Greetings once again my scandalous sojourners into scintillating cinema, and welcome to the final installment of our three-part exploration of perhaps my single favorite genre of film, giallo. Forgive me if this is a bit short; I slammed my right index finger in the car door like an idiot on Sunday, and even though it’s been a few days as of Wednesday evening, typing and using a mouse still hurts like eight bitches in a bitch boat.

The movie poster for today’s treat.
In part one, we took a broad overview of the genre itself. Last week, I provided a brief survey of three of the largest names associated with these films. Finally today, we will briefly look into giallo’s influence on cinema outside of Italy.
If you recall, giallo’s heyday was from the mid-60s to the late-70s. The films continue to appear even to this day, but their production tapered off severely by the end of the disco decade. The more astute of you may have noticed this coinciding with the rise of “slasher” films in the United States, and the eventual full-blown emergence of the splatter genre in the 80s. Mainstays of those genres, such as a mysterious killer, graphic on-screen violence, young people being killed in alarming numbers, antagonist POV shots, gratuitous use of nudity, and total ambivalence to acting quality all spring directly from the success of giallo. As I previously wrote, John Carpenter has repeatedly credited the influence of giallo on his own work, Halloween. Sadly, some of the artistic flair seems to have been lost in the translation; in my opinion, films like Friday the 13th are straw giallos, copying the form but without the unique substance.
Anyway, so much for the meta-analysis. Please note that you can’t spell analysis without “anal.” Also note that I can attest that a middle-management cubicle schmuck in his Kohl’s polo and Penny’s khakis driving his fucking grey Camry to work every day in a bizarre effort to be the most cookie-cutter office monkey who ever lived doesn’t seem to find it amusing when you say that, after he asks you to analyze something.

Famous self-cannibalizing ending scene.

It’s kind of hard to tell, but that’s the “fetus” he’s eating. I thought about showing a shot of him ripping it out, but I’m too classy.
Today’s effort will focus on a weird little piece from Joe D’Amato called Buio Omega in Italy, Buried Alive in the initial US release, and eventually now Beyond the Darkness. You may remember that I initially said I was going to focus this third review on one of the seemingly endless and decreasingly topic-related Zombi sequels. The movie I had in mind was Anthropophagus (or, Zombi 7), also by D’Amato. But as I was standing there looking at the dvd, I decided Beyond the Darkness would fit better, as it serves as a sort of bridge between the latter stages of the giallo run, and what we would call slasher films. Besides, Anthropophagus is really only worth it for two scenes: one in which the killer pulls a pregnant woman’s fetus out of her and eats it on camera (the effect done using a skinned rabbit covered in corn syrup), and the very end when he’s gutted by the Final Girl and he begins scooping up his own intestines and stuffing them in his mouth in a final cannibalistic orgy. There, I just saved you 90 minutes. Anecdote: I found this one at a Movie Trading Company in a part of the city with a heavy black population. The clerk was black. The dvd cover had a picture of that ending self-consumption scene. The guy looks at me and says, I shit you not, “Man who da fuck wanna watch a movie like this?!” I gave him a Cheshire Cat grin and didn’t say a word.
Anyway, Beyond the Darkness is still super fucked up, but has more super fucked up scenes than Anthropophagus. D’Amato dabbled both in horror and porn, so it was inevitable we’d get a movie like this. Our young lead Kieran Canter loses his fiancée to a voodoo curse by his weird-looking housekeeper Franca Stoppi who wants the guy all to herself (I’d link to both of their IMDBs, but neither of them has really done anything you’d care about). In fact, she breast feeds him in his sorrow after the funeral. Except he’s really into taxidermy as a hobby, see, and it turns out he’s also a complete fucking loon. So once the fiancée dies, he digs her up (this scene shows the coffin having been buried, oh, I’d say about six inches deep), takes her back to his palatial villa, stuffs her, and puts her in his bed.

Creepy-looking housekeeper. She’s making sloppy joes.

