Hoo-boy! While I was out there living my life yesterday, which means not really paying attention to things online until about 7 pm, looks like a lot happened. A LOT!
And since I need to wrap this up and get on the road early so I can get my daughter picked up from college by noon, lets step right into…the links!

James Comey thinking (allegedly)
Comey Canned! The man the left reviled probably more than the right was fired by President Trump yesterday…and now the left is trying to make him a martyr even though most of them were calling for his head on a pike since October.
Cult kidnapping kiboshed! Going clear my ass.
Helicopter hijinks! Wouldn’t it just be easier to let people shoot intruders rather than have to follow some “must retreat” policy which ends like this?

Um, this doesn’t look good.
Piss-poor parking? Or auditions for Death Race 2000 in real life? Either way, not a very good job. Which reminds me of something.*
Think you ever really own your house? Reading this oughta be enough to convince you otherwise.
I will be prepared for a full update tomorrow on the state of the hockey world after the all-important Caps-Pens Game 7. I know that’s more important than any of this dreck I posted today.
*Will the days of self-driving cars be filled with hilarity when people pull Will E Coyote: Super Genius stunts like painting tunnels on the sides of the road in order to catch an annoying-as-shit bird that deserves to die a slow and painful death fuck with the new technology? Because if so, I don’t necessarily think that’s such a bad idea.

Super Genius
Anyway, on with your day, friends. And make sure to keep the thugs out of your house too!
I think the Coyote cartoons shine in a different light when you realize his day job was as a product tester for ACME – which is why he never had to pay for the items and they always failed.
Yeah! Fuck Road Runner! (Starts painting fake tunnels and collecting rocket skates)
Also, I too have observed the hilarity of watching my team blue friends who were convinced the Comey was Satan’s cabana boy last week contort into a position of framing his firing as the Beginning of the End of Drumpf!
These same people actually argued that an otherwise completely legal action was unconstitutional if made for wrongthinkful reasons.
*shakes head*
Case in Point
Even though there is exactly zero evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russians, as confirmed by Clapper and others. And with the obvious surveillance of the Trump campaign that was carried out by the agencies under the Obama administration, if there was anything even remotely suggestive of a smoking gun they would have leaked it by now.
I know the politibros and their media cheerleaders think they’re smarter than everyone else, but watching the Colbert reax last night has me thinking that this particular whipsaw isn’t going to take hold. When is this Russia thing going to be put away? If Trump and his team took Russia’s money, they were a bad buy. Nobody outside the Penn Station–Union Station orbit believes this.
I had to spend way too much time in a patient’s room that had CNN on. It was torture. I should request hazard pay for having to endure such astounding levels of derp.
I was surprised Comey lasted this long. If I was president I wouldn’t want that “WTF is he going to do now?” backstabber anywhere near me. Comey certainly pissed away the few remaining shreds of the *idea of the FBI being a non-political organization.
*never true given all the shitty things that Hoover did.
So Trump is firing the guy because of the Hilary investigation even though the investigation helped him! What’s with that? It’s a political smokescreen@!$#@!%$#!%@#!%@
Then a couple paragraphs later you see that it’s because of the incomprehensible conclusion of the email investigation that the Trump administration is citing. The NYT writers are so unselfaware that they refute their own misinformation in the same article.
I keep flipping between bemused disbelief and outright fury over the seemingly-complete lack of self-awareness these people demonstrate. For eight years these hypocrites either turned a blind eye towards or absolutely fawned over a president under whom the IRS was used to target political opponents, who ran guns to Mexican drug cartels, who systematically destroyed what stability was left in the Middle East, who alienated our allies in order to cozy up to Muslim theocrats and extremists who–shocker!–still want to kill us, and the list goes far, far on.
Not a peep from these fuckers. Nothing. Oh, sorry, sometimes they railed against the obstructionist Rethuglikkkans, or bitched about privilege. Mostly they studiously ignored the drone strikes and swooned over Barry at every opportunity.
As far as I’m concerned, if you sat on your hands for eight years only to suddenly discover skepticism of bureaucracy and concern over executive overreach, or shit, just the concept of being critical of a sitting president, you can go fuck yourself. You are everything that is wrong with civic culture in our country. On election day, you should be given a box of crayons and a popsicle and locked in a nursery until the adults are finished talking.
+1. Similar thoughts were running through my head this morning when CNN was on in the locker room and I could hear the balloonheads yammering.
Media under Obama: this shit sandwich is the best thing ever! It has bits of corn!
Media under Trump: this shit sandwich is the worst thing ever! It has bits of nuts instead of corn!
now the left is trying to make him a martyr
WTF? I assumed they’d be dancing around the bonfire with his scalp.
No, no. See he was fired for digging to deep into Russian Pee Tapes and TrumPutin Bromance slash fic, he was this close to proving that Russia actually used quantum tunneling to vanish all those Hilary Votes in Penn. Or some other stupid shit.
Everyone is seeing their power and influence diminish at Trump’s rise. Everything he does brings out the long knives now. I think the Republican legislators are scrambling to find a pressure point for their piece of shit budget that they all voted for and he still has not signed. Also, everyone is pissed that Trump didn’t consult with all the poohbahs before firing him, not giving them a chance to leak and manipulate.
And how people don’t see that astounds me. Trumps enemies aren’t principled jurists and noble statesmen, his enemies are damn near every bureaucrat and congressional lifer whose power he threatens. That’s the major strength and simultaneous weakness of Trump, that he doesn’t vow to preserve the power of a thousand little piss-ants he has in a way violated the unspoken contract between the federal parasites and their elected leadership.
It looks like he signed it, actually. It disappoints me, but Congress passed it with a supermajority, so if he vetoed it they’d just override him.
Why Are Feminists So Into Vagina Crystals?
I’ve got something hard you can use…
It was nice meeting you but I have to go. *Runs
Now they are just intentionally playing word salad games.
WTF is the ‘…intersectionality of healing, feminism, and vagina confidence found in crystals.’ Like you can get you lady bit bedazzled, or you can spend a stupid amount on Paltrows jade. Or you could not be crazy
“Or you could not be crazy”
So much crazy out there
In a way this is a nice red flag to wave high and bright, so as to warn off any sane person or potential mate.
lady bit bedazzled
Its called vajazzled. Yes it has a name.
Ah. Now I know a thing I didn’t know before, or had forgotten. Thanks ScoobaSteve
They’re into it because they’re very stupid people.
Um, wut?!
