I’m on my way to the dentist after this, so hopefully these won’t be quite as bad as having dental implements jammed in your mouth.

This will not be me
- The Stupid party is on its way to unreservedly fucking up their first and second priorities. The second being a great example of Trump stumbling into being less wrong than the Legislative branch for horrible (to libertarians) reasons.
- GE fixes flaw in power grid software that could allow any script kiddie to shut down sections of a grid. Safe software is kind of like safe cryptography, if the good (and not explicitly bad) guys aren’t allowed to mess with it, only bad guys will know how to break it.
- Fuck you, tiger! I’m an owl!
- Connecticut governor waves white flag, admits that taxing the rich doesn’t work.
What I expect to happen
A little related music.
Late breaking from SugarFree: Oh, man… this is such a delicious stew of delusion, projection, self-lies, hate-fucking and eating your young that I can barely read it. Comments so rich and yummy. Oh, my. Oh, my.
I just wanted to thank all y’all for reading my work. Any feedback you have leave in the comments and I will strive to improve my next post.
You know this is going to evolve into “moar thicc!!!”, right?
Seriously. There was, like, no thicc at all in his post. I don’t know how he lives with himself.
Even the law is skinny (By comparison), so I didn’t have much to work with
The law needs to do more squats.
The law is a (bony) ass. def needs to lift moar.
Damn your nimble fingers!
Le sigh, probably. But, gosh darn it, I’m here to bring some substance to your redacted heathen
Orion slave girls or GTFO!
NSFW! Damn straight! NSFW!
Hey, we’re libertarians, Vulcan slave girl fantasies only.
Aku concurs.
Needs more sideboob.
Two questions:
If the dentist puts you under and you woke up with a sore butt, would you tell anyone?
Depending on your answer to the first, would you like a new dentist?
Depends. Was she hot?
If I’m getting fucked I should at least be able to enjoy it.
No Star Trek, no Kirk banging green women, no Bikini Leia. WTF man!
If a man is in space 60 million miles from the nearest woman, is he still wrong?
They don’t call it the stupid party for nothing, ya know. Both parties need a good housecleaning. It seems that team red will blow their chance to effect change, and probably, if they don’t fix their shit, cost Trump the next round at the WH
It could definitely cost them control of Congress, but I’m not sure how it will play out for Trump since he pretty much ran against the party establishment in 2016. He might be able to avoid being dragged down with them.
Fair point, but seeing how Paul Ryan is acting lately it wouldn’t surprise me if he tried to yoke his failure to Trump.
I just can’t believe they really are fucking dumb enough to think that their latest installment of Failure Theater kabuki, where they pretend that “Gosh, we really tried to fulfill our promises but doggone it, we just didn’t get the votes” won’t bite them in the ass…..but the evidence is what it is.
Sometimes I really hate not having a political party I can even halfheartedly support.
This is just appalling incompetence and or mendacity by the Repubs.
The current line is that, without a supermajority in the Senate, they have to give the Dems everything they want in the spending bills. Funny how it doesn’t work the other way when the Dems have the upper hand, but its not even true. Spending bills aren’t subject to filibusters under “reconciliation” – the Dems managed to use it to jam through Obamacare, but the Repubs are helpless to use it even for a true spending bill.
I hope the Congressional Repubs get their asses handed to them in the primaries and the general next year. Worse than fucking useless, they are.
They passed a budget that they never would have even considered under Obama. They’re scum.
The thing is at some point in time there *HAS* to be a revolt in the party in which a measurable percentage complete with sitting office holders decides they have had enough splinters off, forms a new party and reaches out to partial allies among Democrats and independents.
I just don’t see any way this farce of a party can keep going on much longer.
Why? They’ve evolved the perfect incumbent protection system. Do nothing until OMG THE GOVERNMENT WILL SHUT DOWN AND STOP SENDING SOCIAL SECURITY IF WE DIDN’T VOTE FOR THAT!!!1!
Because at some point enough republican voters will stop showing up to vote in their local districts that they can’t keep their seats and sitting politicians are going to start getting primaried left and right.
Already there are probably a dozen or so Republican Congresmen whose seats would become a whole lot secure if they ditched the Republican party and went independent. They’d have a lot more power if they did as well because both sides would be forced to court them to get their legislation through as opposed to relegating them to the back bench for not being sufficiently loyal to the party.
Republicans seem inclined to being an eternal opposition party. They’re almost half decent at it once or twice a century.
