Here’s a riddle: how do snowflakes do a hunger strike? Like this, eating only when they’re hungry. Poe’s Law must come into play here. And of course, the purpose of the strike is “more free shit.”
In NFL news, the Bengals show consistency. Keep it classy, guys, keep it classy.
I suspect these guys were out for the March for Science. Me, I had no idea that this was science, I always thought my occupation involved nature and how the universe works. “Social Justice” is now apparently in our job descriptions. It does go a long way to explain why AAAS surveys always seem to show overwhelming support by “scientists” for whatever leftist dogma-of-the-day is asked about.
This reporter could have saved some time by interviewing some local convenience store owners and looking behind the register.
I’m guessing root cause here was using cheap Chinese electronic components, which are often total fakes. Advice to Fat Boy: stop trying to save a few bucks by ordering transistors and microchips from EBay.
I sure as shit don’t roll on Shabbos!
You’re obviously not a golfer.
But you comment…
I was expecting something very different from the NRA article. That was shockingly even-handed.
Yes, it was more balanced than I expected.
Surprisingly so. Some quotes for those who don’t have time for the full article:
The great equalizer. I never thought of the Second Amendment in that way.
Despite that notion being within the broad cultural milieu for, like, a century or two?
I’m pretty sure, given the article as a whole, she never thought about guns or the 2nd amendment at all beyond “guns bad”.
“I hear gun proponents express a dislike for big government. They stress individual liberties over the collective. For people who live in more socialist countries, it’s another obstacle to understanding American gun culture.”
Yeah, in general I rarely read anyone trying to understand people they disagree with. Especially a good faith attempt like this. And really, in many ways India sucks ass compared to America (hyperbole about white males aside). Maybe they should try to understand our values of individual liberty.
Especially women.
I agree. I give her credit for trying to keep an open mind. Hell, not calling them all redneck bumpkins is a vast improvement for CNN.
Speaking of convenience store employees and quasi-armed-robbery…
Note the state of the gun
I saw that yesterday. The kid figured out the gun was not functional thus his calm state.
People suck. Dude is just trying to make some money by making sandwiches, and some asshole comes in to the shop and sticks a gun in his face. He doesn’t need that bullshit.
Seems like I don’t know anyone, including myself, who’s worked a shitty job like that and not had a gun pointed in their face at some point.
I was working a fairly good job and had an AK stuck in my face. It is a gun in face world out there!
Afghanistan doesn’t count Swiss.
That was the most normal story on that site. Did you see the side bar stories? Kansas City is the Florida of the Great Plains?
The little thing isn’t up?
Yeah, I was shocked. I expected something very different.
Starting with this question “Why do you want to own an object that can kill another human being?” exposes her inherent bias and disdain. It could be asked of anyone that owns a car or a kitchen knife or a baseball bat or fists.
I need those few minutes of my life back after reading that article on the NRA convention. KeeRiest the derb is deep with that one. Also there was violence associated with the Indian revolt and Ghandi’s implicit threat was you can deal with me, or them, and there are a bunch of them.
You can square the deal with me by getting me a toe with green nail polish, by lunch.
India was in the middle of a long brutal series of internal religious wars (Hindu vs. Muslim) when the British showed up. She’s remarkably ignorant of her own history before 1945.
So it’s a Shikha article?
“My childhood in India was steeped in ahimsa, the tenet of nonviolence toward all living things.
The Indians may have succeeded in ousting the British, but we won with Gandhian-style civil disobedience, not a revolutionary war.”
“An American is 12 times more likely to be killed by a firearm than an Indian, according to a recent study. ”
According to the UNODC, the U.S has a murder rate of 3.9 and India 3.2. So they need stricter talwar and stone control laws?
I hate when anti-gun people throw stats like that around as if that’s supposed to be prima facie evidence that gun ownership is a social ill that needs to be treated.
I mean, first off, Indians are probably more likely than Americans to be mauled by tigers. That doesn’t mean that America’s anti-tiger policies are working, that means there are more tigers in India.
Secondly, just looking at it as a statistic, it doesn’t mean that either an American or an Indian is especially likely to be killed by a firearm, it just says that one is more likely than the other. Ask anyone who’s ever bought twenty lottery tickets about the usefulness of that comparison.
Let’s not even get into stuff like, oh, how many of those deaths are suicides, which is a favorite tactic of the anti-gun crowd, how many are police shootings, how many are homicides where the use of a gun was incidental (e.g. the victim was asleep and so could have been killed with any weapon), and how many of them were self-defense.
They also ignore that if you exclude about a half-dozen counties that drive up the murder rates, then America is one of the safest counties in the world. As long as you stay away from some bad neighborhoods in places like Chicago, Baltimore, or Detroit, you’re pretty damned safe.
Scott Adams makes more or less the same point in this article about why “Gun Control” in the US is an intractable issue.
tl;dr – Urban guns are frequently used to victimize, rural guns are mostly used for defense or for non-human-violence purposes, no one rule fits both realities.
How many Indians kill Americans, anyway?
I thought they used arrows and tomahawks against the cowboys?
Not when unscrupulous arms merchants scheme to get repeating rifles into their hands! Do you even Western bro?
Also, since it’s the first weekend of JazzFest.
Ho Na Nae
Dots not Feathers!!!
Bhagat Singh was a stone cold killer.
While the antics of Gandhi might have played well outside the country and gave the Indian Independence Movement a veneer of moral superiority, it was the blood split by men like Subhas Chandra Bose that made the continuance of the Raj too “expensive” for the British.
So when ISIS shows up with clubs and knives…then what?
I know the good old days of heavy weight boxing are waaay behind us, but I’m keeping an eye on the Klitschko vs Joshua fight tonight. Joshua looks to win, but maybe the old fart can pull one off.
You mean this afternoon 😉
Good coverage here:
Thanks, I was looking for a good place to follow it.
And then there’s these guys.
Oversold a little bit. That’s a pond, not a lake.
They should sell that to Kim Jong Un.
The beer or the slingshot…or both?
Also, that is a gazorch, not a slingshot.
We call them funnelators.
And why Elsevier sent me an invitation to this absolute nonsense.
I get stuff like that all of the time. Of course, I’m never going. I get supposed ‘science’ news which feature Salon as a source. Seriously, you cannot even make this shit up. The left are in desperation mode.
Economic mobility was really good after WW2. If they were even slightly honest they would recommend that destroying the industrial capacity of the rest of the world would allow us to regain that level of mobility.
Comparing the post-WWII working cohort with a post-tech bubble cohort isn’t the slight bit disingenuous at all.
From the NRA article (emphasis added):
This woman has been an American citizen for a decade. Is she retarded and ignorant? Or is she ignorant and retarded?
Huh, and I thought Americans own firearms to easily sate their murder-lust.
This is very true. It’s obvious when you see that no one in any other country gets killed by guns. That only happens in America.
I still cant figure out why a distinction is made regarding the tools for murder. Actually I can.
They make great bongs too-just clean out the lead dust before you use one for this (disclaimer: don’t do this, it just vioates the piss out firearms safety standards).–lY
I don’t know, maybe I’m easier on her because I dig Indian women, but I’ll bet there are native born proggies across the country who don’t see 2A that way.
Yeah, let’s not knock someone who is getting outside of their groupthink bubble with an open mind. And I dated a fresh-off-the-boat young Indian woman for a bit last year. Good times.
If more Indian women had guns, I bet they’d be harder to Sati-sfy.
This guy gets it:
I’m guessing the prospect of fighting a bunch of Gurkhas didn’t exactly appeal to the British generals either.
I would be surprised if the Gurkhas sided with pro-independence forces. Less that 100 years prior, Gurkhas became who they are based on their loyalty and effectiveness in helping the British put down the Sepoy Rebellion. Several Gurkha regiments saw action against Bose’s forces during the Burma Campaign and some even served as Chindits. Added to that is the fact than an Indian national identity is a relatively new phenomenon. Prior to 1945, British India was a loose federation of colonial provinces and states who were grouped together under the Raj many for administrative convenience. I would wager that your average Gurkha thought of himself as primarily “Gorkhali”, as opposed to “Indian”. What is now Gujarat was until recently, a patchwork of princely states, etc. etc.. Indeed, Indian identity was so fragile and cobbled together that as soon as the common enemy of British rule was gone, the Muslims ofP unjab, A fghania, K ashmir, S indh, and Baluchistan raised a middle finger to the whole sub-continent and, with a shrill ululation of Allahu akbar, formed their own country.
After the independence and partition of India, Britain, India, and Nepal sat down to draft a treaty specifically to address who would get the Gurkhas. That’s how awesome they are.
+1 Nepo “The Last Centurion”
Yeah, I have a thing for Indian chicks as well.
Trying to curry favor with them?
I make a pretty good garam masala curry blend.
Women aside, as far as Indians are concerned, if you get to be close enough friends with them, they might ask you about politics. Just say this to them: ‘Do you want to pay more taxes in return for nothing? Then don’t vote for Democrats’. They totally get this and it works every time. Speaking from experience.
Yeah, I’m wondering what state she lived in and what her social group was like. The cast of Girls don’t exactly see the second amendment in the same way the cast of Duck Dynasty does.
^This. A shit-ton of gun politics comes from social circles and cultural influence.
And the most disgusting move in journalism on display here. The technically-true-but-super-misleading-and-unnecessary quote clarification.
