I gotta be honest with you. I usually hate the NBA playoffs. They’re predictable and nobody plays defense. But this year…damn. That Celtics-Bullets game last night was something. And I get to follow it up tonight by watching the Pens-Caps and Rockets-Spurs matchups in games that will be really important in how those series develop.
Anyway, there’s your sports update. Oh, yeah. Racist assholes exist in Boston and they go to sporting events. Whodathunkit, right? How about everybody that’s ever been to a sporting event in Boston knew it. Actually, anybody that’s ever been to a bar in Boston knew it.
And now…the links!

Election runner-up, Hillary Clinton.
Victor Davis Hanson lets loose a broadside on progressivism that would make Horatio Nelson envious.
Hillary Clinton takes responsibility for her loss. Then proceeds to blame mysoginy, Russia, Comey, racism and everything under the sun except for her own ineptitude. Its almost as if she’s living in Denial.

Let me think here…ooh, I’ve got it. “Cock holster!”
Stephen Colbert unleashes a vicious verbal attack on President Trump, including the use of a homophobic slur. I wonder why he didn’t Godwin. These people usually Godwin when they go this berserk. Also, can you imagine the rage on the left and accusations of racism had there been 1/4 the invective hurled at Obama by a TV host? The amount of shit filled-pants could fill FedEx field.
And speaking of pants-shitting! (TW: its a Salon article…about guns. So you know its gonna be totally insane.)
China looks to close the stable door. Horses nowhere to be seen.
I don’t like finishing with stories that make my stomach turn. But this is beyond the pale. Somebody ought to throw these assholes in jail.
My Isaiah Thomas will win the Natty
Dude you can’t own people anymore.
Jamelle Bouie is convinced that Black people in America are still chattel…
I heard him saying that in an interview he was doing on the way to cash his paycheck.
Speaking of Boston racism…
As a Southerner excuse me.
Bless yer heart.
ESPN Fantasy Sports begs to differ
It’s just a fantasy…
of white people, everywhere.
People still drink Natty?
As long as colleges exist, and budgets are strained – there will be a Natty Light keg somewhere.
I’ve seen it offered and consumed in some hipster type places in D.C. that predominantly offer craft beers. I can only assume the people drinking it are doing so ironically.
A hipster bar near me sells cans of PBR (which I would compare to the devil’s piss, except the devil’s piss would actually have flavor) at the same price as their selection of craft on draft. If you can do the same with any old Natty or Milwaukee’s Best then profit margins must be insane.
I’d rather have Jim Jones make me a mixed drink than consume a can of Milwaukee’s Best. For all its many faults, Natty is at least easy to drink, cheap, and nostalgic.
The first beer I ever drank – minus the odd sip – was a whole can of Milwaukee’s Best, I was ten and on vacation in Arizona. It was hot as hell. We had run out of pop so my dad hands over a can of beer to me. /Shades of National Lampoon’s Vacation.
Mine was a Lowenbrau. Mom was off some place and Dad and I had just finished mowing our giant lawn. I was nine. Oh, man, was that a good beer.
It probably costs more to make PBR than it does to make the bitter IPA swill that the hipster bar is selling. I can make that stuff in a plastic bucket in my hall closet and it will taste the same as the 200 varieties of IPA swill with cute names.
C’mon man!
I like a lot of IPAs and there is a significant range of quality available.
Incidentally, I tried some PBR recently. One of my card playing cronies has a hipster son-in-law who left some in his fridge. Holey fuck, it was bad. I remember drinking PBR 30 years ago and it being comparable to Bud. Not anymore.
I recently bought a 16oz of PBR – revisiting memories of when I used to buy this stuff by the case for parties – and gah! It was sickenly sweet (and corn flavored). More so than I remembered.
Of course I don’t drink beer very much anymore. I used to be really into import, and then craft beer – when that whole thing took off. But now the world is awash with craft beer, especially in my city where a new brew pup seems to be opening every week. (And the older I get, the less I like to drink a lot of liquid. So it’s hard liquor for me.)
Fun fact: If you look in the beer judge style guide, it lists PBR as being the #1 example of an American Lager.
I worked in the industry. PBR is dirt cheap to make. The biggest difficulty is in doing really large batches consistently, but in a proper brewery designed for high volume runs…it’s dirt cheap. Like probably on the order of $10-13 per barrel. And that includes getting it to distributors. Pabst uses contract brewers exclusively and those guys are all setup to make that kind of thing. The IPA ingredients are expensive, but so many small brewers make them because it is much easier to mask a mistake in the taste/quality control.
IPAs are the devil. porters, stouts, or GTFO.
I guess that is about all that is left now. Has CBS made any statement? I am too lazy to actually type a short search…
I think they’re letting their fans do the talking for them.
Could you imagine the outrage if anybody had called Obama’s mouth a cock holster? The left would completely lose their fucking shit. But their people, from Colbert to Baldwin can utter these types of slurs without much pushback at all and with zero effect in their career.
I say a response in kind is the only way to prove the point. Greg Guttfeld should say that Obama should stay silent as a former president as his mouth is only well served as an Iran (blank) holder.
Heck they should point out how the harpy that felt the WH was owed her that we were miraculously spared, still is out there blaming everyone but herself for her loss, as well. Instead of being told to shut up and pretend there is a modicum of dignity left to show, she is being encouraged, and even offered money to write this drivel down.
Thus a slur goes from the unspeakable to mainstream.
When they do it, even when it is downright homophobic, because they have the correct political beliefs and ideas, it is always a good thing. When the deplorables do it its always racism and evil, no matter how they try to masquerade it. That is why saying Trump’s mouth is a cock holster for Obama is a good thing, but saying Obama’s mouth is a cock holster for anyone – and Obama actually has admitted to once or thrice tried this stuff out, for real – would be repugnant…
Double standards, people: without them the progs would have none.
“Could you imagine the outrage if anybody had called Obama’s mouth a cock holster? ”
I have often pointed out that the guy is a twink. Does that count? The lack of outrage indicates that everyone already knows that. A way of saying “Yeah. So what? He’s our pink twink.”
Huh…”A rep for CBS did not immediately return a request for comment.”
The left controls the media institutions and the much of the culture (at least the east/west coast). There will be no repercussions. But perhaps they will wonder – with amazement, of course – when a certain chunk of their viewers stop watching.
I’ve said this before: if you are a popular entertainer, you are want a broad swath of customers. Why piss off of a sizeable chunk of them just to get some accolades by the remainder?
Principle, of course, they’re committed to standing by the truth in the face of a hostile majority!
/what they actually believe
Honestly, though, I don’t think it is what they actually believe. I think it’s what they like to tell themselves, but I think they ultimately know it’s a lie. Stephen Colbert knew perfectly well he could reference Donald Trump’s mouth as a “cock holster” and his audience would be delighted. Just like Meryl Streep knew perfectly well that the Hollywood audience would loudly applaud her insults of his supporters. They really aren’t risking anything.
When Stephen Colbert gives his little speech in Kentucky or West Virginia or Meryl Streep decides to tell a NASCAR audience that MMA isn’t an art, maybe I’ll take notice. So far, however, all they seem to be doing is telling like-minded individuals how superior they are to “those” people.
Homosexual slang as a slur has been part and parcel for the left recently. See: chickenhawk & tea-bagger.
I’m a bit afraid to ask but how’s chickenhawk homosexual slang?
Homosexual pedophile.
Seriously? I’ve never heard that before.
Well you should be afraid…to ask your mother about such things.
Why, is his Mom a chickenhawk?
