I was going to try to Rickroll all of you with some Poppy clip. But I figured a picture was enough Poppy for now. What do you mean “not that Poppy”?  Well…anyhoo, on with the soon to be ignored Afternoon Links of fluff and oddity.

  • This is some of the bad Trump stuff we were expecting. Sigh.
  • Why I left Buzzfeed. Number 3 will shock you!
  • Jeff Goldblum you say?
  • This idiot carried through with the same level of prowess shown by the Bundeswehr in the past decade.
  • Where is disbarment when you need it?

There you go. I am setting the over/under on commenter links at 7 of the first 13 numbered comments.

UPDATE: I missed that Jesse had already linked this Jeff Goldblum story yesterday (BOOO! BAD SWISS!) and it looks like the under wins.