Good morning, Glibs. I somehow arose without a massive hangover, despite a fairly large amount of beer consumed yesterday. That news about Hekmatyar really got me down. But a large mug of coffee and some links will help make the day better.
- Yikes, that is some running, sub 2 hours or not.
- Icky Gunz Cause Trouble!
- Imma let you finish, but first let me delete this…
And there you have it. Saturday morning snark fodder. Enjoy!
I got nothing.
That damn Putin is at it again! First he caused Brexit, then Trump, he just gave the Conservatives a huge win in Britain, and now he’s giving Le Pen the election too! Is there any election safe from his Russian hackers!?
They even hacked the HoA ballots!
(Full disclosure, I am not a part of an HoA.)
Why the lowercase o?
Because they clearly do not own their homes if the association has that much authority over their choices.
“Macron’s campaign has asked the media to responsibly cover the hack and to avoid reporting on the text of the documents.”
Because the media never publishes the contents of documents it acquired through dubious or illegal means?
In the French case there’s apparently a legal ban on last-minute electioneering, too.
It’s amazing how poor Russia is, what with them being craftier than the Jews could only hope to be and all.
James Comey Avoids Testifying on Dem Doc Reportedly Showing AG Lynch Protecting Hillary
Why The Orange One hasn’t fired his ass yet is beyond me.
Probably because the orange one expects the same deference to power from Comey that Obama and hillary enjoyed.
#governmemt corruption
Does anyone think Loretta Lynch would have prosecuted Hillary Clinton?
or that it would be possible to find a DC jury that would vote guilty regardless of the evidence ?
I’ve been thinking about this and find myself understanding why Comey wouldn’t prosecute. I have some knowledge of the way government deals with security violations.
There are basically 4 levels of punishment associated with secrecy violations.
1) verbal reprimand — usually for minor transgressions and first offenses.
2) letter of reprimand — repeat offenders and medium transgressions will get this. Will follow them around and hurt their chances of career progression
3) termination — Major transgressions and continued repeat offenders. Basically means they can’t work in a job requiring a security clearance.
4) Jail — usually reserved for intentionally giving classified secrets to someone who doesn’t (officially) have the need to know.
Problem with the first three is they require the person to be working in an area involving national security. Hillary wasn’t after she left the State Department. And the fourth assumes Hillary gave a crap about security in the first place. Hillary (and company) didn’t give any secrets to anybody the Obama Justice Department cared about and the FBI usually only cares about giving the 4th when the recipient is working for a foreign government. My thought is if a normal person had done what Hillary did they would have been terminated, very publicly and loudly. And if the person had been a name Republican, they would have probably have run the chance of being prosecuted.
Plus you add in the fact that Hillary plays in the political world where normal rules don’t apply. She was supported by the administration at the time and any body who spoke differently would be punished. She could have been President (the one person who can’t break secrecy laws and could demand clearance be given to whoever they chose) and could retaliate against anybody who spoke out. And even now she still has supporters in positions of power who could retaliate against anybody who spoke out.
So I can see why Comey didn’t prosecute her and probably won’t unless something else pops up.
You forgot another key factor. Obama emailed her repeatedly through the illegal server using a non POTUS official account. Even Huma when confronted with that fact by the FBI spontaneously admitted that those communications were classified. The AG and FBI aren’t going to indict Obama for that behavior so HRC (PBUH) gets to walk.
Actually, for all practical purposes they can’t. The President is the highest decision maker on what is classified and what isn’t. So he could retroactively de-classify any communications he had with HRC.
Anyone else lay around on their ass and watch old western tv shows on Saturday mornings? I’m always happy when I wake up before Maverick.
Old shows in general for me. Watching Rockford Files right now.
So you think rockford files are cool
But there are some things that you would change
If it were up to you.
So watch your Rockford Files,
And call to see if Paul can can score some weed.
Do you never rest.
Fighting the battle of who could care less.
Unearned Unhappiness
You’re my hero, I confess.
All you damn Canucks should know who sang that.
Canadian huh? Rush? Neil Young? William Shatner?
Think 90’s alternative music. (Which happens to the best kind of music)
Barenaked Ladies? Alanis Morrisette? Nickleback? I’m just going to have to give up and google it.
Jesus. Way to trash an entire decade.
Not Canadian, but it was the Ben Folds Five.
I loved it when they put the complete series up on Netflix. I used to watch reruns back in the 80’s, but there were quite a few episodes I had missed.
Cars the size of houses, collars the size of hang gliders, convicted felons packing heat in California and not getting arrested, and cops with a believable sense of decency. It’s got it all.
Or are you talking about Maverick? Both are good.
Was talking about Rockford Files, nice description. Don’t think I’ve seen more than a few episode of Maverick, though I would give it a shot if they put it up on Netflix/Amazon Prime/Hulu.
Maverick is worth the watch. Hr long episodes. Good plots.
Beth Davenport in a bikini made the much younger me sacrifice many billions of potential Jews.
Literally Hitler.
MeTV? I just watched 2 episodes of Trackdown and a Paladin; good stuff.
Watching paladin now. I like it but it’s no maverick or Steve McQueen.
Old shows are about all I ever watch. Especially since all they make anymore are cop dramas
Most of the good shows these days are cable or streaming originals.
I love MeTV and Antenna Tv
. Saves me a cable bill
I was watching the tennis.
Gotta stay up until 2 am to catch Mannix.
I am afraid I cannot get S1 TV here in the US.
Nawp. Saturday morning is for playing video games in my underwear
Pics or not real. 😉
Search YouTube for “Wii girlfriend”.
Trust me when I say, it would not be a glamorous pic. Lol. Especially when I’ve died twice already trying to kill the final boss ?
So you crap yourself too?
What time does Maverick usually wake up? I never took him for an early bird.
