Short one today because I’m doing a real Jewsday for next week (preview: The Man Who Would Be Messiah). But I want to publicize what might be my favorite Jew videos on YouTube. Bubala Please has a simple premise, which is shown in the intro: two gang bangers, Jaquaan and Luis, are about to engage in an exchange of the usual Mex-on-Negro violence when they each discover that the other is Jewish (this is what prevented Heroic Mulatto and me from shooting at each other when we first met in a rather dark alley; the glint of his mezuzah reflected onto my tefillin). Of course that changes everything and, as did HM and I, they become mishpocha. I think you can see where some of my Bible story inspiration comes from.
Here’s the first episode, wherein the One True Way to make latkes is shown. When I first saw this, I immediately sent it to my mom, who didn’t find it even a little bit funny. And she is totally nonreligious. Go figure.
And they continue, putos, with an explanation of the Hanukkah bush.
My favorite is still the Make Your Own Haggadah episode, which I regret not linking in my earlier Passover exegesis. A puta helps greatly. I’m guessing Luis is Sephardic.
Anyway, you can explore, there were only nine of them made and they were all gems. And they explain the holidays better than I ever could.
Hag Sameach, bitches!
OT – Comey is now Go-ey.
Oh, that’s very different.
/forehead palm slap
The would have have paid whatever it cost regardless of the amount because they’re the fucking government.
This is something the left fails to grasp. The reason those non-profit government programs cost so much is because everyone make the same thing no matter what. When the price is just filling out a form, just fill the form out for the most expensive thing.
Also everyone makes a profit in non-profits.
I like how he works a little self-serving PR spin into the letter. Nice.
Over the Clinton email investigation?
Even Trump, Sessions and Rosenstein think Hillary should have won. (watch for that in the news)
Any idea why they didn’t make more videos?
Maybe they don’t roll on Shabbos?
The rabbi said there are six other days of the week! I can’t believe they ended on a cliffhanger. I really wanted to see that birthright trip.
Those were the lamest ass latkes I’ve ever seen. Looked like pancake batter. Sour cream yes, with scallions. Applesauce, no.
I make kick ass heathen latkes
We call those hash browns. Pass the Cholula, please.
placki ziemniaczane. Or just potato pancakes for 3rd generation polish/Slavic American. They are great with ketchup, sour cream, mayo, cheese or anything that goes with fried potato.
The pub I go to sometimes serves a reuben on boxty. Deep it into applesauce, delish.
Sour cream is a variety of pus. SP’s home-made applesauce is the bomb with latkes.
I would put the applesause on some pork schnitzel maybe. I don’t understand how anyone could not like sour cream.
He also doesn’t like mayonnaise.
Chipotle and mayonnaise on fish tacos is amazing.
He also doesn’t like fish tacos.
Chipotle and mayo on fish tacos would be amazing. More fish tacos for the rest of us.
Needs moar Gal Gadot.
Doesn’t everything.
In line with the general religious theme –
Duke Divinity School professor resigns – whines about academic freedom – probably a racist
“In fact, I’ve never known a member of the clergy, liberal or conservative, who said he wanted to endorse or oppose a particular candidate from the pulpit.”
Know who else voiced strong opinions about Jewish religious freedom from a pulpit?
Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros?
Father Coughlin?
Czech Girl Scout says she’ll “get over it” if she’s raped by an immigrant
According to CNN’s coverage, Myslikova “made some profound comments.” If you want to know what she actually said, you’d have to translate an article that appeared in the French language publication the Paris Match. There, buried in the last paragraph, is a quote from the exchange between the Scout and the Neo-Nazi regarding immigration. When the Neo-Nazi asserted the teen would be “violated by those she defends,” Myslikova replied, “Even if something happened to me, the physical wounds always end up healing.”
Is there a word that simultaneously means shocked, baffled, and appalled?
Uh, little girl, Czech gun and self-defense laws actually aren’t that bad (for Europe, and possibly getting looser in the near future). You could, I don’t know, prevent yourself from being raped, rather than lie back and think of Bohemia?
They were profound alright-profoundly fucking alarming. Holding that girl up as an example while hiding what she really said is a travesty.
“Is there a word that simultaneously means shocked, baffled, and appalled?”