Just what the doctor ordered after a hard day of burying the chick you wanted to marry.
While returning from the graveyard, he has a flat tire, and a hitchhiker helps herself into his van. He takes her back to his place, and after she freaks the fuck out seeing him taxidermy-ing this much better looking chick, he kills her (after bizarrely taking time to rip her fingernails out with pliers). The housekeeper helps hack her fat ass up (and we get to see her giant titties flopping out hither and yon), and they turn her into sludge in a bathtub full of acid. Amusingly, the acid in Italy also comes wrapped in those wicker baskets like you see around bottles of table wine. It looks exactly the same, only huge, and with a warning label on it. After feeling bad about this, the housekeeper gives him a handjob to lift his spirits.

Seriously, the acid looks just like this, only in a much larger bottle with a generic warning label on it. I really sincerely hope that’s how they sold acid in Italy in the 70s.
Next, he’s out jogging, when he comes across a comely lass who has sprained her ankle. He takes her back to his place, and in exchange for wrapping her limb in a bandage, she basically jumps into bed with him, no dialogue needed. Upon seeing the stuffed corpse she freaks the fuck out (stop me if you’ve heard this), and Kieran rips out her throat with his teeth, and then swallows the chunk. Enter housekeeper, to burn the body in their giant pizza oven.
Eventually the funeral director starts snooping around, because he saw Kieran inject the fiancée’s corpse with something just before the funeral. Franca and he have a falling out, eyes are ripped out, twin sisters appear, and all hell breaks loose. There’s an interesting jump-scare ending that I don’t want to spoil, so we’ll leave it at this.
Now, this comes close to rising above being a gore-fest, but just falls short. Kieran’s character is alternately devastated and weepy, only to become enraged and murderous, and there is a definite feeling of his being trapped in a childhood twisted by the early death of his parents. But this thematic avenue is never really explored. Franca’s character has no such interesting promise, and is just a freaking weirdo. Her family appears at one point, and they also are shown to be…eccentric, would be the politest way to put it. Also quite interesting, is the fact that there is no real protagonist. The good funeral director (whose entire subplot is worthless except to set up the final shot) and the twin sister both appear too briefly to be said to have a meaningful role in the conflict. It’s actually just two antagonists doing crazy shit to other people and eventually, to each other.

Order up: one dead jogger.
Really though you’re watching this for the gore factor. There are great scenes, particularly two well known ones: the taxidermy and the acid bath. The sequence where Kieran stuffs his former love’s corpse is drawn out, using buckets upon buckets of animal guts, as we see him emptying her out. Upon removing her heart, he holds it up to kiss…then takes a bite out of it. The hacking up of fatty and turning her into slurry is also quite graphic and memorable. There’s an amusing transition from Franca dumping the liquid remains in a hole in the yard, to her very messily eating beef stew that will stick in your mind. Also the soundtrack is once again by Goblin, so that’s good.

What’s left of fatty after her acid bath. Serves her right for jumping in his car after he drove past her a few moments earlier. Also serves her right for being a fucking fatty.
Really though, even though this is widely considered to be D’Amato’s best work (he also pulls double-duty as cinematographer, under his real name of Aristide Massacessi), it doesn’t do a lot more for you than show the potential he had, and make you sick. I haven’t seen any of his porn work (though I can’t help but wonder what Anal Paprika is like), but I suppose great directorial skills are less important in that genre. Suspiria is giallo at it’s finest (as evidenced by the number of commenters who chimed in with how much they also enjoyed that film) – this is giallo at it’s most base.
Sorry this is a bit short and to the point, but like I said, my finger really fucking hurts, and I’ve got a big convention coming up this weekend, so that’s just perfect. Ultimately I give this film 6 pictures of my brindle mastiff out of 11.
