Greetings one and all, and welcome to an unusual installment of Reviews You’ll Never Use. This week, I shall recount to you, my reluctant audience, my adventures, foibles, and heroic deeds during this past weekend’s Texas Frightmare Weekend. This will follow a slightly different format, with all wordy word words up front and then all the photos at the end. I tried sprinkling them throughout but thought it looked too cluttered. Also, some quirk of the site makes it very difficult to line photos up next to each other when captioned, so they’re just all in a vertical line, which also looks weird. Sorry.

My favorite weekend of the year. Now I have to bide my time until October, when shit gets real for me again.
This was TFW’s 12th year, and the convention continues to grow. They’re going to have to change locations again soon, methinks. The Hyatt Regency DFW’s entire bottom floor is a convention center, but on Saturday especially, it’s just wall to wall, to the point it’s barely fun and you can’t move. The logo doesn’t lie, however: this is the southwest’s premier horror convention. People come from all over; in Ted Raimi’s panel, he asked who was from out of state, and fully half the room raised their hands. I spent time standing in various lines with a lovely couple from Montreal, a man who claimed to hail from San Francisco and yet quizzically was not a gayhomofag, and some boisterous fellows from Monterrey, Mexico.
The wife and I always stay at the hotel from Friday through Sunday, as there is simply too much to see and do for a single day, and it’s much more conducive to drunkenness to be able to just go up to our room, rather than get an Uber back and forth to our house, about half an hour away. Friday night we dedicate to signature hunting and finish that task on Sunday because the lines during Saturday are just unbearable. Also, if you’re reading this, Hyatt, your $15 breakfast buffet is barely passable as food, and a lot of places don’t charge for that shit, particularly when it is of such low quality. Literally, the only good thing is that the bacon is made thick and soggy, just the way I like it. I am not a fan of crisp bacon, and if you are, I hate you, because people like you make restaurants think it is not only acceptable, bur desirable, to make crispy bacon. Seriously dude, fuck you.
There are always lots of guests, lots of interesting vendors selling interesting things, lots of costumes, panels, and film screenings. There’s a theme party on Friday night, a VIP party for people who pay more on Saturday, and a free Saturday night option of karaoke. I’ll let you peruse the guest list yourself rather than listing them all here, but this year we had quite a good haul of signatures and bought a few fun items. We attended the Friday night theme party (the theme was an Antarctic research post from The Thing), but Saturday I’m afraid we were simply too drunk to participate in any of the other festivities. The Friday night party was crowded but boring, so we broke open the glowstick necklaces laying about and made an art project on the tablecloth. We really only went because the decor and props were done by our friends at Dark Hour haunted house, and it would have been shitty of us not to show up to support people we hang out with. Seriously, we have season passes to this haunt, and had our 10th wedding anniversary there last month.
Saturday we managed to sit through a midnight screening of Karate Kill, with director Kurando Mitsutake in attendance to field questions afterward. I pointed out to him that the Texas flag was upside down the two times it appeared in his movie, which I’m proud of myself for having caught, it being 2 in the morning and my being drunk. Somebody asked him the budget of the film, and he said he wasn’t supposed to say prior to US distribution, but fuck it, he’d had too much whiskey, and he spilled the beans. Don’t worry, Kurando, I won’t tell. The film was a welcome re-introduction to actress Asami’s titties, which I had seen in previous films. She was in attendance at a TFW a couple of years back, and we got her signature. She was dressed conservatively in traditional Japanese female clothing. I wanted to tell her it was no use since most of us had seen her have fake sex on screen, and seen her boobies, but I suppose it made her feel better. Seriously, check out the movies she’s been in. Read that list and revel in its awesomeness. I have a couple of those movies and may review them in future.
One of the commenters, it may have been Suthen, mentioned The Legend of Boggy Creek once before. Well they had a screening of a 2016 sequel, Boggy Creek Monster, but unfortunately it had an early (8 pm) start time, and I was still getting blasted at the bar. But just know that it’s out there, waiting for you to see it : )
I only caught three panels this year: first was The Thing, which featured Keith David, Wilford Brimley, the guy who played Windows, and the cinematographer. Turns out Brimley is a hilarious dirty old codger with a lot of crusty old man stories, which is awesome. I also got his signature this year, and you’ll never guess the photo. The dude actually had an 8×10 of an old Quaker Oates advert featuring him. I couldn’t believe he’d be that cool. So of course that’s the one I got signed.
The second panel was Suspiria. This was the big one. Dario Argento doesn’t make it to stateside cons very often, and often cancels appearances. We had him, Stefania Casini, Udo Kier, Barbara Magnolfi, and, one of the founding members of Goblin, Claudio Simonetti. Dario’s limited English made it difficult for him to articulate complex thoughts, and Barbara and Claudio had to step in to translate for him increasingly as the panel wore on. The most interesting audience question, to me, was a person who asked the great director what he thought of the current generation of Italian horror directors. Argento responded that there was no current generation; just a bunch of retards mindlessly mimicking the giallo masters (specifically himself, Bava, and Fulci). Claudio chimed in his agreement with that assessment. They all thought Italian cinema had one glorious moment in the sun, and then decided it would retire as champion and never do anything innovative ever again.
Also, it turns out that while my full name is a common enough one to Italians, my nickname is a purely English diminutive. The first two Eye-ties I had sign things stumbled over it, and they spelled it out in block lettering, before adding my wife’s name in more natural-looking handwriting. It looks like we just crudely added my name onto all the photos after the fact. So for the last two pasta-eaters, I just gave them the Italian version of my name.