I worked for a decade in a mental hospital. I was around mentally ill people every day. I say without reservation that what that girl said is indistinguishable from insanity.
Were you the orderly who drank and partied with the patients, or were you Nurse Ratchet the next morning?
– Is there a word that simultaneously means shocked, baffled, and appalled?
Let me check my German dictionary and get back to you.
“Ich bin weider erstaunt!”
That is the first phrase that came to mind.
Ah… I was wondering what the narrative would be.
Progressives are saying that Trump fired Comey because he’s scared of the Russia investigation.
and some of them seem convinced that IMPEACHMENT!!! is inevitable now, though … I don’t know how they get there. Because Comey has been protecting Trump? Because trump kept him quiet and now the Truth Will Out? Because Comew was Too Close To the Truth? so many conspiracies.
Speaking of Jews, has anyone ever met an actual anti-Semite? I don’t mean on the internet because the internet is just a sport where people love fucking with other people and the reciprocal of godwinning is pretending to be literally Hitler.
I don’t think I’ve ever met one, which makes the ratio of anti-semites to bitching about anti-semites pretty tedious. If I ever decide to hate Jews it would probably be from the habit they have of telling everyone they’re Jews. It’s like how a fighter pilot can’t go two minutes without telling you he’s a fighter pilot. Except at least they did something more than just be born.
Yes, I have. Many. One today so far.
Let me guess- its me.
You seem a bit paranoid.
You seem progressive.
Is it the “I’m With (((Her)))” sign on our front lawn?
I’d always assumed you were interlaced.
About two “out” anti-Semites, in the sense of one anti-Jewish comment each – I don’t know how deep it went.
One of them was a loony tune, the other complained about some Jewish coworkers when she was in, I think, a garment factory with mostly Jews.
Same here. Maybe two in my whole life and they were both complete nutters.
I rather enjoy making fun of their propensity to be overly-creative accountants…
I used to play in metal/punk bands. One time, I met a skinhead band.
I once worked with a guy who openly thought the Jews controlled the world, but according to him they only did it because of how bad Nazi Germany and the Holocaust was for them. He seemed pretty impersonal about it for some reason.
Ya, I know one. He is a Che Guevara t-shirt wearing communist though. He is from Quebec. I blame it on that.
I only have a problem with Semites who don’t like sour cream and who skirt their weekly Jewsday Tuesday duties whenever they feel like it.
I have a cute story from my first day of college where a kid from Alabama told me “he’d seen his first jew that day”.
I don’t think he was technically antisemitic so much as just humorously ignorant. he thought they all “looked like Leonard Nimoy”
as for the internet ones, i am never sure which are sincere and which are trolls.
It’s not like I go around asking people I just think it’s one of those things where the sun has set on people giving a shit in the US, and it probably set before I was born. It’s probably as relevant as the no irish phase.
sadly, no. Its still a thing in a wide range of circles.
when i was a kid, i occasionally ran in some rich-waspy circles where it was a thing. and then again when in the south.
i think there’s a difference between the sort of antisemitic attitudes you find in places where there are LOTS of jews (NYC and environs) and everyone rubs shoulders, and the sort of antisemitic attitudes you find in places there are almost none.
The latter is actually kind of funny, because its mostly based in fictional stereotypes. The former, ‘real’ kind is often just the same sort of tribal attitudes which all immigrant communities retain. I mean, poles and russians in NYC have a different and maybe more serious sort of antisemitic attitude than say, “guidos”, but its mostly still just ethnic animosity, not really some sort of nazi-conspiratorial thing.
*i felt the sting of discrimination as a child, when i was told by a number of jewish girls that they could hook up with me but that i couldn’t let anyone know because their dad would kill them if he knew they were dating a goy-boy. I suffered this sort of thing frequently. as much as possible, really.
Worse things in life than being a goy-boy-toy, I imagine.
I developed PJSD
One interesting development I’ve seen over the years is that even people with strong prejudices now tend to believe that discrimination is wrong. So somebody might say that they don’t like Jews, but also would be angry if somebody suggested they treated Jewish people differently from anybody else.
That depends, do the islamists, or progressive ones count?
