wifi-enabled sous vide cooker that will never ever be connected to my wifi for any reason. Wifi tea kettles, seriously who needs this shit?
In case you leave it on your phone can tell you that your house is probably on fire.
People who want hot water as soon as they walk through the door?
I think it’s almost a status thing, combined with the novelty aspect. One of my best friends is the IT guy for a local TV News affiliate. Seeing his house from the outside you would think he’s a Luddite. All the bells and whistles are in his home office, but virtually nothing beside his computers.
I like connected things in the house. I’d love to be able to just tell my house to turn shit on and off or to regulate temps or set my alarm/lock doors/lock windows rather than get up to do them.
@Florida Man
I was at Mammoth (~8000ft) and was trying to boil water in a stovetop kettle like a rube when I finally tried the new-fangled induction electric kettle. The difference was incredible. Even at altitude water was boiling almost instantly.
Get to a high enough altitude, and the water will boil instantly. Of course, it won’t be very hot….
People who want hot water when they walk in the door can use a very safe invention seen across Japan known as a “hot water dispenser.”
Slightly OT: how do you like that Anova? I have been toying with the idea of getting into sous vide.
Another OT-ish question: Do you have to have a vacuum sealer to combo with one of those?
@Zunalter I like it. I had the first gen and it had a few major drawbacks, but I loved the results. I finally gave up on the 1st gen one after the replacement failed and bought the wifi one. I haven’t really put it through its paces yet, but it’s a massive improvement over gen 1 just based on the power and how compact it is. I do have a vacuum sealer setup, but I find you can get away with freezer bags in most cases and Anova started partnering wit ha company that makes reusable silicone press-and-seal containers which I’m actually going to test out tonight.
You think it’s not connected? How cute.
If my sous vide device can hack my wifi password, enable upnp and make itself available to the wide internet without me knowing, I’ll give it a salary at my office as our infosec manager.
Is there no market force pushing for better security on these things?
Yes its called the old fashion radio only monitor aka the OMWC denier. That’s what I have and it works great I even get reception when I walk to the mailbox.
Oh, I took him as referring to IoT items in general. Using fewer of them definitely, but the traditional radio ones had a lot of interference problems (this may have been solved now, but it certainly wasn’t when my little brother was a wee babe) including but not limited to cross talk between different sets of baby monitors and toy walkie talkies and I seem to remember a set of cordless phones needing to be replaced because the neighbor’s monitor would cut in.
I was referring to IoT things. The old school route is of course always out there, but like I said earlier, the novelty of these things means that a lot of people will want them and use them, and then get bricked or hacked.
I’m actually pretty sympathetic to this Jait0r’s mission in that regard. The fact that the security on these devices absolutely blows has been widely known for a few generations of said devices and manufacturers seem disinterested in changing that. Once you have them getting swept into botnets it becomes a problem for everyone else very quickly, not just the manufacturer and the end user.
Fair enough. I can definitely understand the sympathy, but I wish there was an easier way to raise awareness/stop attacks.
Meh, the internet baby monitors are a great bellwether for this. They’re discrete items with long-standing obvious flaws consumed by uppity parents that are easily sold on fabulous tech-savvy solutions for things. The other big example are the net-connected security cams and smart thermostats.
No bigs, your point stands as well
equal parts “nope” and “fuck that”
“Fox19 cites a solutions expert named Dave Hatter…”
He’s more reliable than his sister Madasa.
Three year old? Time to ditch the monitor anyways.
Paging Sugarfree…
Only three links? Are we on a diet or something?
You should be. Lord Medium Build is much less threatening
Apparently, there was gonna be 4 but Brett really hates autoplay.
Speaking of The Hat and the Hair, are we still getting new entries in that? Or has SugarFree abandoned us all to go completely mainstream?
Poppy loves you too, mortal.
You are Poppy.
Oh dear god, there’s a book now too.
Stop. You Lowlife
Are you thinking of the allegedly 16 year old Poppy or the allegedly 22 year old Poppy?
Whatever State you’re in…
Wake up! You Poppies out there are Illuminati mind control slaves! (I love reading that site for the sheer weirdness…making no claims to the accuracy of it…)
Welcome to Vhyrus’s afternoon music links. I hope you’re less bored at work than I am right now, but if not you can always start a fire in your manager’s office and make it bun dem!
And then when management looks for the responsible parties, you say “We didn’t start the fire.”
Trump is upset with our plan to deliver and export milk bags?
Canada still needs to explain what the fuck is up with this.
Possibly NSFW
I guess you signed up for Grrizz’s book of the month club too?
It’s like if Thoreau wrote naughty fiction in his spare time.
Nah, too hetero.
It was supposed to be gay originally, but that was just too much for 1976 Canada.
Export all you want; nobody’s going to buy them.
Oh, you will when you discover the joy of drinking milk in a bag with a straw.
PS: I hate milk.
We tried that at my middle school back in the 80s for a while. Changed back later. Not sure why. It was a pain in the ass and the little straws were everywhere in the lunchroom. That’s probably why it changed back to cartons.
CC continues the downward spiral started by Jon Stewart’s departure, continues pandering to a crowd that probably doesn’t watch enough TV to make up the losses from the usual revenue stream
that was a great negative review. i’ve never wanted to block a show from my tv before.