They were all hilariously stereotypically Italian. Overly expressive, waving their arms about as their spoke, everything was Brava! this, and Grazie! that, with several of them telling us in the audience that they loved us and each other a thousand times over the course of the panel, and while speaking with them while getting autographs. I did get the guy from Goblin to sign one of their LPs, which is better than a photo I think.
The last panel I went to was Ted Raimi’s. He didn’t have a moderator for some reason, so spent the whole time engaging the audience, running about, and is one of those guys who is always, “on.” When I asked my question, he asked me what was on my shirt. Of course, it was a Warhammer reference, so I had to explain to him in one sentence about the Skaven. I had two other people in the audience whoop in support of the Great Horned Rat. The audience respectfully (mostly) stuck to questions about him and his career, rather than only asking about Bruce Campbell and Ted’s famous brother.
We also secured Keith David’s signature, Amanda Bearse (she was there for the Fright Night panel), Ric Flair (why was here there? Who knows. But he did write, “Woooo!” under his name when he signed the photo, so I’m happy), and Michael Berryman. Mr. Berryman, as you may not know, has had to overcome tremendous physical obstacles in his life to become a successful actor, and he gathered all of us in line around his table to tell us stories of perseverance and positivity. He invited anyone who has a positive image, video, or story to post it on his Facebook page, so I’m relaying the good word to all of you.
We also got Chris Sarandon this year, of course as Prince Humperdink. He’s a humble guy if you talk to him. Or at least he says humble things. He claimed to not know whether any of his characters will stand the test of time. I think Humperdink is already pretty well there. He’s also much smaller in person than you’d think from seeing him in Princess Bride or Fright Night.
We also picked up Dee Wallace, who has been in so many classic films (E.T., The Howling, Critters, Cujo, et al) that she was kind enough to have a photo montage of them all, to keep me from having to chose. Rounding out the list was Ken Page, voice of Oogie Boogie in Nightmare Before Christmas.
There were a few others that are repeat guests, so we had snagged their signatures in previous years. Udo Kier, Meg Foster, Malcolm McDowell, and Tom Savini all fell into that bucket.
A lot of the cast from Bates Motel was there and had huge lines, but I don’t watch that show so who gives a shit.
Oh and last but not least, Misfits guitarist Doyle was there, looking menacing and still with a great devillock. Except he probably wouldn’t want me to associate him with the Misfits, because I heard from several others that I spoke to while waiting in different lines that he just talked trash about the band, about how it was entirely his talent that drove them, Danzig is lucky that Doyle made his career, etc. Seemed kind of bitter. Oh well. Looks like the kind of guy Warty would like.
Ultimately it was a sad drive back to the casa on Sunday, as this, our big weekend of the year had come and gone. I love the experience, and my wife gamely tags along. There’s a wonderful buzz in the air, and you’re surrounded by people who dress like you, think like you, act like you, who understand every one of your obscure references, and who are just as passionate about the Dark as you are. The whole thing is a shrine dedicated to group worship of Death, in His manifestation on film. I get to spend a whole three days walking around with people who have fake intestines spilling out, fake eyes hanging by plastic nerves, t-shirts with catchy pictures and slogans, neon hair styled every which way, tattoos like you wouldn’t believe. Not to mention the occasional sluttily dressed hot chick, to compete with the fatties that seem to make up half of the female contingent of horror fandom. This is our fourth year, and we’re already looking forward to the next go-round.
Alright, some words about the photos. A lot of the guests charge extra for a photo op with the signature. I don’t care about any of you that much, so sadly many of the people I got to meet, I don’t have photos of. At first, I tried creep-shotting them, but my complete lack of skill with phone cameras, combined with the crowds, soon showed me the folly of this approach. So there aren’t as many pics of celebrities (or in some cases, “celebrities”), as I would have liked. This leads me to my next point: most of the photos are of very poor quality. What you see below probably doubles the number of photos I’ve ever taken in my life. I have never had any desire to visually document anything for any reason except insurance purposes, and so never take pictures, and have no facility with this. I don’t even have a picture of my wife. Why would I? I know what she looks like, and it’s not anybody else’s goddamn business. Nothing grinds my gears more than people who have photos of their own family. It tells me that either, 1) you frequently forget what they look like, or worse 2) you think I give a damn what they look like. Protip: I don’t. Anyway, I’ve never taken pictures at any previous TFW, and only did this year to have content for the site, so they’re terrible. The only time that sucked is when William Sadler looked genuinely deflated that we didn’t want a photo with him after getting his signature a few years back. If I mentioned meeting a guest up above, but don’t have a photo of them below, it’s because they upcharged for it. The only creep shot I kept was of Argento since I promised that one. You can see from how bad it is why I deleted the other attempts. Most all of these were taken late Friday night or Sunday afternoon. I had a lot more from Saturday, but the crowds were just too thick and the pics were all even worse than the ones you see below. You’ll also notice I stand somewhat awkwardly – I have some chronic lower back pain from a pretty bad motorcycle accident a few years back, so I have to stand pretty ram-rod straight if I’m going to be on my feet all day to mitigate it. Just thought I’d address it before somebody else brings it up because I agree, it looks weird. Anyway, you have been warned.

