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Secret Nazi President needs a theme song.
I was expecting shadilay
You’re too clever by half.
Secret Nazi President, fighting for his clients, wearing orange tans and being self-reliant.
Also Secret Nazi President The Anime has its own OP.
I take it the Horst Wessel Lied is out?
the French reporter holding the microphone like a cigarette (and how a fancy-pants Euro-person holds a cigarette, no less) is a stroke of genius.
translated for you American philistines
Phew! I was worried the 25th Amendment Mob had usurped Secret Nazi President.
He couldn’t be any worst than Kagan.
Speaking of which, has Gorsuch heard any cases yet?
I am pretty sure no opinions from him yet.
He sat in 3 cases in April
the court’s term operates in “sessions” where they hear cases, than recesses where they write opinions/other business. they alternate every few weeks. the next i guess would be in mid-may
has Gorsuch heard any cases yet?
I believe he has been in the court for oral arguments. I’m not sure they have issued any opinions (except perhaps procedural stuff).
I’m not a SC scholar, but I think he is excluded from ruling on cases heard prior to being sworn in.
Also, he has to run his opinions by Judge Garland first because THAT SEAT BELONGS TO HIM.
Well, he did murder those death row prisoners in Arkansas that Garland totally would’ve voted to stay their executions even though he has a record as being far more agreeable to whatever the government asks for than Gorsuch does.
Whew…Secret Nazi President is back!
For a second I thought you wrote, “Wow…Secret Nazi President is black!”
No no, That was secret Commie President.
Did Conchita used to be holding a sno-cone or a cocktail glass before she got that awesome microphone?
Also whatever happened to Cortex Cortez? I miss that guy.
Cortex was beloved former President’s name for him.
OT: Condescending Brit is Still Condescending
Unlike bloated bureaucracies full of unaccountable civil servants, which are bastions of efficiency, technical aptitude, and concern for public interest.
Also, I imagine John Oliver knows more about guns than he does about network engineering, and he knows very little about guns.
Rule Number 454 of Progressivism: It’s okay to pontificate on subjects that you don’t know anything about as long as it’s upholding the party line. And if someone with more knowledge calls you out, double down and use ad hominems.
How do you apply rule 454 of Progressivism to rule 34 of Progressivism?
Bill Nye the “Special” Pizza Delivery Guy
If there is a way to screw over the populace, some progressive has already pontificated on it.
For the last time you morons, tiered service already exists, it hasn’t created some horrific dystopia.
If they’re “less popular” then they aren’t equal by definition. Demand builds roads motherfucker, and there is no superhighway running through every town in America.
Unless the net neutrality retards have gone off the deep end*, the use of different size pipes based on demand is still okay for them. It’s only the use of software solutions, e.g. QoS, throttling, bandwidth shaping, that sets them off. Basically, if you strip out “muh torrents” and “omg teh censorships”** from their justifications, what they want is for ISPs to just keep building bigger pipes, i.e. solve every problem in the most capital-intensive way possible.
* = Give it time
** = Because the FCC is so good on free speech
They’re way beyond that level of derp now.
They are a never ending fountain of derp.
The only real question, if the FCC gets control of the ISPs, is not whether they will exercise censorship and facilitate spying, it’s whether they will do so in the hands of the SJWs or the socons. I lean heavily toward the former, but politics is not set in stone and today’s trends could be undone in the future. Ironically, they would of course both crack down on porn.
This, a hundred times over.
No bureaucracy/politician can resist the siren song of content control.
I understand (most of) the technical differences. but in the end its the same issue = trying to force ISPs to impose a an arbitrary equality on the ‘value’ of traffic. Some traffic is highly profitable, other traffic is not. Bandwidth-rationing may not always have such a simple demand-driven purpose – i realize that it is in the interests of all the ‘content providers’ to prevent piracy and block competing “free”-services in favor of paid ones. and I also know that may ISPs are owned by same companies which push content, so they’re generally likely to favor their own content over that of competitors. I still think the consumer benefits the most when the vendors have the freedom to choose how they do business and compete, rather than be reduced to mere-utility-status.
You’ll get no argument from me. I was just pointing out that the NN crowd will say they’re not against ISPs innovating or offering better service. The problem is that they want to narrow down the ways ISPs can innovate and improve service to basically only the most expensive options. You and I are smart enough to realize that this will just lead to ISPs becoming stagnant utilities, but the NN crowd doesn’t connect those dots for the most part. They also seem to operate on outdated models of how the Internet works. The whole concept of “peering” is anachronistic. How many services actually have symmetric use of bandwidth? And why shouldn’t transit be paid for both ways?
It’s like Ma Bell never existed.
Howdy all. Long time lurker from TSTSNBN (as in Bush the Lesser’s first term), but thought I’d jump on board with the new project. I dig the vibe a lot more over here anyway. So… there you go I guess. Obligatory introduction post. And, yes, I will go fuck myself.
And, yes, I will go fuck myself.
This one gets us.
Right? I think he’s going to do just fine here. Just fine, indeed.