I tried to get him to wear a hat, to make the photo “amusing,” but no dice. And my corgi wouldn’t even sit still for any photo at all. Also, I saw UCS’s review of Dawn of War III too late to chime in on it, but the next time any one of you motherfuckers does anything Warhammer related without getting ahold of me so I can impress everyone in the comments with how much I know about Warhammer, I will destroy you all in my wrath. I have Warhammer tattoos FFS!!!
What, like you’ve never breastfed a grieving man before? Look, it’s tough to be a woman sometimes, but we do it.
Grapes of Wrath ending had me thirsting for more.
I’ve done it, and I don’t even lactate. Get off your female high horse, lady.
Did you just step out of a Steinbeck novel?
You know, i have never breast fed a grieving man. Now I know why I feel that I’ve wasted my life.
It’s not our fault Jewsday Tuesday got postponed.
I was thinking we could maybe play some C&C, they’ve been neglected in the RTS genre.
C&C? Hmmm….
You think that’s scary? Trump is going after the Jews again, this time with the encouragement of the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center!
The Jewish publication *Forward* asks: Is Trump’s religious-liberty executive order good for the Jews?
Short answer: No, and those Jews who support the order – like Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center – are simply patsies doing the dirty work of the sinister Christians.
Because while, yes, the order would broaden the right of religious institutions to support political candidates, any freedom this brings for the synagogues is outweighed by the greater freedom of right-wing Christians to throw their sinister weight around in politics.
And “the Catholic Church hierarchy itself can now write checks to American politicians. Is that good for the Jews, Rabbi Hier?”
That sinister Catholic Lobby, working behind the scenes to undermine democracy!
Plus there’s an additional reason why religious organizations ought to have their political speech censored:
“But with the [anti-free-speech] Johnson Amendment gone (it’s still on the books, but Trump’s IRS will not enforce it), pastors and rabbis and imams will be under more pressure to be more explicitly political. That’s why most grassroots evangelical pastors actually opposed the change. Can you imagine, now that the gloves are off, rabbis endorsing American and Israeli political candidates from the pulpit? Or being pressured to do so by their biggest donors? It’s a disaster.”
Wait, did the *Forward* just warn its readers against sinister rich Jews throwing their weight around in politics?
The Segue king drove it off a cliff, too.
like Rabbi Marvin Hier
I literally read that as “Rabbi Marvin Hitler”. Welcome to Trump’s America!
any one of you motherfuckers does anything Warhammer related without getting ahold of me so I can impress everyone in the comments
Hmm. Yes. “Impress” everyone. Let’s go with that.
Actually, he’s trying to launch a battleship and needs more crew…
That’s gonna cost $1000, and he has to paint those miniatures, so no real threat there,
Gojira – I assume all the clips in “Le Perv” are from giallo flicks. Any ID for the film at 2:30 or 2:55?
Ask and ye shall receive. Notice the director, someone we’ve seen before.
Sorry folks I’m getting ready for the con this weekend and so won’t be around to chat in the comments. Also my finger still really hurts.
Can we get D’amato to do An Incovenient Truth II?
(looks at picture)
mmmmmmmm…. ….. Lobster Pappardelle
Intestines are not what you’d stuff in your mouth in a cannibalistic orgy.
“”cannibalistic orgy.””
I’m incredibly picky about terms. I think its …problematic?…. to combine the whole “fucking and eating” concepts. People do really enjoy both of those things, but generally not at the same time.
tho, who knows. Has anyone here ever had a great meal while getting a blowjob (or full-on fucking)? I can only claim having enjoyed a beer. and honestly i don’t remember the beer being all that extra-special because of it. (my favorite time to enjoy a beer? in the shower. My ex-gf also liked beer in the shower. which is how the beer-sex-shower thing happened)
I would be very impressed if someone claimed to have eaten a dozen buffalo wings while having sex. AND wiped their hands on the other person’s face.
Not for lack of trying.
i think katz corned beef is itself pretty close to actual sex. i am always sticky and flushed afterward.