>referring to all people of color
No, it is referring to “people of color” who continue to vote for Democrats who do not have their best interests in mind. There are plenty of people of all races in America who own guns, respect the 2A and the reason it exists. He is right to assume that this reporter is a Democrat, because she’s a CNN reporter walking around an NRA convention asking people why they need guns. It doesn’t exactly take a genius to work that one out.
But, they turn everything they hear into an issue of race.
Then the education you got in becoming a citizen was not complete. That is not terribly surprising. Democrats love to import people from other countries who don’t understand our history, traditions, culture, and laws. They want people who are ignorant of the American way, because that makes it easier to get you to vote for Democrats when you obtain citizenship.
And they wonder why some of us are skeptical of unchecked and unlimited immigration.
She seems to have become a US citizen with the prog “chic ignorance of redneck things” mentality already in place.
That article also read a little like Shi*** might’ve written it, which heavily biases me against the author. Or maybe I’m just racist? Or maybe all prog articles read like that and I just don’t get out enough?
I thought she made a fair effort. Compare this article to the Katy Couric gun owner interviews. The difference is rather stark.
Maybe part of the citizenship test should be that they have to get firearms safety training and be able to qualify by putting three in a quarter with a rifle at one hundred yards.
That would be expecting them to shoot better than the hero in blue in this case.
Shiite? Shiksa?
They dont wonder. They know it very well. They pretend not to know and then try to shame their critics with name calling.
“But, they turn everything they hear into an issue of race”
This is a very predictable and huge fail in the long run. A lot of those people of color hang out with whitey and even intermarry with them, and not just white progs. Who would want to hang out with white progs? They’re fucking insufferable. The Democrats cannot keep ‘people of color’ in a little echo chamber as they would wish too. Identity politics is the downfall of the current Democratic party. It’s destroying them and this has only just begun.
It’s got a looooong way to go if the election results in the people-of-color areas of NYC et al. are anything to go by.
Agree, but it’s happening and will continue to happen. Identity politics is the dumbest long term political strategy ever.
Proof that it’s happening is that Trump, who was portrayed as the most bigoted and racists presidential candidate in history by the media, managed to get a higher percentage of the non-white vote than milquetoast Romney did.
I have no idea why poor minorities and legal immigrants might be interested in a politician who talks about how illegal immigrants are taking people’s jobs, do you?
I didn’t read it that way at all. I think you missed something.
Meh. I disagree. I suppose it could just be sloppy writing?
To her credit, at least she shared that someone held that viewpoint without openly denouncing it or calling it insane or conspiratorial or whatever.
It was sloppy writing. But I think overall, she wrote a good article. She may have even learned something?
New GBV dropped recently. August By Cake is a double album because of course it is.
Not Propeller, but it’s got some groovy tracks.
Just downloaded it. Will give it a listen this afternoon. My Saturdays are dedicated to streaming WFMU. If you’re not familiar, give it a try. Bob Brainen plays jazz, rock, soul–a record collector nerd. Michael Shelley plays power pop, rock, number 1 hits. Fools Paradise is 50’s-60’s rockabilly, surf, garage, twang, r&b, schlock. And Todd-o-phonic Todd is just, whatever awesomeness.
Ever since WBAI went to shit and dumped Tom Whisker’s show Weaponry (the only radio show dedicated to DOD procurement) and play fast and loose wth the scheduling of Off The Hook the hacker’s show from the guys who publish 2600: The Hacker’s Quarterly, WFMU has been the only station I listen to in the NYC area. They have GREAT programming, a great website, and a FANTASTIC record sale fundraiser every year.
That record sale fundraiser starts in 15 minutes!
Sigh… I know. This is the first day with really nice beach weather though (I’m in Rockaway Beach) so we are spending the day close to home.
Its windy and hot here in Long Beach, CA. I’ll have to drink some vodka just to survive. Collins are the drink of the day.
Sounds perfect for a day of garage projects! Thanks for the recommendation, edg!
Propeller is my favorite. But my god, Under the Bushes Under the Stars is a friggin’ masterpiece
Wow. WFMU and Guided By Voices? Remember when we were young and cool?
I kind of enjoy being old and happy.
*turns up music*
*trys Uncle Bob high leg kick, falls to floor*
*gets back spasm trying to help Slammer up from floor*
*goes for beer and ibuprofen *
*gets a bit light-headed looking for analgesics, steps on Lego brick, curses; returns to comfy chair, Jamaican beef patty, and pipe full of electric lettuce*
*Remembers to walk outside and yell “Get off my lawn!” *
I like the weirdo music on that station. Brian Turner is my favorite Host.
Definitely not young anymore. But I don’t care. I’m loving life. Going to a craft beer festival in about one hour. Beer music and food.
Oh yeah, that’s a good one. Atom Eyes gives me chills.
Do The Collapse deserves love as well. So many great albums…
Yeah. Thanks for pushing them here. It was always one of those bands I never synced up with. But you made me delve into them, and my ears are happy.
KSPC Claremont FTW
Invaluable GBV resource, especially for lyrics
Thanks. Bookmarked. And for more listening and explorations in music go here
It is an archive of John Peel radio shows with playlists. Always worthwhile.
The NYT times publishes opinion in the ballpark of sanity:
“Let me put it another way. Claiming total certainty about the science traduces the spirit of science and creates openings for doubt whenever a climate claim proves wrong. Demanding abrupt and expensive changes in public policy raises fair questions about ideological intentions. Censoriously asserting one’s moral superiority and treating skeptics as imbeciles and deplorables wins few converts.”
The few sane arguments emerging now, now that they realize people have had enough of their lying shit, tells me that they knew all of this all along. If the left is dependable in any way it is that they can be counted on to never, ever argue in good faith.
Even if they do publish something sane once in a while, they’ve burned their bridge with me so long ago it’s never being rebuilt. Ever.
It doesn’t help that everything else they publish is further off the deep end than ever.
Their commentariat are the dumbest sheep on the intertoobz.
That was not a popular column according to some.
Supposedly, Yale Republicans set up a BBQ near those “hunger strike” students.
Wow, it’s scary to see derp replies en mass like that.
That’s funny.
The replies are ridiculously unaware of what there’s kids are demanding. They think these kids are suffering? They aren’t even fasting right.
Keith Warren? @screenslaver
Replying to @evepeyser and @emmaroller
Conservatism is a 5 syllable word for cruelty
I’m just a simple country chicken, but isn’t that 4 syllables?
Must be y’all’s drawl.
On further review, it is the way I drawl the last two syllables together. I apologize to Keith. Not that he cares.
I says tism not ’tis-um. The way my pappy does!
“geopolitical dissident / economic & political analyst / lover of Chomsky, Camus, Carlin, Zappa”
I already hate this man with the blinding, white-hot rage of the Úlfhéðnar.
Etiquette demands I apologize to the devil himself if I am in the wrong, HM.
Something tells me Carlin of all people would hate that guy.
I listen to various international broadcasters, and there’s one woman on South Korea’s English service who consistently pronounces “film” as “fillum”.
Yeah, what a right-wing rag they’ve turned into.
And a bunch of NYT readers are tweeting insults, that they unsubscribed because of it, etc.
Looks like someone kicked in the door to their echo chamber. The poor things are pissed.
This is why we can’t have nice things
Cesspool. I’m mystified by the people who have volitionally steeped themselves in it.
Nothing will come of this, but if someone said the same thing as an employee for … Chik Fil A., he or she’d be out on their ass in a heartbeat.
If you’re going to swear, fucking swear already.
Is Gizmodo hiring 12 year old Baptists to write their insults?
So I can expect another Ricky Williams. Gotcha.
The comment about Mook and technologist politico’s is resonating very strongly as I am reading McMaster’s book on Vietnam (Dereliction of Duty) and the protrayal of McNamara and his number-crunchers just shows how little has changed that should have changed a lot.
First CNN does a not insane editorial on the NRA convention, them the NY Times publishes a not insane editorial on Climate Change. Did I wake up in a parallel universe this morning?
Not really. It’s a desperate attempt to keep some legitimacy. They are getting their asses kicked by the right wing ‘extremists’. But don’t worry, after this, they will double down on stupid. They can’t help it, it’s who they are.
I just wondered if maybe they were getting tired of losing revenue.
I think that goes along with legitimacy. I would imagine that most everyone who is not in a left wing bubble has given up on the idea that reading the NYT makes you more informed. It’s nothing but left wing drivel.
Yeah, it’s really like I remember Pravda being back in the 80’s.
Maybe. I think its mostly just token-gestures intended to convince themselves they “Considered the alternative POV” and so never actually have to do that ever again.
Sort of like the “1 day of dieting, 3 days of self-gratification-rewards”-process that most people engage in, which is why they stay fat despite ‘efforts’.
I agree with this. Right now it’s just a “we’re super fair-and-balanced, look, we hired Stephens and let him write a Climate Change Denial op-ed piece!”
Now, if they actually show signs of publishing things that don’t fit the leftist narrative on the regular, then I might think they’re trying to change, but this is just more of the token right-winger on the panel of six marxists thing. Which, granted they weren’t doing for the last few months, but it doesn’t strike me as a grand editorial shift.
And it wasn’t even climate change denial, it was more like being 100% positive about something isn’t science, it’s dogma.
Well, it’s difficult to be a “thought-leader” when you’re behind and to the left of the crowd, and I think some of the savvier members of the traditional media are trying to make it look like they’ve always held the positions that an increasing number of Americans are openly espousing.
Well maybe winning converts is not the point of it then. Maybe it just *feels soooooo good* to be morally superior…?