The only Jew I’ve known I’ve known (there’s a good probability I know Jews who I don’t know are Jewish) was hysterical over all the anti-Semites in her midst. Everyone had it out for her, either slighting her because of her faith (though not, strangely, because she was a lunatic), or an authentic neonazi angling to do her physical harm. I followed her on facebook for awhile because the weekly rants were pretty entertaining. (For the record, I don’t think her Judaism had anything to do with her paranoia. I think her being a young college student and a lefty had her convinced that America is getting ready to prep the gas chambers.)
They all look a little like Leonard Nimoy
I’ve met more than a few of them, about 50% were black but somehow that doesn’t count as racism
My former boss, when we were at the hotel bar on work travel, ordered a gin and tonic and told the bartender “And don’t be Jewish with the Tanquerey.” Does that count?
Yes. In middle school I spent 2 years being continually harassed by a small group of blatant anti-Semites. We had some low level scuffles.
As an adult not that many but every now again, yes.
My father in law.
Sargon explains Gamergate in a way that makes perfect sense.
The conspiracy in its entirety, which includes the Comintern, Wikileaks, Koch Industries, the Brotherhood of Nod, and Adam Baldwin.
As best I’ve figured out was just a bunch of SJW types who decided any legitimate criticism was to be combatted with accusations of racist! Sexist! Homophobe!
This tactic is obvious and transparent to anyone older than 25 or anyone who’s paid attention to politics for two minutes and seen what lefty’s do to everyone. However, since many “gamers” are adolescents or people who never particularly cared about politics it seemed like this was some big new event targeting them as opposed to par for the course.
The only thing of value from the affair was how SJWs served to turn a group of people who leaned strongly to the left to question things they “knew” at 14 instead of at 30 when they have jobs and are tired of getting fucked by the state.
What is this channel? Is it like Sargon’s shitposting channel? Is it just him or others too?
It’s just pure shitposting by Sargon.
Excellent! This will keep entertained for a while.
2 cheeseburgers cause the same amount of pleasure as an orgasm, says scientist.
Meth produces extraordinary levels of pleasure- more than 12 times that of a cheeseburger
Similarly if you put a rat, a male rate in a box and you give him access to a receptive female, and you allow them to have sex, at the point where they experience orgasm you get a huge release of dopamine. You see an increase of about 200 units. This rush is what feels good and what is experienced is pleasure. And this slide of course illustrates the principle that one orgasm equals two cheeseburgers.
slide seven
Now drugs of abuse release dopamine. Alcohol, for example, produced a release of dopamine from about 100 units to about 200, You get a similar magnitude of an effect with nicotine. Cocaine produces a huge release of dopamine, from 100 units to about 350 units, however the mother of them all is methamphetamine. Methamphetamine you get a release from the base level to about 1250 units. A tremendous increase of dopamine. This produces an extreme peak of euphoria that people describe as something like they’ve never experienced and they probably never have experienced before because the brain really isn’t made to do this. And that’s why people will be attracted to it and want to take it over and over and over again. They want to produce that response.
“I’ll have what she’s having.”
/new Burger King slogan
So does that make eating cheeseburgers masterbating? If someone feeds them to you, would that be a handy?
Try eating a cheeseburger while masturbating. You’ll need a plastic surgeon to remove the smile from your face.
I think I’m going to put both arms in slings and head to a burger joint on campus and see if I can find some cute co-eds to feed me.
Reminds me of a good buddy who fractured one arm and broke the other jumping over a fence. He said the worst thing about it was not being able to masturbate.
Hmmm…. I am trying to see where he is wrong.
Despite all my rage I guess I’m just like a rat in a cage.
The correct answer is heaven on earth with an onion slice.
Huh, maybe meth has changed a lot in the last 30 + years, but I used to partake in some casual cocaine use and on occasion scored some cyrstal meth. Snorted both and found them both to be quite similar. Meth maybe having a slight less edge too it and a more gradual come down. Certainly wasn’t that much more pleasurable than coke.
The state of science being what it is, I guess we shouldn’t expect much but it should be obvious that that it’s not not true that cheeseburgers are more pleasurable than orgasms unless pleasure has a new meaning. Whatever metric or proxy they are using for “pleasure” is not accurate.
It’s like when ESPN did their QBR and it showed Tebow had the greatest game of any QB in history. No, it shows your new formula for rating quarterbacks is fucked up, and is measuring something else.
