Good Morning…I think this counts a s Sabbath breaking, a little. I was soaked for hours yesterday, and don’t feel on top of my game…but instead of slogging into church, I am doing links and having moar coffee. See how we risk the wrath of the Almighty for you, our paying customers friends!
OK, there are your on a blustery, rainy, kreptacular Sunday morn.
I’m not your friend, pal!
I am not your pal, buddy!
He’s not your buddy guy!
I’m not your guy buddy!
Merkel: I’d like to talk to you about woman’s rights.
Saudi Prince: I don’t understand.
Merkel: You know you’re sitting on the UN’s woman’s rights council, right? I’d like to discuss some concerns.
Saudi Prince (confers and whispers with right hand man. Looks back at Merkel): I don’t understand.
“Women’s rights…? Oh, wait, yes! The woman should always sit behind the man and wait at his right side. Correct!”
Lie back and think of the House of Saud?
Imagine a safe space.
You have the right to have a male family member with you at all times when you step out of the house and the right to not drive or vote. What the fuck else do you want you frumpy looking secular whore?
Merkel: What’s this?
Saudi Prince: It’s a, erm, head scarf. Wear it…or else.
Merkel: I’d like to talk to you about women’s rights.
Saudi Prince: Where is your husband?
“And make me a shawarma!”
Also “Iron my dress length shirt!”
A rare moment of clarity? Or the continuing Ourobouros of the the left’s destruction.
I hate the increasing number of overlays you have to click to get rid of.
Yeah, it’s rather annoying. There has to be a better model for internet revenue.
Don’t worry… she immediately moved right back to stupid.
Yeah, it didn’t take much. But the fact that her progish cataracts fell away for just a second is interesting
Warren’s an opportunistic parrot. I don’t believe for a second that she buys into all the crap she spouts, unlike Bernie.
True. Much like Clinton and most Democratic hacks. Hence the rampant hypocrisy.
Saudi-owned newspaper Asharq al-Awsat Sunday speculated that a host of pacts will be signed during Merkel’s trip, aimed at enhancing security, political and economic links between both countries.
“A host of pacts” sounds uncomfortable.
+1 STEVE SMITH Ambassador at Large?
You know what other German signed a Pact?
Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III?
Konrad Adenauer?
Walter Ulbricht, in Warsaw?
Molotov? *Doesn’t count. Went up in flames*
Kaiser Wilhelm?
Also, the media, insisting on their authenticity, while also claiming to not be a dying institute was truly hilarious.
Rainy days and Sundays always get you down?
*narrows gaze*
Sunny 90 degree high, NO Fucking Wind!
Trump literally brings back slavery
Stupid kid posts stupid shit. Film at eleven.
Florida Man in adolescence.
So, no link to the ad, just a tweet of an image of it from the sister of the victim.
Give me a little while with photoshop and I can tweet some images of stuff too.
I’ve been watching the news come out of Arkansas the last week or so and have to say that I’m pretty disgusted with the state governments handling of executions. The rush to kill as many prisoners as possible before the execution cocktail expires is a poor mark on the state’s record
Would only happen in Arkansas?
Meh, I mean it could happen in any deep redstate. Utah, iirc is bringing back the firing squad. (Which if I should ever find myself for some unknowable reason on the deathrow, would be my preference.)
I thought they already had it? Gary Gilmore and all that.
Ah, you may be right.
Here it is
So it was a few years ago that they brought it back. But I think there was another state bringing it back…
(pours 40oz on the ground)
That ain’t right. At all.
even mormons have a sense of humor.
Why? Did Utah Gilmore the execution?
I’m trying to envision how that would work.
well, if the firing squad had a collective sense of humor, they could all have shot him in the knees.
and then been like, “oooh, geez, gosh, wow, so sorry, god that’s awkward … no, really, my bad….”…
….and then spent like 30 minutes checking their sights while Gary was propped up against a larger Bullseye, all while the mormon guards were giggling and overly-sincerely apologizing.
From my neck of the woods, well a little outside it, but the same state. I watched the livestream coverage. The counter-protest was as fascinating to watch as the actual rally.
“If they see no opposition, they think their work is going to be a lot easier,” Jenkins said.
Welcome to post racial America. I hope all of those Obama voters are proud.
Well, Trump has filled his administration with white supremacists, Nazis, and other assorted fascists. What do you expect?
Does this mean Amtrak will be on time?
Unfortunately they’re not competent Nazis.
Plus, you have to have Italian fascists to do that.
I don’t know how that myth got started – Italians on time? LOL
Use an axe and a bundle of sticks apparently.
It’s about the only thing Mussolini gets credit it even mentioned for (even if incorrect). It’s all Hitler Hitler Hitler. Tojo and Mussolini must be fuming. Hopefully.
Sloopy cuts loose in the comment section of that Pelosi story. He always seems so civil in these forums. But, yikes!
I’m more impressed by the fact that he chooses to go into those comment sections in the first place.
Damn Sloop – “If only your father had failed to put his junk in your mom.
But I suppose the nose plugs and blinders worked and he was able to keep it up long enough to squirt you out of his little balls. ” That is practically Shakespearean.
It’s one of my guilty pleasures.
Never apologize!
Found something that pelosi and I have in common. We both have bush on our minds.
“A meeting of (goofy) minds?”
Or shmoozing with a guy who sits in the middle of an explosive shit-mess. He cant really afford to be enemies with anyone more in the far east.
Person throws Russian flags into air at Trump rally. Media turns from “Trolling is racist and dumb” to “Trolling is sometimes art.”