I have a habit of hate-watching -reading -listening to stupid shit, if only to practice my debate skills, (College State Level Forensics finalist, it never really leaves the blood). I might watch one episode, yell at the TV and get my fill of daily derp
Bill Nye Saves the World is already out if that’s all you’re looking for.
Watched exactly one half episode, it was a combo of Meh and Woke with just enough condescending weirdness. Then I saw that music video, there are some things that even beyond my pale.
Yeah appeasing Social Justice Warriors has worked out so well for everyone else. Think about the new Ghostbuster’s movie and how awesome that was. Or Pepsi’s commercial. That was super woke.
If only there were some force, a hand, that was always present but not seen which could guide the collections of transactions, and if only there were some way to measure those transaction to gauge value and worth. But I guess wokeness is more important
There is. Unfortunately, it’s not what you think. The latest iteration of the invisible hand is a proggy fist shoved so far up the asshole of media outlets that it’s being used to make the mouth move and impacting decision-making.
– Elizabeth Warren
You’re both right, unfortunately.
I’m happy to say, I have no idea what you’re talking about.
I was sure it was a parody when I saw the trailer.
Nope. This fucktardedness is apparently here to stay.
At least for one season. Maybe the numbers will be low enough that they can quietly smoother it while it sleeps.
Only to be replaced by the next piece of shit social signaling garbage.
Remember when you’d have Chappelle and Mencia on cracking jokes that were edgy? That was not too long ago but seems like a million years.
Yeah I do. Loved that shit. Have you seen the new Chappelle stand up? It’s in my queue, I hear the sjws hate it so it’s probably good.
I haven’t. I heard it’s pretty solid.
Well, when I get a chance I will post a review then.
It’s not.
“Black people are like this”
“White people are like that”
“Also I’m famous, so people treat me like a famous person”
Dave Chappelle in 2017 is a showcase for how obsolete the whole previous multiculturalist dialectic has become.
I clicked on the video with the cultural appropriation rap. That is pathetic. I am sorry MC Serch got dragged into that. You can see he still has the skills.
Problematic [] is about as entertaining as reading a Jezebel article or attending a freshman gender studies course.
Neither of those is trying to be funny but can be unintentionally hilarious. This show does not sound like it will ever have that problem.
Yup. Canceling cable was the correct choice.
Is that MC Serch from 3rd Bass?
I think it’s great. It’s another nail in the coffin of the cable industry. It seems that a lot of these cable companies are bleeding subscribers. This should just speed the process.
Unfortunately, the idiots are going to kill Netflix too.
In better CC news, they’re filming season 5 of Drunk History right now.
Sweet. I watch that show intermittently, usually when drunk and it’s reliably funny
He created the only show in Comedy Central‘s history the Tumblrinas would not call problematic.
I can guarantee they’re wrong about that.
A Girl Used Her Boyfriend’s Balls As A Beautyblender And May Have Just Started A New Instagram Trend
I’ll stop there.
Not clicking the link and too lazy to google. What is a beautyblender?
It sounds scary and painful.
Ah. Got it. As a non-makeup-wearing-American, I had no clue what a beauty blender was, either. Now I know.
(I always called them “makeup sponges”)
She’s kind of cute. Too bad her future employment prospects have been traded for those 15 seconds of fame.
You wouldn’t hire her? I would hire her. I would hire the shit out of her.
New favorite line? Hey Johnna, your make up is smudged…
Thicc Thursday isn’t for two more days.
I guess a scrotum is SFW.
Man that made me click through and would not.
Ha ha ha, that’s funny Just Say’n
Thanks, me. Have a girly pic
Hoo kay there, buddy! Time for your meds again!
You only hang out with libertarians because we’re opposed to involuntary commitment don’t you?
I’m not answering that
Hey, thanks for the BabylonBee link. Reminds me of the old Christian satirical magazine The Wittenberg Door back in the 70s/80s.
Aged 64, Ms Macron is a grandmother-of-seven and 25 years her fresh-faced 39-year-old husband’s senior. Even better, perhaps, they met when he was 15 and she was his married, private school teacher – with a daughter of the same age, in the same class.
“And that’s just weird.” -Paul Joseph Watson
Paging Swizzy!
got it. thanks.
If it was a dude teacher, he’d be hiding from the police right now. Just sayin’.
*narrows gaze*
*plugs ears*
La mère de Laurence l’a fait
Damn your nimble fingers.
*le sigh*
Unless he’s doing the daughter on the side, he’s a piker by French politician standards.
C’mon, the oldest grand-daughter’s got to be within pokin’ distance.
Zut alors
Zoot Allures
Macron is some kind of blank slate. He is like Obama 2008 only blanker. Who the hell knows what’s up with him. Everyone can project whatever they want on to him. And like Obama, he won’t end up changing nuttin’.
What was the “Dear Colleague” letter, chopped liver?
I had a classmate in high school who spent A LOT of time with a female teacher. They were pretty much inseparable. They had about the same age difference. We taunted the guy non-stop about dating a woman who could be his mother — I don’t know if anything happened between them. At least he didn’t marry her.
