Short one today because I’m doing a real Jewsday for next week (preview: The Man Who Would Be Messiah). But I want to publicize what might be my favorite Jew videos on YouTube. Bubala Please has a simple premise, which is shown in the intro: two gang bangers, Jaquaan and Luis, are about to engage in an exchange of the usual Mex-on-Negro violence when they each discover that the other is Jewish (this is what prevented Heroic Mulatto and me from shooting at each other when we first met in a rather dark alley; the glint of his mezuzah reflected onto my tefillin). Of course that changes everything and, as did HM and I, they become mishpocha. I think you can see where some of my Bible story inspiration comes from.

Here’s the first episode, wherein the One True Way to make latkes is shown. When I first saw this, I immediately sent it to my mom, who didn’t find it even a little bit funny. And she is totally nonreligious. Go figure.

And they continue, putos, with an explanation of the Hanukkah bush.

My favorite is still the Make Your Own Haggadah episode, which I regret not linking in my earlier Passover exegesis. A puta helps greatly. I’m guessing Luis is Sephardic.

Anyway, you can explore, there were only nine of them made and they were all gems. And they explain the holidays better than I ever could.

Hag Sameach, bitches!