Don’t forget KKKochsucker.
Here’s a really good breakdown of why Lizzie Warren is a liar and/or s dumbass. Has some good stats that show what a miss the Great Society was
If she ever saw the conditions on a real rez she’d tuck that spadeous tail and head for higher ground. Dirty faces, drooping diapers, side-eye and general malaise do not make for a cheery atmosphere.
It’s all worth it for cheap cigs
(Puffs on Fifteen cent cigarette)
Why are you harshing the prog’s talking point with facts there Bunker? Don’t you know truth is whatever you want it to be if you are a prog?
Stop trying to impose reality on their delusion already!
What do I need to do for Salon to officially call me a Killology Expert? My resume needs a little punch up and I think this could do the trick
Step 1: be a white male.
Monocle, of course!
reminds me of Thank you for Smoking where the gun lobbyists are proud of the smear “Merchants of Death” and put it on bumper stickers.. and then he offers to get one for the smoking lobbyist.
You know who else was a “Killogy Expert”…
That guy who could “Totally take you all on” in a fight?
+1 Come at me, bro!
Jack Kevorkian?
“Don’t call me Francis! Call me Francis and I’ll kill ya!
I saw some hack write, “Adam Jones, one of only 62 African-Americans currently on an MLB roster” or something.
How many are there supposed to be?
According to my calculations…more. There’s supposed to be more.
This is true even though I’m not fully certain what an MLB is. I suppose it means “Major League Baseball.”
I think you forgot to carry the one in your calculations. When I ran the math I came up with A LOT MORE.
Dammit, UCS!
Now we see how ethical I am as an admin…I didn’t zorch your comment or change time. I will go to the box for two minutes and feel shame.
Come back. Time to type the obvious joke is not a measure for pride or shame.
It was only a minor.
*skates back out*
You bring up hockey on a “how many African-Americans are in this league” sub-thread?
How many white American born guy are in the NBA?
As owners, players or support staff?
Well seeing the original was MLB roster, players obviously,.
I think the joke was – there are no players…only owners, trainers and TV camera operators.
Wait are you trying to deny Gordon Haywards existence? He’s people too!
Exception that proves the rule?
*hides old Jack Sikma poster*
So was 1985 NBA Champion Chuck Nevitt.
3 buy I think two are Canadians
That’s cheating… Everyone knows there are no black Canadians!
Which is rather meaningless anyway since there are a shitload of black Latin players like Yoenis Cespedes, Miguel Sano, Aroldis Chapman, Yasiel Puig, Marcell Ozuna, etc etc etc
I was coming to say this. If you completely discount the Afro-Carribean players, I guess this is true.
They don’t count
They, like the Jamaicans and Haitians to name a few, are not truly blacks, right?
At least more than there is in hockey I guess?
I think there was actually a push a while back to get more Black American boys interested in baseball. I seem to remember Torii Hunter being involved. And I don’t think it was really a social/political thing as much as some black ballplayers trying to pass on their love of baseball to black inner city kids.
Before too long, the inevitable decline of football related to brain injuries will swing interest back towards baseball for both white and black kids, but since there are more black NFL players than white it will have the coincidental effect of increasing the number of American-born black MLBers.
Which is a good thing, because baseball is awesome and won’t end up with you putting a bullet in your head because your brain is basically butterscotch pudding. I still love watching football but I won’t let my son play it.
The average lifespan of MLB players is shorter than that of NFL players.
I am not sure why that is, but its a weird facto.
I should probably google for a source for that. I expect someone will want a citation.
Was that the Grantland study where they did not control for age?
The one I saw controlled for age by only using players born in a 5 year window.
This looks properly done, even if its from 538:
NFL is worse than MLB, but still better than the general population.
“I still love watching football but I won’t let my son play it.”
My ex put my son on a football team when he was about 10. I objected. He played half of a season until one of the other boys was killed during a game. I didn’t have to make any more arguments to her. She took him out.
I still want to hook up with a local children’s football club to coach on now that I’ve moved away from where I used to coach them. I don’t think children are any less safe during the hours they’re with us (adults supervising & instructing them in football) than during hours they’d spend outdoors on their own or with other adults.
It may lead to people putting a bullet in their head due to boredom.
The best throw I have ever seen in baseball was made by a young Torii Hunter while he was in A ball.
Guy on 3rd tagging up. Ball hit to warning track. Guy on 3rd takes off, stops 1/3 of the way down the line, and walks back to 3rd. Throw was caught by catcher on the fly, 1 ft off the ground, 1 ft up the 3rd base line from the plate. The guy would have been out by 10+ ft if he had tried to score.
Torii is one of my all time favorites. Exceptionally talented outfielder and he also seems to be a hell of a nice guy.
MLB still has the RBI program (Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities) I believe.
It’s working so well!!
People can’t understand nor care about self-selection bias in certain things. Young black youth play sports that are financially easier to play and are more readily available to them (basketball) and those that promise a more immediate impact on career (football.)
I was about to point this out. To play a pickup a game like baseball, certain equipment is required. Since a basketball court is at nearly every public park in the country, the only requirement is a ball.
It is also likely the reason for the iniquitousness of soccer (okay, futbol….freaks) even in the most impoverished places in the world.
Also why the evil we know as mimes still exist. Nothing needed but an invisible box.
It is the only explanation for the popularity of soccer. One shitty ball and an open space is all you need to keep 2 dozen kids entertained. Even Sudan can come up with that.
*I guess ubiquitousness is not a word? Last time I trust the spell-check.
San Pedro de Macoris is primarily responsible for the dearth of African-Americans in MLB.
“How many are there supposed to be?”
You’ll know when they switch to complaining about not enough transsexuals on an MLB roster.
Their view on baseball demographics isn’t much different than their view on demographics in general, the fewer white people the better.
Of course they’re going to spin it as white privilege and power somehow squeezing out blacks because whatever.
Well it’s a tried and true method for obtaining resources and perceived moral superiority.
I remember ESPN going on about how something needed to be done to get blacks in baseball.
And if they don’t want to play it let them. It’s their choice, no?
Why do they have to obsess over every choice a society makes that goes against their pre-conceived notions of how things ‘ought to be’?
Because all differences in outcome between different racial groups is the result of racism, white people’s racism to be exact.
25 man roster times 30 teams equals 750 players times 0.12 equals 90.0 black players.
That math only works if you assume all 750 players are Americans.
So it is 750 * FF * .12, where FF is the “foreign factor”. If 72% of players are Americans, then 63 is correct. If it is less than 72%, then African Americans are overrepresented.
So by that math there should be 520 or so white Americans. I wonder what the number really is?
I just looked at the Red Sox roster. My count of the number of blacks is entirely subjective and definitely falls short of the highly technical race-classification methods of yore. It also is 9.
I doubt that 15% of the black players in MLB play for a single team.
Are black Dominicans classified as blacks when convenient? Or are they just plain Latino/Hispanic?
Interesting fact – if a black Dominican player shoots a black teen in self defense, he’s actually catagorized as White Hispanic.
Rhian Sugden slams haters as she talks posing for X-RATED snaps: ‘Feminism’s gone mad’
“Rhian” is a woman’s name? Not that I want to be cisnormative or anything.
Probably a shortening of “Rhiannon”, a not unheard of name in the British Isles.
That’s Shan over there with Rhian and Am and Alger…
Yeah. Or Em, Beth, and Liz.
“Rhiannon” is a woman’s name?
Blame the Welsh.
Or Stevie Nicks
“Ever met a Welshman?”