So THAT’S what happened to Waldo after graduation?
Borneo: Irish Tourist Savagely Raped by 400 Pound Orangutan
I guess orangutans go for the gingers!
STEVE SMITH has a cousin abroad? A child? Is STEVE SMITH spreading across the world? We are all doomed
Zack O’Reilly, a young 26-year-old from Ireland, who is presently studying biology at Dublin city University and has been a Greenpeace activist for the past three years, had always dreamed of seeing orangutans in their natural habitat and was a strong advocate against the palm oil industry,
It’s sad, but he did learn what nature is about. It’s nothing but the biggest fight club in the solar system.
Who the fuck could be against the palm oil industry? Do we have this much free time in western civilization that we can dedicate ourselves in the fight against big palm oil?
Also, for his sake I hope Clyde had some palm oil available before he got down to business.
I have read a bit on palm oil and supposedly it devastates local ecosystems where the palms are grown. Then again that is probably just some lefty bullshit.
Palm trees grow pretty fast. I’m willing to bet they can manage those as easily as lumber companies manage their SYP or Douglas Fir operations to both minimize environmental impact and produce opportunities for locals to work that otherwise wouldn’t have them.
they can manage
I think can is the operative word there. I’m not sure they have any reason to give a shit at the current juncture.
I can’t remember exactly where on the blue ridge trail, but there is a sign explaining the devastated landscape in front of you. The only problem is that there is an entirely healthy forest behind the sign. People really underestimate how resilient nature is.
The opposition to palm oil is that, for example in Madagascar, tons of virgin forest has been chopped down to plant monoculture palm trees for palm oil.
I agree that the scale of the impact is likely exaggerated, but looking at the palm plantations on Madagascar does not give the one the impression that they have improved on the wilderness that they replace.
It’s also basically tree-grown margarine
Well, that’s sad.
Is it sold in 55 gallon drums?
/Asking the expert
Shipping not included.
Yeah, hard to feel too sorry for him, esp given that he was warned about the hair and such, but still loosing your black cherry to a monkey? That’s how planet of the apes started isn’t it?
This is how AIDS starts!
Up yours!
My god, STEVE SMITH was training apprentices during his Rapemania 2016 tour.
Please tell me this is real. I want this to be real.
The More You Know.
He was asking for it?
If I were the orangutan’s legal counsel, that’s the defense I’d go with.
alas. urbanleak? i’ma call b.s.
Yeah, looks totally fake.
Gives a whole new meaning to “Right turn, Clyde.”
We can’t say we weren’t warned beforehand.
Every Which Way He Wanted just wasn’t the same without Clint.
We can imagine what Thomas Nast would have done with that story
If there’s video (or even just audio) footage of this somewhere, it could make for an infinitely funnier documentary ending than Grizzly Man.
“I specifically told him to wear a hat and hide his orange hair, that it could entice the orangutans. I’m not surprised of what has happened, I warned him many times. He did not listen,” he told local reporters.”
“We are deeply horrified and saddened by the whole affair. We have offered the young victim a free tour…”
I bet ginger dude cant wait to take advantage of that free tour.
I liked it better when it was The Onion article. Why did they take it down? Fuckers.
Speaking of working out – I’m off for another session of hell in this week long set of hypertrophy exercises.
What’s a hypertrophy exercise?
way back in the 70s I trained under a former Olympic coach during and after my endeavor to play college football.
He explained to me the theory. of muscle growth was this. After training enough where your muscles were in shape enough then you should begin a light, heavy, medium regime.
That is once you are in weightlifting shape do this. On your heavy days increase the weight to the point that you tear up the connectibe tissue between muscle cells. That heavy day
Two days later come back with a light day giving them time to heal. The medium day is to stay in lifting shape until the next heavy day. 3 day a week workouts. Light, heavy, medium.
The theory was that your muscle cells said to each other, ” this guy is an idiot, we are going to show him. we will grow stronger so that the next time this idiot does this it won’t hurt us.
Is that kinda what this boils down to ? I quit reading halfway through.
this program was to get stronger.
not get bigger. getting bigger was just a by product
getting bigger for it’s own sake in front of a mirror is the desire of mental and emotional runts
It’s worth it. Lord Somewhat Bigger Than Average doesn’t have the same ring.
At first glance, the new draft appears to have teeth. To address the theme of being tough on Wall Street, a favorite rhetorical target of both parties, the legislation would increase the maximum penalties the S.E.C. can impose for violations, including a top corporate fine of $10 million per violation. It also adds a fourth tier of penalties that triples the fine for recidivists.
But whether higher financial penalties will have any appreciable effect is an open question, especially for companies earning billions in profits that may view a few million dollars as a trivial reprimand.
What’s more, another provision would require the S.E.C. to determine if a corporate penalty will harm shareholders. That could discourage large fines by allowing opponents of corporate liability to claim that innocent investors will be stuck paying the price.
Apart from increased penalties, the legislation will restrict the S.E.C.’s ability to file administrative cases before its in-house judges and instead point them toward a Federal District Court. Defendants named in an administrative proceeding would have the right to require dismissal of the case; the S.E.C. could then refile the charges in a federal court, but that would give defendants much broader power to discover evidence and a right to a jury.