Ideology hipsterism
Well, we are libertarians….
Yes. And take a peek at what effect this had on its readers. The comments section is like North Korea after KJI died
uh huh.
That’s insane. How can one convince oneself of something that inverted?
George Orwell had a thing or two to say about that.
So did Hitler.
“One of Mr. Stephens’ overlooked facts is that there is enormous profit in climate change denial, but none in acknowledging its truth.”
Holy shit, this one was dropped on it’s head multiple times in it’s first few months.
You guys don’t get it. There is good profit — resulting from things that benefit the planet and personkind, aka things I agree with. Then there is bad profit — which doesn’t benefit the planet and personkind, aka things I don’t agree with. Any good profit is fine and should be supported. However if bad profit is evil and all who profit from it or support it, then you should be jailed or executed for your crimes.
Only there is no profit in these green renewables in their current state of technology. If there was, who do these ‘noble green vs evil fossil fuels’ people believe would be best leveraged to take advantage of that and corner the market? The evil oil companies obvious answer, and I bet if you gave them a thousand guesses, they wouldn’t get that right.
Just to be clear, there are plenty of people who make a shitload of money in green renewables (see Al Gore). Companies may fail, but people still make money.
It was dropped on it is head in it is first few months?
You do realize apostrophe abuse is a serious NAP violation, right? 😉
It is my understanding that The Goracle has managed very nicely to the tune of around two hundred million. As usual the lefty account is either delusion or deliberate deception.
cheap Chinese electronic components,
What? You don’t like capacitors with the wrong ratings placed inside a hollow body?
Except for some obscure parts I usually buy from Digikey or Mouser.
I’ll also note that passive parts selection has been shrinking over the years – thanks to the move to compact SMD components. I’ve done some SMD work – Class T / D amp kits – but it’s not something that I liked.
SMD assembly is literally for robots.
There are plenty of “audiophile” caps on the market that are nothing more than other caps that have been repackaged.
You need a mini reflow oven. It is a bitch to hand solder SMT caps smaller than 1206.
If I remember, the SMD parts I soldered were diodes. Solder one end, flow around the other and pray you don’t get a cold solder joint. Emphasis on pray. I thought it was a stupid idea for this kit considering some through-hole diodes would have worked just as fine.
I used to hot plate the PCB first so you just need to had a tiny bit of heat to flow the solder with an iron. They also make an array of SMT tips for soldering irons.
It’s been a while. I’m not very good at hand soldering these days. I’m much more involved with design/product development.
I have a friend who I’ve built a few pieces for – he thinks I’m a great solderer. Personally I think I’m mediocre – until I saw his work on a preamp I had to repair. It’s not a contest to see who can put the most lead on a joint 😉
some of my crappy work – handwired amplifier
for this
Your skills look fine to me. Is that a tube audio amp for a turntable?
That’s some dangerous looking stuff Humungus. It looks so cool. I could see myself getting into that hobby and ruining my marriage and going broke. Glad I never went down that path. 😉
It’s a very simple power amp – single-ended pentode, or SEP, making maybe 6-8Ws of power per channel. It uses 1625 tubes made during WW2.
Yes you too can spend $750-$800 (all that iron is expensive) to make an amplifier that would have been used on a vintage bomber, and can zap ya with 450VDC if you stick your finger in the wrong spot. It’s fun! 😉
OMWC is more of an engineer than I am and makes even trickier stuff.
I’m no kind of engineer at all. Never even had a course in it. When I saw the Oregon article linked a few days ago about the guy fined $500 for writing a letter to the traffic department about the engineering of the traffic signals (“Practicing engineering without a license”), I had a mini-panic and immediately started checking IL law to see if I’m a felon because I do test and measurement without a state-granted PE certification.
No such requirement here unless you’re doing structural stuff for submission to zoning boards. One of the few times IL looks saner than other states. If I were in OR, I’d be fucked.
Get a hot air solder gun. Use a high quality solder paste it in some cases a glue to fix the component in place and then use the gun to flow the paste. This is the most reliable method by hand. I have some industry proprietary techniques if you contact me directly.
I’d be interested. I’ve been ordering Chinese stuff of of eBay, *not* because I trust ’em, but because their SMD chips are so effing cheap that I can afford to practise on ’em to up my skills to the point where I’m reasonably confident that I can correctly solder an SMD component that I spent real money on.
I was wondering if anyone here has or knows of a list of Chinese / SE Asian suppliers that operate via eBay that have decent reputations?
We called 0102’s pixie dust. They’re a bitch to work with, even with automation.
I figure you’d pick up on that.
I’ve been noise testing some lots of so-branded 2SK170, and so far have not found a single lot that appears genuine. Voltage noise densities in the two-digit nV/rt Hz range, transconductances under 2000 umho. Clearly something like a ‘5457 with the new part number overprinted.
I may have some 2SK170s in my stash – for a phono thing that I planned several years ago but never built – but my once impressive electronic junk collection is seriously depleted.
I bet my 2SK170s are also fakes!
The Linear Systems replacements are actually quite good. It mystifies me why people don’t just buy them instead of risking Chinese perfidy.
I didn’t grok very much of what y’all smarty-pantses were saying here but I do know that Chinese Lego knock-offs are bloody awful. Lego made the mistake of having some sets made in the PRC and then suddenly, quelle surprise, there are identical sets available on AliBaba but cast from some weird greasy, almost malleable plastic. IIRC, the same thing happened to Games Workshop.
I found out the other day from an AC professional that the reason my older Friedrich unit was the best AC I ever owned and a newer one I bought never worked is probably because they moved their manufacturing from Texas to China.
I discovered the same with the last pair of Doc Martens I ever bought.
Speaking of AC. I recently saved a considerable sum by doing some online research and replacing the capacitor myself. Caps Appliance Parts in Flatlands (Utica between Avenues M and N) was AMAZING. Dirty and dusty inside with a couple really old men running the counter; they wouldn’t let me leave until they were sure I knew how to replace the part and they even told me to cal them if I encountered any problems and they would talk me through it. I cannot recommend them highly enough.
OMWC: what kind of test harness are you using to test your transistors? I’d be interested in anything you can point me at. Thanks.
For noise, I just rig up a simple common-source amp, then either short the gate to ground to get e-sub-n versus frequency or drive it with a signal to get gain (and knowing the drain resistor, transconductance). A piece of 1″ square perfboard, a transistor socket, a resistor, and a couple of terminal blocks, nothing fancy.
Thanks, mang.
I have no idea what you people are talking about, but I’m pretty sure that all of you are witches.
More than a decade ago, maybe two, Taiwanese computer motherboard companies were hit hard with a Chinese capacitor scandal. I don’t recall the details, but most were defective and popping left and right. Probably fraudulently misrated by the third party Chinese capacitor makers or some middlemen in between looking to make a few cents. Because a lot of trust was lost, most motherboard companies switched to more expensive and explicitly advertised the use of Japanese capacitors. The industry hasn’t fully recovered from that and many name brand premium PC motherboards still use Japanese capacitors as a selling point for their higher end models.
Wait a goddamn minute! Are you telling me screwing your customer isn’t a sure way to riches? If that was true we wouldn’t need all these regulations!
Successful prostitutes would beg to differ.
Touché salesman.
It all depends on the meaning of the word “screwing”.
That was the Tantalum electrolytic cap issue of early 2000. There was a slew of high end systems going dark due to counterfeit caps from the PRC. That was good times. There was also PRC suppliers that erased the manufacturing part numbers on the cheap knock offs and replaced them with premium suppliers part numbers.
Why does your Fet fail at 20 V it’s a 60V part. Oh sorry sir this is not our part you must have bought it from some 3rd party and got ripped off.
Good times.
I’m not reading the “study” but what are the chances that the government’s deliberate attempts to keep people poor make an appearance…?
I’d just be curious how they account for the huge rise in single-parent households (since ALL of the data points to long-term economic degradation for the children of that cohort).
Once you account for single mother households the poverty rate gap between blacks and whites disappears
Unfortunately that’s not the only gap that widens.
Decline in income mobility? Isnt that a good thing? Inequality is the result of income mobility so…
Yeap, we’re working towards a communist Utopia where everyone is equally poor.
All right thinkers know relative wealth is far more important than absolute wealth.
Having to walk everywhere because I can’t afford a bike or a car is a small price to pay in order to force you to have to walk everywhere also.
Now you’re getting it. As a reward your next bowl of cabbage soup will contain a hunk of fatback.
Peter, a poor peasant, prays every night for a cow. He saves every bit of money he can, until, finally, one day he can buy a cow. This cow pulls the plow instead of his wife, and produces both milk and fertilizer. He is very happy.
His neighbor, Dimitri, asks him what happened. Peter tells him “Dimitri, you must ask God to help you get what you most desire.”
So, that night, Dimitri prays “dear God, please kill Peter’s cow.”
I see some complaining in there about both income inequality and a decline in income mobility. That is a pretty spectacular logic fail for a bunch of ‘scientists’.
“A group of Yale University graduate students announced Tuesday evening that they would be undertaking a hunger strike to pressure the administration into granting them better union benefits. The strike is taking place in front of University President Peter Salovey’s home.”
Wait… WHAT????
It’s Yale. It’s like a whirlpool of stupid.
A grad stuent union and a symbolic hunger strike in which the participants eat, at an elite unoversity no less. These are our future leaders (god help us).