(Mythical) Ladies and (ape-like) Gentlemen, the broken clock spake truth today. My favorite punching bag over at Canada’s Beloved State Broadcaster has an article that is almost…heretical, as it slowly inches towards realization that competition leads to better service and cheaper product!
Canadians need to grow a consumer backbone: Neil Macdonald
Even his solution might be considered near-anarchist. Rather than whine to the government, use your power as consumers and don’t spend money with people who treat you like crap!
Even his solution might be considered near-anarchist.
Needs moar polycentric order.
Could Neil Macdonald be gradually becoming less and less of a fuck up? In fifteen years is he going to be the new resident Rex Murphy/bitchy old man?
That’s Norm’s brother. Nothing else to add, just that he is Norm Macdonald’s brother
His article on Norm’s biography is probably the best thing he’s ever written.
Norm is easily the best comedian on Earth
Hey Neil, about time you start to make a modicum of fucking sense.
Most of the news headlines today seem to be about some interview that Hillary Clinton gave. Hilarious that the press is still breathlessly reporting on a political has-been who will almost certainly never occupy public office again.
You sat that, but never underestimate the power of the Eldritch dark.
I’ve been checked out of Twitter in order to preserve my sanity, but I needed to post something for work today and as soon as I opened the app it was shrieking at me, “BREAKING: Clinton admits mistakes, blames FBI and Russia for election.” So it sounds like she’s not really admitting mistakes, then. But okay.
Beloved popular vote President is always willing to admit that other people make mistakes.
btw – ty for your SNP comment
Other than mayor of NY or something like that.
I’d trade Deblasio for her at this point.
Deblasio is the archetype of useless, corrupt, Democratic city pols.
The thing about Deblasio is he’s a true believer on top of all that – he loves to make everyone suffer for his BS elitist agenda. Hillary, on the other hand, doesn’t actually believe in anything other than lining her pockets so I get the sense that she would be more likely to leave the rest of us alone. This is all just theory, of course.
a political has-been who will almost certainly never occupy public office again.
And with those simple words, thom did doom us all…
I just love that the hashtag in the background is #shebringspeace. Lots of people in Libya might beg to differ.
That fucking bitch supported almost every major war for her entire career. I found one instance where she was opposed to military action in Darfur, but that’s it. There could be more, but I didn’t find them.
It’s odd that the “progressive” left was so starry-eyed and enthusiastic about someone who is an equal or bigger warmonger than George W. Bush while he himself and the entire Republican Party are considered to be beyond redemption on war issues.
that story seems to amount to = “So yeah, ok, fine, technically yes, the Owl died. But we got some cute photos before it died! So, you know. Nature and shit. Look man, i just work here, this is how we get clicks.”
I didn’t say the owl won. Just that it got some links in.
I wasn’t busting your chops, i just thought it was funny that it had this Buzzfeed-esque “SEE CUTE ANIMAL DO CUTE THING”-headline but with a (**”and then die”) footnote.
Welcome once again to Vhyrus’s afternoon music links. Let’s go back to the early 2000s today. The end of an era, a Bush in the White House, and of course, Bombs over Baghdad. Enjoy!
I would say that watching dozens of “Hoo-ah” videos before Commander’s call to the tune of that song has made me despise Outcast but I would be lying.
It was their song, Caroline.
I’m at work. Is it right for me to click this link?
The ethical paradox of Glibertarianing on the clock.
Even more hooah video.
I read that as hoo-haa videos, was expecting something NSFW.
Well, it’s not Spottieottiedopalicious but it will do.
Clearly someone doesn’t have an attractive lesbian dentist from Colombia.
The SJWs will be in their bunks.
Hats off to SugarFree for actually reading the comments at Jezebel, because I tried and had to stop about three or four comments in. These people are too stupid to breathe.
But you miss such truthsome truths as: “HRC would’ve been an absolutely unstoppable historical candidate if not for Bernie.”
*A great disturbance in the Force as as if millions of neurons suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced *
“I would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for that pesky, ancient Marxist!”
I wonder why it is that the only people who completely drank the koolaid on Clinton and have a cultish devotion to her are completely dysfunctional and out-of-touch weirdos who don’t seem to fundamentally understand how humans think.
Oh wait, no I don’t.
I mean, shit, Rand was my preferred candidate by light years but I understand why he didn’t get anywhere. I’m not some automaton sitting around moaning “Why didn’t the majority of people vote for him?????”
Hey, I know what they mean. I would have been a great basketball player except for the fact I can’t shoot, pass, dribble, run, or play defense.