How outrageous! Allowing banks accused of misdeeds to defend themselves, instead of merely being subjected to extortion by the government. Senator Warren will put a stop to this, or at least grandstand agitatedly.
To address the theme of being tough on Wall Street, a favorite rhetorical target of both parties, the legislation would increase the maximum penalties the S.E.C. can impose for violations, including a top corporate fine of $10 million per violation. It also adds a fourth tier of penalties that triples the fine for recidivists.
The sign of a civilized nation: an unelected bureaucracy passing regulations with the force of law and the ability to assess civil penalties as if they were the judiciary.
Something something Taxes something something Price for Society something
I think someone else mentioned being a fan of the show, so in Today’s Entertainment News For YOU: AMC just renewed Into the Badlands for its third season of 16 episodes.
Does AMC run any movies any longer?
Late at night sometimes and also on weekends.
But nothing too good
This is true – rarely do they show an actual American Movie Classic anymore. Have to watch TCM for that.
TCM’s “31 Days of Oscar” is one of my most favoritest times in the TV season.
TCM also quickly schedules weekend long retrospectives when a star dies. After Peter O’Toole’s death we got an uninterrupted “Lawrence of Arabia” and “Club Paradise”.
KK: Was it just me, or did you find that they ran all the films in alphabetical order this year annoying?
“I already knew this because apparently, I only buy at the top of the market. Fair warning, expect a crash within two years. (TW: autoplay)”
No link, but besides that… does anyone ever really believe these articles? Who is actually good at predicting the market within narrow timeframes? Two years is a long time…
Who is actually good at predicting the market within narrow timeframes?
*Shifty eyes* No one here, certainly.
France’s next President?
No chance, they will eat him alive.
Is that some kind of French Oreo? They trying to copy us?
If the French copied the oreo I promise it would taste twice as good and probably give you type 2 diabetes instantly.
Does AMC run any movies any longer?
Considering what they did to Blazing Saddles, why would anybody give a shit?
I remember seeing Idiocracy on Comedy Central once.
Or, seeing what was left of the movie.
My understanding is that the first 15 minutes of that movie are all you actually need to watch.
I liked it, but I enjoy lowbrow humor.
Nothing beats when they play an edited version of movies like ‘Goodfellas’ even though the snowflakes are in bed.
Does anyone know anything about veggie oil diesel engines? I think it’d be neat to convert one..
If you want to live your whole life smelling burnt onion rings, go for it.
Oh, you have to preheat the oil before you start the truck, so I hope you don’t have to suddenly go somewhere quickly…. ever again.
The pre-heat problem can be beat by having a alternative regular diesel tank for getting up to running temp.
Also good because your supply of cooking oil can be inconsistent.
Another solution is manufacturing bio-diesel yourself out of cooking oil. Believe it needs lye and methanol and a large mixing tank to complete.
I live in the rural south next to a bunch of fried chicken joints. It’d be more of a town car tbh. What would be a good engine ?
The douche in me wants to say ‘a diesel one’ and the rest of me has nothing better to add.
The douche in me
You know you’re not supposed to retain it for more than 10 minutes, right?
very crevah, sir.
I don’t want the EPA to come after me.
It depends. Do you want an engine that runs on fried chicken grease, or a good engine?
What size car? And how fast do you plan on going? Also, does it get really cold or hot there?
If it’s a small car you’re not going more than 30-40 mph in and its moderate temps, you could easily repurpose a 50-75 hp motor out of an old backhoe or skip loader and bolt a tranny on it.
“… and bolt a tranny on it.”
Is that even a euphemism?
Just a hobby horse really. Thanks for the article.
I was gonna say old Mercedes or Volvo.
Found this article
If you are in the south I would imagine there are a fair number of old diesel pickups you can screw around with. I’d rather mess with an existing POS rather than turn something into a POS.
My thoughts exactly I see tons of old Fords
He said existing POS. Look for a Dodge or Chevy.
“He said existing POS. Look for a Dodge or Chevy”
Shots fired
“Another solution is manufacturing bio-diesel yourself out of cooking oil. Believe it needs lye and methanol and a large mixing tank to complete.”
So $50 per gallon for inefficient fuel? Sounds good.
If the oil is free, then it can be done for $.80 to $1.50?
It doesn’t take a lot of methanol or lye for the conversion.
I understand it is a messy process though with lots of glycerin left over from the oil.
But you don’t have to do any conversion on your vehicle.
Because the smell of burning oil based Diesel fuel is better?
I also huff paint.
I am not a mechanic – so No, I don’t really know much.
However – I thought it would be a good idea like 10 years ago and read a lot about it. Get on youtube and google and start researching if you really want. Theres a community that would be able to help you, I have since lost track of all the forum and resources links, but probably not hard to find again. From what I remember, modern engines with all their electronic monitoring do not like veggie oil. Therefore, you probably want an older vehicle.
Users would have a separate tank and start the car on diesel or biodiesel then flip a switch over to oil after it reaches operating temperature. Others will convert oil to biodiesel first and just run that in the main tank only.
