Checker to Older Couple: Can you believe what they are doing to Obamacare?! I wish they would go after the Affordable Care Act instead!
Older Woman: Sweetie, it’s the same thing.
Checker: What? It can’t be! There are so many things I love in Obamacare and so many things I hate in the Affordable Care Act!
Older Man: Welcome to the world of legislation and politics!
Checker *shaking her head*: It just can’t be the same law.
Older Woman to Older Man: Bless her heart.
What’d she look like? Was she one of those cute fat girls who overdoes the eye makeup? Cause that’s my type, right there.
Well, not quite my type. Swap out “checker” for “McDonald’s counter girl” and that’s right on the nose.
I honestly didn’t look at her because her up-talking was so damn annoying.
Up-talking? Is that the one where inflection makes every statement sound like a question?
That’s what I thought? But I wasn’t sure?
You and the BF would get along famously. He really shouldn’t have moved to LA if he dislikes stucco, Spanish colonial revival arcitecture, vocal fry and up-talking so much.
Do you have something that you want to tell us?
Nah. He like LA, but hates quintessentially LA things. It’s adorable. Unfortunately now I actually notice the up-talking and it’s really fucking annoying.
You can always consider relocating.
I hate that so much.
Where’s Andrew Napolitano when we need him?
I honestly didn’t look at her because her up-talking was so damn annoying.
One of the reasons (drink) that I don’t listen to NPR much anymore.
That is AWESOMELY specific, comrade. Do you have a favourite fungal cream, too? Concerned Glibertarians demand an answer!
But Obama cares and the ACA isn’t very affordable! And we all watched Westworld just to get to the episode The Bicameral Mind.
I do not have a camel brain, and that’s probably Islamophobia or something…
Ah, one of those “one-humpers” that all the kids have been chattering about, lately.
I’ve noticed people calling the new bill “Trumpcare” already. The hot potato has a new holder.
Which is funny since I can’t imagine he’s even read it, much less having any part in drafting the damn thing.
I doubt he has either. Because they’re simply going to be perpetually “fixing” it, never actually passing any legislation that describes any final-version of a system.
Speaking of which, don’t recall any discussion here of the Democrats chanting ‘goodbye’ to the Republicans after their House vote:
6 or so years of getting their asses handed to them after the passage of the ACA hasn’t shaken them one bit. It seems to have just left them with the true believers in the bluest cities in the bluest states.
It might be interpreted as their singing “Bon voyage” to the responsibility they had once shouldered for the immense fuckup of american healthcare.
Meaning, they’re just happy its someone else’s problem now. And they’ll be able to blame the GOP for all the continued failures of that system. And they think (maybe) that will help them in 2018
From the article:
Sheesh. Half of the Democrat voting base either wasn’t alive or hadn’t yet moved to the United States on August 5, 1993, so nobody whose vote the Democrats are courting recalls that incident.
I don’t know. They are good at selling their shit. If premiums continue to rise, which they will, the Repubs own it now. With the media pointing this out daily, which they will, I could see a total flip in power in the future. Obama knew what he was doing. We will never be fully rid of the ACA and its consequences without a full repeal which they won’t do. I give it ten years and we are single payer. People now think other people should pay for their healthcare/insurance. It is done.
*cracks beer and throws in the towel*
How the hell do you fit a towel in a beer?
You pour the beer in a washtub. Which, coincidentally, is also how I bathe.
branding is a magical thing
Translation: Christ, what an idiot.
It’s southern for “what an idiot, but {x} means well.”
For a brief moment I saw some heartburn over congress being exempt from the AHCA. Yet the only response I’ve seen to H.R. 2192″ has been “fuck you for taking away peoples healthcare.” It does seem like there is some hope for the stupid party though. Yes I know that in practice it doesn’t change things much because of DC particulars.
I don’t remember now where I read a response to that. reddit maybe? But when someone brought it up, the response was, “they are all rich they don’t care they can afford it”. I didn’t bother to make a Jimmy Kimmel joke but should have.
What did I just read? ::eats gun::
You know, that much dietary iron probably isn’t good for you unless you menstruate.
They’re Haribo
Sugar free?
I don’t think so, they don’t taste like death.
Some people just deserve this one.
She probably went home and say “You won’t believe what the racist old people who came into my store said today!”
Was originally “to say” which didn’t read right. /sigh
Was she hot?
Thicc The question is was she Thicc.
Thicc – a fat chick that presents well.
Nothing exposure to the voting public.
I’m always reminded of this when I run into people like that.
I’m taking a break from The Simpsons.
I just took a trip to the store, and the kids were yelling “trim your sideburns!” to each other in the back seat.
‘I’m taking a break from The Simpsons.’
You probably should have done that twenty years ago.
They stopped being funny around the start of 1996 and then the ham-hands prevailed.