“Ever eaten a leek?”
“Same thing.”
I dated a Welsh girl once with double d’s.
Christ but she had a long name.
That’s not the only thing that was long /rimshot
::shuffles off of stage to a chorus of boos*
Vowels? Who nds thm?
Don’t make me defend Dr. Rhiannon Evans’ honor.
To be fiar, people didn’t take Emma seriously before.
It is different. Because tits, yo.
Indeed. I did notice them.
Tha’s the kind of woman that has a seriously short shelf-life, though. Those kind of bodies just collapse in a few years.
Emma Watson…tits.
Does not compute. Does not compute. Error. Errrr-oooorrrr.
One thing I noticed from my hard partying days: If a woman gets topless, the guys don’t mind at all. It’s the other women who get catty about it. (broad generalization of course).
I seen what you did there
*golf clap*
Whenever there is some outrage about haters or shaming or whatever it is usually the same bunch of trolls. I don’t see how it is so hard to understand that on the internet a small number of trolls can get a lot of visibility, especially if the grievance industry always highlights them.
“the whole Emma Watson thing, just because she got her boobs out, people don’t take her seriously anymore. Well, why not? ”
I think Emma Watson’s problem is more about her being an amateur moralist and lecturer with a child-like understanding of the world.
No, it’s her tits. She showed her tits. It’s totally that.
That and not really having any boobs to speak of.
/Sarcasmic likes…
Whatever happened to him?
I was still at the Old Site until last weekish and he would pop in from time to time on police abuse articles and only police abuse articles. So I think he still lurks over there, he just needs a nut punch in order to comment. But he pulled back from the site sometime before the exodus began owing to family troubles, a divorce and custody battle if I recall correctly.
he’s on the reasonoid email group, and comments sometimes.
When did Emma Watson get boobs?
boobs aside, I don’t see why she’s regarded as so attractive. She has the build of a lithe middle-aged woman and a face that might be attractive if I didn’t get angry every time I saw it. If I were completely in the dark about her social activism/virtue signalling, I’d still rate her as a 6 out of 10 at best.
Wait Celtics Bullets? Are you one of those old people that calls stuff by previous names?
Hey, that was one of the first doses of political correctness run amok I can remember. I’ll always call them the Bullets because I refuse to give in to retarded political bullshit.
Oh right. I bet you’re the kinda guy to call the Willis Tower something else (if you had happened to live in Chicago)
The what? Do you mean the Sears Tower?
IT IS THE SEARS TOWER, and Comiskey Park too.
Don’t you mean New Comiskey Park?
So… Baltimore Bullets?
Fine by me if we continue going backward.
Does that mean the Colts are from Baltimore again and the Ravens are erased from the face of the earth? Because most of America could get behind that.
I would be perfectly happy with the Baltimore Colts being re-established. Ditto the Chicago Cardinals, Washington Senators, and Brooklyn Dodgers.
California Angels.
UnCivil, thanks for your article yesterday. No work today so I’ll give it a thorough read. I’m not a video or tabletop gamer, but I’ve read a ton of the
BlackAfrican-American Library. Thanks for your effort.For the Emperor!
~~~PC edit fairy~~~
You’re welcome.
More details in the link than you could possibly want, you cis-shitlords:
8 Issues To Support If You Call Yourself A Feminist
A: only one of those is a Feminist issue.
B: at least one of those is profoundly anti-women’s rights.
Muslims, Both In The U.S. & Abroad
“Sex slave number 4, lie down!”
“Body Positivity, beyond whiteness”
Lose some weight, girl!
I hate “body positivity” activists. They’re actively trying to cause people to die from fat. I’m only on my way to a healthy weight becuase I accepted that there was nothing positive about being a fat bastard.
As a person who dropped 70 lbs, good for you! You’ll enjoy life more when you are at a healthy weight.
I’ve dropped 90 over the past year – and still have some more to lose before I’m in the correct range.
That’s pretty impressive guys. good for you.
“nuanced and complicated issues”
When I hear the term “feminism” I immediately think “now we’ll finally get a nuanced analysis of a complicated issue!”
“these often overlooked problems”
Why am I hearing about them all the time, if they’re so overlooked? I’m just enlightened, I guess.
Nuance means you sadly will never be woke enough. There will always be some failing, you privileged shitlord you.
“axis” of oppression.
Axis of Feeble
You know who else…
James Atkinson?
Rene Descartes?
It’s probably my mind shield at work but I still don’t “get” intersectionality. My anti-intellectual bent says: “Someone is throwing words out to sound smarter than they are.”
You’re actually spot on with the second assessment.
Most of the people who parrot intersectional dogma would lose a telephone debate against a mime.
I mean when I read:
I say:: “So a person who is black and a woman and in a wheelchair is going to have more challenges than someone else? Well duh. I need to be a law professor to come up with this crap?”
Ha ha ha leading to tears… I helped my Ex through Uni in the early ’90’s. That shit was fresh back then and everyone took it very seriously. She got her degree and promptly decided that we couldn’t co-habitate any longer because she felt “constrained” by my use of our money. (For golfing and fishing and such). See ya later, Bitch!
“My anti-intellectual bent says: “Someone is throwing words out to sound smarter than they are.”
Those are the truly dumb individuals trying to sound smarter than they are. The somewhat intelligent but mostly clueless, use words like ‘The Cloud’ and ‘Big Data’ to sound smarter than they are. You totally do not need to understand in any way what those things mean, but you have to use them at least 6 times in a 30 minute meeting.
‘The Cloud’ and ‘Big Data’
I see you’ve been to our senior management meetings.
I have seen so many bad decisions because the senior management types had incorrect understanding/interpretation and expectations of whatever buzz words they were in vogue and felt they needed to act to make things happen. They got bonuses and big money and the people actually doing the work got blamed for not understanding what they wanted.
It’s their euphemism for “victim stack”.
It’s ideological logrolling. You get enough people under your tent clamoring for different things and it looks like you have a much bigger tent than if everyone stood outside shouting in.
You should be glad Lord H. It is indistinguishable from insanity. If you cant get intersectionalityism it says something about you.
It is not much of a challenge to ‘sound smarter than they are’.
Just sayin’
The first time I heard intersectionality, I got excited because I thought it meant the masses were coming around to the concept of individualism (i.e., people can’t be lumped together in one category because most people don’t fit neatly in one box). Man, was that a rude awakening.
That does it, I’m changing my name again.
One of these things is not like the other.
Shouldn’t she have provided a trigger warning before using the the word “abroad?” She’s obviously not as woke as she thinks she is.
Being a “true” feminist must be exhausting. How could you possibly keep up with all that garbage?
Why would you have to? Just accuse anyone that calls you out as shallow and a rent seeker of being a misogynist/racist/homophobe, and demand their job in the process, and you are going to cruise to a victory…
You have to constantly keep the intersectionality (word?) scorecard updated so you know who is “right”. You get on the wrong side and your ship is sunk.
The inclusion of Muslims on lists of oppressed peoples always baffles me, since the various historical Muslim empires committed the same atrocities (slavery, genocide) and had the same vices (imperialism, intolerance) as the various historical European empires. If the misdeeds of the Spanish, English, French, and Germans indelibly stained the reputation of white people as a group, why don’t the misdeeds of the Arabs, Ottomans, and Mughals stain the reputation of Muslims as a group? I’ll never understand the reasoning behind that.
Duh because they aren’t white
And they love them some socialism and brutal dictators too…
For some reason the left loves those strongmen types more than freedom, or anything else for that matter, as long as they worship at the altar of Marx.