Back in the early 90s I lived – for a short time – in Boulder, CO. This was at the height of New Age stupidity. There was a shop that sold crystals, and sure as shit, there was always a small crowd of people on the sidewalk, holding their arms outstretched to gather in all that shiny power.
I hate what it did to the price of quartz.
Did they sell any crystals that will help with global warming?
Sounds like a business opportunity to me.
Those were less popular as they must be inserted into the anus, sideways, in order to activate their Gaia cleansing power.
The spin cycle is a real pain in the ass.
Makes sense to me: Snowflakes. And clams.
I find this completely unsurprising. Fine lady, stick a paperweight in your twat if it will keep you from destroying some some hapless dude’s life with false rape accusations, it is a better use of your time.
I snickered at the paperweight crack.
And a better use of that twat.
Vagina confidence is the best kind of confidence.
I thought you were talking about this
Anyone ‘member this craze in the oughts?
I would happily get her crystals stuck in my teeth.
Reminds me of an old Sumerian proverb:
Never stick your crystal in crazy.
Isn’t vagina crystals what you get when you piss out a kidney stone?
It’s got electrolytes?
A left that’s divided against itself cannot stand
The left are villainising fellow left-wing figures for single misgivings and allowing their other progressive works to be cast aside
Huh, didn’t the left would have such a come to jesus moment. Meh, it’ll probably be ignored anyway. Crazy gonna crazy and the mob needs blood. Academia and the Hard Prog leaders have the tiger by the tail. Build an outrage machine and watch as it turns on its creators. They never saw it coming and can’t understand how to stop it.
The biggest bullies win
Yep. But, as I have observed, correct me if I’m wrong, ever since groups like AntiFa started fighting actual Trump supporters a la Berkley, and losing they have gotten pretty quiet. All it takes is someone to give them the finger and not back down and shrivel up and blow away.
Because despite the virtue signalling, they aren’t warriors and revolutionaries. They’re entitled, self-important intellectual cripples with delusions of grandeur.
You’re right. They might see them selves as some Bolshevik vanguard but all they really do is bitch, throw things and then get their butts handed to them by people who have actually been warriors or who have a more specific cause to fight for than ‘fuck cishet capitalist patriarchy!’
Like you said, the people they’re fighting against are actually fighting for something, they’re fighting against leftist thuggery and much more. While the leftists are basically tilting at secret nazi windmills.
I suspect that leftists overestimate the importance of the cause the left is fighting for because the leftists are loud and emotional while their opponents tend to be reserved and reactive and are fighting for centuries old enlightenment principles that sit at the core of western civilization. Sorry, but the right wingers have staying power in fighting for western civilization that left just doesn’t have while they fight for free birth control and student loan forgiveness.
maybe they saw a few of those videos and had a brief moment of self awareness – watch the battle of berkeley and what you’ll see is people decked out in american flags fighting (and winning!) against people dressed in all black with red flags – who do you think the average person who has no clue what’s going on is going to see as the “good guys”?
That is giving them way to much credit, in their eyes, they are the good persons (guys is to gendernormative). If anything they are regrouping and wondering how a bunch of hicks overcame their commie-love and cheap m-80 powered IEDs
They also saw the people in black getting their asses kicked rather handily. They even took one of the antifa idiots and gave him a wedgie just to drive home the humiliation. That would tend to dampen their desire for physical confrontation.
True. And that’s in Berkley, if they tried that shit here in KY, at least the more rural parts, a wedgie would probably be the least of their concerns.
They’re philosophy of power relies on dividing people. Opressors and oppressees. There is no left without it. This is like asking why race car drivers are obsessed with fast cars.
nobody thinks they’ll be a Kamenev or Zinoviev, they all think they’ll be Jugashvhili
Death to all Left/Right deviasionists!
This doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be calling out those they feel are in the wrong – in no way do I implore you to shut down debate.
Except… that call out is only ever a shout down to silence debate.
Ordaining your vagina with crystals is like a thank-you letter to the beautiful, powerful, life-giving vagina.
Pics or… umm, never mijnd.
Even Crusty (probably) wouldn’t
And here we go stirring the pot once again.
Well to be fair…. Turkey can go sit on a thorny dick. They should be tossed out of NATO if for no other reason than their extortion of Europe. Not to mention Erdogan’s overt hostility to Europe and the West, his repeated attempts at dragging NATO into a war with Russia, his support for terrorism (not like the US can throw stones though) and his utterly fallacious coup crackdown. Fuck him.
We should stay the fuck out of it, but yeah fuck Erdogan. The Kurds have been about the only group over there that have attempted to be our allies. Which was stupid on their part but…
I agree with you both, the Turks have no place in NATO and the kurds would probably be our best allies, but they won’t ever get territory from either Iraq or Turkey.
They might actually get it from Iraq, owing to it’s inability to govern without massive inputs from foreign powers. The Kurds seem to be the only people there with their shit together. That said, I’m not supportive of arming their rebel groups in the region, but nonetheless the Kurds have some wherewithal.
Everyone is seeing their power and influence diminish at Trump’s rise.
I gotta give credit where it’s due. That alone is worth the price of admission.
I have absolute faith in his ability to fuck up at the moment of triumph, but a lot of the people and institutions I want to be less powerful will be before the final act when Nemesis descends to punish hubris.
…the final act when Nemesis descends to punish hubris.
Trump himself could be the punishment for hubris. Considering how aggrieved he has made the high and mighty, I’d say he makes for a pretty good “scourge of god”. The scourge has typically been pretty terrible in its own right, so I’d say Trump fits the bill in this mythological metaphor.
Canada: Land of the Free
Elderly Man Wins Court Case After Receiving Three Tickets for Smoking in His Porsche
Fuckin Canada.
Ontari-ari-ari-o, actually. One of the Strange Attractors of Canadian derptacularity. British Columbia and Quebec regularly vie for second place.
Look, Canadia. I dislike the smell of tobacco smoke as much as the next person, but this is absurd.
Dislike it? I love the smell of cigarette smoke.
… Okay.
That’s not the strangest thing I’ve heard people say.
really? cigars or pipe tobacco I can see (and agree) but cigarette smoke is just nasty
I guess I just like the smell of tobacco burning. It all smells good to me.
It has fond associations for me, so I like it. Also, I smoke from time to time, so it doesn’t bother me the way it does other people.
Story time: I’m a smoker, have been since I was in college. Started my freshman year. Now in my Sophmore year the college hired a new PHYS ED Dept Director, or whatever the title is. She was on a crusade to end smoking on campus. There had long been a compromise between smokers and non, there were smoking gazeebos around campus, we smoked there and nowhere else and the normies steered clear. After this women proposed the ban, a lot of smokers in protest started just smoking wherever the fuck they wanted, showing the intention to continue to do so if they lost their areas. The college thought better of it, and to this day there are still smoking areas in my Alma Mater.