Mr McCain is up by 5 and in bed shortly after the early bird special
Damn, Cinco de Mayo must have done quite a number on the commentariat.
It’s Free Comic Book Day, they’re probably in line
I had to work and work because management are fuck-ups. And then they blame us for not putting in enough overtime.
I beered myself pretty hard – cultural appropriationz holiday aside.
Oh yeah, partner… Twenty over strength Canadian beers for me last night. I used to be able to down a 24-pack in one night but those days are but a fading memory. Hell, I could nurse a fourty-pounder of Gibson’s Finest from dusk til dawn when I was sixteen and still wake up to do whatever had to be done the next day.
Hello Glibs.
I am an industrial electrician. I have been one since I was 19 years old. I’m turning 30 in a few weeks. I have gotten very good at what I do. I’m not bragging, but I am very very good at what I do. It took me the better part of a decade to become so good, but I’m there. I can do industrial automation like nobody’s business. I’m better than most of the engineers I work with. Again, I’m not bragging. That said-
I have the opportunity right now to move into management. They want me to become a electrical supervisor at the steel mill I work in. I have no doubt that I have the ability to correctly identify problems and come up with solutions. However, I have absolutely zero management experience. For the past decade, my primary focus has been to make machines work how I want them to, not people. I get along well with others, so that’s probably not a huge deal. I do fear tackling a task that I am totally unfamiliar with.
If I stick to what I’m doing right now, I have a guaranteed stable (and pretty good) income. Crossing into the management field has risks. I may not be worth a fuck at it. I may be adequate. I may be great. I don’t know. I would take an initial pay cut to cross into management, but the move would put me into an area with a greater ability for upward mobility. It would also pit me into an area where my interactions with people (whom I can’t control) are the measure of my success and away from the area that um comfortable with-That of machines that I can control.
Sounds like you have an initial leaning against. Unless you are really wanting to go into management, I would be cautious before doing so. Like what you do, and are good at it – why change?
The benefits to management-
No more night shifts.(mostly. I currently work nights one week and days the next. rotate back and forth ad infinitum)
A monday to friday (sometimes) schedule
Upward mobility (aside from starting my own automation business) I’m never going to make much more than what I make now. What I make now is very comfortable.
The thought of tackling a new challenge.
Again I don’t have a clue, but is there any risk that in management your skills would stagnate?
From time to time we hear of middle management being cut in economic downturns…would that be a risk?
There is that risk. The automation game is constantly changing. Doing what I currently do, I have to spend a not insignificant amount of my time learning the new stuff. I do this on my own and away from work. That I do this is the primary reason that I’m so much better than the other that do the same job as I. So if I quit doing my own research and experimentation, I will fall behind the latest trends in automation. My thought is that, maybe moving to management won’t kill the inqusitiveness that has gotten me to where I am. Maybe it will. I don’t know.
Sounds risky, which of course isn’t a dealkiller. Really, people on the Internet can only ask questions, not judge your whole situation.
Bonne chance!
Indeed. I’m just bouncing the off y’all because I can. Any conclusion I come will be far more influenced by wife lady and I than y’all.
That said, I respect most of y’alls opinions (otherwise I wouldn’t participate in this site)
So, any insights-personal experiences-commentary-etc… Is appreciated.
My Dad was a researcher and hated management. He never (AFAIK) had the dilemma of choosing whether to take a management job, because AFAIK they never offered him one.
In my own field, I took that risk and moved to management with the same company that originally hired me as a floor worker.
Management is a skill of its own, so if you work at improving your ability to manage with the same drive you’ve improved your skills as an electrician, you should be in good shape.
^^^this. That you’re asking these questions is a good sign, rather than going into it seduced by possibilities of more money/power/ability to slack off/ditch your current duties.
The benefits to management-
No more night shifts.(mostly. I currently work nights one week and days the next. rotate back and forth ad infinitum)
A monday to friday (sometimes) schedule
If your company is anything like the places I’ve worked as a manager, kiss the idea of actually having known free time goodbye. Problem at 2 am or on a Sunday? It’s on you. Someone above you gets a bug up their ass on Friday at 4:59 and you have to get three days of work done by Monday? That’s why they pay you the intermediate bucks.
The biggest difference between my staff and me is that they can go home at 5 and not worry about work.
“If your company is anything like the places I’ve worked as a manager”
I am assuming that before you worked as a manger, you worked as a technician. Were you better of in the long run for taking that leap from from technician to manager of technicians? I’m guniunely curious. That’s the option I’m looking at right now.
Specifically- When you left the technical side of the field and entered managent, Were the people you managed open to listening to your instruction? I ask that because that is the position I will occupy I accept the management position
My career path was a bit unusual in that respect- after two short jobs (1 year and 2 years), I started a new company, so was a manager by default. Very hands-on, though. That changed over the course of my career, and what I do now is much more like classic management, where I actually have to push hard to break away from spreadsheets, reports, and presentation to even get a few minutes in the lab.
I’ve mentored a lot of guys like you, bringing bright young folks with great technical skills into more business-oriented positions. The ones who have been successful in their transition to management were people who were at ease with looking at the big picture, were able to effectively delegate the details, who could use persuasion and sales skills rather than authority, and who could apply their analytical skills to business questions. It’s a very different mindset than being a tech grunt.
To reiterate my main caution, if you go the management path, understand that you have given up the idea of having truly free time. Even on vacation, I typically have to respond to a few dozen emails a day, take phone calls, and drop everything when a customer has a crisis- sure, I’m on vacation, but they have a factory shut down and I’d better damned well fix it NOW.
The ones who have been successful in their transition to management were people who were at ease with looking at the big picture, were able to effectively delegate the details, who could use persuasion and sales skills rather than authority, and who could apply their analytical skills to business questions.
I will think hard on that OMWC. That’s pretty damn insightful.
