Happy Wednesday. Conspiracy theories and lost millions here today. I’m not saying James Harden shat the bed last night, but he definitely made a mess of the end game — twice.

  • I’m not always thankful for the TSA, but given the level of violence on planes recently, maybe folding knives are better not flying in people’s pockets. (TW: Autoplay)
  • I’m no conspiracy theorist, but Trump meets with the highest-level Russians of his presidency the day AFTER he fires COMEY?!! My favorite part is that the Russians were completely surprised by the news.
  • Jeebus, the WaPo is reporting on Nebraska local politics? And a narrow Dem loss? Its participation trophy journalism. Cheer up Dems, the Stupid Party will live up to its name and you’ll make some ground back eventually.
  • I like the cut of this guy’s jib.
  • Better to have “lost” $650M than to have never made it at all, amirite?

Have a little AC/DC.