The other day I saw this commercial on the TV:
Second hand smoke killed Nathan.
Why do you hate Nathan?
That little fucker still owes me $200.
Cause that’s a stupid name, obvs.
Fuck you.
911 is the new 411.
“Canada:,” “Land of the Free” whoever told you that is your enemy! Now something must be done about vengeance, a badge and a gun.
Canada: What’s the point?
The True North Strong and Free?
This sounds a lot like the story from yesterday’s links.
There were links yesterday?
::shakes head::
::goes back to driving::
Howie Carr on Comey getting canned and the Democrats not sure how to handle it.
As Kraemer was the owner of Sparkles Cleaning Service, his personal Cayenne was registered to it. That made the interior of the Porsche a workplace.
And another anonymous tip to the Gestapo gets results. Was it a competitor, or a disgruntled employee?
OT: Calling all of my fellow religious glibs for prayer for my father. We found out last week he has stage four cancer in his liver and bile duct.
Not religious, but will still say one for you and him.
Thank you.
My sincerest condolences. My mom died of liver cancer.
If I may be so bold, you need to make sure that your palliative care providers are fully-aware of the unusual pain relief requirements for someone with liver cancer; they have to walk a fine line between “sufficient” and “oh shit, we just OD’ed the guy,” due to the liver’s now-compromised ability to actually metabolize the painkillers and flush ’em from the body. This is when stuff like Fentanyl becomes useful, because incredibly small doses can have profound effects on controlling pain, and the liver can still deal with it.
Good luck, and God Bless.
My condolences, sir. Not religious, but I will pass your request along to some of my god-inclined peeps.
I appreciate it.
Not religious – but I am sorry to hear of your misfortune. Is there any chance of treatment?
*your and his
My parents are going to try and get him into City of Hope. After they consult with the doctors there, then they’ll decide on a course of treatment.
Good luck, amigo. And keep your head and hopes high as you stand with your family.
Thank you. We’ll definitely fight this thing and do everything we can to make sure he’s one of those that beat cancer. A coworker of mine also suggested a place that has a branch in Tijuana for more experimental stuff that might not be allowed here, so we’ve got some possibilities.
Sorry to hear that – be strong. We went through something similar last year.
Yeah, definitely not fun to go through these kinds of health scares.
It wasn’t a scare – my Dad ended up dying of leukemia. It’s pure suck to have to accept he wasn’t going to get better.
I hope things turn out better for your family. I do have faith and I know we’ll be together again.
Sorry to hear that. Not fun to lose someone that’s been so important to you your whole life.
Praying for him and you and your family. I lost my dad to brain cancer two years ago. It sucks.
I’m sorry to hear that. Thank you for the prayers.
EE, I’m sorry to hear this. How old is he?
I got similar news last night about a friend and co-worker, and have been a mess all morning.
He’s 52 years old. Way too young to be having late stage cancer. Definitely know the feeling about being a mess. It still doesn’t feel real.
Fuck, that’s awful. I lost my dad when he was 51, so know how you feel.
51? Damn, I’m sorry to hear that. Far too son to be losing one’s father.
I’m sorry to hear that. Best of luck to your father, I hope he gets the best treatment possible.
My mother has been throwing herself online to learn all she can. Between that and the recommendations from some good doctors, I’m sure a good option to fight this will be chosen.
If it’s any help my father, 25 years older than yours, beat a pretty serious case of colon cancer last year.
Good to hear he was one of those that beat it. Hopefully my father will be able to join him.
Ditto the not-late but still-great Almanian! He was supposed to be dead a year ago, and he’s alive and kicking hard.
That’s great to hear! I was wondering how he was doing.
Sorry to hear about your father. I’ll be praying for him and the rest of your family.
Very much appreciated.
Sorry to hear that.
I can sympathize as my father has the same thing.
Sorry to hear about that. I’ll keep your family in my prayers too. Hopefully our fathers will beat cancer and keep living for many more years.
The best on our end is to contain it. Responding well to chemo for now. Keep us posted!
When my wife goes to church to pray for my soul, I will be sure to ask her to also say one for your father.
Seriously, I am very sorry to hear this.
Awful. Will definitely pray for him and your family
I lost my uncle, who was like a second father to me, last year to liver cancer that had spread to his kidney. Almost 18 months later I still choke up a few times a week thinking of him. He was the happiest guy I’ve ever known, full of laughter and fun and who made friends wherever he went. 58 years old, so much life left in him. You have my sympathy and prayers.
I’m sorry for your loss.
Thanks. It’s supposed to get easier with time. Hasn’t been the case yet. Hope you and your dad have better luck than we did.
Will do.
Thank you to you all. Thoughts and prayers are always appreciated.
You and your father have my prayers. As a cancer patient I can tell you that your father has a rough road ahead but it is doable. If possible try to schedule any radiation for later in the day. Nobody knows why but there seems to be a correlation between early morning radiation treatments and the development of radiation enteritis. Also, see that he stays active every day. It is really hard but even a walk around the grocery store (holding on to the cart helps) is beneficial.
If you accept atheist good wishes, then here are mine. Hope you and your family stay strong. Hugs.
All good wishes are welcomed!
Best wishes to you and your family.
Thank you.
We’re fascinated by the… vagina confidence found in crystals.
“What’s that? Explore your ‘crystal cave’? No, thanks. I have to be up early tomorrow to wax my oil pan.”
get on the road early so I can get my daughter picked up from college by noon
Dropping her off at my place as agreed, right?
Changing it up by going legal?
I have to close my eyes, pretend she’s younger, and try to block out the thought that half her DNA is sloopy’s.
Regarding the Helicopter thing: It seems like the police are just convinced to show everybody that they are occupiers and separate from the community. Sloop is also correct that a person being able to stand their ground would have stopped this.
Won’t be long until they start using drones.
It’s inevitable.
Exactly. What’s more of a public safety risk: a person firing a gun in self-defense inside a house, or a police “sharpshooter” firing high-powered rifle rounds from the side of a helicopter in pursuit?
But thing of the sweet bodycam/coptercam footage.
“Watch criminals get what they deserve from out brave police drones and heli-snipers! Tonight on COPS: Thin Blue Dick edition”
From the Howie Carr article about Comey: “You’re stuck with me,” he smugly told an audience at Boston College recently, “for another 6 1⁄2 years.”
That right there would be enough to get him the axe in the P Brooks Reign of Terror.