The bestest:
A reply to that comment
I highly encourage these idiots to keep their heads in the sand make the exact same mistakes on the next go round.
Oh they will.
Well, credit where it’s due – she’s absolutely right. Eventually, we ARE all going to die.
The white backlash to having a black man running the country the past 8 years was all but inevitable to be honest.
This line is especially hilarious, considering Trump won by flipping white people who had voted for Obama twice. Yeah, sure, they were so racist they voted for a black man twice but their racism just couldn’t let them vote for a white woman. It makes total sense, if you don’t think about it.
“The white backlash to having a black man running the country the past 8 years was all but inevitable to be honest.”
Haha, that’s rich. No, you dumb fuck, it’s a backlash against (among many other things) a man running the country whose followers insinuated that any criticism of him – no matter how justified – was just racism and therefore none of his critics deserve an opinion.
“The white backlash to having a black man running the country the past 8 years was all but inevitable to be honest.”
Because if it had been a *white* dude fiddling with health care, extending bad foreign policies, etc., then everyone would have loved it!
I’m about 3/4 of the way through the Hillary campaign book and its a very entertaining read so far. What I’ve learned: no one (NO ONE) could explain what her vision for the country was. They could tick off the bullets from her resume, tout her policy wonkiness, but never explain what she’d do or even why she wanted to be President; no one can control Bill (see meeting with Lynch on the tarmac), the Democrats really thought they didn’t need the white working class and Wasserman-Schultz is a prima donna that nobody likes.
Bingo. They were suckered into thinking that the Obama playbook would work every time, forever, and they didn’t want to sully themselves by throwing poorer whites an occasional bone. Minorities, Millennials, and gentry liberals meant electoral invincibility!
Didn’t work out that way. There are still a shitload of non-rich white people out there, no matter how much lefties wish there weren’t.
All that false consciousness!
Their great error may have been overlooking the fact that the majority of millenials are not only white and poor, but had a terrible 8 years, economically, under Obama.
In a bit of a defense of Bill, the book suggests he was the only one in her camp (at least only one identified by name I think) that was adamant about reaching out to the WWC. He wanted to, figuratively speaking, go knock on doors in WI, MI, PA, etc and, at a near personal level, reach out to that group. He recognized the Brexit vote as the canary in the coal mine that it was, but nobody else in her camp seemed to think it meant much for the US election.
The whole thing is both entertaining and interesting.
He wanted to, figuratively speaking, go knock on doors in WI, MI, PA, etc and, at a near personal level, reach out to that group.
Because the more people see Hillary, the more they like her?
Oh, I think HE wanted to be the point man with the WWC. Right or wrong, he still fancies himself a ‘man of the people’ and that he could sell her to that group. At least that’s the way I read it.
I think that’s the “figurative” part. They wanted to send earnest white college students.
He wanted to, figuratively speaking, go knock on doors in WI, MI, PA, etc and, at a near personal level, reach out to that group.
Because the more people see Hillary, the more they like her?
No, he wanted to be point man because he wanted an excuse to troll those states for pussy away from the shackles of his harpy wife.
If Bill dug Monica, Wisconsin is for him. Stuffed to the rafters with chubby, dim white girls who don’t mind fucking.
Pope: It’s like you were there with me on my last trip to Milwaukee!
I think that’s probably true. For his many, many, MANY faults, Bill is a gifted retail politician.
But why do they keep voting against their own interests!!!!!!!!!!!!
She’s a wonk! She’s brilliant! She’s hard-working!
All of these exuberant praises for someone whose actual track record suggested a dismal and corrupt performance.
About the only personal accomplishment Hillary has is that she fucked Bill Clinton and somehow got him to give her a ring.
The former isn’t that unique of an accomplishment. The latter… well, it’s something no one else ever pulled off (or wanted to pull off). So that’s something.
In fairness to Hillary, Bill would have peaked at AG in Arkansas if it wasn’t for her pushing him onwards and upwards.
I think he would have been perfectly fine being a semi-big fish in a small pond. Banging Jennifer Flowers and the odd trailer bimbo was all he needed.
If it hadn’t been him, I think Hillary would have had some other proxy she would have run.
It takes hard work to be a power hungry corrupted bitch.
Her final chapter hasn’t been written yet. Any ideas for the ending?
*SugarFree signal ignites, explodes*
Hillary’s final chapter is so horrible that even I won’t try and touch it. Bill will die, Chelsea will fade into obscurity, but I have this sick feeling that in one form or another Hillary Clinton will be with us for a very long time.