Has anyone bothered to explain how Russia is benefiting from Trump?
A uranium deal? Or is that someone else I’m thnking of?
At the rate that the leftists are accusing Russia of nearly everything, I’m beginning to think Alex Jones was right all along and Putin is secretly working for Mr. Lizard.
+1 super male vitality
I went to smoke and realized I neglected to make a False Flag joke. Jebus I am slow.
Pizza shop worker loves Seattle’s new $15 minimum wage, until he finds out that it cost him his job
Callous and economically illiterate. Good combo, Spear will make a good commissar in the People’s Republic of Seattle
“Restaurants open and close all the time, for various reasons.”
Except, you know, the cost of wages being too high. *Sigh* Some people really are dumb, aren’t they?
Not dumb. While I try to see positive intent in most people these dick-crusts are either so ignorant that they can’t see the harm they do, or so intent on imposing their economic regime that they don’t care who the smash up in the process.
There’s a few that are probably the latter, but I’m far more inclined to believe that the majority of them are a whole new level of stupid that has no bottom.
Is there cheese in the dick-crust?
Depends, do they use smeg away?
No, more like Maximum Douche.
What do you call the female version of smegma?
I don’t know for sure. But I hear that there are some doctors in detroit who can fix that problem for good.
/taps Vaudeville cain in palm.
You mean residents of Seattle aren’t willing to put their money where their mouth is and spend 10 dollars for a slice of pizza?
—>Foreseeable consequences are not unintended. <— It's a law and not for no reason. An iron law at that.
The shop owner doesn’t even pay herself. She was working extra hours to try to make ends meet because she doesn’t pay herself, so it doesn’t come out of payroll.
I thought these business owners were all greedy corporatists who crushed the working man under their Prada heels.
That’s EXACTLY what I had to do for just over a year with my business.
“I thought these business owners were all greedy corporatists who crushed the working man under their Prada heels.”
The government has saved them from this role.
The cognitive dissonance that’s going to hit these people when it’s Zuckerberg 2020.
Evil Korporations are Evil! Except one of the biggest in the world, we don’t mean that one!
Is it just me, or is there a lefty protest march thing every weekend? I don’t remember anywhere this much outrage after Bush or Obama got elected.
The moment arrived but socialist world utopia did not. They are having a tantrum. There will probably be an escalation of violence.
I hope not. Whenever there is violence, state violence increases, and civil liberties get trampled.
What were they marching about this weekend?
*looks out window*
I can see why.
Snow here over the weekend. All gone now, but I think I should start a global cooling movement. Maybe I can get Bill Nye to sponsor it.
Science. Or violence against women. Maybe the rent is too damn high. I just don’t know anymore.
I’m just saddened by the lack of papier-mâché heads.
It’s just too expensive to make them gluten-free.
There are several paper mache Trump heads here:
“People’s Climate March” – these people have no self-awareness at all do they.
I like the sign that reads (among several other things) “End Biracial Erasure!” I thought the People’s Sexual Preferences March was last week.
It’s a damn miracle it didn’t snow in DC because of these idiots.
End Biracial Erasure!
But Erasure has two white dudes!?!?!
I plan a march against Glibertarians.
Are you going to wear a dick hat though?
That would be the march for Glibertarians.
Wait…I thought that would have to be an asshat? At least if you were marching to support me, it would!
Giant Paper Mache cat butts
The Cat Ass in the Hat?
The Cat Ass as a Hat.
Cat Ass Hat.
Best hat at the rally wins a catastrophe.
Every. Freakin. Weekend.
They are going to fatigue an already addled public with all their shaming and marches. Just like they did by calling every repub a secret nazi, until they got Trump. The only difference here is that the fatigue will set in, in a much shorter time. So when Trump or his successor does something actually repulsive they would have spent their marching capital on stupid shit.
Like praising that thug Duterte? That’s the most repulsive thing I’ve heard from Trump so far.
Yep. But there is no march against that. Instead it’s all flavor of the month bullshit.
I would like to think that if Trump sent out roving gangs to murder thousands of drug users there might be some sort of rethinking of the drug war – maybe even a protest! Oh who am I kidding. Healing Gaia and “access” to free birth control are much more important issues.
Pretty much sums it up. Besides, these days the roving drug hunters would probably end up targeting those icky poor white people who take pills
I’ve seen internet commenters blaming red state yokels zonked on oxycontin for the election of Trump. Progs would love to wage a drug war against rural whites and prescription pharmaceuticals.
There was a story on the news last night about people going to the veterinarian to get pain pills for their dogs and then using the pills themselves, as though this was horrifying.
No mention made that it’s the War on Drugs causing this.
They’re doing an amazing job at making themselves irrelevant with all this crying wolf. It’s like they’re actively trying to get Trump re-elected.
they’re shooting their wad trying to gin up anger out of nothing. I think even people on the left will stop considering ‘protesting’ significant of anything after a while. You can’t be perpetually hysterical and expect people to pay attention to you. Sooner or later you tune it out.
That’s the scary part though. When Blac Bloc window busting and pussy hats atop getting attention where do the attention whores go to next?
Greenpeace style “direct action”
aka = Banner drops
I assume they’ll rotate the M.O. to try and keep things seeming fresh
Makes sense. I mean, judging by their street fighting abilities I’d say some sort of putsch is out of the question.
They are also getting boring. No matter what the march is supposedly about, all the signs, and costumes, and whatnot, are the same. At least in Russia, they get topless women.
Being a professional protester is hard work – can’t repaint the signs and come up with a new costume every single week.