The biodiesel (and veggie oil too?) will have cleaning effects on the lines and so be prepared to clean/replace fuel filters often as you start using it.
So if you have an extra old diesel (’95 or earlier, I’d say) and want to try it as a hobby go for it. You’ll also need some room for all the veggie storage and such. I stopped caring about the idea because I simply don’t want to deal with all the problems of an old car. Finally got around to selling my 95 Nissan 240SX recently and do not need any more old cars at this point in my life.
Or, if you enjoy being a “prepper” then a vehicle that can run on veggie oil would be comforting to have.
Is this really a trend? Or is it just another media scare story to drum up hatred of men?
I don’t see anything to say it’s a trend. Assholes have been doing that for a long time.
That is a terrible double entendre.
documented in a report by the Columbia Journal of Gender and Law.
Columbia doesn’t exactly have a reputation for turning out alums with ethics.
Oh yeah, I know tons of guys that want to secretly impregnate their one night stands and crazy short term girlfriends! I mean, with the massive about of legal protections given to single fathers in the court system, there are virtually no downsides!
about = amount.
I thought you meant there is a massive aboot of legal protections.
Yeah, this. Stealthing is a thing just like rainbow parties or jenkem. Stealth jenkem!
Columbia Journal of Gender and Law? Probably scare mongering. But of true, it would be an incredibly douchy thing to do.
And here is the nut of the article, as Hunter S Thompson would say:
Brodsky concludes that since existing laws don’t necessarily cover “stealthing,” a new statute is the best bet for addressing something that too many people experience, but don’t know how to talk about.
I’m sure the law protecting men from women lying about birth control is soon to follow.
Obvs, otherwise that would be a huge double standard. Right? Right?!
Serious question to the ladies, due to them having lady parts: Can you really not feel the difference?
Way to other the trans ladies who don’t have lady parts. 😉
Everyone has lady parts. Some just don’t have the whole set.
Do you know how many Happy Meals I had to buy to get the whole set?
I’m just waiting for the sexual assault laws that come from this. There will be federally mandated breaks where you must stop periodically to allow your partner to check otherwise it will be considered rape. Judging on the average amount of time a man lasts you will need to stop every 5 seconds meet the federal standards.
How is this any different from a condom breaking, or other birth control failing? Girl gets pregnant, guy is on the hook for child support. Case closed.
Every man secretly yearns to fill the streets with his bastard children. We just don’t talk about it in polite company.
Are they still orphans if only the mother is dead?
Asking for a friend.
One of the victims Brodsky interviewed for the report called the act “rape-adjacent.”
Everything not-rape falls into that category.
The Miami Marlins will be sold to a group headed by Jeb Bush and Derek Jeter for a reported $1.3 billion.
And the worst owner in sports finally goes away.
Yeah I’m sure Jeb Bush and Jeter will do much better.
Unless Jeb and Jeter are planning to personally taze people as they enter the park, they can’t possibly be worse. And even if they did that they still might be better.
Do not underestimate someone who is considered more of a failure than W.
Supposedly, he’s the smart one.
You know who else was supposedly the smart one?
Neil DeGrasse Tyson?
And the worst owner in sports finally
goes awaygets replaced by the new worst owners?Than Loria? Yes. They may not be good owners, but it’s virtually impossible to be worse than Jeffrey Loria. He swims in the same waters as Lil’ Jimmy Dolan and Daniel Snyder when it comes to horrendous owners.
“How could a HUGE, classy winner like Jeter go in with low-energy Jeb? Sad!”
Bob McNair would like to have a word with you.
Fuck Roman Abramovich.
Didn’t everyone know to stop using that in the 90s?
Telnet’s still used.
Now Gopher…
They still use Isaac Washington, don’t they?
Telnet is used to send commands to a lot of devices.
It is an insecure piece of trash.
And there isn’t anything that can be sent by telnet that can’t be sent by ssh.
Often the telnet port on the physical device is there so you can physically plug in a laptop and configure the device. If it’s a switch, you could have it partitioned into multiple subnets and not be able to send commands to its admin IP via ssh. Unfortunately, people tend to leave cables plugged into the telnet ports, and problems ensue.
If you can get OpenSSH to run in 16KB of RAM, you should start a business selling it to the embedded devices market.
Let me put it a different way:
If you can’t use a secure communications technology, redesign your device, which may mean using a bit more RAM.
NanoSSH fits in 70 kb, I can think of the first modifcation to make.
There are more problems than just the RAM needed, like keeping it up to date. There are two kinds of SSH installations: those with known vulnerabilities, and those with unknown. The real solution is to not expose privileged access to the device, regardless of protocol*, once it goes into production.
* = Even up-to-date SSH can be trivially hacked if you deploy every device with the same password, or the same insecure RSA key, etc.
Thought so too, but there is this from the wiki entry on Telnet:
Copiers and production printers use them all them time. Especially production.
And the worst owner in sports finally goes away.
What? Did Jim Irsay finally O D?
Wait, I thought this was illegal. Or is that a one-way street?
And the left continues to turn everything they look at to pure shit.
Something, something protected class.
I thought that the only thing that could get a championship HS football coach fired in Texas was a felony.
A major felony.
A violent major felony.