Hillary has some serious health problems, I believe. I don’t think she’s going to last much longer.
Will she catch fire when she steps into daylight?
If she does it really drives the point of her being unhealthily power hungry.
Nah, someone will throw a bucket of water on her probably sooner than later.
How many times do you think a prankster would get shot assuming they actually tried that?
I have faith that it includes 4 horsemen, thicc rope for thicc ccanckles and a nauseating sound.
Just like cancer.
I have this sick feeling that in one form or another Hillary Clinton will be with us for a very long time.
Hillary Clinton, the Lich Queen
2 years before election : BLACK LIVES MATTER
5 months after election : WOMEN AND SCIENCE MATTER
I think it’s truly hilarious how their racial blind spot keeps any of these Team Blue postmortems from examining if maybe spending the last 2 years of the racially divisive First Black Presidency attacking the white power structure might have cost Hillary any of the 2 million black votes Obama got and she didn’t. Or maybe just maybe some of those 2 Million voters who were suddenly motivated to vote when there was a candidate with the same skin color were.. what’s the word.. racist themselves?
Nah, it was Russians.
If only those Russians hadn’t given so many millions to the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State, she would have won!
Also missing from post-mortems : any examination of how their Team spent more money and still lost.
That fact should have made some “progressives” question the idea that “big money” decides every single election, but of course, their method is to never acknowledge going wrong but rather double down.
Skittles Brightside. That’ll take care of your dental problems.
I have a bag open right now.
Beast Mode
Brightside are even better than the original.
Skittlebrau: not even once.
This from the Jezsbel comments:
“The media simply refused to cover what she was saying”
Cover… like used in ‘covered and concealed’ and not cover as in ‘report on’
Cover with a pillow until it stops moving?
(stolen from IowaHawk blog)
Gotta love Iowahawk – about the 49rs new QB:
49ers Scouting Report:
Arm strength B+
Accuracy B
Mobility C
Won’t turn sideline into clownass political shitshow A+
Here’s my analysis:
Hillary Clinton was the worst candidate in American electoral history. If not for that, she would have won.
Hillary Clinton was the worst candidate in American electoral history.
That’s bold even re: Hillary
She had to conspire with the party leadership to hold off a warmed-over septuagenarian Marxist who isn’t even actually in the party. Yes, she has always been a disaster of a candidate. If she hadn’t been installed in a Senate seat that any Dem with a pulse would have won, she’d never have won any election at any level.
She also outspent Trump 2-1, had the media cheating for her, Obama spying for her, Hollywood in the tank for her… I’m missing something…
Oh yeah, the woman card.
I think that’s what really freaked her out. She had it all lined-up and she still lost…because she’s a fucken loser.
I bring that fact up with some people when they start ranting about money in politics.
It’s great! the faces they make should be in a book.
All that, plus just being a generally unlikeable person with a brittle personality.
Something like biting into a sandwich that has some tin-foil stuck to it.
And shit inside it.
2 Clintons, 1 cup. You can choose which 2.
Choose the form of your doom!
I’m not certain that she’d have won that Senate race if the NY media hadn’t spent the entire time working over her opponent (Lazio?) with metaphorical baseball bats (and probably a few real ones too). Even in 1983, she was so unpleasant that she was scary.
I met her and Pres. Clinton a couple of times at awards things in high school. He remembered me the second time we had met (even though it was only for two minutes three months earlier). I got the feeling from her that she wouldn’t pee on me if I were on fire, and would probably call me a sexist if I had asked her to do so (being on fire, that is).
He remembered me the second time we had met (even though it was only for two minutes three months earlier).
I’ve met a few politicians who have an eerie recollection of people’s names, faces, even personal details.
Seems legit.
Lol. Pointing out that Clinton was such a shit candidate that she lost to TRUMP is one of my favorite things to do when lefties get up on their high horse.
They topple right off, sputtering and raging the whole way down. Love it.
Hillary Clinton was the worst candidate in American electoral history.
I think Michael Dukakis and Wendell Willkie (and I’m sure there are others) give her a solid run for that prize.
Dude, do you even history?
Good point. But in my defense, I probably subconsciously overlooked him since, really, who could have done well against Reagan in ’84? That’s like going against FDR in ’36, it’s a literal no-win situation from the outset.
The story seems to try and suggest that the persecution of homosexuals in Chechnya is a uniquely “Russian” phenomenon, and nothing particular to the coincidentally-heavily-muslim region. which is odd, because where do the persecuted people feel to? Moscow.
I suspect there is some intersectionally problematic stuff going on here.