I think there is just one protest caravan that supplies all these loons
“We were doing covert ops the past 8 years.”
Sunday Morning Blues Kitchen 3Pack:
Otis Rush
Bobby Blue Bland
And of course l the king, Muddy Waters.
Enjoy, kiddos!
SF’d Bobby.
And I did it again…da fuck?
There. Jesus…
Every link is working on my end.
So you’re saying your “end” is getting “worked” by some “links”?
I’m asking how dirty is your mind?
This gem popped up next in the youtube feed
Okay. What’s the lingo for double posting again? Not the most slick guy on the interwebz on my best day. On mobile? Shitstorm ’17.
Can’t blame it on the squirrelz, that was all me baby.
“There was a white female student that kept making glares at me and another student. She would glare at both of us and then continue to proceed on her phone. This proceeded for 2 hours. Both me and the victim were Asian American women. I don’t know if race plays a part in it. Though this event was small and seemingly insignificant, it made me and the other victim feel unsafe, uncomfortable and paranoid. We did not approach this person.”
So let me see if I’m following along. It’s racist not to look at black people at Oxford, but it’s racist to look at asians at at the University of Wisconsin?
They say sociopaths have no empathy. Sometimes I can totally relate. My fks to give ran out a long time ago
We must consult the Prog Pyramid of Victimhood TM
“There was an Asian American woman student who couldn’t write an English sentence properly. This made me feel oppressed and outraged. I am a Middle Eastern male.”
Also, burnt toast? Jeebus. I’m glad I graduated when I did. I must have just missed the shit storm rolling through
“it made me and the other victim”
Yes, I can see that you must have felt horribly unsafe to voluntarily stay there for two hours.
Maybe they thought if they moved, the white girl would pounce on them? So they sat there, not moving. You never can tell what a white girl will do when you come across one in the wild.
Her vision is based on movement! She can’t see us if we don’t move!
A white female student pouncing on two college aged Oriental ladies? Please, tell me more.
OK, so now they are just making shit up:
“Princeton student say he’s victim of microaggression over way he says ‘Cool Whip’ (he’s totally serious)”
It’s white privilege, it’s cultural appropriation, it’s microaggression, it’s a desert topping….
I remember making fun of my Long Island friend’s speech in college – and both of us making fun of a professor’s thick Buffalo accent. My god we were cruel.
Literally Hitler.
Ya oughta have my aksent.
We didn’t ax you!
This clearly calls for some sort of kangaroo court with the burden of proof falling on the accused and arbitrary punishment.
You can’t spell Title IX without Star Chamber
Where’s this Tiger Microaggressions page? I have some shitposting to do
I got a privilege card when I checked in here at the resort. It’s blanco, so i guess I do have a white privilege card good through Wednesday. It’s only 10% off food & beverage and 15% off at the spa. Not quite the bennies I keep hearing about.
Dear University of Wisconsin,
I go to this website,, and they keep making fun of things that are near and dear to my heart. This makes me feel unsafe, uncomfortable and paranoid. The Internet should be a safe an inclusive environment for all and this website violates this fundamental human right. Is there anything the government can do about this fascist website?
Catass it?
If they think we’re bad they’d die looking at /pol/
“Both me and the victim”
That word has lost all meaning.
Taking a lesson from the IDF
So tired that I went to bed at 8:30PM yesterday. Part of the joys of this neighborhood is the pool, where we – gasp! – volunteer to upkeep the pool, building, and ground with time and money. Yesterday I helped chop down 12 trees that were dead and wrapped in vines. Cut, pull, yank, cut some more, and then haul everything to the curb. Add in hauling the massive pool tarp, sweeping, filling ruts, etc and I was beat. Still feeling it today.
I guess that’s what happens when you get an office worker to do physical labor. I look and feel fit but I guess I can’t go the distance.
*drinks his gin & tonic like a man stranded in the desert*
What, you mean you volunteer to do that? You monster! The government could have hired some poor minorities and paid them 15$/hr to do that! You and your white privilege.
Weren’t you talking about having an impressive bench and squat though? I’m the opposite. I do manual labor full time, mostly, and it doesn’t bother me but would have much lower numbers if I stepped in a gym.
not that impressive!
Cower in fear, you Americans, for economic might of Canada and Mexico combined will crush you!
U.S. ‘has the most to lose’ if NAFTA ends, as Mexico and Canada collaborate
Good luck with that, Agustin.
They both share restrictive immigration policies?
I’m going to skip doing the math on that point, but i think there is some merit to the idea.
yes, trade w/ the US is a far higher proportion of the overall Canadian/Mexican economies. But i think the US reliance on trade with either is deeply embedded in our economy and any major changes with both would have ripple effects though the US that would be disproportionately bad for our far-bigger economy.
I don’t really think any major changes will happen, and that what Trump is doing is making a lot of noise to show that he’s willing to at least warm-up the grille + sharpen knives around sacred cows. Sort of like NATO. He doesn’t want to end these legacy treaties. He wants to *talk* about ending treaties and be seen talking like that so that everyone around him freaks out and runs in circles, so that when he ‘compromises’ they all feel they ‘won’ something when really what they did is make concessions on things he wanted, while ‘saving’ things he never seriously intended to end in the first place.
Yes, US is reliant on trade and it would have nasty effects down the road (example of Mexico importing 80%+ of their corn from US).
Mexico and Canada are outright dependant on selling shit to US. Remove that and you have a straight out depression before the trade can be reoriented elsewhere. And laws of supply and demand say, you’ll be making less (lower demand) with shittier margin (higher transportation costs). Oh, and yes, that corn can be replaced – enjoy rising food prices while you’re at it.