Baffled? Because it is a ruse. This is about oppression alright, just not in the way they say it is.
I sometimes think that progressivism is designed to cause neuroses. Sort of like the horror film designed to drive its viewers insane.
They adapted the work of SugarFree?
DOJ: One in Four Federal Inmates Is Foreign-Born
Justice Dept. says cost of incarcerating non-citizens in federal prisons exceeds $1.2 billion
Send em all to Mexico
Even the Russian mobsters?
Why not? You seriously want to send them back to Russia?
If they’re illegal aliens in the U. S. they’d be illegal aliens in Mexico, too, wouldn’t they?
But they’d no longer be our problem.
Supposed to feel bad for Africans flouting the law, crossing into my country and losing digits to frostbite. Festus response – BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Fuck off, assholes! The front door is on the front side of the building.
Moronie Deported to Sweden! Claims He’s Not From There
“Buncha fargin iceholes!”
Dat’s a violation of my fargin’ rights!
That’s a fargin trick question!
Jew Sammanabeecsh!
What was the breakdown of the non-citizen foreign born between those who entered legally and those who did not?
Shh, we’re not supposed to ask such questions. There’s a reason outfits like Cato don’t differentiate between legal immigrants and illegal aliens.
If they’re in prison, I’m going to assume they’re no longer undocumented but rather well documented at this point.
Well, they do and they don’t. To get their stat that immigrants are less likely to be criminals than the native born, they clearly have to exclude illegal immigrants from the count. If 24% of federal prisoners are foreign born, but only 14% of the US population is foreign born, then immigrants are clearly committing more federal crimes. It would be interesting to know what percentage of these entered illegally, but all the recent data tell is what percentage will be deported, and many legal-statuses for immigrants can be revoked as punishment for committing a serious enough offense.
To get their stat that immigrants are less likely to be criminals than the native born, they also compare “immigrants” to native-born Americans of the same socio-economic status, so they are really saying immigrants are no more prone to crime than the worst hoods in places like Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore. But they bury that tidbit, too.
Kevin Williamson writes about his experience as a landlord in Eviction Court
“my mother’s fourth husband’s fifth wife”
“My check didn’t come.”
Your check didn’t come.
It’s never coming. Now what?
What an excellent article. My dad went through a similar situation recently.
“O, you can’t pay rent or keep the house free of bed bugs, or not kennel your THREE giant doberman in tiny cages in the living room letting them shit so much they are up to their own ankles in it, or not let your “friend” literally take over the place to the point of police having to be called to forcibly remove the squatter once he starts doing drugs in front of your toddler because…???”
Kentucky is pretty good about these things, but it still took over a month. The most frustrating part, by far, was that he had to give the pillhead “friend” (euphemism for drug dealer, her sexual partner “friend” was actually on the lease) 7 days to leave. Even though he wasn’t on the lease, he was invited there by the tenants and had paid rent one month, so Dad couldn’t just call the cops or go over there and remove him or go himself with a .357, unfortunately
My parents own the house next to theirs and rent it.
I wish they would just sell it, although the current tenant is much better than the previous.
Finding a tenant who is worth a fuck is soooo much a godsend.
Last ones stopped paying and claimed bankruptcy and let their dogs piss in the hallway on the rug that was only a year old.
Luckily MO is also a good state for being able to shit-can tenants who don’t pay. Short wait for court +7 days after hearing.
When I bought my house there were people renting the house. No big deal. They let me into the house several times while I was waiting for closing and were extremely friendly. On closing day the seller’s realtor said to me, “What are you going to do about the renters?” I was floored. The renters were aware that I was moving in on closing day and I just foolishly assumed that they would be moved out. It turned out that they had no intention of moving out. I had bought a little cottage on the water that only had one bathroom and the house was over a hundred years old. One of the first things I needed to do was remove the toilet and replace the floor in the bathroom so I informed my “renters” that they would be without bathroom facilities. In turn I received a call from some state agency informing me that if I removed the toilet I would be in violation of some landlord law and would be arrested. My mother, someone who no one should ever cross, came up with a plan. I told the renters that the toilet would be removed on Saturday. On Saturday a bunch of friends from my bowling league came over and my parents brought a huge grill, food, and coolers filled with beer for my “work crew” (we were also painting, taking down a tree, etc.) My Dad proceeded to remove the toilet, the renters called the cops and just as the deputies arrived the truck pulled up with a Port A Potty. The Port A Potty satisfied the cops that I was providing the renters with a toilet and after two days of the renters having to use the bathroom in the front yard they left in the middle of the night. I’m told that otherwise it could have taken me months and a bunch of money to get them out of the house. Moral of the story: never piss off my Momma.
That was a clever gambit. I wonder if that would work in other jurisdictions?
I don’t know if it would work elsewhere or not but I was looking at spending a buttload of money to get them out of the house while paying rent to stay where I was at while paying on the mortgage and not being able to collect rent from the people in the house while I was trying to put them out. My Mom is pure evil but she is a great person to have on your side.
My Mom is pure evil but she is a great person to have on your side.
It is good to have a devious person in your corner. Sometimes a harsh tactic is necessary (occasionally you gotta fight fire with fire), and a nice person won’t be of any help in such situations.
As a former landlord I love that story.
The lack of agency is a key difference between people who are successful in life (by however they personally define success) and people who aren’t. People who have difficulty accepting responsibility for their lot in life also have difficulty taking the necessary steps to change said lot. It’s almost as if you have to believe that you’re capable of failure in order to believe that you’re capable of success, otherwise you spend your life waiting to be saved.
Fuck Jimmy Kimmel.
And, while we’re at it, fuck Jimmy Fallon, too.
Fuck every grown man that calls himself “Jimmy” (except Jimmy Durante, he o.k.).
Easy now.
-ghost of Jimmy V
Dying of cancer causes people to overlook years of cheating.
Jimmy Key was awesome
“If I were alive, I’d have your legs broken!”
/Ghost of Jimmy Hoffa
I’m sorry, the correct response is “I’d have your legs broke” not “broken”. Back to the board…
Jimmy is not happy with that.
George is getting upset.
“Superfly” Jimmy Snuka was the hero of my childhood.
Jimmy Kimmel has a sick newborn.
Therefore, Obamacare is good.
I listened to some random woman cry about this on the CBC during my tobacco break. It was just as pathetic as you might imagine.
Can Kimmel show any time that a newborn has been born in this country with a hole in its heart that the hospital refused to treat because the child’s parents didn’t have money? I suspect that the answer is “no” and I further suspect the it is far less likely that the child would be treated in a country with universal health care. I know from my own circumstances (stage IV cancer) that I would not have been treated in England because I would be considered “too far gone” under their guidelines and I’ve had acquaintances who have been diagnosed with cancer, didn’t have a pot to piss in or insurance and still managed to receive treatment.
I always look look to comedians for my political and economic analyses.
I always look to multimillionaires to tell me how quadrupling my insurance premiums while doubling my deductable is a good thing.
TW: Taki
Dumb and Dumber
Has the test changed to reflect the evolution of English? Or is it still testing the vocabulary as it was used 45 years ago?
I thought that the IQ scale was adjusted periodically to ensure that the average IQ was at about 100?
Everything I read up until now argued that our collective IQ was always rising.
The real issue is that IQ tests don’t test intelligence, they test a small sample of skills that have an imperfect correllation with intelligence. As these types of reasoning become more a part of normal life (ie the technological change around us requires we think differently) people will score higher without actually being smarter.
