But our expert has called on another expert in handling unruly brutals.
They will have order restored, I assure you. In the meantime, enjoy the finest links that the Tabernacle can bestow upon you.
- Kriminal Act of West!
- Peaceful solution!
- Sportz of the People!
- Power struggle in reactionary elements!
There – are you not Eternally satisfied? Ha ha…a little humor to dispel all the tension. Not to worry, things are under control!
I’m glad to hear that they Kuriled their ailing relationship.
Wouldn’t you expect the best from good old Honest Abe?
I wouldn’t have expected that to go so smoothly, but Japan is generally far more concerned about the southern Senkakus. Pushing the Kurils to a simple economic cooperation issue allows 100% focus (particularly defense) to China in the south (and maybe with more international Russian support). I’m guessing we’re more likely to get into a shooting engagement with China over Japan than the SCS at this point.
I found Heroic Mulatto’s youtube channel.
You people are a terrible influence on me.
In context, the retired guy behind me was getting bagered about wearing his seat belt because he’d said he didn’t think it was right for the police to ticket people who are not wearing them. Everyone’s comments were about the risks of not having a belt on. My statement:
I hate you all.
We appreciate your efforts to forward the movement from the inside.
I made an accidental omission – this was at a Defensive Driving class today.
I had that in one of the drafts of the post but apparently removed it while revising my phrasing.
Even better. Live the movement!
I’m glad I didn’t have any liquid i my mouth to spray when I read this. Fuck, that’s funny.
Did you pass? As in get off the fist shot in a road rage encounter.
You have learned much, grasshopper.
When you refuse to take this pebble from my hand, because it is MY goddamn pebble, after all, then you will be ready.
TASS, Pravda, and then a site my browser blocks as malware? Thank you, Zardoz, for not sending me to HuffPo!
This is the kind of garbage we get when ZARDOZ is suppressed! Down with the Tabernacle!
The Balkins in NATO. What could go wrong?
What are the rules when one NATO country attacks another?
Alliance comes in on the side that is under attack, as determined by the alliance leadership?
Given that two most likely Balkan countries to go fight each other (Turkey and Greece) have been in NATO for decades…
Is Turkey really ‘Balkans’? I mean, next you’ll be saying they’re a part of Europe.
Turkey is a bunch of Turks sitting atop Greek soil.
But most of the country is in Asia (Minor). Only a small triangle is in Europe.
If we’re playing that game, the western coastal territory is Greek, not Anatolia. Unless Alexander is the only one who’s conquests counted.
Niigata Prefecture best Prefecture! Fuck you up if disagree!
Best sake. Hakaisan. Yummy.
The West should retake the European part first.
Unless you know a Palaiologos you’ve got no claim.
That’s what fabricating is for.
“My prize rooster is a Komenoi descendant! I claim the Golden Horn!”
You’d let the sons of the Latin Empire lay a hand on Constantinople? For shame Pan.
Fabricating means never having to care about consent.
Not that Latins are interested in the concept generally.
This is why Reformed Paganism is the one true way. You People of the Book are savages.
Ooh, good point, with Erdogan in charge, Holy War CB is back in play!
*shrug* given that that small strip has more Turks on it than the entire population of Greece, Albania or Bulgaria (or any of the individual countries spawned by Yugoslav breakup), yes.
I don’t think it fits into the geopolitical or geographical reality of the territory though. I’ve never seen anyone refer to Istanbul as ‘the Balkans’.
The balkins stop north of Macedon.
See that’s not what Pan is arguing. And the Encyclopedia Britannica mentions it as well.
Humbug. The “Pennensula” has less meaning to it than the very old divide between greek and non-greek along that boundary.
I honestly never heard of that definition, which excludes the eponymous mountain range…
technically correct etc… Balkan peninsula goes south from Sava, then Danube, following the coastline, so the old Constantiople portion of the city is geographically Balkans. Stuff on the other side of Bosphorus is Anatolia.
Culturally, though no Greek, Serb, Bulgarian etc will ever admit it, Turks fit right in, too…
Get a room you two.
I feel its shameful how they all disrespect that Monte-person-of-color country.
Mountain Negroes?
Razorfist put up a review of a movie I fondly remember watching way back as a wee lad. And yes, it was as awesome as he claims. Cannon Films RIP, we won’t see your like again.
Revenge of the Ninja serves what it promises.
That’s excellent. Malone was my favorite.