It’s like an elephant stepping on hedgehog. It’ll hurt when it does it. Then walking will hurt for a while, and elephant will have trouble keeping pace with the herd. Small comfort to hedgehog, though.
There is no herd. There is us. The rest of them will have to slow down and wait for us.
my point was that it could possibly be worse than the mere-numbers suggest. – that the relative ‘sizes’ of the respective economies is misleading about the possible damage that could come from any NA trade-hostility.
In the short term it might be just painful, but in the longer term the elephant might “lose the leg” from infection. or at least develop a permanent limp. this metaphor is really silly.
And then there’s the small matter of what to do with a pulverized hedgehog?
Eat it?
Tacos with maple syrup?
Scrape it off, add an onion, maybe some carrots, and you got a stew going, baby!
mmmmmm hedgehog pâté
Precisely. The comments are just the ‘trade is good for both of us’ variety without ever acknowledging the reality that Canada and Mexico would sink and starve without the United States. Of the three, the USA is much more capable of going at it alone, sure there would be pain as Gilmore says, but we need them much MUCH more than they need us.
Your comment made no sense to me. You set up the argument but your conclusion “We need them much MUCH more than they need us” made me think you had dyslexic moment. Then I remembered…you are in Canuckistan.
See, in my mind Rufus you are one of us, oh monocled one. And by us I mean fellow traveller not American. The fact is that everyone around here is a member of a kind of diaspora.
Ah. The ‘una facia una razza’ theory!
There is some decent, “Americans should all just die” in the comments on that article. Yikes.
95% of the time the person saying that is an American teenager*
(which i think includes ‘college kids’)
Don’t worry, our college kids hate America, too! As do our civil servants, academics, “thought leaders”, media personalities…
But no worries, they can all just move to Mexico and Canada. You don’t even need permission! Just go for it!
I somehow am not worried about this at all.
This is a hell of a nutpunch:
“Dad’s Paid All the Child Support He Owes; Still Faces Prison
But Sheffield soldiered on. He went right along making his payments to his ex, just as before. And that’s the problem. He’s paid every penny he owes and can prove it, but the State of Nebraska says he owes almost $11,000. Why?
But what was fine with the State of Georgia turns out to not be acceptable to the State of Nebraska. According to its Department of Health and Human Services, payments made directly to Sheffield’s ex-wife aren’t payments at all. Never mind the fact that he has the cancelled checks. Never mind that they’re made out to Calinda Cook or that they’re designated for “child support.” And never mind that on each check, Cook’s endorsement appears. No, none of that is good enough for the State of Nebraska. The only thing good enough for the State of Nebraska is for Sheffield to pay the state that would then disburse the money to Cook.
Sheffield’s got the cancelled checks. He’s showed them to numerous bureaucrats, his state senator and even the governor. No one cares. No one cares that he’s clearly done what the law requires. No one cares that he’s in fact supported his children. It’s not good enough. He didn’t do it the right way, which, according to Nebraska DHHS is the way it’s done in Nebraska, not the way it’s done in Georgia. Of course no one told Sheffield that, but I guess now he knows.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why Nebraska doesn’t take cognizance of actual child support payments made outside the state system. That’s right, it’s the federal government that’s at fault. The federal Office of Child Support Enforcement pays states hefty sums every year for, among other things, all child support collected in the state in the previous year. But if that support isn’t paid through the state system, the feds don’t pay, so state officials are at pains to make sure everyone pays first to the state that then pays the custodial parent. The OCSE doesn’t care that the support was paid; it only cares that it was paid to the state.”
He moved to Nebraska to be near his children. No good deed goes unpunished.
Some experience with that here. I wrote up my first divorce. That went off without a hitch until the ex got cold feet and hired a lawyer. The lawyer just started stirring shit. When I pointed out to the ex that she was getting everything she wanted and that we had been pretty amicable up to that point, no fights until the lawyer was involved, she fired him. He started haranguing me to pay him. I told him to go fuck himself.
I paid child support for years and even more on top of that just because….directly to her. After a few years she decides it would be easier for me to pay through the state. I warned her. After four months of that the ex still hadn’t received a penny. When she finally did on the fifth month she discovered that the state withheld 25% of the money for the ‘service’ they were providing. She cancelled with them and had me pay directly to her again.
The states job is to feed itself. We are just cattle.
Example #40583578725211385798027587685706783971873860284578572867384706580753 of how the state is profoundly wicked.
There appears to be a Federal office that DT can close. Close the Child Support Office and all its payouts to the states and maybe, just maybe, a measure of sanity can return to child support. I am not hoping for complete sanity, just a step in the correct direction. Of course people will argue it is proper and in the US Constitution in Article FY, Section TW.
NEVER pay child support directly, they absolutely will not credit it for you. And they will not willingly remove the order when your child becomes of age, you’ll need a lawyer, make sure you get one to clear it up for you and get the order ended.
Goddamit, Swissy, I thought your masters prized neutrality! Or, at least, competent discretion.
Swiss ‘spy’ arrested in Frankfurt
The German tax investigators deserved to be spied on.
That isnt what they deserve.
OK, they deserve to be spied on, and they also deserve worse.
Merely counter-intelligence. Darn Germans… Always at your feet or at your throat.
Tax snitches get stitches!
…. time-traveling intelligence agencies from the 1990s?
“When did you begin to suspect that Agent X might be working for the other side??”