The key question is do you want to manage people? And do you want to manage the people you’ll be responsible for?
As Grumbletarian said, it’s a skill of its own. You go from being responsible for doing your job to being responsible for the job. And that can have a lot of headaches. Sure, no night shifts and a Monday to Friday schedule. But, that also means when there’s a problem, you’re stuck there until the problem’s resolved. No overtime. No excuses. Pretty much what OMWC said.
That said, it also has its own set of rewards. You learn a skill that, no matter what happens in your field, people do need. You get to start to see the big picture of what your company is doing and what part your work plays in it. You get to bring people up a little closer to your level. You actually get to look out for your people in a way you can’t do otherwise. It can be exciting.
I’m a recent manager (different field). And I’ve been really lucky to have really good people. I think that’s another big part of the equation. Do you trust your people to be able to deliver? And do you trust them to understand the growing pains (You’ll make mistakes. Will they understand and will they let you know?)
I cuss engineers on an almost daily basis. You jerks take things that have worked great for decades and change it. Drives me nuts.
My theory and experience with engineers-
They come up with the ideas and implementation. They get it 80% percent right. I figure out and implement the other 20%.
When I do a project on my lonesome, I do 100% of it.
If you’re a person who can toe the company line you should give it a shot. Don’t not try something careerwise because you’re concerned about how it might go.
Towing the company lion may be difficult for me. I’m sure I can go through the motions, but I’m pretty sure my heart would never be in it.
Still not undoable but I’d advise caution. Seems to be a fairly common trait among libertarians.
I certainly don’t have the faintest idea, but it sounds like you have a good thing going. Whether you could make things better…danged if I know.
Just remember one thing if you go into management: People are exhausting.
Can you do what you’re doing now ’til you’re 65? If so, do whatever makes you happy. If not, consider trying the management thing and see if it works out. Bear in mind though that it’s a very different skill set. Probably substantially easier to learn than what you’re doing now, but not the same. If you can, you might want to take a few management and HR courses from Coursera or something. Don’t become a Peter principle statistic.
Until I’m 65?
Probably not. I have been buying land and cattle for the past few years though. So far I have been able to make money doing this. My sincere hope is that by the time I’m 50 the only thing I do is tend my herd and fuck my wife. Maybe that works out and maybe not. That’s my retirement plan though.
Sounds good. Just don’t get the two mixed up.
That being the case, if I were you I’d probably be more inclined to stick it out doing what you know you like. From what you’ve said above, I think you’d probably hate management. But it depends a lot on the company and how you fit into it.
How long do you have to make the decision? If you can squeeze in the time, I’d again recommend taking a short management course. It won’t teach you everything (or even all that many useful things) about actually being a manager, but it might give you a better perspective of the role of management, the expectations of your future bosses, and whether it’s something you might or might not be comfortable doing. Something like this, for example.
From what you’ve said above, I think you’d probably hate management.
You are probably correct.
Damn it’s a messy business trying to figure out what to do with your life.
Damn it’s a messy business trying to figure out what to do with your life.
I feel ya man. If you figure out the secret, first let me know, and then publish a book – that herd can eat from solid gold feed troughs.
If you take the position, can you return to your old one if it doesn’t work out? Is there an opportunity to try it in a limited fashion, such as an in-charge, lead role, or such? Do you get along and work well with your potential new boss(es)? Is this a unionized plant where once you become a supervisor, you can’t do craft work or can you help your guys when they need an extra hand? What are your goals, short term and long term, and does this help you grow in areas where you’re weak?
My own suggestion is use something like a Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats quadrant and think about where you want to go. Going into a supervisory position takes a change in mindset, and the initial hurdle can be challenging, especially in a difficult workplace.
My own career track is I was pretty satisfied with where I was (enjoyed the work, paid well, but was capped out and zero opportunity for advancement) but a lateral position came open about a year and a half ago that I took. It’s been extremely challenging in a lot of respects (moving away from the work I really liked, still not a supervisor but far more people interaction and requires getting people to do things that they may not want to, needing to learn a lot of newish stuff or getting into greater detail than I ever did before so feeling like I’m behind the eight ball all the time) but also rewarding (bump in pay, travel and training, opportunities for future advancement within and outside my company). I would not go back to my old position.
A few more thoughts- I worked graves for past 15 years and swing/weirdo hours for 5+ years before that. I hated working standard day hours. Well, this new position required that, of course. It’s been great. More and more I felt like I had less energy on weekends. It was recovering from nights then getting back to nights. I didn’t realize how bad it was getting. Going to day hours was a huge difference. My wife (who came from the same company, understood the hours, and was totally supportive) is far happier now and feels like I’m around more.
Second thought- do you have a degree or will your company sponsor/subsidize your education? Do you have any desire to pick one up? I ask because you mentioned you picked up tools at 19. Depending on the company, lacking a degree can hinder your advancement or put you at a disadvantage relative to your peers, particularly in old line industries.
I have an associates in industrial controls. Another opportunity of going to managent is that my company would pay for continuing education towards a bachelors. That is a good thing, however…
I obtained my associates degree while working 50+ hours a week in a factory. I was young and unattached, so 50+ hours a week in a factory and another 30 hours a week at school for a couple years was no big deal. I’m a married man with a family now. I can’t do that again and expect my marriage and relationship with my son to survive. I would love to further my education, I just can’t do so if it means sacrificing the relationship I have with my family.
Depends on what area you want the degree in, but online schools are more flexible. In particular, check out WGU – their programs are really flexible, and if you have a pre-existing knowledge base, you can accelerate your progress pretty substantially by testing past class time for things you already know. The degrees they offer are somewhat limited though – business, IT and nursing primarily I think. You might also want to run the name past your hiring manager first and see how they react. Some HR people haven’t embraced online degrees as “real” degrees yet.