If you have any local friends, you should dig up the movie and show it to them.
Seriously, we could use more 80s ninja movies being revived. Trick is doing it properly…
Unless it has this I’m not interested.
Goddammit, I considered you an Otaku, not a fucking Weeaboo. We have standards around here, mister. STANDARDS!
Pfft, I fucking wish I was an Otaku or Weeaboo, then I wouldn’t feel the constant need to stab out my eyes every time I look up the most recent anime.
Just leave me hanging out by myself at the bottom of a dead thread. I see how you guys are.
I’m sorry, did you say something?
Passive aggressive guilty thing. Ignore me. I’m fine.
I’m sorry, I’m currently making rebel Gue’Vesa by shaving the forehead ridges off of Genestealer cultist heads and mising them up with bits from a chaos pack and the Weaboo space communists. I’ve not been looking at other threads.
That there sounds like heretic talk.
I will not except an Eldar-corrupted Girlyman as Lord Commander of the Imperium.
Oh, but the space weeaboos are fine? Weeaboos that are lead by likely genetic experiments of the Eldar?
No, that’s the reason I have convinced the misled souls to rebel against them and liberate the long-suffering machine spirits in that sector.
Heretic says what?
Tis not our fault if you don’t check the main once and awhile.
I’ve actually put my hands on the shoulders of a lady I thought was my wife. Looked the same from behind. She just said, “Yada!”. Hurt my feelings.
Hey, at least you knew where to find us.
Story of life. Just glad to be here and Allahu Zardoz.
I feel trolled by every link there. I thought Montenegro was a Euro trash hippie commune. Badminton is not a sport. And the Knights of Malta? Are they real?
Knights of Malta is what happens when the Catholic Church grants you sovereignty but you keep losing (rather badassly, bear in mind) to the Turks (or Napoleon).
Real and spectacular.
Well, ya, that was in the 1500’s. I am talking now. Modern times are lacking in any sort of knights.
Related anecdote: I was paid out of Malta for a few years by an employer. There are reasons companies set up offices in places like Malta and not Canada, Europe, or the US.
The Knights of Columbus beg to differ. When I was in high school, it was an eternal pissing match between them and the local Freemasons.
Why didn’t Malta have open borders? Islamaphobe bigots.
I had missed the “what we are reading thread” but I wanted to go ahead and share this book with any history and intrigue buffs. The history of encryption is quite interesting but the interesting way the author discusses it’s impact on historical events from the Ceasar Ciphers to the Mary Queen of Scots trial to the Zimmerman Telegraph makes it a much more fun read than one might expect. I’m enjoying it.
Hockey is a sport for wankers.
It’s played by wankers.
It’s watched by wankers.
I hate hockey. Bunch of fuckin’ wankers.
Ken is now Canadian Public Enemy #1. Fellow Canadians, please terminate him on sight. Those who bring his head to Ottawa will receive the Order of Canada.
“the Order of Canada”
Beaver tail hat
A shorthanded goal?
A break away?
The Caps are crushing them in every way–except for on the scoreboard.
Hockey is a cruel mistress.
I love her to death, but god damn.
A god damn shorthanded goal?!
I must be having a nightmare.
The Hockey giveth, the hockey taketh away. It makes a Canadian soul delight in the torment.
The hockey never giveth to the caps.
It just taketh away.
Dude, Ottawa beat the Rangers, and should take the series. All shall be right in Canada.
Let it be skated, let it be done.
Not if Lundqvist wakes up again. Goddamn the Rangers are hot and cold – often in the same fucking game.
So… your team managed to not make the playoffs?
Gosh, could that have anything to do with: PENS 3 : CAPS 1?
I’m not a pens fan (by any means), but anything to defeat the beast – GO PENS. I’d include my avatar if I could.
The pens have no business being up like that.
It’s been freak plays. The first period was played about as well as it can be played.
Just bad luck.
And we go down two games at home, and we’re not likely to make up for that in Pittsburgh.
Then I’m in for one of those six hour, slow death ordeals. I’ll have to watch every game.
But dashed hopes.
Sad and lonely, sad and lonely, sad and lonely.
P.S. Sad and lonely.
At least the Flyers lucked out in the lottery. In a shitty draft year, but hey.
Yeh and Vancouver dropped to 5th.
We don’t speak of the Canucks. Why do you think we only riot when they make it to the finals?