Our art project at the Friday night party. Several of our friends noticed this and stopped by our table to take part. The staff kept giving us the stink-eye, but hey, you work in the service industry, so fuck you.

Some kind of Alien Freddy family, who the fuck knows.

One of the many fantastic shirts available for sale. I thought about buying this and having Brimley sign it, but couldn’t resist the Quaker Oats poster instead.

People dressed like the ice necromancers from Game of Thrones. Actually I think the littler one is one of those green people who grew the tree up Max von Sydow’s ass.

This is my good friend’s daughter, who also works at Dark Hour haunted house. The character is from something called Five Nights at Freddy’s, which is bizarrely *not* a Nightmare on Elm Street property. The robot hand is actually battery powered and articulates. This was on Saturday, but thankfully since I was assisting I was able to get the shot before general admission opened, after which she was swarmed the rest of the day.

One of the set pieces created by Dark Hour haunted house for The Thing theme party on Friday night. You can’t tell in this shot, but it glows from within and pulsates. It’s the kennel dog-monster thing. They also had the head spider thing, of course, but I wasn’t able to get a good shot of it.

Yes, they set up a tattoo area, so you can immortalize your weekend with a flash tattoo. The dude is from LA, which he advertises prominently on his banner. I guess that makes it trendier somehow. Fuck people who live in SoCal.

The Suspiria panel. From left to right: douchebag moderator; Barbara Magnolfi, Stefania Casini; Udo Kier, Dario Argento, and Claudio Simonetti.

Great t-shirt. If you don’t know what A Serbian Film is, kiss your wife and children while you still have your innocence and watch it. Or just read the summary and see why it’s awesome to have a shirt that says this.

My buddy Alex belting out Country Roads on the accordion wearing his normal flayed human face mask and utilikilt. He is the owner/operator of Reindeer Manor haunted house, which is quite good. His lovely wife is also possibly the best dessert baker I’ve ever met.

My wife really wanted the crocheted nosferatu because it’s unique. I thought he looked lonely, so bought him a plush Godzilla to play with. The day we got home our fucking mastiff chewed up the vampire’s head. He is currently out with some old woman for repairs.

Great Americana melting pot moment. You can’t see the mom as she’s off-camera to the right, but she was in full Muslim woman-be-gone hidey dress, but with a grin plastered on her face as her kids took pictures with all the various monsters and seemed to be having a great time. Good feelz all around. Welcome to the States, young horror fans.

MacReady and dog-monster wife at The Thing theme party on Friday night.

This guy makes weird shit out of bones. This is a Little Shop of Horrors homage that cost like $1,100. The mouth is a big turtle shell.

Great horror themed kids shirts for sale. Spawn of the Dead, I Don’t OBEY My Parents, Escape from School, and The Monster Squad Founding Member. We bought a few for the nephews.

Myself and mystery woman with Stefania Casini.

Myself and that damned mystery woman who kept following me around with Barbara Magnolfi.

Myself and mystery woman with Keith David. She’s wearing a t-shirt that’s a reference from Monster Squad, I’m wearing probably my favorite shirt: Skeletor trying to drink wine from the bottle but it’s just pouring through his bottom jaw and running down his chest. I think this may be the only other shot here from Saturday.

Myself and mystery woman with Claudio Simonetti. We got him to sign a limited numbered Goblin LP, which now I have to buy a record frame for.

Myself and mystery woman with Dee Wallace. She was a real sweetheart; besides Meg Foster, probably the single nicest lady I’ve met at this con. Look at her IMDB link up above, she’s been in a lot of great horror films, and I was excited to get to meet her.

It’s hard to tell in this shot, but this guy dressed like Groot has an axe in his back for some reason. He did awesomely only speak through a voice box built into the helmet that just said, “I am Groot”. Kids loved it.

Another great t-shirt for sale that I bought for my buddy who couldn’t make it this year.

If this is the cover to your movie, if this is the box art and that is the name of your films, I will buy them, no questions asked. It’s like heaven for a person like me; there are tables and tables covered in this kind of shit.

I doubt the efficacy of these gas masks.

Dude and chick dressed like at the beginning of the film Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

This was just laying on a table as a centerpiece in the middle of one of the rooms, as decoration. Because this is the kind of thing that counts as decoration at Texas Frightmare Weekend, which is why I love it so.

Creep-shot of Dario Argento. He’s signing an endless array of rare large posters brought by the people directly in front of me in line, a nice couple from Montreal. The dude put me to *shame* in obscure low-budget horror knowledge, and that ain’t easy to do.

Cinco de Skeletor. Plus it was a black dude, which is super weird, because 1) there’s like a dozen black dudes at this convention, total, and 2) they sure as fuck don’t dress up.

Chick dressed as Chucky. Child’s Play and Fright Night director Tom Holland was in attendance, but unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to meet him/get signature.