If you do feel the need/desire to do that, the good news is there are more options than every, particularly in online education from reputable institutions. If you just want a degree, something like a general business degree (or a variant like managerial economics) can require much less study than a EE BS. One to two classes at a time is easily 12-24 quarter credits a year or more, and with an associates could be finished in 4-6 years at a relaxed pace.
That is a good post Mr. Gustave.
I hadn’t heard of or considered the threat quadrant. I will apply that to my decision. Thank you.
Keep “SWOT quadrants” tucked in your memory bank – if you do go for the management job it’s a good buzzword to have in your vocabulary even if you never actually have to do it.
Read that. If you like it, then management may be for you.
I’ve had this conversation with my boss a few times. I am a software developer for a large financial enterprise. I’ve made it pretty clear that I have zero interest in management – having briefly done it before, I hated it – and that instead I prefer to maximize my technical abilities. It’s probably not helping me “advance” but at least I’m doing what I like.
“Following her suspension last Friday, Washington mounted a Twitter broadside at her Post-Dispatch editors, insisting she is not a paid “shill” for the NRA and noting the irony of a column calling out the lack of conservatives in the mainstream media getting a conservative suspended from a mainstream newspaper.”
That tweet might be truthful. Progressives are way harder on black conservatives than white conservatives.
Those people oughtta know their place.
“Progressives are way harder on black conservatives than white conservatives.”
Indeed. There’s a special place in “progressive” hell for blacks, gays, and women who refuse to fall in line and vote like they’re supposed to. When “progressives” lash out at one of these individuals who don’t the “progressive” cause, what they’re actually saying is, “What are you doing?! Your vote belongs to US! You’re OUR property! Quit being so uppity!”
Yup: gotta toe the Progressive line or you’re literally a race-traior.
Progs are horrid, horrid people and they have zero self-awareness.
Black people who don’t vote Democrat are LITERALLY HITLER.
“Getting woke af at the Nasty Woman Art Show Chicago”
^Were these projects by middle-schoolers or brain-dead adult Progglydites?
Hard to tell.
my middle-schooler does better art, so I’m gonna go with choice B
Pictures recreate last meals of death row inmates
How many executions have there actually been this year? How many are scheduled, and how many of those are expected to actually get carried out?
10 so far; 13 scheduled; 7 stayed, 1 commuted.
Thank you!
I was expecting autopsy photos of their stomach contents. Total letdown.
“Meanwhile Oklahoma inmates can only eat as much as $15 will buy.”
Cheap bastards.
rance bans extremely thin models
That’s certainly good industry practice, but I don’t think I trust the state enough to mandate it absent some kind of fraud.
(Unless BMI is a fraud (see below), in which case I reconsider it being good industry practice)
BMI, of course is a fraud.
Both the medical and radio BMIs.
When I played high school football, I was 6 foot tall and 205 pounds. The BMI listed me as overweight. I was in impeccable shape.
The BMI is horseshit.
That’s because it counts fat and muscle weight as the same.
Maybe for female models – who all have essentially the same body type – it might be useful. SLD applies.
Yup. 52 years old, 5’11” and 180lbs. Apparently I’m obese even though I’ve been wearing the same sized clothing for twenty-five years. I’ll grant that the shirts are a little tight but I still wear 32/32 Levis.
BMI isn’t even close to calling that obese. Stop lying.
A govt mandate is way out of bounds but those broads do look like they could use a plate of BBQ.
Wow. I went to bed figuring the Oilers had it all wrapped up and then I wake up to ‘The Collapse.’ Unreal. One of the better playoffs I’ve seen – and that’s saying a lot given it’s usually very good year in and year out.
Pretty annoyed Sportsnet isn’t showing the Giro for the second straight year running. Already the 1st stage was wild. One of the most gloriously chaotic and wicked races out there; some of the best climbs (and descents) are at the Giro. It’s a blast and no one sees it.
It wasn’t just the umpteenth procession by the peloton?
The Tour is dattaway.
“College offers anti-Trump class with ‘strategies for resistance’
Accuses president of ‘perpetuating sexism, white supremacy'”
In other news, that’s one of the ugliest woman I’ve ever seen.
Woman? Why would you assume that cislord?
na na, na na, lady looks like a dude…
that”s a man, baby !
If she is a woman, it looks like shes been beaten with an ugly stick!
Butler university is listed by the IRS as a public charity – are they subject to the Johnson Amendment about opposing political candidates? (Or will the Johnson Amendment be triggered as the election gets closer?)
I mention this because we’re told about the horrible right-wing churches unleashed when Trump watered down the Johnson Amendment for churches – maybe it should be watered down for colleges too, rather than having academics screech about how the Johnson Amendment should be enforced against those *other* nonprofits.
*sigh* Butler used to be a great school, too.
Progressives kill everything they touch.
I blame that Dzokhar Tsarnaev Rolling Stone cover
Commentary is superfluous, methinks.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
If they’re allowed to get out, they can give speeches about how they were duped. Which might discourage other naive young people to change their minds.
Or it may just be a ruse for countries to let suicide bombers in.
I hadn’t thought of that, but I think the Soviets did something similar with false defectors.
Oh, you’re a Soviet recently-liberated from a Nazi prisoner of war camp? Enjoy near certain death in a gulag for your dedication for to the state!
The the Left will always eat their own at some point is something that gives me hope for the future.
Many didn’t get to the Gulag. There are multiple documented cases of the Soviets stopping train loads of returning PW’s within sound of American and British forces and machine gunning them down. The practice led to a brief mutiny by some units refusing to cooperate with loading and manning the trains.
It sounds like this other woman married a rapper working for ISIS, then fled Syria for the safety of Detroit.
She should just find a nice headchopper and settle down.
Does not compute.