I’m thinking about writing another article about publishing and how identity politics is killing the industry, but I’m at a loss as to how to do so without including identifying details (not just for myself, but other authors). Let’s just say that there are a lot of really good authors who are being driven out of their careers by the mobs and their witch hunts, and that sucks a lot. I need a drink (or several) tonight.
Several hilarious and marginally clever fake names might help to address that.
Ask Mike. He’s got a knack.
Bo broke yo mama
I would totally read it, but I understand it’s hard.
Can you use some of the publicly known examples (Elizabeth moon got in trouble while back, there was that poor lady who wanted Puritans vs Dinos and whose name I’m too lazy to look up)…
Yeah, might be a good idea. One well-known author that I heard about today (after trying to calm one I know personally down for 3 hours when she got mob attacked over something idiotic) is Maggie Stiefvater, who apparently got doxxed and was thinking she was going to have to move. Now there are people threatening to come to her signings and make a scene. As far as I’m aware, it’s stemming from a while back when she got invited to give a panel on “writing the Other,” which she assumed meant writing about supernatural stuff since she’s a fantasy writer (guess how that worked out); and also the fact that she simultaneously doesn’t write diversely enough since her characters are pretty much all white, while also needing to STAY IN HER LANE when she dared to include a gay character in her last series.
That’s pretty representative of every instance I’m talking about, actually. WRITE DIVERSE BUT STAY IN YOUR LANE, TRASH.
…the fuck?
Seriously, the fuck?
(in b4 “What do you mean by ‘those people’?)
Nothing. It’s absolute insanity. The publishers are bending over backwards to accommodate them, and even if you’re indie you can’t really get away from it, because so much of indie sales are driven by reviews, and if they go on a campaign to leave you negative reviews, you’re screwed. I have two contracts left to fulfill and then I’m quitting. I may switch genres and use another pen name, but no more Young Adult after my contracts are up. All the joy is gone.
I hadn’t realized that shit had even infested YA. My daughter (8, reads on a 7th grade level *dad brag*) is constantly reading that genre nowadays. All “girl power” stuff, but hadn’t noticed it being really over the top.
It’s pretty recent. Think stuff published in 2015 or later. The movement came about in full force in 2013-ish, and it takes traditionally published books around 2-3 years to make it to print, so we’re starting to see the fruition of full derp now. And I can’t wait to see what the books that are being written now look like when they come out in 2019 or so.
I could write paragraphs when I was three-years-old. Some fifty years later, I look at “book twitter” and think these retards aren’t even capable of the reasoning which is the underpinning of literacy.
Beverly Cleary, is that you?
No. They are now in a spiral of virtuosness, and, with their enemies undone they turn upon each other. You have to pounce upon any heretical thought, because if you don’t, you may be taken down soon.
I’m re-listening to the History of Byzantium podcast, and I swear now I understand Monophysite vs Chalcedonian debates. They are as sane and sensible as the outrages over Bad Thoughts Being Expressed these days. Actions no longer matter, if you Think Bad you must be suppressed, and if anyone fails to join in the Outrage Chorus, they must be taken to account for their failure to do so.
Timing! Just finished Podbay’s History of Rome and was looking for another.
It is really good. If you like it, I recommend spending the $42 to subscribe, which will give you some awesome episodes – only one I think is what he calls ‘historical narrative’ that fits in the timeline. The others expand the world of Eastern Roman Empire with a look at non-Emperor, non-Constantinople facets. There’s one on St. John Chrisostom, one on Simeon the Stylite (guy who lived on a pillar in the desert for 40 years), on Porphyrius the great charioteer, Origins of Islam and the latest is on Procopius of Caesarea, historian of Justinian’s and Belisairus’ time.
If you want to sample his style, and not commit to the whole thing, Episode 28: The Walking Dead is a good starting point. It describes the bubonic plague outbreak of 540s that will kill something like 40% of capital’s population, devastate the Mediterranean, and hang around for next two centuries.
That shit drives me nuts. “Hey white lady (or man) include us in your imaginings!’ How about YOU go out and write YOUR OWN fucken books with YOUR OWN fucken characters instead of attacking and shaming others into writing to fit your sensitive bull shit narratives?
I think genetic engineering is the answer. Combine Heinlen’s politics with Ellison’s tenacity. So you get “libertarian” authors who will stab you in the face over a nickle, while not giving a fuck.
jesus, I remember Livejournal fights where people pooh-poohed the idea that anyone would be afraid of writing POC etc and getting it wrong. THat the effort was better, even if it was imperfect. But no, now it must be perfect (which doesn’t exist) or it’s a fail.