Calling George Will A ‘Rape Apologist’ Is Defamation And Bad For Rape Survivors
Attack groups have begun banging the drum against George Will in response to news NBC and MSNBC have hired the Pulitzer-Prize-winning columnist as a contributor.
When has Western society ever excused and normalized sexual violence?
/prog rolling of eyes.
When Muslims do it?
War, slavery, prison.
Always! Don’t you know that 4 out of every 3 college women are raped?
So their efforts to get him silenced are a reason to silence him further?
People wouldn’t want him to be silent if his words were not dangerous.
Straight up Alinskiism. Why does anyone listen to them anymore?
Because they control the vast majority of the media?
The left hates patriarchy and rape culture because the know that such things have no place in our society. That’s why they unwaveringly support the unrestricted migration of the entire third world to this society.
It worked out fine for Europe. Except for Sweden. And France. And Germany.
Why else would France have just voted for more of it?
Just a guess, but I think leftism is a form of mental illness. They actually believe Western culture is evil and must be undermined, and are willing to commit demographic and cultural suicide to make it happen.
Leftism is one delusion after another. From taxes, to culture, to science, to regulation and economics, everything they believe is based on a delusion. Yeah I’d say it’s a mental illness. Or at least a pathology of some sort.
UPDATE: A previous version of this article stated the facilities were owned and operated by the Church of Scientology. This information was reportedly gleaned from an erroneous statement from the county’s sheriff’s department. The confusion stems from the fact that Marc Vallieres, who has been charged with two felonies of facilitation to kidnapping in connection to the case, is a well-known Scientologist. The article has been updated to reflect the new information.
I know I’d be pissed if someone said this about my church, and they had the gall to issue the update without changing the headline to something less ambiguous.
This is SOP for Scientology. They do horrible shit and whenever they get caught they claim the bad actors were unaffiliated with the church. I’d be skeptical of the updates.
If Scientology were a church, rather than an organized criminal enterprise, I would have more (well, any) sympathy for them.
I gotta admit. I didn’t think the Caps had it in them to fight back.
Party at my house this Friday! Free beer and wine! I’ll be hovering over the gin bottle as my neighbors put their glasses down on my walnut coffee table, drop food on my new sofas, and spill wine on my new rug.
There’s no such thing as ‘free beer’
something recycled something horse
So are we invited? Should we RSVP?
How many aspies can we fit in one house before we get into an ideological knife fight?
Who said it would be ideological? Also having more than one anywhere is going to result in some intense debate. With each addition the likelihood of some purity test dueling increases geometrically with every additional libertarian.
Will you serve both kinds of pizza?
How many aspies can we fit in one house before we get into an ideological knife fight?
Precisely two.
Or one, if the aspie in question’s also a little reality-challenged.
You’re libertarianing wrong. You’re supposed to hate everyone and never let anyone through your front door. Naturally there should be Private Property signs all along your 10 foot privacy fence, and anyone who dares to cross the perimeter should be met with a face full of buckshot. You fucking cosmos and your fucking cocktail parties.
I blame the wife.
I couldn’t help but laugh reading this description. I do in fact have two sets of perimeter fencing, topped with barbed wired, and a double set of locked gates in the driveway… complete with a pack of large German shepherds patrolling the inner yard. And yes, there are posted signs along the fence. On the other hand, the ostensible purpose is to keep our livestock (cows, donkeys, etc) in the pasture and predators out so maybe this just counts as half libertarianing.
What’s Smithers doing this weekend?
Releasing the hounds.
something gay, no doubt
And my neighbor told me his grandfather had built an honest, no-shit stockade around their property (property is passed generationally around here). I’m talking 10′ wood poles forming a wall and the tops sharpened to spikes. He had torn it down before we moved in though.
I’ve got two fat pit bulls and an SKS, but I try damn hard, ok!
I’ve got a friendly corgi a battle axe and a boiled leather scale Jerkin, does that count?
A libertarian entering another libertarian’s home was required to pay an admission fee of one ounce of gold per person. One was also required to sign a waiver, acknowledging responsibility in the event that something went missing following one’s visit. A traditional greeting in such situations had the resident libertarian welcoming the visitor to his home and reminding him that “My house is my house,” to which the visitor replied, “As are its contents.”
It’s a coup.
— David Frum (@davidfrum) May 9, 2017
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) May 10, 2017
TOOBIN on FIRE: “Grotesque abuse of power by the President of the United States. This is the kind of thing that goes on in a non-democracy.”
— Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) May 9, 2017
Justin Raimondo with the response:
Not raging today
A coup? I thought a coup was the other way around. Unless of course he meant it was a masterstroke.
He means what he says. The bureaucracy is supposed to be in charge, not the President.
Ugh, watching the flip, watching it happen so quickly, it’s fairly concerning. The herd pivots quickly.
I swear, the Left REALLY wants to make me like Trump. They work so hard at it.
Olbermann is an idiot. That’s all he has?
Olbermann should get together with Colbert.
Speaking of Colbert
More punchable face – Colbert or John Oliver? Tough choice…..
John Oliver.
Oliver, by a smidge.
I liked Oliver when he was on Community. But as I understand he has always been a bit proggish prick. Colbert was funny too and gets a slight pass because he is such a hardcore Tolkien Fan, and general nerd.
I just watched the bit.
Wow. Just wow.
‘Does it always have to be about him?’ Did Colbert ever wonder why Obama said ‘I’ so much in his speeches?
And so now, the spin goes, it’s because Comey was investigating Trump.
The saddest part of it all? Colbert is not even remotely funny.
It is known that Comey was literally the only agent conducting the Russia investigation. There was no one else doing anything. Just Comey. That’s how the FBI works.
Seriously, I happen to think that the timing of the firing was unseemly, but I still don’t understand how this effects any investigations that the FBI is conducting.
It isnt just Colbert. I see a lot of comedians just run back and forth on stage foaming at the mouth screaming that Trump is a poppyhead. I watch without even cracking a smile. It is pathetic.
Not Dave Chapelle. He’s still funny
True. Chapelle is still funny, but then he isnt exactly towing the lion, is he?
Damned spell check. ‘Toeing the lion’. Sorry.
I am poppy head.
Poppy head? Sounds hot.
One does not ‘toe the lion’ unless one has a foot fetish.
One is supposed to drag the lion around by its tail, thus ‘towing the lion’.
Jonah GoldbergVerified account @JonahNRO
If hypocrisy were helium, Washington would be in low earth orbit this morning.
It would be nice if they all floated away, and then dropped like stone…right into Indian Ocean.