Well, I guess I don’t feel too bad about never watching it then.
Nah, there were some pretty great episodes. Bart Sells his Soul, Marge Takes Up Bowling, George Bush Moves In. Anything not Lisa or song related was fine excepting the Monorail episode which was a top-fiver.
Thanks for getting the monorail song in my head. Makes me smile.
I hear those things are awfully loud
“Is there a chance the track will bend?” “Not on your life my Hindu friend!”
It glides as softly as a cloud.
I stopped at Season 12.
My kids are old enough to appreciate it, so I got the FXNow app for Apple TV. I’m playing them the oldies but goodies.
There’s nothing like a 9 year old running around Whole Foods chanting “You don’t win friends with salad!”.
A running joke in our family – “It’s still good! It’s still good!”
Shit dude, I’m 38 and I run around Whole Foods chanting you don’t win friends with salid. Actually I chant that any time salid is mentioned in any context.
She doesn’t even know to avoid discussing politics with a captive audience.
Semi-OT, but interesting listen nonetheless.
File under “How is this a problem for any rational person?”
“Hazardous” to who? That’s why it’s a freaking drone. You’re (photographer) 2600 feet away and getting some decent pics – imagine the footage from an UNMANNED device right next to it. This is why drones were invented.
Good gravy! :rolleyes:
“In June 2014, National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis signed a policy that made the use of drones and other unmanned aircraft illegal in national parks.”
Huh. The article says it’s “highly illegal”. Sounds like it’s just against policy.
“NPS highlighted several incidents involving such aircraft, including one at Arizona’s Grand Canyon National Park in April 2014 in which a park visitor lost control of the drone and crashed it into the canyon.”
OH. MY. GOD. Is the canyon still there?!? Or was it destroyed in the incident?!?
Sadly, owing to the treacherous terrain and logistical nightmares involving a rescue mission we’ll never know the whole truth, back to you, Bob.
Hazardous to whom.
Marginally related in that it’s about healthcare: when I read the NY Post article in this morning’s links about the St. Louis columnist (yes! I read the links!), it recommended me another NY Post story about a baby in India that had a parasitic twin removed. Near the end of the article, it said, “The hospital reportedly did not charge the family for any costs and the baby is recovering well.”
But I thought that without government healthcare, no one would get the treatment they need and poor people would literally die.
“But I want my parasitic twin removed NOW!”
Government healthcare would have saved both twins!
Government healthcare would would have quadsected them and sent the parts to the corners of the Empire as a warning.
“My Kingdom for an edit feature!”
No, with government healthcare, you get 324 million parasitic twins.
They killed Quato. Now we’re all fucked.
Heh, that’s what I call my abdominal hernia! “Open your mind!” Youngsters don’t get it, sadly.
Kentucky Derby in half hour. Almost time for a mint julep. I like the Irish born Thunder Snow as my long shot win. McCraken, Gunnevera, Classic Empire as my trifecta.
I don’t get why car racing is white-trash, but horse racing is supposedly elegant and high-class.
The Kentucky Derby is decadent and depraved.
Race cars don’t poop on the track.
They sure shit a lot of crap into the track when they hit a wall or each other.
Yep. I’d sooner see a stupid man die in a fiery wreck than a horse break a leg on the home stretch. Maybe that’s just me.
Jockeys wear silks, drivers wear synthetics. Duh.
Prob’ly wear crocs to the Food and Fly, too. Fuckin’ peasants.
To be fair, silk is surprisingly flammable and not at all suitable for motor racing.
To be sure.
Fuck you! I may be bald but I can change a tire!
Well crap.
My dad and I had split a $20 future book wager on Lookin at Lee (our middle name is Lee).
Today, I made a small bet on Classic Empire, and then put 3 horses with him in exacta bets. Guess which horse I left out? *sigh*
OT – We put our hummingbird feeders out a week earlier than the neighbours and it’s like the Battle of Britain out there. One of those little sap-lickers landed on my head and sat there for a minute. Not meaning to wax poetic but it was pretty cool.
strange coincidence, because this is what i am reading
Funky! I’ve always liked electro-jazz-fusion. Thanks, Gilmore!
that’s just ‘soul’. this is electro-jazz-fusion. I think. It has Jan Hammer.
Jan hammer and Jeff beck Live is one of the first “record albums” that my older brother bought with his own traveling money. I have “Blue Wind” on rotation even today.
It was a rare moment in history when a bald middle-aged Czech with a Keytar could rock a stadium
Well, he doesn’t have a Keytar, but will this do?
Pre-MTV there were plenty of funny-looking people making music.
No, Ted. That is wholly unsatisfactory.
This is more like it.
We saw Jeff Beck and Brian Wilson in concert together a couple of years back. Beck can still totally bring it. It was cool having him join Wilson for some old Beach Boys tunes, though mostly they played separately for the show.