But good grief, Maggie Stiefvater? ouch.
Exactly! That LiveJournal era is when I started writing. I severely miss those days.
LiveJournal is as dead as MySpace and Yahoo Groups at this point.
Let’s just say that there are a lot of really good authors who are being driven out of their careers
Ask them if they would mind being named or if they would mind being referenced with a fake name. If I was losing my career due to the mobs and witch hunts, I would want to fight back. Maybe they would see a market for writing what they want. Not that I know anything about publishing. I fully support your decision to drink over the issue though. I prefer to deal with life problems by drinking.
One of the reasons I think self publishing and the modern internet market is fantastic is that you don’t have to worry about any publisher bullshit ‘trends’ or fads to deal with. Just get your material out there, making money.
You’d think that, but these shit will come after you even if you have no publisher. Probably easier to take down an indy writer, or just have them fucked by Amazon.
Semi-related, I think you mentioned you follow Spoiler Warning? The idiots in charge now ruined it because Seamus wasn’t quick enough to stomp on Heresy on his website. This is how insane it’s gotten – those weren’t even REEEEEEEEEing morons, but intelligent, thoughtful adults who decided purity matters more than having a good show!
I followed Spoiler Warning years ago, back when I thought their Fallout 3 playthrough was one of the greatest takedowns of the game I had ever seen. I stopped around the end of the New Vegas/Assassin’s Creed 2 era. Frankly, it seems downright shameful that a man like Shamus Young would have to deal with this bullshit, because he’s always come off like an extremely fair and even handed kind of guy.
He literally got into the bullshit because he’s fair and even-handed. His philosophy of running a website was what ended the show (there was a proximate cause of “this guy annoyed me, I replied in anger, and you didn’t delete his post” but the separation was building over time).
I mean, I’m closer to him in age, but I don’t think Josh and Chris are that much younger, and I don’t have much in common with them. In fact, reason why I didn’t like SW that much is that, when Seamus isn’t speaking, I want to punch the guys talking. Josh clowning around in gameplay wasn’t helping either.
I started looking into it when you mentioned it, and my god, Josh and Chris can go fuck themselves. Chris is pretty much a whatever because he became a part of the site way after I was enjoying it, but Josh throwing a hissy fit because someone in the comments disagreed with him? That’s just moronic and childish, and fuck him for thinking he can define the conversation around something.
Probably easier to take down an indy writer, or just have them fucked by Amazon.
Exactly. The girl I talked to today is an indie author. They mobbed her review page and left her ranking so low that she’s concerned her sales are never going to recover now.
That’s a thought. They probably would have strokes at being associated with libertarians, though. They may be getting screwed by the SJWs, but I don’t think most of them have quite come over to the fact that progressive politics is enabling it.
What’s your opinion, if any, on Larry Correia’s argument in regards to profit realization? Correia seems to have a very general ‘fuck you’ attitude that seems to be a contrast to what you’re suggesting.
I’d guess that Larry knew from the word go that he won’t have progressives in his corner, and didn’t give a fuck about it. He did manage to get a devoted audience of gun nuts early on, at least.
And remember – no one wanted to publish MHI. He self-published and sold well enough for Baen to take a look, and the rest is history.
BTW I love Baen Books. They have a fucking Trotskyite editor, and he has no problem working with right-wingers, or spilling a lot of sweat to get a right-wing/libertarian leaning classic SF author out of obscurity and back into print.
He did have an early encounter with SJW-types over his “blue collar Democrats fight against madness of 30 Year War” book, because it was too right-wing!
Yeah, that’s the thing, it’s different audiences. YA is trying to appeal to teenagers, most of them girls; and a lot of the readers are also older women (think Twi-moms). Correia’s audience wouldn’t be the audience that’s wanting to buy Teen Vampire Romance or whatever. Right now, these angry SJW book bloggers are kind of running the show, but now it’s starting to backfire on the authors. I think it’s going to have to reach a breaking point where people realize we can’t keep catering to them, but in the meantime, especially if you’re traditionally published and thus at the whim of the publisher, you’re kind of stuck.