Toobin is a Democrat stool.
He is shitty.
He also had an affair with a colleague’s daughter while he was married, and refused to acknowledge fathering her son until she took him to court. He’s a scumbag.
There you go.
His comment about non-democracies is retarded. Beside it having no real point, is he suggesting the USA is not a democracy? Because it will be pretty hard for him to prove it.
Here’s the story.
He should still be writing for TV Guide.
Do these shitbirds really think that complete hysteria is going to fly with the general public?
A coup? So what action should we take Dave? Have the military step in?
Traitor? Based on what evidence? Hey Keith, what was your take on Obama giving billions to the Iranians? On Clinton selling our Uranium to Russia?
As far as I know the FBI director works at the pleasure of the president. Period. It is not an elected position.
Exactly. The only thing I find puzzling is why Trump didn’t do it sooner.
Older Olbermann
My God, what freakin’ tool! If he sucked anymore, he’d cause a Cat 5 hurricane.
I just went to check on his tweets and I am blocked by his account. LOFUCKINGL. I don’t think I’ve once even tweeted his name, let alone tweeted at his account. I also don’t know that I’ve retweeted anything about him.
My last ten tweets are wrestling stuff, Iowahawk retweets, and a Moynihan thing about North Korea.
What a loser
if you follow someone who is a “known right-winger”, then you will be autobanned by the tools that lefties use to screen their feeds.
I presume anyone subbed to Iowahawk is banned because he’s just too good at taking the piss out of self-important progs.
I follow to a metric shitton of libertarians and other conservatives, including Iowahawk, and I can see Olbermann’s Tweeters.
Im just saying, who you follow affects how you’re autobanned.
it also works if you’ve responded to comments that the person has banned i think. my level of appreciation of this stuff is based entirely on having once read the blog of some batshit feminist who helped developed these auto-banning tools for other proggy types. I don’t actually play in that crazy sandbox.
George Will, a notorious rape apologist, has no business being on television, and the fact that NBC News and MSNBC are giving a platform for his hateful views towards women, particularly survivors of sexual assault, is beyond shameful.
You never know. Once the MSNBC gang get their mitts on him, he’ll settle down. Look what they did to that radical Tea Party guy Scarborough.
Maybe they’ll engage him to Maddow to secure his allegiance.
*projectile vomits*
They didn’t change Buchanan. He was still marching to the beat of his own drummer. That’s probably why the fired him. They liked him when the narrative was ‘warmongering bad’, but once a Democrat was president again they didn’t have any need for him anymore.
Man accused of murder asks to show penis to jury in oral-sex choking defense
Man, if I had a nickel for every time I ran into this problem….
Ugh, watching the flip, watching it happen so quickly, it’s fairly concerning. The herd pivots quickly.
I’ve been thinking about this, lately. It’s like when you see a huge flock of birds in flight, and they all change direction at exactly the same time.
How the fuck does that work?
more seriously
Agent based modeling shows that a simple set of rules is all that is needed to demonstrate that kind of behavior, sans a centralized guiding force. Something similar is almost assuredly happening here. For example the left could be operating on this rule:
1. Oppose anything Trump does
2. Destroy anything that could be seen as positive to Trump.
That’s it. It explains the hate fire comey and the investigation, and it explains how they paint him as a martyr now.
Bingo. It is as simple as that.
Wow. Yep, that looks about right. I rail on about the unprincipled left, but you just pretty clearly elucidated the principles they stand for.
I have a friend who works here and told me about the FBI raid. The company has since been cleared off charges, but they are pretty sure a competitor phoned in the tip, and the prices caused then to loose most of their revenue during the investigation.
My question is this, is their no way a company can seek restitution for losses inflicted by the government due to a fruitless investigation? It seems so unjust that your property cash be taken from you for no cause other than some other person’s say so, and that you can’t confront those who sent in the tip as an accuser.
Ah, comrade, you are asking the wrong question. The better question is how the gov’t is so merciful as to allow you to have a business in the first place.
Oh, the idea that it’s “your property and cash” is so quaint.
“All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”
No note about last night’s basketball game, Sloopy? /Spursfan
Basketball is over in March.
My question is this, is their no way a company can seek restitution for losses inflicted by the government due to a fruitless investigation?
*laughs morosely*
Apparently it was this (very well written) letter from Rod Rosenstein that got Comey fired for cause.
Is there or was there a glibs site slowdown? Or are the Russians hacking us under orders from Donald Trump?
Are you certain it isn’t your connectivity in the wastelands?
It is hard to get a good wi-fi signal out here.
Oh, so you live in Trump Country.
Yeah, I think there is something up with the site right now. For several minutes it kept redirecting me to an error page whenever I tried posting.
I am having a bit of trouble loading as well. I thought it was just me though. Whenever I refresh it takes an extra minute.
Probably Secret Nazi President.
Let’s see. I entered this comment at 9:30 am, November 7, 2016. How much does Hillary win by?
It seems a bit slow.
Telling data point on healthcare :
“[The Mayo Clinic] told STAT that it lost $546 million in indigent care and in unpaid Medicaid portions in 2016 and $1.8 billion in unpaid Medicare portions.”
—-STAT, “Mayo Clinic: Privately insured patients to get priority over Medicaid, Medicare patients”
From another publication (link to follow):
“Mayo reported a sharp increase in the amount of unreimbursed costs related to Medicaid patients, from $321 million in 2012 to $548 million in 2016. The figures include its campuses in Arizona and Florida. Mayo nonetheless remained profitable in 2016, with income of $475 million”
—-Minneapolis StarTribune, “Mayo to give preference to privately insured patients over Medicaid patients”
Moral of the story?
The Mayo Clinic lost $1.8 billion treating Medicare patients last year, and they lost $548 million treating Medicaid patients–they lost $2.3 billion treating Medicare and Medicaid patients in 2016.
Not to worry, though, they made a profit of $475 million anyway . . . by charging private insurance and cash patients to make up for the difference! Where else were they going to get the money? It doesn’t grow on trees.
See? There’s no problem with Medicaid. It may have caused one hospital chain to suffer $2.3 billion in losses, but they still remained profitable. Yeah, the insured are suffering through outrageous premiums and escalating deductibles, but, hey, they’re mostly working people. And, as we all know, the legitimate purpose of government is to force the advantaged to make sacrifices for the benefit of the disadvantaged, isn’t that right?
Unfortunately, your local community hospital probably isn’t the Mayo Clinic (or the Cleveland Clinic), and your local community hospital doesn’t attract wealthy cash paying customers from all over the world like the Mayo Clinic. Point is, if even the Mayo Clinic–even the Mayo Clinic?!–needs to start prioritizing private insurance over Medicaid, then your local community hospital is probably faring even worse.