“feel” = flee
It’s a John-level typo, though.
I hear Iran doesn’t have them either.
Yeah. I’ve had a few conversations with folks who want to lay the current Chechnya thing exclusively at the feet of Russian cultural norms or Islam depending on their political beliefs. It seems more likely that it’s a sweet sweet marriage of the two.
it’s a sweet sweet marriage
Which one gets to be the guy and which one has to be the girl?
Because, obviously, no homo.
Yeah, it seems more like “Russian Scumbag-ocracy“[where local oligharchs basically run their own police forces]-meets-“Islamic conservative culture-police“
I feel like there’s an alternate timeline where Kardyrov is an aging midwestern former fratbro in a dead end job. Just do a quick GIS of him and tell me I’m wrong.
He has some awesome photos. Everything from wearing pimped out military uniforms, to pretending he’s a rapper, to mugging with Putin and Mike Tyson, to wrestling w/ lions and allegators….
Chechens are considered by Islamic Jihadis to be the most absolutely buttfuck-insane and violent motherfuckers in the game. Anytime there’s some ISIS cell, or emerging Al-Qaeda affiliate? there seems to almost always be some Chechen with a red beard as their “Chief of Operations” (aka ‘the kill everyone guy’) They are some fucked up people.
They planned an executed an operation designed expressly to murder hundred of children. Even by ISIS standards, that’s fucked up.
People from that part of the world make the cliche, stereotype “Call of Duty”-style video-game-bad-guy-character …
e.g. crazy former-soviet-block megalomaniac dictator-terrorist who feeds his pet tigers the body parts of prostitutes while selling nuclear weapons on ebay?
… seem tame and understated.
Somebody shrank his face.
Russian-style persecution historically seems to be more ‘to the mental asylum/the gulag with you, cultural degenerate’ than direct murders.
It’s called respect for the traditional religions representing the historical heritage of Russia’s peoples.
I think we’ve discussed this topic before. What’s your take?
I’m going with “hell no”
The Batiste Bros are sort of like the Marsalis family or the Nevilles, one of those New Orleans music-scene ‘big families’ that produce a dozen great musicians
I presume Paul is the douchebag in the family. David Russell I think is the most successful member of the family. He’s been the drummer for the Meters for the last 20 years. (replacing Zigaboo Modeliste). You can’t throw a rock in NOLA music scene without hitting at least 2 Batistes
As for whether Macklemore bit some samples? I don’t know what exactly he’s referring to but i don’t hear anything in that blues #. I can’t even find the other one on Ytube.
Yeah, but how is the dental assistant?
Definitely not that. I think the dentist has a “shall not be hotter” hiring status. Not that she’s bad, but a solid 7 in Chicago is a 5 in central FL.
thanks for the fucking warning, dude…..I’m sure the IT Gestapo is sending a memo on me as we speak.
Time for everyone else to cough up – more.
My reaction: ell oh fucking ell
Publishing derp: PW thinks it’s writing some kind of inspirational article about women in publishing, immediately alienates everyone by harping on straight white women in the first sentence.
My favorite part was: Trotman, who identifies as a straight black woman, is a “firm believer in intersectionality.” I will never get over “identifies as.” I hate this planet so much.
Bonus points: the bizarre inclusion of Georgia McBride as an example of a successful publisher. Don’t want to trigger the two-link mod bots, but just Google “Month9Books.” In the first few results, you should see an article from Writer Beware, as well as a few others about last year’s clusterfuck. (Habitually don’t pay their authors and editors, dumped like 50+ authors because they couldn’t pay them, etc.) How the company is still in business is beyond me, but she’s definitely not someone I would seek out for inclusion in an article about indie press “success stories.”
fuck merits, it’s all about your intersectionality and victimhood points.
So I’m doing them a solid by victimizing them? Sweet gig I got.
Jesus Christ, I don’t think Jim Crow South was this obsessed about racial classification. Hey, does anyone know who else…?
The Ustashe?
New Spain?
Do they really have this stuff on the over-the-air TV?
Aren’t they so adorable when they try to talk tough?
So brave to steal lines from Archer.
This is, what, about 72 hours after the fainting spells over some random nobody at Fox being kicked around in the media for the “I love the way Ivanka speaks into the microphone”?
I’m gonna need a detailed matrix as to when blowjob jokes are acceptable. You know, to maintain my wokeness.
Also, if someone on, say, Fox News said that about, say, Obama, I’m sure there’d be no massive progressive freakout at all about how homophobic they were.