Sounds like somebody doesn’t fucking love science! GET HIM!!
Even better you don’t have to worry about the Hamburgers claiming you raped them or filing for slider support 6 months down the road
“slider support ”
Did they measure the effect of adding bacon?
Afghan forces losing to Taliban in fight for Kunduz
Not only was Kunduz neglected, but the Afghan government inadvertently armed Taliban in Kunduz. In 2012 then-President Hamid Karzai and other officials were made aware that weapons, around 1,000 Kalashnikov rifles, were distributed from the government to local police, but many fell into the hands of Taliban-affiliated tribal militias and then into Taliban hands themselves.
“We had a situation where a lot of new people were claiming to be poor farmers who needed to protect themselves, but once they got their weapons they became Taliban,” Pirzadeh explained. “This started further out in the villages, and eventually you had nomads moving closer and closer to the city.”
Over time, with the influence of migration from the south, more and more locals started supporting Taliban elements, seeing it as a means to protect themselves, several Afghan sources told Fox News. There were various occasions in which Taliban fighters were killed by coalition forces, but local farmers often collected the bodies quickly and paraded them through the streets, proclaiming that innocent civilians had been killed and demanding retribution payments — which they sometimes received.
Sounds like we need to send them some more money.
Or more guns. They gave the last ones to the wrong dudes.
I hate it when that happens.
Kunduz was most notable for having a semi-pirate radio station….run by some German soldiers, back in 2004. Sounds like things have gone downhill since then.
I’ve shared this article before – the *Forward* (lefty Jewish paper) is scared of Trump’s religious liberty order and is mad at those Jews who support it (like “Rabbi Marvin Hier, head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center” – apparently an Uncle Tom).
Acknowledging that rolling back the Johnson Amendment would mean greater pulpit freedom for rabbis, they *Forward* thinks that any benefit to Jews is outweighed by the greater freedom of Christians to speak from the pulpit.
Not only that, but it will open the door to sinister influence.
“But with the Johnson Amendment gone (it’s still on the books, but Trump’s IRS will not enforce it), pastors and rabbis and imams will be under more pressure to be more explicitly political. That’s why most grassroots evangelical pastors actually opposed the change. Can you imagine, now that the gloves are off, rabbis endorsing American and Israeli political candidates from the pulpit? Or being pressured to do so by their biggest donors? It’s a disaster.”
Yes, that’s right, they just stoked fears of the political influence of wealthy Jews.
Years ago when I was studying different religions, I had read some sermons that were posted online from a local Unitarian Universalist church. They were very political. Like watching MSNBC. This was during the W years, so you can imagine the santimony.
The rules are fairly easy to evade – assuming you’re trying to obey the rules at all.
This applies whether you’re a secular nonprofit or a church.
Just say something like “Jesus loved the poor, so the federal budget should reflect that love!” etc.
I can’t see how it ever squared with the first amendment. I know that’s like a hundred years old but it seems pretty directly to contradict the Johnson amendment. Perhaps the only requirement for a non-profit should be that it doesn’t make a profit. That would avoid questions about who gets the states blessings.
Huh. These blind squirrels found some acorns.
Well, it turns out the real Obama is quite like the one we knew already. And what he most wants to do is nestle himself cozily within the bosom of the global elite, and earn millions from behind a thinly-veiled philanthropic facade.
In January, Obama launched his post-presidential foundation with a board that consists of private equity executives, lobbyists, and an Uber advisor, tasking it to implement the world’s most meaningless mandate (“to inspire people globally to show up for the most important office in any democracy, that of citizen”). Able to choose his friends from out of anyone in the world, Obama has been seen kitesurfing with venture capital magnate Richard Branson (worth more than $5 billion) and brunching with Bono. (You can usually judge a person pretty well by their friends, and nobody who voluntarily spends his free time with Bono should be trusted.)
There is a fun game one can play with ideologically-committed Democrats that we might call “Rationalize That Injustice.” See if there are any right-wing policies that they won’t justify if told that Obama did them.
Well, I’ve heard vouchers described as “backpack funding” or some such.
Whaaaaa? His vapid sermons might have been phony political posturing. Where’s my fainting couch.