And the solution is not portability across state lines–no matter what state you buy your private insurance from, wherever you get a colonoscopy, you’re also getting reamed by Medicaid’s paltry reimbursement rates.
When you see the Senate debating the healthcare bill, watch to see if they still kill the Medicaid expansion. We cannot solve our healthcare problems so long as providers are suffering such huge losses treating Medicaid patients. If whatever bill emerges from the Senate doesn’t kill the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion, then it isn’t addressing the real cause of our problems.
I thought I’d split the links up–so the software doesn’t think I’m spam–and then forgot to put in the first link!
STAT Link:
Star Tribune link:
Damn, there are numerous corrections needed.
Sometimes Medicare means Medicaid.
Sometimes Medicaid means both Medicare and Medicaid.
Sometimes I should guzzle caffeine before I post at 6:30 in morning.
It’s a common mistake and a pet peeve of mine. /Remembers the hilarity of Berniebots demanding “Medicare for All”
“When they see the reality of their beautiful world of equality and social justice they wont like it very much. They will dissent and dissent cannot be allowed.”
– Yuri Bezmenov on why useful idiots are the first ones up against the wall.
“When the military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before”
Granted, that would make you a New Man.
Trump responds to Senator Blumenthal’s criticism by correctly pointing out that the guy is a fraudulent lying sack of shit. Never change – this is pure entertainment.
I don’t want to like Trump, but damn if the left don’t try their hardest.
Hah! That’s what I said earlier in the thread.
Blumenthal the Dick wants you to believe that working on Toys for Tots in Connecticut as a reservist was JUST LIKE serving in Vietnam.
Last week he seemed to be going after Huma Abedin for some unknown reason:
“On MSNBC on Thursday morning, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) called for a special prosecutor to investigate if Abedin committed a crime by forwarding the classified material.”
Which I found surprising since they are both Democrats.
“if Abedin committed a crime by forwarding the classified material”
There is question about this?
A fucking chimp could get a conviction given the evidence we have and the law as it is written, and not just on Abedin.
True. I’m just wondering what Blumenthal has against Abedin.
She threatened to feed him to Hilary’s voracious maw?
Ugh. The commenters are calling for Arpaio to replace him.
Comey’s firing is more evidence that Trump is the best enemy Democrats could have hoped for. Comey should have been escorted out on day one, unceremoniously dumped outside with his box of belongings beside him. This would have sent an obvious warning shot across Clinton’s bow, as well as spooking Obama’s flacks and lackeys: play nice, or we start empaneling a grand jury.
Maybe he thought by giving Dems a little slack they wouldn’t try to hang him with it. Well, how’s that worked out so far?
I don’t disagree but the way the Administration handled it seems pretty above-board. The Senate finally confirmed Rod Rosenstein as Deputy Attorney General on April 25th. He immediately started cleaning house and sent the damning letter that got Comey fired.
It looks like Rosenstein is that really smart guy who is going to be the Democrats’ worst nightmare.
I remember back when the “pussy grabbing” tape was going to be the end of Trump.
I’ve seen Trump die so many times now, I just expect it.
Yes, the Comey firing will destroy Trump.
And what will destroy him after that?
That sounds like a story told by Russians about the Soviet propoganda. They all new it was false, just went along with it.
From “people on the right who should really shut the fuck up”, Mike Huckabee, among his many other failings, apparently is terrible at acronyms.
Huckabee is the worst of both worlds, a big government loving socon
Having seen his show on Fox before, I’d say he seems like a nice guy personally. However, like Rick Santorum, I wouldn’t want him anywhere near an elected office.
That’s pretty bad.
Anyway, we all know it’s Clinton News Network.
“Spirit Airlines cancels flight, passenger brawl breaks out”
Autoplay, because CNN.
David Burge @iowahawkblog
United: watch this
Delta: hold my beer
Spirit: f’ing rookies, let me show you how it’s done
I haven’t a clue why anybody flies Spirit. They make RyanAir look high class.
David Burge @iowahawkblog
Spirit and RyanAir should merge, and call it IdiocracyAir. Where the in-flight entertainment is the other passengers
I’ve flown em a couple of times, never had a problem.
Course the purpose of my travel fit well within their model of no baggage except 1 small carry on.
BIngo. Spirit is *cheap*, and the minimal baggage means that embarking and debarking doesn’t take more time than the god-damn flight. Now that I know about the pilot issue, though, I may steer clear of them.
It is easy to get distracted by all of the hysteria and lose sight of the big picture. Trump said he was going to drain the swamp (that is why the left hates and fears him). Trump is draining the swamp and all of the swamp creatures are screaming in panic. That is what is going on here.
I’m not going to go as far as this. Heck, the Comey thing isn’t that important to me. If you want to you can sympathize with Comey for his handling of the investigation of Hillary, because his Lunch was so tied to the Clinton’s, he couldn’t recommend, so he did his best to beat her up. Once again that is giving Comey the best possible light.
If you want to you can sympathize with Comey for his handling of the investigation of Hillary, because his
Lunchlife was so tied to the Clinton’s, hecouldn’t recommenddidn’t want to die, so he did his best to beat her up.I couldn’t have said it better myself…
Unfortunately, he also needs those swamp creatures to get anything done.
I like that an agency leaking like a sieve since November suddenly clams up about this major, ongoing investigation that’s sure to bring down Trump. And now that Comey’s fired, we’ll never hear about their blockbuster case against the administration. Trump is going to bury all that red-hot material that we all know is sitting there in that sieve that for some reason quit leaking.
““Queer Kid Stuff” is a project created by and starring Lindsey Amer alongside her sidekick Teddy. After a successful first season, the second season of QKS is tackling the nuances of LGBTQ experience in a way that is accessible and educational for children. For more complicated ideas like asexuality, Amer brings in a friend who identifies as such in order to further help explain what this word means and offer some first-hand knowledge.”
Young children need to have this freak show foisted on them because of….why, exactly?
Because little kids need to make these grown up decisions that only effect ~3% of the population at Large. It’s all about equality.
Successful first season? Like Franchesca Ramsey’s Decoded is successful? Loved by the tiny minority of SJW lunatics, and hated by everyone with a functioning braincell?
I don’t think teaching 5 year olds about sex is appropriate or useful for anything beyond establishing social status to others. To tell kids who have no concept of sexual attraction about adults fetishes and what gets them off or not strikes me as a sign of a sick individual.