#not my leaders
What’s even better is that they’re taking their hunger strike in shifts. Yes that is what is known by every working person as a normal eating schedule, but somehow, they call that a hunger strike.
Assault BBQ:
My wife is at a Smoky Bones for brunch. I am awaiting smoked wings and ribs on her return:)
Let’s check out twitter reaction from some liberals, shall we?
(we’ll ignore that this probably says something about the writer’s attitude towards
JewsZionists)this is so gross I wanna die…
Nobody is stopping you honey. Have at it.
My reaction:
That’s awesome.
I nominate the blonde enjoying her bbq in front for thicc thursday
Red beans and rice didn’t miss her thighs.
Seriously, HM, how long you gonna leave Cynthia Escobar off the thicc list?
Not for long.
You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
I believe it was Socrates, or possibly Chris Rock who said, “Corn Bread. Nothing wrong with that.”
I’m sensing you have some strong feelings about this, HM. Would you care to expand on your thoughts?
Yes, Mr. Gould, I would.
Right?!? That stipend should be 50K, minimum.
They’re not enacting that labor on your behalf, yo
Lunch Lady pron. SFW.
You’d think the IFLS crowd would read their own studies and notice that the wars on salt and fat are complete BS.
“the wars on salt and fat are complete BS.”
Had that been confirmed with NYT readers? Their “feels” outweigh any facts.
Wow, it’s almost like you’re trying to say that central planning does not work.
Right top men yada yada
Patriarchal-racist bastard – Michelle was the right Top Woman!
I’m not a bastard
My daughter’s charter school contracts lunch out to a private company (gasp!). They manage to make them healthy but, without having to stick to the ridiculous FDA guidelines, actually edible. It’s incredible, I know.
Does Phys Ed include instruction in laying down suppressive fire?
Unfortunately no, but recess involves taking the kids out to the field and the basketball courts and letting them do their own thing, which is pretty cool IMO.
Too cold-hearted and profit-motivated to spare a couple assistants to properly guide the children. SMDH.
That’s awesome
From the Pacific North West, some derp:
Injuns: Stop Appropriating My Culture for Your Kitschy Fair!
Fair enough, if the Injuns will stop appropriating our culture’s firewater, we can make a deal.
Firewater. Automobiles. Antibiotics. Computers. Electricity. Written language. Fancy movin’ pichers. Indoor plumbing. It’s a long list.
I figured the firewater was a good opening move in negotiations esp. if we are only giving up totem poles. I mean, we still have headbands with feathers in ’em, teepees, the tomahawk chop, yelling ‘ai-yai-yai-yai-yai’ while bouncing our hand on her lips. But they can have the dime store wooden Injun statues when they pry them from our cold, dead, imperialist fingers.
So we’re just going to ignore the fact that a lot of Haida totem poles (I’m not going to say most, because I don’t have sources to support that) were produced by slave labour. It’s like celebrating the cotton plantation.
Do not forget that when Cook and Vancouver first visited the Pacific NW totem poles were rare. Not surprising since hacking away at wood with stone implements is taxing. After these two, and others, started trading furs and fish for metal tools the totem pole “industry” took off. These icons of a native culture are the result of trading with an industrial culture. Hmmmm, imagine that.
And diabetes, smallpox, and influenza; plus genocide, Trail of Tears, and hundreds of broken treaties.
“These are white people calling themselves part of a clan that take Northwest coastal Native American-inspired images and change them to a bit to make them their own to tell their own history,” DePoe-Hughes tells WW. “It’s problematic in a number of ways.”
I really want to bring this lady to Japan someday so she can see the mother load of cultural appropriation.
Someone’s been steeping in college “studies” classes.
Everyone knows an Italian invented the used panty vending machine.
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”
Oscar Wilde
Members of the tribe. How many? I see also that members of the tribe complimented the work as want it up.
My experience in this area tells me it is about money. They want money. They were told no so now they are being as big a pain in the ass as possible.
One of my favourite pictures Indian pictures ever is of a Great Plains guy some newspaper interviewed in the 1880s or something. He says he’ll never accept the white man’s ways.
He says this while carrying a firearm, with his horse behind him.
via ENB, whom I still love, I don’t care what any of you say, via twitter…
Her tweet:
Her response
Er, the first one should’ve said “Original tweet”, not “her tweet”. Derpa derpa derp.
Were it not for government enabling “building that,” we’d all be living in tents and never develop infrastructure and markets.
More like, these central planners did a shitty job and you have difficulty escaping.
Tell us what you really think ENB… meow!
Link from her feed. Think this was HMs brainchild. Probably NSFW.
If you’re going to tell the truth, then just do it.
#FyreFestival is a libertarian utopia
If it was attended by libertarians someone would have figured out a way to sell good food on the side and made a bunch of money off the sniveling liberals.
Hey now, if it was libertarians someone would have at least started a Thunderdome and cornered the market on long pig by now.
I really don’t get why that one guy has so many people kissing his ass day in and day out.
shitty roads
people living in tents
rich leftists selling you utopia
costs a fortune to be there
fyre festival or Los Angeles?
Nah, that’s San Francisco.
What up, Glibs?
I’m going to be scarce for the next while – I have sworn to turn our market into the graveyard of empires for competing healthcare systems, and a big opportunity to put my foes at a strategic disadvantage just popped up. Plus, I’m looking forward to what should be a knife fight with our medical staff over conflicts of interest (transcript from recent conversation “No, doctor, you don’t identify conflicts of interest and tell us about the ones you want us to know about. You disclose all your financial relationships. I decide whether its a conflict, and how we will manage it. Capisce?*”)
Also, I’m going fishing next week, our annual trip with Pater Dean.
*Alright, I didn’t actually say “capisce”, but it nearly popped out.
I expect I’ll be able to lurk every day – wouldn’t want to miss the Poppy updates, after all.
Good luck RC. May you conquer all. And catch big fish.
Fishing their ponds, the fish usually come in around 16 inches or more. The streams are what you get in streams – rarely see one bigger than 12 inches. Our typical haul is around a dozen each, but we are more into doing fishing than catching fish. The hardcore fishermen can pull in 50 a day. We do catch and release; not sure how many they let you keep if that’s your thing.
Looking at their website, I don’t see hunting listed any more. I’ll have to ask when I’m there, because they have truly great hunting – a huge resident elk herd (over a thousand that never leave the ranch, with 300+ bulls being pretty much the norm for hunters to take, good mule deer, some pronghorn, turkeys, and just about every color phase of black bear). The other wildlife is pretty epic, too – buffalo (one of two, I believe, genetically pure herds), coyotes, bobcats, probably wolves, every kind of raptor there is, etc.
Its a really nice place. Good digs, really good food (and a bar), excellent fishing, the staff is generally top-notch.
Totes jels.
That bat flight expedition looks pretty cool. Looks like a great place for photography
Sweep the leg. You got a problem with that? Happy Hooking.
Godspeed, Mr Dean.
Have fun. Nice digs there for a fishing trip.
Eew, Ted Turner Expeditions? Hope it’s a great time just the same.
Not my cup of tea, but nice place the same. One would think a Ted Turner expedition would include hookers.
Apparently Ted drops by once or maybe twice a year – he’s got another big-ass ranch in Montana(?) that he apparently prefers. The staff actually likes him – apparently, he’s not a bad guy at all in person.
Jane Fonda got visitation rights when they divorced. She used to show up more, and the staff (when they will talk about it) are pretty clear that she is an entitled asshole.
For what you get (room, board, great fishing), its not a bad deal at all – very competitive price-wise with other places. They let you fish without a guide; a lot of these flyfishing destinations require you to have a guide, which really runs up the tab.
Back in June 1980(?), my family was on vacation. We were in Newport RI and walking along a marina. My brother spotted the sailboat “Corageous” and explained it was an America’s Cup win er and Ted Turner was the owner, etc. We walked down to the boat, and sure as shit there was Ted Turner on deck. He introduced himself to my brother and I and we stayed there forabout 20 minutes, talking about the boat, and racing and stuff. It was cool.
Pater Dean tells a story about waiting in the Atlanta airport for a connecting flight, when Ted Turner and entourage went by. Both being outgoing sorts, they said hello, and Ted asked where he was going. My father told him (Louisville, for a business meeting). Ted said something like “Well, why don’t just come with us! We’re going to [I forget where].” Pater Dean has always wondered what would have happened if he had taken Ted up on his offer – he’d probably have been running Ted’s ranches or something.
So, i knew a chef who worked on one of Ted’s (huge) ranches in NM. When Ted wasnt there, he was caretaker. Hunted Ted’s ranch with this guy.
He and his wife used to socialize with Ted and Jane.
He was also Jane’s bud dealer.
Went hunting quail with the dude on Ted’s land. Differ (chef, remember) prepared the birds by plucking them and presenting them like game hen. Most ridiculous thing I’d seen in a while, since the only meat on a quail is the breast.
Still, cool guy. When the Soviet Union fell and AKs became super cheap (like a hundred bucks per) , he bought a bunch and cases and cases of ammo that he stashed in the desert for the big one. Checkoslavian ammo that had been sitting in warehouses for decades: one out of ten missed.
Good times, good times.
May Poppy be with you.
I’m RC. I’m RC. I am RC. I’m RC. I’m RC. I’m RC. I am RC. I’m RC. I’m RC. I’m RC. I am RC. I’m RC. I’m RC. I’m RC. I am RC. I’m RC. I’m RC. I’m RC. I am RC. I’m RC.