The Junior Anti Wrongthink League heroically goes into battle
A University of New Hampshire student publicly berated and harassed a peer for wearing a serape on his way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, proudly posting a video of the encounter on Facebook.
“What’s the point of wearing a poncho? If you’re not Mexican, it’s not your holiday,” student Danique Montique exclaimed as she approached the unidentified student and a group of his friends.
One of the student’s companions attempted to explain that they were simply “celebrating” the holiday, but was interrupted by Montique, who shouted, “celebrating what?” and “it’s not your holiday!”
This prompted another student to ask which holiday would be appropriate for him and his friends to celebrate, but the query was only met with another lecture about Cinco de Mayo.
“That’s stuff for you white people to figure out. I don’t fucking know! Cinco de Mayo is not your holiday,” she again declared. “You’re perpetuating the stereotype that Mexicans drink and wear ponchos for a living. That’s what you’re doing, and you also have to keep in mind the racial tension that’s happening right now where your president claims that Mexicans only come here, drink, and steal your jobs.”
Yeah, you don’t see people appropriating other cultures in Mexico!
(bonus points for anti-Americanism)
Yeah, none of the Mexican restaurants here had drink specials 5/5 and the ones that did didn’t allow gringos to participate.
Come to think of it, I was at a birthday party being celebrated at a Mexican restaurant, and the staff put a sombrero on the birthday girl’s head. She’s Anglo, or at least non-Mexican.
So they were appropriating themselves!
Mind. Blown.
I would’ve asked Danique why she was appropriating and speaking over Mexican voices. because then she would’ve had to defend herself with a card from the stack.
Isn’t Identity Politics fun?
I would have just started talking like speedy gonzalaz.
Who the fuck is Speedy Gonzalaz?
The second fastest mouse in all o mehico
I have a friend who’s “Mexican” and born in Texas. She put out a FB message starting with “hey white people” scolding us to not wear ponchos. I did manage to move on instead of telling her to duck off which is a culture I wish she would appropriate.
Or maybe it was a sombrero or burrito.
I try not to wear burritos.
Because racism?
You should have told her…
Freedom of speech is a uniquely Anglo American creation so stop appropriating my culture and shut the fuck up.
At a local Mexican joint I once ordered ceviche on Norwegian Constitution Day.
A Norse is a Norse of course of course…
Look at all those cultural appropriating bastards…
(by the way, that photo made me remember that Paul Martin exists, I wonder what he’s up to nowadays)
Wikipedia says he’s still playing for San Jose.
“I walked on campus miserable as if I didn’t belong. As a black woman, I was forced to become the very thing society deemed me to be: angry,”
Society has a lot to answer for, if it turned such a nice woman into a raging asshole.
I would like to think that I’ve played my small part in her utter dispair.
The Mariachi Men of Yugoslavia
Reminds me of when I played a Serbo-Croatian record (from Grampa & Grandma) for some friends, and they informed me that was “Buffalo Gals”. I’d been unfamiliar with it in English.
If you can find the Serbo-Croation version online, please link. Pretty sure that would amuse me.
I can use her own “logic” against her. If cultural appropriation is evil, than only people with English ancestry are allowed to speak English.
Think of all the morons that would shut up.
Why am I wearing a poncho? Why are you wearing a bra and a shirt? Let us unappropriate togerher.
Nope, cultural appropriation only exists if the dominant culture is ‘stealing’ something from the less dominant culture, you forgot the ‘oppressor vs. the oppressed’ clause.
(Yes I know it’s goddamn retarded but it’s not like they haven’t came up with a stupid fallacious defense)
I’ve met plenty of black people who like anime and kung fu movies and martial arts, and they outnumber Asians in the US. Maybe that girl should go hassle those black people so they stop appropriating Asian culture.
Blacks outnumber Arabs in the US. Should black people be hassled for giving their kids Arabic names?
It probably has much more to do with aggregate wealth and measures of success than raw numbers of persons. If people who look like you are successful, you should feel bad. If your (white) ancestors did shitty things to other human beings, you should repent. It’s not any more inane than any other collectivist claptrap.
Nope, only counts if it’s white people. ‘Dominant culture’ translates to ‘Western whites’ in SJW speak, because unsurprisingly their view of the world is insular and superficial.