Part of what I love about conventions. You find the weirdest shit. This one guy had a whole series of little painted Chinese porcelain figurines, that just came in orange boxes that said “Myths and Legends Series” and labeled, “God of Luck”, or “God of Prosperity”, etc. No other info. He said a customer traded them to him at his physical shop, which he accepted because he thought to sell them at DragonCon, but no such luck. So we picked up the God of Luck and put him on our shrine to Guan Di once we got back to the house. Just a nutty little piece of the universe.

Prom Night Carrie.

Beetlejuice when he has the spikes sticking out of him. I’d hate to try and navigate a crowded con with… protrusions like that.
so I had to explain to him in one sentence about the Skaven.
Skaven? That sounds like heresy talk to me, imperial citizen. There’s no such thing as Skaven.
Nice photos – very informative!
Speaking of horror, Gloria Steinem gives another reason for supporting abortion:
‘“Listen, what causes climate deprivation is population,” the 83-year-old icon exclaimed. “If we had not been systematically forcing women to have children they don’t want or can’t care for over the 500 years of patriarchy, we wouldn’t have the climate problems that we have.”
‘In 2015, Steinem articulated the same perspective to Cosmo’s Prachi Gupta, declaring that the Pope and all “other patriarchal religions” were responsible for global warming, because of dictating women’s reproductive rights.’
Wait, so the patriarchy is only 500 years old? Man those medieval peasant women had it good.
“I’m not saying that [Ivanka] knows this, but [the Nazis] were paying women to have children,” Steinem continued.
Senile old bat makes Godwin, news at 11.
I think they were called Mother Heroines.
As opposed to Old Mother Heroin, who had an empty cupboard except for the heroin.
I don’t recall that Lou Reed lyric.
Couldn’t Old Mother Heroin get her poor dog a bone?
I wouldn’t justify her idiocy with an actual response, it’s just mind numbingly stupid, like accusing vegetarians or animal lovers of being literally Hitler.
You mean militant vegans aren’t Hitler?
So she wants us to bring back eugenics?
I think we pay women to have children here in the US today. What is her point?
You have it almost right. Childbearing women are kept behind a paywall.
People are the problem. If we would just kill everbody, the the Earth would be a great place to live.
thats what the woman said, and she has a lot of fellow travelers. She isnt even the nuttiest one.
Did Wilford Brimley perv on Shannen Doherty on the set of Our House?
Is that a tramp stamp on your chest?
Texas is a nightmare 365 days a year, not just for a weekend.
I was there in February once. It was nice.
I dig east Texas, but then again I’m basically there for two weeks a year or so out in the woods shootin’ guns, smokin’ brisket, and catchin’ bass, so…
I had a pretty good time in Galveston last September. Took my boy to the Ocean for the first time.
Wait, the gulf is an ocean?
I have somehow never been to Texas in my life, unless you include a couple of stopovers at DFW.
I don’t see much reason for me to go there. It’s like all the shitty parts of Florida with additional shittiness, not to mention the overwhelming shittiness of Dallas itself.
I can not fap to this.
I know, all the faces are blurred out.
That was the only part I could fap to.
I gotta say, dude, you know how to promote a convention. I don’t even do horror that much, and I kinda want to go now.
He is the pockets of Big Horror.
I feel like I have so much I would need to catch up on before I went!
What is it about horror cons and tattoo booths?
Also, Dallas is the southwest? If Dallas is the southwest then Maryland is the South, dammit.
Um, the Mason Dixon line is, in point of fact, the northern border of Maryland, so if you take the phrase ‘south of the mason dixon’ literally then yes it is in the south. However, I am originally from Maryland and culturally they’re farther north than Pennsylvania where I’m sitting.
I would classify Maryland as a southern state. I live in arkansas and consider it to be southern. Geographically, I’m probably more midwest, but the culture is definitely southern.
As someone that was born in Maryland and lived there til the age of 15 I disagree.
I spent most of my life living in Maryland. Culturally, Maryland is basically New England without the rural charm.
What the hell are Y’all talking about?
South = Gulf Coast States…well, the southern half of them anyway
Seriously, New Mexico works damned hard to separate itself from Texas. We have turquoise. And green chiles. And the highest poverty rate in the nation.
I wish you guys would just man up take El Paso. The rest of Texas probably won’t even argue.
That’s their hot potato. We can barely afford our shitholes.
I went to see my brother in El Past before he shipped off to Iraq. Christ, what a shit hole. That being said, we had a good time.
Well that’s what you get for letting Gary Johnson run the show.
I should probably be better read about his tenure. He apparently vetoed tons of shit. But that was quite awhile back, and to go by my lefty brother, Susana Martinez is the devil incarnate for being such a stick in the mud because she vetoes shit all the time. Which makes Susie about as welcome among Republicans as Gary was, I’d imagine.
Gojira, et al… have any of you seen The Slayer? It’s a weird little grindhouse flick from the early eighties that is definitely worth checking out.
Ot but who the fuck is david frum?
He coined the phrase “Axis of evil.” Also, is Canadian.
Canadian neocon who worked for Bush, whiny cunt who complains about ‘radical conservativism’ and guns. No you can’t send him back.
So he is basically a lib?
No, he’s an actual neoconservative (i.e. former left-wingers who rejected the New Left or socialist associations and flipped), not just the term people throw around to describe interventionists.
Ah thanks. I thought he was sort of like david brooks who claims to be a con while having all rich liberal positions