Progs preach tolerance but when they meet someone whose opinion they don’t like, it’s
Teabagging rethuglican kkkochsucker.
Funny choice of slurs for a group who claims to celebrate homosexuality.
Nick from the old site tweeted:
“Pittsburgh Penguins captain Sidney Crosby will not play in Game 4 against the Washington Capitals on Wednesday because of a concussion he suffered in the third game of the series, coach Mike Sullivan said on Tuesday.”
And Niskanen isn’t going to have a suspension hearing. Which is a little surprising but definitely correct.
Definitely the right call. Nobody is a bigger Crosby-homer than me (see my pinterest) but I just don’t think it was intentional. This post-season sucks: Red Wings not in it after 25 years, and my 2 favorite players involved in possible season/career ending injuries. But at least the Blackhawks got swept.
Too bad Cristiano Ronaldo couldn’t get turf toe or something.
Another failed off-side call against him leading to the first goal. I stopped watching after that.
I’m getting a sick feeling Real is gonna get some calls in the final.
Jesus… again?!
If Monaco wasn’t playing tomorrow I’d already be done with the CL this year.
If I’m Ovechkin and the Caps I want him to play and not miss the rest of the series. He beat you at full strength and you should want to do the same.
Senators/Oilers final.
Ovi and Sid can go golfing and watch the games later.
The Rangers aren’t dead yet! We’re coming back……oh, wait, Vigneault is putting Glass back in the lineup? Never mind, Sens it is.
At least they’re at home ton- oh, fuck.
Eh, fuck the Rangers.
Now, now. They still have two more periods to fuck it up.
After the endless playoff failures of the past, I doubt the Caps care if Malkin and half of the remaining starters got hurt either.
It doesn’t even matter, really. I mean, the Caps almost blew the game last night.
She will always be unprepared to build on her charisma.
Apologies if this has already been written.
Hillary shows off that deft touch with the common American yet again:
Smartest person in every room she’s ever been in!
People Cheer When Trump Talks About His “Snake”
Jake Roberts?
Don Prudhomme?
I hate all involved here lol
David brooks wannabe vs religious cult
I’m seeing the Facebook news feed is pumping the Jimmy Kimmel story that Obamacare saved his kid. Or something. I didn’t bother clicking. Who’s got the *HOT TAKE* on this one?
Jimmy Kimmel can’t afford health insurance, doesn’t have an employer plan, and had to go on the exchange to get a subsidized policy? Really?
He’s got two kids in their 20s, so it might be about them being covered under his plan until they’re 26.
Cause, ya know… he couldn’t have just paid for their medical treatment outright or anything….
One of my favorite theoretical examples of how bankrupt the premise of Obamacare is vis a vis a mandate to carry “insurance” is to posit a cash billionaire who becomes ill. Why does such a person need “health insurance” to avoid becoming a financial burden to the state? It makes it pretty obvious that “Obamacare” isn’t about what it claims to be about.
He’s only worth like, $35million.
How can he afford those medical fees AND feed his kids?
He’s got two kids in their 20s
Two unemployable kids?
Unless it’s a bastard that he denies responsibility for, imma say ‘NO’.
Dammit. You made me click. Here’s Lizzie Warren’s comment:
Millions of Americans should remember that doctors aren’t their slaves.
I know I got tired of seeing the millions of corpses piled up in the streets before Obamacare. Didn’t you?
Not really.
Sweet ride
During the build up to O=care I was online-arguing with some Canucks about it. I mentioned that I lived across the street from a hospital and that, while stepping over all the dead and dying was a nuisance, I could make extra money stacking corpses or by bribing the guards to let me in to the Executive Waiting Room where I would polish monocles and block top hats. The very first response started “I don’t know if you are being serious on not but…”
The plan that is obamacare lite?
“repealing the Affordable Care Act isn’t football.”
Uh, ok?
That’s about the only thing that made any sense in that entire statement.
Kimmel sounds like a legit nice guy.
But fuuuuck.
Dude could probably buy a jet plane but can’t afford health care?
Here’s a hot take: if it wasn’t for the ACA, Kimmel would have had to pay for his kids himself, which he is more than capable of doing. Instead, he was able to foist the cost off on others. Hooray for socialism!
It is the pre existing conditions thing (which trump said wants to keep but lefties conveniently ignore this part for their take down)
This doesn’t prevent him from paying out of pocket himself
Has anybody ever asked why “pre-existing conditions” were such a minefield in insurance?