Aw hell, that hobo had it coming – wearing an Iggles shirt in Dallas!
Wearing an Eagles shirt in Dallas is far better than the assholes who root for the Cowboys in Philly (or predominantly South Jersey)
I hate the fucking Eagles, man.
“Wearing an Eagles shirt in Dallas is far better than the assholes who root for the Cowboys
in Philly (or predominantly South Jersey)”FTFY
Desoto has a history of fucking around with their coaches. Last season they just ‘happened’ to hire the mother of the top high school QB in Texas as their girls basketball coach.
It’s a bit of a cesspool.
I hope they fire him.
ka ching!!!!! for him
evidentialy they were until they got this bad press
after. a State Champioship he has his choice of jobs and if fired for being white a nice chunck of change as a parting gift
Does anyone know anything about veggie oil diesel engines?
Diesels suck.
And then they squeeze, bang, and blow.
Satan’s engine.
The hipsters are lining up for these…
“Dirty Jobs” host Mike Rowe wrote about the jeans as proof of “our country’s war on work,” saying, “They’re a costume for wealthy people who see work as ironic– not iconic.”
Easy Mike. You’re getting awful close to “cultural appropriation” stupidity there.
He is not wrong, though. I’d be insulted as fuck if I just slaved in a ditch for 8 hours and saw some douche coming out of starbucks wearing these.
Because the people that have real mud on their jeans don’t want to look like that. They don’t want to come home dirty and smelling like shit every night. They do it because it’s their job. These hipsters are basically making a joke out of their life. “Huh huh I look like one of those mexicans that work in the fields! Check me out!”
But isn’t this similar to the “no taco Tuesday with sombreros” or “no Native American costumes” for Halloween? An idiot spends to much money on pants, that doesn’t change the circumstances of manual laborers.
A costume is a costume, you wear it for a special occasion and it signifies an event or an occurrence. These are not designed or marketed that way. They are intentionally designed to make it look like you work in a ditch as a joke when you obviously do not.
“I look like one of those mexicans that work in the fields! Check me out!”
Now I’m mad. I come from a long line of dirty Mexicans.
I know, right? Lets go burn down a department store, Sanchez! I’ll drive.
Say Vhyrus, I’ve got an idea. How’s about we team up and sell jeans covered in cowshit for 450$. I can provide all the shit we need.
I like the cut of your jib. I have dogs, we can offer a multitude of styles.
Hell, I say we get REALLY capitalist and sell them for $200 a pair. When we put the other guys out of business, THEN we jack up the price. I have a pretty much endless supply of cowshit available as well.
Thise same hipsters who would pay $425 for a pair of working man’s jean in fact look down with scorn on those who are authentic working men
Were you not when people had artfully torn, worn or stained jeans that cost $140 to look like a homeless person had worn them for a few years?
Yes, and I hate those people just as much.
One of the many things I hate about people my age.
Not that different than sun bathing. One used to be able to identify a person who worked outdoor by their darkened complexion. Then it showed you could afford the idle time to lay out by the pool or beach.
Of course, how stupid do you have to be to buy clothes covered in fake mud? Do they not know the two ingredients to mud are water and dirt?
But then you’d have to touch the mud and get it on you. Ewwwww.
I think that’s a bit different since a tan is considered physically attractive by many, while being covered in mud is considered attractive by… well, considerably fewer.
I disagree. My wife thinks it’s hot when I fix things around the house or build stuff. I’m sure she isn’t unique in at regard.
Go roll in a swamp and see how much she wants to snuggle.
I’m not sure what rolling in a swamp has to do with anything. THE number of mans man is dwindling. Women still find the rugged type attractive. Wearing clothe that appeal to women is nothing new. IF I wear a truckers cap or cowboy boots, I’m not doing it as an insult nor do I think The manufacturers intend it to be an insult. IF Nordstrom did it as a purposeful insult I think that’s scummy, but I think it’s more likely another case of fashion being dumb.
I’m sure she isn’t unique in at regard.
I hope you two have sweaty class-transgressive sex afterward while you take her virtue white collar virtue with your blue collar hands.
*fans self*
1) Nothing more unattractive that a 45 yr old woman who appears to look like a skeleton wrapped in leather.
2) I’m not nearly witty enough to throw STEVE SMITH at this comment, but I bet somebody else is.
Thank you
+ 1 Farmers tan
some working man’ sun tattoo that circles around the neck and ends above the elbows
Right now there is a marketing guy at Nordstrom paying a co-worker a large sum to settle a bet.
So I was perusing this story on the looming government shutdown. I was somewhat amused to say the least.
It mentions national parks being closed and it brought to mind this funny story from my youth where Gov. Symington commandeered the AZ National Guard and attempted to take over the Grand Canyon during a FedGov shutdown:
Symington was a nut that often earned a few snide remarks from some of my teachers back in the day. Of course he later admitted to seeing a UFO while he was in office (TW: CNN http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/science/11/09/simington.ufocommentary/index.html). I’m inclined to believe Gov. Nutcase; at least he had a pair.
The thing is, last time around I still had to show up to work and they even promised to pay me. What really ticked me off was that they were still planning on paying the toads in the EPA for not working. You see, no matter what happens politically they will back pay the FedGov workers whether or not they had the common decency to show up.