Needz moar checkboxes on the COI form.
Have fun!
Posted this on derpbook: Sorry, that political post you put up wasn’t EPIC, nobody was OWNED, CRUSHED or DESTROY’D. The only thing that was accomplished was that you found an article that spouted your existing bias in a way you are incapable of doing.
Thought it would offend a lot of people. Nope, everybody thinks I was talking about other people’s posts and not their own.
Try it if you want. Kind of fun social experiment.
Couple thoughts today.
1. Watched Ken Russel’s “The Boyfriend” last night in HD – gorgeous flick. Can’t believe Twiggy didn’t make more movies.
2. Wallyworld now carries a fairly decent selection of craft beer singles (make your own 6 pack – $10) – 40+ selections. I’m impressed and appreciative (saves me a drive too).
Some side projects I’m thinking about for the townhouse I’m renting now that I’ve finally got grass growing in the back yard – tips appreciated.
1. If I want to get a couple large flower pots (12″-18″ diameter) to put on either end of the deck, what is a good combo of bug (fly, mosquito, etc) repelling/scented plants and colorful flowers (and/or other options – wild berries)?
2. There’s also a heavier metal framework for a cabana/tent in place on the back deck. The default cover is in the garage, but I’m interested in a custom cover – something with a sunroof area in the ceiling that could be closed for rain, etc – and then get more opaque for the walls – privacy, etc if I want to chill in private on the back porch. Any suggestions or links for sites that might handle that? I need to double check the measurements.
I hate everyone who can buy beer at Walmart.
PA, the only state you leave in order to buy booze in MD.
We can only buy 3.2 beer at Walmart. Pure idiocy. It is cheap though. In tough times I lived on Keystone light which you could get a 30 pack for about $16 back in the day. Cheaper than water.
I think at least one of the Devils Backbone versions I saw today was 7.5, maybe something higher. They’re focusing on “craft beer” what with Hardywood, DB, etc nearby, but they’re doing the same thing with Lagunitas, Blue Moon and others (might just be the stockers, who knows). Either way…a convenience.
Today, I picked up 1 ea. People’s Porter, Hardywood Singel, Chaos Brewery Squatch ale, Bust Head english pale ale, Starr Hill Jomo, and Duck-Rabbit Milk Stout.
For your cabana, I would suggest an awning company in your area. They will want to pull measurements themselves I would assume. If you lived around here I would be glad to sew it up for you. One of my many never got off the ground business ventures. I still have the machine.
Thanks. Realistically, it probably is a lot better looking locally than trying to do something like this online/long distance in general. Especially since I’m trying to get more connected in this area.
Really? Dude, over here on the front range you could make a killing doing that. Seriously, I know a guy what does it, and can afford ridiculously over priced space in Belamar for his shop.
Did I give you my number? We could be rich…
I can buy beer at the local Wally World, but no mix a six options.
For bug repelling plants, Lavender oil has some mosquito repelling properties. A former coworker planted some lavender around his deck, and had no more problems with mosquitos afterwards.
1. Your mention reminded me of the hilariously awful Marianne Faithfull movie Girl on a Motorcycle. Good candidate for one of the movie reviews here.
2. I don’t go to the local Walmart much mostly because it’s in an inconvenient location. But the few times I do go in, I don’t find the people or atmosphere to be any worse than at the local Target, which is a depressing place to shop.
Regarding the townhouse, turn it into a swingers’ joint on weekends.
I need some advice from some of our resident chefs here. I just made bacon grease gray for the first time. I used 1/4 cup bacon grease, 1/2 cup flour, and one cup of milk. While the flavor is nice, it’s too thick. Did I use too much flour? I need to fix it because there’s quite a bit left over and I either fix it or I can use it for a mortar and build something.
Add butter and cream
You mean to fix it? How much?
As much as it takes to get the consistency you want. You just need more liquid/fat. It should thin right out.
And/or a little stock.
Can I use oil?
No! Stop with the oils!
Ok. So I can’t put oil in gravy? But I can put butter in it?
No butter. Cream would be okay. But milk will be better. There is already too much fat & flour in your gravy. You need liquid (water). Milk, stock, wine,coffee, tomato sauce, etc to thin a gravy while adding flavor.
You might try adding some coffee for more of a red-eye gravy.
Hyp: Start with a roux. Seriously. A roux is simple, and learning to make it out of any flour/fat combo you wish is fundamental to whole areas of cooking. The simplest ratio to begin with is 1:1, and in fact will work for the vast majority of starch-based gravies you’ll ever make. And the fat doesn’t matter, as long as it’s liquid at the cooking temp, so oils, butters, greases, meat fats, all will work and each imparts its own flavour/character.
After the roux comes the (non-fatty) liquid, water being the simplest of course. (“Non-fatty” isn’t an absolute rule — after all, a cream-based white sauce uses, uh, cream, which has a fairly high milkfat content, but water still dominates the liquid.) The reason you’re adding water instead of more fat is because you now want the starch particles in the flour to absorb liquid, and they don’t absorb oils/fats/greases.
As an example: 1 Tbsp. flour and 1 Tbsp. fat (butter, margarine, oil, bacon grease, etc.) can be cooked over medium heat in a saucepan for about one minute, and then you would add a whole cup of non-fat liquid, and bring the whole thing to a gentle boil; the starch particles will absorb the water and start to “gel,” thickening the sauce.
Need it thicker? Either add less liquid after making the roux or make more roux for the same amount of liquid. After you’ve created the gravy, you can add whatever other flavourings you want — grated cheese to make a cheese sauce, herbs & spices for various seasoned gravies, etc.
Learning the basics of making a roux will really up your game in the kitchen, and it’s almost stupidly simple to master. Everyone’ll think you’re a kitchen genius. La sauce c’est tout!
“Hyp: Start with a roux. Seriously.”
I did, I’ve been making roux for a while now. Except I’ve been using butter or olive oil, not bacon grease. That part went well. I thought it was going well, but when I put in my milk, it got thick so fast. I dumped in a little more milk probably not enough. I think, tips given here, that I used too much flour. The other could be that I didn’t cook the roux long enough so that it had super thickening power. Anyway, not discouraged and back to the next try. And thanx for the tips. I feel that I’m going to become a much better cook thanks to glibertarians.
Also, isn’t that a 50/50 ratio by ‘weight’? I don’t have a food scale, yet, so I’m not sure what a quarter cup of fat is to an equal amount of flour, which is very light in comparison.
**SIGH** Should’ve read all the other replies first. Sorry, Hyp. You already seem to know the basics of a roux. I’m lecturing. :-/
Hyp: No, the 1:1 ratio is by volume, not weight. After a while you’ll just be eyeballing it (something I’ve done for years now).
One other thing that really upped my game was the purchase of a proper saucier (the REAL “saucepan”). No sharp edges or corners anywhere. I splurged and bought the 2L and 3L All-Clads, but anything with sides that gently round into the bottom should be OK.
“Hyp: No, the 1:1 ratio is by volume, not weight.”
Oh, wow, that makes it much easier. In that case I was indeed using 2x too much flour. Yeah, I got to get me one of those saucepans. I have a good stainless one with copper bottom, but it it’s sort of shallow. Can you post a link of the one you bought?
Can you post a link of the one you bought?
Sho’ nuff: All-Clad 3 Quart Saucier
It’s not important that you get the 3-quart one, necessarily, or that you get the All-Clad either. Other companies make good sauciers. The ones with copper cores are a waste of money IMNSHO — aluminium-core works almost as well for much less moola. However, I do like the tri-ply construction, rather than just a big thick disk on the bottom. I’ve owned both and the tri-ply distributes heat better, especially if you’re using a gas cooking range.
And yeah, twice as much flour as fat will make your roux too “dry” — harder to cook it properly.
I’m not really sure what you people are talking about, but I’m pretty sure that all of you are witches.
Actually, isn’t roux just like, 5 lbs of butter thinned out by a teaspoon of meat juice?
Roux is one of the easiest ways to thicken a sauce (there are several, Cornstarch, Reduction, and Gelatin [bones] are others). French food is “good” because they best develop flavors in layers and because the french make sauces for pretty much anything you want. It is 100% worth your time to understand the 5 mother sauces (look it up). But if you just master egg emulsions and rouxs you will be fine.
Béchamel = roux thickened milk (white sauce, cream sauce which actually contains no cream)
sub Béchamel = Mornay = Béchamel with cheese (basically add macaroni and you will see)
Veloute = Turkey gravy (roux with list stock)
Espagnol = Beef gravy (roux with dark stock)
Hollandaise = Egg emulsified lemon butter (I of course make a spectacular one with a special secret ingredient i think i may have divulged on the internet, thankfully nobody reads the internet)
sub Hollandaise (arguably) = mayonnaise (not cooked and oil over butter)
Tomate = self explanatory
Also, I was always told “You only use water to make stock and in desperation” ALWAYS use some flavorful liquid (beer, stock, wine, Warty juice, etc.)
Not enough liquid is probably your culprit. So I will usually start with equal parts fat to flour. I will add and whisk more flour as needed as long as the gease will absorb it. Probably about the consistency of runny mashed potatoes. I’ll then cook that for about a minute per tbls of flour. I’ll then add about two times as much liquid to roux and stir briskly with wisk to ensure there is no lumps. I will then add more liquid while whisking until it’s maybe the consistency of heavy cream. Cook over low heat until its not quite as think as you want it. It will always thicken more after you remove it from the heat.