I think pre-existing conditions is not a big deal. Not a libertarian solution but dealing with the political reality of everyone must have coverage, cover it under Medicare. Difference would be that you would have to pay for it and there would be a deductable. If they want to do a sliding scale rate and deductable on income whatever. Takes the issue off of the table. If you show up to hospital without ever having insurance or having applied for the program, you’re bill gets paid but you are automatically signed up for the program and you have to reimburse as much of that initial bill as feasable plus a penalty. Plan payments auto deducted from paycheck until you have proof of other insurance.
Initial bill and penalty would be waved for infant having irregular issues.
It is the pre existing conditions thing
At worst, it just makes insurance expensive to get. You get put in the high-risk pool.
But, and here’s something nobody ever wants to talk about, HIPAA was only incidentally a privacy law. It stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It already largely solved the pre-existing condition “problem”, but that problem is just too juicy a hobbyhorse for legislators to resist, so they trot it out any time they want to “reform” health insurance. From the DOL website:
The ACA made marginal changes to pre-existing condition requirements.
HIPAA was only incidentally a privacy law.
Because it doesn’t keep your info private from the State.
I prefer to think he would just let the little fucker die because he was too cheap to pay.
It’s not just Connecticut, fucko.
Glorious quote, though.
You mean like California as well?
Federal gov perhaps?
All of the above.
But here in Washington, Team Blue insists that only an income tax on the wealthy can prevent swings in the state budget, so we need one pronto…
Maybe their gov should show the same class that our Gov. Mumbles does.
Hide most of your money in a trust fund. Pay less than most because the income is from capital gains, but claim you’d be happy to pay more if only someone let you.
Also, make sure to make over $300K and give nothing to charity (bonus points for ineptly trying to cover up the fact).
Christ, what an asshole.
Because he hired someone named “Linden” right?
Col. Bruce Hampton Drops Dead on Stage
Perfect. What a fabulous exit.
Fuckin’ A.
yes, but it became really awkward when the audience wouldn’t stop cheering for an encore.
Sometimes you gotta dance.
Dick Shawn died the same way. He was giving a performance on stage and when he suffered a massive heart attack, everybody thought for several minutes he was just acting in character.
Mark Sandman of Morphine died on stage as well.
“I think the worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades…or a game of Fake Heart Attack.”
– Demetri Martin
Johnny ‘Guitar’ Watson (“Superman Lover”) died on stage as well.
just because its also a good one
Beat Farmers singer/drummer/guitarist Country Dick Montana suffered a massive heart attack and died three songs into the band’s set at the Long Horn in Whistler, BC, Canada.
Hubba hubba hubba hubba.
So I guess I can look forward to my rates getting jacked up again. Already went up over 40% the first year of the “affordable” care act.
Only 40%? My policy got canceled and if I wanted something equivalent from the “exchange” it was going to cost almost 3x as much. My premium was $80/mo for an individual policy. They wanted about $230/mo for a silver plan, which was equivalent to the plan I had. Bronze plans were total scam insurance that cost $160/mo. When I would explain this to Obamacare lovers, they would say I should be thankful that I was saved from my scam insurance and offered real insurance. Uh ok, my deductible was $2500 and copays were $30/100. Bronze plans cost twice as much and had a $4000 deductible. Thanks, Obama.
At the exact time Hillary was blaming Putin for her loss, Trump was on the phone talking to him. That’s sweet of him.
It’s no fun.
Linked there:
the faculty was concerned that their illegal immigrant students wouldn’t be able to get back into the country. And if they can’t go, nobody is going
LOL, “sanctuaries”.
I still want audio or video of clinton on election night.
I have an idea how that lady would rip into people, but I want to know.
I’d like to see her melting down behind the scenes. To not come out and address her subjects was mind boggling.
I think the drinking would slowly increase as the hours went by. By the time the polls closed here, her gin and tonics would have to be like 90% gin.
the assistants would be slowly leaving the room, those left behind trying to be as far away as possible, backs to the wall.
while I didn’t like her before that, not coming out to give her concession speech instantly made me glad she lost. While I gather it was because she was “too upset”/drunk off her ass, I still wonder if it wasn’t tactical, that by not being gracious in defeat herself and not telling her supporters to be gracious/work with the other administration, she was tacitly approving all the violence that followed. Heinous bitch.
I don’t think she planned it. She can’t be that smart, right?
but it did accomplish that, the tacit approval of various riots or protests. maybe a slurred “le’sh work togeurr” wasn’t what her handlers wanted to show.