Katz is pretty dang good, but don’t discount the Pastrami Queen’s pastrami. But Katz’s pickles and beer really make the experience.
i lived @ 88th and 3rd for ~5 years (1996-2001), not far from their first(?) location, which i think was lexington and 84th-85th or so?. I knew they closed there, i did not know they had reopened.
I always thought they were good, but didn’t really rate them quite up among the best-in-class jewish delis in NYC, which i think are 2nd ave Deli, Sarges, Katz’s, etc….. tho certainly damn close. they could certainly have improved since i was last there, which must have been more than a decade ago.
Google 2 girls and 1 bucket of KFC.
Kurisumasu ni wa kentakkii ranko?
About as close as I get
try again
mmmmmmmm …. Lobster Pappardelle
Hork… sea-bugs.
Uh oh, I have a shared (dis-)preference with Rhywun.
*checks temp…but not with sloopy’s thermometer*
Not hairy enough?
Nah. They can be plenty hairy.
Even at nice restaurant’s the lobster I’ve had has been rubbery enough to be unpalatable, which is odd because I like shrimp just fine.
Dear god that is a horror.
Not an Elton John fan?
bad lobster is a fucking crime. seriously. and it hurts because its often the most expensive thing on the menu.
i tend to not order it unless i am in a part of the country/restaurant where i know they get them fresh daily, and where if its fucked up they will make me whole in some form (e.g. copious free desserts and whiskey)
i don’t even consider fish on the same plane of existence as good lobster. the only thing i think provides some quality-simulacra is boiled crawfish. possibly my favorite food in the world, complemented by a bucket of dixie/abita beer. the flavor is entirely different obviously, but the tender/buttery-quality is similar
“fish” = i meant shrimp
I’m sure it’s great when it’s great. There are just a few items I don’t order because I’ve tried it a few times, it’s expensive and I’ve had too much failure with it. The first time I had a swordfish steak I was blown away by how good it was and then had it a few more times and the first time was just an outlier.
Yeah, bad swordfish steak can also be a huge disappointment; too salty, too dry, crumbly.
“Hork… sea-bugs”
I agree with this 100%. You want to eat Dr. Zoidberg, fine by me.
Last line should have had quotes. But it’s true: if you want to eat sea garbage, be my guest.
Let’s face it those seabugs, were really just an excuse to eat melted butter.
“John Carpenter has repeatedly credited the influence of giallo on his own work, Halloween.”
You know who else was inspired by Italians with an obsession with violence?
Carr and Ferraro?
Mario Puzo?
Every wife and girlfriend of an Italian?
Marcus Ulpius Traianus?
Also, I’m reading The Campus Rape Frenzy, which isn’t actually as Steve Smith-ish as it sounds.
Not into gore porn.
Would Grindhouse fit into this genre?
I don’t know. Al Gore is not really the person I want to see in my porn. #aninconvenienttruth
Didn’t he invent porn?
Had to do something while Tipper was out trying to shred the 1A.
Shared AIE’s absurdly wrong Earth Day predictions on FB. Predictably, responses are ranging from, “That’s cherry picking!” to “Funny. Every other country besides America accepts there aren’t two sides to this issue.”
Every. Other. Country! What don’t you get about that, straffinrun? The Chinese are like super into solar panels and stuff. The NYT’s told me so. Ignore the stack of soot rising behind the curtain.
What’s Mandarin for “heh heh stoopid Americans”?
Trump is gonna change all that.
Funny how left-wing Canadian public broadcasters employ vocal climate change critics then.
“That’s cherry picking!”
I love hearing that from “progressive” lefties. As if they don’t engage in cherrypicking when they point out Scandinavia as proof that “socialism” works when there are dozens of countries with the same social welfare programs that are utter shitholes.
Good point. Cherry picking doesn’t apply to pointing out failed predictions anyway.
“name me one that they got right.”
Read what Jonah Norberg’s written on Scandinavian “socialism”. The people you are rightly trashing are dishonest (or less knowledgeable) about what they speak of.