wait, isn’t he the dude that recently called for a coup on twitter?
According to this he didn’t call for a coup, he thought Comey getting fired was a coup.
Which is still retarded, and perfectly in line with Frum.
ah, that’s right. I knew “coup” and “retarded” were associated with Frum somehow.
I’ve had a pretty good life . . . exciting anyway. And it’s still exciting in a lot of ways.
But how ’bout Doyle’s life?
Spend your early adulthood recording two groundbreaking records (Earth A.D. and Walk Among Us), nonstop touring in shit holes to play for shitheads like me (when you’re younger), and then when you get old and should have given it all up to be a house painter? Instead you hook up with Alissa White-Gluz–who’s gotta be 20 years younger than him–and may be the hottest chick in metal.
For a hardcore kid, I’m not sure it ends up much better than that. Yeah, I know some hardcore guys ended up being biochemists and professors and entrepreneurs–$20 says they’d trade it all to sleep with Alissa White-Gluz every night.
I’m just sayin’.
She’s vegan, which would give me pause to wonder to what degree.
No tube steak?
Too bad Doyle Only and Claudio Simonetti didn’t jam together.
As much as I love horror and science fiction I’ve never had the desire to attend a convention. I’ve gone to author-signings at bookstores,theater screenings and art gallery/museum show/installation/exhibits.
I’d hate to try and navigate a crowded con with… protrusions like that.
So does this mean you won’t be attending the AVN Expo next January?
NSFW but not as racy as some Thicc Thursday stuff
Super OT (sorry): I am going to be in Seattle next weekend… any fellow glibs know the place and have somewhere to recommend to go, eat, things to do, etc…?
If you’re near Pikes Place, there’s tons of stuff. I’ve only been there for a short weekend, though.
Good food everywhere.
Oh, and since it was a bachelor party, there was a strip club involved. First one I’ve been to in 20 years.
I was really drunk, so I can’t remember where it was, but it must have been very conveniently located if I managed to walk back to the hotel.
I also got shitfaced at a casino on Bainbridge Island. The food at the steakhouse there was outstanding, and I paid for it with casino chips IIRC.
Was it the “Lusty Lady,” perchance?
Try the Hammer and Sickle, I’ve heard it… oh, wait, Christ, that’s just the attitude there.
Elliot Bay Book Company is worth a visit. It is almost in the same league as Powell’s Books (Portland) and the The Strand (NYC) for a great time for bibliophiles. If you are into backpacking, mountaineering, mountain biking etc then a visit to the REI mothership is in order as well.
The Rock and Roll museum and SciFi museum, adjacent to each other and admissible with one combined ticket, are definitely cool and not to miss. While you’re there you can also walk over a few paces and go up in the Space Needle (my son, quite young at the time, loved that). In the Sci Fi museum they have the original Star Trek Captain’s Chair and officers’ uniforms, and the actual Robot from Lost in Space (Danger…. Will Robinson!!).
All quite nerdy stuff, to be sure, but definitely worth an afternoon if you’re looking to be a tourist in Seattle.
There are some good gay bars. Probably not what you’re looking for.
Beyond that, uh… the public library is pretty cool.
Parking SUCKS! If you can use a park and ride lot N of Seattle and ride the bus in, you’re probably better off (unless you get decent parking downtown at your hotel).
That is to say…I didn’t get downtown Seattle very often despite living in Mukilteo for 2 1/2 years (for various reasons). If it’s your bag, an evening dinner cruise around the harbor is nice – we did that as a formal wardroom dining out one time. Puget Sound is great – and you have to make the drive up to Whidbey Island and across Deception Pass (either from N to S or take ferry from Everett and drive N).
Do the Halloween tattoos go away after Halloween?
The tats wash off with the shame. Or the other way around.
You horror geeks ready for a game of “Name that Horror FlicK”?
When I was a kid in DC, Captain 20 used to dress up as a vampire and show horror movies a la Vampira/Elvira on Saturday nights at midnight. There was this one film about some people in a jungle–for some reason–and they’re being manipulated and/or attacked by this like group of Amazonian women. I don’t mean they were a tribe from Brazil. I mean, like they were all women warriors–like Amazons, you know . . .
Anyway, the head priestess of the Amazons, at one point, I remember her decapitating herself or somebody–and the head remaining alive.
Poison Ivy of the Cramps absolutely took her outfit from this movie for the cover of “Fiends of Dope Island”. See it here:
I saw this movie at a sleepover when I was like 10 years old–the decapitation image and the Amazon’s outfit always stayed with me–but I’ve never been able to find the title.
Name that horror flick!
How’d this end up being a reply?
Hit the wrong button and WHAM! you’re replying to posts about tattoos–which I guess are worse than herpes in their own way.
Tattoos don’t burn like fire of a thousand suns and they aren’t contagious–but at least herpes goes away every once in a while.
Not that I’d know. Never had an STD.
I have a friend who got crabs from sleeping with a stripper. He didn’t even have sex with her. She just climbed in bed with him after a party when he was passed out. How much does that suck? It’s like the worst of both worlds. You don’t get to sleep with the stripper–and you get crabs.
I did not know you were from DC. How many times did you see Gorilla Biscuits live?
Aaaaaand i just confused GB with Good Clean Fun. I listened to Positively Positive for the first time in years today and it reminded me of the time I saw GCF in Orlando and they just played GB covers. The original question still stands though.
Nice run down. Reminds me of going to SDCC in the days before it became the ginormous promo machine it is today
Yeah, just tell me who the girl is up top. Evan likey.
I’ll be waiting patiently in my bunk.