“well, it was when i saw him trying to attach a Zip Drive to our network”
Cornell’s Bias Assessment and Review Team stepped in earlier this year to overturn an intramural sports rule that awarded women more points for goals than men in co-ed matches.
Austria’s president suggested that every woman should wear a headscarf to fight Islamophobia
Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen has ignited debate in Europe after video appeared to show him supporting a woman’s right to wear an Islamic headscarf — and suggesting that all women should wear a headscarf to battle prejudice against Muslims.
Speaking to students at the House of the European Union in Vienna on March 24, Van der Bellen said that it is his opinion that women have a right to dress however they want. “If Islamophobia continues to spread . . . the day will come when we will have to ask all women to wear headscarves,” Van der Bellen said, according to video footage of the event. “All of them, in solidarity with those who [wear them] for religious reasons.”
“If Islamophobia continues to spread . . . the day will come when we will have to ask all women to wear headscarves,” Van der Bellen said, according to video footage of the event. “All of them, in solidarity with those who [wear them] for religious reasons.”
Uh huh. Keep it up motherfuckers.
Sounds like cultural appropriation to me.
A phobia is an irrational fear. It’s not irrational to fear that the state is going to try to make you wear a headscarf when you don’t want to.
Van der Bellen was head of the Greens party, once again showing that it’s the Greens who are the party of hate.
Canada Man Ordered to Surrender ‘Offensive’ Star Trek License Plate
A Canadian man’s Star Trek-inspired license plate has been revoked after his public insurance company received complaints that it was offensive to indigenous people. The two-year-old plate, which reads “ASIMIL8,” is a sly reference to the Borg, evil aliens in Star Trek who “assimilate” their prey and go by the motto “Resistance is Futile.”
Manitoba local Nick Troller was informed by an agent from Manitoba Public Insurance on Wednesday that they had received complaints from two people about the word “assimilate,” which they claimed is offensive to minorities. He was then served a letter informing him that “it has been brought to the attention of this office that the personalized plate ASIMIL8 is considered offensive,” and was ordered to surrender it immediately.
Wait until he suggests the State is the Borg.
(SLD that having to have license plates in the first place is offensive.)
They should be glad he wasn’t a Doctor Who fan.
The guy’s last name is Troller
I’d just make a mock sticker and place it around the plate just to stick it to the bureaucrats and two dipshits.
At that point, it can be any less offensive than those stupid Hillary or Bernie number stickers – but you can’t arrest people for it.
Ah yes, not everybody shares our taste.
Over on a movie board, somebody asked “What’s your favorite JFK portrayal?” So I responded, “The one in the Zapruder film”.
How’d that go over?
I was asked where I was on November 22, 1963.
I wasn’t born until 1972, so I don’t get the doe-eyed view of the Camelot shit.
It was identical to the Obamassiah cult of personality horseshit. Granted, JFK was never as much of a pinko as Obama but his cult was composed of the same kinds of people and for the same reasons. I didn’t understand until I was older why the older adult males in my family celebrated that day.
Asshole hassles abortion protesters.
youtube comment gold:
If Professor Lardass had just left them alone everyone would have just driven past, but he had to make it about sodomy and show tunes.
Good lord I have never rooted so hard for bible thumpers. That principal needs a swift kick in the ass.
No shit. Same here. Every day it seems the proggies masks fall away more and more and what we see is pretty fucking ugly. They aren’t fake advocating for free speech anymore, they are beating people up for advocating for it. They aren’t fake advocating for women’s rights anymore, they are rooting for Islamists and eugenics. They aren’t fake advocating for sexual choice anymore, they are encouraging children to mutilate themselves and engage in ice-cream orgies. They are the worst kinds of people.
Wait! Tell me more about these ice cream orgies…
What a fucken asshole.
Authorities in Turkey block country’s access to Wikipedia
This is progressing quicker than I anticipated. When will the morality police start patrolling?
They aren’t now?
North Korea condemns U.S. for ICBM launch from California
It’s good to remind them that our missiles actually work, although I would prefer for our missile to traverse their airspace.
Does that make our ICBMs ableist?
Way to show off our intercontinental privilege.
But at least ours are supporting the ADA with their Multiple Personalities…uhhh warheads
“ABC Does Terrorism Report Without Once Mentioning ‘Islam,’” by Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, April 27, 2017 7:19pm
The ABC revels in a new euphemism for Islam. It’s “fixated”. This and the “radical ideology” euphemism allow it to file a long report on a new terrorism unit without once mentioning “Islam” in a negative way. Watch the astonishing evasion for yourself.
This is how you get Rotherham.
Pitch management
Groundskeepers stop to take a photo for the media.
(They lost the game 4:1.)
Huh. Jon Stewart is jackass. Well, America The Book was funny.
“Yet the anecdotes about Stewart’s unpleasantness are easy enough to come by. Audience member Allison Kinney wrote for Salon about her bizarre and unsettling experience at a show taping. Stewart always performed a Q&A session with his audience. But when Kinney questioned Stewart over his warm-up act’s use of anti-Semitic and homophobic humor, Stewart blew up at her, swearing at and belittling her in front of the whole crowd. Kinney had expected Stewart to simply promise to look into the issue, but instead he went out of his way to make her feel as if she had ruined the show.
The incident with Kinney fits a pattern of gender problems at the show. Female ex-staffers have reported an exclusionary “boys club” atmosphere at the show, and Stewart allegedly banned his female executive producer from the show’s Emmy acceptance. And while a number of female Daily Show staff have insisted they are well-treated, the show’s record on diversity is undeniably abysmal, with the guests being overwhelmingly male and up to 96% white. All of this is grossly ironic considering Stewart’s constant on-air reaffirmations of his commitment to progressive feminism.