(Side note about traditional vs. self-published for YA: indie has a very small part of the market share, and as of right now it’s very difficult to reach kids and teens if you’re self-published because of the lack of bookstore and library access. Since most kids still don’t have Kindles or whatever, and they don’t have as much of a disposable income, it’s hard to reach them. So if you really want to reach kids, which a lot of us do, rather than the Twi-moms, you’re also kind of stuck.)
Serious question: what’s the utility of staying in young adult work? As far as I can see they haven’t produced a massively influential writer since Rowling. Why not ditch the field (you mention that your contract expires in the near future) and expand into a more general adult audience? Is there some market influences or demands that I’m missing?
If anyone’s curious about the breakdown of the market, Author Earnings does regular reports with breakdown of earnings by genre, which aspect of the industry (indie vs. trad) dominates which market, etc.
@John Titor: There’s not. I started doing it because I like kids, which was my first mistake. Like I said above, after I finish out these contracts, I’m out. It used to be a fun genre to write in, but it’s not anymore.
Oh fucking LOL. That Author Earnings report claims that Americans read way more books per capita than Canadians do!
Pan…..yous got maple syrup too.
It is best not to delve too deep into our maple secrets. However, your positive opinion is noted and appreciated!
Fair enough, I recognize your problem, I myself am an author in search of an illustrator for my work. But based on the work of friends I’ve contacted, it seems more proactive to get a Chinese publishing company (for comics at least) to mass produce your work for the West. I don’t know know if the Correia methodology is an ideal, but self-publishing seems to be the way to go for those who won’t kowtow to the SJW hierarchy. Admittedly I’m a man with a job outside of the creative industry as a whole, but it seems like the logical step to avoid this path, unless you wish to embrace an ideology for the sake of recognition and sales. 😛
I think most people are libertarian at heart. They just don’t know it. Granted there are the money grabbers, and the fuck the rich people/communist types out there being all Bernie Bro and all, but they are not any sort of majority. (I hope) Most people just want to be left alone. Even progressives can relate to that. It is when they want their values forced on others that becomes the issue that one can bring up with them. The same works for the bible thumping right wingers. God gives us free will. Why don’t you allow it also? Are you more knowing than God where you can force your will through government? For progressives. Just ask them if they would bake a nazi or Klan wedding cake. They are the same as the ones they despise. They want free association and free will just like everybody. God help us if we were all left to free will.
Maybe at heart they are but in action most people are of the ‘There ought to be a law’ variety when something gets their knickers all bunched up. It must be hardwired in us,when friends make a TOTBAL statement I point out that such a law requires locking people in rape cages and often, to their credit, they relent and mumble about doing something, but it’s telling that most peoples first instinct is to go full statist.
Most people think they are in the sweet spot on the political spectrum. “My views are juuuust right. Not too oppressive and not too free”. Evidently, principals are for extremists.
It’s pretty frustrating to watch your friends agree with libertarian principles after you’ve explained them, then continue being Bernie-bots anyway. I think most people are just stuck in their ways.
Ya, I have friends like that. They claim to be classical liberals, but then rail against people for making too much money because they are not paying their fair share. I find it really strange that people think that way. I don’t get it.
It’s because they’re jello like lime-green jello.
I’d disagree with you here. I’d say most people are selfish at heart, each of them wants to be left alone, but thinks they know better then others. So they think nothing of saying a vice they don’t like should be banned, because they would never do it, nor would anyone they know. Therefore, they think there’s no impact to banning it; however, the vices they enjoy should be legalized, because they know that those are safe.
each of them wants to be left alone, but thinks they know better then others.
And that is where they should be told they are egotistical pricks and to shut the fuck up. Who are they that the know all? Are they that full of themselves? I have no patience for people like that.
Anyone see the Joshua fight? Sounds like it was a bruiser. Maybe Wilder Joshua happens?
downloading now
He could be on top for a long time. I miss the 90s heavy weight division. Not the golden age, but the characters were amusing. Especially loved watching Tua.
I’m at the beginning of the 8th round and i’m not impressed with Josh so much. he took a stiff right and could have been finished off in the 6th, but K seemed to back off and let him recover.
I know the result and it looks like nobody else cares, so feel free to break down the finish. BTW, Klitz makes people look bad. Wouldn’t hold that against Joshua.
I think that’s definitely part of it. K fights like he’s a lighter fighter; he’s got good feet and he moves a lot. It maybe made Joshua seemed understated and sloppy.