I usually try and have liquid room temp. You can definitely save it by reheating and whisking in more milk.
Awesome, thanks. It’s really good, just too thick.
JB nailed it. You can sdd morr milk. Or coffee for red eye gravy.
Ah, I see, I added too much flour, it should have been 50/50 grease and four. That makes sense.
Yeah, 50/50 is a good starting point, I usually end up adding a little more flour if the day will take it. I don’t worry too much about having extra flour because I can always add more liquid if I need it. You do want to startv with a smaller amount of liquid to work out any lumps, again room temp will help prevent lumps. Another thing to keep in mind is that the longer you cook the roux, the less it’s thickening potential.
If the “roux” will take it. Here’s a nice little short vid using sausage grease that helps show the consistency of the roux.
Now I want biscuits and gravy.
My next attempt at cooking will be biscuits from scratch tomorrow morning. That should be good for lulz if nothing else. I’m gonna attempt to fix this mortar mix gravy for the biscuits.
We used the Cook’s Illustrated recipe for buttermilk biscuits last weekend. It came out great: flaky, fluffy, tangy; just wonderful.
Gravy is one of those things that took me a while to get right since I don’t make it very often. You get a feel for the roux and gravy consistencies after a few times.
Yeah, I learned that with my making roux practice I’ve been doing over the last few weeks. I’ve typically done very well at that, but I was using butter or oil, not grease. I even managed to make a very dark roux without burning it and I did notice it does not have near the thickening power of a blonde roux.
Yeah, even though the general rule is 50/50 by weight, I do prefer a little extra flour just because its a lot easier to thin with more liquid than to cook it down if it’s not thick enough. That’s just been my experience. Love a good white gravy with bacon grease especially on some country fried chicken:)
Yeah, this gravy is very tasty. I mean how could it not be with a quarter cup of bacon grease and salt and pepper to taste? Just too thick. Oh well, first try, at least not a disaster.
Look at you Hyperion. Sounds like you have the makings of a very good cook. Once all of the sauce/stock making clicks and you get the hang of it it will all seem simple and you will wonder why it ever looked like a challenge.
Next up – mastering biscuits. ( If you haven’t already)
And deep frying (if you haven’t already)
*I was at a restaurant last night and one of the other diners asked me how my food was. “Meh” I said.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. It is restaurant food. My wife and I are both essentially retired. We dont eat that much so we can afford to buy really good stuff and we spend a lot of time cooking. After you have been cooking gourmet food for a while you go back to a restaurant and…”
“Oh. I see what you mean.”
My wife is an incredible cook. I’ve just recently felt inspired to improve my rather basic cooking skills. But yeah, it’s very difficult to get any food out that matches what she does no matter how good the restaurant is. We just go out occasionally, maybe 2-3 times a month at most.
Restaurants are in it to make money and their profit margin is pretty thin. They aren’t going to be generous with the good stuff.
The last time we went to a Japanese steak house I figured the restaurant spent 50 bucks on talent and about 3-5 dollars on food to feed us. They tried very hard to fill us up on rice and noodles then a little strip steak to top it off. It was awful. I dont go to a steak house to fill up on ten cents worth of noodles and I dont care about Samurai Delicatessen.
Yeah, at the Japanese steakhouses I tell them right off, we don’t want a lot of rice, one cup is plenty for both of us.
Teppanyaki is the bone cancer of restaurants.
Why the hell are either of you patronizing them? I can’t think of a worse style of restaurant, except some of the more obnoxious theme restaurants.
My wife insisted we try this new “gastropub” that oozed up out of the ground recently. Great decor and ambience, cute names for the food and cocktails and a decidedly bland, middle ground taste palette for the food.
No need to go back.
2-3 times a month is occasional?
I go out 2-3 times a year. Maybe a bit more, but certainly it comes to less than once a month.
“2-3 times a month is occasional?”
Well, I think for the non-hermit Americano, it’s pretty low.
Too much flour is the culprit.
It should be fairly easy to warm it up and whisk in some additional milk to thin it out a bit.
Today will be corned beef, braised cabbage with bacon amd saurkraut. Buttered boiled potatoes with chives. Chilled sliced tomatoes, hard boiled egg, pickle, and green olives.
Vodka collins. Making the mix in a few minutes. One lemon, two limes, an orange. Juice the citrus, and mix with an equal part of simple syrup.
“Afghan warlord and former prime minister Gulbuddin Hekmatyar has urged the Taliban to lay down its weapons and join a “caravan of peace.”
Returning to public life after more than 20 years in exile, Hekmatyar told militants to “stop the pointless, meaningless and unholy war” and “join hands to… bring peace in Afghanistan.”
Known widely as the ‘Butcher of Kabul,’ Hekmatyar was accused of killing thousands of people when his fighters fired on civilian areas of the Afghan capital during the 1992-96 civil war.”
I am reminded of an Onion article about Muslim “Ghandi” urging slightly less violence.
oopsy- spelled Gandhi wrong
“Next is the part where we all move to Germany and buy trucks… for our new flower delivery business. I’m on the phone with Merkel right now making the arrangements”
“He’s known as the Butcher of Kiev. Have you ever been to Kiev? The Baker of Kiev could kick all of our asses. We can’t handle The Butcher, so we’re just going to run away.”
As antigovernment protests and deadly unrest shake the streets here, President Nicolás Maduro is presenting an image of a very different country in videos that show him strolling through bucolic settings, hip-hop dancing and swinging on a swing set with his wife.
“Peace will prevail,” the former bus driver says in one video as he drives other ruling-party officials through a middle-class neighborhood in his car. The footage inadvertently shows them cruising past graffiti that calls the president a “murderer of students,” an apparent reference to some of the people killed in numerous clashes between demonstrators and security forces.
Mr. Maduro is facing mounting calls for his ouster amid a crumbling economy and shortages that have many poor people scrounging through trash for food. But in a series of unevenly edited videos he has posted on social media recently, the embattled leftist leader assures viewers that all is fine and that he is comfortably in charge, firmly guiding the country while small groups of detractors make trouble.
“We have to keep Venezuela in the game of peace,” Mr. Maduro said in one offering as he plays catch on a manicured baseball field with the country’s No. 2, Diosdado Cabello, both of them wearing monogrammed uniforms.
After Mr. Maduro rules one of his own pitches a strike, he vows to crush “brutal fascist attacks,” snags a pop-up ball and shouts, “Winning!”
I can hardly keep up. Is Venezuela real socialism and the Chavistas are the right top men nobly doing battle against the wreckers or do they have the wrong top men and are practicing State Capitalism…this week?
It was real socialism until the part where they run out of other people’s money.
These guys are all cast from the same mold. NK, Cuba, Cambodia, China, USSR, Venezuela, etc. they all end up looking the same. And the ones here are no different. No matter their hobby horse – feminism, environmentalism, equality – they all have the same answer and that answer looks just like the aforementioned. The difference here is the second amendment and they know it. Trump’s speech to the NRA tells me these fucking pinkos cause is set back 100 years.
these fucking pinkos cause is set back 100 years.
1917? So we’re going to have a major communist revolution in a developing country that fucks us for decades?
Technically you are right.
I didn’t actually count.
I was listening to National Pinko Radio last night and they had a bit about the SLA. They were very careful to omit any association with leftism, though they did note that one of their victims was a black man- school superintendent Marcus Foster.
wiki sez:
This political symbiosis DeFreeze [SLA founder] describes means the unity of all left-wing struggles, feminist, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, and others. DeFreeze wanted all races, genders, and ages to fight together in a left-wing united front, and to live together peacefully.
That’s real leftism for you: a bunch of rich white kids killing a black man for trying to run a decent school.
DeFreeze wanted all races, genders, and ages to fight together in a left-wing united front,
If everyone is in a united front, who are they fighting?
Don’t you worry Comrade. There are wreckers, kulaks and hoarders aplenty.
I can’t wait to see him swinging …
from a lamp post.
Adventures in statism – So this fellow complains, on Derpbook. about being stuck in traffic because of a firefighter’s funeral. NYFD and NYPD then spend the day leaving a couple thousand threats, dox his home address, and get him fired by tattling to his employer.
Speaking ill of the “warrior” class is the new blasphemy.
This is a pretty accurate review of Rogue One.
It was just advertised. I said to my wife “The original is a classic and everyone still remembers it. In five years no one will remember any of the lame social justice fakes.”
Yeah, that review is accurate.
Yeah, the original was the only one really worth watching. The special effects at the time were pretty revolutionary. You need more than sfx eye candy today.
More like five minutes. I can’t name a single character in Rogue One, and yea verily I watched it.
I couldn’t necessarily name a character from “The Dirty Dozen” off the top of my head, but I enjoyed it for what it was as well.
Damn, where’s that woman with my BBQ!
Oh there she is:)
I thought Lincoln made it illegal to own someone like that.
It’s not illegal when its consensual.
If you changed the soundtrack to some ominous music , you could easily add a voiceover here about the “insidious way asian mail-order brides are exploited and used as sex-puppets by wealthy white men”
Well, I know the next term I’m entering verbatim into the Pornhub search box.
Bush has done such a great job outside of office that sometimes I stop and think “why did I hate that guy again?”
And then I remember.
You remember that jet fuel couldn’t have melted those steel beams?
No I remember when Alex Jones caught the Bilderberg Group Devil-worshipping at Bohemian Grove. Then I knew.
which seems to mostly have consisted of “Shutting the fuck up”
He isnt classy like the chocolate jesus.