Even Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane has expressed shock at Stewart’s abrasiveness and hostility. In 2007, when the Writers Guild of America went on strike, Stewart crossed the picket line to continue hosting his show. MacFarlane ribbed Stewart for the act of hypocrisy: Stewart publicly insisted he supported the strike, yet undermined his fellow writers by continuing to work. Stewart became furious with MacFarlane over the criticism, and mercilessly berated him in a profane hour-long phone call. MacFarlane has even said he has tried not to talk about the incident, for fear of being publicly “crucified” by Stewart. Criticize Stewart’s betrayal of the writers and one could expect to become the show’s next target.
But the most telling illustration of Stewart’s underlying nastiness is his deplorable treatment of Wyatt Cenac, which only came to light last month. In 2012, Cenac was serving as the show’s only black writer. When he gently expressed concern to Stewart that Stewart’s Herman Cain impression resembled an inappropriate racial caricature, Stewart became enraged. He repeatedly screamed at Cenac to “fuck off,” and said he was “done with” Cenac, leading Cenac to believe he was fired.
The abuse was so intense that Cenac had an emotional breakdown. Cenac describes how he left the studio and burst into tears, overcome with loneliness. Stewart also continued to perform the impression, in defiance of Cenac’s warning that it bordered on being an offensive Amos n’ Andy routine. Cenac would leave the show a year later, alienated and miserable.
Stewart’s behavior toward Cenac not only reveals him to be a bully, but shows something far darker: Stewart was uninterested in removing bigotry from the show and was intentionally hostile toward his only black writer over race issues. The liberal values Stewart professed night after night were flatly contradicted by his actions backstage, where he harangued minority staffers for daring to suggest he consider the racial implications of his material.”
So prog shows his real face to those under his power? How is that a news story?
Yes, yes, my little Tyrannids. Start consuming each other for precious biomass! Hive commands it!
I love that excerpt because everyone is an asshole and deserves it.
It’s great how Mr Super Prog:
-declined to participate in a strike
-invited only white men as guests on his show
-offended the only black writer on the show
-treated the women who worked with him like shit
Why, it’s almost as though they don’t actually believe what they say.
Power something corrupt something etc
Maybe this is why people like Stewart tend to sense racism wherever they go.
Because it *is* wherever they go.
Not surprised about him being a douche but it’s not like progs can’t point to the same thing with incidences like O’Reilly.
See who tends to climb to the top in show biz.
(I said “tends to” because I don’t want to suggest it’s universal)
My belief in the stories about O’Reilly diminished greatly when they immediately went after Sean Hannity after O’. Your point stands though. You dont get to the top by being a sweetheart.
Sounds like a typical proggie to me.
funny how all this SJW heresy only gets headline news when he’s long off the air.
The article is two years old and it’s first I remember hearing of it, so hardly “headline”.
That woman did write an article for Salon at the time, but
a) no one reads Salon, including people who read Salon
b) a read of her article made me cheer for Jon Stewart, so well done, SJW lady.
this is probably the most important point
my point was just that Stewart, like any other lefty media-figure, or like Obama was, was generally immune from these sorts of attacks when they’re actually “in power”
e.g. people pointed out that Women were not particularly well-represented in the Obama admin, despite his closeness to a few female advisors
basically, people might grumble, but no one will go “full Salon” on their own people until its safe to do so.
In all fairness this article came out in 2015.
up to 96% white
Way to put in the grind to get the hard numbers there, reporter.
Lewis Black recently compared Stewart to Walter Cronkite, and the parallel is true: as a reassuring, authoritative voice of reason on television, Stewart did play the Cronkite role for millions of people.
This is profoundly pathetic.
But does explain a generation of many snowflake communists who were getting their news solely from The Daily Show.
Brawny paper towels changes to female mascot because “strength has no gender”:
Are their paper towels still white?
Good catch! They’ll have to fix that.
Seriously, that’s the “not,” isn’t it?
Not only is it real, but there is a whole series of commercials:
We Can Do It!
Looks like they already had to shut down comments on that one. I wonder why?
Wow. 64 likes and 2,400 dislikes. When are companies going to get that (sane) people hate that shit?
Actually (sane) people ignore that shit. I don’t give half an rat ass what Brawny or Branwdo or Bondo uses or doesn’t use as their mascot. like the girl in The Sweets AC/DC, derangement syndromes go both ways.
I was talking more about the SJW nonsense. Brawny has every right to put whoever on their towels. My point was that companies think they’ll get brownie points from feminists or SJWs for doing shit like this, but the SJWs just find something to bitch about. ‘Minority women weren’t represented!’ or ‘Why are there no trans-women?’
but the SJWs just find something to bitch about. ‘Minority women weren’t represented!’ or ‘Why are there no trans-women?’
Yeah, next thing you know Brawny will have Bill Nye and that ugly woman from Netflix on the package.
“I don’t give half an rat ass what Brawny or Branwdo or Bondo uses or doesn’t use as their mascot.”
I dont believe you.
I think they’ve badly misjudged their target audience. The vast majority of stay at home mom’s won’t even notice the change or if they do, may be annoyed by it, like ‘hey what happened to the pic of that hunk on my paper towels?’. Look what is happening to ESPN because of bullshit like this. Why do people keep jumping on this bullshit wagon?
So that commercial is of a woman who is a General Contractor. I have known maybe one or two General Contractors who have ever gotten their hands dirty. They tell the guys who actually work when they need to do their work. They make schedules and order materials.