Critical communication? Like “this spaghetti is overcooked” or “tell him to cut the red wire now!”?
Woops, threading fail.
“California plans for collecting taxes on spaceflight”
Because of course they are.
The proposal is known by the less formal name, “Making Schools Safe For Children Investment”.
Good move. It’s not like the private space flight companies can find tens of thousands of square miles of salt flats and empty desert to launch from a couple hundred miles east of L.A.
Damn your nimble fingers!
Time to move the launches to Florida or Arizona.
Nice of them to make their intentions clear now, when companies aren’t too entrenched to move.
Well, if they can land their rockets on a floating platform, they can probably launch them from a floating platform as well. International waters FTW. (Incidentally, that’s my theoretical way to get around launching an orion craft too).
Rapidly scrolling, I thought it said, “California plans for collecting taxes on sunlight”.
^^^Ssshhh! Don’t give away their next move!
We can launch from Houston and Florida, thanks.
-The Space Community.
Who else wants to be a Luddite?
Running 26 miles at 4:36/mile. I’ve never even run one mile below 6 min. Hard to even visualize that pace.
Humble brag.
I have the second place score for the 2 mile at the punatitive boot camp I attended as a teenager in the two mile run.
11 minutes and 15 seconds.
It’s staggering. I run a half marathon in 1hr:40ish – in my mid-40s. Who knows what I did in my 20s but the endurance needed to do in 2 hrs or below is hilarious.
I was a sub 2 minute half miler in my younger days. We had a 6 mile road course for practice which me and my buddy did in about 28 minutes. Running a 4:36 mile 26 times in a row is pretty amazing.
I just jogged 7 miles in under 1.5 hours this morning. Will Nike sponsor me?
Actually this article has inspired me to start training for a half marathon. A little research project for a lazy Saturday.
I was doing the Couch to 5k deal a few years ago when I remembered that I’d stopped running because my knees are both garbage and went back to cycling. I know a few people who started looking over that and then scaled it up for 10ks or half marathons and liked the learning curve.
Cool thanks
Neighbor is getting the trees trimmed at eight in the morning. That’s only the second most obnoxious thing going on. The most obnoxious thing is the cunty neighbor bitch threatening to call the cops on them.
Neighbor is getting the trees trimmed at eight in the morning.
These euphemisms are getting horticultural
You can lead a horticulture, but you can’t make her think.
Stuttered Clap
I have a neighbor who is fucking anal-retentive about his goddamn lawn. At least once a week (usually twice or thrice) he gets out this chainsaw-on-a-stick contraption and obsessively trims every single branch on all of the trees on his property. Then he mows the lawn, after which he gets out a fucking military-grade extra-loud leafblower and doesn’t turn it off until he removes every single blade of grass from the sidewalk and driveway. Even on extremely windy days, he still feels the need to do this. IT’S FUCKING GRASS!! IT WILL FUCKING BLOW AWAY!!!!
My commitment to private property rights and non-aggression are the only things that prevent me from walking over there, tearing that stupidass leafblower out of his hands, throwing it in the street, and executing it with some 12-gauge buckshot.
At least your neighbor doesn’t have 4 little rugrat kids that are constantly screaming right outside your door. Every single day. The game seems to be chase and scream incessantly for 3 hours.
I’ve got one that obsessively “vacuums” her lawn every night, bitches about the retaining wall (gravity is a thing, look into it) and has free-roaming cats. If I didn’t already have dentures I’m sure that my molars would have been ground to dust by now.
Yeesh. I was on a flight recently where there was a baby crying. The guy sitting in front of me with beats headphones around his neck spent the ENTIRE time complaining about how somebody needed to shut the baby up. Nobody likes crying babies on planes, but the babies don’t know how to pop their ears and we endure it. A grown-ass man spending the entire flight kvetching just as loudly because he’s annoyed by a baby and has noise cancelling headphones he could be wearing? The entire cabin looked murderous.
Schneider-manSchneider-mandoes whatever a panderingliberal politician can
Something something something woodchipper
The bill“puts a one-year freeze on funding to states for payments to a “prohibited entity,” defined as one that, among other criteria, provides abortions other than those due to rape, incest or danger to the life of the mother.”
There’s already a ban on tax money paying for abortions except for rape/incest/life of the mother.
Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers get around this by taking federal money for other things, which frees up funds they can then use for abortions.
So existing law forbids direct funding but allows indirect funding.
The bill would ban indirect funding, too.
By analogy, a private citizen who donated money to the ISIS pension fund would still be guilty of helping terrorists because in this context, the federal government recognizes the fungibility of money and is aware that more money for its pension fund (or whatever) frees up money for its killing-people fund. So it would be no defense to say “I didn’t put money in Isis’s Infidel-Killing Fund, just the pension fund!” Nope, it’s aid to terrorism either way.
The bill would extend the same principle to taxpayer funding of groups which do abortions. Don’t give them *any* tax money, because of course the money will promote abortion. either directly or indirectly.
But at least he’s admitting the money goes towards abortion.
Now, at least as far as rape and incest are concerned, I don’t see the justification for killing a child for the sins of its father – especially when it would be deemed “cruel and unusual” to executive the actual rapist.
Making that exception is logically inconsistent (although in the case of incest, an argument can be made against inbreeding). And a foreseeable consequence is that women seeking abortions will make up rape accusations. Just like the plaintiff is Roe v. Wade false claimed she was raped (I think that’s why she’s “Roe” and not her real name).
Of course it’s logically inconsistent, any real prolifer knows that.
But prolifers aren’t going to be concern-trolled into legalizing all abortions on the ground that it is currently politically feasible to ban only some abortions. These all-or-nothing taunts may make sense when choicers are high-fiving each other in the faculty lounge, but it is leads to the betrayal unto death of babies who could actually have been saved.