Be that as it may, there remains a strong correlation between those who “test well” on IQ tests and those who earn more money, have a lower crime rate and have better academic performance. Which is a strange grouping of things to correlate if IQ does not measure intelligence.
Define intelligence.
Based on the IQ tests I’ve been subjected to in my life, what they are really testing for is pattern recognition, basic numeracy, vocabulary, and a bit of spatial relations. But to UnCivil’s point, I think we’re actually pushing more and more of these skills out of normal life, if that’s true, we should see the Flynn effect either pause or reverse.
I don’t need to define anything, I’m just saying there are strong correlations between this metric that apparently doesn’t measure intelligence at all, and a host of life outcomes that seem to hinge naturally upon one’s intelligence. I guess the reasons will remain mysterious.
As to the Flynn effect, we should expect there to be some kind of upper threshold on human intelligence. As to the decline, it might have something to do with the mass immigration of lower IQ migrants bringing down the national average, as as has been seen in Denmark and the UK military entrance exams.
What is the R² for those correlations?
Where it concerns per capita GDP and verbal IQ, it’s 0.89
I’m not going to seek out the r-squared for every correlation imaginable to prove some point, but feel free to look into it at your leisure.
I thought you were talking about individual intelligence, not some methodologically unsound nonsense about nations and GDP. And 0.89 is nothing special anyway.
A 0.95 or better correlation between individual IQ score and personal income would be something worth talking about.
For an explanation of why it is metholodogically unsound:
How do you know that Nation A’s IQ scores are comparable with Nation B’s?
Even if they speak the same language and administer tests with the same questions, the tests will be normalized differently. You’d have to compare the raw scores or else normalize the tests the same. If they administer tests with different questions, then you also need to determine the adjustment factors before you can compare the raw scores, never mind the normalized ones. And if they speak different languages, the problem gets even worse. How do you even measure the adjustment factors in the first place, unless there is a substantial polyglot population which is both equally proficient in each of the languages and also representative of the country’s population?
Then there is the host of bog-standard sampling issues which don’t matter as much for comparing individual scores but become serious problems when trying to compare national scores.
Never mind that GDP is a number with weak predictive power itself that is likely to be affected by a lot of variables outside of individual intelligence, like politics, availability of natural resources, etc.
Dude it was one correlation of many that I pulled from the interwebs. Deny the validity of IQ tests all you want. I don’t mind at all. I’m not really interested in that debate when happens to be that this apparently irrelevant number that apparently measures pretty much nothing, somehow manages to correlate with crime rates, educational attainment and on and on. So it does seemingly measure something, but what? I’ll leave that to my betters to figure out.
I tend to lean towards the simplest answer to the question, but I am naught but a small minded plebeian who doesn’t seek out the standard deviations and r-squared data where it concerns statistical results that were already predicted by intuition. I don’t see it as controversial that high intelligence will predispose one towards better life outcomes and better productivity than if one possessed low intelligence.
If you want to make the argument, then back it up. At least pull out some better statistics.
That is true Uncivil. However, I have noticed that people who score low on the IQ test are people that I rate as ‘stupid’ when I interact with them.
They renormalize the test. It is most likely that we have pushed more people of average intelligence (within a standard deviation) into college. More people are going to college, but not THAT many more smart people. Most of the extra have come from less intelligent people.*
*To clarify, my understanding is that a person of 100 IQ can learn calculus, but will probably not do well as a math/physics major. By extension, I think that people with a 100 IQ will do fine in liberal arts. Even if there are a lot of 90s to bring down that 110 average, this isn’t a big deal and doesn’t offer any insight into whether college itself has been “dumbed down” or made less rigorous.
Depends on how you parse out the IQ. Some people are off the charts on analytical reasoning (math) and test abysmally on linguistic reasoning or “verbal IQ”, and vice versa.
I have very little doubt that undergrad programs at universities have been dumbed down. It would be shocking if wasn’t degraded after they water down the meritocracy of admittance as they have been very persistent about.
I have heard unconfirmed reports that studies types only need about a 80 IQ, and the PhD candidates about 60.
You’re joking right? People with an IQ of 60 tend to have trouble tying their shoes.
Why do you think the “studies” PhD students wear loafers?
Thank you for pointing the obvious out wdalasio (is that you Bill?).
Hi Alex. Yes, it’s me.
So you’re saying we aren’t spending enough on education, right?
We never are…
And we can’t dumb down the edumacation and dial up the indoctrination enough either…
Huh. Looks like VDH found a Dalmia article or two.
Yeah that made me laugh. Definite pointed smackdown.
Should you follow Gwyneth Paltrow and go gluten-free? Trendy diet ‘increases your risk of heart disease’
If you can’t go to Gwyneth for advice … what is there left?
I warned you about Alar!!!
/Meryl Streep
What was the major funding source for that study? As soon as I know, I can tell you more. Oh, wait, they just analyzed some survey that was probably written in a away to solicit the responses they wanted? I see. I bet I can write a survey that will completely reverse the outcome. I call bullshit.
I read that her vagina egg inserts cause clit cancer.
I was called a “Fascist” by a family member last weekend so is it “Okay” to start using the handle “The Continuing Awesome Adventures Of Secret Nazi Janitor”? Like is there a copyright law or sumpin’?
Consult BP.
“Twas merely a Jest, Good Sirrah!” I wouldn’t dream of it. I did think it was amusing, though.
You should go full American History X for your next family gathering (appearence, not curb stomping).
why? who? details, man.
I have multiple family (in-laws) who think I’m “Literally worse than Hitler”, who usually express this opinion about 30 minutes into dinner, being served at my house.
I used to get somewhat annoyed about the apparent hypocrisy of these people sitting down to dine with me, and then I decided that what was the point of having a wife, who is actually related to these people, without having her deal with the situation.
Academic Makes Comparison Between Transgenderism and Rachel Dolezal and academia shits its pants.
The hilarious thing is, the author is clearly a goodthinker on the topic of trans issues, but because she threw the internal logic of it back in the face of her goodthinking peers she must be burned. You must believe, but must not present logic or facts. It’s just too damn messy, plus you shouldn’t need facts or logic to goodthink. Just follow the crowd
This is from a person employed and paid real US currency by the University of Tennessee. Don’t give up on those dreams kids; you too can be a waterhead invalid and still make it to the top ranks of certain humanities.
Deadnames? WTF does that mean?
It’s the name the person was given at birth that they no longer go by. Deadname is a very good Newspeak word. I actually really like the word. The concept is the drizzling shits and should be shunned as lunacy, but the word would fit well in a classic dystopian novel.
OOOOhhh, like Black people in the seventies after Roots deciding that they had “slave names”. Now I feature! Fucking Morons.
That actually goes back to the beginnings of Nation of Islam in 1930.
Because there was no slavery or slave trading by Muslims.
It makes sense because when people die they no longer have names.
/Opposite Fight Club
Xer name was Robert Paulson
So the Cleveland Browns are the Deadname of the Baltimore Ravens?
More hilariously, the person “deadnamed” in the article these morons are so horrified by? BRUCE JENNER.
because you see you need to keep that a secret. Shhh. Nobody knows.
In a just world the author of that drivel would be pelted with rotten vegetables after being detenured and fired.
Somebody doesn’t know what violence and harm actually are.
I like how they reassure the reader:
“It’s clear, from the way Tuvel sets things up, that she’s prodding us to more carefully examine why we feel the way we do about Dolezal, not to question trans rights or trans identities.”
Well, that’s a relief.