Nice photos. Although I would have used the Red John motif to cover your face.
Steinem is retarded.
Good night! I’ll be back tomorrow!
I should have been a pair of ragged claws.
Today’s ironically named place:
The Island of Peace, best known for the Island of Peace Massacre
The Island of Peace massacre was a mass murder attack that occurred at the Island of Peace site in Naharayim on March 13, 1997, in which a Jordanian soldier opened fire at a large group of Israeli schoolgirls from the AMIT Fuerst School in Beit Shemesh who were on a class field trip, killing seven of them and injuring six others, before a group of Jordanian soldiers seized him and rushed to help the victims.[1]
The perpetrator, Ahmad Daqamseh, was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder by a Jordanian medical team. Therefore, a five-member military tribunal sentenced him to only 20 years in prison. He was released on 12 March 2017 after he finished his sentence.
Shortly after the attack, King Hussein went to offer condolences to families of the victims; it was seen as a sincere and an unusual act in the history of the Israeli-Arab conflict which deeply moved the mourning Israeli public and helped improve the relationship between the two countries after the attack.[2]
Daqamseh expressed pride for his actions, he was later called a “hero” by Jordanian politician Hussein Mjalli, and a petition circulated in the Jordanian parliament in 2013 where MPs alleged that he had finished his sentence.
The cultures and mentality in most of the ME is so radically different than our own that large scale immigration is out of the question for me. Small numbers of carefully chosen, I am all for it. Swamping the country with uncivilized people raised in a culture of hate, not a chance.
The main reason that US-style democracy has done so poorly there is that Arabs and others in that region are far more likely to view themselves as members of sects, tribes, or clans than as fellow citizens or even fellow Arabs.
I can’t find the quote, but the president of Syria around 1960 said something like “the problem with my country is that half the people think they are prophets and a third think they are gods.”
The immigrants we have gotten are largely pretty great people, but I chalk that up entirely to selection. People who emigrated here who *want* to be here because of the values we have, versus what they’re escaping from.
When the U.S. responded to Pearl Harbor with a surprise bombing of Tokyo, the Imperial Army took out its fury on the Chinese people
By early June, the devastation had begun. Father Wendelin Dunker observed the result of a Japanese attack on the town of Ihwang:
“They shot any man, woman, child, cow, hog, or just about anything that moved, They raped any woman from the ages of 10 – 65, and before burning the town they thoroughly looted it.”
Over the summer, the Japanese laid waste to some 20,000 square miles. They looted towns and villages, then stole honey and scattered beehives. Soldiers devoured, drove away, or simply slaughtered thousands of oxen, pigs, and other farm animals; some wrecked vital irrigation systems and set crops on fire. They destroyed bridges, roads, and airfields.“Like a swarm of locusts, they left behind nothing but destruction and chaos,” Dunker wrote.
Those discovered to have helped the Doolittle raiders were tortured. In Nancheng, soldiers forced a group of men who had fed the airmen to eat feces before lining up ten of them for a “bullet contest” to see how many people a single bullet would pass through before it stopped. In Ihwang, Ma Eng-lin, who had welcomed injured pilot Harold Watson into his home, was wrapped in a blanket, tied to a chair and soaked in kerosene. Then soldiers forced his wife to torch him.
“Little did the Doolittle men realize,” the Reverend Charles Meeus later wrote, “that those same little gifts which they gave their rescuers in grateful acknowledgement of their hospitality— parachutes, gloves, nickels, dimes, cigarette packages—would, a few weeks later, become the telltale evidence of their presence and lead to the torture and death of their friends!”
That August, Japan’s secret bacteriological warfare group, Unit 731, launched an operation to coincide with the withdrawal of Japanese troops from the region.
In what was known as land bacterial sabotage, troops would contaminate wells, rivers, and fields, hoping to sicken local villagers as well as the Chinese forces, which would no doubt move back in and reoccupy the border region as soon as the Japanese departed. Over the course of several meetings, Unit 731’s commanding officers debated the best bacteria to use, settling on plague, anthrax, cholera, typhoid, and paratyphoid, all of which would be spread via spray, fleas, and direct contamination of water sources. For the operation, almost 300 pounds of paratyphoid and anthrax germs were ordered.
I read things like this and I wonder how the use of the atomic bomb became a controversy. Seems like the Japs got off easy.
The original plan was to drop 12 atomic bombs on Japan. They would have deserved it.
I hate Japanese anarchists.
“They” included children and people who had nothing to do with Japanese war atrocities. Being part of ‘the enemy tribe’ doesn’t justify murder.
Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.
^This. Fight a war to win it, but incinerating all the human beings in a geographical area to punish some of the guilty ones is a war crime. Ending the war early can be argued. “Deserve”. Not in my book.
OK, let me reword that.
Given all the ghastly things the Japanese army did in China, they (meaning “many modern day Japanese”) sure have a lot of gall to boohoo about the atom bomb. All the more so since they continue to deny Japan’s WW2 atrocities.
As for the non-Japanese who deplore the use of the atom bomb, every reason they give for their opposition applies to a far a greater degree to Japan.
It’s like getting mad at a cop who shoots a maniac who is stabbing someone to death.
I think we all want to make the world a better place. Sometimes that requires weapons of unimaginable destructive power.