Vox writer, showing yet again that progressives truly hate poor people
(It doesn’t seem that he was anything but serious there)
Wasn’t this guy already identified as smug douche extraordinaire on H&R?
Dylan Matthews is pretty much in constant contention w/ Matty Yglacias for “Dumbest person in America”
Maybe if you measure dumb by stupidity * audience. There are far dumber people, but they don’t have the same number of followers. Even then, I’m not sure stupidity is quite accurate. Profoundly anti-human, is more like it.
Gold star reply goes to:
Honorable mention:
I liked the first person’s first reply better. More direct.
That is amazing, I don’t believe he got one positive response that I saw.
I am truly shocked.
You mean dylan or this commenter? That commentator nailed it imo
Wow, I can’t believe how much the mask has slipped since ‘THE RESISTANCE’ started up. I mentioned in the morning links how the snake is eating itself vis a vis Sanders. But also they have been emboldened by the protestors and antifa types. Soon enough people will hopefully realize what tools these people are. Hopefully.
Looks longingly into the sky.
I’ll pay for gas.
I’m sure it’s already been linked here, probably more than once, but Thomas Frank really lays into Chelsea Clinton in a hit piece at Vanity Fair, of all places. Some morsels:
SHAKESPEARE: Passeth thou the salt.
BALDWIN: Get it yourself, I’m not the [expletive] butler!
AUSTEN: Here’s the salt, and how’s your wife? Still alive?
JACOBS: This dinner is as well-planned as a modern city.
CAMUS: Oh, that’s absurd.
KAFKA: Stop stealing my lines.
Yeah, it was in the Saturday morning links.
That takedown was vicious. Accurate, but vicious.
So you tell The New York Times that your dream dinner party would include James Baldwin, Shakespeare, Franz Kafka, Albert Camus, Jane Jacobs, and Jane Austen,
Nobody comes up wit a group like that unless they’ve done a poll to see what answers should sell well with the elites you’re trying to impress. Especially since she’s no true author.
Me? I’d eat with Thomas Jefferson, Woody Hayes, George Patton, Harriet Tubman, Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
I’m surprised she didn’t name Einstein, Ghandi, and Mother Theresa.
“Mohandas, what will you have to eat?”
“A nothing sandwich, hold the bun.”
Her mother would have said “Jesus, Abraham , Muhammad, Gautam Buddha, Gandhi and Stephen Hawking so we could settle all our silly differences.”
Or something equally vacuous that would cause leftists to beat their dicks raw with pleasure.
That’s so true it kinda hurts
Probably mine would be: Locke, Newton, the South Park guys, George Carlin and maybe Thomas Paine
Carlin became so tiresome with his proggy bullshit toward the end that if he came by, I’d probably punch him in the face and throw him out. And then call Don Rickles to take his place at the table.
If we’re looking for the best dinner guests (not just a bunch of Great Men and Women chatting awkwardly while eating), I’d invite Oscar Wilde, Dorothy Parker, H. L. Mencken and Mark Twain.
I’d go with Snoop Dogg, Benjamin Franklin, Lise Meitner, Penn Gillett, & Frederick Douglass.
And the Hillstrand brothers.
You’d hardly be able to understand a fucking word that guy would say.
I agree with Jefferson. Maybe Neil Armstrong. There’s a guy who’s been on the moon. Ben Franklin. Parker and Stone, I’d hang out with, but not at dinner, they’d probably gross you out.
Hell yeah! Now colleges will be free to ignore Title IX. Right? RIGHT?!?!
Where is my shocked face that the courts would have it both ways? Immigration is an exclusively Federal matter (when President McDreamy is in office) but the Federal government cannot actually assert its exclusive authority (when Secret Nazi President is in office).
At this point if Trump declared martial law I may not agree with it but I would sure as hell understand.
It would be enjoined before he finished writing the order, so what’s the point? He barely has the support of his own party in Congress on trivial matters, he won’t get a declaration of emergency easily, and he won’t be unseating any federal judges.
This ruling is a fucking farce. They’re not forcing the state to enforce a regulation, so that precedent doesn’t apply.
Even though a certain other site is already saying it does.
Also, I look forward to the national drinking age being overturned, because apparently now you can’t withhold funds for unrelated reasons.
That and Title IX being challenged would both be good in establishing consistency.
Although I suspect we will get a different venue ruling the other way in this and forcing it to the SC for clarification.
Title IX seems like a different question, that of a regulatory agency’s power to redefine the terms and scope of its own enabling legislation.
I guess I’m looking at the issue too narrowly, in terms of the recent push by DoE to run “sexual assault” inquisitions on campus, whereas the broader issue would be the power for DoE to withhold funds from a school for alleged violations of civil rights.
Except the precedent stated in this case specifically spoke of a state or local government body being forced to enforce federal regs or lose funding.
Title IX is probably a lot more applicable a test case than this bullshit where the Feds aren’t forcing anybody to do anything but contact them and hold someone if a pickup request order is issued.
I suspect this one could go either way. An EO regarding withholding funds is not supposed to be “coercive” but can be “encouraging” behavior per SCOTUS precedent regarding the 10th Amendment.