“Yeah! totally not the same, Bro!” Check out the tattas on number seven over there! Would!
At least the progs are giving us a blueprint on what kind of speech they’d go after if they got their anti-First-Amendment policies enacted.
Lest we assume they’d spend their time chasing down people who put Mein Kampf and The Turner Diaries online, this makes clear that they’d go after even their fellow progs.
And normal people will have even more to fear.
“I’ll take anything that was culturally safe four years ago, Alex!”
They hate apostates just as much as deplorables.
And I spent the 80s, 90s ,and early 2000s being told the right wing loons would deprive me of my right to free speech and other freedoms, by these very people, only to end up where we are today..
Is that irony, or is there another term for this sort of projection?
Something tells me normal people need never worry, not very much, anyway, because the lefties will never run out of apostates. It’ll be down to the last progressive ninny self-immolating for wrongthink.
Oh absolutely. They would institute an absolute reign of terror. Of course the ones dreaming of it think they themselves would never fall victim to it.
More mocking of Bill Nye
The Nye Quadrant:
A prog friend shared this on Facebook.
I.. uh.. don’t get the argument. Rowe is treated as a commentator, not the super ultra-expert that Nye is.
Moreover, Rowe is humble. He tells other people’s stories. He is self-deprecating. He engages with people he disagrees with.
How many of those sentences can speedwalker legitimately check off?
Yeah, Rowe seems like a nice guy while Nye seems like an absolute twat.
This was also the final straw for me. Done with Facederp.
You tell the idiot that did that dumb post off, and the thought police gave you your first warning?
Never been and never will be on facederp. i saw the end game long before it played itself out.
Is Rowe a conservative spokesperson or something? It’s hard to figure out the claim being made here.
Rowe’s an unapologetic promoter of self-empowerment and personal responsibility.
Hence, to your average Facederper, worse than Hitler.
Does anyone say “look at what Mike Rowe said” the way proggies say “look at what Bill Nye/Neil Degrasse Tyson said?”
Usually about jobs and vocational training.
I guess Rowe has the burden of providing evidence for his assertions, whereas Nye can just say stuff and the supporting evidence is “he’s a genius so it’s true! Just like Einstein was always right!”
He is called “the science guy!” He wouldn’t be called that if he couldn’t science.
They’re misrepresenting what Rowe does. And I’ve never seen Rowe act like an asshole including advocating for the criminalization of an opinion. It’s a false equivalence.
Heh, ever look at Nye’s patents? I did and am still laughing. A plastic bag filled with water can be used as a lens! Imagine that!
I’m sure the next generation of space telescopes will be built with those.
So these people think that Bill Nye is credible even after they watch the episode with an out-of-shape tranny(?) dancing around on stage rapping about “Sex Junk”. Bill Nye walks out on stage afterwards and tells them “that’s the right message”, which perfectly crystallized the fact that Bill Nye is a leftwing agitator and propagandist, not an educator or scientist.
Let’s not forget that China’s one-child policy is something we should at least discuss. Suddenly, it’s all “my body, our choice” with these people.
They’re all over the board. The same people who want to limit population growth in the west are often the same people who want to dump tax payer wealth into the third world and then take all the resulting emigrants from the third world they can get their hands on. If the environment were their concern, they’d be concerned about population growth regardless of the source because as it stands someone moving from the third world to the west goes from a relatively small “carbon foot print” to one that is probably tens times bigger in the west.
Oh, in my experience they are very much concerned about population growth, but they can’t really talk much about their proposed solutions, because eugenics isn’t that popular anymore…
No, they do talk about it. It’s not eugenics as long as the group you’re advocating the extinction of is white. They are rather open about it, like on Billy Nye’s new show where his panelists, and he if I read correctly, say the people that shouldn’t be allowed to freely reproduce are westerners (read:whites). Oh and by the way the west has a duty to accept and pamper every third world migrant that sets foot on the soil because reasons.
Yeah, but Mike Rowe is right.
Does that matter?
Speaking of Mike Rowe – the Katsak
I love YouTube videos uploaded at 23p.
It harkens back to the day when I had to adjust the antenna on the 19″ tube TV, all so I could watch some grainy Benny Hill at 11:30PM.
Heh I remember how exciting it was late at night to (sort of) get the exotic local channels from the cities on either side of mine. Like, “OMG they show Gilligans Island at 1:30 instead of Alice wowwww!”
“Then there’s Clarence Thomas – a breathing example of what the evil of American racism looks like when it metastasizes in a black body.”
Amazing – not a single example to back up his claims about Thomas.
“One of the criteria I use to measure the mental and emotional health of black Americans is their position on Thomas.”
The author may be onto something there.
Purely by accident however…
The old “if you don’t agree with us, you’re not really black” argument.
Also, that’s the first time I’ve ever seen the word “woke” used in a non-ironic context.
Anyone who argues that Clarence Thomas is a racist clearly doesn’t read his opinions or is arguing in bad faith.
Case in point, his concurrence in Heller which flat out exposed the racist roots of the progressive justifications for disarming the masses and showed that the gungrabbers were using the very same arguments – excising the word Negro where appropriate.
The hilarious thing about progressives is that they originally were unapologetic racists who fretted about slavs and blacks and orientals all mongrelizing the white race, and wanted to build a web of laws to protect the hard working common man (i.e. white protestant of Anglo Saxon descent) from these lower order people who were willing to accept lower wages, less beautiful wives (no really!), longer hours etc. And they pretty intelligently put together a set of laws that were very good at tompling those threats to white manhood back into the mud where they deserved to be.
And then when racism suddenly became unfashionable, they changed their justifications for their laws, but continued to advocate for them!
OK, I’m wrong: it’s not hilarious but downright infuriating. The broad acceptance of their lies causes so much unnecessary misery.
There’s also the part where avowed racist progressives from the past are “complicated,” and their racism is “paradoxical” – because Progressives are so enlightened, why was this person a racist?
Meanwhile, racist conservatives are simply doing what conservatives do naturally – and if a conservative was anti-racist it’s “paradoxical” again.
After that movie Lincoln came out, several people I knew were surprised that he was a Republican.
Yeah… I’ve seen an image meme going around with the following text:
Funny part of it is almost every “gun nut” I know would be applauding. Really, when I see a proglodyte post something like that, the first thing that occurs to me is that the projection is pretty obvious. The person posting the image would be horrified by a massive influx of young, black, armed NRA members and they assume everyone else would be too.
Really, the racism of the older-era proglodytes never went away.
What The Economist Didn’t Tell You about Greenland’s Ice
Wow, that’s pretty blatant data manipulation, if it’s true that current ice accumulation is greater than its been in 30 years. Although it shouldn’t be surprising, as it does seem to be a pattern among the global warming alarmists. After all, these are the people who regularly use graphs that graft together two different datasets and pretend its meaningful (the temperature charts that mash proxy data together with actual temperature readings – you can’t have part of your graph be tree rings and part be thermometer readings and then pretend that there’s any significance that the thermometer part shows a different rate of change than the tree ring part).
Just one flute.
This one time at band camp?
something skin something flute
Man, when I heard that “skin flute” joke it was about the funniest thing that I remembered from the school-bus years. The rest of it was just a gray malaise.
Mom and her younger sister were out with a group of school chums sometime in their teens. Aunt talks about wanting to learn to play piano. A boy offers to give her his upright organ. Aunt: “Really!?”
Go on.
That’s what I said.
It must be nice having an edit fairy.
I, on the other hand, have a liquor fairy.
Free Woodford makes me the winner.
You are the winner.