I have no desire to tell other adults or hear from them about what makes them or me orgasm. I imagine the people that think this is an interesting or important conversation are so far up their own ass they can’t conceive people have other interest besides them. I guess that makes me a prude.
What, you don’t want to hear about your coworker’s golden shower fetish? What are you, some kind of uptight ultra conservative church goer?
I know you guys were waiting for it. The DU hot-take on Comey.
No, I did not add those bold texts for effect. They were in the original post.
Wait, WHAT!!!!!!!!!
I love the mix of serious legal terms with all-caps and profanity.
Something fake something news
This piece of shit makes Benedict Arnold look like a fucking patriot by comparison!!!!!!
Also, I’m sure they don’t realize how easy it is to make BA look like a patriot.
I’m sure I’ll be seeing a link to this shared by one of my Facebook friends as yet more proof of how evil and terrible Trump is. Probably followed up by a pic of Obama with some kind of text saying something like “remember when we had a president who followed the law?” Barf!
I can’t even mock those.
My favorite comment, because I can’t make any sense of it.
HAHAHA Trump is a communist??????
We need Pirate Truther to sort all of this out.
As with most things it all comes back to the Russians who, as everyone knows, are commies. It makes perfect sense when you approach it from that angle.
Strange breed of Commies we get these days, no?
Ted Kennedy is dead and gone, why are they bringing him up?
I forget, what is the law governing the correlation between all caps, explanation points and crazy?
–Terry Pratchett in Eric
The Hihn principle?
If that isn’t a real thing, it should be.
Is Trump actually under investigation? I heard he wasn’t.
He is not under investigation. All the top-cops have said repeatedly there is no evidence of the mythical TrumPutin beast.
Fuck you Sloopy, I like Road Runner. *meep meep
That’s just because he is a vegetarian you delicious little meat treat.
Ummm…road runners kill snakes and other tasty meaty creatures.
I never understood why wile e put down bird seed. Super genius my ass.
Coyotes actually can run quite a lot faster than road runners, too.
That’s no shit. We are eaten up with red wolf/coyote hybrids here. They run like the wind. They effortlessly float over the ground so quickly you can hardly believe what you are seeing.
There is a reason the preferred method of clearing them out is trapping. They’re smart, fast, and will work together. I ain’t trying to run one of ’em down, it’s a lot easier to deal with them when they can’t run.
Dammit. Delicious AND smart!
The coyote is after you…
I know people who live in Omaha where they had a mayoral election yesterday. Apparently there is great disappointment among many progressives because the backward oafs who lived in their city demonstrated their stupidity by re-electing the female Republican mayor instead of the white male Democrat challenger.
The cognitive dissonance is awesome.
Well, if she’s a Republican she’s not a real woman. The Democrat was probably a feminist, so that makes him more of a woman than her.
There was actually some people on the moonbat team that had issues with their Omaha mayor candidate because he wasn’t pure enough of a beta-feminist for them. For example, he was openly pro-life.
SJWednesday: Hairsplitting Edition
What is it with black proggies and their obsession with their hair?
It isnt their hair. They are so steeped in racism that all they can see is black and white. They obsess over everything that identifies one as one or the other.
I dont know any white people that give even a passing consideration to ‘afros’ and I live in Grant Parish, Louisiana FFS.
It’s just that the bring it up so often. All the “people always trying to touch my hair” comments by them. When, when does that actually happen? I have never in my life seen a white person ask a black person “can I touch your hair.” I’ve never said it, nor have I ever even thought it.
I’ve had plenty of black folks ask to touch my super-duper white person hair.
Same, and I’m a guy. It always amuses me, I can’t understand why they get so bent out of shape over it.
That’s because you exist in a realm of white privilege, as opposed to their realm of oppression.
Huh. I just figured it was because I didn’t have a stick permanently lodged in my ass, but your explanation could work too.
I had some very proggish acquaintances back in the day, so let me translate that.
The hair thing is about ‘othering’, that is, because black hair is different and white hair in the majority any time white people ask about black hair they are reminding black people of their minority status. It was one of this first times I heard the phrase microaggression. Basically it comes down the difference in population size in reference to power structures.
That’s the best lib-prog translation I can make
So, basically “derp derp de derpity derp!”
So no matter what they did with her hair, it would have been wrong.
I like how “I” speaks for all of “we”
I’ve asked my neighbor several times why she doesn’t “go natural” with her hair. She is adamant that that will never, ever, ever happen. I’d really like the author of this piece to tell her to her face that she’s trying to “blend in with white society”.
Internalized racism.
I call it Kultural Appropriashun.
Mingo only pawn in game of life?
EU Infighting: Merkel & Tusk Slam Juncker For Sabotaging Brexit NegotiationsThe EU’s Lead Asshole on Brexit and quintessential globalist snob Jean-Claude Juncker, openly admits to doing everything in his power to ruin Brexit and damage Britain so it will scare other member states into not leaving the bloc. He also reportedly told Theresa May (in so many words) that he would not let her lead the negations for the UK because she’s too effective at her job and he wants a UK counterpart that he can bully. However a few other member states whose economy is heavily reliant on the Britain are none too pleased about this approach.
What’s the libertarian case for the EU again, I forget?
Nationalism is icky and thus not libertarian because reasons.
Yeah….. okay there bud.
Yeah, that’s an especially amusing statement, given that English has basically become the lingua franca of the entire world. I saw a stat the other day that said over 50% of websites are in English; if anything, English as a language is actually gaining importance.
This is true, because as global trade and communication have advanced, a businessmen from say, China, needs a way to speak with a businessman from Brazil, or India, or Russia. Since anglophones have dominated the globe for a long time, English as a second language was already widespread, as well as being the official language for air flight, so it was natural for it to become a lingua franca. Which I’m sure irritates the French to no end.
It irritates them more than any other group on the planet. But they were overthrown by a bunch of proto-communists in the French Revolution and they’ve never exerted the same global influence since. Plus several other factors like the French being capital consuming colonizers instead of capital investing colonizers, caused them to lose the privileged position of lingua franca.
You’d have to ask at “The Other Site” for the “Libertarian Case for the European Union.”
I can’t imagine how this is a winning stratagem. The EU is dependent on its members for survival, if they pull back the mask while there are still some chance of a peaceful secession movement then they risk the whole experiment.
They’re screwed by reality regardless of what they do but at least if they’re hardasses they’ll eventually get to snuff some people they don’t like.
The correct case is you’re a bigot and a Nazi if you don’t want open borders and free trade. Also STFU. An airtight case if ever I’ve heard one.
Tusk? As in House of Cards?