It’s like getting mad at a cop who shoots a maniac who is stabbing someone to death.
You’re collectivizing millions of people into some kind of ‘national individual’ which isn’t valid, it’s just group guilt by association. The modern Japanese who complain about the atom bomb were not raping Koreans and massacring the Chinese, they were overwhelming the children getting bombs dropped on their heads, it’s not surprising that is their greater concern. The idiocy of Japanese war crimes denial is not relevant to the actual moral use of the atomic bomb.
Should the Germans just brush off Soviet gang rape all the way to Berlin because the Nazis were pieces of shit?
I think we all want to make the world a better place. Sometimes that requires weapons of unimaginable destructive power.
Sure, and their use should be recognized as evil yet necessary acts based on their utility in the situation, not justified by twisting morality endlessly until they’re suddenly framed as the moral and good action.
You are last paragraph is correct. It gets twisted the other way too. The problem here is that we are having discussions of morality with regards to war. That is like trying to fit a tree with a nifty suit and tie.
“I read things like this and I wonder how the use of the atomic bomb became a controversy.”
You may notice a pattern with the people who find it controversial. If it runs counter to the interests of the US it is bad. If it harms or weakens the US it is good. It is as simple as that. Not an hour ago I tricked one into endorsing letting ‘dreamers’ become citizens because they were raised here and no no other country or culture and thus are true Americans and shortly thereafter claiming that people of European descent have no right to live in North America. The test these people use to pick positions couldn’t be more obvious. It goes so far as to defend the savagery of Imperial Japan and ME rapists. It is not inaccurate or mere hyperbole to say that they simply hate America.
Or other people’s opinions on the atomic bombings might be more nuanced than simple arguments of “they’re traitors!”. If you read Henry Stimson’s war diaries he’s pretty open about how disgusted he is with the idea of using the atomic bomb. Mostly because, you know, he recognized that murdering a ton of civilians was evil albeit necessary. He explored the idea of deploying one harmlessly off the coast of Japan, but disregarded it for various reasons. Personally I recognize their utility to end the war, but the backflips people go through to justify it as anything other than a massacre to scare the enemy to compliance and surrender is disgusting. You’ll find plenty of libertarians will to argue that the atomic bombings were controversial and unnecessary.
I over-generalized. A second test is simple enough to sort them out. The vast majority are the ones I refer to.
I think there is a case for saying that after Midway, the Japanese military was no longer a threat to the US, and perhaps the US could have negotiated a truce which included Japan withdrawing from China and elsewhere.
However, it is a weak case, because from the first day of the war to the last, Japan’s leaders expressed absolutely no intention of making peace. Their military kept fighting one last stand after another. Almost every land battle with the US ended with nearly all the Japanese soldiers being killed, often in one last suicidal banzai charge.
It reminds a little when Southern civilians were begging Sherman not to torch Atlanta.
GENTLEMEN: I have your letter of the 11th, in the nature of a petition to revoke my orders removing all the inhabitants from Atlanta. I have read it carefully, and give full credit to your statements of the distress that will be occasioned by it, and yet shall not revoke my orders, simply because my orders are not designed to meet the humanities of the case, but to prepare for the future struggles in which millions of good people outside of Atlanta have a deep interest. We must have peace, not only at Atlanta but in all America. To secure this we must stop the war that now desolates our once happy and favored country. To stop war we must defeat the rebel armies that are arrayed against the laws and Constitution, which all must respect and obey. To defeat these armies we must prepare the way to reach them in their recesses provided with the arms and instruments which enable us to accomplish our purpose.
Now, I know the vindictive nature of our enemy, and that we may have many years of military operations from this quarter, and therefore deem it wise and prudent to prepare in time. The use of Atlanta for warlike purposes is inconsistent with its character as a home for families. There will be no manufactures, commerce, or agriculture here for the maintenance of families, and sooner or later want will compel the inhabitants to go. Why not go now, when all the arrangements are completed for the transfer, instead of waiting till the plunging shot of contending armies will renew the scenes of the past month? Of course, I do not apprehend any such thing at this moment, but you do not suppose this army will be here until the war is over. I cannot discuss this subject with you fairly, because I cannot impart to you what I propose to do, but I assert that my military plans make it necessary for the inhabitants to go away, and I can only renew my offer of services to make their exodus in any direction as easy and comfortable as possible.
You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty and you cannot refine it, and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices to-day than any of you to secure peace. But you cannot have peace and a division of our country.
After Pearl Harbor, unconditional surrender should have always been the United States’ central wartime goal. Whether they were current threats after Midway was irrelevant to the evidence that, should Japan have the ability to attack the United States, they did so in order to achieve national objectives. That calls for their complete and unconditional surrender to ensure that in the long term that threat is neutralized.