The dominant culture post-colonialism is the wealthier one. And the white one. And the capitalistic one. Just because.
So how does the ‘subordinate culture’ respond when its arch defenders tell the dominant culture to bend and repent and the latter finally tells them to fuck off? I guess they have to fuck off, being subordinate and all.
So, they can fuck off. I’ll dress like goddam Clint Eastwood if I goddam want to.
I got some uneasy looks from people when I wore a (very poorly assembled) Bedouin garb for a Halloween party, probably because the the hosts were a very progressive gay couple with professional work friends and college buddies. Nobody said anything, and to this day I’m not sure if people were uneasy because of the getup or because they expected someone else to pitch a fit.
Anyway, I was ready to explain in the poshest English accent I could manage that I was dressed as T.E. Lawrence.
You have an intelligent face.
I screwed that up
i am surrounded by cattle
I am more the sow’s belly, I fear.
If they’re telling you what to do, then aren’t THEY the dominant culture?
cultural appropriation eh…
The University is a uniquely European institution of learning so stop appropriating my culture and GTFO
Nalanda and Taxila were in Europe?
Who knew?!?
Sorry, a couple of Buddhist monasteries that all died out prior to the 14th century might have some similarities to contemporary European Monestaries and universities of the 14th century but the modern University was a product of the Renaissance where education separated from religious origins and doctrine.
Gender: a social construct. Not at all informed by sex. To even bring biological determinism into the mix just goes to show what a shitlord you are. No, we don’t care what the science says.
Culture: locked in from birth. Immutable. You belong to your ethnic clique from the first breath you draw until your last. Don’t you dare think you can adopt anyone else’s
socially constructed cultural detritusdeeply-held cultural signifiers, not even the stupid arbitrary stuff like ad hoc drinking festivals or silly costumes. Especially not that stupid stuff. Because it’s super important to those people. Even if they find it campy and lame.Do people not say, “Go fuck yourself / mind your own business” anymore?
it seems like even when the kiddies disagree, they still feel obligated to respond to the whiners by default.
I think, “If i wanted an opinion, i’d have asked” needs to come back into fashion.
Once upon a time “Go blow it out of your ass” was pretty popular. So popular in fact that it lost it’s bite from overuse. It has been out of use for a while now so it might be a good time for a comeback.
On a short vid of Anaheim Ducks players reading mean tweets about themselves, Ryan Kessler reads out “Really @RyanKessler? THAT’S the face you’re going to go with today?” For a fraction of a second he looks a little hurt, then looks up at the camera, smiles, and says “Well, fuck you, buddy!” in the most endearingly Canadian way possible.
Since then, “Well, fuck you, buddy!” (always with a smile) is a staple in our household.
“Abortion means better economic opportunity for women. It means better and less fearful sex (that’s something we usually don’t want to say).”
“The Director was wrong to usurp the Attorney General’s authority on July 5, 2016, and announce his conclusion that the case should be closed without prosecution. It is not the function of the Director to make such an announcement,” the deputy attorney general said.
Thank you! I thought I was going crazy when Comey “reopened” the never-actually-closed case in October, and everyone flipped the fuck out. Hell, since July when nobody wanted to talk about the blatantly partisan line he took excusing obvious criminality on a laughably and transparently paltry basis. It drove me crazy then that he got a pass for taking the fall for Lynch, and by extension, Hillary. But I really went batty when he announced new developments in October and everyone just kinda ignored the fact that he’d already discredited himself in Hillary’s favor. Overnight he was besties against with Republicans and once more the arch-nemesis of Democrats.
So, yes, fuck you, James Comey. Trump should not have waited until now. This should have been the first thing across his desk in January.
Like I said somewhere else… Oh hell lemme go copy and paste it. Hold on a sec.
I was willing to let Hillary live out her dotage in freedom, as long as she went away.
But the attention whoring just never stops. So, lock her up. And lock up Comey while we’re at it. And Clapper, Lynch, and Steven Segal, too. I don’t think Segal is a criminal, per say, but he’s annoying as all hell.
Don’t forget Ms Lois Lerner
Yeah, she’s pretty annoying, too.
Fabio is a gun-loving conservative?
I’ll listen to anything Fabio has to say.
He killed a bird with his fucking face.