I caught that too, but this Tusk is clearly not nearly as competent, he can barely hold the EU together, good luck taking on Pres. Underwood.
Speaking of which, are you a fan of the show? Are you psyched for the new season?
I LOVED season 1, wasn’t too keen on season 2, and enjoyed season 3. We’ll see what happens! Spacey said shit is about to get crazy up in there.
Yeah, pretty interested in where they take the show from that ending last season.
My money is on some sort of ‘Trump is the devil’ allegory.
I have heard that too, saw the trailer and I loved it. Spacey is one of my love the acting ignore the politics actors
What the hell is this “let them leave” crap? How about Britain just saying, “fuck you and your negotiations, we’re gone”.
Then they risk dealing with an EU embargo. Which would probably fall apart and risk ripping the EU apart, but it’s still a huge gamble and I wouldn’t expect May to pull it until at least after the election.
Does anybody really think the EU will want to get into a trade war with the UK? Risk losing the British market? Especially with Trump in the White House willing to step in and cut deals with the Brits? It’s all bluff.
They have no leverage at all. It’s all bluster and posturing.
In case no one has posted yet:
Good riddance, Comey
Rand Paul, still the most sensible Senator.
still don’t get why amash is pumping the russia narrative
Maybe he just thinks the only way BS can be put to rest is through an independent* investigation.
*that’s obviously a unicorn.
the history of independent investigations in Washington DC should dissuade him of that view
special prosecutors turn everything into a perma-circus and drag the press around with them
“My staff and I are reviewing legislation to establish an independent commission on Russia” seems more like diligence than pushing a narrative.
But why would you need an independent commission to look into something for which there is not one shred of evidence? All it does is play into and give weight to the left’s false narrative.
That’s the first time I heard that a gun store owner reported the Orlando shooter weeks before it happened.
they denied him bulk ammo and then called FBI but didn’t have a name or other info to give them. haven’t read anything about video footage.
health insurance cos were 6B in the black pre-ACA, now they’re 15B post-ACA? that should be posted everywhere.
Another story on that Fox page. “Firing Comey will restore credibility to FBI”. That’s not how “credibility” works.
The FBI has credibility?
Anyways, I’ll go with Maggie McNeill’s thoughts on this:
You could fire them all and you’d be at zero credibility instead of negative credibility.
Rand Paul hated Comey before it was cool (only no vote that he got in confirmation).
I am more & more convinced that flying first class is the only way to do it if I have to fly. Coach is becoming the fucking Thunderdome.
What’s the libertarian case for the EU again, I forget?
The EU is totally in favor of “Free Minds and Free Markets”?
*a low blow, but that’s just the kind of guy I am
I trust this is sarcasm.
Headline writer unintentionally causes mass vomiting. Chelsea mother accused of sex with 14-year-old appears in court.
Long day.
Wow, Hillary sure looks a lot different there. Actually kind of attractive.
She’s the one on the right.
Looks like they heard you, “Chelsea-area mom accused of having sex with 14-year-old”.
No wonder college is so expensive.
“Therapy dogs, chocolate, Play-Doh: Universities offer ways to cope with finals ”
The higher-ed bubble exists. It’s as plain as day.
“California may end ban on communists in government jobs”
Since when do they have a ban?
I thought it was a requirement?
Socialism and communism are totes different. Don’t you even polysci bro?
Hey, I did polisci, and my profs were all mostly conservative, or constitutionalist, or idiots, and none of them had any love for commies.
none of them had any love for commies. Obligatory.
Where the fuck did you go to school?
Berea College, liberal arts, work study college. Three profs inthe political science dept. one constitutionalist , one hw bush Repub and one civil libertarian.
Oh is that the university located in the fabled lost city of Atlantis? Just down the street from the unicorn farm?
Retarded in three languages:
“When ‘Angelino’ squirrels don’t eat nuts: a feminist posthumanist politics of consumption across southern California
Given that the shift in tree squirrel demographics is a relatively recent phenomenon, this case presents a unique opportunity to question and re-theorize the ontological given of ‘otherness’ that manifests, in part, through a politics whereby animal food choices ‘[come] to stand in for both compliance and resistance to the dominant forces in [human] culture’. I, therefore, juxtapose feminist posthumanist theories and feminist food studies scholarship to demonstrate how eastern fox squirrels are subjected to gendered, racialized, and speciesist thinking in the popular news media as a result of their feeding/eating practices, their unique and unfixed spatial arrangements in the greater Los Angeles region, and the western, modernist human frame through which humans interpret these actions. I conclude by drawing out the implications of this research for the fields of animal geography and feminist geography.”
Which doesn’t include plain English.
I don’t know man…it was published in an academic journal so it must have merit.
*bangs head on desk*
Nope, still doesn’t make sense.
This idiot is an assistant prof at Cal Poly. A quick google shows that the average salary is $75K plus benefits for that job at Cal Poly. That’s straight up taxpayer rape.
Tossing a word salad isnt the same thing as scholarship.
Good God, I thought I spoke prog but, holy shit. I can’t even suss out half of that argle-bargle. I think she is saying that humans tent to anthropomorphize animal actions. But that is just my best guess.
The Journal of Feminist Geography
We’re fucking doomed.
No wonder she so fucking lost.
I used to think geography was just maps and shit. Then I had a peace and social justice class taught by a Geo prof who was EBD (everything but dissertation) from Berkley. Apparently Geography is all about global power struggles and other word salad bullshit.
Be sure to check out their other titles:
I imagine if you published the rantings from an asylum it wouldn’t look any different than that.
I especially like “Fucking geographers! Or the epistemological consequences of neglecting the lusty researcher’s body”. I doubt anyone would be able to convince me that those people aren’t up their own asses.
The Journal of Feminist Geography
So they’ve made a science out of wondering why men won’t ask for directions?
/sits down to compose journal submission based on timecube.com
“feminist food studies”
+1 Gigi’s cupcakes
Cat food.
They all want it!
Jesus Christ, I would have thought the Alan Sokal affair might have tamed some of this insanity.
It looks like he started a trend.
This is how you create misogyny.
If the government ever swings to actually create a patriarchy the feminists will have written the evidence that it is necessary. The intellectual output of these departments is as damning as the economic output of socialism.
I think there is a lot of crossover with those two crowds. Accurate comparison but unsurprising.
the fact words were translated into 3 languages adds an extra dimension of retarded. someone, somewhere was paid to do that. and it was probably subsidized
First they came for our glaciers and I said nothing….
Dank memes, dank links. Image of Pepe. 420 comments. (Well 421 now)