Some libertarians will argue that the atomic bombs were unnecessary and were horrific war crimes, My view of warfare is a lot more dispassionate and based on the actual utility of actions in situations (in which case, the atomic bombs, based on the evidence, fulfilled their goals) but I’m willing to recognize that they at least have an argument.
Pretty much. The atomic bombs most likely ended up killing fewer Japanese civilians than any other alternative, (the fire bombs we dropped killed more people than the atom bombs did) and certainly prevented massive American casualties, but that doesn’t mean that the civilians that lost their lives deserved it. They were the best of the bad options available.
By the same token…as far as I can recall – the only reason we dropped a second one was because they didn’t surrender after the first one. It takes a certain kind of mentality to see something like that and keep going forward.
What’s the definition of “insanity” again?
(some still didn’t want to surrender after Nagasaki).
There is no group of people on earth that progs hate more than typical, patriotic Americans. They think they can get along with everyone else, from Arabs to Zulus, but can’t get along with their next door neighbor.
What’s even more incredible is that they think they can convert all these different people into multicultural socialists.
Great strides in Middle East peace being made:
Palestine’s top dog stands in front of a banner reading “from the sea of blood, the martyrs will create a state”. He was there to celebrate the graduation of a university class. The class was named in “honor” of a terrorist who killed 37 Israeli civilians, including 12 children.
But remember: the Israelis are just as bad as the Palestinians. Just. as. bad.
Just as bad? They’re worse! Those damn
JewsZionistsIsraelis stole the Palestinians’ land, and the Palestinians have the right to resist!A rock band goes on a camping trip…
ROCKRAPE OUT WITH HIKERS.Old Blighty continues to circle the drain:
A British police force is swapping out its traditional helmets for U.S.-style baseball hats because they are not “gender-based.” Their hope is that with the headgear change, more transgender officers will now join the force.
“Engagement has also shown that having to choose gender-based headgear is a barrier to the non-binary transgender community joining the police service.
“By introducing this new hat we provide a single protective hat to all police officers, Special Constables and PCSOs for general duties.”
Northamptonshire Police
The police also said the new hats are lighter and more comfortable, as well as “significantly cheaper.”
Why dont they switch to pussy hats?
How did Malcolm McDowell not get more famous/ better roles? It’s a goddamn tragedy. I’ve always liked him in everything I’ve seen him in.
Also, how tall are you? Keith David is not a short man.
OT: As much as I love art, drugs, and shitty horror flicks(I really need to pick your brain one day, Gojira. We share this affection.) I’m about to go all FB Cheese Dick on you. I’m in need of a few positive vibes. My niece, who is less than a year old and already afflicted with Downs Syndrome, apparently has a hole in her heart and needs open heart surgery. The problem is, she’s still may be too small to survive the operation and will probably have to wait at least another year ot two before that’s a viable option. But her heart might be too damaged by then to save her. She’s straddling a fine line between two risky options. This fucking sucks so goddamn hard.
Sorry. It’s no secret here that I tip the bottle more often than is good for me but it was unavoidable today. Send me…..fuck, I don’t know, platitudes, well wishes? Whatever.
Is that needy of me? Sure. Do I give a flying frog’s ass tonight? Nope.
I love all you contrarian lunatics.
What decision are your brother and sister / her parents leaning toward?
I can only imagine the weight of that choice. :/ Best wishes.
My brother is leaning towards waiting. But he just found out yesterday and told me this afternoon. Based on the initial diagnosis, her doctor believes the hole will not widen enough to kill her over the next couple years. But that’s subject to change based on many, many checkups over the span of that time. Either way, that poor girl is going to have a rough go of it.
It breaks my heart, and I’m generally regarded as a bit of a heartless prick by some. Misanthropic libertarian. Shocking, I know.
I think all of us with kids we love, know that fear, especially when they’re so tiny. So you definitely have all good thoughts from me and mine! Hopefully this is an encouraging story: My husband’s littlest cousin was also born with a heart defect and had to have several operations soon after birth — and she’s now a lovely, healthy young woman in college. So hang in there, I know it’s super scary time for the family, but you have lots of good thoughts and prayers with you.
Thank you, wise battle goddess.
I’m no good at knowing what to say at times like this, but I hope everything turns out for the best.
My only advice is to not be too nervous or afraid around her. She’s probably too young now, but kids in general can pick up on that kind of thing and it makes them feel uneasy. Stay strong, TH.
Damn, that’s a bad set of cards to be dealt. Your niece’s parents have already sought multiple second opinions? My colleague’s daughter had similar surgery at a few months old. He was living at Boston Children’s for a while and had to go back for a whole lot of routine checkups, but it was worth it and the daughter is perfectly fine now.
Ew. If I wanted to eat raw bacon, I’d… eat raw bacon.
There’s a difference between crispy bacon and burnt bacon. And less people understand that distinction than those who do understand the difference between a woman with a big ass and a big ass woman.
Did Udo say anything about Iron Sky 2? Any comments on either of those movies?
Lead photo chick looks like what would happen if Jane from oxbox went very bad in a very good way.