Just as Wilberforce and the American Founders at least banned the African slave trade while inconsistently allowing slavery itself to continue.
“allowing” = didn’t have the votes to ban.
“Women will make up rape claims in order to get federally-subsidized abortion, therefore the feds should spend more tax money on elective abortions to bribe women not to make up rape claims.”
Sounds sensible.
I’m not saying the government should pay for abortion. They shouldn’t. But if abortion were illegal except rape and incest, regardless of who pays for it, it would lead to false claims.
But the same reasoning indicates that federal funding for abortions based on rape would lead to false charges.
So the same reasoning would lead to calling for federal subsidies for all abortions, so that women will be bribed into not making false reports.
“Oh, you were raped? No problem, miss, tell us who did it, and once we prove it with a DNA test the state will prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. And, by the by, if you retract your accusation once your procedure is complete, we’ll continue our prosecution of the accused rapist and open a case against you for conspiracy to commit murder.”
Just to be clear…once the public is educated up to the point that it sees the rapist, not his innocent child, as the criminal who needs to be punished, then it will be time to close the rape loophole.
I defer to experienced prolife leaders as to when this will be politically feasible. Until then, save whatever babies can be saved.
In my case, I am not seeing the unborn as the criminal here, just noting that sentencing the woman to 9 months of pregnancy seems cruel and unusual as well. To me, the compounded cruelty of forcing a woman to endure several months of pregnancy resulting from sexual assault outweighs the cruelty of terminating a life early on in utero.
Pregnancy ends within 9 months and death generally doesn’t, so I would say death is the harsher outcome, if we had to choose between bad outcomes for two equally innocent people.
Death is certainly more permanent than pregnancy, but I specifically said ‘cruel,’ AND I acknowledged that abortion-due-to-rape is an act that is not without cruelty. I’m sure you can I could both come up with situations in which the act of intentionally ending a human life is not considered cruel even though a homicide has taken place.
It’s an imperfect situation with, no matter your viewpoint, an imperfect solution. If you can think of a solution wherein neither mother nor unborn suffer at all, I’d consider it.
“If you can think of a solution wherein neither mother nor unborn suffer at all, I’d consider it.”
If we’re stipulating a rape, then I can’t see a way to avoid suffering.
Of course, one way to minimize the victim’s suffering *without* killing an innocent baby would be to punish the rapist promptly with a severe sentence (though no execution, because the Supreme Court assures us that’s not allowed no matter how cruel the rape).
I can’t see the moral blindness which makes killing a rapist cruel and unusual but makes killing his innocent child acceptable.
What Rape Exceptions Really Mean
“Have you ever considered how really insulting it is to say to someone, “I think your mother should have been able to abort you.”? It’s like saying, “If I had my way, you’d be dead right now.””
Bummer. Thanks for your time.
Women in the U.S. are almost never prosecuted for false rape accusations.
True, but falsely accusing someone of rape in order to get an otherwise illegal procedure presents a stronger case for conspiracy.
“Just like the plaintiff is Roe v. Wade false claimed she was raped (I think that’s why she’s “Roe” and not her real name).”
She also went from prochoice to a prolife activist who tried to get Roe v. Wade overturned. RIP.
This guy sounds like quite the slimy derp character.
“Slimy derp” is part of the job description.
The Bill of Rights means you have to buy me guns. Also, a home not to quarter soldiers, and a printing press.
And kill people I consider inconvenient.
Well, the government should at least have to give money to the NRA so they can provide safety classes and build gun ranges, leaving them money from donors with which they can purchase guns for interested individuals to buy later.
“women’s Constitutionally-protected rights.”
Hmm, I’ve looked through the Constitution several times but I can’t seem to find the part that requires taxpayers to subsidize women’s abortions.
It must be in that secret subsection; you know, the one where it says that the 2A doesn’t apply to “assault weapons”.
Not having the taxpayers pay for shit I want, places an undue burden on my right to that shit! GIVE ME FREE SHIT!
I like the forumulation of “other people” rather than ‘taxpayers’ – taxpayers makes it more distant and can apply to Bad Corporations, etc, but “other people’ makes it clear you just want people to give you shit.
“The report also shows a direct link between the growing lawlessness in Germany and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to allow in more than one million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.”
Apparently, the same country that can produce the best mechanical engineers, can produce the worst social engineers.
Ferdinand Porsche: Look what I can build!
Adolf Hitler: Hold my halfweiser.
The Germans have become the national equivalent of Jung’s concept of the death instinct personified. It’ hard to grasp what they’re thinking exactly.
Don’t tell anyone at the other place.
Sometimes I wonder if there’s a connection between peoples’ professions and their political views. I know a guy who is in the computer science field, and it seems to have strengthened his pre-existing leftist beliefs. He seems to hate the idea of anything decentralized, uncontrolled, or a “patchwork” of anything; everything must be planned out from the top down by an elite panel of experts.
On the other hand, I know there are a lot of libertarian computer programmers on this site, and I know that trying to do something new and innovative (as computer people typically do) can be frustrating when government regulations tend to be written by idiots who don’t understand the very thing they’re regulating.
In the case of Germany, I think there’s just a strong cultural desire to live down the Nazi atrocities.
That’s laudable and all but a happy medium exists between what they’re doing and the way the Japanese have handled it.
So you’re saying you want German tentacle porn?
Libertarians have long been over-represented among computer programmers, probably less so today than 30 yrs. ago, when French libertarian politician Henri LePage joked about American libertarians that when they’re not playing with themselves, they’re playing with their computers.
Might it be that the libertarian ones are into object-oriented programming, while the guy you know is into procedure-oriented programming?
The labor theory of value is strong with this one:
Woops! Didn’t see the link above.