Send pictures.
If you need it, Jesse can get you a good rate on lube.
“WOODHOUSE! Do we have any lube? Like at this point even some olive oil would… help me get that drawer unstuck.”
Fuck off, Tulpa. *
* This is the standard greeting for all newbies, right?
Fuck off is the my greeting.
Fuck off.
Yeh, I completely messed that up.
F/O is my go-to greeting.
Fuck off.
You fucked it up?
I dig the vibe a lot more over here anyway.
It’s interesting to me that The Other Site’s response to the French election has been ‘thank god the pro-free market candidate won!’. Yes, the former employee of Rothschilds and the socialist party won’t be cronyist at all. And boy those ‘free market reforms’ will sure be great ten to fifteen years down the road when EU authoritarianism pushed for a more planned economy (fortunately for them, I think the EU is likely dead in the long run anyway).
It’s almost like tearing down the EU is priority one to prevent some horrific bureaucratic totalitarianism or something. But virtue signal about the evils of Le Pen is surely better than, I don’t know, actual strategy.
I noticed that too. I used to expect better of Ed Krayewski, but then I guess he knows who’s signing his checks.
Not only are they huzzahing Macron as a free marketeer, they actually call him a “reformer” because he pushed Hollande to be slightly less of a socialist.
There has been a distinctive trend, call it the “shrike perspective”, to play up every way in which candidates/politicians “of the right” are anti-libertarian while conveniently glossing over the ways in which candidates/politicians “of the left” are anti-libertarian, up to the absurd extreme of shrike/PB himself calling Obama the most pro-free market President ever.
I remember when he wrote that. It was one of the few times I didn’t have any sort of response because it was that dumb.
Hey, if you just misrepresent everything the opposition does and cherry-pick only the “good” things your side does, then you can come to whatever conclusion makes you feel good.
PB has the excuse of being a coke-addled idiot with massive insecurities about Republicans, Reason does not have such a justification.
Well, they’re probably not coke-addled, anyway.
Hey, hey, I said massive, as in “those bullies who pulled my pants down in high school must have been Republicans.” I wouldn’t think the Reason staff would be that bad, more just typical DC virtue signalling.
Virtue signaling is exactly what it is. Reason be damned.
I see what you did there
But the crazy part is that they are getting nothing out of it. What really burns me is that establishment Libertarians are always willing to compromise their principles while the Left refuse to do so.
Who says they get nothing out of it? You think The Niskanen Center pays for itself? How else would they get all that sweet, sweet lefty foundation grant money?
It strikes me that embracing the EU and calling oneself “pro free market” are mutually exclusive. I remember reading around the time of Brexit that the EU has over 100 regulations that must be followed for a pillow. And none of these regulations have what I would call any backing from the consent of the governed. The EU represents the technocrat, nanny state, administrative class wet dream. It is to a free market as a pillow to your ex-wife, smothering.
I had a class on EU law more than ten years ago. It was exactly that THEN, I can’t even imagine how much worse it is now.
The numbers are obviously hyperbole which probably include a lot of labor/safety/distribution related regulations, but the point is still that pretending that “bigger-markets” means “Freer Markets” is a lie.
STEVE SMITH will be bringing by a
rapewelcome basket.I would like to do further research on this. In the name of science.
Has anyone seen Emma Watson act in anything that made you go, “wow”?
i.e. the sort of “wow” that you felt when Gary Oldman did Drexel the white-pimp in True Romance, or Charlize Theron in Monster… or whatver.
You know…. anything exceptionally-good? she’s one of these people (like lena dunham) whose name keeps popping up all the time that makes me wonder, “why does anyone care what this person thinks?” iow, does she have some talent beyond merely ‘hogging media attention’
The endless fascination with her is predicated entirely on this generation’s never-ending, childish attachment to Harry fucking Potter. I mean, can you name another movie she’s been in? I can think of one – This Is the End, where she played herself. She’s done no other acting of note. She’s attractive but hardly a raving beauty. She seems to spend most of her time flapping her gums on behalf of one useless UN program or another.
She’s currently in that Tom Hanks Google-ish movie.
I wouldn’t throw her out of bed but yeah, her incessant blathering about some bullshit cause is a huge turnoff when I am determining whether I want to see any of her movies.
don’t forget Brad Pitt’s “Clyde”
and get some cleaning products
and the Darren Aronofsky thing that turned Jehovah into an enviro-Nazi.
what they want is for ISPs to just keep building bigger pipes, i.e. solve every problem in the most capital-intensive way possible.
All our problems will disappear when every American has free unlimited internetz! Utopia is just a few bandwidths away.
Late is good enough BP.
What is it with the scarves like Vivian Gouche is wearing? I saw a middle aged couple walking in front of the liquor store I was going to a few weeks ago, and the woman was wearing that sort of an apparatus. It wasn’t cold out and they had zip off at the knee pants. People around these parts do not wear that sort of attire. I was befuddled. There may be an invasion underway.
Thank you for this series, BP. I really need the laughs right now.