I would not call it “coercive” to request police departments contact/hold people for immigration. Furthermore, cities are not sovereign entities. I don’t see how that could fly, but since IANAL, and justices can be finicky beasts, they may find something.
Dale Earnhardt Jr. is retiring. How can that be?? He’s just a kid, isn’t he? He just started driving Cup, like, yesterday, didn’t he?
It’s been damn near 20 years.
Are you sure it wasn’t you that got hit in the head one too many times instead of Junior?
Honey, sit down… we need to talk.
I know nothing of NASCAR, but apparently he started when I was in elementary school.
It’s more a commentary on how fast time is moving in my world. I started watching NASCAR right around Jeff Gordon’s rookie year. Gordon’s 20 years of Cup driving seemed to pass a lot more slowly than Jr.’s 20 (well, 17 to be precise). Gordon’s retirement was far less surprising to me than Jr.’s.
What sucks is that Gordon was 10x the driver that dickface Jimmie Johnson is but has fewer titles because of the idiotic, series-killing Chase faggotry being instituted.
::throws chicken bone at #2 Miller Genuine Draft Ford::
::stomps out of stands::
I hate that Chase bullshit! All they had to do was award more points for a win, not change the entire system. I also hate pretty much all of the up-and-coming drivers. I miss the days of Jimmy Spencer and Dale Sr. and Kenny Wallace (my all-time favorite). Brawling in the infield and such.
I loved Jeff Gordon as a kid. One of my favorite figures in sports.
All of American top-tier racing is filled with series-killing bullshit. Stopped watching NASCAR around ’04 or ’05 (was a huge Mark Martin and Jeff Gordon fan as a kid). Stopped watching Indycar this year (may still go to the 500 every couple years, though). Everything that made racing good is gone.
“Hey grandaddy. IP is moving the line over on you on that long strip by the lake.”
“What? No, that cant be. I was just up there…uh…well…hellfire, that was 20 years ago!”
making alcohol, tobacco, and driving vastly more expensive is arguably more so.
He left out guns (and ammo). I haz a surprize.
Those are now arguably less expensive than what he already mentioned. You can get a working AR for $400. $400! You can hardly get license plates for that much now.
Tinder Profile =
43, White, Can lift ~2000lbs, have 24″ cock. Seek companionship, perpetuation of my species. White Ladies Only. No fatties.
Please be a STEVE SMITH article.
*clicks, looks* ….close enough.
“Here it is, honey, just like I said in the ad. Was I lying?”
Big Jim Slade is on Tinder?
“Good evening, ma’am, are you hear about my ad?”
I finally checked the story, and…he’s a rhinoceros?
I’m beginning to think that all those people who sold me rhino horn powder were lying to me.
(Note to the feds: That was strictly a joke)
Did you snort it? That’s apparently the fucking moronic reasons the poaching trade took off again in recent years. First, in Vietnam some asshole said rhino horn cured his cancer, and then Asian rich kids started to snort it like coke at parties, even though it does nothing. It’s so incredibly stupid it makes me angry.
But sadly mr rhino’s tinder profile is going to go unanswered, since they know where every rhino in the world is. Sadly San Diego had no success with this species (although they bred the other rhino species), and their northern white rhino female died two years ago.
Neither here nor there =
Over the weekend i think i watched like 4 hours worth of Frank Zappa interviews. (example = Him on Australian debate-show, 1973)
(I’ve always had mixed opinions about zappa’s music; a number of my musician buddies worshipped the guy, but i was more ‘meh’…. i liked my rock to be rockin’, and my jazz or avant-garde improvisational music to be snooty and highbrow… but i didn’t always enjoy his ‘rockin’ non-snooty improvisational classical’-blends. i’m still not really crazy about a lot of it, though i think i appreciate his compositional talent far more than i used to, especially his harmonic sophistication)
what i find more compelling about the guy is just how he talks w/ interviewers. Its a mix of his exhausted contempt with dumb questions, and his ability to distill fairly complex ideas down to a few simple statements. He’s obviously got 3x the brainpower of the people who talk to him, and i think some people might find his shortness to be ‘rude’ or hostile, but as the above link shows….(the aussie interview) he’s actually very sincere and generous with people and tries to honestly answer their questions and help them genuinely better understand the world. He’s just a really fascinating guy who had an uncompromising vision of how he wanted to live his life creatively, and refused to bend/budge for anyone for any reason. In that sense i suppose he’s sort of a Libertarian Superman.
*in an interview w/ Larry King in the mid-1980s he says, “my drivers license expired in 1967 and i never got it renewed” and when asked why, he said, “I decided i’d never submit to that “standing in line and begging for permission”-bullshit ever again”.
I always think of that interview where he talks about the politicization of music. “Yeah… Politics”
Yeah… Grand Funk Railroad
Thank you.
Howdy, Glibs! Late and OT: Inclement weather and the contents of my refrigerator have conspired to find me exploring the joys of Kalimotxo! That’s right, red wine (in this case budget Pinot Noir) and Coca-Cola over ice. Zod help me, I’m kind of enjoying it. Anyone else ever tried it?