I think I saw him on TV a few nights ago complaining about how insufferable the progs are.
Did you know that he killed a bird with his face?
A goose, specifically a Canadian goose. At 75 mph. With his face.
Hero. A true hero. Especially the Canada goose part.
Florida man has regrets, blames Rob Ford.
So more ‘Trump is the fault of stupid deplorables.’
Please keep it up motherfuckers.
Chadwick Moore (gay conservative, now a MIlo employee and frequent target of “protests” at various campus functions, because of course he was stepping out of his lane) just said he was vetted by CNN as a Trump supporter for some feature, but rejected because he’s not a “real voter”. he thinks it’s because he didn’t appear stupid enough. so we get *that* to look forward to as CNN continues the Trump2020 campaign…
Rents in the most dynamic cities have skyrocketed, pricing out many ordinary Americans.
I’m sure that has nothing to do with “creative types” “creatively” restricting zoning regulations to keep out the riffraff.
“Mixed-income neighborhoods have been on the decline, replaced by concentrated pockets of wealth and poverty.”
You could have seen this before all over South America. Not sure why we needed to re-create it here. But we have.
I think the squirrels have arrived, and they’re varnishing gnomes or something like that.
A couple of years ago, I mean like 2 years ago, they called this ‘gentrification’. They did it in Portland and then the hipsters asked in grave wonder ‘Where have all those wonderful minorities went to? They were here before! Rethuglicans must be to blame!’. /derp
I think the point about medium and small-sized cities largely not gentrifying is interesting.
Worrying about gentrification is pointless. Neighborhoods get better off? That’s bad, and we need to stop it. Neighborhoods getting poorer? Also bad and we need to stop it. Seriously. These people are chronically incapable of being happy.
The pantshitting on TSTSNBN over Comey getting fired is fucking epic. This like totally proves that the Russians hacked everything, comrades.
Whats with Justin Amash drinking the koolaid on Russia? or is this some 5th Dimensional Chess/DoubleReverse-Psychology/Zero-Gravity-Judo move which will actually force the Dems into supporting an ‘investigation’ that goes nowhere?
I knew it.
Yeah, no shit, is he replacing Graham as McCain’s crummy little toady? Even being seen anyway near that old crone is very, very uncool.
Really? Great-great gramps McBomb’emAll isn’t cool?
I’m just amused that Trump’s signature is in Sütterlin.
I think the funniest part is that supposedly Comey found out about it on the news, just like Obama!
I had to mute Welch on twitter, he’s insufferable tonight
How so? Welch is one of the few people on The Other Site that I can at least somewhat still respect, but I’m willing to kill my hope.
just the whole TrumpRusssia!!! thing. This is the worst thing for democracy ever!!
like, I expect WaPo reporters to be that dramatic, but jfc Welch, have some chill
I think the Big Lie has been infested into the cultural zeitgeist. Now it’s not a matter of whether Russia ‘hacked the election’ or Trump is ‘Putin’s puppet’, these are things that are taken at face value, and only the extent of them are questioned.
Despite, of course, zero actual evidence that supports the narrative. Even wonder how mobs work themselves up into doing completely batshit nonsense? I don’t.
Basically. People who care have already drawn their conclusions, and just want new flimsy-evidence to replace the old flimsy-evidence so they can claim vindication.
I rarely bother looking but you hooked me. My God what a shit show. The trolls have infested the place. All I see is foaming at the mouth, baseless assertions, straw men and ad hominem’s.
And they’re still republican hunting. Purging?
Very fast car goes very fast around track
*SCG003C on the nurburgring, anticipated to crush prev. records. pulls near 2g on skidpad. apparently road-legal. i haven’t really followed the thing but its still one of the fastest (looking) laps i’ve ever seen. esp in the corners, it grips like an LMP car
or maybe that’s not, but there is supposed to be some road-version eventually developed.
here’s their explanation
I tried to Glickenhaus once, but she slapped me.
So, comments from here are being quoted over there.
From a SEO POV, that’s good news, but would be better if they were linked.
What do you mean? Too lazy to go over there.
One of the trolls, think it’s DanO, also too lazy to check, quoted Hyp saying they were shitting their pants over there.
I made an appropriately stupid reply.