I’m not sure what he’s written about it, but it there are plenty of articles from Swedish politicians and the like saying “Don’t call us socialists.” In many ways they are more free market than the US, and re: social welfare, they are having a problem of decreasing productivity and more people opting out of the workforce.
they turn her into sludge in a bathtub full of acid
You lye!
and i thought she was a basic bitch
*Marcotte et al. furiously take notes*
I have neutral feelings about that video.
It’s still better than Breaking Bad’s treatment of Flouric acid.
OT: Do you think there’s a true definition of aesthetic beauty, or is it all subjective?
On one hand, it seems very difficult to logically prove a statement such as “Baroque classical is superior to punk rock”. What data would someone offer as proof for such a statement?
On the other hand, a total lack of consensus does not mean that there’s no underlying truth to be discovered and that the question is just a matter of personal preference. For example: there used to be widespread disagreement on the fundamental nature of matter, but there was still an underlying reality the whole time; humans just hadn’t discovered it yet. Atoms, electrons, and Higgs-Boson particles were there the whole time even if humans didn’t realize it.
Re: classical superior to punk rock. That should be pretty simple.
Aesthetically – ie. taste/emotions/etc – would argue that Baroque classical is far superior due to the amount of effort/emotion/complexity/gravity/etc of the work. Bach was cranking out something like a full organ (plus vocal accompaniment?) piece (15+ min) every week for the church he attended/performed at (don’t recall details). Sure a lot of punk artists can put together a 3 minute piece in the same amount of time….but is there seriously a comparison in the overall quality?
40K favorite Legion:
Alpha Legion…the XX
That there sounds like heretic talk to me boy.
The alpha legion spends 99.999% of it’s time thwarting itself. That 0.001% is the result of accidentally ending up in the wrong place.
Black journalist defends NRA in op-ed. Do I even need to tell you how this story ends?
“One of the primary reasons St. Louis has the highest per-capita murder rate in the country is because of drug trafficking hot spots where turf wars take lives. This is widely reported, yet the writer didn’t mention that detail either. Would discussing the drug wars in the city of St. Louis naturally lead to a discussion of our open southern border? That would be a bit inconvenient to the main task of painting law-abiding gun owners as fiends.”
What? I’ve got my fingers in my ears.
What % of murder (not self defense) is
crimedrug related? it’s a lot.Apparently she got in trouble for that one:
Stacy Washington’s column will no longer appear in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Her active promotional activities and professional association with the National Rifle Association represented an unacceptable conflict of interest in her most recent column, which resulted in our suspension of her work. Ms. Washington chose to terminate her contract. Columnists are expected to fully disclose conflicts of interest when writing about topics where such a conflict might arise. We apply this standard regardless of the lobbying or advocacy group being written about in a column.
Do I go to a party tonight? Or do I not share my drugs and alcohol?
Ask Poppy.
she won’t shut up!
Go and don’t share, rape the women and burn it down.
According to the Art of Rape by Wartizu, He should rape the men and aggressive dogs first so that they won’t try to stop him, THEN rape the women.
you guys think there are women there?
Invite the Sabines.
at least there are men and aggressive dogs, right?
Ski bum life!
Your other option is to sit around here with us.
I don’t have to share though!
You make the decision so easy.
Hey Playa, any recommendations for a sous vide contraption? The missus is talking about trying it out.
I have 2. Sous Vide Supreme and the Gourmia.
The Supreme never comes out to play anymore. Ever. It was the 1st consumer grade sous vide appliance, but it has some shortcomings. It’s huge, for one.
It’s so much easier to just clip the Gourmia on to whatever stock pot I have handy, and it’s barely over $100 if you look for it on sale.
I’m sure that the Gourmia and Annova are pretty much on par. It’s just heating water, after all.
As long as you get something portable and at your price point, you can’t go wrong. I even brought mine on vacation….