Greetings from London you filthy rutting warm-bloods
Fell asleep in the wrong luggage?
At least he was *in* the luggage, he wasn’t the luggage itself.
Flip off a CCTV camera for us!*
* We are not responsible for consequences from any ASBO you receive.
Try bagel at brick lane bagel bake. I’m curious how it is compared to an american bagel
*salt beef bagel I meant to write
There was a guy carrying two lizards around at my kids track meet yesterday. I presume scouts of yours?
Tell your pal down on the beach that lounge chairs are for paying guests only.
Where have I heard this before?
So, Daily News are now stealing their stuff from Glibertarians?
“Hey, Hillary Clinton, shut the f— up and go away already”
Ok, they didn’t say old bag.
I’d use the Seinfeld clip, but alas it’s been linked already.
I voted for Clinton on Nov. 8 and thought she’d be a good president.
So, was he a moron then or is he a moron now?
So Russian hackers caused Hillary to ignore the Rust Belt?
She would have got away with it except for that meddling Comey!
Pulls mask off – “It was Chomsky all along!”
No, the Russian Hackers caused her to engage in influence peddling that made the Teapot Dome Scandal look like an argument about a swiped paperclip. They also caused her to violate the laws for securely storing classified material. They also caused her to destabilize the middle east.
They also gave her pneumonia that looks like seizures. The Russian hackers are quite powerful.
Being robotic, a fault in her latest security update permitted arbitrary code execution on the strategic planning subroutines. The only external sign being random failures of motor function.
Screw you.
Clinton/McCauliffe 2020-I can’t wait!
You laugh, but that slimy motherfucker McAuliffe isn’t going to go away once he blessedly vacates the governor’s office.
I still can’t believe we elected Terry McAuliffe.
Nope, Hillary is going the nuclear option. Clinton/Warren 2020! Look, it’s got everything, it’s got wiminz, it’s got Clintons, it’s got fake Injuns!
I had an interesting evening saturday night. I woke up at about 5 pm to get ready for work. My wife told me we need to talk. She said that she had call the cops. Why? i asked.
My wife regularly babysits the kids of a girl she works woth. She was off this weekend and the girl had to work. it’s normally no big deal. The girls kidd are about the age of my 5 year old, so the play and have fun and there’s nothing to it.
However, this girl is in an abusive relationship. It’s no secret. Apparently her old man had beaten the hell out her the previous night. She had asked my wife if she could stay at our house after work. My wife had told her that would be fine. Apparently the girls husband found out that she was aty house and had told her that he was coming here to beat her ass again. My wife warned the guy through the girl that I was home and that there would be very dire consequences if he showed up here with violence on his mind. He responded that nobody would him and anyone there is “gonna get it”
This is why my wife called the police. The sheriff’s deputy shows up and takes pictures of the bruises on the girls face and takes statements from my wife and the girl. I ask him what is he going to do. He said he put out a BOLO for the vehicle the husband is known to drive. He then says that he has to leave. I tell the deputy, If you leave and this guy shows up here after threatening my family, I am going to shoot him. The officer shrugged and got in his car and left.
I get my family inside and lock the doors to my house. I get my AR out the safe and sit in my den for the next 2 hours. After two hours, The girl is informed that her husband was arrested while in route to my residence from his residence. He was charged with domestic battery and terroristic threatening.
My take away-
What a shitshow. I’m not mad at my wife, but she had no business getting in the middle of someone’s else’s domestic problems. Her trying to help someone put me in place where I had little choice but to sit at home a possibly have to shoot some piece of shit. That’s not what I want to be doing.
Glad it all ended well. I’ve also been involved in situations between friends and their abusive boyfriends; once having to deal with a guy who cut his wrists, and another where the guy punched his GF in the face at a party. And being the knight errant I am, tried to help out. Lessons learned…
Lessons Learned indeed. I learned these lessons many years ago. I know better than to poking my nose into someone else’s toxic relationship. As good as it may feel to think that I am doing something good to stand up for an abused woman, I have learned that my actions are fruitless. A woman who is in an abusive relationship knows that she is and as often as not either consents or contributes to it. I don’t condone wife beating, but if you are a wife and you have been beaten, then if you are still with the beater the is something wrong with you too.
I disagree. It’s up to us to choose what we get involved in. And, she did the Christian thing of helping a person in need. Let’s say you had your rifle out and had just finished some maintenance on your rifle, and abusive hubby had shown up with no warning to kill his wife. My guess is that you would feel no compunction about ending the asshole, now any regrets afterward.
This was a more slow-motion version of the same scenario.
I get your point. This is not a new thing though. This girl has been with this abusive guy for 8 years. One night at my house isn’t going to fix the problem. The problem is with the guy for being a shitstain and with the girl for putting up with it. There is dysfunction on both parties.
Point taken.
I suggest you guys get a restraining order and a no-trespass order on the guy. And yes, if she doesn’t leave the guy, you probably shouldn’t have her over anymore.
That’s pretty much the conclusion I have come to. Nice to see it validated though. Domestic violence is such a mess. There are so many things that go into it that it’s damn near impossible to unravel, much less stop.
I disagree with your disagreement. Counter-disagree? Whatever.
While I sympathize with the woman being abused, as parents your first responsibility is the safety of your children, not the safety of an adult who has either made poor decisions or at the very least is more capable of handling her own safety than your children, who rely on you to the exclusion of anyone else to keep them safe. Additionally, you don’t make decisions that could result in injury or death to someone else without their prior consent. That’s not what you’d call a “team” move. Now, because his wife made a pretty big decision without talking it over with him first, he’s in a situation where a violent criminal who has already made threats and knows where he and his family live will be pissed off and looking for revenge. It almost would’ve been better if the guy had reached the house and gotten shot for his trouble, just to know that he wasn’t going to show up two months later at some random time of day with the kids out in the yard.
Keep the AR out of the safe. Guy’s probably already out of jail and god knows what’s running through his head.
^^^This. I am afraid this story may not be over yet. I will pray that it is.
This is how I picture you in your den. /bad joke. Anyway. That situation sucks and it’s tough to try not to white knight in a situation like that, especially with kids involved.
is your wife armed? b/c that guy has a shitlist and she’s on it.
Yes. we stay armed here at the Lachowsky houshold. We both EDC 9mm.
Any chance, not to scare or anything, he comes back or was it just because she was at your place?
I think it was just because she was here. I have never met the guy, even though his kidd have spent a lot of time at my house. I don’t get the impression that he is an involved father. I doubt there is much danger for my family, but there is a possibility. I have been teaching my wife guns since we got married. She has at times thought it was silly, but I think she understands now.
let it be
It sounds dangerous – there’s a desire to protect the girl but also the fact of a criminal wanting to come to your house where your kids are.
Supposedly battered-women’s shelters are supposed to provide some help, but I have no idea how that would work where you are.
I live way out in the boonies of rural Arkansas. If there is a woman’s shelter here, I have never heard of it.
You’re probably fine. Wife beaters are cowards. I hate those assholes. I would definately stay vigilant though.
Cowards IS the correct term.
Stupid cowards are more dangerous than someone that’s brave and stupid.
I’m not mad at my wife, but she had no business getting in the middle of someone’s else’s domestic problems.
I disagree. If I’d have found out my wife rebuffed a friend in need like that and something happened to her, I’d be very disappointed in her actions. Human nature (and my religion) tells me to look after those who are unable to look after themselves (voluntarily, of course) or who are in immediate need. It’s what sets us apart from the animals.