Ah yes, the troll that’s probably Kizone. Yeah when I peek in over there once and awhile she seems to regularly whine about this place, which is just supporting the ‘obsessive mentally ill stalker’ vibe.
But, like I said, it’s also good for SEO. Links would be better, but with today’s Google, just quoting material ver batim on a site that does SEO, means that some of that SEO will accrue to the site that was quoted.
See you next year, hockey.
Craig Anderson was on a mission that third period. Sens could barely get the puck out of their own end.
You know how hockey players and (insert ethnicity/religion of choice) women are alike?
They both change their pads after three periods.
Liberian mystery disease may be solved
I was worried until I reread the headline.
Clicking around at random, I had not expected to find this, about Sir Oswald Mosley’s interwar Fascist movement, the British Union of Fascists (BUF):
“…several female fascists had once been active suffragettes, including Mary Richardson, notorious for slashing Diego Velázquez’s Rokeby Venus at the National Gallery in 1914, and Mary Allen, who had pioneered the women’s police force during the First World War.
“In fact, their migration to fascism was far less anomalous than it appears at first sight. For women who sought a great leader and had become alienated by conventional parties, the BUF seemed a natural successor to the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU): the militant women’s suffrage organization which was dissolved in 1917. “I was first attracted to the Blackshirts because I saw in them the courage, the action, the loyalty, the gift of service, and the ability to serve which I had known in the suffragette movement,” explained Mary Richardson.16 Several of suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst’s colleagues regarded her movement as a forerunner of the interwar dictatorships because of its insistence on total obedience to the Leader. During the war, the suffragette leadership had adopted an extreme brand of patriotism and after 1918, suffragette Christabel Pankhurst repudiated votes for women along with the entire parliamentary system.
“Above all, the semimilitary style of the WSPU had offered adventurous women the same challenge and satisfaction as the BUF.”
And it solved the perennial question, “whatever shall I wear”? /sexist jerk
I’m so fucking disappointed with Reason. I feel like it’s a funeral.
Oh well.
Does that make us the Irish wake? Either way I’m drinking like it does.
Just beer for me. After this beer, and the next beer, I’ll only have 1 more beer left!
*Tries to stand and return salute, falls over instead*
Christ, I was there 3 years ago. Don’t know what took you fuckers so long.
I was busy building a questionable fence.
Our standards are lower than yours. Or we’re optimists. Probably the former.
The exile of Harsanyi was the sign that blog climate change was inevitable.
Yes, but some of us didn’t see the outcome until it was inevitable. Feel free to take the title of ‘Prophet’ as a result.
In the end Trump is a bit of a benefit, he exposed the reality of the situation. We may have continued on for another year or two if Jeb had been running the show.
I’ve been there for, hold on need to do some math… carry the one… 11 years. But I’m probably an alcoholic, so I may not be representative. Or I’m the perfect representative. One of those.
We live in interesting times.
I’ve fucking had it.
I like the one commenter that keeps linking to calls for his head from places like nbc and slate
Bailey responded positively to one of DanO’s posts. I shit you not.
saw that. Thats up there with shika retweeting kizone.
my limited appearances there might be even smaller now.
Wow i feel stoopit, obviously not the real Ron Bailey.
You sure?
I don’t know man, I’m high as a kite. But, i think Ron is a good enough author, that if this were his position, he would hide it better. I’m calling troll, and i owe the real Ron Bailey an apology.
hm. maybe right.
I swear, I had something for this.
This site is on there now, too! We’re almost half Canadian?
It’s probably because all the Canadians on here have Alexa “Nielsen boxes” so the results are skewed.
Colbert’s audience reacts to news of Comey’s firing before getting word from their betters of the narrative change. Oops.
Colbert sets them straight, though.
this is the best evidence of the left being trained seals I’ve seen. Published voluntarily, no less. Hilarious.
Doom, what year FJ do you own? Must be mid 70’s. I have always loved those things and almost bought one. I wish I had the space to have a few project vehicles.
Mine is from oct. ’74. It was the last months before they switched to the ambulance doors in the back. It’s a labor of love- it’s dead right now. Carb needs a total rebuild or replacement and needs some suspension work.
That is why I don’t own one. I love old things. I have 1975 Honda 500 motorcycle. I have owned a share of beaters.