I have the Anova wifi. It’s *much* better than the first gen one, but I leave the wifi completely disabled.
Thanks guys! One more– recommendations for the vacuum machine?
Are these things energy hogs or pretty cheap to run?
I just have the regular Food Saver. Hardly ever use it. Zip Lock Freezer bags work just fine.
Very cheap if you insulate.
Good to know, thanks.
Does the insulation speed up the process, or is the machine powerful enough to simply work harder to maintain temperature?
Appreciate it! Will just go the ziploc route if the gadget gets added to the kitchen.
The insulation won’t speed it up. When the water is up to temp, you’re gonna get fast heat transfer no matter what, and the thermostat is more than than 1000 watts.
The problem is with extremely long cook times, like short ribs. 130 degree water (or even hotter for things like chicken) evaporates very quickly, and you’re gonna have to refill the container a few times if it’s not insulated.
John Titor speaks the truth about horse girls. Not worth it.
Not to say I told you so, but I told you so.
They may have been primed by years of riding for intense sexual games, but other than that they’re bloody crazy, projecting bizarre fantasies and obsessions onto their rides. I learned in my teenage years.
Almost 5 years and it finally ended in flames. It’s a real shitty feeling, but I’m moving closer to some good friends who won’t let me feel sorry for myself.
On the plus side, I am never going to another boring ass horse show again. No matter how much I drank they were terrible.
Every time this comes up, this is what I’m picturing the conversation is about. I blame HM.
Uh…. nope.
well, say equestrians or something. horsegirls is just gonna go there. Every. Time.
You should fuck a horse.
Not this one?
If you think horse shows are bad, I can’t accurately explain the sheer boredom that encompasses a cow show (but at least ‘farm girls’ tend to be of a more sane variety).
I’m frankly amazed you lasted five years, I never had a horse girl experience that lasted more than a year. You’re better off than my cousin at least, who married his and ended up divorced a year later because she thought that she could remain unemployed while he financed her equestrian behaviour.
WTF is “equestrian behavior”???
This place is getting fucking weird,
It boils down to spending more than you make on your horse so you can compete in horse shows.
I found out she has 10k in debt but borrowed another 15k for a truck. This is normal for them. Titor knows.
It’s a ridiculously expensive ‘hobby’ and they don’t seem to give a damn about the actual economics involved in maintaining that ‘lifestyle’. It’s financially irresponsible for anyone outside of the upper middle class to maintain it (or at least farmers who work in the field itself), but damn if I didn’t date women who’s family’s were in financial trouble yet she continued to push for every chance to get something for that damn horse.
‘Equestrian behaviour’ is more about riding and financing the lifestyle of ‘horse girls’ than any kind of perversion (at least not physically). These women are bloody obsessed with their horses, and it manifests itself in bizarre ways. It can be relatively minor (as 100th Meridian touches on, going to the horse shows and what not) or much more extreme (my experience, as a 18 year old, who had a girl call out her horse’s name while fucking). The younger they start the more weird it is based on my experience.
Damn, that’s crazy about the horse name thing during sex.. Jesus.
I would go to her shows and spend all day there for like 8 minutes of filming and then have to deal with insane horse people and see the dead eyes of dudes who were like 50 and had their wife and/or daughters there. On the plus side, politics never came up at the shows or at dinner afterwards, just all horse stuff talk all the damn time.
That’s the far end of ‘horse crazy’ , but it obviously left an impression on me. The shows, the constant time in the barn, catering the bloody things…I’ve done riding before, and I definitely enjoy it, but the level that these horse girls push it to is just goddamn bizarre. I don’t know if it’s some primitive, early development thing for girls or what-not, but it’s fucking weird.
It became an obsession vs. a hobby, and that’s what ultimately set things in motion.
But hey, her money her choice. No longer my problem.