Indeed, but I think it’s also the fact that when he actually does pop into the limelight he comes off like a fairly normal guy you could have a beer with.
he actually has a Bush-family political-skill of being able to take petty shots from opponents and then just shrug it off and say something ‘obviously right’, instead of trying to ‘hurt people back’ and get revenge. It makes him look like the bigger man, and the more composed and rational.
liberals mistake his disinterest in “pretending to be the smartest guy in the room” as being “dumb”. Lefties think everyone in positions of power are supposed to put on airs and hem and haw and insist everything is ‘complex’. Bush actually makes things simple and consequently comes across as far more trustworthy than the average politician.
I’m enjoying his progress as a painter.
You know another head of state that fancied himself a painter?
The gift that keeps on giving:
Liked this one
Liliana LPG @vidbizz
At least we will know who’ll be weeded out during a zombie apocalypse #fyrefestival
Electrodaggers: You know Juggalos manage to pull off a festival every year, more or less without incident.
Have these people never been camping?
A fellow once told me a story about drinking too much and passing out on the sand at Holly Beach. The mosquitoes nearly carried him off but he was able to sleep on the sand overnight, then spent the next day drinking, joking and eating boiled shrimp and crab.
My response: “I dont remember you being on that trip.”
Liked the NYMag article linked. It ends:
It sounds like everyone involved were “party promoters” (even the woman who wrote that piece)
iow, “people who take money from X, give some to Y, and expect stuff to happen”.
They can only promote parties in places that have infrastructure and lots of people willing to take their money and deliver some goods.
if you don’t have anyone who actually ‘gets the job done’ on-site, its just a bunch of chiefs and no indians. My buddy basically builds nightclub-interiors for a living and these are the sort of people he works with. and he takes their money and hires teams of mexicans to do the jobs. there is no “Fixer” like him on an island in the middle of nowhere.
Anti-Trump Protesters Got Free Massages in ‘Empathy Tent’ During Berkeley Protests
Fighting the exercise of free speech can be a tough job, and Berkeley’s “Antifa” protesters aren’t always up to the job. Thankfully, there is a full support system on hand during their landmark protests against one person giving a twenty minute speech about things they don’t agree with, to make being a rampaging lunatic just that much easier.
They also offer “circular facilitation training” and, apparently, neck massages. Sometimes, they have a giant teddy bear, and hand out bags of snacks with “kind notes” in them.
Even 7 or 8 months ago, I would’ve thought that last sentence to be an over-the-top parody.
I may have mentioned this before. For me leftism is indistinguishable from mental illness.
Talked on the phone with my Brother for the first time in 12 years last night. Everything went swimmingly (even the part wherein I informed him that Mother died three years ago) but then things got political. He’s proud, fucking proud of the fact that he figgered a way to scam the Government out of an extra $600/mo. I told him that as an able-bodied man he should be toiling in the salt mines like the rest of us and then the fireworks began… I forgot just how much an entitled, brilliant asshole he is. A fucking Commie until you do contract piece-work and then he’s a cut-throat libertarian to the core. I told him that he should wait another 12 years and call back.
I am sorry to hear that.
My brother and I dont let anything come between us. We will probably be wandering around east Texas woods joking around and burning up some new 45LC loads next weekend. Or maybe some skeet. Then some serious cooking. I am bringing a brisket.
Yeah, it’s a shitty thing. He had encephilitus when he was 13 and it scrambled his brain but he was a mean fucker even before that. Like the rest of my family, I can take about half an hour of their company before either breaking noses or just walking away. I chose to walk away.
Sorry to hear that also. I’ve been there. I have a friend who I’ve known since he was born. Friends of the family. Guy was like a brother to me growing up. Not sure what exactly happened to him, but he hasn’t worked in probably 15 years, always bragging about how much ‘government’ money he’s getting and that he’d need some crazy amount to work because he gets everything for free now and doesn’t have to work. But of course, he cannot get this crazy amount he wants because his skills are nearly 20 years out of date. It got to where I got tired of hearing the shit. It just infuriates me. We haven’t talked for nearly a year now, I just can’t take the bullshit any longer. So instead of just blowing up at the guy and ripping him a new one, I just quit talking to him. I did tell him that it’s my money he’s taking from the government and he sort of gets it, but doesn’t seem to have the will to give a shit.
Bro was a high achiever but he caught the “everything or nothing” bug pretty early on. Me, I just muddled, kept my head down and waited for the shelling to stop.
Jeez, my estranged brother got an EE degree and make figures a 6 figures a year wiring factories, and his daughters are trying to hit me up for money to send them to send them to cheerleading camp. So now I’m probably on a government watch list because of all the cheerleader camp brochures I have received. Might as well Invite OMWC to come over and drink whiskey until the FBI shows up.
Does he come over and grope your nubile daughters? That’s what my bro did which resulted in broken nose #3…
Jesus, it’s worse. After that I dont think you should ever feel guilty about cutting contact with the guy.
You cant choose your family. Despite my good relationship with my brother I have plenty of other family that fall into that category. Aint worth killin’.
I have plenty of other family that fall into that category. Aint worth killin’.
As a Packer fan, I was sent this link about Packer draft pick Jamaal Williams that seems appropriate here:
I have found that with mentalities like you are describing with your brother, and I know too many people like that including the one I talked about upthread, a deep and disturbing lack of morals and ethics seems to follow, always.
Nope, my estranged brother likes to visit me as an excuse to crash with me and our side of the family, and we tend to drink, Just not as much as his wife thinks.. It’s a get out
I don’t have any nubile daughters, My brother does have a wife who is a former cheerleader who is trying to groom her daughters into cheerleaders like her.
Last time I saw my nieces them was at a wedding,where I showed them the back of my hand. They had drank too much muck Coke and Dr, Pepper and had the hiccups, so I scared the hiccups out of them
From the click through article:
But no one was hurt and just five people were arrested — two for resisting arrest, one for carrying a knife, one for attempting to incite a riot and one for possession of a controlled substance.
So 1ish legitimate arrest?
Which one?
Attempting to incite a riot could be depending on the actual circumstances of the arrest.
Knife guy. Everyone agrees that we need common sense knife control. It’s a given.
You never know, maybe she was Moldylocks.
Everyone keeps talking about how loaded this draft is with RBs. But none of them going to be elite level RBs in the NFL besides Fournette. The rest, including Mixon, are quick but are not tackle breaking machines.
Mixon is a stud. Petros Papadakis, a man who’s football opinion I respect alot, states that Mixon may be the best running back he’s ever seen. Serious stuff.
It’s rarely worth it to get excited about an RB.
Last time I was excited about RBs was when Peterson and Lynch were on the board. Raiders could have picked up either of those guys. But you know, Japorkus, just pass the grape drank baby!
The Raiders have both Marinovich and Russell in their bad decision pile.
You think that’s all? For nearly 2 decades, all these guys did was make bad picks with high first round picks. Robert Gallery? Darius Heyward Bey? I could go on all fucking day.
Last few years that has turned around, but geez, what a fucking nightmare for a Raiders fan.
Al Davis just fell in love with certain dudes, and there was no way to talk him out of it. He was a brilliant, odd, madman genius.
Go Raiders!!
Bowl Cut seems to be doing a much better job.
Davis was a genius until he went just got too old to keep up with a rapidly changing sport. Or maybe he just lost his patience. He went from a guy who built great teams first by creating dominating lines and then adding in HOF stars AFTER he had the lines to let them excel. Then he forgot all about that and started reaching on drafts and ignoring the basics.
Bowl cut has Reggie and JDR. And I can’t even believe that credit could go to Mark Davis. I don’t think the guy has a damn clue what he’s doing, he just has good talent around him by whatever good fortune. I could be misjudging the guy, but I need to see some proof of that.
Hype, your conment about having good talent around Mark is spot on. I think Matk is involved with runners g the business of an NFL team. He lets Reggie run football operations and JDR coach/personnel. It’s working.
Go Raiders!
Bowl Cut or Davis the Lesser is patient and hired the right guys to hire the right guys. That’s really all you can ask for from ownership. He stuck through several rough seasons to get to the light at the end of the tunnel. So he sure as shit does deserve credit.
I’ve watched a lot of video of Mixon. I’m not sold at all. What I saw was a lot of really bad arm tackling. That won’t happen too much in the NFL. Best running back he’s ever seen? I don’t think so, we’ll see. Fournette is the best of this crop. My own opinion, there is no RB in this draft, including Fournette who is Adrian Peterson or Marshawn Lynch level talent.
Fournette is an old style running back. Today’s NFL is about matchups. Fournette gets in the game and you know he is either going to run the ball or be used as a decoy in a play action pass. So far he hasn’t shown he can block or be a reliable option in the passing game. McCaffery, Mixon, and a lot of the rest come in the game and you don’t know if they are going to line up in the backfield or split out wide as a wide receiver. McCaffery in particular is regarded as being a good a wide receiver as was in this draft. So on the matchup offensive philosophy you split McCaffery out and if he is on a linebacker than McCaffery (supposedly) will win that matchup and the QB knows where to look first. Else if McCaffery is guarded by a safety or corner then you know your #1 receiver is probably lined up against one DB and the QB will look at that matchup first.
The NFL is a bandwagon league and once a team dominates using a Fournette style RB then coaches will start going that direction.
Running back by committee seems to be the trend. I guess that’s why RB is not the hot topic that it used to be.