It’s always weird how people (both left and right) boast about how many jobs will be created by some initiative or another. Labor is an input of production. It makes the end product more expensive. If they passed a law that forced auto companies to weld a five pound lump of steel onto the roof of every car, nobody* would say, “but look how much steel it’s using! And think of the increased fuel expenses! This is a wonderful idea!”
* Well, except for the steelworker unions.
They’re focused on distribution aspects, not productivity ones. They’d be all for labor savings if it were from labor EVERYBODY had to do. For example, nobody hires ass wiping specialists, people do it for themselves. If someone invented automatic, no-hands toilet paper, nobody would lament the reduction in labor, because it wouldn’t be PARTICULAR persons losing PAID work. Similarly, no protests against the Clapper sound-activated light switch, because it’s not putting professional light switchers out of jobs.
In my view (which is decidedly non-Christian in the “forgive” part), the blood of everyone killed there in Obama’s military adventures of the past 8 years is someone who has been murdered. Because the war was not about defense, and now anyone can clearly see that it wasn’t about principle or a sincere desire to help people, either.
As cynical as I get about people like Obama, every once in awhile I get a reminder that my cynicism may not be extreme enough.
The other day proggies were doing their stupid #IAmAPreexistingCondition hashtag on Twatter. So I cracked a nasty joke in a public place, and that meme spread swimmingly:
Liberalism is a mental disorder. It’s a preexisting condition.
Granted, the first phrase was already a meme. But I got in on the ground floor of trolling a hashtag for once. 😉
Well done. I saw your phrase making the rounds yesterday, people are memeing it already
Aye, I don’t have a huge following but I know some who do and they have a huge deplorable following, so I dropped that one as a reply to one of those when the tag was fresh meat. ShariaBlue is obviously paying people to start this shit. They suck at memes and predicting them though. 😀
The Left sucks at memes, it’s not even close
Someone I know suggested that the reason for this is that they have to sanitize their memes for PC so there’s no chance they’ll offend anyone. That sucks all the humor out of them and they can’t spread if they’re not funny. That, and all they do is copy meme patterns from the right and try too hard to make professional art in the rare instances where they actually do try to make their own.
I think that’s a spot-on assessment.
I’m gonna use that.
Got a problem with that?
It’s a meme. It’s supposed to spread. Don’t ask permission, you fool!
Save it, it’s all yours my friend
Please exchange progressivism for liberalism. Trying to take it back and all that. Liberal 4 Life.
I understand that, but that first phrase is already an established meme. Unfortunately, reclaiming it is probably impossible at this point. They’ve wiped their ass with it.
“Last week The Federalist reported on an illuminating segment from a mid-1990s episode of “Bill Nye the Science Guy” that clashes directly with modern transgender ideology. It appears that someone cut this segment from a re-release of the episode.”
Even Orwell couldn’t foresee people memoryholing their own work.
“Send in your outdated articles from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, comrades!”
As a med student 40 yrs. ago I received a complimentary copy of a pocket medical dictionary. The entry on osteopathy was on a foil-backed sticker, glued on well. I painstakingly peeled it off to compare the previous entry, which had been written before the DOs & MDs made peace (except for a rump of fundamentalist osteopaths). Osteopathic medicine went from a form of quackery to a branch of medicine.
“Taxpayers fund pregnant anal-rape artwork in anti-Trump university exhibit ”
Should Sugarfree apply for grant money?
Mirth & Girth, anybody?
What about Hekmatyar? Links should have links dammit! I shouldn’t have to google to figure out what Swiss is talking about. This never would have happened back at the Old Site.
Not under Postrel, anyway.
A day late and a dollar short. (Friday morning links).
I linked the Hekmatyar story yesterday in the Morning Links. This threw Swiss into a depression. Not a joke.
I think the upsetting part is, “He’s now rejoining the Afghan government”. Which i guess makes 17 years of US efforts in the region seem… ‘somewhat counter productive’ in hindsight. He’s one of the worst people in recent Afghan history, and that’s *really* saying something given the cast of characters that place produces. It makes for extremely entertaining reading tho. Ghost Wars has quite a bit about his story.
I read sentences like this in journalist’s ‘reporting’ all the time now.
there is never any attempt to parse what it is that is actually supposed to mean. When people call journalists ‘stenographers to people in power’, this is what they probably mean = just printing shit other people demand they print, without any further explanation.
I guess the simple and generous interpretation is ‘none of the documents suggest anything criminal; tho some are fake (nevermind that would itself probably be a crime)’
The problem tho is, if you’re sure some are fake – why not identify them for people in advance so people can sort fake from real?
is the problem with the ‘fake’ documents only that they are *embarrassing*? what an amazing talent these ‘hackers’ had, to be able to create fake documents that merely embarrassed you without ever crossing the line into anything suggesting misconduct. Strangely generous of them.
Of course you don’t bother saying which are the fake ones because you want to reserve the right to claim that anything that might be embarrassing is also fake.
“Trayvon Martin’s getting a college degree.
The slain Florida teenager — killed by George Zimmerman five years ago — will be awarded a posthumous bachelor’s degree in aeronautical science from Florida Memorial University.”
Is that a public university?
Florida Memorial University is a private coeducational four-year university in Miami Gardens, Florida. One of the 39 member institutions of the United Negro College Fund, it is a historically Black, Baptist-related institution which is ranked second in Florida and ninth in the United States for graduating African-American teachers.
Well then I guess they can give degrees to whomever they damn well please.
Well, it’s not like he’s any less qualified for the degree than most of their other graduates.
(not racist because it’s a joke about how shitty the school is. maybe racist because it’s a historically black school. #sorrynotsorry)
Anyone good at handicapping horse racing?
You trying to get a better parking spot in your Amish paradise?
How’d u know I live in amishvile?
Fed, I found the undercover fed!!
Try Tonya Harding
Just be careful doing it-damn thinks will brain ya.