So a woman who spends her days telling men what to do. Got it.
Marge Simpson hardest hit.
No I have no idea why I can’t find it in English.
Clips in English might have been DCMA’d
Weird that those were, but I can easily find onion on the belt story or Marge getting coffee in Australia.
I found the Spanish version quite charming. Even if I kept expecting Homer to suddenly yell out “Ay Caramba!”
Ok, we’ll no longer be buying that brand. Ok, we already weren’t, but now we REALLY won’t be!
They should have recycled Secret’s famous tagline: “Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.”
BTW, mods: the new SNP is in your inbox.
The highlight of my Sunday afternoon BP
Appreciate it, ws. I did have to rush this one a little because I start a new job. I’m glad I did some of the work early.
The Wookie Cashes In
I bet the Obama’s destroy all wealth gaining records set by the other deadbeats that exited the white house.
Yeah, just like the others they will destroy all of their wealth gaining records. Did anyone check the whitehouse silverware after they left?
I don’t know about that. the Clinton Global Foundation raked in a few-billion, which… while not all of it went straight into the pockets of the Clintons, it enabled the vast ‘swishing lots of money around’, which itself has a long-term cash-value to the Clintons themselves. Simply being a go-between for large sums of money puts you in a position to milk perpetual future benefits. There are huge swaths of the business and political world which owe favors to the Clinton Regime.
I think Obama tried building his own separate but similar* network to compete with/imitate them, but i think by mere dint of the fact that the Obama network DOES compete with the Clinton/DNC nexus has made him the Pepsi-brand in a Coca Cola world.
(*that which i did there should be witnessed)
Especially since in 2016, i think large moves were made to deal with expectations of a Clinton-dominant future; in the wake of Clinton’s loss, i think lots of people in the ‘ActBlue/SEIU/AFSCME/DNC-donor world were left scrambling, realizing that they’d cut ties with Obama’s networks too early and had not prepared for the consequences of a Clinton loss.
It was witnessed upon reading.
*Hint – it spoils a joke if you have to explain it.
i think you overestimate the collective wit of the populace
that said =
I’m (read: not) surprised that this hasn’t been more-discussed in the press.
most books simply don’t make that much money. Ever. over the course of decades. I think there are very few books that have broke $100m in revenue, and those are things like Harry @()#*@ Potter, not “boring political bio”
basically, the deal has always smelled like payola, or cash being delivered as payment for services already rendered by some larger corporate entity. Or that the money is being spent to secure some other form of goodwill.
“I think you overestimate the collective wit of the populace”
If they aren’t clever enough to get it on their own they dont deserve to have you explain it and probably wont appreciate the joke even if you do.
You are correct. There are a million ways pols launder payoffs and book sales are one of them. Speaking fees. Board appointments. etc.
I think Obama tried building his own separate but similar* network to compete with/imitate them
I expect that is exactly what the Obama’s have been doing on their two-three month vacation with some of the worlds wealthiest people recently. I think they will completely destroy the Clinton Foundation. (which is just a money laundering scheme and jobs program for Clinton loyalists) when he gets around to going full steam with his foundation.
I am too lazy to look, but I was hearing the Clinton foundation has taken some hits on the money grubbing, and I would imagine it will all but go away within a few years.
Pepsi is in bro.
I know; my point was that i think there’s actually been some huge turmoil in the whole scumbag-money-DNC world, where no one was expecting Obama to be the big cheese after the election.
Now he is, and i think there are some problems with it… because if he tries to be too-high-profile, i think there’s suspicion that Trump’s admin has dirt on them which it could use to tarnish the long-term value of the future Obama-empire
I think there was more comity (despite the initial ‘stealing W’s from the computers) between the Clintons and Bush admins, at least in the sense that there was no perception that the Clintons were going to instantly go to work trying to destroy/undermine the Bush regime. Whereas i think the Trump people realize that the Obamas are instantly being recruited for Anti-Trump efforts in ways that have been hitherto unprecedented.
because if he tries to be too-high-profile, i think there’s suspicion that Trump’s admin has dirt on them which it could use to tarnish the long-term value of the future Obama-empire
Oh definitely. The Susan Rice unmasking story sure went away quickly didn’t it?
I think you could be right if Obama went full #Resist but I doubt he will. Not overtly anyway. He will let his minions do that. There is money to be made after all, and that is all those people really care about in the end.
I am not sure if it is a warning shot or the slow launch of a real ‘oh shit’ moment for the shitbirds of yesterday but there is an active investigation into the company that ran Clinton’s server. I cant imagine the amount of criminality that will turn up from that.
It might just be a request to call off the resist bullshit or it could be that Trump is dreaming of fitting Hillary with an orange Mao suit decorated with stenciled numbers. I would love to see Obumbles wearing one too.
I suspect that my wish may be true, at least somewhat. Some very powerful people gave a lot of money to Clinton with the expectation of her winning. I wonder how many of them want their money back?
I’ll never understand this idea that fucking the president somehow elevates someone to a higher status than the rest of us.
But if privately funded entities want to throw away $200,000 to watch the Wookie bloviate on stage for half an hour, whatever.
Ya, part of me says good for her for getting some idiot group to part with 200 grand, but then I think about what she and her husband stand for and speak about, and I go back to saying fuck her and her husband. If you want to make a bunch of money, do it without preaching that the Government should be taking more and more from the rest of us and ruling every aspect of our lives.
