I can thankfully say I didn’t hear about anything political yesterday.  Unless you count watching a couple of chimps at the zoo literally throw shit at each other political discourse.  Either way, it was pretty awesome except for one thing. It made me fear for the future of our planet since it kinda grossed out the two younger German people that were there witnessing it at the same time.  I mean, since when does something, anything, gross out Germans? That nation truly has lost her way.

Anyway, on to…the links!

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signs bill making it illegal for state law enforcement officials to not assist federal immigration officers.  The left immediately says elected law enforcement officials should be exempt since they represent will of constituency.  Hey, kinda like Kim Davis, right lefties?  Right?  Where’d they go?

Harry Kraemer – average guy

If you thought American cops could be petty, vindictive and generally assholish when they set their mind to something, then it would appear that their Canuckistani brethren have been taking notes. (TW: there are a few stereotypes reinforced in the story.)

Chicago government releases plan for 760 incredibly valuable acres along Chicago river. Or in other words: Chicago politicians have a new toy with which to peddle influence and enrich themselves.

The Florida legislature is leading the way in something we can all get behind.  No, seriously.

DeKalb County Sheriff Jeffrey L. Mann

I’m not sure how many people would lose their job after being caught with their dick literally out (claims it was a misunderstanding) in a place known for late night prostitution (it was late at night) with a pair of condoms in his pocket (at least he was prepared for that water balloon fight which is what the misunderstanding is, I’m sure) and then running from the cop for a quarter of a mile (because that’s a sure sign of a misunderstanding) and then … aw shit, here’s the back story so you can just read it. Anyway, not sure how many people lose their jobs when that happens and its all over the news.  But I know if you’re the DeKalb, GA county sheriff, then apparently you don’t.

You want to know how stupid “art” people can be?  Maybe stupid is too strong a word, but THIS is how easily “art” people can be had. I swear, those Nigerian princes need to do a little better targeting in their marketing.  They should just buy donor rolls from all the major galleries and foundations in the world and go after some of those dumbasses.

That’s it. Enjoy something a little lighter than usual.