Spoiler: Insectoid mandibles
“—I have an idea how that lady would rip into people, but I want to know.—”
I think you would be severely disappointed. It would probably just be assorted screeches with a few curse words mixed in (oh, and throwing blunt objects).
She’s not smart enough to be erudite when she’s mad.
I’m hoping for a more angry/ evil mallory archer.
with like double the vodka.
I hope if Hillary is not well she doesn’t pass on during Trump’s term.
My God could you imagine the nauseating obits?
too true.
and also, in the darkest tmieline that would mean — President Kaine – another bullet dodged, jfc
I’m more worried about the conspiracy theories that Trump had her killed.
Oh and you know those would be rampant.
Fuck you Chrystia Freeland.
Fuck. You.
-No problem with a country that flogs rape victims.
-Doesn’t believe that cutting a woman’s clitoris off is barbaric.
They’re jar dropping in their a) stupidity and b) hypocrisy.
Man do I loathe that party.
When the Swedish “feminists” kowtowed before the Iranian government and wore headscarves, the reaction was “how dare you criticize them!” Trump meets with Duterte, and everybody’s going nuts that a head of state meets with a POS head of state.
Wow. I would’ve expected … something that actually replied to what he said, but she flat out ignored and condescended.
For your entertainment
I do like how Late Stage Capitalism loudly declares that “We made this.”
Oh no, we made the most prosperous, safe and technologically advanced societies in human history, that statement doesn’t make you seem like a spoiled moron at all.
How are deaths due to poverty capitalism’s fault?
Because, comrade, poverty doesn’t exist in glorious communist countries!
Russian male life expectancy never went over 66 during the communist period. Excellent work, comrades!
Because capitalism causes poverty, it’s not the natural state of humanity or anything.
In order for someone to win, another must lose.
*eats crayon*
reddit libertarians? Id rather be forced to hang around 4chan for a month.
well….. yeah… I see your point….
From what I’ve seen on some libertarian subreddits, they have no fucking clue what libertarianism is.
that wasn’t too much, though. maybe it’s getting better?
Some time ago I tried Reddit but their formatting is pure garbage. It works for them or they wouldn’t use it obviously bu damn there aren’t bee\otter options now?
WTF? *better options
Who knew
There’s the Reddit Enhancement Suite, which makes it meaningfully more usable.
Like, work and stuff. I can’t even.
Ugh. A higher standard of living than any point in human history is, like, so not woke.
and you can’t even choose what to do! you can’t take a passion of yours and turn it into a way to make a living or anything.
We also have an awful lot of people who roadtrip for their lives. theres even instagram pages devoted to van life. No one I know camps all summer, rafting and kayaking until its ski season. never happens.
The fact that stupid anti-capitalist subreddits exist is a testament to how cozy we have it here in the First World.
All these people complaining about “income inequality” and a “war on women” would not complain so much if they were transported back to 1700 because they would be too busy mending the rags that are their clothing, eating gruel for almost every meal, trying to avoid now-trivial diseases which were fatal back then, and wallowing in ignorance because there’s no Internet and books were expensive as fuck. Capitalism freed us of all those things and subsequently gave us so much leisure time that some people in our society choose to become professional whiners who lecture us all day on the evils of capitalism.
I don’t need the state to stop you from taking my shit.
When I say “The British Invasion” what comes to mind? Once upon a time you couldn’t turn the radio on without hearing a Limey squawking over an electric guitar. Why did we have so many British bands?
These fucking liars feign surprise but they know damned well that taxing the rich doesnt work.
Hey, if you’re doing a revolver video on the YouTube don’t shoot it single action. Unless it is a single-action but then I wouldn’t be watching so I don’t care.
Cleveland police union will sue toy gun makers because of course they will. It’s *their* fault that trigger happy Cleveland cops murdered a 12 year old!
[Seinfeld getting up and walking out of theater.gif]
Nothing is ever anyone’s fault.
Berkeley and it’s Che-the-cat-owning mayor are impossible to parody:
I would quite frankly love to get a pepe themed paintball or airsoft team together and vs some antifas. 1, I can hurt them legally, and 2, it will make them think twice the next time they think about getting into a real gunfight.
Molotov Paintballs?
SFed the link.
California über alles.
The B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Guy goes full Stalinist, deleting the chromosome segment from his old show on Netflix.
We have always been at war with chromosones determining gender.
That’s hilarious. “Boys” and “girls” – how quaint.
Netflix actually paid to get his old kids show on?
He was simply snipping out some outdated pages from his Great Soviet Encyclopedia, I don’t see why we should make a big deal about it.