8th and 9th were K just landing lots of jabs and then clinching. he seemed to be further wearing J down. J doesn’t look tired or slow (despite everyone talking about how old his legs are)
The thing that i find uninspiring is that Joshua never really puts together any significant offensive until the 10th round. in the 11th he scored an immediate hard R, then a left hook, which maybe ties them for the fight, but doesn’t seem to put K in danger.
…. then halfway through the 11th J scores a hard uppercut which knocked K down and def rocked him. then J just batters him to the ground again, not with any real coordinated blows, just rains on him.
the ref calls it when K is cornered w/o defense w/ about 40 secs left in the 11th.
It doesn’t seem like Josh won decisively so much as just got lucky with that uppercut in the 11th. He didn’t come off as the greater talent, and didn’t display any devastating punching power either. I think i’d prefer to see people like Golovkin fight more in the future. Heavyweight boxing is sort of tedious unless one of them is a Tysonesque murderer
That compact hook and uppercut. Stuff of nightmares. Povetkin was fun too watch, but those flailing chimp strikes ( not racist! That’s what they look like) of Wilder are the most devastating punches out there today. 41? Gotta give Klitz credit today.
*upon watching the post-fight replay footage in slow-mo…
… jesus that uppercut was monstrous tho. it makes great footage. K didn’t go down immediately but you can see that it was hard enough that his brain had probably left the building already.
That was the knock on Klitz: He has a glass jaw. Not fair IMO, he’s taken some blasts and stayed on his feet.
I don’t know if i’d call it “glass (i’ve never seen him fight before)”; K got knocked down in the 5th but snapped immediately back and remained the sharper of the 2 until the very end.
when Josh got rocked in the 6th, he stayed slow and sloppy for the next 3 rounds. If anything, Joshua came off the less-robust and more-easily dazed.
but the punch that closed out the fight in the 11th was huge, and followed by a string of blows that would be enough to finish anyone.
* now watching Golovkin / Jacobs
You’re lucky then because you missed the Fury fight. Gawd awful. Check out Beterbiev. Awesome fighter.
Do you follow the lower weight divisions? The boxing nerds are currently in love with Gonzalez (though he lost a slobberknocker last time out) and especially Loma.
I don’t really follow any of it. I only ever get hip to ‘good fights’ when someone recommends then, then i download and watch them (often years after the fact). i’ve watched more MMA than boxing over the last 10 years.
Someone mentioned The Band on the other thread, so I have to ask: Best moment of The Last Waltz? For me it has to be Caravan with Van Morrison, with Doctor John as a close second. The Weight’s also bloody amazing.
yes, it was van morrison. when he starts kicking and punching the air. any other answers are incorrect.
Too late, there are already multiple Balkan NATO states: Albania, Croatia, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Wait what….that comment was supposed to be higher where it had some relevance.
But for the LW the Van Morrison part was great. I also have a fondness for “The Night They Drove Ol Dixie Down” for the emotion they bring to it.
Oh thank you for that! Slovene and Croat nationalists hate when you call them “Balkans” with a passion of a thousand Trigglypuffs!
Poor Slovaks, on the other hand, don’t belong there, as they are north of Austria. Bulgaria is definitely a part, though. Also, poor Romania sometimes get lumped in there for no reason.
Pan is far to cheery about mocking the Croats methinks.
Yes, in general I’m still salty about ethno-nationalists, despite it being 25 years. So I delight when Croats are forced to admit they are Slavs, that majority of their country is in the Balkans, etc.
I’m also delighted when Serbs are exposed to Turkish culture and similarities are pointed out. This also works really well with Bosniaks, but for the opposite reason.
Comparing them with Turks or Serbs?
Poor Slovaks, on the other hand, don’t belong there, as they are north of Austria.
East. The Czechs are north of Austria.
In that outfit no less.
Truly one of the great moments in concert history.
He proved that you could be balding and have a beer gut and still rock harder than anyone on the planet.
The first professional concert I saw was Meatloaf. I think I was in 8th grade. OK, he wasn’t balding. But he was on 11 eleven, and nailed it, from start to finish.
One of the best drummers I’ve ever seen play (perhaps besides Bruford, who I’ve seen more times than I could count) was Bun E. Carlos. He could switch from right to left handed, cross to open, just to light a cigarette.
There is no correlation between fat and talent.