I’m a run first guy and I don’t tend to give a shit about individual RBs. For me it’s build a great O-line that can reliably open holes. Add in a blocking TE and a hammer of an FB plus a QB who has legs enough to be a threat to run for the sticks on short-yardage downs and you’ve got the main package.
Once you have that you can use up as many RBs as you need and never have to worry if one gets injured since you’ve got another of the same value-level right behind him on the bench or the practice squad or working at a car lot somewhere waiting for The Call.
Absolutely build your lines first. Then you can make average play makers look like stars.
That plus they keep on finding 1000+ yard RBs late in the draft.
Raiders picked up 2 guys last year, one in late rounds, the other guy was undrafted. Together they averaged over 9 yards a carry, undrafted guy over 9. That’s what happens when you have a top tier offensive line. Both of those guys are munchkins though who cannot move the pile on 2nd or 3rd and short, and thus Beast Mode.
Shit, I meant over 5 yards per carry combined, with UDFA guy 9 yards per carry.
Finally bought a bottle of The Botanist and some Fever Tree tonic. Got some limes laying around, I think that shall do it for the evening.
Best smelling gin ever. Drinks well too with the Fever tree tonic mix 2 parts to 1 part Botanist, 2 olives (I include a small bit of the juice with the olives), a lime wedge and some cubes. I’m adding a salted cucumber stick to the glass. Yummy, buzz time.
So Anne Coulter went and spoke in Modesto and it wasn’t WWIII – because the cops there actually don’t want a riot.
She was dropping some truth bombs on the California crowd.
In the long run, probably not.
Meh, let em secede. Then, a year later, invade, take all their shit, make them a vassel state, and enslave all able bodies individuals to work in the coal mines of West Virginia. Win win.
Minimum wage fun!
I’m not going to buy the article but the summary is enough. Turns out min wage workers tend to migrate away from min wage increases rather than towards them.
Maybe it’s because of the job losses and that leaves them no choice but to move. Without reading the article, it’s hard to say.
I can’t help but thinking my job is going to migrate to another state as Cuomo’s minimum wage increases kick into gear.
If I were a celebrity of some sort and Samantha Bee asked me to be on her show I would be deeply insulted. Same thing with Nye or Black Science Man.
I’m never forgiving Gary Johnson for getting punked by that dumb bimbo. You think she could have punked McAfee like that? He would have probably fucked her on live TV and then she would have made him a sammich.
“I’m never forgiving Gary Johnson for getting punked by that dumb bimbo.”
What exactly happened?
I don’t know what occurred, but it sounds characteristic of Gary Johnson. His heart may have been in the right place, but good god, he scored zero points for political showmanship and charisma. It’s sad that such superficial considerations play such an important part in politics, but hey – that’s reality, and all of a candidate’s strong points are useless if they can’t actually win an election (or at least not bungle it at every turn).
You’ll just have to google this one, Akira, it’s ugly….
“It is sad that such superficial considerations play such an important part in politics…”
That isnt the only thing Gary blew. It was pretty obvious that the man did not want to run, had no intention of winning and didn’t give a shit. My God, the first I saw of him was him standing outside of a coffeeshop? in jeans, t-shirt, jacket with a feigned slightly pleading look on his face holding up a piece of brown cardboard just scrounged from the trash and shaped into a crude square with “Vote for me” written with a marks-a-lot he borrowed from the barrista.
It was beyond pathetic. His whole campaign was one giant cringe.
Every time he appeared on television it was another slapstick episode of Gary tripping over his own dick. Chevy Chase was far more entertaining at that. Then there’s Weld…let’s not even go there.
I noticed a surprising thematic-consistency to some of the international reporting today =
I’m disappointed i don’t have any relevant headlines from France, re: the recent upsets of the status-quo
Basically, my point is that this term “extremists” is something you hear a lot from the mouths of Despots. Sure, there ARE real “extremist” parties out there. Its just that the term, much like “Hate Crime”, is an attempt to conflate anyone who disagrees with the status quo with the most vile minority opposition.
I fully expect the hyperbole and violence to get worse before it gets better. I think the pendulum is swinging back and hard. The left is on the defensive in most places. The democrat party is fading into irrelevance. They are in a panic. their behavior is getting noticeably more bizarre and erratic. The tipping point came and instead of ushering in their world socialist utopia people got fed up and told them to piss off.
Wait until the reports of mass graves start coming in from Venezuela.
They aren’t handling it well.
The EU is going all in against alleged antidemocratic tendencies in places like Hungary (probably something we should be worried about) and Poland (they only seem to have wrongthink), but the Brussels Class is more undemocratic than any other governing group in western/central Europe.
You see, this is how the Jews are taking over the world. 1 post on a Saturday in a blatant attempt to get a record number of comments. I’m onto you guys and I know you’re space aliens, just admit it!
Torah rearranged is Horta!
No kill I.
Matzoh rearranged in ZARDOZ! Wait, that not right.
Pffft, we’re not even at our regular number of link comments yet.
I’ll just pile on some comments. Mostly with links to youtube stufff. The Dead Boys live at cbgb’s 1977. Good stuff there.
I didn’t say it was working.
Just got to phoenix raceway for indycar. They made a big deal about letting my gfs camera tripod in. ‘It’s a safety issue’ they said, so she has to walk a half mile back to the car. Meanwhile I have a 9mm in my front pocket. Thanks for thinking of us, officer safety!
I was looking for a Johnny Thunders live clip where he wasn’t all stoned and fucked up and weird. Those dont actually exist. So here
Cop talks about what info cops have on you.
So while no one else is talking about anything, I’m potting up more tomatoes. I think I’ve discovered something weird. Ok, maybe not weird, but still a discovery. I have some tomatoes that I’ve potted up in some new planters, I love these, they’re cheap but seem to be tough as hell for plastic planters. Then I have some I’ve planted into some older planters that I used last year and emptied all of the soil out of down to the stones in the bottom of the pot and the last inch of soil. 2 weeks later, the tomatoes in the old pots look fantastic, deep color, lots of big blooms, more growth. While the plants in the new planters do not look as good. I’m wondering if it’s because the old planters are increasing the acidity of the soil, which I know tomatoes like.
Maybe something in the plastic is leeching into the water.
It could be. But the reason I don’t blame the new planters yet, is that the tomatoes in the old planters I’ve been using for 5 years. But I typically empty the pots completely and wash them out before putting in new soil. This year I felt lazy so didn’t do that. I left the last 2 inches or so of stones and soil. That’s why I’m wondering if that is why they look so good. And it’s not just one instance, ALL of the tomatoes I did that with are far healthier looking and bigger than all the others.
Planters are like aquariums. The old ones have all the rifgt microbes and fungi and bacteria and shit. They have a developed ecosystem that is in balance. The jew planters still have to develop that.
That’s a John-level typo right there.
He has arrived.
Damn this (((phone)))!
In all seriousness, try just topping up your existing soil with whatever you think it needs, rather than your “scorched earth” policy. 😉
Refreshing an otherwise decent mix usually can be achieved with some mushroom manure, mebbe a bit of quartz sand to break up the existing soil and provide drainage, some spaghnum peat moss (or, better yet, coconut coir — doesn’t change the pH of your soil), etc.
It’s been raining a lot. As soon as it stops and they start drying out, soon I’m hoping since it’s getting into the upper 80s low 90s, I’m going to hit all of them with some good fertilizer and see how that goes.
I know nothing about gardening best-practices, but a little about basic botanical processes, and what you describe seems to me to suggest that you’re getting better aeration and drainage from the lower-soil-content planters
A way to check if the point i’m making is accurate would be to compare the roots on the plants from the new-planters to the ones from the old planters. If the less-robust plants have longer and more-dense roots, it means the plant has to devote more of its energy-use into ‘making more roots’ rather than making more plant-matter. they’re having to create more surface area to get more air/water-transfer, whereas the plants in the shallower/more rocky soil are getting maximum benefit out of less-root.
Saturday night humor.
Have a song from The Band.
Nice one. Thanks.
Here’s one from 1980. Lots of energy!!
Macron’s wife is 64? They met when he was 15 and she was 40. *French laugh*hunhhunhhunh
Damn, she was being fucked in the ass by gangs of Algerian sailors long before his parents even met.
deja spew.
Sack ray blue!
There are some seriously sexy women in their 60s.
Jessica Lange or GTFO. I’d still do her but I’d have to squeeze my eyes shut and think about King Kong 1977. Same goes for Susan Sarandon, (squints hard and juuuust makes out “Atlantic City” Sue).
We’re fairly sure we just witnessed the break up a smash-and-grab flash mob, though no one was arrested it looks like, so I’d guess nobody was armed.
We went to the mall, and even from outside we notice two cop cars turning onto the little frontage road by the parking lot. Two cars is unusual enough, but then we get into the mall and there’s a pack of four mall security walking around together – which I have never seen before. The food court is packed, which isn’t super unusual, but there do seem to be more groups of young people than usual. Then, we leave one of the stores on an upper level and there’s some kind of altercation between other security and two youngish women. We finish our shopping and, driving out, there’s a group standing on the curb opposite the mall, at least thirty people — kind of like when people are standing around during a strike, but there aren’t any signs – so we figure they were told to get off the property.
Rather more … “interesting” trip to the mall than normal.
Were their any “Youths” lollygaggling about? I’d put money on “Youths”.
The fellers that ride childrens’ bikes in a pulled up hoody with a back-pack, smoke hanging from the corner of their mouth. Upright Citizens, one and all!