Also, if it helped put a violent abuser behind bars that otherwise would still be walking free, then it did not only your friend, but the whole world, a service.
I’m not trying to pat myself on the back here, so don’t take it that way. It’s just that people end up with Stockholm Syndrome after a while so I tend to be sympathetic toward women that remain in abusive relationships.
I’d definitely point her in the direction of family members where she could move though. A place with job opportunities so she can rid herself and her kids of that piece of shit.
The Stockholm syndrome you mention is probably correct. How to combat that though? In my experience if you try to break that dysfunction bond, you are very likely to end up the ire of both of the parties involved.
Stay out of it.
Sloopy, what you say is very true is a general sense. If my wife didn’t know that this woman had been with his abusive ass for 8 years and had left him and then returned a dozen times, then what you say is valid. The problem lies in that that this situation has been going on for years. Maybe if I gave her and her a kids a place to stay for long enough for her to make arrangements to get away from him on her own then intervention would be justified. If I believed that she just needed a place to go for a few months to figure out how to get away on her own, then I would welcome her family into my home. However, that is not the case. I didn’t articulate this in my original post, but this woman has been with, left, and then returned to this asshole a dozen times in the previous 8 years. I can’t open up the possibility of violence towards my family on the hope that maybe this girl will finally see the light and stay away from Mr. abusive when all the evidence I see indicates to me that she will take a respite and then go back.
Maybe you are right. Maybe she just needs to see a properly functioning household for a awhile and then she will see that she doesn’t have to love with what she has been loving with. I just have my doubts.
I’m going to tell you what I’d do:
1. I’d have welcomed her the other night since she was in immediate danger.
2. If I had the money, I’d buy her (on loan) and her kids airfare/give gas money and book lodging for/buy bus fare to a relative willing to take them in in an area where she could find work.
3. Let Mr Asshole know you are no longer involved. Either through the public defender assigned to his case or by dropping a note in his mailbox or at his place of business.
4. Feel like I tried my best.
That’s what I’d do. And if I didn’t have the means for #2, I’d call every relative of hers I could find and ask them to financially help her out.
And I didn’t know the whole background, but I stand by what I said about Stockholm syndrome. I’m sure she’d prefer not to be beaten but she probably is afraid she won’t be able to extract herself financially. This would at least give her a chance and you’d know you did everything you could to foster her solving her own problem (rather than just giving her a handout).
I’ll take that advice Sloop. I can afford #2 and it would be the right thing to do if I could contribute to getting her away from the situation. Thanks. This really has been a heavy thing on my mind since saturday.
Good luck. I hope she accepts your help and gets away permanently. Not only for herself but for her kids as well. Wife-beaters usually become child-beaters. And while she may be struggling to get away, she has agency her kids wouldn’t have once he decides to start beating them as well.
Wife-beaters usually become child-beaters.
And they often raise a new generation of wife/child-beaters.
Been there brother. I am glad things turned out the way they did. I blame the girl in the abusive relationship.
Warning: You may or may not know when the lunatic is released from jail. He may or may not have abandoned his intentions.
I hate to even mention “That Other Site” but yesterday I did a quick drive by and saw that their AM links had 60-something comments. Sad!
However I don’t think our protest move – or whatever you want to call it – had any effect on the content. They are plowing ahead with whatever vision they have. Not that it matters. My rage factor has dropped considerably since I’ve started visiting here. Well minus one or two people 😉
After almost never getting emails from them, all of a sudden I started getting weekly updates listing great articles that I need to read.
Me too. I unsubscribed.
There’s no unshitting that bed they made.
and how many of the 60something comments were Mary, Tony, or Hihn?
Given that commenters are not directly monetized it is unlikely that our departure will have much if any impact on them. The only way it would have an impact is if we (and quieter but like minded readers who have been driven away) make up a large enough chunk of their traffic to significantly hurt their advertising revenue and possibly have a significant impact on their webathons.
I suspect that both of those things are true but the downside is the time horizon for it happening is long enough that it is entirely possible that they would not make the connection between the reduced revenue and our departure
Is anyone really surprised that children die in homes that are being “monitored” by social workers? It seems like every other week this kind of thing is in the news. My take: we are far too reluctant to remove children from their really crappy biological parents. Let your kids walk to the park on their own and Children’s Services will snatch them up so fast it will make your head spin but send the kids to school unfed and unbathed for a week and there are no consequences. For some reason it is more acceptable to mess with the typical middle class family than with a parent who is “disadvantaged”. And I hate to say it but the social workers I’ve known haven’t been the brightest bulbs in the pack. We hired a girl about a year ago who had just graduated with a degree in marketing to be a back up teller and open new accounts. She has been pretty open about her plans to go back to college to get graduate degree but she has flunked the GRE twice. So now she’s going back to get a degree to become a social worker. I hate to say she is dumb but she is dumb. Dumb and far left. She will be the social worker who overlooks a house like the one in the article because the mother is “disadvantaged” and when some kid dies it will be “society”, not her, who let the kid down.
My daughter walks to and from school…alone. About half a mile from here. In fact, there’s an army of kids who do between two schools (one French, the other English) and to us it’s not just normal but healthy. No cops, no snitching parents, no pant shitters.
The majority of the kids in my suburb walk or bike to school. During certain times of the day it’s like a mob. Of course a certain percentage of helicopter moms are there to pick up their offspring, but after a certain age most of the parents begin to relax.
That’s because disadvantaged cases are hard to solve and involve an incredible amount of work for the social worker. They also leave little room for the social worker to work out their frustrations by playing petty god with someone else’s life. Messing with a stable well adjusted middle class family who gives their kids a little too much freedom is exactly the opposite
Perhaps someone should look into how the CS gets money. Call a cop when you have been robbed and you get ‘Meh’. Get caught driving too fast and…
They make money from giving you that speeding ticket… dealing with actual criminals is hard work and can be dangerous..
Read the article linked. Let’s see, 4 kids by 3 dads none of which live in the home, one in jail? That’s recipe for fucking success in life!
The fact that only one kid is dead is a perhaps a miracle.
Doesn’t excuse the lack of interest by the CPS asshats.
The first line is ambiguous. I should’ve added an “I” at the beginning. It’s not a directive.
My internet was down this morning, so I’m even later to the party than usual, but-
How many advertisers have cancelled their spots on Colbert’s show over his verbal excretion? That’s how the thoughtcrime enforcers got Oreilly’s scalp, right?
Until evil right-wingers start howling to the moon like progs do every time their precious fifis are touched, no one will care.
Actually, they need to howl twice as hard – proggies are far more likely to find sympathetic ear at middle management levels.
Jesus fuck, Netherlands, what’s wrong with you?
Security guards to protect Dutch ATMs from explosion thefts
“We should be more like Europe.”
Everyone wants in on the big dirty.
If they have to pay someone to guard them, what’s the point of having a machine?
Have a 24 hour teller behind bulletproof glass where the cash only comes from a tube inside the building. Problem solved.
No mention of what demographic is usually responsible for this kind of crime? Your average Dutchmen is some of the most law abiding sheepish kind of people you can imagine…
Female genital mutilation is experiencing a meteoric rise in popularity in Europe too. But I’m not going to tell you how demographics fit into that so you can just assume all groups are equally fond of the practice. /media
Protecting the narrative…
The Dark Tower trailer is out.
Interesting line considering Stephen King’s politics, but I don’t know how much he’s involved with the movie.
I so wanted to like those books, but felt very cheated by the end of the series.
Is that because King stopped boozing and coking up, and went all prog derp? Or did he do that after he finished that series?