Caravan, The Weight with The Staples, I shall be released are my personal favorites but Denko singing ‘It makes no difference’ tops my list. Listen to that while watching the end of ‘Cinema Paradiso’. I dare you.
Who’s Denko?
And Don’t Do It, concert version only, is my jam as the kids like to say.
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
The Weight
This all sent me on a Band youtube hole.
Up on Cripple Creek ( I lost that link) always had a soft spot in my heart because I had to bail my uncle out of jail in Cripple Creek after his girlfriend ran over his Harley with the truck because she was pissed off then he broke some other shit. It is not every day one has to drive to Cripple Creek to bail ones uncle out of jail. That was some years ago. Oh the memories.
My stepbrother landed in Busan, South Korea this week for a year of teaching English. As you can imagine, his mother is freaking out a bit.
Also, his mother (and my father) were going on and on about how awful it was that Trump was “campaigning” in Pennsylvania today opposite the WHCD, and were completely shocked by my assertion that Obama spent all 8 years of his Presidency campaigning (they called it an “alternative fact”!)
His mother sounds a little racist. Really though, people freaking out about Muh Norks! haven’t been paying attention for the last few decades.
Exactly. The little weirdo is doing the same shit he has been doing for a decade. It is frustrating that now it is a big deal that someone is saying, “well, when he gets a piece of munition on those missiles and they are able to fly somewhere without blowing up, it is going to be a problem” because that has been a problem for who knows how many years.
It’s a super mighty threat this time.
He’s going to let it all hang out
Tried but couldn’t find an auto tuned version of all his threats. Mix it with some Fine Young Cannibals.
That brought back some AM radio memories when we could get some bounce on a signal.
That crashed my browser. Your commi link.
You’ve probably seen this but not enough.
I just got home from almost a month in Korea where I was working in all parts of the country. The US is freaking, because Media loves to freak about all things DT. The Koreans are nonchalant and enjoying their lives. There are some protests over the THAAD going in. The usuals, but I must award one punto for referring to it as the SAD.
my standard witty-retort would have been something like, ‘you remember that one time he used some random-assembled group of people as human props to try and illustrate how he had the support of all these different people on what ever it was he was talking about’?
lol and the funny thing is that Malkin wrote that piece in *2009*. He basically followed the same formula for the next 8 years. He was so *classy*
I remember him signing some gun-related executive orders surrounded by children. My reaction was “so this appeals to people with the minds of children”.
Train to Busan is awesome, btw,
If he’s looking for a lift, I know good way to get to Inchon.
Just saw that was on Netflix, I’ll put it on my list.
The train is awesome. Unlike the Acela and Cali Choo-Choo it is real high speed rail going city center to city center. For most of the way is runs around 300 km/hr one dedicated rails with the only switchpoints near stations. Smooth and fast.
Koreans will live all over the Penn and commute by the KTX to their businesses in the GMSA because of the cachet of a Seoul address.
Oh man, I didn’t refresh to notice the new post, so now my story about an Almost Flash Mob at my Mall is on the wrong thread. bummer. This is what happens when you’re perched like a vulture over the school’s fundraising auction app for a gift card to the very mall where there was probably a planned smash-and-grab.
I saw your post because I just got done with pointless busy-work on a Saturday and the question remains – “Were they Youths? I’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts that they were Youths”.
Yeah, mostly. Teens-20’s, predominantly black, though not all, and maybe half female. Definitely not all people who knew each other, so it was one of those social media prompted ones. Which is probably how the cops found out early enough to get ahead of it.
This is a mall that used to get gang activity on the regular back in the 90s before it was revamped to cater to wealthier westsiders so the not-great side of town isn’t that far away.
Jeezuz, when I was a mall-rat we used to trade drugs back and forth and scope for parties.
Oh well, my caps rolled over and died.
But at least I gave the atheists hell!
Hah! When I worked for my step-dad’s company and slept on their couch I used to leave “Skeptic” magazines out just to rile up my Mom. She had a lifetime subscription to “Fate”.
We all need our cages rattled every once in a while. Otherwise, we become stupid and boring.
, , , and we start to stink.
She died a few years later but I stand by my Godwin. She was a bad person on the whole. Poisonous.
God dammit, it’s atheists who’ll make me convert (to Judaism, as it’s the most rational religion), not religious people.
I mentioned this guy before, but here he takes on the idea that Jesus didn’t exist. He has a few others, of about equal or greater length, based on various books claiming otherwise.