Or ex-President is a continuing government handout. You’re not in office any longer. Fuck you, call Pinkerton if you want security guards. (*)
(*)and the current president should only have SS protection when working, at the White House and limited official trips. You want to fundraise in California? Go fuck yourself, buy a ticket on Delta, and hire a towncar. Also deduct the prorated amount of your annual salary for hours not worked.
If I had ten dollars for every drunken rant I have gone on about sitting presidents fund raising on the taxpayers dime I could retire. That has burned me since I started following politics.
Oh…Hyperion…Ribs with mashed potatoes and gravy today. I made a blonde roux (1:1 butter and flour, dark blonde) added 1/2 cup vegetable stock (onion, garlic, bell pepper, celery), 1/4 cup red wine, 2 Tbl soy sauce, a couple dashes of hot sauce, and 1/2 cup chicken stock. I used canned mushrooms so I added the liquid from the mushrooms then chopped the mushrooms into 1/4″ cubes and stirred them in. I cooked on medium heat until it thickened. The whole process took about ten minutes.
Wife is doing the pork ribs. Java rub overnight (fine ground espresso coffee, cocoa powder, salt, brown sugar, paprika, black pepper, garlic, onion, cumin, coriander), seared in a pan then baked in the oven with muscadine/habenero glaze.
I think I could sit and just eat the gravy with a spoon.
Look at the list of ingredients. In one meal my wife and I, middle/upper middle class people of little consequence are eating food and exotic spices from all over the world. Even a hundred years ago almost no one could afford to eat like that. It is truly amazing. That is what a free-ish market has given us. Every step you take away from that it becomes exponentially more difficult to eat that way. It isnt that many steps until you arrive at no toilet paper and people killing off every animal in sight and digging in trash bins for food. I would love to jamb 23 kind of deodorant up crazy, evil Uncle Bernie’s ass with a dibble.
“Even a hundred years ago almost no one could afford to eat like that. It is truly amazing.”
It’s the everyday things like that that are truly amazing from an economic standpoint if you think about it. The Internet. Air conditioning. Antibiotics. Cars. Most people just take these things for granted and complain that some people have trouble paying for them, but they fail to see the exponential progress that has been made.
The fact that some people have sufficient wealth and leisure to become professional whiners is itself a testament to how far we’ve come.
Nearly everyone alive in the US today was born into this world and have never travelled outside the country. They have no idea what they have and no freakin’ clue what they are complaining about. They also have no idea how easy it would be to wreck it all.
I’ve tried to make this argument with progs so many times that I’ve lost count. They just do not get it or refuse to get it. I tell them that the average middle class American today lives a lifestyle far better than the wealthiest of Kings only a few hundred years ago. They always seem to say the same thing, that by contrast the richest today have even more wealth in comparison than those kings had compared to the peasants. It is the dumbest of arguments, but this is what they believe, the only thing that matters is equality, thus it’s better for everyone to be equally poor than it is for anyone to be rich.
This morning on the way home from the grocery store I had to turn off the radio. 10 Years Gone was on singing “I’d Love to Change the World”. As soon as I noticed it this line came out of my speakers: “Tax the rich, feed the poor, ’til there are no rich no more”.
They have been hammering away at this shit for at least 150 years. They want to impoverish and enslave mankind. It is as simple as that.
10 Years After. Alvin Lee was a good guitarist though.
It’s all about the contrast, I’m always amazed at how many people would rather be the richest guy in town a hundred years ago than middle class right now. I point out that they wouldn’t have AC,TV,reliable power,fast safe travel, etc.etc, and they always say “yeah, but i’d be the Big Dog”, and that is really important to most people.
To people like you and I that makes no sense. I dont want to know my neighbor’s business. I dont want to tell him what to do or how to live. I dont want that responsibility. The things I am interested in have nothing to do with him. Maybe because I have a conscience and dont want to fuck it up?
Most people are very different critters. They are some degree of wanting to force others to live as they see fit to confirm their own decisions all the way to those driven solely by power and greed who see other humans as cattle. I dont get it. I do know that I hate the latter with the heat of a thousand and one suns.
*see Eddie, I’m not falling down on the job.
“yeah, but i’d be the Big Dog”
Yeah, if you weren’t dead before 30 from a condition that is non-threatening today.
The average lifespan of the dominant male lion in a pride is 3 years. At the end of the three years they are limping, scarred and becoming despondent.
I think you forgot the capfull of Zataran’s liquid crab boil.
Stop that.
Hey Suthen, thanks to you and the other glibs yesterday, I fixed my gravy this morning by adding about a half cup of milk and reheating. Yummy. I didn’t do my biscuits experiment though. Wife fried bacon so I just had that and the gravy. Drank a little too much last night and was feeling a little meh this morning.
I have a confession: I’m a male Caucasian.
NO! I refuse to believe this.
Your not a sea vagina? I am… disheartened?
I use my privilege to absorb their essence.
I’m not sure if this is a preferred use of privilege… *consults privilege handbook*
Look, “normal” white people don’t get to eat babies. It’s only (((us))) that have that privilege. And we drain their blood for our matzoh first.
From Fox, for what it;s worth, I agree:
Trump or not>
Yeah, I really do not like Trump so much overall, but his election has saved us from something I really do not want to see, IOW 8 more years of Democrats and 1-3 Hillary SCOTUS picks …shudder…
All we need now is RBG to slip in the shower and we can really have some fun.
Didn’t need the mental image of a naked 84 year old.
And at 84 she’s day-to-day regardless of any potential accidents.
At this rate Trump will get 8 years and more than three appts. The progressive cause will have to crawl back under a rock.