That’s the thing, if horse girls want to throw themselves into debt over what they love, I have no problem with it. The problem is that they tend to drag their significant others or their families into footing the bill. If they’re that obsessed with their ‘hobby’, to the point where they basically disregard the ones around them, it says a lot about what their viewpoint and goals are. I don’t have a problem with equestrianism as a whole, I have a problem with the goddamn culture and obsession around the field that sacrifices the finances and time of others to fulfill their demands. I might bitch about cow shows, but at least they’re extremely less high maintenance than the obsessions of bloody horse girls.
Two guys with bad experiences with “horse girls”? That’s weird.
“had a girl call out her horse’s name while fucking”
OK, you’re having me on, right?
Anyway, I’m sorry to hear about the sad outcomes.
Neigh means neigh.
John, well said. Very well said.
OK, you’re having me on, right?
I wish I were Eddie, I wish I were, but that girl was of a particular temperament. She’d been riding since she was eight years old, she loved that bloody horse, and I can’t help but wonder if she experienced her earliest orgasm or something from riding the damn thing. She claimed that it was a spur of the moment thing, that it was just an immediate reaction, but it was bizarre to say the least (though 18 year old Me didn’t bring it up until later, because hey, getting laid). I got rid of my Facebook profile a couple years ago but last I checked she was in the Equestrian Canada finals or something.
Boy howdy. All of her horse girl/EQUESTRIAN friends (happy, jesse???) in our age range are finding themselves newly single. We’re the fourth since new years. Probably not a coincidence.
They won’t stay single for long if they are JRHNBR.
What the fuck? Where do you find all of this stuff?
Actually, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. You and SF keep it yourselves.
It finds me.
This is the excuse he uses for typing “horse fuckers” into youtube.
As if I needed excuses.
We’re talking about hobby horsing, right?
Yeah, those girls seem a little young.
Barf bag in 3, 2, 1…
I thought getting involved in other countries elections was a bad thing?
As much as I disagree with her, I’m really hoping LePen wins now. Obama is such a smug, moralizing asshole.
When you are on the Right Side of History, noting can be a bad thing.
This is clearly a ploy by the russians to sway the election
Good video: why Communists are not viewed as evil as Nazis
short version
1. evil history of communism isn’t taught
2. communism is based on nice-sounding ideas
3. communists mainly killed their own citizens
4. communism not denounced in Russia the way Nazism was in Germany
5. WW2 seen as last good war. Wars against communism either forgotten or viewed as wrong
6. Leftists in education, entertainment, and popular culture do not like mentioning the horrors of communism and downplay them whenever possible.
I’m a product of public schools. I vaguely remember Stalin being referred to as “Uncle Joe” in my middle school world history class.
It wasn’t until later when I read a few books about soviet history that I realized what a monster he was. I don’t remember learning anything at all about Mao. I vaguely remember something about Pol Pot, but I had to learn independently from school that the KR were communists.
At least some leftists were willing to point it out back in the day.
I was in Cambodia for ten days in the late 90’s. Wow, it was a trip and a half, and I had already been in a number of developing countries. Going out to the fields and seeing the somewhat recent evidence of mass killing was numbing. So many weird experiences packed into such a short time. The first two days felt like an acid trip.
Fuck. Recent? As in, the past few years? I thought it ended with the Khmer Rouge. Did you mean ‘in the same generation’, or was it ongoing?
The Khmer Rouge killing was in the late 70’s predominately, but afterwards there was still serious instability. The amount of people missing limbs was pretty staggering. There was still very much the sense of death there, mountains of bones, and if you go out to Tuol Sleng you see the evidence. There was a place you could shoot a bazooka, if you threw in an extra hundred they would send a cow out for you to aim at.
The Khmer Rouge actually continued on until the mid-90s, it wasn’t until 1999 when the majority of them surrendered. It was a weird period of Cambodian history, where the Rouge hadn’t quit for decades yet still maintained strongholds in areas that the government had a weak influence on.
