Sugar Free sent this my way, but don’t let that scare you off: “Romance novel cover model wanted in Connecticut robberies is arrested in San DiegoDavid Byers (mildly NSFW) of the (very ritzy, I’ve been there) Solana Beach, CA has apparently been robbing banks (three of them! or one of them twice the story seems muddled) and a gas station in…Greenwich, CT. As far as I can tell he started his life of crime in SD when he stole a rowing machine from his apartment complex gym. Honestly, I’m thinking Zoolander sequel: male Instagram models gone rogue while Derek and friends overcome their increasing irrelevance at the democratization of beauty and save the day. Anyway, Byers randomly resurfaced in NY, PA and AZ before making it back to San Diego where he was driving around applying for jobs while driving a stolen vehicle and of course because he’s a model, he was arrested shirtless (autoplay video warning).

Something SFW, and something less SFW. Now don’t get me wrong, I would, without question, stick it in crazy in this case, but only with an assumed name and at a hotel. One doesn’t want crazy following one home.

Good night. Pleasant dreams.

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A SFW example of his professional work (though unless the story is about a closet case with a girlfriend, his photo doesn’t really fit the title).

When SF sent this my way, the fact that he was a Michael Stokes (mNSFW: man butt and implied nudity) model immediately pinged something in the back of my brain. When I saw the guy’s pictures I realized immediately what it was. Stokes has a type (muscles, bad tattoos) and a style (shiny, bold, uncanny use of HDR) that’s very distinctive and a few years back he did a series–and companion coffee table book–on Veterans who had lost limbs while serving, which began with him shooting Alex Minsky. This launched Minsky’s career as an underwear model, and also a fully clothed model who cleans up well, but where’s the fun in that? The Daily Mail has some fine examples from the book. There’s also a 2017 calendar…because of course there is.