It’s just a derby day tradition that I burn $50 at the track. Always off by one stinking horse
then bet to place and not win
The favorite is already handicapped.
You go girl!
Burn her!
De-policing. So it worked.
Kinda like what Daryl Gates says in this video. This is the attitude and it has been since forever.
“Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) called Thursday for a special prosecutor to look into whether Hillary Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin broke the law when she forwarded emails to her now-divorced husband Anthony Weiner that contained classified material.”
But they are all Democrats. 3D Hungry Hungry Hippos?
Maybe he wants the Dems to have a better candidate in ’20, rather than Hillary [again]?
In the list of preexisting conditions CNN is claiming that the House healthcare bill won’t cover, there are a few that seem peculiar:
Sex Reassignment
I guess they’re saying that ObamaCare covers these things.
I’m not sure I understand why pregnancy would be considered a preexisting condition. Letting people buy insurance after they get pregnant seems a lot like letting people buy insurance for their home after it has caught on fire.
Sex reassignment surgery seems like laser eye surgery to me. Some people with bad vision live without laser eye surgery. They deal with their condition in other ways. Breast augmentation surgery and gastric bypasses can also improve people’s psychological state–are small breasts or obesity preexisting conditions, too?
Regardless of whether we’re talking about in-groups getting favorable treatment here, . . . if the American people say they don’t want insurance companies to discriminate against people with preexisting conditions, are these the procedures and diagnoses the American people are talking about?
if the American people say they don’t want insurance companies to discriminate against people with preexisting conditions, are these the procedures and diagnoses the American people are talking about?
They’ve been made to believe that such mandates impose no costs despite their premiums and deductibles rising substantially, so they probably don’t care, by and large.
I think they’ve been made to believe that people with debilitating and crippling conditions like MS can’t get any insurance–and they don’t think that’s fair to people with those crippling conditions.
I don’t think they understand that pregnancy is considered a preexisting condition.
Talk about moral hazard!
I heard the pre-existing condition of domestic violence is no longer covered. Still trying to wrap my head around that
I heard the pre-existing condition of domestic violence is no longer covered.
Change my pitch up. Smack my bitch up.
How is that a medical condition?
ENB had a good article smacking down some of the lying hysteria making the rounds yesterday.
Damn you! You made go over there, and then look at the comments. God, Hihn is still as insane as ever!
Okay, who here is posting as “Incomprehensible Bitching” over there?
ha, I read the article and ignored the comments, so there! 🙂
“Maryland prosecutors said they will drop rape and sex offense charges against two immigrant teens accused of attacking a 14-year-old classmate in a high school bathroom stall in a case that attracted international and White House attention and stoked the debate about illegal crossings into the United States.”
They will still be charged with child porn since the not-quite-a-victim sexted them some pictures.
Strangely menacing.
Oh, you want a Star Wars mashup?
Less menacing, just sad.
You know what other German….
Yes, they should all have to bear the pain that he has suffered, withering and dying for lack of medical care, until that magical day in 2010 when the Affordable Care Act was signed by President Obama as the rise of the oceans began to slow and the earth began to heal.
Maybe he and Kimmel can start a support group for multi-millionaire media personalities affected by the tragedy of Obamacare’s repeal.
What a class act.
Christ, what an asshole.
Is there anything that makes anti-free speech laws against candidates speaking in the days before an election look dumber than their inability to legally respond to leaks that come out after Friday night but before the polls close on Sunday?
Incidentally, there are a number of reasons to dislike Le Pen. The antisemitism of her old party supporters is off-putting, but then she did kick her antisemitic father out of National Front, and she married a Jew. She’s anti-capitalist, anti-libertarian, anti- . . . a lot of good things.
But I’ve been taken aback by some of the things I’ve seen French people say about her and why they’re voting against her. This is a pretty good example:
At the end of that video, there’s a guy who’s basically saying that if they elect Le Pen, then France will become a target of terrorism–and that’s why he’s voting Macron.
It’s total capitulation to terrorism being sold as the only sound strategy. It’s like he’s trying to live up to the “surrender monkey” stereotype. It’s like a chapter out of “Submission” the French novel, in which the French left decide they’d rather side with the Islamists than vote for Le Pen.
It’s like that book come to life.
“France is in the grip of political crisis – in order to stave off a National Front victory, the Socialists ally with the newly formed Muslim Brotherhood Party, with additional support of the Union for a Popular Movement, formerly the main right-wing party. They propose the charming and physically imposing Islamic candidate, Mohammed Ben-Abbes, for the presidency against the National Front leader Marine Le Pen.”
The story happens during the election of 2022–I could easily see this happening in 2022.
Here in the US we’re seeing the beginnings of a two-tier law enforcement system that protects illegals so they won’t get deported. Nothing’s shocking any more.
Stereotype based on a seed of truth. They should just get it over with and convert to Wahabbism already.
Because france has so far escaped being a target of terrorism?
I don’t know if it was very well recognized in the US press, or by ‘europe watchers’…
….but Hollande was actually pretty goshdarn aggressive in prosecuting war against ISIS following the Paris attacks. (and according to himself even before)
I think people might be confused in assuming that people on the Left in France are unified in trying to “appease” Islam, or are all pro-immigrant. There’s a lot of mixed views across the left-right spectrum.
LePen will likely lose this election, but it wont be specifically because of postures against immigrants and Islam, so much as her long role as an outre political figure who represents an unpopular fringe. I wouldn’t be surprised if a more-“moderate” figure like Macron eventually ends up adopting much of the same anti-ISIS rhetoric/postures if/when he wins.
jane sanders still under investigation?
Im at work, so cant find another link.
What link?
Damn your nimble fingers!
Could you find any link?
He left out the href part.
Don’t listen to those two DOOM. It is the effort that counts.
It was on my phone, while i was on break!