I love hearing Jeff Beck talk because he sounds so much like Nigel Tufnel
Replying to Gilmore above. Fuck you, turns finger sideways, and fuck the horse that rode in on.
Neighbours? What kind of freak are you?
One of the multitude. We are many, we are ONE!
Fucking moochers stealing our HFCS!
It’s not stealing it if the thing is just laying around, is it?
It isn’t laying around if you’re hanging the stuff around your property! #MAGA
Make aspartame great again?
Damn straight!
*hurls can at television*
Can-o-Tab morphs into Poppy. “It’s a Beauty!” she intoned…
One in a million girl?
Gah! Runs around in circles questioning existence of Aluminum!
*cat meows in distance*
Obamacare architect and all-around shit-heel Jonathan Gruber mourns the mortal wounding of Obamacare with Rachael Maddow
Now old people will have to pay more for health insurance, which is totally unfair and stuff. And rich people will be getting a tax cut! The govt will literally be giving money to evil, greedy rich people!
Both of them sound like they need a good, stiff dick in the ass whether they like it or not.
I thought Gruber had become persona non grata after he made the mistake of speaking the truth in a public forum. I mean, MSNBC was certainly among the outlets that downplayed his role in writing the ACA and yet there’s Maddow telling us what an expert he is and calling him an architect.
I’m going to Eddie this shit up. Maddox calling tax cuts “free money for the rich.”
I’m not sure which end of that smirk I should be pushing Obama’s flaccid dick into but, hey, in this instance, everyone wins!
Hey, Poppy likes stuff!
If only I used drugs.
Go wipe a solar panel.
I’m nega poppy. Yppop.
She looks like she can barely contain cracking up laughing.
That bow tie looks smart on her.
Everyone looks “smarter’ with a bow-tie! My Grandma never lied!
Did they drink a toast to innocence then laugh until they cried?
Yes. Then held hands and danced around the fire until the embers glowed like the eyes of Poppy.
Met my old Poppy in the grocery store
Blood was streaming down her knees
Is this the beginning of a horrifying Planet of the Cats scenario? In the opinion of this alarmist, the answer is almost certainly yes.
Oregon police respond to report of cat armed with gun-shaped stick
A police spokesman said “Reports of an armed cat this morning were unfounded. The feline was contacted by our canine and was determined to be in possession of a non-lethal branch. The cat was given a verbal warning for posing with what could be mistaken as an assault rifle while wearing poor camouflage attire.”
Good to know that at least one person in Oregon still has a sense of humor.
Australian crab uses claw to open man’s beer bottle
Wonder if it can also give a Brazilian cut.
I’m still not sure whether everything on the UPI website is ‘made up’ or just very weirdly emphasized. I’m familiar with the brand as something that actually mattered… a long time ago… like 50 years ago… but not sure what they’re doing on the internet these days.
(looks up wiki entry on UPI)
well its an interesting story. which involves serial bankruptcy, and a period of ownership by Saudi Arabia…
… and seems to culminate with this =
i believe they also own Kahr firearms, and a lot of sushi restaurants. No, i’m not kidding.
So, basically UPI are a bunch of moonies. And their stories are written by journalism students for free.
Be off you nonbeliever. My retirement plan is to become a Moonie.
“Doctors at a Colombian hospital performed surgery on a woman who swallowed more than $7,000 in U.S. $100 bills during an argument with her husband.
The woman said she had raised the money by selling household electronics and had been planning to use it for a trip to Panama, but she swallowed the cash out of spite when her husband demanded a cut of the money during an argument.”
“Selling electronics” is what they’re calling it these days?
$7k for a trip from Colombia to Panama? [consults map] Huh. That’s a lot of money to travel such a short distance.
Very rational response
Looks like Maduro wants to make some Tienanmen pancakes.
Armored military vehicle runs over Venezuelan protester
Well he’s lucky it wasn’t a tank. At least one of the guys survived so far.
#TheyBroughtBackOurGirls! You all thought Michelle Obama’s hashtag wouldn’t work.
Aww, I thought that the mountain gorilla’s habitat was on the mend. Shame.
Well now, one needs to cough up a few hundred thousand dollars for the ex-first lady to tweet about them. The woman has to make a living.
Couldn’t say, but I know your link doesn’t work.
The top part of the link works. Odd.
The link is the first sentence. Not sure why the rest of it was made blue as well, but it does work.
If you’re bored. Question I heard in a Michael Malice interview: What would it take to get you to leave the US?
President-Elect Chelsea Clinton. Chief Justice Madam Michelle Obama.
OT – my wife and three daughters are off to a “Kackle-Klavern” with a bunch of horse-girls celebrating a double birthday. Should I wear my cup when she comes home?
No, don’t be there when they get home. Sleep at a friends.
Soft shed and a sleep-sack it is then! Tip o’ the hat to Tim!