I will never forget going to this one place there. It was outside siem reap about fifteen minutes on a motorcycle. We heard that there was a guy with a land mine museum and we rode out to see it. He was not happy to see us and sent us off. We rode back up the road a minute and paused to talk a bit. This guy came back to us and after some conversation and questions he let us come to his place. It was just me and my female friend. He had a massive amount of used ordinance., mines and spent shells there. He was very scared of the army coming to kill him. He slept in this high palapa thing, heavily armed, with the ladder pulled up at night and the poles were greased. He had dug up all kinds of live stuff and he only used poles with some styrofoam on them. He’d been doing it since he was six years old.
Fuck. I thought the Vietnamese had murdered them after their invasion. I knew Pol Pot had lived on for an unearned long life, but I thought the KR scum had been eliminated.
I went to Catholic schools up till my second to last year of high school and I don’t remember much of hearing the mass casualties of communism. If you mention the Holodomor, even tô someone who is fairly well read, the chances of them knowing of what you are referring to is very very small.
No, those are capitalist lies. The Holodomor, etc., were all accidental deaths, or something. It wasn’t intentional which makes it ok. At least, that’s what the socialists/commies on reddit say.
I had that experience my senior year of high school in AP European History. I was an avid read and had learned about the Holodomor somewhere along the way, and nobody believed me when I mentioned it before we got to that era.
One side of my family fled Ukraine after the revolution. The utter hatred they had for Stalin still runs deep to this day. I think my baba would poison me if I ever said anything even halfway kind of positive about communism.
Amazingly, I do remember one public school teacher who mentioned in passing that communism actually killed more people if you go by raw numbers.
I think another reason that the horrors of communism don’t get as much exposure as the Nazi atrocities is because there’s the convenient excuse that whatever has happened in every communist/socialist country is “not real communism/socialism”.
Female psychologist changes twitter pic to male scientist to prove sexism against female scientists.
“That changed once I got to university. At each step in my education — from astrophysics to computer science to neuroscience — I’ve gravitated to spaces with progressively greater female representation. My current lab, for example, has always been majority women. Nonetheless, when I leave the lab, I have to contend with work environments that are far less welcoming to women.
Once I enter these predominantly male science spaces, I have a go-to set of tactics. My clothes and my bun are just one part of my “woman in science” toolbox. I also have scripts prepared for encounters that demean my intelligence or objectify me. When someone oversimplifies their science for me or appears to be testing me, I have special phrases to quickly convey intelligence. A reference to Fourier transforms or quantum mechanics always works — their eyes brighten, and a truckload of technical jargon spills out of their mouths.”
I have no idea what her grasp of science is, but her grasp of the relations between sexes is very limited.
Female autism is even uglier than male autism.
“and a truckload of technical jargon spills out of their mouths.”
e.g., the language in which you claim to speak, and the science you claim to want to work in. Put up or shut up.
huh, so she left a male-majority field to find a fluffier, female-dominated crowd, and yet still bitches a bout predominantly male science spaces. Well, dumbass, they’re like that because people like you couldn’t hack it and left.
And my old friend who’s a professor of astrophysics and a mom of two could probably kick this chick’s intellectual ass every day.
Here’s my theory about environments that are “unwelcoming” to women:
When men bond as a group, they make fun of each other. They pull pranks and crack jokes at each others’ expense, and they might get mad once in a while but end up laughing about it and being better friends. Many of these jokes are sexual in nature, e.g. making fun of someone’s sexual preference or alleging that they’re something other than heterosexual. When they accept women as part of the group, they engage in the same behavior, but women tend to take sexual jokes as harassment rather than good-natured joshing. This is not universal; I’ve known many women who can take it and dish it out with the boys. But a large portion of women are going to react negatively to insult humor and sexual jokes at their expense.
For all the oldies here: Killing Joke – Eighties.
Damn, I remember when this was new.
Well at least the lyrics are timeless.
There’s a heavy black population part of Plano?
Wait…Is this near Collin Creek?