He also has a useful answer on subject of Constantine creating New Testament.
He’s an atheist, but he’s also a historian. So he gets pissy about fellow atheist being ignorant.
Oh, and Dostoevsky is a son a of a bitch if you’re an atheist. I still consider Crime and Punishment to be the best book I ever read (not favorite, but best). I may disagree with his conclusion, but the best I can come up with by the end is “well, it doesn’t apply to me!”
Indycar just finished. It was…. disappointing. A big crash took out most of the top drivers on lap 1 and first place walked away the win. It wasn’t even close. On the bright side an old drunk started screaming cause a guy asked him to put out his cigarette and my gf, not understanding the concept of snitches get stitches, got him thrown out and possibly arrested. Oh well, at least we got more legroom and less smoke in our face.
In that case I feel much better. I was afraid it was undeserved.
I know where you live, Billy-Boy (shakily loads old Saturday night special, drops a few on the floor)…
“Pam Anderson shares bizarre political poem about ‘sexy’ lover Julian Assange”
Pam is the kinda girl that makes all the guys have to invent a “secret handshake”. You did her? ahhh me too! (Spins once around, claps hands and spins again ending with a plie)
She has hepatitis.
You’re bloody old, her utility died in 2002 or so. Let the young and breed-able rule the world!
I don’t know. I don’t think I’d touch her with a 10′ pole.
Think of all the girls Tommy Lee banged.
Then think of all the girls Kid Rock banged.
Then think of all the guys those girls have banged.
Think of all the diseases that only effect 1% of the population.
Between Tommy Lee and Kid Rock, they’ve probably dodged those bullets multiple times.
I’d rather stick my dick in a swamp than Pamela Anderson at this point.
She’s got swamp pussy.
Good grief Ken, aren’t you the guy who used to get all worked up when someone used the word “cunt’? And now you are accusing a woman of having a “swamp pussy”?
I guess The Great Migration really has changed everything.
What a monster! “Hovering” and giving her his private number.
Sheriff gets off.
Last one for me.
Woman with Down Syndrome to Compete in Miss Minnesota-USA.
Not gonna end well.
She’s clearly affected by Down, but fairly attractive given that.
But can they judge her by the same standards as all the other contestants? It seems like a no-win situation. I’d take a pass on being on the judges’ panel this year.
Maybe there’s a system.
Oh no! A ghost!
Come on now, fellows, it’s 2017!
When I was in High School there was a “Tracy Flick” type running for student council president and some poor, disabled fellow decided to run against her. We were little stoner assholes and managed a hate campaign that worked. “Willy” won by a landslide. “Nan” transferred out. A hollow victory because I always had a thing for “Nan” but the comedy was irresistable. Hence the end of my time at the blue-blood table and my slow spiral into the smoke pit. Almost worth it!
Yeah, no one gives a shit about these pagents except the girls and maybe their moms. It’s just very superficial entertainment for the rest of us. No one really cares which princess gets picked prettiest.
ISIS homemade digging machine:
It looks like a prop from a Saw movie.
How on earth do those people run out of orphans? Mind-boggling I tells ye…
Absolute Shitheel
A Fresno man is accused of intentionally infecting other men with HIV.
Prosecutors in San Diego are building a case against 29-year-old Thomas Guerra. They believe there are at least two dozen victims in San Diego, Fresno, and perhaps San Francisco.
He also goes by the name Ashton Chavez. He pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanor charge, but now he has been scheduled to return to court after prosecutors have come up with additional charges.
Prosecutors say he had sex with other men, knowing he was HIV positive. Guerra is believed to be the great nephew of labor leader Cesar Chavez.
“I know people in Fresno who are positive now who had had a relationship or a sexual encounters with him,” said the San Francisco man.
In fact, documents reveal Guerra not only texted that he lied about his HIV status, he then bragged about infecting someone else.
“You know, in my heart I can’t believe that, I cannot and I don’t believe that he is really doing that,” said Roseana Alvarado, a friend of the family. “His parents were very angry when they found out he was gay and I took him in because he needed somebody to love him.”
What have you mammals been getting on about in my absence?…
And how has your planet-bound deiety been working out for your weapons consumption eh? Even those primitive stalls you setup every weekend to hawk your pitiful firearms collections provide a better service than some cut-rate flying head caught up in a labor dispute.
Oh and good morning mammals
Just you wait, interstellar one!
*shakes fist*